Dear KAG: 20220510 Open Thread

Cover image: Victor Higgins, Valley Spring, ca. 1940-1950, oil on masonite, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Arvin Gottlieb, 1991.

At Church on Monday, I found out one of the maintenance guys is a conspiracy follower. He showed this to me and a friend who also is.

With that in mind:

It’s a regular convention in Ukraine. So, what exactly is going on?

We’re not seeing it, whatever it is.

As for 2,000 Mules, it comes highly recommended from all quarters. Those who have not followed all of the fraud at the granular level are now waking up to just how bad it really is. It’s important to stress that the mule effort was part of a larger whole when talking about the 2020 election being stolen with people whose eyes are newly opened.

From Sundance:

On May 5th, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Catherine Englebrecht from True the Vote (TTV) and discussed a massive ballot harvesting scheme in the 2020 election.  The work done by Englebrecht formed the basis for a documentary by Dinesh D’Souza that outlines the 2020 election fraud and how it was done using ballot mules.

We noted at the time of the interview, it seemed odd that neither Tucker Carlson nor Catherine Englebrecht would mention the documentary movie “2000 Mules” that was premiering during the week of the interview.  It all seemed rather curious. Well, now Dinesh D’Souza is stating that Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Englebrecht not to mention the movie.

Another interesting observation:

And for some reason, the Handmaid’s Tail dress-up drill team decided to storm churches over the weekend to protest the possibility that Roe vs. Wade may well be overturned this year. Didn’t work. Men actually stood up and either blocked entrances or broke up the protests.

Some good news.

In the larger scheme of things, though, the dump of information regarding all the corruption in our political system is picking up steam, although not at the pace most would like. The main thing is that the people who need to absorb this information need to pay attention when most of them drive the wrong way down grocery store parking lot lanes. The spell is going to be difficult to break.

There was discussion regarding this man on this forum over the weekend.

Great sermon about this.


Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 10:22-30

22It was the feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem; 23it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. 24So the Jews gathered round him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 25Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness to me; 26but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. 27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; 28and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand. 29My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30I and the Father are one.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Political Correctness, Hate Speech, Speech as Violence are all part of the left’s agenda to silence dissent, and to control thought, speech, and information.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

H/T Robert Malone:


Very well done!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The acting was superb!


Yes, they were totally realistic and believable. The girl was so cute and reminded me of someone I know — who is a lot more savvy than that, though!


Cute ain’t the half of it. She’s downright dangerous. Back in the day, I would have had to wear a bib if she was within view.


Why do I only see a black screen?


OK – I cleared out non-essential (QTH/WP) cookies/files and the video appeared. Very strange.


Not enough scotch 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃 globally to make an interview with her “tolerable “ … . 😣🤚‼️


People like this don’t really exist .. do they?!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some come close!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting perspective on the Azov Nazis, from an American married to an Eastern Ukrainian who moved there with her, prior to the Soros color revolution and the “unleashing” of Azov.

Video here:


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NPR commutard Nina Totenkopf shilling the idea that it was a CONSERVATIVE who leaked the SCOTUS draft opinion on Roe v. Wade.

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering her name, Totenkopf , it’s no wonder that she’d spew a pro-abortion DEMONRAT point of view like that…

(and folks wonder why people move to other countries from Germany, e.g. Tim Teufel’s family, the family of a fellow I knew, named Ficken, Ruchfuss, and on and on)…..

P ropaganda
R adio

Libs trying to distract and lie yet again (OK, that’s all they do…)…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love your acronym update!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t get your hopes too high on Durham. The Obama judge is blocking implication of Hillary Clinton or the DNC.

This, from the lady prof on our side who’s watching carefully.

W H I T E W A S H .

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Allowing criminals to walk can be counted on, unfortunately.


Techno Fog on Truth Social:

On the Sussmann case –

Priestap, Elias, and Mook (among others) are all testifying for Durham.

This really comes as no surprise, as we’ve observed they’ve testified before a grand jury. They’ll prove-up Sussmann work for HFA, Baker statement after Sussmann meeting, etc.

The biggest risk at trial? A liberal activist in the jury.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, Elias and Mook. I hope they get WAY out over their skis on this one.


FBI, his business partner, and his client’s rep testifying to put him away.

Mary McCord and McCabe testimony for the defense suggests that the FBI knew the “Alpha” op (that leads to DARPA) was HFA’s on 3/6/2017, according to defense filed meeting notes. Meeting was called immediately after Trump’s “wiretapping” tweet. See Hans Mahncke/ Jeff Carlson Epoc Times report.

Seems to me that the rats maybe gnawing on each other’s legs.

DoJ and DARPA had their own relationships as documented in emails requested by UndeadFoia from the SoS of Georgia.

Remember the footnoted reference to a MOU between the FBI and another agency that led to NSA database abuse by FBI contractors? Could that agency be DARPA? Adm Rogers and the court were concerned about parallel construction according to released documents.

I think Rogers started an investigation, and all of these corrupt a**holes have been under investigation the entire time. JMHO


DARPA needs major sunlight.
Biolabs, EA spying, “genetic extinction technology” research in 2017…


Joe diGenova says he agrees with the judge. He says that the judge said that Durham has laid out an entire conspiracy so he’s not letting the evidence in unless Durham charges all those un-named people with conspiracy.

IOW, shit or get off the pot.


Either Durham is an incorruptible legal bulldog, or this is all a show.

I refuse to get my hopes up, but I am watching.

I think if diGenova is right, then the judge is correct. Either charge them, and try them win or lose, or sit down and shut up.

Let the games begin…


Someplace I read that Durham is a cleaner. That could have been propaganda from the left ? That is why I am very neutral when it comes to the guy. I am sitting on the fence when it comes to him. I just do not want to be on a roller coaster.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Durham went after EVERYBODY involved in the Winter Hill Gang scandal (made into a movie Black Mass). He also went after the New England mafia families in conjunction with Rudy going after the New York City mafia. The two of them disemboweled the main mafia families in USA.

His track record is one of ‘fearless’ warfare. We do not know anything for sure and should refrain from speculation.




Time will tell 🙂


Me, neither!


The emotional roller coaster sucks the energy out we need to guard against it.
I am glad you not getting on it either. The traps are everywhere and it becomes harder and harder to distinguish truth from false realities.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. And THAT (broadening the net) would cause Merrick Garland to shut it all down! Hilarious. Sundance was right.


The statute of limitations would not have run prior to 1/20/25. The new AG could start criminal proceedings on 1/21/25.

Thus, it doesn’t matter if Durham goes after the govt miscreants. They are burnt toast regardless of what Durham does or doesn’t do.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

I had hoped that True the Vote would debunk the AP’s “fact–checking” of 2000 Mules, and they have. It’s a long, informative article.

Dinesh D’Souza: “I keep reading “fact checks” by @AP
and @PolitiFact
that say cell phone geotracking is not very precise or accurate. Here’s the @nytimes
on how it pinpoints a person’s exact location #2000Mules

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The left has no respect for Truth. Shameful!

Of course, they have no shame, either! 😉


Cellphone tower tracking is within FEET. It is far more sensitive than GPS.

The reason that “cellphones” are called “cellphones” is that there is a protocol to identify the nearest tower when a phone can see more than one, and the system uses this information to transfer responsibility for the call to that tower’s “cell”. If you are in a space between three towers, it may have you tracked within INCHES.

Brave and Free

Had a conversation with a LE friend once who were arresting a perp. They went to the house where he was and the residents said nope not here. So they have their people pull up his cellphone pings. Yeah NO he’s here and he’s in that room behind the wall.
Haha busted.




LE may have employed ‘Stingray’
here’s a short you-tube explainer.

Valerie Curren

more reasons I hope to Never again carry a cell phone personally!


Need proof of payments. Shouldn’t be difficult, it was a massive op.


So, we’re back to Lake T, and we’ve got a guy talking about Julidochromis transcriptus and Neolamprologus leleupi. You may recall that I’ve shown some J. regani and J. marlieri and compared the other J. species with Chalinochromis (the beige ones). This video gets you some exposure to their difference in shape and demeanor.

In addition, this video discusses N. leleupi. One of the things that you have to know to appreciate leleupi is that there is an N. cylindricus that is essentially identical….except leleupi’s are bright yellow and cylindricus have black and white rings around their bodies (or vertical stripes, if looked at from the side). Both species take prey from near the rocks, and leleupi coloration can vary depending on how many shrimp with red or yellow pigment are consumed.

Julies, by contrast, generally take prey on the rocks. This means that they may consume the same prey species about one second apart.

The fact that leleupi and cylindricus are so closely related, varying strikingly in color, lends credence to certain Julies and Chalinochromis being closely related (despite color) because they are so similar in body shape.


Moving somewhat onward, we should be starting to recognize fish. The Synodontis petricola were covered as cuckoo catfish or upside-down catfish, but in this tank, there are no mouthbrooders, so they have to behave conventionally. There are also leleupi, as covered in the immediately previous video…..but we can now meet the common lyretail Tanganyikan fish.

Once upon a time, all fish that were shaped remotely like this were called Lamprologus Brichardi — after Pierre Brichard, a major exporter from Lake T. Somebody found a collection point and started collecting “L. Brichardi “daffodil” because of the yellow coloration….but that got a roving band of splitter taxonomists involved.

Next thing you knew, there were Neolamprologus pulcher [Lamprologus got broken up into Neolamprologus (regular fish), Altolamprologus (ancient armored fish), and Lepidiolamprologus (aggressive lunge/pursuit predators) at around the same time], which had two chevrons on their gill covers. “Pulcher” means “pretty”, which went with the yellow version that caused the split. Then, there was N. brichardi — the original flavor — which had a two-blotch T pattern on the gill covers.

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There were also N. walterii, where every scale has a spot.

The brichardi / pulcher group is what gets everyone into Tanganyikans. They are quite hardy, breed like rabbits, and have a communal lifestyle that is fascinating to watch. There will typically be a small group of adults/breeders — maybe two males and three females. They can be about five inches long, and you’ll seldom see them because they are tending the nest. What you will see is a bunch of captains about 3-4 inches long, hovering above the nest and covering territory several inches from it. Somewhat further, you’ll see lieutenants about 2-3 inches long that are even further from the nest, and they will oversee a number of fry grazing in the sand and on rocks. They don’t start out that way, but one breeding group can dominate half of a hundred gallon tank.

If you belong to a fish club, you can net out a dozen or three fish and sell them at a monthly meeting and never notice the loss. It’s not that they’re unattractive or uninteresting, it’s just they’re so prolific you need a way to get rid of them.


Here’s a cylindricus —

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Durrrr….this got of sequence….


There are still a number of fish to cover, including the one that this video starts with — Neolamprologus buescheri.

These are very attractive, streamlined, rat-bastard assassins of fish. They’re the ones, when things are fought to a standstill and both fish retreat, have to get the last shiv into the back of the other fish. I had one that I managed for a year or so….but I’d only got the one because everyone else was scared of bidding on it….and I couldn’t find another to set up a breeding colony.

I included this video because you should be recognizing quite a few…..while noting the density of fish around the lake shore and also the number of new fish that just wander through and are not seen again.


I’m commenting before including the video, so it’s probably time for sleep….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My money says the SLAB STAB got this one! Died on top of his date.





“A few weeks ago, Samuels caused outrage on social media after he said that women over 35 years old are “leftover” if they are unmarried.

His channel, which has 1.42million subscribers, feature videos such as ‘modern women are average at best’ and ‘women should let men use them.’”

So he died on top of a woman he was “using.”

That there is what we hillbillies call “JUSTICE.”

Hate to laugh because the man died, but damn!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is investigating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for tracking millions of Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CDC paid one company $420,000 to access location data for at least 20 million cell phones a day, a Vice Motherboard investigation revealed last week. While the CDC claimed it needed access to the data to fight COVID, documents show the data was used “to support non-COVID-19 programmatic areas and public health priorities.”

…In a letter to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Thursday, Johnson wrote, “It remains unclear why the CDC tracked millions of Americans during the pandemic and whether it continues to do so. In response to COVID-19, the CDC should have been prioritizing the development of treatments, effective testing, and vaccine safety rather than tracking Americans’ daily lives.”

He demanded answers from the CDC on the purchase and use of location data, including whether the agency used other mechanisms to monitor Americans throughout the pandemic. 

I’d like to know if the CDC, or anyone, acted on the data they collected, or whether they are just storing it for future use against people who have now become suspects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The federal government is now a BEAST.

Brave and Free

I have zero confidence in this going anywhere, more political theater in my book.


USG IS out of control AND does whatever it wishes to do.

USG has tossed the rule of law, when determining what they ARE GOING TO DO.

No Accountability.


Evil daemons. We entered a new page going toward China tactics. This will not stop unless it is rooted out. These people are communist operators who have been spread among the government. They are spreading like a cancer. The cancer needs to be cut out.


DARPA has university researchers developing AI tech to sort and analyze the data under proof of concept non-contracts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Eunazis still pushing vaccine passports and lockdowns.

But watch them get an earful from Croatia!!!


Bravo! I don’t know what would have if people/countries just ignored the mandates. (Probably withholding of funds.) Just say no.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Patriot forever. reposted

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Mark Finchem

I endorse Tina Peters because she has more courage than thousands of other election officials nationwide combined who haven’t lifted even a fraction of a finger that she has to defend our elections. Tina Peters is going to be an OUTSTANDING Secretary of State for Colorado. Please get behind her campaign today.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This lady is the ANTISOROS SoS.


She is very courageous after all they’ve done to her. Definitely worthy of admiration and a vote.


He has a great ‘stache. John Bolton wishes his was as cool as Mark’s.

And she looks like a sweet grandma that makes cookies for the neighborhood kids. Should come in handy when she has to push down on some lefty in a meeting. They’ll always be distracted by her smiling face, reminding them of their childhoods and kindly old ladies that doted on kids.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This provides a very nice LIST of who has stood in the way of doing anything about THE STEAL.

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County Line

“Why is the GOP so quiet about the #2000MulesMovie?”

Not only did they scam the voters and use the theft for fundraising and data mining to ‘Save the Senate’, they PROACTIVELY STOPPED THE INVESTIGATION.

I think the Chair of the NRSC needs to hear from ALL of us. Sen. Rick Scott OWES us an explanation and a RESOLUTION. Here is a link:

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I looked up the tear drop memorial and found that they have covered up Putin’s name on it. 🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s so woke!

Sadie Slays

Regarding this:

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I’m just going to copy-and-paste from Vigilant Citizen:

It was finally placed in Bayonne, facing the New York skyline, but many still complain that this 10 story horror blocks the wonderful view of the city. The art community stated that “it was not just unpleasant, but to the point that it was offensive“. Others have said that it looked like a woman’s vulva and that it was Russia’s indirect way of calling America a pussy…cat. There is also the fact that the memorial included huge pictures of Russia’s dictator Putin (who enjoys shirtless horsie rides) and America’s all-time worst President:

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays
Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of Chuckles (back when he was still Bonnie Prince Charlie) referring to a hideous work of architecture as “a monstrous carbuncle”…

The monument is probably yet another example of modern “art” gone wrong, the gesture was nice but the implemtation was cr@p. Good thing “Lady Liberty” wasn’t scupted by some of today’s creeps…

One thing (among the rest) that disturbs me is the structure looks physically unstable, not just the “frame” but the “tear” itself. Could end up making “there’s a tear in my beer” a dangerous reality.

(And, speaking of carbuncles, what they’ve done to the London skyline is unforgiveable. “The Shard”, “The London Eye” [all-seeing, no doubt], and the other junk they’ve littered London with… Looks like an amusement park gone wrong… amusement for the Illumis and their Satanic pals…)….


Leave it to Americans to criticize a gift given as an expression of condolence.

I bet these people are a real joy to have around when the family gathers to open the presents under the Christmas tree.




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Cuppa Covfefe

Then, there’s the Ford Falcon… been around for millenia, it seems 🙂 (sibling of the (Ford)Galaxy, no less)…

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Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Useless trivia…was watching a show about Argentina and the brutal govt goons used dark green Falcons when doing the dirty business of their masters. The sight of that car in their vacinity inspired fear and loathing

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! True fact!


Their Lawfare is failing:

The Post Millennial


Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar of Arizona, along with state Rep. Mark Finchem, won the right to run for re-election
Arizona’s Gosar, Biggs, Finchem survive disqualification attempts | The Post Millennial


Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH


From Bill Gates???





Great news!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Fink is a king!

Cuppa Covfefe

Great line… (The Wizard of Id is still around, too, whodathunkit) 🙂

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Nothing, “the glass is half full”, in this post.

Many are thinking, Red Wave in November. Sworn in, in January. That THIS can, WILL STOP BiteMe’s madness. Perhaps a super majority to Pass Laws Stopping BiteMe’s actions. Impeach the bastard. Impeach Hoe and many others.

What IF, the “dark winter” is really 22-23? What if the WEF really doesn’t care IF BiteMe is impeached? The Hoe? Nanzi…

  • So long as they, WEF, are in a position to destroy America, it does NOT matter which “bought and paid for” corrupt politician is potatus.
  • At this point, Total Paralysis is stopping BiteMe from the 25th. OH NO, that would give us Hoe.
  • It does NOT fucking matter which one of these assholes is potatus. Can NOT GET ANY WORSE.

Is there a convergence of coordinated evil being levied on America? Coming to a head, the Fall of 22?

  • USG INTENTIONALLY CAUSED an INVASION across our southern border. Caused fuel prices to sky rocket. Inflation. Destruction of the American economy. Fertilizer shortages. Food shortages.
  • Faux war in Ukraine. US military may very well be hobbled by a combination of woke BS dominating ranks AND Covid injections ruining the health of the military. At what point does Russia engage the US. An oversea base? Covert hit on mainland US Infrastructure? Yea, the latter. A series of hits. Russia won’t hit a NATO / EU country. The US instigated the tensions between Russia and US.
  • One of the idjit BiteMe laws, R-Cons helped pass, delivers government supported 5G Internet – USG CONTROLLED Internet.
  • Patriot Act IS all about throttling, destroying freedom.
  • Drum beat of White terrorist, conservatives THE BIGGEST threat to America…
  • HLS Ministry of Truth.
  • Ministry of Truth dictates to Big Tech mis, mal and dis information to censor. Formalizing what is already going on between USG and Big Tech.
  • Ministry of Truth (HLS – Patriot Act) able to order arrests of whoever Ministry of Truth deems a Threat To the Security of the US? Lock Americans up with No Charges, No Due Process. J6 PROVES they, DOJ and FIB, WILL do it. Invoke Patriot Act.
  • CDC, NIH…one of them lying dog breath asshole organizations, predicting Covidiocy returns, with hundred million cases Fall 22.
  • WHO being given the “authority” to require masks, lock downs, REQUIRE injections, Covid like passports… Deny unvaxed ability to work, earn a living? Deny benefits from USG to retired military / USG employees? Deny medicare? Deny health care? Deny access to food?

Even if I have overstated some of the above, in totality, I’m thinking things ARE coming to a head, in a Bad Way for America.

Seems like the long pole is, Stopping this WHO BS, from dictating life in America.

Am I totally out to lunch? Full of crap? Unfounded dot connecting? For our sake, I hope so.


Not out to lunch. That’s reality.
Sometimes it seems like there’s little time to register one event to the next much less keep the list as a whole in our minds.
Way back when the Revolution happened..they were mad about $$$ ….they couldn’t possibly comprehend what losses and govt intrusion we’re up against


Kalbo, Rule #1- Always remember that WE out number THEM.
..and WE share your frustrations,
From Thomas Jefferson:

A Bunker Hill re-dux would by necessity need be scaled considerably larger
See Rule#1
Stay Vigilant





PURE EVIL: Biden DOJ Is Threatening Jan. 6 Defendants With Life in Prison for Walking Inside US Capitol and Taking Pictures


It’s the epitome of communistic rule. Political prisoners on trumped up exaggerated charges and anyone in a position to stop it either afraid to speak up or part of the party.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

45’s gonna have a long list of pardons walking in the door. God Bless, Keep and Sustain the J6’rs until relief comes. May it be swift in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are communists.


POS communists


Opps .. redundant .. 😣🤚😑


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 10, 2022

“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.” 

Psalms 89:15 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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From Dr Malone:

read and understand



by Bushiri

AUTHOR’S NOTE: whilst reading the following, it would behove the reader to bear in mind that President John Magufuli was one of the most popular African leaders of recent history. His support base amongst ordinary people was real and enormous, due to his genuine warmth, his determination to put the people first and to rid his country of corruption, fat cats and government idleness.

Just ask yourself: Which other leader anywhere in the world has ever voluntarily HALVED his own salary and given the other half to worthy causes? Magufuli did that, and a lot more besides, throughout his entire five-and-a-half-years’ presidency.

And such was his success at pulling his country up by the bootstraps that he was known locally, and affectionately, as “the bulldozer.”

It is almost one year now since the assassination of the world’s one and only sovereign leader who waged open warfare against the COVID-19 Cabal.

This is a first-hand account of the situation on the ground in Tanzania since the hit squad was sent in to eliminate the only leader who fought the Cabal and their ‘vaccines’ head-on, out in the open, from day one…

Within a few weeks of President Magufuli’s murder, his replacement, Samia Suluhu Hassan, a female World Economic Forum attendee, set about installing the Cabal’s COVID agenda. It was a thoroughly depressing experience. I know. I was there to see it.

Gone forever were Magufuli’s maskless smile and palpable warmth, replaced now by daily images of a cold, insentient president and her entire entourage all muzzled, as per the Cabal’s orders.

In rapid succession, in came the following:

a campaign of fear launched by the media

images of ‘COVID patients’ in hospitals

tight COVID controls at the country’s airports and borders

directives to force the public to wear face masks

face masks in all government buildings

a masked police force

masks in hospitals

antisocial distancing

masks in schools

masks in the streets

no handshakes

public transport forced to operate at half capacity

messages from government on our mobile phones, warning us about COVID and promoting the ‘vaccine’

palpable fear between old friends and families

import of COVID ‘vaccines’ banned under Magufuli

“She is poison,” were words often heard in the street when Tanzanians compared the new WEF-appointed president with Magufuli.

But then, after just one week, something happened. Something truly remarkable…

After just one week of all the fear and insanity, the people of Tanzania had had enough.

Call it the legacy of Magufuli, call it divine intervention, or perhaps just plain old common sense, but it is a fact that within just seven days, great cracks began to appear in the COVID narrative in Tanzania.

First it was the police. Working in the tropical heat, they quickly realised that they were suffocating behind their masks, so they threw them where they belonged – in the bin.

So, when you see that the police themselves are questioning the narrative and distancing themselves from the nonsense, what happens?

Everyone else follows.

And so, whilst the new president and her acolytes appeared on TV daily, all masked up, pumping out fear and promoting COVID ‘vaccines’, out in the streets the people of Tanzania were having none of it and, believe me, the mass non-compliance was a sight to behold.

I do not know how many of you reading this have borne witness to an entire nation engaged in peaceful, silent, civil disobedience, but I can testify first-hand that it is one of the most moving phenomena you can possibly experience: Like a warm, silent, gentle current passing from one person to the next, leaving everyone with a smile.


THAT’S 50 MILLION PEOPLE in a land almost five times the size of Britain.

And so today, with the exception of the country’s airports (which 90% of Tanzanians will never enter), life goes on as it always has.

Children go to school without masks, people work freely unmasked, the police absolutely do not enforce any COVID rules, public buses are packed to the hilt. The fishermen sail the ocean, farmers till the land, tourists come from Europe to taste the freedom they once had. The markets are absolutely bursting with millions of smiling people buying and selling, hugging and hand-shaking, and the clubs and bars pound out the tunes whilst men and women are allowed to do what men and women have always done – meet, dance and romance, no passes required, no poison required, exactly as God intended.

It is a blessing from God to be here.

I write off with this final anecdote to put a smile on your face:

In a recent conversation with hospital staff in Tanzania, they informed me that the government had ordered them to launch ‘outreach programmes’ to inform the public about the danger of COVID. I quote from that conversation:

“…So we packed the hospital vehicles with equipment and staff and took off to the rural villages deep in the bush to inform them about COVID. When we arrived there, we found the people working in the fields and we called them together.

“We asked them if they had heard of coronavirus, or COVID. They all just frowned and looked at each other. ‘What?’ they asked. They had no idea what we were talking about. So we tried again. And again they just shook their heads.

They were completely bemused. So we stopped what we were doing and thought about it all right there. Then I looked at those villagers. They were fit and healthy. They were born under the hot sun. They worked their fields day after day, and you could see their muscles hewn from physical work, their gleaming skin, their white teeth. They were in perfect health.”

At this point in the conversation the doctor paused and shook his head. He looked embarrassed before concluding, “Then I looked at us people from the hospital. You know what, we were the ones who looked sick compared with those villagers! We were the ones who needed lecturing about health. So I told the staff to get in the vehicles and we drove away. We will not go back. Those villagers should be left as they are. They don’t need all this.”


Wonderful story – thanks for posting it.

Lesson: Just say no. The people ordering you to comply hate you. Respond accordingly.


The problem is that the people who were happy to comply, and are still voluntarily wearing masks and getting their fifth booster, totally ENJOY complying. They literally revel in complying. Like walking down a line on the hallway floor in 3rd grade. It’s a club for them, a never ending back-slapping session. Congratulating each other while projecting disgust and ridicule toward the other side.

So now that the narrative has totally collapsed, and the adverse reactions and injuries are a horrifying reality, and they’re all getting sick (again) after multiple shots – they clutch the “thank God I was vaccinated” line like a drowning man. Thoughtful, bright, educated people, now completely content with not being able to think straight. And will fire venom at you for daring to point it out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

You sure nailed that one. Kudos.


So true. My brother twice vaxed told me “but i will not get as sick and die as those who did not take the jab”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eye roll is the proper response to that one!


I am waiting when he comes down with covid or flu what happens. He is going on 83 soo. Hope he does not die but I think he needs to open his eyes.


Total media-concocted BS – but it’s their precious.


There seems to be a big disconnect now with the people you reference on the one hand, and ones (like me) who don’t even think about masks and COVID and just go about their business. I always give the benefit of the doubt in my mind, knowing that some who are immunocompromised would want to wear masks, but there are too many masked people for that to be the case with all of them. It was amazing to see that people are still masked.

But everyone has relaxed the distancing rules, so if COVID is such a threat that masks need to be worn, then why isn’t distancing still necessary too? 🤔

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I did not see any people in Pleasant Hill wearing a mask. Once in a while I see a person normally old wearing a mask often a man.


There is no logic. But NOTHING tops the “wear a mask while you’re walking to your table, but you can take it off while seated”. 😂


What are the odds ?
I just had a fully vaxed/ boosted (and willing to take the next when asked) someone in the extended family stay an overnight stay on a cross country road trip. They described the shock when a sibling had stroke symptoms the day after the jab. After asking if the sibling was jabbed, I got the bewildered look and question, why? do you think it was caused by the vax?
To which my response was.. of course. That’s what the data says.

1) Lefties hate they’re wrong. Even worse when they realize just maybe they were duped by their own.
2) Once they realize they were duped, rather than admit it, they try to rationalize it.

This person (and she has a wonderful heart btw) out the door and promptly was back on the road by 9 Am. on their own accord, with a 5 hr drive ahead..  😃  😂 
..a conversation of life in Hooterville shocked the b’jesus out of her.. 😂  😂 


Many of them still believe, and will blast it, that the maskless unvaxxed are the ones spreading the latest variant, causing them to catch it – again. We’re completely healthy people, but all Typhoid Marys. They absolutely will never admit to being duped, they’re all the smartest people in the room. This is the level of brainwashing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Just to tie some threads together, the four countries surrounding Lake T in Africa are: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, AKA Zaire), Zambia, and Tanzania. Many of the “collection points” in the names of fish are villages (or landmarks) in Tanzania (e.g. Kigoma, Bulu Point).

The name “Tanzania” is actually a combination of “Tanganyika” and “Zanzibar”. The country is also home to Mount Kilimanjaro.


Might as well….

Manjaro is a popular version of Linux, based on Arch.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


comment image


Our Corrupt USG, is going to send $40 B I L L I O N to Ukraine, for LAUNDERING.

Several short videos and related stuff to read. Russian, so how accurate?

Ukraine winning IS a Fairy tale.

Western media has not shown reliable pictures or video of Ukraine defeating Russian forces on a large scale.

With 60 days, USG will propse AND SUPPORT rebuilding this shit hole, Ukraine.


Concerning Videos, Images and Words from the Ukrainian Front


NOTHING to see here. MOVE along folks…

comment image


Ms Linda confirms she IS an idjit.


Widdle Ms. Windsey never fails to go the opposite.

War mongering Neo-con still wants to rattle sabers with BRICS. As long as somebody with women and children goes first in front of him of course.

Wonder what he has to hide with those bio-weapon labs in Ukraine?


Maybe nothing to hide ? Just doing his job for the uniparty. It’s funny how we’re getting to the point of being able to predict which one of them will say or do what depending on the kabuki theater of the day.


Ms Lindsay should take up arms and go to Ukraine we do not need him here because his interest is not US

Cuppa Covfefe

Profits (written on the subway wall)…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Sooner or later Miss Linseed is gonna get oiled…

More sludge in the swamp; a jellyfish has more spine than he and his handlers…


He wanted to be president.


He probably wants a pink Cadillac and tutu too. 😣🤚👩‍🎤

Cuppa Covfefe

Miss Mary Kay Lindsey… 💃 


I admire Putin’s restraint. We are giving him every reason to respond in a way we would not like at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DOJ sits on its hands…IGNORES obvious felonies.

DOJ silent on abortion protests at justices’ homes despite federal law prohibiting ‘pickets’ to influence case


No rule of law anymore.


There is rule of law just not for Conservative


No surprise. They are the new KGB for the democrats.

Cuppa Covfefe

D ereliction
O f
J ustice


“Dr. Jill” Biden, rock concerts, Jolie, Pelosi in Ukraine — three end goals:
One, to make it look like the United States is “leading the way” for the world to “assist Ukraine” against the “nasty Russian invaders” — thus, “President Biden” looks like “a statesman in charge.”
Two, to gin up the DemCommunist base to vote (in every way possible, including via fraud) to keep the current DemCommunists in Congress AND at every level of state / local elected offices.
Three, to prepare the way for “President Biden’s re-election campaign.”


What it looks like for anyone with a brain is FAKE WAR.

When has a President’s wife EVER flown into the middle of a war zone? Sure, musicians and comedians visited military bases during war time, but a President’s wife?

Gimme a break.


Don’t ya know…wars for the Instagram generation have to be entertaining. Forget all that dirty boring killing stuff….bring out the glitterati. Showcase the cool “uniform” Zelensky wears so they can look like cool.

The morning shows and the afternoon shows and the evening shows need this kind of unifying uplifting message to promote this war…I mean our POTATUS is giving them billions…if the stars & music people don’t get out there and virtue it really reall they might ask


People have become brain-dead.


yup. Conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs


Need moar cowbell!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Brain-dreary for those who still have a spark of life.




Russia is strategically and surgically taking what they want, just like with Crimea, which was theirs anyway. If they wanted to lay waste to all of Ukraine it would have already happened. A large part of the Ukrainian population identifies as Russian or is sympathetic. As a result they are doing it the way they are doing it.

The dumb azzes get their photo ops until the event winds down or they get the heads up that Kiev is next up. It’s all been fake and staged there to this point.


I agree.


Right. I see it as Jill going in JB’s stead. I wonder what “business” she took care of.


#1 Bag Bitch.


Gotta wonder.


Rock Concerts for WAR ! 😅 
.. in a war zone 😂  😂  😂  😂  😂  😂  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

The Great Fake Of Kiev…..


I am so over the dumb azzes of the world who actually buy into this crap. Common sense people – who are some of the most narcissistic a-holes in the world? Yep, politicians and entertainers. They love themselves more than anything – more than even money. Unless they are flat broke they would not come within the same time zone of an actual shooting war.



Barb Meier

I remember President Trump taking Melania with him on an unannounced Thanksgiving trip to see our soldiers in Afghanistan. Of course, the President was with Melania and he did not send her on her own. Also, they were surrounded by our own soldiers.


On our own military base, also.


So insulting to Americans, to be running an obvious scam. Obvious to any thinking person.


We are running it Europe wants nothing to do with Ukraine they do not care. They do not put a penny into the war why do we ????
Why are we spending our money and let this country go to hell.
Why arr republican lawmakers playing along with it they are not all rinos?
Those who are conservative and US first where are they? I am fed up. What creeps are we sending to DC and we even fund some of them are we out of our minds?
I am very angry how rotten our lawmakers are therefore I am not putting my trust in any of these clowns that is what they are. They are anti American pose. Total loosers.
They do not care about the poor people who lost their jobs or business who cannot make ends meet.
If they truly were Americans in their heart they would fight for us they would fight at the border and against this mafia that has taken over our WH and government.
They are Christians in name only because it is convenient get them votes gets them trust.
We are running it Europe wants nothing to do with Ukraine they do not care. They do not put a penny into the war why do we ????
Why are we spending our money and let this country go to hell.
Why are republican lawmakers playing along with it they are not all rinos?
Those who are conservative and US first where are they? I am fed up. What creeps are we sending to DC and we even fund some of them are we out of our minds?
I am very angry how rotten our lawmakers are therefore I am not putting my trust in any of these clowns that is what they are. They are anti American pose. Total loser’s.
They do not care about the poor people who lost their jobs or business who cannot make ends meet.
If they truly were Americans in their heart they would fight for us they would fight at the border and against this mafia that has taken over our WH and government.
They are Christians in name only because it is convenient get them votes gets them trust.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Brave and Free

Their only allegiance is to there $$ supply and what they can get out of it in return.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The Role of Congress in Adopting International Treaties – Stennis Center for Public Service

The Role Of Congress In Adopting International Treaties

When foreign policy issues take center stage in American politics, much of the focus tends to be on the executive branch. The president and secretary of state are seen as the center of diplomatic action. While true, Congress also plays a significant role in the adoption of international treaties, which is enumerated in Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution, and states that the president “shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” 

Treaties span a wide range of topics, and many have had a tremendous influence on our country’s history. For example, The Louisiana Purchase was made through a treaty, and the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 governs shared waterways between the United States and Canada. Likewise, the Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. The failure to ratify treaties has also shaped foreign policy, such as rejecting the Treaty of Versailles, which left the United States out of the League of Nations. 

Advice and Consent 
Like much of the Constitution, Article 2, Section 2 does not specify how the U.S. Senate should advise the president on treaty matters. George Washington entered office believing that the Senate should take an active role in advising him on matters of foreign relations. He asked the Senate to create a committee to advise him on his first major treaty negotiation with the Creek tribe of Native Americans. However, the meeting went poorly. The room was noisy, and senators had difficulty hearing the prepared questions that Vice President John Adams read aloud. A senator also moved to refer the information to another committee to study it more. The delay frustrated President Washington so much that he decided not to meet with senators for treaty negotiations in the future. 

Over time, another form of congressional “advice” emerged in the form of RUDs (reservations, understandings, and declarations). RUDs are attached as conditions to treaties to clarify how the agreement will work in practice. Sometimes, they might acknowledge the need for further legislation, such as to provide funding for enforcement. Therefore, senators do provide advice in the development of treaties, just not during the negotiation phase of a treaty. 

The “consent” clause in Article 2, Section 2 is more straightforward than the “advice” clause. When the executive branch negotiates a treaty, a resolution of ratification is sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If approved, it moves to the Senate for debate. In earlier days, treaty debates were held in closed sessions, which theoretically meant secrecy but instead encouraged leaks. During the contentious Canadian Fisheries Treaty debate in 1888, a disclosed letter suggested that the British government supported President Grover Cleveland for reelection, ultimately helping Benjamin Harrison win the race. Politically motivated leaks were common and resulted in all treaty debates being held publicly since 1929 (unless classified due to sensitive information). During treaty debates, RUDs can be proposed and, if passed, become attached to the resolution. For the treaty to succeed, two-thirds of senators must vote in support, giving treaties a high bar for passage. The Senate does not ratify treaties themselves, in any case. If passed, the resolution goes back to the executive branch, and it is then ratified between the United States and the foreign entity. 

In Law 
Once a treaty is ratified, the supremacy clause in the Constitution means that it becomes part of domestic law. The clause states that “all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land.” In other words, ratified treaties carry the full weight of a domestic law before the court system. Treaties also take precedence over state law, meaning that each state must abide by the treaty rules even if they object. In addition to domestic force, ratified treaties also become part of international law and take effect globally. 

Over time, workarounds to the official treaty process have been created. A prominent example is the emergence of congressional-executive agreements. This type of agreement is different from a treaty for many reasons. First, they are not ratified and are subjected to the limits of the normal law-making process, i.e., the congressional scope is limited for normal laws, while treaties can be on any topic. Congressional-executive agreements only require a simple majority of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to pass and are a popular way to enact policies that may be too controversial for a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate. 

Furthermore, congressional-executive agreements still become part of international and domestic law. Examples of congressional-executive agreements in recent years include the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the entrance of the United States into the World Trade Organization. 

Another such agreement is executive agreements. These agreements are made between the president and a foreign entity without any congressional approval. This type of agreement takes effect in international law but does not become domestic law. Additionally, executive agreements are easy for future presidents to overturn, as they do not need congressional approval. However, there are diplomatic consequences for going back on these agreements. 

Given that neither congressional-executive nor executive agreements are part of the Constitution, they have been highly controversial, and courts have limited their scope over time. They have not, however, set specific boundaries. In the years since World War II, these types of agreements have become much more common than treaties, with each president making hundreds of agreements during their terms. 

As time has progressed, the process for enacting treaties has evolved significantly. In the past, international treaty negotiations involved distant travels and the slow movement of information across oceans. Today, modern communication and traveling abilities have transformed the negotiation process, while modern media has allowed citizens to be informed in real-time. As the world continues to be more connected, the role of treaties and agreements in Congress will continue to be an important area of discussion and debate. 

Download full brief and sources


I strongly disagree with the section titled In Law, to the extent it posits that treaties can trump domestic laws. Just to show the silliness of this argument [that treaties supersede domestic laws], one need look no further than the Eleventh Amendment.

More points against this position are: all statutes regarding treason, sedition, giving aid & comfort to enemies, etc would be nullities. And what do we do about the clauses in the constitution that could/would/might directly contradict this Supreme Imperial Treaty that purports to control America? Forced amend the constitution to remove the offending passages? Merely ignore them?

Treaties are, by universal definition, documents/instruments that govern relationships between countries. IOW, foreign affairs. Not domestic affairs.

So why does the constitution call them ‘the supreme law of the land’?

Because the thirteen colonies were originally seen as independent from each other, and equal in value to the states/countries of the world. The federal govt had to be the one voice to the world lest individual colonies/states/countries forge their own treaties. Hence, the constitution explicitly states that treaties are the law of the land in order to prevent unilateral actions by the states/countries.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing these important insights!


They are trying to ram through Roe-Wade as a federal law by tomorrow in the Senate.
Simultaneously they are trying to get rid of the Filibuster, in the dead of night:


Devin / @DevinNunes 05/10/2022 12:00:55

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108278478005448029

Jay Sekulow / @jaysekulow 05/10/2022 11:59:59

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108278474291780257We need you. Tune in to Sekulow LIVE right now to hear about what we’re doing to combat Roe v. Wade and how you can help.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Radical Left Voting to Make Roe Permanent

Join the conversation. ReTruth this live broadcast now:

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Radical Left Voting to Make Roe Permanent (

Last edited 2 years ago by eilert

Ending Filibuster IS DOA. Manchin AND Sinema against it.

Yea, it is possible Pierre DeLecto, Susan or M…ski could get it passed. Not likely.

PLUS, several D-rats up for reelection in November, prolly don’t want to vote killing the filibuster.

We’ll see if they can finagle abortion through. Perhaps them crooks will tie it in with the $40 BILLION money laundering scheme through Ukraine.


The fed govt CANNOT take control of abortion via statute UNLESS it pre-empts the entire field of abortion related issues. I can’t see how that is done negatively. IOW how does Congress enact a statute(s) forcing all states to allow abortion?

Hint: it can’t. It would be unconstitutional per the leaked Dobbs opinion.


The Biden regime does not care about laws they will ram it through like they do everything. They let states fight it but in the meantime many babies die.
They are killers in the worse way. How is that better than what Hitler did?


Apparently according to Seculow ” the liberals are trying to tell us that Senate cannot do it”. Seculow says ” congress wants to make the rules concerning the abortion and it can stand”. We should not just assure ourselves that this will not stand coming out of Congress.


Here’s something that I don’t understand, and this is not a knock on Sekulow and ACLJ. They are fund-raising, asking people to please help defeat this issue. I am ignorant about the connection. If I sent money right now, how would it help with thi issue? Do they need money to pay lobbyists working for our side? If so, any money sent now would likely not be used for that purpose due to time constraints. So is it that they are already expending funds on lobbyists and they will need to replenish those funds?

I’ve seen the same thing with emails about various issues. “Please help us defeat blah, blah, blah. Donate now.” But they don’t explain exactly how donating helps to defeat it.


My husband donated to ACLU on monthly basis. What I understand they will have to pay lawyers staff that they did not count on. They are involved in more than abortion.
We are not increasing our donation since we give all year long.
I am not there do not understand the why now asking for donation. All I can think is they have to fight people who put millions against the ACLU.
I think people need to do what they think what is priority in their life. No right or wrong in my eyes.
This is just troubling what is happening with abortion killing babies.

Valerie Curren

I think/hope you meant ACLJ in your comment…Sekulow’s outfit 🙂


Yes that is what I meant. Thank you for catching my mistake 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW I couldn’t remember if your hubby was a lefty so that the U was actually correct. Blessings. I LOVE your comments & wisdom!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

They may need to hire specialist lawyers that they normally wouldn’t keep on staff… I’m not surprised they want money (don’t we all? 🙂 )…

That tree of justice just keeps-a-callin’ out…..

How to beat them at their own game without stooping down to their level…


New Data from Walgreens Reveals Unvaccinated Have the Lowest Positivity Rate for COVID — Triple and Double Vaxxed Groups Have the Worst Rate

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t get the vaccine!!!


Don’t worry – I’ve never had the flu vaccine either.


“Ukraine admitted to large-scale export of wheat abroad

Despite the unsuccessful sowing campaign, Kyiv massively exports grain from the Odessa and Nikolaev regions in order to pay for lend-lease, and also accuse Russia of a new Holodomor along the way.

Trucks stuffed with Ukrainian grain have already been seen heading to the Moldovan port of Giurdulesti on the Danube.

Now the Ukrainian operational command “YUG” has called all this the grain export plans envisaged by Ukraine.”
(with video)

“In Ukraine, there are 20 million tons of grain in storage. We are now trying to figure out how to get them out of the country. It will lower prices worldwide – Biden”



#BREAKING: On FT live @elonmusk

says he thinks it was a morally bad decision to ban Donald Trump from Twitter, and says if he takes ownership, he would reinstate Trump’s account.


“Insane Clown and Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz Wants “Trustworthy People” Like Herself to be Able to Add Context to Other People’s Tweets”

One would have to type out the tweet, end it with “this tweet is complete, there is nothing I would like to add, alter or retract. All else is the work of a mad ugly communist bitch.”
Then take a screen shot of it and tweet the screen shot so no wording can be altered.


“Insane Clown and Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz Wants “Trustworthy People” Like Herself to be Able to Add Context to Other People’s Tweets”
One would have to type out the tweet, end it with “this tweet is complete, there is nothing I would like to add, alter or retract. All else is the work of a mad ugly communist bitch.”
Then take a screen shot of it and tweet the screen shot so no wording can be altered.


My oh my but you are a devious sort. My kind of guy.



Well … that’s not good. In fact, it’s down right despicable.

“Attention employees – urgent cleanup in aisle Tucker.”

Valerie Curren

I thought Tucker was one of those WEFies, like Maria B so…Young Leaders or whatever…


There’s something satisfying about seeing someone stand up to someone who is too big for his britches.


It IS.

BOTH Tucker AND Faux News intimidated by a movie title, which neither starred in.

  • Tucker IS Faux News, bitch.
  • Faux News, just another branch of Pravda News.

repost deleted

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

The abortion-maniacs invading churches on Mother’s Day had to be their worst ever scheme for winning voters – right up there with prancing around in vagina costumes and pussy hats.


I haven’t heard if any protestant churches were invaded. They may have selected the Catholic cathedrals because of the consistent pro-life stance of the Catholic Church.


Or, consistently, inconsistent.

The audience or person(s) being addressed, determines the message.


For the sake of transparency I would have to admit that Catholics, by a significant margin, have been the leaders in the Right to Life issues. From my perspective, Protestants have been, with some notable exceptions, weak sisters in this fight. Evangelicals have treated abortion as a niche problem and had no organizational muscle behind their efforts. I do not have any first-hand experience with Orthodox responses. From my seat in the pew this would not have happened without Catholic leadership. For that reason I believe that is why you get the special attention.


You may or may not be surprised to know how few American Christians read their Bibles. I would wager that 90+% have never even heard of the Didache.

I would definitely like to see that video.


The video I speak of is the one the Justice would take when he unleased the Holy Water. That would have to be recorded for Supreme Court archives. After all it would be an historical moment.


 😎  Business is about to PICK UP…

Now they are TAG TEAMING, and will soon be PLAYING off each other’s “discovery”  😉 


It’s a theory. Another is that prominent leftists are “getting COVID” to bolster the narrative that COVID is still an issue but that vaccines are effective. It’s to keep COVID in the public eye.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One other possibility is the one I’m seeing in real life. All the maskies and vaxxies that I know are getting COVID now.

Medically, that makes sense, based on antibodies, diminishing effectiveness of the jabs as the number of boosters increases, mutation, etc.



#20 – This reveals the true nature and values of the left. They always create inflation – scarcity – misery – hunger.

#15 – Election Fraud on Camera

#5 – There was one good guy in Hollywood

On top of helping free the Waukesha terrorist – Holly Zoller was one of Øbama’s mules – stuffing fake ballots into multiple ballot boxes.


Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

I thought Kutcher was a Part of child trafficking, like the Clintons, through their “charities” designed to perpetuate the problems they purport to be “solving”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s interesting, b/c people have thought his relationship with Demi Moore was “pedish”

Valerie Curren

Yes it seems like it Might have been…


Oh no – ! I didn’t know that! Horrors! Sorry I posted that then. Thanks for the correction!

Valerie Curren

Not a correction, just a question. I’m not sure of my “conjecture” but figured someone on the Q-Tree might actually Know here…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think once a few of the mules start getting thrown in the clink, thinks will happen. FROM BOTH SIDES.


Disclose TV is reporting

Bill Gates has been diagnosed with Covid


That IS great news.

Standing by for the obligatory statement.

  • Mild symptoms. Grateful to be vaccinated and boosters.
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


One wonders how the “mild symptoms” (translation: “interrogation”) are doing.


SD says repealing the 17th Amendment is critical for reducing the power of the permanent political bureaucracy and restoring power to the people.

Fat chance.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

I don’t put much hope in that improving things, even if it happened, which doesn’t look very possible. All of our state governments are just as big a swamp as Washington. They aren’t going to appoint anyone we would agree with.


After watching the Kemp and Raffensperger response to the election fraud, and the Arizona election mess – I am sure you are right.
