Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181211

This SPECIAL (D5 + 6) = (D13 – 2) TRUMP THE FUTURE TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN (and very special) – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

No illegalities, please!  We’re Trumping the Future here, so it’s no time to be stuck in the past with Silly Stalinist Pretend Realities!

Today (Tuesday, December 11) is the tenth day of Advent.

The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019

And remember – with Q we can and will



Never Stop Traveling
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Santa is delivering lots of coal this year. Nice clean beautiful coal but coal nonetheless. Swamp creatures must take a number and stand in line to get their lumps.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Early on I got this image of one of the West Virginia mines reopening and sending the very first piece of coal to Trump as a Christmas present…with a note saying, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Mr. President…”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmm…Once upon a time I had a nice cylinder of graphite.
So between the two of us, we’ve done decorative carbon every wrong way it could be done (with diamond, of course, being the right way).

Deplorable Patriot

Heh heh.
I think my dad has a piece of pure aluminum somewhere.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What’s actually surprisingly tough is to get a sample of pure iron. In our daily lives it always appears as some kind of steel.

Sylvia Avery

Wolf, I just added a comment at the bottom of this thread but I thought I’d like to call your attention to it. I posted a clip of last night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight. He and one of his guests discussed how Google decided Breitbart had been too powerful in influencing postential voters in the 2016 election and they took a couple of approaches to fix Breitbart’s little red wagon so it couldn’t do that again.
I sort of got a chill because I thought about what had happened to the CTC.



Deplorable Patriot

And the coal trains still runneth. YEA!
Yeah, they’re dirty, and I wouldn’t lean on one, but travel the mass transit line through the city here, and those trains are at least a mile long. DO NOT BLOCK THE UNION PACIFIC TRACKS even if Warren Buffett probably owns a lot of the stock.


Early one tonight!!! 😀


“Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or discouraged
because of the king of Assyria
and the vast army with him,
for there is a greater power with us
than with him.”
2 Chronicles 32:7

comment image


We have been seeing signs of this coming for over a year.
Well it’s getting closer.


Hmmmm. *scratches head thinking*


Oh you know the answer…I suspect this has already been worked through…price of oil drops via OPEC then Kushner announces this…

Deplorable Patriot

I would imagine yes. It’s doubtful the crown prince would do something that ill advised and rash.


sometimes i walk around the office after everyone leaves and i do a little khashoggi song just in case anyone’s devices are listening and reporting back to headquarters. i have a verse about how i want to see the video and hear the audio even… great fun. i figure it’s good trigger words for siri or alexa or windows 10 or whatever.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not that I really expect this, but it’d be a ton of fun if they buried the hatchet…in Iran’s back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

– – · –
(For anyone new to here, that’s ‘Q’ in Morse code.)
– – · –
In solidarity with the Yellow Vests:
Vive la France
Vive la liberte

Arise, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us, tyranny’s
Bloody standard is raised, (repeat)
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They’re coming right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons, your women!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let’s march, let’s march!
Let an impure blood
Water our furrows!
What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conspiring kings want?
For whom have these vile chains,
These irons, been long prepared? (repeat)
Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
What furious action it must arouse!
It is to us they dare plan
A return to the old slavery!
To arms, citizens …
What! Foreign cohorts
Would make the law in our homes!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would strike down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Great God! By chained hands
Our brows would yield under the yoke!
Vile despots would themselves become
The masters of our destinies!
To arms, citizens …
Tremble, tyrants and you traitors
The shame of all parties,
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Will finally receive their prize! (repeat)
Everyone is a soldier to combat you,
If they fall, our young heroes,
Will be produced anew from the ground,
Ready to fight against you!
To arms, citizens …
Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,
Bear or hold back your blows!
Spare those sorry victims,
For regretfully arming against us. (repeat)
But these bloodthirsty despots,
These accomplices of Bouillé,
All these tigers who mercilessly
Tear apart their mother’s breast!
To arms, citizens …
Sacred love of the Fatherland,
Lead, support our avenging arms
Liberty, cherished Liberty,
Fight with thy defenders! (repeat)
Under our flags may victory
Hurry to thy manly accents,
So that thy expiring enemies
See thy triumph and our glory!
To arms, citizens …

– – · –
Five hundred eighty two days of the BannedWagon, but who’s counting?
Many were kicked out of the Lashed Refuge on or about the 11th of November (Armistice Day). Happy one month “anniversary!”
Did you just find out that the site that Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy has banned you? Hop aboard. Here at W’s Q tree house we are getting the banned back together.
– – · –
Let the trumpets be heard! Let the Letter Q be seen and heard around the world!

– – · –
The walls are closing in, there’s an expectant tingle in the air. Soon, soon, it will be BEAT-DOWN TIME!
Sylvia, get your shovel!!
– – · –

Sylvia Avery

I stand ready to serve!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Did you see the almost-perfect Sylvia the Shovel Wielding Avenger meme I found a couple of days ago? (Someone just needs to change a sword handle to a shovel handle.)comment image

Sylvia Avery

Well, that’s how it FEELS like I’d look anyway. Kind of angry and lots of stuff flying everywhere!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kinda thought so.


Ohhhh, this is perfect for Sylvia’s shovel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just leave it to someone else to turn that sword grip into a shovel handle.

Sadie Slays

Q’s “2015” comment prompted me to post this.
I recently watched “Back to the Future Part 2” for the first time in decades, and, oh my, it was a different experience watching it knowing what I know now. Long story short, the 2015 part of the movie is loaded with symbolism and predictive programming. There are a lot cabal “Easter Eggs”, but here are the notables:
– A strategically placed letter V over President Reagan’s face so that it looks like the one-eye sign.
– A prominently displayed sign saying, “The population bomb is everyone’s baby.”
– A prominently displayed sign saying, “Happy Faces Very Rare.”
– A USA Today cover with a woman President and the headline, “Swiss terrorist threat may be real says CIA officials.”
– Lots of stuff implying America is subservient to Japan (conditioning Americans to accept an Asian takeover).
AND THEN, there’s alternate 1985 Biff. It’s obvious that this awful villain was modeled after Donald Trump. Now given everything we’ve seen over the last few years…well, I wonder. I wonder if the cabal, even back then, anticipated Donald Trump being a nemesis, and deliberately tried to create a subliminal association between real life Donald Trump and over-the-top awful Biff in the minds of millions of moviegoers. I know it’s a wild theory, but in a movie about time travel that’s loaded with cabal garbage and Q saying stuff about “sci-fi”…well, I haven’t ruled out the possibility.

Sadie Slays

There was 9/11 programming in the first Back to the Future as well–Muslim terrorists at the “Twin Pine Mall” that laters become the “Lone Pine Mall.”
Also, it’s spooky what happened to the Back to the Future cast afterward. The first actor who was supposed to play Marty abruptly left halfway through filming. His replacement, Michael J. Fox, had his career sidelined by Parkinson’s at a relatively young age. Crispin Glover (George McFly) was blacklisted after the movie. The original Jenny never really worked again. Biff became super Catholic afterwards. It’s almost like they all knew they were part of a very sick and evil agenda when they filmed that movie. Some walked away or repented, and the one that continued to play the Hollywood game ended up cursed.


They don’t think of us as innocents. We are chattel, and deplorable chattel at that. I mean that in all seriousness.


If I understand this comment correctly, you interpreted Allison’s comment differently than I did.
By “these people’s crime”, do you mean the crimes of the Clintons, and of the rest of the cabal?
Hopefully Allison will see this and weigh in on whom she meant by “they” in writing “They don’t think of us as innocents. We are chattel, and deplorable chattel at that.”
To me it seemed transparent that she was referring to devout Muslims, but I’ve studied more Islamic history, law, and theology than the average bear. Upon rereading and reflection, I could see it could be Clintons that were intended.
If your theory of the Nairobi mall attack as a targeted assassination (“Arkancide-in-East Africa”) is correct, as seems very plausible, it is intriguing to think that the operation brought the White Widow into the service of Her Thighness.

Plain Jane

When Clinton was running for Pres, our youngest son who was under ten at the time worriedly asked me if our country would turn into Biff’s town if Clinton got to be president. I lied and told him no, it couldn’t.


“– Lots of stuff implying America is subservient to Japan (conditioning Americans to accept an Asian takeover).”
Back in the 80’s, Japan was riding high and buying up lots of things here in the US.
So yeah, that did sort of pave the way for China to come in and take over their position.
It’s a shame, too…because at least the Japanese are not communists.

Plain Jane

I saw the movies as a warning to us, not a conditioning for acceptance. Especially the corruption and crime in Biff’s town…and the sexual sleazieness he portrayed.


Maybe it was both.
The conditioning for acceptance is what got it the ‘go ahead’ to do the film…and the warning was slipped in, for those who would see it as a warning.
Not everyone would see it as a warning.

Plain Jane

I might just be seeing the movies through the eyes of the perpetual optimist that I am. I saw the heavy warning about terrorists and crooked, sleezy polititions.

Sadie Slays

A common theme I noticed in the two films and other media as well is that they REALLY wanted to drive home the point that the American economy was on its way out and the foreigners were taking over. I don’t think which “foreigners” even mattered to them so long as the demoralization propaganda was successful.

Sylvia Avery

When I read this, what my eyes saw was that within a couple of weeks you felt like you’d lost 10 lbs and I was actually wondering if I’d feel ten lbs lighter if I gave up TV when I realized what I read.

Plain Jane

Oh that’s funny. The miracle diet.


You’re right…and there was the same theme in other films, like Blade Runner – the original one.
We were being conditioned to accept Globalism as ‘inevitable’, weren’t we.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bears repeating.
It’s not “progressive” as in “progress,” it’s “progressive” as in “cancer.”


While it is inevitable that the SoComs will try to push socialism on us…it is *not* inevitable that we will submit to it.
A lot of people are starting to see that Socialism is a Lie.
We just have to keep fighting it, Wolfie.
Now don’t you start making noises like an Eeyore.
Mama wheatie will throw a bucket of icewater on ya.


Well yeah, that’s because it’s evil.
And Evil Never Sleeps.

Deplorable Patriot

Speak for yourself. I have a perfect dental record.

Plain Jane

From the movies that I’ve seen, my takeaway has always been that socialism causes poverty and social and moral degradation to the dependents. Maybe I just see the wrong movies, which is highly possible.
However, if my youngest so,and his older siblings, picked up that nuance from the Back to the Future Movies, at such a young age, I wonder what causes such a divergence of opinion in this discussion, of the movies. Interesting.


No. It was a warning of the inevitable outcome if we didn’t wake up.

Pat Frederick

now you’ve sparked my memory, gotta rewatch it too. in the first movie, they stole the plutonium (?) from which terrorists, anyone remember what country? gonna watch tonight…and I will be sure to point out all the messaging to my hubby…

Deplorable Patriot

Pakastan or Afghanistan. One of the two I think. It’s been a while.


Hmmm….thought it was Libya?


Yep: “The Libyan terrorists have arrived at Twin Pines Mall.”

Sadie Slays

The stolen plutonium came from Libyan terrorists.

Deplorable Patriot

The original Back to the Future had a lot of strange stuff in it too.
Interesting thoughts. Although Easter Eggs are not Cabal. They come from the Eastern Church. The egg is an ancient symbol of new life. They were originally all red as the Passion is part of the Pasch. But, the cabal has been known to hijack Christian symbols for their own purposes.


They came from the Eastern Church, but originally went back much farther than that. Eggs and bunny rabbits are both fertility symbols, as is appropriate for that time of year.
The English word “Easter” comes from “Eostre”, a pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon fertility goddess. “Eostre” in turn comes from “Astarte”, a much older Levantine fertility goddess. So it all goes back to the Eastern Med (and to Mesopotamia.)


No, different language families. Oestre is related to Aurora, goddess of the dawn in Latin, as they share the same origins. Indo European is not remotely related to Levantine languages.


All this pagan goddess worship and fertility symbol s go back to ancient Babylon. The goddess goes by various names depending where she is found.

Plain Jane

No internet source, but my understanding about Christian Holidays is that People enjoyed festivals and customs so rather than prohibiting participation in these festivals and making them tabu, they christianized them.


Not true. The Indo-European tribes do not come from Babylon. The genetics are different. Maybe you’re a Christian and therefore that’s what you believe but that’s not what the science in various fields says.


Yes, you are correct that the genetics are different, and largely display patterns that mimic the Semitic vs. Indo-European linguistic demographics patterns that you mentioned in your other comment in this thread.
But singularZoe didn’t mention genetics in her comment. She was just talking about religious customs, where she is undoubtedly correct that the Babylonians (and actually the non-Semitic Sumerians preceded the Babylonians in much of this) lived in the heartland of where most of this religious stuff got started.


You are correct, of course, that the Northwest Semitic branch of Afro-Asiatic is utterly different from the Germanic branch of Indo-European.
But I have seen etymologies linking ‘Eostre’ directly to ‘Astarte’, though I haven’t looked up the latest theories. Actually, I just found out that ‘Astarte’ is already Hellenized. ‘Ishtar’ is the original Semitic form.
You know that the Phoenicians sailed past the Pillars of Herakles, and were mining tin (of all things!) in Cornwall in pre-Classical times. I always assumed the line of borrowing went from Phoenician->Celtic->Anglo-Saxon, but that’s just the impression I had.
Thinking in terms of Semitic consonant roots, S/T/R Eostre is fairly close to SH/T/R Ishtar.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interesting stuff. I’ll make some scattershot observations:
I know in the 1980s Japanese goods attained a reputation for being of high quality; their cars had never been recalled, Detroit seemed to be recalling vehicles every other week. Simply driving around, an American car about 10 years old was a rarity on the roads (much older ones were more common). The common perception was that American cars were crap. (I don’t blame the workers for this, I blame the management for not instituting quality control–something we taught the Japanese; their quality award is named after a man named Deming–and not focusing on fundamentals in design. Detroit was devoted to the idea that we’d buy a new car every three or four years and didn’t care–and didn’t think WE would care–if they lasted longer than that. Unfortunately for them, many of us DID care, and we bought foreign.
The original Back To The Future movie (not the sequels) is actually used as a teaching aid in how to write a structurally perfect movie script; it apparently has all the elements of the perfectly-told story for the big screen.


Macron addresses nation with these measures: raise minimum wage by €100/month, exempt overtime pay from tax and not raise tax for pensioners living on €2000 or less/month. BUT police and military are standing by, ready to crush any uprising:


Have the French people figured out yet how bad they’re screwed…as long as all those islamigrants are creating colonies and sucking off the govt?
The govt there, with the help of the leftist media, tries to hide the Number of No-Go Areas that have been taken over by the muslim invaders.
But those areas are colonies.
We’ve got the same problem here in a few areas.
And those areas need to be cleaned out and a lot of those people deported.

Cuppa Covfefe

When the “Gastarbeitern” came here to Germany in the 60s and 70s, it was thought that they would eventually go back from whence they came… or, in rare cases, remain and assimilate.
Of the various groups working here as guests (Turks, Italians, Greeks, Asians, Spainiards, Portuguese, and some others), all have pretty much assimilated,(sometimes humorously, “more German than Germans”), except for one group.
The Turks.
Even after FOUR GENERATIONS, they still are not German, although they might have Citizenship, or at least permanent residency.
Because “Allah” does not allow them to assimilate within ANY OTHER CULTURE. Totally forbidden, except in limited cases of Taqiyyah [“happy Taqiyyah, gee it’s good to see ya” to tune of “Vatican Rag”}.
The case of the two footballers having a picture taken with Airheadman saying “he’s their President” is a prime example of that, and probably cost Germany the World Cup this time).
For the Moslems don’t come here to be guests; they come here to TAKE OVER. And until and unless we learn that, and take steps to deal with that, we will end up being overrun, dominated, and eventually destroyed…
Steps such as strict immigration laws and much stricter dealing with crimes such as stabbings, rapes, and “honor killings”, not to mention our culture (and leaders) bowing down to them, be it figuratively or literally…

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

We have been conditioned by people who do are not religious to think that it is not possible for others to burn with religious fervor. But people who burn with Islamic fervor have been seeking for centuries to conquer Dar Al-Harb (any portion of the world that is not subject to Islam). And unless they have their own reformation, we are going to have to stop them.
People in the West need to read Jed Babbin’s “In the Words of our Enemies.” Know your enemy…

Deplorable Patriot

And Christians need to be reminded that our hearts are to be on fire for God.
The Greatest Commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul. And then love your neighbor as yourself.
Let this waver and the forces of darkness will try to turn you.




Which is why I will post this link once again – most here are already fully aware but, with new people coming every day, IMO, it is worth spreading far and wide – WRT the Muslim Brotherhood – also, watch Brigitte Gabriel on YT and ADM James “Ace” Lyons (link below):
“The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document
The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America. The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Terror Funding Trial. Federal investigators found the document in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.
The original document in Arabic follows the English translation.”
“During a press conference on how to combat radical Islamic extremism, Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, stated that under the leadership of Barack Obama the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated all of the National Security Agencies of the United States. Furthermore, Lyons said that Obama is deliberately unilaterally disarming the military and spoke to the need for the new GOP controlled congress and Military leaders to stand up to the administration and uphold their oaths.”


“O.G.” Q ?


Uh, no, this pre-dates Q. Not sure what you are asking?


There are no go areas for Jews in Paris…

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just Paris. South France (Toulouse, in particuar [born Toulouse?] is pretty bad). I read a while back that France has upwards of 100 no-go zones, and the Netherlands, Belgium, and northern Germany (NRW, Nord-Rhein Westphalen) have a lot too. And not forgetting Saddiq-head Khan’s City of London… (and Rotherham, and the midlands, and, and, and…).
Some countries are devolving into the state of “Judenfrei”, which was Hitler’s dream. And it seems that Merde-kel is every bit still a DDR shill. Göbbels would be proud, if not envious…


It will get worse before it gets better.


He affiliated with the Socialists before he withdrew to start his own party. (Paid membership between 2006 and 2009 and was in Hollande’s administration.)
He was Hollande’s golden boy.
**He was never a conservative.**
He was always a globalist (see ‘Professional Career’ at Wiki link):


Don’t leave out all of the “Bushies” …. Fake conservatives deluxe.
BTW…. has anyone figured out what was in those envelopes at the Bush 41 funeral?


how do you raise minimum wage by 100 euros a month? is it already like a salary? do they get paid by the hour and they are suggesting a raise that would theoretically give them 100 euros more with a months hours worked at minimum wage? or is this one of those lumps of money they have been talking about giving people there is a term but i forget it at the moment…


The French talk about earnings per month rather than per hour.

Sylvia Avery

I doubt that is a solid enough answer to make the people of France go, “oh, well, in that case let me just put my vest back in the car and go back to work then.”


And a lady — a nurse — said on RMC (French talk radio) today that some of this was already in the works. Macron’s just bringing it forward a little bit.
She said it was a ‘band-aid’ (‘pansement’) solution, nothing more.
In a poll of callers today, 55% said the gilets jaunes should continue, albeit peacefully. By contrast, the panel (largely lefty-globalists, though not all) mostly said they should now stop and give Macron’s concessions time to bed in.


If I were living there I would have immediately ordered a couple more yellow vest after listening to that snake.

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean!


Secretary of State Pompeo on the WARPATH!


Barron invited his soccer pals to the White House on Sunday:

Barron is as tall as most of the Dads!
Barron playing soccer:


wow..he is huge..over 6 feet?

Deplorable Patriot

He clears both of his parents at this point.


I wish he wore the number “17” on his jersey.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Perhaps if he had a choice, he would.

‘The Chamber of Commerce announced Monday that it would lobby Congress to pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade when it comes up for a vote next year, but that support was contingent on exempting Canada and Mexico from the U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.
‘The announcement comes as Democratic and Republican lawmakers have been hedging on whether they would support the deal, which would replace the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement. The Chamber’s support could be crucial in tipping the balance in Congress.
‘”After carefully assessing the new deal and its impact on our members, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has thrown its support behind the USMCA, which is critical to maintaining strong economic growth in the U.S.” Chamber President Tom Donohue said in a blog post Monday. “We will work with the administration and other stakeholders to address a handful of outstanding issues and secure approval of the USMCA in Congress.”‘


In other words…the US Chamber of Commerce is lobbying on behalf of Mexico and Canada.
They should have to register as a ‘Foreign Agent’ and a foreign lobbying firm.
And they should have to drop the “US” from their name.
Because they don’t give a sh-t about the US.

Pat Frederick

i think CoC is working for China to get all their crap steel and aluminum in the country…Canada and Mexico are just the benefactors…

Deplorable Patriot

Tom Donohue is still a massive pr!%$. Okay, we’ll deal, but only on the following conditions. (Which, of course, were the main reasons for reworking the deal in the first place.)


Yes, indeed.


PDJT is really trolling with ‘smocking’ gun:


Anons found this in the Urban Dictionary:comment image
And they think he could be trolling them about this:comment image

Sylvia Avery

That’s creepy.

Pat Frederick

you’re lucky that picture shown is CROPPED–it’s creepier below the waist–

Sylvia Avery



I’m out of the news loop for 2 or 3 days and now we have a new word to use?


Heheh. Yes…it’s sort of like that time when PDJT tweeted out “covfefe”.
The twitter-verse has taken ‘smockingun’ and is running with it.


covfefe is my all-time favorite….I love using that phrase..means nothing at all…but it’s awesome.


The funny thing is how the liberals are losing their smocking minds over it.


Haha…don’t forget to tip your waiters folks

Pat Frederick

what’s also scary is the pretzels these people tie themselves into: the President has gone from NO COLLUSION to No Smoking Gun–so obviously there WAS collusion–he just as it hidden very well–but Mueller will find it!!! some people should get out of the gene pool…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some people take a statement that ought to be a conclusion reached after examining facts (if it’s true at all), such as “Trump is corrupt” and make it their starting assumption. They’ll thus torture the universe into consistency with their assumption, but they won’t question it, any more than a rational person would question A is A.

Deplorable Patriot

Every time I read “smocking” I think of the dresses little girls wear. Smocking is an art form, that’s for sure.


Second part of the tweet:


CC= Criminal Case ?


Could be.
More experienced decoders than I are on this site. Perhaps they could give us their view.


A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Charles has been very good on the detailed economic aspects of MAGA.


Yes, he has been brilliant.

Deplorable Patriot

This is good on a lot of levels. Now, if the people would put as much effort into saving a bit, and having a cushion life would be good.

Sylvia Avery

I usually enjoy Tucker Carlson. I watched last night’s show and decided to post it here in case any of you are interested. His opening monologue was nice and tart and sarcastic and was a complete takedown of the medias shrill and hysterical celebration all weekend long of “We’ve got Trump now! The walls are closing in! He’s heading for jail!” It was a pleasure to watch that couple of minutes.
The last minute or so of Martha MacCallum’s show is first so you have to FF through that to get to the start of Tucker.
Another interesting piece tonight was when he interviewed someone to discuss the way that the devices are causing our brains to reroute our neural pathways, especially in children.
He also discussed with a guest Google’s actions following the 2016 election to take down Breitbart or nullify it so that it would not have the political influence it has enjoyed. This made me think a lot about what happened to our TH, actually.


ok I am losing the connection between this and CTH. What do you mean?


“the connection”
Coordinated attacks on sites which disrupt the cabal-preferred narrative, and which tell more truth than lie (to varying degrees).



Sylvia Avery

Just that there was an intentional objective of Google to try to ruin Breitbart so it couldn’t be politically influential as referenced in the video. SOMETHING happened to CTH. I don’t think it was an accident or just random events that coalesced into ruining the CTH experience.
Whether it was Google, or George Soros, or the feds, or little green men from Mars I do not know, but something deliberate happened to attempt to reduce the influence and power of that site in my opinion. Something beyond any character flaws of the site owner (such as jealousy, bad temper, etc.)


Whether it be on Tucker, Hannity, Judge Janine, or ANY fox show……
That IDIOT on the right side (Chris Hahn)…. causes an auto-mute, or channel change upon sight.
(along with Juan Williams, Jerry Rivers, Richard Fowler, Jemu Green, and many other leftards fox seems to be putting on now. That is why I have changed to fox business – Lou Dobbs and Trish Regan.

Sylvia Avery

Dude, I know what you mean. I love Tucker, but I can ONLY watch if I record it so I can FF through all of the people you mentioned and sadly many more names.
I agree FBN is much better, although I am mostly down to Lou. I like Trish Regan, except: when she puts on her US COC talking points hat, or pulls her pink p**** hat out of the drawer and spouts feminist nonsense, or goes into one of her inane meltdowns because PDJT has violated some tenant of the PC code that she cherishes. Then I sort of react like I got a case of food poisioning and I have to stay away from her for awhile. Until it happens again. Sigh.


Note Tom Fitton’s tweet:


Lindsey Graham was on Hannity last night…and brought this up.
He pointed out that there has been all this ‘scrutiny’ of Trump, but why hasn’t there been the same for Hillary?
Especially since she has flagrantly broken laws.
If this excruciating witch hunt by Mueller, can be the example that is applied to HRC and the Dems…then it will at least have done *one* good thing.
And apply the same scrutiny to HusseinO too!
I’ve heard the word “blackmail” being used today, several times.
The Dems brought it up before and used it as an ‘excuse’ to investigate PTrump…can’t have a Pres getting blackmailed by foreign players, right?
But now the word ‘blackmail’ is being used with regard to HRC and the Dems.
It’s about time!
I have thought for a long time that Barky was being blackmailed by Putin…because Putin knows the truth about Barky’s mysterious past.
In Dec 2008, right after the election, Putin called BHO an “illegitimate president”.
It was briefly in the News.
But it has been scrubbed since then.
A couple of months later, after Barky and Vlad had a 2-hour closed door meeting…Barky started giving Putin whatever he wanted.
And the media acted like Russia was our new best friend.


I did not know Putin called O an ‘illegitimate president’. Wow!
Your theory is a good one. I wish the truth would come out about him and, of course, HRC.

Sylvia Avery

Me, too. I’d love to see him shambling along in an orange jumpsuit.




From the article:
‘The Department of Justice is requesting that the justification of an FBI raid on a reportedly recognized whistleblower’s home remain secret, according to a letter from U.S. Attorney Robert Robert Hur.
‘The letter was sent to the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland on Dec. 7 in response to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Nov. 30 request to unseal court documents that would show the FBI’s rationale for the raid.
‘The documents could potentially reveal whether the bureau and the magistrate who signed the court order allowing the raid, Stephanie A. Gallagher, knew that the subject was, according to his lawyer, a recognized whistleblower …
‘The documents Cain possessed reportedly showed that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the Russian company that purchased Uranium One.
‘Cain gave the documents to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who had a senior official from his office hand-deliver them to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, according to Cain’s layer, Michael Socarras …’

Sylvia Avery

This strikes me as a significant story.
I also rejoiced in hearing what struck me as another significant story: that Jerome Corsi is suing the FBI/DOJ/CIA/NSA for over $300 million dollars for surveilling him without cause and I don’t know what all. Good for him. I hope it is a loud, noisy, blaring, attention demanding spectacle.


Thanks for that, Sylvia.
Where are Wray and Whitaker??


Easier to get the evidence in court by getting it this way.


Okay. Didn’t know that.

Pat Frederick

I thought I read Mueller’s name in that bunch too—or maybe I was just projecting…lol…

Deplorable Patriot

Hold your fire on Jerome Corsi. The anon called him out more than once. He also set off my BS detector when he lied about some easily researched information on the Church.
I don’t trust the guy at all. I think this is a shiny red ball for public distraction for some reason.


“I don’t trust the guy at all.”
Nor do I.
IMO, he’s a lifelong “operative”.
Q busted him up but good …

Sylvia Avery

Very true.
But as of this moment, if George Soros himself sued the FBI/DOJ/CIA for gazillions of dollars I’d be cheering him on.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. (Or at least a momentary ally that you watch like a hawk while you have a brief moment of shared endeavor.)
That was all, that was my point. Not that Corsi is a good guy.

Sylvia Avery

I’m no fan of Corsi, and I know that Q called him out.
But I take glee in him going after the FBI/DOJ/CIA etc with all legal guns ablazing.

Deplorable Patriot

The anon responded last night. This was about proper chain of custody to be able to use information as evidence in court.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 52a4e6 No.4250950
Dec 10 2018 23:13:47 (EST)

Sometimes ‘intrusions’ have a way of safeguarding people & evidence.
Sometimes ‘intrusions’ are a necessary event in order to safeguard chain of custody [post OIG WB status + doc handover protocols].
Active criminal investigations of this magnitude must be handled w/ extreme care.
The moment your name went ‘live’ there was no other choice.
Keep the faith, Patriot.
You are never alone.


Thanks for the Q drop on the case. Greatly appreciated!


Connecticut — Toys for Tots storage container broken into, toys stolen (sickening!):
‘The marginal human beings who boosted the contents from locked storage containers in the parking lot of the Greater Bridgeport Christian Fellowship Church would fit into the latter category. What the thieves made off makes the crime even more reprehensible: It was $80,000 worth of toys earmarked for needy children.
‘The Connecticut Post quotes Jerry Martinez, co-director of Toys for Tots in Bridgeport as saying, “It was mostly toys for kids age 7 to 14. Remote control cars, skateboards, Barbies, LOL dolls, board games. That stuff took the biggest hit.”’
Fortunately, they have received offers of help:
‘On Monday, Martinez said Toys for Tots had already gotten multiple offers of help.
‘“We’ve got lots of individuals who have reached out to get us donations,” he said.
‘At least one local business has also extended a helping hand — Wonderland of Ice in Bridgeport. Wonderland owner and general manager Lisa Fedick said she was heartbroken by the news reports of the Toys for Tots break-on.’
Readers eager to help the Toys for Tots chapter reach its goal can reach the organization here or by phone: 203-726-3614 or 203-726-3610.

Sylvia Avery

This looks like an interesting book. Here’s a bit from the article, linked below:
“Jihadist Psychopath is most certainly the first book to tackle head-on, from a new and entirely unexpected angle, the odd phenomenon that has played out with such dreary regularity over the last two decades. After every jihad terror attack, the focus of the international media — and even government and law enforcement officials — is never on telling the truth of what happened and formulating ways to protect citizens more effectively from this threat in the future. Instead, the focus is on Muslim communities as the victims, as if, in a total inversion of reality, the attackers had been non-Muslims targeting Muslims.
This inversion of reality manifests in innumerable ways. There is, immediately after the attack, the flood of news articles about how the local Muslim community is shocked — shocked! — by the attack. We are told that when mosque members first heard about the attack they prayed that the culprit was not a Muslim, and that they didn’t know the attacker; if the evidence is unmistakable that they did, we are told he had gotten angry despite the imam having preached peace and tolerance. We are told that this embattled and unjustly blamed community now fears a backlash from racist, redneck, non-Muslim yahoos. We are told that President Trump is largely responsible for the climate of fear in which Muslims in America must live today, and that “Islamophobia” is at record levels…”


The way the enemedia has been doing this, is a textbook example of gaslighting.


Paris Dennard discusses smear campaign against him. It has to do with this interview from August:

From Breitbart article in the tweet:
‘Just five days later, we all watched the Washington Post attempt to torpedo my career through a grossly inaccurate and purposely damaging article about an old claim. Four years ago, while working for the McCain Institute at Arizona State University, I was investigated in connection with a claim of harassment. As hurtful as the claim was, I knew the truth would be on my side.
‘After an automatic and long internal investigation, I was found not to have violated the university’s sexual harassment rules.
‘The Post was intent on stifling my rising national conservative voice by publishing a story deliberately mischaracterizing the findings of the four-year-old confidential investigative report from my former employer, which was apparently leaked to the newspaper (in violation of the University’s own rules on confidentiality and Arizona law).
‘Even more reprehensible was the fact that the Post refused to show me the confidential human resources (HR) report I had never seen, even as they asked me for immediate comment about it. It’s hard to see that as a coincidence, and I don’t, because it wasn’t.
‘It was a political hit job …
‘In Washington, DC, there exists today a dangerously insidious underground ruling class of faceless, vindictive bureaucrats and heartless reporters who have joined hands to destroy anyone they cannot control. They trade in leaks and smears, to shame — falsely — their political targets.
‘This is nothing new, really. In 1991 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called out the vicious attacks on him, saying, “This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”
‘The more things change, the more they remain exactly the same. Just ask former presidential candidate Herman Cain, former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, activist Candace Owens, and now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh.
‘I’ve been a Republican with a national platform since 2000. The deliberate politics of personal destruction and all-out character assassination is real, but their weapons of harm and pain formed against me, and against all the rest of those who dare to effectively speak out, will not prosper!
‘I will not be silenced, no matter what CNN, the Washington Post, or any other fake news story tries to imply through their own prejudiced actions.
‘In 2018, we cannot allow this strategic silencing to be the norm for conservative voices, especially Black conservative voices. We have to push back.
‘With my legal team, headed by my attorney, Jennifer J. McGrath, we have been doing just that and will continue to do so. I am pushing back through the legal system, and through social media, because we have to be heard, and we must take a stand against this evil.
‘It was a political hit job …’

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Sheryl Atkisson wrote a book on how this works called appropriately: “The Smear.”


Yes. The FIB messed up her hard drive, as I recall.


This is from the real Sean Spicer’s Twitter:

Really interesting — and intriguing — article. Excerpts follow — could explain Kelly’s departure (FLOTUS!!). Person reassigned is Ricardel:
‘“She’s got a notch in her belt,” says Tom Horne, the former Arizona attorney general who hired Grisham after she left the Romney campaign. “She’s gotten someone fired. That’s a big achievement!” Who has the notch? The first lady or her communications director?
‘Horne clarified: “Stephanie was the one who issued the statement.” Horne says he had his own run-ins with political opposition, and Grisham defended him. “She’s a very loyal type of person and when there are unfair attacks she responds strongly.”
‘Melania Trump appears to be pushing back in more significant ways. Tension between the first lady’s staff and John Kelly has grown in recent months, according to three current White House officials familiar with the dynamic. Staffers in the first lady’s office felt repeatedly slighted by him. The president announced over the weekend that Kelly would be leaving by the end of the year …’


WaPo likes to stir up sh-t.
The person who got fired deserved it.
WaPo doesn’t mention what she got fired for and implies that it was because of some sort of in-fighting.
And why does Sean Spicer’s tweet say that he is in Hong Kong?


Seems as if he is on a book tour.
I thought the WaPo piece was good (flattering to Grisham, but then I couldn’t give two hoots about Gen. Kelly).


WaPo is owned by Jeff Bezos, Churchmouse.
Bezos is a big tech tyrant and a globalist scumbag who do anything to take down our President.
WaPo is Bezos’ blog and everything that is written there is Anti-Trump and pro-globalism, in some way.


I know who owns WaPo.
Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.
Anyway, thanks for the exchange.


Kelly was fired. Or shall i say he was allowed to leave. Kirstjen Nielsen should be after the new year.


Agree 110% on both points!!


I’m confused. I read that one call to John Kelly and he resolved the problem on the FLOTUS travel dust-up. and Ricardel also attacked Mattis.
She was persona non grata at the White House and a little too big for her britches.


I reckon that whatever answer one receives depends on who picks up the phone. If it’s Kelly’s office, it will make him sound good. If it’s Grisham’s, it will make her sound good.
Anyway, Ricardel got transferred elsewhere — outside the WH. Result.



You are posting some great stuff today. I lived this battle for my late father …the VA and I are not friends.


Thank you very much.
I am so sorry to read about your late father and the ongoing battle you had to undertake with the VA.
It seems as if it is a lot of bureaucracy for very little care, all undertaken by incompetents.


Matteo Salvini celebrates six months in office. Italians happy (excerpt follows):
‘On Saturday, some 80,000 Italians turned up at the Piazza del Popolo (the People’s Square) in Rome as the right-wing League leader celebrated six months in office.
‘Supporters waved regional flags from across the country and those that read “Italians First,””Italy raises its head,” and “Six months of common sense government,” according to Agence France-Presse.
‘Salvini told the crowd, “We will work hard and do everything to make Italy come back to life.”’





The fact that Meghan Markle is on the list along with The other 8 just shows how far into the $hitter the media has sunk. The only thing I’m aware that Markle ever achieved was to “screw up” instead of down. If you can call screwing a member of the Queens family and achievement.

Pat Frederick

this list is ridiculous…but it normally is…Chrissy Ford made the list? for memory lapses? Heck Comey has her beat on that front…


I couldn’t believe it, either. Initially, I thought it was a joke — the whole thing, apart from PDJT.

Pat Frederick

I understand the inclusion of a movement (March for our Lives) even though i disagree with it, but Separation of families? what the heck are they smocking at the Times?


Time is off the charts certifiable.


A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Need to set my DVR




A nine-year-old girl has committed suicide after being bullied by her fourth-grade classmates.
McKenzie Adams was found by her grandmother in her Linden, Alabama, home after she hanged herself, the Tuscaloosa News reported. Family members say she had been harassed since the beginning of the school year.
Family members say McKenzie had transferred to U.S. Jones Elementary School in Demopolis, Alabama, because she had been bullied at her school in Linden.
McKenzie’s mother, Jasmine Adams, told CBS 42 that much of the bullying came from her friendship with a white boy and how his family would drive her to school.
‘She told me that this one particular child was writing her nasty notes in class,’ McKenzie’s mother said. ‘It was just things you wouldn’t think a nine-year-old should know.’
‘Part of it could have been because she rode to school with a white family,’ she continued. ‘And a lot of it was race, some of the student bullies would say to her ‘why you riding with white people you’re black, you’re ugly. You should just die’. ‘
McKenzie’s aunt, Eddwina Harris, also told the Tuscaloosa News about the racially-motivated taunting.
‘She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as ‘kill yourself,’ ‘you think you’re white because you ride with that white boy,’ ‘you ugly,’ ‘black b-tch,’ ‘just die’,’ she echoed.
The grieving family felt the school system failed her daughter.
‘I just felt that our trust was in them that they would do the right thing,’ Adams told CBS 42, ‘And it feels like to me it wasn’t it wasn’t done’.
‘We are working fully with the Demopolis and Linden police department. They are doing a joint investigation of these allegations,’ said schools attorney, Alex Braswell in a statement.


That is so horrible.
I don’t remember if it was here or on another site — possibly Jim Kunstler’s — but someone said that everything was working fine with integration after the Civil Rights Act was passed in the mid-1960s UNTIL the Left messed it up completely with their ‘diversity’ messages and programmes. Now it’s identity politics all the way, and integration is no more. SAD!

Pat Frederick



It really is.


Bizarre situation. Alabama is about 28% black (2nd highest) by demo. My state is 39.6% black (highest) by demo. In contrast, a state like NY is only about 11% black by demo and the populations are concentrated in metro areas. For instance, I was shocked to learn, a girlfriend who spent her entire life in upstate NY did not know a single black person — but wow, she had opinions.
The situation is completely different in southern states.
We know each other, for generations. Our communities are mixed. We cheer for each others children on a football field and exchange hellos at the grocery store, at funerals, and weddings. Very difficult to hate people for an irrational reason when you know 4 generations of the same family and share a common history…..
We live next door to the school.
Because many moms/dads work, at one point, I was the emergency contact person for 64 kids – and yes, if I had to think about it, about 40% of them were black. They were KIDS – not skin color. In fact, I was sometimes called in an emergency for kids who I didn’t know.
Hard to believe the situation became so intolerable for this young girl.


It is shameful, particularly at this time of year.
I wish there were more dedicated people in the world like you, daughn. Kudos to you!
I hope that MAGA makes a successful social transformation leading to national unity.


Growing up in NE, I never saw a black person (except on TV, and that was rare) until I was in HS and they began accepting out-of-state students at the local junior college. There was one black woman in town who lived close by the HS but she was not seen in public often and I never saw her (ironic, tho, that we shared the same last name). BIG brouhaha when the local Superintendent’s white daughter was seen out with a black student, although I was mostly sheltered from it. There was an undercurrent of disapproval when the black race was discussed in my home but it just wasn’t talked about much. My first experience with any minority, really, was when I went to work on the Thoroughbred racing circuit here in NE and most of those were South American. There were, however, a few black men around and they were treated no differently than other grooms. My next real experience was in basic training, where I first encountered racism – ironically enough, it was REVERSE racism! What an education that was!!!!


Fanned by another WHITE woman, btw, who was jealous of me (she had a crush on one of our drills and was ticked off when I was selected as the next Platoon Leader over her) and trying to be a “wigger.”


This is a horrible story.
Kind of things a 9 year old should never deal with.
It’s not the school’s fault, it is the fault of those who were bullying her.
How did it get to this point?
EVERY single child in that school should be forced to attend the funeral of the young girl.


“How did it get to this point?”
I’ve been thinking of Mckenzie’s death since I read about her earlier this morning. I keep circling back to the racial divisions brought on by leftists Democrats and their joined at the hip media.
Every time there has been a confrontation where a black person has been killed (Trayvon Martin’s death would be one example), the racial side of the death would be sensationalized to push a biased narrative. They knew there would be ‘collateral damage’ from doing this, but they didn’t care. “By any means necessary” has been the priority.
I think the bullying McKenzie was subjected to was a downstream effect of black anger stoked by leftists Dems and media against whites, and any association with them.
To me, McKenzie’s death by suicide brings home Q’s words of “They want us divided”.


Excellent point, Itswoot

Sylvia Avery

“Remember when Boulder, Colorado banned the ownership of AR-15 rifles? They also banned high-capacity magazines and bump stocks, giving gun owners with such magazines until July 15, 2018 to either sell them or dispose of them—whatever that means. Most likely, you’ll have to turn them over to the authorities. Now, there is a grandfather clause allowing residents who already owned AR-15s to keep them as long as they get a certificate by the local sheriff’s office. Well, that date is rapidly approaching. AR-15 owners have until December 27 to certify their weapons. If owners fail to do this, they won’t be allowed to own their rifles within city limits. So far, only 85 rifles have been certified (via Denver Post)…”


There will probably be a lot of people who move outside city limits.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I went to school there.
Sounds like it has gotten much, much worse (it was bad enough) since I left, which was about 30 seconds after they handed me the diploma.


What are they going to do…knock down doors and search houses?
That is a clear violation of the residents’ 2nd Amendment rights.


They follow CA. Dont register to begin with. Dont expect gun grabbers to allow you to keep anything. It is incredibly foolish to trust anyone who wants your guns. These people should move, but at keast keep everything in a locked safe, and do not discuss what you have with anyone.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Their congresspuke is now our governor-elect. And he has democratic majorities in both houses of the state legislature, and right now they are really pissed off about guns, because that was an issue that hurt them a lot in 2013.
Boulder’s law may become statewide next month.


“What are they going to do…knock down doors and search houses?”
This has already happened, Wheatie, in select states.
IIRC, Oregon (Portland) and Maryland (Baltimore). “Red-flag” laws (cough!), passed by State Legislatures. The damage gets done – and any redress, months / years later – fails to repair it. The victims are NEVER made “whole”.
These people don’t pay any mind to “words”, or “pieces of paper”, or “laws” (all three, to them, are one-in-the-same).


Boulder is ground zero for the spawning of liberals. I was just there this past summer and the town has become overrun with their version of the homeless. Homeless as in “ I could work a tech job but I had rather smoke dope and panhandle outside McDonald’s.” They actually stand where the sidewalk meets the drive thru window. You can order your breakfast and an extra biscuit for him and his dog and hand it to him when you pull off. I insisted he feed the dog the extra biscuit I ordered.

Pat Frederick

while gun shopping with my hubby (his Christmas gift), I saw several tasers for women for sale–very reasonably priced. They have a strap to wear on the wrist and if the taser is ripped from the strap it won’t work–so it cannot be used against you. seems like a good stocking stuffer idea to me. anybody have any thoughts on these?


Nice for those who live in dangerous areas. LOL – can’t imagine the strange looks I would get if I tried to give someone here such a gift!

Sylvia Avery

Probably better than nothing. I’ve seen fairly frequently on COPS or those type of shows where the taser fails to deploy or fails to have any impact on the person tased that I would be a bit leery of relying on one.
It’s kind of like pepper spray. It seems like a good idea and is to an extent. But there are real limitations: wind direction, effectiveness on someone who is high or supercharged on adrenaline, stuff like that.
I think women do well to get over any squeamishness they may have about guns and get a light weight, easy to use hand gun. Learn when to use it. How to use it. Train enough to be comfortable with it. Get a permit. And walk confidently knowing you can take care of yourself.
My state is a magnet for both illegals and the homeless. Over the last ten years it has grown increasingly difficult to find a safe place to walk my dog. Because I usually adopt dogs with behavioral issues I seldom have the luxury of walking a dog in an area frequented by other people and dogs. There have been appropriate places where I could go, but they are growing increasingly unsafe as homeless “camps” (we now call them “camps” and “campers” rather than homeless, less stigmatizing I guess) have begun popping up, people living in their vehicles, etc. So staying safe has been on my mind lately…


Today’s gilets jaunes news from the Cote d’Azur (departement 06, AKA ‘the Riviera’):
1/ Menton mayor supports the gilets jaunes, speaks to them and receives rapturous applause:

2/ Just outside of Nice, gilets jaunes joined with lorry drivers to block the route to the busy IT business park in the Saint Isidore area of the city:
It started at the crack of dawn and was still going on at least through the morning.
3/ National Police in 06 warn high schoolers participating in today’s gilets jaunes student strike not to handle dangerous items, to listen to the authorities and not to put themselves in danger:


Roadblock in Nice just ended — 1 p.m. French time!


Reaction from the Cote d’Azur and neighbouring departement, Var, to Macron’s announcement — the gilets jaunes there will continue:
‘A load of hot air’:

This guy isn’t happy at all and will keep going:

Someone else said ‘It’s a start, but we’ll continue.’


We are renaming you “église souris”




Macron is just trying to pacify, not correct. I hope they recognize it and continue!


Totally agree.
I think some will continue. How many, I’m not sure, but if the Var (83) and Cote d’Azur (06) are any indication, it could be a lot.
BTW, Macron had lunch with Sarkozy on Friday. No details other than that they talked about what’s going in in France, so, most certainly, les gilets jaunes:


Don’t lose momentum.


Ah! They make such GREAT farm dogs!!!


RARE Jared Kushner interview — Hannity, December 10. Hannity does not interrupt, either:

Kushner is very well spoken: complete sentences, no umming and ahhing. Worth watching! Discusses prison reform and fixing the situation in the Middle East.


Say it aint so…… Hannity did NOT interrupt?
That would be a FIRST.


I felt obliged to include that fact, given he has form. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Worth watching if for no other reason than to see and hear Kushner. TY for posting.


You are most welcome, Sylvia!
Glad you liked the interview. So did I.


This is actually huge news….maybe one of the reasons why Kelly is leaving

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d like to know just how much, honestly. And how much is completely wide open.


I am all in favor of giving Gary Sinise the Congressional Medal of Honor. He is a saint.

Pat Frederick

i agree. he is very supportive of Veterans.
