Dear KMAG: 20190622 Open Topic

Welcome! The door is open, come on up and get comfy.


This Summer Solstice Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KAG! world.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this mix from Fearless Motivation of two tracks, titled ‘Face Your Demons’ and ‘Learn From Your Haters’:



Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is a natural-looking doorway into the side of a giant Tree with a foot bridge leading up to it. Just inside the doorway is a stairway leading upward. Branches form the railings on the foot bridge and there is dense leafy vegetation on either side. A thick growth of ivy and moss nearly covers the bark of the Tree.
Second Image: Is an open-sided room with a view of the treetops. There are over-stuffed couches covered in throw pillows, with lots of lanterns placed around giving off a soft glow. The ceiling is supported by gnarly tree trunks and the railing along the open side is made up of bark-covered branches.
Third Image: Is a picture of President Trump, waving from just outside Air Force One. He is squinting from the bright outdoor light and has a solemn look on his face.


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Sadie Slays

KMAG? Does that mean “Keep Making America Great?”
Not trying to be a jerk here. Just genuinely confused by the title switch.


KAG or KMAG….its the 2020 update.

Sadie Slays

I like it more than “KAG.” I get that something new was needed for 2020, but “KAG” just doesn’t have the same ring as “MAGA.”


Its also good for saying kiss my American grits….


Ooh, I like it


President Trump crowd-tested MAGA and KAG at two rallies and the cheers were loudest for KAG!
I still love MAGA!
KMAG was a QTH invention.
Will be interesting to see if KMAG reaches beyond this website. :8-)


I e-mailed a suggestion to the website for a slogan to use in campaign ads for the 2020 election. It is:
“Making The Heartbeat Of America Strong Again”
Not even sure if that was the right place to send it. If so, hopefully it won’t get tossed aside by a person on the ground floor there.


…there on the ground floor

Linda K Harrison

itswoot – “The Heartbeat of America” was a jingle used by Chevrolet years ago and could run into technical difficulties if they don’t get it approved by Chevrolet first. Great slogan though!
I kinda liked KAGA – Keep America Great Always – but still doesn’t have the same ring as MAGA.


Hiya Wheatie!!! I stayed up just to see your tree and hear your music!!! You did NOT disappoint!!! That entrance would be JUST the enticing entrance I would get so excited to explore!!! And so well kept up!! No cobwebs to take a stick and knock away!!!
POTUS did a VERY Sun Tzu move last nite!!! but what surprised me….I KNEW IT!!! From the minute I saw all the Dems emerge with smiles on their faces!!! I used to get all worked up about Presidents on our side screwing up! I don’t EVEN get a smidgeon of nervousness when it comes to President Trump!! I GET HIM! Thanks to this amazing site, Q and POTUS own tweets!!! We are safe!!
Thanks again for all you do!!! Smuchas Gracias!!!😘


And after he snookered them… He TROLLS them by posting the Forever President Carpe Meme!!!! He’s having the BEST TIME!!!


I couldn’t help myself, I gotta retweet and post again and again and again…😍😍😍

Sylvia Avery

that was the best


Ahh first day of summer. And June “gloom” was a beatifully cool cloudy breezy day, despite a wildfire to the west yesterday and 2 north of us today. We bought kiddo a pool but of course we get most of the water in and its leaking. So… too cool for the pool thats leaking on the 1st day of summer. We made a giant bowl of slime instead…what a mess. It came out looking like the slime from ghostbusters 2, with glitter.
Its a good thing mommy bought a slip n slide with an end zone splash pool, for tomorrow will be 10 degrees hotter and daddy will use it too!
I made a slip n slide with trash bags going downhill once. It was fun.
Kiddo has already made his bedroom camping fort with a big cardboard box. He’ll probably be in it all summer.
This is someones deluxe model.comment image
When you said we were movin on up mittens, this isnt what we had in mind.comment image


No…not our fort…someone ELSES deluxe model. Hahaha…id have to stalk the appliance shop for boxes….and use tons of duct tape.


You a good mama GIl!!! Now I kinda want to make that Castle for my grandson!!! But I think it will look MOAR like the Cat one!!!!


But the boys always want to up the ante ya know?


Need a dry spell – or a way to drag it into the garage – a heavy rain would ruin it.


Ahh….the days of box or blanket forts and contraptions, slip and slide, and squirt gun fights with the kids…That is what Summer is all about.


This brings back such great memories.
Cardboard boxes:
I was young and had a limited budget. My stepson’s b-day was coming up and we were trying to “make” a fair for his birthday. We collected a few dozen fridge and furniture boxes from a local store for weeks, ducktaped them together for tunnels, cut holes for windows, and it it was the biggest hit of the party.
In subsequent years, the kids requested the tunnel.
When Gunner was about 7 we were in the midst of major renovations in the backyard and the construction guys got involved.
The spider tunnel went well over 200 boxes, had ladders inside of it, and took 20-30 rolls of duct tape. The kids LOVE them, until it rains hard. They’re sad when it has to go away.
Slip and slide: From your local hardware store, you can buy thicker mil house foundation plastic (won’t tear as easily), for about $20. We get one that is 30′ x 70′. You can buy a couple of them, a gallon of Dawn soap (to help the slipping), and an oscillating sprinkler set up, for a longer hill. Gunner was STILL talking about that one when his buddies were here, LESS than a week ago. They loved it.
Plastic kids pools: They have some GREAT designs now, but they get expensive. One year, we bought 5 of them in October, when they went on WalMart clearance sale. The following spring, we dug them out again and made a water “park” for the kids under a big shade tree.
Squirt Guns: Same thing, we buy the super soakers in October, when they go on sale for 75% off. I kept a plastic bin of them by the back door – for at least 20yrs. Heck, I STILL have some of them. We have another bin for swords, shields, and Nerf Guns…… boys, gotta play war.
Commercial Ice Chipper: One year, Big T came home with a $169 commercial ice chipper that makes “snow” for snow cones. It must weigh 30lbs. HEAVY DUTY. (Besides the double roll toilet paper holder for the master bath) —— it’s one of the best thing we’ve ever bought. We’ve had the ice chipper for about $15yrs. Gallons of syrup are available on-line for about $7 and last all summer long. I bought favorite flavors and kept them in a fridge by the pool. Saved thousands of dollars in summer snacks over the years. And yes, sweetened condensed milk is a special treat topper when kids are playing hard. I used it again…. yesterday when Gunner got home from a long day on a construction site. AND our pregnant daughter asked that we send her a commercial ice chipper for morning sickness.


Thanks for the tips. I bought a tiny but sturdy plastic pool at tractor supply for 10 a couple weeks ago for the ducks. Walmart only had blow up ones from china..for the same price!


Did ya see this? BigMamaTea posted on PHC site today!!! DIED!!!! His Name Plate is the best


SOL is a treasure!!! I have a feeling the Memes are going to be so BIG in 2020! We will NOT STOP LAUGHING!!!!


Love this !


Hope POTUS sees it too! Molly!! SOL is very gifted!!!


I got mr gil a name plate for his work desk for Fathers Day. Says “like a boss”. He wont take it too work…lol


You posted that FU t shirt the other day and I was prompted to post the FU song!! You ALWAYS make me laugh!!!

Plain Jane

The name plate, yes. ROTFLMAO. I believe PT would approve of it.


Exactly Jane!!! He and Melania are cracking up!!! I love them!!!

Plain Jane

That family is so real, just love them also.


Isnt Great that a First Family of the USA not only make us PROUD!! but LOVE US too!!!


On Sol’s Twitter is this post … the lady said in California they’re trying a bill to block 4,000,000 Trump supports from having their votes count … ? …
Do you want to vote for Tump in 2020 in Ca? SB27 won’t let you
Embedded video
Do you want to vote for Tump in 2020 in Ca? SB27 won’t let you
Sol’s Twitter is 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


Yay! I saw the elusive Zoe!!!! It makes seeing the descriptions tonight extra special for me.


Wait–Where? I haven’t seen Zoe I a while!!!


Daughn’s Housewarming thread.


Thanks!! going there right now!

Rodney Short

Good night and God bless you all.
I think I seen a lil birdie next to my branch in the Qtree.


A slightly more modern and cynical take —


good night Rodney, nice bird song!


Good nite and God Bless you Rodney!!! Great song!!!!😘😘


Tweetin’ Donald
He tweets from his office all day long,
Tweetin’ and a-greetin’, just goin’ strong.
All the special interests on “K” Street
Hate to hear the Donald go tweet, tweet, tweet.
Tweetin’ Donald, tweet, tweet,
Tweetin’ Donald.
Go Tweetin’ Donald,
He’s really gonna tweet tonight.
The press don’t like Donald tweetin’ at all
“We sift all the news. We make that call.”
Donald likes to talk straight to you and me
So the press can’t spin and be the emcee.
All the patriots who love to be free,
All the Deplorables, you and me,
Cheerin’ from above and cheerin’ from below,
Jumpin’ up and down yellin’ “Go, Donald, go.”
Deplorables love the new Trump brand,
Tweetin’ to the people, man, it’s so grand.
“Make America Great,” that’s his goal,
No stoppin’ him now, he’s on a roll.
The Dimms say tweetin’ isn’t in style,
Exposin’ Dimms lies from across the aisle.
But our Donald knows that tweetin’s good,
Preachin’ MAGA like a President should.
He tweets from his office all day long
Tweetin’ and a-greetin’, just goin’ strong
All the special interests on “K” Street
Hate to hear the Donald go tweet, tweet, tweet.
Tweetin’ Donald, tweet, tweet,
Tweetin’ Donald.
Go Tweetin’ Donald,
He’s really gonna tweet tonight.

Rodney Short

Amazing poem Carl.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh MY GOSH Wolfie!! I gotta follow this guy!! LOLOL!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – so hilarious!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣–Wolfie–we are on the loop de loops of your rollercoaster!!! I seriously cannot stop giggling!!!


He posted this … I don’t think the video will post but it’s really good … 🤨👍❤️😂🤚
d҉r҉e҉f҉a҉n҉z҉o҉r҉ 🇺🇸
· May 7
This is what I imagine it would be like if it ends up being @JoeBiden vs @realDonaldTrump in the #2020Election
plz RT 😅
0:05 / 0:17
It’s the T Rex clip from the movie … (can’t remember the name .. ☹️)


I woke up this morning and checked my Twit thread. At the very top, two people I DO NOT follow “liked” AOC’s latest comment. Why the heck would that be at the top of MY Twit thread……. unless it was being pushed by Twitter?

Plain Jane

Love the treehouse Wheatietoo. I see the stairs, but where is the elevator please? 🙂


I gotcha back Jane!! I’ll give ya boost up!!–you don’t need no stinkin elevator!!!!😂

Plain Jane

Thanks Merica. Appreciated much. LOL


Leave no man behind!! We all in this together Jane!!!


Wheatie!!! that is AWESOME!!!!

Plain Jane

Great… love it. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are definitely scared of videos that are coming. And Q baited them to jump early – which I thought was WILD.


hahah …they’re scared and I can’t wait to see what’s going to come ooozing out of the cesspool. You know there’s stuff coming..Zero mentioning it…dead giveaway


Wolfie!! The Q bait! It is so stinking transparent to me!! As Some Dude said–“Once you see cant unsee it!!”
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!! Huggles to Mrs, Wolfie too!! THIS SITE IS IT! For Patriots!! You went out on a limb..and…look what you DID!!! (I remember giggling with you on twitter about Comey!) and also being a brand new twitter kid–interrupting your thread!!! LOL!! and you were like–“hang on..I got more stuff to say!!” LOL!!


They are admitting humans can tell when videos are fake. The ones I have seen I can definitely tell. So if they tell me something isn’t real, but it obviously is, well I won’t be the only one who can see it.
Humans have instincts. Some have subverted them for so long they don’t work anymore, but others have cultivated them. We will know when something is fake or real.


LOL “deep fakes” like that Russian P-tape video? Mhmmm.


Thanks, Wheatietoo! I sure do appreciate the work you all do here!


I’m piggybacking on your too! We’re very lucky to have her

Harry Lime

These Hollywood moron videos used to bother me…now I just laugh and laugh and then I laugh some more…
They have no influence on the American public anymore…just a bunch of bitter, ignorant, elitist has beens…


somewhere along the line they had their egos stroked that were so influential and important that their opinions could shape the unwashed hordes thoughts…snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(and a bunch of them are probably trying to cover their perverted lifestyle )
lol, there’s a few that give me an immediate negative repulsion the minute I see their faces, like Alyssa Milano..ugh

Harry Lime

“a few that give me an immediate negative repulsion the minute I see their faces”
Oh, that list is long for me…no wonder the entertainment industry is crashing and burning.


And, I feel exactly the same about so many political writers we saw for years…George Will and Bill Krystol…Jonathan Goldberg…it’s as though they wore a mask for years and now we see the real persona emerging…..and, it’s not pretty!
The Hollywood types, I dismiss out of hand…they aren’t even worth my time or energy.


Me thinks these pundits have always been against America, and I, perhaps we simply did not see it.
For decades I bought into Bush’s, while acknowledging internally major flaws.
D-Rats obviously worse.
MCM, much like RepubliCON candidates said the right thing.
Then President Trump comes along and embraces America, The Constitution, talks common sense, logic, absolutely cares about Americans and is 100% America first.
Pundits, Uniparty, CoC, deep state are threatened.
Hence, all the bad mouthing against President Trump.
Another case of…
… once we see it, we can’t unsee it.
For decades we were hoodwinked, bullshitted, conned…
Transparency is wonderful.


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

I LOVE the fact that it says “Progressive” on the side… I checked, and it’s not a photoshopped number. It’s an outfit in Austin, TX. Yelp rating 2.5 🙂 (no wonder)…
Looking back, I think about “All In The Family”. It was supposed to be edgy, progressive, etc., etc. I think it did an ENORMOUS amount of damage, and basically dissed “The Greatest Generation”. Now we seem to have encountered the useless generation, AOC & co. May GOD forgive and help us…


I can assure you that no one in my generation knows anything about that show, except maybe that Archie Bunker was hilarious.
And Gen Z thinks AOC is an idiot. If you ask their opinion they’ll tell you that. She has no future except what has been scripted for her.


Ahhh … Alyssa Milano … aka: Barfy talks a lot …


Tucker’s show was great once again tonight.


Like these idiots read the report .. bwahahahahaha …. 😑🤚 … bwahahahahaha
… they can’t even express themselves in their OWN words …. bwahahahahaha … they’re reading from scripts
🤨👍‼️ … 😂🤚‼️‼️


Latest Judicial Watch accomplishments.
They caused the two FBI lovebirds to have a lovers’ quarrel. That would be Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
And they won a lawsuit settlement against the City of Los Angeles that will force them to to purge their voter roles of 1.59 million inactive voter registrations.


I still like this Oregon State Senator’s guts standing up to the loony Demonrats in the Oregon Senate. It’s great to see a seasoned politician stand up to the communist bisexual loony liberal governor and her communist minions.
“This is what I told the superintendent,” Boquist said, referring to OSP Superintendent Travis Hampton “Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Molly linked a description of the comparison of Spygate to James Bond.
Maybe something different is in order….. 😉 😎 😀comment image

mollypitcher5 pulled that together fast! The more I look at them the funnier they are

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sometimes you just have to laugh at it all! 😀


Me dying!!! You did not make me pee a little…!!!😂😂😂😯

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mr. Fakenewsworth did make me drool a bit!


LOL!!! I love you!!! 🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re quite hilarious! Some of the scenes are just one pun after another!
It’s all pleasantly juvenile!


I love Austin Powers! So innocently dirty, if you know what I mean.


Bwahahahahaha … 🤣👍‼️‼️‼️‼️


Mr. Bigglesworth is the Fake News!!!!!
Can I pretty-please share this on my Fakebook page? All the liberals I know will hate it!


… 🧐👍‼️❤️ … 😮 … cool 😎🤚

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, it looks to me like the following:
There appears to be evidence (the psychologist and any testimony around THAT) that the NXIVM shrink showed this snuff stuff to some women under the guise of it being experimentation.
There also appears to be evidence that NXIVM showed this stuff at PARTIES as a kind of prurient interest in “snuff flicks”. And WEIRDLY, those parties were organizational recruitment mixers. At which known nasty people were in attendance. AND dirty prosecutor Eric Schneiderman.
It looks like the “Pedo Island” “Holy of Holies” of these people was BRANSON ISLAND (Necker Island) in the BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS.
What kind of recruitment are we talking about? I’m thinking CABAL!!!
That would link BOTH activities. They weren’t just “experimenting”. They were RECRUITING in both cases for special depraved participants, by watching people’s REACTIONS to this horrible stuff.
They can’t afford to bring in people who can’t be fully seduced to the dark side. So they WATCH WHAT HAPPENS. People who get turned on by the stuff are likely recruited for deeper participation.
And even the people who aren’t get tainted. CONTROL.


Moar I see, Weiner Laptop = NXIVM.
If they use those videos as much as it seems, they probably traded them more often than x-rated Betas in the 70s, which is why Weiner has them, that p3d0scum.


I remember hearing something about how the officials who viewed it were physically shaken and Ill by what they saw on there. Iirc, media went full on PIZZAGATE IS A KOOK CONSPIRACY THEORY! after that


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this sounds productive. And THAT is how they got collateral on people in New York. NXIVM would invite people in as semi-real, semi-bullshit self-improvement (see DIANETICS), but then behind the scenes it gains self-preservation motive as a larger diffuse intelligent entity, and it likely became useful to a lot of other stuff, and then all the bad stuff is BEHIND the improvement front.
Podesta would be too smart to show up at some event like that – no way. ALTHOUGH if they were using MK on sweet luscious college girls – YOU NEVER KNOW. But seriously, I doubt it.
But now that has me thinking – these are YALE chicks. That leads to CIA.
Remember he said it was like a SORORITY function? I’ll bet there was a lot of “hot, smart, and have a future” women there. And we HEAR IT from this somewhat lurid guy tagging along with his GF and friend (they probably brought him along for SAFETY), checking out all the women and trying to sell pot.
Yale is heavy CIA recruitment territory. I have theorized that NXIVM was a FRONT for CIA BS on American soil, so the idea that KGB-CIA might want to recruit girls for DARK OPS – makes a lot of sense.
That takes special stuff. They’re looking for girls with a bad side. They can get the walk-in upstanding virgins elsewhere.
Mack was basically an influence agent in real life, as a Hollywood actor. KGB-CIA would want in on that action.
So why would TRUMP and SESSIONS go after NXIVM right away, but Obama never did?
CIA. The pre-Trump, pre-Haspell CIA. I think they KNEW that NXIVM was at the CENTER of the BAD STUFF.
Look at Haspell’s bio. For a moment I had a lump in my throat, b/c she could be Yale material, but she wasn’t. BIG SIGH. FLYOVER, .mil, and a lot of interesting stuff. She had some danger zones, but not enough that I would think “they got her”.
Oh, yeah. NXIVM is way more than just some sex cult. That’s how it’s getting taken down, but it is WAY MORE.


This guy Ben Szemkus has some vids …here’s one of them . The Time I Went To a NXIVM Mixer/Recruitment Party. He seems credible

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is excellent stuff. I also believe he’s credible. The description of the Yale environment as elite university weirdness strikes me as extremely authentic. Very weird crap is just tolerated as “whatever” around those universities.
Two comments:
(1) I’ve had a few accidental interactions with famous people (or those who became famous later), and the “Oh, crap – I remember – THAT WAS THAT PERSON” phenomenon – I definitely know how that works. It takes a while to make the connection, but once you do, stuff comes flooding back. So – yes – this is very credible to me.
Note that it was the same for me – the NAME was not enough. It actually took a news story that put the person into a place and time, and I said “Well, I had to have known them, but I don’t remember.” So then I researched with another person, and proved that I PERSONALLY had to have known the person. Then suddenly the name, the time, the place, a little thought, and – WHOA! I remember them NOW!!!
(2) Likewise, his description of “it was like a spell was lifted” – that is exactly what it was like for me with the case where I looked at the drawing of the molecule on the label on the jar in the lab and the memories of my own experiences ENDING at a thought of the bottle came flooding back. Very much like that. And I’m sure it’s exactly the same phenomenon.
He LOOKED at Alison Mack and saw some perspective of her that MATCHED an embedded, dead-ended memory, and the whole thing just burst forward.
Note, however, this thing which he may not think is significant, but I do – BECAUSE THE WOLF IS THE CLEANER! 😉comment image
No, seriously.
HUMA and company took the names of everybody at the party. If they needed to track down anybody they thought was problematic, NO PROBLEM. And then just a little “forgetting protocol”, and it’s like it never happened. 2007 is 26 years after 1981 – the tech has to be a lot cleaner, faster and better.
Very interesting.
One last point. The shapes on his forehead that look like horns bug me. 😉


Anatomy. Tension in head/face muscles.comment image

Harry Lime

I don’t know what to make of this guys story…but Body Language Ghost gives her analysis in this shortened version of her video.
He looked pretty believable here but I checked out his YT channel and he later claims that he also remembers John Podesta being there…and then claims that Jerome Corsi was there…and then in yet another video claims that Kirsten Gillibrand was also there…and then it starts to become a little harder to believe…that’s a lot of name dropping. I mean he mentions just about every person that has been connected to NXIVM in the media in the past year or so.


Just from the photo of his face, not watching the video, I’d say this guy is carrying some serious critters and probably willingly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. I’m sure that figures into the reality here, WHATEVER that reality is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that stuff is problematic. No way. I think he’s filling in vague stuff with suppositions, which reduces overall credibility big-time. Sounds like he’s a big pot smoker, too.
Now one thing we have to keep in mind is that this guy probably doesn’t know about how to PREVENT this kind of stuff – the tainting of memory.
SO – and note this is after he starts experiencing PERSONAL targeting – the fact that he’s adding these people later may be an indication that he was subject to a discrediting operation. All that involves is attaching some believers to him who edge him into more and more unbelievable suggestions. I actually used to get this a lot when i’m not controlling the gates like here. Also, Hillary’s people tried that with me when they were covering up her pill-rolling tremor. They had fake “researchers” spreading scenarios that covered up the finger motions as discrediting theories. Very tricky, subtle, and compact.
A mellow toker like this guy ain’t gonna stand a chance against professionals trying to get him to destroy his own story.

Harry Lime

That’s kind of where I’m at with this story right now. I believe he WAS at a strange party with SOME of these people and then he embellished, whether purposefully or not, much of the rest. Memory is a very mysterious thing and can really play tricks with your mind, so…who knows. Or, at some point he just started to enjoy the attention.
Also, did anyone else notice the gun on the nightstand behind him? That is a gun, right, or am I seeing things? I was so focused on his face trying to discern his credibility that I didn’t notice it until I watched a second time.


I guess the thing that leaped out at me was his VERY detailed recollection and description of what people wore and how they looked. …after all those years! Think about it…do you remember attending a casual party, not knowing anyone, and years later being able to recall some woman wearing a coat, a mid-thigh skirt, boots and a sort of 1980’s sexy top? I have difficulty recalling what I might have worn for a major event years ago, much less what anyone else wore!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree with you that some of that may be fill-in, BUT I have often found that small details come back strongly if I can access what amounts to a mental screen capture. This is especially common with guys thinking about women, because physical impressions like that burn in hard. Guys as a whole are very visual about women (think porn), and trust me – they take mental snapshots that LAST.
There is a country music song – I don’t even remember the name of the song, but I remember the lyrics about remembering the clothes she was wearing and her perfume. That is SO true to life. All it takes is some key back into that picture, and BOOM – it’s like you’re there.
The way he describes these women is very authentic “guy recollection”, IMO. Allow me to edge toward crudity. Alison Mack is very interesting looking – for a lot of guys she’s extremely hot. Even when she’s dumpy and looks like the cat drug her in, she’s memorable as hell. The stuff this dude describes about her clothes sounds sexual in nature – mostly her legs and chest. Most guys will fixate on some details, and those details can be any beauty feature, but there is heavy overlap over the whole data set of guys on T&A, legs, face – the usual stuff – exactly what he remembers.
I’ll be blunt – we humans are recording devices, and guys who check out women are THE WORST. I can remember the exact shape of a lesbian’s ass from 40 years ago, and I had nothing but respect for the woman, and no desire to hit on her. But I remember her ass like it was yesterday. And everything she was wearing.


I bow to your appreciation and memory of someone’s ass from 40 years ago, Wolf! Heck, i’m not sure I can remember my own 40 years ago!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! My memory is both a blessing and a curse. But I thank God for the undeserved strength and fortune to make it mostly a blessing!


Makes sense.


Visceral memory where you feel like you are back in the event is right brain and seems to be pretty tamper proof.
One the other hand, left brain memory has been “processed” through the “library” from visceral memory into a kind of summary memory for storage. There are many places where something be tampered with because of the tendency for the mind to “fill in the blanks” to make sense of discontinuities in perception.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactamente. And the trouble with this guy is that his memories could have a LOT of wood putty in the good antique wood.
This whole thing has been extremely helpful to me, because it’s helping me understand a general theory of credit and discreditation – about HONESTY in discreditation – and about how we have been deceived over centuries about “what discredits what”.
Our founders were geniuses, by the ways. A lot of this stuff was simply unspoken and understood by them, in the design of systems to beat all these problems. Systems that the commies, satanists and spies have learned to subvert. The SYMMETRY of juries – freaking impressive. One can see how divine leaks through design to reappear.


Hmmm, that info starts chipping away at his credibility ..I mean there was only the one party he went to,right?
No way would I believe all the people mentioned were at the Yale girl’s party.


1) I wonder if he tried to contact Frank Parlato who seems like the type of guy who would listen.
2) This falls in the category of “if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t” although he seems very credible. I did not get a red flag until the end when he started talking about shills. What he said about shills is exactly what I would expect a shill to say.
3) OTOH it would seem possible even twelve years later to find out if any one of the people he mentioned was not or could not have been where he said they were when he said they were there.
4) Puts Carlos Danger in a different light. Maybe he was recruiting for more than himself.
5) There was much, much more to Schneiderman than was ever revealed, IMO. He is now a non-person. Schneiderman (IMO) needed to be erased ASAP.
6) Interesting to consider that Daniels in fact was more of a controlled operative than she seemed to be (IOW less of a gold-digging liar).
7) What does his girlfriend say now? And his girlfriend’s friend?
8) I am sure someone has done a search pairing each name with every other name to see if there are any results.


The core part of his story seems believable, up to the point where stormy enters. He later was talking about Huma and Weiner, but they were not married at the time of his story. He seems to be seeking attention, because there wasn’t anything illegal about this party other than him smoking weed. Nobody in law enforcement would want to waste time with this guy, imo. There’s too many notable people that appear in the last part of his story. The pizza story was weird.
He might believe part of his own story, but how screwed up is his real memory?


Schneiderman was not convicted of child porn.

Concerned Virginian

Might want to ARCHIVE or screenshot and print the Sol tweet above before it’s scrubbed off the internet.


I think California is going to have some fireworks soon and I don’t mean 4th of July.comment image


Time for a “California Tea Party”…toss Gavin and CA Senate/Assembly D-Rats in the American River as it meanders through Sacramento.




Not sure that is a good idea. In addition to the public health considerations, I am not sure we should be granting free reign to trial lawyers to do their thing on such a vast scale.

Deplorable Patriot

That one I would buy.


Sometimes I feel like this renewed debate on vaccines is a bit too convenient. Why now ? Because thousands , maybe millions who aren’t vaccinated have poured into the country. So there must be a campaign to make people begin to doubt or even fear having kids inoculated .
IMO, there is something to the autism/vaccine connection and newer vacs that are advertised like designer protection…those seem suspect to me


The law (maybe not enforced) says all immigrants must show proof of vaccination. The censorship seems to be coming from something else.
It’s not really a renewed debate. The movie Vaxxed came out during 2016 in the last Presidential election cycle and if you watched any of the videos of the producer on their tour around the country you could see the enormous response at every stop.
That movie tour became another way to help people see that electing Donald J Trump would be the best hope for restoring the sanity for parents around the country that are living through their worst nightmare caring for children with damaged nervous systems. Those impacted by vaccine damaged children have never stopped raising the issue but the censorship silencing their voice has just now started to be defeated.
Do you remember when Vaxxed was going to be in the Tribecca Film Festival in 2016 and Sloan leaned on them to pull it? Robert DeNiro had originally fought to keep it because of his own experience with a vaccine-injured child.
There is an agenda going on that is about more than we know at this time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I definitely got a sense that there is a psychological propaganda relationship between illegal immigration and vaccination. Subtle and multi-directional.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Illegal immigration pushes “need to vaccinate” pushes “need for control” pushes “no religious exemptions” pushes everything the GLOBO-COMMIES want. By responding this way, they not only COVER a downside of illegal immigration – they push all the things they want.
The deceit and control is masterful.


And Diabolical all in a neat package for delivery to a family near you.


It’s a federal crime and a deportable offense.comment image


Not sure about the “MUST” part of that meme. But I like the idea.


For those of you who drink bottled water, take heed. For me it’s one more reason not to shop at Target.


The usual way industry responds to claims like this is the shut down the lab that did the testing.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s just click bait. They’re conflating the usual ppm (parts per million) with ppb (parts per BILLION), which is at the limit of detection, and, in the not-too-distant-past would have gone unnoticed.
Sounds odd, but there are some chemicals which are considered poisonous or detrimental that the body actually needs, in minute quantities. Don’t buy supplements with them, though 🙂
Gail probably has good infos and analysis of this.
Having said that, a lot of bottled water is just “purified” tap water, Coca-Cola’s Dasani being the most (in)famous of the lot. I’d be more worried about estrogen-similar chemicals leaching from the plastic bottle into the water in a hot warehouse, truck, or other storage…
Chiefio has some comments over on his blog about that, starting with one by H.R. here:
(I’m also skeptical about CR, as they’re not as impartial as one would expect, and they have (and pretty much always have had) a decidedly leftist tone)… Maybe they should have titled their article “Arsenic and old waste”.

Deplorable Patriot

Here is the information needed to avoid arsenic:
Non-profit group the Center for Environmental Health said it has sent legal notices to Whole Foods and Keurig Dr Pepper, claiming that two products—Starkey Water and Penafiel—contain levels of arsenic which require a health warning under California’s consumer protection laws.


There are times when bottled water is needed, but water in glass bottles tastes much better, and it’s easy to fill the bottle at home. Glass bottles with plastic coverings to minimize breakage are sold in stores.

Cuppa Covfefe

As a former card-carrying member of the GBBA (Glass Bottle-Blowers of America), I can say “it’s better in bottles”…
Actually, even though my whole family worked in the biz, I’ve always felt that glass was a better storage container (if you didn’t drop it), and is pretty much chemically inert. (I won’t talk about the times a family member and I would walk along the grocery store aisles looking at the bottles for defects 🙂 ) OK, we were a bit bored, and didn’t want to be shopping for groceries (Hardware would’ve been more interesting)…
And beer, in plastic bottles, is an abomination worthy of Øbozo. YUCK!!!!! I think the French came up with that idea to kill German and British beer, and promote wine.
The Italians came to the rescue, with “wine-in-a-box”, complete with plastic line 🙂 Take that, you pfuels! (in my best Inspector Clouseau accent 🙂 )…


Glass is so superior you have to use a French accent to give it the proper level of class!


Judge Orders Special Prosecutor to Examine Jussie Smollett Probe
CHICAGO (AP) — A judge decided to appoint a special prosecutor Friday to investigate the decision by Cook County prosecutors to dismiss all charges against actor Jussie Smollett, who was accused of lying to the police by claiming he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in downtown Chicago in January.
Cook County Judge Michael Toomin suggested that the county’s state’s attorney, Kim Foxx, mishandled the Smollett case…
“The unprecedented irregularities identified in this case warrant the appointment of independent counsel to restore the public’s confidence in the integrity of our criminal justice system,” the judge said.
Foxx, who has publicly wondered if her being black has anything to do with the criticism she has received, said she would welcome an independent investigation. But her office opposed such a special prosecutor, explaining that the investigation would just duplicate the efforts of a county inspector general’s office probe that is already underway. In a written statement, Foxx took issue with the ruling…
Foxx had been in contact with a relative of the actor and had been approached by former first lady Michelle Obama’s one-time chief of staff on behalf of Smollett’s family…

George Soros Spent $408k on Kim Foxx, Prosecutor in Jussie Smollett Case
Left-wing billionaire mega-donor George Soros donated $408,000 in 2016 to a super PAC that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office prosecuted — and dropped — the Jussie Smollett case.
As Breitbart News has reported extensively, Soros has been intervening in local races for prosecutor, state’s attorney, and district attorney — often backing left-wing Democrats against other Democrats in doing so.
Breitbart News reported in 2018 (original links):
Left-wing billionaire George Soros continues to pour millions of dollars into hitherto-obscure local races for district attorney, backing “progressive” candidates who are opposing more traditional law-and-order prosecutors.
Foxx ran on a platform of criminal justice reform, telling local ABC News affiliate WLS-7 that she wanted to focus on “restoring faith in our criminal justice system” and “bridging the divide between the community and law enforcement.” image
Kim Foxx Did Not ‘Formally’ Recuse Herself From Jussie Smollett Case
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx did not “formally” recuse herself from the Jussie Smollett case — she only did so “colloquially,” prosecutors said.
The revelation about Foxx’s recusal comes amid mounting questions over prosecutors’ sudden decision to drop all 16 felony charges against the actor.
Foxx “did not formally recuse herself or the [State’s Attorney] Office based on any actual conflict of interest. As a result, she did not have to seek the appointment of a special prosecutor,” Keira Ellis, a spokeswoman for the state’s attorney’s office, said in a statement.
Ellis clarified that Foxx’s recusal “was a colloquial use of the term rather than in its legal sense.” image


Editorial: Getting to truth, finally, of Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollett
Five months after actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged staging of a hate crime in Chicago, unanswered questions surrounding the prosecution of his case finally will be answered. It’s about time.
Cook County Judge Michael Toomin’s Friday ruling ordering a special prosecutor to investigate why the office of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropped 16 charges against Smollett embodies a crucial principle: to get to the truth in criminal cases. Cook County citizens are entitled to an honest administration of justice, not one driven by celebrity and connections. The local and national suspicion that someone improperly cut a sweet deal for the actor — a deal not available to other Cook County defendants — continues to suffuse this case.
It’s now possible that Smollett, the one-time lead actor in the Chicago-based Fox series “Empire,” could get charged anew, this time by the special prosecutor. This case is not over nor should it be. It has undercut the morale of Chicago Police Department detectives, cost the city more than $130,000, and raised questions about the competence of Cook County prosecutors who wield great influence over which cases to pursue. Former state appellate Judge Sheila O’Brien was right to petition the courts for a formal review, and Toomin was right to call for an outsider to investigate.
A crucial passage from Tribune reporter Megan Crepeau’s breaking report on Toomin’s ruling:
The special prosecutor, yet to be named by Toomin, will have a wide mandate. The individual may investigate “the actions of any person or office involved in all aspects of the case,” Toomin said, and could recharge Smollett or bring an indictment against anyone else if there were reasonable grounds to do so.


Link to Editorial above….
Which concluded with this….
“An outsider with the power to extract answers under oath can clear up many questions, among them: Who were the outsiders who sought to influence how Foxx guided this case? What — or who — motivated the politically connected lawyer to get involved? Why did Foxx recuse herself but then remain involved? Why were all charges dropped despite her office saying the police work was solid?
Foxx appears to be cranking up her reelection campaign for state’s attorney. The Smollett case has cast shadows on that effort. More important, it suggests that clout and celebrity skewed the administration of justice, that Smollett got treated with velvet gloves when other defendants accused of similar crimes have to face justice.
Getting to the truth justifies this independent investigation. In a case loaded with bad calls, Judge Toomin made a good one.”


Anyone expecting anything near the truth to come out of this investigation has a lot more faith than me. This is Chicago, Cook County, IL. It is the elephant graveyard of political truth.


Precisely! On both counts.

Rodney Short

Thank Nobama for all this racist shit.


“Colloquial,” that’s a good one. So Dems don’t have to worry about Pres. Trump building the wall because maybe he’s just saying it in the colloquial sense. Or, “Officer, I wasn’t really speeding, just in the colloquial sense.”


Thanks for that, Wheatie!


Verse of the Day

“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.”
Colossians 3:20 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Thank you for your daily verses, Duchess!
I very much like these reminders of truth, and I find them very calming, and centering.
With all the stresses of daily life, and of the events on the world stage, they’re an effective palliative – for me, at least!
Bless you, and have a wonderful Summer Saturday …


Thanks, Emerald! God Bless You!


Tariffs on China the ‘Number One Issue’ Driving Hispanic Support for Trump
President Trump’s economic nationalist fight against Chinese dominance is the “number one issue” driving Hispanic voters to back the president in the 2020 presidential election, a campaign official says.


Very interesting that the demo of Hispanics (which is far broader than pollsters admit) would twig to China’s nefarious activities. If they are true immigrants, maybe their experience in other governments makes them more conscious and cynical.


Or maybe it’s because China has stolen so many of their jobs.


Bank of America CEO Wants a ‘Cashless Society’
During a recent conference, the CEO of Bank of America expressed the company’s desire to transition to a “cashless society.”
Fox Business reports that Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan stated during Fortune’s Brainstorm Finance conference in New York this week that his company “will continue to move” toward digital banking transactions as services such as Zelle, Google Pay, and Apple Pay become more popular.
“We want a cashless society,” Moynihan stated. “We have more to gain than anybody from a pure operating cost (perspective).” He further explained that Bank of America spends approximately $5 billion just for “checks and cash to move around the company.”comment image

Deplorable Patriot

The ultimate in fiat currency. No thanks.


“He further explained that Bank of America spends approximately $5 billion just for ‘checks and cash to move around the company.’”
Excuse me if I have zero empathy. That’s the cost of doing business, and I don’t think Bank of America is hurting financially. What they really want is control over us. They want every dime we spend, literally, to be tracked.

Harry Lime

Amazing Polly has been covering the move to a cashless society in her most recent videos…which I recommend watching.
Also, in related news, Ireland wants a society without automobiles. Alrighty then.
There will be no personal decision making in the future, either. All thinking will be done for you. All you’ll need is your smart phone and that vacuous look on your face.


AND you better toe the proper acceptable thought and speech or else they can decide to limit or cancel your access to your money.


Thought I replied to this while on the road with my “smart” phone. Oh well, I’m not start enough to operate the “smart” phone.
Cashless? NEVER.
Me thinks…
– Fundamentally it is NONE of the “banks” and governments business how much money I have, which includes cash.
– NEVER EVER use the likes of PayPal. They don’t allow transaction for guns, ammunition and the like. Cashless society anyone.
– Computers crash.
– Computers are hacked. Accounts hacked. Money disappears, but it looks like we used it.
– financial crisis? Government limits withdrawals? Happened in Greece a few years back.
– On scheme in Greece, don’t know if they executed the plan was to take “x” amount / percent from all citizen accounts to satisfy the financial crisis. “Cashless” societies make this a possibility.
– Taxes. Feds, State, etc. decide you owe more taxes. They simply lift the money from your account. Appeal it? Good luck.

Cuppa Covfefe

Heyyy Cuomo….
Illegals are NOT immigrants – they are FELONS, CRIMINALS, who disregard the LAW.
Do you even know what it is?????
It’s still the LAW and APPLIES to YOU and YOUR ILLEGITIMATE “FRIENDS”, just as it does to everyone else.
Sounds like you’re afraid of losing some easy votes, eh?

Cuppa Covfefe

Great stuff! I can only say, wrt the turtle, The Thong Is Over, But The Malady Lingers On… .)
(Ducks flying Joe Miller Joke Books, Tortoise-Shell accessoires, and Mutant-Ninja Nintendos… 🙂 )…


It appears that the “other” kind of undocumented alien invaders are being lined up for an appearance in the very near future …
Senate just been briefed …

Pilots need to BOLO (FG&C to take note) …

We have inside info …


Child’s Profile on Gay Sex Site Got Offers from Over 100 Men, Pride Activist in Sex Sting
An unnamed head of the Swedish gay pride movement was allegedly caught sending sexually explicit messages to the social media account of a 14-year-old boy who was actually two undercover Swedish journalists.
The two journalists, Negra Efendić and Adrian Sadikovic of Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, posed as a 14-year-old named David on the gay hookup app Grindr along with the web forum Qruiser. Despite stating the age of ‘David’, more than a hundred men continued to pursue him for sex, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports.
Several of the men in contact with ‘David’ agreed to meet the boy for sex, including the Pride Movement head who had previously asked for explicit images and videos of the boy. When confronted, the man admitted to sending the messages but claimed he had never met an underage boy for sex in the past, the report states.
A senior figure in the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also spoke to the journalists for six days before arranging a meeting but claimed he only wanted to talk to the boy about coming out as gay.
While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to comment on the allegations, the Pride organisation, Stockholm Pride, put out a press release saying that the allegations constitute grooming and are a criminal offence.
“Should it prove to be a person working within our organisation, we will take powerful action immediately. We are now investigating the issue further internally,” they added.
In December 2017, another leading member of Stockholm Pride was fired after revelations emerged that he had been involved with the rape of a 13-year-old boy in 2011.
The cases come just under two years after a manager at Sweden’s public broadcaster SVT was caught attempting to buy the virginity of a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be Expressen journalist Lisah Silfwer.
The man offered the ‘girl’ 9,000 Swedish kronor (£840) to take her virginity when she turned 15 but later when confronted by the journalist, claimed: “It was never a matter of buying sex.”

Deplorable Patriot

Years back, one of the county police’s great interrogators came to talk to my “Interviewing Techniques” class. He said the main motivators for all crime were one of three things: sex, money, drugs.
A voice teacher told me everything is motivated by fear and desire.
I’d put false glory and seeking the forbidden in there too.
Put any of them together, and it’s a deadly combination.


OK. Women are being raped down on the border…trafficking and illegals all taken advantage of, given the circumstances.
Sounds like an admission of an ’emergency ” on the border.


Women are being raped down on the border…trafficking and illegals all taken advantage of, given the circumstances.
Sounds like an admission of an ’emergency ” on the border.
Too bad MCM won’t interview beyond superficial narratives.

Deplorable Patriot

Judy Garland, above all, was abused by the people making money off of her. She was used, abused, and tossed aside. It’s one of the saddest stories to come out of the Dream Factory.


Judy, Elvis, Marilyn….same story, different verses.
Michael Jackson was a whole nuther story.


Hello, everyone,
Just to let you know I have now read two weeks’ worth of the Q Tree and am now up to date on the news!
I was in Cannes and now have loads to catch up on at home.
Cannes was great. I’ve been there several times and have always liked it but my appreciation for this rather normal city grows with each visit.
I did not get to see much of PDJT’s visit to the UK and Normandy, even watching BFMTV (Fox equivalent, though owned by a French media group).
There was a post on here early in the month with a screenshot from 8chan (or similar) about the Queen giving an axed interview about Trump. I’m not sure about that, and I doubt she would have said that he ‘has a good heart’. First, that isn’t language she would use. Secondly, she does not express public views on world leaders.
People in Europe still don’t like PDJT. I tested the waters with some two years ago and did the same this time. No change.
Anyway, the food, atmosphere and sunshine were great — a real tonic.
I appreciate those who asked about me in my absence — many thanks!
You are the news now. What a great roundup. Watching rolling news is most irritating. It’s the same three stories every hour, even on BFMTV. Their sister radio station RMC is much better. But, then, they’re targeting different audiences.
Am now in the position to comment more regularly.
In closing, what happened to Jan Phillips who commented here so often? She used to visit my blog, too, but I have not ‘seen’ her online since the end of May. If anyone knows, please leave a reply. Thanks in advance!


Good to see you back here 🙂


Thank you very much, Jason — greatly appreciated. 🙂


Glad you’re back churchmouse!


Thank you very much, Holley!
Great to be back. This truly is THE refuge. There are no others online.


I have noticed you scurrying around like a little churchmouse in the QTH archives.
Just know you are cherished and missed when you aren’t here!


Thank you, friend.
I have missed our exchanges and wanted to read all I had missed before commenting anew!


Thoroughness and care are Churchmouse signature traits!


Thank you very much, GA/FL!


Welcome back CM! Hopefully Jan P is out traveling like you were.


I hope so.
Thank you for your welcome back, FGaC — much appreciated!


H/T Citizens Free Press
They Didn’t Like My Vote – Parody Song


Wheaties, Wonderful tree house.
Enjoying covfefe on the tree house veranda…well sort of…
Short break in MS I59 heading back to TX.
The veranda is comforting…
Thanks for all you do for us!

Deplorable Patriot

Re Iran
If this story is true, it turns out, we did strike back, just not with missiles.
Pentagon secretly struck back against Iranian cyberspies targeting U.S. ships
On Thursday evening, U.S. Cyber Command launched a retaliatory digital strike against an Iranian spy group that supported last week’s limpet mine attacks on commercial ships, according to two former intelligence officials.
The group, which has ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, has over the past several years digitally tracked and targeted military and civilian ships passing through the economically important Strait of Hormuz, through which pass 17.4 million barrels of oil per day. Those capabilities, which have advanced over time, enabled attacks on vessels in the region for several years.
Though sources declined to provide any further details of the retaliatory cyber operation, the response highlights how the Persian Gulf has become a staging ground for escalating digital — as well as conventional — conflict, with both the United States and Iran trying to get the upper hand with cyber capabilities.
The retaliatory cyber response follows several weeks of mounting tension in the region, which appeared set to boil over after last week’s attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf. U.S. officials blamed Iran for the attacks and threatened to strike back if U.S. interests in the region were harmed. Then, on Thursday, Iranians shot down a $240 million U.S. military drone….
The Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow bodies of water separating Iran from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which is home to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, are obvious intelligence targets for Iran.
“Frankly it’s going to be standard ops for them to track who’s going in and out of the Gulf, to track all U.S. and allied warships going through, whether it’s the aircraft carriers or whatever, they’re going to track that very, very closely,” said retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Quantock, who was Central Command’s director of intelligence from 2016 to 2017.
How Iran managed to gather that information, given its lack of traditional military resources, at least compared to the West, has been relatively creative. In recent years, according to John Hultquist, the director of intelligence for threat intelligence firm FireEye, Iranian cyberspies have targeted U.S. Navy sailors, particularly those in the 5th Fleet, to gather information.
One method those operators used was to assume false personas on social media for “honey-potting” or catfishing operations. “They use social media to look for vulnerable sailors on ships … our Navy ships and probably other people’s navy ships too,” said James Lewis, a cyber expert at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.
The Iranians would pretend to be attractive young women looking to connect with a “lonely seaman” to gather intelligence about ship movements, according to three former U.S. intelligence officials familiar with the operations. The attempts weren’t limited to Facebook; some of the efforts extended to Pinterest and other niche social networking sites.
There were “many” successful examples of these Iranian cyber honey-pot operations, said one former intelligence official. “They were doing it at scale.”


There are no doubt actions taken by the US Military that are never reported.
Cyber is one we, I think never want to confirm. Confirmation advertises US capabilities.
There are also Special Forces that can wreak havoc rather deceptively. Sort of like the Philly refinery explosion/ fire a few days ago.
– Huh? How’d that happen?
– Equipment failure? Actual or surreptitious on our part.
– Operator error? Actual or surreptitious on our part.


Rush has been wonderful the past several months. He is truly on fire, and inspired.
But he may be wrong in his interpretation of the Biden stuff.
Rush thinks the continued Drive By bad news about Biden means TPTB have decided that Biden needs to be ganked.
IMO it means the opposite. The Creepy Joe story, the Hunter corruption story, and the segregationist Joe story are all stories Trump can be expected to bring up.
Better to get these stories out there now so the old Move On tactic can be used.
Joe himself brought up the Creepy Joe story, and he also brought up the segregation story himself (in a very clumsy, phony way by putting it in the context of working well with others).
Looks to me that Joe is being inoculated as much as possible, although the Creepy Joe Photos are simply not possible to erase.
In this respect, Fake News will soon be flooded daily with sex stories related to Trump, in order to diminish the impact of the Creepy Joe Photos.


Creepy Joe’s biggest handicaps as far as the woke mob are concerned is his oldness, his whiteness, his straightness, his maleness, etc …
I agree that his creepyness is not insurmountable – it is the other stuff that we would have no issues with that are going to prove to be his biggest hurdle with the Dim mob during the primaries.

Deplorable Patriot

Biden is pretty much considered to be an idiot by the left, actually.


In other words – by pretty much everyone?

Deplorable Patriot

The problem for the other side when it comes to Trumpian sex stories is that the American people overall largely don’t care about that, and given Trump’s success on the topics that really matter to the people, he’s proven himself to not be the clown that the “professional” government people claimed him to be.
Playing the prude like the MSM does on a regular basis just doesn’t have the punch it used to .


I also think a story from years ago doesn’t have the punch that a current one would have. Yes, rape would be horrible at any time that it occurred, but with so much time having passed, facts and circumstances get fuzzy and the chances of it being a hoax rise exponentially. Current cheating on a spouse, with proof, would be devastating, but that’s not going to happen.


And so it begins.
UK court orders forced abortion for disabled woman
London, England, Jun 21, 2019 / 11:15 am (CNA).- A British judge has authorized doctors to perform an abortion on a pregnant Catholic woman with developmental disabilities and a mood disorder, despite the objections of the woman’s mother and the woman herself. The woman is 22 weeks pregnant.


Does not seem right to “like” that comment – thanks for bringing it to our attention.


Thank you for posting this. The British legal system is in on the racket of population reduction by medical malpractice.


Or with social workers and the judges.
There is a real disconnect between some of both WRT (with regard to) the public.


In another report, the Nigerian grandmother — maternal — said she would take care of the child.
This is all rather unsettling.
Here is another article showing just how far the judges are removed from the cases they hear:
‘… [Justice Nathalie] Lieven said, “I think she would like to have a baby in the same way she would like to have a nice doll,” completely dismissing the mother’s desire for her baby.
‘The leader of the opposing legal team, Fiona Paterson, has unbelievably argued that forcing this woman to have an abortion is an act of benevolence by the government.
‘“A termination is in her best interests,” said Paterson, who apparently thinks she knows better than the pregnant mother and her mother. “In broad terms [they] believe that as a result of her learning disabilities … [she] is likely to find the loss of a pregnancy easier to recover from than separation from the baby if he or she is taken into care,” Paterson said.
‘Ironically, Paterson accidentally acknowledged the humanity of the child by referring to the baby as “he or she.” But aside from this slip of the tongue, the life of the child clearly has no value in the judge’s calculus …’


I found the other article about the maternal grandmother saying she would care for the baby:
‘The woman’s mother, a Nigerian Catholic, has offered to care for her grandchild when it is born. But the judge, Mrs Justice Lieven, said that it would be too difficult for the grandmother to look after both the daughter and the grandchild.’
It seems that the future (for lack of a better word) grandmother rightly believes that all things are possible with God.
Unfortunately, it would appear that the judge disagrees.


So 2020 will be for all the marbles. Expect China and probably their NOKO hostage to push things to the brink and further, with the same from Iran. The Eurotrash will no doubt join the pile-on.
I keep wondering why the Deep State’rs, the Obozo’ites, the Clantoons and all the known minions are not showing more concern at their impending annihilation from the Trump Barrnado. Then I remember the 2020 election’s and the chaos that is guaranteed to precede it.
More than turbulence ahead folks – guaranteed. I suspect that is the Wolf’s reason for battening down the hatches.
Stay safe and keep a weather eye out …

Cuppa Covfefe

Try again…


We Build The Wall — Check Out The Completed Project…
Posted by Kane on June 21, 2019 10:35 pm


CBS NEWS June 21, 2019, 8:20 AM
Men expose billion-dollar back surgery scam involving doctor kickbacks and fake hardware


Oopsey, sorry – must engage brain before posting –


We all do it — no worries. 🙂


Thanks, church – don’t feel as dumb – when I have company – lol


The cure (vaping) is sometimes worse than the disease (smoking, notionally).
Better to buy a packet of 20 or a tin of snus and carry on happily.


* Sigh *


Mark Meadows should have nailed them for actually manufacturing the border crisis – the Dims (and some Rino’s?) are the primary cause of this crisis.


Øbastard outright invited the illegal invasion with his ILLEGAL DACA executive order!
Illegals started flooding in – wearing Øbama T Shirts and gear!


@realDonaldTrump follower numbers picking up speed!
61,248,248 – 9:48 am – 6/22/19
61,028,501 – 9:24 am – 6/15/19 – 1 week ago
60,441,500 – 6:04 am – 5/22/19 – 1 month ago
56,414,617 – 7:00 am 12/22/18 – 6 months ago
52,991,955 – 10:35 am – 6/22/18 – 1 year ago
20,010,101 – 1/16/17 – pre-inauguration day
13,310,715 – 2am 11/9 – Election night
5.53 million – eve of Iowa Caucus
Keep in mind – Twitter removed 80K followers twice and 328,620 on 7/13/18
These are real numbers (unlike Øbominable’s fake following) – I’ve watched the numbers go up and down like the stock market.

Deplorable Patriot
Conservative Supreme Court justices reverse precedent on property rights cases
The previous 1985 ruling found that an individual whose property is taken by a local government cannot file a federal suit under the Fifth Amendment until that challenge fails in state court.
But on Friday the justices ruled along ideological lines to reverse that precedent, finding that the requirement “imposes an unjustifiable burden,” conflicts with other similar rulings and “must be overruled.”
“A property owner has an actionable Fifth Amendment takings claim when the government takes his property without paying for it,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.
“That does not mean that the government must provide compensation in advance of a taking or risk having its action invalidated: So long as the property owner has some way to obtain compensation after the fact, governments need not fear that courts will enjoin their activities,” Roberts continued.
“But it does mean that the property owner has suffered a violation of his Fifth Amendment rights when the government takes his property without just compensation, and there may bring his claim in federal court.”
Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh joined Roberts on the majority decision.


Any ruling based on the Constitution, common sense, and American principles of freedom, as opposed to the Justices adhering to precedent, is a step in the right direction. I imagine the Left is afraid this will become a trend.


WHEATIE!!! Love these trees! Today’s trees are my favorite ever. They give a sense of refuge, community and friendship that the authors and management of this site have fostered! Thank you, Wolfie, Flep, Wheate and all the QTreepers here!!!


Oh for an edit button on WP. In my enthusiasm and passion – typos abound.


What are a few typos among friends? 🙂



More evidence to add to an already lengthy list of why I favor Greg Abbott in 2024.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Our morning listening while we peruse the news…
Have not listened to anything Moly has put out for a while, so when this popped up, I decided to play it. Pretty good so far….

Concerned Virginian

Mayor Pete sounds and acts like an ineffectual kindergarten teacher trying to work with a bunch of young hellions who only want their own way.
Can ANYBODY with a brain see this guy with the NUCLEAR CODES?


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And the coolest thing is AND LOGIC – it’s BOTH.
And the next coolest thing – the REAL YIELD of the 12 Russians was to inflate the DEMOCRAT FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE AGAINST TRUMP. People do not get SECOND ORDER DISINFORMATION. But the Russian allies of the Democrats DO.


A shoutout to duchess, patrick, Marcia, Sylvia, BigMamaTEA & andy for encouraging me to join the fun here.
Lloyd Marcus talks reparations in a terrific article on American Thinker this morning…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Welcome aboard! Captain Wolf was in a good mood, and let us deck-hands let a few more “easy vettings” on board before we sail! 😉


Hey, kyblue! 😀

Sylvia Avery

I finally found your “virgin voyage” on the good ship Q Tree! You will be a terrific addition to our family and I’m so grateful Captain Wolfie let you in!
And thank you for the shoutout. I love you for all you do every single day to make PHC’s way a little sunnier.
Welcome home, sistah!


😍💕👄 glad you found my ‘virgin voyage😁

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


Okay folks…apropos of absolutely nothing…..i’m Somewhat intrigued by Michelle Obama’s propensity to bare her breasts when she’s traveling overseas. I think we all remember last year’s photo of touring the churches in Italy wearing a very revealing, off the shoulder, no bra white top. If you know you are going to Holy sites why would you dress like that?
Yesterday, she was wearing a skimpy sundress leaving little to the imagination when the Obamas were indulging in their favorite thing…rubbing shoulders with aging Entertainers (yesterday Bono and today George Clooney). Other examples, as well….and I guess I wonder why a 50+ former First Lady thinks this is appropriate when she knows she will be photographed and published from every angle. What message is she sending?
And yet, headlines today seem to promote the idea of her running for President, as ludicrous as it may seem.
Just throwing this in for a little break from Iran, China, biden, etc! LOL


I have warned over and over again to watch out for Big Mike throwing it’s hat into the ring!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We will never “let the wookie win”!!!


There’s some pics I’m not gonna look for, nice try Teagan

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I think the “reparations” hype is laying the psychological groundwork for a Wookie presidential run, because guilt, “it’s due”, and Øbama II. Not to mention the constant hammering of the transi agenda, maybe the DEMONcRATs will use that (Michael Øbama) as a positive…
Hormones can do a lot, even in the south of France…
How do you make a hormone? Don’t vote for her/him/it/etc…



Haven’t read the comments yet, recovering from migraine. Anyway, I like how he said this. Pretty sure Obama DOJ didn’t go after any Dem/DC politicians. Note 6AM time. That’s how to do it. 🙂


Uh oh, Sloppy Joe. They put out an all points bulletin on Biden yet? Asking for a former Ukrainian prosecutor … and probably some yung guy in China (lol, saw some Waynes world memes earlier)


You notice that cnn don’t get up that early to cover democraps getting arrested


Strange, ain’t it 🤨 I suppose we take it as a sign white hats are taking care of any dems getting arrested if there’s no leaking snakes on the team


Still, it would have been nice if he got the big red door knocker and the swat team


I hear ya


A lot more gong on behind the scenes than what is publicly available. We can all count on white hat operators coming thru for GEOTUS & US!

JW in Germany

Here we go! Base hit! Now just drive in some runs damn it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, but now they’re running a full-court press and the puck isn’t even beyond the blue line. Looks like they’re gonna have to punt 🙂
Don’t you just love Calvinball (from Calvin and Hobbes) :)?
I think there’s a TON of stuff going on right now, which is why the derp state are soiling their depends…
If only someone/something would put Soros/Palpatine and his clan on ice… preferably on Naboo or a “friendly” collapsar…

JW in Germany

I must say that I am not nearly as stressed about things not happening—because each day I see ever more things happening at a seemingly quicker pace!


This is not going to turn out well.


It was expected. The rhetoric of the news here is that hes evil. Frankly, if they try to fight to keep illegals here and hurt citizens in the process, armed citizens will start assisting the protection of ice and their own families. Law enforcement DOES NOT favor illegals. Im telling you, they are committing most of the crime, or their teenage/adult anchor babies do.


Long before the 1960’s, which allowed lawlessness to take over the country, there were hundreds of years of vigilante movements. Vigilantism happens when regular order in society breaks down, and the decent citizens find themselves without protection.
We’d be seeing this happen sooner if they hadn’t been able to destroy the moral compass in our schools expanding to the society-at-large.


Don’t be surprised if the ‘vigilantes’ (aka ‘good guys’) start coming out before long.


Say it isn’t so. Former ICE Director Tom Homan GOES OFF on Homeland Security Secretary — Accuses Him of Resisting ICE Raids, Leaking to Media


He is doing the job of Border Czar, as appointed by our VSG.


Sounds like ACTING DHS Secretary McAleenan is not down with the President’s law and order policies.


Maybe he’s just acting as the beater to panic the game. More kabuki

Deplorable Patriot

Lefties. The traditionalists do not advocate civil disobedience on this.


How does a traditionalist stand steady against corrupt leadership?

Deplorable Patriot

Just keep praying, and go on.


Any ideas why WP has stopped notifying me of replies to my comments?


Only one I turned off was comment notifications. I’m getting notifications for “Likes” but not for replies. I’d rather not get every comment notification from the Open Thread, but many that’s what broke it.


Maybe, not many… sigh.
And yes, I turned it back on and I think that was it. Thanks Wheatie!

Deplorable Patriot

No. It can be spotty for me, so….


Pray and hold back the donations.
Don’t give them any money.


“Pray and hold back the donations.
Don’t give them any money.”
I had a Catholic friend and when the Priest scandals appeared openly she told her small business husband “if you make donations up the chain you can sleep on the couch for the rest of our married life.”
He used to send much money to the bishops and he stopped cold turkey.
My friend told me many of her friends did the same.


The threat of the couch always gets them. 🙂
Good for her.


Yep. That’ll get a guys attention:-)
Priorities matter:-)


Lock and load


Low congregations =low $from congregationists
Payouts to abused= bleeding churches of $ and adherents
Business model-get $ from govt for helping needy.BUT no requirement for needy to be US citizens
End result – illegals are cash cows for NGOs,churches, charities. Us citizenship not so much


Sadly even in the church it is all about the money. I saw the riding on the wall when the Pastor of the denomination I was part in showed his true collor and protested a republican law maker every week when she was in town.
I figurers out after a while that he was a socialist and his sermons reflected his core believes.
People hated and loved him hated his sermons loved his patient care he used to be a Hospital Chaplin and psychologist. People did not come to church for sermons or worship they came for counseling . Those who were not members paid him for the service.
I dislike when the church warps the caring for the soul into socialism.


Part of Alinsky’s long term plan? He pioneered his book with Catholics first, even though the first edition was dedicated to Lucifer.
Go figure.


The problem goes back further than that. Check out “The Permanent Instructions of the Alta Vendita”.


Thank you for the information. I hadn’t heard of this:
Having been written in the 19th century, it seems on the face of it, at least, to be something more for Europe than the United States.
Would like to research more before commenting further.


FTA~ The future of the Catholic Church in this country rests with our Latino brothers and sisters. If the bishops are not going to bestir themselves to defend these refugees and migrants, just pull the plug on the whole thing and go home. ~~~~~~
At least he’s honest. Aborted babies, advocating being lawful citizens, asking WTF is wrong in their own countries and why the church won’t use their vast resources to fix it where they come from…none of these things matter


I wonder what they are hiding.
Shocker: C-Span Shut Out Of Live Coverage Of S.C. Democrat Convention

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist control of optics by communist control of media.


There’s a lot of fascinating info I hadn’t heard about in that and the neon article they refer to. I just funished reading it here:
Sounds like Gen Flynn might be running a sting, I sure hope so. August will be here soon!


Oh yeah. He’s always been running a sting. Even getting himself on obummas radar and getting the flick were part of the plan. Every bit of the weaponisation of us Leo’s against him has been documented and used . They will leverage the penny ante players and get them to give up those higher on the food chain. Not much wonder obumma, Clinton’s etc look sick. When you remove them from power, cut off the money, put them under the microscope it’s VERY fucking hard to enforce omertà


I thought there were three weeks to get a new computer and set up a new email in order to comment. Is there some other reason I have been banned?


Oh…this comment showed up?
Maybe it was the link to Gateway Pundit?
I immediately got the Amazon winner comment that shuts down the site. ☹️


LM–Wolfie won’t ban–Ya pass extreme vetting–ya in ya in!!! Glad you’re here!!


Thank you so much Marica.
I haven’t done all of the things yet….very tired from working and sleep and family issues.
Also scared of setting up new email, passwords, and WP in general.
But I love you guys. So happy to be here.


I hear ya. I don’t have a WP account and have never had a problem posting; yet, I’ve seen countless posts about “WP is up to its old tricks,” etc., from those who do have accounts. I’m having to make some decisions about email and how to proceed. Will also have to learn about signing up for WP. It looks as if there are choices for creating your own website, blog, etc.


Honestly, I am almost paralyzed with fear about the whole thing. This, I know, is unGodly (the fear).
I have gotten into terrible trouble about opening emails, etc. from my tech savvy kids and dread asking any of them for help.
And then there is this: Wolf, I know. SD, I thought I knew, but the nameless entity behind WP I do not.
Somehow I will do the thing…..just not today.
(Head hanging in shame)


Having fear isn’t ungodly, not accessing his power to overcome it is, LM. you are obviously one who overcomes, or you wouldn’t be on WOLF.s site.


I have had a WP account for several years and have not had the issues others talk about. I also think the level of fear being perpetuated is not called for in the case of the vast majority of us just plain “regular folks.”
I don’t worry about it, TBH. I am who I am and I am not ashamed of it, nor do I believe I have anything to fear way out here in flyover country. I am a simple country girl, with a simple mind, going about my life. I am, quite literally, a no-body and I am not going to jump through all the hoops suggested by Wolfie. Good heavens! An entirely separate computer just for politics? Silly, IMO, but I also don’t have the background that Wolfie allegedly has, so for him and others, it is possibly a prudent move. I still use the same e-mail address I have used for probably 15 years. I am NOT going to get a new e-mail account – or multiple e-mail accounts – just to post on a different blog!
To LM – don’t let it get to you. Chances are you are just like I am and have absolutely nothing to fear!


Thank you NF. This makes me feel better, but I live in a left wing stronghold.
I interact constantly with leftists. I am open about and most of them know my views but many of them draw the line at letting me express them.
The nicest of them can become remarkably inflexible and rigidly hold onto viewpoints that make no sense once they are examined. They cannot defend their views so they will not engage.
Oddly, they seem to have (so far) excused me from the descriptive labels usually assigned to us.
Yet I have often wondered how strongly they would turn on me if a repressive leftist tyranny were firmly established.
Trust on my part is not there.


I have no doubt many of them would gleefully join in the tyranny. They don’t deserve your trust.


Thanks for your perspective, NebraskaFilly. I am also a proud nobody. 😉 A separate computer for politics is difficult if you move about during the day and read and post from different locations. That would entail taking two computers with you at times.


Same here, never had a problem with WP. Also agree, some of us probably don’t have to worry about doing online stuff as much others may depending on your position and situation. Lucky me though, not wealthy but existing without anyone having leverage over me.


I think you may be my sister from another mister! You sound just like me.


One never know! It is said everyone has a doppelganger somewhere – I would guess that could apply to personality as well as appearance, no? And, of course, life experiences change us along the way.


I recently opened a WP account and had one before that never took for some reason. I had an email account and I never got the email.
I changed my email I dislike opening email accounts and changed part of my handle by adding a 1.
Thank’s to Wold I find this change enjoyable . I like little things like the bell 🙂


It’s the aftereffects from Wolfe’s vetting. You know iv sedation for the look/see


Amazon winner is somehow linked to the window you are in on your browser. Has nothing to do with the site. Some report closing out the tabs and starting a fresh session clears it. Others say getting an Ad blocker.


Have to get help with the adBlocker because I don’t know how to set it up so I can get everything but the awfulness.
Trying the other stuff, though.
Thank you!


I’d help but I’d crash your computer and then you could end up talking like me


And as you don’t appear to be Australian people would give you the side eye


I like the accent!
I can almost manage it now…..just change all long a sounds to long i.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yi 🙂


“Have to get help with the adBlocker because I don’t know how to set it up so I can get everything but the awfulness.
Trying the other stuff, though.
Thank you!”
The AdBlocker is not so bad to install. I was apprehensive but overcome that by doing. All things we do not know can be nerve-wracking but it feels good to overcome one self.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Brave browser has a built-in ad blocker, which simplifies things. It’s also a VERY good idea to have an Anti-Virus, indeed, Internet Security program (G-Data, Kaspersky, etc.) (NOT McAfee, and NOT Norton) that monitor for sketchy websites, and use Heuristics to catch phishing or other scams. It will slow down your PC a bit, but it’s well worth it. I’ve had a few sites noted as potentially virus-ridden that were in fact TRAPS. So I’m happy with GData.
Another thing to do is flush your caches and delete cookies, etc., when shutting down your browser. You’ll need to be careful, though, as some applications may want “cookies” to survive between browsing sessions. I have Brave set up to blow everything away when I do a manual purge, otherwise it keeps just cookies; all forms and caches go away…
It’s a shame that it’s come to this, but with the bad guys out there, you need to be careful. Kind of like avoid East Palo Alto, East San Jose, East Oakland, East St. Lous (anyone notice a pattern?) or East LA, Richmond, Emeryville, Compton, or Watts if you want to stay safe. Same thing goes for the “net”; there are no-go zones, and a good Internet Security program can do all the research and dirty work for you…


Brave or Dissenter. For computer security, ESET security suite might be worth taking a look.


LM it is a pain to get new email and I even had to change my handle a little.
Wolf has been more than understanding. and I am grateful.
Looks you are not banned at all 🙂
I had the same thing happen to me last evening getting this spam in concerning being a winner.
Glad to see you back wondered what happen to you.


I never really leave. You are all my friends and I make time to read even if I get too tired to post or just run out of time.
This site is my “dessert”. I read others and often get upset, and then come here for the washing of fellowship.
I am so grateful for all of you❣️
The Amazon or Verizon “winner” thing is particularly evil and to me, seems to target only conservative sites,


LM I am glad you are here 🙂
I have a new computer and I need to adjust to Window after being an Apple junky. I am not sure I am happy having made the switch keep everting to my Apple.
I need to be patient.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things sometimes go into spam and moderation for reasons inscrutable to me. Same as OT.
By the way, if you have a WordPress account, then you can change stuff without going back into moderation.


I am trying to get my head around this. It seems like WP arbitrarily shuts people down sometimes for unknown reasons?
I remember OT that sometimes people were not allowed to post because of WP problems.
I always thought WordPress was for the people who knew what they were doing and not for the rest of us, but for you—I will take it on, (if you still want us to)
And also because, God forbid I should have to shut up during this next, all important, election cycle.
Plus, the idea of election night without the rest if you is horrifying.


Oooh he’s not gonna just get shafted in jail- which he will enjoy. He’s gonna get shanked

JW in Germany

Okay this gets really conspiratorial…so make sure your tin foil hats are sitting snug.
Wolf asked me to post when I thought things had changed OT. I must say that it might not have happened as quickly as I originally thought—but I was definitely not the only one to notice. There was another poster OT claiming that SD was not the original SD calling him SD 2.0 or something like that.
The window I could narrow my suspicions (although there were 1 or 2 red flags during the campaign that may be my own paranoia) down to was between the Scalise shooting in June 2017 and the Las Vegas shooting in October 2017 AND the first appearance of FBI anon.
In April 2017 was the last time that SD posted the ‘Guidelines for Commenting’ with the last line in BOLD—afterwards only with regular font.
Intentional efforts to distract
Intentional diatribes to affix labels to our objectives
Intentional expressions of rabid hate, vulgarity, and threats.
Trolling and professional obfuscation.
Concern Trolling as a tool of distraction and derailing conversation.
Psy-ops and Intentional Efforts to diminish fact-finding.
HOWEVER, SD did post the guidelines once with the last line in RED! That post is no longer to be found OT! Anybody else but me remember this?
IF SD became compromised—April to October 2017 is when I think it might have happened.
HOWEVER! Now the weird theory brainstorming born from my very own thoughts going way back early in the campaign in 2015 and based on my very own beliefs that their are entities in the government HELPING President Trump going back YEARS!
The reason I say ‘if’ about SD being compromised is because I have a theory that SD may be part of a team of select sources/voices to spread the Truth about the corruption to DIFFERENT audiences for largest umbrella of exposure—HENCE: the necessity to separate Q followers from CTH. Face it—too many Q posts would chase many new readers away thinking that CTH was a ‘conspiracy sight’. Not everybody is as open minded as we are. Some people are also Eyores and also need a source for Truth…etc……
SD had conflict with Levin, Limbaugh, Mitchell, Bongino, Q, and a couple of others over the past 4 years. Is it possibly all part of a plan? This takes an open mind. REMEMBER: Maximum audience is the goal! Remember, CTH being promoted by Lou Dobbs, Joe DiGenova, Bongino etc……? I learned about CTH sometime in 2011 from Rush Limbaugh mentioning them.
If anybody followed YourVoice America with Bill Mitchell in late 2017, you might have seen an episode with Brenden Dilley talking about how he was contacted by military intel and chosen to be one of the sources to spread the info! How was Dilley convinced that these people were legit?
They convinced Dilley with FUTURE PROVES PAST types of info!!! They told him something about the Pope which did not make sense to Dilley at the time—but then it came out in the news that the Pope was to change the Lord’s prayer! There were several other examples that made Dilley a believer.
Unfortunately, many of YourVoice’s early YT videos are no longer available…but I did find some interesting comments by Dilley November 2017 starting at 17min30sec of this video about a war between billionaires, the Deep State NOT being in control and the CIA was cleaned out by the Marines etc…..
Anyway, this is only one of many events and nuances that help form my theory. (Why did I not make a timeline as things happened? I could make a much better argument for the theory! Uuuuugh!)
So, is it possible that some of this supposed chaotic infighting involving QAnon, Bannon, CTH, YourVoice, Breitbart, talk radio, etc…. are NOT a divide and conquer plan—but instead a DIVIDE THE SOURCES plan to INFORM different audiences for maximum effect??? Sounds, to me, like something the military would do.
Crazy you say? I will point everybody back to the Our Movement speech October 2016—candidate Trump knew his enemy. Knowing that—do you seriously believe he would go it alone? No? Neither do I. After years of reading OT, I also do not believe that SD believes that either—he is too intelligent to believe that Trump went in without a plan—a plan where INFORMATION is the main weapon of choice. Campaign version of SD indicates that as well—late 2017 to present SD—not so much.
You have now entered the Twilight Zone! It is my conspiracy theory and I am sticking to it! Bwaaahaahaaaaahaaa!

JW in Germany

The flip-side is—what if SD is right? What if the Levins, Bonginos, Limbaughs, Hannity’s of the world are indeed controlled opposition in place to save the institutions while soft landing the exposure of the corruption? This does not necessarily have to be a nefarious act—think NATIONAL SECURITY. We do not want our enemies smelling too much blood.
I know this is all likely too bitter a pill for many, perhaps most, to swallow.
Lots to ponder about. Now you can see some of the deep dark places I take my mind. LOL!😎

Cuppa Covfefe

One thing I remember distinctly is that SD positied that VSGPDJT was using various commentators to push various points of view, SOMETIMES DISINFORMATION, in order to forward The Plan.
Don’t have the links to hand, but I am SURE that he said that…
Though I have to wonder if somewhere in a situation room, they look at the likes of Sheila Jackson-Lee, AOC, the “young Turks”, and the disintegrating Piglosi, Pocahontas, Klintoons, and Sanders and think it’s like shooting fish in a barrel… or are the DEMONcRATs playing the role of “fools”…
(from the room 322 (Illuminati/Skull and Bones)

“Who was the fool, who was the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.”


Last year, SD had 2 posts where he was alluding to a big whoa! idea on his part, but he didn’t say what it was about and he was going to check with some people in real life about whatever it was. Then…… it seemed like there wasn’t anything that came out of that, at least I don’t remember seeing anything. I don’t remember when, exactly was. I think there were more eyores after that too.

JW in Germany

BINGO! You found it! I remember that!
Do you remember approximately when that was? So much has happened…my sense of time is all screwed up.


I’ll go looking, but it may take me awhile, I’m not up to snuff on how to filter stuff over there! lol
It’s been rattling around in the back of my mind for quite awhile too.


Found it! “Snorkel Extensions” 11/9/18. The next day he posted “Adverse Interests” 11/10/18. The Adverse article is the one where he posted about Q followers, in particular he emphasized that Q followers not infer that PDJT had contact with Whitaker and why, that it would put PDJT and the office of the AG in a compromised position, and would force recusal again.
I know at the time, a lot of people that are Q followers were not happy with that adverse article, but I think both you and Wolf may be right about what happened with OT.


After that, if I was going to post something I saw on the Q board, I would bring it in directly from the original source, without any reference to Q.

JW in Germany

Hmmm, that was the start of the Q purging process—but my sense is that changes happened over a year earlier.


Thanks, that’s the one!


It seemed to be on or around November 10, 2018, the day before the Q purge, which was Sunday, November 11.
That post was followed by the Q post. I’m willing to admit error if someone remembers the post order better.
The November 10 post was quite cryptic, as if someone else outside of OT had superior knowledge or a heretofore unknown tip of some sort. As BAM says, there didn’t seem to be any sort of follow up.

JW in Germany

I wish I could find the comments where I wrote something like: SD has me smiling. Wink. Wink.
I thought several times he was playing a role.


I remember when SD said paraphrased “he did a dive into the swamp and he felt dirty.”
This was before the 2018 election. This could have been even earlier . I am not good with time.
I do remember he was different after that and it was still when Session was AG.

JW in Germany

I think BAM nailed it and that both of you may be talking about the same post where SD said he cannot say right now—but would do some digging and get back to us—but never really followed up.


No SD he did not get with us. He also seemed different after that.

JW in Germany

Wolf, if we can find this post that SD made about ‘something big’ but not being able to talk about it at the time. I think BAM and Singingsoul are also on board that this was THAT moment ‘something changed’.


I found it dangerous/dumb that SD posted about living in FL and then posting photo’s after the hurricane with rented equipment. Too easy to track down….

Cuppa Covfefe

There was an utterly HORRIBLE troll, I’d say a Balrog, who shortly after that pic posted, DOXXED SD, with an absolutely vitriolic post, and made various threats. Since I’m over here in beautiful downtown Deutschland, it was the middle of the night over your side of the pond, so I doubt many people saw the actual doxxing, and it was pulled down almost instantly, but it was almost like a VERY EVIL being had made its presence known, and was causing trouble. Creeped me out. I was so shocked, I didn’t think of making screenshots to doc the stuff. Having said that, I’ve seen the perp on other blogs (Bretibart? Twitchy?) with his ABSOLUTELY Swampy, foul, Satanic demeanor…
This was around the time that SD said he was going to back off a bit, to do some (actually a lot) of help in the devasted places in Florida… Seems to me like he went away, but someone else came back…
I wonder…
Btw, I encountered the Balrog elsewhere, and went against him on all fours, as it were, as Wavetheshales… need to look that up… my responses were, erm, rather less than delicate…


Wow I did not know that!


The snorkel artcle is where he talks about handing whatever to a “more prominent voice”.

JW in Germany

I remember that. I am starting to do some further research that I think may all be connected in some way. Remember when SD had the twitter battle with Bill Mitchell?


I don’t look at twitter much, so it was news when I heard about it, but not what it was about, or when.

JW in Germany

“There has been a silent, almost invisible, battle. On one side you have an unified force of executive branch and legislative branch officials (across both political parties), intent on preserving federal institutions; and willing to go beyond legal and constitutional limits to protect those institutions by intentionally hiding systemic and institutional corruption. And on the other side there is a sub-level of patriots who have been engaged in countermeasures for each corrupt activity; and it is all about to become very public.”—SD
This battle is still ongoing—on the information front as well. In our very own ranks. At the moment, I do not know who to trust—except for President Trump and God.


Wasn’t that with ‘acting attorney general whitaker’. I recall asking to take a photo of a twitter.


Poor Sundance doesn’t seem to have a clue how badly that skanky beeyotch Menagerie has ruined his blog.

JW in Germany

You have me at a disadvantage. I do not know what you are referring to. I know Menagerie posts on occasion OT.


It’s a long story, but it harkens back to her soppy Mothers’ Day thread.
She’s a mod over there and she bans anyone who doesn’t kiss her butt.


“It’s a long story, but it harkens back to her soppy Mothers’ Day thread.
She’s a mod over there and she bans anyone who doesn’t kiss her butt.”
I never noticed her much.?
What I noticed was this guy Durham I am not sure if it was his name who was 100% into the Russians and defender of Russia. I thought he was on Russia site and not on ours.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bull Burham… Russia fan, no doubt…


Vfshes called menagerie because of all the skanky critters running round inside her head

JW in Germany

I believe Brenden Dilley is correct. There is not only a public war going on PDJT and The Deplorables vs The Swamp—but a massive SHADOW WAR going on outside the public view!
PDJT and The Deplorables—sounds like a great band name! Ha! 🤘


I’ve been thinking national security letters for a while. And compartmentalisation. Lots of sites with slightly different viewpoints makes it harder for the tech giants to ban them. I think everyone got their script and their parameters defined. Sundances economics analysis is too good to leave him hanging in the wind. He has to have some backup but it’s prob conditional.

JW in Germany

Now you are speaking my language! I LOVE outside the box thinking! Thank you! Man, there are so many possibilities!


Think intelligence/ira. Each cell completely separated to if one was busted the whole network couldn’t be rolled up

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinda funny that just today I was thinking about PRODUCTIVE DIVISION AND GROWTH.

JW in Germany

You mean there is an actual name for it? LOL!


For online groups a number I’ve seen is 200 members before some start drifting away or need to subdivide to keep the feeling of community rolling. Perhaps for a tight-knit focus group the number needs to be smaller.

JW in Germany

Very interesting. Avoid too much dilution—leading to better crowd sourcing? Is their a happy medium?
For example, I believe crowd sourcing would be virtually impossible on Breitbart’s Disqus—too many idiots in the mix. Getting popular can have its disadvantages.


We are forming Conservative cells ? They are harder to disperse harder to defeat.
The Tea Party was a big group and easy defeated by IRS.
Small Conservative pivoted to POTUS cells are harder to disperse to defeat .
Hate to say like Muslim cells.

JW in Germany

Hey, tactics that work are tactics that work no matter who comes up with the idea.


We lose some of our very best in the course of time, anyway.
If any of you read The Gates of Vienna, or its sibling blogs for the Counter-Jihad, you’ll know what I mean.
Very sad news: Our dearest Dymphna passed away last week.
The Ground Has Been Closed


Thank you yucki ..I read off and on there.
The poems were haunting and lovely

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was thinking we could maybe create an outer layer in Gab (no vetting or moderation needed), but in fact I think that if we can INSPIRE MORE SIMILAR COMMUNITIES (MAGA news aggregation groups), maybe we have achieved our real purpose.


Holographic organic growth.


Your theory about the Patriots wanting different sites to cater to different audiences is not something I would argue against.

That said, every theory needs to take into consideration the nature of the site. I started reading sometime after Treyvon Martin, and I knew immediately that the milieu was that SD was some kind of guru, due his obeisance. Then, well before Q, I saw people’s posts getting deleted merely for providing a different, professional perspective than the one SD had presented in his articles. (And SD was not proven to be correct later, so he didn’t have insider knowledge about the subject.) I was banned during the 2016 campaign, well before Q. (I don’t want to relitigate this but am just presenting facts.)
Your theory implies, to me, that SD is well on the inside and cooperating with the Patriots, to the point of knowing what Q is about. But to me, the things SD has been incorrect about argue against that idea. He was highly suspicious of Kellyanne Conway for quite some time, and there were other things he was wrong about that I can’t remember at the moment.
I have no doubt that he has some inside sources, but I have a very hard time believing he’s on the inside at Q’s level.
Does he think Hannity is controlled opposition? That one is impossible to defend against. One can say, “But Pres. Trump trusts Hannity and gives him interviews.” “But it’s all part of making Hannity and his audience THINK he’s more of an insider than he is.”
I was already banned from over there when people think the big changes happened, but I know how it was before, and I didn’t get an impression of great inside knowledge or accuracy in some areas. The reason CTH is referenced by conservative sites is that it was the most-known site that was completely in support of Pres. Trump during the campaign. (Some others were NeverTrumper or were supporting Cruz, etc.) Also, SD writes some good articles, and everything over there is designed to make you think it is THE place for patriot information that cannot be questioned. That reputation has continued, although I’ve seen some Twitter battles between SD and other patriots.

JW in Germany

Just to clarify, I have several theories. 😀
Also, as far as uncovering the Russia collusion scandal…CTH was highly recommended by Lou Dobbs at the top of his show AND recommended by Joe DiGenova during an interview as the best source.
My theory does not imply perfection…each source may have their own role to play.


That theory is a good one that could still work despite my observations. It’s possible that SD is cooperating, but maybe not at the top level. I can’t imagine a site owner risking readership and reputation by cooperating blindly in a plot that purportedly will help the MAGA cause; so if this has happened, I would think it would be with the belief that doing this for the cause would not unduly harm the site.

JW in Germany

YES! I do believe some truly fight for altruistic reasons and are willing to take a financial hit to do so. I would like to believe that I would do so in such a situation.
That said, if MAGA fails—then there is possibly no CTH at all. So there is also a motivation to help MAGA even if it were simply a financial one.
Also remember that we have over 300 million potential readers just state side—a few bruised egos…….
I witnessed the follower count go from 20,000 in 2015 to currently over 130,000—likely more than 10 times that read or lurk without following or commenting.
The truth is that no matter how informative a website is—some are simply never going to be satisfied and/or have their own biases/perceptions/world view.


Anyone that voluntarily (no NSL) rolls over and lets the wormtongue posters drive out the thoughtful members of a community needs to do a serious head check.


Lets try to find a commonality between our group here on Q Tree why we were banned from the OT site?
1) Q followers
But we are not all Q followers here are we ? Or to varian degrees ?
Are we all older?
How many were part of the Tea Party?
How many are independent not republican?
How many are converted democrats?
There is a reason beside Q that we were banned. When we figure this out we have some answers.


I haven’t been banned. I’m not a Q follower.
I’m here because _YOU_ are here!
I still read SD’s posts, some of the threads. There are a few terrific people still posting – Maine Coon, WSB, BlackKnightRides, others.
I scroll through fast, because it’s mostly depressing. There’s always a plaintive post: Where’d all the trolls come from? We’ve been infested!
So few to keep it MAGA.
It grieves me that we’re fractured.


“But to me, the things SD has been incorrect about argue against that idea. He was highly suspicious of Kellyanne Conway for quite some time, and there were other things he was wrong about that I can’t remember at the moment.”
There is a reason why some of us are apprehensive about Kelly Ann. She worked for 10 years for Pence she also worked for Cruz and came late to Trump.
Her husband mouthiness is also a concern and why both cannot get control over that.
My minds is still apprehensive because of the continuation trying to coup P Trump by dark swamp forces.
I could be wrong but 100% trust is not there. I am like a suspicious cat 🙂
Not like Sarah Huckabee who could be trusted 100%.
This might be me but I am not easy convinced about many things.


I understand. Pres. Trump seems to trust her completely, and she seems to be doing a great deal of good and no harm that we know of. SD’s distrust has not been borne out over the course of several years, so that’s why I don’t think he was correct about her. If it turns out that she has been undermining the administration this whole time, I will be shocked. I can’t imagine anyone lasting as long as she has without some patriot finding out something nefarious and outing her. At any rate, I trust Pres. Trump’s judgment over SD’s.


I agree with your perspective, These Truths. Look how many times , especially on weekends when the news cycle can be slow, there are Sundance articles on Lucianne, for example. Coincidence?
I have personal suspected for quite awhile that Sundance is not just one person. Agree that he writes good articles with lots of research (one reason I suspect more than one is involved), but like you I do not see much evidence of insider perspective.
JW…thanks for your thoughts…glad to see the topic introduced for us to ponder upon.


This is NOT your imagination. this is for real.

Cuppa Covfefe

Like I always say, TGIF!
Thank God It’s Faraday.. 🙂


From a Citizen Free Press post, within the past hour …
“ICE raids have begun!”





My DVR is all set.


You can program it?
Tech god


Testing, Testing….
The Last Refuge that wasn’t??
THANK YOU Big Mamma Tea for the invite!
My comment from above..
As “advocates” for FreeSpeech and the Ranting and Raving about BigTech & Social Media Co.’s Banning & Silencing Conservatives on Social Media..
So I’m now BANNED just for mentioning someone’s NAME?
I Honestly musta Missed that Memo, cause I sure didn’t receive it..
I Honestly & Certainly wasn’t aware of the on-going squabbles between certain Admins & Moderators, with another person…
This is the EXACT same approach & Tactics that certain Social Media sites are using too DE platform Folks.. Mention a Persons name, or say/write Well Wishes, and be De Platformed without warning..
I can ONLY HOPE, that “they” can see the Irony of their Actions, though I think, they cannot see the TREE because of the Branches..
My sincere Apologies if it’s been discussed here before already..
I hope, I receive a warm Welcome here..
As now, that I’m Banned the Site just became..
The Last Refuge that wasn’t
God Bless..
AND Happy Caturday..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I’m making an exception to my “closed hatch policy” already because you require no “extreme” vetting, crossthread. However, you were very likely walked off the plank precisely to generate an exception. THE ENEMY IS SMART. Sorry about that. They wanted you in so I’d let in some folks I don’t know. Sorry – that ain’t happening.
I don’t have time for vetting now. And that distracts me from important posts that SLAY THE ENEMY. Good people who have to wait to get in just have to wait. I’m sorry, but this is WAR.
I have one favor to ask, crossthread – try to adjust to the board ethic which is highly tolerant of Q and “conspiracy theories” in general, as well as all sides of “hot topics”. That’s why we’re resilient, and why the other side wants to take us down. Our goal is to make free speech work – not only as a demonstration, but as a TOOL to build MAGA and a WEAPON to defend it.


TY Wolf, No need to “Vet” this old Man.. You are correct, ‘This IS War’..
I recall often times, A lot of us discussed, where ‘WE’ would go if a said ‘meeting place’ became Compromised ..
Looks like that time has arrived, I was caught behind ‘Enemy Lines’ I guess..
The “We ride at Midnight’ Memo, I didn’t read, or missed, communications breakdown I guess.. 😉 ,,
So.. I’m kinda late.. Unfortunately, I don’t have no inside Intel too help our cause…
Last thing, I DO find the #17 very fascinating.
As I didn’t say anything for fear of.. (you know), after that one Blog post, kinda making veiled threats about that #..
I’m VERY, VERY tolerant, that’s the beauty of “Free Speech”..
Plus,, I LOVE good ‘Conspiracy Theories’, often times It turns out to be the *TRUTH* or variations of truth..
Final thought, thy Enemy has Captured that outpost, I fear.. People just don’t realize it … YET…


CT42 – just saw this post. Also the note from PHC. I hope this finds you well as I remember praying for you a while back OT … Trust the [W’s] Plan … 😉


Welcome to the Q Tree, crossthread! Most of us here were also banned without any kind of warning, too. I’ve done a lot of ranting and raving about it in the past, so won’t take any more time to do it. Just know that you’re not alone.


Crossroads…hi and welcome. Hope you will continue to list those beautiful photos of the sunsets and early morning on the water in your neighborhood.


How are you? Glad you made in in before Wolf closed the drawbridge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He figuratively jumped to the hull, and we had to torch through welds to let him in.


That reminds me of some hilarious submarine scenes from this cult classic with Slim Pickens…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! That was a lot of fun!


Hilarious!!! I can picture it now, Wolfie!!! and as crossthreads gets hauled in and the hull welded back–Great cheers went up throughout the Q tree sub!!!! YAY !!!! and welcome Patrioit Crossthreads!!!!


late 50’s


Speaking truth, I LOVE IT.


Nice to see you here crossthread42 and might I say you’re sounder chipper? You’ll like this place( laid back mostly ) and very informative with a huge bonus. Free Speech.


Hi, crossthread, welcome to the Q Tree! The wolf den is the place to be!
Glad to hear you are ‘Q’ curious, teehee. 🙂
We are a tolerant bunch as well. I can’t wait to read some of your comments.
I am sorry about your banning. I was upset for a long time about mine. But I am much happier here!


Thank you for all you do.
I realize, you are all out engaged in a consuming act of love as well as war (on deception).


He’s already been there. No need for that test with the dr now

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinda funny – I could have sworn he was already approved long ago, but maybe WP has an auto-re-mod feature based on time since LAST post, or maybe I’m just confusing things.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, God bless you for letting him in the door. I trust you to know the right thing to do with your Closed Hatch and all. You’re the captain and you have kept us safe so far. Just wanted to say thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome. I spotted two more known Treepers in the bin and did fast easy vettings, so they’re in after crossthread – Ophelia and kyblue. Cindy P had a post in spam – she got bad news from the Dr. and needs prayers.
I need to start work on some important posts, including my long-delayed censorship post, and wanted to do one last clearing of easy vettings before I do.
Gail – I got you two posts and will combine for an article soon.
Thanks, everybody, for your patience.

Sylvia Avery

I saw Cindy’s post and am praying for her. TY specially for bringing in my girl, kyblue. Huggles, Wolfie, I know you are slinging as fast as you can. God bless.


Hi Crossthread!
(Thank you PHC and Wolf.)

JW in Germany

I think you will feel more welcome just as you realize how many of us from OT are now here—it may even feel like the good ol’ days. 🙂
Welcome Crossthread!

Sylvia Avery

Welcome home, crossthread.


Project Veritas “Struck a Huge Nerve” at Pinterest, Big Tech
June 19, 2019 image
Big Tech is scrambling to cover its tracks in the wake of an investigative report exposing censorship of pro-life content by Pinterest.
Last week, Project Veritas, a conservative investigative journalism operation, released documentation and interviews with whistleblowers showing the social media company had blacklisted the pro-life Live Action website under a “porn domain block list.” Days later, Pinterest permanently banned Live Action from its platform.
Project Veritas then noticed videos reporting on the the censorship disappearing from YouTube’s platform:
So we can’t even talk about censorship or our @Pinterest investigation? So far @YouTube has removed coverage of our Pinterest story from @Timcast, @scrowder, and our own channel!
The “powers that be” don’t want @Eric_Cochran‘s story to be heard. It’s becoming quite clear.

Now, attorneys representing Project Veritas have sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter alleging Pinterest contacted other social media companies in order to spread falsehoods about the exposé. Journalist Tim Pool, whose own content covering the story was removed by YouTube, concluded that Silicon Valley may be desperate to keep the story under wraps saying,
“[Project Veritas founder] James O’Keefe has finally struck a huge nerve.”
So, why are these companies taking desperate measures to cover-up evidence of Big Tech’s censorship efforts? Pinterest whistleblower Eric Cochran believes it is about one thing: abortion. Earlier this week, Cochran said to FoxNews’s Tucker Carlson, “This is the watershed moment… this is about abortion. You’re seeing it now with YouTube doing Pinterest’s bidding by removing the Project Veritas video, you’re seeing that they’re gonna do whatever it takes. They are 100% in to protect the abortion lobby.”
Cochran, who had been placed on administrative leave, has now been terminated from employment by Pinterest. However, a tweet by Project Veritas hints that recent events have inspired more whistleblowers to come forward with stories on Big Tech’s censorship of conservative content.
Stay tuned as we will continue to monitor these developments.


keep america great


keep america great still…..
rolls off of the tongue easier…
For goodness sake
It’s just a cap


KAG..hmm “this is MAGA country” said the Smollet hoax attackers…….”this is KAG country”….I still like MAGA better.


This is not meant to be cynical, but using a different acronym not only causes people to think about what the campaign is about and the direction Pres. Trump wants to move the country in, but it gives a reason for people to purchase new merchandise. That money helps the campaign. The new acronym draws a distinction between the two campaigns and says that this is something new, so pay attention and work hard.


Yeah. Difficult to top MAGA…..
Rolls off the tongue….
What ever gets your voters out works for me….


KAGA rolls. Keep America Great Always!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes it does. Is good one


How about MAGAKAGA?
Hey it rhymes 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

KAG! is exploding! It’s the EXCLAMATION POINT!!!

Sylvia Avery

Marica knows the value of a good EXCLAMATION POINT!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Request, wolfie
A dear brother (CrossThread) is needing a new home


I 2nd that request!


Requesting wolfie leave the door open, at his place

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PHC – I appreciate it and I made an exception – a DIRE exception – to let him in now, because it was a 1-minute vetting job.
Only a few CTH old-timers, who I know well, who REFRAINED from attacking Q posters or getting in fights of any kind, will get in. Better to not send anybody here now. No hard feelings – this is war.
I cannot afford to vet right now, and the enemy wants to get in here. They have an interesting plan which can go straight to hell in a flaming handbasket.
You may wish to take off or at least modify that very friendly and much-appreciated referral to this site. I don’t want to disappoint people. Most of them ain’t getting in now. It’s just the reality of the situation. I am very sorry, but we have to shut the hatch and dive to save the submarine. We may surface later and take on more passengers, but not soon.


Thank you wolfie.
I will modify my signpost to your place accordingly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!!! I took a look. That will do just fine!


Blaaahahahaha! Awkward photo of Pocahontas sitting behind Crazy Bernie on a plane. Great comments, too. It’s gone viral of course.


BTW, I missed a golden opportunity to title that picture….
Two Snakes on a Plane


ewarren: I wish he’d stop passing gas!!!


ewarren: I could no I should be in first class…?




That guy next to Bernie looks PRETTY miserable.


Yeah. I can imagine that guy looking over at Bernie and asking the stewardess, Did this flight get diverted to Moscow?
They both looked pissed


LOL No that’s just the normal Bernie angry socialist look 😛


The guy next to Bernie Sanders is a Trump support right? He just looks like he wants off the plane asap!!!!


Possibly useful, not field tested path, for those needing to set up WP login for site
I think it is probably best to start by creating a Gravatar account. These accounts are provided by the same company as WordPress and are used for logging into WP blogs.
Using it gives you the power to instantly change the image/info displayed on every post/comment you have ever made with that account at any time.
The warnings are to mainly to remind you to choose a pseudonym | email address | picture that doesn’t reveal your real identity because it is only wise to protect your privacy.
It’s important to know that Gravatar accounts seem to be forever, as in, there is no delete option and whatever info you give to that account presumably is also forever.
Here’s a set of steps you could copy and print out to help if you like…
1. Think up a pseudonym you like that doesn’t reveal any personal details.
2. Find a picture online to help visually identify your posts as coming from you.
3. Get an email address to go with your pseudonym (you might want to avoid outlook/gmail since they tend to bin confirmation emails from WordPress).
4. Use these 3 things to sign-up at — DO NOT add location or personal details.*
The next step, creating a site may not be as important. I’m not even sure you need to do it, but to create a new blog at you can use this link…
This is not the method I used to get started and so I’m not familiar with the screens. Seems you would want to choose site type “blog” and then reuse your Gravatar name for the site name for simplicity.
* Here’s a tutorial if you want to see screen shots of the Gravatar enrollment process:


Thank you T3.
I am going to copy this and info you posted above so I can dive into stuff and have a reference for when I tackle it. Also going to go back and reread Wolf’s instructions.
I am very grateful for the moral support and technical help.
Sending hugs




Thank you!


Why doesn’t AG Barr file federal charges against mayors like this one?


Looks like obstruction of justice to me.
What are we missing?


As well as violating the oath of office, which swears to uphold the Constitution and laws of the state of IL.


We are missing the $$$. All political organisms require the proper nutrients to grow and evolve.


Well I just saw a close up photo of this….person….wish I hadn’t.


Quick. Bleach eyewash-May save your vision and will be less painful


Thanks, And yeah that’s just ugh. Right up there with merkel’s snake dance!!!!


Ewwwww. Once seen………..
Thanks for the reminder………not


🙂 If I have to suffer seeing it you all have to suffer! 😉


Sometimes sharing isn’t caring


I know… But I still care!!! Here have a happy Trump dance.




Yeah, that’s a bit wild, Putin pulling on Obama’s tie like he’s his dog and the dog is in trouble. Any idea of the context of the photo?


Nope but obumma was everyone’s bitch


And the us was too when obumma was Potus. It’s a whole new ball game now and Pres Trump came in with a crafted persona of a bit of a boofhead. Far from it , he is definitely a genius and lives and breaths sun Szu. One of his special talents is to make people underestimate him. See old video of him discussing serious shit and you will see the persona is camouflage. Not saying he’s dishonest. Just more New York brash now publically whilst I think he is, by nature , quieter and more measured. As he has grown skilled in the character of trump the erratic it’s helped him as his enemies can’t read him. He is fucking with their heads and enjoying every minute of it, exposing them for what they are


They has now painted a big fucking target on themselves by making a Public statement of their insurrection. They are so very fucked


He’s kinda’ got a full plate right now, with the 1700 pedo arrests at one site in the southeast. I have a feeling that Durham, Barr & Huber are sending a bunch of work out to other offices. Not to worry tho, I think it’s going to all get the application of liberal amounts of sunlight before it is all over.


JUST A REMINDER GUYS, we do have the 2nd amendment for a reason.


This would be NON-PC, though I’d have nary a objection to dropping a MOAB right there on Target, on our own soil, to Prevent Sharia Law *becoming Law *, Islam becoming the “driving force”, In our Country. Or avoiding, a future “war” , insurrection, or what-ever you want to call it, Saving, Western Civilization, Additionally , Our children’s and Grand Kids, Futures..
But that’s just Me..


crossthread42 Our freedom of religion is a two edged blade. The freedom can be exploited by Muslims and they have the will to do so.
Sharia Law is religious law and can easy be twisted. We see already prayer rugs in workplaces and some in schools.
Where are Christian kids demanding time to pray at least two times in the school while they attend?
What about fish on Friday? Muslims demand their foods.
When I grew up in Germany in an all Catholic Town people attended church 7AM at Noon and 6 PM.
I was not Catholic I was baptized French Reformed Calvinist.
As a child I loved the ritual of attending church early. I experienced the same in my stay in Iona Monastery church before work and three times a day.
We dropped our rituals and Muslims kept them. If we do not recapture our Christian traditions they will be gone and we have a culture we never thought to be part off.


it’s not so NonPC when we listen to their own imam’s sermons. They’re not censoring themselves about why they’re here or in’s for other reason. It’s not the weather or economic opportunity or even freedom. Their one stated goal is invasion and dominance by population and once the numbers are high enough then govt positions and then control over countries.
But hey…it’s ignored by most everyone who believes the big lie..religion of peace. suuuure


MOAB = Mother of all Bacon


That works Perfectly Michael!!!


The evolution of a resolution
Friday, June 21, 2019 | Steve Jordahl ( image
A controversial resolution passed in the closing moments of last week’s annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention continues to roil discussion among members of America’s largest Protestant denomination. Some are taking issue with the way it was passed – and some are saying it elevates dangerous Marxist theories above scripture.
In the mind of its original author, Resolution #9 – passed by a raising of hands at the SBC gathering in Birmingham, Alabama – was meant to be a stinging rebuke of the social justice concepts of critical race theory and intersectionality (a.k.a. CRT/I). But when it passed – in a hurry, at the very end of the two-day convention – it left many who voted for it confused and wondering what happened.
Pastor Stephen Feinstein of Sovereign Way Christian Church in the Southern California town of Hesperia heard a complaint from a church member whose child was enrolled in one of the supposedly conservative evangelical colleges in California. The parent’s complaint was that their child was coming home talking about “white privilege,” social justice, and something called “intersectionality.” When similar ideas started popping up at Southern Baptist pastors’ conferences, Feinstein decided to do some research. (See earlier story from OneNewsNow)comment image
“At the Shepherd’s Conference where I saw some of my favorite people really almost go to battle over this,” he tells OneNewsNow, “it really, really upset me.”
At the heart of the social justice movement are two concepts rooted in radical feminism and Marxism: critical race theory (CRT) and intersectionality. CRT contends that American culture is rife with white supremacy that is baked in racism and used, often subconsciously, to hold back women and people of color.
According to the theory, even if a white person isn’t racist themselves, he or she benefits from the inherent bias while minorities suffer. Those minorities are bound together in an interdependent and hierarchical system of oppressions known as “intersectionality.” For example, a gay black woman – according to CRT – is oppressed by misogyny, racism, and homophobia. She would rate higher than a poor black man, who only suffers under two oppressions.
The two philosophies are the foundation of identity politics and carry an added benefit for social justice advocates of keeping people victimized and angry.
“Behind these theories,” says Feinstein, “it really is a philosophy that is fueled by rage and anger and speaks purposefully to divide people.”
A closer look reveals …
Seeing a rising tension in the SBC, Feinstein decided to write a resolution for the 2019 convention which he titled “On critical race theory and intersectionality.” In his original submission, he noted the philosophies are “founded upon unbiblical presuppositions descended from Marxist theories … and therefore are inherently opposed to the Scriptures.” He noted that “Scripture provides God’s narrative on such matters” as racism, sexism, and the rest of the social ills besetting American culture. And he resolved that his denomination “decry … critical race theory and intersectionality as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
When Feinstein arrived at the convention in Birmingham, he was initially pleased that the Resolutions Committee had taken up his resolution – but then he looked closer.
“When I compared the differences,” he shares, “I had my pen out and put a checkmark next to each paragraph that, for the most part, had my content. And I realized that about 60 percent of it was completely rewritten and it removed the whole worldview aspect of this.” The pastor decided to give the Resolutions Committee the benefit of the doubt. “Perhaps when they read my original one, they thought it wasn’t nuanced enough; that a broad stroke is not the best way to go about it,” he tells OneNewsNow.
The revised resolution now categorized CRT/I as “a set of analytical tools [that] can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences,” and noted that “truthful insights found in human ideas that do not explicitly emerge from Scripture … reflect what some may term ‘common grace.'” The reworded resolution resolved to use the Marxist theories “subordinate to Scripture.”


I do not understand the draw of the Dominican Republic…. and it just keeps adding up.
Tenth American Dies After Visiting Dominican Republic
I did like the BB comment of ‘Can we send all the democratic politicians to the Dominican Republic for a vacation?”


Exile. It works better


Now your talking. Would make for a great show. 😉


Be like the hunger games but with thirst. We could run a book on who died when. The winner of the games gets life in Gitmo


Ohhhhh this would make survivor seem like a cake walk.


Naked and Afraid
Third World Urban Edition..
Oh wait! Can We just “exile” them as cashless & homeless in the Streets of San Francisco ?? 🙂
(Wasn’t there a crime show of the same name long ago?)
10 Day Challenge..
Called.. Meet & Greet & Live,, with your Urban Constituents “LA Edition”.. 😉
Absolute requirement, (Mandatory) in order to qualify for the Ballot.. 😉
Offer Good in Only CA, Washington State, Oregon..
Or 10 Select Select Sanctuary Cities..
Or choice to Live in a Tent, A terrific, exciting, ALL INCLUSIVE excursion, along Select stretches of the Mexican~USA Border, No Wi-fi, computers or phones, or vehicle….
HURRY! Offer expires soon..


Bargain holidays (vacations)?


I don’t even know where to start with this…
Germany: Lawmakers Want Three-year Prison Terms for Burning EU Flag
The proposed law would make rendering the European Union flag — a circle of twelve gold pentagram stars on a field of blue — either “removed, destroyed, damaged, unusable or unrecognisable” a crime punishable by a fine or a custodial term of as much as three years, the newspaper reports.
The law would also protect Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, which has been appropriated as the EU anthem.— WHAT?!?!?
I still take it the French are protesting….


If the Supreme Court of the U.S. upholds flag burning as free speech…
I say let’s have an E.U. flag burning bonfire on July 4th!
Their symbols are dung to me.


Here’s how you know Sen. Joe McCarthy was WAYYY ahead of his time and was right…
From the denizens of Commiewood:
“Fidel Castro is a genius! We spoke about everything. Castro is a humanist like President Clinton. Cuba is simply a paradise!” -Jack Nicholson
“Socialism works. I think Cuba might prove that.” -Chevy Chase
“Castro is very selfless and moral, one of the world’s wisest men” -Oliver Stone
“If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!” -Harry Belafonte
“It was an experience of a lifetime to sit only a few feet away from Fidel Castro.” -Kevin Costner
“The eight most important hours of my life,” said Stephen Spielberg, describing his dinner with Castro.
“My biggest regret is I never got to go to bed with Che Guevara,” lamented Jane Fonda, who according to her biographer Patricia Bosworth, actually used the “f” word in describing her lifelong lament.
“The Cuban people are among the happiest people I have ever met…. And the vast majority love Fidel Castro.” -PETA member Woody Harrelson—who recently petitioned Texas Gov. Abbot to ban “the cruelty” of Texas barbecues
“My heart beat faster!–This is one of the most important moments in my life!” – a hyperventilating Danny Glover while visiting the Che Guevara memorial in Santa Clara, Cuba during one of his frequent red-carpet visits to Stalinist, terror-sponsoring Cuba


These people are idiot living in the rich persons buble




Do we have a new ‘its Monday again’ photo? Ok yes this photo just made me laugh.
German firefighters rescue squirrel stuck in manhole cover


“Seven motorcyclists are left dead and three injured in a ‘devastating crash’ after a Dodge pickup truck plows into their procession along a rural stretch of highway in New Hampshire”
this was bad…pics at link….


Horrible. Another article. Mostly Marine veterans
Federal agency to investigate N.H. motorcycle crash that killed seven


So incredibly sad. I can’t tell from either article if the driver of the dodge is alive, his truck burst into flames though. Boston globe answered one question,
‘according to a statement from New Hampshire State Police. Police said a 2016 Dodge 2500 pickup truck was traveling west on the route at the time of the crash, while the motorcycles were headed east.’
He went head on into them pulling that long gooseneck trailer, those poor bikers and families 😟


Update, Driver of the Truck is among the Deceased..
Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, of West Springfield, Mass. Was the Driver.
(His name, Social Media etc etc has been “scrubbed” off the internets..)..
God Bless & RIP to the victims in the crash..
I truly hope it was “just” a accident..
Liberals are F-ING sick, sick people, I’ve been reading some of their comments…


Weird that they scrubbed his social media history….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I found info that he was alive:
The driver of the pickup truck was identified as Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, who works for a transportation company in Springfield, Mass. He survived the accident and did not require hospitalization, said New Hampshire Deputy Attorney General Jane Young.
The owner of the transportation company, Dartanyan Gasanov, said Saturday he has been trying to reach Zhukovskyy without success. “The driver doesn’t answer the phone calls,” he said.


More curious now as to why they’d want to scrub his social media…
Quick surname search shows Zhukovskyy with 2 ys is most prevalent in England, highest density Norway – but only 9 noted worldwide. With only one y, most prevalent Russia, highest density Belarus.
Gasanov … most prevalent in Russia, highest density in Turkmenistan.
(per data at


BEARS not vears. apologies.


Hey Flep they had an ok article on BB about Hong Kong (still) protesting China. They talked about Xi being in a bad place. Which makes you again wonder if he’s going to give Trump NK for a better deal??
World View: Hong Kong Protests Show Historic Split Between Northern and Southern China
No good choices for Xi Jinping
So Xi Jinping is boxed in, with no good choices.
*Enacting the Extradition Law will cause more businessmen to flee to protect themselves and their assets.
*Canceling the Extradition Law will embolden pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong and pro-independence activists in Taiwan.
*Violently stopping the pro-democracy demonstrations will bring chaos to Hong Kong, and threaten it as a global financial portal.
*Allowing the pro-democracy demonstrations to continue unchecked will risk triggering a rebellion starting in southern China.


Wonder if the US discretely assisted the HK protests. Certainly good by me. If it helps HK citizens, irritates Xi and helps NK come along to de nuke.


Oh, yes.


Blue is good for the blood: Study finds eating blueberries improves blood vessel function
June 22, 2019
by Vicki Batts, Natural News

JW in Germany

Berries of all sorts provide so many health benefits—each type having unique benefits.


So true, JW!

JW in Germany

And berries are high in fiber and low in fructose—very Keto friendly!


I eat lots of berries and only organic.

CM in TN

Ours are beginning to ripen. We have 7 small bushes out back. Our blackberries are also starting to ripe.

CM in TN

Ripen, that is…


Do crayons count?
Asking for a friend


LOL – berries, man – berries are best!


I love blueberries! I will have to eat more of them!
Since my stroke last July, I try to be better about what I eat! Yum!


Blueberry Pancakes anyone?




“(Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump put off for two weeks the start of a a planned nationwide roundup of undocumented immigrants, tempering a vow made earlier Saturday to have them “removed from the country.” He said he was acting “at the request of Democrats.”


JW in Germany

President Trump has been more than reasonable with not just the Democrats—but the entire damned Congress—RINOs included. 60+ million twitter followers are witness to it!


You are a patient man, Donald Trump. If you become anymore accommodating you are going to have to open a hotel. Oh, wait……


Ha-ha. But Pres. Trump is giving the Dems more rope to hang themselves. They never learn. They whine about how mean his is, then he gives them the chance to do what’s right and they don’t do it. Meanwhile, the American people can see where the Dems really stand.


You mean like this ??
BREAKING: Mayor Lori Lightfoot announces she has terminated federal immigration agents’ access to Chicago’s gang database in advance of raids on undocumented immigrants set for Sunday in Chicago and cities across the city.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yay Mayor! So glad that you have their backs. Violent gangs of illegals, smh …PTrump makes them expose the insanity every time


Headlines that make no sense: “Toy Story 4′ Opens Below Box Office Expectations, Yet Still Soars….”
No I did not make that up. Huh? How? That makes no sense. But I have to admit I love the fact that Box Office Slump Continues for hollywood. 😀


Well this is encouraging, more people are recognizing the need to have safer schools and one obvious answer is armed staff who are very well trained.

JW in Germany

What led to us all being here? I am starting to believe this is all somehow connected.
I am trying to follow up on a hunch that MAY involve several players and internal fighting within team MAGA. At the moment everything is just a hunch, and by no means am I pointing any finger of guilt at anybody because I am ignorant of the facts—I do not even know, as of yet, if this is at all related.
That said, these are the people I am currently researching because a twitter battle between Bill Mitchell and SD seems to coincide with my developing timeline: the Q purge OT, infighting at Bill Mitchell’s YourVoice America, guests appearing on YourVoice claiming to be insiders helping the President, claiming to have tipped off Admiral Rogers, and claiming to know who Q is, Praying Medic appearing on YourVoice, and Bill Mitchell being open to the idea of Q<<<not an all inclusive list:
Bill Mitchell
Ann Vandersteel
Ginger McQueen
Adam Gingrich
Brian Hassime
Praying Medic
SD and CTH
The YourVoice guests claiming to be insiders
A Super-Pac or 2 or 3
others to follow
Remember, this is simply brain-storming at this point—but this has been bugging me for awhile. For all I know—it is all part of the plan.
Why do I think this may be important? I am worried that we may have dark forces on the inside of MAGA, enemies within, trying to divide and conquer and/or profit from the movement. If so, I want to help expose them before they destroy us. I have no idea how long my research may take—I work full time, workout, and have family. Maybe, it all leads to nowhere.
So why post this? Because my hunches more often than not have turned out to be true or close to the truth. I believe in crowd-sourcing. In a nutshell, I was simply giving a starting point to anybody who has had similar suspicions.
Yes, WE ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO MAGA! All of the Deplorables.
Here is a video commentary by Ginger McQueen talking about the rise and fall of YourVoice and supposedly some very bad stuff going on. WARNING: Lots of hearsay.


JW – It looks like we are dealing with the clash of super-egos and super-PACs.
It’s hard to find anyone a few of those you named have not fought with.

JW in Germany

True. The more I dive into this—I am listening to the video of Ginger McQueen above for the 2nd time—this all coincides with the timing of SDs twitter battle with Mitchell and shortly thereafter the Q purge OT. I also believe Ginger is telling the truth as she believes things happened.
I am more curious about how Q fits into all of this—she claims to have exposed that Q is a hoax. Around this time is where SD went anti-Q. December 2018.


SD has locked horns with quite a few – Brian Cates too.

JW in Germany

There is something to all of this. I am ever more convinced the twitter battle Mitchell vs SD led or contributed to the Q purge—the TIMING—all late 2018 withing several weeks.
Are there forces trying to lure us away from the Truth? You bet! I am just trying to find out who they are!


JW in Germany I believe so too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JW – I think you have correctly identified the Petri dish in which the fatal organism Discredia magansis is found. I do not want to speculate WHICH individual or individuals is a carrier, because (1) there is an excellent chance that any pick will be WRONG, and (2) attributing to any individual just furthers their plans and helps them achieve their goals.
So YES – creating division within the ranks of CTH was very likely somebody’s JOB, and targeting SD for influence from several directions he would never suspect is very likely.
Guess what? They want to move that shit here. I am sure.
How do you win? DO NOT PLAY THE GAME.
I do NOT recommend pursuing this, because you will open yourself up STRONGLY to being approached, first online, and then in real life, so that you can be manipulated and used. These people are professionals. It is very unwise to let them get close to you, which they will do if you pursue this.
I’m dropping this subject like a hot potato. You have showed me enough. I want this shit FAR AWAY. Do not invite this stuff into this blog! This is exactly the stuff I don’t want here.

JW in Germany

I understand Wolf. I will not bring it here.
Anyway, as far as the MAGA Coalition is concerned…lots of sour grapes seems to be evident and a lot of insults and rhetoric without much substance as far as Q goes.
I just do not want us to be used or fooled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! There is so much sketchy stuff in those fights, that I am really leary about getting involved!!!

JW in Germany

If I come across anything that I believe to be a big revelation to this subject—I will not post it openly. I will try to contact you privately if I find anything worth the stress.
Again thanks for providing a refuge after the last refuge. I do not want to contribute to ruining that. In fact, perhaps it is better for you to remove this thread I started.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! You understand!
No, don’t worry – I am not worried by what is posted – it’s better to leave an honest record of our thoughts for others to understand and follow along, learning from us!


‘Around this time is where SD went anti-Q. December 2018.’
It was earlier. November 18. I read it on November 11, but it was posted on November 10:


Sorry, meant to say ‘November 2018’.

JW in Germany

Remember that SD posted a comment like-“I do not want to see that stuff here anymore.” I think that was November.


That was another — earlier — post, which I did not bookmark.
However, this one garnered 1,259 replies, most of them pro-Q, because I read nearly all of them at the time.
Again, this was the shutdown post:
I would quote from it, but do not want our gracious host here to get into trouble.
Essentially, SD put his foot down on Q, which is why he got so many comments.
I, along with many others here, were banned at that point — Q supporters or not. (I was readmitted during December until January 6 or 7, 2019.)
Most of us hadn’t been banned after the earlier post.

JW in Germany

I wonder if SD is involved with the MAGA Coalition super pac—Ginger McQueen is—so is Adam Gingrich.<<<very anti-Q and ex YourVoice hosts!


I do not know — nor follow — GOP/PAC connections, so I cannot help there.
Will look forward to seeing what you discover.

JW in Germany

The periscope Ginger had of Brenden Dilley totally destroyed my opinion of him. He was brutally nasty to her.


I don’t know who GMcQ is. Have never read/watched her stuff.

JW in Germany

She was a guest host on YourVoice. In the video she is explaining all the BS that has happened at YourVoice claiming that Ann Vandersteel is the main culprit and the reason why so many other guest hosts left the show.
I must say that in recent months, Ann is not often on the show and Bill looks to be struggling with his health. I think SD is somehow involved, or at least caught wind of something that made him take a stand against Q—right or wrong—again timeline.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This stuff is like a disease. I think you found it – this is DEMAGA VIRUS. It’s the same crap that tore everybody else apart, and it infected SD, too.
All of these people are carriers now. Do not get involved. Pick a side, YOU DIE. This is sophisticated, professional divisiveness. If you are PRO or ANTI anybody, you LOSE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are extremely good at what they do.
Millions of dollars were spent to take out Steve Bannon from first the NSC and then the White House. IT WORKED BOTH TIMES.
Smaller amounts downed Cernovich’s shooting star.
But one of the best operations yet was the BOWLING BALL that damaged ALL of the independent MAGA Twitter pundits. That was a multi-medium operation, including real life action and abuse of federal resources. Must have cost millions. Affected sites included just about everybody – and all influenced to shoot at each other.
We have survived relatively unscathed because of my security model, AND because I refused to get involved.

JW in Germany

I think we know each other digitally long enough that you are aware that I do my best to not jump to conclusions simply because I am willing to admit to myself that I am not privy to information that would fill in all the blanks. I have theories and opinions and from 3000 miles away very difficult for me to know anything for sure.
In fact, my not taking a side one way or the other on Q and being open to many possibilities<<<this likely helped lead to me getting banned OT. I do not want that to spread here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Yes – keep keeping an open mind here!
We have to have theories, and we have to discuss them – it’s why we’re here. Those theories may even be contentious.
However, certain theories and positions on them are PUSHED by the enemy precisely because they’re DESIGNED to make us “pick a side” and fight – often over extremely worthless stuff. I look at this “personality fighting” in MAGA and I just want to run, at how stupid it ultimately is. The cringe factor is extraordinary!
We have to be very careful right now. The division and demoralization that poisoned CTH is trying to get into here. This is how socialist diaspora works.
The enemy is extremely skilled in “weaponized migration” and “creation of internal opposition”. We have to learn their tactics and neutralize them.
They flooded Europe for a REASON. They flood America for a REASON. They PUSH so that they CONTROL THE DIRECTION.
People getting along – being smart – learning to live together by a smart mixture of tolerated differences – they don’t want any of that. When we are off OUR OWN balance, THEY are in control.
They want this SAME CONTROL in the small and in the large.

JW in Germany

After further review of their YT channel, that group, while pointing their fingers, are full of sour grapes and vitriol with lots of rhetoric, accusations, and very little substance to back it all up. In other words, a waste of mine and OUR time while bringing the stink into WQTH.
I think your Wolf instincts are serving you well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JW – my warning – you don’t know any of these people. JUDGE NOT.
In my life I’ve known pathological liars – criminals – spies – informants – murderers – and worse – many of them personally and closely. Some I knew what they were the whole time. Others I had NO idea – NOT A CLUE – until they were long gone. These people are often utterly undetectable except to the most careful paranoids – or maybe DOGS. You cannot watch a YouTube of anybody in conflicts like this and be assured who is truthful and who is deceiving you. If you let any person “destroy your opinion” of another – you risk being fooled and brought into the destruction.
I don’t know Ginger. I don’t know Adam. I don’t know Bill, or Brian, or Thomas, or Neon, or Ann – not enough to pass a valid judgment on any of them. I only know that MANY if not MOST of these people have spoken a LOT OF TRUTH – BIG TRUTH – that has been very helpful to me, and I’m going to keep listening to what they say. But I am scared to judge them – even the ones that seem sketchy as hell.
NONE of these people seem like criminals – but some do seem like operatives. So BEWARE.


I’m with you Sir Wolf the Noble.

JW in Germany

You are correct. I will hold my judgement. I can admit when I am being too quick on the trigger.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am too quick, too – very often – maybe even here! 😀
Seriously, these are dangerous times. But if we weather this storm – I think we’ll be OK.
I smell trouble. I think you FOUND IT. And I have to say – GOOD JOB!

JW in Germany

It was an itch I had to scratch! Time to stop before it gets wound and festers.

JW in Germany

I am moving on—time to look at the news round-up!

JW in Germany

All I do know is the people leaving YV does fit the timeline Ginger was describing—Ann has not been on the show since beginning May and Bill’s health has visually taken a hit.
Much more I simply do not know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you are very correct on the timeline of this stuff. Dangerous division was sown in that time period. And yes – there is much that we don’t know. This is why picking sides in a quarrel like this is very dangerous.
Note that CTH may have been tricked, forced, or influenced into “forcing people to pick sides”. Who does that? Not somebody who had the good of CTH in mind, IMO.


I do not mean ‘super-egos’ in the Freudian sense in which super-egos are the best, most benevolent, reasonable, highest motives of a person.
I mean out-sized egos, hidden motives for self-aggrandizement and/or self-enrichment, unreasonable, agenda-driven.
I’ve become convinced ‘the truth has no agenda’ does not apply to these people.


Some of us at WQTH were banned for disagreeing with the prevailing positions OT. There are written and unwritten rules and you can get banned for infractions of either kind.
I was banned twice for presenting evidence that LBGTQXYZ lifestyle was unhealthy, unholy and had unhappy negative consequences – according to science, Scripture and statistics.
I was told by Menagerie in a private email, that if I wanted to present my own opinions, I should start my own blog.

JW in Germany

What in the world is the comment section for if not to present opinion? Are we simply there to worship the author?
As long as a person is not turning the comment section into their very own blog without the green light from the owner, I do not see a problem with presenting a substantive argument open to rebuttal.
Anyway…I feel this world is more batty every day at an accelerating rate. Maybe it is not that it is getting more batty—President Trump is simply exposing all of it at an accelerating rate. Cup half full. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think what’s kind of cool is that we actually embraced the “comment section is the blog” model of places like Free Republic. Our greatest strength is the open threads – the PEOPLE. We have some great articles, but we’re basically more like FREEPERS than TREEPERS.
My job is much more about keeping the lights bright and the temperature down.




…and you keep that loving feeling flowing.


JW in Germany Those who have been fighting 3 are from Florida. I do not know if more on your list are from Florida. Infighting is possible is it for local control or support of Politicians? Are they all trying to make a name for themselves? Bongino has broken to the national level at Fox. Are they fighting for the same people? That would not explain why we being banned.
Bill Mitchell

JW in Germany

Infighting at YourVoice and Bill Mitchell bringing on Q supporters and people who claim to be close to the President apparently made SD suspicious about Q to the point that he decided that Q was detrimental to CTH. This is all in the same timeframe that Ginger is describing in her video.
I am still trying to figure out her claimed debunking of Q.

JW in Germany

I need to get some rest—almost 2:30AM. Good night!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sleep well!

Deplorable Patriot

I am going to agree that each of the people named seems to think their take is “the right one.” Stepping back, and humbly considering other POVs just is not their style.
My guess is that there is a kernel of truth in each person’s perspective, but stripping back the hubris and tail feathers to get to what is real is not going to be an easy task.

JW in Germany

What helps in this situation is the timeline.
I have followed YourVoice for quite some time and noticed changes that fit like a glove with what Ginger McQueen is saying—the comings and goings of people on YV etc…..
Most come out of Florida and a couple out of Arizona.
Then we have the alleged doxxing of Gorka’s wife—Ann Vandersteel has not been on YV since early May…etc…..
I seem to be onto something that is making me sad this morning. I am still putting the pieces together—seems to involve Q as well.
In any event, I will keep an open mind.


The way a successful insurgency works
No inter communication between cells.
A host population positive to the insurgence aims/ideals. This gives support , info nd enable the insurgents to hide in plain site
A command / coms unit that can operate from safe turf. Think bbc-ww2, q

JW in Germany

Damn Ozzy! I am tracking what you are saying and is in line with long held theories of my own. Thanks for helping me know that I am not going crazy. LOL!


Agreeing with me does not constitute that you are not going crazy. Just not alone

JW in Germany

I have believed since the beginning that military and others are involved—your comments support that.


Asymmetrical warfare. More counterintelligence against an entrenched enemy that has govt, Leo, msm, and a largely oblivious general population. The is a reason it’s called the great awakening. The levers of power are being tested, people in critical positions are being tested and those on our side often have to appear ambiguous. There is a hellava lot of rat cunning involved in this

JW in Germany

Sounds like ‘a plan’.


Draw and strike(it also has links to Thomas Wictor tonight) and anonymous conservative are worth your time


Heads up Coloradans, this needs to be defeated or we’re really screwed. We’ll turn into California for sure!


Dear QTreepers – this is a love letter to all of you and Wolf, sorry if I get a little personal.
I’ve been reading the many posts today of people finding their way here and wanted to share what a blessing this site has been to me. I was a long-time reader of OT and made an occasional post there. But I also noticed slowly through 2018 how many familiar voices were missing and also how bitter and hateful the posts there were becoming. I had started reading Q and couldn’t understand SD’s attitude. But then someone mentioned this site in the fall of 2018 and suddenly I found familiar voices, laughter, respectful dissent, affirmations of faith – caring people again! It was heaven! I was reading every word.
It was also in late November 2018 that I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer and had some pretty serious surgery. I went through chemo and radiation in Feb. and March of 2019. Through all of these darkest days, I kept reading here – somehow Wolf’s honesty, Wheatietoo’s music and pictures, TTT’s expressions of faith, Daughn’s stories, Sylvia and Marica’s laughter, SteveinCO’s integrity, Flep’s optimism all brought me light and hope. I can’t name everyone but everyone here has become a dear friend.
I finally got up the nerve to post here and a little on PHC’s site. I must say the love and support you all have shown to him has been inspirational!
This past week I had my first scan since all the treatment – and unfortunately it did not come back with good news. The cancer is spreading in lymph nodes throughout my body. More chemo and immunotherapy is in my future.
But I will keep reading here, keep laughing at your jokes, keep being amazed by your knowledge, keep being inspired by your faith and and patriotism. You all just have no idea how much light you bring to those of in the dark.
Thanks for listening and if you are a Prayer Warrior, please keep me in your prayers.

Sylvia Avery

Cindy, I appreciate your sharing your story. I will put you on my list of those I pray for daily. I’m so glad you’re here. Huggles.


Hi Cindy –
Not sure if we’ve chatted before…..if not, I’m Weeper. Not only will I pray for you, I’ll pray with you. I was a lurker OT, then got up my nerve to post in April 2017. I was banned at the end of May 2017, can’t tell you why. I continued to lurk there, and here when Wolfie started this site up, but I didn’t want to post. Until PHC revealed his illness.
I have stage 4 bladder cancer. Diagnosed in Feb 2018….I’ve had Chemo, immunotherapy, radiation, and several procedures on my kidneys. I’m operating with stents keeping things working. There are small lesions in my bones, and now I’m waiting for what the next treatment will be. Nothing they do on me works… we pray. 🙏
I pretty much spend my time now at PHCs. I stop in here for the news, but spend the time with him….the way he wants to spend it. Join us…..anytime. I’m usually there every day between 8 – 8 central time…..and I read most all the comments. If you want to chat and don’t find me….just ask where I am….I’m probably napping, and will answer you shortly. Sylvia is there too.
Everyone here at wolfies is top notch as you’ve already pointed out….so this is a great place to be as well. Take care….we’ll visit again soon.
Weeper…..can’t do just my W, cuz that’s Wolfie’s sign off 😉


Weeper, thank you for sharing your story. I wish I had something helpful to say about your situation. But I’ll certainly be praying for you. Glad you’re here!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post and my prayers for you as well!
Help yourself to We/ as a sign-off! 😉


🤗 love it….WE!!!
Just so you know…..I was here from the beginning. Those very first posts where you and Wheatie and some others were joking around about James Coburn. I typed several comments, then talked myself out of it. I didn’t understand, still don’t but I want to contribute so thanks for having me….warts and all 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hugs back!!! <3




Glad you are here, and sorry to hear another of us is having health issues! I think of all of the sick and pray for you.


I am praying for you as well, Weeper. 🙏


Dear Weeper, I had no idea.
God bless you so much for your courage and constancy. You continue to be a blessing and think of others no matter what.
I will be praying for you and send you love and many hugs with thanksgiving for the wonderful person that you are.
May His love and light encompass you and lead you to victorious health and well-being.
In Jesus Name.


Cindy!!! You are now added to my prayer list!!! Thank you for sharing!! Never give up! You brought tears to my eyes regarding your situation–But also tears of joy knowing One MOAR Patriot finds light and HOPE here!!
Smuchas Gracias for posting Dear Cindy!! 😘😘🤗


Cindy, I’m so glad that you found the Q Tree. I’m just sorry for all that you’ve been through. I’ll be praying for you.


Happy to see you here, and glad it gives you some joy. I am sorry you are struggling with your health. Nothing is harder.
Laugh as much as you can, it is the best medicine!


Dear Cindy, your courage and good will are inspiring. I am praying for you and look forward to hearing more from you if you are so inclined. 🙏


Cindy, I was just checking in for a good night visit and saw your post.
I am so sorry you are going through this.
Thank you for sharing your story. Your appreciation of friendship and faith was beautiful and inspiring.
I too, will add you to my prayer list.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s great to have you here, Cindy! Thanks for the introduction! <3
Now – stand back – you just unleashed a LOT of prayers!


You guys need to keep your ears pricked and Tell. Your. Doctors that you are enthusiastic about trials. It takes sooooooo long to get a drug to market and about a billion bucks. The reason is thalidomide. They have to make sure of long term side effects. If suitable you do have to commit to long term monitoring ie blood tests scans etc. you have to be in the right demographic,have the particular cancer the trials involved with blah, blah
I’m going to get personal though it’s not my story and I don’t want to give false hope.
My exSIL had breast cancer. Thythrew everything inc the kitchen sink at it. Then she has a pathological fracture of he femur and they had to put a pin in it. It was everywhere, bones, liver, lungs.Late November they told her she wouldn’t make Xmas. I used my less than polite words. Told her she needed o get out of her small country town and go to a big city with major hospitals that do trials. As it happened her partner couldn’t cope with the situation.( seriously ocd about cleanliness and she had been puking etc for 18 mths). She decides to go to her youngest daughters place,my niece, in Perth. Perth is the capital city of Western Australia. Spoke to her doctor to arrange transfer of care etc and said I’d told her to get on a trial even if she had to kill the person in front of her in the queue. (Figuratively)
She was medivacd to Perth and was offered a trial double blind as she was rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. This is similar to Potus right to try .
Long story short she recently told me she went for a scan that needed contrast and because her veins are so very fritzed by all the chemo even with ultrasound 4 hour later they still couldn’t get an iv in. Told me first time she’d cried for 18 months.
Went back a week later and they got it done,
Saw dr who told her there was good news and bad.
She braced herself and asked for the bad.
Dr told her she’d have have to keep doing the scans for the next 10 years.
She’s well. No side effects. She looks after her toddler grandson. (And he’s a little terror)
Told she would die before Christmas 2017.
Her biggest regret? A friend went through it all with her and got to the end of the line at the same time. She went into a hospice and died and c is alive and well and living the life.
Cancer, is like real estate, it’s location,location,location.
Hope phc sees this and if even one person here gets any help from this story that’d be great. Drug she’s on doesn’t have a name, just a lab no. Thanks to her and the other originals it’s been fast tracked to double blinds and larger groups.
Squeaky wheels


This is an older video – but, should be of interest
SerialBrain2: So you thought Trump caved? Then you are not paying attention.


Test ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. You passed. 😉
You will receive your orders later.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I know that many have surmised that Q would be leaving us, but I have always hoped not.
Q is so inspiring to Patriots and so much fun and creates such excitement that I believe we need him (them?) more than ever during this election cycle and even beyond.
Lately I have been worried that something bad may have happened although I have hoped that Q has just been busy saving humanity (and perhaps fighting court battles i.e. General Flynn).
In any case, as we cover so many other people and situations in prayer the thought occurs that Q be included.


Has Q left/resigned/quit?
Melania’s Q dress may signal a soon return.
The election season would be a great time for Q messages.


Q is just stepping back and watching the show, GA/FL – Imho – everything that is happening now – he/she/they have already predicted – those who are covering recent events and Q – go back and tie in what Q previously said – Drip…Drip…Drip – watch what PT says – it is all there!


Why I find Q informative and interesting he never held me away or towards POTUS .
POTUS is my focus and Q is a byproduct and hopefully real because so many people put all their hope into the Q.
My hope is Trump and I do realize he has to have a loyal operates behind him to have weathered the coup if it is Q the more power.
What I am waiting for his that those who want to coup POTUS are defeated. If Q is part of defeating the swamp I am all for it also but I will not be devastated if we find out otherwise.
This is just me.
What reasons SD has to disband himself from Q I do not know and maybe he knows something we do not know. I wish he would have told us the what and why.


PT and Q compliment each other – his election to the Presidency did not just happen 2.5 years ago – it was planned long ago – Q is our link from the past to the present – imho – how it all fits together – the order of things – future proves past – the proof is in the Q – remember our enemies read Q, too – so Q is not going to tell them all – Q is Intel – a sharing of what we need to know – but, we have to work at it – pay attention to the signs – read between the lines – know your enemy – but, do not give him the means to take you down – Q helps us understand what we cannot – especially – since we have a News Media spreading lies – about everything – the clues Q gives help us see what we would not ordinarily see – what I believe – as far as acceptance is concerned – it is a personal preference – some people are threatened by competition – we have a right to access any and all information at our disposal – so that we can make informed decisions – what I believe…


I, too, very much hope Q has not disappeared forever…still needed in our battle, IMO. My thought is that the Q team was very much focused on the safety of POTUS on all these recent overseas trips…and the one yet to come next week.


Donald J. Trump/ Clean Up Time!TIC TOK 6.22.2019


From NeverTrump site Drudge, an image which is EXACTLY a Creepy Joe image, except it is Roger Ailes.
Fake News is boosting Creepy Joe by normalizing the creepy images of Joe into an Everybody Does It Thing.
Creepy Joe needs to be credible when he endorses Big Mike.


Old news . . . Flep 15:28.


With Trump in office, there is no “old news”! 🙂


hahaha.. This is great. Finally the call out to invite illegals into your home by none other than the fullblown democommie herself.
Yass! Let’s have our * coff..lawmakers open their digs to some illegals (who don’t work for them)
THIS IS CRIMINAL! Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Calls on Supporters to Report ICE Sightings, Harbor Illegal Aliens in their Homes!


If AOC had a brain – she would be dangerous – hence – just a lot of hot air coming out of an already deflated balloon.


haha…you’re right!
she’s becoming good at saying something so crazy and then her peers and media are forced to prop it up…this is another excellent one.
Now they will need to explain why they haven’t become personal illegal saviors by reaching out to some to come and live with them.
Hollyweird stars…you’re up! Call your local shelter and get some.


Send them all to the houses of those who are defending them – let’s get on with the screaming – Mkay?


Golly, wonder how many she will “harbor” (without a TV crew filming) in her houses in DC and NYC?
And, of course, we know her Congressional Sisters…will be doing the same! S/o


AOC should be removed from office. She is encouraging people to break the law. How many illegals has she given refuge to, or how many is she planning to help?
8 U.S. Code § 1324. Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
(a) Criminal penalties
(A) Any person who—
(iii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;
…shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).
And Subparagraph (B) describes various fines and imprisonment. Someone in a position of authority needs to call AOC out and let everyone know that this won’t be tolerated. Her attitude is exactly that of the ilegals who come here with their Mexican flags and the middle finger. She cares nothing for our laws or our sovereignty. Having her in Congress is having the enemy within.


So predictable
Podesta’s CAP Fuels Dark Money Group Hitting Trump with Lawsuits
Democracy Forward received $1M from Center for American Progress, marks same address on legal docs


Just shows to go you, molly – how skeert they are!


Wolf check that out:

Updated records provide a fuller list of the [Democracy Forward]’s governors: Marc Elias, an attorney at Perkins Coie who was the top lawyer for Hillary Clinton‘s campaign, and now holds the same position in Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D., Calif.) campaign; Ron Klain, a Democratic operative who was President Barack Obama’s “Ebola Czar”; Maya Harris, also a Democratic operative and the sister of Sen. Harris; and Podesta [trying to hide his relationship with Democracy Forward].

Pretty strong indicator based on relationships that Kamala is the 2020 Chosen One. (Or sacrificial lamb, depending on your take.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, there has been some very interesting movement between the Canklesphere and the Kamalasphere of late. Not sure what it means.


she’s already got her campaign gear for sale online. Going the “for The People’ route


Well after checking around i guess a lot of them have their gear for sale


I’d love to sell fake great for the Harris campaign but I’m afraid most of the merchandise wouldn’t be considered appropriate.


Speaking of AOC…..comment image
Poll: AOC Disliked, Distrusted, Unwanted In Her Own NY District
She’s a star on the national political stage, but Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is viewed skeptically back in her Queens and Bronx 14th Congressional District, according to a new door-to-door survey.
It found that she has a low 21% favorability rating, that just 11% believe she has their best interests in mind, and that only 13% would vote to reelect her.
in her district the survey conducted by Mobilize the Message for the opposition group found weak support for the congresswoman.
The key findings:
42% are unfamiliar with AOC.
51% have an unfavorable view of her.
33% are ready to vote against her, and only 13% would vote for her.
The conclusion of the summary drove home her predicament:
“Facing an electorate more concerned with results than retweets, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has problems in her backyard. Despite her online notoriety and fandom in the national new progressive movement, the citizens of New York District 14 want a representative aligned with their values. After surveying voters in 2,261 homes in her district, it’s clear Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is not the model for hope and change she sold herself to be. The opportunity for a new voice is prevalent, and the electorate is ready to take action in 2020.


I wonder if her election was a fraud too?
Maybe she never won that seat in Congress.


Going back to Q…This is a VERY good PROOF!!!


“End Sanctuaries and Help Our American Homeless and Veterans Act” B.K.A. The “Diamond and Silk Act”
Charity starts at home, not abroad……..


It burns my toast knowing that taxpayer funds are going to help illegal aliens BEFORE helping our homeless veterans.
Damn those f’n democrat scumbags!!


I’d love to know what he told Little Kim:


Dear Kimmie,
You’re getting a McDonald’s!
Love always,
Uncle Don


I have seen this letter, but I cannot reveal how. I am authorized, however, to share the contents.
It said (on Presidential stationary)….
My very dear friend,comment image
Warmly and sincerely your’s,
Donald J. Trump
Untied States of America


I so hope a sting on that level of cleverness is happening right now.


Sunday up and it’s longer than usual. And maybe a bit more intense. But the times are intense as well.