Dear KAG: 20211109 Open Thread

Cover image: Autumn Flyfishing by Pat O’Driscoll, acrylic on canvas. (It sold, sorry.)

Bits and pieces of the boss’s speech at the America First Policy Institute Gala have been posted. For those who have the time, here’s the whole thing.

Over the weekend, American Thinker published a piece that struck chords in my heart. It is titled “First they came for Shakespeare” and according to the most popular reads on that site, few read it.

However, for this writer (and reader) the whole piece resonated for no other reason than when I was a freshman at a Big Ten university, I had to explain to public, parochial, and private school classmates just who Ichabod Crane was. (Didn’t everyone have to read Washington Irving in American Lit?)

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” That’s Shakespeare. (And an accurate description of the United Nations today!) Before the Great Bard of Avon was “canceled” for being a white Englishman, most high school graduates would have known that. Quite a few would have even remembered the line comes from Act I of The Tempest.

Now they have scant knowledge of Shakespeare’s works, no idea what a “tempest” is, and most likely think “hell” and “devils” are as “cool” and “misunderstood” as Hollywood portrays them in Lucifer. But, woo-hoo, they know all about “privilege,” “social justice,” “gender pronouns,” and scary “global warming,” so they’re all set for the lives of servile mediocrity the Democrat party molds. What’s the point of seeking out the truth when your truth is all that matters? Who needs the arts or religion when there are social media “likes” to be won and “shares” to be had? Hey, it works for Linda and Julia!

Kind of sums up the whole collapse of Western civilization in a nutshell, doesn’t it? Death by haughty dimwittedness. Had the education-deprived youth of today ever read King Lear, they might understand that when socialists promise gifts for “free,” they’re really planning on taxing you for the rest of your life. After all, “Nothing will come of nothing.” Had they ever been introduced to The Merchant of Venice, not only would they remember, “All that glitters is not gold,” but also they might be cognitively armed to see through build back better promises as nothing more than shiny lies.

Is it any wonder why more and more government-run schools are ditching Shakespeare from curriculums entirely? The man (now that’s a problem!) contributed to the English language like no other, but he also diced up history, politics, and power with an incisiveness as sharp as any satirist, psychologist, sociologist, historian, or political scientist alive today (and did so without any prestigious university degrees to “certify his expertise” — egads!). Whatever problem exists in the present, it’s a lock that the Great Bard already tackled it in some play or sonnet over four centuries ago. He prepares young minds to grasp complex problems, especially those instigated by governments. You take Shakespeare away from classrooms, you take away a lifelong window into seeing beyond the fairytales peddled by bloviating bureaucrats and understanding the world as it actually is. So Shakespeare has to go in the name of “diversity” or some other rubbish. In reality, he’s just too damn subversive for a governing class growing increasingly hostile to criticism!

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” That’s the Great Reset’s creed. Ironically, most Westerners would never know that pearl is from a nearly three-hundred-year-old Thomas Gray poem, but who could blame them? If schools won’t teach Shakespeare, they certainly aren’t going to mess with the less renowned yet equally white Englishmen long buried in the ground. Of course, Gray was almost certainly inspired by the Greek playwright Sophocles who died over two millennia before Gray’s birth, but if Shakespeare is on his way out, and Thomas Gray is not even worthy of an introduction, how on earth could an average high schooler ever hope to learn about Sophocles, one of the preeminent tragedians of Ancient Greece? (On the other hand, some of Sophocles’s ancient critics sniped that he was a homosexual, so maybe he still serves a purpose for curriculums bathed in identity politics.) Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle? Sorry, gents, you might have formed the foundations of Western philosophy, but the authorities consolidating power around popular ignorance have no use for twenty-five-hundred-year-old white guys.

If We the People are ignorant of the Bard, many are also ignorant of some of the twentieth century writers, and their true purpose in what they wrote. Unfortunately, more than one author wrote the future in the past. On Sunday, this bedtime reading from James O’Keefe appeared in the daily. It is posted here for your listening…not pleasure, but something like that.

This describes a teacher friend of mine who could not see that common core was a danger to innovation and creativity. But, that’s another story.

Okay, what do we have for today….

This is supposed to be a sign of disrespect. Can’t speak for the Episcopal Church on that, but no Catholic funeral alb would have wrinkles like that. Normally. Oh, and with all the masks…are those the real Hillary, Joe and Jill? It’s hard to tell.

The world may never know.

Big Joe is correct, here. However, this story being in the Wall Street Journal says they can’t hide it anymore.

The whole point of the exercise has been noticed.

The one percent thought they could get away with it.

Not anymore.

Cancer Slayer@MichaelRCaputo

A senior FBI agent I worked with for a long time quit during Mueller, shortly before his retirement age. A friend. Just walked away. He won’t tell me why, but in an unguarded moment he said “If you knew why, you would thank me.” I thanked him anyway. I will always wonder why.
10:53 AM · Nov 8, 2021

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Message from General Flynn.


Be fearless and don’t wait for the next superstar to stand up and fight back against this health tyranny…each of us has our own inner strength to take the harder right path. In your communities, at your local city council meetings, school board hearings, zoning board meetings, everywhere elected officials reside, we should be in there ensuring they are doing what we the people voted for them to do. Get involved now, no more waiting for someone else to do it…it is our time, our moment in history and our obligation to the next generation and the one after that…Local Action has a National Impact 

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 2:13-22

13The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers at their business. 15And making a whip of cords, he drove them all, with the sheep and oxen, out of the temple; and he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for thy house will consume me.” 18The Jews then said to him, “What sign have you to show us for doing this?” 19Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” 21But he spoke of the temple of his body. 22When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Added back commenting that was somehow turned off (thanks for the tip, Cthulhu!)


YW. I was going to comment on how nice a post it was, then I got distracted by JP’s vid, then went looking to compose a comment….and thought I’d accidentally misplaced part of my brain along the way.

Deplorable Patriot

I just copied last week’s post, and the comments had been turned off while we were in chimera mode.


So… given the usual Dem default to deception, what are the odds that Red Jen isn’t ill from Covid-19, but has experienced a reaction from a booster shot and it is being covered up?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A worthy hypothesis!


I dunno, maybe she’s applying for asylum in Moscow.


A mental asylum???


I have long understood that stupid people just don’t learn. Most people learn from their mistakes. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others.

In this case, there are several lessons to be learned.

  1. Please don’t start a confrontation with officers in their police station.
  2. Know your limits when it comes to alcohol consumption. 
  3. And most importantly, don’t douse yourself with hand sanitizer that contains alcohol because you’ll light up like a Christmas tree upon being tased.


One of my guilty pleasures (using YouTube) of late has been watching fly fishing videos from a fly fisherman who spent two months camping out and fishing streams in the area of the Rocky Mountains. He has 24 videos from that trip.

This one is a little over 19 minutes. Cool, clear, water…

Last edited 2 years ago by Itswoot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That was fun!

Barb Meier

Do you think this guy is catching the same fish over and over? Nice stream…


They’re different sizes and colors, and they won’t be caught so easily a second time.

A very pretty place, and a good source of natural protein.


Now that’s the way to start your day. Pound for pound trout will make your heart race!


An @18″ brown trout nearly got me killed. My heart was definitely racing at the time! I caught it while fishing under a highway bridge near Groton, CT. I caught it on an F3 yellow-orange Helin Flatfish. My dad was fishing on the other side of the highway. I started running to show him my catch, and didn’t notice a car coming. I saw them just in time and backed off. I’ll never forget the look of horror on the face of the woman passenger. If I had kept going, I would have been a goner as they were driving too fast to make the stop.

Are you familiar with the trout writings of Michigander, John Voelker (pen name “Robert Traver”)?


One of my favorites, hooked me on fly rod fishing so long ago.

Valerie Curren

Is Traver the Anatomy of a Murder guy? Fishing figured a lot in the movie, iirc.

Deplorable Patriot

Paul Biegler played by Jimmy Stewart.

Valerie Curren

AND the jazz, was that Duke Ellington, can’t recall now.


Yes, Duke Ellington. He had a cameo role in the film. All of the filming was done in the U.P. Two places that I can remember are Big Bay, on Lake Superior northwest of Marquette, and a hotel in Munising.

Just did a search of “movie locations for Anatomy of a Murder”. Most of the filming was done in Ishpeming and Marquette, which are the main settings of the book,

Valerie Curren

Yes I watched the movie & special features fairly recently. The color footage of the UP in the ’50’s was a treat. My grandparents’ childhood stomping grounds AND my mother’s Summer playground of youth!


Mort Neff (Michigan Out of Doors) put together a color film back in the 1950’s titled, Fishing Fun In Michigan. It can be found on Vimeo, but not YouTube. I haven’t seen the full film in many years and recall seeing fall color footage of smallmouth bass fishing on a river in the U.P. Also fishing for muskies on Lake St. Clair. (or was it walleyes?) and other areas around Michigan. Runs 29-30 minutes.

You can still buy a DVD copy of it through the State of Michigan.

Valerie Curren

Thanks. There’s A Lot of natural beauty in Michigan, if you know where to look!


Thanks DP for posting Smith Fantasia for Alto Sax. Fantastic!
I played rock/blues sax on stage for a decade (self taught) but studied flute classically to Grade 8 Trinity College of Music by 15. Also used on rock stage!
I straight away had to find the score and will attempt on the flute tonight! 😁 At a slower pace I’m sure 😉
I love playing Fantasias for flute…such a work out!!

Am currently working in an iconic tourist spot, no jab required, meeting hundreds of people every day…haven’t been sick a minute.

Due to my location have found thousands have travelled from all around Oz to spend time here in the tropics. They come for freedom. No masks etc. Just stupid Q code everywhere you go. I don’t have a mobile phone so I just walk in, nobody has ever stopped me.
I am amazed at how many care to comment on the situation. Nearly always anti jab, lockdown, the whole thing. I think many are aware of the scam up this way.

cheers to all


You might like this one. Been watching it in the last week or two.




Nicely done.
This song was great for me in the early days…then I found Jethro Tull. Cool.
Is great swapping between the two instruments when jamming…get two goes at the solo!😁


I went to a Roxy Music concert some years back and Andy Mackay had some comments about the tight job market for “rock oboists”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



For sure 🤣

Valerie Curren

In another life that could be hubby & me. He used to play sax & I used to play flute. Thanks for sharing this beautiful artistry. Blessings!


You are welcome.

Gail Combs

I LOVE Sax esp Jazz & Blues sax.


Thanks for the report 🙂


Excellent post, DePat! That American Thinker article resonates with me, too. It’s really sad. Children today are being robbed of their heritage and being filled with empty socialist lies. And it’s not just literature. It’s history, too, and just about everything else.


That was where I started from in talking about a really nice post…..then got distracted (repeatedly).



Valerie Curren



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff! Not sure what the real story is, but I’m thinking there could be some AND LOGIC here.


Notice he is suddenly “found” at an event, when people are talking vaxx injury?

I’m not buying it.

Deplorable Patriot

And even the vax injury story has contradictions.

I’m wondering if the vax itself wasn’t a cover for his disappearance for reasons that haven’t surfaced yet.


Hmmm. Who knows?


If that’s true. Awfully convenient.

Last edited 2 years ago by Linda
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He has to bend at the real elite’s altar…phony climate stuff only needs some junk stories planted to placate the peons

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Amen. You said it. Right there. That’s the key to understanding this.

And Gruesome got the jab as a distraction for our side. May have even planted the disinformation. Note that his wife didn’t get angry at our side echoing the planted discrediting disinformation – she got angry when their big deception about the wedding was broken.


There does seem to be a missing puzzle piece though…why is she running interference for him ? Ok so he’s shirking the fake climate lallapalooza…who cares ?
Why didn’t he hold one of his greased up mini pressers to calm the nosy constituents?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he was in bad shape from the vaccine, but NOT GBS. Possibly Bell’s palsy, but probably not. Didn’t feel like going to the summit – couldn’t admit he was down in bed from the vaccine – still planned on going to the wedding (more important) and needed to rest up for it.

So he threw out the GBS lie as cover via an aide – later to be disproven and to thus discredit vax opponents, while helping the vaccine push by it not being true – he’s “just fine”.

These guys are sneaky and smart.

I think it’s all very clear now.


Devious cretins


One of my coworkers got Bell’s Palsy — froze half her face. It’s scary, but in her case it wasn’t horrific. After a while, she went back to work with it and after months it completely thawed out. It never impacted her walking, her typing, her thoughts, or her sense of humor. It did impact her speech, her eating, and her expressions.

Random Nuisance could very well attend weddings and such with Bell’s Palsy and just “favor his good side” in pictures. It’d be a stretch to cheerlead clot shots with it, however.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP! If he did get BP, we’ll be able to tell, one way or another. If he suddenly becomes a “real-time recluse”, with only controlled, masked, distant photo ops, then we’ll know.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He skipped a COP26 Zoom call last week, is scheduled for another this week. Let’s see if he makes it. 🤔
Attends wedding in between, funny how there’s no posed picture of him and his wife. I scrolled through all 112 pix posted in Vogue article. Surely, he’d want an ‘I was there’ momento. Hiding the fact he went and/or that he’s vax injured? Several pix of Piglosi officiating.🤮


Somewhere, perhaps this thread, this morning, I read withing those 112 pix, two may show Grewsome. At least one with his wife.


Guessing we’ll have confirmation either way later today.

Gail Combs

If they want to hide VaX injury… Body doubles.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If he IS really bad, that would be the way to do it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saw them both, at top resolution and display. They definitely look like him, but the front photo is fuzzier, so no positive ID there, IMO. Could easily be a “look-alike”, although the venue and seating says HIM. The hair from the back is HIM for sure.


My GUESS is is Grewsome at the wedding. AND, his staff leaked the rumor GBS…

It will be quite interesting to watch Grewsome when he surfaces. He may have already been available to the public today. I’ve been busy with small projects…to keep me out of stores until the 12th.

Valerie Curren

Good guess!

AND “certainty”  😎 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! “AND so do you!”

Valerie Curren

Yes 😉


Why not just say he was going to the wedding of a friend? The “elites” go to the swell affairs all the time.


Another rub…the official spokesperson of some sort today said he didn’t go to the conference because he has kids.. Have they gotten sloppy with their lies or have they gotten to the point that they completely don’t care if the lies aren’t plausible ?


Yeah, I don’t believe it…good cover story hey?!
no way they can admit damage…too early


Where’s GOP ?? C’mon man..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief, how I despise these cheaters.


The RNC is perfectly fine with Mr. Durr being cheated out of the seat that he RIGHTFULLY won.


GOP would not want a truckdriver to win. This could set a trent and average Jo’s could run for Senate or even Congress or worse (s)  😮   😅 


Yup, fundamentals matter.

Just as, Tea Party was NOT welcome.

More recently, America First, MAGA…NOT welcome.

Gotta be in the club.

Sorta like Trump NOT invited to Powell’s funeral. Yea, lots of reasons.

TRUMP is NOT in the club.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

We are building our own club and they are not in it. RNC called my home the other day and I herd my husband use the F word . 🙂

Valerie Curren

LOL!!! F-Bombardier!!!




Not a popular thought. I continue to believe the dozen or so true conservative Republicans, ought t start a third party.

Daily, I read something where TransRepublicans are betraying conservative values.


Maybe the thirteen who betrayed the country and voted with democrats should start their own party?
Just keep weeding them out of the party 🙂

Gail Combs

Good idea they can be the first experiment. 🙂


h/t Rodney Short


This is child abuse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They look real to me, but Trump’s absence from that group is noted.

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See above, my response to EllieLA. It was a PRIVATE funeral, so they didn’t have to invite the victim of their crime.


One’s bet is on body doubles for both Bidens and for Michelle.


Yikes! I don’t believe those are doubles.


Obama has crazed eyes.


A F Branca’s (Law of Self-Defense) commentary on today’s Rittenhouse circus —

Some of the commentary is quite good — *>Plus, the man [Grosskreutz] has a singular panache… to be able to rock an Armani suit and a pro haircut, and still pull off “douchebag.”<*


If there were any real justice, they would have arrested him as he walked off the witness stand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were probably ready to, if he lied against the video PROOF that he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse at the very moment he was shot.


 👍  Yes !


Linda…and declared a Mistrial.


Thought for the week….


If/when Satan whispers to you reminding you of your past, whisper back and remind him of his future.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

I may have to employ this tactic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That poem on the coffee mug! I’ve seen that before!

Cuppa Covfefe

I want that mug!!!!!

I think Donald Trump Jr. had it in a tweet, among others… it was posted on here a few times…

(Not sure if that’s a photoshop or not – might be copyright issues with the cat-in-the-hat)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Trump supposedly supports this…but the article doesn’t say how/why. Huh?

(Insert suspicious cat)

Last edited 2 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Redistricting is a peculiar exercise. If Jordan’s district gets carved up to the point where his seat is very D, but they pickup four R seats in adjacent districts, it may be valid — Jordan could move or go into the executive branch. It has the additional icing that the Dems might be jumping up-and-down chanting “we won Ohio-4! we won Ohio-4” while the GOP was saying, “we snuffed every Dem but one!” (Ohio currently has 12 R’s and 4 D’s in the US House).

I prefer to wait until the results of the first election after the redistricting to assess things.


Great post DP! Not only was Powell’s casket cover wrinkled, but since he was a General, shouldn’t he have a flag draped casket?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great question. It was VERY unorthodox. So I looked into it, and I have a theory.

It appears to have been a PRIVATE funeral in a location normally used for STATE funerals.

It is noted that they had a color guard for the US and Joint Chiefs flags, but that is the only “official” symbolism I could find.

So why private? Why not a STATE funeral?

Ostensibly for privacy, humility, etc., but I have a different theory.

So they would NOT invite Trump and Melania.

And why is that? Because Washington wants to pretend they don’t know they stole the election. They cannot bear to look at their own crime.


Excellent theory!
Bet you’re right

Deplorable Patriot

He wasn’t entitled to a state funeral. Only presidents get those. The others are just shy.

Not having to invite the Trumps…maybe, but probably more along the lines of being able to control communications.


Read that the President decides who gets a state funeral. General MacArthur had one.

Deplorable Patriot



Yes. Others have had them, too.

State funerals have been held in Washington D.C. for William Henry Harrison (1841),[22] Zachary Taylor (1850),[22] Abraham Lincoln (1865),[23] Thaddeus Stevens (1868),[24] James A. Garfield (1881),[22] William McKinley (1901),[22] Warren G. Harding (1923),[22] the Unknown Soldier of World War I (1921),[25]William Howard Taft (1930),[26] John J. Pershing (1948),[27] the Unknown Soldiers of World War II and the Korean War (1958),[28] John F. Kennedy(1963),[29] Douglas MacArthur (1964),[30] Herbert Hoover (1964),[31] Dwight D. Eisenhower (1969),[32] Lyndon B. Johnson (1973),[33] Ronald Reagan(2004),[34] Gerald Ford (2006-2007),[35] George H. W. Bush (2018),[36] and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2020).[37]

Thaddeus Stevens, the Unknown Soldiers, John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, and RBG were not presidents. His Fraudulency could have ordered a state funeral. Maybe the family really didn’t want one, or maybe it had to do with PDJT. They marginalize him in every way they can.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. The flag seems to be unrelated. Congressman John Lewis had one in a private Altlanta funeral that turned into a DNC rally!


Possibly related.

  • Powell didn’t support Trump in any way. Supported D-Rats. Not friends. Nothing in common.
  • After Powell passed, Trump put out a statement critical of Powell over Iraq WMD. Kind words for Alma and family.
  • IF Trump was invited. 1) Would Trump attend. 2) Would seating protocol place Trump be seated between BiteMe and hussein?

In my mind, the ceremony is soley for the Powell and his family. Further none of the cabal wanted Trump there. Quite likely Trump wasn’t interested in attending.


Quite likely Trump wasn’t interested in attending.

I seriously doubt he wanted to attend, given his opinion of Powell.


Agree. not being in the club has its benefits.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I think it was recognized as awkward by all!

Deplorable Patriot

The flag would be on the casket when it wasn’t in the church. The alb has liturgical significance. I’ve been to enough funerals where the flag was taken off just for the ceremony.


“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
– The Son of Almighty God, Jesus Christ, who has been given all heavenly power and authority

Deplorable Patriot

It’s theft on a grand scale.


Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense SHREDDED a key prosecution witness on the stand yesterday.

How bad was it?

comment image


Random musing….

How mad are the vax’d going to be when they finally admit they were fooled at the risk/cost of their own health, and they realize they have no legal recourse whatsoever?

And as a follow up…

Do you think they will blame themselves, or others?

“They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.”

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY if they or a loved one or friend were injured/kill by the Clot Shot.


I think it is safe to theorize that whole nuclear families will be horribly affected.

Gail Combs

When the injuries, ESPECIALLY Guillain-Barré syndrome start hitting little kids that are vaccinated, I would NOT want to be a politician!!!


Three of three adult children voluntarily injected.

Two, 14yo Grands injected. They were on Court ordered visitation with bitch mother. Dad was NOT included in decision.

Remaining two Grands, ten and six. Trying to get daughter to use logic AND Maternal instincts, to NOT allow they be injected. Plan to be in Texas this Christmas and discuss with her and husband.

It’s all so UFB. Yet, it is happening.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

I am so sorry.


🙏 Be ready with mitigating treatments if they are open to it.

I don’t know the status of my hippy son, although he and his family had Covid. He promised he would not vax his child. But he called us anti-vaxxers one day. He is on board with the NWO.


I have come to the conclusion that children no matter how old are still rebelling their parents. Has nothing to do with parents they just have not progressed emotionally to their age when it comes to parents.
Maybe the brainwashing of schools or friends what ever it is. Wanting to be part of their friendship circle.

Life hits back in a strange way. My granddaughter told her parents “since you never do anything for Thanksgiving I am going home with my roommate her family celebrates thanksgiving with the whole family. Boom !
My daughter and one son never thought it important to invite us or come here for Thanksgiving.
My daughter and family always were invited to their friends and extended family for Thanksgiving.
My daughter was shocked at her daughters reaction and had to wine to me her mother. I am so glad God Blessed me with patients 🙂
My daughter and husband decided to go with their dog to and Inn in Vermont for an extended weekend for Thanksgiving.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

I could do a whole post on how to keep families from splintering, having done things the old way with one kid, and then the new/old way with my other kids.

Start difference in outcomes.


Would love to learn from your wisdom 🙂


What little there is. 😆

I had to learn from mistakes.

Deplorable Patriot

We all learn from our mistakes.


My solution is to let my children live their lives as they like and I do lead mine. I hold no grudge if they call I welcome it .
Kind of like the ” Prodigal son”. They know that my love to them does not depend on them. Long distances is a problem and hampers from families coming more often together. Holiday is when we see them 🙂 Travel on holidays is a pain and always uncertain. No fun being stranded in an airport over holidays because of snow storm.
Now of course its a nightmare to travel 🙂


That is the way to do it when they are grown! For sure.


Yes when they are grown. They find their way when they have a problem. I know they are doing well when I do not hear from them 🙂




Yup. Got everyone taking nice spread of vitamins and minerals. Two on IVM. Working on the third.

Hoping they all stay the hell away from boosters.


D@mn straight on that one.


Have friends who haven’t been well since the jab…going into work tomorrow just in case as worker getting second jab before coming in. Make sure she is ok. Ready to relieve if need be.
scary stuff and I don’t want to see people hurt. 😡


I am with you on not wanting to see people get hurt.


Elon Musk can be plenty annoying, but stuff like just makes you shout “you magnificent bastard” and applaud until your hands hurt.

IIRC, his initial demi-fortune was from Paypal, of all things. What he has done for space travel, you just want him to WIN MOAR!!!!

Gail Combs

Reduce CO2 by 80% (Obama’s wish) and you reduce American’s to 1700s technology.

What do I mean by that.  Farmers made up about 90% of labor force in 1790 and 69% of labor force in 1800. (2.6% in 1990) About 250-300 labor-hours are required to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with walking plow, brush harrow, hand broadcast of seed, sickle, and flail in 1830. (This is all by hand not animal power BTW) (1987 – 2-3/4 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels but that takes lots of fossil fuel.)    
 inventors(DOT)  (URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.) And is Now:
(And yeah they changed it.)

 People forget that coal was very much in use in the 1800s and a lot of farm machinery pulled by horse, mule or oxen was factory made. (First Agricultural Revolution) Without coal you are back to charcoal as fuel for forges and metal implements will be very very rare. Solar panels and modern wind turbines can not be replaced using the power they generate so you are back to hydro (If the eco-nuts allow dam building) and old fashion cloth and wood wind mills. And those wind mills would soon be raided for the wood to burn.

Worse the western high tech people of today do not have the foggiest idea of how to survive without factory made equipment. Even the Amish buy factory equipment and they are the most well adapted to an 1800s lifestyle. 



…In 1701 coal was found by Huguenot settlers in the James River region, Virginia.

In 1705 Tomas Newcomen developed the first steady-running atmospheric engine, the beam engine. This engine could draw water from a depth of >150 feet, and the first commercial example from 1711 replaced a team of 500 horses.

The first recorded coal production in the US was in 1748, with 50 tons dug in Virginia.

The first shipment was in 1758.

Between 1767 and 1776 James Watt, a Scot, developed the separate condensing engine, improving Newcomen’s design – the Industrial revolution, transforming the world through the conversion of coal to mechanical energy truly began. 👈 (aka James Watt freeing the slaves🤗 )

In 1780 the annual output of coal from Britain was ~6 ¼ million long tons.

Coal was discovered in Australia at Coal River (Hunter River) in 1795. A convict settlement was established in 1804 to mine the region – today the settlement, now called Newcastle, New South Wales, is the largest coal port in the world.

The technological advances of the Industrial Revolution initially depended upon the availability of coal as fuel, feeding the improving technologies.

By the end of the 18th century, surface and near surface deposits of coal had been exhausted and deep shaft mining began to develop. Ventilation techniques, including fans driven by steam engines were also developed.

In 1814 coal was being burned to heat salt brines to create salt in Pennsylvania.

In 1815, at the height of the Napoleonic war the annual output of coal from Britain was 16 million long tons.

In the same year, both the Davy lamp & the Geordie lamp were invented in an attempt to reduce the danger of methane explosions or asphyxiant gas such as carbon dioxide. Miners were generally expected to purchase this (regrettably unreliable) equipment themselves.

In 1816 Baltimore, Maryland began to light its streets with combustible gas made from coal.

In 1830 the annual output of coal from Britain was over 30 million tons. Board and pillar extraction techniques were being used. Miners, unable to be replaced or driven to industrial efficiencies similar to that of wool or cotton mill workers began to form trade unions, campaigning for better wages and conditions.

Also in 1830, Tom Thumb, the first American built steam locomotive was manufactured, the first of many locomotives that marked a surge in American coal consumption….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YAY Miss Gail, looks like you got your login credentials straightened out!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ And you now have critter status, you Gorgeous Fox!!😂😂🥰❤

Gail Combs

Nah, I’m a GOAT (not a sheeple)
comment image


When I used to visit Austria I saw those goats climb up the Alps steep walls. I love mountains .
What a beautiful goat 🙂


We need to turn fancy green
My husband finally has to give in and tild the front lawn manicured lawns into gardens like many European home owners did. My husband finally will have to give in if he wants to eat 🙂 I never understood the waist of land and money to keep the lawn perfect. Yes I know  😉 


I have gradually taken out lawn and put in garden to the point where I mow about 15 feet by 25 feet. The rest is garden beds.


That sounds great 🙂


It is not a Socialist plan it is a communist plan. Wish people would say what it is and not sugar code it with socialism.

Gail Combs

Socialism is the candy coated way station on the way to communism.


I think we have arrived except most do not know that. The candy coating is gone at least for me.

Gail Combs

Me too, it is just taking others a bit more time to wake up.


Many do not know what it looks like.


Stop the Steal!


Stop the Seal posted in the wrong place. Sorry.


If the businesses listen to the law breaker Biden then they are accomplices in breaking the law. Now they are criminals hope someone sues them.


President Trump overnight:

.comment imagecomment image


Chris Christie is a vexation, an unwelcome intruder.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He’s been an on/off 45 supporter for years now. Always wondered why 45 included him in big planning meeting just before ACB rose garden WuFlu super spreader event. Keeping frenemies close? Did he infect Hope, who was blamed as ground zero? He caught WuFlu shortly after and was hospitalized. It was nasty, with his size, a miracle that he survived. I’ll wager it was Regeneron, the Fountain of Youth, that saved his BigNastySelf.

Gail Combs

Given NYC & Jersey were major destinations of Wuhan Flu carrying Chinese, that water buffalo could easily have been the carrier. If Hope was stressed, and I am sure she was, she could have come down faster.


Martin Dean

Curiously, thirty-two countries are revoking China’s economic advantage in a move reminiscent of Trump policy. Dare we utter fair trade? Yet one country is missing from this affair, the United States of America.
We are back to the record trade deficits of the Obama/Biden era; American dependence on China is greater than ever; and we have an administration allowing China reopening consulates and easing visa requirements.

U.S. trade advisor to China,, Hunter Biden, was unavailable for comment.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I believe this is 100% accurate. Consider Afghanistan, for example, They are doing it intentionally.


We are witnessing a very specific type of electoral frustration caused by officials within a system attempting to stop a communist style fundamental change by taking action within the same system simultaneously collapsing through the actions of the communists.

Joe Biden’s approval rating has collapsed to the lowest level in history {data here} ,which would normally cause a pause amid the political operators.

However, in this new era, where collapsing the U.S. economic and social system is the objective, the polling is irrelevant.

The Obama plan to use Biden as a disposable figure was designed for one specific four year term of maximum damage.

The polling is irrelevant.

Evidence of this purpose is found in the White House telling businesses to continue operating as if the vaccine mandate is legally authorized, despite a court ordered injunction against it {data here}. We are in a post-constitutional system now where the traditional checks and balances are ignored.  This is a very Machiavellian approach being deployed against the American people.

The U.S. borders are unsecured, and illegal alien hordes are intentionally welcomed. Again, by design.  Simultaneously, the U.S. military is likely to be put into a crisis position by thousands of critical servicemen rejecting the mandated vaccine {data here}. Yes, another element of the design. Saul Alinsky taught the designers how to overwhelm and collapse the system, they are doing exactly that.

The recent off-year election showed millions of Americans rejecting the crisis they are having to deal with. Yet again, the radicals collapsing the system and creating the crisis do not flinch. Election losses this year and into the 2022 mid-terms will do little to halt the onslaught. The communist network operators have all been simultaneously triggered and activated.

These outcomes are akin to implanted terror cells that lay dormant for years and suddenly begin detonating their devices. There are explosions everywhere, except these are not suicide vests, these are pre-planted deployments.

Education networks pushing CRT {BOOM} radical teachers unions unfazed. Transportation and supply chains {BOOM} environmental activists unfazed. Communication networks and social media tools for organizing {BOOM} big tech unfazed. Legislative branch {BOOM} congressional representation unfazed. Judicial branch {BOOM} courts ignored. Justice Department {BOOM} DOJ and FBI unfazed. It’s not only direct assaults, the collateral damage is the intended primary target.

Inflation is skyrocketing as a direct consequence of the design {Boom} middle class is collateral damage, the communists don’t care. Food and gasoline prices climbing creating massive pain for consumers {BOOM} the communists shrug – no biggie watch us shut down more pipelines. Major health impacts from forced vaccinations that were not appropriately tested {BOOM}, they don’t care – vax harder, vaccinate kids. The collective program is designed to create maximum destabilization of all systems simultaneously.

Nothing within their plan requires the approval or consent of any representative body in Washington DC. COVID is the tool to “fundamentally change” the way the United States exists.

Joe Biden is a disposable front-man for the people organizing the objective, so they don’t have to worry about political damage. The Biden term was designed for a single set of four-year rapid advancements for the Democrat Socialist agenda. The Biden poll ratings and favorability, or lack therein, do not factor into the plan of action; those issues are irrelevant.

Those behind the executive branch; those controlling Joe Biden; are harnessing and weaponizing power; a power dynamic created by fear and enabled by COVID narratives writ large. Meanwhile, the legislative leftists are attempting to ensure the new systems they create under the guise of COVID-19 are never in a position to be withdrawn.

That’s the bigger picture.

That’s what they mean by “Build Back Better“.

The FIRST STEP in defending against this onslaught is to stop excusing it by saying they don’t know what they are doing, or any version of the incompetency argument. 

They know exactly what they are doing.


Deplorable Patriot

Trump interrupted the sixteen year plan to destroy the USA, and they had to get it back on track.

Gail Combs

“….These outcomes are akin to implanted terror cells that lay dormant for years and suddenly begin detonating their devices. There are explosions everywhere, except these are not suicide vests….”

Actually the Muslims in suicide vests and the MS-13 terrorist cells are ACT II


Oscar Ramaraz is reporting from the SOUTHERN border of MEXICO that MS-13 is OPENLY JOINING THE CARAVAN comming to the US border.

Remember Thomas Wictor on the ALGERIAN STRATEGY///

February 7, 2020 at 09:36

Called the Algerian Strategy. One of the civil wars in Algeria which took place between 1991-2002, when the radical Islamists went to war with the country to knock out the government. They didn’t care what they did to the population. At one point I think the government almost capitulated, but were able to hold them off.
Thread was done on it by Carlos the other day. Cates connects it again today regarding the Democrats behavior. Essentially, the Democrats are willing to burn the country down in order to take complete power.

“Obama was the most lawless President in history.
Democrats are SHOWING US what they will do if another Democrat President is ever elected.

Obama was the most lawless President in history.

Democrats are SHOWING US what they will do if another Democrat President is ever elected.

— Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@drawandstrike) February 7, 2020

@COsweda 11h
“A couple of days ago I wrote that the Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States. @realDonaldTrump knows this, of course.
@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.”


A couple of days ago I wrote that the Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States.@realDonaldTrump knows this, of course.@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.

— Carlos Osweda (@COsweda) February 7, 2020


Carlos of course got kicked off twatter but I did find this:

Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States (H. R. 5383. The New Way Forward Act.)

 | February 6, 2020 | Carlos Osweda

Posted on 2/7/2020, 1:56:38 AM by ransomnote



A couple of days ago I wrote that the Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States.

@realDonaldTrump knows this, of course.

@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.

mentions A refresher:

During the Algerian Civil War of 1991-2002, the Algerian government helped the Armed Islamic Group or GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé), the most violent terrorists in human history.


mentions The GIA’s motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

All they did was mass murder civilians in night raids. They cut the throats of entire villages and dumped them into wells.

What the GIA wanted was preemptive nationwide surrender. 

mentions The government helped the GIA for almost eleven years, until the Algerian populace agreed to support the government.

Only then did the government take on and destroy the GIA.

The Democrats are doing the same thing here. 

mentions All over the country, the most violent criminals are being released.

Violent felonies such as killing a police officer while resisting arrest are being decriminalized.

Cash bail is being abolished.

Incarceration itself is on the verge of being abolished. 

mentions I said that the Democrats are even IMPORTING violent criminals.

And now we have the proof.


Since January 20th, Biden and his administration done:

  • Everything has been to the detriment of America, American’s, Freedom…
  • NOTHING has been done positive for America, Americans, Freedom…

^^^ There is NO denying these truths. ^^^

TRUTH IS, TransRepublicans have assisted Biden and the D-Rats.

  • Confirm nominations. Cabinet and judicial.
  • Recent infrastructure bill.
  • Largely SILENT on Biden’s destruction of America.

They truly hate the USA.


Yes they know what they are doing and so does Jill Biden.


Something to remember…..never forget…

They tells us they can’t find the illegals to deport them…

…but obviously they CAN find them…

…when they want to give them taxpayer $$.





Another great post!

Deplorable Patriot



Ditto that!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Gail Combs

With that mask it could EASILY be a body double. AND WHY A MASK if he has been vaxed???


Hell, I could Photoshop him into that photo, and I’m not even an expert.


Two amazingly good books are by Robert Caro. The Power Broker about Robert Moses, and Path to Power about Lyndon Johnson. Moses started out good and became corrupted by power; Johnson was evil the day he was born, and used power sadistically all his life. It is very easy to believe that Johnson helped facilitate the murder of JFK.

Moses destroyed entire neighborhoods, and trampled over entire regions in defiance of local sentiment or well-being. At this point, I forget the details and just remember the big picture. Plus, Moses is reviled in Buffalo to this day because of how he deformed this city. All of Buffalo, and all residents of Western NY.

In fairness to Bootyjizz, IIRC there may have been racial considerations which influenced the placement of some highways/expressways/parkways/overpasses/etc. Race, money, influence, politics, but above all, far and away, Moses’ ego determined how things happened and where things went.

How things happened in other states I don’t know. But it has been many, many years since anybody was deprived of anything because of decisions made half a century or nearly a century ago.

Tulsi Gabbard was great last night on Tucker, decrying the leftist “racialization” of every aspect of American life. An essential part of the racialization is the infantilizing of non-white people. As part of the program non-white people must be treated like big babies, hyper-sensitive toddlers, pouting pre-teens and sulking teens, whose every emotional outburst is to be applauded and catered to.

It’s hard/impossible to quantify, but IMO as many or more non-white people are being awoken to this patronizing and manipulative behavior as are being “woke” to the infantile SJW agenda. Maybe dignity and maturity will be what heals the planned divisions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda
Gail Combs

Given the THUMPING McAWFUL got in Virgina, I think people are waking up a lot faster than expected.

Deplorable Patriot

Morning, Duchess.

New computer?

Valerie Curren

Ahhhh you’re Baaaaack!!! God Bless You AND your messages of hope & joy! 


Great to see you back, Duchess!


Good to see you, and thank you for posting the verses!

Deplorable Patriot

He he.


Uh, there are 37 comments in pending. Strange stuff…

Deplorable Patriot

Spam is what it looks like.



Must-see Tucker Carlson video about the cause of America’s woes
People are beginning to realize that something is wrong with America’s ruling class, and by “people,” I don’t mean people like you, who are actively engaged in politics.  I’m talking about people who want nothing to do with politics or people living in prosperous leftist enclaves who haven’t been forced to think about what’s happening to less affluent Americans.  To the extent they’re sitting up and taking notice, Tucker Carlson’s monologue perfectly explains what’s going on at the upper reaches of American government.  The bottom line is that Biden knows he’s out of control, and, in his fear, he cedes his power to dangerous ideologues.


~8 minutes.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ,


comment image


Very much missed Duchess. Welcome back!


Missed this and you, Duchess! ❤



Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

No, they don’t have jab mandates, but they do have punishments for unjabbed. Fox requires DAILY testing before entering the office, Newsmax weekly. Daily HR emails.

Two-Faced: Fox News, Newsmax Go Above and Beyond Biden ‘Vaccine Rules’ With Punitive Policies for ‘Unvaccinated’ Employees (

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Wonders if Fox has had a vaxxx’d come down with the CV. Seems it would be grounds to over turn that rule if they did. Heck their a news organization they should know better. Sue them!


Tucker is wise enough to work remote, as I understand.

Hannity and others could work remote, IF they were not so full of their own BS.


Getting more mainstream by the day:

“So how to survive the winter of 2021-22? Remember, I am a doctor, but I am not your doctor. All these recommendations must be taken to your doctor for actual treatment. Do not treat yourself at home based only on what I say!

If you have already had COVID-19 infection you do not have to worry. Studies from Israel show it is very unlikely you could catch COVID-19 again.

I would not get the vaccine as there are some observational studies that say you might be at more risk for side effects from the vaccine and you are protected from COVID-19 anyway — your natural immunity is the best defense.

If you are not vaccinated for whatever reason, you can be ready to treat yourself at home especially if you are at high risk.”

We’re gonna win this! Hang on.


Gail Combs

Looks like I didn’t move quite far enough south.

Of course Cooper is NOT our LEGALLY elected gov he is another Bye-Done!


comment image


Nice round up from local citizens from one meeting,

Deplorable Patriot

No word on where this is.

Gail Combs

The podium says: “board of supervisors meeting” “CountyNewsCenter(DOT)com”

I searched that and most returns were San Diego CA


Yeah, it’s Juggarnught. He’s good at bringing things up with out reference. I even believe we saw the first guy several weeks back. But his themes are generally correct so I don’t mind posting him.


She works so hard. (Sarc)


Vice President Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff Head to Paris for First European Trip


When politicians turn into muckrakers’… right out of Obama’s play book.

Vice President Kamala Harris will address the plight of migrants and refugees next week – but the talks will have little to do with the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a report.

Harris will travel to Paris – her first European trip as vice president – and is scheduled to take part in the “Paris Conference on Libya,” where she and other world leaders will focus on the Northern African country that was run by dictator Muammar Gadhafi until his assassination in 2011.

But Lybia and a stronger borders there is only so much smoke and mirrors… it’s the highlighted portion she’s interested in.

Things like what’s happening right now along the border of Poland and Belarus.

Same s%@t, different place. Destroy nationalism in name of tyranny.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Muslim male invaders AND jihadis…presumably  😡 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s all over the alternate media here… 😡

Valerie Curren

civilization jihadi invaders–horrifying!


This is not the firs time Muslims invaded Europe. Europe eventually will fight back and it will not be nice.

Valerie Curren

Gates of Vienna!



Cuppa Covfefe

Waiting for Charles Martel and Vlad the Impaler…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And Die Linke (the FAR left) and the Greens are just furious.

Of course, if the refauxgees get through Poland, they’ll be in Germany, as that’s really their goal: the best “benefits” in Europe, and if they stab, beat, rape, or kill a woman (or child, or man) they’ll be slapped on the wrist and sent to a mental institution instead of jail.

Free food, clothing, housing, education(!), cellphone, spending money and all sorts of benefits.

And all on our (German taxpayers’) dime! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


Remember when she said this ?

Back in June, when Ms. Harris was asked why she hadn’t visited the southern U.S. border as part of her immigration portfolio, she said: “And I haven’t been to Europe.” 

Now the narrative on a few pages of google search is that she’s “repairing tensions”
What a crock. More payoff by way of luxury vacations…same as the 800 person Italian trip

Cuppa Covfefe

“Repairing tensions”?

So she’s gone back to her old (real?) profession? 😀


She’s taking a supply of air fresheners as a gift of conciliation.


Good Grief!
Architecture group features a ‘climate confession booth’ for attendees to cleanse their climate guilt
Architects Climate Action Network @ArchitectsCAN – “ACAN. Architects taking action in light of climate and ecological collapse. Campaigning for urgent changes to regulatory, legislative & economic landscape”


Some one should put a bowl of razor blades in there. If there stupid enough to enter in and confess, then maybe they’ll get the hint and spare us some troubles down the road.

Gail Combs

We have the UNLAWFUL raid on James O’Keefe.

The POLITICAL Prisoners who have served almost DOUBLE the statutory sentence in horrid conditions WITHOUT SENTENCING.

The Kyle Rittenhouse railroading and now the Order to IGNORE a Court order to Corporations on vaccine mandates.

On top of that we have Dr Flemming’s case. he says:

A recent Pew study (2018), reviewed approximately 80,000 federal prosecutions and found just two percent went to trial. Up to 97% of federal criminal convictions are obtained through plea bargains – defendants pleading guilty – revoking their constitutional right to a trial – for assurance of a lesser penalty. There is a growing list, the National Registry of Exonerations, however, that exhibits conviction after conviction based on fabricated evidence, false testimony and outright refusal to consider proof of innocence. Each miscarriage of justice cited in this Registry was an element present in the 2009 case of The United States v. Richard M. Fleming…..

On top of that you have
Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent(A bit of an exaggeration but a definite warning.)

“In a book called Three Felonies A Day, Boston civil rights lawyer Harvey Silverglate says that everyone in the US commits felonies everyday and if the government takes a dislike to you for any reason, they’ll dig in and find a felony you’re guilty of.”

The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague. In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior. The volume of federal crimes in recent decades has increased well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, handing federal prosecutors an additional trove of vague and exceedingly complex and technical prohibitions to stick on their hapless targets. The dangers spelled out in Three Felonies a Day do not apply solely to “white collar criminals,” state and local politicians, and professionals. No social class or profession is safe from this troubling form of social control by the executive branch, and nothing less than the integrity of our constitutional democracy hangs in the balance.

In response to a question about what happens to big company CEOs who refuse to go along with government surveillance requests, John Gilmore offers a case study in what Silverglate is talking about.

We know what happened in the case of QWest before 9/11. They contacted the CEO/Chairman asking to wiretap all the customers. After he consulted with Legal, he refused. As a result, NSA canceled a bunch of unrelated billion dollar contracts that QWest was the top bidder for. And then the DoJ targeted him and prosecuted him and put him in prison for insider trading — on the theory that he knew of anticipated income from secret programs that QWest was planning for the government, while the public didn’t because it was classified and he couldn’t legally tell them, and then he bought or sold QWest stock knowing those things.

This CEO’s name is Joseph P. Nacchio and TODAY he’s still serving a trumped-up 6-year federal prison sentence today for quietly refusing an NSA demand to massively wiretap his customers.

We have certainly seen this used against President Trump and now against James O’Keefe. Our Globalist would be Masters have been preparing the way for turning us back into slaves for long time. Since at LEAST FDR with his New Deal expansion of the Federal Bureaucracy. ALL paid for by OUR WEALTH stolen via the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.


One way to fight back are Citizen Grand Juries. State and Local Law’s over lap in many areas and Citizens have rights that are being trampled upon. The Feds are using the law against us to delay decisions and punish us knowing that the long process of the law will wear us thin and make us impotent. We can do the same to them.

… Under the above named U. S. Supreme Court decision, the citizen grand jury can investigate ANY alleged criminal wrongdoing, even if it is just a suspicion of wrongdoing. That could include, but not limited to, alleged criminal offenses by corrupt politicians, or bureaucrats, or criminal wrongdoing by private individuals, or large groups of individuals, whether they be American citizens, or foreign nationals…

Pick them up for whatever violation, then jail them and hold them like they are holding the Jan 6 defendants, until their trial by our peers. Make them spend their time, their capitol, gather information from them and about them and at trial time if we can get them there, force them into admissions you’d not get any other way. Let them fear us. It doesn’t matter how any one case turns out in the long run, the idea is flood their system, like they do ours while exposing them. At the minimum you both delay from their goals and target them for future actions.

Remember Sheriff Joe Arpio. Many of his actions and disclosures were the results of CGJs. It doesn’t matter that he got squashed in the end, what matters was he was empowered along the way through the CGJ process and we learned a lot in that process. Multiply Sheriff Joe by 10 or 100 or 1000.

Gail Combs

Para can CITIZENS form grand juries WITHOUT the government (prosecutor, judge et al) involved?

I sort of looked into it a while back and thought they were a nice dream.

I do know that once formed, a grand jury has very broad powers. GO DURHAM’s GRAND JURY!!!)

Further quote from:

…The grand jury requires no authorization from its CONSTITUTING COURT to initiate an investigation, see Hale, supra, at 59-60, 65, nor does the prosecutor require leave of court to seek a grand jury indictment. And in its day to day functioning, the grand jury generally operates without the interference of a presiding judge….

However Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, who I have a lot of respect for says:

….There is only one way that the nation will restore itself to equal justice under the law, as it was designed on July 4, 1776, in my birthplace of Philadelphia. In this regard, We the People must now take a page from the “Old West,” before there was any U.S. Department of Justice, and implement citizens’ grand juries, citizens’ trials, and legal citizens law enforcement. In this regard, our venerable and regrettably now deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ruled in the landmark case of United States v. Williams, 112 S. Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L. Ed. 2d 352 (1992), that the grand jury under our Constitution does not belong to any of the three branches of government, but instead to We the People. As a result, the citizenry are empowered to empanel grand juries, indict, try, convict and mete out sentences for those accused of crimes.

A few years ago, I, as the prosecutor and a Florida lawyer, empaneled a citizens’ grand jury in Ocala, Florida, a very conservative area of the Sunshine State, picked the jurors randomly from voter rolls as is done by federal and state courts, and advised the accused, in this case Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama of the proceeding and offered to allow them to testify, and then presented evidence to the citizens grand jury when they did not appear. As a result they were indicted for alleged crimes concerning their manifest harm to national security over Iran which not coincidentally involved leaking classified information about our cyber-attack on Iranian nuclear reactors. This classified information was illegally leaked to bolster Obama’s and Clinton’s political fortunes.

A trial then ensued, presided over by a neutral judge picked from the Ocala community, and Clinton and Obama were convicted of crimes. At the time, we did not seek to enforce the convictions….

And there in lies the problem you can TRY and CONVICT but who in Hades is going to ENFORCE??? Perhaps that is why they were in such a panic to get that Federal Lynch law in place.


Judge and prosecutor is a must as would be some law enforcement, but likely doable at the local level and it gets more teeth the farther it can be advanced. Best you can likely get out of this is delay, disrupt and educate. More than we have now and it may open the door for other possibilities, especially if it can be advanced.

The fun part is it opens the door for process crimes which can be prosecuted with even more vigor.

It’s not the kind of stuff we should wish for, but they do it to us with impunity and giving them a dose of their own medicine seems practical.

Overall we’re looking for justice in the face of injustice.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Would never have imagined Denninger would go there, but am pleasantly surprised he did.

Gail Combs

I am sure glad he did!

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

The bitch is unwatchable.

Can’t imagine BiteMe and Piglosi having a coherent conversation.

Cuppa Covfefe

Depends….. 😀

Valerie Curren

Shartacus symphony 😉


I see what you did there.  😂   😂   😂 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What in the HELL are “bird bath” and “privilege scrub”???



Don’t know if this particular video has been posted previously. all the ones I had seen were taken from ground level.


Breitbart says Newsome was there with Aunt Nancy.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly
Cuppa Covfefe

Someone needs to look for a circle and a hexagram on that floor…


Is Pelosi not Catholic ?

Deplorable Patriot

She claims it. Most of us don’t claim her. Her status is with her archbishop, Cardileone. He’s one of the good guys, but disciplinary discussion is usually private, so what has been said, we do not know.


We know God will have the last word.

Cuppa Covfefe

Matthew 7:15-20 says:

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

We can see her fruits every day, over years…


We sure do. Thanks

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mafia Nan officiating! Wow. Clearly a civil ceremony – right?


Pelosi can barely speak. I can’t imagine having her officiate anything.


Major Comcast outage this morning. “The company’s outage map shows outages across the country, including in Illinois, Washington, Minnesota, New York, Georgia, Florida and the District of Columbia.“


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Deplorable Patriot

The Kiwis are fired up.


Have a confession to make. The Maori dance brings happy tears to my eyes every time I see it, regardless of context. Pure warrior spirit. Very moving:


Don’t annoy Maoris.


Pelosi, witch queen of the SF elite:

Link to the spectacle in the post. It’s quite something. Never seen so many plumped lips in my life.


Wow. I used to like to look at these spectacular weddings and parties but now, knowing what we know, it’s not entertaining anymore.

When I see something like this with an evil bitch like Pelosi holding court it brings it home exactly why they don’t give a shit about the deplorables..let us eat cake kind of thing.

Also I can see why Newscum stayed home. That or the fake climate meetings…uh..the ultra highbrow party is the winner.


The whole thing seems so evil and horrible to me. The looks on their faces reminds me of the hall of images in Charn.


They do give off an air of malevolence maybe. The higher up the chain the more dark they look..for example the bridesmaids looked normal but the family all looked peculiar and dark..


The Pachamama was grotesque.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hoping VigilantCitizen takes a look at it.

Probably a lot of Satanic doings there in Sodom by the Bay…


The comments under the VC article are good, also.

Gail Combs

The Catholic Connection, and my apologies to the REAL Catholics!

Pope Francis blesses pagan Pachamama statue in Vatican Gardens
December 12, 2019

Last October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed the controversial pagan “Pachamama” statue in the Vatican gardens, as a special prelude to the opening of the Amazon Synod. Numerous bishops, cardinals and theologians condemned the ceremony.

Cardinal Burke went so far as saying that “diabolical forces” have entered St Peter’s Basilica. He supported the December 12 day of prayer and reparation organized by some faithful Catholics and clergy in France. Cardinal Burke likewise said:

“Something very grave happened during the special assembly of the Bishops’ Synod for the Amazon region. An idol [Pachamama] was introduced into St Peter’s Basilica – the figure of a demonic force….

“Pachamama” has become the new Catholic insider “Who am I to judge?”

…In the wake of the Oct. 6-27 Synod of Bishops on the Amazon, in fact, I would submit this proposition: “Pachamama” has become the new insider Catholic version of “Who am I to judge?” meaning a single word or phrase which, immediately upon utterance in front of another Catholic, whatever comes across their face will tell you everything you need to know about where he or she stands.

Avid consumers of Catholic news hardly need me to explain what the Pachamama is, but in case someone has been out of touch for the last month, let me explain….

The Pachamama is a female fertility figure, representing Mother Earth, venerated by peoples in the Andes and portions of the Amazon. In the context of the synod, it’s become the shorthand way of talking about several small figurines of a naked pregnant woman that made their initial appearance at an Oct. 4 indigenous prayer service in the Vatican gardens attended by Pope Francis, and that popped up several other times before going on display in Rome’s Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina near the Vatican…..

The synod may now be over, but debate lives on over what exactly the figurines represented. At first, some “more pro-Francis than Francis” types tried to insist they were depictions of the Visitation of Elizabeth by the Virgin Mary, while the “more Catholic than the pope” wing clamored that they were pagan idols.

Vatican spokesmen, meanwhile, asserted they were simply indigenous representations of life, devoid of any religious significance. (It was a fairly silly claim in hindsight, given that one learns in Anthropology 101 that indigenous cultures generally make no such distinction between the sacred and the profane, but that’s a point for another time.)…..

for now, the Pachamama remains insider Catholic baseball. For cognoscenti, however, it too captures a range of features of the Francis era: Its emphasis on the peripheries, its passion for dialogue and reconciliation with non-Christian cultures and religions, its “Third World” social and political agenda, and its willingness to set aside protocol and doctrinal and liturgical norms in order to make a point or deliver a message.

Again, those qualities inspire some and consternate others – and also again, to tell which is which, all you have to do is to say the magic word….


Vigilant Citizen could have a field day with this. There was nothing holy or sacred about it. I’ve said I want to take back all the symbols they have confiscated, but you can’t help but notice when they use them. The bride’s rehearsal dress was of dark “romantic” material covered in butterflies, which are “sentimental to her.”

Here is her veil. Of course, her bridal attire is considered to be couture, which just translates as “weird,” to me.
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Does this look like the setup for a cheery, wholesome celebration?
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Her engagement ring is black (onyx?) surrounded by diamonds.

John Galliano, Creative Director. ‘Nuff said. Looks like fun, doesn’t he?
comment image


Filthy rich people are WEIRD AS HELL.

^^^ Toned down comment. ^^^


I hear ya! I think there are many occult connections.


I was looking at his hand. It looks like the satanic horns symbol.

These are the rich and powerful who control much of the world’s money and who want to influence and control all of us. We can’t let them. They are in league with forces of evil. I pray that they will turn away from it.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I think there’s something about the stance of his feet, too, but I can’t find it at the moment.

Valerie Curren

some ballet position 😉


His hand?! One foot or leg is on back to front


Dark. Very dark. They are sooooooo coooooool, aren’t they? 🙄

Deplorable Patriot

I guess we better blow the leaves off the lawn. The wanna rake people are out in force today. I don’t think they are supposed to be picked up for another week, though.

At least my dad’s leaf blower isn’t as annoying as the one the guy next door owns. Men and their talking frogs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

The guy inside is in trouble if he meets with the wrong crowd.

Cuppa Covfefe

Amal and the Fright Visitors…

Or (as in Gore-Bull warming), If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen Amal…

Deplorable Patriot

One production of that that I was in we interpreted it, “A mall!” Mother’s opening aria and all. “A-MAHL.”

Cuppa Covfefe

I love the part where the mother is caught looking at the gold (ostensibly tempted to steal it) and is discovered, leading to the following aria (as seen on the site ):

From “Amahl and the Night Visitors”:

The mother remarks on the packages the kings have been carrying, “Oh these beautiful things, and all that gold!”
Melchior tells her, “These are the gifts to the child.”
the Mother: “Hmmm the child… which child?”
Melchior: “We don’t know . But the star will guide us to him.”
the Mother: “But perhaps I know him… what does he look like?”

Have you seen a child the color of wheat… the color of dawn?
His eyes are mild; his hands are those of a king – as king he was born.
Incense, myrrh, and gold we bring to his side; and the eastern star is our guide.
the Mother:
Yes, I know a child the color of wheat…. the color of dawn.
His eyes are mild; his hands are those of a king as king he was born.
But no one will bring him incense or good… though sick and poor and hungry and cold.
He is my child my son, my darling my own.
Have you seen a child the color of earth… the color of thorn?
His eyes are sad; his hands are those of the poor as poor he was born.
Incense, myrrh, and gold we bring to his side, and the eastern star is our guide.
the Mother:
Yes, I know a child the color of earth… the color of thorn.
His eyes are sad; his hands are those of the poor, as poor he was born.
But no one will bring him incense or gold… though sick and poor and and hungry and cold.
He is my child, my son, my darling… my own.
The child we seek holds the seas and the winds on his palm.
The child we seek has the moon and the stars at his feed.
Before him, the eagle is gentle the lion is meek.

All the kings join in a chorus:
Choirs of angels hover over his roof and sing him to sleep.
He’s warmed by breath.
He’s fed by mother who is both virgin and queen.
Incense, myrrh, and gold we bring to his side, and the eastern star is our guide.

And at the same time, the mother sings about her own son:
The child I know on his palm holds my heart.
The child I know at his feet has my life.
He is my child, my son, my darling, my own…
And his name is Amahl.

[Someone told me about teaching their sorority sisters a song (hymn, maybe) that included the words love, above and other rhymes.

This was in West Virginia. Luuuuuvvvvvv. Abuuuuuuvvvvv. And so it went 😀
Pure vowels don’t exist there or in the south (without a lot of work 🙂 ) ]…..

Deplorable Patriot

That’s one of the highlights.

I think I still have that score.

Cuppa Covfefe

The way Menotti has their lines crossing over, with the King’s lines descending and the Mothers’ line ascending (or vice-versa) is moving, to say the least. And Menotti’s treatment of the winds is pretty much his signature. I’ve played a number of his works (the Medium, the Telephone [hello, hello, Oh Margaret it’s you, etc.]), and his voicing is unique… cool (albeit short) cello solo in the Medium…

Deplorable Patriot

I used to sing an aria from The Saint of Bleeker Street. I think I started something from The Medium, and then I decided the opera world was not for me.

Cuppa Covfefe

More likely “The Medium” wasn’t something for you… the Medium was a bit intense, IIRC. And each time I played that solo, it got a bit more extreme, to the point at you could hear a pin drop in the silence after that… Wierd feeling…

The same company did “Hin und Zurück” which had me wondering “what’s the point”, then again years ago composers were putting puzzles in many of their works.

Maybe PDQ Bach really DID exist 🙂

Valerie Curren

That is extremely creepy. What were they Really trying to say there???

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like Greta the Greenhearted…

Deserves to have a caber tossed at her…

I can’t see any true Scot putting up with that addled lass….

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

The caber toss:


And Tim “the Toolman” Taylor’s take on it (sorry about that Al):
( this is out your way, isn’t it? 😀 )

Valerie Curren



Creepy creepy creepy.
“they” always seem to be able to come up with some woke explanation for their weird presentations….it’s still so creepster

Valerie Curren

yup 🙁


I don’t know, but they’re pushing transhumanism on us. That reminds me of opening ceremonies at the Olympics. They creeped me out before I knew what was really going on, years ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

I don’t remember that one, but I seem to be looking at Everything with different eyes nowadays…ThanQ 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

The eyes of Sauros…

Valerie Curren

ewww ;(

Cuppa Covfefe

And now, a modified blast from the past 🙂 [OK, I got in trouble for playing the original and “Turn Back, Oh Man” from “Godspell”, back in the day…]….

First you stand up on your toes,
Fiddle with your C-two-Os,
Bow your head in great regret,
And, ride-a-jet ride-a-jet ride-a-jet!

Do whatever tithes you want if
You have cleared them with the Pontiff
Ev’rybody say his own where has all the funding gone
Doin’ the Gore-Bull-ist rag.

Get in line to that processional,
Step into that small confessional,
There the guy whose new religion’ll,
Tell you if your sin’s original

If it is try playin it safer,
Drink the Kool-Aid, forget the wafer,
Two, four, six, eight,
Time to die before you’re late!

So you stand up on your toes,
Fiddle with your C-two-Os,
Bow your head in great regret,
And, ride-a-jet ride-a-jet ride-a-jet!

Pass some gas from your abdomen,
When in Rome do like the Romans,
Howdy dear Greta, gotta go, see ya later,
Gettin’ ecstatic, and very dramatic an’,  and doin’ the Gore-Bullist rag.

(Apologies to Tom Lehrer, and the rest of the known and unknown universe, save for Greta and the Gore-Bull-ists)…


Sorry – bad link

Last edited 2 years ago by trumpismine
Deplorable Patriot

My mother has a story about my twin brothers and mud.

Gail Combs


I stood up a pair of my coverall caked with Grade A cave mud in my English class to prove a point. Classmates and the instructor thought it was a person at first.

Deplorable Patriot

The twins were toddlers, about a year old, and we had a MASSIVE thunderstorm. In those days, our front walk was between two yew bushes, and there was dirt/mud under them. After that storm, the mud was puddles. So, the Couch Commando and his womb mate sat in them and Mom let them go. It took no time at all, and all you could see was the whites of their eyes. The hose was employed to take care of the mess.

Gail Combs

Nothing wrong with good grade A mud although it did try to eat my boots in one cave. I thought I would never get loose!

And I have certainly been covered in mud. Heck Cavers even have mud crawling contests at Old Timers Reunion.

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Was looking for a “mudding” vid that wasn’t NSFW, but YouTube was serving up WGTTs and not much else. Mud and crud…

Some of those tires are as high as my minivan. Heck, some of the treads are almost that high 🙂

Gail Combs

Yeah I can not find any of the Old Timers Reunion pictures except in my NSS mag


Very thin arguments from Pzfier CEO.


Typical criminal behavior, accuse others of what you are doing.


“We were getting briefs from the CIA….”


Gail Combs

AND Professionals (Doctors & PhDs) are CRIMINALS.

Shades of Hilter.

First you get the population scared.
Then you BLAME CAST.
Then you use the law against them.

Deplorable Patriot

Good question.

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY since he is NOT EVEN an American!!!!

WIKI: “Albert Bourla (Greek: Άλμπερτ Μπουρλά, born () October 21, 1961) is a Greek veterinarian and the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer…”

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. A veterinarian. So he should be familiar with Ivermectin…


Follow the Bottom Line — money pouring in for Pfizer’s shareholders / pouring in for Pfizer’s R&D complexes all over the planet, INCLUDING IN WUHAN.
Back in February of this year, at an “Earnings Call” meeting, Bourla was boasting about how Pfizer was going to increase the price PER SHOT of its “vaccine” from about $15. per dose to about over $50. per dose. The Motley Fool leaked the transcript of this meeting.


This story started circulating yesterday.

Deplorable Patriot

Neither did the MSM, but then they take their marching orders from the other two,

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of deaths and injuries from the clot shot in young athletes, here’s an article from Pierre Gosselin’s NoTricksZone which details a German Magazine’s coverage of 75 young athletes suffering cardiac arrest SINCE JUNE of this year. The youngest was 12 YEARS OLD!!!

It’s generally accepted that sudden cardiac death rarely occurs in sports. Wikipedia even has lists of footballers going back to 1889 who died during matches. The worst years perhaps saw half a dozen falling victim.


In light of the Corona pandemic and the introduction of new vaccines, German news site Report24 here asks: Are more people really dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” in sports and “is it due to vaccination, as many critical minds suspect”?


Report 24 did some some digging and has compiled a list of known cases since June, 2021, which have involved serious heart injury or even death. Report 24 found 75 cases, with the youngest on the list being only 13 years old and “many involve people under 20”.

The full list is at (in German, but the numbers speak for themselves). I’ve translated the list (in a hurry, so sorry if there are any errors). The links are well worth a read, and tragic, especially considering the young age of the victims. In five months, 75 (at least) likely felled or injured by the clot shot. According to Pierre, FIVE deaths PER YEAR is the long-term average. The authors have asked for more entries if known, but this is the latest info.

Here’s the list:

06.04.21, Italy, 29-year-old Ex-Profi Giuseppe Perrino collapsed and died at a benefit match for his dead brother.
06.07.21, Germany 38-year-old Table-tennis Profi Michael Schneider died suddenly and unexpectedly.
06.12.21, Denmark, 29-year-old Footballer Christian Eriksen collapsed lifelessly at an EM match; he was able to be resuscitated, but will need a pacemaker for the rest of his life.
06.22.21, Hungary, 18-year-old Footballer Viktor Marcell Hegedüs died during training warmups in Hungary.
07.14.21, Holland, 31-year-old Speed-skating Olympic winner Kjelt Nuis severely ill, hospitalized with heart problems after Corona shot.

07.16.21, Egypt Footballer Imad Bayumi died during a “friendly” match in Egypt.
07.22.21, Germany, 36-year-old During a match between SV Olympia Schlanstedt and Germania from Kroppenstedt, player Nicky Dalibor collapsed on the field and had to be reanimated.
07.23.21, Germany, 27-year-old Tim B. from SV Hamberge (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed and died after the return trip from a tournament.
07.24.21, Germany A player of theTuS Hoberge-Uerentrup (Bielefeld) collapsed with a cardiac arrest.
07.31.21, Holland, 19-year-old Handballer Whitnée Abriska died of cardiac arrest shortly before an air trip.
08.02.21, Belgium, 18-year-old Rune Coghe from Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffered a heart attack during a match.
08.02.21, Austria, 18-year-old An unnamed player in Burgenland (Austria) collapsed on the field, but was able to be saved thanks to a Helicopter Ambulance transport.
08.06.21, Germany Local league player of the SpVgg. Oelde II had to be resuscitated by a member of the opposing team.
08.14.21, Belgium, 37-year-old Former French Football profi Franck Berrier died during a tennis match of multiple heart attacks.
08.15.21, Germany Goalie coach of the SV Niederpöring suffered a heart attack after practice.
08.16.21, France 24-year-old Bordeaux-Profi Samuel Kalu suffered a cardiac arrest during a First-League match.
08.18.21, Belgium, 25-year-old Belgian footballer Jente Van Genechten suffered a cardiac arrest during the beginning of a tournament.
08.21.21, Turkey, 31-year-old Fabrice N’Sakala from Besiktas Istanbul collapsed unexplainedly and had to  be hospitalized
08.22.21, Italy, 29-year-old Pedro Obiang from Italian First league Sassuolo Calcio had to be hospitalized with Myocarditis after a Covid shot.
08.22.21, Venezuela, 30-year-old Venezuelan Marathon champion Alexaida Guedez died of a heart attack during a five Kilometer race.
08.24.21, Luxembourg, 29-year-old José dos Reis, a player from Red Black Pfaffenthal, collapsed on the field and had to be reanimated.
08.29.21, Germany In local league Dillenburg (Mittelhessen) a player from  Hirzenhain collapsed; the match was halted.
09.05.21, France, 16-year-old Diego Ferchaud from ASPTT Caen suffered a cardiac arrest in an under-18 match in Saint-Lô.
09.06.21, Austria A player of the ASV Baden (NiederAustria) collapsed on the field and had to be reanimated.
09.06.21, Italy, 16-year-old An unnamed footballer in Bergamo suffered a cardiac arrest.
09.06.21, Belgium, 27-year-old Belgian hobby-footballer Jens De Smet from Maldegem suffered a heart attack during a match and died later in hospital.
09.06.21, Italy, 13-year-old A footballer of the club Janus Nova of Saccolongo (Italy) collapsed on the field from a cardiac arrest.
09.07.21,England, 17-year-old Footballer Dylan Rich died during a match of a double heart attack.
09.09.21, Germany A player from Birati Club Münster suffered a cardiac arrest during a local match against the FC Nordkirchen. Similar to Eriksen’s collapse. Match was halted.
09.10.21, Germany, 24-year-old Lucas Surek from BFC Chemie Leipzig diagnosed with Myocarditis.
09.11.21, France, 49-year-old Frédéric Lartillot suffered a heart attack in the locker room after a “friendly match”.
09.11.21, Italy, 45-year-old Andrea Astolfi, sport director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffered and died from a massive heart attack while returning from a practice. He had no health problems before that.
09.11.21, Denmark, 22-year-old Abou Ali collapsed during a second-league match with a cardiac arrest.
09.11.21, Holland, 19-year-old Ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos died suddenly and unexpectedly.
09.12.21, Austria, 40-year-old A half-marathon runner collapsed during the race and died shortly afterwards.
09.13.21, Germany Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on the field with heart problems.
09.13.21, France 33-year-old Dimitri Liénard from FC Strasbourg collapsed during a match with heart problems.
09.14.21, USA 37-year-old Ex-NFL Pro Parys Haralson died suddenly and unexpectedly.
09.18.21, Germany 25-year-old Kingsley Coman from FC Bayern München suffers heart arrhythmia and must be operated on.
09.18.21, Canada 25-year-old The Canadian University footballer Francis Perron died shortly after a match.
09.19.21, France 19-year-old A footballer of FC Nantes suffered a cardiac arrest during practice.
09.19.21, Germany Volleyball coach Dirk Splisteser of the SG Traktor Divitz collapsed and died while on the sidelines.
09.21.21, Augsburg An assistant referee at a local league match in Emersacker, collapsed with heart problems.
09.21.21, Germany At a women’s WM qualification match between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz the English line referee Helen Byrne suffered heart problems and had to be carried off the field.
09.27.21, Germany Match of the Lauber SV (Kreis Donauwörth) halted due to the referee suffering a cardiac arrest.
09.27.21, Italy, 20-year-old A young rider suffered a heart attack after the end of a tournament.
09.28.21, Germany, 17-year-old A 17-jähriger footballer of the JSG Hoher Hagen in Hannoversch Münden had to be reanimated during the match.
09.28.21, Italy, 53-year-old The football coach Antonello Campus collapsed and died during a youth league practice in Sicily.
09.28.21, USA, 16-year-old A double-vaccinated teenager collapsed while playing football and died shortly afterwards.
09.29.21, Germany Coach Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) died of a heart attack before a match.
09.29.21, USA A High School football player collapsed during practice, and died later in the hospital.
09.30.21, Germany In a local league match between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf a player collapsed with cardiac arrest and had to be reanimated.
10.01.21, Germany, 15-year-old Future prospect goalie Bruno Stein of the FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thüringen died at just 15 years of age.
10.03.21, Austria, 64-year-old Former goalie coach and scout Ernst Scherr died suddenly and unexpectedly.
10.04.21, Germany, 42-year-old Alexander Siegfried from VfB Moschendorf collapsed and died suddenly and unexpectedly.
10.07.21, Italy, 17-year-old A track and field athlete from Colverde collapsed from cardiac arrest during practice.
10.08.21, France, 49-year-old A player from the SC Massay suffered a fatal heart attack during a match.
10.09.21, Mexico The Caddie Alberto Olguin collapsed and died of a heart attack while on the golf course. This was the second such death during a short time.
10.09.21, England, 29-year-old Shrewsbury Profi Striker Ryan Bowman suffered extreme heart problems after 30 minutes of play and must be treated with a Defibrillator.
10.10.21, Italy, 18-year-old A footballer suddenly collapsed unconscious on the field; teammates resuscitate him.
10.10.21, France, 40-year-old After warm-up, a player from Saint-James suffered a heart attack.
10.10.21, Italy, 59-year-old A long-distance runner from Biella died of heart failure during a race.
10.10.2021, Germany In a match between Frauen-Westfalenliga Wacker Mecklenbeck against Fortuna Freudenberg a player collapsed shortly before the end of the match, with influence from the opposing team.
10.12.21 Germany, 25-year-old The goalie of the HC TuRa Bergkamen, Lukas Bommer, died suddenly and unexpectedly.
10.13.21, Mexico, 16-year-old The student Hector Manuel Mendoza died during practice of a heart attack.
10.14.21, Brazil, 18-year-old The young football pro Fellipe de Jesus Moreira suffered a double heart attack and is fighting for his life.
10.14.21, Italy, 27-year-old The multiple cycling champion Gianni Moscon must be operated upon due to severe heart rhythm problems.
10.14.21, Italy, 53-year-old An AH footballer suffered a heart attack during practice.
10.15.21, USA, 14-year-old The 14-year-old football player Ava Azzopardi collapsed on the field and is fighting for her life in an induced coma.
10.16.21, France, 54-year-old The AH player Christophe Ramassamy died of a heart attack during a match.
10.17.21, France, 41-year-old A footballer collapsed and died on the field during a match, apparently because of a cardiac arrest.
10.27.21, Austria, 26-year-old The Ghanaian Raphael Dwamena collapsed with severe heart problems. He already had a pacemaker.
10.28.21, Germany, 48-year-old Hertha BSC Co coach Selim Levent died on holiday suddenly and unexpectedly.
10.28.21, USA, 12-year-old Jayson Kidd collapsed during a basketball practice and died later.
10.30.21, Spain, 33-year-old Star striker Kun Agüero from the FC Barcelona had to be taken out for a substitute during a match due to heart problems. He is now in hospital under observation.

Deplorable Patriot

At least it is being noticed and questioned. The MSM has it buried deep over here.

Valerie Curren

I took the liberty of sharing these damning details in a series of Gabs, starting here:

comment imageValerieCurren
 Valerie Curren

Death & destruction in the details. Hey NBA AND Parents, WAKE UP!!!

Thank you for that important info AND all the work you put into sharing it here!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Credit goes to Pierre and the folks at and their sources. The alternate media has really stepped up and filled the void that the NAZI censors over here have made in the YSM/MCM “media”…

Thanks for letting people know that all is not well in the sports (and the rest of the) world, especially for young men!

Pierre’s site, NoTricksZone is a really good climate skeptic site, with TONS of information that never hits the mainstream (for the most part). It’s at (and a, erm, real cool article at )

Gail Combs

👍 Pierre’s site, NoTricksZone is a really good climate skeptic site 👍

He is really good

Valerie Curren

Thanks much Cuppa!



Yet when we see a bus advert sign about children having all becomes clear

Cuppa Covfefe

And in the UK (and probably other places) they’re starting campaigns to get people to believe that heart problems in children are not rare!

Sorry Big Pharma, but heart problems in children ARE VERY RARE. As the parent of a child who had a 15-hour episode of (concealed) WPW, survived that and MONTHS in the ICU, two ablations, and a long recovery, and meeting a number of cardiology experts, chief and other surgeons, cardiac electrophysiologists, and other experts, I can say that these “new” heart ailments amongst the young are all but unheard of.

Heart malformations, electrical problems (like the aforementioned WPW), and other mechanical issues do happen. And are FAR more treatable than they once were. But myocarditis? Clotting? Autoimmune response to heart tissue? Vanishingly rare. Even WPW is all but unknown for youths, normally presenting in the 20-30 and above range, pausing until the 50s…

The medical industry should hang their heads and their stethescopes in shame!

Gail Combs

Hung by their stethescopes? After trial and conviction of course.


The entire “vaccine” house of cards will fall precipitously when YOUNG CHILDREN start to come down with myocarditis / pericarditis / brain and neurologic issues / seizures, etc., after getting “vaccinated.” And when the parents find out that the FDA admitted that “we won’t know about adverse reactions until we give them the vaccine” during the EUA meeting that “authorized” the “vaccine” for YOUNG CHILDREN.


Almost all child heart problems are congenital malformations

Cuppa Covfefe

WPW is more wiring than plumbing. What causes the extra paths (or even multiple paths in rare cases, usually males) is still being researched. Can be idiopathic or inherited, cardio electrophysiologist said it sometimes clusters in families but can skip generations (oh, great…)… Concealed WPW (as in this case) is an issue unless you test for it, which can also be an adventure… but they have to do that to see that the ablation worked…

Now they can freeze the extra path(s). Less risk than RF. Then again, back in the old days it was OHS…


My sister his idiopathic multifocal ventricular ectopic beats all over her ventricles. She has runs of vt. Until she had her cardiac arrest she had no idea she was dancing on the edge of a cliff her whole life. She has an implanted defibrillator/pacemaker

Gail Combs

This is the actual article:
New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about

They missed hundreds of serious adverse events that are more elevated than myocarditis. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides blows the doors off the “safe and effective” narrative…..

…Here’s what the evidence shows:

  1. The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history. They are 800 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine which was the previous record holder. The vaccines have killed over 150,000 Americans and permanently disabled even more. They don’t make sense for anyone of any age. The younger you are, the worse it gets. For kids, it is estimated that we kill 117 kids for every COVID death we prevent.
  2. The Pfizer 6 month trial showed the drug can save 1 life for every 22,000 people vaccinated. It also appeared from the trial that the drug killed more people than it saved (there were 20 deaths in the treatment group vs. 14 in placebo after unblinding). So we are “saving” fewer than 10,000 lives at the expense of over 150,000 deaths. In short, we kill 15 people to save 1. That’s incredibly stupid. But nobody in the Biden administration wants to meet with our team. They basically don’t want to hear the truth. Instead, they focus on deplatforming and censoring us which are techniques that are effective when the data doesn’t work out for you.
  3. Both the FDA and CDC have proven inept in spotting safety signals. They can’t even compute the VAERS URF which is a number that is required for any serious risk-benefit analysis. So the FDA and CDC outside committee members are all flying blind in approving the vaccines. Even after this deficiency is pointed out in the public comments by yours truly (and direct emails to the committee members), it makes no difference. We are ignored. The CDC safety monitoring is so bad that they even admitted at the last ACIP meeting that it was the DoD that spotted the myocarditis signal. So the FDA and CDC have basically been batting .000 in terms of spotting safety signals that have been sitting in plain sight the entire time.
  4. They can’t admit that they missed the signals now because that would be an admission they missed them before. So they will try to discredit this article with ad hominem attacks (this is a technique used to win an argument when you cannot win on the evidence).
  5. The serious events we highlight below are all consistent with the mechanism of action that Robert Malone and I first described in the Darkhorse podcast. Namely, that the spike protein that is produced in response to the delivery of the mRNA is cytotoxic and results in blood clots, inflammation and scarring throughout your body which then creates a wider range of severe adverse events than any vaccine in human history.
  6. The medical community is trained by the CDC to believe the vaccines are safe, so they interpret all the adverse events as not vaccine related. But if it wasn’t the vaccine that caused all these events, what was it? What’s worse is they tell their patients, “this is all in your head” or that “your baby died because you had a genetic defect.”
  7. In general, patients believe their doctors and never figure out where to get a cytokine panel to discover that they are vaccine injured (go to to get the cytokine panel and IncellDx to get the spike protein assay). So people never learn how to rid their body of the spike protein either (see my article on vaccine treatment for the drugs they use to do this) which is the first step in the road to recovery.
  8. The high adverse event rates aren’t “excess reporting.” It is due to excess events. For example, one neurologist had 0 cases of vaccine adverse events in her entire career, but this year, she has 2,000. Another physician I know has had 0 events in 29 years in his 700 patients. This year he needs to report 25 events. Physicians themselves have experienced stunningly higher incidence rates of reproductive, neurological, and cardiac events since the vaccines rolled in 2021. We couldn’t find a single cardiologist who actually had fewer cases of myocarditis after the vaccines rolled out as the members of the FDA and CDC claim.
  9. The serious events are primarily centered around menstruation, blood clots, inflammation and scarring, cardiovascular damage, and neurological damage, just as we predicted in the podcast in June of 2021.
  10. There are hundreds of serious adverse events that are caused by these vaccines. This of course is shocking to people since the CDC has repeatedly said you can’t ascribe causality to data in VAERS. Not true. The VAERS data analysis (temporal data, the dose dependency, and the elevated reporting rates compared to baseline) provide ample signal to enable us to show causality on all of these events using the five Bradford-Hill criteria applicable to vaccines.
  11. Nicki Minaj was right to complain about elevated rates of testicular swelling, impotence (erectile dysfunction), and orchitis. Every world authority who opined on the matter belittled her and said she was wrong, but all the symptoms she talked about are strongly elevated as you’ll see from the data below. None of these so-called experts of course ever looks at the data; it’s all based on arguing from their belief system rather than the scientific evidence. And even if those authorities disagreed with the VAERS data, it was irresponsible not to have pointed out the raw data to people and then explain why they totally ignored the elevated signal in the VAERS data. Today, we do science based on our belief system rather than the old-fashioned way of looking at what the data actually says. Our team is old-fashioned.
  12. There is a pretty good chance that the vaccines don’t really work at all and never did. We know the Pfizer Phase 3 trials were gamed in many ways. There is no doubt that the vaccines elevate antibodies, but it seems that it is quite possible that the immunity they confer is actually the result of killing off (or excluding as in the case of the trials) people with weaker immune systems. The people who are left are thus more resistant to the virus. Mathew Crawford will be coming out shortly with an analysis that makes a compelling case for this novel hypothesis. Subscribe to his substack here.
  13. It is unlikely that anyone in the world will want to debate us publicly on any of the claims above (or on any of my articles or on any of Mathew’s articles), but if you are a prominent supporter of the false narrative and want a public debate, we are here for you. Our team would be thrilled to accept the challenge as we have no desire to spread misinformation. If we got it wrong, we are happy to correct our mistakes if you can explain to us clearly the mistake we made and the correction you suggest (e.g., the “right” answer). Yet even with multiple million dollar incentives (listed in this article), nobody seems to be interested in showing how we got it wrong. Everyone talks about how bad the vaccine misinformation problem is, but nobody is willing to do anything to show that we got it wrong. For example, I’ve asked any prominent scientist in America who disagrees with my analysis (showing eight different ways to validate that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines) to let me see their “correct” analysis showing the “correct” number, but nobody will. They won’t even come on a recorded call to show us how we got it wrong. It’s baffling. They all want to do it in slow motion via documents because that way it’s easier to obfuscate the truth and they can avoid answering questions. The latter is key.
  14. It’s really easy to tell who is telling you the truth here. John Su is the CDC expert on VAERS. If he’s wrong, the entire narrative falls apart. I personally attacked Dr. Su in a widely read article accusing him of being corrupt. I offered to publish his response in the article. He said nothing. I offered to debate him. No dice. TrialSiteNews tried to interview him. He refused to reply. Seriously? If the CDC gave us 2 hours to ask John Su questions, we would destroy his credibility and the credibility of the CDC. That’s why he’s not talking and that’s why the CDC will never let him talk to anyone on our team. Because we don’t ask softball questions like what John gets at the ACIP meetings. We play hardball.

What we found in the VAERS analysis below can be verified by anyone because it is all publicly accessible. Albert spent only a few hours to produce the tables. So the CDC should have been able to do the same work Albert did.


In general, patients believe their doctors and never figure out where to get a cytokine panel to discover that they are vaccine injured (go to to get the cytokine panel and IncellDx to get the spike protein assay). So people never learn how to rid their body of the spike protein either (see my article on vaccine treatment for the drugs they use to do this) which is the first step in the road to recovery.

Thank you for this info. I have saved it in case I need it to help someone.

Valerie Curren

Hugely important info–Thanks!

Shared some of the above here, a teaser sort of 😉




at 2:00……into inciting an erection…an insurrection… 🤣 🤣 🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by holly
Cuppa Covfefe

bennyjohnson or Benny Hill ? 😀

Valerie Curren

John Thomas or Tom Collins (see Are You Being Served sketch) 😉


Wow! He clumsily and blatantly lies to her face, and she refused to accept it? What is the world coming to?

Gail Combs

Communist agents NEVER EVER admit guilt…..

 ….The difference between [Dan] Rather’s Progressive disinformation operation in 1988, and his operation in 2005, was the internet. In 2005, immediately upon Rather’s carefully planned revelation of the fake documents purporting to be President Bush’s National Guard file, actual document examiners blogged their analysis showing the documents were fake.

Irrefutable evidence proved that Rather’s documents were forgeries.

In classic covert operator, and now PC, style, Rather admitted nothing, denied everything, and made counter-accusations. He fought CBS’s attempts at punishment. He was finally allowed to resign. He later filed a lawsuit, crushed on appeal, against CBS. He has yet to admit his attempts at disinformation….

 From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe


True, communists NEVER admit guilt. And (IMO) there is more than tactical reasons for that. Communists and other leftists are motivated by sadism. They fill their empty souls and lives with the pleasure of inflicting pain. Not admitting the truth (for them) is a form of condescending sadism.


“What about your lying, Adam?“

”I’m not responsible for repeating and promoting other people’s lies. And anyway, we should be focused on the behavior of my political enemies, not mine.”

In all seriousness, to call this PoFDS a PoFDS is an insult to P’soDS everywhere.

Gail Combs

Dog Vomit Slime Mold maybe?
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The BLIND-EYED MEDIA is looking REALLY HARD through its GLASS EYE.

Deplorable Patriot

Many poor people are puzzled as to why we need politicians.

Deplorable Patriot

Paging Al Bundy.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Michelin Man FINALLY has a mate! 😆comment image

Deplorable Patriot

That was the Couch Commando’s comment.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder how long it would take that gal and the Michelin Man to get tired of each other 🙂

(rolls quickly away…)….

Gail Combs

I wonder how long she will live especially if she continually gets boosters.

Of course the Spike Protein poison may be sequestered in the blubber…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If she gets a heart-bound accidental IV shot, that overworked heart is in trouble.


He’d have to roll her in flour and look for the damp spot

Cuppa Covfefe

He’d probably gurgle “ma grande boulette” in her ear instead of ma petit choux 😀

(more of a giant dumpling than a little cabbage… what would Pepé Le Pew say? )


Do you know why the Michelin man is white?
because latex is white and tyres were originally white.
they found adding (?) graphite strengthens the rubber so tyres became black

Gail Combs

Black Graphite is also a very good UV stablizer so they would last longer in the sun.

Cuppa Covfefe

I thought it was because BTM 🙂

B lack
T yres
M atter

Wonder where that fits in with vulcanizing rubber (sulfur, etc.)…


I have a drunk wives matter cup


Sad to see people like this who hate and disrespect themselves so deeply, even if they think they have good reason(s) for it.

Of course, the exact opposite can be as equally destructive.

Deplorable Patriot

Very true.


Bikini size = jumbo petite

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank goodness the spoiler button works BACKWARDS, too!


It’s a cliche, but she really does have a pretty face.

Deplorable Patriot

Valerie Curren

LOL Everyman I’m related too it seems 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Too bad I’ve already scheduled tomorrow’s daily.


Love the yawn at 0:12!

Cuppa Covfefe

And he doesn’t miss a beat 🙂


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is great! He’s damn near calling out Turtlehead as a DEMOCRAT.

Brave and Free

Oh you mean he’s not? Could have fooled me 🤔.
As George Carland said: It’s a big club and your not in it.


He’s not? I thought he was. Turtle has always done everything he could to disrupt the conservative agenda. Never wanted to lead even with the majority, always wanted to delay and not force a filibuster. If played openly and publicly, a filibuster can be used to rally the support of the American people against the party doing the filibuster. But not Turtle. He’s the ultimate game player to the detriment of the American people.

Because… Chyna.

So sick of the lying scum in DC.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That makes more sense! Turtlehead ain’t DNC – he’s CCP!!!


Wait, who’s his wife again … askin’ for a friend … 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s that Polish gal….. errrrr….. wait a second…. it will come to me!

Cuppa Covfefe

Something about Chao time???

Gail Combs

Perhaps we need to start a post card campaign telling Ole Mitch to go home to Wuhan. 😜

Cuppa Covfefe

String along with Mitch… 🙂 or 🙁


OK I’m breaking from my daily CHAOS to bring this comment . . .

Since when did OT become a home-cleaning tips blog?

OK, I’m fine if that’s what he wants to do, but I’ve been reading Mary Hunt’s newsletters longer than OT has been a blog. Just Sayin’.

And then there’s this guy – was he EVER right???


He’s not confident. That’s a predator salivating at the prospect of easy food


Fauci used to be young? I thought he was born like that. 😂

It’s the same rhetoric about the spread of disease, and he’s wrong. It’s dangerous to rely on some “expert” who has his own agenda.


And has been so spectacularly wrong before


This is as scary af.
on a surface ship or a plane you have some chance,however small, but in a sub?

Gail Combs

NOT a surprise.

At a ASQ meeting a fellow QC said he grabbed some incoming CHINESE bolts and tested them DESPITE being told not to. Instead of being high grade steel they were pot metal. He worked in an aircraft assembly plant.

This is when ISO 9000 was being introduced around 1987 and ALL the QC Gurus were telling us to TRUST THE SUPPLIER… Yeah Right!

I had many a fight over that issue. TRUST BUT VERIFY!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

It is all part of the WTO’s plan to export US manufacturing. ISO 9000 was all about NOT doing incoming quality checks. Of course the accountants LOVED it since it cut cost just as Just-in-Time did.

Now we are stuck with CHEAP CHINESE CHIT that we pay big bucks for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The way the globonazis and their pet ChiCom goons worked was to secure management’s irrevocable commitment to outsourcing, and to make “backing out” impossible by all possible means. IMO this often involved blackmail, including by the very commitment (see Thousand Talents).

Valerie Curren

I was wondering if she was working for the Chi-coms!


like taking bribes whilst employed as QC

Valerie Curren

Yep. Very sick as people’s lives depend on reliable materials. no words!

Cuppa Covfefe

That picture of the wedding is something else. Garish, especially the little girls as “angels” and witch queen Piglosi standing on what they would like to be a “stairway to heaven”…

Seems that stairway has a rather different meaning in the occult world…

Barb Meier

Dr. Paul Marik: “Patients at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital are Dying Needlessly.”Lawsuit filed as hospital handcuffs doctors’ ability to save dying COVID-19 patients.October 9, 2021
In a press release issued today, the FLCCC announced that its Co-Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Paul Marik filed suit against Sentara Healthcare System for instituting a policy preventing him and other physicians from administering proven, life-saving treatments. “We take an oath as doctors to do no harm,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, Co-Chief Medical Officer of the FLCCC. “No doctor should be forced to watch their patient die knowing that more could have been done to save them.”

Dr. Paul Marik v. Sentara Healthcare

Barb Meier

Here’s the press release link:

FLCCC Press Release

Brave and Free

Hopefully there’ll be an avalanche of Dr’s coming to their sences and realize their going to be on the wrong side of history when this movie ends.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

States need to start working with Nebraska in the US and Uttar Pradesh in India on normalizing ivermectin.


This is horrible. I’m glad a lawsuit has been filed. People need to go to prison for manslaughter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are definitely in the “commie zone”.


And that’s bad. It portends death.


Once there is a cure and it is proven it escalates to murder


comment imageBreaking911


BREAKING: U.S. judge rules Jan. 6 committee can access some of Trump’s White House records, rejecting an argument by his lawyers that telephone records, visitor logs, and other documents should be hidden – Reuters

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Presumably this goes up to SCOFFLAW SCOTUS which will allow it.


but it potus trumps records can be accessed can obummas be kept secret. Or any of thems?
is this a fatal own goal?- don’t throw me in the briar patch


That would have been an excellent troll move by RealPOTUS … claim all your docs are untouchable like Obummer did.

Then when msm attacks, VSGPotus can claim the Obummer precedence.

“I’ll show mine if he shows his. hahahahaha”

Let’s Go Brandon

Last edited 2 years ago by Please

Hmmmm… mebbe…
(“Let’s see what happens…”)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – the point about Shakespeare – AMEN. Common Core was a DISASTER.

Pure Obama, to raise EPA notices ABOVE the classics as reading material.


I’m at a loss for something to say..that aren’t cuss words

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You KNOW that America did not vote for this shit.


If those polls can be believed and right now I DO think they’re accurate , even Democrat voting Americans didn’t vote for this

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Virtue signals have consequences.”


Would you like to look over what I have? I have a wide selection available

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We were ROBBED.


Question is what are WE gonna do about it ?



Look threatening? Give them mean looks? /sar

comment image


(looks like a “mostly peaceful protest” !)


Moari warriors were the fiercest the British Empire ever encountered in their expansions. Their tongues sticking out was a way of saying to their enemies, “I will kill you and I will eat you”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Itswoot

The Anglo-Saxons were no joke in their day.


We really need to tap into that heritage. Soon. IYKWIM




And they fucking did.
only natives that weren’t conquered.
all the America’s, Africa, islands, india China were subjugated one way or another but the Moaris got the Treaty of Waitangi




That’s what we’re waiting on…


Last edited 2 years ago by Nor'easter

I don’t know enough about it, and we’ve never been in this situation before and there is nothing in the Constitution about it. But IMO it stands to reason that if a state decertifies, that would remove their number of Electoral College votes from (in this case) Biden, which would probably take him below the required 270. Then all h3ll breaks loose, I guess 😱🔥‼️


I am unsure of the process myself.
Removing votes from one candidate does not necessarily mean restoring those votes to the proper candidate.

Shall we turn to the government that got us into this mess in the first place ?
Who in government will redress our grievances ?
Congress (meaning both the House and the Senate) ?
The courts ?
The executive branch ?
Perhaps if we first ask Joe Biden to vacate the office of the president and return it to its rightful elected President Donald J. Trump… And if asking doesn’t work, perhaps we should DEMAND IT ?

I think NOT.

While we may have never been in this exact situation before, the framers foresaw a similar situation, and expressed the remedy, not in the Constitution, but in the Declaration of Independence.

“… long train of abuses…”
(We are ^^^^^ HERE ^^^^^ NOW)

IMO, this will come to its logical conclusion.
HOW, remains to be seen.


h/t Marica



24 seconds. Prosecution should be sued for malpractice.

It’s as if they don’t prep the witness. Practice Q&A offline. Get the story right.

(Eliminate surprise, bad news answers.)

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

The trial is giving me anxiety. It should never even gone to trial. Kyle’s been vilified in the press INCLUDING those jerkwads at black rifle coffee

Praying that the jury isn’t corrupt


If the jury doesn’t acquit, look out!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are getting our first REAL taste of communism.


The stench is starting to get to people —


How many TransRepublicans WILL vote to confirm this commie bitch…


Treasury Department Nominee Says Biden Administration Purposefully Wants to Bankrupt Oil, Coal and Gas Companies
Today, Ms. Omarova is caught on tape saying it is the intent of the Biden administration to use the treasury department to bankrupt oil, coal and natural gas companies. This is what happens often with avowed ideologues; they are so focused on their mission to destroy the U.S., they often just say the stuff out loud.


The cabal has filled enough speshful diversity hires now they’re going for the actual dangerous ones

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said.



When the ‘cure’ is worse than the disease video


This is sad that these young men are dying but I sure hope that the masses that won’t read words on a paper or online about the jab will see the proof right in front of them.

The people I hope see this are American athletes. The ego will shatter when they have doubts that ‘will this game be my last and will the cameras record it ‘


It will be interesting if sports figures stop giving it their all. Sports fans would notice quickly, wonder what’s up and the talk will begin.


New DePat post!

We got camels!

We got essays!

We got conditioning and unicorns and scripture!

We got honey badger!

However, we ain’t got no comments.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Right! No way to comment on DPat’s new post. 😞


Can’t comment. No box for posting anything


OTOH, it loads much faster!




Paging Mr. Wolf! Paging Mr. Wolf!


Sent a private message (instructions for doing so are under “Contact” on main page).


Another 10 minutes or so, might post on .


Just did.


The “private message” forces a comment exception for an otherwise easy-to-miss comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry. Just getting here now. Wolf’s “New Healthy Era” hours may not allow for quick fixes to posting errors.

Have not made it far enough to see if the new post got fixed. Will be there shortly.


You will note that I am very reluctant to hit the fire alarm because the battery on our remote is dead.

Deplorable Patriot

Please refresh and check again.


We gotz da komz!!!


Two Foreign Nationals Arrested for Trafficking Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn as Part of International Operation with the Democratic Republic of the CongoHerdade Lokua, 23, and Jospin Mujangi, 31, of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were arrested on Nov. 3 outside of Seattle, Washington, and were indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiracy, money laundering, smuggling and Lacey Act violations for trafficking elephant ivory and white rhinoceros horn from DRC to Seattle.
The 11-count indictment alleges that Lokua and Mujangi worked with a middleman to smuggle four packages into the United States. In August and September, 2020, the defendants sent three shipments containing a total of about 49 pounds of ivory by air freight to Seattle. In May 2021, they sent another package with approximately five pounds of rhinoceros horn. At the same time, the defendants conspired to conduct large transactions via ocean freight, offering the buyer more than two tons of elephant ivory, one ton of pangolin scales, and multiple intact rhinoceros horns. On Nov. 2, they arrived in Washington State to negotiate the details of such a deal and were arrested in Edmonds.


Biden’s very own 3rd world …good times


Anyone seen Gil ?

@ Gil …doing okay with the cv ?


It is definitely time to be asking. Sadly, however, this page is getting to be aged and decrepit, and soon nobody will read it any more. It’d be better if it we asked on Wednesday’s page…..





Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I think I fixed it. Please check before I go back to bed.


I’m starting my own routine over on the thread — try the waitress, tip your veal!