Dear KAG: 20200528 Open Thread

To celebrate America’s return to space even if the weather didn’t cooperate, here’s a little launch music.

As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, news flashes, WuFlu updates, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Since it is almost the weekend, the reminders are in place to not swing from the chandeliers, wash your hands and face, marinate the ribs, and be nice to the liberals whether they deserve it or not. Making your bed, OTOH, is optional.

And now for a little weekend warm-up dance music to blare in the neighborhood or at the state capitol of your choice.


JN 17:20-26

Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed saying:
“I pray not only for these,
but also for those who will believe in me through their word,
so that they may all be one,
as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
that they also may be in us,
that the world may believe that you sent me.
And I have given them the glory you gave me,
so that they may be one, as we are one,
I in them and you in me,
that they may be brought to perfection as one,
that the world may know that you sent me,
and that you loved them even as you loved me.
Father, they are your gift to me.
I wish that where I am they also may be with me,
that they may see my glory that you gave me,
because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
Righteous Father, the world also does not know you,
but I know you, and they know that you sent me.
I made known to them your name and I will make it known,
that the love with which you loved me
may be in them and I in them.”

Here’s to avoiding speed traps and liberal Karens empowered by the nanny state who feel they must lecture the rest of us on proper social distancing and decorum.

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Bonus question: How many riots must take place before the counter-protests start?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Will there be any counter-riots?


Answering a question with a question is not authorized. Go back three spaces.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, but I’ll still be to the right of Attila the Hun, by about 26 spaces.






I thought it was back one space, loss of down, and you must exchange one of your players (their choice) with one from the opposing team (your choice). Have they changed the rules again???




The rules are subject to change without notice




Ooookaaaaay, Jack. Go with that. It’s still playing Speech Police. 🚔👮‍♂️🚨


They’re squirming big time. Now they’ve gone and edited. Isn’t that something a PUBLISHER would do??? Replies are awesome. “SELL TWITTER STOCK” 😂


“Isn’t that something a PUBLISHER would do???”
Sure seems like it.


Guess who owns a Huge Chunk of Twitter stock?
That would be…Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
Or Dopey Prince Alwaleed, as our VSG calls him.comment image
Prince Alaweed absolutely hates our President.
Alaweed is a bag guy.
Prince MBS arrested his sorry ass and kept him locked up for awhile, back in the Fall of 2017.
I wish he had kept him locked up!
Alaweed has said that he will “never sell” his stock in Twitter.
I’d like to see Twitter crash and burn, just on that basis alone…but there are other reasons, too.


edit…*Alaweed is a bad guy.
Although he’s probably a ‘bag’ guy too.


MBS relieved him of most of his loot. Left him with twitter. Bwahahahah


So, Otis Day and The Knights. I just asked driller-son if he’s seen animal house (hoping he hasn’t). He has, …darn. Best thing about having kids sometimes is being able to watch classic movies with ’em for their 1st time.


Try Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein — neither could probably be made today.


Or the original Bad News Bears.


I watch Young Frankenstein every Halloween!!!!
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and comedy should just make you laugh. everything doesn’t need to be over analyzed…


Lol, blazing saddles is one of my favorites. I’ll have to see if he’s watched young Frankenstein, haven’t seen that one in years.


DOJ will be standing up for Flynn next week.


can’t wait to read or hear what they have to say!
one more time for the cheap seats!


F*kn Jack


Nice. And gotchya 👍


No, I will not leave your liberal shilling employees out of this, Jack. Not by a long shot.
They are simply an extension of who you are.

Gail Combs

If Jack is protecting that employee who was ‘outed’ then it is a sign to ‘DIG HERE’ because normal action by a corporation would be to fire his rump and say ‘SEE problem gone’

Cuppa Covfefe

That employee has a lot of “baggage” to say the least. Basically calling VSGPDJT a Nazi, and a ton of other toxic vitriol. I think it was mentioned on another thread here (I should have noted it down, darn)…
Looks like #JacksInTheBox now…


wait? didn’t Jack’s fact-checkers take that on line course “Discerning the truth in today’s troubled world” offered by Snopes?

Cuppa Covfefe

And the obligatory hit the road, @Jack:


Elise is on it!

@jack has just opened a whole can of whoop-a$$ on himself….kinda like those bomb makers in Syria who blow themselves up and those rockets in Gaza of which 80% fall back in Gaza.


They are throwing everything at this election as q said.


I knew tru dat!


Did he even die? It all seems ff


no accident

Cuppa Covfefe

ANTIFA and BLM are both funded by Satan Soros and his “Open Society” slithering foundations…
( http://www.discoverthenetworks has more on Gyorgi Boy )…


Armed men standing guard against looters.
Never give up your guns never
Stopped them on stl.


Here ya go…
Hafta take the ‘mobile’ out of the url for it to post on WP.


ahh thank you, I wondered what the problem was


Yep and homeowners and biz insurance DOES NOT cover during riots or looting. Anything that biz loses is gone. Target and auto zone couldnt give a flying rip. These little businesses will lose it all.


That’s a great musical score from the Apollo 13 movie.
I also loved this music from the HBO series ‘From The Earth To The Moon’:

This is the best series that HBO has ever done, IMO.
No blood and guts.
No sex scenes.
Just lots of good pro-space-exploration stuff.

Deplorable Patriot

Audiences don’t always realize how much the scores add to the movie experience. But they do. I used to get the recordings of the scores to use as background music as I worked. John Williams, Danny Elfman, Bill Conti…good stuff.


Danny Elfman!
He’s done some brilliant compositions, IMO.
I even liked his Oingo Boingo stuff too, before he went to studio work.


Danny Elfman?


Oh yes, absolutely…a musical score can make or break a movie.
Bill Conti’s theme for The Right Stuff was brilliant.
And Danny Elfman!
I’ve been a fan since his Oingo Boingo days.
He’s done some amazing work on movie soundtracks.
Also a fan of Basil Poledouris and Ennio Morricone.


Hmm…that’s weird.
I replied to DePat’s comment before, but it wasn’t showing up so I replied again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still like to listen to the LOTR soundtracks.
The only thing about the original “Star Wars” movie (eventually retitled “Episode IV: A New Hope” that Lucas was actually happy with was the score. He’s pretty much fiddled (pun intended–duh) with the rest of it over the years.

Deplorable Patriot

Did I tell you I was in the chorus when “The Fellowship of the Rings” was done live to projection here? I was behind the percussion, as usual, and my score had notes that said, “Giant Squid” “earplugs in” “earplugs out”. Never did that before.


Was perusing the OT and encountered a comment that got a laugh out of me. Excerpt:
“Bill Barr could walk across the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool carrying the severed heads of Comey and Brennan in his hands and they would be grumbling about how Grenell could have done it better. And faster. With more heads.”


Yep that’s pretty much the state of things!


that’s brilliant!


BLM activated in Memphis now.


Of course they are..native Memphian here
I guess we’ll all find out if the curve was flattened unless among the paid agitators they bring their own CV positives with them to juice 2 narratives at one time


Yes, George Soros has his morons out in force. It’s about time to declare BLM and Antifa terrorists and start arresting them and their paymaster.


Or maybe we should go to Soros’ house and start tearing up his stuff.


That’s not social distancing…
And just like that the virus is no more!


This has got DNC dark ops fingerprints all over it.
It’s like it has been…planned.
Can’t help but wonder if that cop who held the guy down with his knee, was MK’d to do it.


Didn’t someone say he had a number of complaints against him? Add the fact that it was filmed…


2 cops were rookies, the ones you dont see.
The vietnamese cop already paid a use of force claim, or at least his dept did, 2 years ago and has multiple complaints. The kneeler has been in 3 shootings with multiple complaints but hes been a cop almost 20 years too. Theres going to be issues with him. 20 years and he isnt a seargent? No special teams, no nothing? He will have more going on professionally.
That dept needs an lapd style federal takeover for cortuption, incompetence, and use of force .


Right?! Maybe it went too far..maybe only supposed to police brutality, promised a nice bonus for after getting fired?


What is the basic non msm story here anyway?


6 minutes.
He held Floyd down with his knee for…6 minutes.
That’s a long time in that situation!
It’s like the cop was in a trance or something.


Ok thanks!
Why did they arrest him? Just wondering.


I haven’t heard what it was…
But apparently Floyd ‘resisted arrest’ and that’s why they tackled him.


Have heard he was not compliant getting into the police car. Dunno about that.
Saw a brief clip before e was on the ground with the cops knee and body weight on his neck.
He was sitting or standing against a store front. Very compliant and docile.
Sure the dead guy did something wrong. He 100% did nor deserve to be choked to death…IMO, murdered.


He was supposedly passing off a forged check for cash or purchase at a corner market.


He should have been held down long enough to get the cuffs on him and say: “you are under police arrest. If you get on your feet, I will knock you back off of them — and you may be hurt in the fall. If you flop around on the ground and get into traffic, I will push you back out of traffic and you might get road burn. If you sit quietly, you’ll soon figure out what smart people do in your situation.” *standing up* “I’ll even give you a friendly hint — it involves getting to the station and getting the damned cuffs off.”
Admittedly, I’ve never been a cop or a brawler, but I don’t see how prolonged contact with the ground is in the cop’s best interest, either.
And to use a paraphrase of Heinlein that I’ve been using for over forty years —
There are five grades of cops: Gentlemen; Keepers of the Peace; Cops; Pigs; and Assholes.
Some localities have no better than grade 4. I have met some of the highest grade in Santa Barbara (when I lived there) and here in Santa Clara.


Patience, wisdom, respect, and good training.


….and when I lived in Santa Clarita or Ventura County, never encountered better than grade 3.


MK? Maybe, but the other 3 watched and did nothing. Buddies protecting one another? I think DNC lucked into a crisis. They were wanting lockdown riots, but this one fell into their laps. Don’t waste it.
I’ve seen 3 videos, the last long video with knee on neck, I couldn’t get through, it’s horrible. The one at the beginning where George is cuffed and he gets up off the sidewalk. And then there’s a middle video not getting much play – George is cuffed and cop is trying to put him in back of SUV. He starts resisting and another cop comes over. Both cops are struggling trying to get him in backseat. Missing is how he transitions from that struggle to the ground. Doesn’t matter, even if he was resisting, that knee was excessive. Prolonged pressure on neck was deadly.


Yep, I agree…excessive.
Floyd was cuffed.
Just putting him on the ground, face down, would’ve been enough!


Maybe it was Ted Williams (cop) timed it, 7+ minutes of pressure on carotid artery/windpipe. Also said that knee on neck is NOT standard police training/normal detention maneuver. Bad cop. They need to go ahead and at least arrest cop to calm the crowds down. The longer they see nothing happening the longer riots will persist. We’re up to 3 cities now. Floyd was from Houston, anticipating riots here. Protesters want speedy justice, which we all know it doesn’t work that way. An arrest may calm them down some and send them home to wait?


Guess who is the Atty Gen in MN…
Keith Ellison.
Uber leftist and muslim, Keith Ellison.
Calm things down?
He probably *doesn’t want* to calm things down.
He appears towards the end of that “Minneapolis Park Police” video that I posted below.
And Ellis doesn’t sound like he’s in any hurry to arrest those cops.
The Dems want this chaos.
They want the distraction.


2 cops you dont see have only been officers for a year. They were still on probation.
The kneeler was the senior officer there, 19 years on. HE was leading them. They probably didnt understand what was happening and were too scared ti speak up.
Very very badly teained dept.
Remember…they hired and promoted an incompetent somali as a token minority hire who murdered an Aussie.


Considering how easily senior cop was able to get Floyd out of his car and into cuffs to sit against store front, everything is suspect. Fairly sure we just witnessed our false flag using an easy target or useful dupe who got a bit more than he bargained for at worse.
Everything in the state from State AG Ellison, to mayor and on down should not be trusted and I’d hope the FBI assets doing the investigation are from out of state and have someone POTUS can trust watching over their shoulder.




Funny how its in major cities? Chicago next?


Shoulda had a V8 or a snickers instead of trying to loot

“Looters will be shot.” 👈That used to be one of those things that was just ‘understood’.


When small biz was the main component to the economy yep. Big biz lets them loot.

Gail Combs

Pawn shops, at least around here, have FIRE ARMS so yeah, the owner is going to be trying to keep the looters from grabbing all those guns.


Alright, come on already! How many times do we have to….


Someone with Twitter send this to judicial watch and the RNC. Maybe donjr?
So sick of this! We must NOT let them win!


Ha ha! Thomas Wictor (Carlos Osweda) tells Ted Lieu what a moron he is:

Here is the whole thread:


That’s a keeper!
Please let it happen.


Oh, yeah, commandeer all of Twatter…..and put Ric Grenell on it!!!!


Interesting to see if POTUS uses FCC clause under Emergency declaration. He COULD do that with an EO. Come on tomorrow, get here already!! 😁


I think it’s interesting that FCC Commissioner, Brendan Carr, was on several shows Wednesday night…on Fox and also on the enemedia channels.
I like him, btw.
Seems like a really good guy.


Brendan Carr is someone I have followed on Twitter and he is bold! As soon as the President gives the FCC authority, he and Ajit Pai will enforce.


Love that mans posts


I just rewatched JAWS on Memorial Day…so now every time I see POTUS, I won’t be hearing Hail to the Chief…I’ll be hearing the theme from JAWS….LOL


This is from left field right now but I’d forget where this was if I didn’t drop it now. Interesting, sad and infuriating if true.


I’m questioning so many things nowadays. Totally infuriating, if true.

Gail Combs

I know so many families with autistic kids. My favorite cousin’s boy (I only have 4) my nephew’s girl, my girl friend’s daughter….
“…The latest estimate of autism prevalence—1 in 68—is up 30 percent from the 1 in 88 rate reported in 2008, and more than double the 1 in 150 rate in 2000. In fact, the trend has been steeply upward since the early 1990s, not only in the U.S. but globally…” — Scientific American looking at CDC numbers.


I’m no expert but there sure seems to be some correlation.


The diagnosis of autism has changed. Autism used to be no language, no interpersonal interreaction.
Now autism is recognised as a spectrum where you get the classic autism to Aspergers ie obsessive-compulsive with limited social skills


Now that everything is either looted or burned down:


This video mentions that the officers were responding to a call about “a customer trying to pass a counterfeit bill at a South Minneapolis market”:


Some background on the 4 officers:


Funny how the peaceful protesters can find the cops house but Antifa types who destroy property can’t.


Regarding the rope swing gif…..I wonder if her grip fails, the handle snaps, or the rope actually breaks.
I always try to follow the observation:
Stupid people don’t learn.
Regular people learn from their mistakes.
Smart people learn from the mistakes of other people…
And, yes, there is a local company once named: “Failure Analysis Associates” (now called “Exponent” because they were infiltrated by marketing people).


That is so weird!!! Did it strike anyone else as bizarre?
WordStress did a line break at a forward slash (also known as a virgule) — normal, the line went over the character limit for a line and it’s bad form to break in the middle of text blocks. But it didn’t do it after “/wiki”, it did it after “.org”.
We know that it’s always trying to parse text to post videos and such, but it clearly favors leaving the predicate of a website url together. Hmmm…..


And now…there is no line break in that url, at all.
Which again, is bizarre.


When I squeezed and expanded the page (after your comment), it would either keep the url together, drop the url to a separate line, split the url after the .org, or when you smoosh it to where its column is about 20 characters wide [at that level of indent] chop it randomly. It would never cut after “.org/wiki/”. Yet another quirk.


Brendan Carr, our FCC Commissioner, talks about China and about censorship on social media.

“I think there is a range of actions that we can take…”
Brendan Carr, 👆talking about the censorship that’s going on.


I think it is important to note something that was documented late in yesterday’s thread. The Plannedemic was INTERNATIONAL, it is DEADLY, it is MANAGED for MAXIMUM DAMAGE, and some of our “allies” are all-in.
et seq
Not that I should imply we don’t have our own genocidal scum.
Pension crisis? We can’t renege on our financial promises without looking bad, so let’s run a plague through some nursing homes…..and deny everyone medications that the WHO declared “essential” back when their paychecks weren’t denominated in Yuan.


A quick ground report . . . Recent visit to the discount grocer.
Most of the “socialist distancing” stickers and plexiglass still in place, lots of masks . . . but the overall feel is much more relaxed now than it was weeks ago.
Much more relaxed. I had my “Karen Prevention System” in place, lest I have to breath the noxious atmosphere emitted by busy-bodies. But I made sure my nose had plenty of clearance. Nobody noticed. Nobody cared.
I’m annoyed that every grocer rearranged their stores. Like they hoped we wouldn’t recognize what they were doing.
Nevermind. Generally the store was well stocked. The meat section had been picked over on Tuesday night but well stocked again on Wednesday morning. There was a wide variety and selection to choose from, though there was a limit two per variety.
Most importantly, the seasoned fajita meat was in stock, limit 2. Naturally I arranged to get 6 of the beef, as well as two cilantro-lime seasoned chicken.
As I was leaving I noticed that there was significantly less variety in the fajita meat section.
It took a significant act of willpower to NOT cook fajitas for dinner tonight . . .
Mexican food is practically religion in Texas. Good seasoned fajita meat, or even a nice cut of skirt steak is necessary to maintain culinary continuity. One of my favorite past times is to invite friends over for dinner and torture them with fajitas so delicious that they lose all willpower and self-control to say no. Skillet cooked over a gas stove you still get an authentic flavor, but it fills the kitchen with the aroma of freshly cooked meat that is impossible for any stomach to ignore.
The boy is now old enough to appreciate good fajitas. Translation: The boy is now eating into our supply of fajita meat. It’s one thing if the middle girl opts for some fajita beef – she could eat her fill and you wouldn’t even notice any had been taken. The boy, however . . . and he’s still pre-teen . . .
Keep an eye on the hobbitses . . . they’re trixy . . .
Prices have gone up significantly. That said, our volume of purchases is higher per trip than in previous months. The selection and variety suggest that, even if illusory, the Soviet Shopping Paradise experience is now in the past. Presuming the riot$ don’t destroy more stores, product, and supply chains.
Dang. RIOT$. During a pandemic. Sounds like something out of Soylent Green – “food riots”. But no, just your run of the mill $oro$ funded garbage.
I also picked up a whole bird chicken. In the past we’d drop the bird in the crock pot with some tangy sauce for a quick and easy meal. Any leftover chicken goes well in other dishes – salads, pasta, baked chimichangas . . . But I stumbled on something that’s making us rethink how we cook the bird.
The following article has some really good information – if you can cut through all the targeted PsyOps and, AHEM, get to the “meat” of the issue.
Time to Revive the Roast Chicken
Cooking a whole bird is easy—plus you might not have a choice
Obviously the article in advocacy journalism worked. Well, that’s ok, b/c we’re choosing to pay attention to something that could benefit us and be a creational exercise, like journalism traditionally used to be.
If something as simple as putting a quarter of a lemon or an onion in the heart of the bird could bring out that much flavor and more importantly help the meat retain its moisture, it would be totally worth it.
Plus there is a lot to be said for technique over recipes, provided one can master technique.


I love fajitas too!
And I actually prefer roast chicken to roast turkey.
An onion inside, is the way I’ve been roasting chickens for decades…it makes a big difference.
For larger chickens, use two onions and cut them in chunks.
When roasting wild foul, such as duck or pheasant…I recommend stuffing the body cavity with chunks of apple.
It takes the ‘gamey’ flavor out and adds a nice aftertaste to the meat.
I took a look at the FreeBeacon article about roasting a chicken.
And…450 degrees?
That is much hotter than I have ever heard of for cooking a chicken.
325 to 375 is the temperature range for most poultry…because higher temps tend to dry out the outer layers before it’s cooked all the way through.
The article is right about smaller chickens tending to be more tender.
But! If you slow-cook the larger ones at 325, they turn out pretty darn tender.


There are a few split temp tricks — a low temp breast-down for most of the roasting time, followed by a higher temp breast-up to crisp works well. And, BTW, I played with all sorts of BS about “turkey lifters” and “roll plates” and “use tongs”….until I got a pair of ORCA silicone gloves — GRAB that bad boy and flip him over!


All cooking involves tradeoffs — and, as such, involves a certain amount of situational awareness that is being systematically beaten out of people. For multi-hour projects, there are certain observation points and decision points where you can dramatically inflect the outcome (the same is true in something as simple as a pan-fry, but it’s much more obvious in a longer project).
Essentially all of cooking is forcing the ingredients to succumb to your will. Naturally, you must first understand the ingredients — and if following a classic pattern, understand the parameters of that pattern. A wonderful example is coq au vin……it is meant as a final sendoff for older hens long past their egglaying days. If you make it with a standard fryer, it will never be as rich, and the meat will be over-stewed. You should understand which herbs and spices should be introduced at the beginning of a process, and which introduced shortly before plating. You can see where it is advantageous to use fresh mushrooms to be sauteed, and where it is better to use dried mushrooms revived with port.
It very much helps to know some science behind the scenes — the maillard reaction and caramelization, in particular (and know the difference), but also the particulars for smoking, fermenting, stewing, and emulsifying. But, in the end, it’s a performance art and you end up with something on a plate.
That everyone around the table consumes, and generally ends up in toilets within 24 hours. And then you get to try again.


Oh, and…the way to tell when your bird is done, is when the drumsticks are no longer firmly attached.
Just grasp the bone and give it a little bit of a twist.
If the meat pulls away from the bone…then it’s done.
If not…then cook for another 15 min, test again…repeat as necessary.
And just like with roasting a turkey, with the larger chickens it’s good to loosely cover them with foil for the first half of the cooking time.

Gail Combs

If I cook a whole bird it gets ‘stuffed’ with quartered onions +/or lemons +/or oranges (duck)
Yesterday I found a large bag of leg quarters @ $0.59/lbs. So those got after washing got layered in pyrex dishes, then liberally sprinkled with spices, a tablespoon or so of white Riesling wine, covered and then into an oven @ 300F for a couple of hours. Sometimes I will add chopped onions and mushrooms. too.
We ate one of the quarters yesterday and today I will de-bone the rest of the meat and pop the bones into freezer bags to save for making soup. (WHY would you roast the bones at 200F and drive all the flavor out???)
And Kosher salt? No IODIZED SALT if you are going to use salt.

Sadie Slays

I forgot to do social distancing thing entirely on my last few shopping trips out. It wasn’t even intentional. It was as I was leaving the store that I realized, “Oh yeah, I was supposed to do that. Whoops.” Nobody complained.


I’m hoping that this is not a revelation to you, but part of working with chile powders is getting the right blend. You should have (as a minimum) powdered pasilla, california, new mexico (hot), cayenne, and paprika available to you. You can expand off of that with hungarian paprika, smoked paprika, de arbol, and chipotle. They are all very different, and work into a dish very differently by how they are treated (e.g. part of a breading vs. part of a sauce). You can introduce each early or late, in liquid or sprinkles, etc. It may be surprising to many that heat is not the predominant effect.


We’ve been working with different types, but we’re by no means experts with chile powders yet. My wife is far more knowledgeable than I am. There are a lot of hispanic grocers in the area with abundant inexpensive spices, so we have a lot of opportunity for experimentation that we wouldn’t have in other regions. I’ve had to learn about the difference types of paprika.
My wife is a good cook – of course she admits she’s not exceptional, but it seems that so many people have so little experience that even a little basic knowledge today makes an enormous difference. In my peer group I know there are a handful who have experience but most do not. It seems like it doesn’t take much to really stand out these days. But maybe the present circumstances will serve as motivation 😉

Deplorable Patriot

“it seems that so many people have so little experience that even a little basic knowledge today makes an enormous difference.”
One time my sister said to me, even with as little as you know about cooking, you’re more knowledgeable than 95% of the population.
She who makes the most bland arroz con pollo known to man actually said that to me.

Gail Combs

Want to know WHY the riots all of a sudden?
Brian Cates tells us — The FIRST DOMINO IS ABOUT TO FALL.

Ever since Jensen surfaced to hand off those sealed documents to @SidneyPowell1 you’ve watching the unfolding of the preparation for THE BIG REVEAL:
they **unsealing** of the indictment of the CRIMINAL LEAKER of the Flynn/Kislyak intercepts.

Remember, while Grenell is declassifying this stuff on one end, USA EDMO Jeffrey Jensen is currently **inside the FBI HQ on the 7th floor** where he is, with the assistance of the Internal Affairs Division, looking for more evidence in the Flynn case.
INSD does not fool around and they are never sent anywhere just for show.
We may get the unsealing of this indictment before the week is out, at the rate things were going….


I’m voting for . . . Brennan.
Or a Brennan crony acting under orders.
Which still means Brennan.
Simply b/c we have reason to suspect a major drop 1) about intelligence gathering sources, and Brennan is directly responsible for the “raw intelligence” and tried to firewall himself by handing it off to the FBI and passing the buck to them 2) Brennan is also being pointed to for a major drop about the CIA’s role in this 3) I feel like too many of the details/hints have been slow dripped toward the same conclusion from different directions, kind of like how Stefan Halper emerged from the shadows in May 2018.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great thread, Gail. Some more great threads from him:

“I suspect that on or by June 3 we’re going to learn that this guy not only launched Crossfire Hurricane with no real evidence, he’s also the affiant of the Carter Page warrant.”

“The battlefield is ready. The combatants on our side are moving into position.
3 1/2 years of careful prep coming out into the open.
Stuff will start dropping so fast we will all be struggling to KEEP UP.”

“Well there goes that useless clueless blowhard bluffing out of his piehole again!” – all the concern trolls & bad faith Conservative pundits who just spent months telling you Trump was blind to/wasn’t taking any action on social media censorship.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, May 28, 2020

“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.”
John 15:9 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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Good Thursday Morning to you Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!


Hey, Pat! Got coffee – need fresh, hot cup – Please – Thanks!
Have a Happy, Blessed Day, Dear! * Big Hug *


and to you!!!comment image


Oh, thanks so much! Looks yummy and comes complete with a hug and a smile – PERFECT!!! * SMILING *


smiling backcomment image


* Cute *


thanks…it was my younger days…lol




I see that picture and I hear “who’s a good girl?”


Most definitely – long past that – lol

Sadie Slays

I wrote this eight days ago. Now we’ve got riots in a state that the Trump campaign is focusing on.comment image


If their false flags begin to work and things begin to spin out of control, the billionaires and their assets that support this stuff need to be the primary t…concern anything else secondary. Until they feel the pain this likely does not stop.


If these people weren’t so predictable I’d say you were prescient 😉
But they know they’re cornered, don’t they? Divert and distract is pretty much all they have left.


Something similar going on at a smaller level down here in neighboring San Antonio. Small Business’s that support the cities draconian measures that demand masks and social distancing and other measures will be awarded not just placards for their store front windows certifying their Lab Bat Safety Status to the public but will also be awarded contracts and other favors for working with the socialist scum that makes up SA’s city government.


So……. Biden’s campaign is moot.
They trying carrot and tick


Yes, starved the nonessential business’s all half to death first and then now comes the carrot or stick.


No essential my ass. It was small and middle business, not big stores that donate to politicians.

70% of migrants are not qualified as genuine refugees.
Wtf?! Surely it’d be 99%

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First pass through the data–the 70% who were so transparently obviously not qualified. The other 29% did a better job of faking it, and it will take a slightly deeper dig to find out.
speculation, but I’ll hold to it for now.




Big revelation from exit interview with ⁦@RichardGrenell⁩

Gail Combs

“….A senior Trump administration official said ODNI and the National Security Council staff until recently were two repositories of resistance to Mr. Trump and his agenda by people who “felt they had a duty to undermine the elected president of the United States.”….”
A DUTY? A duty to WHO? Obama? — the UN? — the International Oligarchs?
WHO? It is critical we find out the answer to that question.


Exactly – a lot is explained on matters of “duty” when you realize where their loyalty resides.
And if it isn’t with the United States and the Constitution, then that is by definition disloyalty.


Who they owed their duty to, (had sold out their souls and country to) and who they are

Sadie Slays

The only reason I’m sharing this video is because I strongly suspect it’s staged. Reasons why I think it’s staged:
1) The woman is weirdly calm throughout the whole thing like she knows it’s all for show and no real harm will come to her.
2) A real mob willing to beat a woman in a wheelchair would be far more vicious and bloodthirsty. I won’t go into gory details, but it would have been far worse than shoving and “punching” (odd how the chair never tips over and there’s no blood).
3) A later video reveals that the woman is capable of walking. Why remain seated in the chair while being attacked?
The whole thing feels “off” to me, like it was deliberately staged to bait people into further violence and division.


The whole thing from the black guy and this seem very staged.
All false flags.

Sadie Slays

That viral video of the white woman calling the cops on a black man in the park happened a few days ago, too. Yep, the annual “try to start a race war over the summer” campaign is starting early this year.

Linda K Harrison

The black man is on the board of directors of the National Audubon Society in NYC. I wrote an e-mail to the board of directors last night basically telling them I found it unusual that he would be carrying dog treats because this has happened many times before. I inquired if he was policing the park. I also mentioned that perhaps the woman really was afraid and that the reaction of the dog would indicate to me that the dog was in distress based on its reaction to her fear of the man. I said that I felt he should have backed off to allow her to get control of the dog instead of standing his ground to be sure that he enforced the rules of the park which I didn’t think was his job. I also told them that I felt he had no care or concern for the innocent dog and mentioned his position on the board of directors. We shall see if I get a response.


I consider Target to be deeply compromised.
I have some harrowing stories of radical leftist store managers bullying young workers simply for practicing traditional manners like holding the door for someone. Radical trans activists hate the ordinary practice of kindness. Treating people the way they deserve to be treated is “sexist”, who knew?
It is no leap to think a radical leftist store manager allowed this to happen. Probably makes good cover for other shenanigans going on within the location as well.
You know of course they are highly trained and have detailed procedures for EVERY eventuality. They have grab-bag kits for every scenario and usually they are in plain sight in the employee offices. All they have to do is follow procedure – no room for feigning ignorance.

Sadie Slays

I noticed the Leftist social engineering in their weekly circular a few years ago.


Ok..I’m convinced.
I wish, I really wish that black people were aware that they are being used.

Cuppa Covfefe

The DEMONicRATS have been using them for more than a century. Keeping everyone down on the plantation (Looking at YOU Biden, Chappaquiddick Ted, and LBJ) while claiming you’re helping them…
The evil of the DEMONicRATS and the deep state is breathtaking. And must be stopped…..

Sadie Slays

4) Bizarre lack of redness, bruising, cuts, and blood in the “aftermath” video.


If she were sprayed in the face with mace or pepper spray, her face would be red and her eyes watering uncontrollably.

Sadie Slays

Exactly. I look more beat up than this after a day of heavy yard work.


Another study of the virus in Australia believes that it was man made.
No known animal host and ‘almost perfect’ human adaption: Top Australian vaccine scientist reveals how COVID-19’s unique structure means it’s either man-made – or a ‘complete fluke’ of nature


Other term are bio-engineered or lab-altered.
Can viruses also be hybridized – or crossed with other viruses to produce a hybrid 3rd type with characteristics of the first two?
Can viruses be spliced – attaching a protein spike from an aggressive strain of HIV virus onto a classic coronavirus to make it into a more aggressive SARS coronavirus?


Answer: Yes – the genetic modification and alteration of viruses is being performed to be vectors in Gene Therapy and other medical applications.


Quote: “A genetically modified virus is a virus that has been altered or generated using biotechnology methods, and remains capable of infection. Genetic modification involves the directed insertion, deletion, artificial synthesis or change of nucleotide bases in viral genomes. Genetically modified viruses are mostly generated by the insertion of foreign genes intro viral genomes for the purposes of biomedical, agricultural, bio-control, or technological objectives. The terms genetically modified virus and genetically engineered virus are used synonymously.”
In other words – genetic alteration of viruses is common practice nowadays.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Indian study that was taken down said exactly that: a segment of HIV was spliced into a “normal” Corona Virus. It also described the genetic twiddling that had to be done to insert it correctly.
This type of “experimentation” needs to be stopped immediately, until the various bad actors (Gates, Faux-Xi, Satan Soros, and the rest) are sidelined or neutralized.
Gene technik can be very beneficial, but can also cause great harm. At present, the bad guys have their paws (cloven hooves?) in too deep…..
I also worry about “followon effects” where someone twiddles a gene without knowing what processes/cycles depend on it as well… (Just like in Operating-System and Application programming, yanking some code or redfining/re-scoping a variable because it appears to be unused can have unintended consequences – saw a number of cases of that in the Y2K period – quick decisions with bad results)…


Medicine and research with an agenda can be evil itself. Same with politics.

Gail Combs

That dailymail article has a VERY INTERESTING COMMENT…

Lodibran, Perth, Australia, 1 day ago
But then Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina was complaining in 2015 of the ban imposed by US health authorities on work increasing the infectivity and transmissibility of viruses in order to come up with means to combat them. Did the work restart?

The other ‘interesting bit from the article is:
“…Professor Petrovsky claimed scientists were reluctant to discuss the possibility of botched lab experiments or leaks since any backlash could lead to research restrictions and threaten crucial research….”
OK so who is Ralph Baric?
Let’s start with the FauXi connection:

Remdesivir was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. The biopharmaceutical company sought the talents of a research team led by William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology Ralph Baric, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years and pioneered rapid-response approaches for the study of emerging viruses and the development of therapeutics….

Ralph Baric, PhD, is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. He is a Harvey Weaver Scholar from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and an Established Investigator Awardee from the American Heart Association. In addition, he is a World Technology Award Finalist and a fellow of the American Association for Microbiology. He has spent the past three decades as a world leader in the study of coronaviruses and is responsible for UNC-Chapel Hill’s world leadership in coronavirus research. For these past three decades, Dr. Baric has warned that the emerging coronaviruses represent a significant and ongoing global health threat, particularly because they can jump, without warning, from animals into the human population, and they tend to spread rapidly.
The Baric Lab uses coronaviruses as models to study the genetics of RNA virus transcription, replication, persistence, pathogenesis, genetics and cross-species transmission….
In 2017, 2018 and 2019, Dr. Baric was named to Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researchers list, which recognizes researchers from around the world who published the most widely-cited papers in their field. Also in 2017, he was awarded a grant for more than $6 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to accelerate the development of a promising new drug in the fight against deadly coronaviruses, which is currently in clinical trials to reverse COVID-19 disease in humans. In this collaboration, he continued his partnership between the Gillings School and Gilead Sciences Inc. to focus on an experimental antiviral treatment that he had previously shown to prevent the development of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in mice. The drug also was shown to inhibit MERS-CoV and multiple other coronaviruses (CoV), suggesting that it may actually inhibit all CoV. He continues to work with this drug.

The new drug is called EIDD-2801 and can be taken in pill form. I wonder if the CHINESE now have the patent on that too…

….“We had predicted that there were SARS viruses that are poised to move into human populations — the strains that we identified were not the strain that emerged in 2019.
“So it’s been a shock. I was shocked that MERS [Middle East Respiratory Syndrome] virus emerged in 2012 and caused human disease. And then a third one in 2019-2020.
“It’s kind of unprecedented. It suggests that there’s some kind of major change that’s occurred in global ecology that’s driving this event and coronaviruses are taking advantage of it. It could be that bat populations are being condensed. … It could be population density has reached a critical level that is just right for coronaviruses to start spreading more efficiently.
“Could be … you know, we almost have 1 billion elderly on the planet above 60, and coronaviruses like to replicate in old people. Probably a confluence of all those events. Coupled with global travel — almost instantaneous travel around the world.”….
So I was pretty elated at the way NIH set it up so that people could convert existing grants. … I think that’s great.” Of the new money that NIH could get, he said, “Exactly how that will break down and trickle down through the system is unclear.”
What would you do with a windfall?
“We have a major effort in terms of developing drugs against emerging coronaviruses — not only just emerging, but any coronaviruses — so we’re really focused on developing broad-based drugs that would work not only against the contemporary strains and the known epidemic strains, but — the animal reservoirs are filled with strains that are poised for cross-species movement to humans, and I mean poised meaning that they can already use the human receptors for entry…
Baric’s lab has been a magnet for government grant money: $21.4 million in 2012 and $10 million in 2013 to study potential virus infection treatments, and $6 million in 2017 to continue study on a coronavirus therapy that showed success in mice.


We have a neighbor around the corner where the front “yard” is a mass of wildflowers. It includes bulbs and annuals, with occasional perennials to lend it some structure. I learned about spraxis from them.
The couple is a stout, vigorous fellow with a handlebar moustache and a very hearth and home spouse. He used to go off to technical conferences in Europe. They’d remodeled their home to two stories (not the norm in the area) with automated shades. Nice people. A little peculiar, but good neighbors over the last couple of decades.
The fiancee was doing her evening walk around dusk — there’s been a heat wave — and found her working in the garden and talking to another neighbor.
He had died of a heart attack Wednesday morning. She was going through the motions while completely wrecked.
It’s going to be awhile before the dust settles. Please send healing thoughts though I couldn’t even tell you their names. They’ve been our neighbors for over twenty years and been wonderful, unique, odd people. And now…..

Gail Combs

Work with the other neighbors to make sure people keep an eye on her every day. A single surviving spouse is very much at risk.


The fiancee was all over that. The widow was grieving, rooting around in the dirt of her front garden, and it was “have you eaten today? Who have you talked to?” She has talked to her family and her husband’s family. Her brother tried the “God’s Will” gambit WAY TOO SOON (and clumsily) and nearly got himself speared with a weeder.
We live in a nice neighborhood. I have a particular problem with names that makes me look more stupid than I actually am. She will be checked tomorrow (5/28). This is, BTW, good advice for anyone in similar circumstances.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c71cc4 No.9341390
May 28 2020 00:39:20 (EST) NEW
USA v Japan
Critical thinking.


The Left sacrificed our elderly to TRY to save themselves….


They were desperate to inflate the death count…and our elderly were an easy target.

Deplorable Patriot

I have so many thoughts on this, it’s not even funny.

Cuppa Covfefe

Is this it? (deleted the mobile.)

Deplorable Patriot


From the Forbes article:
“Digitization of currency is inevitable –”
No. No, it is not!
That is just another way of controlling us.

Gail Combs

They want us to THINK it is ‘inevitable” That is one of the reasons why I cut up my credit cards and refuse to use them. Also in NC the doctors are GIVEN ACCESS TO WHAT YOU BUY TO CHECK YOUR EATING HABITS!!!


I figured that was coming…as a part of ObummerCare.
Then our VSG Potus messed that up by cancelling the Individual Mandate.

Deplorable Patriot

Due to the amount of travel we do as a family, all credit cards are accumulators for points. But, I agree with the sentiment that the facade of privacy is just that. A big old smoke screen of fog.

Gail Combs

The privacy is not the issue it is the CONTROL.
Bad Social Credit Score?? — We shutdown your BANK ACCOUNT!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gail your concern here is overblown. That won’t happen for at least two months.


if our private information can be hacked from computers, what makes us believe our currency will be secure?
I like cash in hand.


Exactly so, Pat.
‘Digital currency’ sounds like invitation to hackers…including foreign governments.
I like cash in hand, too!


are we a dying breed?
both my kids do everything with their smartphones…scares me…


Mine don’t…they like ‘real’ money.
Probably comes from being without electricity for days…sometimes weeks…after bad storms.
Just ask them:
“What will you do if we have a power outage that lasts for days?”
Credit cards don’t work.
But you can still buy gas and food…with Cash.


good point!


Ahh, time for more definitions.
inevitable: Something TPTB are so eager for that they push the Overton Window out to trick you to believe a course of events that has no chance of occurring apart from systemic manipulation is impossible to avoid or prevent, and certain to happen
“Do you hear that, Republican voter? That is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of Hillary winning the election.”
“The President is TRUMP!!!” *BOOM*

Cuppa Covfefe

Forbes is an illumi rag…

Deplorable Patriot


Filming a video for a CHINA video platform!



Twitter hired a ChiCom AI expert.
BREAKING: Twitter Hires Chinese Communist Party-Linked AI Expert Who Wanted to Hide ‘Secret’ Weapons Contracts
I really had to pause when writing this headline. I was worried I was sensationalising. But I’m not. It’s literally all true.
………..From the article:
Dr. Fei-Fei Li – a Stanford Professor and former Google Vice President linked with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) projects – has been appointed to the board at Twitter as an ‘independent advisor.’
The news comes as Twitter begins to alter President Trump’s Twitter feed to suit narratives that are likely to impede his re-election.
Dr. Fei-Fei has been described as one of “the Google scientists who led the company’s efforts to build its China AI operations” and during her tenure at the digital media giant, the company began “cooperating with a leading artificial intelligence (AI) research body at Tsinghua University, a prestigious Chinese academic institution that also conducts AI research for the Chinese military.”
Now, she’s at Twitter.

Gail Combs

From WIKI:
“…On her sabbatical from Stanford University from January 2017 to fall of 2018, Li joined Google Cloud as its Chief Scientist of AI/ML and Vice President…. She returned to Stanford University to continue her professorship in the fall of 2018….” (Think the Democrats taking the House.)

…Dr. Robert Epstein, who researches the impact of Google, explained at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that “upwards of 15 million votes” were in jeopardy in the 2020 election.
He also told Senator Ted Cruz that in 2016, Google gave at least 2.6 million votes to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, “through bias and search results.” He stressed that was the lowest number…

Deplorable Patriot

Of course she’s now at Twitter.


I guess Biden will have to remove her name from his VP list.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

No $#!+

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

And the southern border C-note rolls of cash suddenly make sense.


While I agree about the refugee issue in MN, the lack of vetting and the lack of assimiliation into as well as the lack love & appreciation for America among many immigrants located in MN, we have seen this exact pattern of looting and riots in cities across the nation at the first excuse of a supposed injustice (this time it actually might not be fake news as was St Louis & Florida).
Since we see it every time there are “injustices” (real or imagined or driven by fake news) it is hard to believe that immigrants/refugees are responisble.

Gail Combs

The source for all is the same — OPEN BORDERS SOROS!
Do not forget he funded the caravans comming up from South America

The Shadow Presidency, Shadow Government and the Greatest Political Scandal in History
10 May 2020 – 1:07:52 AM
Why did [Pelosi] rush impeachment investigation?
Why did [Pelosi] then hold impeachment article(s) until Jan 15?
Why did [Schiff] push false ‘Russia evidence’ narrative post closed door interviews [no evidence of collusion]?
Why did [Schiff] coordinate w/ WH NSC [through proxy] to arrange for Ukraine whistleblower?
Why did [Schiff] actively leak knowingly false statements during-post classified sessions to MSM?
Why did [Schiff] illegally surveil [phone] members of WH legal team, media, and Congress?
What Pentagon officials [CLAS 1-99 _subject] tendered resignation within a 2 week period?
Why did [Omarosa Manigault Newman] attempt to entrap POTUS through secret and illegal recordings?
Why did [Soros] finance anti-POTUS events and organizations across US?
Why did [CLAS 1-99] organize and push propaganda [smear] campaign through use of MSM & Hollywood?
What are they trying to prevent?
Who are they trying to protect?

Game Over: Q Is Exposing Their “Secure” Communications (Online Video Games)
28 Apr 2020 – 10:07:26 PM📁
Dates are important.
SWC drop [Dec 16] to closure – coincidence?
Soros invest [Feb 14] Blizzard – coincidence?
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
When [why] do you ‘expose’ what you know publicly?

Soros & gamers:

Nazism/Antifa Part of Global Socialist Push
28 Aug 2018 – 1:16:41 AM📁📁
Was ‘Nazism’ ever truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
We, the PEOPLE.

Follow the Money, it’s the Key
29 Oct 2017 – 12:47:18 PM
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example.
Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP?
Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.
Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.
Have faith.

TSA and Airplanes
3 Nov 2017 – 5:33:30 PM
Watch the news.
Have faith.
What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?
Why is this relevant?
What was stated in the past?
Where did the $18b from Soros go?
Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)?
Slush fund?
Did the US gov’t seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate?
Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Why is the timing important?
Who released the article?
The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated.
Nice view up here.

Deplorable Patriot

^^^ Great response by Americans!
“A polite society is an armed society”.
Rather sure looters will not approach a store or a private home with armed folks to defend it.
common sense, me thinks.


wow…PA woman keeps her dead Grandma in a freezer so she can continue to collect her SS payments. in 2004 when Grandma died, she was 97, so for 15 years the PA woman was collecting checks and no one at SS thought wow…this (dead) woman is 112??????
Cynthia Carolyn Black of York County had told police during their more than yearlong investigation that she had found Glenora Reckford Delahay dead inside their home in the Delaware County section of Ardmore in March 2004, police said.
Black carried the body to the basement and put it in a freezer because, she said, she needed her grandmother’s Social Security income.
The grandmother was 97 when she died.
Black told police that three years after her grandmother’s death, she moved the freezer with the body to Dillsburg, York County, and used the Social Security income to pay the mortgage on a home.
Public records show that Black moved to Kralltown Road in Dillsburg around 2007. Police said she most recently lived on South Front Street in York Haven, York County.

Deplorable Patriot

No words.


Lara Logan used to be a liberal…but she has been red-pilled.
The Democrats and media are projecting what they are doing. They are calling us bots when this is what they are doing. We are truly at war.


This is the article she was talking about…in the second tweet.
Here was the article she was talking about.
From Washington Post:
Technology once used to combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democrat group to counter Trump’s coronavirus messaging.


Yes, something about Cairo, Egypt changed her.


And it wasn’t just the hundreds of her molesters on the streets of Cairo either, it had more to do with her own news affiliate telling her to shut up about it.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. It was a trap from the very beginning. When it was hatched, and how it fit into the plan is something I’m waiting to find out.

Deplorable Patriot


Clinical trial for HCQ + zinc + Azithromycin vs. HCQ + zinc + doxycycline – Dr. Zev Zelenko is involved. (This could also be a way to get the Zelenko Protocol if your MD or state denies it to you.) Trial started 28 Apr 2020 – still looking for participants.
St. Francis Hospital, The Heart Center® Launches Outpatient Covid-19 Hydroxychloroquine Trial
If you have questions or are interested, please contact us at:
(516) 414-3056, or
Now enrolling qualifying outpatients.
Recent studies suggest that early intervention with hydroxychloroquine and zinc has benefit and seems to be safe even in hospitalized patients, while late administration in critically-ill patients has little efficacy and may be harmful.
We have launched a clinical trial at St. Francis Hospital using these potentially helpful agents in non-hospitalized patients with early COVID-19 symptoms to try to gain maximum benefit from this treatment. Our protocol emphasizes safety, with cardiologists at St. Francis Hospital remotely monitoring the EKG for everyone participating in the study.
Patients can be enrolled remotely, allowing people from across the country access to this protocol. All medications and a Kardia EKG monitor are provided free of charge.
We encourage people who have COVID-19 symptoms to test early and take advantage of all therapeutic options that may be available.
Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 48-hours?
You can participate in the trial from the comfort of your home.
Seeking individuals age 30 and over with recent onset COVID-19 symptoms and/or a positive COVID-19 test within the prior 2 days.
High risk individuals without contraindications will be enrolled.
All participants enrolled will receive medications free of charge.
All participants enrolled will receive a portable EKG device to monitor their heart at home.
All participants will receive regular follow-up phone calls from our research nurses.
“The medications we’re using in this trial have shown promise in outpatients treated early after onset of COVID-19 symptoms,” says Avni Thakore, MD, Chief Medical Officer, CHS Physicians Partners Medical Group. “Our randomized clinical trial will help determine the effectiveness of this much discussed treatment.”
If you have questions or are interested in this protocol, please contact us at: (516) 414-3056.
More trial info at:


Did you watch that video with the rabbi as well? Evidently Zelenko has been being harassed by the political leaders of Kiryas Joel, as well as another physician. For over two months. They filed a complaint against him with the AG of NY. He has moved his practice out of Monroe, NY to Monsey, NY. I noticed there’s a scrape on his forehead in that video.


Yes, I watched the video. His videos are always filled with common sense and sound reasoning.


YouTube, Rabbi Aryeh Katzin. I’ll try to put the link here.


I just spoke to someone at that #. At this time they are only working with COVID positives – no prophylactic candidates such as myself. But they may in the future, so I left my info.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, I’m wondering what else is in the arsenal since public shaming is not working out for them.