Dear KMAG: 20200229 Open Thread


Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!


This Fortress Q Tree Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

POTUS meme

Wheatie’s Rules:

    1. No food fights.
    2. No running with scissors.
    3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Two Steps From Hell, titled ‘Nero’:



Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header and First Image: Is an enormous Tree standing alone in a clearing with a giant door built into the base of the trunk. A lone figure is approaching the doorway. There are patches of moss and small leafy branches emerging up and down the gnarled trunk.
Second Image: Is an interior room with vaulted ceilings and arched throughways. There is a sturdy-looking couch with throw pillows and nearby armchairs. Behind the couch is a table and chairs…and there are additional seating groups in the adjacent spaces.
Third Image: Is President Trump walking in the rain towards the steps of Air Force One, carrying an umbrella. The text on this image reads: The Storm Is Upon Us – God We Ask That You Shelter and Protect Our President.


It’s Caturday!

Cats are cool.

But doggies are pretty wonderful, too:

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Rodney Short

He didn’t get two scoops? I love how President Trump is in the background just one big smile like sayin hey Brad blow it out…..

Sylvia Avery

I know, right?


Very cool picture…and what a candle 😉


We had dinner there a couple of years ago to celebrate DH’s birthday and a whole cake came out for the table of 5 with this type of sparkler candle and it certainly lights up the room.




Awesome, Wheatie 💖💖💖

Sylvia Avery

I love it! Thanks Wheatie for your awesome opening post and for this great, fun pic! Smuchas, GF!


The thing about Brad is….he doesn’t look like a political consultant. And he doesn’t hang at all the DC cocktail parties. And our VSGPOTUSDJT looked at him and saw his abilities and said, “you’re my guy.”
And he’s GREAT at it!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember that Fake News reporter with TDS who face-palmed at the Indian reporter’s glowing questions to President Trump? And then she got severely outed and ratioed for it, after the video went wild – remember?comment image
She desperately tried to get “revenge” today by publishing THIS: image
Melania! WOOHOO!
And for the reporter??? ANOTHER *FACEPALM* !!! 🙄


I truly don’t understand that kind of hatred… malice… meanness …
How do people like that move through life ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I see that level of TDS all the time elsewhere. There is no way that a lot of these people walk that back. They are “Trump is orange Hitler” until they die. NO CURE.


“How do people like that move through life ?”
like a snake, ..they will slither thru just as James wolf’s Lolita GF at the times..
fake journalism ,dirt miners, purveyors of slander
to some, its a ‘profession’ of opportunity

Valerie Curren

Well your comment reminded me of a song that took me a while to find because for some reason I thought it was on Kerry Livgren’s Decade work (which is epic)…but it’s from the 77’s–Enjoy!

Here are the lyrics…
I’m the path of least resistance
I’m a highway wide and clear
I’m the French bread in the desert
That you’ll eat when death is near
I’m a snake (I stand tall)
Snake (Watch me crawl)
Put me on a pedestal
Put me on a pulpit
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I can be a victim
I can be a culprit
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m a snake (I stand tall)
Snake (When I crawl)
I won’t break (When you fall)
Snake (Up against the wall)
I can be a president
I can be a pawn
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling in your TV
Crawling on your lawn
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling up your bedpost
Crawling thru your door
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling out your bookcase
And right across the floor
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m the water in the desert
That you knew was a mirage
I’m the fake gem in the pawn shop
That you hocked and then re-bought
I’m the talent that you buried
And lost interest in and on
I’m the life that you made sport of
Dropped the ball and then you run
I’m a snake (I stand tall)
Snake (Watch me crawl)
I won’t break (When you fall)
Snake (Up against the wall)
I’m crawling when you’re happy
Crawling when you’re sad
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling up your mother
And I’m crawling down your dad
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling on your lovers
And I’m crawling on your friends
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling everywhere
‘Cuz my crawling never ends
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling
Slither, slither, slither, slither
I’m crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling
Slither, slither, slither, slither


Called dog eat dog at one time.
Little personal story…at one time I had ambitions to teach political science at college level. It was an era when there were very few females in law, medical or engineering schools. In grad school, not only was I basically the only female student in the department but upper level seminars (not to mention advisors and thesis panels) were limited to a handful of (male) professors who had ultimate control.
Finally, I had to make a decision whether I was willing to dance with the wolves and change my personality, perhaps becoming a person I really did not respect..or change my career path. I chose the latter…
I agree, Phoenix…I personally couldn’t move through life as I witness these “journalists’, Congressman, federal employees, etc are doing.


You obviously made the right decision… *smilin”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! In fact, when I saw it, I thought it was an old article, but it kept coming up on NY Post pages, so I looked at the date – Feb 28, 2020 – and then I looked at the byline – THAT GAL!!! 😀 LOL!!!
I’ll bet a “friend” in fake news threw her that bone to “get even”.


Dumb question–what is “ratioed?”Du


I don’t tweet
The term is new to me also .
..Found this on Reddit YMMV
Ratioed means that a tweet has a high ratio of responses to retweets. Often, a ratio like this means that a tweet was controversial and had a lot of people jumping on the OP and each other. It’s similar to on Reddit where you can tell that there’s probably an argument in the comments of a post when it has more comments than upvotes.
[–]AntiChangeling 13 points 2 years ago
I’d also like to add that this is more prominent on Twitter because there’s no dislike or downvote options – the ratio becomes a way to implicitly identify/quantify a negatively received tweet.
[–]Ponsky 2 points 1 year ago
You mean more responses than retweets or just a lot of responses?
[–]Jemdat_Nasr 1 point 1 year ago
Usually I only see it used when replies outnumber retweets & likes, but that might just be because people like to talk more about really extreme ratios than more mild ones.
Anyone else ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It means negative twitter response. I think it’s likes or retweets over replies. High likes, low replies means people agree. The opposite means people don’t agree. So ratioed means the crowd pushed back!!!


Thanks, Wolfie.


“Remember that Fake News reporter with TDS who face-palmed at the Indian reporter’s glowing questions to President Trump and the. got severely outed and ratioed for it, after the video went wild – remember?”
No. I missed that. Link please!

Sylvia Avery

I have to say………….I don’t get why unearthing that photo was supposed to hurt Melania. She was a model. She’s beautiful. It’s a great photo. So???? Honestly………..


Sylvia dear … everybody has brain cells. But not everybody has brain cells that cooperate with each other.

Sylvia Avery

True that!

Cuppa Covfefe

And in most, if not all, brains of the urinailsts of the YSM/MCM, a desperately lonely, single brain cell is singing “One is the loneliest number…”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grasping at straws. Think how stupid TDS is to begin with. I have really come to understand that the “Fake News” have to be MORE bottish than the bots they lead. They have to be MORE TDS, more locked in, more brainwashed. And you’re seeing it right there.


I think Melania is gonna get the firefighter vote.

Sylvia Avery

I’d say it’s a lock! 👍


Hey, it’s Saturday and Wheatie’s much-needed treehouse is HERE!
Going to find a comfy chair…
Thank you Wheatie for all the beautiful treehouses you bring to Wolfie’s sanctuary… they are so appreciated, as are you!

Brave and Free

And no state income taxes to boot.

Deplorable Patriot

The cost of living there is still plenty high, though. If they’re not taxing income, they’re dinging you for something else.

Brave and Free

I am thinking it’s all the tourist $$$ coming in. Coming from NY I’ve not noticed that many things more expensive, milk and Christmas trees are. Gas and my school taxes are definitely cheaper in FL.

Deplorable Patriot

In Missouri, we have income and property taxes, but the price of gas is less. So are property prices.


Important point, B&F! Might factor in real estate taxes and sales tax, as well.


Great song with a great beat and message
Never followed Levon, recognized the face and voice though .
factoid: He played a small part in “the shooter with” Mark Walberg
Mr. Rate : Would’ve been a bad job to take, though.
Nick Memphis : How come?
Mr. Rate : Whoever took that shot’s probably dead now. That’s how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.
Nick Memphis : And you know this for a fact?
Mr. Rate : Still got the shovel!

Gail Combs

Don’t forget the horses!
This could easily be a picture of my first horse giving me a hug.


Great photo I love it!


Gail 💖💖💖. Love at first sight 😍


Gail, it’s probably just me, but twice I’ve passed this photo and it takes a bit to actually figure it out! Once you do, it’s a heartwarming, captured moment.
There’s a popular UTube video showing the closeness of many creatures, including turkeys, geese, lions, etc with their humans. I never tired of watching it.


Want to point this out real quick.
Why do Democrats want “Massive taxes”?
Well, why did Democrats oppose the Trump tax cuts?
What were the Trump tax cuts designed to do?
* Give back money to the middle class (Dems want crushed, enslaved, controlled, info limited)
* Repatriate America dollars, businesses, and jobs
The reduction in the corporate tax rate was to get the U.S. corporate tax down, so it would be competitive with the rest of the world.
Why do they want to raise taxes back up and higher still?
Drop the assumption that the Democrats are doing anything in the U.S. national interest.
The reason, of course, is that they WANT America to be economically uncompetitive with the rest of the world.
They want all the money, wealth, and wealth creators to flee.
It would be just like Venezuela, and all you would need to do is to increase taxes.
And just like that, you could crush the American economy.
And then what?

Mark Levin: The Last People I Want Playing Doctor Are Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi

What is their plan? What the Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-Biden-Buttigieg-Warren- Klobu — whatever? What are their plans? Well, they have great plans for containment — open borders, eliminate ICE, no vetting of foreigners, sanctuary cities, naturalize and destroy the greatest healthcare system on the face of the Earth, destroy our pharmaceutical companies that will come up with the solutions.
The solutions won’t be in any of Bernie Sanders’ favorite communist regimes. They won’t from the Scandinavian companies. They’ll come from us. They’ll come from capitalism. What do they support? Massive taxes. What is their containment plan? They have no containment plan. What is their vaccination development plan? They have no vaccination development plan. Meanwhile, they attack the president of the United States. The answers won’t come from the liberals and the Democrats, which is why they attack.


D’oh — I completely spaced that the plague post was sticky. I was beginning to be really worried ’bout all of you.


But they gave him a standing ovation in Denver. Maybe he should buy a home, establish residency and run for Governor of Colorado.


I had dinner at a place in Eugene, OR, where the butter was made from rendered duck fat (there was a separate duck dish, though none of us ordered it). It wasn’t as bad as grey oleomargarine, but it wasn’t nearly as good as actual butter. The waiter got all cute about it when he brought bread to the table, to avoid “spoiling the surprise”.
To be fair, a lot of cooking is like that. I remember having “fried bread” with breakfast during my first trip to England in 1977 — they cooked the (English) bacon on the grill, plated the bacon, slapped on a bit of butter, and fried it into a slice of bread. It was pretty good.
But, yeah……I’d keep insects as far as possible away from the whole process.


Having lived in Eugene for a few years, it would come as NO surprise if entire restaurants were committed to eating “sustainable” bugs…
Bake em, poach em, fry em, steam em, sautee em, fricassee em. Roll em in tacos, roll em in crepes, ruladen em…bug sushi, bug donuts? Bug sprinkles on anything…apologies to Benjamin Buford “Bubba” Blue.
“These people are sick”


I love fried bread! We have a great take out ribs place in town and you get fried Texas toast with your ribs order.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ll take fried cornbread 🙂
Over here in not-so-beautiful Downtown Deutschland, fake meat and insect protein are all the rage. Seems that Greta the Greenheated has addled their brains (what little they had in the first place).
What’s particularly irritating are the deceptive labels, which make it look like you’re buying meat, when in point of fact, you aren’t: you’re either buying processed vegetable protein (peas, other pulses, probably mistakes from the cutting-room floor 🙂 ), soy derivatives (hey guys, how about some more estrogen-analogue?), or, from the pit of hell, insect protein… And yet the Greens lament the fact that our insect population is dwindling precipitously… and they want to process the few that are left, into fake meat???!!!!
Seems they don’t bother to mention that the insect and bird population decline is due in large part to the bird-choppers (as evidenced by the thick layer of debris on the rotor blades and the indeterminate mess below) rather than colony collapse or “Roundup” readiness…
Another day, another crisis, and Satan Soros laughs on his way to the bank, as he’s been doing since he snitched on the Jews in his neighborhood and elsewhere so many years ago for the Nazis…
It would be great to see him and his brood lose their citizenship for war crimes, sedition, and treason, then stripped of their assets and hauled before “the beak” before getting an extended stay in either Gitmo or Vlad’s rock crushing and hard labor spa…


I vote Vlad’s place (WAY up north!)..he wouldn’t be as nice and certainly wouldn’t care about the nasty media pushback.

Gail Combs

I second that vote for Vlad’s stone crushing palace for Soros and his brood.


Problem with liberal logic = If leftists feel sorry for the cow, then why don’t they feel sorry for the bugs?


Yeah, I was scratching my head on that one, Daughn!

Cuppa Covfefe

To them, bugs are a feature, and the future… :mrgreen:

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, and they NEVER, EVER, feel sorry for the BABIES!!!!!


Truth is – cow farts and burps – are good for the planet – that’s why GOD made it all that way.
Poot on and on – fart freely – beloved Bovines!!!


But do it upwind, please 🤓


Eliminate butter with “insect butter”?
Trump: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”

Idaho Students Protest Starbucks for Not Giving Them Free Vegan Milk
FEBRUARY 28, 2020
It’s OK – We’re EXPOSING them!!!
“Curse you Villain!”comment image
(. . . snickers like Muttley . . .)


! know it’s AP reporting (gag)


Rudy W. Giuliani

Associated Press Has Confirmed That The Democrats Are Lying About Coronavirus Readiness | David Harris Jr. WILL DEMOCRATS EVER RETURN TO PUTTING LOVE OF COUNTRY AHEAD OF HATRED OF PRESIDENT TRUMP?


Dems literally talked the market down into an oversell. A pullback was probably in the cards because of the supply chain disruption but the actual day-to-day massive selloff is way, way over the line.
Made in America. The only way to go. Check the labels on the products you buy.


Did you know, the AP article from AP factcheckers, outing the Dem candidates and politiicians has been labeled FALSE by Facebook.
The article cannot be shown or shared on Facebook.
When you click on the article to “find out why”, FB does not offer a reason for the claim of falsehood, but instead redirects to a standard page of FB policy on publishing false articles


Falsebook. sigh…


…..and that’s why I was worried about y’all before I remembered the plague post was sticky.


The following should be required on every LIFELOG page:


The news media and the political crowd have no clue, whatsoever, as to how this plague thing is playing to awakened individuals.
Let’s compare this to ebola. Ebola is like a band of thugs taking you out in the alley and beating you, every day, for a week. Half of those who get it don’t survive, everyone who gets it has damage, and quite a few are severely messed-up. The Obama clowns brought multiple cases and exposures to the US and even managed to infect nurses — Nina Pham and Amber Vinson — with one of them. Furthermore, they had one idiot — Kaci Hickox — who SUED Chris Christie over being quarantined for THREE DAYS upon return from the hot zone, and proceeded to routinely violate quarantine procedures thereafter.
I lost all confidence in the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, all the NGA’s involved, the UN, and the Obama Administration (to the extent I had any confidence prior). We lucked out. Those fools would have had us dead given their ‘druthers.
WHO was going, “everything’s fine” — US and Australia shut our borders. CDC can’t produce functional test kits, then kvetches that the Trump Administration isn’t testing enough. They both think this makes the Trump Administration look bad…..I would bet money that the elimination of both the WHO and CDC would lead to a worldwide rise in health and lifespan, so long as those losers couldn’t attach themselves to any other entity involving health or governmental power.


So…… I called Wheatie this morning to tell her what a great thread she had.




So cute 🤩🤩. We have The Best laughs & love here in Wheatie’s treehouse 😍


Trying to figure out if that is technically girl talk or not.

Cuppa Covfefe

Comments were great. One said “looks like she’s been listening to her mama”, another “now we know what her mama said”, and a third said “you spend two years getting them to talk”… (and then they never stop 🙂 )…
Remember Art Linkletter and “Kids Say The Darndest Things” ? I think he compiled some of them into a book, as well…


Lol. Good translationcomment image


I do remember and he was so great with the kids, too.


Heh — note my post a couple of lines down. Ninth circuit realized they’d be walking into a buzzsaw — “rogue court votes for plague!!!” and thought they could find a better time to be a**h***s.

Sylvia Avery

PDJT will be speaking at CPAC at 10:00am Eastern Time. Here is a link for live streaming CPAC speeches if you’re interested. H/t Nebraska Filly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! We have one heck of a POTUS. BRAVO!!!

Sylvia Avery

We sure do! He is amazing. I look forward to hearing him speak at CPAC. I always learn something from him.


We’re sneaking up on WHO declaring a pandemic — and VSGPOTUSDJT zeroing all visas not already in the country and all asylum likewise. Public health emergency, FY. We have perfectly nice telecommunications, and nobody’s going to catch the Wu-flu over them.
Kind of short-circuits the 9th circuit ruling that asylum seekers can lose themselves in the states while asylum may-or-may-not happen if no asylums are going to happen….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s almost like we knew they were trying to pull this shit.


I was not raised in a religious tradition, but the way our VSGPOTUSDJT is absorbing evil schemes and gaining strength is just uncanny. It looks a whole lot like the Hand of God is upon him.
May we, as a nation, be worthy of such blessing. And may His Will continue to guide and protect our President.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

VSGPDJT always praises and thanks GOD, and is vehemently PRO-LIFE. Thank GOD that HE saw fit to give us President Trump at this time.


Former head prosecutor Shokin appealed, and the Biden case has been reopened in Ukraine.


Biden’s hubris will be his downfall…he always wants to be the tough guy…challenging opponents to push up contests, bragging about the take it or leave deal ON CAMERA…Joe should’ve learned discretion at some point.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Methinks the CORN’s gonna POP pretty soon…
(and all he is is a flake, anyway…).


you always make me laugh Cuppa!!


Sylvia Avery posted this link above –
Golden State Times will also be covering! –

CSPAN too! –
Fox 10 Phoenix will probably also stream the speech.
Here’s the Fox10 YouTube feed –


Post is up for the thread.


Llyod’s List Intelligence tracks cargo, internationally.
Remember, Iran is operating in Iraq since the USA left Iraq in 2011 under Obama Admin.
Trump came in and sanctioned Iranian oil.
Shipments from Iraq port of Khor, doubled from 11.4 to 23.8 million tons.
Found 2.1 million tons of “dirty” cargo in oil shipments. “dirty” is an industry term used for embargoed/sanctioned/counterfeit goods.
2.1 million metric tons is an amount equal to 52,500 semi truck loads.


I know it can’t happen, but just imagine this man as our president!


I hear you. 🙂



Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds difficult, but remember, the illumis, globalist, and the other swamp dregs are fighting GOD. And they have utterly NO chance of winning, not even with the Devil and his demons (and DEMONicRATS).
GOD prevails. HE always has, IS, and WILL, for GOD IS Eternal, and HIS Victory (and our part in it through our LORD Jesus Christ) IS COMPLETE and ETERNAL.


Verse of the Day

“For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.”
Matthew 18:11 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Saturday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image




* Smiling *


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I love those!
The mini mike ad so true


right??? LOL


Rudy W. Giuliani
How has the swamp-press already moved on from Ukraine when BILLIONS of OUR money is still unaccounted for?
$5.3 Billion in Ukrainian foreign aid is currently still missing. See the documents for yourself!
Episode 11 is live, link below.
$5.3 Billion in Ukrainian Foreign Aid Missing | Rudy Giuliani’s…
Today’s episode reveals major criminal charges against close Soros associates for $343 MILLION, which is currently missing in foreign-aid, given during the O…


God help the sheeple who don’t know they are under attack


Some people would excuse China saying why would they do this. I might in return remind them that Deep State has plenty of connections in China as they do through out the world. Some of the players in Wuhan have extensive ties with our Universities in the United States. It wouldn’t be a hard leap to think Deep State used their China connections to set this Virus into motion with out the China’s permission.


*players in Wuhan at their Bio Lab…


If this chart is to be really useful it should add number of cases still active and a per million for that.
Numbers then fall much further and the problem is kept in perspective with what’s happening on the ground as opposed to what did happen which will always be cumulative

Cuppa Covfefe

What’s REALLY interesting is the part of the chart that the tweet/pic cut off:comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Pierre’s article (with the chart) is at , NTZ is his site ( a good one, too). Our lights have been blinking (maybe voltage or frequency issues), and the article at NTZ following the one above shows that climate madness is behind that, as well (quelle surprise)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Just found a pic of the frequency variation, which indicates a spike in power demand (or drop in supply):comment image
At 49,80 hz, the utilities start “shedding” loads (customers, usually those who have agreed to “brownouts”)…

HerbertSaurugg@herbertsaurugg · Feb 27
Und schon wieder ein Rekordausschlag bei der Frequenz um 20 Uhr: 49,856 Hz. Damit wurden 2/3 der Reserve eingesetzt. Bei 49,80 Hz treten die erste Lastabwürfe ein.
(And yet again a record spike in the frequency around 8 PM: 49.856 Hz. With that 2/3 of the reserve(s) were applied. At 49.80 Hz the first load shedding begins…)

We were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for the lights to go out, candles at the ready. The Electrical Net here used to be one of the most stable and reliable (and cheapest) in the world. Not any more, thanks to Greta the GreenHearted and AlGoreTheClimateWhore…


MMy comment referred to loving the leap year comment.

Cuppa Covfefe

And in related news, Airheadman, aka Erdogan, has said that the EU and Putin have not been acting in good faith, so he’s releasing the “Syrian” refauxgees.
Not sure this will sit well with Putin, or many of the countries of the former East Europe; plus, any of them travelling up/over through Italy will present all manner of problems.
Looks like Airheadman is looking to pick a fight with Syria or the Kurds, or anyone stupid enough to take the bait… His support in Iran appears to be dying off, as it were, thanks to their sixth-century hygeine practices, and non-existent health precautions wrt Coronavirus…
Looks like the deep state are throwing their hail Satan pass… but they’ve already lost the game, even before time (as we know it) began…


Love it. Never thought of it like thart.



Concerning the John Hopkins site numbers on Cornovirus which drives much of the news as of the AM of 29 Feb.
The Public is getting a distorted picture. Pence needs fix this.
Hopkins #s US.
US now at 64
44 Unassigned Location (From Diamond Princess but we only know about 14 that were transferred to Omaha, NB. Where are the others? Still out of country?. No account of their status as to recovered or not.
20 from various 1’s 2’s and 3’s in various cities across the US .
Of those 20
1 of 1 in Phoenix AZ is recovered.
1 of 1 in San Diego, CA is recovered.
1 of 3 in Santa Clara, CA is recovered.
1 of 1 in Seattle WA is recovered.
2 of 2 in Chicago, IL are recovered.
1 of 1 in Boston, MA is recovered.
So we are talking about a real number of 13 that are still infected plus the Diamond Princess 44 of whom we can only account for 14 actually being in Nebraska that we know of.
Observation. The Data on the John Hopkins site overstates the problem. What would be correct would be to show the current numbers of infected and then present the historical or dig down data below the current numbers.
This same problem is duplicated with other countries where if you subtracted the recovered many countries would not show up because the persons are recovered and other numbers in many cases would be halved or quartered.
We are getting a distorted picture. The media uses these numbers to gin up fear. What should be done is put the current infected numbers up front and bury the historical data below or adopt a new color code if you want an accurate picture of what the current status of the problem is.
I will repost this to the new virus page when it becomes available.


Looks like they are modifying map. They’ve now added “Existing” count when you drill down and click dots. So now “number of cases – recovered = existing” is an Improvement.


Which is good and they have had that now for a while. However a map like this being used to inform the public about a crisis should tell the story about the crisis your facing now with first glance. 6 of those red spots (now 5 with the update to 66 putting WA state back on the map by adding 2) should be at a minimum shown in a different color or not show up at all.
China has had 79,251 cases confirmed, 2,835 deaths, 39,261 recovered. The up front number I would want to see is 37,155 current cases so that my concern could be there, not in the rear view mirror. The red blob on the map that is China should be halved.
They will / are doing the same thing to us here. They’ll put our cumulative count up front and make you drill down for the current data. The low information types will just see the red dots grow and grow and grow, won’t dig down to see the progress of fighting the virus and I don’t have to ask whom they’d use that distorted image against, we know.

Gail Combs

“We are getting a distorted picture.”
No, it is not distorted.
Total # of cases
Total # Recovered
Total # dead
You can then look at lethality
#DeadX100%/Total # of cases


The distortion comes with the way the information is presented. Red dots that only grow and never shrink or are removed. That visual is the bad news up front, making you dig for anything else. You have multiple countries as well as cities or provinces where the recovery rate is 100% but you see a red dot that never shrinks and can only grow. If you don’t dig for the information on the site you come away with the wrong idea.
I’m not sure why I belabor the point, because POTUS might enjoy the idea that the lame media is trying to fool the populous while knowing Trump people are going to look a little further to discover the truth, thus making it a Trump trap.
So to be clear of what I’m saying is that Total # of cases + red dot that is only cumulative over shadows Recovered in a lazy read.


The Muscadine Grapes of Health Not Wrath: Your Nutritional Health


Ostrich ferns!!!!!




This is insane.
Germany is ruining all of Europe.

Cuppa Covfefe

How so?
Edogan opened the borders unilaterally… Merde-Kuh, despite being an idiot, didn’t do it. There are ca. three million refauxgees holed up in Turkey which Erdogan has been holding over THE EU in return for payments, ostensibly for their upkeep, but more likely to support his Kaliphate aspirations… the real story is Turkey versus Syria, and Germany’s (and the EU’s) lack of both medical supplies and facilities in the case of infected invaders.
He’s just as much a puppet of Soros as she is…


Appeal it!


9th is the Appeals Court ! I don’t understand reports that the Court “has TEMPORARILY” ruled…


Emergency motion by govt for stay of injunction pending appeal was granted.


Thanks pgroup for adding that… I’m having IT problems, couldn’t access the info…


Two factors not considered in this interesting article (despite its heavy reliance on hypocrite and perpetual asshat David Brooks) are (a) the role of the media post-Woodstock in undermining the family from the self-appointed echo chamber of the Acela Corridor and (b) the media’s lead role in ridiculing and denigrating Judeo-Christian religion – not as religion – but as the philosophical foundation of the United States.


Sorry, meant as a reply to Dora.


Best endorsement, ever.

Deplorable Patriot

Just like the elections around here. On the way to the polls, you check out the lawns of certain activist type individuals and vote against the people they are supporting. True story.


Damn right it’s a dangerous pick. Suck it up, buttercup. Step 1 – call your lawyer.


IMO, the Pope is just working alongside the globalists to maintain the fear mongering campaign that’s being run against the worlds populace..


The Pope (this one for sure) is part of the Deep State/Cabal…


:0) I think this Pope is a dangerous puppet..just not yet sure who’s pulling the strings…


Geo has lots of info on Pete… checkout his twitter stream
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Feb 27
Going live in five – Was Buttigieg the Maltese Falcon For Strzok In Libya? Did He Oversee the Stripping Of The US Navy 2nd Fleet?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m in the middle of listening to the video now. Talk about dot connecting. There’s a lot of information that won’t make much sense if you didn’t listen to the two or three previous videos.


Thanks Dep. Pat. I’m having issues with my computer… can’t get into youTube ATM…

Deplorable Patriot

It’s really rather stunning how Webb is putting all of this together. And these people are – once again – using Church orders and structures as cover. Man, that ticks me off.

Deplorable Patriot

Mothballing the entire 2nd fleet all at once IS fishy. Really fishy.

TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Ever since I published four Pete Buttigieg Reports placing him in Africa, a guy in charge of the Horn of Africa logistics for Special Forces has been going after me. Well, I was right about Libya being run out of Norfolk. That’s where the Tomahawks are coming from. Also NV



I will be having a 1:30 P.M. Press Conference at the White House to discuss the latest CoronaVirus developments. Thank you!


Explains the shifting time schedule for the CPAC speech today.
Something is going on.


Perhaps he will close the border, given the 9th Circuit ruling just received and the risk involved with those at the border ???????????????


It’s a bit confusing to me at the moment.
I believe the 9th put a stay on their order. IF so, the 9th may have realized they have a losing hand that will be further revealed.
IF I misunderstood, close the border. STOP illegals and no mora Corona.,


POTUS previously spoke of Corona case in Washington hospital that wasn’t doing so well. Fox News just alerted that that person has died. Probably why POTUS is having news conference in 15 minutes.

Elizabeth Carter

This is worth watching IMO.
I believe it and have been waiting for it.


Elizabeththat was great, very encouraged by it.




The moment I tell Ms. Carpenter she is a #NeverConservative
What happened to you, Ms. @amandacarpenter? You’ve traded integrity & honesty for NeverTrumperism. Not only is that not conservative, it’s downright Leftist. Lying to win political points. Makes you a #NeverConservative


Nicely done 👍


She’s a Cruzlim!
Did ANY of the Cruzlim-class professional politicos EVER get onboard the Trump Train?
I can’t think of any.
I clicked the link and then to her Twit account, and the self-description at the top says:
“CNN Contributor/Author of Gaslighting America. Political Columnist… “Notorious realist”-Raw Story. Be kind ❤ ”
CNN contributor – strike one
Expert on Gaslighting – strike two
Columnist for nasty Billy Kristol’s Trump-hating and hilariously named ‘Bulwark’ – strike thirty
At least she has a sense of humor, claiming she is a ‘notorious realist’. 😁
And the ‘be kind’ with a ‘heart’ symbol as she draws the dagger out of your back is a nice touch!

Deplorable Patriot

This is yesterday’s George Webb video.

Deplorable Patriot

What I’m getting from all of George Webb’s videos is that the stuff that the conspiracy world has talked about for years – and I mean years – is multi-generational in a handful of families. yes, there are others ensnared, but the main players are coming from a handful of families. The next generation is born in.

Gail Combs

It is an Aristocracy PERIOD.
Only after the French Revolution they decided it was much ‘healthier’ for them to hide in the shadows and pull the puppet strings. That way if things go south THEY do not lose their heads.


Fox New Alert – Washington Corona patient has died


Gov Pussyhat will have something stupid to say at any moment, plus it’s all OrangeManBad’s fault.

Concerned Virginian

Have the White House live news feed on now, nothing showing yet.
Chiefio blog just announced that they’re going into Lockdown today as the 2nd case of “community-spread” Wuhan Coronavirus is near them.

Concerned Virginian

POTUS now on. Has VP Pence, Dr. Fauci, one other person with him.

This person was on the Diamond Princess.

Sorry, scratch that. Person had traveled to China.

Scratch that scratch, maybe? Man just said she may have been community spread – no known travel. Couldn’t tell if he answered question directly or gave definition of CS. Sorry.😵😵


She was a high risk patient who had other medical issues. Late 50’s.


Aussie from cruise ship evacuated home has died. His wife very ill.
ScoMo has said in event of pandemic aged care facilities will be in lockdown. Hospitals will not admit the elderly.


“Hospitals will not admit the elderly.”
Talk about causing a panic in the population.
Not to mention making older people feel like their lives aren’t worth anything.
Is Morrison nuts?
What age is ‘elderly’, and who decides?
And it’s the elderly who vote more consistently and reliably than anybody. I’d be reconsidering my vote next election, if the PM decided he was going to come up with impromptu death panels and put me on the list.
The fake I.D. business must be booming.
When I was a kid, everybody was trying to get I.D.s that said you were older.
Now you’re going to have nonagenarians trying to pass themselves off as being in their 50s.
All because the globbalists / Leftists are trying to cause a panic, and now governments are pouring guzzeline on the fire.


Australia is one of the best prepared countries to cope with pandemic in the world. We also closed our borders/shut down planes. We don’t even have borders per say. Just maritime borders.
ScoMo was saying if the shit hit hit fan we had plenty of everything we need and a total ability to shut out the world. As part of quarantine for the sick aged care facilities which have graduated levels of care would be provided with the meds they need not to transfer pts to acute hospitals. They would basically become hospitals as well. This is a multiplier in the clinical setting as they already have the beds, nursing staff etc. it would simply mean restrictions on certain drugs like antivirals would be waived. Normally, a resident, with something contagious would be sent to a major hospital but if the big place is full of it too there is no advantage to the patient.


Excellent! Well done!
That’s a most sensible national plan for coronavirus. Planned infrastructure has paid off. No doubt Australia had all of this in place years ago, but now everything is ready. No panic necessary.


We’ve stand our first death. An Asian evacuated from that cruise liner.


Still, your nation is 100% prepared.


No ones 100%. I think it’s lot easier in totalitarian regimes tbh. Lotta aussies and yanks will say fuck that. No one tells me what to do


‘No one’s 100%.’ Of course.


POTUS live now.

22 current patients
1 passed away overnight, in 50’s w/pre-existing conditions
4 highly ill

Concerned Virginian

POTUS is getting out ahead of the storm that the MSM / DeepState / DemComs, will make over the death of this person in Washington State with this news conference.
POTUS will meet with reps from large pharma companies on Monday at the White House re coming up with a vaccine for the virus.
43 MILLION masks on hand in the U.S. More coming.
VP Pence had a meeting with the Coronavirus team today, 2 1/2 hours. POTUS was there for most of it.
POTUS asks media to NOT do anything to “incite panic”.


Travel restrictions – No more IRAN – anyone who’s been there in past 14 days will not be allowed into country
SD Level 4 Advisories – DO NOT travel to hard hit areas in Italy and S Korea
Risk to US is LOW
They expected more cases to occur in US before and still expect more to come

PRESS continues to push HOAX and beat POTUS about it – he has made clear 2x (expect more🙄) that the virus is NOT a hoax. He was referring to the Democrats


And now the media is piling on with bull@#$. I hate these people.


Contract signed w/ 3MM for 35 million masks/month, negotiating with other vendors.
Americans DO NOT need to wear mask. Taking care of all Healthcare workers a priority.
Apple production in China back to normal.

Gail Combs

‘Social Distance’ 2 to 3 meters actually works better than a mask because fitting a mask correctly is tricky. Where a mask is required is for someone who is sick so the spread is contained.
Limiting contact, hand washing, don’t touch face and sanitize surfaces…
AND ABOVE ALL STAY OUT OF PUBLIC REST ROOMS! aka Virus exchange facilities.
Flushing virus containing feces can put the virus into the air for up to 20 minutes per ChiefIO aka E.M. Smith (His family owned a restaurant and he worked in a hospital.)



Here is more information on the woman who died from Coronavirus:


Second day in a row, I’m on my phone and find a great Twitter thread from 40 Head! This one is BIG! Q is winning, cabal is losing. I am posting it from the phone because it’s important!
I have the feeling we are about to lose a Pope. I think THIS is why he is “ill” and out of sight. Many Italian arrests, may be more coming?


I clicked on the tweet, but it’s dated 2019. Not sure how the one above has today’s date on it:


I think 40 Head tweeted “current news,” and then embedded his thread from 2019 which is related to the current news.




POTUS addressing John Bolton attack on Afghanistan plan. He was here a year, could’ve done something.
Telling FED to get it together.
Now we have a nasty POS accusing Pence of letting HIV getting out of control. POTUS defended, Pence explained.

Talking w/Erdogan about current situation, 52 dead soldiers, allowing refugees into Greece.
Market will come back. Kudlow – numbers are very strong. Our focus is on corona, market will take care of itself.
Safety, health, Number One.
Russia, China, others all want to discuss arms control.
Troops returning from Afghanistan starting TODAY.
Will be having frequent conferences.