Dear KAG: 20210225 Psy-Ops Is Giving Black A Bad Name Daily Thread

Yes, it’s a cult from a horror film, alright, entitled, “The Last Gasp of the Trump Derangement Psy-Op.”

Alright, people, this writer/author/person typing (and killing yet another keyboard) while sitting inside on a GORGEOUS February afternoon while the lake in the back yard is slowly melting, has a number of posts percolating, and one of them was supposed to be on psy-ops thanks to an investigative reporting masterpiece done by not any mainstream media journalist, but Millennial Millie Weaver. It was uploaded to the internet on Tuesday evening.

Unfortunately, the darn thing won’t embed, but can be found here.

[Edit: Wolf will attempt to embed it now here!]

Essentially, Millie goes through the entire January 6 invasion of the Capitol psy-op and links it up to the Congressional shiv to the kidneys of the Make America Great Again movement. (And some “conservative” Republicans look really bad in her rehash of the sequence of events, too.)

In the midst of her video is a video of John Sullivan – the paid insurrectionist and professional rioter – showing off his all black riot gear, complete with back face covering, and telling the audience that said gear is available on his website for purchase.

Isn’t that special? Just like he was Coco Chanel telling all the ladies that every wardrobe needs a little black dress…just in case.

Or a professional chorus handbook section on wardrobe for concerts for ladies – black from the neck to the toes and wrists, no exceptions.

Black to the professional agitators is a uniform. (Seriously, if they wore a specific plaid, we’d all know EXACTLY who they are. Black has become the American universal alternative in a way, so they tend to blend in unless one is looking closely.)

Honestly, everyone is wearing black like priests and religious orders where they do so in anticipation of their own death(s) as black was once the color indicating mourning.

Only now, for these professional rioters and the true insurrectionists, the ones who so far have escaped any meaningful prosecution, the color is a uniform, one of darkness, of cover of night.


More or less…the people in the professional political class (they pay the professional rioters via laundered “non-profits”) who Millie Weaver ties to the January 6 event in her video, don’t like us.

This appears in the Day 8 email from Fr. Richard Heilman, one of the authors of Let Freedom Ring: A 40-Day Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil.

“Freedom from Elitism” by Fr. Rick Heilman

In an interview with Carl E. Olson, Dr. Angelo Codevilla, author of the book, The Ruling Class, said:

“The ruling class are society’s ‘ins.’ This class comprises persons in government, those who depend for their livelihoods on government, and whose socio-economic prospects and hopes are founded on government. Thus, it includes most people in the educational establishment, the media, and large corporations. Its leading elements and its major voting constituencies are the Democratic party. But it transcends political parties because any number of Republicans aspire to its privileges and share its priorities.

Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture. Believing themselves intelligent apostles of scientific truth, they regard others as dumb and in the grip of religious obscurantism. Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors. Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound, they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people. The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”

The full interview can be found at Catholic World Report

(Why am I having flashbacks to middle school, the only years I attended government school?)

The problem for the “elites” is that thanks to the efforts of XVII, and others out there pushing deplorables in the right direction, the psy-ops they’ve used to convince us all that things are dark, and dreary, etc., aren’t working any more largely because the group of people they are trying to pin the tail of the psy-ops on aren’t having being blamed for something they didn’t do.

That’s where we are…and that’s why a staged candle light vigil on the steps of the Capitol with congress critters looking all tragic and holding what amounts to Tabernacle lights is laughably bad political theater.

Unfortunately for them, they don’t get that.

God bless all who have died in the last year no matter the cause or co-morbidity.

And in that spirit, our dance club selection (don’t think, just move to the music):


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 7:7-12

7“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! 12So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


Anyone else feel like this is indicative of our lives right now?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just discovered that this was accidentally scheduled for 5:21 PM – so I finished the embedding and published now!


I was going to give DP a tip on how to make sure she gets up when the alarm goes off. But she’s just snoozing through the excitement.

The tip is to install a shelf that is just high enough to reach so that when the alarm sounds, you have to stand up to shut it off.


Or, there’s



That borders on sadism.


But it’s a friendly blue color! And looks like it’s smiling!


Wouldn’t last long for those who keep a baseball bat or a golf club in the bedroom. 😁


Remind me not to ask about your sex life….

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

I was under the impression that those who keep a bat or a club in the bedroom did so for defense against an intruder…

But your idea is interesting too…


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or a shotgun.


My ex BIL had an alarm that woke the whole block up at 6:00 am sharp. he installed a bell he bought from an defunct high school sale. After some time the neighbors descended on his house with pitchforks and he had to uninstall the thing! one thing about it ,he was never late to work! LOL


Just got done listening to a great conversation between Eric Metaxas, Bobby Lopez, and Zmirak about Yale and how far cancel culture is going. Once it’s on a public space (not LIFELOG) I will try to share it.

Deplorable Patriot


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not a problem! An!d this is a great one. Millie really did wonders here


Hi, DP!!!

Another great thread!!!



See, it would’ve posted without you….without 77 comments.

Deplorable Patriot

I wasn’t paying attention when I scheduled it.


No problemo, DePat.
 😊  💖 

Thank you for all the great Daily Thread posts this week.
You’ve been killin’ it.

Great and timely header pics, great content and videos.
Thank you so much for all the time you spend on these for us!
I really appreciate it.
*hugs* {{{{DePat}}}}


“Honestly, everyone is wearing black like priests and religious orders where they do so in anticipation of their own death(s) as black was once the color indicating mourning.”



I thought it was black so dirt, food stains, etc. didn’t show up so easily 😂🤣😂


I thought they wanted to be ninjas.


That’s mostly just the teenage mutants.

You know… turtles… 😂🤣😂





I do my part!

Got a trans flag for a door mat.
Rainbow flag for toilet paper.
LGBTQRslmtntlamandz. flag for a dog bed line
obama / biden/ harris bumper stickers for toilet paper in the guest bath..


well dang then ! 👍


Be less white….hmmm.

Why can self-loathing hyphenated people call their bi-racial buddies ‘MOCHA’ but not mulatto?

And I’m supposed to be less white…uhhuh


So where is the line between “be less white” and “cultural appropriation”?

I’m so confused
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Dark Aura


We wuz teenage Goths with angst.

We wuz Kangs in our momma’s basement.

We self-harmed daily to music with useless lyrics from people who no experience.

We voted for Biden cuz weez not razist but we don’t believe in the holocaust and hate jews and every black that works for the man is a sell out uncle tom.

We wantz to save the earth so we burn, torch and loot because it’s a right.

We want reparations even though we ain’t never done one day’s worth of work for a paycheck.


‘Yo mamma 👊


The wolverine understands that aggression, offense, is the best defense.


Coons also understand this. A coon will launch an ambush attack when IT thinks you are a threat. You could just be too close to what the coon thinks is his territorial line, and wowee zowee – 25 pounds of leaping coon aiming for your face. Fortunately, they cannot steer while airborne so a quick bob-and-weave will usually be sufficient to save your face from the plastic surgeon.


Our local coon gangs live in the storm drains, so not much jumping out of trees.


There’s actually a lot going on in that video. The wolves’ behavior is to get the wolverine stuck between them, so that the one in front can retreat while the one in back can cause damage. Any time they play this, however, the wolverine goes to maim one, thus breaking the siege.

If the two wolves are on one side of the wolverine, then the wolverine can relax — nothing sane is going to come charging at the business end of that much ornery.

In the end, the wolves figure that the chance that one of them will be hamstrung by the wolverine before they manage to take it down is pretty substantial, and they decide to move on to other matters.


I’m guessing the video is up in the post. I should go watch it but my wife is sucking up all the bandwidth.


Yes, I was referring to the video of the two wolves vs. the wolverine at the end of DePat’s article 👍


“Any time they play this, however, the wolverine goes to maim one, thus breaking the siege.”



Offense. 😁


But only when they set up the flanking maneuver.


There is also a second wolverine that shows up at the upper right hand corner, with one second to go in the video. It was about to become two against two… the wolves didn’t like the odds anymore… 😁


I didn’t notice that until you pointed it out. I’m not sure it’s relevant, though — the second wolverine might well have just watched (they are not pack animals).


“the second wolverine might well have just watched (they are not pack animals)”


That could be true, but it’s just a couple of wolves… Lefty and Toby.

How would they know?

It’s not like they’re a couple of Wolverine-whisperers 😂 🤣 😂


(they are not pack animals).

That’s true insofar as they don’t hunt in packs.

But wolverines mate for life and are very protective of their mates.

A lone male will mate with several females, though.
He patrols the areas where his mates have dens.

Female wolverines will create a den in the side of a snow bank.
She chooses her mate and when there is ample food, she has a litter of 2 to 3 kits.
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The male will even visit the dens of his mates and watch over the kits, so that the female can go hunt.

We don’t know what sort of dynamic was in play in the video.

But there is a chance that the other wolverine that emerged in the corner of the video view, was a part of that wolverine ‘family’.


It really is a little off-putting for wordpiss to label you a coyote. Anybody who knows that much about wolverines deserves to be labeled as one.


In response to your acronym ask….as i i f___ing care.


Thanks, Pgroup.
I was a wolverine for awhile…then got ‘promoted’ to coyote.


“Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture.”


Of course. They’re just puffed up garden variety bigots.

They’re Malik ‘Zulu’ Shabazz, without his compassion or good fashion sense.

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I can’t recall who/what Shabazz is but do recall that aka BHO had some possible connection…would you mind elaborating a bit?

Barb Meier

Former Chairman of the New Black Panthers.Antisemite. Wiki says “he is the current national president of the Black Lawyers for Justice, which he cofounded.”


And a very snappy dresser.

SNAPPY 😁 😂 🤣 😂

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Valerie Curren

Thank you 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, Fr. Heilman goes on to call them bullies, and to an extent, IMO, he’s right.


Betty Shabazz? Wife of Malcom X, maybe?


“Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors.”


They have a religion of their own creation, which seems to manifest as direct opposition to Christianity.


“Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound,”


Now that’s just absurd… 😂🤣😂

I don’t believe they think of themselves as good people, they know they’re all crooks better than anybody.

Almost none of them attained their position or power by doing good for others, that’s not how government works. They pride themselves on their dirty deeds, seeking to impress and outdo each other as a symbol of status.

Almost certainly most of them are psychopaths.


“…they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people.”


With a blind spot for their own hypocrisy that is roughly the size of Mount Everest.


The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”


Ahh… so they’re tyrannical bigot psychopaths.

It’s all making sense now 👍😁


And right now, I am watching ‘The Shining’.

Which I hate to watch…but then there is something about car accidents…


Here’s Johnny! 😁


It still scares the crap outta me!!! And being a hotel designer makes it creepier!!!!



For all authors, I am officially suggesting that the usual utree boilerplate be extended to include the “rescue post” there, which Wolf will be monitoring. In the event that theqtree stops working for you but the utree still functions, there is a place to discuss rejoining the fold.

It isn’t all rum, sodomy, the lash, chemistry, nuclear physics, and dueling….

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

LOL! Would you mind sharing a link to the “rescue post” please. Great idea!


Its name may change as it settles-in among the authors, but it’s at .

It is a great idea.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

Thanks, CT!


a rescue post with a safe word like banana or airwalk? its still early here I need more coffee,



Valerie Curren

Covidiots–on steroids!!!
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Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren

“I am not a number; I am a free man!”

Valerie Curren



“Your tax dollars at work.”

Valerie Curren

big brother, er sibling of indeterminate “gender”, knows “best”


I saw this so many times yesterday. So I assume that each kid gets a tent for his/her use only? Or do they have to take time at the end of rehearsal to go through some sanitizing procedure, for the next group? And isn’t all that condensed toxic air really dangerous, when they get out?

These things are for camp toilet privacy right? Fitting.

Valerie Curren

Absolute insanity!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

On the bright side, it keeps the brass under control 😀

[The stupid, it burns… looks like those pics would be on the Onion or something, but they’re for real… geesh…..]…. Have to wonder what the mental and physical health damage to those youths will be… they’ll probably end up as Democrats… sad…..

Hmmm. I need something like one of those to keep the birds away from my peppers I want to grow on the balcony this year, since we don’t have enough Gore-Bull warming to grow them without a greenhouse…

Valerie Curren

The sad thing is that these are kids that have been allowed back in school & they’re still being traumatized by abusive lunatics!

Valerie Curren

I’ve tried replying a number of times, but it won’t seem to go through…hmmm

Valerie Curren

Well, that other reply seemed to go through, so here’s what I originally wanted to reply…

The sad thing is that these are kids that have been allowed back in school & they’re still being traumatized by abusive lunatics!

Valerie Curren

No clue who this is but the modification is appropriate for many politicos
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Okay, wait…rule number 3…🥓 ‼️

Valerie Curren

vaccine horrors out of Africa

Valerie Curren

investigating Wuhan funding


Who was assigned responsibility for oversight? What rules governed the oversight? Was that what the Obama WH approved on Jan. 9, 2017? Did it apply to secret GoF research in Wuhan?


Valerie Curren

great Q’s!


Very interesting article.

Quoted from Rep. Scott Perry’s letter:

…'”In 2017, NIH Director Francis Collins personally supported and celebrated the resumption of dangerous taxpayer-funded ‘gain-of-function’ research designed to make viruses more transmissible and fatal,” the letter says. “[E]xperts now claim that WIV’s gain-of-function research could very well have engineered the novel coronavirus that caused the pandemic from a virus collected from bats in caves in China.”’…

Could very well have ENGINEERED…

Valerie Curren

given the HIV components of CV, engineering is pretty much guaranteed


This reminded me of Gail Combs and all animal lovers.

Photos: Surfing with goats at the San Clemente Pier

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It all started when longtime Pismo Beach surfer Dana McGregor would leave his pet goat, Goatee, at home when he would go surfing and she would cry all the time he was gone, much to the annoyance of his neighbors. So, he took her to the beach with him and taught her to surf and quickly became a tourist favorite.

McGregor jokes that he is “The Goatfather” now and has turned his surfing goat hobby into a mission. He said he loves surfing, working with kids and his goats. His surfing goats are incorporated in his surfing camps, soccer camps, outdoor adventure trips and his Beautifully Abled Surf Camp, which helps special-needs kids.


Still keeping an eye out for Gail and Pat — both missing since The Big Freeze.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and that is worrisome.

Also, Sylvia has been ill and had surgery recently.

Plain Jane has not been posting.

Yes, it is noticed.


Plain Jane posted not too long ago at Marica’s.


I’m having some trouble with the article….Pismo Beach is near San Luis Obispo. Traveling south, you go through Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, Los Angeles County, and into Orange County before you hit San Clemente. This is like mentioning Maine and New Jersey.


Interesting…all I know is there are  🐐 s on a 🏄‍♂️.


If Gail were around, you could see goats in trees, goats on furniture, goats on roofs, goats in cars…..

When you got goats, goats get everywhere….

And a segue…..the Fiancee used to work with a guy who was in sales at her company. His spouse was one of the Disney World Tinker Bells (she had to take a leave when her pregnancy became noticeable). One year, we visited WDW on “family and friends” discount….

Anyway, his comment regarding being married to Tinker Bell? ….. “Glitter gets EVERYWHERE!!!!!”


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here you go!

Last edited 3 years ago by barkerjim
Valerie Curren

Pic makes me think of the “Lost” raft attempt to get off that island, bringing along snacks 🙂

Valerie Curren

nuns dying from vaccine

Valerie Curren

video & thread on Jan 6 DC events countering the deep state narrative

Valerie Curren

Supreme law

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Elizabeth Maness
Feb 23

Did the Supreme Court rule the Constitution was unconstitutional ???? Asking for 75 million friends.


What a dangerous question… I would never ask the goofs at the (not)SC that question, because they’d say yes!

Valerie Curren

no doubt!


The picture of the forces of evil arrayed on the White House steps is just crying to be compared with VSGPOTUSDJT and his crew marching to the burnt church.


That photo is crazy. It’s real, right? I find it hard to believe that it is, the optics are so bad, imo.

Riffing off of the Rolling Stones, the photo immediately suggests Sympathy for the Devil…

Oh look, the Stones made a film with Girard:



Deplorable Patriot

It’s actually on the Capitol steps. Supposedly a candlelight vigil for COVID victims.


Thank you. I think it’s visually shocking and terrifying, and doesn’t honor the victims. It commemorates victims as some type of sacrifice. Ritual is the focus of that image, imo, not memory of those that lost their lives and their families.

Just horrible.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like a prelude to a Black Mass to me…

I remember that Melania had exorcists come to the White House shortly after the inauguration, as she felt real dark forces there. Now, sad to say, it seems they’re back…

The DEMONRATS kicked GOD out of their platform, their party, and everything else they could: and they invited the Devil in…

Also, when Bye, Done said the (supposed) 500,000 deaths from (Fakecorona) COVID is more than WWI and WWII combined, he is denigrating the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in the name of freedom, the USA, and the Allies in defeating the Nazis and the forces of evil. Obvious which side he’s on… (if he even knows where he is…)…..

Valerie Curren

Oregon’s potential loss is Idaho’s gain


It’s really left-wing Portland and Eugene and the rest of Oregon. The problem is that the rest of Oregon is so sparsely populated that Portland, Eugene, and a tiny minority of the rest of the state can run roughshod over the rest.


^^^ Precisely NVs problem. 15 of 17 counties are domiated by Clark (Vegas) and Washoe (Reno) shitheads. Latter two counties dominated by asshoes originating from CA.

They can and DO anything they want, with NO regard for rural NV. Including taxation on mining to pay big city BS.

Valerie Curren

Let me assure you, Salem wants no part of the Portland/Eugene axis — my ‘rents live in Salem, and my sister lives in the area. Nohow, noway.

Furthermore, the area south of Eugene in this map already wants to be the state of Jefferson, and not part of Idaho.


Plenty of CA onboard with State of Jefferson. Saw plenty State of Jefferson at a Trump rally in Carson.

Valerie Curren

splitter strategy re-design?

Valerie Curren

mean greens
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What are those, flying cows?

They’re huge!


Could be golden eagles. The biggest one I ever saw had to be three feet tall. It was bigger than a condor.

Valerie Curren

well, if they were the slogan would be “down with cow farts!”

Deplorable Patriot

There are people out there who actually deny that this happens.

Valerie Curren

hence the need to widely circulate the pics

Cuppa Covfefe

Used to live downhill from Altamont. I’d drive by and see both failed/broken turbines, and masses of dead birds/debris. And, at night, we could hear the turbines if they were turning… wooo-ooo wooo-ooo wooo-ooo wooo-ooo….. infrasound, too…

No one seems to think of the human cost in mining those (not really) rare earths that end up in the solar panels, the generators, and even in the batteries for electric cars. Seems that the lost (and poisoned) youth of those lands being mined are “someone else’s problem” being paid for by “someone else’s money” [OK, ours, but not the libtards’]….

Valerie Curren

horrifying real world consequences of agenda-driven lunacy. Very costly on so many levels & so tragic…but as you say it’s all someone else’s problem. Out of sight out of mind 🙁

Valerie Curren

historical horror house

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Dr. Bob. Esq.

We are in 1933 germany.
Most do not know it.
Worse. More do not even know what im referring to.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Very true.


“We are in 1933 germany. Most do not know it. Worse. More do not even know what im referring to.”


Was it the year a loaf of bread cost a wheelbarrow full of fiat? No, that was 1923.

Was 1933 the year German politicians and talk show hosts gave out toys to illegal aliens at the border?

Wait… there’s a whole big bunch of things that happened in ’33:

Events In Germany

21 March: President Paul von Hindenburg meets Hitler on “Day of Potsdam

1 April: Nazi soldiers hang a poster on the window of Jewish-owned business, that says: “German, protect yourself. Do not buy from Jews”.

10 May: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings.

Valerie Curren

Wow–thank you for putting that remark into intense perspective. The “you are here” arrow on that timeline is surely being kept frighteningly busy!


Start the time-clock on how long this wiki-“fact” will remain available.

The bidding begins with wagers of a single day …

Archive that s*** online, Scott!

Btw, did you catch my post of GWP citing the Bezmenov video?


Do you mean this one?


Yes indeedy!

The original was over an hour long, coulda been two, plus or minus.

When I searched on TheyTube, there weren’t any selections that had the WHOLE video.

But at least you’ve watched the meat of it now, yes?

It’s all been planned …

Valerie Curren

culture champ!

Alex371 and 5 others liked
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Travis Tritt


I’ve publicly said many times that Ray Charles is more responsible for every note that comes out of my mouth when I sing than anyone else. Does that make me guilty of cultural appropriation? No! It makes me guilty of being strongly influenced by someone I deeply admired.


So much ignorance going on these days… Admittedly i don’t pay much attention to the moronic messaging these days. But I am confused.

  1. Be LESS white.
  2. Cultural appropriation is BAD.

Uh, quite obviously they have mixed messaging in play.

Or they simply want to shit-can old, slightly overweight bald white farts (guys) like me.

Valerie Curren

cognitive dissonance is “rational” superiority, war is peace, arbeit makes free, etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you – listening to Mitch McConnell LIE about President Trump in that documentary by Millennial Millie makes my blood boil.

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“A depression the likes of which you’ve never seen.”

Valerie Curren

Oh great. On the bright side, when you have little there isn’t all that far to slide 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Cue Billy Preston, nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’


You know what will happen in a Great Depression? We will slough off a whole lot of societal dead weight. It might be necessary for it to happen again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Might not be a bad thing.

See if you can get into Gab Chat again ( If not, I’ll figure out something else.


I can get in, but it won’t let me go to any messages. It just won’t work for me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can you see your private messages in the left-hand sidebar? You may have to expand the Private Messages item by clicking on it. I have two PMs with you, and just typed messages into them both.


I just tried to send you a new message I created. It won’t let me see any messages from you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if you can see my responses. If you can’t, then delete the “room” (the PM) and create a new one. It is sending you into an older room, and I think that is why it’s problematic.

We are very close to solving this, IMO.


I messaged you. I can see it now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! I can see you now. Will respond.


Ok. I saw it. Still very glitchy for me on chat. But I think it worked.


Yeah, I’ve never seen those guys so depressed.

Valerie Curren

they meant pResident 😉

Harmeet K. Dhillon and 7 others liked
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Overheard on Twitter: If you think you got it bad, somewhere out there is a two-year-old with a mom who is a stripper, daddy is a crackhead, and her grandfather is President of the United States.


So true!


Crackhead deadbeat daddy and pervert grandfather “cancel cultured” the innocent child, for their simple convenience.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Extremely creepy joe
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He’s a pervert and his wife knows it.
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Is that his wife he’s snorting like a demonstration at a Shop-Vac convention, or is she the one with the dagger-eyes walking behind him?

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

I doubt that it matters.

Valerie Curren

I’ve read somewhere that she’s one too 🙁


Imagine what Jill has done with their children over the years.

Valerie Curren

Corona Virus patented, follow the money!

Valerie Curren

Here’s the link to the video

He said using his linguistics system they searched the electronically updated patent files & found 1/3 of patents are copies of existing patents.

Patenting coronaviruses began in 1999. In 2003 the CDC started patenting coronaviruses as a cash cow after some outbreak in Asia…

2003 to 2018 Fauci, CDC, Ralph Baric PhD controlled 100% of the CV cash cow! Baric is researcher at UNC Chapel Hill & doing chimeric coronavirus research.

2013 NIH suspends gain of function research on CV.

2014-15 they offshore dicey research to Wuhan & fund it.

so ultimately both US & China are responsible for the current CV to some degree…


Wow. He says some astounding things about what he was tasked with and when in the first minute!


Linguistic genomics?!?

Sadie Slays

Came to the sobering realization today that if the bad guys are using 2030 as their big deadline, then the good guys might very well be operating on a similar timetable.


If the ‘good guys’ are using 2030 as their timetable, then it sounds like their big ‘plan’ is just to wait until (and hope) Soros and Gates and all these other goons are dead… and that’s not much of a plan, even I could execute that one… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

If only Eliot Ness had thought of this strategy, he could have saved himself a lot of trouble. He didn’t have to catch Al Capone… he could have just let him live a life of crime, grow old and die of natural causes!

In fact, that strategy will work with any criminal.

Oh wait… that explains why FibDoj never arrests anybody anymore…

That is their plan!

No need for FibDoj to ever do anything — just like now — their big plan is to just wait until any and all bad guys die of old age…

It’s brilliant

How could no one in government have thought of this before?

The bad guys will NEVER see this plan coming… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


And clearly our military has adopted this exact same strategery…

They’ll just wait until China dies

There is NO defense against this kind of triple double-D chess 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


Double D??? You’re going to get certain guys on this blog excited if you keep saying such phrases.


So, when looking up the proper reference to Tinker Bell, I got caught in an eddy regarding the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens.

It seems that there is an odd tradition with that sculpture (of which there are several copies from the original molds)…..they just appear overnight — apparently erected by pixies.

Author J. M. Barrie didn’t bother to ask whether Kensington Gardens wanted one — he commissioned the statue and whisked it in, then announced it to the public.

It should be noted that there is an anecdote where J. M. Barrie was asked about his inspiration. He replied that he was constantly inspired to create, but that many of his ideas would Peter out; while some few would Pan out.


Heh. I accepted an upgrade to Thunderbird (a mail client), and they changed the fonts around. Now I feel pre-frazzled even before I read incoming email.

Valerie Curren

tragic desecration
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apparently to be replaced with this
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no nazi bombs required when you destroy your own culture

Ironically the music from the below quote is what Rush Limbaugh used to open his show

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot…..

Looks like the Beast of Babylon is getting busy….

Seems like one by one, the dominoes are falling and the end times are drawing ever nearer… May GOD forgive, strengthen, protect, and save us all. Ephesians 6:10-18 becomes ever more important…

Valerie Curren




The Catholic University of Lille decided it was okay. They want to use the space for another building for the university:

h ttps://

‘Traduisons: une université catholique détruit une monstruosité saint sulpicienne en béton du XIXe siècle pour construire un bâtiment utile à ses étudiants.’

‘Let’s translate: a Catholic university destroys a cement monstrosity from the 19th century to erect a building useful to its students’.

Students occupied the chapel in January in protest, but in vain:

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse
Valerie Curren

like the Taliban blowing up historic statues except these are people destroying their own cultural treasures to put up modern ,monstrosities



Errgh …

Valerie Curren

brutal truth

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Buck Sexton


Just landed in Florida from NYC

Closest feeling an American can have to crossing from East to West Berlin circa 1965

Valerie Curren

fielding 3pm calls, let alone 3am

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Rosie’s Blocked By Beschloss

We’re in a precarious time. Whereas our enemies knew Trump was only asleep a few hours a night (he would shit-post on twitter at 2am) they know Biden is asleep at 7pm EST, & can’t be awakened & be *lucid* after that.

Our enemies could get away with murder.


“Our enemies could get away with murder.”


Murder schmurder!

They already have their agent in the Oval Office, running the whole country 😂 🤣 😂


Obama has. Numerous times.

And then there’s Hillary and her personal Arkancide PF aka Arkansas State Police.

Valerie Curren

Yup & he’s oblivious enough to have virtually no free will


This assumes Beijing Biden is in control of anything. Reality, Beijing Biden a failed puppet.

Have no idea why the handlers have not employed the 25th Amendment on Dementia Joe.

Valerie Curren

Have to wait a certain “dignified” amount of time to pretend the managed decline wasn’t noticeable when he was s/elected! Obviously fooling no one but perhaps Joe himself!


They know that the MOMENT they do, 100+ million Americans (and the rest of the planet who aren’t insane Kool-Aid guzzling goons) are going to say…



Valerie Curren

branding the traitors!
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Valerie Curren

God above man or man thinks he is god & none can restrain him

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Ben Davis

“If no divine law is recognized above the law of the State, then the law of man has become absolute in men’s eyes–there is then no logical barrier to totalitarianism.” #GregBahnsen


And then there is…Sharia Law.

Islamists claim that Sharia Law is ordained by Allah.
So it is a combination of theology and state.

It is why mozlems are forbidden to swear allegiance to any country that is not under Islamic control.

Valerie Curren

So they can lie to you & kill you w/ impunity in their blood-thirsty belief system & of course feel good about it because they are being loyal to their “god”, which is the devil, or a junior demonic principality or spirit…

Valerie Curren

no words here–Run


Crazy eyes.

Valerie Curren

brain-washed bimbo


Nice hair.


Yes….hiding the crazy within.


All kinds of smoking guns here. Neila Biden, their life together, the accident, pictures, news stories.

Blows apart the official ‘when Jilly met Joe’ narrative. Their life was a lie from the beginning.

Lots of information on Biden’s career, Barr, Harris. Last update 2/23/21.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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SAVING The Republic Of The United States of America – From The Knights Who Stole Her!
february 25, 2021 the marshall report

The new world order puppets are acting like they already have everyone dumbed down and we are all on board for their next forced enslavement. What my eyes are seeing is a world wide resistance and people in the streets protesting and ready to die if needed rather than live as a lab rat for Gates and his puppet masters. 

It is time to name some of the biggest puppet masters and those who we are presently at war with. The secret societies we are not supposed to know about. After all, they love humanity and do good works for the meek to marvel at, right? Not so fast. There is always a price that must be paid. Before we start, please watch the video to see what happened and where we are now. Then the rest will fall right into place.

Deplorable Patriot

I hate it when people put out these accounts that don’t consult Church history as the CHURCH knows it. Dianne is wrongfully putting the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar together as one order, and they were NOT. They joined forces with the Templars for effectiveness. What Knights Templar that were left in the early 14th century, when the King of France at the time wanted their money, and the order was suppressed, were brought into the fold.

From New Advent:

Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem

The most important of all the military orders, both for the extent of its area and for its duration. It is said to have existed before the Crusades and is not extinct at the present time. During this long career it has not always borne the same name. Known as Hospitallers of Jerusalem until 1309, the members were called Knights of Rhodes from 1309 till 1522, and have been called Knights of Malta since 1530.

The origins of the order have given rise to learned discussions, to fictitious legends and hazardous conjectures. The unquestionable founder was one Gerald or Gerard, whose birthplace and family name it has been vainly sought to ascertain. On the other hand, his title as founder is attested by a contemporary official document, the Bull of Paschal II, dated 1113, addressed to “Geraudo institutori ac praeposito Hirosolimitani Xenodochii”. This was certainly not the first establishment of the kind at Jerusalem. Even before the crusades, hostelries were indispensable to shelter the pilgrims who flocked to the Holy Places, and in the beginning the hospitia or xenodochia were nothing more. They belonged to different nations; a Frankish hospice is spoken of in the time of Charlemagne; the Hungarian hospice is said to date from King St. Stephen (year 1000). But the most famous was an Italian hospice about the year 1050 by the merchants of Amalfi, who at that time had commercial relations with the Holy Land. Attempts have been made to trace the origin of the Hospitallers of St. John to this foundation, but it is obvious to remark that the Hospitallers had St. John the Baptist for their patron, while the Italian hospice was dedicated to St. John of Alexandria. Moreover, the former adopted the Rule of St. Augustine, while the latter followed that of the Benedictines. Like most similar houses at that time, the hospice of Amalfi was in fact merely a dependency of a monastery, while Gerard’s was autonomous from the beginning. Before the Crusades, the Italian hospital languished, sustained solely by alms gathered in Italy; but Gerard profited by the presence of the crusaders, and by the gratitude felt for his hospitality, to acquire territory and revenues not only in the new Kingdom of Jerusalem, but in Europe — in Sicily, Italy, and Provence. In the acts of donation which remain to us, there is no mention of the sick, but only of the poor and strangers. In this respect the hospice of Gerard did not differ from others, and his epitaph defines his work:

Pauperibus servus, pius hospitibus . . . .

Undique collegit pasceret unde sous.

Thanks to the resources accumulated by Gerard, his successor, Raymond of Provence (1120-60), caused the erection of more spacious buildings near the church of the Holy Sepulchre, and henceforth the hospice became an infirmary served by a community of hospitallers in the modern sense of the word.

Strictly speaking, therefore, the Hospitallers of Jerusalem only began with Raymond of Provence, to whom they owe their rule. This rule deals only with their conduct as religious and infirmarians, there being no mention of knights. It especially sets forth that the hospital shall permanently maintain at its expense five physicians and three surgeons. The brothers were to fulfil the duties of infirmarians. A pilgrim, about the year 1150, places the number of sick persons cared for at 2000, a figure evidently exaggerated, unless we make it include all the persons harboured in a whole year. Raymond continued to receive donations, and this permitted him to complete his foundation by a second innovation. To accompany and defend at need, the arriving and departing pilgrims, he defrayed the cost of an armed escort, which in time became a veritable army, comprising knights recruited from among the crusaders of Europe, and serving as a heavy cavalry (see CHIVALRY), and Turcopoles recruited from among the natives of mixed blood, and serving as light cavalry armed in the Turkish fashion. With this innovation originated the most ancient military dignities in the order: the marshal, to command the knights, the turcopolier, for the Turcopoles. Later the grand masters themselves went into battle. Gosbert (c. 1177), the fifth successor of Raymond, distinguished himself, and Roger de Moulins perished gloriously on the field of battle (1187). Thus the Order of St. John imperceptibly became military without losing its eleemosynary character. The statutes of Roger de Moulins (1187) deal only with the service of the sick; the first mention of military service is in the statutes of the ninth grand master, Alfonso of Portugal (about 1200). In the latter a marked distinction is made between secular knights, externs to the order, who served only for a time, and the professed knights, attached to the order by a perpetual vow, and who alone enjoyed the same spiritual privileges as the other religious. Henceforth the order numbered two distinct classes of members: the military brothers and the brothers infirmarians. The brothers chaplains, to whom was entrusted the divine service, formed a third class.

While the Order of St. John became a mixed order, that of the Templars was purely military from the beginning, and on this point it can claim priority, despite the contrary assertions of the Hospitallers. The Templars followed a different monastic rule and wore a different habit — the white habit of the Cistercians, whose rule they followed, with a red cross, while the Hospitallers had the black mantle with a white cross. In war the knightly brothers wore above their armour a red surcoat with the white cross. Mutually emulous from the outset, they soon became rivals, and this rivalry had much to do with the rapid decline of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In other respects the two orders held the same rank in Church and State, both being recognized as regular orders and endowed by the papacy with most extensive privileges, absolute independence of all spiritual and temporal authority save that of Rome, exemptions from tithes, with the right to have their own chapels, clergy and cemeteries. Both were charged with the military defense of the Holy Land, and the most redoubtable strongholds of the country, the splendid ruins of which still exist, were occupied by one or the other (Rey, “Monument de l’architecture militaire des Croisés”, Paris, 1865). On the battlefield they shared between them the most perilous posts, alternately holding the van and rear guard. The history of the Hospitallers of Jerusalem is involved in that of the Latin Kingdom of the same name, with which the order was associated in prosperity and adversity. When the kingdom was at the height of its glory, the Hospitallers possessed no fewer than seven strongholds, some situated on the coast, others in the mountains; of these Margat and Krak, in the territory of Tripoli, are the most famous. They enjoyed the revenues of more than one hundred and forty estates (casalia) in the Holy Land. As to their European possessions, a writer of the thirteenth century credits them with about nineteen thousand manses or manors. It was necessary to organize a financial administration in order to assure the regular payment of revenues of these widely scattered possessions. This was the task of Hugh of Ravel, seventeenth Grand Master of the Holy Land (c. 1270). The lands attached to a single house were placed under the command of a knight of the order, who formerly was called a preceptor, but afterwards took the title of commander. This official was charged with collecting the revenues, one portion of which was devoted to the support of his community, formed of a chaplain and some brothers; the other portion being destined for the houses of the Holy Land. This latter portion consisted of an annual and invariable impost called “Responsions”.

Thanks to these resources, drawn from Europe, the order was able to survive the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which involved the loss of all its possessions in Asia. After the capture of Jerusalem by Saladin (1187), the Hospitallers retained only their possessions in the Principality of Tripoli, and these they lost a century later by the fall of Acre (1291). They were obliged to seek refuge, under their grand master, Jean de Villiers, in the Kingdom of Cyprus, where they already had some possessions. King Amaury assigned them as a place of residence the town of Limassol on the coast. Having become islanders, the Hospitallers were obliged to modify their manner of warfare. They equipped fleets to fight the Muslims on the sea and to protect the pilgrims, who had not ceased to visit the Holy Places. But it was chiefly the conquest of the island of Rhodes, under the Grand Master Foulques de Villaret, that brought about a complete transformation of the order.

There’s more on their history at the link above.


So Appreciate your comments.
Thank You!


It would be nice if you shared this with Diane – she is not adverse to correction or someone offering additional and clarifying information – she is not Catholic and did the best she could with what she had – most Non-Catholics would not know where to go to research these groups – and there is a lot out there – not necessarily credible as well.

Thanks for posting this ‘history’ – it helps those of us who have no idea where to go to get the best information – I have read many articles that attempt to make connections – that appear to be written by non-historians and use less than credible sources.

Deplorable Patriot

She lost me with this one. The symbolism is not the sun god, but the sun itself.

What she also did not bring up was the Vatican Bank, a Rothschild creation, that was installed just exactly the same way they did every other bank that was used to control a government or institution. Said entity is broke and in debt, they offer to bail out the entity and pay off debts, and VIOLA! said institution or government is under their thumbs.

So, was all the gold in the Vatican REALLY the Church’s, or was it a laundering center where the Roths could hold their loot away from prying eyes.

There’s a lot more to this than meets the eye.


I hear you – many references to the ‘sun god’ as well as the ‘moon’ worshippers are available here…

Ancient civilizations worshipped the sun because the sun provided information on the changing seasons – for planting and harvesting –

As far as the Vatican Bank is concerned – not sure about this one, either – she may have touched on the Central Banks at one time – however, I do not think financial systems are her forte.

The Gold Story is another rabbit hole of sorts – where was all of the gold – was it stolen and hoarded – for future control – most of the central banks around the world are heavy-laden with debt – after all – the Rothschild Banking System is based on debt – debt that can never be repaid – the Great Reset is another one of their schemes to cover up their failed system – when people around the world are freed from the central bank debt system – they will not know what hit them.


The Intrepid Redditors are making another run on Gamestop (and AMC, Koss):

RT Quote | Last NYSE Arca, VOL From CTA | USD
After Hours: Last | 7:08 AM EST
+72.19 (+78.72%)
+46.74 (+103.94%)
52 week range
2.57 – 483.00


The comments at GWP’s article – from just after market close yesterday – are a hoot!

Gaming Nerds of the World, Unite! LOL”


Diamond hands 😎


ZH also has an article on it, with a bit more financial depth:


As JPMorgan wrote on Tuesday, while hedge funds were quite positive on markets especially in the US, over the past 6+ months (JPM had seen net buying most days since late July 2020), “following the recent weakness and rotation, we’ve seen HFs react by adding more shorts, which are picking up after the large covering in late Jan”, and remarkably Monday was the largest day of short additions in North America since late June 2020!



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so…ok…I was born a Caucasian (White)…I was raised Caucasian (White) in a Caucasian (White) family…and to this day, I identify as a White Person.

I live in Florida so I do have a tan….but…I still identify as a White Person.

I also speak like a White Person…I was taught by my White, polite, civilized non-raciss parents to never ever say or even think about saying the N WORD

👉 niggah

or as White People would say : nigger.

however, as we all know, Black People often refer to each other that way..

Yo, niggah

get out my face, nasty niggah

watchu be sayin, niggah ??

..and so forth…

so…my Question is this : since we are now being told and even taught to Be Less White, does that also mean we can now say NIGGAH ?

Yo, niggah, what’s happenin’ ?

get out my face, nasty niggah.

back off, nasty niggah !

…and so forth…


OMG. 😂😂😂


maybe I should be posting my Be’s Less White snark over on the U Tree thread ?

when the going gets way too ludicriss & absurd, I jes cain’t hepp myself.




Thanks Smiley. Listening to that song mad me smile. Really.


oops. made me


you be cool 👍


Peanut gallery figures you ought to speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish. Freedom of Speech. A vanishing Right.

Yea, I know what UTree is for. UTree established for many good reasons. Certainly not bad mouthing it. With all the censoring going on, we need to avoid the censoring. Such as, OH NO, not here, say it over there.



You have my deepest sympathy.
Tell us, have you considered suing your parents for mental harm and emotional trauma from forcing you to grow up in an entirely white culture?

Have you considered getting melanin therapy to darken your skin so you can achieve true enlightenment?

Have you considered changing your food choices for different meals?
Watermelon and pork chops for breakfast?
Moon pies, twinkys, mustard greens and ham hocks for lunch?

There is hope.
You can change and be free of the inbred racism you now possess.

Just subscribe to CNN, MSNBC, BET, etc.

Remember the mantra:
you are white.
you can change.
If you have to….I guess?

/ sarc but not sarc for the fbi asswipes reading this.

Valerie Curren

Canadian cultural appropriation noted–humor police informed 😉



👉 do y’all know how to spell chitlins ?

👉 chitterlings.



and don’t be callin it hog maw
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Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh. Chitlins….

Still, I’ll take bacon… bacon, bacon, and more bacon… 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

  :wpds_cool:  Exactly !

Cuppa Covfefe

Yo B*tch, gimme a sammich…

What it is, man…

Hey blood (almost typed blöd, which means fool in German)… (Wiktionary says the same spelling is valid for all genders… what a relief!)…
Oh, wait, Mr. T., Heyyyy fool…..

Maybe Kamel-HO-HUH can get an honorary doctorate in Ebonics…. ebonic plague…

Divide and conquer… the ChiComs have it down to an art… and it’s been working since the 1960s (Hart-Celler), if not before…


Facebook is dangerously close to stepping into some dookie they will regret. Messing with a nation’s military is some grade A arrogance.

“The social media site said it had based its decision on information provided in the UN fact-finding mission on Myanmar’s 2019 report, the economic interests of the country’s military, and the UN guiding principles on business and human rights.

Protesters and military figures have been clashing in Myanmar after the army seized power and detained civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1. With demonstrations taking place daily, the state broadcaster, which is linked to the military, has threatened to use lethal force against protesters.”
