Know Your Villains: Mitch, Love, and China, Part Three

I don’t know how much more of this book I can read, but here goes. Chapter 8 of Mitch McConnell’s memoir, “The Long Game” is titled ‘Love.’ It begins thus: “It was my friend Julia Chang Bloch who had first suggested that I meet Elaine. I’d known Julia and her husband, Stuart, since I was … Continue reading Know Your Villains: Mitch, Love, and China, Part Three

2-17-21 Midweek Musings

6 th Ordinary SundayFebruary 14, 2021“Compassion” Lev 13:1-2, 44-461 Cor 10: 31-11:1Mk 1:40-45 My Brothers and Sisters in the Lord – Certainly, all of the restrictions because of the Corona Virus are getting people down. Almost everything is limited, restricted, or prohibited. We must practice social distancing, wear masks, and not show ordinary signs of … Continue reading 2-17-21 Midweek Musings

Dear KAG: 20210217 Open Thread [INSERT DAILY DOSE OF HOPIUM HERE] Well...maybe not hopium, but somebody doing some observational play by play on the guy squatting in "The White House" which some sources claim is footage of him is actually shot at Castle Rock Studios. First off, that isn't "The Beast." The Beast is a limousine, not an … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20210217 Open Thread