2020·08·29 KMAG Daily Thread

The Post Convention High

By all accounts (I’ve watched very little of it) the Republican National Convention administered an ass kicking to the Democrat party. So, no way I can top it or even capture it. And since I’m perilously close to my data limit (and it doesn’t renew until two Mondays from now)…I’m not going to try. I might not be around too much, either.

But I remain as convinced as ever that the Dems cannot win without massive fraud. I’m slightly less convinced that the good guys have anticipated and blocked enough of it. (We think we know what they plan to do, but the name of the game is to hit the opponent with something unexpected, and we’d be fools to assume that we know everything that they’ve got up their sleeves.)

As for the house and senate races, there the fraud is at the retail level, and I expect a lot of places will be “safe” for Dems. Certainly those places where the Republicans didn’t even bother fielding someone. And then there are the offices that aren’t even up this time. Will the Trump tide still be strong in 2022 when my state’s executive offices (as well as those of all counties) are up? I hope so, but lately even the Secretary of State office has been taken by the Dems, and that’s the one that runs elections.

A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Needs to happen, soon.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

Unless I think of something later today that won’t chew up bandwidth doing an image search, there won’t be a coin of the day. If you’re reading this sentence, I didn’t think of anything.

But there is something related on my mind.

I belong to a couple of coin clubs and we finally held a Zoom meeting for the first time since the Covidiocy began. There’s one guy in the club who will jump on you if you refer to our lowly copper-plated zinc plasticky-feeling one cent piece (or any of its more honorable predecessors) as a “penny.”

Technically, he’s correct. A “penny” is a British denomination, originally in silver, that was one twelfth of a shilling, which in turn was one twentieth of a pound, so 240 pennies made up a pound. And “pound” of course is sometimes called “pound sterling” and it was, once, literally, one pound of sterling silver (that hasn’t been true for many centuries; it began to be debased around 1300). One troy pound of 12 troy ounces, or 5760 grains. (And sterling silver is 0.925 or 37/40ths pure.) A troy grain is the same as an avoirdupois grain, which is what you use to measure powder and bullets. 24 grains, by the way, makes up a “pennyweight” and is 1/240th of a troy pound. (Those 16 and 8 penny nails at Home Depot or Lowes are a reference to the weight, not the price. And if you ever wonder why they abbreviate it “16d” instead of “16p” it’s because the penny ultimately derived from the Roman denarius.)

Whereas our cent is 100th of our dollar, and our dollar was originally a silver coin with 371 1/4 grains of silver in it. (Our silver dollars continued to have this much silver in them through 1935, excepting, of course, the Trade Dollar of the 1870s and 1880s.)

By the time the US was founded, the pound had been debased to the point where it was worth roughly five dollars, so as it happens, a shilling was worth about the same as a quarter. Which means the penny was a bit over two cents. (The penny could be subdivided into half pennies and farthings, so a farthing was roughly equal to one of our half cents.)

So why do we call our one cent piece a “penny”? And why does it irritate my friend?

It’s not entirely because it’s an unofficial term. He has no problem with calling the five cent piece a “nickel” even though it’s not an official name. (“Dime” is official–look at the coin, it says “One Dime” on it, not “Ten Cents.” That name goes all the way back to the original Federal coinage act of 1792, though it did not begin to appear on coins consistently until the 1830s.)

He’s irritated because “penny” also has another meaning, referring to a different country’s coinage.

But he’s wasting his time fighting it, because unfortunately the word “penny” has a distinct use.

If someone says “fifty cents” to you, it means something distinctly different from “fifty pennies” even if you both understand you’re talking about US money. “Fifty cents” means an amount of money, and it could be made of two quarters, five dimes, ten nickels, some combination, or it could be fifty pennies. Whoops, I telegraphed it! “Fifty pennies” specifically means 50 of those little copper-coated pieces of zinc. And that’s the distinction between “cent” (which is an amount of money) and “penny” (as used in the US), which is the physical object that represents one cent. Technically, of course, you could describe that object as the “one cent piece” and talk about “50 one cent pieces” but people are lazy and that will be cut down in size to some more convenient phrase like “50 pennies.”

[Now if you’re talking to a coin dealer and want to look at the one cent pieces in stock, you could say “Could I look over your cents” and that will be understood, but that’s a special case. But no one would do this, because the dealer will want you to be more specific before he hands you a box full of coins, for example whether you mean Indian head cents, Lincoln cents with the wheat ears (“wheaties,” no relation to Wheatietoo), and so on. And there is a big dividing line between large cents (pre 1857) and small cents (1857 to date), too, so someone might ask for “large cents.”]

So this turns out to be another chapter in the endless wrangle between prescriptivists (who describe what language ought to be) and the descriptivists (who describe what language actually is). And since “penny” is used in a way that makes a distinction from “cent,” it’s never going away, unless some celebrity comes up with an alternative and manages to popularize it. Personally, I’ve been known to call them “zinkys” but I’m no celebrity, and besides that can’t apply to the plentitude of pre-1982 pieces still circulating.)

PS: Even “nickel” is problematic. Because the first small cents that came out in 1857 were twelve percent nickel, they immediately got nicknamed “nicks.” Then in 1865 came the three cent nickel piece which lasted until 1889. This got named the “nickel” to distinguish it from the three cent silver piece which had disappeared from circulation thanks to the Civil War. And finally in 1866 came the five cent nickel piece we know today. When silver finally started trickling back into circulation, the half dime was simply discontinued because the (five cent) nickel had completely taken over the job. And (oh by the way) these “nickels” are only 25 percent nickel, the rest is copper.

Obligatory PSA/Reminder

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).

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No. But you can be a cuddly pussycat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – I love it, and the answer is YOU WERE ALREADY A MEMBER!!! 😉 <3 <3 <3


Hurricane Laura did not exceed expectations.
Refineries are good.
Post 10457593 as reported at https://wearethene.ws/notable/134233
Gulf Coast refineries restart after hurricane scare
Gulf of Mexico refiners have restarted production following a narrow miss from the devastating hurricane Laura.
Refineries along the Gulf Coast began to restart a day after hurricane Laura made landfall in Louisiana, most of them only suffering minimal or no damage. Motiva and Valero have so far been the only ones to report a problem – a chemical leak that was quickly contained for Motiva and a release of sulfur dioxide for Valero. The refiner said the gas was released during the shutdown of a refinery ahead of Laura’s landfall.
Oil prices immediately fell when it became clear that the likelihood of prolonged refinery disruption was small despite Laura’s unfortunate trajectory and landfall.
“Historically, hurricanes lead to widespread shut-ins, but production is immediately restored within a matter of days, therefore, leading to little long-term supply disruption,” the chief executive of Velandera Energy, Manish Raj, told MarketWatch.
More than 84 percent of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico remained shut in on Thursday and more than 60 percent of natural gas production after oil companies evacuated close to 300 production platforms. The oil output shut-in stands at 1.558 million bpd, and the gas output shut-in stands at 1.65 billion cu ft daily.
Laura made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane in southwestern Louisiana near Cameron in the early hours of August 27, with wind speeds reaching 150 mph and torrential rains drowning the coastal line.
The Texas Railroad Commission has said it was ready to assist refiners with any leaks or spills they might suffer as a result of the hurricane, or any other problems caused by Laura.
Some 16 percent of US refining capacity was shut down ahead of the hurricane’s landfall, Argus Media reported, and Total was already restarting its Port Arthur refinery on Thursday. Motiva, Valero, and Exxon were still assessing the restart of their facilities. Some refineries will take longer to restart, according to the report, because of extensive damage to the electrical grid in western Louisiana by the winds the hurricane brought to the coast.
At the time of writing, BP was the only producer in the Gulf that said they were preparing to restart production.


Watched this last night. Heart is so full of love for my country and for our President.
Like waking up from a bad dream.
Finally seeing excellence at this level.
Very ENCOURAGING.comment image


Revenge of the Normies (Free Beacon)
Matthew Continetti
The 2020 Republican National Convention is the Trump presidency in microcosm: precedent is overturned, norms disregarded, and authorities ignored or dismissed in favor of the men and women who comprise the Trump coalition. It’s polarizing and riveting. And the whole thing makes for great television.
The second night of the convention featured high-profile speeches from First Lady Melania Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Eric Trump. But, once again, the real stars were President Trump and the cast of Americans who had been selected to illustrate aspects of his multi-front war on the political and media elite. We heard from a Maine lobsterman, a Wisconsin dairy farmer, a truck driver from Ohio, and a police officer from New Mexico who adopted the child of a woman addicted to opiates.
Trump sent many reporters and commentators into a fury when he pardoned a former convict and presided over a naturalization ceremony in the middle of the convention. But the whole thing worked, both as political theater and as campaign strategy. Trump’s interactions with normal Americans humanize him and allow him to display rarely seen compassion and to utilize his self-deprecating sense of humor. And the men and women highlighted in these two segments are living rebukes to the critical narratives surrounding Trump on race and immigration. Trump’s exchanges with each of the new Americans were charming and amusing. After he finished reading aloud the resume of a new U.S. citizen from Lebanon who is a multilingual psychologist, Trump quipped, “In other words, she can figure me out.” Everyone in the room laughed.

Sylvia Avery

This was the most wonderful event.
Stirring. Moving. Exhilarating.
More determined than ever to fight on.


The fireworks were spectacular – but the glorious music at the end, sung by opera great, Christopher Macchio, was a shock, surprise, a mystery.
First the aria – Nessun Dorma – aria from the final act of Giacomo Puccini’s opera Turandot – sung by the protagonist on a quest to win a Princess (America) ends with:
Vanish, o night!
Fade, you stars!
Fade, you stars!
At dawn, I will win!
I will win! I will win!
and then – Ave Maria! The virgin, Mary, is the metaphor for the Church – this song was a very important statement that President Trump will continue to stand with and defend the Church and Christianity from the leftist/communists.
Then came America the Beautiful which is a prayer that GOD will “crown Thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.”
Finally, God Bless America.
Christopher Macchio was simply splendid!!!!
Note – the US Flags lining the front of the White House were custom flags made of light reflective slipper satin! In this season of anthem kneeling and flag burning by Democrat street thugs, our President meant these flags to shine brightly and be the theme for the evening and for his Campaign! Remember – the Campaign bought these flags particularly for the use of the Campaign.


Thank you. I watched it live and was deeply touched by the power of statements being made with these songs.


Thread on Insurrection Act….POTUS needs to use it.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Maybe THIS is why the riots stopped. Ted Wheeler is deep in ANTIFA.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I’m wondering.
But, it is proof that The Que team has been at this for quite a while if they’ve infiltrated all the way to the top. That doesn’t happen overnight. First you have to earn the trust of the people in command, and then work your way up. The plan has been in motion for a lot of years if that’s the case.


Remember OCAntifa on Twitter, and what happened there? They were not “real” Antifa, they were in place for TWO YEARS to entice and trap the real ones.
That was over at least four months ago, I think, so this has been planned for at least two and a half YEARS!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thinking more like six or seven. The enemy plans long term. Our side has to as well.


I keep thinking back to when Obama purged the military generals. Right there, I thought, ‘Foolish move, Obama.”


And MOAR on the topic…
Post 10457167 as reported on https://wearethene.ws/notable/134221
POTUS just posted the clip of him saying 10 Days.

Post 10457157 as reported on https://wearethene.ws/notable/134221
>>10456218 /pb
10 DAYScomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Why warn them? Why not just take them out and solve problem(s)?


Puts them in fear which interferes with their capacity to think clearly.

Gail Combs

It also increases the CHATTER. The foot soldiers ‘Cannon Fodder’ are going to be asking for reasurance from their leaders and the leaders from commanders….

Deplorable Patriot

Which, of course is traceable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Anniversary relevance” of Q posts is at least impressive, even if a bit “birthday paradox”. Searching back for term match is not.


“More and more it seems like November isn’t going to see a resolution but only the next stage in this continued conflict between those parts of the Deep State that have never accepted, even grudingly, Trump as POTUS, and Trump and his voters.”
They didn’t stop after they lost the last election, so why would they stop after they lose this one?
Why would they EVER stop, until or unless someone actually, physically STOPS them?
They wouldn’t, and they won’t.
When does a bully stop being a bully?
When somebody gives him a public beat-down.
And not a moment before.


Exactly this, Scott.
They will not stop until they ARE stopped.
This is human nature 101. They must be stopped. Justice must happen.


“This board is monitored by individuals connected to most, if not all, organizations within the United States and abroad.
This includes the full spectrum—
From Antifa to Al-Queda, BLM to Proud Boys.
And all in between.
I say this from the perspective of an infiltrator for the US Government.
We have Black Lives Matter and Antifa dead to rights. The entire chains of command have already been infiltrated and reported to DC.
When POTUS mentioned that it can be solved “in a matter of an hour,” he was not speaking from a place of rhetoric. He was speaking from the Special Operations briefing intel given to him about how long it would take to initiate, execute and finish the mission. There is new management in SpecOps, whose reputation is known for abject destruction of insurgencies.
Tread lightly
POTUS has given SpecOps, on Standby, the order to end you if certain lines are crossed. Media chatter has shown that those lines have been discussed amongst your chains of command.
They are given explicit operation capacities. Lethal force is not only available, it will be the only force they will have.
Seven Names.
Four locations.
Thirteen vehicles.
You have no idea the power of surveillance when you carry a digital device.
You have no idea the accuracy of SpecOps operators to execute a mission.
I will be blunt. I WILL be DIRECT.
Continue on this path, and you will NOT be awaiting a jail cell. You will be GUARANTEED a cold morgue box followed by immediate cremation. You forfeited your rights with your actions and your written and spoken records.
I would rather you live and follow a peaceful, happy life. In fact, I beg this of you. The only other option is fatal.
NEVER say you were NOT warned.”

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. The type on the chan posts can be really tiny.


This seems important – if it is real and not someone blowing smoke out of his a$$.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. The tone is awfully hard. And things have calmed down in Wisconsin, anyway.
I’ll believe that about Special Forces.
The bit about the morgue…IDK, but I’m sure that’s on the table.


Let’s hope it scares down-low pussy-Ø

Deplorable Patriot

This may be a strategic retreat. We’ll see sooner or later, I’m sure.


This is the most interesting, intriguing, stunning, cunning, amazing administration in our history since GW snuck across the Delaware in the dead of night on Christmas Night to surprise the enemy.


I right click on the picture of the tweet and open it in a new tab. Then I go to the URL and it almost always ends in =small. I change that to =large and hit enter. Like magic, it’s bigger.


I think I believe the whole thing, and I’m fine with the morgue part. It’s a warning to them. They had better take warning. Up to them.


I got suspended off Twitter again, for tweeting positively about Kyle R.
Said he was brave, protective, prepared and courageous…a model American.
I have to take the tweet down in order to get back in. Just enjoying the break.
I believe they all know that Americans have had enough of the commie agitation.


I would sure like to believe it.
But the whole ‘warning’ part doesn’t seem right.
This is an enemy insurgency, not a renegade group of soccer moms.
To the enemy, such ‘warnings’, even if they were real, are nothing more than propaganda, like (once again) Tokyo Rose warning American troops they will all be killed if they try to attack the Japanese homeland.
The actual players in this game all know the stakes, there isn’t anyone who is going to be swayed by an anonymous ‘warning’ on an Internet message board.




OR – maybe this was the FIRST WARNING….


You are right – I went back and made a list with the dates/times!
Things are heating up. No more Marine One in DC – extra heavy Secret Service cover getting onto AF1 today.


Why are there ANY ‘warnings’?
You and I wouldn’t get any ‘warning’ if we were committing crimes, that’s for sure.
I don’t even usually get a warning for a traffic violation, much less violent insurrection 😂
It’s just ridiculous.
It’s not just ‘unprofessional’, it’s LUDICROUS.
It’s tantamount to someone in a position of lawful authority catching a pedophile in the act and saying “If you don’t stop raping that little boy, I’m gonna sock you! And I’m only going to give you TWO more warnings after this one, so if I come back and you’re still raping that little boy, you’re only going to get ONE MORE WARNING before I decide to do something about it!”
It’s cartoonish.
And if that’s what our DoJ and FIB have been reduced to, then we have much bigger problems.


Did anyone catch Glen Beck’s mea culpa thread on POTUS?? WOW!!
Nite 4 of convention….nothing but praise all night afterwards.


May others be so bold.


Mark Levin is another one who has completely turned around.


Yes…and Levin came around a couple of years ago.
He’s been doing whatever he can since then, to help our President.


I quit listening to Beck a long time ago, but I have friends who are big followers and who I think have met with him. He will bring followers along with him, which could be huge.


I think the bad guys got to Beck back in the day.


I hope it is sincere…and not for financial reasons.
His empire has been spiraling downward as a result of his Trump-hating.
His audience is a fraction of what it once was.
He’s done some stupid things…like that photo-op of handing out teddy bears to illegals.
He lost me with that one.
So it will be interesting to see what he does from this point on.
It took watching the RNC Convention to bring about this ‘mea culpa’?
It would’ve been better if he had done this earlier in the year.

Gail Combs

It happened earlier. He was on Hannity a few nights ago talking about his change of mind.
Do not forget his chalkboards on Ukraine.


I knew nothing about Trump until he came down the escalator. I connected instantly with him and his message. Have never wavered .
Obama the minute I heard him a chill went up my spine and I knew he was bad news. He was to slick.
This has nothing to do with skin collar all to do with the vibes both Trump and Obama give off.


Wheatie, yes to all you said, including about the ilegals. I will never really trust Beck.




Redemption is great, but that’s between him and God.
And he has to actually seek forgiveness, we can’t just foist it on him.
When I checked the tweet, it appears that he didn’t even apologize, he just wanted to, but was too embarrassed.
Beck plays head games. Whether he’s mentally unstable or he’s doing it on purpose, the result is the same, and getting caught up in it and continually tossed to and fro is like a cycle of abuse.
If he wants forgiveness, I’m happy too forgive, if it matters to him.
That doesn’t mean I have to trust him or fall into his web of psycho-drama though.
Like it was explained by one of our elders at church. If we had a pedophile come to worship services, and he genuinely sought forgiveness, we would have to forgive him.
But we would never leave him alone with any child.

Deplorable Patriot

Trying to save his face and/or skin? Never have really trusted this guy.


Beck is a recovering addict/alcoholic. If he is in AA or some other treatment, great. If not, he is a “dry” alcoholic, and everything he does or says is suspect. Hard life lessons have taught me this.

Deplorable Patriot

Alcohol or not has nothing to do with my comment. I’ve caught more than one error in the things he’s said over the years. And on things that are easily found if you research.


My comment on Beck was more about whether or not he is trustworthy. There is this very weird “dance” with an addictive personality, where they say and do things to cover up what they think are your perceptions of them. He is in the public eye, and if his addiction is untreated, anything he says or does may or may not be true. His “errors” may be more about the “dance” than about politics, is all I meant.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s more about manipulation, actually. I come from a family with its fair share of addictive personalities, and, yes, alcoholics. The vast majority were not manipulative to go along with the addiction, just addicted to whatever vice they fancied including gambling.


Good for Beck. He also owes Trump supporters an apology for calling us brownshirts and other insults. We saw so many things that he didn’t, and he was monumentally mistaken. He lost a lot of supporters because of it. Because of our support of Trump — and no thanks to Beck — our country is heading in the right direction.


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The Dems flip-flopped on the mob violence only because they see that it is hurting them in the polls.
Too late!
They think everyone is as stupid as their indoctrinated base.
But even a lot of their base are waking up.


I like this box. Keep the mobs going, they lose the electorate. Call them off, proves that they were controlling them in the first place. DEMS ARE LOSERS!


“Call them off, proves that they were controlling them in the first place.”
Exactly so!
Great point, Miss Butterfly!


Kamala is just as ugly and evil as Øbastard.


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As in “machine learning” it seems we are to learn by exposure to various stimuli. IRL learning seems to stick better than intellectual input (books/lectures). However, I strongly suspect storytelling that engages the senses can be close to the effectiveness of IRL encounters for “training” purposes.
At least a couple times a year I have engagements with various forms of broken/dark systems or individuals that get into my awareness but seem to be held at a certain distance. For some engagements all skills, gifts and graces are needed to maintain the security of heart and household, for others it is like watching from afar with little affect within.
My interpretation is that this is in answer to prayers for my eyes to be opened to Wisdom and for my heart to open to learning from every person placed in my path. I have not specifically asked to learn about that which is twisted in this world, but it does seem to be part of the package.
A good teacher I studied with for many years gave an illustration to a key for peace and stability. Say there are two groups of people that want to change the atmosphere in a region. Before any activity the spiritual number line is at zero The first group goes to the top of a local high place and does their typical incantations and rituals to consecrate the area to their favorite powers/spirits. They have some effect and the region’s number line drops to -20. The next time they do their stuff the number line goes to -40, and so on.
Eventually the second group gets a nudge in prayer that something’s up and it’s time to pray. After determining that the place to go is that same high place looking over the region, they examine their own hearts, align with Heaven’s purposes and go up to pray and cleanse and bless the region. They are pretty good at this and spiritual number line moves back to zero. Nice, right? Wrong.
If the mindset is to only restore back to zero and the other group is very motivated to keep it below zero, the number line is going to be bouncing around in the negative numbers all the time.
What if the group doing the work of blessing the region aggressively worked to push the atmosphere into the high positive numbers each time they gathered? Then the group doing the work to empower more darkness would always be playing catch-up. Even if they managed to move the numbers down, they would stay in the positive/blessed side of the number line. Isn’t that a more appealing position to hold?
Fight for so much blessing in your world that those that fight against it have to work harder for less gain every time.


So much wisdom in your comment. Thank you, gt.


The concluding chapter of the saga of the hall toilet:
After cleaning all the scale off the flapper seat, it still leaked — meaning that the flapper had dried-out and warped. Went to Conleff Plumbing to get a new one Theoretically, could have gotten one from Home Depot (two blocks north) for half the price — that’s where we had bought the toilet, after all (20 years prior). However, experience has shown that the whole “every project requires three trips to the hardware store” adage is based on trying to find matching parts at Home Depot. Conleff is an old-fashioned place — there’s a customer area the size of a closet surrounded on two sides by counters. The guy at the counter says, “whaddaya want?”, and you tell your tale of woe — with any visual aids you brought in your pocket and reading any notes you have. In my case, I said, “flapper for an American Standard Cadet model 4112”, and the guy took a four-inch catalog off his back shelf and cracked on the counter — then I followed with, “it’s the one with the bobber”. He looks up, asks, “yellow bobber?” and I said, “yup.” Then he happily shoved the catalog back into the shelf behind and said, “there’s only one of those” and went trotting off into the back.
I’m not a plumber. But I generally understand plumbing and can speak a bit of plumber-ese. My uncle was a plumber and my cousin owns a pluming company in Santa Clarita.
I got it, gave him the credit card, and said, “one question….oh, never mind, you just have to twist it over the hooks.” Feeling gracious, he said, “yup.” I’m not in the trade, myself, so he didn’t have to answer — but I respect the trade, so….
When I unpacked the thing, back at the house, I could instantly tell why there had been a problem. The new one was soft and supple, while the old one was stiff and dried-out and felt like it was made of PVC. The reason that the old one was so hard to extract was because it had been stiffened for 20 years; the reason the old one didn’t seal right is that it was rigid, with a warp. I pried the old one off (knowing I could destroy the flapper and not care, but taking care of the hooks) and the new one popped right on.
I had marked the chain of the old one so that I knew how much “drop” it needed from the flush handle, and measured that much up from the new one, then pressed the ball chain into the flush lever at that distance. Removed the cooking stick that I’d been using to keep the float from filling the tank….and…..perfect flush. No more “dripping cryptic caverns”.
Once again, however, it shows the nature of maintenance and repair — design/build get all the credit and are supposed to be the geniuses, but when you show up to something with a vague description of “bad”, no documentation, and multiple indications of dysfunction, you need to be on your game. I had originally gone into this thinking that the deposition of scale on the valve seat was causing leakage…..at the end, I now believe that the flapper valve dried out, stiffened, and warped, which caused leakage — then the leakage of hard water deposited scale to try to seal the leaks — which, in turn, made a clean seal more difficult….particularly as further drying/warping occurred.
Were I a pro, I might have said, “20-year-old toilet? Flapper’s bad — while the flapper’s out of the way, clean the seal.” I certainly would not have dorked around with CLR on a paintbrush under the flapper — time is money — and since I could have seen the entire thing with the flapper out of the way, it wouldn’t have been a two-day issue. OTOH, I would have billed this job at about $200, so there’s that.


Depending on the time/money equation, a new part almost always yields the fastest resolution with the most satisfaction. UNLESS … you decide to replace all the parts and seals in your 20 year old toilet (as I did recently) and you discover the new parts don’t work like the old parts and small print must be read (or manufacturer YouTube videos followed) before the toilet is operational again.


My case was a good illustration of when this is not true. I had obvious concretions on the seat and throat of the flapper valve. Unless the entire valve was replaced, it was going to leak.
After all the gyrations, it came down to stiff/warped flapper…..which caused concretions. Swapping the flapper by itself would not have solved the problem.




It’s really more of an illustration that there is deeper knowledge than academic knowledge. I know how plumbing works, I can design plumbing. Plumbing built to my design will work. But people who can fix designs like mine that are misbehaving know more about what works than I do.
Academics love to pretend that their knowledge is deeper than mere practitioners. This is simply false.


The funny thing is that we moved into the place with 50-year-old full-flow toilets that I was seriously hoping to preserve — but we broke one, and we replaced it with an Am Std “Cadet” elongated-bowl 1.6 gpf…..and liked it so much better that we ditched the other perfectly-functioning full-flush toilet to install another one shortly thereafter. I generally think that most “progress” fails “Chesterton’s Gate” — but the new toilets were obviously “a step up”, despite being “low flow”.
I understand, however, that the new thing is 1.1 gpf and EVERY TIME THE ARBITRARY LIMIT IS LOWERED the first few generations of products are garbage. We just were lucky we hit a spot where the thing worked well before the parameters were changed. You can’t buy the kind we liked anymore.
I think the concept of our Federal government screening “acceptable” products would horrify our Founding Fathers. Upton should have every light bulb he made illegal shoved up his $%^ and switched-on.

Sylvia Avery

So when I flush my fifteen year old toilet, the handle stays down. I have to try to remember to push it back up so the water doesn’t keep on running. WTH is wrong with it????? Thank you, coothie, I couldn’t resist taking advantage of your plumbing knowledge.


This is going to sound like a zen thing rather than an answer — do you have more than one toilet? Take the lid off of both, flush, and watch carefully (it helps if they’re identical, but is not necessary).
Typically, the lever lifts the flapper. If you note, the flapper has a ball that is hollow. Water starts running out through the flapper valve into the bowl and then the flapper floats on the surface for a bit. When enough water runs out that the tank is nearly empty, the flapper doesn’t have enough float left and gets sucked into the hole, closing it off.
And, BTW, do you have any ID regarding the miscreant? I can only speak to general toilet design unless I have a specific model in mind. The model number is generally impressed in the ceramic on the inside of the tank.


I hope you realize that you’ve just been sucked into performing a good deed. 🙂


Serves me right for flapping.

CM in TN

Old plumber adage I learned when I was an HVAC apprentice…”Your sh!t’s my bread and butter.” We always had a good natured back and forth with the Turd Herders, er, plumbers. We were refered to as Dumb Fitters, as in Steamfitters. We were all pipe fitters, including sprinkler fitters…


Post went into the bin. Sorry for the trouble.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Out now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(I did it!)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

I have been wondering about that. RNC sent me an absentee ballot request and I was not sure I wanted to apply.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I totally get your hesitancy. I’m the same. I never vote absentee. I’m leery. But Trump and the GOP are REALLY pushing hard. If you do it early, it makes sense. You’ll see if you read the post. I get the GOP strategy here. Early voting is far less likely to be messed with, and there are checks on received ballots that will WORK.
The first thing that is apparent in the comments on that thread, is that I banned a new poster who immediately jumped on and in SCARY TONES AND ALL CAPS warning people not to use the forms shown – which is stupid on the surface but VERY SMART psychological warfare to make people hesitate to use absentee. Once I figured the game out, it was INSTA-BLOCK.
I will be pulling all the comments down later, but leaving them up for the moment so people know that I am now totally battening down the hatches – nobody new gets in. We can’t afford strategic disruptions like that.
Debate absentee? By all means. Bullshit psych war tactics? GTFO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everything has been removed from that little altercation.
Q – right again. Hatches are hereby battened down. I may have a general amnesty on blocks after Trump wins and Hillary goes to jail. Until then – hatches are SEALED.
We’re on the final approach. No distractions.


5:5, boss.
I missed the little psyops attempt, but no matter.
And I love that clip!
That particular Aliens movie is my favorite out of all of them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Timeless cool! 5:5 !!!
Yes, that was definitely the best one. Nobody thought the sequel could be as good as the first – and it was even better!


“I am now totally battening down the hatches”
Sounds like a good plan as we approach the final 60 days before the election.
I always feel lucky to have made the cut.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, in better times I would not mind dealing with a few new rough fits, even peppered with ShadowGate contractors (they’re all over me on Twitter). But right now, we need to deal with the next Dem Phony Crisis. Sorry. I gotta do my duty and be the Jerk In Charge.
Early on was a good time. We had a window in which the operatives at CTH valued their membership there so highly, almost none followed us here, lest they get kicked out of CTH. It was a gift! We could set up shop here almost undisturbed.
But it’s bad now.


I am so confused between absentee and mail-in. We all got mail-ins from our crooked county clerk’s office, not Republican. i am told these ballots are already filled out.

Gail Combs

Brian Cates has a good thread on POTUS and the insanity of the left
Brian posted the letter from the Portland Mayor…. IS HE NUTZ???comment image


This is the same idiot who needed cops to save his stupid ass when he went down to the riot to “discuss” their grievances. Mere tone-deaf would be a vast improvement for this doofuss.


What a nasty letter and man. I’m betting Portlanders are sick of all the DemocRAT Demagoguery and stinking Democrap looting, killing, burning, etc..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We had a new, smaller, but still very noticeable China spike yesterday.


They like Asshoe Saturdays? Good! Glad I gave them some more on the rally thread!


Maybe the peasants screening our blog secretly enjoy the insults we send the CCP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! Absolutely awesome meme! LOL!!!

Gail Combs

A Carlos thread

Oh my.
Jennifer Scheurle @Gaohmee just ADMITTED that she’s involved in an insurrection.
Riot Kitchen are her employees…

The Tweet is PURE GOLD if you are a prosecutor.comment image
Nothing like broadcasting the fact you are helping to overthrow the US government.🙄
Carlos goes on to say:

…Do you know why he’s there?

The U.S. Marshals Service performs tactical operations for sensitive and classified missions involving homeland security, national emergencies, domestic crises and the intelligence community.”
“The Special Operations Group is a specially trained and equipped tactical unit deployed in high-risk and sensitive law enforcement situations, national emergencies, civil disorder and natural disasters.”…

SOG is not the FBI.
This is such a specialized asset that it’s only deployed–as it says above–in national emergencies.
Such as the insurrection you just admitted to being a part of YOURSELF.
You are in such deep shit that your lawyers will need a bathyscaphe to find you…..”

There is plenty more to the thread.

Given that and add it to the Chan comment Linda posted and it looks like POTUS may just be ready to pull the plug on this Commie Revolution.comment image

Gail Combs

Carlos goes into a bit more of what POTUS has been doing while the Commies have been throwing their temper tantrums… er Revolution.

YOU PEOPLE are not rational.
You’re handing the entire country to Republicans, and you refuse to see it.
And BOY do you underestimate Trump.
From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, federal enforcement had to fight terrorists at a massive disadvantage.
Guess what Trump did due to the pandemic?
Invoked a national state of emergency and the Stafford Act.
Guess what THOSE mean?
Regular US military can be used as law enforcement.
Special-operations units.

Delta Force, Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Air Force Special Reconnaissance, and Coast Guard Special Deployment Teams.
They’re all out there.
Unseen by you.
Sorry: And MARINE Special Forces.
The head of US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) spent two decades fighting insurgencies.
Under the reorganization of the US Armed forces, authority is delegated down to the smallest possible deployed unit.
When you send out the operators, their carry out their missions without having to report back to generals who leak.
The tactical units are autonomous within the over strategy.

[This move undercut all the OH!Bummer appointed top brass. It also explains the helicopters out of Ft Bragg I keep seeing. – GC]
They’ve been collecting intelligence on you folks for months now.
At your next riot, look at the rioter on your right and the rioter on your left.
Chances one of them is a US military operator.
You people are amazing in your will to destroy yourselves.
I approve.

Gail Combs

Another couple of dots to add to the mix.
The Chamber of Commerce came out SUPPORTING Bite-me and Whoe. Large INTERNATIONAL corporations have been FUNDING BLM who has made it clear they are straight up Communist Revolutionaries.
AND then there is the money laundering…comment image
I really really hope, Q is correct… We have it ALL and POTUS is going to be taking down the whole cast of bad actors.
They are always complaining about there being too many people and the size of your ‘carbon foot print’ So lets do this planet a favor and remove a heck of a lot of vermin.


Jennifer Scheurle: “They smashed the window of one of our cars and threw people on the ground. No crimes were committed.”
Don’t look now Jenny, but those are BOTH crimes, you dingbat. 😂


Hmm, from the context I thought rioters had broken into their car and threw people on the ground, and she was defending their actions, declaring her allegiance with the rioters.
As it turns out, that was NOT the context. 😲
But she’s STILL a dingbat 😂

Gail Combs

Yeah, they were busy buying gasoline to make Molotov cocktails and got BUSTED. I am sure there was LOTS of evidence in those vehicles like weapons and illegal drugs.
Someone remarked that drugs maybe why the rioters can go all night every night and not only free food but drugs and weapons are being passed out. Drugs would also explain unusual strength and the feeling of invincibility. For example the dude shouting “Shoot me b…h, shoot me” and then chasing down and ATTACKING a guy with a rifle so he ended up getting his head shot off.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
IIRC, the arrest charge stated that the “bread truck” and the other vehicle had materials to make explosives, helmets, baseball bats, vests, etc., in them.

Gail Combs

OH, and it occurs to me that if they are going after the FREE FOOD ‘vendors’ at this point, they may be ready to roll up the entire operation. The
Free Food’ is going to have ties directly back to the $$$ people.

Cuppa Covfefe

And that December 2017 Asset Seizure E.O. is looking more and more important by the minute…


If they ever actually USE it!
All of the necessary legal mechanisms have been in place for YEARS now, they just aren’t used… unless a Patriot does something, then the full force force and brunt of the law is brought to bear with an immediacy and focus that would make the strategists behind the Blitzkrieg blush with their own inadequacy and lack of sophistication.


Gail…I was monitoring this guy’s twitter feed earlier and remembered seeing this about their Food Van:
Brendan Gutenschwager
From the Portland Riots to our nation’s capital, the Black Lives Matter Snack Van manages to find its way out every night #DCProtests #DC #BLM

This guy @BGOnTheScene has been recording videos of the Portland Riots for months.
He followed them to DC to continue his coverage.
Brendan Gutenschwager
The same bucket drummer from Portland is out here in DC as well #DCProtests #PortlandProtests #DC

Gail Combs

So that is solid evidence that ANTIFA/BLM is actually a fairly small PAID group at it’s core. You are going to get a lot of brain dead idiots looking for trouble joining in locally but the core is not that big….


The agitators and organizers are pros…and likely a part of Brennan’s group.
And crossing state lines for the purpose of rioting is a federal offense.
This has got RICO all over it.

Valerie Curren

This one looks important, fyi (I haven’t dug too deeply in yet but hmmm)…Blessings to all Q-Treepers 😉

Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

The problem in Berlin (and elsewhere) is that there IS a legitimate demonstration going on there (think of Germany now being a special, depressing, case of Kalifornistan) which is/will be hijacked by PantyFa.
Same as the Yellow-Vest demos in France, the Black Vests (PantyFa) come in and raise hell, ruining both the demo and the cause.
Just checked; the far, far left Berlin (city) gubmint has told the 20,000+ demonstrators that they have to leave, because “Corona”. Source: https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2020/corona-proteste-berlin
Ohhhh. The Irony. Something that Gübbels and Hitler’s daughter (Merde-Kuh) could well appreciate.
An Anti-Corona-lockdown demonstration shut down because of Corona measures… this will likely hit the courts, as just yesterday the prohibition of the demonstration was ruled unconstitutional (German Constitution), in particular because ALL demonstrations then would have to be outlawed…
Some groups have threatened to come back. Hmmm. Maybe PantyFa?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Sorry about that. Chair-keyboard interface error 🙂 Üü is diagonally next to Öö, so I overreached…
Sigh… Didn’t want to make an ß [eszett, Scharfes “s” ] out of meself… 🙂
Yep about the interesting pronunciations. I used to work in Berblingen (Böblingen) and often have visited the Märklin museum in Gerpingen (Göppingen). My family tease me when I “leave off the dots”, yet they, being Schwäbisch, often do the same thing 😀
(for a real lesson in linguistic torturture, read Asterix “Dr Große Graba”, auf Schwäbisch… As part of my initiation at HP over here, I had to read a poem in Schwäbisch… everyone was roaring, laughing… except poor lil’ ol’ me 😮 )
Here ’tis:comment image

Valerie Curren

Kind of like how there is pretty much always suppression of free speech but just from one side, the Left, of the other side, the Right. & ironically it seems that “they” are always accusing “us” of what they are actually doing…whatever…hang in there Cuppa, it’s darkest just before the dawn! Blessings & thanks for sharing your insightful perspective!

Gail Combs

Bad Kitty Thread reader on the Ad Buster–Soros connections:

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!

Gail Combs

That thread is a REAL eye opener.
We really really REALLY need to STOMP on Soros and KICK the United Nations OUT!

Concerned Virginian

What it ** very interesting ** is that the Soros-Clinton Axis PAID revolutionaries created their own block chain currency.
So it somebody donates to their feeder organization located in Arizona, one can assume that U.S. dollars are converted into their “Sparkle” block chain currency and stashed — where?
So assuming that’s the case, wouldn’t that be a red flag for the IRS / Treasury Dept. / Secret Service, to investigate ASAP? — money laundering for funds being used to actively overthrow the U.S. government?


Drop a note to Mnuchin. Let him know we’re trying to help.

Valerie Curren



Great find Valerie… Bad Kitty is awesome with her research.

Valerie Curren

Thanks PR! Bad Kitty & Cat Turd as well as “suspicious cat” keep “kicking the butt of the universe” (as we like to say chez moi)!



Valerie Curren

Red-blooded, Real America–Love it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Click on the tweet and there’s a lot of cool things that have happened… 😎

Valerie Curren

Thanks, hope to check it out 😉


so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Punisher update…

Valerie Curren

Punisher pal needing prayers too…


Sandia Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee Who Sparked Internal Revolt Over Critical Race Theory
Sandia Labs – America’s premiere government-funded nuclear weapons design lab, has taken aggressive action against an employee, Casey Peterson, who produced a viral video “pushing back on the narrative of modern systemic racism and white privilege.”
Here’s the long and short of it via Christopher Rufo – director of the Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty, who has directed four documentaries for PBS, Netflix and international television – and has declared ‘war’ on critical race theory.
Watch Peterson’s entire video below:

Gail Combs

Critical Race Theory is HOG WASH! Blacks have not only been BY LAW given equal rights, they have BEEN GIVEN advantageous handicapping via Affirmative Action.
I watched them come into my high school.
I watched them come into my college
I watched them come into my place of work.
They were ALWAYS treated with kid gloves and were never fired/held back for poor work performance.
In all three cases many of them brought their problems with them. A chip on the shoulder, a YOU OWE ME attitude and a propensity for breaking things if thwarted. (That doesn’t even get into the increase in drugs and theft.)
The idea that ONLY ‘people of color’ are handicapped and ONLY Whites are privileged DIED in the 1960s. Most Whites DO NOT SEE COLOR but the Blacks are TAUGHT to see color. Instead of WORKING to achieve what they want they rather blame Whitey. After all it is so much easier and relieves you of any feelings of guilt.
Two of my bosses and several friends grew up in homes without electricity. They went to one room school houses BUT most went on to get advanced degrees. I also have Black friends (Including a roommate) who were like Candice Owen and Dr Ben Carson and realized a good education and MANNERS were the ticket to a good life. — Trash and Thugs are trash and thugs no matter what the color of the skin.
Dr Martin Luther King had it correct, and those who rule us via division are SCARED TO DEATH THAT THAT DAY HAS ARRIVED! And that is what ‘Critical Race Theory’ is actually trying to PREVENT!comment imagecomment image


But nothing is happening…
I found these in a thread by @We_Have_Risen:
.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
These stories have gotten very little mention in the MSM.
I wonder why.


This is also interesting…if it’s true:
.comment image


Glenn Beck offers humble mea culpa for initial opposition to Trump: ‘I feel truly horrible for the things I said’
Blaze TV founder and conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck posted a stunningly honest apology to fans and to President Donald Trump for his opposition to a candidate he initially believed had no shot at the White House and was wrong for the country.
“I am feeling so humbled this week. I feel truly horrible for the things I said and believed in 2016 about @realDonaldTrump. I believed the worst politically, which he proved me wrong at almost every turn. In the most dramatic cases (life/Israel/China/authoritarian),” Beck said to open a lengthy Twitter thread.




How does this square with the Absentee Ballot campaign???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Ask Trump! His son is calling me, and he’s emailing and texting, saying “ABSENTEE IS THE SAFE ALTERNATIVE!” 😀


Our POTUS has spoken about this.
IIRC, absentee has safeguards that mail-in does not.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, August 29, 2020

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”
Matthew 10:39 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Saturday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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Happy Saturday Duchess!
hope you have a pleasant and Blessed Day!


Hey, Patty!!! Sorry I am late – had to mow the back 40 – Hope you are having a peaceful, calm day thus far.
God Bless Your Day, too!!! HUGS!!!


HUGS to you too!
i’m going to out to weedeat and clean up a couple of birch trees that toppled in the high winds we had the last few nights…they were slowly being pecked to death by the wood peckers…but now they’re all over the yard.


Made a mess in our yard, too – huge branch down at the edge of our property – barely got it out of the way so I could mow – maintenance guy will have to chop it to bits – winds were not too bad here – but, made a mess just the same – don’t have enough work to do – I guess.
Happy weeding – prolly won’t get to mine today – but, it is not going anywhere – lol


hoping to get it own before it rains!


Me, too – going to be harder to keep up if grass gets too high – or the weeds crowd the flowers – got one small garden done – much more to go – nbd – little by little it will get done – got a spit of rain – lol


i flushed out about 6 different sizes and colors of frogs/toads (?) while i was weed eating…lol


Oh, Good Lord – hiding in plain sight – LOL


Wow!!! Windy here – threat of rain all day – got a spit – but, that is about it – cool and comfortable, tho’ – feels more like fall than summer – not complaining – mind you.




Thanks, Butterfly!!! Got muscle? Ooooo…


I spent the better part of yesterday making “bell covers” for my granddaughter’s school band–because some Karens were concerned that the wind section would be blowing their germs all over the string section or the percussion section…
so someone made a pattern for these covers (basically masks for instruments) in sizes for flutes to trombones so the wind sections could participate. (my granddaughter plays the sax)

Cuppa Covfefe

Well the KARENS have no idea about how wind instruments work. And brass, probably, as well.
First off, unless all the keys are pressed down, woodwinds pass air through the open holes. Whether or not much saliva or any virii would pass through is not terribly likely, just as if the instrument were totally stopped down.
As for the brass instruments, not all of them blow outward. The trumpets have been known to kill mallards in flight (cf Garrison Keillor’s “Young Lutheran’s Guide To The Orchestra”), but music stands in front of them tend to reduce the damage, decibel level, and “humidity” nearby. Baritone and Tuba point upwards, with a lower static pressure as their bells are relatively large. French horns point rearward, usually leaving only the percussionists at risk, and, hey, they’re a dime a dozen, or? (N.B. Percussionists are at the back of most, if not all groups (except drum and bungle corps), and that with good reason. Only the French horns would project anything in their direction).
Except in a jazz band, clarinets, oboes, English horns blow pretty much downward. Contra-bassoons, basset horns, and all except soprano sax point upward, but at the level of the music stands. Similarly, flutes and piccolos have an intervening music stand between them and their neighbors in front and in back.
Add to that the reduction in airflow caused by the “masks”, and the damping to avoid dampening will likely make music-making a suboptimal experience, just to keep the scientifically illiterate KARENS happy.
Next they’ll want to plug the f-holes of the string instruments, just because… Idjiots… And what do they think about what exits the brass instruments when they drain their spit valves????? Pretty lethal stuff, that… And the double-reeds can probably just drink the Vodka they soak their spare reeds in to stay safe 😀
(musician and engineer here, so this makes me angry on a number of levels)…


well since these are middle school kids, I hope the vodka soaked reeds aren’t an issue…lol
But thanks for this explanation! gonna copy it and send it in an email to my daughter!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s “A Young Lutheran’s Guide To The Orchestra”, by Garrison Keillor (I HATE his politics, but his writing, especially in this case, is hilarious). It’s on the “wayback machine”, but there’s an orchestral version that’s on YouTube, and an audiobook as well.
(N.B. The heading “Trombone” somehow is not highlighted…).
Here’s what he has to say about the brass section (talk about large volumes of air, etc.):

Let’s be clear about one thing about the brass section. The rest of the orchestra wishes the brass were playing in another room. So does the conductor. His back is toward you so that you can’t see what he’s saying to them but what he’s saying is, “Would you mind taking that thing outside?”
The brass section is made up of men who were at one time in the construction trades. They went into music because the hours are better and there’s less dust. They’re heavy dudes and that’s why composers wrote so few notes for them. Because after they play, you can’t hear for a while.
The tuba player is normally a stocky, bearded guy whose hobby is plumbing. The only member of the orchestra who bowls over 250 and gets his deer every year and changes his own oil. In his locker downstairs, he keeps a pair of lederhosen for free-lance jobs. Anyway, there’s only one tuba in the bunch and he’s it.


Cuppa Covfefe

And while we’re picking on the brass, here’s what he has to say about trumpets (I can confirm this and the tuba, too 🙂 )…
The trumpet is the brass instrument you imagine as Christian, thinking of Gideon and Gabriel, and then you meet one in real life, and you realize how driven these people are.
They don’t want to wear black tie; they want to wear capes and swords and tassels; they want to play as loud as they can and see mallards drop from the ceiling. Of the people who’ve keeled over dead at orchestra concerts, most of them were killed by a long trumpet passage. And most of them were glad to go.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s 12 Germans who can play pianissississississimo 🙂 (Berliner Phil cellists, Faure Pavane):
(to paraphrase Einstein, as soft as possible, but no softer 🙂 )…..



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, The KARENS put me in a pretty VIOL mood, but I don’t FRET too much about it, as that would be a BRIDGE too far, and they’re just a bunch ot NUTS anyway. They’d be better off reciting TUBA or not TUBA… then again, they’d just be too KEYED up with their cheap TRILLS and rancid CORK GREASE, PADding their illicit no-FUNds… When ROSIN up and down the street, I suspect that ARCO is too expensive for them, being unable to do things in MODERATO. Indeed, they know not that ALLA BREVE is the soul of wit.
Finally, as my friends Dal Segno and Al Fine asked me, “What’s the difference between a violin and a viola?”
“The viola burns longer…”
“Wnat’s a violin good for then?”
“Lighting up a viola”
“What do a violist’s fingers have in common with lightning?”
“They never strike the same place twice”…
(same joke goes for oboe and clarinet 😉 )…

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops, meant what’s an oboe good for, lighting up a clarinet…
Now, I wonder if they’ll still have Octubafest this year???

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s how one of the greatest bandleaders got his start…
Lawrence Elk….
(I had/passed out of all the “methods” classes for K-12 instruments as a requirement way back when. Oboe (despite the tasty reeds 😀 hic ) was a challenge, as it always sounded like a duck getting stepped on when I played it. Hmmm. Maybe the Vodka would work as an accelerant…)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, using the trill keys again to do a Boehming run 😎
Hopefully it isn’t Buffeting too much, as that would be too Klosé for comfort…



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Cuppa Covfefe

Thinking of the Simpsons (and that über-cool Lego set that’s still too expensive), and in view of his running-mate’s, erm, horizontal career path, it wasn’t 7-11 but Kwik-E-Mart that he probably meant…


and she’s cuter than a duck wearing a hat!


wow…POTUS says that’s FAKE NEWS…LOL


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Cuppa Covfefe

A new take on the Wienermobile…



Cuppa Covfefe

Still have my Oscar Mayer Wiener Whistle after all these years… actuallly a few of them… dah-dah-dah-dah…


The kitty is so mellow it’s going to sleep. Probably raised with the ducklings.


It is just so unusual – you are probably right, Gil – raised with them.

Cuppa Covfefe

Cat Rack – all that’s needed is a dog 😆
He’d have them pegged in no time flat…




O, Shenandoah


Over You




HUGE: Emails, which have been hidden for years, show the Comey FBI was investigating @RealDonaldTrump over his critical tweets of the agency and Obama’s spying abuse and misconduct. Also show Comey intimately involved with illegal FISA spy op! Durham? https://t.co/Au5oha9xzq https://t.co/kqc0JuqLia
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 28, 2020


second time trying to post this…
HUGE: Emails, which have been hidden for years, show the Comey FBI was investigating @RealDonaldTrump over his critical tweets of the agency and Obama’s spying abuse and misconduct. Also show Comey intimately involved with illegal FISA spy op! Durham? https://t.co/Au5oha9xzq https://t.co/kqc0JuqLia
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 28, 2020


two posts in da bin? (same one, tried twice)
Fitton says there are emails:
HUGE: Emails, which have been hidden for years, show the Comey FBI was investigating @RealDonaldTrump over his critical tweets of the agency and Obama’s spying abuse and misconduct. Also show Comey intimately involved with illegal FISA spy op! Durham?
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 28, 2020


the third time i tried to sneak it in, but WordPress doesn’t like Comey or the FBI being mentioned…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Akismet is a communist weapon.




Hahhaha Steve.
The amended rules are geeat.


You could even seasonally adjust….


FBI: Chinese researcher caught trying to fly to China with stolen bio-inspired computer code
…………….From the article:
A Chinese military-linked researcher was caught by U.S. authorities at the airport attempting to flee to China with highly advanced computer code he stole from a U.S. university that could be used for underwater robots and aircraft engines, according to the FBI.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection stopped Hu Haizhou, a researcher from the University of Virginia’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering discovered to also work for a Chinese military-linked university too, before he could board a flight to Qingdao, China, from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on Tuesday, said an FBI special agent in an 11-page affidavit filed on Friday in federal court in Virginia.
According to the agent, Matthew Rader, CBP investigators questioned Hu and searched his electronic devices, which revealed UVA-research-related files stored on his laptop, including “bio-inspired research simulation software code” developed by “Professor 1.” Bio-inspired research relates to studying the complexities of flying and swimming creatures in nature and applying that to manned flight or submersibles — often with military applications.
Hu “did not have lawful, authorized access to this material, and he admitted that Professor 1 would not want him to have it and would be upset to learn that HU possessed it,” the FBI said. […]
Investigators found approximately 9,600 source code files using the FORTRAN computer language on Hu’s laptop tied to “bio-inspired learning, research, and modeling.” The professor said those codes were used in simulations tied to research funded by the NSF. The professor said that his “core code” was “proprietary.” Investigators found that Hu had absconded with 55 of the core code files, which the professor said, “constituted the entirety of his core code he had been developing over the last 17 years.”
…………………End quote, more at link.
It’s time to start rooting out all these ChiCom spies out of our Universities!

CM in TN

Need another travel ban it seems. No visa renewals for any more of them or students.


It is hard to root Chinese out because they are in every research lab in Universities and Industry.
They are praised for their excellent bench work but cannot figure things out on their own.
Professors love them cheap labor never complain working 16-18 hours a day seven days a week. I know my son worked those hours for to long putting up with the crap but he is strong headed and was going to win over professors and Chinese.

Cuppa Covfefe

I have to wonder Hu’s next… (good thing Horton heard him before he skipped town).
FORTRAN??? Someone needed to give him the WATFOR (dating myself there)…
In any case, time to rid academia and business of ALL ChiCom “researchers”, etc. The risk of sleepers is far too high, especially in today’s environment.
Of course, they’ll all yell racissssssss….


That was my reaction, too…..ForTran code is generally OLD. It was one of the Big Three programming languages in the day, along with COBOL and Algol. Algol died early on, though it has the most modern progeny (including Pascal, C, and Python); Fortran is better known by it’s infantile version, BASIC. And COBOL suffered “death by bureaucracy” and was pretty well thrashed by the Y2K panic.

Cuppa Covfefe

FORTRAN is still used in a number of scientific applications (in the old sense of that word), because of the libraries and functions and operators; perhaps some people just can’t let go of their computed GOTOs… Lots of “Climastrology” code is written in it (the infernal “models”), cf. Climate Audit, chiefio, WUWT, and the adventures of “Harry Readme” (Climategate I and II)…
It predated BASIC by quite a few years, as Dartmouth BASIC came out in around 1978, and FORTRAN was already being updated to FTN77 (previous being 68), WATFOR being Waterloo FORTRAN IV… Over here, the banks are still using COBOL, which has even had OO bolted onto it (barf: makes me think of RISE for RPG [Random Program Generator, I call it]). Some outfits are FINALLY putting their COBOL off to pasture, but the cr@p they’re replacing it with leaves, erm, a little bit to be desired. And why do they think everyone is logged in from an i-Thing????? Grrrrr…..
What I can’t wait for, because I won’t have to fix it or manage any remediation projects (I hope) is 2027, 2029(?), and other dates where the calendar fields roll over. There are vicious rumours about that the date fields have been expanded once again, but who knows? [we all will eventually 🙂 ]…
(Not forgetting “Real Programmers Don’t Write Pascal” and “Mel” 😎 )….

Cuppa Covfefe

Just think of all the OSs and Application Programs, etc., that are ASSUMING that that variable is a signed integer, as opposed to unsigned. Sort of like page tables or disc bitmaps, where a signed integer really makes no sense…
At least this time around someone else gets to fix it 🙂


Indo-Pacific News
A #Chinese researcher at #UCLA is charged with destroying evidence after he damaged a computer hard drive beyond repair
Guan Lei, 29, is under investigation for transferring sensitive #US software to #China’s National University of Defense Technology


UC and Cal State are full of Chinese. Ive told yall how theyve taken over neighborhoods, buying houses, taking over shopping centers, and its all Chinese only. No more of this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Milpitas is a prime example of this. The largest (or at least it was) Asian shopping center in the western United States (if not the whole western hemisphere) is in Milpitas. And not an English-language sign to be seen……


You should see riverside and anywhere near Montclair.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ouch. Sometimes I think if Kalifornistan got rid of all the illegal aliens and all the ChiCom spies, it would be mostly empty… I’m betting 10-15 million less…


Yep. Easily.

Deplorable Patriot

“Memories light the corners of my mind.
Misty water-colored memories of the way [I] were.” -B. Streisandcomment image


An alternate version:comment image


Bob Inglis cited above as Congressman (SC) is a FORMER Republican Congressman for upstate SC who was unseated in primary, iirc in 2011/2012……………………….. he has zero influence


ck’d wiki… unseated in 2010


Oh, Thanks, PR!


You’re welcome Duchess… I haven’t looked, but would suggest most of the list are ‘former’ …


Oh, too bad – but, I am sure there is a more current list somewhere – we know there are traitors in the Rep Party – defying our President.

Deplorable Patriot

I know Flake is not in office any more.



Concerned Virginian

There are RINO traitors on the list who aren’t in office anymore, like Flake and John Warner.
But I can guaran-d@amn-tee you that they’re ALL working with the DNC and Hillary Clinton to get Ole Joe elected.
And I can guaran-d@mn-tee you that al least a couple of OTHER RINO traitors are also working with the DNC and Hillary Clinton to get Ole Joe elected — like MITT ROMNEY. These traitors are working sub rosa.


Sad, but true, CV!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Another thread worth reading. BTW, September 17 is the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.
THREAD: About “Color Revolutions”
The current domestic political situation has decomposed into a national security issue. The 2020 political cycle is being utilized to mask the extremely hostile revolutionary nature of these events. Even the violence is distraction.
Current intelligence indicates that a siege of the White House may initiate on or about September 17th and culminate in a November 3rd election crisis that carries on past the election. The revolutionary operational design has three key components that must be factored in.
First, the revolutionaries must control the media and social media communication environment. Second, the revolutionaries must maintain control of a portion of the bureaucracy.
Finally, the Republican Party and GOP Establishment must be under the positive control of the Revolutionary narrative and remain passive. If the revolutionaries can succeed in controlling these three components of their operation, they can be successful.
Color revolutions utilize information warfare tactics to create crisis situations in which institutional leaders are placed under tremendous political pressure to support the revolutionary objective.
The control of the media and other communication is used by revolutionaries or their supporters to amplify crisis (i.e.; election fraud) solutions selected by the revolutionaries (i.e.; remove Trump).
These narratives are amplified by the media to silence and control GOP opponents and to compel action by the bureaucrats.
The history of sabotage and subversion directed against the campaign, transition, and administration during the first term should serve as warning.
Numerous senior officials of the Democrat Party are openly calling for revolution and intend to fabricate a Constitutional crisis around the election and parallel street mobilization in furtherance of their efforts.
This plan includes the utilization of various revolutionary actors that have been observed conducting operational and informational preparation of the environment for the past several months.
There are 2 key vulnerabilities to color revolutions. Prior knowledge and united opposition. ACTIONS: 1.) the public and the institutional leaders must be made aware of these efforts in a coherent manner. 2.) MAGA (Republicans and all Americans) must unite to oppose their agenda.

Deplorable Patriot

This is part of a thread above posted by Valerie on the $oro$ funded gueriila warfare training of the mobs.comment image


The stupid…it burns.

Cuppa Covfefe

As will they after they are punished for Sedition and Treason…

Cuppa Covfefe

I have to wonder about this a bit, as those are calls for outright SEDITION…
Then again, give them enough rope…


September 17th is also the night of the new moon.
Low light conditions.
“Even when I walk in darkness Lord, you are there with me.”

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of things converging.


comment image


hehe…ask him who’s running..go ahead…I dare you! LOL


Remember, a lot of these are teen runaways, not little kids. But hopefully, this saves them from whatever path they were headed down.
John Cardillo (@johncardillo) Tweeted:
U.S. Marshals find 25 missing kids, including one in Mansfield
This alongside 39 found in Georgia.
Yet the left mocks you when you point out that there are massive child trafficking rings operating in the United States. https://t.co/kXmylyr3Mv

Deplorable Patriot

Tore asks:
Didn’t they round up that many a year ago. Why is Georgia so plagued with such actions? What is IN ATLANTA that attracts such a market?
Quote Tweet
FBI Atlanta
· Aug 27
Acting Special Agent in Charge, Phil Wislar attends a press conference with our partners @USMarshalsHQ announcing the recovery of 39 missing children in Georgia during “Operation Not Forgotten”. Thank you to all our partners involved!
10:27 AM · Aug 29, 2020
Top answers:
Big airport
Underground transportation system
Convergence of interstates
and my choice

Deplorable Patriot

The film industry was also named.


Yeah thats creepy. And this is a drop in the bucket.


ActBlue Partnered With Violent Prisoner Group That Is Attempting To Locate 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter

Gail Combs

NOW we know WHY he was charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER instead of Man Slaughter.
NOW we know why his bail was set at $TWO MILLION DOLLARS instead of $500,000 to $1 million which would be more typical.
NOW we know why Go-Fund-ME took down his funding site.

Average Bail Amounts for Felony Crimes
How much is bail for murder?
There is no bail for murder under certain circumstances. Other murder arrests have a $1 million dollar bail that is typically set. Such cases are reviewed closely and can vary in amount due to the threat risk the person possesses if they were to make bail. Accessory to murder in the 1st degree has a $500,000 bail amount while 2nd degree is set to $250,000.
How much is bail for manslaughter?
The bail bond amount will depend on the charge being voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary manslaughter charges result in a $100,000 bail bond while involuntary charges are $25,000. Driving a vehicle with gross negligence also sets the bail at $100,000. On the lower end of the spectrum, bail amounts are set around $25,000 to $50,000 for manslaughter charges, including intoxication manslaughter. The bond range is set based on risk from low risk to high risk at $50,000. If bail is set at the lowest $25,000 for manslaughter because the individual has a light criminal history and is not a risk, then the individual will still need to come up with 10% of the $25,000 bail amount, which results in a non-refundable bail cost of $2,500 out of pocket to the bail bondsman.
How Is Bail Amount Determined?
While many factors are taken into account when setting the bail amount, the deciding factors that play a role in determining the bail amount are:
Your age
If you have any other current charges
Your criminal history
Prior record of not appearing to court
Your perceived threat or danger to the victim, family, or any member of the public
Record of substance / drug abuse or a threat to oneself by suicide or other means….


Leaving the Matrix, Alice Johnson, Must See Jupiter & Saturn! 8.28.20


This looks like a good way to show support, a 50 state caravan in each state…ala the boat parades.


Thanks for posting. Hoping they have something lined up for Northern NV. Would like this be be a every weekend thing. It’ll be contagious, numbers grow each weekend, me thinks.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I saved the Iron Range from the Obama Closure. We opened it up again, proudly. Also sent the National Guard the Minneapolis to squelch a big problem. It worked, and quickly!!!
Quote Tweet
· 19h
Leaders from Democrat cities on the Iron Range of Minnesota ENDORSE @realDonaldTrump & @Mike_Pence!
“Today, we don’t recognize the Democratic Party. It has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class.”


Ace of Spades – August 29, 2020
Critical Race Theory at a nuclear lab, at the FBI and . . . [KT]
—Open Blogger
Christopher F. Rufo:
SCOOP: The @FBI is now holding weekly “intersectionality” workshops.
Let me say it plainly: critical race theory is a toxic, pseudoscientific, and racist ideology that is taking over our public institutions–and will be weaponized against the American people.
Time to fight back.
con’t http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=389780

Gail Combs

It is scientific bafflegab used to persecute non-socialists.
Think of Bite-me’s “if you do not support democrats YOU AIN’T BLACK.”
So in reality it is just another form of communist persecution of those who do not submit. SKIN COLOR has ZERO to do with it.


Right Gail… AMEN…


Why are they all young people? They look college age ?

Deplorable Patriot

It’s the end of the month and leases are up.
If this keeps up in October and November, there might be more to it. Until then, it may just be the normal switching of addresses.


Have read, U-Haul in NYC is booked through sometime next year.
Anyone with common sense wants out of NYC. IF they have the ability, they’ll bail. Toss in Portland, Seattle, CA…


Yup, easy enough. Trucks are certainly available outside of shitholes like NYC, Seattle, Portland. IF the rate includes daily plus miles, it’ll be more cost, but surely worth the expense.


They charge by the mile after the first so many don’t they?

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve read that, but apparently, this is not out of the ordinary. The question is when did they make the reservations. If the answer to THAT question since all the rioting started, then there’s a point to it. Until then, people have been moving from one city to another for at least 100 years looking for greener pastures.


Yes, they have been moving to greener pastures, seemingly forever.
I’d surely bet, folks departing shitholes like NYC, Portland, Seattle, much of CA are higher than this time 2019, 2018, 2017…
A whole lot of folks are not averse to saying, “enough of this bullshit, I’m outa here”.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve never been to Portland, but I LOVE Manhattan, at least as it was the last time I went, and Seattle is really kind of neat if you’re in the older part that was regentrified. I also really liked Chicago when I was there the last couple times. The only city I’ve been in and can really say I didn’t care for was San Francisco.
But, I like vintage and I’m a city girl. Not everyone is, and that’s perfectly fine.


Daughn checked a few months ago and said there was over two months wait for a U Haul truck in NYC.

Gail Combs

Sounds like a good opportunity to rent a U-haul and drive it to NYC and then drive it to where ever the people want to go.
Actually you are better off with a CDL and a Ryder type truck if you do that. OR you could contact Uhaul about doing return to NY trips for them.


PODS and a couple LTL carriers like ABL, Yellow… LTLs will arrive with a 20′ or larger trailer with ramp.

Bongino on F&F said over 100 thugs followed and harassed him and his wife for a mile after leaving WH. CBP protected them while they made their way to hotel. Mobs were pre-positioned at WH exits.

Gail Combs

This seems very appropriate but the last horse should be a donkey.comment image
A H/T to TallBloke and the rest of his comenters
Old Brew’s current post at TallBloke’s Talk Shop
Europe’s climate goal: Revolution


Macchio sang for 30 minutes at Robert Trump’s funeral, and President Trump asked him to sing at the RNC convention. Leonard Cohen’s estate may sue the RNC for using his song.

Gail Combs

….Performance Rights
Unless you specifically purchase sheet music that comes with a public performance license — which is considerably more expensive in many cases — your use of the sheet music is limited to personal use. The copyright holder maintains exclusive control of public performance, and it’s typically not granted in most sheet music sales. Purchasing sheet music allows you to perform the song in your home and to friends and family, but if you plan to perform them in public, you must purchase a performance license from a rights-management company. If you perform the song in any venue that features recorded or live music, the establishment’s performance license typically covers your performance….

Since President Trump has gone thru this happy horse schiff several times I can not believe that the sheet music was not purchased without a public performance license
To me it sounds like the usual sour grapes and hope for $$$ to make them go away. I would think Macchio purchased or had purchased for him the sheet music with the public performance license and they are making a fuss for publicity reasons.
Do you really think President Trump’s lawyers do not KNOW music copyright laws inside and out?? A guy who owns High End CLUBS?

Deplorable Patriot

The question is did he or the RNC profit from it. If the answer is yes, I would recommend settling out of court. Otherwise, for a lot of performance level music which is not public domain, there is a gentelman’s agreement that so long as one doesn’t profit from it, no one is going to complain. I sang Rusalka’s Song to the Moon for a recital, and that’s still under copyright. When we did John Rutter’s Requiem (not a Mass, exactly) we had to ask permission, but he allows it for amateur groups if there is no admission fee, so we didn’t have to pay the license fee.
It all depends on who holds the rights.

Gail Combs

As I said, President Trump has been here before. I distinctly remember the same type of fuss made because he used some guy’s music during his 2016 campaign. That may have been a mistake AND it is why I am sure the same mistake was not made this time.
HOWEVER the Fake News had lots of fun beating trump over the head about STEALING the guys music in 2016 and we know the Donkeys like to keep performing the same trick over and over.


Rolling Stones and some maroons like him commonly have a tizzy over music played at Trump rallies.
It is all more of the, RESIST, harrass, rinse, repeat…
We’ll have four more years of this, while we continue winning. 🙂


Could listen over and over again….❤️


Well I loved Macchio, but I don’t like the Cohen song one little bit. Tune pretty, lyrics awful.


Good luck to Cohen’s Estate when hundreds of singers have used his song.

Gail Combs

None too soon. They need to MOVE before the ‘Occupy the White House’ schiff gets started.
Bill Barr Is Closing In On Democrats – He Admits Americans Will Be Familiar With ‘Some Names’

We sympathize with you if you’ve been impatient to hear results from the DOJ’s investigation against the deep state. But the good news is, you might not have to wait much longer.
Bill Barr’s “bulldog” John Durham has been leading the case for a long time. It seems he has left no stone unturned to get to the truth.
And Barr himself is hinting at action soon, saying the people charged might be very familiar….




Gail Combs

The Commenters are SOOOoooo nice to that college group. I looked up the ?reporter?
She is an INTERN aka Student in journalism school and silly beyond belief!
I would not be nearly as nice in telling her where to go.

Aug 24
First day on the job as an
breaking news intern and here’s my first two stories!
I love throwing up the peace sign in photos. It’s the only thing I think has stayed consistent since age 12. I can count on it. I’ll probably be doing it till I’m a decrepit old lady. And that’s beautiful

She is the one on the left.comment image



I think it models off the sounds you get in that remake of War of Worlds movie.


Not that I find polls credible …


Gail Combs

Best comment on that ‘Ladies of ANTIFA’ vid

LatinWithTrump @latinwithtrump
How to create a Miracle 101.
Exchange them for Cuban or Venezuelan educated hard workers and let them experience Communism/Socialism first hand. After a month they’ll come back, find a job, enroll in
, buy guns, register
vote #Trump2020Landslide and fight #Antifa

Gail Combs

Actually I would just leave them there. Make it a permanent swap.


Those arent all women….


Greg Abbott@GregAbbott_TX
It appears to be open season for Gangs, Organized Crime, and Drunk Drivers in Austin.
Austin’s defund police budget took an ax to these units.
Texas won’t take it.
If we have to, the state will take over law and order in Austin.
Following budget cuts, APD plans to move 95 officers from specialty units to patrol
The Austin Police Dept. plans to move 95 officers from specialty units — including Park Patrol, Narcotics, DWI Enforcement, Organized Crime, and Gangs — to patrol as part of its adjustm…


other Austin news…


just got back from lunch in the small college town south of us. at the beginning of town there’s a rally for “Support our Police & Veterans!” and then on the other end of town in front of the walmart is a TRUMP/ Back the Blue gathering. It’s part of the “Paint the Town Red, White, and Blue” weekend! what an awesome idea…I made hubby pass the Trump gathering twice so we could honk and I could hang out the window and cheer! they rang cowbells and waved their flags…it was great!
then in our local dollar saver there’s an announcement that the Pray for America rallies were so crowded, they’re adding MORE locations!!


There was a Trump rally this am in the next city over. Theres a blm rally very late this afternoon in the same place..they always choose near pm so they can encourage riots.


This could be fun! I think we’re gonna do it!


A little ground report here in a “mask required” small southern town. Stopped by the drop-in chiropractor office this morning, located within city limits. Two females in waiting room. I did my usual sans mask …but immediately addressed the two masked females saying I do not wear a mask for medical reasons, did either have a problem with it. Both shook heads no.
Both receptionist and doctor do not wear masks…and no plexiglass “barriers.” Last time I was there a couple of weeks ago, both were wearing masks.
The older female said to me…”I have an asthmatic problem and wearing a mask isn’t good, but I don’t want to take a chance,”
I quietly said…”well, the way I look at it we were given a brain and the ability to reason, and we need to use them.”
The receptionist gave me a little thumbs up.

Gail Combs

Chiropractors are usually much more in tune with natural remedies than medical doctors. I would lay bets the chiropractor & his receptionist are both taking C, D3, zinc & an ionophore at a minimum.
The poor lady with asthma is doing the exactly wrong thing for her health.
I want to thank the QTreeper who recommended stinging nettles and licorice root for asthma. It really works great. (I also use C and vit B12.)


Nettle is awesome! Works great for allergies, too.


Steve…thanks again for your efforts. I figured your account was getting low because you’ve been quiet on the Board. Like waiting for the next check to be deposited, isn’’t it…got to ration things.
Hopefully you can see some of the great highlights of the RNC…it was educational, inspiring and very well done.


Proclamation on Adjusting Imports of Steel into the United States
ECONOMY & JOBS Issued on: August 28, 2020


“…I’ve never had to think about my own safety in this way before.”
^^^ Nor should we have to. If noting else, this election season, D-Rats are intentionally shining focus on their inept policies and disdain for ALL CITIZENS, D-Rat, Rs, I… D-Rats hate everybody equally. Zero consideration for human life, busineeses, personal property…


The level of stupidity of these people is unreal. This is an actual quote from the article:
“She concluded, in peak liberal hypocrisy fashion: “I think people forget that people do live here, too — it’s not just the Guccis and the Jimmy Choo stores. And I completely support it all. You stealing shoes means nothing to me — that doesn’t hurt me at all. It’s just the fact that that brings more crime, and that does endanger me.””
Seriously? It means “nothing” to you for someone to loot Jimmy Choo? How about the fact that that business might leave, and an empty storefront will stand in its place? And then Gucci, looted or not, leaves, too, because there aren’t enough high-end stores in downtown to draw customers? And then, of course, the restaurants close, same reason. Oh, and the high-rise office buildings are emptying, because workers are quitting their jobs to move to safer climes. Because, you know, no one wants to shop in the handful of places left, in case there is a shooting or something, as more rioters and looters move in after the next “tragedy.” Or eat in the one hotdog cart or falafel stand that still serves against all odds.
But it “doesn’t hurt you.” You moron.




It’s stupid and selfish… like the NIMBY thing… anything goes until it touches them, then it’s NOT okay.


SO – Multiple Warnings to rioters/looters/violent thugs have been going out – in order of posting:
1. 7:05 PM – AUG 17, 2020 – First – Warning posted directly to the readers of 8KUN – https://twitter.com/Yeoman360/status/1299470839553961986/photo/1
2. 2:41 PM · Aug 28, 2020 – Second – Several Warnings by DOJ – (AG Barr doesn’t tweet)

3. 6:16 PM · Aug 28, 2020 – Repost of First Warning – 8Kun Warning posted on Twitter – https://twitter.com/Yeoman360/status/1299470839553961986
4. 9:33 PM · Aug 28, 2020 – Third – Warning Tweeted by PDJT on all three accounts – @realDonaldTrump, @POTUS, @WhiteHouse –

– There may have been other warnings posted around the web.
– You can be sure violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – or executed see text below – It will be their choice.


TEXT of 1st Warning posted on 8Kun:
“This board is monitored by individuals connected to most, if not all, organizations within the United States and abroad.
This includes the full spectrum—
From Antifa to Al-Queda, BLM to Proud Boys.
And all in between.
I say this from the perspective of an infiltrator for the US Government.
We have Black Lives Matter and Antifa dead to rights. The entire chains of command have already been infiltrated and reported to DC.
When POTUS mentioned that it can be solved “in a matter of an hour,” he was not speaking from a place of rhetoric. He was speaking from the Special Operations briefing intel given to him about how long it would take to initiate, execute and finish the mission. There is new management in SpecOps, whose reputation is known for abject destruction of insurgencies.
Tread lightly
POTUS has given SpecOps, on Standby, the order to end you if certain lines are crossed. Media chatter has shown that those lines have been discussed amongst your chains of command.
They are given explicit operation capacities. Lethal force is not only available, it will be the only force they will have.
Seven Names.
Four locations.
Thirteen vehicles.
You have no idea the power of surveillance when you carry a digital device.
You have no idea the accuracy of SpecOps operators to execute a mission.
I will be blunt. I WILL be DIRECT.
Continue on this path, and you will NOT be awaiting a jail cell. You will be GUARANTEED a cold morgue box followed by immediate cremation. You forfeited your rights with your actions and your written and spoken records.
I would rather you live and follow a peaceful, happy life. In fact, I beg this of you. The only other option is fatal.
NEVER say you were NOT warned.”


wonder if we get to learn who was cremated?


It will be like the fairy tales, “And they were never heard from again…The End.”
You know, like Jimmy Hoffa


I can live with that.


SEE BELOW – RED HAT DAY – wearing a Red Hat today is another warning.


Wonder if this is real…can’t imagine anyone with knowledge would post something like this. Psy-ops campaign? I would love it if info is true!


I’m wondering if Cue has posted any such warnings in the past or will soon?


Here’s what I figure – President Trump has the power needed under the Insurrection Act – if they cross a certain line.
But President Trump is merciful and doesn’t want to use it….so he warns them through the 8Kun grapevine where they hang out.

Gail Combs

GA/FL’s info in the same order:
(This was posted on two separate occasions)comment image
Statement from Attorney General William P. Barr on the Ninth Circuit’s Stay in the Case Concerning the Federal Courthouse in Portland

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
If the incompetent Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, doesn’t get control of his city and stop the Anarchists, Agitators, Rioters and Looters, causing great danger to innocent people, we will go in and take care of matters the way they should have been taken care of 100 days ago!

Sure sounds like the Thugs have had their warnings. Now Daddy’s about to take them out behind the woodshed.


Daddy has the ‘tools’ ‘resources’ and ‘personnel’ to do it too.


Dr. Robert Jeffress: President Trump’s Message of Hope and Prosperity | August 28, 2020




The folks who worked at his golf clubs used to say if it was a Red Hat Day – you didn’t mess with Mr. Trump. President Trump must be angry about the harassment, looting, violence in DC and elsewhere.


As I speculated at the time, I think he is absolutely. .L I V I D. over how his WH guests were left vulnerable and unprotected on Thurs. night.
I know I would be, and am.
Which kinda amazes me, because one would think that after all this time…and so much failure to touch even a single hair on his head…his (our) enemies would be getting at least a little scared off repercussions. Trump is famous for his revenge.


Hope his revenge is ice cold, really big and sweet.


Rain in DC, will further dampen the schmucks marching and rioting. 🙂


surprise, surprise, surprise! a group connected to Bidden gets millions from CA taxpayers to assist with voter outreach–but CA officials say don’t worry–they’re non partisan. I feel better now, don’t you?
A consulting firm run by a top Biden campaign official is receiving $35 million from California for a voter outreach program linked to the state’s coronavirus response.
The state awarded Democratic public relations giant SKDKnickerbocker the lucrative deal as part of the state’s “Vote Safe California” program on Aug. 13. The program aims to “educate the public on the safety, security, and ease of voting in the November General Election amid the COVID-19 pandemic” and was launched following Democratic governor Gavin Newsom’s May decision to send every registered voter in the state a mail-in ballot. The $35 million comes in addition to the $2.1 million SKDK has collected from the Biden campaign since June 2019.
According to documents obtained by the Sacramento Bee, the contract asks SKDK to give “special attention” to “reaching first-time mail voters,” as well as those with language barriers. The state’s contract approval process was expedited for the November election.
SKDK has close ties to former president Barack Obama and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The firm’s managing director, Anita Dunn, previously served as Obama’s White House communications director and is now leading Biden’s presidential campaign. SKDK’s political consulting webpage says it is “proud to be a part of Team Biden” and touts previous campaign work with former president Bill Clinton, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, and disgraced former congresswoman Katie Hill (D., Calif.), among other Democrats.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity watchdog group, argued that California’s local election authorities, not SKDK, should be spearheading the outreach campaign.
“Voter education and outreach are core jobs of local governments in the lead-up to an election,” spokesman Logan Churchwell told the Washington Free Beacon. “This is an admission on the part of California to not have the bandwidth to perform these sovereign duties.”
The California secretary of state’s office addressed concerns over SKDK’s partisan ties by telling the Sacramento Bee that those working on the contract “both on the firm side and the government side” are “nonpartisan and do not have ties to specific politicians.” Chief communications officer Paula Valle did not respond to a Free Beacon inquiry asking who is leading the campaign, nor did SKDK.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, no. Nothing fishy here. https://twitter.com/RedPill78/status/1299760794515705857..
Corruption Detector
One of the highest ranking US intelligence officials in the US, who believed China was the real threat, shot himself dead in his front yard in June.
REVEALED: Top US intelligence official shot himself dead in his yard
Anthony Ming Schinella, 52, died on June 14 in Arlington, Virginia, but his death had not been widely reported until this week, when his death was revealed to have been a suicide by gun.
1:28 PM · Aug 29, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to
The only witness was his new wife, whom he had married only weeks prior. He was also only weeks away from retirement. The circumstances around his death are vague, with no additional information about why he may have done it. Apparently his wife was trying to get away from him…
Replying to
And right after, the “new” bride comes out to the news saying she found a “secret box” of bondage toys. Who does that? Why? Eyes


3 times in the back of his head, right?

Gail Combs

GEE, after over 100 suspicious ‘suicides’ connected to the Clintons, Biden, the DNC and the Chinese, I am ABSOLUTELY SURE this was a real, honest to goodness ‘suicide.’…. OH and I have a slightly used bridge in NY I want to sell you.


A previous story had mentioned the home was searched by the FBI. It was confusing as to when the FBI searched the home and when the wife found the box of goodies. But then would it matter if it was the wife that found the box of goodies? Wouldn’t they have found them first, unless they were planted? Well, I guess if she found them first before they got there, but time line in the story seemed skimpy … Alas, the world is filled unanswered questions.


Or maybe the wife was working for CYNA. Shot the guy, planted the junk and now he’s dead and his reputation in tatters.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. From four different guns 😀 …..


Did you see that his middle name was Ming?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, saw that too…
Ming dynasty (spy-nasty)???


Or freedom loving escapee. Not enough data.


As the unpossibly GREAT Andrew Breitbart (RIP) said…


Proof POTUS was planning his presidency at LEAST….at least….16 years before he announced his candidacy…comment image


comment image

Gail Combs

That book was followed by:
Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again by Donald Trump was published in 2015.

Deplorable Patriot

Sometime back, and I think I came across this on the Great Awakening on Reddit a couple years ago or so, there was mention of a group of (then) current and former high brass military and police, as well as prosecutors who used to meet in NYC in the 80s and early 90s. Trump was one of the people invited. I’ve wondered and still do if he wasn’t recruited by this group and by 1993 when his daughter TIFFANY was born had decided to yes, run for president as part of the plan. The name Tiffany, as in Tiffany blue, just keeps coming up. It’s almost like it was a signal.
Even if that scenario is nowhere close to reality, POTUS has his own networks built over the years that would have prepped him for being the front man even if few knew what he was up to. He hinted at it long enough, the big circles should have known it might well happen, and they probably didn’t think it would.

Gail Combs

President Trump was at a military school for five years. In one of his books he mentions one of the teachers, a sergeant was his mentor. That would have tied him into the veterans in the 1960-70s.


The world is tired of the SCAMDEMMIC.


lol funny




In that vein:comment image

Gail Combs

🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
Can we hire him for our town???

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


From the Attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse….


That whole scene right before the 1st shooting had all the angry mob players there pissed off that Kyle and another doused their dumpster fire. Another one ID’d with weapon.
Sometimes I wonder that the Boogaloo didn’t set him up..like they knew he had pure intent and they abandoned him to face them alone.
Oddly, in any of the vids around that time of the shooting none of those Boogs are there or at least I didn’t notice them. Where did they go?

Gail Combs

In one of the reply tweets

Veritas Lux Amor @VeritasLuxAmor
Replying to
ALL American men should contact corrupt lying Michael Graveley and tell him to immediately desist from his traitorous actions and weaponization of the law against #KyleRittenhouse
The world is watching.

comment image


He’s also doing the Blake case, but this one needs review as well.
From the redstate piece, a 2018 news story that may sound familiar to you:
“The National Lawyers Guild Chapter at Harvard sent Graveley a blistering rebuke of his handling of the Kizer case.
“Your actions to date in the Chrystul Kizer case stand in grave breach of these professional responsibilities. Chrystul was a 17-year-old girl when she killed the 34-year-old man who had been raping and physically abusing her. She deserves empathy and support for the horrible abuse she suffered at the hands of a grown man, not criminalization. “Sound discretion” and “justice” in this case would clearly look like dropping the charges so she can move on with her life and recovery. You have a duty to improve and seek reform for the prosecutor’s office, not to go to extreme lengths to prosecute cases that do not belong in the courthouse to begin with. Your insistence on prosecuting the case against the plan language meaning of the safe harbor law is bizarre and negligent. It seems to come from a place of racist fear of Chrystul, a young Black woman, and should have no place in the administration of the prosecutorial power.””

Gail Combs

Now if they would just DISBARRED the &^%$^ piece of Schiff!


But they won’t. He’s just what the deep state want. A DA. that follows public opinion.


Was at a local gun show today. One of the national sellers said there was a gun show in Dallas this weekend…with a three-hour wait to get in.
Americans are arming up.
Truth be told, they should’ve been armed up already, but better late than never.

Gail Combs

OR neighbors who can shoot but are not armed.
The other point is ALL the ammo and gun sales send a BIG MESSAGE to the DemonRats. Most of the countries the Commies took over they disarmed the population BEFORE they made their move. These schiff for brains forgot that step in the plan AND they have made ABSOLUTELY SURE no one in their right mind will go along with disarming the public.
Also after three months and thirty murders including the murders of small children, NO one in their right mind is going to care about a rioter getting shot.
This type of outright lie isn’t flying either:

Replying to
The 2 young men #KyleRittenhouse killed in cold blood weren’t armed, looting or being violent. They were excercising their #1stAmdt right to protest.
Lionizing murder of non-violent protesters by a #MAGA domestic terrorist as “his duty” = pulling trigger yourself. #TrumpMustGo

weren’t armed, looting or being violent ????
Who am I going to trust, YOU or my OWN EYES?


ALL the ammo and gun sales send a BIG MESSAGE to the DemonRats

They do?
I have seen exactly no evidence of that.
In fact, just the opposite. Seems they haven’t gotten the message at all.

Gail Combs

The DemonRats are LIARS. So we will never actually know.
Also the DemonRats are CORNERED RATS. If President Trump wins, and what we suspect is true goes to court, there are going to be a lot of dead or incarcerated people. Having an armed population in the meantime will hopefully keep the mayhem to a dull roar.
I do not know if this guy is blowing smoke…
He writes here:
And he pointed to this article.
However President Trump has repeatedly used the word TREASON and as Robert Patrick Lewis says, President Trump USES language to send us information.
“The Hidden Scourge” and President Trump, the CodeTalking POTUS
This AP story from 8/28 in the Military Times is a bit worrying:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. armed forces will have no role in carrying out the election process or resolving a disputed vote, the top U.S. military officer told Congress in comments released Friday.
The comments from Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, underscore the extraordinary political environment in America….
….Some have speculated that the military might be called upon to get involved, either by Trump trying to use it to help his reelection prospects or as, Democratic challenger Joe Biden has suggested, to remove Trump from the White House if he refuses to accept defeat.
“I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military,” Milley said in written responses to several questions posed by two Democratic members of the House Armed Services Committee. “In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. military. I foresee no role for the U.S armed forces in this process.”…
…two Congress members, Reps. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, said Friday that Trump’s recent comments and his efforts to use the military to quell protests have fueled their concerns. The two lawmakers released Milley’s answers….

“…his efforts to use the military to quell protests have fueled their concerns….
Now that is an interesting comment all by it’s self.


Guns are tools. You generally don’t need huge numbers of identical tools (though I have done so with screwdrivers since I was in my twenties — I had enough in my apartment that I could generally reach one without standing up). You don’t generally go out to pound nails with a hand drill, or trim errant tree branches with a hammer.
Very often, with firearms, people get a pistol, a concealed carry, a rifle, a shotgun, a couple of upgraded pistols — but you kept the old ones “just in case” — a long-distance rifle, a “barbie rifle” (AR-15 — you can accessorize!), maybe a bird shotgun, a varmint rifle (.22)…..
And just like a guy with an entire machine shop — bending brakes, a Bridgeport mill, a heavy-duty lathe, maybe a power hammer and maybe one fireworks mortar — will be raided by politicized law enforcement and portrayed in the ignorant press as having “military-level arms and artillery”, someone with the above collection of firearms would be accused of having “military-level firearms”. You really have to squint at ’em funny to find anything military in the guys private collection (a bird shotgun? Really?). The closest would be the standard pistol.


There will be no need to “arm up”.
My faith in POTUS…and his re-election…has never been higher.
Kyle Rittenhouse did NOT need to go to Kenosha.
Either POTUS has enacted the Stafford Act and, as a result, is using US Special Forces to ID, track, and eliminate leftists organizing, directing, and funding the street insurrection….or he has not.
If you believe, as I do, that he HAS, then people like Kyle Rittenhouse ARE MAKING THEIR JOBS MORE DIFFICULT.
I’m telling you right now…..US spec. ops does NOT WANT OR NEED armed conservatives in the streets. It muddies the water, limits their options, confuses the scenarios and situations, and MAKES THEIR JOB MORE DANGEROUS.
I stand with POTUS and the US military. My faith and trust in them is absolute. THEY will take the fight to our enemies, and THEY have the training, resources, and AUTHORITY to do what must be done.
Unorganized, untrained, armed individuals in the streets who are Trump supporters ARE HURTING OUR CAUSE.
UNEMOTIONAL, critical thinking that supports POTUS and STAYS THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY is what is going to win this fight.
NOT untrained, unorganized, individual vigilantes.


PS – Don’t come at me with argument based upon emotion. Just don’t.
And no, there is no rational, unemotional argument that is better than the one I just made, so don’t even bother.


There is a big difference between that and what Kyle Rittenhouse did.
The fact is Rittenhouse LEFT HIS HOME to go to Kenosha. He wasn’t protecting his home, his property, or his business.
He has NO authority to do what he did, and all he managed to do is kill people and further ENFLAME passions and tensions WE WANT TO COOL.
I am 100% ambivalent about whatever happens to him.


I am acting as a voice of reason amidst some here who come across to me as being very close to advocating for exactly what we should not be advocating for.
And I am very happy and glad to do it.


My, my, my… Zero room for discussion.
And to think some whine about intolerant lefty socialists asshoes.
Conform to the point, or as Achmed would say, S I L E N C E !


In point of fact, what I said (obviously, because you can read it) was…
1) don’t bring emotional argument that we need to be armed in the streets, and
2) there is no unemotional argument that is better than the one I make.
I didn’t demand silence, so I am not being hypocritical, either.
Strawman fail.


Yep. Case closed. No better argument. End of discussion. Perfectly sums up my point.


Fail again.
One must assume you don’t have a better argument which is why you aren’t bothering to try and make one. That isn’t demanding your silence.
Would you like to try for 3 fails in a row?


I don’t blame any one trying to protect lives and property.
True, Kyle didn’t need to be there. Freedom says he can be. Have not seen any evidence Kyle chased, harassed anyone, or was the aggressor.
Kyle was chased. Obviously threatened with bodily harm. Asshat had a hand gun pointed at him. Another asshat hit him with a skateboard. It’s called self defense. A couple scumbags got their “E” ticket to hell. I’m good with it. Another has an arm that may be a reminder of his ignorance in rioting and charging a guy with a gun.
True, Feds may have been on the scene sorting out shitheads from good guys. Complicates things for Feds, may be so. Feds will figure it out.
From everything I have seen and read, Kyle is innocent of charges. Deserves great representation in court as the local DA and maybe state will aggressively try to “hang” him. Americans should care.
NOTHING D-rats want more than moar COWARING AMERICANS to Antifa and BLM THUGS. F all those asshoes. Absolutely good with Americans standing up for their Rights.


HT Gail.
Link at the end of this post provides significant detail with video. Kyle is not the bad guy.
Brent Cates has a play by play of the Kyle Rittenhouse saga that has new info. The Dumpster fire extinguished was being pushed by the rioters INTO GASOLINE PUMPS AT A GAS STATION!!!
“…Footage has emerged of Rittenhouse moments before running to give that Extinguisher to the man who used it to PROTECT EVERYONE THERE from being blown up.
It’s reported that this enraged Rosenbaum who immediately focused on Rittenhouse.
Rosenbaum charges at Rittenhouse & **tries to disarm him**.
The 17 yr old breaks away & begins running with the ENRAGED 36 yr old & about 8 BLM protesters in hot pursuit….”
Note that Brent was really ticked off at Kyle a couple days ago, thinking he was a vigilante but now that the real story has come out he has shifted sides.
The thread is well worth the read and is good to pass on to others.


Nor do I. Didn’t try to sort that out. Figured Gail knew more than I do. It was the message in the post I wanted to convey for consideration, dismissal…


Per a statement released by John Pierce, acting as attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle left his home to go to work as a lifeguard employed in the city of Kenosha….he finished his shift and went to a Kenosha local high school that had been vandalized so that he could help clean up grafitti….It was from this location that Rittenhouse answered a call for help from a garage owner that was asking people to come help protect his shops from the mobs.
The mobs were directed by the police, to disperse by way of the street that was the location of the garage that Rittenhouse was protecting…The mobs passed by and there was no altercations. Kyle never got into a spat with any of them, no unkind or harsh words came from Kyle.
After the mobs had disbursed and it appeared the danger died down, Kyle grabbed his first aid kit and walked down the street to the local gas station to offer basic first aid to some of the individuals who had been injured in the chaos they were a part of…..It was here that an agitator did what agitator’s are paid and trained to do…A rioter pumped up the crowds anger and pointed out Kyle as one of the people protecting property….the mob was primed…and the video showing the rest is what we’ve so far been shown..
Kyle may not of been protecting his own home, his own property or his own business, but he was protecting his own life and because of that, I am not ambivalent…….I see the death, but I see no crime.


I haven’t said a word about crime. I haven’t said that he was not acting in his legal right to self-defense. If all his attorney says is true, then it only strengthens a case of self-defense.
As I said, I am ambivalent about this case….the definition of which is: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.


:0) It will be interesting to watch the judicial arguments in the case, that’s for sure……….


Your argument is good until such a time as the election is decided. After that there remains the possibility that you may have to trash or revamp your argument. All ears if you would like to argue other wise.
Concerning Rittenhouse. Kenosha was thirty minutes away and he worked in Kenosha. He was also invited to a close-by business to help protect it and in the course of that (new information, up thread) he was putting out a dumpster fire when he was chased off, the reason you see him being chased to where the first confrontation/shooting took place. While you may wish to remain ambivalent in this matter I have not yet seen a reason to share that and yes I see your wisdom in the don’t rock the public opinion boat.
General comment of interest. Also up thread or somewhere else, it was mentioned that Rittenhouse only had one mag on him. This might partially account for his coolness under stress with his fire discipline where he had to make sure every shot counted. I don’t think he fired more then ten rounds and it’s likely he was smart enough to leave a few rounds out of the mag to keep the spring tension.


I won’t ever have to trash or revamp the argument I am making.
General comment/question of interest….why do people not know the definition of the word ambivalent?


Also enjoys your confidence while at the same time understands that if things tilt after the election or even before the election that some ideas may need to be jettisoned. As to ambivalent with the information available now, I have decided feelings about the case is what I believe I said.


Meh. We’ve seen enough mayhem to know that armed citizens are a great boon to our safety and freedom. Our great President is working on the federal level to keep us safe.
The state and local level is a whole nother thing…as we are seeing.
I, for one, am very grateful for armed Americans.


Actually, the state and local level really isn’t a whole nother thing, and POTUS already has authority over all of it.
And nothing about this has to do with gratitude for the 2nd Amendment.
Try again?


Hmmm…I am enjoying our President’s respect of state sovereignty, and allowing governors to sink or swim.
It rises to the level of greatness, in my opinion.
As far as the feds being in control in my neighborhood and town…not so much. They are about as much help as local police…minutes or hours away when seconds count.


That seems to be our issue. 😆


Grandma, at times, some, seemingly just want to piss and moan, for the sake of pissing and moaning. We are actually all on the same side. Your post IS spot on.




Knowing you are talking about me with your passive aggressive use of the word “some”, I will again respond. I was neither pissing nor moaning. I was making statements of fact.
You, on the other hand, are most definitely pissing and moaning while creating strawmen to knock over while doing it. Again and for the record, I did not tell anyone to shut up. I did not say any discussion was not to be tolerated. And I was not being hypocritical. You completely made that crap up out of thin air simply because you either don’t like what I said, how I said it, or a combination thereof.
The sad and disgusting fact is that there are a lot of people here who are….in MY opinion…passively aggressively gloating over the Kyle Rittenhouse killings. People who lay claim to being practicing christians.
Those killings should never have happened…for a host of reasons…but most relevant to my point and argument is that Rittenhouse had no business being where he was, armed as he was.
This is NOT an argument that he was not acting in self-defense. <——- Reread that.
Rather, IS an argument that he took matters into his own hands. If he had not done what he did, those killings would not have taken place. We will never know, but it is quite likely that he was “targeted” BECAUSE he was visibly both young and armed….the pre-requites for creating the martyrs the left so desperately wants and needs….and setting off the powder keg they are so desperately attempting to detonate.
He was not defending his own home, his own property, nor his own business. He is not a police officer nor a member of the US military acting under orders.
Meanwhile, conservative America has control of the US senate and, more importantly, of the White House….which is to say….the US military. They DO NOT need us in the streets with weapons, for all the reasons which cold, rational, common sense can make.
I am 100% confident that President Trump himself wishes that Kyle Rittenhouse had never left his own home…..REGARDLESS of his stated reasons for doing so.
My concern here is NOT for those killed (God forgive me), but rather for our President and those within the PDs and US military who are TRAINED, ORGANIZED, AND EMPOWERED TO BE (and are) IN HARMS WAY while they work to defuse and de-escalate the powder keg the radical left is attempting to detonate in our country.
Last, but not least…
I am saying this here, and now, because no one else is. And IMHO it needs to be said, however unpopular in this crowd of christians it may be.
And regardless of what you think or feel, THIS post IS spot on.



Gail Combs

I completely agree. Kyle just gave the LYING FAKE NEWS A BIG FAT BALL to play with. We have already seen how they used George Zimmerman self-defense shooting of Trayvon Martin to gin up the black vote for the OH!Bummer re-election campaign and how any number of legitimate cop on thug killings were used to whip up the blacks when ever the DemonRats need them.
However that does not mean individuals should not buy, LEARN & PRACTICE with fire arms, LEARN the specific laws for your area and coordinate with neighbors if self-defense is necessary. That self defense includes a buddy system and getting everything on video if there is trouble.
One of the things our ‘Lords & Masters’ did right after WWII was to break up communities so people had to move to cities for work. This means we LOST the cohesive community that draws together in times of trouble.
I will not list the number of steps that were taken one by one to destroy our independent nature and make us rely on ‘The Government’ from the time of FDR, but if you look you will find them.


I think I am just going to say,
“please refer to my original post in this thread” as a reply to any further responses from anyone.
It is all that needs to be said.

Brave and Free

FG@C, I have to agree with you. The first line of personal defense, don’t put yourself in a confrontational situation. Situational awareness always, know your surroundings and avoid the confrontation if possible. He wouldn’t be in the predicament he is now if he stayed away.


Or had he stayed with his group where He had protection. I don’t think he went there looking for trouble, but to participate in a show of force to protect his friend’s property from the mob. But Just like a pack of wolves they picked him off and attacked once he was alone. Reminds me of horror movies.
People are fed up, this crap has got to stop. I understand people forming their own militias to protect their property to deter the mob, else their life’s work will get burned down. But they shouldn’t have to.
Innocent people will either kill or be killed. Hopefully this motivates POTUS to use Insurrection Act to stop the mobsters, before there are more Kyle’s.


FG&C, I read all the way through this exchange.
I have read (here and other places) that Kyle was asked to come to help protect the business he was looking after.
I have a very dear friend who owns a business here in our town. There is a plan in place for several of us to come to its defense if it is threatened. One of the “planners” is a reserve police officer. He is happy to have the help from us if it comes to it.
If Kyle was asked to be where he was by the owner of the business, he was within his rights to be there. Events did escalate, but that is not on him. He defended himself against attackers who didn’t have the right to be where they were, doing what they were doing.
We have all watched cities burn, looters loot, and people get injured and die for DAYS before help arrived. Kyle and others like him are not waiting for the help. I believe Trump has likely begun action against the rioters and protesters, but it is not fully successful. Businesses are still burning and people are still in danger. Kyle didn’t HAVE to go, but when he was asked he DID. I’m with him.


“Truth be told, they should’ve been armed up already, but better late than never.”
Hard to believe everybody didn’t arm up during the Hussein administration. Until DJT emerged, I was 100% certain we were headed toward war against the lawless thugocracy of the psychopath Clinton, with the monster Hussein moving on to become president of the world at the U.N.
I believed the American People were going to have to put her down like an animal.
And it was going to have to happen quickly, before she was ever sworn in, because it would be too late after she took control.
What we’re facing now is far less desperate and dire than what we were looking at then. I understand that people, especially those living in Leftist hellholes, want to arm themselves for personal protection against Soros’ army of pedophiles, anarchists, communists, gang members and their entourage of emasculated soy mutants.
But Trump is going to win. What’s happening now is nothing compared to 2016, and the prospect of the black Damien Thorn ushering in the Beast of the New World Order.
If people didn’t arm up for that, then they weren’t just sleeping, they must have been in a coma 😂


People DID arm up then….and in record-setting numbers.


Yes, but apparently those records are being obliterated by the records being set now.


100% agree! 😂


Wake up Ca people!
Armstrong and Getty
From CA: Counties must achieve racial equity of COVID cases to reopen. Gavin Newsom has lost his mind. Details Tuesday.

Gail Combs

SOOOoooo Gov. Noisome is going to shutdown California until ALL the land is transferred to CHINESE OWNERSHIP at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES.
And then President Trump will apply his Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.


My plan?
Let the Chinese spend their billions buying said property…buy it ALL up…
…then confiscate it all, plus all funds related to same, and redistribute to conservative oversight and control.
Which, btw, is precisely what I believe the Trump admin. is in the process of allowing (and will do).

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
And in that case, one wonders just how many PELOSI and GETTY family members are also mixed up in Communist Chinese “financial transactions” in order to benefit themselves.
And Newsom would be involved by inference because his family and Pelosi’s family used to be related by marriage.

Gail Combs

Oh, I was not kidding at all!
Way Back when Hitlery became Sec of State, the Russians and Chinese were agitating to remove the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Hitlery went over to China and some sorts of deals were made and the agitating went away.
The Farming people were afraid that Hitlery had promised US LAND as the collateral for the US Dollar. Since then the Chinese have gotten tons of land in California and taken over our hog farming. Then there was the Bundy ranch – Reid family – Chinese Solar farm mess and the Uranium one mess.
So no I was not kidding about that at all.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Agreed. I absolutely know that your aren’t kidding about this situation. I wasn’t clear enough in saying that other people like Pelosi, Newsom, probably the Getty family are also mixed up in it.


“From CA: Counties must achieve racial equity of COVID cases to reopen. Gavin Newsom has lost his mind. Details Tuesday.”
This is end-stage.
This is the end-result of what happens when you allow even just a little bit of insanity into public policy. It takes decades to fully blossom into the monster it was always destined (and easily predicted) to be.
Equality of opportunity is a noble objective, but equality of outcome is completely impossible, and nobody knows that better than the Leftists who use that mythical unicorn objective as a blunt force weapon to destroy the country.
They divide everyone against each other, create ‘protected class’ status for everyone except whites, then promote demonization of whites and Christians and patriots and anyone who opposes them.
We have now reached the point where the Left demands equality of disease.
Until the disease — which must be racist if it affects more non-whites than whites — sickens or kills as many white people as it does non-white people, the head Slimeball of California is going to hold the entire State hostage.
And they would do the exact same thing on a national level, on direct orders from the CCP, if they controlled the WH.
This is where it was always going to lead, from the moment the camel got his nose under the tent, every insane Leftist policy building on the previous one, the relentless ‘progressive’ push toward complete and total insanity, with a purposeful disregard for the damage it would do.
Because the damage was always the real objective.
Brought to you courtesy of 1960s radicals everywhere.
They never grew up, they never matured, they never assimilated, they never changed. They just accumulated power and used it to try to destroy the nation they hated from their youth.
You could see it coming from a thousand miles away.
All anyone had to do was look with their eyes.


Checked the CDC today. Highest # of deaths occur in Whites, then Hispanics, then Blacks, then Asians. Black deaths are less than half of whites.
I don’t ever again want to hear the lie that WuFlu kills more Blacks! It’s been a lie the whole time with ZERO data to back it up. 😠🤬


If it is not killing more blacks than whites, then they will focus on the stats “as a percentage of the population”, or whatever way they can possibly spin it.
It’s automatic, the people who do it are on autopilot, they see everything through that prism, because it serves their worldview in the way a drug serves an addict’s need to get high.


POTUS live in LA now.


A new vid. Ok this one shows kyle being chased before the shooting..the filmer is across the street and claims he felt the shots whiz by..from where? Behind the filmer ? It’s clear that it wasn’t coming FROM Kyle’s weapon . Might be reacting to the excitement and thought he felt shots go by but strange..


These mutants have so bastardized the English language that I can’t understand what they’re saying half the time.
“That dermax got f*&%in beat, yo.” ?!?
No idea what a ‘dermax’ is.
And the ‘yo’ at the end is a nice touch.
But this is where it gets classic:
“They shootin’. I felt them bitches go by.” 😂🤣😂
He didn’t feel any bitches go by.
He didn’t even feel any bullets go by.
It’s always impressive to hear people use profanity so fluently, as a substitute for verbs, nouns, direct objects, prepositions, general exclamations, adverbs, anywhere is a good place to insert some profanity and eliminate sentence structure. Finishing it off with a ‘yo’ is just icing on the crack…

Deplorable Patriot

Uhh…I can see some of my cousins who fish letting their kids do this.


What a cutie pie!! 🥰

Deplorable Patriot

Mel Q Frog face
“This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid
That’s 9,210 deaths
The other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age”

comment image

Concerned Virginian

OK, just waded through the CDC website. Here’s what I came up with:
First: it appears that the CDC is creating a huge CYA attempt regarding the ACTUAL number of deaths from the CCP Virus — meaning that they’re going to be exposed any time now and need to have the CYA story ready. The CYA story appears to include “disparities in reporting”, “why the numbers don’t match up”, “it takes longer to report a death from COVID-19” etc.
Second, it appears that ANY death that involved EITHER a confirmed OR unconfirmed (called “suspected” or “PRESUMED”) case of the virus has previously been coded and reported as a death DIRECTLY FROM the virus. This means either coding errors from the reporting health facility; or, as in New York State, facilities being ordered to report ANY death involving the CCP Virus as being PRIMARILY from the virus.
Third, the CDC is now putting the discussion of “comorbidities” out there to pre-emptively deflect the coming accusation that people of any age, but especially elderly people, who died between February and August of this year were denied diagnosis and/or treatment of ongoing chronic or acute conditions that had NO relation to the CCP Virus that ALSO attacked them.
Fourth, it appears that the CDC was treating ANY death that involved influenza and/or pneumonia along with the CCP Virus, as a death from the CCP VIRUS ALONE. They are just now “revising” the death counts.
About comorbidities:
Let’s say that an elderly person who had, for example, prostate cancer that was under control and hypertension that was under control, suffers an MI (heart attack) and passes away. Let’s also say that the person had tested positive for the CCP Virus the week before. Up till now, the death would likely be coded (especially in New York State) as coming from the VIRUS as the primary cause. That’s how the game was played until the CDC “adjusted” their reporting.
This tells me that the CDC is likely rotten from the top down.

Deplorable Patriot


That’s Carolina Guys & Gals… MY PEOPLE!!!!!


From the tweets below. A shirtless Biden floating down a flooded narrow street in a half 50gal drum as people move out of his way to let him pass. His half barrel says Biden/Harris.
Would it be funnier if Harris was in there with him or following along in a barrel of her own?


Why does Creepy Joe insist on being naked all the time?


I wonder if the template could be changed so that comments at the bottom would (e.g.) have a light blue background instead of a white one….


Lebron James and NBA Players Met with Obama Before Threatening League with Boycott Unless They Promote Leftist Politics and Civic Engagement
—–The conversion of team arenas into voting locations (rolls eyes) that’s telling

Deplorable Patriot

Now why is this less than shocking.

Gail Combs

The NBA just committed sewer-side.
Blacks are 17% of the population (and not particuarly wealthy.0 Soy boy beta males and feminazis aren’t interested in sports and you just schiff-ed all over the rest of your audience.
Hope you like playing ball for the Chinese!


US fighter jets intercept Russian spy planes near Alaska:


For hours? Were we asleep and not monitoring?


“For hours” means that the Ruskies kept flying near Alaska….for hours.
They did that because the Rooskie planes have WAY more fuel payload than our fighters….meaning they had hours of loitering time we had to scramble a lot of assets to keep them escorted while they were there. Means we had to scramble both fighters and refueling aircraft. So, the Russians get to watch how many planes, what kind, measure fuel endurances of same, where they are located, and how it is all choreographed by the USAF.
It’s the same dance we’ve been having with them since they developed long-range bombers following WWII.

CM in TN

We do it to them all of the time as well, so I suppose it’s to be expected.


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
Violent criminals are openly attacking police officers in De Blasio’s New York City for citing them for parking violations now. This guy parked at a fire hydrant and proceeded to brutally assault police officers.


Black guy vs. black police officers.


That’s absolutely insane.
WTF are these cops ‘squaring off’ with this guy for?
This guy is big and strong enough to knock you out with one punch, and if he knocks you out, you’re as good as dead, which is the whole 100% justification for using deadly force to defend yourself.
Then one cop stands by while his partner squares off with the perpetrator.
This is a total breakdown of training.
IF you are going to physically fight the perpetrator, BOTH of the cops attack at once, you don’t take turns.
But they shouldn’t be doing that anyway, at the very least this guy should have TWO tazers in his chest and back.
But either officer would be 100% justified (and then some) for SHOOTING this maniac.
And that WOMAN who wanted to get in the fight?
She would dead too.
Complete insanity, a total breakdown of discipline and training.


These looked like rent-a-cops.
Or extras from “The Naked Gun”.




comment image


Looking forward to Trump Interstate rallies September 5th. Hope they materialize bigly. If one is in Northern NV, I’ll be out there.



Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Karlyn Borysenko – on Parler/Minds/Gab @Karlyn@DrKarlynB
Have we defeated racism yet? Are we a less racist country than we were before this?
Quote Tweet
Josh Glancy@joshglancy
· 5h
Spent the last 36 hours walking around Kenosha in a daze. Large swathes of the city are indistinguishable from a war zone.
The destruction in places is total, the locals dazed, shocked and trying to be brave.
Here are some pictures /1
Show this thread

Gail Combs

Here are all the photos:
Just think coming to a town near you…
This is why people are buying guns and ammo.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Thanks Gail… horrible devastation … protests my _____

Gail Combs

Correct. The rest of the photos are on the next page.
THIS is why people are buying guns and Ammo. Do not forget that so far the ‘protests’ have also killed thirty people.


I just noticed the caption on a photo in another country. Same guy in foreground, burning building in background. And I felt a wave of anger as the caption called this violent thug a “protester.” Burning buildings is not a protest, it’s a violent crime.


“Large swathes of the city are indistinguishable from a war zone.”
Total and complete hyperbole.
This is what it looks like in a war zone….destroyed and devoid of life….comment image
Kenosha bear no resemblance whatsoever to this.


comment image


H/T Misanthropic Humanitarian @Ace of Spades
Caption Above…

Sadie Slays

POTUS tweeted “10 days” again:


Ten days.
IIRC, week seven starts Sunday or Monday. Week eight, perhaps we’ll see indictments unsealed. More asshats taking a plea, and talking big time.


Past time for Abbott to lift the mandate on masks… way past, esp. for out of doors…
they don’t work against the Chinese Virus anyway…


Yes, it is time for Abbott / TX to shuck mask mandates. Same goes for the other 49 states. Masks mandates are all stoopid.
Wear a mask if one wishes, or not.


anti – lockdown protests in Japan!
The World is Watching
Quote Tweet
Éﺍǝתּშ𝛧ᕶ ♱ 🇺🇸🏴🇬🇧🇹🇼@zilbelladure
· 6h
Replying to @MajorPatriot
In Japan 😉😉




She’s a hoot…reminds me of Diamond and Silk….


And peeps still paying their hard-earned $$ to cable so they can listen to over-paid pathological liars tell them that Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump in the race for president… the stupid burns.

Gail Combs

Not to mention all the time you waste!
At least here I learn stuff and have conversations with intelligent people.


Amen Gail…


Laughing. Pretty sure I just read the pineapple mayor for Honolulu / Oahu extended their fourteen day quarantine.
Guessing this is a protest of sorts. Masks optional. Don’t think I saw a mask.


Thursday – Coronavirus Task Force Meeting:


Don’t see Dr. Fauci there!


Yay!!! Hoo-ray!!!


Is he still recovering from throat surgery?

Gail Combs

Yeah, in Gitmo… 🤣
A girl can dream can’t she?



Deplorable Patriot

I assume so. If it really happened, and we have no reason to believe it didn’t, we won’t see or hear him for a bit. Voice rest is essential.


Thought he could attend but not talk…just to keep in the loop, optics, etc


Judicial Watch (Tom Fidon) filed request for Fauci to provide documented communications from sources that led him to base his “expert” council for measures taken for covid -19. In April he had made a similar polite request of WHO and Fauci but they ignored him. So now he is using US Court system to prod Fauci.
I hope he is successful as it will make interesting reading between WHO and Fauci’s office.


Police Remove Helmets in Berlin
Berlin is showing the way against this tyranny. I have stressed that to pull off a Bloodless Revolution, the most CRITICAL factor is to turn the police against the government. Here we find in Berlin the police took off their helmets in respect for the people. Some were even seen with emotional tears


This is off topic , but shopping vegetables today for dinner this realization floated into my consciousness the black live matters theme is to dehumanize white people. I have been told by family that before Hitler came to power how Jews were dehumanized. This is first subtle and then more notable.
Just as in 1936 corporation and upper class took the wrong side so we see the same.
As a Christian we know that all lives matter because all people are God’s creation.
Dehumanization is dangerous because one does not see the one we kill or bead up or whose store gets burned as human. The media has done a good job destroying goodness in humanity. Now Government shut down the church
why? This is all a plan to destroy our cohesiveness in Christianity our worship to God.
Thanks for tolerating my ranting 🙂


Just like the BLM group that went into a restaurant in Georgetown and forced diners to give the black salute. Disgusted me so many caved.


It’s not working.

Gail Combs

You are correct. The parallels are frightening and the worst thing to do is to cower.
From the US census:
Blacks are 14.5% of the US population
LBGT are 3.8% of the US population
Hermaphrodites are 1.7% of the US population
Muslims 0.9% of the US population
Hindu 0.7% of the US population (Never hear much from them do you?)
Buddhist 0.7% of the US population (Never hear much from them either)
If you look at the 2010 Rasmussen poll, the breakdown was roughly 1/3 Tea Party, 1/3 Republican & 1/3 Democrat. That was when the Democrats were still sane. I think if you did an actual true poll, you would find only about 20% at best actually support the Socialist/communist turn the Democrats have taken.

John Dread, B.A. History & Education (2010)
Answered August 11, 2017 · Author has 320 answers and 255.3K answer views
There are less than a hundred thousand active members of over a dozen different Communist parties in the USA (CPUSA actually doesn’t have credibility with most Communists as they endorse the Democratic Party).
And eleven percent of the US population (one in nine) would view a Communist revolution positively, while seventy eight percent would view it negatively.
Of course, that leaves out Communists on the hippy end of the spectrum, and it includes non-Communists who just want something exciting, paradigm shifting, or chaotic to happen and would welcome any sort of revolution or collapse.
No poll has just simply asked “Do you Identify As A Communist”.


Gail thank you for you informative post.
You are so good with many others with research 🙂
I guess they cannot dehumanize us unless we let them. I am little to close history wise and it will never be forgotten.
History repeats itself and only when we remember we can fight evil.

Gail Combs

My Father’s family is from Germany. His aunt and cousins lived through it while he fought as an American in the Pacific.


Wow ! They were brave men.


Shocked there are that many hermaphrodites, Gail. Also seems like “lgbt” has crept up a little. If they steal a few more letters from our alphabet, who knows? Guess that’s the point, though not your point, which shouldn’t get lost. You are right.


Like what they do in SA?
I know my grandfather had a lot of Jewish customers who came by to say well goodbye in that they were leaving Germany.
One person once said to my grandfather ‘In the land of schiller and goethe its safe’. That person had sent his kids away. They survived and the rest of the family didn’t. The daughter searched for my grandmother when it was safe years later.
Most German’s had no clue what was going on BTS. And if they tried to help well you can guess how that turned out.
I think one very interesting point is that no one talked about what happened in WWII. Not even in school.
How can you not repeat history if you don’t know history.

Cuppa Covfefe

My son got a full ration in school of what happened in WWII, and when I first moved here in the early 1980s, I was amazed (especially with only 2.5 “real” television channels) at the number of “breast-beating mea culpa” movies shown almost nightly about how bad the Germans were in WWI and WWII. And this, in Germany.
Looking back, I wonder if it was a psy-op to get the Germans to hate themselves, just like the libturds are trying to do to Americans now… the BLM “movement” being a prime example…
My son wrote a paper about the “Bekennende Christen” (Niemöller, Bonhöffer, et. al.) as a term project one year (long and detailed PowerPain Presentation). It’s sobering just what the BK folks had to go through… but it IS being taught in the schools here…


the number of “breast-beating mea culpa” movies shown almost nightly about how bad the Germans were in WWI and WWII. And this, in Germany.—–I’ve never understood that and why they keep feeding into that.
Looking back, I wonder if it was a psy-op to get the Germans to hate themselves, just like the libturds are trying to do to Americans now… the BLM “movement” being a prime example…———Sounds like it IMO.
I know most German’s would never put a German flag out. I know most were always shocked that we put up a USA flag.
They beat the German pride out of Germany almost. At least that’s what it feels like.


Singingsal, I knew this was your rant before I read your name. Love this rant. So much wisdom in it. Good warning to us all.




comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s likely some stairs in her future, too…
Watch out for that floor, though…


Flag of United StatesMAGAlways!Flag of United StatesMedium starMedium starMedium star
Really gonna need Him on speed dial the way things are headed.
Thank God He’s a merciful God!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Well, this is an interesting development.

Deplorable Patriot

I figured this was a strategic move. And Clapper and CNN were crying about it.




comment image

Deplorable Patriot

You’re so bad.
I love it.


I needed this Thursday nite, Where were you???…Ann Dorn, Kayley’s parents 😭💔


That box is blue which will trigger them…. good.



I also think certain members would not just leak to the media, but also to foreign actors. Because if you want to cheat in an election, why not go all the way and get help from foreign governments. It not only achieves your political goals but also guarantees you will get personal favors. 🐍

Cuppa Covfefe

Wondering if there might be a few “canaries” flying about… 😎


another anti-mask demo, but one wouldn’t know by the press… which is featuring
death of zero’s friend…

Gail Combs

MORE photos from Kenosha
Are the windows blown out in that church?comment imagecomment imagecomment image
They are all at this twitter account:

“Spent the last 36 hours walking around Kenosha in a daze. Large swathes of the city are indistinguishable from a war zone.
The destruction in places is total, the locals dazed, shocked and trying to be brave./1
The worst hit area is uptown, beating heart of the city’s black community. Ice cream shops, nail salons, faith missions, all smouldering husks /2…
Every single local I spoke to blamed “out of towners” for the worst of the destruction. They didn’t offer a huge amount of evidence for this, but it’s a blanket consensus /4
This is the car lot next to where the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings took place. You could still taste the smoke /5″

This one tears my heart.
“Pretty much every boarded up shop has a mural or painting on it now. Some have plaintive requests to prospective fire starters: “Kids live upstairs” /6
As we were talking, a young man came to ask the owner where the nearest post box was. “There used to be two across the street,” he replied. “But they both just got burnt.”

Gail Combs

Seeing this I can not blame Kyle for trying to make a difference. Remember this is only 30 miles from his home so within his ‘shopping/visiting radius aka his HOME BASE. Hubby and Brother have biked that far and I have ridden and driven my horses that far. Given where I live, I travel that far and more to shop on a routine basis.


Gail Combs

The first set of photos are on the last page near the bottom. They are much worse. The place looks like a war zone.
A couple repeatscomment imagecomment image
REMEMBER WE ALL WILL PAY FOR THIS. After 9/11 my business liability insurance just about doubled.

Concerned Virginian

Apparently it’s now spreading to Raleigh as of last night.


Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that the Nat’l Guard has everything under comtrol there now?

Gail Combs

Yes, After the shooting the governor and mayor caved.
It should not take deaths to get riots under control and Portland is still run by a Schiffhead.


Yes. IIRC, the guv sent 250 of the 750 National Guard after the first or second night. After that Feds stepped in after being requested to do so. Things under control.


I’m sure there were plenty of outsiders but the 3 that Kyle shot were from the immediate area. within the same radius as he was . I looked at the account of the best bud of the one that got his arm blown apart who wrote that when he visited the dude in the hospital . He lamented that he regrets his hesitation about shooting Kyle 1st. He wished that he had unloaded every bullet. He waited a split second too long.
Also from his pal’s account I looked at all of their friends. They all were as deep into radical views and Leftist ideals as any in Portland or anywhere else. All locals to the greater Kenosha area.


Yep. It’s a truth. All these people eager to destroy their own towns and cities.All for the great lie that communism is cool.


Ryan Fournier
You won’t believe this.
A California DA said that cops must consider if looters “needed” stolen property before they can charge them…
This is insane.


This seems threatening.


I don’t think so…


I tend to agree
Flag of United StatesBeer mugFlag of United StatesSean USMCSDI Flag of United StatesBeer mugFlag of United States
I have ONE Question for you all and this is SERIOUS shit
When they occupy Washington, DC in mid September to disrupt election in November
Can I get 1 MILLION Veterans to MARCH through DC with me to clear them out?
Peaceful or not I’ve HAD IT with these scumbags!

Gail Combs

I can certainly see this happening. I can also see some of the rednecks in my area bringing their horses to help. (On a six mile road we have over fifty horses.)


I’ll join you with my cane…


Aww TIM! I’m ready…

Gail Combs

phoenixrising, you can join me in my pony cart.
With my haflingercomment image
Or Shetlands🤣comment image


oh Wow Gail… I’d be honored!


Oh, Gail–a pony cart. How wonderful.


Do you still drive cart, Gail? If so, what kind of cart? Where do you travel via cart?


This makes me so angry. I hope PDJT has a more than adequate response for these scum.


Gitmo?! 😉

Gail Combs

From the military Times article
“…Some have speculated that the military might be called upon to get involved, either by Trump trying to use it to help his reelection prospects or as, Democratic challenger Joe Biden has suggested, to remove Trump from the White House if he refuses to accept defeat…..”
So THAT is what they are actually there for. To FORCE-ABLY REMOVE President Trump.
It is STRAIGHT out of the Commie Handbook. Mob Rule is WHAT the Communists use to take over a country. Protests, riots, being the squeeky wheel making demands. Think about it:
Blacks are 14.5% of the US population
LBGT are 3.8% of the US population
Hermaphrodites are 1.7% of the US population
Muslims 0.9% of the US population
Hindu 0.7% of the US population (Never hear much from them do you?)
Buddhist 0.7% of the US population (Never hear much from them either)
SOoooo, Since when do these small percentages of the population get to DICTATE to the majority HMMmmm???
William R. Russell was in Russia soon after the Bolsheviks seized power and spent considerable time there, working on Creel propaganda against the Germans, for the Bolsheviks, and later against the Bolsheviks. Russell described how he saw the communist tradecraft:

The way they worked their way to the seizure of power was as follows: Talk about peace, talk about social equality, especially among those most oppressed. Talk about organization of labor, and penetrate into every labor union. Talk on soapboxes. Publish pamphlets and papers. Orate and harangue. Play on envy. Arouse jealousy. Separate class from class. Try to break down the democratic processes from within. Accustom the people to picketing, strikes, mass meetings. Constantly attack the leaders in every way possible so that the people will lose confidence. Then in time of national peril, during a war, on the occasion of a great disaster, or of a general strike, walk into the capital and seize the power. A well-organized minority can work wonders.

Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe


Gail Combs

Here is more on Soros and the plans for the USA.
This is written by George Eliason who “…is an American journalist who lives and works in Donbass, Ukraine. In 2014, he broke many of the stories there starting with Maidan and continuing to the build-up toward civil war. He wrote the first stories about the war to be published in the west, often scooping Russian publications…” So he has SEEN George Soros handy work.
Obama’s coup against Donald Trump and a terrorist plot against America
It is a long article but here are snippets.

Imagine the horror of progressive Democrats will feel knowing former US President Barrack Obama hired a complete Information Operation (IO) team to destroy their base. The IO team, initially comprised of over 40,000 foreign operators was hired through the State Department and let loose on dissenting Democratic Party members long before they set their sights on Donald Trump.
That foreign operators worked with US Intel community leaders cutting the nation in half irrevocably to chop dissent out of Obama’s own party will soon be a matter of record for you. I offer a look inside the callous and nuanced program Obama used to divide the American people permanently and march it toward civil war.
….Within a month of that, these plans were fully formed.
Billionaire globalist George Soros is planning to eliminate the majority of Trump supporters from social media before the 2020 election, according to a leaked document.
The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters’ mission to combat “government misinformation,” ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuits against the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a “digital attacker” to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat “fake news.”
Scrolling back to the timeline at the top starting in October 2016, you’ll see the components of IOTA Global’s IO operation and the Diasporas work to start sedition work against Donald Trump. George Soros funding and planning of the protests. How the hacking saga, ODNI report, Propornot, and fake news, Russia –Trump collusion from the FBI and Mueller, planning the 2017 inauguration protests, calls for Trump’s impeachment, the so-called Muslim ban protests, and the Women’s protest all happened in a very short period of time directly before and after the election….


… and none of it worked. DJT is still the president, and will get a second term.
Promises made, promises kept.


Where is George now, Gail – does he still have a website – is he still writing OP-EDs? I miss him –


My Mom would like me to ask this question….”WHY is he still running around? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


It’s very threatening… but I don’t think they’re going to be allowed to gather…

Gail Combs

Read this Carlos thread:
He outlines the changes to the US Armed forces (the Third Revolution in Military Affairs (3RMA).)
“…DHS confirmed in a press release that a military special-operations unit was sent to Portland.”
This is why the Portland Mayor is tossing a hissy fit and is saying he does not want federal help guarding the federal court house. (Tough Schiff, loser)
Carlos helps keep me positive.
I have the feeling that the ‘Adbusters Revolution’ organizers are going to be WAY too busy trying to hire lawyers to deal with organizing an ‘Occupy the White House’ Remember how their black march on the White House fizzled? Now their ‘Food Truck caravan’ got busted.


Going to read Carlos now… Can’t wait for the Portland Mayor to be unseated.


Soon they’ll be known as ASS BUSTED😎

Gail Combs

I sure hope so!


This twitter comment was in the replies to the tweet Posted above ..
Rebecca Barr (Keyboard Warrior for Trump)
If you can pretend Bruce Jenner is a woman and Kamala Harris is black, you can pretend I’m wearing a mask
… bwahahahahaha … 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️ ….
.. 🙂🤚 … just wanted to share that little gem 💎 ..
Love and God bless you all .. ❤️ ..

Deplorable Patriot

Golf cart parades. Wonder if they needed a permit.


Donald J. Trump
Watch Mark Levin NOW on
. Topic: Mail-In Voting!


We need more fear porn and hype. There isn’t enough out there and I come here for it.
/S 🤨


Some of y’all really need to be rereading what you are posting before hitting enter.


Oh my, Roscoe has a thread spilling Liddle Marco’s dirty laundry…Bribes, money laundering, girlfriends😱😱

Gail Combs

Roscoe can be a bit rough around the edges but he sure tells it like it is! I keep his thread reader tab up.


If any of you can save this please do. Lego will have it removed.
Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) Tweeted:



Gail Combs

Sorry, I can only archive text and still jpgs.
(It seems that the Wayback Machine is now SCRUBBING ARTICLES BTW!)




Eric Trump
I will be on
at 9pm! Tune in!!!





This was some where in that thread.
Didn’t know what it said so I did a google translate. Says,
“I’m not sure if the woman who was locked with iron bars is a Uyghur, but there is no doubt that it was torture by the Chinese police!
No matter which ethnicity it is a lady, this torture has exceeded the human bottom line!
This is murder, the torture that kills people without seeing blood; it is hard to imagine how those policewomen lost their humanity, how they lost the gentleness of women and became fierce!”


And people drank the Kool Aid of fear and panic to dehumanize people the way that corrupted politicians programmed us.



We’ve been saying this about NPR for years.



Gail Combs

OR a heck of a lot of other stuff!
That is the reason FDR and his New Deal are on my top ten most hated list. (The Supreme court for the last 100 years is up there too.)

Gail Combs

🤣 YUP! Probably close to the same list.


I did some editing work for PBS once. The person running it went to ‘find his roots’ on PBS’s dime. He also got a big desk that had to be lifted in. So yeah I’ve seen the waste and the lib idiots that they put in charge.


…There is no sane excuse for Looting. And you have no clue what real racial injustice looks like up close and personal.


We may have a big Patriot vs commie battle tonight.
Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) Tweeted:
I’m out in the Portland suburbs, where hundreds of Trump supporters are gathering for an event. They say they will be driving into Portland later tonight. https://t.co/NUHy5e4TnP

Gail Combs

Good Question. We KNOW the Commies want a false flag and this looks like the perfect set-up.


If they are, this is a truly terrible idea.
We don’t need martyrs.
They do.

Gail Combs

I whole heartily agree FG&C. If they come to your town then you engage as permitted by law IF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREES otherwise STAY HOME!
I feel some times like I am watching a horror movie where you are yelling at the screen at the too dumb to live blonde STAY PUT! Don’t investigate that noise!


It’s why I can’t watch most horror films. The protagonists are always completely helpless idiots who refuse to become the hunter when they are being stalked as prey.


We do not need to go looking for trouble. Truly peaceful protests, like marches on Washington to show solidarity on issues, are one thing; driving TO an area of known violence while advertising that you are armed is just asking for trouble.

Gail Combs

Comments by Mike Baker
“…Organizers encouraged concealed carry to the event, but some are open carrying…”
“….With the usual caveat that I’m terrible at crowd estimates, I’d say about 1,000 people are here throughout the parking lot right now and maybe like 1 million flags.
The current plan is to drive into Portland as a huge caravan at 6 p.m….”

“…The caravan route has been closely guarded for “security reasons,” but they have released it now. Looks like it isn’t actually going into downtown Portland. It’s staying on highways….”comment image
Accident waiting to happen
“…It appears there are some people spotting on the rooftop across the street…”
That is where Soros snipers were in the Ukraine when they started the civil war there.


God, please save us from the well-intentioned who lack critical thinking skills. You, more than anyone, know that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
In Jesus’ name I pray! Amen!!

Gail Combs

I just hope they stay IN THEIR VEHICLES and just cruise AROUND Portland.
This map may help understand where this accident waiting to happen is going.comment image


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Ok anyone shocked by this? Anyone?
This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Other Other Serious Illnesses


Notice that “quietly” is the operative word… mustn’t make a public declaration to relieve anyone’s peace of mind about the Pandemic.


Yup. I do think people are waking up but its just gone on far too long. Let the con go dems


Well at least someone is doing it. Good for him
Bobby Kennedy Jr. Speaks in Germany Today in Massive International Event Dedicated to Protecting Children from Dangerous Vaccines


In response to so many posts I am seeing here and elsewhere….
Any comparisons to same are realistically and historically ridiculous.
Everyone here well knows that the left controls the media, and because of that, they get to pretend that we….the “silent majority”….are not the majority.
Nothing could be further from the truth, as you all well know.
You also KNOW that the polls are EXACTLY no different than 2016….total and complete pap.
So why is are so many here filled with such doubt and worry??
Is POTUS afraid??
Has God himself not commended you, “DO NOT BE AFRAID”??
Then WHY are you posting fear porn and CONSTANT worry issues??
The constant fear porn and OMG!! postings are REEEALLY starting to piss me off.
Winners don’t cower in fear and worry. Winners are BOLD, CONFIDENT, and persistently optimistic. Winners respond to threats that “the arrows fired against you will block out the sun” by saying, “Good. Then we get to fight in the shade!”
Do I REEEALLY need to constantly assure you that POTUS has already won this election? That voters….in the face of insanity like “defund the police”….are NOT going to deliver a DECIMATING electoral rebuke to the left??
PDJT has been delivering win after win after win after win after win. So much so, the left is acting in UNPRECEDENTED and DESPERATE ways that are….by any REASONABLE and historic measure….political suicide.
Are you SO afraid of loss that you would rather be skeptical of the promises PDJT has and is making??
Kenosha, WI looks NOTHING like a true war zone. NOTHING.
America is NOT 1930’s Germany. Not. Even. Close.
President Trump has not failed on a SINGLE issue….let alone a major one.
We ARE witnessing a revolution in the USA….a REJECTION of the leftist pap and filth that has plagued us since Reagan. 😀
What are they gonna do next….release a global pandemic??
Can’t you recognize a defeated enemy when you see one??
Stop with the fear and worry.
Have confidence. Have FAITH. Yes, you CAN believe what folks like Flep, Thomas Wictor, and President Trump are telling you!
And you have the commandment of the Lord….DO NOT BE AFRAID.
Could we fall? Could we fail?
Yes. But NOT now. And most certainly, NOT with this President.
Let’s give the fear porn and worry a break for a while.
Please and thanks.


Thanks, fgac. We need your steadying hand.


I’m not really seeing a lot of fear and worry. I think there is a difference between posting what is happening out there and worrying about it. What is, is. It’s good to be informed about it.

Valerie Curren

Wrestling w/ visiting our old church, currently populated with mask Nazis…this concept is fortifying!


Oh Valerie, this is priceless.


I also like:
“Let’s compromise. I’ll pretend your mask works if you pretend I’m wearing one.”


use that one, fgac. Love itI’ll

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Brian Cates

Trump’s been doing nothing but growing his base since 2016.
They never stopped working on that ground game.
Meanwhile the Democratic Party went baying-at-the-moon-and-eating-it’s-own-sh*t insane.
And you can see this in places like Portland, Chicago, NYC & other Dem-run towns.
The Democrats did everything wrong since that 2018 midterm election when they got control of the House.
They immediately made a bunch of uber-far-leftist radicals like AOC the new face of the future of their party.
They introduced The Green New Deal.
They fielded the largest Democratic presidential field of all time that went further and further left as the primaries went on.
They **all** proudly boasted they’d open the borders & institute massive tax increases to give full health care benefits to illegals.
They all put their hands up.
Then Beto O’Irishman, the guy Biden has proudly tapped to be his ‘gun legislation guy’, boasted “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15!”
And then at the end…the lone survivor was…Dementia Joe…..

Gail Combs

I forgot to add you really really need to read the rest of that Brian Cates thread but do not eat or drink or you will be spewing all over your keyboard.


Reality is so hard for some people…comment image

Valerie Curren

This info, if true, needs to be shouted from the rooftops!


Gail Combs

Brent Cates has a play by play of the Kyle Rittenhouse saga that has new info. The Dumpster fire extinguished was being pushed by the rioters INTO GASOLINE PUMPS AT A GAS STATION!!!
“…Footage has emerged of Rittenhouse moments before running to give that Extinguisher to the man who used it to PROTECT EVERYONE THERE from being blown up.
It’s reported that this enraged Rosenbaum who immediately focused on Rittenhouse.
Rosenbaum charges at Rittenhouse & **tries to disarm him**.
The 17 yr old breaks away & begins running with the ENRAGED 36 yr old & about 8 BLM protesters in hot pursuit….”

Note that Brent was really ticked off at Kyle a couple days ago, thinking he was a vigilante but now that the real story has come out he has shifted sides.
The thread is well worth the read and is good to pass on to others.


Gail, Thanks for posting. Great thread to read in its entirety.
It IS important folks learn what happened that evening. Kyle is a victim who defended himself and tried to help the citizens of Kenosha.


I hope he is invited to the WH at the end of this fiasco and given a citizen’s award for working to clean his neighbouring city. He sounds like the kind of young man every Family and community would be proud to call their own.


That thread was by Brian’s brother, Duane. 🙂


… and the victms call for the police …comment image


More patriots standing up to BLM / Antifa thugs.
Motorcycle Club Crashes Black Lives Matter Street Protest in Florida – Starts Chanting, “USA! USA!…” (Video)
This wasn’t supposed to happen!
Black Lives Matter were having a perfectly fine protest against cops in Florida on Friday when several members of the local motorcycle club interrupted their march by revving their engines as they drove through the protest.
Of course, the cop-hating BLM activists complained to the police and demanded they be arrested on noise charges.
They hate cops until they need cops.

Gail Combs

I get the feeling we are going to see more and more push back. With luck it will not be violent.


It doesn’t have to be violent. But the kowtowing to every BLM and Antifa demand is simply wrong.


….and they’re tough to ignore. Evil doesn’t heal itself.


The apple didn’t fall far from this puke….


I got that sense when I saw him on cnn.


Lets make sure we don’t miss this. Adds some prospective we’ve not been hearing.
Of course it’s late so I’ll re post it on the 8/30 thread


you’re being sarcastic, right?


My search aggregator, MetaGer.org given search tersm “count views RNC trump” served this up…


Harsh task master you are…


Love Katie Hopkins


Have you noticed how difficult it is to get real numbers on things that are not convenient facts for the opposition?


They are comparing television numbers. Those were lower. VIEWS for the entire convention were much higher for Republicans. I have not seen a “break out” of views for Trump’s speech. Lots of us, me included, don’t have cable, so we watch online.




Sounds like knuckledragging drooling idiots still attached to the glass teat favor Biden, but the great majority of anyone who has cut the cord and knows the internet favors Trump.
Because zoned-out CRT addicts are such a vibrant and growing demographic.




Here are the Nielsen ratings for night 4 of the Dem convention: 24.6 million viewers
Night 4 of the Repub convention: 23.8 million viewers
That is only TV viewership, so it tells me that more Biden supporters watch TV and network news than Trump supporters. 🤫 But don’t tell the media that a huge number of people have turned them off altogether.


Someone here also posted a tweet earlier from some source saying approximately 8 to 9 polling outfits conveniently missed their normal daily polling for the convention.


I don’t believe there’s 24.6 M people left who even watch TV in all N.America. Let alone those who wish to watch the sad progression of abuse of a sick man for political reasons.


Fake news by Dems, their initial claims didn’t include all mediums.. POTUS had 149million viewers, 10-20million more than them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whose ratings? 😉
Seriously, ratings are likely as trustworthy as polls now.
What is the rating equivalent of D+16.5? LOL!!! 😀


See all those cars, trucks, and people?
That’s about .0000001% of Trump Nation.
A statistical nothing.




This will be interesting and full of laughs if it plays out as teased by Tucker.
Tucker Carlson to reveal ‘shocking’ conversation between Michael Cohen and CNN host Chris Cuomo
“Television is a famously phony medium, grown men wear makeup to work. Hate to admit that, but it’s true. But television also, over time, is revealing. If you watch long enough, you can tell who is real and who is fraudulent. Well, you’re about to have all of your perceptions confirmed,” Carlson began, teasing the tape.
“Remember Michael Cohen, the president’s former lawyer, the one who went to jail for tax evasion? Cohen was a committed sleazeball, so it probably won’t surprise you to learn that he was very friendly with a number of well-known media figures. Underneath it all, they had a lot in common. The unethical lawyer and the unethical talk show hosts. Cohen talked to all of them recently. Well, it turns out those conversations were tape-recorded … Copies have been floating around for quite some time now, none has aired publicly yet. Who is he talking to? A lot of people,” Carlson said.
“Chris Cuomo at CNN was one of them. Cohen and the governor’s brother had a pretty shocking conversation. Bottom line, Chris Cuomo is not the person he pretends to be on CNN. And there is more. This is a developing story. We’ll have all of it for you next week. Tune in.”


So I’m supposed to believe that Fredo isn’t a sniveling, condescending liberal prick because of a recording between two people alleged to be Cohen and Fredo, because Tucker says so?comment image


Simply looking forward to some laughs at Fredo’s expense. Nothing complex or earthshaking. After all, it is Cohen and Fredo yammering.


Lord grant grace to your people that they may grow closer to you in this time of oppression.comment image


Not sure that’s the full logo?comment image



She’s been awake for a long long time.


Nope. Kirstie’s actually wanting to move from CA. Somewhere peaceful.


…assume she must have abandoned the influence of the church of scientology also.


Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer
49 minutes ago 24k
Excited to announce that I have officially been endorsed by Rabbi Alan Sherman, who served as the Executive Vice President of the Palm Beach Board of Rabbis!
He’s been a lifelong Democrat, he has known my opponent Lois Frankel for over 35 years (longer than I’ve been alive), he’s voted for her in the past, but can no longer support the Democrat Party & their hatred for Jews & Israel.
After meeting with me, he has fully endorsed me and switched his voter registration to vote Republican!
He’ll be voting for me & President Donald Trump on November 3, 2020!
Rabbi Alan Sherman is the only Reform rabbi out of 1500 Reform Rabbis to Openly support Trump!
He’s leading the way for Jews to leave the Democrat Party, which is now the party of Jew haters & Israel haters!
I am thrilled to have his endorsement! And I’m looking forward to unseating my radical Democrat self-hating Jewish opponent who …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Make Reform Great Again! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My only beef with “Every Jew a .22” is that it’s an under-powered round, and “Every Jew a .223” doesn’t rhyme! 😉
Yes, JPFO is great!
They have a very interesting genocide chart – the numbers are always a quibble, but the details are very useful. They totally get that an armed people are ultimately safe from “stupid solutions”.


The Father of Abram, Isaac and Jacob would destroy enemies that were dangerous and who would not be rehabilitated. To me that always meant that at the appropriate time in history, the enemies of God would be destroyed ……. completely, or they would rally back, sometimes many years later. Make no mistake, this is a war between good and evil. The corrupted politicians who support extreme left ideology must be totally and completely crushed at the polls. Not one remaining to find new ways to rebuild.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an extremely fundamental crossroads. We cannot continue down the path of so many lies – intentional deceptions – mockeries of justice. It has to end.
Worse still, the liars manipulate weak minds who have an overwhelming need to “be good”, even if evil people are telling them how to be good in a very sneaky way.
White people white-knighting for black people to get themselves killed by cops by defying those cops – led by an organization called “Black Lives Matter” – it’s so Orwellian, I don’t even know where to begin.
RABBLE. Easily moved RABBLE – many with many years of college. It’s NUTS.


I agree completely. It bears reminding me that this is not my battle, it is the Lord’s, but He achieves it in many ways including thru His people. So I need to do all possible with what He has given me.
I have a great respect for many of the people on here, but I’m not persuaded that many realize the gravity of this time in history.
in our midst God has raised up examples to rally our support …. each using our own God given skills and experience to share. I thank Him for the role this blog and other WP blogs play. Not all warriors and not all teachers but some simply encouragers and some examples as J.MacArthur in CA reminding Christians of the importance of fellowship together and challenge rules that are contrary to Biblical principles. The lies from this ‘pandemic’ are almost beyond comprehension.
In the US, there is a means to be able to recognize truth as well as corruption with the ability to call it what it is. The same cannot be said in Canada. We have lost our freedom to speak our minds and lost the ability to bear arms to defend against a corrupt Gov’t. And we have a dictator who bullies people against other groups. We are split by politics, ethnicity, colour of skin, spoken languages, dependence on Gov’t handouts while overtaxing others and differing worldviews. They have continued to allow many legitimate immigrants or illegal migrants to bolster their support at the polls. And we have no Trump at this stage to give voice to our cause. Our Schools are so liberal and espouse a further developed stage of communism with each graduating class that I believe the Universities serve no useful purpose and should all be closed if we are to survive.
So please continue to be diligent in your resolve to not lose any more of your freedoms. Keep kickin’ butt an’ takin’ names. DJT is God’s man for this time and he needs the support of every free breathing person during these times. He is surrounded by many who represent the enemy of our souls. And he gives voice to all free people around the world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Make Exodus Great Again


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Visitor (photo of a small tree frog on pavement in rain) tweeted by Joseph J Flynn

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We had one just 2 weeks ago! Very similar, but with mild “bark” camouflage! 😀



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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