Dear KAG: 20230823 Open Thread

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Badlands News Brief – August 22, 2023

We Have Reached the Stage Where There Is Literally No Pause Between Major Disasters Hitting the United States

Maybe there really is weather altering technology.

‘Failed To Read The Room’: Biden Slammed For Cracking Jokes In Fire-Ravaged Maui

Biden couldn’t read the back of a cereal box at this point.

Top Trump advisor Stephen Miller unveils tough anti-migrant tactics of a second administration: From land and sea military deployments to building more border walls and buoys along the Rio Grande – and even denying entry to Marxists

Law professor submits a Mean Girls “Frenemy of the Court” brief in US v. Rahimi

Save the Confederate Memorial at Arlington

N.H. governor pushes Republicans to “not be afraid to attack” Trump

Oh, knock it off for crying out loud.

Encounters With Chinese Illegal Aliens Up 826% At the Southwest Border

BREAKING: Fox News reverses course, Trump surrogates WILL be allowed in debate spin room

That was fast.

From ‘The Passion of the Christ’ to ‘Barbie.’ When did People Stop Behaving Themselves in Movie Theaters?


Opinion: Nordic countries are too conservative for the American progressives who idolize them

EXCLUSIVE: BA.2.86 Covid variant IS spreading in the US: Virginia resident who traveled from Japan becomes second US patient to be infected with mutant strain – as experts say case is just the tip of the iceberg

And a specific test already exists for this?

DeSantis defends ‘listless vessels’ remark about Trump supporters after backlash

Loser. Total loser.

RNC Confirms Eight Corporate Candidates Qualified for Fox News Debate

I’d rather watch paint dry

Tweets, X-Posts, Whatever


Thoughts from the science people?

He’s in good company.

Memes & Stuff

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 20:1-16

1“For the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 3And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the market place; 4and to them he said, `You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. 5Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. 6And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing; and he said to them, `Why do you stand here idle all day?’ 7They said to him, `Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, `You go into the vineyard too.’ 8And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, `Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ 9And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. 10Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius. 11And on receiving it they grumbled at the householder, 12saying, `These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ 13But he replied to one of them, `Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14Take what belongs to you, and go; I choose to give to this last as I give to you. 15Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ 16So the last will be first, and the first last.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Thank you, DePat, for a joyful Wednesday post about camels.






…..well, it certainly wasn’t about the loserfest being broadcast on Fox….

Cuppa Covfefe

And, best of all, it wasn’t about KAMEL-HOE 🙂

(and btw, who was the “engineer” who put that starter and relay in the MIDDLE of an engine yesterday? Or was it a photoshop (looks like a stepper motor)? Or a French or Italian creation, where looks count a lot? Or a Morris minor minor or anything out of British Leyland 😀 )…..


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Benny Johnson interviewed the man who owned the Trump sign that was set on fire. The video is a little over 14 minutes long.

Some points:
A tattoo helped people identify the guy.
There was a large American flag hanging over the Trump sign. The arsonist even moved the flag, but it resumed position. If the flag had caught fire, it could have spread to the trees and the house.
The homeowner has three children who sleep upstairs.
The arsonist is said to have cried when police showed up at his door.
He was grossly undercharged. The homeowner says it was clearly a felony, but he was charged with a misdemeanor and will not serve jail time.
The homeowner is filing a civil suit.

I believe the guy would have never been caught if not for the patriots who started the search.

I wonder what the arsonist’s cycling buddies think.


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If this gets confirmed…. 😬


If this gets confirmed, the same thing will happen that has happened already.


Sometimes I wonder if people think I’m kidding, when I say the Crims could rape and murder people on live TV, and nobody would do anything about it.

But I’m not kidding.

Because who would do anything?

The Crims aren’t going to arrest themselves.

And who else is going to do it?


True enough. So far no confirmation.
Even if so, likely falls under the new FEMA black out rule.

Speaking of FEMA

Report: FEMA Puts Workers Up in Five Store Hotels in Maui on Taxpayers …21 Gado/Getty Images Elaine Mallon 22 Aug 2023 6 2:32 More than 100 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) workers are staying in five-star hotels in Maui on the taxpayers’ dime while thousands of people are homeless due to the wildfires, according

Stories are saying it’s the Four Seasons.

Checks rates…


Rate Details

Avg. price per night

USD 16,900

before addition of State Transient Accommodation Tax, County Transient Accommodation Tax and General Excise Tax per night

Really??? That much? Wow… The Maui survivors sure as heck can’t stay there. They only got that one $700 dollar payment. Something is not adding up here. Are rooms really that much?


Oh cool. Brietbart says they are only paying $1,000 dollars a night. Must of got a govt discount. 🙄😖😬😮😯


Wait a mnute… perdiem for Federal Workers is 98.00 per night with 58 for meals…

Now this is getting confusing….


Per diem is for the little people.


Guess so.. little peons get a 1/10th of what the big guys get. But it could be worse with the lump sum of $700 for residents the fire.


Well… here’s a new vid coming out of Maui…

Oh and another commentary…

Wait.. one moar… this is the one I was looking for. Had watched it earlier. Jessie reads here too. Has our stuff.


Great vids.

Does anyone know who makes the decisions about recovery going forward ? City, State, Fed . individual property owners ?

Unless temporary housing is built or trailers arrive thousands of survivors cannot exist with no shelter. How long does it take to break their will and financials before they beg for someone to buy their property…anyone like the State or developers


Not very long. DJT should reprise his East Palestine efforts.


While it initially seems wrong, there are reasons to actually want the outsiders to be put up in the most expensive places. That is going to be instant local money for recovery (in excess of the lousy and insulting $700 payments) and employ local people. If you put people in luxury suites who have had everything burn, it will be locals (who probably have their own problems) providing charity to locals.


Perhaps… and kind of convoluted not to mention bad optics… now Liberty Daily is running the FEMA Hotel story… sure others will follow suit.


“While it initially seems wrong, there are reasons to actually want the outsiders to be put up in the most expensive places. That is going to be instant local money for recovery (in excess of the lousy and insulting $700 payments) and employ local people.”


Sounds like trickle down crimonomics. All the money goes into the hotel owners’ pockets, and somehow that’s good for anyone besides the hotel owners. I love that story 😂

But if your assessment is correct, then taxpayers should pay infinity per FEMA worker per night.

That way, the local people get at least one millionth of a percent of infinity 👍


What would you suggest? Burn down the undamaged premium hotels so as to equalize the suffering?

I should note the above from para — “before addition of State Transient Accommodation Tax, County Transient Accommodation Tax and General Excise Tax per night“.

How much of these local taxes are currently being paid by the incinerated parts of Maui?

If you insist the FEMA schmucks live in tents, how are all these taxes going to get paid?


“What would you suggest? Burn down the undamaged premium hotels so as to equalize the suffering?”


I dunno, seems a little harsh to me, but if you insist… 😂


“I should note the above from para — “before addition of State Transient Accommodation Tax, County Transient Accommodation Tax and General Excise Tax per night“.

How much of these local taxes are currently being paid by the incinerated parts of Maui?
If you insist the FEMA schmucks live in tents, how are all these taxes going to get paid?”


I don’t care how taxes are paid, in fact, I hope they don’t get paid.

I hope the criminal gov’t is starved to death.

And not just Hawaii’s either.

What good are taxes, except to the criminal political class?

Our roads are crap, and they’ve been crap my whole life. They could make a road that lasted 100 years if they wanted to, but then the crooked construction companies and their crooked brothers-in-law on city councils and state boards getting them sweetheart deals with taxpayer money, the whole grift would grind to a halt.

I can’t think of anything gov’t does with taxes that is either good, or efficient or beneficial to the People in any way.

They don’t need it anyway, they can just print money, by the trillions, which they do. So the only reason to tax the people is to keep them down.

I’m just so far past ‘trickle down economics’ in a world run by criminals that I can’t suspend the disbelief anymore.

I can’t participate in the lie… 😂


As usual, you have a very valid rationale …


Normal policy is for rescuers to be housed outside the disaster area and that first housing space goes to evacuees. So on that score, FEMA appears to be outside of the immediate disaster area and have not heard of housing problems for the displaced . Still the cost… and 5 star accommodations?


I wish we could believe the dream that taxes would go where they should but would they go to things like a solid emergency alert system that wasn’t used ? Maybe to the fire dept that ran out of water because the water czar is a woke fool, to the police dept that was ordered to blockade the citizns.

It’s so strange to me. Whenever there’s been a disaster in other places the usual suspects beat their chests and start “foundations” and other charities to skim off of…they love to showcase the poor usually minority victims.

Why not on this tragedy ?


Still no confirmation on this.

That said though the ocean currents do flow up toward Lania and Ni’hau. (lania is the larger northern most island and Ni’hau is the private and ultra secluded island owned by the Roberts).

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Apparently Larry Ellison (4th richest in the world) owns Lanai.

Where’s Larry Ellison from and where does he live? 

A native New Yorker from The Bronx, Ellison has lived in the Chicago area and California. But he has said his primary home is on the island of Lanai in Hawaii. He reportedly paid $300 million for almost all of that island 10 years ago. He has also bought homes in Newport, Rhode Island, and California.

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Well ya know that was a SWEETHEART deal. Even just one mansion ON the island probably costs at least $100 million.

What a joke.

$300 million at effectively zero percent interest, to own a Hawaiian island.

But the system isn’t rigged.

You or I coulda got that same deal, if only we had just worked harder… 😂


“I coulda been a contenduh.”

Cuppa Covfefe


But he was probably still trying to figure out referential integrity…. (inside Oracle joke… just don’t ask about Nippon Steel)…….

Cuppa Covfefe

I wrote this on “The Register” years ago when Larry Ellison,
co-founder and ‘ead of ‘orrible bought Lanai…

Larry Larry quite contrary
How does your empire grow?
With “IP rights” and patent fights,
And lawyers all in a row…

(minor detail… my first day at ‘orrible I was driving into the parking structure at Redwood Shores and some SOB in a Mercedes SLK flying into the structure all but pushed me off the edge…

I gave him a one-fingered salute, although he only could see himself (in any case)…

Only later did I find out it was Larry Ellison… my first day could have been my last day at them same time…..

Still think about the Informix billboards on 101 which showed Oracle as being in the rearview mirror 😀 Used to see that every day driving up from 237… as well as the Ampex sign, home of Ray Dolby…..

Having said that, I miss the old days of the Silicon Valley, when the various companies still had their founders at the helm. Scott McNealy, Ellison, Andy Grove, the Varians, Bill and Dave, and a host of others. All there are now are the puppets and lapdogs of the east coast money-grubbing globalist ba$tards…….


Still does not trust the Roberts but finds it difficult to think they could steal kids in the middle of a fire, maybe before, but hasn’t heard anything like that.


That seems far fetched to me. A Pied Piper luring neighborhood kids away is a fantasy . Tunnels ? Sorry i can’t believe that. There were enough unrelated adults around to notice groups of children being led to waiting transportation and being brutally honest, with unrestrained and unmonitored “immigrants” pouring in, the pool of available child sex slaves is inexhaustible They didn’t need the keiki..


From the opener, a GREAT rant. If ya missed it, worthy listen.


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God must have loved stupid people – He made so many of them.
— A. Lincoln

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of this meme:

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Cuppa Covfefe

OK, maybe this one will work:

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“liberal women”

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Self fulfillment can be a b!tch.


She succeeded AND is.


Is that her pic? She can clean my house, for sure.

But nothing else.

Cuppa Covfefe

But remember, every Silver lining has a cloud…. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The wages of sin are sometimes paid slowly.


I never cease to be amazed.

Government brief claims that 2026 trial “would deny the public its right to a speedy trial”. I thought that it was the defendant that had a RIGHT to a speedy trial.

Of course, it IS the defendant’s right, not the prosecution’s, and not the public’s.

U.S. Constitution, Sixth Amendment:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.


Maybe the gov’t ambulance chasers just enjoy humiliating the law schools, universities, and high schools who supposedly taught them? 😂


And making fools of themselves in the process.   :wpds_silly: 


The truth is they’re probably so unversed in law that they believe this and the worst is that once it’s spread to the ignorant lemmings they’ll repeat it as fact. Adulterating law is their forte’


J6ers could not be reached for comment …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Trump has a great new one-minute ad, but I don’t have a way to show it here. It’s patriotic and mostly positive but does address “listless vessels.”

Barb Meier

I can get to the link above. However, the first replying post below the water tower one from Trump says the following and that link goes to telegram. I can’t see it because I don’t do telegram. Can someone see the names from Epstein’s client list? Or is it a scam?

Screen Shot 2023-08-23 at 10.03.23 PM.png

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The time for politeness, in a lot of cases, is over. No reaching across the aisle. No pandering to the emotionally ill. No compliance with compromised “experts” who render their own credentials meaningless.


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They caught Dirty Martha 😂


BUSTED – Fox News and Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin to Support Ron DeSantis
August 22, 2023

“By now we are all too familiar with the schemes and plots of the corporate media as they participate in the political illusion of choice game. However, for Rupert Murdoch and Fox News debate moderator Martha MacCallum, this catch shreds the remaining little credibility they carried.

Fox News is hosting the GOP debate in Wisconsin. During this build up segment, Martha MacCallum introduces the “random Republican voters” in Wisconsin who will watch the debate. Except, well… there’s a little problem. MacCallum introduces Chris Lawrence as a “Wisconsin GOP voter” who seemingly supports Ron DeSantis. However, MacCallum fails to mention that Chris Lawrence actually works for the Koch Network, who have recently pledged to spend $70 million to defeat President Trump.

Not only has Chris Lawrence worked for the Koch Network for the past 9 years, he is also the Senior Field Director for the Koch group Americans for Prosperity. In essence, Lawrence is a political operative planted in the group by Fox News to support Ron DeSantis and make it appear like he is an innocuous voter. Fox News and Martha MacCallum should be embarrassed, but they won’t be. ”



He is not a random voter. They are liars. I hope word gets out.


Dirty Martha needs a time out.

Bratty Bretty Baier should send her to her room, and let a stand-in play her part in the kabuki theater show.


Makes me wonder about the others

Gail Combs

ALL are well vetted.


In Dr. Joel Wallack’s tweet from the open, he says there was no Alzheimer’s disease 40 years ago, even by another name. However, dementia has been recognized since ancient times. This report presents the history of dementia and says Alzheimer’s is the most common form of it.

Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926), a doctor in Germany, classified dementia into senile dementia and presenile dementia in 1910. He was the first to name the disease as ‘Alzheimer’s disease’, after Alois Alzheimer (1864–1915), who discovered pathological features of presenile dementia while his student.

That was well before 40 years ago.

Dr. Wallack’s theory about cholesterol being necessary for brain health and preventing Alzheimer’s might have merit. I have no expertise with which to judge.


“I have no expertise with which to judge.”


That probably works to your benefit, these days 👍😁


I’ve actually heard Alzheimer’s referred to as “Type 3 diabetes,” and I actually believe that is probably accurate.

Never before in the history of mankind have human beings consumed the amount of sugar we do now. Dementia has always been known; if a person’s body had issues with the normal processing of sugars/carbohydrates, that would make sense. But dementia has exploded in recent decades. I think highly refined sugars like high-fructose corn syrup are the reason.


Another data point. Thanks!

Gail Combs

No one in my family had Alzheimer’s that I know of. We were all meat eaters and sweets were reserved for festive occasions. All the kids drank milk thru high school. Tea only when you were sick and NO COFFEE until you were an adult.

Sodas??? What are they?


Garbage, that’s what.

Cuppa Covfefe


The CO² …. 😮

(just kidding… the sugar and other carbs, HFCS et. al. are the worst of it)….


Interesting theory. I’ve known of several people who didn’t get dementia until their eighth or ninth decade of life, and they weren’t diabetics, but they also partook in conventional diets which contain high fructose corn syrup. In one instance, the gentleman was slender all his life. I suppose in cases like these it can catch up to a person eventually.

Another possible example is Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. I don’t know if they had any diabetic tendencies, but they are both in their 90s, have not been noticeably obese, and now have dementia.


Interesting observation. Thin people (the ones who can “eat anything” may be getting more sugar, hence dementia.

Barb Meier

One of my aunts had some form of dementia. I don’t think she ate a lot of sugars/carbs and she was not a heavy person.


More data, thanks.


A musical interlude — something retro, with steam locomotives….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Based on his age in the video, that was quite a while back, but seems almost new in style. Dude was good at what he did.


Single and video date back to 1991.

Dude was extremely talented.

RIP 1958-2016


“BREAKING: Fox News reverses course, Trump surrogates WILL be allowed in debate spin room”


Now that Fraud News caved, Trump’s surrogates should decline 😂

Why would they want to go to Fraud’s post-debate lie room anyway?

All that does is lend credibility to all the frauds and liars, and increases Fraud News’ ratings.

I would ignore it completely, and let Fraud News’ ratings fall off the cliff.


“Republican’s Motion To Vacate Speaker McCarthy Is “Inevitable” If He Continues To Collude With Democrats”


If he continues?!?

If he did it even once, he should have been removed the same day it happened.

This is how you know (like we didn’t already) that the Repukes won’t do *&^% about it.

If he continues… 🙄

Like a cop saying if someone continues robbing banks, he’s going to arrest him, one day.


“France President Emmanuel Macron was rejected entry to the BRICS Summit.”


He had a prior engagement to receive The Most Punchable Face in Europe Award anyway.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder what that button on his lapel is…

Emergency off?
Mute? (that would be good)
Sacre Bleu?
Page teacher-lover-mommy-wife to ask what to do?


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Tesla just became the world’s largest Energy Storage System Supplier.



Both MacGregor and the interviewer seem to believe that the ultimate problem is vanity and incompetence by the Western governments, even while they acknowledge that the governments are subject to the control of a very small number of globalists.

I didn’t hear either one of them say that the globalists want as much death and destruction as possible, everywhere on the globe, wherever they can bring it about.

They just fall back on arrogance / vanity and incompetence every time.

Neither one of them are able to acknowledge that the people who really make the decisions, the people above national prime ministers and presidents (certainly including ours) don’t want peace, anywhere.

It’s like they’re both part of the Great Pretending.

As long as that’s true, nothing changes.

They’re just talking about the global / international equivalent of what we talk about here with regard to America every day. There is no mechanism to stop what’s happening, either here OR there, because the criminals are in charge of government, and the government has armed personnel and won’t hesitate to use them against their own people in order to perpetuate themselves and their own power.

But they can’t talk about that. I don’t know if they’re afraid to talk about that, or if they are blind to the reality of it.

Nothing changes until the criminals routed.

And they’re not gonna route themselves.


rout, not route.

“to defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away”.

But nobody wants to do that.

So we will continue to do every other thing except that — a.k.a. the only thing which will actually solve the problem — until we are all dead.

Because apparently we fear doing anything about the criminals even more than we fear death, either our own or even the children, the patented go-to excuse for doing any virtuous or noble thing.

It’s really incredible.

Everything I was ever taught about America, and the American People, and the rule of Law, it was all a lie.

When push comes to shove, it was all bullshit.

We’re not Dirty Harry.

We’re just afraid.

The least we could do is be honest about it, but we can’t even do that.

Most people choose denial instead.


It’s a doomed situation because the American people are already under a totalitarian government. We seem to think that it’s right around the corner but we’re not there yet…it’s in place now.

J6 proved to us that protesting can and will result in arrests, indictments, held in a gulag, financial ruin.
They’ve begun to televise murdering dissidents.
They’ve been televising the political show trial of Donald Trump to sear it into others to never go against them.
They’re now saying out loud that they’ll “need” to restrict our food, They’ve given the nod for new force control with covid demands.
They’ve opened the country to prove to us that they control it, not us. America First ? What is America, the USA without borders ?

They’re perilously close to taking control of our money.

Yes We The People do still have arms but I think we’re smart enough to see that rising up and demanding anything would be met with the full force of this wicked govt’s army.

I don’t have any suggestions but we are there and these globos and their cowtowing minions won’t stop until they’re permanently removed. Permanently.

Cuppa Covfefe

Seven-and-a-half or eight billion of us, and at most five thousand of them.

Fish in a barrel…


 🎣   🎣 

Gail Combs

I think they are skirting as close as they can to the NO-NO subjects without going over the line.

Remember this is YOU BOOB TUBE that has BANNED many many plain speakers.

Also you have to lead the normies carefully to the truth even when you would much prefer to use a 2X4 studded with LARGE SPIKES. Sorry, my frustration is showing.


“I think they are skirting as close as they can to the NO-NO subjects without going over the line.”


I might have thought so, but I see too many other youboobers easily skirt that stuff, using obvious coded language and literally winking and nodding at the camera.

MacGregor and the interviewer showed nothing like that. They’re in a different universe, where they certainly appear to believe the Great Pretending and made literally zero effort to show otherwise.

As for the normies, at this point they probably ought to be called ‘tards.

I’m not sure how being gentle and enabling them to live in a fantasy ‘safe space’ is helping anyone, most especially them.

If ONE person in a position of authority on our side would speak plainly about the truth and reality of what is going on, it would remove the road block, the obstacle, the fig-leaf that the normies all hide behind.

Because whenever we talk about the truth to normies, they can easily dismiss anything we say as ‘conspiracy’ because no one in a position of Authority backs us up. Nobody in a position of Authority ever stands with us and says the Emperor Wears No Clothes.

So as a result, the people on OUR side in positions of Authority are Gaslighting us with rocket boosters.

They reveal the whole landscape to us (via Q and similar), we learn it, we take it to the People, but then they NEVER back us up.

Imagine if Jesus taught the Apostles and sent them to all the cities round about, and they taught everyone, and when thousands of people came back with them to hear from Jesus Himself, Jesus pretended like He didn’t know what they were talking about.

THAT is what the ‘Authority’ figures on our side do to us, every day, 24/7/365.

They taught us, they sent us out to teach the world, we did it, we’re still doing it, we’re speaking the truth to anyone who will listen.

And when we come back with others, by hook or by crook, so the normies can hear it from the horse’s mouth, the horse does the Three Monkeys routine, and leaves us holding the bag.

Here’s a current photo of the leadership authorities on our side:

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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. My Daddy would have suggested a 2×4, but most folks wouldn’t understand.

Seems the expressions from Appalachia don’t dawn on the Yuppies (as Si Robertson would say)…



Judge: “I’ve been trying to think I’ve been scratching my head about why there is so little outrage here. I mean there is amongst libertarians, there is amongst the more serious military and intelligence folks … and there’s even amongst progressives on the left, is it because the media is 100% in lockstep with the government, or might it be because war is so profitable, to so many people in the United States, that it no longer outrages?”

Macgregor: “Well, both are correct. You hit on the two principal reasons.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Those pilots need to be trained, both in English and the planes themselves. And the planes probably won’t be there until late next year, no matter what the various warhawks promise.

Just another hundred billion or so shot to Hell…..

Gail Combs

Just another hundred billion or so shot to Hell….. Laundered into globalist pockets.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same thing 😡 😡 😡 😡


Respectful, and tragic, cartoon for Lahaina


Pretty much what is said to have happened. Sad.


Oh, that’s rough. But so true, and so sad.

Gail Combs

Be sure to hit the next button on lower right side and scroll thru the rest of the cartoons.

They are devastatingly truthful


“India braces for historic lunar probe landing”
“India’s mission to the Moon could be about to make history, with a probe expected to touch down near the lunar south pole in less than seven hours. The Lander module of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft will attempt the landing at 6.04 pm Indian Standard Time on Wednesday.”

“Russia reveals reason for Moon crash”
“The head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency, Yury Borisov, has revealed the main cause behind the failure of the Luna-25 Moon mission. The probe failed to shut off its engines in time and veered from its intended orbit, the space boss explained.
“Unfortunately, the engine shutdown did not happen normally, in accordance with the sequence diagram, but based on a time stamp, and instead of the planned 84 seconds, it ran for 127 seconds,” Borisov told the Rossiya 24 broadcaster on Monday.”


How does that happen?

Did somebody hack the program and change the number of seconds?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I think some NATO member tinkered with the signals.

They will stoop at nothing to throw shade and slime at Russia. Probably the Brits did it, using someone else’s technology (as they’re a technology desert anymore)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. A real democracy now has space power.

pat frederick

from the treehouse…
the results didn’t match the foregone conclusion, so the mayor’s deputy wanted it changed…
August 23, 2023 9:02 am

Corruption of Science and the Political Left: How it works
London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s deputy urged scientists to alter a Lancet study that showed London’s low emissions zone made no difference to children’s health.
Mr Khan’s deputy, Shirley Rodrigues, tried to discredit and silence Imperial College scientists, who found that the ultra-low emissions zone (Ulez) had little impact on pollution. Rodrigues asked if Professor Chris Griffiths, of Queen Mary University of London, could reword the study’s conclusion that found no evidence of health benefits to children’s lungs.
Prof Griffiths refused the request, replying to Ms Rodrigues: “Apologies – it’s difficult to alter the sentence you refer to as it’s what we set out to look for but didn’t find.”
Mr Khan is pushing ahead with expansion of Ulez, which will charge motorists in all London’s 32 boroughs $16 per day to drive polluting vehicles from August 29.
Professor Chris Griffiths is now a marked man who can say goodbye to his research grants.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shirley? Who’s Shirley….

Khan Artiste yet again proving what happens when you let invaders run your country…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the West got Sovietized, we got Soviet science.

Cuppa Covfefe

Saddiqhead KhanArtiste is an utter, complete, Mooseslime idiot.

Nothing more, nothing less.

My Welsh Pop warned me about what would happen should the Pakis take over.

Where he and my Irish Nana (and, for a short time, me Mum) lived in London are now council flats; their house having been torn down to make space for the Pakis…

And now it’s a steaming mess.

And that poor soldier who was beheaded was killed only a few hundred years from where they lived… and the sinkhole that appeared next to a church in Charlton was even closer…

The sun never sets on the British Empire??????

No, it set shortly after WWII, if not before…..

So stuff it, Chuckles… you’ll never be 1/100th the Monarch your Mum was…..


Thanks for the image our beautiful Smoky Mountains, DePat. A reminder of God’s handiwork for even us locals.

The heat of summer has hit a month later around here. We were way above normal on precip throughout the summer going into the first two weeks of this month. Peak temps in the mid-upper 90s the rest of this week before trending down to normal next week. The problem is that it is occurring in the middle of ragweed season, so a lot of folks are suffering a bit.

As we near Labor Day and the start of college football season, the pellet smoker grill will be going into hyper drive. Time to prep it. Such a great time of year.

Try to enjoy life as much as possible even in these troubled times, friends.


Weird here, too. Everything is late. Tomatoes just now ripening, when it should have happened a month ago.


Wow, that is very late.


Last year I was harvesting veggies in October! Unheard of here until the last three-four years. Now it seems common.


I remember your area in the summer well, somewhat like the Cincinnati area of my youth. Usually it is heading toward cooler temps by now. Instead it is sauna time.

pat frederick

Donald J. Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are so fucking evil.

pat frederick

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Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 23, 2023

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” 

Psalms 27:14 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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The new song by Oliver Anthony is so raw and genuine; it feels to one like a continuation of “Rich Men North of Richmond.” May the Almighty God and Mr. Anthony’s own good common sense protect him from the DeepState / WEF Cabal sharks and the MK Ultra types who are likely plotting at this moment on how to “deal with him.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! AMEN!!!

pat frederick

fundraiser for Rudy at Bedminster 9/7
$100,000 per guest


This is not a good look IMO. What about the other defendants?

If there isn’t one for each of them, …

pat frederick


“Giant leap for India! Chandrayaan-3 makes history by landing on the moon’s South Pole for first time – beating Russia, China AND USA”

“The South Pole is an uncharted territory that scientists believe could hold vital reserves of frozen water and precious elements. 
A lander with a rover tucked inside touched down at 8:34 am ET, sparking cheers and applause among the space scientists watching in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru.
Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) successful mission marks its emergence as a space power as the government looks to spur investment in private space launches and related satellite-based businesses. 
Chandrayaan-3 is expected to remain functional for two weeks, running a series of experiments, including a spectrometer analysis of the mineral composition of the lunar surface to determine if there is water ice.”


The clip of Joe Biden is going around with his head down in Maui, maybe sleeping, maybe not. Some people say his is, some say he’s not. But that’s missing the most important point.

Biden, whether we like it or not, is the President of the United States, leader of the free world, representative of a global super-power. As such, he is the focus of every eye in every room, every media person, every cell phone camera, everywhere.

Biden, or any American president, does not have the LUXURY of appearing to nod off, checking his watch at a fallen soldier ceremony, or stumbling over a sandbag on a stage. The President has to be fully cognizant of his role at all times, period. And Biden isn’t. He either isn’t capable, or doesn’t care, but the result is the same; the world sees INCOMPETENCE leading America. Even committed leftists should be able to understand that.

pat frederick

as is often pointed out–that HAVE to pretend not to know, not to see.
and, bless their hearts, they’re really good at it


Yes. Bless their hearts.

pat frederick



He likely was NOT checking the time when he looked at his watch that day. Most likely, they told him that the names of the people were there so he would know who was approaching him.

I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to use an Apple smartwatch instead of just whispering in his ear.


Again, it doesn’t matter what he was doing, just that he was unaware of the effect of him doing it. Onstage, all the time. MUST know how it looks, or is incapable of filling the office.


Another thing that’s begun to irritate me is that it appears that the rest of the cabal is taking advantage of Biden’s incompetency. They’ve managed to let it happen in front of everyone so that when the time comes they have plausible deniability and can usher in their next replacement who will acknowledge old Joe’s failings and “fix” things. Things won’t actually get fixed because he’s done exactly as they’ve instructed but the spin will make it look like they’re doing so.
I despise them all

pat frederick

AND gives them an “out” to let the maggot go without punishment…mental incapacity. not responsible for his actions poor thing…and the accompanying bullshit sympathy


Of course…disgusting


I agree, and I do, too.


You have nailed it. That’s my speculation about the watch kerfluffle – that his handlers intended him to be caught looking at it. They knew what the first conclusion would be – he was being impatient.

It shows how evil the real movers are, that they would take advantage of an impaired person.

Cuppa Covfefe

A stopped watch would still be smarter than him……


He did not off. You can tell when he woke up.


I think it’s jet lag, not cognitive issues.


LOL, well it is rough when you have to interrupt your back to back vacays to take a day trip to Hawaii on a luxurious plane where you could nap but…I’m sure he was “studying” his notes on where this untimely disaster happened, who are the people there, how long he’d be there and which lie he should lead with. Sainted Beau or the Delaware kitchen fire, either should work.

Plus Hunter stayed behind in Lake Tahoe so the little simulant stash was not with them.


I have been overtaken. I salute you for devastating my puny remark.  😂 


hahah i have to thank you for the puny remark. It gave me one of those jolts. Jet lag!!!! I’m starting to feel like I have Tourettes…the slightest thing about any of these fools makes me spontaneously erupt !

Cuppa Covfefe

Add kitchen fire and Hunter Bye, Done and you might get the Richard Pryor effect….

But at least Richard Pryor had talent, didn’t cause damage, and was funny and talented…

The Bye, Dones… none of the above…..


Could be.


^^^ Would have guessed ^^^ missing /s.

Briben has dementia, his policies ARE destroying America AND does NOT warrant the benefit of the doubt.

pat frederick

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Uh … you’re not supposed to know anything about prostitute pricing, Charles. Makes people wonder what you do in your spare time.  😂 

pat frederick


Cuppa Covfefe



Should be 100% in my opinion!

Fully 82% of New Yorkers call the migrant influx a ‘serious problem’ – voters seek an end to the ‘burden’ of asylum seekers and sour on Joe Biden’s Democratic Party


Let me know when the sour taste rises to barf level. That will brighten my day.

Cuppa Covfefe

Migrant reflux…


There was discussion on this board yesterday regarding assembling / adding to, “certain supplies” for the coming season. While Yours Truly is not an herbalist or a natural-products practitioner (here, one defers to our good Aubergine and to the experience of our good Gail Combs), one offers the following ideas, based on personal research and personal experience:

Regarding Quercetin — the daily amount, IMO, depends on the person. For example, many Quercetin supplements are in incremental amounts, from 250mg per tablet/dose and going upwards. But Quercetin is also found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. This is something to keep in mind.

Regarding Green Tea: green tea is also a good source of Quercetin. Both of these things can counteract inflammation. However, IMO, it’s a good idea to balance out what one takes daily of green tea and of Quercetin. For example, Yours Truly takes 250mg of supplemental Quercetin + 1 cup of decaffeinated green tea per day (green tea does come in decaffeinated form.)

Then, there’s Honey. Honey has mild antibiotic properties. However, taking too much honey per day can aggravate, or perhaps even cause, blood glucose issues. The thing is to keep an eye on how much honey one takes per day, especially if one has blood glucose issues. A teaspoon of raw honey in a cup of green tea, IMO, is a good combination of the beneficial effects of both ingredients.

Regarding supplementation with Vitamin C and Vitamin D: The standard maximum per day for Vitamin C is 4000mg for an adult. Let’s say one’s daily multivitamin contains 1,000mg of Vitamin C — this would mean that extra supplementation would be not more than 3,000mg per day of Vitamin C. And there is Vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables.
The standard maximum of Vitamin D per day is 2,000IU for an adult. Again, taking a look at one’s daily multivitamin, if that contains 1,000IU per day — this would mean that extra supplementation would be not more than 1,000IU per day of Vitamin D. And there is Vitamin D in cheese and other foods. The thing here is to total the amounts out from all sources.

Regarding supplementation with Zinc: The standard upward amount of Zinc intake per day is 30mg for an adult. Again, taking a look at the multivitamin that one takes to see the Zinc amount is where to start.

If one comes down with COVID, the amounts of Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D all increase during the acute phase (usually the first few days) — Quercetin to 500mg or more if tolerated; Zinc to 50mg per day if tolerated; Vitamin C to 5,000mg per day if tolerated; and Vitamin D to 3,000IU per day if tolerated. After the acute phase, all these amounts drop back down to normal levels per day. These “acute phase” amounts would be taken while also taking IVM or HCQ in their “acute level” amounts for the same period.


All good with me.

I would add that I think a vitamin D level blood test yearly is in order. Some people don’t maintain good levels as easily, and have to take higher amounts of D to maintain.

And vitamin C is water-soluble, and unlikely to cause problems if you take too much. If you have intestinal distress from it, then take less.


Thank you.
People who are diagnosed with osteoporosis often are prescribed vitamin D supplements along with calcium supplements to slow down the condition as opposed taking drugs like Fosamax. They also need to have an annual vitamin D and calcium blood test.




Yup – Dr. Malone does 5000 during respiratory distress seasons and kicks it up tot 10,000 if feeling ill.

Over the past year since I had the Omicron in the spring of last year I experimented with adding 5000 for a time whenever I first felt respiratory problems occurring and without fail I felt better quickly. My vitamins and nuts intake has kept the zinc up as well.

Always add C.


I take 10K every day.


That’s good. I think the D test is helpful. I know a middle aged engineer who stays at 10 K and kicks up to 20 K when feeling like a cold is coming on. Says he has avoided catching COVID and did not take the jab.

I am outside as much as possible and retain D well. Have labs coming up late next month to check where it is


Another point is Vit C doesn’t stay long in the body. If you take it all in the morning, it’s gone by afternoon through urination. So spreading,out intake is best advised.


I take 5000 daily in summer and 10,000 in winter. I am pale and blond, and I don’t think I process D particularly well.

I think 5000 a day is reasonable for most people.


Regarding quercetin and green tea — the effect being sought is that of an ionophore. This serves to assist ions into cells [ ]. Chloroquine helps with zinc, is found in hydroxychloroquine, and may come from cinchona bark (and tonic water). Quercetin helps with zinc and is found in a wide variety of foods including capers and red onions. Epigallocatechin gallate helps with zinc and is found in green tea, as well as apples and hazelnuts. There are others, however.

Since the main activity of interest is getting zinc into cells, however, there is no need to “collect them all.”


Good data points. Thanks.


FBI lovebird Peter Strzok tweets about the ‘nasty’ inhumane conditions in Georgia jail that President Trump will be forced into


Some competition.


Trump interview with Tucker Carlson to air at 9 p.m. during RNC debate


Which led to this:
August 22, 2023
Yours Truly: The federal government wants to create a new “National Practitioner Data Bank.” This new “data bank” will collect and keep information, including “adverse information”, on independent physicians “and other health care practitioners.
Translation: the federal government wants to create a “national database” of doctors and other health care practitioners who refuse to “toe the line” of the CDC / FDA / AMA regarding the “official line” about COVID-19, the COVID-19 “vaccines”, and alternate (and safer) prevention and treatment of COVID-19. [For example, doctors and healthcare practitioners affiliated with FLCCC and AFLDS.]
Remember that the AMA, last summer, issued a warning to medical doctors and other healthcare practitioners that the organization would come after them if they refused to “toe the line?” — now it’s at the federal government level.

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pat frederick

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Gail Combs

Hi Everyone!

I have been watching a couple of Breaking History with Matt Ehret. I agree with most of what he says except for his admiration of FDR (and his New Deal.)

I wrote a comment + 3 replies giving 3 reasons I do NOT like FDR on the newest that goes live tonight.

Seems I have made an enemy since they have all already been down voted. Since I said I thought Patrick was not doing Badlands any favors with his Flat Earth & now his position that Nuclear Bombs are a scam all my comments are now down voted.

If any of you think my comment(s) on FDR are OK, please up vote.


Done. Good work, Gail.

Gail Combs

ThankQ too!!! 😚


I tagged all of your replies with a like, it looks like you’re at the top of the list 👍😁

Gail Combs

ThankQ!!! 😚


And another  👍 


Can this be vetted to ascertain if it is true? —

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Cuppa Covfefe

From WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx

2021 YGL     
Vivek Ramaswamy
Founder and CEO Roivant Sciences (builds subsidiary biotech and healthcare technology companies)
Business Health BioTech
Harvard, Yale USA
North America

I downloaded this on 6th May, 2022. I just looked on the WEF YGL site, and he’s no longer there…


So it appears, IMO, that ** KS ** likely ordered that Ramaswamy’s WEF information be removed. This is something that needs to be spread far and wide.


I read a week or two ago that Vivek demanded they remove his name because he was never a WEF Young Global Leader, and they did remove his name. (I think this is supposed to recommend him to right-wingers who object to the WEF.) My question is how does your name get on something that you never participated in.

Cuppa Covfefe

He was on their site (the lookup URL I listed) as a class of 2021 member, and was in a number of lists as a WEF “Alumni”.

He’s backing and filling.

And lying.

pat frederick

found at tcth …cryptic

Black Knight
August 23, 2023 1:16 pm

Not sure where this is going, but Trump, Jr has posted:
“Go out and get yourself a conspiracy theorist friend if you don’t have one. You’re gonna need one to explain what is about to happen.”


Ready to party whenever they are.


Uh oh..I always like a conspiracy theory heads up but this sounds like it might be weirder than usual

pat frederick

well the President is supposed to surrender tomorrow…

pat frederick

More details to follow
A private jet belonging to the Wagner mercenary chief Evgeny Prigozhin crashed in Tver region in Russia on Wednesday evening with 10 people dead including Prigozhin himself. 
According to the Russian Aviation agency, three crew members and seven passengers were on board. Several Telegram channels reported that the jet was show down by air defense system.


Prigozhin to Putin, after failed coup: Do you expect me to go into exile in Belarus?

Putin: No Mr. Prigohzhin, I expect you to die… 😂





It’s an amazing coincidence.

One day you get caught trying to overthrow the Russian government.

The next day, your plane crashes.

These things just happen, it’s random, there’s no rhyme or reason to it really… 🙄

pat frederick

they are releasing mug shots
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pat frederick

that’s John Eastman’s in Fulton Cty



pat frederick

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Each audition should fail. Each one is a backstabbing whore.


“In fact, tonight’s Republican undercard event really shouldn’t even be called a debate, but rather an audition to be part of President Trump’s team in his second term.”


Yeah, like DJT wants any of these rat-bastards on his team… you’d be safer in a home-brew submersible diving on the Titanic 😂

Gail Combs

They ALL FLUBBED the audition BEFORE they got there.

Cuppa Covfefe

And some sad news for synonym hounds, especially in New Yawk: 🙂

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Cuppa Covfefe

H/T Filly over at Marica’s…

(Folks driving thought they’d had the book thrown at them; they were besides themselves…)…

pat frederick

she has a great wit!

Gail Combs

I miss her.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What’s another word for thesaurus?


It’s in there somewhere.


“The plane crashed in the Bologovsky district of the Tver region, media reported.

Initially, there were seven people on board.”
(vid shows cloud of smoke then plane falling)


“Initially, there were seven people on board.””


What does that mean, someone DB Coopered before the crash?


Plane appears to be mostly intact, falling straight down, zero forward momentum in any direction. Just dropping like a rock tossed out of a blimp.


I’m surprised Prigozhin didn’t have a parachute, for just such an event.

How would you not be rationally paranoid that something exactly like this would happen, if you’re Prigozhin — or anyone traveling with him?

Plus, just imagine how cool it would be, if you survived an assassination attempt, by bailing out of a downed plane.

He would have been immortalized as a hero who survived the assassination attempt, and it would have been effectively impossible for Putin to try to kill him again… because trying once is understandable, and has the nod-and-a-wink pretense of plausible deniability.

But to do it twice is both obvious and just bad sportsmanship 😉


bad sportsmanship = LMAO


“Eyewitnesses post footage of the wreckage of the plane in which Evgeny Prigozhin could allegedly be.”


Is it real or is it a drone?



Cuppa Covfefe

Is that a real soprano or Stacy Abrams?
(Jabber the Slut)…..


“It is reported that the admin of the famous channel was also on the crashed machine.
Intel Slava Z
Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

Funded by Putin, Russian ministry of defence, FSB, GRU and SVR”


“The second plane, which is associated with Yevgeny Prigozhin, is landing in Moscow on a flight from St. Petersburg.”

(both his planes in the air at the same time, wonder if he was expecting trouble.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the one that went down was a decoy…

Have to wonder if Satan sits in the NATO meetings… or has a FIREWIRE link (so to speak)…..  👹  👺  🔥  👺  👹 


“While everyone is discussing whether Prigozhin died on board his plane or not, Putin speaks live at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Kursk.”

(unbreakable alibi)


“Footage of the uncontrolled fall of Prigozhin’s plane immediately after two explosions in the sky.

The local resident also speaks about two explosions. It can be seen that the aircraft does not have one wing.”

pat frederick

David Shafer made his mug shot pic his new profile pic on X

pat frederick

never let them see you sweat!

Gail Combs

Make the whole mess a COMPLETE FARCE… Since that is what it actually is.


“Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin died. This was stated by the representative of the administration of the Zaporozhye region Vladimir Rogov.

“I just talked with outstanding“ musicians ”, they confirm the fact of the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin,” Rogov said.”



Wham! Putin Speaking.

Let’s go back to June 24th.

All those who deliberately embarked on the path of betrayal will suffer inevitable punishment, Putin said. The Russian Armed Forces received the necessary order.


Biden better not get any ideas from this, but won’t be surprised if we see talking heads drawing similarities between Trump and Prigozhin.


Of course they will.

It would be reckless negligence if they didn’t 😂

pat frederick

from tcth


BOOM: Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal ‘Bio-Weapons’ Lawmakers in Florida have announced plans to officially designate mRNA Covid vaccines as “bio-weapons” that are hazardous to human health. The proposed law seeks to BAN the administration of mRNA shots to anybody in the state. The Brevard Republican Executive Committee has urged Gov. Ron DeSantis to sign the legislation, which will outlaw Covid-19 vaccines, as soon as possible. The non-binding resolution was passed by a supermajority vote of committee membership Thursday. It now goes to DeSantis to sign. reports: A draft version of the resolution reviewed by reporters closely mirrors one passed by the Lee County Republican Party in February, drawing national headlines. “Strong and credible evidence has recently been revealed that Covid-19 and Covid-19 injections are biological and technological weapons,” the Brevard draft resolution says, citing claims that have been disproven and disputed by respected medical groups. “An enormous number of humans have died or been permanently disabled” by the vaccine, it says. “Government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid-19 injections are safe and effective.” It calls on DeSantis to ban sale and distribution of the vaccine “and all related vaccines,” and for Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to seize all remaining doses in the state for safety testing, “on behalf of the preservation of the human race,” it says. It also calls for mandatory disclosures on any product in the state “using mRNA or gene altering or therapeutic technology.”



Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up, in any case, DP…


“It calls on DeSantis to ban sale and distribution of the vaccine “and all related vaccines,” and for Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to seize all remaining doses in the state for safety testing, “on behalf of the preservation of the human race,””


Wait, you mean all that stuff I’ve been telling people about depopulation and genocide and oh by the way the shotz are bad for you, you mean that’s all true?

So much so that the state of Florida is actually passing laws based on the same facts?

Who’da ever thought! 😂


I’m gonna have to get “I Told You So” shirts made to wear to family gatherings, church, everywhere… 🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And for disbelieving libs, all you have to say is that:

(1) the virus was a biological weapon in development

(2) the virus was designed so that any vaccine for it that used the spike protein would also be a bioweapon, by virtue of spike protein pathogenicity. (This is advanced weapon design, quite frankly.)

(3) thus, the vaccines CANNOT HELP being bioweapons themselves.

This is easily believable by the left, who cannot fathom that anybody would be so evil as to intentionally do all of this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Leisure-suit Scott 😀


Well … not you, of all people.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Scott is ever so soft-spoken…

Seems plane-lady is having an effect 😆


This must be the big ‘conspiracy theory’ event that Don Jr. was warning us yesterday to watch for, that was supposed to happen today.


Just in time for DJT to talk about it on Tucker, too 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Lawmakers…have announced plans.”

That could just mean some guy is drafting a bill.

It would be wonderful if such a thing were to pass…but depending on what i t means it’s probably too early to celebrate.


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^^^ Yup. Good post.

Cuppa Covfefe

All the bricks I care about are from LEGO.

They’re having a sale this week, and I feel like stocking up…

(hard to get just the regular bricks anymore)…


This was at SD’s place, h/t to Winston.
If anyone’s interested in seeing all of the area



Looking at that, I wonder where all the people are. There are rows and rows of ruins of houses. It’s hard to think that many are probably dead.


It’s confusing to me also. There’s either emergency places with thousands in there or…what ?
Even the homes that weren’t burned to ash appear empty. Did the people flee ?
That’s maybe an unfair statement because those guys were just driving by but you’d think there would be more activity outside.

Did you happen to catch the part where he found the pile of blue tee shirts not burned ? My tinfoil hat was hurting my head because I had just read this write-up. I mean it looked like even sidewalks were reduced to could a pile of cotton shirts just be there ??


I skimmed through and did not see the t-shirts. That sounds weird.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting that the Daily Dot – a deep leftoid rag – is actually almost sympathetic to the “conspiracy theory”.


So many random people it seems are so shocked by this unbelievably strange inferno coupled with the unbelievable response by local govt and apathy from the WH and feds that they’re teetering on the conspiracy ledge.

Barb Meier

They could build a new island with all the debris.

Valerie Curren

Ran into GrandMainTX at Sylvia’s…& she’s waving “Hi” to the Q-Tree!

I did head over to QTree to pay my respects to Steve’s dragon, Darwin, but didn’t stick around.

So good to hear from you. Tell everyone hello for me. We’re all in this together and we’re going to win.


👋 Waving hi back.


Tell Grandma we miss her!


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Cuppa Covfefe

Note the “Trump” figure is either a “Roly Poly” or a Kachina doll, with MANY layers of complexity…

Could be both…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think you meant matrioshka

Cuppa Covfefe


Most definitely NOT a Kachina doll… those dolls are DEMONRATS……

pat frederick

Collin Rugg


BREAKING: Mugshots have been released by the Fulton County Sheriff for Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis. You are watching the complete degradation of the so-called ‘justice’ system in real time. After leaving the jail, Giuliani blasted D.A. Fani Willis, saying she will “go down in history” for attacking the US constitution. “Fani Willis will go down in American history and having conducted one of the worst attacks on the American Constitution ever when this case is dismissed.” “She has violated people’s First Amendment right to petition the government for grievances like an election they believe was poorly conducted or falsely conducted. People have a right to believe that.”


Jenna Ellis opted to smile. I would not like to encounter Giuliani in that mood, which is fitting for the circumstances. I was listening to a podcast with Robert Barnes yesterday, and one of the guests said there has never been such an attack on attorney-client privilege. He showed how it has been sacrosanct since the early days of English law.

pat frederick

right…they indicted all his lawyers to interfere with his ability to find legal representation


Giuliani mentions the lawyers here.

“I’m fighting for justice. I have been from the moment I represented Donald Trump, an innocent man”

“They’ve indicted all his lawyers. Never heard of that before in America…Let me give you a warning: they’re gonna come for you!”

Heartbreaking stuff




“I was listening to a podcast with Robert Barnes yesterday, and one of the guests said there has never been such an attack on attorney-client privilege.”


I wonder how long it’s going to take for the realization to set in that if something isn’t actually done about it SOON, it will definitely get exponentially worse.

Just bemoaning that there has never been such an attack doesn’t actually accomplish anything, except embolden the enemy.


“He showed how it has been sacrosanct since the early days of English law.”


And now it isn’t, because the landscape has FUNDAMENTALLY SHIFTED.

And if you don’t figure that out PFQ, you’re going to be blabbering similarly meaningless BS at your own execution.


I wonder how long it’s going to take for the realization to set in that if something isn’t actually done about it SOON, it will definitely get exponentially worse.

Everyone I hear talk about this appears to realize that, but no one talks about what will be done about it. Part of the reason could be that they don’t want to give away their legal strategy. I find it hard to believe that none of these people, including Trump, have a strategy to defeat this.


How can any legal strategy work, when the legal system itself is corrupt?

This is what makes my head hurt.

Has any lawless government, anywhere in the world, in the history of the world, ever been defeated by a ‘legal strategy’?

It’s so absurd, I feel stupid even asking the question, but I don’t know what else to do.


I think it’s important to keep in mind that our govt is not singular.

It’s a trinity.

Brave and Free

IMO, All branches of government are corrupt now, and have been for a long time.


They have become dangerouse and if no one speaks up now there will no one left when they come for us.


“I think it’s important to keep in mind that our govt is not singular.
It’s a trinity.”


Three wolves deciding what’s for dinner.

And they’re all three looking at us.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, they can go fsck themselves…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Anymore it’s a Satanic trinity.

Satan Sauros, the DEMONRATS, and the RINOS…..


Rudy’s Sicilian genes come through. Never cross an Sicilian.


Is there supposed to be juneteenth-esque elation and celebrations slated for tomorrow when DJT shows up ?
I hate not being able to catch things on twitter but I can’t imagine antifa, fake patriot FIBS, BLM,and others not shutting the city down in joy.
Trumpteenth will go down in their diaries as a dream come true


Trumpteenth needs to go viral. You are a gem.  😍 




On the other hand, precedent is being set, so that none of the actual criminals, like Bath house Barry, Big Mike, Sick Hitlery, Bubba, Shrub, Gates, Gruesom, Shifty, Bloomberg, Piglosi, Cocaine Mitch and Coco Chow, Fartswell & Fang Fang, et al, will be able to cry that they’re getting unfair treatment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t be ridiculous.

Everyone knows its unfair to treat non-deplorables as if they were deplorable.


Not when the backlash comes it won’t be.

The precedents being set now will give us the moral high ground to shout down any objectors with buckets of projectile vehemence.

Gail Combs


Rudy looks like he is ready to chew stainless steel nails and spit out  High Explosive  Extended Range Artillery Ammo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He wanted that P.O.S. Fani Willis to “sleep well”.

Cuppa Covfefe

May GOD DAMN the crooks in Fulton County and Washington D.C. to HELL for ALL ETERNITY UNTIL and UNLESS they LEARN and TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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He misspelled “stolen.”
I’m glad he’s addressing the “don’t look back” people. He is spot on. Those people are standing by and letting the country be stolen from us. They have allowed our votes to be taken from us. I consider them to be traitorous.

Brave and Free

Also highlighted “got away with murder”



“We’ve got it all.”
— Q

Gail Combs

I STILL think the raid on Mar-a-Lago was ALL about trying to find what evidence Trump had about the stolen election.

They did not find it so now they have gone after his lawyers and close associates.

Cuppa Covfefe

And by sucking up all his Twitter messages and contacts, they can pursue anything and everything they want to get more dirt…..

Reminds me of the DAMNED SATANIC KLINT00NS when they took over back in the 90s, and sucked up all the FBI and CIA and NSA files to get dirt on ALL of their enemies and all of their “friends” (!!!!!!!!!) to get dirt on them, for current and “future” needs….. has a series on that… well worth reading…
The Klint00ns come straight from the PIT OF HELL!!!!!


Doesn’t he usually misspell a word, especially a word he wants everyone to focus on?

So all his enemies are ridiculing him and tweeting to all their friends that Trump doesn’t know how to spell “stolen”, meanwhile, all that extra traction is causing the knowledge that the election was STOLLEN to get into their minds through the back door, since the front door was locked.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, except that it just gets “bucketed” as “Trump falsely claiming the election was stolen” (or stollen, whatever).


Watch them all scrub their mocking social media posts like it was child porn, if the evidence ever actually makes an incontrovertible appearance.


Hear hear


Stollen is a German Christmas cake – Bread and traditional.

Gail Combs

AND it is YUMMY!!! You are making me hungry….

It is actually a ‘sweet bread’ filled with dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts.

A Recipe:

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Cuppa Covfefe

And, like English Plum Pudding, needs to be prepared a couple of months ahead of time to get the best taste…. time to get started NOW, to be honest…

My Mum, a born Londoner, used to make fruitcakes starting in September or October. She’d cover them with cheesecloth, and them *cough* dampen them down with brandy (BRANDY…. I NEVER MIX MY PIES [from “The Great Race”])… She seemed to enjoy making them 😆

Good thing she didn’t smoke 😀


Every November I make 2 stollen. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe


STOLLEN is pointing at the data flowing through Germany, and the dustup they had in the embassy in Frankfurt with the Klowns-In-Aktion “dress” lady…

People in FFM watching the election in real time saw what really happened…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got it! That’s key.

Sidney Powell. She was on that story. They’re trying to get hold of the evidence.


Cuppa Covfefe


Remember the Klowns-In-Aktion Lady and her “hatted” dress, the dust-em-up in the embassy in Frankfurt (GERMANY) and the data that flowed through Germany as the election was being stoLLen…

Seems that back then the word was that VSGPDJT &co. were watching the RAW DATA go by in REAL TIME…..

I remember watching the election in the middle of the night here in Beautiful Downtown Deutschland and seeing the totals flip from VSGPDJT to Bye, Done from one second to another…. I cannot have been the only one… (even with the odd hours I keep 😀 )…..

I really think Stollen is a refernce to Germany… Merde-Kun is a HUGE (and literally HUGE) problem for Democracy (the REAL Demoncracy) and MAGA…..

Sad that Stollen is a nice Christmas fruitcake… especially when you douse it with Brandy every day for a few months 😆 hic…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I think you’re right. The DS is raiding all these folks to get rid of the evidence.


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In the immortal words of Silli and Vanilli:

Girl, you know it’s true… 😁


Worse yet is that there is zero corroborating evidence that Epstein knowingly procured underage females to provide sexual favors to anybody. We have heard lurid tales of debauchery and perversion but none of those tales has been confirmed.

I suspect the reason that none of his supposed clients has been identified by a govt agency is because disclosure would cause numerous defamation lawsuits to be filed by those named.

The YellowStreamMedia has done a wonderful job of convicting Epstein without a trial AND has shown a remarkable lack of curiosity regarding the contents of the charging documents used to jail him.

If this smells like fish left to ripen in the sun, your nose works well.


Okay, but several girls had testified against him at differing times. A couple keeping their pursuits of justice current. Add all the other extraneous information for which there is much and no clear verdict, what is the public to think? That and as Scott so elegantly points out below… Ⅎ˥ƎSWIH ˥˥I⋊ ⊥,NᗡIᗡ NIƎ⊥SԀƎ.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe the testimony of the girls and boys about his procurement ops. It was all very consistent and included Ghislaine Maxwell. I didn’t read any testimony about him providing the youth to his friends. I think it exists, but I have not read it.


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I didn’t even realize Loserpalooza was tonight 😂


But if so, that means DJT should be on Tucker tonight 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He was. His answer on Epstein was brilliant!


Lol need to get that one trending…Loserpalooza



Cuppa Covfefe

And Bye, Done will be LoserPalSnooza…..


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Uhh… okay, I’ll bite…

What is ‘No’?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or even make it fancier: Neaux.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or Neaux Neaux Nanette 😀


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re just evil.


Where is a link for Tucker interview with PDJT must have started by now


It starts at 8:55 PM ET. Since it will be on Twitter there probably won’t be a link until it starts.


I just posted the Twitter link.


‘Only Those Who Disobeyed Survived’: Some Maui Survivors Had To Ignore Local Government To Stay Alivcomment image

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

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August 23, 2023
10:47 AM ET


‘Only Those Who Disobeyed Survived’: Some Maui Survivors Had To Ignore Local Government To Stay Alive’


Words to live by, if your government — local, state and federal — is run by genocidal maniacs 👍😁


Like don’t stick your arm out for a clot shot


It looks to be 46 minutes long. I wish it would last as long as the debate.


I thought it was great. It was not bombastic, and it was not the “entertaining” Trump of rallies. He was honest, down to earth, patriotic, and all the things that we love and admire about him. Not phony, like those on the debate stage. I’m so glad he didn’t participate.


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The eagle statue is appropriate.


Another thing to ponder…
SHOCKING VIDEO RELEASED: 98-Year-Old Newspaper Owner Dies a Day After the Entire Police Force Raids Her HomeBy Jim Hᴏft Aug. 23, 2023 4:40 pm223 Comments

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All those cops violated her rights and followed unlawful orders. They all should be shyt canned.

Cuppa Covfefe

May Almighty GOD Bless that woman, her family, and her newspaper (and staff).



Grammar nazi here – it’s spelled J U D G M E N T

That is all. Class dismissed.

Barb Meier

Ummm… Merriam-Webster says judgement is a variant of judgment. I prefer the latter, as you state above. Judgement does make me a little twitchy. LOL


Are you saying that “judgment” or “judgement” is a matter of judgment?

Cuppa Covfefe

More a matter of location.

My Oxford unabridged, 1955 edition, prefers judgement.
As does the Cambridge dictionary.


I have always known judgment to be correct. I’m guessing that it is definitely correct, and preferred, in the legal profession, as noted below:

Is judgment spelled with an e?

Well, the short answer is that judgment is the prevailing (“dominant”) spelling.

Judgment is a noun that has several meanings, including “the act or instance of judging,” and “the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectivelyauthoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action.” For example: My uncle was a man of good judgment and many of us sought his advice. 

Judgment also has legal definitions and refers to “a judicial decision given by a judge or court” or “the obligation, especially a debt, arising from a judicial decision.” A judge awards a judgment to a creditor that needs to collect money from a debtor. A court can also give a judgment in favor or against a defendant, for example…

Why are there two spellings?

Many think that the difference between judgement and judgment is that the longer version is the British spelling, whereas the shorter one is the US convention. While some claim that Noah Webster first recorded the spelling of judgment in his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, both sides of the pond have actually used the spelling judgment since the late 1600s.

Though judgement (with an e) has risen and fallen in popularity in British English, judgment remains the preferred spelling in British legal proceedings and appears more frequently in written work. Today, judgement is an accepted spelling in British English. But, if you stick to judgment, you won’t be judged in the UK or the US.


I knew it was both, but I usually spell it the way pgroup does 😁

Cuppa Covfefe


Judgement is also considered correct, especially in countries which speak and write British English.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nope. Judgement is also correct.

And is preferred in most of the English-speaking world.

USA English is not the predominant version… (sad to say, yet true)…
Just think of the population of India…

Barb Meier

Amos 5:24 But let justice roll down like waters,
    and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Learned that from listening to Miss Marple the episode titled “Nemesis”


Amen. Poor lady.


I think IIRC that the police chief had some part in the beef with her article so that adds another layer


Yes. He was demoted then going to be fired at his other leo job. Retired and took this one but apparently the public didnt know the history.
The judge who gave the approval has 2 different duis in 2 counties. The 1st one she refused to go to court, contact her atty, or go to diversion. 2nd dui was 6 months after that. She was appointed as judge when the prior judge retired.


Seeing her standing there, holding her walker, while they raid her house is sickening.


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From OT:

President Trump and Tucker Carlson Draw Over 75 Million Views in First Hour
August 23, 2023

SD: This is funny. People wondered about the strategic benefit of broadcasting a Tucker Carlson interview with President Donald Trump as opposed to the “first-loser” GOPe debate in Wisconsin.

Well, considering that Fox News, if lucky, is likely to draw around 10 million viewers… President Trump and Tucker Carlson drew 75 million!


Great news by me.

Now they can add to the 75 million views, folks like me listening in on the recorded video.


I just checked and its a pinch below 84 million. Whew.


Nearing the end of the trump tucker interview. Very interesting.

Off the wall observation…

Trump’s hair appears white / gray. <<< Is my screen / laptop or video messed up?


I noticed that it was a lighter shade of blond.


A lighter shade of pale …


This is pretty amazing… he’s not a young man anymore, but he could still do it, and it’s easy to tell when he nails it 👍😁



I almost forgot… turn it UP! 😁


The previous video was from 2006.

Here they are 38 years earlier, in 1968. I’m not sure about the other band members, but the lead singer is the same, Gary Brooker:


Cuppa Covfefe

Then again, there’s a lighter shade of fail 😆


Summertime, he has been outside a lot, hair probably lightens in summer and darkens in winter.


Once upon a time, my hair did that. Now, regardless of season, kalbo, (bald). 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Hair today, gone tomorrow 😀


I have thought that he dyes his hair and it turns out different ways. I don’t know; it doesn’t matter to me. I would prefer he not make it purple, though. 😅

Cuppa Covfefe

Ohhh, but there’s senior blue, senior green, senior gray, senior *cough* almost-brown…

A cavalcade of colors from which to choose 😆


Looking forward to Tucker Serbia President interview. Soon, I hope.


Another great Trump ad…watch it…and smile!


Snatched from SD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!


Could this be what Jr was alluding to, Tin foil Hat?

Snatched from SD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like it. Put the Secret Service right up that evil bitch’s fat ass.

Cuppa Covfefe

And maybe a huge starship, set for maximum entropy…