Yep, it’s Wednesday again. This one is for Mr. Mika. Sorry, Joe, your mornings are no longer going to protect you.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.
Please, do not forget to apply sunscreen after a sensible vitamin D bath and after swimming at a safe social distance from all the people in chlorinated pools, which must maintain enough chemicals to kill just about everything except the Wuhan Flu that somehow will travel six feet in densely hot and humid air.
If you must protest state governments, peacefully of course, it is only polite to point your rifle toward the ground. Thank you for thinking of the safety of others.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree which is currently going through its water cooler/canteen phase. Please, venture over there for any such thoughts and comments. This sort of thing is always a possibility on that site:
A few other vital notes:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….
ACTS 20:28-38
At Miletus, Paul spoke to the presbyters of the Church of Ephesus:
“Keep watch over yourselves and over the whole flock
of which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers,
in which you tend the Church of God
that he acquired with his own Blood.
I know that after my departure savage wolves will come among you,
and they will not spare the flock.
And from your own group, men will come forward perverting the truth
to draw the disciples away after them.
So be vigilant and remember that for three years, night and day,
I unceasingly admonished each of you with tears.
And now I commend you to God
and to that gracious word of his that can build you up
and give you the inheritance among all who are consecrated.
I have never wanted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing.
You know well that these very hands
have served my needs and my companions.
In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort
we must help the weak,
and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said,
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. And this week, lots of prayers for those who have the virus, and those who have died due to it are part of daily prayer.
Enjoying the show?
If that so-called fascist platform is the one I suspect it is, given that Parler is noted as an alternative, I think I know what’s happened. Trump tweeted about the great potential of fraud possible with mail-in voting, and it was marked as misleading with a link to some place that said that such fraud was not happening. So far according to the local MSM, where I saw this.
What the President actually wrote is as follows:
“There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone…..
….living in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there, will get one. That will be followed up with professionals telling all of these people, many of whom have never even thought of voting before, how, and for whom, to vote. This will be a Rigged Election. No way!”
At the end there is a link shown as “Get the facts about mail-in ballots” which leads to
where CNN, NBCnews and some unidentified experts say that mail-in fraud is unlikely.
The entire dogfight is here:
Now I haven’t looked through the news post yet so this info might all be there as well.
DP, There is a new Q Post 4327
I’ll have to look.
Link to New Q Drop
26 May 2020 – 11:53:15 PM
Just saw somebody else tweeting this!!!
That picture is a heebie jeebie combination of a cubicle farm and summer camp.
Talk about warehousing people.
And whst if you gotta pee in the middle of the night? How the heck you you get there in time and not be too sleepy to find your hamster hole?
Comments trying to deflect, and comments (me) BACK!!!
Wolfie I just gave you the ammo. The paper from South China University of Technology essentially say it could NOT be from bats and is likely from a Wuhan lab.
One of the labs is “only 280 meters from the seafood market,” while “The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province, both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market.”
“According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market.” while the labs had a collection of captured bats and were studying bat viruses.
The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Within the paper the authors say
Therefore there is great likelihood the virus came from a Wuhan laboratory and not a seafood market.
Thanks! See my response to Michael below. I’m really just arguing / not arguing with a troll (possible #WuMao or American leftist pushing ChiCom talking points) in such a way as to not exceed the part that THEY were trying to diminish. Must be careful here – the CHICOMS must totally understand that this is a smoking gun which will work even on many China-deluded scientists, and they need to diminish it by deception, as illustrated by this troll UNDERSELLING what was found. My thought was “don’t bring in other smoking guns on this right now – keep it simple – nuke his undersell while agreeing with his sell.”
We will almost certainly be at the full ChiCom chimeric bio-weapon position very soon.
Just making sure you have all the weapons you need Wolfie.
Have fun disarming the ChinaBot.
It is imperative to avoid rushing to judgement before the science is in on this.
Ignoring the possibility of chimeric innovation to align with pre-established media talking points is good for narrative shaping, but leaves us with a blind spot for identifying the viral origins.
I hope you see what I’m doing there. It’s easier to see on Twitter.
This particular troll or operative jumped on the Tweet about the News Article about the Scientific Article with a very nuanced position which reeks of some sophistication, being almost a Chinese #WuMao trap. You are clearly seeing part of it. What I’m doing is DISARMING the sneakier aspects of their position to some extent.
This paper will have some real scientific credibility in terms of arguing for HUMAN MOD of an unstated kind, which could range from “get it to persist in human cells” (Mikovits) at the very least, to full-on chimeric design using machine synthesis and reassembly in vitro. Doesn’t matter – it’s POWERFUL either way, in syncing up with all the other evidence that the virus has been human-modded in some way, and it was released from the ChiCom lab in Wuhan as the most logical explanation. Both of those points are needed and powerful, and it’s clear the ChiComs want to use them to diminish each other.
The poster is trying to diminish that beautifully inferred conclusion about human mod to a mere point upon which it was built – that it “easily infects humans” – which will then of course be diminished to “it’s a natural virus that easily infects humans, blah blah blah ChiCom talking points”.
A beautiful demonstration of how communist politics RUIN science by forcing intentional destruction of reasoned fine points under the heavy weight of political bias.
This Twitter poster leveraged the fact that the NEWS ARTICLE does a bit extrapolation, implying that the study didn’t say that, and we know the SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE will avoid unwarranted exptrapolations.
Note that I argued NO MORE than what was in evidence from the authors of the study, be that in the NEWS ARTICLE or the SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. THAT is a lot. It does not PRECLUDE chimeric design, but it LOCKS IN HUMAN MOD BY SOME METHOD.
IMO we need to nail that down HARD by doing nothing to diminish the study. Do NOT give them a handle of any type to tear down “GAIN OF FUNCTION – ONE WAY OR ANOTHER”.
WIN GOF / human mod now, WIN chimeric design later.
And by the way, this is all going to really red-pill people on how CHINA has ruined American and indeed GLOBAL science.
Yeah that human bot/guy was definitely on a mission which is why I’ve been holding off on engaging.
Oh, kid gloves were needed. That guy was just looking for either a fight or an inappropriate red line for our side. A very tricky troll, but one I felt comfortable engaging from a solid truth position.
So, did that tiger ever recover? 🙄
So that news has finally made it into a newspaper. It is about time!!!
So that is now five different sets of scientists all from different countries, not to mention Dr Boyle and Dr Judy. The Chinese are in a world of hurt.
(You can use this to hammer leftists with.)
The 1st paper was from India where the scientists were harassed:
Coverage of this paper by Zero Hedge led to a permanent ban within hours by Twitter.
This review: Breaking Now: Scientists Confirm Coronavirus Man-Made…Contains ‘pShuttle-SN’ Sequence Proving Laboratory Origin in plain English was then scrubbed from the internet.
Luckily it was archived:
Then a more recent paper was written in France: three scientists from Marseilles, France and one from Montreal clinical research laboratories that agrees with the Indian paper.
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
”….we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”
That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, bought a couple of the full paper and discusses it HERE:
CONFIRMED: CoVid-19 coronavirus found to contain unique “gain-of-function” property “for efficient spreading in the human population” … exact quote from science paper just published in Antiviral Research
That was followed by Czech Microbiologist Says #Covid_19 Virus Was Created In A Laboratory
Apr 6, 2020
The video has English captions and is 20 minutes long
@ 12 minutes she says the RNA molecule is fragile and UV will harm it.
@ 15 min she talks about mutation and at 16 minutes starts talking about the mutations that are ‘atypical at the very least’ ….
@ 17:50 mins She says ”They can be done through genetic manipulation…” and then says it is something she has done routinely.
@ 18:29 mins She says ”So mutation is kind of tool for turning something harmless into something very harmful”
@ 18:40 min She says ”China & other countries where they make designer babies… there was the big problem with a Chinese Scientist who created brand new genetically modified embryos… went to jail… he confessed to it but I can imagine there are many scientists who do this and do not admit to it…”
She goes on to say that only a scientist’s conscious can keep them from abusing the tools now available.
There is even a paper from South China University of Technology!!!
The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Finally a couple weeks ago Life Site News broke the story of the Aussies also saying the CCP virus was manmade.
Michel Garnier, who approved the planning of the Wuhan Lab in 2004, has been asked to resign from his current position at the EUROPEAN COMMISSION.
Please see my posts a few days ago that showed the link between European Commission funded EMUNI and the publication Nature.
Establishment and funding of EMUNI is an European Commission mission priority. (I’ll try to find a link to my posts, shortly.)
JOSEPH MIFSUD, George PopaD’s Maltese professor, was appointed the first University president of EMUNI.
Here are links to my previous posts with source links:
There are also previous posts related to China Accord, a commitment to climate goals for facility construction in China, signed by western and Chinese architects and engineers in 2015. American architect, Edward Mazria is the founder of China Accord. The Chinese design firm that took over the design of the Wuhan lab from the French are signers of the accord.
Gail, in your research travels, have you ever seen any information about how the lab disposed of their laboratory animals? I’ve looked some, without luck. Thanks for your excellent posts.
No. All I have seen is suggestions the animals may have been sold to the live animal market by the cash poor lab techs who were supposed to do the disposal.
From what I have read incineration is about the only safe disposal method but who knows if people were actually following protocol. (In my experience THEY DON’T.)
Thanks. Lab animals go out the back door of US facilities too.
Here’s another method of disposal:
Apparently they had a spill…
…”Cornell currently hauls the digester’s effluent to Watertown for methane conversion. The Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility is completing a permit analysis before it will accept the digester’s liquid effluent. At the treatment plant, the liquid waste will be converted to methane for energy use by the plant itself.
While testing the digester Feb. 19, 4,300 gallons of fully treated effluent was accidentally discharged into the Ithaca sanitary sewer system. The issue was immediately addressed by Cornell operators and has since been fully resolved, with additional safety measures added to prevent accidental discharges. “The effluent had already been demonstrated to be completely treatable by the Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Plant,” said Jennette.”…
Since yesterday’s Q barrage was late in the day, I’m going to repost the drops here just to be sure eyes are on them.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 27caa9 No.9326091 📁
May 26 2020 21:25:08 (EST) NEW
These people are stupid.
thanks DP…I missed them all!
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 27caa9 No.9326105 📁
May 26 2020 21:26:08 (EST) NEW
These people are sick!
Lungs, livers, hearts, kidneys…these people are sick.
If they did, and China used them to engineer this virus, they need to be stomped in a million pieces and everyone of those POS’s to be locked up. (They deserve that anyway).
Wolfie, that needs to be tweeted. Might red pill a lot of people.
Thank you Andrew
Thanks! That is RIGHT OUT THERE!!!
More likely they sold it to University of North Carolina where they were doing the Gain-of-Function work on bat viruses FOR CHINA!
The study was funded by Fauci and the CCP.
A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence
The Wuhan Bat Lady, Zhengli-Li Shi of Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, carried the information back to China to be used in manufacturing bio-weapons.
Huge advocate for stem cell research, tied to bill Clinton, Obola, Gates, Fauci, Zucker, Sloan Kettering, Weill Medical, and grandfather of the US life sciences initiative, and Nobel laureate…Harold Varmus.
Here he is at a bill Clinton State of the Union:
Yikes … why aren’t all of these now put in line for administration of acute lead poisoning? (yeah kinda ironic to kill those who kill the innocent and part them out as if they were so many junked cars, but there is also a long tradition of eradicating vermin)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 428d6b No.9326604 📁
May 26 2020 22:05:02 (EST) NEW
[D]s in coordination w/ [D]&[F] assets have launched [as known] a full-scale insurgency attack against the people of the United States in an effort to regain power by any means necessary.
All assets deployed.
[Current landscape] coordinated and deliberate events to impact [rig] P_election.
The future of our Republic is at stake.
Survival as a Nation.
We Rise or We Die.
We, the People.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 428d6b No.9326632 📁
May 26 2020 22:06:32 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 2fad8e No.9326622 📁
May 26 2020 22:06:04 (EST) NEW
we’re in for one hell of a show
DP, We have a Rocket launch today. Do you think that ties in to these Q posts? It could just be a coincidence.
Could be, but I think this is just laying the groundwork for some big booms.
Last thing I heard is it may be scrubbed on account of weather. I hope not, but I want it scrubbed if there is any doubt. No killing astronauts, please!
There may be some showers…but it doesn’t look like anything severe is in the forecast.
Of course, forecasts often change as reality proves them wrong,
When the shuttle program was rolling, if there was one cloud in the trajectory, they scrubbed. You could have blue sky everywhere else, but one cloud in the way…nope. No go.
I don’t know if this program has the same rules, but severe weather isn’t needed for a scrub.
The 1986 Challenger disaster of course made them extra cautious.
The interesting thing is, that once they had established the design defect was ONLY an issue in cold weather, they STILL wouldn’t launch even in warm weather, even though astronauts were lined up to volunteer to go up–in warm weather.
It had to do with the clouds, I understand. I don’t remember where I picked that up, exactly, but it wasn’t published anywhere. I’m pretty sure a relative of a relative who lived in the vicinity of the Cape told us about that.
Clouds CAN mean “icing” which is REALLY bad for aircraft. I don’t know if that applies to rockets, or the STS (“shuttle”) in particular, especially given the extremely short time there’d be exposure.
Anyone know how weather-tolerant this launch system is?
I don’t know.
Saw a little blurb about how this SpaceX launch was “going old school” and patterned this launch after the Apollo launches, with a capsule mounted on top of a rocket.
I don’t know if the capsule has reentry capabilities like some of the other SpaceX designs.
Yeah, I guess that’s “old school” compared to the shuttle, which was QUITE different. (That must have been interesting to design with all the off-axis loads.) But for anything, basically anything, other than the shuttle, the payload goes up on top, and that continued to be the case for all the non-shuttle missions flown while we were using the shuttle. (It’s just that none of those were manned.)
So I wouldn’t say “old school” but rather “conventional.” But that’s me.
And yes, I’m curious about this capsule too. Obviously it’s designed to get back somehow, but whether it’s coming back as basically a rock doing aerobraking, or under more active control is another thing.
SpaceX is also known for having the boosters come back to a soft landing, almost ready to re-use.
Honestly if we can EVER come up with a spaceship that can get to orbit without having to lose parts, come back down, and basically be refueled and be ready to go again…THAT will be a major revolution; it will no longer cost $10,000 per pound (or so) to put things and people into orbit. The way space works today is like scrapping the jetliner after every flight. Unfortunately, this vision (Single State To Orbit) has been just a bit too much out of reach for a long time.
I had forgotten Paul went to Miletus. At the time it must have been a pretty impressive city, almost as much so as Ephesus. Apparently it was the most prominent city in Anatolia around the time of the Persian conquest (which would have been at least 550 years before Paul’s visit).
Oh, and…Camel Day!!!!
And I mean that in the most affectionate way possible.
I thought spitting was llamas.
Alpacas, too.
No surprise there.
Cute creatures, though. And the yarn from their fur is light, with better warmth than some sheep wool. Mom brought back alpaca sweaters from South America (we always get stuff when my parents travel) and I will not trade that sweater for anything. MUCH lighter than my Irish ones.
I went to an “alpaca” show once (it was my friend’s idea) and yeah, it’s great stuff.
I love alpacas.
We have a lot of people who keep them around here. Horses, donkeys, you name it. We know one home that had about 40, plus an emu and a camel, and others. We fed them a few times. Their eating and care are similar to donkeys.
If we ever have a big property, Id love to have a pair.
I cant wear angora but alpaca wool is wonderful. Its more sturdy as a blend but if you have 100s to spend on 1 sweater itll be your favorite.
Apparently they’re house trainable. At least insofar as they can be induced to always go on the paper (which is a huge improvement over randomly chosen carpet). So I know of some indoor “pet” alpacas.
Thats kinda like having mini ponies inside too. But they are still livestock. I just couldn’t go that far.
Yeah, that’s something for someone who considers their one or two alpacas as pets. A different thing from livestock. Sometimes something can cross over (e.g., pot bellied pigs); I suppose a case could be made for an alpaca…but I’m not doing it!
And another legacy MSM stalwart fades.
NEXT LINE taken by the Dems: “Donald Trump celebrates increasing unemployment, does not care about the American worker.”
That is, once they get past this ginned up attempted murder bullshit.
And oh, yes….The Atlantic.
That was pushed at us as a thinking man’s magazine by a high school history teacher whom even other, very apolitical students could see was a massively leftist-biased shill. (He sneered at National Review, which was at the time pretty much the only even remotely conservative magazine out there.)
I had a class that basically used Newsweek as the textbook. I don’t think it was the point but that’s when I started realizing the bias in media. Early 80’s
In 1989, fall, mind you, there was a girl in our parish who was in a current events class, and her textbook was US News & World Report.
It was kind of overwhelming for high school, actually.
Current events, yep I think that was the name of the class
That was the least bad of the bunch, at least as compared to Newsweek and Time.
A low bar, to be sure.
Yeah, this was 1980-1981. An interesting time.
This isn’t going to end well for the clowns at Twinkie. Without The Donald, it would die.
There are plenty of asshat celebrities with more followers than Donald Trump.
Twitter would hang on, albeit at half its current level.
Steve, you are right of course…quantity-wise.
Yet I believe the majority of political content generators would follow Trump, should he choose to bail…and Twitter would end up being just another echo chamber, no?
It’d be People Magazine, for sure.
Voter fraud is starting to hit conservative alternative media at least.
Twitter relied on the Democrat Media Complex’s so-called “fact-checkers” to say that election fraud isn’t a concern with absentee voting, also referred to as mail-in voting. What’s ironic is the added the fact check on the very same day the Department of Justice pressed charges against a mail carrier for none other than attempted voter fraud.
When has it NOT been acknowledged in “conservative alternative media”?
I think even the good guys on Fox have been bringing it up (though certainly not the pusbag guys there).
I haven’t been watching Fox at all for a couple years now, so thanks for that.
In all earnest, I’m just curious why you seemed to think this was a new trend (never mind Fox News). As near as I can tell, it’s not. “Alternative conservative media” has been griping about voter fraud for, basically, forever.
Yes, but I don’t remember seeing much in Townhall or the ones that are more “accepted.” The ones like New American, and Daily Bell, etc., have been harping on this for years. But they usually are ignored for being “right-wing.”
Ah. I guess I read something different into “alternative” than you meant.
Usually, voter fraud stories stayed local and weren’t picked up by the national sites like TH, and RedState, etc.
And another disconnect between your meaning and my reading…you were talking about specific stories; I was thinking about generalized complaining.
If complaints are going to be registered, supporting evidence is helpful. 😉
This is one of the sorts of blog/conservative media kinds of sites that would get ignored.
Gave up on Fox a few years ago too. Much easier to watch the videos of what I want without the BS factor. There online news has gone onto the crapper too. Thanks Paul……and Donna……and ……..
Pretty much controlled opposition now.
Okay, I realize there are a lot of anti-twitter people around, and those who declare to the world that they don’t go there on principle and all that, but THIS video of Terrance’s explains in a way why Twitter is going to be one of the lynchpins in red-pilling. It’s the censorship and the shadowbanning that’s going on that is going to demonstrate to the masses just what lengths these people will go to to keep a firm grip on the information being disseminated. Twitter, FB, and Pinterest, at least, all have been shown to be doing this.
Looks like Vermont is moving towards Mail-in.
President Trump really needs to STOP this Planned-Demic nonsense NOW!
Man the DOJ boys are going to be BUSY!
This is what we refer to as a “target rich environment” 😉
“We’re surrounded!”
“Good, it will be easy to find targets.”
Impressive resume entry, that’s for sure.
Says the man who can’t even remember who he is running against.
I’ve seen this argument made a lot in recent days.
Which is interesting…because we have been doing so our whole lives. Stuff 95 percent of people wouldn’t question. Such as recreational drugs.
Not all of us have, but the seat belt has become a habit. Although, I have to tuck the shoulder strap under my arm. I’d rather have weird bruises like i got when my one car was totaled than a fractured larynx. I knew a girl who had to be on complete voice rest for six months and didn’t know if she would sing again due to a seat belt strap hitting it in an accident.
There’s usually some rationale, like “we all have to pay when YOU get into an accident because you wouldn’t protect yourself” (also used for motorcycle helmets).
Which tells me that the REAL rule is that when government provides a “service,” they get to dictate a lot more than just that service. If they mandate that “society” must pay for such things if no one else will…then they get to dictate that you wear a seat belt or a motorcycle helmet.
Mind you I think those are good ideas on the whole. (Easy for me to say, I’m not that far above average size.) Doesn’t mean you should be forced, nor should I be forced to pay for the consequences of you acting on your judgment.
I used to wear seat belts religiously. Then the seat belt laws came into effect and I quit wearing them.
Of course having a buddy’s brother burned alive because his seat belt jammed had a lot to do with that.
Also I am so short in the waist the shoulder part saws my chin raw if I do wear it. It naturally would fall over my face if I did not hook it under my chin. When I asked the Cops at the NC safety booth at the State fair, they told me NOT to wear it because it would crush my larynx or break my neck if I got into a bad accident.
Under the arm it goes, always has! 👯♀️ 😉
Actually I was told that was not safe either so I just wear the belt without the shoulder strap.
Also wear the belt around the HIPS and not the belly. If worn too high it hurts internal organs AND THE SPINE.
I hate it when people virtue-signal and blame others for issues they have no control over. There is not one thing any of us could have done to force legislators to not pass, or to change, seatbelt laws.
Seatbelts are worn only in specific instances, but mask rules are inconsistent and will not be permanent. There is no way people would accept wearing masks every time they go out in public. I gladly wear a seatbelt, but I will not submit to wearing a mask when it is not necessary. The two are not equivalent.
The purpose of masks was to mitigate a health threat that by nature should be temporary, whereas seatbelts are a safety measure for a specific, ongoing danger.
Seatbelt laws are law; mask-wearing for the general public has not been legislated, and it won’t be.
Seatbelts are proven to save lives, but the science is not settled about masks and WuFlu. And from what we know, masks can be detrimental to health on an ongoing basis. We will not be required to wear them, and the majority of people would not do it. It is not a slippery slope. (What is a slippery slope regarding this virus, IMO, is allowing “experts” and the WHO to control our response. We are already moving away from that.)
A federal seatbelt law was passed in 1968, requiring vehicles to be fitted with seatbelts but not requiring people to use them at that time. There are many laws that “inhibit our freedom” for our safety. Might as well complain about all of them, too.
I have a reply vvvv. Freakin’ WordStress put it at the end.
if i want to grocery shop in my rural community I have to wear a mask because it is posted on their doors. I don’t believe it is doing any good wearing it, but I view it as a courtesy to the store. If they ask me to wear it, I will unless I can find some place else to shop that doesn’t require it.
It’s like coming into someone else’s house and they ask you to remove your shoes. I comply…but it’s not something I ask of people entering my house.
Yep. That’s about where I’m at.
You know that big sticker above the door that says, “we reserve the right to refuse service”? — they don’t want to serve me without a mask, I don’t want to be unwillingly served.
After stalling visit for 4months, Sped thru Costco one handed Saturday. Held left finger at bottom of mask the whole time in order to breathe fresh cool air. One foot barely out the door, I pulled a Miss Pat and made a GIANT Spectacle of ripping off the mask and screaming for joy!!!😉😁🦋🤸♀️🦋
Then went to Sam’s. They’re sooo over it. Gone are the individual girls wiping down the terminal, scanner, and keypad in between every user. Nowhere to be found. Spent a lot of money at Sam’s.🤑
as long as I am walking quickly thru the store, my glasses don’t fog up, but when i stand still to wait to check out or wait for someone to move, they fog up and i can’t see…
the masks I make (for my friend to sell) have the nose wire thing which would probably help with the fogging thing…but the mask I made to WEAR, is considerably smaller. shrug…
so glad you did the Pat thing…LOL..
I saw this guy, Adam Laxalt, on Hannity’s Tuesday night show.
Seems like a good guy…he said that even postal workers are remarking on how “These ballots are not secure”.
And…”The ballots are piling up in the corners” and anyone has access to them.
“Ex-Nevada AG Tells of Ballots ‘Piled up in Apartments and Trash cans and in Hallways’ Because of Mail-in Voting.”
………..From the article:
During an interview with Tucker Carlson former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt said that President Trump’s concerns about mail in voting are not unfounded and that he expects voter fraud in his state to increase as a result.
Fox News:
“This is the game,” said Laxalt, outside counsel for the nonprofit Americans for Public Trust. “It’s about winning elections and gaining power and here in my swing state … you are seeing videos of thousands of ballots that are piled up in apartments and trash cans and in hallways. And this is all because we are doing our first mail-in ballot election in the history of our state all under the cloak of the pandemic.”
Laxalt spoke hours after Twitter slapped a warning label on one of President Trump’s tweets for the first time, cautioning readers that despite the president’s claims, “fact checkers” say there is “no evidence” that mail-in voting would increase fraud risks — while also noting that “experts say mail-in ballots are very rarely linked to voter fraud.” (Emphasis added.)
The former state AG went on to claim that Nevada, which is one of several states that have chosen to expand mail-in voting during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been sending absentee ballots to inactive voters.
“Inactive voters, 200,000 of them were mailed ballots all across the greater Las Vegas area,” he said, “and we have no way to know if these are going to lead to massive voter fraud, and they continue to sue to get rid of signature verifications and to enact the California-style ballot harvesting right here in Nevada.”
Laxalt urged residents to “put pressure” on the Nevada secretary of state’s office as well as local registrars to “stop this practice.”
Laxalt is right.
There is no way that Democrats would support mail in voting if they didn’t believe it would benefit them.
If mail in voting benefited Republicans you know they would oppose it with every breath in their bodies.
In fact President Trump warned today that mail in voting will destroy this country.
Yeah, send the ballots out registered mail.
Then only accept them if returned, registered mail.
Of course that would be a huge logistical nightmare and expense…so maybe it ought only to be done for people who are laid up in the hospital or things like that–genuinely unable to get to the polls.
Which come to think of it is what absentee ballots were originally for,
I have voted by absentee ballot here in OK…when I was going to be out of town.
And I had to have Two Witnesses sign and attest that they knew me and watched me fill out the ballot.
I don’t know if this is the same in other states.
Since I didn’t trust the mail…I hand delivered it to the county election board.
Here, it’s just put the ballot in the envelope and sign the envelope.
A “real” absentee system (as opposed to one where everyone basically does so) can be designed with adequate safeguards because it will be relatively rare.
Anyhow, a registered letter has to be signed for, every step of the way. When postal worker 1 hands it off to the next guy, a receipt is signed, every step along the way. That cuts down greatly on theft by coworkers, because the thief would be the guy who last signed for it. In this case it would cut down on postal shenanigans with ballots, both outbound and inbound.
Coin dealers will send coins too expensive to be insured, with registered mail.
We supposedly DO have signature verification here in Colorado (where everything is now mail in).
I still don’t trust it.
The ChiComs likely have most of our signatures, electronically.
Of course in this case they have to gin up signatures for people who no longer exist, or maybe never existed.
Great IT project! Google has the edge there, I’m thinking.
But I doubt they’d want to be that directly involved. Risky.
Sheila Jackson used forgers to help!
Colorado has been doing mail in ballots for a while. Coincidentally, we’ve seen dems winning everywhere since then.
That seems to happen in every place that has switched to mail in ballots — Demoncrat control.
Just to not be too blatant about it, statewide offices invariably go 53-47 dem. Distant enough to not trigger recounts, close enough to be believable.
Just enough to have majorities in both houses, and I’d have to imagine county and city offices and school boards too. It’s outrageous.
Yep. Oh, and that’s the way US Senate races seem to turn out, too.
Even back in the 1980s we couldn’t manage to get a governor AND legislature AND two senators who were Republican. We briefly had two “republican” senators when Ben Nightsoil Campbell switched from Dem to Rino.
Yep and the Republicans in this state have been less than impressive as well.
Yeah, they didn’t exactly give conservatives a real reason to vote for them. So they didn’t, once presented with alternatives. That let the dems get in and the cheating mechanisms to be written into law.
Good luck Cory Gardner 🙄
driller, WA State also.
recounts abound…for 3 days…until Dem Candidate wins.
Then recounts stop. magic.
nice work.
Yep, Mrs Driller is from WA, ma in law and others still live there. Spokane isn’t even fun to visit anymore. 🙁
Goodnight friends.
Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) Tweeted:
Wow props to @JoeBiden for leaning into this gaffe and making it his profile picture 😱
That mask isn’t even covering his nose all the way…which pretty much defeats the purpose of wearing it.
Yesterday’s Kaleigh smackdown was onto a distorter whose mask didn’t cover his nose.
Time for me to say good night.
Good night.
They killed all three of your pictures.
Just little emojis of a yawn.
Thanks, some of the emojis are not supported by my system…. actually a lot aren’t.
We’ve got better space suits now.
Heheh. 😄👍
And the capsule looks a lot more high tech than the Apollo capsules:
JAXA is Japan’s version of NASA.
They just made a delivery to the Space Station, of supplies and equipment:
From what I’m reading…the Capsule will stay docked with the Space Station, during our astronauts stay there.
Then it will do a splash-down like the Apollo capsules did.
One notable difference…is the fact that the Capsule/Spacecraft is designed to perform “autonomously”, without the astronauts controlling the maneuvers.
But they have the capability of taking over the controls at any time.
The Axiom Space tourist mission (contract already signed, estimated cost per tourist $55 million) will not have a professional astronaut on board; it will be run without any of the four apes, I mean customers, touching the controls.
Apparently that mission will go into a higher earth orbit than any other manned craft has been in. Record set by Gemini 11, 853 mile apogee. (Obviously the Apollo astronauts exceeded this, but they weren’t in an earth orbit, they were on an escape trajectory. And no one else has.)
Maybe not clear. It’s Gemini 11, which got to 853 miles above the earth, not Gemini getting over eleven thousand miles up!
Here’s a 2+ minute video simulation of the launch, docking, undocking, and return to Earth via splashdown in the ocean. Pretty cool!
Nice. Very cool, Katie.
I’m reading the wikipoo article on Crew Dragon (the crewed variant, which this is).
It can carry up to seven (!) people. (Though it will usually be a smaller number of people plus some cargo. For NASA missions, max 4 people, presumably the rest cargo.) It will return via ocean splashdown, not a controlled landing. (It was originally supposed to be a controlled landing, but that got scratched as development proceeded.) It’s intended to stay docked at the ISS for quite some time before returning to earth. It’s also hoped it can be used to ferry tourists to orbit at a space station a company called Axiom Space plans to build, also another company, Space Adventures, plans to use it for space tourism.
It even has a toilet (with privacy curtain).
“This will be the first time that humans have ridden on the Falcon 9 even though it’s flown many many times…”
This is kind of corny…but it’s also kind of cute.
What – no pocket protector!
Not nearly nerdy enough!
“I’d like to put you on a rocket, get rid of you for a while” 😆🤣
The new space suits are cool!
Is Melinda Gates wearing an inverted cross like Cankles and Chelsea have?
Snopes Covers for Bill Gates’ Wife for Wearing Satanic Inverted Cross During Media Appearance
I like how she put “woman” in quotation marks.
But yeah…Snopes is a joke!
Satanists are required to do a public display of their fealty to satan.
The more in-your-face, the better.
This is why we see so many famous people doing it…but doing it in a way that they can gaslight us about it afterwards.
“Satan worship? That’s crazy talk.”
Snopes is a leftist gaslighting nozzle; always quick to tell us what our lying eyes didn’t see.
I remember the first time an office mate of mine said she checked with snopes and I was wrong with whatever I just said. I said really? what sources did they quote to prove their decision? She stared at me for a few seconds, then said, they don’t reveal that. I laughed and laughed and told her well, MY SOURCES say Snopes are assh*les…
They’re cat people. That explains it.
their cover story is that Melinda is Catholic and wears the upside cross to honor Peter who chose to be crucified upside down.
not buying it, just reporting it…lol
Honoring St. Peter in that way is NOT a Catholic practice.
don’t mean to do anything else other than report what THEY’RE saying it is…
That is BS!
perhaps they are hoping Catholics won’t notice or speak out about their deception…
Yup. COVER. I agree.
… well she ain’t purdy … 😑🤚 …?itemid=15293608
… 🧐👎🏻 … and what Will Wonka said ..
… but Hell, for eternity …
All God’s creation responds with … bite this Melissa .. 😖🤢 .. 😬🤨🔽🔽 …
… 🧐⁉️ … argh 😖 … crummy youtube link … 🥺 …
…. 😃👍 …. I can dream can’t I ❓ … 🙂🤚❤️ ..
… well well … heh 😏 heh 😏 .. Bob’s your uncle .. 🤨😉
What Does “Bob’s Your Uncle” Mean? – wiseGEEK
Search domain
“Bob’s your uncle” is a saying that originated in England and is in use throughout the former British Commonwealth countries, including Canada. The phrase means “there you have it” or “simple as that.” It generally is used to emphasize how easy something is to do. For example, when asked how to ..
I was not all that hep on seat belts until there was a story I read in…..maybe the mid-70s….where a guy set out to end it all, was speeding down the highway, got up to highway speeds and intentionally steered into a bridge abutment…..and woke up with rescue personnel cutting him out of the car because he had reflexively buckled-up.
His first thought was, “how stupid of me — if I hadn’t buckled my seatbelt, my suicide would have succeeded.” But that lead him to thinking, “what other stupid things have I done lately out of habit?” Which, in turn, lead to a whole lot of rethinking.
It lead me to think that it would be a good habit to have, so I practiced until it was part of getting into the car, and it didn’t feel right if I didn’t (which is what I also did about having my keys in my left front pocket and wallet in right front pocket).
Freaking WordStress. This belongs ^^^^
hubby hated seat belts and resisted wearing one. then one morning he saw an accident minutes after it happened. a truck collided with a car going around a curve. the guy in the truck was not wearing a belt and he flew thru the window and hit a tree…the guy in the car was wearing his belt and survived with minor injuries.
hubby has worn his belt ever since.
Look – I get the contrarian viewpoint as much as the next person. However, wearing a seat belt is not one. When you have family in friends in law enforcement, you know what you know. Seat belts save lives and saving lives reduces economic, emotional, society, etc. costs overall. Logic tells me that if I hit something hard or roll a vehicle that natural laws kick in that will cause me to be injured or die more often if I do not wear a seat belt. To me that’s not a liberty issue because of the effect it has on others and society in general. If you go into a slide, have to make an evasive maneuver, etc., you are much more likely to be able to come out of it if you are firmly seated in place than if you are being tossed around inside or outside of a vehicle. The ability to control the vehicle better and longer may save others’ lives and property damage in addition to your own life. So, if my and other citizens’ liberties are impacted by the law, so be it. There are laws to not murder, steal, vandalize, etc. Should we eliminate them as well?
Masks work to protect others, not yourself. They harm you with all of the CO2 and bacteria retention. If you are proven to not be infected, don’t wear it. If you don’t know, wearing or not wearing is situational. If you are around older or immunity depleted individuals, wear it. If not or you don’t care about anybody but yourself, don’t wear it. None of this is as hard as the media and “experts” are making it out to be. Since it is situational and of unproven value to society, a law to wear it cannot be enforced. That does not stop the leftists from trying, but is easy to fend off legally.
all good points!
I am so embarrassed that it took me until 2020 to realize that the FBI had the parallel red stripes on their logo.
As a fresher, I went into this long tangent last year about three parallel stripes being cabal symbolism and ultimately connected to Shiva. Mad at myself for not catching the FBI’s stripes until now.
Madonna’s house:
Epstein Stripes (okay, they’re blue, but it fits with theme theme)
good catch!
So does the US Flag.
hmm that’s right too…
That’s the basic design we used on the back of half dollars and quarters from 1808 to 1891, and on dimes from 1808-1837. (As well as silver dollars 1840-1873 and half dimes from 1808-1837.) Similar eagles showed on the next design of quarter and half dollar through 1916. And the eagle on today’s half dollar has solid vertical stripes and a solid top (a bit of a cheat).
The grouped vertical lines on the shield are heraldic notation for “red” when one is doing a pen-and-ink (or pencil) drawing of a design. The horizontal lines on the shield across its top are heraldic notation for “blue.”
Honestly, if you insist on reacting to every use of red parallel lines as somehow indication of evil, you’re in for a lot of unnecessary pain.
Amazon/Bezos/Wapo has got the ^^Crony Journalists^^ singing their praises.
The above ☝️ tweets were in the replies to this one.👇
The world has become a dark and evil place.
Even Michael Voris is upset this morning.
This is from a couple days ago. He’s been kind of quiet since.
If you put a compilation of the last few days of Vortexes and other offerings from CM, including a commentary I accessed via twitter, but don’t see on the main website (I’ll put the tweet below), I get the idea that the informal alliance forged among the Traditionally minded was targeted for division, and some elements – not Voris or CM – were somewhat seduced. It was sneaky, that’s for sure. And Voris has had enough.
I suppose one must keep a sense of humor to get through these times.
I answered him as the tune they used in the parody is Dan Schutte’s “Here I Am, Lord,” that Joncas is a much better composer, not that that is saying much.
damn straight it is!
Actually it is SEDITION!
18 U.S. Code § 2384.Seditious conspiracy
10 U.S. Code § 894.Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition
Actually this is VERY IMPORTANT.
#1. The leftists will ding you on the use of the wrong law.
#2. President Trump is using the word TREASON. That means he has evidence of not just sedition but of outright TREASON that has not been revealed yet.
18 U.S. Code § 2381.Treason
This goes back to the Hillary e-mail scandal, The Uranium One deal & Kerry/Obama and the Iran deal. There must be a lot more going on that we do not yet know given the Demon-Rat and CCP outright panic.
Spot on, Gail. We get hung up on what we know currently. That may only be about the size of a postage stamp on a large envelope.
Trust PDT. Promises made, promises kept.
That is certainly the feeling I get.
So..given what we do know…I don’t think we can call the News Media “treasonous” but merely seditious. There’s still a missing paper trail.
However, we are able to call some politicians and government workers/appointees treasonous.
And by “we” I mean us on this board. Most of the general public still has no idea.
Sounds like a good thing to do.
Text of Secret Service tweet:
If you live near Cape Canaveral, FL, the Secret Service & our partners have established a temporary “No Drone Zone” today, May 27th for the launch event.
wow this beotch won’t quit…she is so desperate for attention…
Deranged Hollywood star Kathy Griffin suggested on Twitter that someone should stab President Trump with an air-filled syringe.
“Syringe with nothing but air inside,” she wrote. “It would do the trick. F*** TRUMP.”
That someone was…Jim Acosta.
She was telling Acosta to do that because he is sometimes in close proximity to our President!
This seems like a good reason to kick Acosta out of the press room, if you ask me.
and to incarcerate Griffin for advocating for someone to harm POTUS.
Yes! absolutely.
Only if it appears he’s planning to take her seriously.
Wheatie, I could tell you to assassinate person X, but that’s no reason you should be denied access to X, though perhaps I should be. If it were otherwise I could pretty much control who you have access to by suggesting you bump them off if I don’t want you near them.
That being said, Acosta has given plenty of cause to be kicked out of the press room, with about 50 others right behind him.
Depending where it hits that can be DEADLY! I hope the Secret service pays her a visit because she just advocated assassinating a President of the United States.
Finally, coming to the case air-bubble in syringe. (Because your question also had injecting air in vein, so that was first).
In 2013 nobody (WITHOUT A MALICIOUS INTENT) would deliberately inject air.
We give shots to our animals so we have to be very careful about entrapped air in the syringe.
Gregg Jarrett
May 24
Judge in Flynn case hired an attorney to represent him in appeals court review of his actions. This is not allowed because Judge Sullivan is not a party or respondent. He is not entitled to have counsel make an appearance. The circuit court ordered Sullivan himself to respond.
Gregg Jarrett
May 24
Moreover, if Sullivan discussed his thoughts about the case with private counsel, hasn’t he engaged in improper “ex parte” communications about a pending case on which he has not yet ruled?
legal beagles here…a little help? what is improper ex parte mean?
Tom Fitton
BREAKING: Judge Sullivan’s lawyer is providing pro bono (free) legal representation to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in Clinton/Mills desperate appeal to avoid testifying to @JudicialWatch
Nothing could possibly go wrong here???
is right
Man finds 83 ballots shipped to single address in his apt building
via @MailOnline
I sent a comment to the White House yesterday about this, I don’t know how to copy tweets so I could not sent the photo.
I also inquired about the hand held thermometers, if they are battery operated, how many temps could be taken on a set of batteries and still be accurate; is calibration ever necessary and performed by who?
well one thing for sure…POTUS knows how to capture the attention of the public. he tweets about mail in voter fraud—predictably Twitter/Dems go crazy saying he’s wrong–then his supporters provide and ferret out examples proving him right.
he draws attention to the problem.,,and BOOM! more regular folks see it too!
China has moved 5,000 troops to India’s border. More protests in Hong Kong erupting due to CCP takeover. Not only is Chyna talking about a Cold War with the US, but yesterday Xi said he is preparing their military for war with us. They are desperate for a war, any war….WuFlu distraction. POTUS fixing to spank em hard any day. Can’t wait!!
The ChiComs have been waging a Trade War against us for decades.
And they’ve been winning…until Pres Trump took the helm.
A “Cold War”?
A Cold War would be better!
We had a Cold War with Soviet Russia for decades…and it left them broke!
Not us. Them.
Right now, all the nations that have been hurt by this ChiComVirus wants a piece of their hide.
And the ChiComs have spread their investments out all over the world.
They are financially vulnerable.
It takes money to fight a military war…and lots of it.
They won’t be able to back up their bluster.
“It takes money to fight a military war…and lots of it.”
Yes. They needed seed money. Don’t forget that. Or that we did not have trade or anything else with China until Nixon for most of the 20th century.
They Chinese are the conduit. There’s somebody(ies) above them pulling the strings.
IKR? It makes them look so small, desperate, and weak. Only attracts more attention and turning the world further against them, as if WuFlu isn’t bad enough. Right now they’re actively loudly threatening all at once…. US, Australia, India, Hong Kong, UK…I’m sure there’s more. The devil always overplays his hand.
Dad’s on the war path this morning.
Can’t blame him!
And RIGHTLY so! GO DAD!! All these little gnatty gnats…annoying….especially when he’s got more important MAGA (and world saving) tasks to focus on. Where’s the meme of POTUS warrior smash blasting down all these little fools before breakfast???
Speaking of voter fraud…
And speaking of baby parts…
And the booms go on.
Also in that fox news article:
Fox News has learned that Grenell also completed the declassification review of other documents related to the origins of the Russia probe — including one that a senior intelligence official told Fox News was “very significant in understanding how intelligence was manipulated to support launching the Russia investigation.”
Thanks. I needed that.