Dear KAG!: 20200220 Open Thread

 This Night before Daughn Thursday 20200220 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


A lot going on today Q Treepers.

I’m more than curious what the sentencing of Roger Stone will be.

Just a closing note on Presidential Pardons in recent times.

Obama – 1927

Trump – 26

Now That should make us Happy!

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Bravo!!!! (and the puppy is so cute!)


comment image
Feb 20, 2020 12:06:59 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e0d3ef No. 8191403

2m ago
8kun qresearch



And Q proof from the ralley in Phoenix. The video POTUS tweeted of the men carrying WWII vet is 17 seconds long, plus the obvious t-shirt!


Text of tweet:
Nate Cain ⭐⭐⭐🙏👪🇺🇸 @cain_nate
To those who think there will never be justice, think again. @realDonaldTrump seemed pretty confident tonight. “I hope you’re gonna be happy!” That implies that he has knowledge that something is coming. #DrainTheSwamp #ArrestTheTraitors #JusticeIsComing#TickTock


😎. Told ya. Trump is NOT letting them get away with it, no matter what else you hear (Sundance), or the msm fabricates (Barr). You just heard it from the horses mouth.


🎶 Timin’ ticka-ticka-ticka good timin’….


I’m going crazy today. I’ve evidently accidentally deleted the geeral q-tree post for today from my emails. Got carried away deleting and everything for today is just Gone.


Ohh Zoe… so sorry… can we help?


Well, thank you, PR. You just did, because your comment showed up in my email. or your “like”. So that helps, otherwise I was going to try to leave this page open. It’s just kind of visual finding pages using my keyboard, so thank you.


Well, isn’t that something! Happy the problem is resolved. Hope you have a terrific day Zoe !





This is so sweet.


Extra important mommy duty tonight do I missed the rally. Tooth number 3 needed to come out with help. He will wake up with a nice Jefferson dollar coin under his pillow.
POTUS has the most amazing stamina for travel and speaking. I hope his kids inherit those traits.


I got a roll of Jefferson dollars, but got $300 of Jackson dollars. Every so often I’ll go somewhere and have people “earn” them by reading the last four paragraphs of the Bank Veto speech:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”
Last time I did that was a couple of months ago with the staff at a Mod Pizza. I tell ’em, “just read it and I’ll give you one of these dollar coins. If you read more about it, you might start carrying the coin around with you in your wallet as a reminder. If you start thinking about it, you might become the sort of nut that hands out dollar coins to strangers.”


cthulhu, I love this. Thank you for posting. I need to become more familiar with this. Your idea is lovely.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, good Mom! I love the rallies, watch all that I can, but truthfully……..we kind of know the drill by now. I’ll keep watching because they pump me up and sometimes there are little bits and pieces that he lets out. But ya know……….teeth………..that’s a big deal.


Yes he’s happy now that tooth is out and he has a coin.”its gold”

Sylvia Avery

So cute!



I got that too and decided to reply
First I added the pic of POTUS in Churchill’s chair saying I don’t always get impeached, but when I do, I get re-elected
Then I added the pic with POTUS in the sombrero saying The Spanish word of the day is believing. Senor Trump will not believing the White House in 2020.
Then I added
BWAHAHA! I have more gray matter than that! Mini Mike is a loser! #KAG🇺🇸
Never heard back from Paige🤔 🤪🤩🥰




Thanks for being part of the opening team here, Trump Is Mine !! I love your top photo of POTUS at SOTU. Hadn’t seen that angle before 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I’m sure she had a meeting with her peeps about it, under pressure from the squad, and that she actually rehearsed the tearing in advance. She realized she couldn’t tear it dramatically unless she did two things – first, she had to split the stack into smaller stacks or it was too strong for her, second she had to prepare the material to tear because it was on heavier paper stock and wouldn’t tear the way you would expect for example normal copier paper to. With that in mind, being a power and control freak, the final decision to tear the papers she would keep for herself, to give the air that she wasn’t going to be pushed around. But make no mistake, she was under pressure to do it and her air of playing hardball was merely a veneer to conceal the fact that she was losing power. IMO the triggering event was the lines about Sanctuary Cities (“stankuary”), the contents of which seemed to startle and panic Nancy. Some suggest a hidden message but I’m still convinced that the situation POTUS highlighted itself was the message – a situation corrupt Nancy was aware of and had had a direct hand in orchestrating, probably on behalf of one of her corrupt constituents. POTUS genius was to bring the victim to SOTU, make Nancy face the victim, and hear those words ring in her head, telling the victim that we will never stop until we have justice for your family. That was as direct and targeted of a message to Nancy as you are going to get, or that you are going to need. Nancy then prepped the speech with tears, and went full potato insane when Rush Limbaugh was presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She waited for the cameras to be on her at the right angle as it ended, took part of the stack and tore it up very visible. She then looked over to her caucus, probably singling out one individual’s or small group’s attention to make sure they saw, and then she did it again. Curiously, nobody responded to her actions in the moment – neither Pence or Trump turned or acted like they noticed it. IMO Trump intel knew that she was planning to pull this stunt and knew of the conversations about it. Trump’s team and speechwriters prepared to hit with a preemptive strike which is why the “stankuary” cities messaging was intentionally included in the speech. It is also why nobody – not Pence or Trump – even acknowledged her childishness. Knowing what she would do, and choosing NOT to react, they refused to be drawn into her moment for the cameras, which resulted in her (properly) looking like the unhinged fool in the moment. They didn’t take the trap or the bait. The next day at the prayer breakfast, Trump hit Nancy again hard, explaining in extremely low and measured tones that Trump rarely if ever uses, that he does not like it when people say they pray for someone but do not. I think it would be dangerous to presume and conclude in advance that in a highly orchestrated media event like the SOTU that all of these events were simply a series of unrelated coincidences.


On target, Michaelh….yesterday she said the little tears were all the lies he said. She continued that yes, she knew she was destroying the praises of that “beautiful veteran” but at the end of the page was yet another POTUS lie….so she destroyed it, anyway.
She’s mentally ill.


Thank you for posting this photo of the 2020 Trump SOTU! It’s a masterpiece.
Wonderful the focus of the camera eye on PDJT, VP Pence, the two Trump SCOTUS appointees, Pelosi looking down, dejected and defeated – and not one glimpse of the DemocRAT-Klan congresswomen showing their nastiness!
Reminds me of this:comment image
and this…×375.jpg


It was another long day for our President.


Works SOOOOOOO Hard for US!
and Donates his Pay?
Damn He Loves US and this Country!


All for one dollar


Sylvia Avery

*giggle snort*
Thanks Alison!


This is why she didn’t go back to DC after Daytona. Received Woman of Distinction Award in Palm Beach.


Thank you, Bfly 💖💖


Definitely a woman of distinction.comment image


I didn’t watch the debate – I’d rather have a root canal with no anesthetic. But I read somewhere that Bernie and Mini Mike got into an argument about whose heart was in worse condition.


They have hearts ??


^^^ That’s funny!


lol they both look older

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just too rich, that is.

Sylvia Avery

Nice opening post, tim………..thank you!!!!


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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f91220 No.8192087
Feb 20 2020 01:34:03 (EST) NEW
akdqyK.jpgcomment image

The story goes much deeper [darker].


Ooops…sorry about the tweet repeat!
I didn’t know if the tweet link in the Q-drop would display the tweet, so I added the regular tweet.
Anyway…I hope this means that something is going to break soon on the human-trafficking/pedo stuff!


That tweet is getting Q’d…which is probably an eye opener for Sapna Maheshwari, who is a NYTimes reporter.
I found this in one of the replies from the Q-Army:comment image
I didn’t know there were that many!


PACER. Public Access to Court Electronic Records


At the Iowa ralley, shortly before POTUS took the stage, the music was “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins. That was when Matt Whitaker stepped out from behind the curtains towards his seat. Gaves us goosebumps. WINNING!

Gail Combs

Yes and the Eeyores OT would make fun of the ever increasing number and one actually told me to shut-up…
That is when I realized they were not open to evidence and facts and might actually be DemonRat trolls.
I do not mind arguments but USE FACTS not name calling darn it! If you show me I am wrong I will change my mind.
The most recent was massive doses of Vit. C will cause scurvy if you quit. Turns out to be nonsense. So now I am taking more vit C and my allergies are getting better.
What Does Taking Massive Amounts of Vitamin C Do to Your Body?
Debunking of side effects:

Analysts were expecting a full or partial sale of the struggling lingerie brand…

Deplorable Patriot

I have to get back to a front burner task, but I was wondering when this would surface.

Lisa Mei Crowley
New drop (20 Feb ’20). NYT appears to be spinning what was VERY likely a sex trafficking op via Epstein & L Brands as simply a “culture of misogyny, bullying and harassment”.
This stood out to me: “was almost like brainwashing.”
Even Branson involved.

Deplorable Patriot

Wexner’s name has come up WAAYY too many times. He and Soros seem to have shadows ready to be jack lighted.


I agree… I still believe Wexner like Maxwell and her father before her, is a spy… and is involved heavily in this mess. There’s more than sex trafficking… there’s guns/arms running. jes my 2 cents (and research done by others)


Late night tweets from Pres Trump.

Mini Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates, and there have been some really bad ones. He was stumbling, bumbling and grossly incompetent. If this doesn’t knock him out of the race, nothing will. Not so easy to do what I did!
Thank you Arizona! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! America is thriving like never before, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!
“What has happened to Roger Stone should never happen to anyone in our Country again.”
@TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
…………….. End text.
Pres Trump also included a clip of Tucker Carlson talking about Roger Stone’s case.
There is a partisan Democrat Judge on Stone’s case, who stripped Stone of his 1st Amendment rights,and threatened him with jail if he opens his mouth to defend himself.
Tucker adds that this is why Stone was not on his show, defending himself.
Tucker said that what happened to Stone should not happen to anyone in this country.
It’s completely immoral. It’s wrong.


I really do not think so, more likely either a mistrial, or loss on appeal the objective is to highlight Bergman’s judicial politicization an abuse from the bench to get her removed. A pardon would simply overturn her injustice, which needs to happen, BUT, she would STILL be there to continue her activism.
She needs Impeached, then ALL her rulings are overturned. Just MHO

Gail Combs

I would LOVE to see her in JAIL Place her in isolation with a Gag Order BEFORE her TRIAL just as she did to Manafort.

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges,…..

If there was communication between that democrat judge and the Mueller Gang and others to deprive President Trump’s supporters of their Rights IN ORDER TO GENERATE OPTICS for the PROPAGANDA arm of the DNC, all Hell should break loose and rain down on that Judge’s head.
You can include that Jury Foreman too.
The whole mess, from the TELEVISED arrest of Stone to the too high sentence STINKS of collusion to create FAKE NEWS.

tom f

Agree Rex.
Blow the whole thing up.
Same goes for General Flynn and his farce of a trial.
Expose it all and punish the evil.
I find it hard to understand the ‘nothings happening’ chant.


I would rather that an appeal is coming, resulting in the sentence being vacated and the case bring thrown out of court.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. There will be pardons.


By the way…Hannity showed this clip of the WW2 veteran being carried, and then repeated it.
The whole thing!
Both of the guys who are carrying the veteran have Q-stuff on their clothing.
— A Q+ patch on the black leather vest.
— WWG1WGA and the number 17 on the back of the white t-shirt.


And the video is 17 sec! 🙂


I saw a clip of Bernie Sanders getting worked up over something Bloomberg had said to him. I wondered if Comrade Sanders might have been tempted to bang his shoe against the podium while saying, “I will bury you”.comment image


Rarely watch clips of crazy Bernie.
Saw a crazy Bernie clip last night, perhaps Bernie trying to justify owning three homes.
Bernie’s eyes absolutely reflected, BERNIE IS CRAZY.


Since November of 2016, I measure my happiness level in relation to Trump election night, with a “10” being as happy as I was, we all were, on election night.
I’m at about an 8 1/2 this morning. Might even watch MSNBC this morning. Gonna stay here and play with my ball. I’m so happy.


What a beauty!


Did you catch the shout out to Jeremy Roenick at the Phoenix rally? Right about the time POTUS slammed MSDNC being worse than CNN? (Disclaimer, I have biblicaly based morals and values when it comes to adult relations.)
NBC fired Jeremy in December from the NHL Desk, because of a podcast joking about a threesome with his co-host Kathryn Tappen. Most of MSM left out his follow up comment about maybe not turning down his other co-host, Patrick Sharp, because “he’s so beautiful”.
POTUS exposed the hypocrasy of the LGBT left, trolled them so well, by pointing out his good friend (and great golfer!), who has been labeled in December 19 as a mysogynist pervert, within hours of announcing Grenell as Acting ODNI! So the left is schreeching against threesomes and gay males now!
I think we ALL know why Roenick was fired. It wasn’t for his golf game.
MSDNC leapfrogs over CNN for first of the worst! WINNING, SO MUCH WINNING,

Deplorable Patriot

He certainly wasn’t fired for trapping rattlesnakes, either. He does that.


Gorgeous!!! I’m with you at 8 1/2, Daughn. 😄



Zoe…it’s a video clip of a Great American Farmer saying:
“Michael Bloomberg came out and said it doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to be a farmer. Well Michael, I got one question…can you fix that?”
And it shows a large, rather complicated circuit board on some sort of farm equipment.


I was curious, so I checked to see what that is…
It’s a high tech milking machine.comment image


ABStoddard, for whom I have great disdain, is stuttering and sputtering on MSBNC this morning.
She insists, paraphrasing, “With everything Donald Trump has done wrong (???), I just can’t understand why the candidates didn’t spend more time talking about how much we all hate him” and finally capitulating, “it was not a good night for the Democrats”
Ahhhhhbebebwwhahahaa, is it possible to eat THREE scoops of ice cream for breakfast?


I share your disdain for ABStoddard.
She is unwatchable.
So thanks for taking one for the team and watching her to give us a report.


It was so much fun this morning watching her eat a healthy portion of CROW!!


She (stoddard) certainly went down the drain quickly, didn’t she? I look back at Goldberg, Hayes, et al and wonder if they regret their decisions…all had blooming careers and were household names… I imagine all are scrambling to pay bills right now. And…no more free cruises as the conservative point of view on the political panels! Heh heh


Yeah, I can imagine the cruise audience is pretty tough on them now!!!!!


With everything Donald Trump has done wrong (???)
^^^ Nothing shows MCM complicity with D-Rats moar than D-Rats bad mouthing President Trump at a debate. AND, D-Rats both never say exactly what is going wrong (economy, jobs, energy, etc.) NOR how the bastards are going to fix, what ain’t broke.
Along with AB being unwatchable is a comparable buffoon, whose name I can’t recall at the moment. The airhead blond that was a spokesperson for hussein’s Department of State and moar recently hired by Faux news.


Marie barf ;-(


I throw sponges at the TV when she is on.
She is the cheerleader for the Rick Wilson/Bill Krystal boys……… who never went to their high school prom.


A B is pretty…….


Hmm…this seems kind of odd…but maybe it’s just me.

The tweet from Shannon @Avery1776 is at the end of a thread, where she was digging into House Foreign Travel.
This is the 1st tweet in that thread:


what’s up with the cat videos that play with her tweets? am I missing something–it’s early here…maybe I need coffee to understand?


My money is on Gina, she can take ’em.


Alison was right, TrumpIsMine, the photo from SOTU is terrific. Great snag.
Love the wolf pup!
What a great morning it is!


Yep, I agree!
Love the header pic, TIM!
And the pup gif, too.


Vegas odds on Bloomberg as nominee went from 19% to 9%………… overnight.


boy the BLOOM fell off the rose quickly!


Heh…pretty cool.

Israeli Ambassador David Friedman & Governor Mike Huckabee Jamin In Jerusalem!


I’ve always thought Gov. Huckabee would be a good Ambassador…maybe he’s indicated he enjoys the freedom of retirement.


Doing the WAVE at the rally last night.
And they did a great job, too!


comment image




Verse of the Day

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”
John 5:24 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Thursday!


Morning, Pat! Hope and pray all is well with you – God Bless You – Have a Blessed Day!


thank you!!
HUGS to you!!


* Hugs Back *




May He make His face shine on thee and give thee Peace! 😍😍


Amen goes right there, BFLY!


Tweet shows clip of a Dumpster on Fire washing down a Flooded Street!




This man is a slimy hypocrite. It’s sickening! What about the babies Joe?


Well, ummm, it seems that Pedo Joe accidentally forgot to mention what his faith was in. Corrupt political power? Money? Pay for play? The availability of little girls and their mommies?
The word “God” would probably burn his tongue, and “Jesus Christ” would make his head explode.


so…did the rules of Q Tree change or is it just DePat’s rule: no swinging on the chandeliers?
I saw that yesterday and my heart sank…I was really itching to try it…comment image




Holder should just shut up and go away…now he thinks SCOTUS terms should not be for life…
Former Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday openly called for 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices, lending his support to a push that has gained steam among Democrats amid the Trump administration’s rapid-fire federal judicial appointments — and the possibility of a looming Supreme Court vacancy.
Holder, who once described himself as former President Barack Obama’s “wingman,” this week also took a shot at Attorney General Bill Barr, saying the current state of the Justice Department (DOJ) is a politicized “disaster.”
Speaking Saturday at Pomona College’s Bridges Auditorium, in Claremont, Calif., Holder said: “I don’t think someone should have that much power in an unelected position for that long. … I think that three senatorial terms, 18 years, would be enough for a justice.”


He wants to talk about power in unelected positions?? But all those appointments made by his “wingman” we’re unelected, many of them would be longer than 18 years….and those were OK???


precisely! all the SES positions!




looking for a good home…retired military dogs…comment image
Those dogs have worked hard all their lives to keep the nation, its people, and the homeland secure and safe, and they will be a great addition to any family who adopts them.
The K9s can work well with both military members and civilians. However, applicants need to ensure that they have a 6-foot fence, no kids under the age of 5, and no more than 3 dogs already in their homes.
Also, the person must have their vet listed out on the application and provide references.

Deplorable Patriot

And for these big guys, I would recommend NOT having hardwood floors even if they are easier to clean with all the dog hair. Hip injuries happen.


really…can you explain further? we have all hardwood floors and I was thinking about getting hubby a lab for his retirement present when he retires…

Deplorable Patriot

Our lab had a horrible time on the hardwood. Of course, she was 12 when the carpets came up and the hip injury happened in the kitchen when she was much younger. They slip and slide a lot. Ying and Yang slip and slide, but they are 18 and 25 pounds rather than 65-70.
Area rugs and runners are helpful, but don’t completely solve the issue, especially on the stairs.


at this point we’re not gonna cover up the hardwood..

Deplorable Patriot

The stairs were the worst of it. If you’re all on one floor, it would make a difference.


we have stairs but there’s just the bedroom and second bath up there so the dog would stay on the main floor. plus there’s a ramp out to the woods-he wouldn’t need to take the front steps down to the yard…

Deplorable Patriot

Outdoor steps were never an issue. It was slick surfaces.


k, thanks DePat!


can’t read the whole story cuz of my ad blocker–but apparently IRS is suing facebook for offshoring profits to Ireland to dodge taxes…$9BILLION

Gail Combs

Time to use the IRS to harass the DESERVING LEFT.


9 billion isn’t chicken scratch!


He’s trying out the Michael Corelone look. It’s not becoming.


More like Al Capote

Gail Combs

Of course he LOVES a brokered convention. It means the Party Bosses get to pick the ‘winner’…..
President Trump has to deal with the rampaging, rioting Bernie Bros, ANTIFA, Commies that Soros will be paying.
A Win-Win from the point of view of the DemonRats….comment image


didn’t see any official reports, but rumors are Pelosi and Schiff are in Jordan? what the heck for? why are taxpayers funding all these unnecessary trips???

Gail Combs

That could be a real problem for those old fossils. (Reports John Carry and D Reps meeting with Iran foreign minimster too.)
Foyle says @ ChiefIO’s:

20 February 2020 at 9:32 am
Iran is toast.
20 dead in Qom (1.2mill pop), city being quarantined, likely 100’s-1000’s of infected roaming Qom and Iran. They don’t have ability to test for it, so no hope of tracking or halting it.
Given porous borders this probably also means Middle east is done for – millions will die in coming months….

So WHO would be flying back and forth from Iran to China?
It ain’t gonna be the peasants…
President Trump needs to put those DemonRats under a TWENTY-FOUR DAY QUARANTINE given this news!!!


to be on the safe side, he should probably quarantine them in say…oh I dunno…GITMO? LOL


2 birds with 1 tweet


more Covington students suing…
A group of Covington Catholic High School students are suing nine media personalities over tweets and commentary about the incident at the Lincoln Memorial last year.
The lawsuit filed Tuesday in Kenton County Circuit Court states that 12 students were subjected to “public denunciations, calls for public harassment and public demands of school expulsion.”
Sandmann is not a party in the lawsuit filed Tuesday.
The media personalities named in the new lawsuit are Jeffrey Shaun King, Kevin Kruse, Reza Aslan, Maggie Haberman, Ana Navarro, Matthew John Dowd, Clara Jeffery, Adam Edelen and Jodi Jacobson.

Gail Combs

GOOD go after the individuals!
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
From Free Republic — Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals


a list of 32 things that the Tiny Tyrant banned or attempted to ban while mayor…
Smoking in commercial establishments like bars and restaurants (2003)
Smoking in public spaces (2011)
Cigarette sales to those under 21 (2013)
Sales of “flavored” tobacco products (2009)
Smoking e-cigarettes in public spaces (2013) ***
Cigarette in-store displays (2013)
Cars in Times Square (2009)
Cars from driving in newly created bike lanes (2007-2013)
Cars causing congestion below 60th Street in Manhattan (2007)*
Speeding on residential “slow zones” (2013)
Illegal guns (2006-2013) **
Sodium levels in processed foods (2010) **
Trans-fats in restaurants (2006)
Loud headphones (2013) **
Styrofoam packaging in single-service food items (2013)
Sodas larger than 16 ounces (2012) *
Collection of yard waste and grass clippings during certain times of year (2003-2013)
Organic food waste from landfills (2013) **
Commercial music over 45 decibels (2013)
Chain restaurant menus without calorie counts (2008)
The posting of signs in “city-owned grassy areas” (2013)
Non-fuel-efficient cabs (2007)
New cabs that aren’t Nissan NV200s (2013) *
Greenhouse gas emissions (2007)
Government buildings that aren’t LEED-certified (2005)
Non-hurricane-proof buildings in coastal areas (2013)
Black roofs (2009) **
Construction cranes over 25 years old (2013)
No. 6 and No. 4 “heavy” heating oils (2011)
Less than a 2-1 ratio of female and male restrooms in new public buildings (2005)
Cell phones in schools (2006)
Two-term limits for city elected officials (2008) *


wow VA now wants to early-release juveniles who committed murder and received a life sentence WITHOUT parole.
So much for the promise of jailbreak only targeting low-level offenders. Proponents of these bills try to elicit sympathy for juveniles, as if we should treat them more leniently than adults, but murder is not a juvenile crime. It’s one thing to say we will treat juveniles more leniently for petty theft, drugs, or even armed robbery. But in order to get a sentence of life in prison without parole, one has to be a first-degree murderer, and even many of them escape this sentence. Thus, this leniency, by definition, is targeting the worst of the worst.
The infamous D.C. sniper, Lee Boyd Malvo, who, along with his older partner, killed 17 and injured 10 in 2002 in the D.C. area, is an example of who is serving life without parole in Virginia as a juvenile convict.
Increasingly, more violent crime in this country is being committed by juveniles. Roughly 8 percent of homicide suspects and 16 percent of rape suspects in 2018, according to the FBI, were juvenile offenders. This is not something that can be ignored. The suspects charged in the horrific murder of New York college student Tessa Majors are 13- and 14-year-olds. Does their tender age make the pain of her murder less? Does it entitle her family to a lesser degree of justice? Does it make these offenders, if convicted, less a threat to public safety?


That kind of murderous behavior doesn’t just go away with adulthood. It persists 99% of the time. And it comes from role models in home and peer environment.


and VA is considering (or maybe they already passed it) a bill restoring gun-rights to previously convicted juveniles. that’s a recipe for disaster!


Virginia has gone slap dab crazy, as we say in the South.


I could see this shipment being NEEDED in Congress–but Kenosha? (CBP finds a human brain in a jar)
During the routine mail operation, a shipment manifested as an “Antique Teaching Specimen” was targeted for inspection. Upon opening the shipment, CBP officers found the package to contain a human brain specimen inside of a clear glass mason jar without any paperwork or documentation in support of its lawful entry into the United States, CBP said in a release.
The shipment originated in Toronto and was on its way to Kenosha, Wisconsin.


dunno if this will post…waking up in Alaska…comment image


Alaska has multiple large populations of birds of prey – eagles, falcons, and more.
There are 5 Bald Eagles on the porch and one in the driveway.
The dark bushy headed bird #1 on right is a Golden Eagle –

Deplorable Patriot

Have any pets gone missing?


dunno…only the photo was posted–with the caption…on the porch, waking up in Alaska


John Glenn was once an American hero. Then he went into politics and became just another democrat.




what freakin’ HUBRIS–you gotta read Murphy’s journal about his “trip”…he’s worse than Comey in his little musings. he went to a dinner hosted by Open Society Foundation (Soros) and said Americans were losing faith in democracy? no asswipe–they’ve lost faith in DEMOCRATS. fixed it for ya!
First he heads to Ukraine and WARNS Zelensky…then in Munich, he’s the only American on a panel and spews his garbage, then he meets with Iranian Foreign Minister–claiming POTUS’s ME Policy is a disaster—who the hell IS THIS GUY???
“On Friday night I attend a dinner hosted by the Open Society Foundations (George Soros’ organization that funds pro-democracy efforts around the world) and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. I am one of the dinner’s speakers, and I make the case to the distinguished attendees that, “Americans are frankly losing faith in democracy, as are Europeans. Democracy hasn’t delivered during the past fifty years for people in my country. Wages aren’t going up, retirement is getting harder, climate change is still a menace. Meanwhile, the super rich keep getting richer and richer. If we want to support democracy, then we need to start making it work for regular people instead of just billionaires.”
“My second objective is to make some waves within the large Middle East delegation that is in Munich. Trump’s Middle East policy has been an unmitigated disaster.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m convinced he was carrying treasonous messages to and from:
Mafiosi Pelosi
Ma Cankles
Barky Otreason
Valerie Ferret
Assorted Treason Democrats


love your nicknames…you related to POTUS? lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Schooled by THE MASTER!!! 😀


Pelosi’s supposed to be in Jordan now with Schiff…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s something VERY OFF there. Didn’t she do something very similar before and [RUMORS WERE] that’s how we got Baghdadi?
Iran’s intermediaries would be my guess who they’re going to slip in a secret meeting with.


yeah I’ve been searching for confirmation somewhere…but can’t find it yet…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mini should save his cash and bail. Stop being CHYYYNNAA’s BUTT BOY, Mini!

Zoe – text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
So awesome! For those who missed it, @QAnon_1972 was the patriot (wearing the Q/17 tee shirt that he later had to change) who helped carry WWII veteran Irvin Julian to his seat at last night’s rally. POTUS & Don Jr RTd the clip & POTUS acknowledged them at the start of the rally.
Quote Tweet
Jason WeAreQ
· 1h
Im truly Honored snd Humbled is all I can say. If I can get more then 10 wrds out later on @RedPill78 and @M2Madness w/out cryin,I’ll share my experience in its entirety. I love you all and remember without YOU there is no ME. This Presedential Challenge Coin isnt mine. Its OURS
Image is of a ‘Presidential Challenge Coin” with an eagle on one side and the white house on flip side, and banner beneath “Donald J. Trump”


That’s just wonderful


In the video you can tell, our Q guy is tearing up. Proud and taking in the moment.


After Sky News outlandish lie yesterday, here comes this
text in tweet
Joe M
This is a LARP, and not a very smart one. He pretends to be an insider who offered Assange a pardon… but Assange has not been CONVICTED – only CHARGED – and after his extradition he’ll have the opportunity to debunk the Russia DNC hack and prove his innocence. BLOCK THE BUM!👇
Quote Tweet
· 21h
We offered Assange a pardon if he would confirm that Russia was not their source for the DNC emails.

Want to know how that went?

Eyes Open
Extremely big news ahead.
Kindly retweet.
This post can be considered a marker.


Looking for a meme from the debate last night that showed a mod kicking someone on the ground. Victim had Bloomberg over him and the kickers the other dem debaters….anyone seen it and can post it?


i haven’t see it…only a picture of the debate line up–and ABC has their logo over Bloomberg’s feet so you can’t tell if he’s standing on a box!



Wowwwwwwwww, can’t wait to see what Dep has to say about this one.



Deplorable Patriot

The established Republicans didn’t want Greitens to begin with. The charge was pretty thin. Just about everybody saw that, BUT the establishment did not go to bat for Greitens. He was too much of a disruptor on a number of levels.
As for Kim Gardner, the city prosecutor, and the county prosecutor as well who I would imagine was also bankrolled by Soros, the sooner both of them are relieved of their duties one way or another, the better. The police have no one to back them, as I understand it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is NO WAY that Soros DA didn’t know these were lies and frauds. NO WAY.
George Soros is a THREAT to actual democracy everywhere. He’s a FOUNTAIN OF CORRUPTION, and I say that he was a SOVIET PLOT to carry forth the Soviet agenda after the iron curtain “FELL” (on us).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Duly elected Governor of Missouri, Navy SEAL, Purple heart, bronze star, and a PhD from Oxford……… Conservative and outside the establishment system, was targeted and resigned under BS persecution from a crooked DA in St Louis and a bad investigator, former FBI.
What happened to him should NEVER happen to anyone again.






l E T 17
This guy needs his own notables section on 8kun
Judicial Watch 🔎
· 19h
“There is significant public interest in the Seth Rich murder and the FBI’s game-playing on document production in this case is inexcusable,” Judicial Watch President @TomFitton.
Read here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wrongly in spam again!, 4th option, poster is never spam, site owner believes that the whitelisting process is not working for all site authors for any given whitelisted poster, and is now reporting ALL false positives back to Akismet to cover all poster-author combinations until a more global fix is in place. URLs of the false positive are:


thanks Wolfie… will send in a few mins.






LP, LP!!!!! YES, he really did say it!!!


Yes! I saw Nate’s tweet pass through my twitter feed last night, after you and I talked about it. Others noticed the same thing!!!
I’m not sure we’ll survive the shock and awe – the way POTUS is alluding to soon to be disclosures – our systems might be overwhelmed.


Bring it on!!! We’re ready for some long over due OVERWHELM!!! MOAR WINNING!!! 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🦋🦋


LOL…I save the rally threads to enjoy with my lunch…now I know what happens…JUST KIDDING!!



Ohh that’s a good one D&S ! A real keeper………….. “both paid to have…….”


LOL…spanked like the little brat he is!


We’ve been screaming about it for how long now??????
Maybe the folks at QTree should run the government!
Chinese manufactured antibiotics to rise 70% in price.


And POTUS has been working on Big Pharma, trying to get price of RXs down…
as well as be able to get RXs from Canada……………….
POTUS and his admin are well aware of the problems Americans face…
and yes, we QTreepers do state the obvious as far as our list of grievances goes… 😉
jes sayin’


Dirty rotten Chinese.
Just like going after the farmers.


Right…………. we can thank folks like ChiFiDi and other DIMs… hope they choke on their riches


I do not trust Chinese antibiotics or any other Chinese medication.

Deplorable Patriot

And the reason we can’t get drugs from Mexico or Canada is…..


l E T 17
Hussein buried Blagojevich
1. Obama may have lied about conversations with convicted fraudster Tony Rezko
2. Obama may have overtly recommended Valerie Jarret for his Senate seat
Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request
Secret phone calls, conversations in Obama’s car, and Valerie Jarrett’s role.
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
3. A supporter of President Obama may have offered quid pro quo on a Jarrett senate appointment
4. Obama maintained a list of good Senate candidates
5. Rahm Emanuel allegedly floated Cheryl Jackson’s name for the Senate seat
6. Obama had a secret phone call with Blagojevich
Suki @SukiQueue
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
· 18h
Replying to @SukiQueue @Inevitable_ET and @Sheilas11
Blago was arrested the morning after he said this about Bank of America

Clear POV @ClearPointView
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
Zoe, tweet is a meme, photo of Obama and Jarret with itext
Working hard every day to drive this country into the ground.


Twinz 😉



Love it! Educating the Normies 24/7


Love our POTUS!!! 💞💞 He’s NOT BACKING DOWN!!! 😁


Thanks for this catch TIM