Democrats In White Forget That Phyllis Schlafly Was Right

On Tuesday evening when the women of the Democrat Party appeared in the House of Representatives Chamber wearing white jackets as part of their ensembles, there was a piece of flair on just about every outfit that gave this writer pause. It was a button that simply read “ERA YES.”
This writer’s memory of the original ERA, the Equal Rights Amendment, that passed both sides of Congress with supermajorities, and fell three states short of ratification by its ten year deadline, was the failure of passage. (I was a kid.) The darn thing died in 1982 thanks to a campaign spearheaded by a woman hailed among conservatives by the name of Phyllis Schlafly.
Mrs. Schlafly passed away during the 2016 presidential campaign at the end of a fight with cancer which she had endured for quite some time. Headlines screamed that summer of her removing a daughter from the board of her Eagle Forum which spawned a lot of unfounded speculation. (The truth is the daughter, Mrs. Schlafly’s primary caregiver within the family, wanted her mother to rest in her final months, and Phyllis being Phyllis wouldn’t do it.*) At the time, this writer did some research on the fight against the ERA, and came to the conclusion that the women of the United States had Phyllis Schlafly to thank for saving them from themselves.
Mrs. Schlafly’s primary concern in opposing the ERA was not to stop women from being who and what they were meant to be, she did go back to school to get a law degree after all, but to protect the American family. At the beginning of her fight in the early 1970s, Mrs. Schlafly predicted that with the passage and ratification of the ERA, several social changes would occur that would be detrimental to the future of the nation.

Why “STOP ERA”? Phyllis Schlafly traveled across the U.S. throughout the 1970s calling for opposition to the ERA because it would lead to the following, most of which pro-ERA lawyers argued were not actually real threats from the ERA:

  • Homosexual marriages: traditional gender roles were, Schlafly argued, essential for preserving the family.
  • Women in combat: women, Schlafly argued, would weaken the military’s combat strength, and serving in the military would violate traditional gender norms.
  • Taxpayer-funded abortions: Schlafly, a … Catholic, ardently opposed abortion.
  • Unisex bathrooms: one of the best-known of the arguments Schlafly promoted, this was likely meant to create fear of losing a safe space. Schlafly argued that the ERA would also remove laws that depended on gender to define a sex crime, and that it would weaken laws about rape.
  • Elimination of Social Security benefits for widows: she believed women should not be in the paid workforce (though she herself was paid a salary) especially if they had young children, and so a Social Security benefit for women who had not earned their own benefits was essential to the mother’s ability to stay home.
  • Hurt families: She argued that the ERA would abolish a husband’s legal responsibility to support his wife and family, and making child support, that it would alter child support and alimony laws to make them gender neutral. In general, she argued that it would undermine the authority of men over women, which she saw as the proper power relationship for well-functioning families.

Many of these claims about what the ERA would do are disputed by legal scholars. On the other hand, some of these results evolved after the 1970s to become public policy, accepted by a majority of the electorate.
The Eagle Forum and so-called states’ rights groups warn that the ERA would transfer a great deal of power from state to federal governments.

Amazing isn’t it, that many of her predictions came true whether the ERA passed or not.
All these years later, Mrs. Schlafly’s ability to think logically down stream, as it were, and sound the alarm on so many issues that the people of the United States have been fighting in recent years did inspire Bloomberg, at least, to admit she was correct.
So if she was correct, and the ERA would have been a disaster for American women frankly by putting us on the same legal footing as men (can be drafted into the military, etc.), and it was defeated by the deadline imposed by Congress in 1982, why were the women in white pushing support for the long ago departed?
Basically, because they don’t believe it is dead.
In recent years, two states, Illinois and Nevada, ratified the amendment despite its cadaverous state. That means that only one more state would be needed for final ratification if Congress would only lift the time limit of ten years required for the ERA’s passage.

After its passage by joint resolution of Congress, the amendment had until 1982 to be ratified by the required 38 states. The deadline passed, but as [Alaska Sen. Lisa] Murkowski and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) wrote in a recent op-ed in the Washington Post, a renewed effort to ratify the amendment at the state level began about two years ago, and was buoyed in part by #MeToo.
Nevada ratified the amendment in 2017, and Illinois did the same in 2018, meaning only one more state is needed to get to 38.
And, Murkowski and Cardin write, Congress could remove the deadline, allowing the amendment to become law if a 38th state joins in.
“Women should not be held back or provided less opportunity, respect or protections under the law because of their gender,” they write. “This is not a partisan issue but one of universal human rights. Gender equality should be an explicit, basic principle of our society.”

It looks like, now that Mrs. Schlafly and her ability to rally the troops and circle the wagons are gone, the women of the Democrat Party and the men who are too spineless to stand up to them are going to try to revive the corpse of the ERA regardless of the consequences.
The reality is that the Senate may well be the roadblock on this one as amending the original legislation would take a big vote, but rest assured, the other side of the aisle will keep pulling out all the failed ideas of the past as the generations go on and have no idea of why such measures were defeated and who is responsible for making such things come to pass.
* The six degrees of separation in Mrs. Schlafly’s hometown is really two, and this writer has information that was on the ground, but never reported about the family fight in question.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post! Was not aware that the Vampire Donkey was trying to revive this Frankenstein monster!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I wasn’t either, but those buttons made me curious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are SNEAKY!!! SNEAKY little Vampire Donkeys, looking for MONEY and FREEDOM!


Good catch. Another thing to be on the watch for.
The family is the bedrock of this nation that many of the pillars stand on and this revival would certainly erode that foundation, not that they aren’t getting away with most of it already, but it would enshrine it in the constitution making needed fixes nearly impossible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point. This means that REVOKING VOTES is a good idea.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



DP This is EPIC!
You have single-handedly woken people up to a new danger of a resuscitated ERA monster!
We need people back on high alert NOW!
On top of that you reminded everyone about the great work of Phyllis Schlafly – that we need to LEARN from and EMULATE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, see, she and I share the same alma mater, and she was a member of my parish at one time. In these parts, Schlafly means either Phyllis or her nephews who founded one of the first microbrews that now are a part of the city landscape.
She and her work needs to be remembered.


This is important, Thank You!
I read about her in 2016 (busy time, eh) and vowed to find a couple of her books. I need to get on that.

Sylvia Avery

I read something about it a couple weeks ago. It seemed so outlandish my reaction was WTH? They can’t do that…
But it seems they can do whatever they want, and we all know this time it will pass.


It again but Brian cates, draw and strike is on point today re shifty little lowlifes schiffs meeting at aspen with fusions ceo.


Saw that at work. They put Nunes under ethics investigation for 8 months for much less.


Wolf I don’t know what you have planned for tonight’s open thread but you really should frame it around Phyllis Schlafly and the fight against the ERA – this really deserves more attention!


‘She played a major role with her husband in 1957 in writing a highly influential report, the “American Bar Association’s Report on Communist Tactics, Strategy, and Objectives.” Critchlow says it, “became not only one of the most widely read documents ever produced by the ABA, it was probably the single most widely read publication of the grassroots anticommunist movement.”[11]”
Wolf, did you ever read the American Bar Association Report on Communist Tactics Strategy Objectives from 1960? I’m sure you have, dumb question, lol.
Key to her wisdom was her understanding of these commie tactics.
I’m not worried about the russian Russians so much as I am the internal home growns from the 20s-40s that we didn’t flush from government in the 50s


grrr premature post 😉
Those rat bastards went on to destroy our inner cities in the 60’s and continue to this day. They’re everywhere.
We’ll win. It’s just more difficult now.


Thank you for the wonderful memory of Mrs. Schlafly achievements and her common sense vision.
I used to live in St Louse MO and Mrs. Schlafly lived right across the river. I used to listen to her I believe was KMOX . Everything she said I could relate with and I agreed with her stance on all she fought for.
I remember in 2016 she believed that President Trump then candidate Trump is our last chance to turn things around.
The Eagle Forum as I remember worked against her in the last couple of months of her life. I am sure they patched things up..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Eagle Forum did not work against her. She was dying and her kids wanted her to retire. I have sources close to it.


Deplorable Patriot
“The Eagle Forum did not work against her. She was dying and her kids wanted her to retire. I have sources close to it.”
Sadly as i came out in the end was the her daughter worked against her. I am glad you know the truth.
I hope her kids respected her last wishes ?
All I know she was a lovely lady and enriched my life listening to her when I was at home with three kids and very busy. Women like her are missed today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Her kids didn’t have much of a choice. In the end, Mrs. Schlafly came home from the Republican Convention and was gone less than a month later. The big clue it was coming was that the daughter, who was distraught, did not schedule herself to work in her own business. She was prepared to take the month off.
At the time, I saw all of the coverage, and couldn’t imagine anyone from that family in discord, and then one of my sources told me what was going on. Only the surface was reported, not what was really going on.


She was a fighter! She would’ve kept fighting literally till the day she died and couldn’t raise her voice again. Such a beautiful stubborn old woman!


Great article, DP, and pertinent information to know as to the eventual machinations of the Left!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank God We have A President Sent From God To Destroy Satan’s Minions!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This begins to strike a blow at the devaluations of life by cultural Marxism.


All cultural Marxism is built on the lie that rejects the Imago Dei.
Restore the anthropology – the doctrine of man – and Marxism’s madness unravels, as if it were a “tissue on the point of tearing and disintegrating uncontrollably.”


Excellent article DP…
Wolfie, I too wondered what those buttons said… my ol’ eyes could not see.
Question (rhetorical of course) for young women: What rights and privileges do females today in the USA NOT enjoy? It seems to me, they enjoy MORE than their share.
Perhaps someone could draft a REAL ERA… one for the males in America, and the females who feel our culture is being destroyed.
Feminazis have all but destroyed the customs and traditions I enjoyed, but my granddaughter has probably never experienced.
Note: I was flummoxed by the “all white” apparel. To me they looked like nurses… at the ready to assist in abortions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The irony being that the nursing profession was pretty much established by St, Louise de Marillac. She founded the Daughters of Charity, and nursing was and still is their primary mission. Florence Nightingale brought the profession into the modern era.


Can a state that has ratified, vote to unratify the ammendment?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know, but after 40 years, you’d think some of them would like to revote.


YES they can RESCIND.
That’s not to say that if the big push happened that there wouldn’t be a huge court fight, arguing that the rescission doesn’t count…
Likewise, there is precedent for repealing an amendment, I might add.
None of this protocol matters to leftists. If they get full control of the courts they’ll do whatever they want regardless – lawlessness.


What a horrible image that picture (at the top) presents!
Sour, dour, scowling, disdainful, haughty, arrogant, and frumpy. And apparently the only one who wears make-up is Cortez.
I’m sure the other growlers teased her about that.


“Sour, dour, scowling, disdainful, haughty, arrogant, and frumpy.”
If they were dwarves, those would be their names 😁


But “they” ARE dwarves……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’ve got their faces on. The trick is to make it look natural. No one who wears pearls is going to leave the house without at least foundation and mascara.
I actually thought Ocasio-Cortez looked whorish in her get-up.


“No one who wears pearls is going to leave the house without at least foundation and mascara.”
Patton did 😁
(actually they were ivory handled pistols, not pearl… but ‘ivory’ didn’t work for the joke 😁 )


I wear pearls and never wore make up. I do not need make up my complexion is such that make up s not needed.
With the white outfits the make up did not help those ladies.
I know one thing they turned me off from wearing white. The white outfits where attention getters nothing else. They looked foolish and immature.


I’m with you, singingsoul.
I can’t imagine any circumstance where I would even have an ornamental pearl-inlay pistol or revolver handle. The extra cost for such ornament is better spent on ammo. Or upgraded tritium night sights, maybe a Crimson Trace laser sight, a good holster… pearl handles are so far down the list that it doesn’t even make the list.
But if I ever did use a pearl ornamental pistol handle, it would definitely be sans make-up 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I’m not going to let a bunch of women who need better hairdressers (that was my real problem with them) stop me from wearing ivory (pure white is not good for me) or pearls for that matter. I also will be made up.


Got to admit though, one might make a lovely Valentines gift for a special lady.
For the nightstand, clutch bag, or garter.
Functional and fashionable !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They looked like coordinated groupies.


I never leave the house without my foundation!!!😳😳

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I shouldn’t since it has a natural sunscreen in it.


The memes are exploding, kkk, sheep etc


Pew-lousy invited Planned Parenthood to the SOTU….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You expect anything else?




San Fran SICKO…. nan

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



hmmm is right…
I never knew about this…
careful what you suggest/dictate Pelosi…


Oh my God I did not know about Nazi women wearing white..? Wow and then I look at the Congress ladies and here they are..:( How stupid are they how stupid are voters to vote those socialists into the Congress…?


They are stupid enough not to know history, and what history tells them about socialism or fascism!!! Try to educate these empty brains!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, let’s not bother educating them. Let’s enjoy watching ignorance make idiots of them.


So THAT was their “message”….. wish that would go VIRAL


The “National Socialists” of Germany were called….. Nazi’s
OUR “Demonicratic Socialists”…….
I call them: DITZI’s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ditzis! I like it!


Those poor girls. Grr. Child abusing NAZIs!


“That means that only one more state would be needed for final ratification if Congress would only lift the time limit of ten years required for the ERA’s passage.”
That would be so bogus that not even the devilrats could claim it was lawful with a straight face.
How many OTHER failed amendments could be revived and ‘passed’ decades later by the addition of a couple states, decades (or centuries!) after the initial votes were taken?
It cannot be credibly argued that the original Amendment from the early 1980s is reflective of the People or their Representatives today, when it was proposed generations ago.
It’s silly, but more importantly, it’s not lawful, it would be challenged immediately to the (not)supreme court.
If they want an Amendment to the Constitution, then they need to start over, and get it to pass both houses of corrupt Congress again, and then be ratified by the required number of states within the ten year time frame (again).
The allowable time cannot be OPEN-ENDED.
It must have a date-certain.
And considering the state of modern communication technology, if anything, the allowable period of time for ratification should be SHORTENED, not lengthened.
Mostly though, these are horrible human beings. They live to agitate, to provoke, to seek out ways to aggravate others. To make what is already a difficult life just that much harder and unpleasant for everyone around them.
It takes a special kind of awful person to live a life of that kind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know. The 27th amendment took over 200 years to pass.
These laws governing constitutional amendments are man’s. They can be twisted however the people in charge want them to be.


Thank you for the info, I looked it up, what a farce.
Everything is farce, when the goal and purpose of the political-class is to personally profit from corruption and subversion of every good thing.
And the solution to that problem is not a mystery.
Not to our Founding Fathers, and not to us either.


A tyrannical US government is to be removed by We the People by whatever means is necessary to preserve the Republic!


That’s exactly what we would be working on, if DJT had not won.


Amen!!! And amen!


The allowable time cannot be OPEN-ENDED.
It must have a date-certain.
Not according to Demonic-rats…
They make up the rules as they go along…..
Or get the 9th CIRCUS to do it for them.


Nazi Germany deja vu …
Deep State/Cabal controls the established media… so it’s not shown…
President Trump is almost never shown to the public…
Meanwhile they’re watching Netflix and all its liberal/socialist propaganda


Joseph Goebbels approves this message.


(just in case)


White garments can’t hide the black hearts and blood on their hands.
Whitewashed tombs… full of dead infants’ bones.




I think they really don’t care about the ERA. I think it is a covert effort to “pass” it, triggering a huge existential constitutional fight, and make the idea of obeying the constitution into a flexible stretchy idea. IOW, they seek to copy the way that some of today’s Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible they obey and which ones they ignore.
They know full well that the votes that were taken way back when were votes with the limiting language within. Taking even one word out makes it different than what was voted on; thus the prior vote cannot be applied to the new language.
There exists a set of law books titled Sutherland’s Statutory Construction (7 volumes). It describes exactly how to apply the ‘rule of law’ to any statute or legal document. (I have a copy on my bookshelf) Every federal judge (and most state judges) no matter what level of court he/she is in has read and studied SSC. They know this stuff and only corrupt thug judges (like Hawaiian Zerobama appointees) would dare ignore its standards.
But it is not the amendment that they want – it’s the FIGHT over whether it’s valid. Such a fight would play out in separate fights in more than 50 states and territories plus about 14 federal circuits. Such a prospect should scare the hell out of any American, yet it seems that there is a subset of malcontents that love chaos and destructive fighting. We need to fight back against these psychos every time any part of this is brought up.

Elizabeth Carter

I graduated high school in NC in 1959. I took all College Prep and chose to raise a family instead. Back then, one person working could make enough for their wife to stay home. It was such a blessing to get to stay home and raise my children.
I only have few memories of being treated differently for being a woman a couple of times in my life.
I did all of our accounting, because my husband hated that part. We went to a bank to get a business loan and he took me with him. The loan officer would ask him a question, he would shrug, ask me, I would tell him the answer and he would tell the loan officer. It was silly, but we understood the game. After about 10 questions the loan officer gave up and just asked me and saved time. We were all white. The loan officer was probably 15 or 20 years older than we were. We just wanted the loan and if this was required, we just submitted. We got the loan.
I would sometimes get a compliment from a man that he had really enjoyed our conversation because it was like talking to a man. I would say thank you and move on. I knew he meant well.
The interesting thing is that when I was in my early thirties and working in CA while my children were in school, I had an incident that was life changing.
A man that I worked with said to me that one of the women we worked with was a C*nt. I freaked out. I couldn’t stop myself. He was smiling so I knew I had lost all the points in his game. I went home after work and spent hours trying to figure out why that triggered me so badly. I realized that in my own mind, I had set up a goal of being as good as a man. No one else ever set that goal for me. That was a personal piece of crap thinking that I had internalized without realizing it. I finally had the “Great Awakening” that I was born a woman, I would live and die as a woman, there was nothing I could ever do that would change that, it is my reality and there is nothing that I need to apologize or feel ‘less than” about. My life was never the same again. I loved it. I was free of a barrier my own mind had erected against me. I was free.
I went to work the next day and he tried to push my button. Nothing happened. He tried over 5 times. I finally just smiled at him and said, “I want to thank you for yesterday. I confronted the fact that I am a woman and totally accepted that. I am free.” He gave up and never tried to push that button again.
Over the years, that realization served me so well. If someone would say, “Well, you are just a woman so you wouldn’t understand.” I would just smile at them and say, “Yes, about half of us are and that works very well most of the time.” I would then take the conversation back to the argument at hand and we would discuss the points of the argument and not the facts of our birth status. I won some, I lost some, but I did it on the basis of the facts and not because they had found an emotional trigger point in me. It was fun and not hurtful to either of us.
Until people realize their limits are set by their own thinking, change will not happen. When the change happens, there is no limit. We can achieve greatness if we are willing to step out of the box we have put ourselves in, stand up and speak up.


I almost always enjoy your stories and the thoughts you share.
I can’t remember a single time when that wasn’t the case.
Thank you, for all of them — and the ones to come 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

Thanks Scott, I appreciate your kind words.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s one of the things that I somewhat disagree with when it comes to Mrs. Schlafly and some of the sentiments that linger from past eras. Men being king of the castle, etc. I watch my parents…Dad only plays the part when he has an audience that doesn’t live in the house.
In more families than a lot of people know, the wife has control of the finances. In one family I know, the couple kept point score for chores. That’s taking it a little far, IMO, but it always seems to work better as understood a partnership that I can tell looking in from the outside.
Women can still be whatever they want to be, but we’re still not men. Accepting that isn’t as hard as it sounds, IMO.


Pro Tip:
My wife ALWAYS has the final say in our decisions……
(Unless it REALLY matters)….
I retain the God given right to VETO and over rule.
(Though I rarely need to)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll tell you what, among the reformed Jewish people I know and have as clients, the wife is always referred to as the boss by her husband. Those people have an amazingly low divorce rate. I’ve wondered from time to time what is in the culture that this is the case.


I presume that they…..
And in My case……
BOTH Parents Trust in GOD

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, my mother does, anyway. My dad goes to Church at least. Beyond that….


The Lord works in Mysterious ways!
I was raised in the Baptist church….
Sunday Morning, night, Wednesdays, Revivals…
(Whenever the doors were open)
Now….. I don’t go as the Church has turned “Bapticostal” (Baptist + Pentecostal)
Rock Music…. “Topical” sermons etc
(Reverence has been pushed aside)
My wife still goes… but to “Lifechurch”
(I think it is a Modern Pentecostal thing)
The Lord STILL leads me where HE wants me to go and gives me the words to speak as HE sees fit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re Catholic. my mother liked to put pilgrim shoes on and go to a number of different parishes. Dad, actually, was the one who wanted to switch to the current parish from the old and the pilgrim thing. There’s a little something for everyone, including a 7:30 am Mass on Sunday with no music, which is what he prefers.


Great comment, Elizabeth! I’m a liberated man, but I will always open the door for a woman…because I respect them and the role they have in our societal makeup. Without women there would be no men. Without men there would be no women. A symbiotic relationship created by God!


“Without women there would be no men.”
That’s not the way Adam tells it.
You know, just sayin’ 😁


Yes, Scotty, Adam had a most unique perspective, didn’t he!!!😎


Great minds think alike 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

And I will always do my part in return and acknowledge your courtesy.
We are liberated from slavery. As a Christian, I serve Jesus and am no one’s slave.
Courtesy is a voluntary interaction in a civil society and makes life much easier and more pleasant.
A smile, a nod, a touch, a thank you and a helping hand go a long way toward creating the world we aspire to live in.
Life is about the dailiness and we need to always appreciate each other and enjoy our interactions.
Small things matter.


“Back then, one person working could make enough for their wife to stay home.”
Excellent point, one that I have often brought up often in conversation.
Times have changed so drastically between then and now, that either by necessity, or much less often, by choice, couples must work in order to afford their lifestyles, without seeming to have any marked improvements over the prior generations, and in fact, negative results to marriage, the nuclear family, and large swaths of society in general.
Where have we gone wrong ?


“Where have we gone wrong ?”
Inflation, wage stagnation (certainly not keeping up anywhere near inflation), outsourcing of jobs by the tens of millions, all planned and brought to us by the Cabal.
The international criminal-class which apparently been at war with mankind for centuries, and we’re just now realizing it.
If enough of us realize it, there will be nowhere in the world they can hide.


Great post-excellent points.


But for the Grace and Mercy of God…….
I do NOT know how my wife and I made it……
My wife did NOT work outside the home while our 2 children were of preschool age.
She watched a couple of neighbors kids for some for extra money….
I worked full time…… and did odd jobs to make ends meet.
We just did not see the need for her to “work”
just to pay a “Daycare” bill….
And we did NOT want “someone else” raising our kids in their crucial formative years.
It’s all good…
Trust in the Lord


You did the right thing.


Thank you……
I believe we did…..
It strengthened my FAITH in God…
as it was HE, that got us through……
So much more to my life’s story here…
But I’ll comment as HE leads me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My parents had five and most of the time we were in parochial and private schools. My mom stayed home for 13-14 years and wend back to work in a school, but not as a teacher so she didn’t have any work to bring home. We did without, vacations were camping trips, bartering went on, deals made. Cars were NEVER new other than a van purchased to haul stuff to college.
It’s doable, but sacrifices need to be made.

Sylvia Avery

You were right. It means making some decisions that seem hard and giving up a lot of material things, but it was the best choice. God bless you for that.
After the infanticide flap in NY and Virginia, I was reading a piece about abortion and there was an idea in there that abortion was really sold to the American woman as a way of disposing of those inconvenient children that might tie a woman to the home rather than getting them out in the corporate world to be wage slaves. My paraphrasing of the idea, but wow. Just wow.
It has not turned out well for our country to turn over the children we do have to the day care crowd and public schools and let THEM raise our kids.


Where have we gone wrong ?
“We”…. as a Nation….
Kicked GOD out of our Schools….
Out of Government……
Out of Most of the “What about ME” families….
That….. is where “we” went WRONG

Elizabeth Carter

Nor, This was not something we did. This was done to us by the Communists we allowed into our country. They set out to destroy our families and they have done a good job. There was very little we could do about any of it. Many of us tried but we had little power to fight an organized attack against us. We prayed and waited and when the time was right, we stood up and voted for President Trump.
It is very hard for Christians to understand that there are many people in this world who want to destroy us when we have done them no harm.
In Scripture, it is made clear that this is who we battle but somehow we want to believe that if we just love them enough, they will change.
In fact, Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us and the ones who hated him still hate us.
When you love someone, you want to help them and it is so hard to understand why they want to destroy us.
We are finally at the turning point and what they are doing is coming to an end. Their masks have been ripped off and we see their total hatred for us. We will be fine. They will now reap what they have sown.
I used to feel sorry for them. I now leave them in God’s hands and will accept whatever He sees fit to do with them. I don’t beg anymore that if there is one good man, will you spare Sodom and Gomorrah? I just pray for God to deliver us from evil and they are evil. I leave it entirely to God to sort them out because they are so mixed together that we can’t tell who is who.
We did not go wrong. We love people and we want to help them. That is not wrong. We just need to pray and separate ourselves from them. God has it all in control and we need to trust Him.

Plain Jane

EC, you stated that beautifully.


With each paragraph, I agreed more and more.

Sylvia Avery

Nor’easter, I have pondered this a bit from time to time. My parents were traditionalists. Both were children born to older parents who were immigrants. Plain people. Workers.
My dad didn’t want my mom to hold an outside job, although she was quite willing to do so and from time to time did take on short term part time work. But they wanted a family and believed strongly that as parents they should raise their children. Not their parents, not babysitters (we didn’t have so called day care back then). They believed it was too important a task to be entrusted to anyone, ANYONE else. I remember some discussion, too, about government control of child rearing and distrust of anything like that as being “Communist.”
Even then, in the late 60s and 70s this meant being frugal and adroit at making ends meet. We went without a lot of extras and nice to haves. We had plenty, I don’t recall ever feeling that we were poor. But our house was smaller, our furniture perhaps not as fancy, there were no lavish vacations (we never went to Disneyland, for example). We had two cars, but one was always older. Never a beater, exactly, because dad was able to do almost all the mechanical upkeep himself.
I remember a lot of conversations about money throughout the years. I remember our entire family taking on evening office janitorial jobs for extra money for a couple years to pay off some medical bills.
Part of what is different now, it seems to me, are our financial expectations are higher. Much higher. And of course it takes a second income to live like that. Every family has two cars, usually pretty late model expensive cars. Everyone takes vacations. Everyone has been to Disneyland at least once, usually multiple times. The houses are bigger and more expensive.
There are costs associated with working outside the home. I remember thinking about this as the cute young gal who does my hair was planning her second child and maternity leave and coming back. She drove a pretty darned nice car, dressed expensively. I had to wonder how much money DO they make in hair salons? I would have loved to have known the details. How on earth could the cost of fancy work clothes, expensive female grooming upkeep, nice second car, day care for the kids, and the house cleaners have penciled out against the income, tips, less taxes?
In many ways we were sold a real bill of goods, I think. What value is the nice house, ginormous screen TV, late model cars, and vacations to Costa Rica against a close loving family where you are there to shape and teach your children and influence and protect them against the hideous values of the modern world?
Not that I thought this way when I was a young woman coming up. Oh no, it was all about fulfilling myself in my career, blah blah blah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I gotta run, and probably will not be back until late this evening and maybe not even until morning.
Thanks for all the commentary here.


Thank you for the article, DP! 👍


Deplorable Patriot great article!!!
men who are too spineless to stand up to them—– That right there!!!! That is a big issue.


DP, great article!

Plain Jane

Great write-up DP.
“Amazing isn’t it, that many of her predictions came true whether the ERA passed or not.” I pondered exactly that when she spoke and endorsed PT.
I was as mich of an activist against the ERA as was possible with raising small children. She ‘s the soul who inspired me to run for the school board while in my 20s. I wrote to her, and she sent me a packet of information and her hand written notes on running for office. By the time Ireceived the packet though I had already won the seat.
Indiana did NOT pass the ERA. We have a former state senator, long time deceased, by the name of Ernie Neimeyer to thank for that. He had my undying gratitude for his fight. Unfortunately, one of his kids has the seat as of a few years ago, and he’s seems to be somewhat of a RINO. I will have to get on him about the possibility of this coming up again.


How Phyllis Schlafly profoundly changed America
She created the modern pro-family movement and was its greatest activist
Her book changed the Republican party
What most pro-family conservatives today probably don’t know
September 9 2016comment image

Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away at age 92 this week [Sep 1996], actually created the pro-family movement. She was the greatest and most successful pro-family activist in its history. That is not hyperbole; it is fact. Everyone else is miles behind. …
Unfortunately, most pro-family conservatives under a certain age really don’t know that much about her, or appreciate the enormity of her contributions, which continued up until her death. In our opinion, the numerous obituaries in the conservative and mainstream media about her haven’t done her justice.
A revolution within the GOP
She broke into national prominence in 1964 by publishing a book. Titled “A Choice, Not an Echo” It brilliantly described how for decades the GOP establishment and donor class had been selling out the principles held by average Republican voters and controlling the political process. It’s chilling to realize how similar it was to the situation that has fueled the rise of Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016. She saw the problem clearly back in the 60s.
At first she felt no publisher would take the book, so she sold it out of her garage. It really caught on, eventually selling over 3 million copies. It changed the history of the Republican Party.comment image
“A Choice Not an Echo” is credited by many with igniting much of the Republican voter base and propelling Barry Goldwater’s nomination for president in 1964 over the will of the party establishment, and opening the door for Ronald Reagan’s run. Her book was that powerful.

This article is quite long and worth the read – but the part that struck me:

In 1972 Phyllis began her fight to stop the ERA. She was not only an incredibly articulate writer, speaker, and political thinker, but she was also an unbelievable organizer. She brought together and mobilized a very formidable army of thousands of women, mostly housewives, from across the country. This was before the Internet or even fax machines existed! And she taught them how to go to their state legislatures and lobby strategically and effectively despite the opposing them. Legislators had never seen anything like it.

You see that? Unbelievable organizer. Not some fly by night community organizer either.

She also created hard-hitting pamphlets, wrote countless newspaper columns, gave speeches across the country, and appeared on numerous television interview shows — usually against a stacked deck, but still coming out on top.
Over the next eight years, five more states ratified ERA. But also during that time five other states – under pressure from Phyllis and her forces – rescinded their ratifications.

They RESCINDED their ratifications!
Can that strategy work today?

The larger story of this impossible victory is really fascinating for activists today. In 2009 Phyllis made this exciting video discussing it in detail. (It’s 43 minutes long, but worth watching.)


Your right! Quiet exciting and well worth the watch, every minute. And against all odds and massive power she set them back!


ERA Ratification Status:comment image
Red: Ratified
Green: Ratified in one house of legislature
Blue: Not Ratified
States that have not ratified the amendment:

North Carolina
South Carolina

Despite a vigorous effort by women’s rights advocates, a push to pass the ERA in Virginia died in the state legislature in February [2018]. Similar efforts also failed [in 2018] in Arizona and Florida.

Consider the political crisis in Virginia. Could a vote in Virginia be revived…???

Plain Jane

Sorry, I do notbelieve Indiana ratified it, unless it was snuck in sometime when I was busy with our third baby.

Plain Jane

Just looked it up. Your source is correct. I was wrong, wrong, wrong.
1977, I was up to my eyeballs fighting bad textbooks while on the schoolboard…I must have put our defeat out of my mind, jubilant that other states kept fighting the good fight.
Rosylyn Carter swung or schlonged Indiane into ratification.
“1977: Indiana became the last state to ratify the ERA.
Total states so far: 35”


I’d rather you were right and my source was wrong!
After all, that map came from Wikipedia.

Plain Jane

I’ve been beating myself up for remembering wrongly. Things are starting to come back to me from that time period. I was so cocky sure Indiana held firm. On top of it, we had a R Governor at the time.
Thank you Michael, I too wish your source was wrong.


DP! I had a stupid Crazy day– But I Really needed to tell you what a fabulous Article and Tribute to Phyllis ! You are a true GEM here!! So happy to see another Rockin Writer here!! Hugs!!! Thank You!!!

Pat Frederick

wonderful piece DP!
and so informative…what a forward thinker Phyllis was. I believe the deterioration of the family is one of our biggest problems–we’re too busy with electronic gizmos and toting our children to activities to just spend time as a family any more.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for calling this to our attention DP. This is a crucial issue. ANOTHER crucial issue. We are beset on all sides. Evil never sleeps it is simply relentless.

[…] quote Sylvia: Evil never sleeps it is simply […]