Is Obamacare Kaput?

Saved for posterity!

Marica posted….

Flep tweeted…. (posterity image version)….

Flep’s tweet!

Tom Fitton’s tweet!

My reaction…..



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Sylvia Avery


Certainly is!! Thanks for including me in your post! SHAMWOW!! —And for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE–your Shamwow is monogrammed with the Famous WolfM00N Avatar! BUT ORDER in the next 10 minutes…

Cuppa Covfefe

Your “posterity version” of Flep’s tweet is especially appropriate, as over here in Germany, at least, death announcements are printed with a black frame around them. So that announces the death of obamacare… FINALLY!!! (endlich).
Here’s hoping and praying that VSGPDJT will get the congress critters and scalawags to approve a REAL, HONEST, and FAIR (not to mention EFFECTIVE) health system, created by honest experts…


Someone should create a meme with Donald Trump astride the Capitol with a bullwhip in one hand and a megaphone in the other with Congress critters scurrying around below. He absolutely dominates the Washington scene.

Sylvia Avery

I love the Barry As Sham Wow Guy meme!
I have been so caught up with everything else I had taken my eye off the Obamacare ball. Wow!!!
Now what?
I say again, wow! Maybe Nancy will just slap a couple bits of correction tape over the affected parts and ram O’care through the House again in the middle of the night.


So can I sue the government now for making me pay an unconstitutional mandate for 3 years in a row. I want my money back with interest!


Start with a suit against O’Zero …
That way he will end up with $0 “Zero” Dollars …. and be all 🙁


Lol, hate to think what that woman will do.


IF the truth were told – or known – the whole blasted Obama administration would be declared invalid, corrupt, criminal.
From day one, Obama began to abuse the power of his office.


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Plain Jane

Oh my gosh, this just reminded me of this.

Plain Jane

I should have mentioned fly and all.


ooo—it does JANE LOL!

Plain Jane

The claymation Christmas stuff has cracked me up since our kids were little.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the hardest Christmas tunes to hold in tempo!

Plain Jane

I believe that. Fortunately the bell chior at our church has never tried it. LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t know so much about bell choirs since I don’t play, but to sing that one can invite a runaway train.

Plain Jane

LOL. I can almost “hear” what you just said.


Looks like we’re getting a Do-Over.
I wonder how quickly this case will make it to the Supreme Court.
And will the Dred Justice Roberts screw us over again?
But that’s right about the ‘severability clause’!
It’s just basic legalese to put a severability clause in piece of legislation or legal contract.
That clause protects the whole thing from being nullified, if one part is deemed to be unconstitutional.
Was Nancy in such a hurry to get the thing passed…that they screwed up and forgot to put that in?
Or did they do it out on purpose, thinking that they didn’t want any part of the monstrosity to be culled out.
Either way, I remember being hopeful that the Individual Mandate would be declared unconstitutional…so that it would nullify the whole thing.
But nooo.
Roberts pulled that “It’s a tax” ruling out of thin air.
This is a great piece of Good News!
Let’s hope Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will gang up on Roberts so that he’ll get it right this time.


Ack…*Or did they do it out on purpose


If hes being blackmailed then the theeat of it needs to be removed and he has to act accordingly. I hope he fixes his mistake. Then gibsberg goes PITUS replaces her, and after 2020 roberts retires early, POTUS replaces him too.


Wheetie—NOT taking up for Roberts—But remember–Blackmail! Was it Chinese adoptions or something. Strings Cut!! Q told us–It will ALL be good!


It was Irish adoptions, I think…or that is what people have said.
Something about Ireland not allowing people from other countries to adopt Irish orphans.
So the Roberts’ got someone to get the kids out and they adopted them in So America…or something like that.
If it’s true, then Roberts should resign from the SC.
How did he think he could keep something like that secret?

Sylvia Avery

If he had any honor, he would.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s possible they are blackmailing him into not resigning, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Roberts didn’t pull the “it’s a tax” thing completely out of thin air. Sotomayor asked that very question during oral arguments.
I still say Roberts was threatened, but put some poison pills in his ruling that would have killed it sooner or later.


I have a vague memory about this. It was decided to make it non-severable intentionally for just that reason. At that time I was reading that old sight of Eric Erickson’s Red State and it was discussed in depth. Had to quit the sight when they banned all birther talk. Hmmm, sound familiar?


This angle the Judge pursued might just have legs. He used Roberts’ logic against him and it fits. You could almost hear the 2019 Judge Roberts arguing against the 2012 Judge Roberts.


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As any other former POTUS EVER been rendered obsolete in such a short space of time??
VSGPDJT is pulling back the curtain on the O’Zero presidency and revealing… A BLACK HOLE…


Sorry, “Has” instead of “As” ……..


Remember this guy?
Gruber…the guy who said that they depended on the stupidity of the American people, to get ObamaCare passed.

Sylvia Avery

Oh yeah, I remember. Spit.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without you end. Amen 🙏🏼
Thank you, Jesus ❤️
President Trump was right!
President Trump is always right! 🦁
Three free howls!
Hahahaha, you slay me Wolf ❤️


Minnie!!! Getting rid of this Obamination was like putting cheese outside your little mouse house! 😉 Great to see ya today!!


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Glad to see this although it still will have to move through the courts for final resolution. As this is a healthcare post time to get on my soap box.
No matter the outcome, the whole health care, insurance, pharmacy, big food system is a disaster for us and you are better off getting control of your own health. We eat crap, get sick because of it, and are administered drugs to control the consequences of the crap we eat. This cycle continues as the amount of pills increase and your health declines. Don’t become a part of this disaster. This is a make money system at our expense. Refuse to participate. When my dad passed he was on 20 different meds. Do you think the doctors of smart had any clue how all those meds interacted within him at the same time? No.
I hear all the time that we all die anyway. I have walked through enough retirement homes to know the difference between living to a ripe old age healthy and being on life support and living to a ripe old age. World of difference. For those that are over weight you are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. If you are Type II you can be cured with food. If you are Type I you can gain better control of your glucose.
Eat whole foods and unprocessed low carb. If it is in a box it ain’t food. The more ingredients on the label, the less like food it is. We are designed to eat meats, plants are a back up. Let the animals eat the plants and absorb the nutrients. We eat the animals and get even more nutrients. Don’t drink calories. Two to three meals per day, no snacks. Eating an early breakfast is not needed. You just woke up. What do you need food for? You ain’t done anything,
Move more, eat less does not work. Plenty of info out on the web on low/zero carb to get healthy. Anyone want to dig deeper you can email me and I can provide some good links. Got to keep the Treepers healthy.
Soapbox complete.


Can I add to your excellent post? Please?
We can all grow a little of our own food. A tabletop planter with a grow light will support some lettuce, a tomato, or some herbs. A sunny window will do the same. If you have a yard, replace some flowers or grass with some food plants.
If you have any way to grow edibles, do it! Food you control is so much healthier for you. And it’s easier than you think.


And support the ranchers and farmers that are good stewards of the land.
Full Circle Ranch has pastured Bison that truly works miracles.


The way the giants of business got their foot in the door to push this crap on us was that they were able to control the means of production – most people, even in the cities, used to grow at least a portion of their own food. People used to keep chickens, pigs, even cows in their matchbox sized communal yards in those tenements back in the day. It might have been a cause taken up and publicized by leftists, but it’s a cause WORTH taking up and publicizing within conservative communities. If you want less control over you and your family by giant corporations, it starts at home. Really starts at home. Grow a tomato – it’s the gateway drug to freedom!


I have chickens in MY matchbox-sized backyard! And I live in town. Of course, it’s Montana, and the town only has 3500 people.

Plain Jane

With you all the way on this rf. Keto rules. Atkins is right up there also. Plus, the food pyramid is designed to push surplus products on us – SAD (American Standard Diet).


SAD. Sick and dieing.


Keto is very good and for most close to ideal as it promotes fat burning. But remember, if you are overfat you do not need to eat much fat. The fat can come from your fat stores which is what you want. Too many on keto pile on butter, add fat to coffee etc. Keep your carbs very low, sub 50 grams. The lower the better. Focus on good protein sources such as red meat. It is hard to over eat protein as it is very filling.

Plain Jane

Agree. I went Ketoafter 20 years on Atkins for diabetes. No pills or insulin except for 3 months when I first learned I was diabetic, and 4 months a few years ago… consistantly under 7.0 A1C.


Excellent. Congrats.

Plain Jane

Smile, with steak stuck in my teeth. 🙂


Actually on keto 70% of your daily calories should come from fat. Which means just enough protein, and very few carbs. The more protein you eat while on keto the less your body will burn its own stores especially if you have thyroid or insulin problems. But yes, you should be eating as much organic and pasture raised as possible because your body is dumping toxins stored in fat – you don’t need to add to that toxin burden by eating CAFO produced foods on top of it.


That is where keto is wrong. You don’t need that much fat in your diet especially if you are overweight. People doing bullet proof coffee, piling butter on their steaks when they need to lose weight.
Protien should be the priority. Very hard to overeat. If the body needs additional calories it should come from stored fat. Keto people freak out over protein because they do not understand gluconeogenisis.


No. I disagree for the simple reason that the keto diet was developed as a diabetic diet and an anti-seizure diet in the 20’s, before insulin was understood and able to be produced. It is still used as an anti-seizure diet because it is fairly powerfully anti-inflammatory. You actually *do* want all that fat, it’s hard to actually eat that much fat though I admit. It is important though because your body will use protein instead of fat as its food source and cause problems losing weight if you overdo on the protein. Protein is more easily converted to fuel than fat, and your body is going to use whatever’s easiest. Protein should not be the priority unless you are an overweight powerlifter or working in a seriously physical job. Then something more like Atkins or paleo should be your choice. Most people, however, are not training for triathlons or powerlifters. Most people are like me and struggle getting enough exercise time even into the schedule.


Fat doesn’t make you fat, carbs do. Best way to lose weight is to cut out all flour and sugar.


A little more to it than that but generally keep all carbs below 50 g. My point is that the keto diet pushes 70% calories from fat and too many people over load on fat in their diet. If you are fat you do not need to eat much fat as you have plenty to burn off. Which is what you want to do.


@rf121: “I have walked through enough retirement homes to know the difference between living to a ripe old age healthy and being on life support and living to a ripe old age.”
Yes. (And I mean no offense to anyone by this.) An 80-year-old family friend just passed away after being sick and miserable for several years. He expressed regret near the end that he didn’t stop smoking. It was sad. We can’t fix everything, but there’s a lot we can do to maintain health and quality of life.
I agree about not snacking, too. Every time we eat, we produce insulin, and too much will lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and a host of other problems.

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm…. It depends on a lot of factors.
A family friend passed away last year. He was sick, oh, 36 hours. Anyway, this man smoked cigars, could drink anyone other than the Queen Mother under the table, was at least 75 pounds overweight since I can remember, and he had just turned 89 when he passed away. Of course, the man knew how to have a good time.
His experience reflects many a family member who made it past 85. There’s a lot more involved than just food, although eating whole food with as few additives as possible will not hurt anyone.


“…no snacks.”
But…beef jerky is a most excellent snack.
I’m talking about the good stuff, not the convenience store beef jerky.
The kind that you get at smoke houses:comment image
And then there’s bacon…bacon is a great snack food.


You’re making me salivate 🙂
As a former South African, we love our “biltong” (delicious version of jerky, available in elephant, kudo, springbok, ostrich many other game meats, and the old reliable beef – as developed by the Boer pioneers, called “Voortrekkers”) and “Droewors” (spiced dried sausage in previous meats, my favourite).
Have some beef biltong and droewors (made by an Afrikaans speaking guy of Chinese ethnicity, now living in Melbourne) in the pantry


Yummm…sounds delicious!
Especially the spicy dried sausage.


Seeing as you like animals so much (always posting animal clips), you and yours should try to fit in a trip to Kruger National Park (half the size of the Netherlands) one day.
Not only is the game viewing awesome, but you can buy all those different game “biltong” and sausage that I listed. A special experience all round … 🙂


Sounds lovely, Jason.
But I think we’ll probably wait until it’s no longer ‘open season’ on white people in that area.


When i still ate beef, i loved good jerky. Oh man. That and steak( but admittedly over cooked). I ate eggs for the 1st time in 4 yrs last week. Pretty good omlette! I know i eat wierd….

Deplorable Patriot

And tree nuts.

Deplorable Patriot

Good guacamole, too. Bacon can be used for scooping.


Dang DP! Never thought of that—but YUM!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm-hmm. Nothing better than bacon and avocado together.


Nothing better unless bacon with avocado on buttered toast sandwich with Hellman’s mayonnaise. And some raw carrot in the sandwich is nice, too.

Deplorable Patriot

I need to learn how to make mayo. All commercial brands use soybean oil and soy does nasty things to me.


I know. I hate soybean oil, and mayo should really be made with olive oil. I tried the Hellmans with part olive oil but didn’t like it so went back to what I know isn’t good for me. Would like to find an all olive oil brand.


Oh yes definitely…I love them all, especially pecans.

Deplorable Patriot

I can eat pecans by the pound. This time of year I don’t worry much about it, either, with all the singing. I mean, trained voices use so much energy, you need to stay ahead just a bit in the calorie department.
Come Jan, that’s another story.

Plain Jane

I get the same caloric effect if I get a cough. Seriously.


Jane!! I know you are serious—but now I just want a mild cold! LOL!

Plain Jane

I could use one also. Grandson’s wedding after Christmas. Need to tighten up the tummy. My profile – ick.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, you’re using the same muscle group. All singing is is manipulated respiration. The thing is, though, that singers cough and it’s from the toes. I understand giving birth is similar as the muscles are toned.

Plain Jane

I did not know that. Interesting. Wish I could sing. Decades earlier I had a decent range but stopped singing (at home) and now can only manage a few notes either side of middle C keyed to my old piano. 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

If you need to tone the core, mat Pilates is your best bet. Joseph Pilates was a German physician in WWI who developed the program to get soldiers back on the battlefield more quickly. After he and his wife Clara emigrated to the US, they settled in NYC and their studio was in the same building as the New York City Ballet which is how dancers started using it for strength training.

Plain Jane

My core is pretty shot. My trainer at the gym is trained in Pilates and she’s got me on the Reformer which I call the Terminator. Hee, hee.

Deplorable Patriot

The reformer is okay, but I had to have elevated pulleys. Too short.

Plain Jane

I’m still wanting more floor situations, but at this time, she’s still trying to get me to use use stomach muscle properly. Am thinking she’s not well trained in mat exercises. The mat exercises is more of what I want so I can do at home also.

Deplorable Patriot

Most likely. My teacher was Stott trained which is a variation. I find the classics to be preferable for my needs.

Plain Jane

I need to delve into it more. Didn’t know about variations but it makes sense that there are variations. I have two really bad knees, all types of back problems – stenosis to severe arthritis to busted discs so for too long I have relied on a cane. My core has suffered from that. During the summer, Igeg stronger in our pool, but winter I go back downhill. That cycle prompted me to travel to a gym this winter. Unfortunately, I take what is available locally. Gooing to pursue options though.


Re Mayo (no reply button under your mayo post): don’t have it memorized any more, but go to Joy of Cooking and use olive oil, avocado oil, etc. There is a recipe or two out there for baconnaise (helps use up the bacon drippings for those who don’t scoop it up as a quick energy boost!). The basic recipe is 1T mustard, 1T oil, 1 egg, buzzed in blender of some sort, then I think it is 1 1/3 cup oil added very slowly whilst the blender is running (for emulsifying). I also have a Zyliss device that lets me do it without electricity; it is a sort of plunger (disks with holes in them) in a beaker thingy. You put in the ingredients and plunge away. I have scads of cool Swiss/German/Austrian kitchen gadgets I have picked up in thrift stores.
There are some decent commercial coconut and avocado oil mayos out there by Primal Kitchen and Chosen Foods. (Costco, Grocery Outlet) Sometimes one simply cannot be and do everything.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. We do have a Cuisinart. One of the things it was designed for is making mayo. I just haven’t tried it out for that.


From the Family Home Cookbook (1956) which is my go-to cookbook. I have probably 20 cook books but this is the one that gets the most use. In my house we don’t buy food, we buy commodities and make food. Beat with a rotary blender in a small bowl: 2 egg yolks, 1 TBS lemon juice (can also substitute vinegar) 1.5 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp dried mustard, 1/2 tsp paprika. Add the following 1 tsp at a time 1/2 cup oil. Gradually increase the amount added, beating vigorously after each addition. If it separates the oil was added too quickly, beat in another egg yolk. This will store in the fridge for about a week (if it lasts that long).
We have chickens in the back yard so we eat a lot of eggs. I was simply shocked, the first time I made mayo, at how ridiculously easy it was. And I have my husband’s Polish grandmother’s mixing bowls and hand mixer that I use.
If you’re busy but still want to eat non processed, crock pots and pressure cookers are your friends. As is making a week’s worth of food on the weekend and freezing for use during the week. I’m not good about doing that any more but we do use the pressure cooker and the crock pot a lot.


wheatie and DP— Mr Marica makes pecans mixed with butter and garlic salt and toasts them– at least once a week– but only during the holidays! Addictive!


Mmm, sounds really yummy, Marica.
I just love pecans, in all the different ways there are to eat them:
Raw – roasted – salted – glazed – cinnamon crusted…you name it.

Deplorable Patriot

Does the other half make his own garlic salt?


no—But you got a recipe? 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Umm….well, we usually just crush a garlic clove or two with a glass with a beveled bottom and add Kosher salt. No real recipe. Old family trick.

Plain Jane

I roast mine and use the pink Himalayan salt. I love the taste of it. When on Keto, people need more salt than normal.


And magnesium

Plain Jane

Didn’t realize magnesium is in it, but makes sense with the hype of trace minerals in such salt. Good. Thanks.


Amen, rf121!!comment image

Plain Jane

Wow. To the point..


Got a package of organic foods in the mail recently.
Had a BIG label for the USPS:
I guess the USPS does irradiate packages routinely?

Sadie Slays

A huge red pill for me was when I went to an afternoon doctor’s appointment for a routine eye exam, and the doctor made the comment, “You’re the first person I’ve seen today who wasn’t on any prescription medications.” WTF.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. My parents take a number. Some are needed, some I question. Several could have been avoided if on person I could name didn’t LOVE acidic foods, and always wanted to take the easy way out of cooking.
I mean, come on, it’s not that hard.

Plain Jane

DH and I get that often, although I do take NSAIDs several times a week for arthritis. Too many falls in my life.


I learned recently he NSAIDs are supposed to be very hard on the lining of the GI tract.Since I do have some of what I call “inflammation weight,” I’ve been trying to using a high end turmeric supplement from New Chapter instead more recently. Seems to be a help.

Plain Jane

TTT, NSAIDS sure are hard on the GI tract. Does that brand cause any “heartburn” or “talking back to you?” I took tumeric


No heartburn for me with it.
It’s pretty pricey, but it’s the only brand I’ve tried where I only need one capsule a day.
Here are some reviews:

Plain Jane

TY Bunches TTT. Will order some.

Plain Jane

TTT, I just posted this to Johnny’s response:

Plain Jane

Oops, wasn’t done, but my finger hit the tiny send button.
I took turmeric for years, but switched brands and had a most unpleasant gnawing feeling an hour or two after taking. Thanks for the info. Will try that brand.


I had that “most unpleasant gnawing feeling” too. I was using a powdered turmeric and was worried that maybe it was tainted by fillers. Started growing my own indoors, seven plants. Trying to get set up to where I can harvest every couple months. It’s a good looking plant.

Plain Jane

That’s awesome. Will look into that. Thanks Johnny.

Plain Jane

Thank You PJ!
I love cooking with turmeric. I’m also a great fan of black pepper so the two are usually ride together on the way to my tummy. It’s wonderful with a pork roast, a fatty one:) or any kind of meat.
My plants were started from root purchased at the commissary(ten bucks a pound). Took most of two months before the pushed up out of the soil. Beautiful tho. First harvest will be Jan-Feb.
Gonna try growing black pepper this next spring.

Elizabeth Carter

I don’t go to doctors. I have worn glasses since I was 12. My vision has improved from 625 to 325 over the last 5 years and they doctor is amazed. My old eye doctor retired and the new one took my blood pressure. I was surprised that she would do that. It was 127/82. I am 77. She seemed a little disappointed. Once in a while I take an aspirin for knee pain.


That’s amazing, Elizabeth.
To what do you attribute your vastly improved eyesight? I would very much like to know.

Elizabeth Carter

Hi churchmouse, My vision started improving and just keeps getting better. I have prayed for years that it would. I can’t really tie it to anything else. I just say “Thank You Jesus” and enjoy it.
The young woman who replaced my previous Doctor seems a little offended by it. She told me the first visit, that I was getting older so I should expect for my vision to get much worse and that I would probably get cataracts. I haven’t gotten cataracts and my vision keeps improving.
I went to low carb after the improvement in my vision started and that helped a lot of things.


‘I have prayed for years that it would. I can’t really tie it to anything else. I just say “Thank You Jesus” and enjoy it.’
Your experience is a great testimony to the power of prayer! Thank you for sharing it!
What a wonderful development as, outside of an operation, no one is likely to get improving vision later in life.
Glad you are still on a low-carb eating plan, too.
May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t even take pain killers. Got rid of Chinese food and tomatoes and gluten and that did the trick.


Your penultimate paragraph is 100% true, especially this: low carb.
And this: ‘Two to three meals per day, no snacks. Eating an early breakfast is not needed. You just woke up. What do you need food for? You ain’t done anything.’
It was only in the 1980s that mass-carb consumption started. Suddenly, everyone had to start eating cakes or cookies in the afternoon. Just Say No!


I did low carb and move more eat less. It did work but only all together.


I think this was the whole reason POTUS worked to get the individual mandate repealed – he knew it would make the whole monstrosity unconstitutional. If he couldn’t get the repeal through Congress, he did it another way. He really is a Very Special Genius.


What a day, eh?
Gotta admit, the case, brought by the 20 states, was BRILLIANT. It specifically went to Justice Robert’s tortured reasoning about O’care being a tax, thus constitutional. If no tax/mandate, then it is unconstitutional. Robert’s is hoisted on his own petard.


Roberts, no apostrophe. Oops.


The whole idea of the Govt forcing citizens to purchase a product, is just…outrageous.
Outrageous and dangerous.
It sets a really really bad precedent.
If allowed to stand…what other products would the Govt force us to buy?
Some people argued that “the govt requires you to buy car insurance” so this is no different.
No…car insurance is different.
We are only required to purchase Liability Auto Insurance, which protects other motorists from a bad driver’s mistakes.
If you don’t have a car…you don’t have to buy this.
It is just a part of the privilege of driving on our public road system.
Requiring people to purchase Health Ins is a slippery slope that will lead to even more govt abuses of our rights.


I’m sure they had a bunch of things all cooked up, then horrors! Trump won.


And that’s why they won’t stop freaking out about it.
“He’s undoing everything we’ve accomplished!”, they whine.
Why yes…yes he is.
That’s why we love him.


We do We do! We Really Really LOVE President Donald J. TRUMP!


For sure…8 years of Obama followed by 8 years of HRC, Obamacare implodes and the goverment steps in.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I agree this is helpful, but we really need to go much farther on reining in the federal government’s powers under the Commerce Clause. The idea that you engage in interstate commerce by growing wheat on your own land for your own consumption is ludicrous. And yet, that is what the SCT held in Wickard v. Filburn.

NYGuy54’s going to go down Roberts’ throat like bad medicine.


Can I just say…This Thread went from a Sham Wow commercial to a Food Network Channel!! LOLOL!! I love you guys!! Like Ellizabeth says—Down to earth –Solid ground–HOME!


Wolf may have to have a crazy what do you eat at Christmas thread? I just m ade mr gil a butterscotch/rum/absinthe/irish hot cocoa…. wierd combo but he likes it.


Gil–Feel sure that will happen and where I will reveal the Deplorable Dip Recipe!! lol;) It’s whats for dinner when Q Tree gets exciting!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Lol. Easy on the cocoa there 🙂 Don’t want it too strong… Sound interesting and very warming, like a hot toddy…

Plain Jane

We love you too Marica. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll second that. Well, Wolf has AMEN down there, so I guess I get to “third” it.


Excuse the language, but I agree with the sentiment:


Sauce for the goose…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Petard. Hoist. Assemble.


This ruling while not judicial activism, will likely be seen as such from the left. Now they will get a taste of knowing how it feels when one man can take away something they treasure.
Will there be howls from the left about judicial fiat and the calls of hypocrisy from the right if all this plays out right?
I’m hoping so. It could turn out to be a healthy dose of medicine for the country as a whole.


Okay, too optimistic, liberals don’t seem to have a linear thought pattern. What ever lesson they could learn here they’ll just jump over the facts in their normal fashion and keep with their situational ethics.
Still nice to see the shoe on the other foot though 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

I was just reading through the comments and was very pleased to find so many of us on Keto diets and not using medications. I went to a doctor once in 1986 and again in 1993 for a physical. I passed. I don’t go to doctors. So much can be controlled with diet and exercise.
I have a friend who is a doctor that got almost hysterical when he found out that I don’t go to doctors. When he finished his 1 hour lecture, I said, “You have told me that when a patient is dying you tell them to pray because we doctors have done all we can for you. I just pray first and so far God has healed me. I get sick, go through a process and get well.” That ended the conversation and he has not lectured me again.
I found a website that I recommend to people. They don’t sell anything and they do an outstanding job of presenting the science that backs up their statements. It is free. We have been lied to all of our lives and trying to convince someone of that frightens them. I just tell them about the website and don’t lecture them.


Keto is THE best EATING PLAN — not really a ‘diet’ — EVER!
Thanks for writing about it, Elizabeth. I’ve been following it for 4 1/2 years. It’s marvellous.
Do you think keto improved your eyesight? If so, how?

Elizabeth Carter

My vision started improving before I did Keto. Keto improves a lot of things but I have not seen anything on that talks about vision improving.


No, me neither, and I’ve read about it extensively.
Thank you for the explanation (elsewhere in this thread) of faith + prayer bringing about your improved vision. What a blessing that is!


I see on the site that they talk about intermittent fasting. I am a daily faster. It’s easy; I don’t eat after 7-8 pm, and I don’t eat breakfast before 9 or so.
Another easy thing to add into that schedule is morning exercise of some kind. I do 30 minutes of yoga. But anything will do. Think about it; you are exercising on a completely empty stomach, so what calories will your body burn? The ones in your body, of course! And since your body knows you need your muscle for the exercise you are doing, it burns stored fat!
P.S. I’m 54, I’m 5’8″, I weigh 130-135 pounds (depends on the season, I lose weight in the summer). I don’t “diet.”
I,too, am happy to read that so many here are working to stay off medication. Our ancestors used herbal remedies and natural methods. Of course, they died from disease, but if we really need antibiotics we have them. Many of my ancestors lived into their 90s and even 100s.
Stay healthy, peeps! We need all the smart conservatives we can get.

Elizabeth Carter

The women in my family on both sides have lived into their 90’s. I was very used to having “old” people around. Not one of them had Alzheimers or Dementia. I really think that is coming from the medications people take.

Deplorable Patriot

Alzheimer’s has, to an extent, been linked to aluminum lesions in the brain and lack of decent nutrition. One aunt who had if, that I can believe.


Recently a study was published on young kids in South Korea getting dementia. Some think it’s the break down of the blood brain barrier by the wireless tech now everywhere in the environment.

Plain Jane

Elizabeth, I love that website. Good info there.