This ROCKTOBER [11] [NON-PLACEHOLDER] [NIGHT OF DAUGHN] [RELIEF PITCHER WOLF] [RALLY CELEBRATION] [TRUMP RALLY] FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
There’s nothing like a Trump rally.
More that that, every one is special in its own way. I have been to a number, and have seen many more.
We are privileged beyond measure to experience them.
So maybe say a prayer of thanks. And then….
Enjoy the show!
Giving Daughn a night off here. She has put up so many great threads in the last few days, she deserves a break! <3
Daughn has done an exceptional and wonderful job over the last couple of days.
But, as I counselled her a while back — there are some time zones you can do easily and some that will mess you up. I hope she succeeded in her endeavours and is getting caught up in her sleep.
[As just a weird note…..I’m running Linux. About half my packages originate in the UK, and about half are from the US. As such, autocucumber flags “color” and “colour” differently depending on what I’m doing. Being that I’ve read a bunch of English literature, I can go either way. Right now, my browser is flagging “color” as an error.]
Just make sure you’re driving on the right side of the road! 😉
Uh, should that be the ‘correct’ side of the road? 🙂
No kidding. I’ve done a bunch of driving in Fiji and Scotland, and the roundabout signs are simply monstrous.
Yes, thanks boss.
Daughn has been doing a lot of heavy lifting for us lately!
I just woke up and realized I didn’t have the thread up.
I’m so sorry. Thank you, Wolfie.
You’re most welcome! THANK YOU for all your hard work! No apologies necessary! I figured I’d “spell you” [relieve you for a spell, as they say in some parts] as just a token of my appreciation!
It’s been a good week, and I thank you for making it that way. <3
You take care of you! We are so happy to have you among us, we want you to be in the best shape possible!!!!
Thought we should send you some flowers for all of your hard work!
And especially glad that this little corner of paradise wasn’t just randomly stomped by TPTB.
Be Still And Know
“I believe in God, though He is silent.”
These are the words that some of us say.
“But I keep my faith and go on living,
Hoping to hear something every day.”
Busy days go by and turn into weeks
We keep thinking that He’ll speak to us soon
Our thoughts now turn to things that we’ve done
And His discipline, the vines that He prunes
Busy days and more, running to and fro
Time rushes by with more thoughts, too
Life and distractions fill up all our time
And we don’t give God the respect he’s due
Now is the time to stop and think
Is God now silent with nothing to say
Or is it us who aren’t listening
Far too busy as our lives run astray
God never leaves us, He promised us so
Though we don’t listen, He’s with us still
God promised us good, a future and hope
He’ll deliver, no doubt that He will
We may not listen, and that to our shame
But God is speaking to us every day
He’s everywhere and all around us
Speaking to us in so many ways
God is Creator, He made everything
Earth and heavens show His mighty power
The beauty in nature, the sights and sounds
The oceans speak as do fields of flowers
The Patriarchs, Psalms and the Prophets, too
Their words in the Bible speak loud and clear
Christ and His Apostles all spread the word
If we take time to read, then we’ll hear
The music we hear, praise, worship and thanks
All have messages for us to regard
Music makes us feel, words make us think
The rhythm and rhymes of musical bards
Other believers, events of the day
May carry meanings for us to heed
Listen for His voice and check with His Word
There may be wisdom that we sorely need
God’s Spirit within us speaks in our minds
Teaching and guiding us along our ways
God’s Spirit nudges, but may push and shove
To give us His guidance, day after day
We come to God, our heads bowed in prayer
As we speak to Him, He speaks to us, too
Our prayers will be answered: yes, no or wait
We may not hear it, but He’ll guide us through
In all of these ways, God speaks to us
But we need to listen to hear His voice
Be consumed with the world through all our days
Or “Be still and know” – we must make that choice
Amen, Carl.
Thank you.
Thank you, Carl. This past year I am learning that God is always here, knowing everything I do, think, suffer. My shortcoming is the days I tell myself I am self-sufficient and capable of making independent decisions. Those are the days I forget God is my greatest resource for understanding and support. I have only to open myself to his wisdom.
We are blessed when we accept God’s participation in our every day, with Grace & Gratitude.
A valuable reminder!
… beautiful Carl … thank you and amen 🙏🏼 ❤️
Beautiful, Bako Carl – just beautiful. I really needed that.
Psalm 46:10 – Be Still and Know that I AM GOD.
There are level upon level of truth and understanding in the depths of this passage.
“Be still, and know that I AM GOD.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”
GOD is sovereign over nations (political, fiscal, social alliances, movements, ideologies, religions, thoughts/ideas of man)
and GOD is sovereign over creation – living beings – human, animal and over vegetable and mineral – and over the universe – the earth, planets, sun, stars and the forces that govern them.
A deeper word by word analysis:
The Psalm 46:10 verse also holds a lesson to comfort us:
“Be Still and know that IAM GOD, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Be Still – H7503 – Rapha – Completely cease, as to die.
Know – H3045 – Yada – Know intimately as in a marriage relationship.
That – H3588 – Kiy – surely/verily/certainly
IAM – H595 – AnoKiy – truly only holy sovereign
GOD – H430 – Elohiyim – GOD
Exalted – H7311 – Ruwm – rise above, rule over
Heathen – H1471 – Gowy – people, multitudes, nations, movements, political, philosophical, ideological systems
Exalted – H7311 – Ruwm – rise above, rule over
Earth/Heavens – H776 – Erets – all creation, heaven space, sheol, all physical, material and celestial entities, all time and eternity.
My wonderful activist friend, @ AmericanRising, doesn’t think too much of organized religion, but she believes God knows how to speak to us, and that He chooses carefully who will be His voice – for the right time, the right place, and the people who need to hear Him.
Your words made me think of President Donald J Trump at the Minnesota rally last night. One can’t watch his rallies, and listen to those powerful words addressing almost every concern, fear, worry, hope and need of our People, and not be struck by the messenger God chose for this time.
Honest question – Do you think this would be legal by U.S. law?
Hunter Biden to CEO of foreign company:
As you know, I’m the son of the Vice President of the United States. I have his ear on any issue I want to discuss with him. Also, as you know, my father, the Vice President, is in a position where he’s able to greatly influence matters that are brought before Congress, positively for matters that he agrees with and negatively for matters he disagrees with.
If I was a member of your Board of Directors, I would be in an advantageous position to hear, discuss and understand your issues and any proposals you might have to further your interests.
I will guarantee that your issues will be brought to the full attention of the Vice President where he will carefully weigh their benefits and costs. I can only assure you that he’ll hear and carefully weigh your proposals. I can’t (wink, wink) tell you that my participation in this process will have any influence on his final decision of whether to support your proposals or not, or whether your proposals will ultimately meet the approval of the Congress or the President.
So, now, do you have an opening on your Board of Directors for me?
Uh, no. There is a federal law which states that private parties cannot conduct foreign policy.
A letter like this would be illegal for soliciting a bribe.
Foreign policy by private individuals is covered by the Logan Act, which dates from the Adams presidency, and is widely considered unconstitutional. It has never led to a successful conviction, has not been used in prosecutions in 200 years, and was basically a dead letter until Muh Russia.
but funny
I am shocked. POTUS actually got it wrong.
Biden didn’t kiss Obama’s ass, he was clearly sniffing it.
Buttplug wants some.
Fox & Friends bleeped out the word “ass” this morning when they eagerly reported President Trump’s comment on Biden last night. As if kids these days haven’t heard that word.
As our VSG POTUS reminded us last night… DIM rallies always feature a celebrity, one with a foul mouth, F word and worse. Everyday Americans, including Republicans not only have heard the word ‘ass’ – they say it frequently!
master branders…lol
Always amazed how fast they can produce custom t-shirts.
About that term…”Cops”.
My husband reminded us tonight that “Cop” stands for:
Constable On Patrol.
He grew up in Canada…and never considered “Cop” as a pejorative name for police officers.
His grandfather was a police captain, and the letters C-O-P were at the top of their duty roster.
So the Constable on Patrol became shortened to…COP.
Growing up in LA, I was always cognizant that there were five grades of law enforcement (apologies to Heinlein’s grades of coffee in Glory Road): Gentlemen, Peacekeepers, Cops, Pigs, and Assholes. In many places where I grew up, you were extraordinarily lucky if you got better than grade 3. In Santa Barbara (where I went to school) and Santa Clara (where I live), it is unusual to encounter anything but the top two grades.
I love flyover. Grades 1 and 2 are RARE in my experience.
I’d love to take the local PD with me when I move, leaving the rest of the local government schmucks behind. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. And I’m going to have to be local to figure out good areas when I get there before I can start setting roots. It’s all part of the process.
But, yes……I’ve lived in many areas where the top grades were rare or nonexistent. Look at the San Jose police reaction when violence happened at the 2016 Trump Rally — — that’s just one city over. And the stand-down order was issued by the loathsome police chief. Heavy weighting towards lower grades in that situation…..
I’ve been spoiled through exposure to Gentlemen and Peacekeepers in uniform. It is so comforting to be among sheepdogs.
I hope that we can soon see fear tears from the coup plotters. On video.
Just wanted to throw a couple comments out there as I try to clarify some of my thoughts…
I have tried to understand the leftist mentality for, well, decades now. After much wrestling with the different problems it entails, the best way I have been able to understand leftism is as a tribal quasi-religious movement.
The trouble is much of the language is inadequate. The most obvious way I would describe this is as a cult – which is to say, a system of belief. This turns out to be offensive in some quarters, as cult has very negative connotations after Jonestown and The People’s Temple. Calling leftism a “cult” suggests that they are a mind-controlled sect that will at any moment run away from civilization and commit suicide in the jungle.
(Incidentally, Jim Jones was a leftist political leader in San Francisco, so the idea of using the word “cult” is not far fetched, but rather organic… but leftists always reject inconvenient history…)
The other problem is that while leftism may be quasi-religious, it is at the same time independent of any particular religion. Leftists can be found among any religious belief system including religious non-belief.
This is where the subversive leftism comes in, the Gramsci cultural marxism that prefers to work by infiltrating Hollywood/Media, educational institutions, and of course religious institutions like churches, synagogues, etc. In this sense describing leftism as a cult doesn’t make as much sense. It could be described as aberrational theology or heresy, but that doesn’t capture the nuances of “movement” or “subversion”. The language is lacking.
In some ways I think leftism might be described as a mystery religion, where outsiders are given one view of it, but insiders receive secret initiation and knowledge that unlocks hidden meanings. This would help divide the “elite” from the “useful idiots” – people become initiated into the elite and hidden things are revealed to them, but in such a way that they become part of the evil and corrupt system. This view gives a good explanation to the occultism popular among so many of the left power-brokers.
My last thought on this is that while Neo-marxism is an extremely recent strand of leftism in history, the ideas underneath it are not. Marx did not invent leftism either – his inspiration was the French Revolution, itself a mixture of several different and often incompatible strands of Enlightenment thought. But even Marx had his Engels, and they were by no means unique among the society of leftists either. The general strands of leftism have morphed over time but I prefer to think of them not as a recent vintage but rather ancient, and certainly pre-Christian, crossing all eras of human history cross-culturally. So to find the right language and descriptors for leftism, it has to have enough identity to not be locked in to recent and possibly provincial history.
OTOH, I may be just asking for too much 🙂
What if all these things are tools, to be deployed by a cabal intent on controlling large masses of people with the primary purpose of enabling mechanisms that ensure the centralization of power and wealth.
That’s a lot of deep thought for 2:42am. 🙂
Forty two indeed! At least I’m in a different time zone.
Boom – that’s it!
LOVE this one!!!
And for the Wolf…
“Dear customer,
Our restrooms are for men (boys) and women (girls). If you are confused about which one you are, check between your legs. Your physical anatomy (read: scientific biology) determines your gender, not you.
If you are still confused and think you are something other than one of these two, there is an outhouse and garden hose outside in the back next to the animal relief area.”
We raised our eyebrows. It was the Obama-worshipping (literally worshipping) media that said and did nothing.
I’m not sure what the import of this is, but Giuliani told us to watch Romania.
Wow, a bonus cat video that I didn’t know was going to post, LOL.
Twitter plugin for WordPress be like that! 😀
Like that.
Romania + No Confidence vote?
Wow that is HUGE!
No wonder the MCM doesn’t want us to see it.
Rudy just told us that the MCM is covering up a GIANT web of corruption and to wake up and pay attention!
We are the news now!
Romanian Opposition Topples Govt in No-Confidence Vote
Marcel Gascón Barberá | Bucharest | BIRN | October 10, 2019
Viorica Dancila’s government was ousted on Thursday after losing a no-confidence motion tabled by the opposition – which they said was timely and necessary but which the ousted PM called ‘irresponsible’.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
When the Syrian people began protesting in 2011, Assad’s men opened fire immediately.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Assad’s father had used similar tactics.
In one case he surrounded a city with heavy artillery and killed over 10,000.
Bashar al-Assad also used shabiha (ghosts), Alawite Muslim murderers.
Assad is an Alawite.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The turning point was reached on May 25, 2011, when the shabiha abducted and murdered 13-year-old Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb.
He’d been tortured in unspeakable ways, and he’d been beaten so brutally that he was not recognizable.
The shabiha delivered his body to his parents as a warning.
His parents videotaped his body and had the video smuggled out of Syria.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
At that point, the Syrians began killing shabiha.
In one case, they cornered several in a building and set it on fire.
A large percentage of the Syrian Arab Army defected and became the Free Syrian Army.
In 2012, I saw video of a Saudi Special Forces soldier in Syria, helping armed civilians.
In 2013, Obama began the pre-failed plan of arming and training rebels.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The CIA had one program, and the Pentagon had another.
Often the groups that we trained would fight each other.
Obama invented a new category of ideology: “moderate Islamism.”
As a result, we armed and trained people no different from the Islamic State.
OFFICIALLY, Saudi Arabia supplied weapons to the rebels that the CIA and the Pentagon had trained.
But the Saudis did something else.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
I saw in videos that massively advanced missiles were being used.
There was absolutely no way to train rebels to use these weapons.
Only professional commandos could be using them.
The useless press didn’t notice.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This is a TINY missile.
And it made a FLAT explosion.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
An explosion is a “detonation.” It releases lots of energy very quickly.
Burning is “deflagration.” If you BURN explosives, it slows down the release of energy just enough that no blast effect is created.
These missiles deflagrate truck and car bombs.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Trump ordered our special-operations troops to appear in public.
U.S. Special Forces in Syria are just 18 miles from ISIS capital Raqqa
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Just one thing:
You think THIS GUY is American?
Come on.
I’d bet my house that his last name begins with “al-“.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
What Trump did was convinced the world that American soldiers are fighting in Syria.
In reality, Arab strategic commandos DRESSED LIKE AMERICANS did the fighting.
And most of it was done off camera.
What about the men firing the missiles?
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Commandos were attached to Islamist rebel groups.
Then the commandos killed all the leaders and “hollowed out” the rebel groups.
Only actors and commandos were left.
Al-Qaeda in Syria is now called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
One by one, all the leaders were killed until Abu Mohammed al-Julani took over.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Al-Julani’s background is totally unknown.
But every jihadist group he leads ends up destroyed.
See, the Saudis understand “branding.”
The “conservative” political strategist Steve Schmidt is a stone-cold loser, but he keeps getting hired because of his brand.
I’m positive that al-Julani is a Saudi agent. But he has brand recognition, so jihadists make him their commander.
Then he destroys them.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Everything the Saudis are doing is designed to prevent another Iraq.
Sixteen years later, Iraq is still suffering.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
So Trump is right.
We need to get our troops out.
The Kurds aren’t the people you might think. Kurds are loyal to only one thing: a political party.
As we were protecting them from Saddam Hussein, Iraqi Kurds fought a civil war that killed over 5000.
Syrian Kurds threatened to fire on Iraqi Kurds who offered to help them.
Iranian Kurds have their own party.
An independent Kurdistan is almost certainly impossible.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
As for the Syrian Kurds,. the YPG is a militia that conscripts people by force.
Each person serves only one year, so they’re essentially cannon fodder.
These Kurds ethnically cleansed areas of Arabs in Syria, they cooperate with Bashar al-Assad, and they worked with the Russians.
So things aren’t as cut and dried as people want you to think.
Here’s the deal: The Saudis know what they’re doing.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
What the Islamic State attacked in Iraq in 2014, the Iraqi armed forces disintegrated.
Over 30,000 men ran from 850 terrorists, abandoning tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy artillery.
The Islamic State took Kirkuk, but then the Kurds took it from the Islamic State and refused to leave.
The Kurds fortified the city and promised to defend it to the death.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
On October 15, 2017, the Iraqis took back Kirkuk in 15 hours.
The Kurds all ran out of the city, and they couldn’t explain what had happened.
I’ll tell you what happened:
The Gulf Cooperation Council hacked into the Kurdish communications systems and issued bogus orders.
The Kurds were SPOOFED out of Kirkuk. They were all really angry at each other, accusing everyone of treason.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The reason that the GCC doesn’t do this all the time is that everyone in the region needs to work out their problems once and for all.
If Sudan can do it, anyone can.
The mistake we made in Iraq was using too much violence too quickly.
After we defeated Saddam, the Iraqi military and police went into hiding. They thought we were going to kill them.
Americans want fast wars.
In the Middle East, fast wars mean endless war. Therefore we can’t go to war in the Middle East.
Thomas Wictor
Trump listens to the locals.
Forget what you’re hearing in the news.
The locals are making the decisions, and Trump is doing as they ask.
And that’s the only way to do things.
Always learn a lot from this guy. Twitter kicking him off was a real disservice to the world.
His videos -idk how he spots stuff. I have to watch the ones where he shows things with arrows. Not all the pictures posted
This is dynamite!
Look for the left to try to shut down Quod Verum.
Wictor has a dynamite, extensive list of Øbominable’s high crimes and misdemeanors, abuses of power, etc. I wish I had saved it. But, of course, our good President also has such a list.
But kicking him off and depriving him of the easy audience was a great service to “their” cause of stealing American wealth. Military Industrial Complex and all that. The more I learn the more of a vicious circle it really is.
Vimeo.(you have to pay) and quod verum forum (free)
I’m intrigued by his suggestion that Steve Schmidt has always been a political Judas Goat. It would explain a lot.
Along with Nicole Wallace – who sabotaged Sarah Palin…
Thank you ozzy!
To follow Wictor on QV –
I pay because the site is worth it and bring a lot of stuff here. They are anti q. Only verified sources. No anonymous stuff.
Wictor and Saul can also be as prickly as SD. But, oh well, beautiful Roses also have thorns.
They certainly don’t suffer fools
So, the Kurds are not poor little victims, but just another vicious Islamic group of tribes, that will never be at peace with anyone.
Truth – Islam has been at war with itself and all others since its inception.
“Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards.” Samuel P. Huntington p. 258, The Clash of Civilizations.
Full quote:
“Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.”
― Samuel P. Huntington
Absolutely. I think there is a reason they are a hated minority in every country
It’s a mistake to heroize and call any group of Islamists good. Islam’s words and actions over the centuries are its own built-in blasphemy.
More deaths than any other ideology
Yes indeed!
Graph – attacks by ideology:
Gotta include internal murders
That would raise the graph exponentially. Islamists kill each other more than they do Infidels.
Within their borders non Muslims are farmed like livestock
….blasphemy against itself and blasphemy against the One True Holy GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Genesis 16:12 says of Ishmael:
Even before Mo-ham-head they were problems…
Reports are…that an Iranian tanker was hit by missiles and is on fire.
Tomas wictor did mention that either we would never know what happened to Iran after the oilfield missile attacks or we would but either way it would be savage
Iow. We know about it but don’t gaf
It was a beautiful moment.
Get the Popcorn!… Biden Just Tossed Obama Under the Bus, “Obama White House Approved Hunter Biden’s Position”
Via Gregg Jarrett—
Kate Bedingfield, Deputy Campaign Director and Communications Director of the Biden 2020 Campaign, revealed that Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma was approved by the White House in 2014.
Never get in the way when your enemy is in the process of destroying itself.
Now there’s a shot across obummas bows. The shot heard around the world. May the cannibalistic frenzy begin
Darrel Issa Wants To Return To Congress
Sept 26, 2019
Issa resigned last year as the powerful chairman of the House Oversight Committee…he is now seeking to replace a “fellow Republican” in the 50th Congressional District (California)…
…and he thinks this “impeachment” effort against PDJT is “unheard of” and “wrong”, and will stand up to it.
I like Issa…a smart man.
he understands the level of corruption…on both sides of “the aisle”.
…. wait till they get home and their parents find out they made fools out of themselves in public … wow 😮
….. nuts …
You can feed nuts to the squirrels but you can’t make them drink 🍹 … makes as much sense at that ditsy public group embarrassment … 😐
Scene from Francis’ Amazon whatever farce….
Truly, Francis is a Fake.
He has supported every leftist agenda:
– called Capitalism dung
– endorsed the Climate Change hoax
– supported open borders
– supported mass migration and illegal immigration
– demurred and hedged about homosexuality
– called traditional Christians and Catholics derogatory names
– defended Islam
He is a leftist. He’s one of the faction that every pope for the last 150 years has tried to keep out of power.
I would call him “subversive” but that isn’t strong enough. “Traitor” or “betrayer” doesn’t seem adequate either.
If it is true that the conclave that produced him was illegitimate, then there’s worse going on than any of us know.
There is no doubt a deep root of corruption that has been at work for a long time.
Thank you so much Dora, this is beautiful … I love it. 🙂🤚❤️‼️‼️❤️
I read the Latin and started singing the Missa di Angeles.
That Bach Mass is no joke. I sat for HOURS with Cyberbass, which is an online service that isolates the parts, learning my notes. HOURS when I wasn’t in rehearsal. And that was the year I was so sick with one thing after another straight through Lent.
sorry…here’s the original tweet…
Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.
Quid Pro Quo.
Media silent…
At one time Ted Turner had a large interest in Pearson didn’t he?
honestly dunno…
but media is silent on this…AGAIN…
I may have been wrong….and that link would have been several dead and gone computers ago.
Pearson is British owned:
Penguin and Prentice Hall along with many other imprints are owned and published by Pearson
All these book deals are money laundering
Verse of the Day
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessing
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Happy Friday Duchess! enjoy the rally?
Hay, pat1 Sure did – missed you – were you watching – you were not on the rally thread –
Need some fresh coffee, pat – I am bleary-eyed – went whackadoodle on my post – literally crossed ‘paths’ with the Friday Blessing – need some ‘high octane’ coffee – please – thanks!
Have a Blessed and Fun Day!
our satellite internet had limited data amounts, so i never watch the rallies or the hearings–and we only have an antenna (no cable) so can’t watch them on tv either…but i love to read the threads the next day–you all make them come alive for me!!
got a fresh pot here!
you have a Blessed day too!!
Oh, sorry – no doubt there will be a youtube video you can watch – that crowd was stoked!!! and so were the people in The Q Tree – agree – Treepers make the rally come alive – as if we are all right there in the venue! Such fun! Wish you could be there with us!!!
President Trump rarely ceases to amaze me – what love – what energy – what an unmatched commitment to our country!
We are so blessed!!!
we are!!!
* Smile *
from a SD article OT…whistle blower’s attorneys are seeking to allow their client to submit testimony in writing rather than appear to be questioned…LOL
WASHINGTON—Lawyers for the CIA officer whose whistleblower complaint helped ignite an impeachment inquiry into President Trump have asked Congress whether their client could submit testimony in writing instead of appearing in person, according to people familiar with the matter.
The request reflects concerns about whether the whistleblower could testify to Democrats and Republicans without revealing his identity, and fears that doing so would lead to it being publicly leaked, jeopardizing his personal safety. The intelligence committees haven’t yet responded to the inquiry about potential written testimony, the people said.
I call BS … if the sniveling crap weasel traitor can shove out the BS they don’t get to call the shots, if “they” are AFRAID … too dang bad for them/panty waist seditious sissy, PUBLIC domain.
… don’t start nothing …
Let the squishing begin … 🤨
they say a half hour after you eat Chinese food. you’re hungry again…Feinstein proves that…she has her marching orders…
Feinstein said in a statement:
I’ve worked closely with Vice President Biden and I’ve seen firsthand his legislative ability, his statesmanship, and most importantly his moral fortitud. During his time in Congress and in the White House, Joe Biden has been a tireless fighter for hard working American families.
The endorsement comes as Biden’s presidential campaign is besieged by scandal regarding the lucrative business dealings his youngest son, Hunter, had with foreign governments.
Only hours before Feinstein’s endorsement, the Chinese government announced it would not investigate how Hunter Biden ended up at the center of one its top private equity firms. The Chinese foreign ministry made the decision after President Donald Trump publicly called for a probe of Hunter Biden’s dealings with Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). In particular, Trump has noted that the circumstances surrounding BHR’s creation could have posed a conflict of interest for Joe Biden.
Good catch and good reporting by Haris Alic – “Only hours before Feinstein’s endorsement, the Chinese government announced it would not investigate how Hunter Biden ended up at the center of one its top private equity firms.”
The Chinese are manipulating our legislators, Hollywood, the NBA and other sports, and much of our business and finance sectors as they can, while stealing as much as they can of our intel, tech, resources and treasure.
she needs to be held responsible for her EMPLOYEE…
Employee or handler?
so right!
Another Rally Tonight! 🙂
We didn’t intend to watch last night’s rally, just planned to read the comments, but checked TV to see if it was on. FOX had it, and so did C-Span. Once started, couldn’t stop! LOL.
C-Span did an okay job, and did pan the crowd some, including the dour-faced Press area. Those people just oozed hate from their pores – but it’s a good reminder they’re not just hating POTUS DJT, they’re hating us!
Several TV networks have agreed to air an underwear commercial portraying a surreal world where men and boys menstruate.
Titled “MENstruation,” the ad for “Period-Proof Underwear” opens with an anguished young teenage boy sheepishly telling his dad, “I think I got my period.”
Dad later hugs him and tells him, “It’s just part of growing up.”
Many of the nine rapid-fire vignettes in the one-minute, 20-second ad are jarring: a man rolls over in bed, revealing blood-stained sheets; in a public bathroom, a man passes a tampon to another beneath a toilet stall partition; and a man walks through a locker room with a tampon string dangling from his briefs. In one, as a young man and woman suggestively kiss, he stops to say, “I’m on my period.”
“Me too,” she replies.
As the commercial closes, “If we all had them, maybe we’d be more comfortable with them,” appears on the screen, followed by, “Thinx: Underwear that absorbs your period.”
No words…😳😬😖
The left continues to try to foment ‘gender’ or identity confusion. This has been going on since the 1970s with the attacks on the psychology and psychiatry communities, but especially since Øbominable’s tenure in office.
And that’s because Obama was “married” to a very confused man.
My jury is still out on that theory.
Mainly MØ’s hips/behind…. look like typical female A-A hips/behind.
OR, I have known a few black men with that booty. Less commonly on white guys, but I have known one or two.
Well, you do have a point. No pun intended.
This product does exist, but no. Just no.
OMG, just no. Guys have ZERO idea of what is involved. None. This is an insult to women. Outright insult to those of us who lay on the couch for hours waiting for what amounts to labor light to run its course, and who go anemic with the iron loss. The vague nausea, lower back tightness which is a biological difference between men and women. Water gain…there’s other stuff, but no need to gross out the audience.
Just no. I don’t know where the whole idea that men can relate came from, but it needs to be jettisoned. Honestly, this is not respecting women and our role at all.
This joins a long line of woman-hating abuses from the left. It needs to just take a number so we can target our disgust properly. For example:
To: hateful entity # 422
Fr: normal society
I found it interesting (what part I could watch before I cringed out and turned it off) that they started off with a Rachel Maddow type and then “transitioned” to more clearly biological men and boys. Not sure where it ended up. But the whole thing is about conflation and “selling” the idea of TRANS MEN.
Fucking gross
So they think that’s cute and funny? Well, it’s not, it’s disgusting.
even more fetal remains found in vehicles of abortionist…
On Wednesday, the Will County Sheriff’s Office announced the discovery of even more fetal remains in the trunk of a car owned by Klopfer, the Kane County Chronicle reports. The remains were found when family members met with police to examine several vehicles Klopfer had in storage.
Deputy Chief Dan Jungles estimated that the remains represented 50 aborted babies, but cautioned that an exact number was “hard to determine” thanks to the remains “disintegrating” in the cardboard boxes in which they were stored
And now for an important public sports announcement….
The Houston Astros beat the TB Rays in Game 5 last night….thanks to a history-making start by Garrick Cole…and move on to begin what experts consider to be the real 2019 WS matchup….Astros vs. Yankees.
The junk Cole was throwing last night was just totally, disgustingly FILTHY. Pitching in the 8th inning, after 100 throws and 10 (ten!) Ks, he was still throwing at 98 mph. Meanwhile, TB was on it’s 9th pitcher of the night at the time.
Folks, this matchup between the Astros and Yankees is going to be a heavyweight bout that only rarely comes along. Using a football analogy, this is akin to Texas vs. USC in 2005….easily one of the greatest college national championship games ever played.
Chances that this ALCS goes to 7 games are as high as it gets. A 107-regular season win team against a 105 win team.
Game 1 first pitch is 6:10 PM CST on Sat.
Go Stros!!!
Fellow Houstonian here, FGaC. I was at Game 1 of this past Series. The Rays were tough, but the Yanks are going to be even tougher. Our bats need to come out of their slumber. Was nice to see those late homers last night. Maybe that’ll kick start things?
The Rays lost? My brother and nephews will be morose.
I do think that the idea that the Yankees and Astros series is going to be one to watch is accurate, but I don’t know that AL fans really appreciate what a favor the Nationals did the Cardinals in beating LA. Seriously, for us, a league championship this year is a bonus!
Here are the WS possibilities
don’t get mad…get even…
October 10, 2019
In Response to Blizzard Caving to China, Gamers Are Getting Back at the Company in an Ingenious Way
The gaming community isn’t taking Blizzard’s continuous bowing to China well, and they’re right not to. An American company doing everything it can to appease a totalitarian government overseas isn’t something many customers can get behind.
It all started when one of their championship players made comments that put him in solidarity with the Hong Kong protesters. Blizzard responded by banning the player, taking all his prize money away, and even firing the two announcers who were interviewing him.
(READ: Blizzard Entertainment Suspends Player From Championships After He Voices Support For Hong Kong Protests)
This caused a massive backlash against the gaming company from its own fan base, but the gaming community has taken to getting even over getting angry.
A plan was hatched on Reddit’s subreddit r/HongKong to make the character Mei-Ling from the game Overwatch become a pro-Hong Kong protester by photoshopping and drawing the character in various ways that promote the protests. In this way, China would be forced to ban the game from the country, and possibly Blizzard itself.
Please keep the President in your prayers.
“Trump is a living legend.”
I would add to that by saying if your bucket list includes, “To witness a miracle” (shades of “A Walk To remember”) you may want to put a check mark next to it.
I’m absolutely astounded by President Trumps staying power in standing up against that constant vile opposition, all the while accomplishing so much in restoring America.
Slings and arrows…
And who is his template?
Christ, of course, who was the first to put up with a deep state swamp attacking Him.
“If they hate you, know that they hated Me first.”
One thing to keep in mind is we won’t have President Trump forever. Surely he’ll win reelection in 2020, but by 2025 there will be someone else in The Oval Office. For several years after he leaves office, he’ll be totally free to speak his mind about any number of things. He knows he has to tread carefully with his public statements now since the left is watching every word like a hawk in an attempt to use them to impeach him. But once he’s out of office, all bets are off. I’m sure he’ll have plenty to say then.
Maybe we’ll luck out in 2024 and Don Jr will run for President.
I’d rather wait on Baron.
These are the pollsters for Fox?
Well this explains a lot.
Lie to yourself = Lie to the world!
Disoriented people trying to disorient the world.
That’s wild!
Sorry mr freeman imma never gonna visit
It’s a free country, right?
They are afraid – and that’s making them do stupid brazenly partisan things.
I no longer think Minnesota is in play.
Hilldebeast barely managed a 1.5% lead.
The Clown Corps will be trounced this time around.
They did say hadn’t seen 45,000 in downtown Minneapolis before. 20,000 inside, 45,000 outside. There was a time when the good townspeople like that would have hunted down the weasel Mayor and run him out of town.
I hope we see those times again.
Be still my heart! 🙂
Nobel Peace Prize did NOT go to the child goddess of climate change. It went to someone who has actually brought Peace to his country’s border.
… 🤮 …
How’s it going little rich girl … family has $146,000,000 … so you’re bored that’s it right … 😑
Iow fuck you greta
The face of phony indignation.
Greta to the Nobel committee… “How DARE you?”
She’s speaker at a climate rally in Denver today. Where the all time record low temp was shattered. Only 9 degrees this morning…where’s my damn global warming??????
Not in Denver, where I’ve been when they had snow in April. had no idea Greta was a “thing” until she showed up at the UN. She’s a serious example of the illness afflicting our so-called civilized countries.
She’s an example of child abuse
This is sick!
LGBT lobbyists spur UN treaty to enshrine dozens of ‘genders’ in international law
Can’t wait to see what the Trump Admin does in response to this leftist political agenda garbage.
How is the UN going to square that with all those Islamic countries that they work so hard to keep happy.
That will cause this:
I’m not cleaning that up!
This is a job for BOUNTY ULTRA.
Hey, don’t out me, OK?
More info on suspected WB
If true, it cements the idea that the entire Ukraine phone call faux scandal and WB were a defensive move to cover for Øbama and Biden/Kerry/Romney/Pelosi sons’ and other Democrats’ corruption.
We already knew this…but it’s good to see young people working to expose it.
Interesting that VEGAS ran their HIGHLY DANGEROUS DAMAGE CONTROL work surrounding Jose Campos STRAIGHT TO ELLEN.
So if Ellen is particularly interested in helping CANKLES, what does that say about VEGAS?
And the SEIU figures into all this, Wolfie.
They are *everywhere*.
The maids, the caterers, the cleaning crews.
The SEIU purple people-beaters are the enforcers…and their membership is the eyes and ears, on everybody.
Good reminder!!!
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Pour it out and here we come!!!
LOUISIANA RALLY – Patriots have been lining up and camping out since yesterday!!!
Ways to watch tonight’s rally!
#RT #news
Musk’s Neuralink brain chip project is a fairy tale – neurosurgeon
Maybe. Maybe not.
Don’t trust them, either, think…
The cochlear ear was a pipe dream. Until it wasn’t.
Same team working on bionic eye
The Revelation of Our Salvation
OCTOBER 11, 2019
1 Peter 1:10-12 As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful searches and inquiries, 11 seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven–things into which angels long to look.
If you’ve ever read through the Bible, you probably came to realize divine revelation is progressive. It was over the course of hundreds of years that God provided man with indications of His plan for reconciliation. That’s why, as today’s passage indicates, the Old Testament prophets could speak of the salvation we have in Christ even though they didn’t understand how everything fit together. It was as if they were looking at a distant mountain range but had no idea how far it was from one peak to the next.
Isaiah is a good example of this. He wrote of Israel’s Messiah as a king who would rule over a restored world
(Isa. 9:6-7; For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this.)
(Isa. 11:1-10 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. 3 And He will delight in the fear of the LORD, And He will not judge by what His eyes see, Nor make a decision by what His ears hear; 4 But with righteousness He will judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked. 5 Also righteousness will be the belt about His loins, And faithfulness the belt about His waist. 6 And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will lie down with the young goat, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little boy will lead them. 7 Also the cow and the bear will graze, Their young will lie down together, And the lion will eat straw like the ox. 8 The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra, And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper’s den. 9 They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea. 10 Then in that day The nations will resort to the root of Jesse, Who will stand as a signal for the peoples; And His resting place will be glorious.)
yet in chapter 53 described Him as a suffering servant who would die.
Though Isaiah wouldn’t have been able to grasp the full meaning behind the words God’s Spirit moved him to record, later revelation gives us a more complete picture. We know Jesus came the first time to sacrifice Himself for our sins, and one day He’ll return in glory to rule the entire world as King of Kings.
What’s even more amazing is that angels long to look into this salvation, which we so often take for granted and see merely as the doorway by which we enter heaven. Such simplistic thinking reveals we truly don’t understand the scope of what transpired at the cross and how it effected our salvation.
We should be curious like the prophets, who sought to know more about Christ and the sacrifice He lovingly made on our behalf. When we make that a priority, we’ll learn more about our Savior and salvation, and our awe and love for Him will increase.
Dr. Charles Stanley
I tried burying a ten dollar bill in my backyard in the hopes shoots would spring forth and branches would develop into a money tree, but alas, it has failed to bear fruit. What did I do wrong?
… start with Genesis … 😉🤚
Do you mean the car, the rock band or the gas grill?
… the Bible Genesis. .. 🙂
Don’t have one.
Barnes and Noble … paperback $10 … or buy one from a church … 🙂
… or at the library 📚 … 🙂 ..
Well THAT explains a lot! 😀
I’d rather use the $10 for a lap dance at the local nudy bar.
In order to grow a proper money tree you must be sure that it is coated with a thin layer of cocaine before you plant it. To increase the odds of a healthy tree I suggest you use a 20 dollar bill instead of the ten.
Ladies and gentlemen – here is the Gender Bender activist mindset.
So that’s the definition of twit; who knew?
Titania (check color of chemical compound) is absolutely hilarious, but “she” plays it so close to the edge that she doesn’t have to declare it’s parody. Just brilliant. More woke than woke. M A Y B E . . . . .
Loved this recent tweet.
Shit. For. Brians
That reads like an Ivy League doctoral thesis. Dr. McGrath has a bright future in academia.
I can’t decide if she’s putting the left on, being sarcastic, or if she really means that cr-p.
Omar tries to rally and raise $$$ off of the President’s criticism and exposure of her crimes last night.
Well, she DID say it was all about the Benjamins!!!
Another one from V:
Wish In N Out would go nation wide!!!
We have beef and chicken covered!!!!!!!!!
Now. Let’s figure out what happened to Alaskan Airlines.
They have a list on their website about where they’re expanding. They will only go as far as their commisary network allows, as IIRC they don’t want to freeze or oursource the meat.
Here’s a location map:
They’re in California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Texas.
Since they FINALLY have a base (and comissary) in Texas, they can grow from there, as they depend on FRESH INGREDIENTS. Their Secret Menu and Ultra-Secret Menu are on the web, too.
They’ve had a Christian focus for a long time, though. Back in the 1990s I visited one in Pleasanton, CA, and on the bottom of a cup, along the ring, it had PROVERBS 3:5 . A French Fry wrapper had another verse, and a burger box yet another.
They also pay and train their people well, with ample opportunity for advancement. Just wish they had them over here, along with Chick-Fil-A … sigh… And their secret menu is incredible:
There’s a great story here about their secret menu, and one intrepid reporter’s adventure ordering everything on it – it’s a great and educational read (cue hunger pangs 🙂 )…
From the article:
Our order arrived a few minutes later, produced exactly as requested. Shocking! At my local McDonald’s, the cashier has trouble even getting a single cheeseburger right, never mind special requests!
After documenting the goods, I went back for me second order.
“Hey—you’re back. Still hungry?”
“Yep. I’m going to order a few more weird things.”
“So, are you just trying to order everything on the menu?”
Sh*t, I thought to myself. The gig is up.
“Yeah…,” I said sheepishly.
“Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this day ever since I started working here!”
(end excerpt)
Gosh. Now I’ve got to go fix something to eat 🙂