This THINKING OF WHERE EAGLES DARE TO GO THURSDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

For Zoe’s benefit, the text:
Decision time for me………..
Continue the deterioration in what is becoming unbearable pain, or head to hospice where communication is limited.
Will say my goodbyes tonight, and check in tomorrow.Liked by you and 4 other people
Patrick Henry Censored, May 29, 2019
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Remember the 5 words that President Trump and Vice President Pence love to hear:

Tonight, we pray most of all for our dear brother, Patrick Henry Censored, or PHC for short.
He runs ahead to where we follow.

May 29, 2019 at 19:24You do what’s best for you, Patrick. I only ask that you save a branch for us. We’ll be along shortly.
Liked by 3 people
May 29, 2019 at 19:28A whole forest awaits, wolfmoon1776
I can see it, from my backyard.Liked by you and 2 other people
May 29, 2019 at 19:32Dang it, I’m crying. Please stick around for tonight’s daily. I want to make sure everybody sees this.
Liked by 1 person
May 29, 2019 at 19:33I can hold out for a couple of hours, wolfie
PHC and W, a short while ago
Liked by you and 2 other people
There are many other comments on Wednesday’s thread where this occurred:
But I add this one from bakocarl – perhaps his shortest poem:

May 29, 2019 at 19:14As you know, PHC, God is with you and He will carry you when you are unable to walk.
You won’t go gentle in that good night,
But willingly, willingly into God’s Light.Liked by you and 3 other people
bakocarl to PHC, this evening
With that, I put the Daily Thread up EARLY for once, and invite people to give PHC a hug.

God Bless YOU, PHC. You’ve touched more lives than you can possibly know.
Hugs from a patriot in Colorado.
Amen. Amen. If I ever falter in defense of liberty, I will REMEMBER and I will STAND STRONG.
Godspeed our friend! WWG1WGA
The Lord be with you—and you be with the Lord God Almighty for eternity!!!
I pray for peace and comfort, God is in control. We all know what awaits us it’s how we face it that tells the story.
God Bless you my brother though we have never met in person we share a common bond and that is Jesus Christ.
Praying for peace for you and your family.
Oh Dear Lord…I was just making my way through the comments and had not gotten there yet.
Thank you for putting this up early, Wolf.
Dearest Patrick,
Words cannot express the deep sense of loss from losing you in our lives.
It’s not fair!
It’s hurts me to think that you are in such physical pain.
So please do whatever you need to do, to ease your suffering.
Love you.
This breaks my heart.
Welp, pretty hard to see my screen about now. 🤧 Patrick Henry Censored, you’ve blessed this tree and I’ve been so honored to be amongst the likes of you here.
Seems we’re being robbed and I would love for you to be here while the next round of revealing and interesting times unfold but I’m pretty sure you’ll have a front row seat for all the action now! God bless you and all those near you my (far too unknown) fren. We’ll be along shortly to join the feast 🍖🥩🥓🍻 ✝️🌞
God bless you and comfort you, Dear PHC! Much love to you!
Ty, Katie
Love back, from Texas
Was not expecting this when I woke up this morning.
Dear PHC,
I am at a loss for words I must admit. I always enjoyed talking with you, enjoyed your humor and loved your screen name. 🙂
You have been in my Mom’s and I thoughts and prayers all this time and will continue to be as well as your family.
You care in good hands with Hospice.
Please know you have touched many lives. I am happy to have been on this tree with you. 🙂
Dear Patrick Henry Censored – I found you and this tree back in December as I was facing my own cancer battle. This is my first post here but I wanted you to know you have touched my heart. Prayers for peace for you and your family and the end of pain for you. Lots of love to you and all the dear people here.
Welcome, Cindy! <3
Thanks so much! I messed up on my name but thanks for letting me in!
Welcome Cindy 😊 We stick together through all our mess ups! And our health battles!
Cindy, I’m glad you posted. It is such a sad time. I hope you will post again.
Farewell, Patriot!
We’ll pick it up and carry it forward.
Go on to whatever awaits knowing that.
Dear PHC, what a blessing it has been to have you here! Your insight and humor have uplifted me many a time, and knowing they came in the midst of pain is touching and inspiring. I have prayed for you and will continue to do so. May God bless you always! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your spirit and courage with us.
Great guy you are! You have so many dear friends here.
Such an engaging personality. Witty, is an understatement. Had me in stitches so very often. Literally sought out your posts and bantering with many here. Simply cracked my up. Warm and loving guy, you are.
Will certainly miss you, always. PHC, guys like you are absolute keepers!!!
Rest well and in comfort.
There are ships that pass in the night with little effect, and there are other ships that will rock you in their wake….you have made significant contributions to our little community here.
I don’t have the words, but there is comfort in knowing you go to a better place, and you’re saving branches for all of us. May you feel the care and love the Q-Treepers have for you, PHC.
Especially for you, PHC
Lady P!! You read my mind!!! I was hoping someone would post this song for Patrick!!! My heart is breaking..I feel sure this song is meant especially for our very strong and Couragious Patrick Henry!!! and for his Lovely wife and family!!!!!!! Thanks dear lady for posting this!!!!
As soon as I saw Wolfie’s Eagle, special for PHC, I knew this was the right one for him. Even the slide show with the lyrics fit PHC, our dearest, #MAGA warrior, brother-in-arms – everything we could have wanted in a Friend. More like family. Sometimes, even better than family!
Lady P – as I scrolled through our blessings for PHC, I was thinking “an Eagle flies with the Angels”.
This seems like the fitting place for that phrase. It is God’s gift that we all have found each other in Wolfie’s den; PHC will forever dwell in our patriotic hearts.
My prayers are with you,PHC, and your loved ones. 💖💖💖
For you, PHC…an eagle I used during my brief time authoring daily threads.
beautiful Steve…
Steve, that is magnificent.
Isaiah 40:31 31but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Exodus 19:4 4’You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
Well done, Steve.
It is an honor to be able to send a hug.
I am stubborn….still praying for a miracle,
You are an inspiration and a joy to each of us. We treasure your words, your strength, and your steadfast commitment to the truth and to God….all done with a sense of humor that has served to uplift each and every one of us fortunate enough to have been able to read your comments.
We treasure you.
Love kept you here. You put your strong, beautiful heart in it and made us the better for it.
Thank you, Patrick..
God bless you and yours always and forever.
I look forward to meeting you, dear friend and brother in Christ.
Knowing (now) the amount of pain endured, and watching from my limited perspective on the internet, how one can still compose themselves with such humor and grace gives me a feeling that I can’t easily describe, but somehow gives me a sense of comfort about my own mortality. I thank you for that Sir Patrick. I would have liked to have met you in the real world. Such grace, indeed.
Amen Harry, Amen.
When I was still a young adult, the husband of a graduate school classmate and close friend became terminally ill. It was perhaps my first experience of a terminal illness of someone my age. Like Patrick, my friend Mike handled his illness and impending death with humor, comforting his friends and calmly facing the reality of the end of life on earth.
I’ve long strongly felt that most of us have a role while we are here on earth, no matter how short that time might be and how unaware we might be of that role. We are teachers, mentors, inspiration,role models …even though we might not even realize it at the time.
For me, my friend Mike set a example of how I hope I would handle a similar situation, and although it’s been several decades I still remember his grace.
What is even more remarkable is you, Patrick….a man none of us have seen or really know much about except a pretty good glimpse of personality and character through your posts. Yet, Patrick, you have touched our hearts and I think have fulfilled one of your roles here on earth. Take pride in that…how you have shown us how we, too, can face adversity. Your work is done, now you can rest.
Oh Teagan, that was lovely. And so true.
Sylvia, I’m going to save this thread, and reread for reminding of the blessings that PHC leaves for us in our lives.
Teagan, you are so right. Though what is an all too short a time, PHC has been a role model for showing us how to live our lives as #MAGA patriots – we’ve had that for the past couple of years, and now he shows us how strength, and courage, and faith take us on our final journey.
I was a lurker on the OT and can say you stood out as one I would stand beside in battle any day.
Our bodys are juat a rented vessel for the soul to reside in during our time here on earth and I must say your vessel shines like no other.God speed my friend I will be listening for your battle cry for a sense of direction.
We have a war to win for the betterment of all mankind.
Prayers 🙏🙏🙏 Patrick Henry Censored. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
I’m finding it so hard to let go. To say goodbye. And at a time when I want for all the world to be able to put things into words, they just fail me.
After being given the bum’s rush OT, a while later someone brought the news here of your illness. I was so upset at the thought that I couldn’t communicate and I wouldn’t have a chance to tell you that I love you and pray for you.
I’m so grateful you found us here so we could all have more time together and I could indeed let you know how you have brightened my days. So many fits of helpless giggles after reading something you wrote!
We were told that you said you had a couple regrets: leaving your Angel and not being able to vote for PDJT in 2020. Someone, I don’t know who now, said they printed that out and put it in their wallet so they could take it along when they cast their vote. I loved that idea.
There is so much I don’t know, but I know this. I’m going to meet you one day, and I know you’ll have me laughing till my sides ache, as usual.
Amen Sylvia—
Hey–You czn put your head on my shoulder right now…We can cry together!! Big Hugs…😘😥😘
Thanks, Marica. <3 Hugging you right back.
Thank you…!! I have dreaded this day… I always loved to see PCH on my sidebar…I knew I WOULD LAUGH!! SPIT!! or Nod! And He scooped BIG NEWS ALOT!!! here’s a tissue…
I know. Just seeing his avatar on my sidebar is like a little wave and a smile. I hate crying. But I keep finding tears on my cheeks.
Im hoping you don’t vote democrat when you are gone.
Seriously,it’s been both an honour and a lot of entertainment. I’m so happy you got to see President Trumps triumphs and the clear vista of the profound change for the better he is going to write throughout the world. We’ll all miss you terribly and I’ll be looking for a gumnut branch in our mutant international tree. Lots of love.remember no ones giving out medals for bravery. Take whatever pain relief is on offer.
…. and … God be with you and your family …. till we meet again ….
PHC, what can I say?

Now, I want to EMPHASIZE….this is NOT good-bye.
Good-byes are only for those you will never see again. No sir. This is only a “SEE YOU LATER!”
After all…
Reread that.
TRUTH: Parting is necessary so that we can say hello again!
Even so, times like these I am sorely tempted to feel bad. I get like…
Good news! The answer is a resounding YES!
After all, some of the most UNAMBIGUOUS language in the entire Book of Life, also called the Bible, is this…
“Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [b]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
6 And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7 He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.”
Revelations 21:1-8
PHC, remember these truths as you move forward into even more greatness than you have already achieved…
Rule #3 is reread Rules #1 & #2.
ALWAYS be defiant to that which is worthy of defiance…
Never forget that there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. For instance, if you can’t pay your bills, be thankful you’re not one of your creditors!
Make the time you’ve got left COUNT… daring, reckless, undaunted…be a LION on the prowl….FEARLESS…as our Lord Father commands. For instance, challenge the other people in hospice to wheelchair races!
And most of all, always….always….always follow this rule, which from all I can tell you have already made a habit….
As we gather around to say farewell, I hope you will remember….
Last but not least….
FG&C!!! You Said IT ALL!!!! Love you!!! Thank for your Powerful Post!!! Marica–says HUGS!! and I’m cryin again…
It was in moderation from the links – just found it a few minutes ago.
Wow thanks for digging that out…
Wow that was totally amazing.
Here come the tears again. Thank you FG&C. Your post brings me comfort.
As you know, said my goodbye to you on today’s Thread, Patrick…
Going to say good night friend, will be praying for you in your move to Hospice in the morning.
God Bless you Patrick, and your Angel…
Goodnight my dear sweet Phoenix! I’m here for you…I know you are hurting…Prayers for you too….
Love ya Marica…
you’re such a compassionate soul !
I need your compassionate soul too!!! This is really hard…We can lean on each other!!! Love you so much!!!😘🤗😥😥😥
pR, sending you a hug. I can’t seem to find words.
Hugging ya back Sylvia… words are not necessary Sweet Lady… not at all.
<3 <3 <3
I posted to PCH but in my upset state of mind I must have done something wrong as I am in “moderation” — probably typed the email incorrectly. I am going to post again in case you all don’t get to it for a little. Please just delete the original. Sorry for the extra work…again!
I was disgusted with the news today, not even close to discouraged but frustrated and disgusted between Mueller, the Dems & DOJ not charging the FBI. I was finished check the treehouses for the day, planning to catch up tomorrow.
Then, “Something” told me (Thank you, dear, dear Holy Spirit!) to check in one more time. I usually skip the “open thread” at OT as I barely keep up with the rest so I missed it initially there. When I came here and saw the open thread already up, I did a double take and checked the clock. Then I read, cried and checked back over at OT, posted and then cried some more. Then I began to say prayers of gratitude that I had checked, prayers for you and your family.
SO GRATEFUL that I did check back in so that I can “hug” you good bye, Patrick!
PCH, you are so Very thoughtful & kind of you to give us this opportunity to say goodbye. Very generous of you to reach out in this way.
So grateful to you for being a pillar of strength in our treehouse family, both treehouses, your humor, your upbeat attitude, your encouragement, your consistency, your preserving. Your steadfast faith, your perspective that you have generously shared through these last months and your matter of fact attitude toward leaving this Earthly life and arriving in Heaven…an example of the attitude all Christians ought to have that I have never seen.
Maybe my Mom and Grandmother did have it but I was too busy holding on to see it. I was selfish and immature to hold on that tight, fighting against what is (thanks to sin) a natural earthly process. But you have helped me grow through that and mature. I have let go of some of my deep grief for my Mom. Why should I grieve so hard when she is in Heaven waiting for me? You make it seem so real and so certain. Your strength, perspective and, most importantly, your faith that you have shared during these last months has helped me process my own Mother’s passing, face it (a bit), deal with it (some) and move on (a little). I will continue to mature through this experience and the hold on to the example you have set for me.
Its hard to say goodbye…but we don’t have to say goodbye, do we? We just need to say, “See you later” and know that in the eternity of years we will have in Heaven we are bound to see each other again.
I wish you every comfort that Hospice & your doctors can provide you physically and pray your have your family for emotional comfort. I know you have the Holy Spirit for spiritual comfort. Jesus and Your Heavenly Father are waiting with open arms for you. I wish you all the comfort and ease possible as you pass from this life to the next.
You will be much missed here. We will carry and run our own races. So VERY grateful to have been a little while on life’s journey with you via our treehouses.
My family came home to my crying and that immediately assumed that one of our family had passed away. I let them know that a family friend is going into hospice and ready be keep comfortable until he passes. And that is the impact that you have had on me and therefore on my family – you are a family friend! I have been blessed and my family has been blessed by me “knowing” you and especially for sharing with us these last several months.
Thank wolfmoon for posting this thread.
I just check in and rarely comment, but am so grateful for this place. Much love to you PHC, in paradisum.
Thank you for this wolfie
And thank all of you for your kind words and prayers.
Should we not see each other again this way; KNOW that I love you all, and pray for your well being.
I don’t ask for much, but I hope that you will take care of each other, in any way can.
God Bless
God Bless you, Patrick.
Thank you for letting us know what was going on.
It is yet another testament to your generous and giving nature.
I’m still choked up and raw over the thought of losing you…and here you are, trying to comfort us.
Love you.
Wheatie–I just read Patrick’s Post–and more than any other thing we can do for him, (besides prayers) is to look after each other—I’m here to offer a shoulder and I actually do have tissues too! I love this fantastic tree and we will HONOR our PATRICK (I love you darlin, Patrick) 😘😘😥by loving and comforting and respecting each other. Here’s a tissue sweet Wheatie…
Yes, agreed, greatest tribute. Thank you Patrick, good reminder for us all.
And we must remember to laugh. PHC has the best razor sharp wit.
Daughn!! Laughter is so much the best medicine!!! And PHC made sure of that!!!!😂
Taking care of each other…what a lovely parting gift.
Oh, here come the tears again. You are really something PCH!
Please, Please take care of yourself and be comfortable and comforted.
in any way YOU can, ……………………….geeeeeeeeeeeeeesh
I knew what you meant, Patrick.
My brain is on auto-fill-in mode…since I drop words so often in my comments.
It’s kind of a curse though.
Because when I read over what I’ve typed, my brain auto-fills the missing words…which makes my proof-reading attempts utterly worthless!
I always liked your name because Patrick Henry is one of my favorite founding fathers. As we think of you in the days, weeks, months, and years to come, your legacy, like his, will remind us to care for one another with good humor as we continue the fight for this country. Your influence will endure.
God Bless you PHC. I am at a sincere loss for words, and humbly echo ALL of the sentiments that have been said…I couldn’t say it any better.
I can’t believe that I missed the post, but I am sending my HUGS to you, as I know God will get my sentiments to you…..
Your beautiful spirit has been such a gift, and we treasure it forever. It is very much with us as you go through your journey and transformation. Your grace and strength is God given and inspiring.
We love you too brother! You have always been one of my favorites here and over there…will miss you bigly!
Is there any way, that your Angel will let us know how you are? I would like to know that you “Crossed Over” in comfort and peace. Then we can rejoice in your being with our Lord, who prepared a place for you.
If anyone is there to sit with Him, it’s you.
Dear Patrick (I assume that’s your name; may it NEVER be censored, as you have so much that it well worth listening to and reading). A few Bible verses come to mind, but a few are never enough. Nonetheless, I just wanted to quote these (and again, your posts on the “trees” and elsewhere have been enlightening, punny, funny, and well worth reading!):
Numbers 6:24-26:
John 14:27:
and, one of the most comforting verses of all,
John 14:1-4
Patrick, may GOD Bless you, and carry you through your pain and, if it be HIS will, cure you of it. And may HE Bless your family and loved ones as well.
You are a gift, a blessing, and well valued on the different blogs on which I’ve seen you, not just the treehouses. i look forward to the day that we can all meet together with our Saviour, and our families, and not have tears, pains, nor strife; indeed, to have fellowship and worship with our Eternal, Loving GOD.
Take care, and save some branches, including a few with a “large load limit” 🙂
Cuppa, I was just reading that verse this morning. About Jesus, going before us, to prepare a place. In His Father’s House are many mansions.
Dear Patrick,
You have been such a friend and gift to all of us here!
We pray for a miracle that you would be healed,
That your time on earth would be extended,
That we would have you with us for many more years!
It has been an honor and privilege to know you,
To have the pleasure of your very good company,
To laugh at your wry humor,
To enjoy your insight and wisdom,
To share these exciting days,
Of God’s gift of Donald Trump
To our nation and the world.
We pray that The God of all comfort,
Who is Perfect Love,
Will strengthen you with His Joy,
Surround you and fill you,
With His perfect peace,
That is beyond all understanding.
The Lord bless and keep you,
Make His Face to shine upon you,
Now and forever,
Just a musical note, from Tenneessee Ernie Ford, Waysfaring Stranger. But to GOD, we are neither wayfaring, nor stranger, for HE is the destination, the perfect “landing” for our journey. May you be good and truly blessed in all that you do and decide from here on, and I wish and pray all the best for you and yours. All the best.
(Somehow the thought of a 21-pun salute comes to mind, but I don’t want to be trivial…).
I feel pretty Sure 21 Pun Salute is EXACTLY Appropriate!! From you and Steve–of course!! Hugs Cuppa!
Wow there must be something in the air around here
Right??! 😭
PHC, you don’t know how many times I’ve been sad or upset or frustrated these past months. And then I came here and read something outrageously funny that you said, and it just all melted away. Thank you for sharing your unique gift of humor with us so many times when the world was going crazy around us. You will be missed very much. I’m sending you my hugs and praying for you and your wife. I hope these days will be comfortable for you and then you’ll be going to a place where there is no more pain. We’ll see you again someday.
I wish I could sing to you, PHC, the hymn we sang at my husband’s funeral – the Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice, but I leave with you the closing words, “And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye. Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory’s side, and fly to Jesus and live.” May you find the peace and rest and joy you are looking for.
SO Perfect!! THanks for posting OUkid!!
PHC know two things
1) Love lives on forever and you have touched many and many hearts.
2) God is in control have no fear God has more love than any human possibly can comprehend.
May God hold you and carry of His Timing to the branch where we all meet again.
Maybe on that Heavenly branch I will be able to spell 🙂
Thank you for posting this, Vol.
It’s one of my favorites.
I actually had the orig version cued up to post…but will add it here to yours.
Wow…31 million views on this one now.
Go to Heaven shouting, Patrick.
You’ve been a blessing to us…and you will live on in our hearts.
Hugs. …And much Love.
Love the original, too!!
The friendly bantor between Ricky Skaggs and Vince Gill just seem to me to be so much like PHC and his interactions with us, so I chose that one in his honor.
Yes, great choice, Vol.
GOD Bless you, PHC, and remember Daniel prayed, and we will too, for you and yours.
This vid reminded me of “Daniel Prayed”. Take care. Nothing like a little Bluegrass
(or in my lawn, it was usually “search and Fescue” 🙂 ).
Why me Lord, what have I ever done
To deserve even one
Of the pleasures I’ve known
Tell me Lord, what did I ever do
That was worth loving you
Or the kindness you’ve shown.
Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I’ve need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.
Tell me Lord, if you think there’s a way
I can try to repay
All I’ve taken from you
Maybe Lord, I can show someone else
What I’ve been through myself
On my way back to you.
Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I’ve need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.
I have been gulping back tears all evening selfishly thinking of my own grief, and reading here and OT and knowing so many others feel the same way.
Somehow, this song reminded me of the joy to come. You will be welcomed home with all the love and joy that heaven holds. What a glorious homecoming when Jesus is ready to open His arms and say it’s time.
Let those tears flow…..
You have now made me unable to hold back my tears!! Darlin–You stamped my heart with PHC…Forever!!! 😇 Blessed to know you!
Kinda fond of you too, Marica.
Hey–will ya whisper in God’s ear? I am a bit of a Lit wire? Ask him to forgive me for the f-bombs? 🤣
Got a feelin,’ He Loves you; just the way you are.
Back atcha Patrick!! You are one of the most adorable people I have ever met!! 😘 how bout this–My dad danced with me to the song “I love you just the way you are”–at my wedding!!! as Wolfie says–No Coincidences left!!! !😍 YOU ROCK!!!!
And now I am crying again. Beautiful, PHC, just Beautiful. As others have said –>> You are comforting us. Such strength of character you have.
2this is wonderful Patrick …. love it, …. that’s how I feel … 🙂🤚❤️‼️
Beautiful, PHC.
This song turned me around, many many years ago.
Smiles of happiness for you PHC.
This song really just hit me and knocked me off the tall horse that I didn’t even know I was on.
Thank you so very much for posting it. I now realize so much more from hearing it.
You are a true light from God.
Happy to be in His service, Plain Jane
This is one of the rewards
7 minutes
Thanks for all your wisdom and humour. I continue to pray for you and yours.
Please know that you have helped this former agnostic rediscover Christianity.
The internet is a weird and wonderful place.
I told you you have helped others here in ways that would amaze you, my friend! <3
We all want to leave the world a better place.
Reuniting someone with their faith in the Lord, seems to me; a good way to do it.
I’d say it’s the very best.
Love you, and Yes, you are in His service.
I didn’t even wince when I got knocked off that tall horse. Only my eyes were opened more to His ways and abundant love for all.
I know you will continue to be of service to Him when you are by His side praising Him continuously, and lifting us up to Him.
Thank you PHC.
You’re a lot better looking than Kristofferson, Patrick.
I’ve pictured you as looking more like a Texas version of Clark Gable:
I actually look a whole lot like Kristofferson
Well, I’m sure you wear it better!
He’s got a dozen years on me. so I cut him some slack.
Wheatie! *fanning myself*
IKR? Patrick is a hottie, too?
LOL, never had the slightest doubt! 🙂
Me either.
Not the slightest doubt that Patrick is a smokin hot hottie.
It’s the attitude.
It’s unmistakable.
Heh, yep!
Do you have an eyepatch? Because the ovaries are a buzzing around here
Scroll down, wheatie
Scroll down………………….
You’re right, you do have the Kris Kristofferson look going on, don’t you? What a treat to get to see pictures of you.
Thank you for posting them! Now I’ll recognize you when we meet. Although I suspect I’d know your energy anywhere. 🙂
Construction days, mid 70’s
Youngest son, Mid 80’s
About 5 years ago
Hi Patrick. Nice to meet you! I find myself smiling just to see you.
Pride and Joy, Late 80’s
Yeah, that’s a beauty!!! 😎
136000 miles on her, when sold.
That’s some good riding!!!
More smokin hotness.
Nice bike!
Looks like youngest son inherited your good looks.
And a bit too much of my attitude……………………..
I’ll bet the ladies love it, though.
I love this one with your boy and your bike!
Logged about 20000 with him. Special seat and helmet by Harley of Atlanta (not shown in these pics)
Crazy child loved the rainstorms, worst place to be on a bike.
He looks quite at home on it!
There was a time, he made every step I did…………….good memories.
That’s sweet. Those precious memories are worth the world.
Love these pictures! <3
A few that were here in the computer. most are on the walls throughout the house.
I missed pictures?!?
An African Grey!
The smartest birds in the world.
I was right…smokin hotness.
Great birds. That was ‘Squeaky.’
Yes, great birds.
Scary smart, they are.
Thank you for the pictures, Patrick.
Great bike.
I bet you’ve got more pics of it, than you do of yourself.
More than a dozen big parrots through those years. All wild originally, and hand tamed by me.
I’ll bet you have a few scars from that!
That’s very impressive, Patrick.
Theres a trick to it wheatie.
You give ’em your balled up index and middle finger.
They can’t bite through them, and you thump their beaks till they let go.
Then you offer them the perch of the other hand index finger straight out.
Once they perch, give them a peanut.
Inedible carrot and perchable stick!
Birds are hetero too, and prefer the opposite sex in their humans.
I suspected as much, from the way ours acted.
Seriously lovable. Went everywhere I’d take her.
Marlboro Man era?
Two in frames. Will have the wife take them out and transfer to computer.
Beware. Was devastatingly handsome when cleaned up. LOL!
🙂 🙂 🙂
What kind of bird is that?
African Grey.
Best talkers of the bunch.
Can imitate what you say, in your voice.
I afraid to contemplate what you might have taught it to say!
Had a pit bull at the time. Taught the bird to call her for food , and time to go out.
That’s pretty awesome! Did your dog know it was the bird, or did she think it was you?
She’d answer the bird, thought it was me.
I would have paid good money to see that!
Pretty common for people with those two pets.
I’ve never had a bird, nor have I ever really been around anyone with one–at least not much.
I’m a tiny bit afraid of birds. Those beaks! Those claws! But I’m such a goofy animal lover I expect I’d learn to adapt. I’ve always read about how smart they are.
Feed the wild ones.
They’ll bring you just as much enjoyment.
Yes. I enjoy them in their own habitat.
One of the places I walk my dog goes past a wetland, and the redwing blackbirds live among the cattails. I’ve always loved them. I admire that bright splash of red and I love their song. It sounds like water falling.
Lord, please bring Your peace, comfort and respite from pain to our friend PHC.
Sit by his side to let him know You more fully. Keep him and his loved ones always. And,
Thank you, for the gift that is PHC.
We love you PHC. God bless you and yours always.
dang I can’t get the video to embed. Hopefully, the link works and the song brings comfort.
We can only imagine what heaven will be like, but Yeshua waits good and faithful servant! PHC , I am fairly new here and know that the Spirit of this Qtree family is strong. I look forward to meeting you at the Tree of life with Yeshua. Take care of yourself and go in peace.
Wolfie!! I love this song so much–I want to think I would DANCE!–but I bet I would just fall on my knees and not be able to speak at all…
Patrick!! Will you Dance for us all?!!!! I can only imagine…
Love Mercy Me!! TOolk kids to this fabulous concert!!!
Thanks for the wonderful comment. I am the same way. I would like to think I would Dance, shout Hallelu Yah, and then hug Yeshua. But, I bet I will be silent, falling at HIS feet, and crying. I hope PHC will do all for all of us and be waiting to show us the way to the Tree to find a branch on. We can only imagine, yes, Marica.
The movie about the writing of this song is incredible. I Can Only Imagine the movie is a must watch!
Thanks Wolfie. I knew one of the techies could help. I had too many tears in my eyes and was using my tablet rather than laptop. It was a beautiful thing you did Wolfmoon. Your heart is so generous behind your tough and fighting exterior. That’s a true Alpha Male in my books! Thank you, sir.
Thank you so much, Kalbren. Beautiful!
You are welcome, Jan.
God bless you Patrick and your family. You will be in our hearts forever.
PHC this Husker Heart is broken…. Godspeed my friend and know your presence in my life thru Wolfs Haven here is something that I will forever carry with me. Sending love to you and your family.
husker heart! All are hearts are broken!!! Hugs!! 💔💔💔 I getcha..
Well, I’m gonna act like an illegal alien invader and jump the line …
to give PHC a hug – man to man. Safe travels, friend.
PHC, I have one request before you reach the gate…..
Please don’t cross over and vote as a D 😜😉
No worries there,Volgarian8301
That’s a mistake I NEVER made.
I feel much poorer, knowing you are nearing lift off for greater things.
So many wonderful insights we’ve had from you, PHC. Thank you.
God bless you and your family and grant you great comfort.
I have always enjoyed your comments here and OT. Your loving faith and humor has been an inspiration! I pray that God will carry you gently in his arms and relieve you from any pain and suffering. God Bless You PHC! YOU will be missed by so many.🙏✨
I read everyone else’s comments and got to the bottom, stalling, not knowing the right thing to say.
I looked for an appropriate bible verse, from another treeper, to take a cue. Nothing seems fit right…. when it all seems so wrong.
Can’t remember a time when Patrick Henry Censored was not in a news feed.
You’ve always been there.
You’ve made us laugh, giggle, snort, and SPIT! God knows, you’ve made us stop and reflect.
You’ve given so much to us all.
I’ll ask for one more favor……..
I have a girlfriend who insists she’s an atheist, although she’s one of the best Presbyterians I know. She is a “saint” of a woman. When we talk, I will say something, unintentional, which refers in some way to God because it is part of my vernacular. Often, she corrects me, “You know I don’t believe in that stuff anymore.” I let it pass and never meant any harm.
She called me with the birth of her first grandson, just the other day. Again, I said something, “godly”, and she started crying, out of the blue. Completely unexpected. She was filled with doubt about her new role in life, as a grandma. She was overwhelmed and exhausted. Yet, the convo turned to her problem with God, and she wondered if it would cause a problem in her grandson’s life.
It wasn’t the right time for deep discussions, and I told her to love the child and the rest would sort itself out. God shows up at the strangest times, doesn’t he? Then, I told her, not to worry about not “believing”, because I believed enough for both of us…… and if I got to heaven first……. I would save her a spot on the front porch.
Patrick, if you get there before we do, please save us a spot.
May God Bless you, my friend.
Daughn!! Patrick told Wolfie–He’s saving us a FOREST!!! And he WILL!!
We’re gonna need a really long dining table.
Imagine heaven looks a lot like Wheatie’s wonderful trees.
What a beautiful visual!!!
Oh, daughn, I was thinking that tonight. Picturing heaven like one of Wheatie’s trees with the great interiors and the big deck. And we’ll be able to meet each other joyfully. And Patrick will have me giggling like a fool, like always!
Count me Syl!! and Phoenix too!!
Can’t wait for the Family Reunion when the Circle is Unbroken! [youtube
love this…..❤️
Daughn I don’t want to inject myself in the middle of other people’s business, so hopefully I’m not out of turn. I’ve often thought that if you don’t have a problem with God at some point in your life, then honestly your understanding God isn’t big enough. He is not easy to understand or figure out. But you are right, even still he does show up at strange times that are mysterious and humanly impossible. We may not always understand but we can trust him.
So true, Michael. Amen.
Thank you for these thoughts and sharing. When I started reading at TCH, known as OT, I would not have guess I would have been impact so strongly in my Christian walk or so personally in my family relationships. Thank you to all who do not hesitate to share.
A warm hug from South Africa PHC.
An Honour to have met you
Wolfie, thank you for giving us this time and place to tell Patrick we love him, and the important place he has in our lives.
In a way it feels strange, like Tom Sawyer attending his own funeral, but hey this is the internet. It has its own rhythms, right?
It is enormously comforting to be able to share my grief with others who love Patrick. And here he is, comforting us. What a guy.
And because I am weepy, and vulnerable, I want to be sure to tell you I love you, too, Wolfie. You’re a good man and a good friend.
Same Sylvia!!! I RARELY– tell you guys goodnight…cuz I am not sure what I’m gonna do,,,But tonight–God Bless Patrick! and God Bless every Patriot here!!! I LOVE you guys!!!
Love you, too Marica. Hugs.
Thanks, Sylvia.
Heck, now I’m crying again! 😎
Oh good, I hate to be the only one. I HATE crying. I cry ugly, too. Red face. Clogged nose. Burning tears. I’m a mess.
Cute as a bug, Syl
Emphasis on bug, LOL.
It was and continues to be a blessing to attend this celebration of life and PHC’s impact on others. The spirit that transcends the ether is so strong here! The Ruach HaKodesh, The Holy Spirit, is so strong here people. I feel it here as we celebrate PHC, when Daughn shares her party and other stories, and when people strive to encourage and educate. I find the best fellowship and support with my husband, son, and daughter in love, at the Qtree than I do with my blood family. ThankQ to All You All!
What a beautiful post, kalbren. Hugs.
Thank you Sylvia! I needed that, the hugs.
Any time!
You have been given a great gift: the opportunity to read your own eulogies! These are words of true love and respect for you – from people that have never met you in person, but who know your character and personality through the wonderful, witty, and profound comments you have shared here.
You have become a part of all of our lives, a part that is loved and will be greatly missed.
My prayer is that your pain will be managed, your joy will be deeply felt and strengthened as you come closer to what lies ahead, and that your family is comforted by the knowledge of how much you meant to so many.
Through your demonstration of faith and trust in the Lord you are leaving behind a priceless inheritance for any who chose to claim a part of it.
Looking forward to meeting you on the other side!
A hug to PHC from me in the North — and God bless you PHC.
Pain’s cranking up.
Need to sleep.
Will try to come by in the morning.
Sleep well patriots.
Prayers for a good night’s sleep. Thanks for the pictures and memories. Sleep well and God bless.
Thanks for the company, and a place to say farewells wolfie.
Good Night
Good night! <3
Delete the picture posts for me wolfie.
Those were just for the people here tonight.
Will do!
Thanks, again.
No problem! Done!
Sorry I missed out on the pictures. However, the picture provided by reading through the thread this morning is lovely – I see a group of treehouse friends sharing through a physically tough time in the late night, getting closer than ever before. You all had a special time of friendship last night. I didn’t share it but I am touched by it.
Same here – would have loved to see the pics. What a night for me to choose to take a break for a while.
For those of you who missed photos (and thanks for sharing, Patrick)….here’s a hint….think Santa Claus! 🎅🏻
Good night, Patrick. Thanks for tonight.
God bless and keep you in his light as you make your journey home, PHC.
We love you, and will miss you. But we will see you again one day, and share your awesome wit again.
I will remember you as long as I am in this life.
PHC, there are not many people I would come back on-line for, you my friend are one of them.
A constant joy to my heart when we communicated in the past. You are a reverent and special soul. I love you.
God bless, I am so incredibly sad, but joyful in the knowledge I will see you one day on the streets of Gold my friend.
Praying for your comfortable journey to be with The Father, Amen
You are so loved, God bless
Welcome, DGG!!! <3 Thank you for stopping in. You should now be able to post here.
God bless you wolfmoon and thank you!
Deplorable Georgia Grace,
There is not enough space on the internet to hold how good you’ve made me feel with your post.
Please know the love is reciprocated, and that reunion; looked happily toward.
God bless you, you have made my day! You will never ever be forgotten, and I too look happily toward the reunion. Big Hugs and Kisses!
Ty for making mine, on a day when I needed it.
Rest easy my friend, prayers going up for your comfort. Prayers will be constant. Much love
We have to figure out a way to sneak in with him in hospice.
With God, all things are possible!
Do you have any idea where he might be, physically? Please answer off the thread.
PHC, as much as a man could be known from online interaction in Wolf’s Den, you are clearly a MAN to share to share a foxhole with. Your wit and overall good humour, coupled with your obvious dignity as you face the final stages of your journey do you enormous credit.
May the Lord’s grace uplift you always …
May God’s Grace and relief from pain come to our Brother, PHC.
Good night, Patrick.
Sleep well.
We’ll keep the light on till you get back.
Wheatie, I’m going to say goodnight too. I’m exhausted. You are one of my very favorite people. You have NO IDEA how happy I was when I wandered in here that first time and discovered you were here. I love you to pieces and just wanted to be sure I told you. Night night.
Love you too, my friend.
I was overjoyed when you found us here!
Sleep well and sweet dreams, Syl.
There is a word that we’re not hearing…regarding this Mueller/RussiaHoax/OngoingBullshit:
Our President is…innocent.
He was framed. They made it all up.
The whole thing was a frame job from the beginning.
There can be No Obstruction…if there was no crime to begin with!
Candidate Trump was innocent.
Pres Trump is innocent.
As in…not guilty, of any of the bogus charges.
Why is no one using the word ‘Innocent’?!
Innocent of all charges.
Innocent of all innuendos.
The man is Innocent!
And he has been wronged on a monumental scale!