Sunlight Is the GREATEST Disinfectant…..

For the past week I have stated that a big chunk of the steal was done by the Dominion voting systems. Dominion voting systems are found in 30 states. In some states it is only in a few counties but in other states, it is in every county. As you can see from the map … Continue reading Sunlight Is the GREATEST Disinfectant…..

Dear KAG: 20201112 Open Thread

Since the daily threads have turned into 1000+ comment extravaganzas, for today, supposedly a work day for many, not the perpetual Saturday a lot of us are experiencing, we'll just listen to what Hizzonor's latest has to say before breaking into dance. You ready, Pat? And since you brought it up.... Straight from...well, … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20201112 Open Thread