Hey everyone! It’s Friday, and Wolf’s Pub is wide open to American patriots.
The globo-communists are gonna end up on the ash heap of history. Don’t care how much AI y’all try and stuff down our throats. Don’t care how much psyops y’all pull on us. Don’t care about how many lies y’all tell us.
Don’t care what y’all think about us. Trust me, what we think of you is just precious.

Hey, Globalists and Communists, there’s something called the American Spirit. I know it fills you with rage. Hehehe. Let me just sit a moment and enjoy that. Ahhhhhhh. So good. The only reason I ain’t cussing you out like a fishwife, is because I’m trying to abide by the Rules of this place. Speaking of which:
House Rules
I know it grates on the nerves to be civil to the enemy. I mean, it GRATES ON THE NERVES. Much easier to be civil to the brethren. But, we can do this. Let’s bless them that curse us. I suspect it actually inflames them in a metaphysical way, God having a divine sense of humor and all.
So, our burly bouncers are at the ready to show you to the UTree if brawling is your preference this day. Otherwise, please review the rules. We show our canine teeth, but in a nice way, kind of.
Now, on to the American Spirit, that indomitable, unbeatable something that attracts freedom seekers from around the world.

Our Drink Special today is indicative of the American Spirit: Yuengling Beer. Yuengling is a beer from America’s oldest brewery. Please, do take the time to listen to the story of Yuengling. It’s American grit. It’s the “can do” American Spirit. A family-owned business for five, going on six generations now, Yuengling has seen good times, bad times (uh, Prohibition), and everything in between.
But they didn’t give up. They didn’t give in. They kept moving. They adapted, they improvised, they overcame:
I raise my glass to the Yuengling family. God bless y’all and please, can you send some Yuengling to Texas? It’s at least a two-hour drive to Arkansas for us to get to some. Talk about a beer run!

Talking about American grit, how about Mike Lindell? This Christian man is a whirlwind of patriotism and courage. Christ has endowed him and prepared him for just this time. Yeah, I’ve bought several pillows and the Giza Sheets, and I intend on giving a full complement of My Pillow products to my liberal relatives for gifts. Right? Let’s start the EXODUS from the satanic world system.
Andrew Torba of GAB is right.
Why the Oligarchs Fear Christianity
This is our little bit in the war to take down the globo-communists. We can do this. Bit by bit, let’s leave them to their own devices. We never give in. We never give up. Ever.

And, here’s a kudos to every single cattle rancher in America. Bill Gates, you can shove your fake meat where the sun don’t shine. I’ve had a delicious steak twice this week and I may have another one before the weekend is out.
We don’t take orders or fake meat from crazy ass psychopaths.
LOVE YA, Qtreepers! Thank our GOOD GOD for every single one of you. WE ARE WINNING!

OK, I’m first, I guess, but I have not read yet. CHEATING – yes. But I cannot ABIDE this thing sitting here with no comments. SO THERE.
I think you scared everyone away.
The howling gets ’em every time.
I thought it might be the teeth.
Don’t they go together? I mean … who would be impressed with a toothless howl?
Anyone who pretends Biden is POTUS?

… 🧐🤚‼️ … 🤨👍❤️‼️😉 …
here, here … 🐺. … ‼️❤️‼️ ..
I am neither a wolf or a sheepdog.
I care not to be an alpha.
I am quite happy being a sociopathic sigma ram.
Fk with herd.
Fk with your friends.
Fk with my own and I’m going to do some very bad things to you and yours.
I had my first steak in a while today, myself.
Lucky’s had BOGO on tri-tip steaks, which put the price of beef into the acceptable range (where it used to be ALL the FREAKIN’ TIME), so I nabbed two packages about 3/4 pound.
Lined the tray in my toaster-oven with aluminum foil and tossed in a rack — honestly, I’m surprised that more people don’t use racks for cooking. Unpacked my three little steak pieces onto the rack, grabbed a small round-bottomed bowl and started throwing things into it.
1/8″ t of chipotle powder, some ground black pepper, california chili powder, mustard powder, garlic powder, ground rainbow pepper, paprika, cayenne….add enough olive oil for it to be like a paint. Stir it up with a silicone sauce brush, then brush it onto the tops and sides. Flip the meat. Brush it onto the new tops and sides. Slide it into the toaster oven and set to bake at 350….this is the “preheat” phase.
After 10 minutes, crank it up to 450 for the “surface” phase. It was done around 18 minutes.
A lot of people think that toaster-ovens are a toy….but that’s what’s neat about them. You can cycle between temperatures much faster than in a outdoor grill or a kitchen oven. There are even a bunch of projects for doing surface-mount electronic soldering in them (DO NOT USE FOR FOOD AFTERWARDS, EVER).
Mmmm, Tri-tips! Used to love them off the steakhouse grill. So marbled, so good.
But your recipe of blended pepperstuff (and bi-temp cooking) sounds great. Does the little steak kind of turn into Beef Candy? How hot is the spicy taste? I can’t wait.
The actual hotness depends entirely on the amount of chipotle. If you replace the chipotle with more paprika or (to be even more mellow) pasilla, you can make it very mellow.
Which, by the way, is the reason that the only thing I measured into the mix was the chipotle. Everything else was by eye.
I was looking for a smidge of “char” over a firm-ish pink center — very medium.
One of the things that beginners tend to miss (and I’m not saying this for either of us) is that the hotter the cooking temperature, the pinker the center. You find this especially true when you’re doing things like seared ahi — heat that bad boy up to near-glowing, then *wham* *flip* *bam* and *off* — and you have about 1/8″ cooked into the meat. When you do a pre-heat as I describe, you don’t have to worry about a beautiful exterior with an extreme rare inside.
So, one of those odd quirky stories…..
I learned nothing about cooking while living with my parents, and not much more during my early years flying solo, but when Iron Chef came on (in the original Japanese, with subtitles), I was like a sponge. My dad had introduced me to Chinese food around 1984 (note, I was in my early 20’s). I started in on Teppanyaki around 1981. But that was all about consumption — with Iron Chef, I started thinking about production. I started collecting cookbooks and studying techniques and hoarding ingredients. I started to look at things like braised dishes, or stir fried…..
After a couple of decades of this, I was spending some time with my dad. He retired as one of the top-tier Engineers at the City of Los Angeles after being raised in a tarpaper shack in Delta, Colorado by his dad — a sheepherder.
So I asked him — “y’know, a group of sheepherders had to do a lot of things, but some specialized in herding, some in scouting, some were medics/vets, some kept in touch with ‘civilization’ — what did grandpa do?” And I got the reply: “he was the camp cook.”
Blending chilis is an art that changes over time as the chili powders fade. Chipotle will light you right up. Cayenne, chili de arbol, and ‘hot’ New Mexico strive to live up to their reputations. California chili powder is a good backbone. Paprika is actually more sweet than spicy, although there is a Hungarian hot paprika worth seeking out (as well as a smoked paprika). Pasilla (which is made of ground ancho chiles) is earthy and grounding — good for stews, soups, and comfort food.
After learning that about my grandfather, I think back to him when I blend-up powders for a project like this steak. Mind you, he probably was doing it with squirrels and rabbits more often than not, with some venison on occasion, out on the Western slope of Colorado….but he probably had many of the same powders in his bags.
Magic powders make life very palatable.
I’ll go with “more palatable”. I haven’t been cooking squirrel yet.
Squirrels are tree rats.
Squirrel meat is nasty stuff.
There’s no way to make it very edible.
I’ve tried.
When we were starving students in college…we tried everything.
Squirrel stew. Ewww. Had it once. Regretted it right away.
You have to be really hungry to eat vermin.
And we were.
Lots of hot peppers…we discovered that we could get it down if we smothered it in hot sauce or red peppers.
Squirrels are just rats with fluffy tails.
I have raised two babies to “time to let them loose” stage. Cute, but crazy.
Paprika…the secret ingredient in my stew along with white pepper.
Try mustard powder. Fresh, it tastes like mustard; cooked, it has a pleasant mellow complexity.
We did too. The Wife pan seared a couple of steaks last night with some rosemary from the garden. First steak we have had in a while.
I use racks under a broiler all winter long.
Fortunately, one of our local grocers does this cool thing where they take meat close to the sell by date and put it in packages about halfway between club pack and regular tray size. That goes in a special case where it’s mix and match 4 for $19.96. I have a whole freezer drawler full of those. They also, from time to time, sell whole pork loins in vacuum packaging for REALLY CHEAP. So, you get one, and cut it into four, cook one and freeze the rest in separate packaging. And then there’s the chickens.
It is possible to get plenty of meat in the diet. You just have to be diligent and not put stuff like ice cream in the freezer.
Nanzi sez that a freezer is ONLY for ice cream and what could you know you f’ing deplorable.
What do I know? That the chicken thighs I cooked for dinner last night I put in the freezer December 5, 2020. I always put a date on the Ziploc. I also haven’t bought meat at the store at all this week. I got it out of the freezer since nothing decent is on sale.
The US had roughly 4,000 breweries at the end of 1918. Prohibition was passed on January 16, 2019, and by 2020 they were all converted to something else. After Prohibition was repealed on April 7, 1933, there were a scant 31 brewers by June. 756 brewers restarted in the next year. It took until 2016 for the number of breweries in the US to climb to 4,131.
This despite beer being the oldest of all known beverages. A Sumerian recipe is preserved in the “Hymn to Ninkasi [the goddess of beer]” on tablets of clay.
Facts I could not live without but everybody else can live without.
Actually, it’s quite instructive. Some sort of unfounded cultural panic could seize the levers of government and ruin an industry for 15 years back in the 1920s. What is allowed for gyms, hair salons, restaurants, and concerts today, with similar levels of “science”?
Will Cuomo get off scott-free for killing thousands of his own citizens? Does this seem like a chilling echo of https://slate.com/technology/2010/02/the-little-told-story-of-how-the-u-s-government-poisoned-alcohol-during-prohibition.html ?
He’ll get off for operating death camps for granma and granpa. He will get nailed to the wall for planting a wet lips kiss on his office hottie.
I had him pegged as a mass-murderer back in March of last year, and instead of being hung for a week and his head mounted on a pike thereafter for that, he’ll likely be ushered out of office with a generous pension for pinching a heiney after an office party. What a strange, upside-down world. What’s next, adolescent girls and boys showering together?
It’s not about consistency, honesty, or truth. It’s all about POWER.
I bet you’re right. The sex stuff is a good diversion. These guys are clever coming up with just the thing to distract the masses.
OMG – that’s straight out of the Clinton playbook!
Cuomo is a politician. As executive office holder, he executes policy designed by others.
The NYS Director of Public Health has not resigned. Why not?
Not only did they send infected back into nursing homes, they allowed infected nursing home workers to continue to work. Workers reported a lack of PPE.
How about their written policy for allocation of ventilators in the event of an emergency? Rather than buy and store ventilators in the years before the plannedemic, they elected to create a policy for triage of ventilators in NYS.
They even had policy related to circumstances where EMT’s we’re ordered to Do Not Resuscitate people they were called to help.
All reported and documented by the NY Post.
What science wrote these policies? Firing Cuomo is just scratching the surface.
This is the NYS Director of Public Health giving a TEDxCornell talk in July 2019.
“Relativity in the Age of Virality”
He discusses the problem of misinformation and public health, and advocates for greater state controll of our “social center of gravity”.
Meant to post this yesterday, but I became distracted by a video with David E. Martin. Not sure what to make of him.
Beyond the video clip posted, there’s
very compelling video of him speaking out at a DC protest against Fauci and others, and another of him in Antarctica where he could be Greta’s guru.
What else do we know about him?
Did everyone but me know that nipple ring granny killer Cuomo was married to a Kennedy? He was married to one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy’s daughters. Cuomo and his brother seem like such uncouth clods to be hobnobbin with the Kennedys but what do I know?
Oh, that is pretty wild. Makes me wonder if they’re all into kinky stuff. NHK just seems like the type!
hahaha maybe so. She must’ve been quite the catch and they were married for a fairly long time. He gives me the creeps and I can’t imagine him being all Rico Suave’ back in the day yet here he is the Gov of NY . Maybe his family was rich and connected too. Never heard about them either.
OMG, I just found the best gossip EVAH about their ENTIRE marital history.
Just call me TABLOID WOLF!!! 😅
” Cuomolot”
that was very saucy! Makes ya wonder if the Kennedy clan didn’t have some juju in bringing him down after his rise to Covid royalty status seemed like no way anyone would ever touch him.
I could write better than that in the fifth grade. FFS, getting pronouns wrong is a sign of writing while drunk. But the worst part is when I have to keep re-reading a paragraph to figure out what it means.
They pay people to do crap like this? I’m going back to work as a word salad maker.
“Rico Suave”! LMAO!
Damn, this IS a bar!
I’m gettin’ a drink!
It’s down and I wish I had more! But it’s good. Q Tree Communion! I will remember my Savior! Unworthy as I am, surely, but not unforgetful tonight!
This heresy must stop.
Actually, that’s more in the sacrilegious department.
You will not get me back in that government church! No masks in the home church, sacrilegious as it may be, though more comfortable than tunnels and under bridges! 😉
His father was NY Gov also, Mario Cuomo.
3 terms.
So that would be RFK, Jr’s sister.
RFK, Jr. is bigtime anti-vax.
So I would imagine that he hates Nippleman Granny-Killer’s guts.
The article says that he was at HUD under Clinton. I think he was Secretary of HUD at that time.
He was also at HUD under Bush, when Jack Kemp was Secretary; before the Saving and Loans collapsed, and Mario was governor of NY.
The Kennedys are just filthy rich bootleggers who got into Democrat politics and had PR fairy tales written about them.
And there are many really filthy chapters and characters in their family history.
Very few families anywhere don’t have filthy chapters and characters.
You are right – mine and me included. Dreadful chapters and destructive characters.
We are all messed up…
Satan’s continual seductions and assaults must be continually resisted, or repented, renounced and redeemed.
Excellent blog post you linked to. Thank you.
We’re proud of our characters. One was FDR’s campaign manager.
Yes, I knew that. Story went that she cheated on him. Anything is possible.
She almost HAD to cheat on him, since he’s such an arrogant egotist. Alternative is to end up like that aunt or whoever that Joe Kennedy kept in the nuthouse so she wouldn’t blab to the press.
The woman was his daughter and it was a TRAGIC story. I don’t remember what the issue was she had, but he gave permission for her to have a lobotomy. The daughter was then basically a vegetable, and his wife never forgave him.
In that case, who was the arrogant one?
Rosemary. Yes, her story is very tragic.
I think they had a mentally disabled daughter.
I think, at one time she was a resident at a private community residence in upstate NY. The Kennedy family were generous benefactors of the facility, as I recall.
I was just funnin’ you.
Yuengling did ice cream and dairy products.
Scant 31…and the biggest one still stands on Lynch Street and 7th in Souland. Stand on the sidewalk and you can get high.
OMG, I love this guy’s unapologetic Christianity. Thank you for that link! I had seen quotes from this article, but the whole thing is a joy!
Seriously – and this should SCARE Torba’s enemies even more……
ANY religious minority is going to realize that they are SAFER under “Christian nationalism” than they are under loony socialist communist violent nuttery.
TORBA AMERICA is exactly where they want to be. Radical Islam? Yeah, maybe they want the violence of ANTIFAMERICA, but everybody else? EASY CALL.
Yes, they fear Christianity, but more than that, they fear Christ Himself, hence the effort to split the Church over the last 1,000+ years.
What if Francis is part of making Christianity “antifragile” again?
Anti-fragile? He’s heating up glass so it can be dowsed with cold water and [SHATTER].
Actually, those who really care about faith are learning more and doubling down, but the “in” crowd doesn’t want to admit that.
Let the diaspora of ground crystal irritate the world! 😉
Something like that.
Any MINORITY should realize they are safer under Christian nationalism.
I come at life from the perspective of an artist, which is what I am. As such, I have always run with the “freaks and geeks” crowd to some degree. I understood long ago that ones such as us are far better off when the “normies” are in charge. The freaks and geeks are not equipped to deal with the everyday minutiae of banal existence.
I have tried for years to convince people I know who are “fringe” that they are far better off and SAFER when the normies are running the institutions of government. Some listen, some don’t, but I think this interlude of Biden & Co. destroying things is going to be a wake up call for many of them. When society has collapsed, who will take care of the freaks and geeks? The answer is, nobody.
Amen! Very critical point!!!
Grandma – which Gab account are you definitely under now? Gigi333 or Grandmaintexas?
Hell, it’s a nightmare now. I have two accounts and can’t get in to one of them. Something is weird. I reset my password but still couldn’t get in. So I started a new account and as soon as I left GAB it signed me out again and my password won’t work.
I’m so sick of social media.
Yeah, passwords are a pain for sure.
Ive gotten in to the chat but hell if i know how to send you a msg.
Excellent! I can send you a message by going to the chat page, then clicking on the “+” sign next to PRIVATE MESSAGES in the left-hand sidebar, and then in the pop-up using your username, or you can contact me using mine: WOLFM00N with two zeroes.
I’ll let you try first, so that then you can message other people!
Got it. Ty.
I did it but you let me know if its the right location.
PMs working! Hopefully you can see my response.
I am also having a lot of trouble with Gab chat. I go there and half the time my password won’t work, either. It’s frustrating. Gab works for me, chat not so much.
This fool is the very definition of NOT a techie. Eyes glaze over when many a folks here start talking about whiz bang computer crap.
Finally got Gab Chat to work, I think it’ll be fine into the future. Downloaded Brave, imported stuff from Firefox to Brave. Seems as though all my bookmarks and stuff are working smoother than ever.
Brave has probably been one of the easiest transitions I’ve made.
Brendan Eich invented JavaScript, co-founded Mozilla, and was Chief Technology Officer there until SJW’s ran him out of the company for having supported the proposition that marriage was between one man and one woman.
He then founded (and runs) Brave — which is why it works so well.
If not using Brave, maybe give it a try. Just did so myself. Gab Chat is easy access now.
I am using Brave. 😡
fyi….if you don’t have auto update enabled on Brave.
Thanks. Will check it out.
We’ve been to the Yuengling Brewery pictured above. 👍🏻 Right in Pottsville, near Reading.
*sigh* I remember when there were such things as “Home Ec” classes, where you might actually learn something. Someone should bring them back, and one unit in the class should teach “lauter tun”, “wort”, and “sparge”.
You’re out beyond the perimeter fence again.
No, really, there’s all sorts of knowledge out there….
For instance, you’re out hiking in West Virginia, and you come upon a group running a still. They don’t look like they’ve applied for government permits and tax stamps, but they seem a friendly bunch. They just got the thing fired-up, pulled the first jug out of the condenser, and offer you some. How do you respond?
“They just got the thing fired-up, pulled the first jug out of the condenser, and offer you some. How do you respond?”
Umm… I got a wort stuck in my lauter tun and if I drink any of that moonshine I’ll sparge all over the place?
Blindingly quick, you are.
Does that mean you knew?
(Going blind is a characteristic of methanol poisoning.)
Doing “online” interaction sucks – you get none of the visuals “q’s” we are so reliant on ….
Hmmm…. That actually might work.
Running a moonshine still is fractional distillation — you’re trying to separate the ethyl alcohol (172.81 degrees) from other substances in the fermented mash, like water (212 degrees) or methyl alcohol (poisonous) (148.5 degrees). As such, the very first jug out of the condenser would likely have fractions with lower boiling points, and would likely be toxic.
Responding with “no first or lasts for me, thanks, I’d rather have a nip o’ sweet run” would indicate you were knowledgeable.
OTOH, “wort” is “pre-beer” — it’s sort of a “grain tea” where malted barley and other grains have been thoroughly boiled and flavoring elements added. It is cooled and fermented to make beer.
A “lauter tun” is a “tun” (large vessel, similar to “vat”) for lautering (separation of the wort from the grain, so you don’t chew your beer).
When you “sparge”, you run a substance through another substance to try to extract goodies. In beer, you typically run liquid (often wort) over your grains in your lauter tun to sparge; but in chemistry, you may bubble a gas through a liquid to sparge.
So, if you were to say “Umm… I got a wort stuck in my lauter tun and if I drink any of that moonshine I’ll sparge all over the place?”, they may let you go because they figure that if you went to the authorities, none of them would believe that you were sane.
This will do wonders on my floors?
One thing I remember about my home ec experience was that the instructor was fixated on doing fluffy omelets — separating the yolks from the whites, whipping the whites, folding the yolks in, and cooking.
I’ve had omelets on three continents cooked by line chefs. None of them went through that kind of manipulation. Separation of yolks and whites is mostly done for souffles or custards (including creme brulee).
I think she was beyond the perimeter fence.
Frankly, it would have been more useful to teach us how to just scramble eggs — such skills were rapidly falling by the wayside in that period.
We’re never too old to learn things.
I was grateful to learn a few years ago…that a little bit of Baking Powder added to scrambling eggs, will result in very creamy, non-rubbery scrambled eggs.
Baking Powder.
(Not Baking Soda.)
Who knew?
The International House of Pancakes (IHOP) puts just a little pancake batter in their scrambled eggs/omelets that makes them fluffy.
We have regular arguments in my family on the proper technique to scramble eggs. I use a fork, the Couch Commando uses a whisk and ridicules my method, my sister puts the egg in an olive jar with a little water and shakes it up. Dad insists on putting a little milk in his, something I guess he learned from his mother.
The fights over this….
I understand. We are at odds over if it’s better to add the salt and pepper before or after cooking.
During. That’s what I do, anyway.
We don’t have fights over it in our house – who does the cooking chooses and who is only eating says thank you. Don’t like it? Feel free to cook tomorrow morning! 🙂
Interestingly enough, the one skill that REALLY has fallen to the wayside is the proper way to fry bacon. My youngest brother likes it Spanish style, all limp and practically raw. I go for crispiness.
… 😳👍 …
… lauter tun”, “wort”, and “sparge”. …
inquiring minds want to know … ❓🙂❓ … please .. 😬🤚❤️
Discussed above at 01:47.
Close to my heart. My mother’s degree was from a school of Home Economics. She taught me my most valued, and practical skills.
She had 10 years in as a industrial nutritionist, developing recipes for the food industry, before starting a family.
Wow. You must have an arsenal of mad skills, thanks to your mom.
“We cannot spare this woman! She fights!”
Yes she does! Spunky go-getter
Finally! Someone who gets how to fight, and in Congress!
IMO we need to pay close attention to this video.
Wall Street Treason & Crime with US Government Complicity: Conversation with Bud Burrell
Media: We will trade you one Cuomo mass murder story for extensive Wall Street+Government Treason & Crime story.
This is worth a watch. I have a comment here somewhere to Duchess about the whole meal thing that the guest talks about. It has collapsed nationwide.
My comment to Duchess is on yesterday’s daily, actually. Here’s what I said:
Message 1:
Message 2:
I found his discussion of the physical mass of $trillion cash transactions fascinating (@ apx. 45 mins. in) Might explain pallets of cash and money planes.
Exactly. That and you have to know where it’s going.
I do agree that the American people are woefully underinformed on matters of money. I do not agree, though, that we’re all still dozing. I would say well over half are awake, at least. The thing is that this information is not getting to them.
OK – for a second day I’m going to ask everybody who has an account on Gab Chat who has not contacted me yesterday, to do the following:
If you don’t have a working Gab chat account, don’t worry, although I DO think it’s important for all the authors to be able to contact me there.
Brave browser, Dissenter, Chrome, Chromium, Vivaldi and Opera should all work. Firefox does NOT. Edge is iffy.
Message sent!
Excellent! See if my response is visible!
Got it
I’m on but have no idea how to find you or send the PM…help please
OK – what is your gab USER NAME? You should be able to see in the sidebar menu on the left, an item called PRIVATE MESSAGES that you can click on to expand, and click the “+” to create one. You can then use my handle WOLFM00N (with two zeroes) to send me a PM. Or I will send you one, given your username!
ok, sounds easy enough (famous last words) lol
going in!
I’m mollypitcher on gab
Reminds me of one of the funniest episodes from the LA riots. A bunch of US Marines were detailed to help out the LAPD while they were stretched. One policeman is assigned to serve an arrest warrant on an address with a known gangbanger. He’s about to walk up to the door, so he tells the Marines, “cover me.”
Problem is, “cover me” in LAPD-speak means “have weapons ready, pick off anyone who’s about to kill me.” On the other hand, “cover me” in Marine-speak means “lay down enough suppressive fire that nobody on the other side pokes their head up.”
So the Marines start running suppressive fire on the target, blowing holes in all sorts of things, and the policeman immediately turns around and is waving his arms and going “cease fire! halt! stop!”
And when it stops, the guy inside is screaming, “I surrender, I surrender, I surrender!!!!”
Resetting my password again…
Let me know if I can help or advise!
Put my email address in and NO EMAIL to reset password has arrived. Yes, I checked spam folder. This is exactly what happened yesterday.
Still nothing. Tried to get in and reset again. 🤬
There is a class of mail at gmail called “updates” where a lot of answers go. There are also some other categories that are NOT in the normal inbox.
I’m at ProtonMail with this one.
With protonmail, there can be foreign or domestic interference with password emails – that is a common trick by governments.
Geez. Well, I had to start a new account with my Gmail address, so I guess my ProtonMail account is basically a lock out then.
You may get in later. Just keep trying every once in a while, and if the barrier (may be in the UK) falls, the message will come through.
If you get it running, a backup ain’t a bad thing!
refresh PM page
I’ve been looking over tutamota.com (a German email provider) if it turns out I need an alternative … yet again.
Okay. I got in using my Gmail account. That’s the Grandmaintexas one. The new one. Sheesh. Maybe Gab doesn’t like ProtonMail.
Good! See if that one can log into https://chat.gab.com – I have a PM waiting for that account!
I just sent you a PM.
I sent one, too.
Hoeyone is my GAB handle
I still cannot get into Gab Chat.
And that PM feature on my Gab account has disappeared.
It was there until Torba did that ‘Gab offline’ thing…then when he brought it back, the PM feature was gone.
Maybe it exists now in the Gab Pro accounts?
I dunno.
No, it’s not even in Pro! They just took it out.
Not sure when it will be back, either.
But there is always PTMW if needed.
Sent, but you are offline.
Done (I think!)
Sent you a PM
Good! Checking now!
All, please pardon my third plug for Brave.
Since we started the, have Gab as back-up, more specifically Gab Chat, I have had problems every time I tried to access Gab Chat.
Downloaded Brave last night. Seamless transition. Gab Chat and other stuff seems to work flawlessly.
Great to know! I think that’s why I see so few problems on Gab Chat.
Just sent a message (I think… I hope 🙂 )…
I think I need to get a smart phone (for this dumb user…that would be me 🙂 )…

Graph from Peter Navarro on where #CPAC and #MAGA overlap:
That graph makes CPAC look like a bunch of RINO surrender monkeys. What else have have they caved on? I thought the C stood for Conservative not Commerce.
They always were RINO surrender monkeys.
It took President Trump and MAGA to expose that.
Sylvia (of the shining silver shovel) has a POST over at Marica’s. Some things are getting better.
Thanks. Made a visit over there. Lovely post she wrote.
Very nice peeps over there, but I feel like a ruffian when I visit — so I try to keep it short.
I know. I feel uncoothie. I mean uncouth. 😁
You ARE a ruffian.
Interesting tidbit from the anons – lab mice are comp’d when compared to natural field mice …
>>>13050662 The MRNA China Virus vaccine and the TERT gene – Attack on your immune system
Reply to above post:
“The whole telemere story is the entire story about Bret Weinstein and how he made a Nobel winning discovery about the tradeoffs between lifespan and youthfulness through celular reproduction. This was way before all the stupid gender/race evolutionary biology crap at evergreen college. This was like in the late 90s.
“His brother has really stuck up for him, but they’ve been totally shafted…his bro is a total libtard but a smart fucking dude and works with Peter Thiel.
Anyway, Bret discovered a fucking HUGE mistake in the use of lab mice rather than field mice as a model for studying disease and developing vaccines because the lab mice had developed telemere lengths that were selected for over many generations by trying to reproduce the most number of mice.
“They needed lots for experimentation. They were very youthful, but all started getting cancers, etc. in more frequent rates than field mice. In any case, it was all covered up because it would have pulled the rug out from under almost all of biomedicine and the pharmacological industry.”
Wow…that makes so much sense!
Lab mice are like ‘hot-house flowers’ that probably could not survive out in the real world.
And ^^this^^ is what labs are using to make their ‘scientific’ claims.
Not good.
Transgenic mice. At one time a breeding pair was reportedly valued at about $70,000, iir. They require highly controlled lab environments, especially for breeding and housing. Positive pressurized environments, lighting controls, specialty light control films…
(Helped prototype a TMF in the early 2000’s, and a BSL prototype after the anthrax attacks.)
Andrew Torba https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg
This isn’t a parody this is actually a new Twitter feature where they auto block “trolls”
I just noticed that the date of the thread is wrong – should be the 26th, not the 25th …
Yuengling is likely to blame!
Crap. Let me fix. It was some Franciscan Cab sauv.
That was quick!
That’s not the first time I’ve had the date wrong. 😆
Let me get the URL. BTW, just refresh that PM and you should see my responses.
URL is fixed now, too.
Wha, did I screw that up too? Sheesh.
No problem! 😀
So, just to interject some wine discussion into the middle of a quick scramble about dates….
The Romans were quite sophisticated about a lot of things, some of which were quite subtle and didn’t make the headlines. They managed to seed varieties of wine grapes along the northern regions of the Mediterranean that were (1) quick to ferment; (2) foolproof; (3) tasty; and (4) reliable. In Spain, it was Tempranillo; in Italy, Sangiovese and Valpolicella; in Croatia, it was what became known as Zinfandel. There were more, but these tend to be more popular today.
As opposed to the Burgundy / Bordeaux wines of France, Roman wines need no cellaring and are famously easy to produce.
IMHO, I know of no Cabs (or cab blends) that are not substantially improved by being laid down for several years. I do consider a properly aged Cabernet to be a very fine wine and far superior to the Roman blends I may have quaffed while the Cab was getting its act together.
I am not a big fan of cab sauv, but hubby likes it. So I occasionally put up it.
And I am a French wine snob. Love French wines. But I have to go to the Big City to get any good ones, so I’m mostly stuck with crappy California stuff. And the wineries there are every bit as stuck up as the French, but with much less right to be.
The University of California has waged war against French wines for decades….and the science is on the side of the Californians.
UC Davis has the premier winemaking / brewing faculty on the planet. Mind you, there have been a number of embarrassments — like when some grad students were hired by Gallo to make a wine for supermarkets…………that didn’t actually contain any grape juice. But they have the intellectual and physical tools to take wines apart and put them together better than anywhere else. The best California wines are generally better than the best French wines.
That said, French wines made in traditional ways are generally better than California wines before they’re re-engineered.
I get sulfite reactions from American wines that I generally do not get from French wines.
I believe the government requires addition of sulfites above those naturally present.
I think it’s optional, but traditional. I vaguely recall seeing some wineries say “low sulfites.”
The certified organic wines usually don’t add them in.
Sulfites SUCK.
I can drink Italian wine all day. Some California wines, I get flushed.
Oh yes.
As I understand it, wine grape vines take 20 years to produce decent wine, and then it’s not as rich and tasty as it is at 80 years. That’s about the time they pull the vines and replace them.
Wine grape vines are essentially like fruit trees in that regard, where they have to be rotated out as yield drops as they age.
This is a kin to twitter taking off the training wheels.
Of course they’ve been doing this along.
And how can this be a personal feature when they say “in addition we show their replies to fewer people”? That means it doesn’t matter if you turn on your safety feature or not we’re still blocking the trolls for you and you just can’t see your training wheels.
From Lin Wood –
Lin Wood, [25.02.21 19:42]
“Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?
Q. Did you take the Covid vaccine?
A: Yes.
Q. Do you know that you can still get Covid?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know that you can still spread Covid to others?
A. Yes.
Q. So you know that you still have to wear a mask (or two!) and social distance?
A. Yes.
Q. Then why did you take the vaccine?
A. [Silence]
Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?
A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???
Moral of the Story: When you are given the right to choose, educate yourself so that you can choose wisely.
ALL choices have consequences.”
Saving that.
Thank you for sharing. I am resisting getting Telegram. Social media. Ugh.
It seems to me that Gab is the only “social media” (apart from some blogs / vlogs allowing comments) which ISN’T enemy territory.
It also seems that when entering said territory, that one should use a disposable email, a disposable phone, and a different ISP (? coffee shop Wifi) than ones own …
I’m afraid I’ve just lived my online life out there. If I could start over again, I probably wouldn’t ever touch social media.
Speaking of regrets, did you finish The Turtle’s lament?
I haven’t had the stomach. Will try to pick it up again this weekend.
*Thinking of you and Pepto-Bismol.*
Thank you. Just the thought of picking that book up again is nauseating. But I have to finish it. I may try to just condense the rest of it in one last post.
You’re a brave soul, Gran.
I wouldn’t blame you one bit, if you stopped reading that asshole’s drivel.
We can pretty much figure that it’s crap since the source is full of it.
So don’t torture yourself…unless you really really want to.
“Will you walk a little faster?” said a whiting to a snail,
“There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s treading on my tail.
See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance!
They are waiting on the shingle—will you come and join the dance?
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?
“You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!”
But the snail replied “Too far, too far!” and gave a look askance—
Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.
Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance.
Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.
“What matters it how far we go?” his scaly friend replied,
“There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.
The further off from England the nearer is to France—
Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?”
I love poetry.
The danger of the internet giants is based on their ability to aggregate parts of your life that you don’t want aggregated and sell it to the wider world. They want to take a restaurant reservation that ties to your cellphone to link to a profile that leads to your email that links to your resume in an HR database somewhere you once wanted to work.
You should limit connections with EVERY social media that you actually intend to use…..and take pains to flood every alternative link from that chain with garbage.
I highly recommend family text groups to share pics and news. Cut out Instagram and the other monsters.
Lately, a bunch of such links claim to encrypt your stuff.
Encrypt it yourself, so you can be sure it was done competently.
Well, I will have to ask more competent minds to do that for me.
It’s really very easy. Generate a 2-part key — Aa.
Have them generate a 2-part key Bb.
Tell them in a verifiable communication that your public key is A. [Telephone: “hey, did you get A?”]
Have them send you their public key, encrypted by your public key A[B]. The only person on the planet who can read this is you, because only you can use ‘a’ to unlock it. a[A[B]] -> B.
From then on, anything you want to send for only them to read is B[x] (encrypted with their public key). If you want to send them something for only them to read that they can be sure comes from you, you send them a[B[x]] — encrypted with their public key and your private key. They “unwrap” it with your public key — A[a[B[x]]] -> B[x].
Google, Twitter, and Facebook depend on you not knowing this. It might be a good idea to learn it.
Saving for try out later. Thank you.
I saved it as well – very good explication, TY!
A major caveat is that all the tools are easy to find in Linux. They exist in all platforms, but they’re harder to find.
That’s it. I’m gonna make a wifey decision here and implore husband to get on the Linux train. Asap.
The old Lenovo (IBM) ThinkPads are often refurbished and sold at a low price. I’ve not had any trouble loading a version of Linux on them. Then I put a VPN on it so my IP address is behind the curtain, so to speak. I think one of the best things about using Linux is if anything doesn’t work, someone has already posted a solution online somewhere.
>>”social media that you actually intend to use”<<
For me, that would be NONE!
No Fakebook, no Twister, no Instaglam, no TikToxic, and no MindSplice nor any other prior incarnations of social media – EVER.
Just commenting on a few sites is good enough for me – and I usually keep it to one site at a time.
And most of the value that I’ve gotten from other sites’ articles has come from reading the *comments* …
I also save and archive EVERY post I make (including this one), as I think most everyone should, *especially* on social media.
Although your advice is very good, I think the ship has sailed – for a huge percentage of the population – in re taking preventative steps to guard ones info.
It’s kind of hard to limit some of the social media platforms when that is the method of contact your family and other circles use to communicate.
Bless their hearts.
And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.
Is that half of “bless their hearts, curse their tushies?”
I like the idea of heaping coals on their head. 😂
I’m not very good at that “Love your enemy” stuff.
Been working on it.
But so far…it’s just not happening.
I love that they are Imago Dei. I HATE what they have done with that.
And thanks for the great Friday Thread, Gran.
Nice work!
Welcome. ❤🤍💙
I was just reading that burning coals scripture in the past 24 hours. Not an easy path to follow… in the footsteps of Jesus, our King.
Verse of the Day for Friday, February 26, 2021
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”
John 1:12 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
I miss Pat.
Hope she’s okay!
I miss Gail too.
I hope they both check in with us soon!
You and me both. Things are thawing, and worry is increasing.
Yeah. Miss them both!!
I do, too, Wheatie!!! She is ok and so is Gail – they are in God’s hands being boosted by prayer and love from all of us.
Angels are watching over them, too!!!
God Bless Your Caring Heart, Dear Lady!!!
Pat checked in recently at Marica’s to wish Sylvia well. I miss her too and hope she is enjoying a little R&R.
Thanks for letting me know, Holly.
You’re welcome! Just realized I choose a similar avatar to yours. Mine is pussy willows to fool myself into thinking spring is on the way here. 😄
I noticed you added that avatar…and I thought that looked like pussy willows.

I love pussy willows.
Now…you are the same Holly that used to post as ‘Holley’, right?
That’s me. I had some crazy tech issues with WP, finally gave up, deleted my account and started over. I’m holly102 at Marica’s. Why I have no idea. 🤔
Saw some pussy willows in the florist’s window and think I might go back and get a bunch. 😀
Okay, I thought it was you.
Heheh. 😄
Does anyone want to bet against China having video of US diplomats having anal swabs for Covid?
Nope. I’m having a hard time believing the Americans actually bent over for it without putting up a ruckus.
But then again, it’s a Biden crew.
Not me, Coothie.
I’ll bet those ChiCom pervs even have closeups.
Found on Gab.
This seems like cruel and inhumane punishment:

february 25, 2021 the marshall report
Gates Lab Meat is more like food for transhumanism….next the half human half clone creature will only need to recharge their bodies with their solar eye shields. Think of the money that will be saved from that green plan. Green as in Soylent Green?
How it works
They tell you it’s microbes. What they don’t tell you is that it also takes Cell Lines that come from- form stem cells.
They want you to think in terms of microbes. Not in the terms of embryonic stem cells which – due to ethical and moral issues – are controversial when used in research. However, they do it anyway in the name of science. They have developed induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) – essentially multipotent blood and skin cells which have been reprogrammed back to a pluripotent state therefore enabling them to differentiate into a far greater range of specialized cells.
This stuff is so sick and depraved that I would be afraid to be within a hundred miles of these labs for fear a meteor will rain down from on high.
I look for “Certified Angus Beef” or CAB when shopping. One store here you can actually get USDA Prime if you’re willing to pay for it.
SMH, DP – why would anyone want something unnatural to eat? This is totally insane – except for the fact that they want to kill us in any way they can fathom.
I am SO grateful I live just down the road from a meat-packer where I can buy locally-raised beef and pork! I eat a lot of steak.
Fake meat? That is the grossest thing I can imagine!
Who are Crab Cake and Peggy Mills? They are prolific posters on the Qtree Gab group…..which I never think to look at…
Anyways, is there a Gab chat group now?
I’ve noticed this too, Sauce.
Our Qtree Group on Gab is not a closed group.
Some Groups are closed…with screening to get in…but our Qtree Group is not.
I just noticed that there are currently 2.6 Thousand members in our Qtree Group.
Makes me wonder how many come here and lurk.
Hopefully some of them will de-cloak and say “Hi”.
I’m happy about this too …
Anon2 reply:
“>Brad Parscale back
“I’m happy about this.
“Being in the WH and running a re-election campaign is a pressure cooker. He cracked. It happens to the best of us. Even when under less stressful circumstances. Doesn’t mean we can’t rebuild and be better.
“Dude went through some shit, but dude was always loyal. Could’ve wrote a Trump tell-all, could’ve found a place as media darling bad mouthing Trump. But he didn’t.
“Glad Trump is giving him a second chance.”
Anon1 post:
“Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
“The ex-president told political advisers Thursday that former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski will run a new super PAC.
“President Donald Trump told political advisers Thursday that he’s chosen longtime ally Corey Lewandowski to run a yet to-be formed super PAC as part of his expanding post-presidential political apparatus, according to multiple people familiar with the discussion.
“The decision was made in a multi-hour meeting at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on Thursday. Trump gathered his top political lieutenants, including Donald Trump Jr., former campaign manager Bill Stepien, former deputy campaign manager Justin Clark, former campaign manager Brad Parscale, former White House social media director Dan Scavino and senior adviser Jason Miller.”
He’s gonna break the GOPe. And the Deplorables are going to see just how much power there is in unity.
I had wished that we Deplorables (including anons, of course) could have woken enough people up in time to reject the outright FRAUD of the Uniparty.
But in light of the recent decodes of some of the earliest Kew posts, citing 11.3 and 11.4 of the DoD Law of War Manual (title wrong?), I think that it was expected that the de-sleeping efforts would take longer.
Which means that P45DJT “losing” the 2020 Election was already gamed out, and baked into the cake YEARS ago.
Bezmenov said that trying to “convert” these permanently demoralized people (the “useful idiots”) is a waste of time – and yet, it was our job to do the best we could (and can, still) to effect this change.
It is these people, who don’t know shit from shinola, who will suffer the most when the truth comes out. It will hit them ALL like a ton of bricks.
I suspect that this is the pool – the die-hard lefties and “progressives”, the MLB / afitnA / etc. – from which the “4-6% lost” will be drawn.
We did all that we were asked to do, and we gave it our best … and it WAS good enough! Millions worldwide have gathered, and WILL NOT LET GO until the rest join in. Then, we will ALL win!
Our (my) expectations were too high, for such a tight 4-year time schedule (and with the enemy expending all their ammo against us).
Nice puff piece but the naked truth is that DJT made a lot of promises he didn’t keep. Although not a direct promise, one thing he failed to tell his troops was that the war plan (if there actually was one) needed to be altered. Instead he kept misleading the troops into believing that a “movie ending” was imminent.
He could have just been quiet and not fed the deplorables’ imaginations with comments and speeches implying victory was at hand.
And I give not one fuck whether anybody calls me an eeyore or similar. The truth is the truth. While I still support DJT 99%, I will ignore any speculation about what might be in the cards. Severe damage is being done to America and America’s small business deplorables. I don’t think 4 more years of DJT (if that’s the plan) is going to be enough to fix it.
I don’t think 4 more years of DJT (if that’s the plan) is going to be enough to fix it.
^^^ The suggested wiser option is…?
“Although not a direct promise, one thing he failed to tell his troops was that the war plan (if there actually was one) needed to be altered. Instead he kept misleading the troops into believing that a “movie ending” was imminent.”
When did President Trump say such things?
Are you confusing Q with President Trump?
Unity … united MAGA conservatives following President Trump within the GOP, unified against the GOPe. Sounds good.
100% united with Trump MAGA.
At this point, in my sphere of life, zero use for RNC, GOP, eGOP…
State R-Cons have NEVER answer my dozens of email inquiring about 11-3 fraud.
But them asshoes surely like to send out goofy email asking for money while trumpeting what they think is important.
There IS a reason, that I was registered Independent. 11-3 is why I’ll NEVER again vote the lesser of the evils.
It IS the lesser of the evils, R-Cons that screwed us 1-6.
They won’t put anything in writing so as not to be caught with their pants down. It’s a volatile subject for them.
Spineless cowards won’t even take a position on the stolen election.
The elite, country club mono-party sorts aren’t going to know what hit them.
And, don’t kid yourselves. They all belong to the same country clubs.
He’s worse than just a “clown”.
Mitch is a sniveling snake who cannot be trusted.
😠 🐍
Mitch has become Trump’s bitch. 😂
Methinks Mitch may have heard from some Trump supporters.
Mitch put his finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing…
And he pulled back a stub!
He stepped in it, and he knows it.
The thing is, the American people can have long memories when we want to.
Mitch is just trying to avoid Trump backlash at CPAC from Trump himself. Then it’s back to the races to give away American Sovereignty to China.
And…JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.
Wow…this is some industrial strength virtue signaling:
And some weapons-grade stupid, as well.
You realize the sperm and egg are doing the same thing … BWAHAHAHAHAHA .. 😣🤚😂👍 …
God is good .. 😌😉 .. ❤️
If they aren’t eating red meat, there’s a good chance they won’t breed.
Yes, please.
What a pos!
KMA you evil sissy ..
Au contraire…
He is absolutely right.
I totally resent whites that wanted reparations back then…
My wife is 65 and works for the city.
This week she was asked 3 times if she was getting the vaccine followed by the mandatory interrogative of “WHY NOT?”
I told her just tell them no and that we are planning of having more children.
That should settle any further questions.
Oh that is funny!
That deserves one of Chris Plante’s lucite block awards.
Senator chickenshit hasn’t bothered to reply to my letter calling him one of NanXi’s favorite suckling pig castratos.
Traitors can never be trusted and always find their “heart” telling them their doing the right thing.
“I am such at peace with that vote. I say that knowing that I’m getting criticized, but I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution,” Cassidy said in a conference call with reporters on a variety of topics.
I’d like to hear how his vote defended the constitution and which portion.
Every once in a while there’s what anons call a “high-IQ post”; I think this is one of them.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the poster is right, of course – just that the hypothesis seems to fit the situation, and seems reasonable to entertain as being true.
And so …
“This link is from patriots.win, or the migrated donald.win after reddit banned them.
pic goes with link.
“So, apparently, Harris isn’t in the loop. This goes along with my ideas I posted yesterday about why Pelosi and Harris want the nuclear codes now. Basically, I don’t think the military is going to accept Harris. Red line. It will be like the long face/long tooth clone in Myanmar if Bidan goes and she steps in.
“I Think Bidan may have the codes or thinks he has the code, but Harris is cut off. Only way Pelosi gets to know what’s going on is to tick Bidan into telling her or giving her access.
“If story is true and military bombed Iranian proxies in Syria, after Iran demanded Bidan cough up reparations for the Trump sanctions, then there must be a schism between who pulling Bidan’s strings and the Obama faction (Harris). This must mean military knows the plan to replace Bidan and they”re keeping him safe by letting harris know she’s going to get Myanmared if anything happens to slo jow.
“Have to figure Harris going public about not being in on the decision means we’re getting close to the whole shitstorm going kinetic.”
I don’t know about Harris not being in the loop. Perhaps she simply found a ways to be against Trump no matter what while trying to make her opposition sound reasonable and actually is fine with whatever.
Could be, MM.
But I find it rather telling that she’s going AGAINST “Bidan” so early.
Questioning the legal basis for the strike seems – at face value – to indicate that she WASN’T privy to that rationale, and only knew about the strike AFTER it happened.
And uttering the words “The President needs to …” and “he needs to do it now” does seem, IMO, to show that there IS a “schism”.
When was the last time you heard of a “VP” telling the public what the “President” MUST do? I can’t recall any such time …
Has Hairass done that…recently?
That tweet where she says that, is from 2018.
So she was talking about Pres Trump.
Good catch..didn’t spot that.
My mistake!
Like Holly, I didn’t catch that either.
Darn it! Gotta look at EVERY LETTER!
Amazing how what she said then … seems to apply perfectly now.
However, the main thrust seems to be to “de-install” Bidan, then to install one of their own choosing for VP.
And then, of course, they’ll repeat the procedure, whether right away or in 2024.
TY Wheatie! Good eye …
Oh you’re welcome, Emstar.
Those tweets still serve as a good example of her Hypocrisy.
Thank you for all that you do, Emstar, in working to get to the Truth.👍
Thanks once more, Wheatie.
It serves as a reminder to be humble, and to be vigilant.
“Those who think they cannot be fooled are the *most* susceptible to being fooled.”
(Paraphrase from Paul Newman’s character in “The Sting”, though I think the idea had been presented long before …)
But not presented in the splendid style of Paul.
Her tweets were against Trump in 2018 not now against Biden. That is why I am saying she is just found ways to sound good against Trump but didn’t mean it in the least.
If President Trump was in office and took this action she would be against it and the media would be howling. Just typical double standards.
Sorry, MM!
You read the Twist properly, and I didn’t – I missed its old date.
I saw something yesterday that claimed Harris was not in the loop and she’s PI$$ED about it.
I suspect given this:
Then there’s rank pulling in the CB levels. I would take a guess – and this is just a guess – that the Biden puppetmasters are now ready to cut the Jarrett/Obama/Harris cell or level loose. They must be some sort of liability.
Perhaps a liability, yes; and perhaps *as well* an impediment to the replacement for Bidan that the cabal wishes.
Cut K-lala loose, install a new VP to later become Prez, and then use the 25th on Bidan to open the gate.
End result? NEITHER Kommie-Flop nor Corn-Pop remain …
They may be trying to “run the table” / win it all.
Shoot the Moon, as is said in the game Hearts. Or a Grand Slam in Bridge.
And they’re still thinking of us peasants as chattel.
Well then I hope she steps in!
If that is the trigger that our military needs…then I hope she does it…and soon.
Although you’d think that having a doddering dementia patient in charge of the codes would be seen as a ‘Red Line’ too.
Not sure if what I’m saying is the same thing but I think Harris feels like Joe is letting the military push him around. The response (bombing) is late in coming and I gather she’s a Valerie Jarret puppet when it comes to making Iran Great Again. I can just imagine all the target offers the military had to make to the Bidenese to get them to do something, anything even if they were ineffectual which this response likely was.Okay, sees the date. ;Has there been a recent statement from the usurping VP?
Can someone enlighten?
How does the military bomb Syria, while the entire military is on stand down orders?
Guessing here. The way it used to be back in the day, my day in the Navy.
Orders from on high to “stand down” for whatever BS reason or cause. say 60 days, I think for this given touchy feely BS.
What that really means is, in the next 60 days they must stop 99% of whatever is going on to conduct required training, or in this case brain washing.
Actual stand down is typically a day or two.
It can’t be everyone at the same time for 60 days. “Mission Essential Operations” are always ongoing. But they get the BS stand down done within 60 days and report they completed whatever mandatory dance of sorts.
Good morning to everyone!
Grandma – Thank you for our Fridays at the Wolf Head Pub posts and for your unique Texan and Christian perspective on all our nation’s issues!
I enjoyed the Yuengling story so much – it’s a history – a saga of generations – just like our nation – The United States of America.
Good Morning, GA/FL.
Lovely picture of the sunrise over the coastline!
😊 Thanks.
Full moon tonight.
That will be cool to see over the coast too.
Thank you, GA/FL! That story of their history is so inspiring. Glad you liked it. ❤
here comes your Ice Age…Beaufort Gyre, Oceans in Trouble, New Comet | S0 News Feb.26.2021
Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union AddressBy Thomas Lifson
All of a sudden, here it is the end of February and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden. That’s odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:
What, Castle Rock Studios doesn’t have a set that is a replica of the House chambers?
I saw that too, though the AP said “unconfirmed” as a caveat.
There isn’t any way, IMO, that he can stand in front of the full Senate and House, and the entire *world*, and NOT seem incapacitated, mentally.
Imagine what they’d have to pump him up with to meet such a challenge!
Of course, maybe they WANT incontrovertible evidence to be presented world-wide, in order to invoke the 25th.
The cabal wins either way, whether Bidan fails or succeeds – and perhaps also they win if he doesn’t even try. This also could be a basis for removing him. Trifecta.
Twilight Zone stuff … if they never made a movie of the show, well, we’re LIVING in it now!
1 in 6 Americans Under 23 Say They’re LGBTQ, As More People in the US Than Ever Identify as Non-Heterosexual
More Americans than ever identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) according to a survey of sexuality, with one in six people under 23 saying they are something other than heterosexual.
I call total bullshit. If the poll was taken in queer districts in SF, LA, NO, DEN, etc.- then one out of every six of THEM would be one or the other 5 flavors there….
I am really fed up with people advertising their imaginary sex lives in public.
It reminds me of the guys in HS who always were getting laid every weekend or the ones who always talked about sex: You know they were virgins…
Not that this has anything to do with homo lives of the dull and boring.
It’s mass insanity – people influenced, deluded, distorted and disordered in their identity development by stress, trauma, hurts, strong feelings caused by dysfunctional family dynamics – and – peer pressure/fads, fooled into adopting mistaken and false identities – !
And the grooming.
Don’t forget all the grooming that’s being done by homosexual teachers.
People can say what they will about ole Vladimir Putin.
But he passed a Law against that.
One of the comments blamed single parent families. I can definitely agree that is a factor.
I can see how it can be, yeah…but not always.
Can happen just as easily in a two-parent family, though…where both parents are working long hours and not paying much attention to their kids.
Boys without a father or with an angry, abusive, addicted, absent father are very vulnerable to predation. The predators watch for them in scouts, schools, sports, church groups, etc.
Father hunger/deprivation is very real – it’s like a drug or a craving for a hit from a drug – and drives people’s feelings and actions all their lives, unless they can connect with the One Holy Good Father, father hunger will wreak havoc in their lives and others. I can personally attest to this.
I have read many stories about how homosexuality develops in various kinds of families.
A sensitive boy can detect disharmony, disunity, even disrespect by his mother for his father and will begin to identify with his mother.
Or she can use the boy for her emotional needs and try to turn the boy into her best friend, etc.
It’s all in unhealthy family dynamics and those bad vibes can be very subtle or abuse and ugliness can be very overt.
grooming and…masturbating on zoom.
groomers and zoomers?
It’s a badge of honor for leftists. My daughter works in higher ed and her boss has said repeatedly that both she and her husband hope their 2-year-old son is gay. Then there’s the Hollyweird families and their very confused children.
Delusions and deceptions of our culture and age.
Romans 1:18-32 outlines the progression step by step to same-sex attraction. Step one is rejection of GOD, refusal to worship Him as GOD and to learn from His Creation. We are warned at the end of that passage not to approve or affirm any practice of sin – including mistaken/false identity sins.
If I worked there, I would certainly be fired.
I would ask either one, or both of these buffoons why are you waiting for your kid to be queer?
Why don’t you two step up and get switched?
They are old enough to make a conscious, informed decision……
Grandma, I love your Friday threads!
I have home-brewed beer. I did it using whole grains from the feed store and no electricity only fire to roast the grain. I grew the hops myself. I wanted to see if I could do it if the apocalypse came.
It was delicious.
Thank you! I had some wonderful hops in NY. Brought some along to Texas years ago, but they pooped out in season three.
I’m determined to plant some new ones in a more hospitable spot. Maybe this spring. They do sell them in the seed catalogs.
You have inspired me to get going again.
Good skillz!!!
Trade goods 😉
There used to be a “thing” called BOP — “Brew On Premises”, where you could use a facility to brew your own beer. Mostly, these used extracts, but you could also mill grain and bag it as an adjunct (you didn’t really do the whole “dough-in” thing). Did you malt the barley?
And one of the things about hops is they feed like crazy — they’ll deplete the soil in a year (and, of course, you end up with hop vines to show for it).
We did malt the barley. The whole process. Since we toasted the grain over an open fire pit, the beer came out with a wonderful smoky undertone. It was very dark beer, which is my favorite.
That sounds delicious!!!
Boy, that sounds really nice.
Fishers of Men – 20210225
Isaiah 11:1-5
Peace Be Still – 20210226
Assad speaking against the moral degeneracy of liberalism.
Much watch speech that’s miles better than anything the GOP is saying.
— nanXi doesn’t have his balls but Hillary definitely wants them.
Hard to believe that Assad is now a moral leader, but speaking truth does that.
Neoliberalism targets our humanity.
Bonilla took a pair of scissors and began cutting the man’s penis, splattering blood everywhere. He continued threatening the man before leaving the home with the severed organ, the Smoking Gun reported. The victim’s two daughters were in the home during the incident.
Doctors have been unable to reattach the victim’s penis and he’s been having trouble with urinating and having sexual intercourse with his wife.
— Imagine that? trouble with sex and urinating after a penectomy?
Yep, that’s a real concern. They should do something helpful, such as calling Walter Reed and finding out which docs are doing penis replacements (due to war wounds) from cadavers. They have been having some success.
cognitive dissonance.
stuck on stupid.
Neoliberalism creates a valid target for Chinese communism.
There is not much difference in the two.
But I think that Liberal Privilege has a lot to do with it.
The Left loves their Liberal Privilege.
Even though they would not admit that they have it…they enjoy having it and use it every day.
Liberal Privilege is a lot like communism already.
It just doesn’t have the power that communism would create.
Communism would institutionalize Liberal Privilege.
Yup. We scurry with difficulty in the shadows of Fake Freedom, but it beats Freedom Fully Criminalized……. but that is coming in weeks to months, so get ready.
I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn’t Already
Succinct… and TrUE…
Love the Update, Grandmaintexas!
And yes…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Hmm, seems kind of odd that we haven’t generated a Page 2 by now.
Yup. Must be some long threads in the first N top-level comments!
Woah…are you seeing all those Page 1 posts that are duplicated on Page 2…?
Or is it just me?
Let me look!!!
Just you, IMO. It sounds like you were caching the first page before it “folded over” and lost posts to the second page, hence apparent duplication.
Ah…well it’s still happening.
When I refresh-page on Page 2, all those Page 1 duplicate posts show up ‘yellow’ like they are new posts.
Go back to page 1 and do a full refresh – they should be gone!
Tried that…and, nope.
When I do a new refresh, the duplicate posts go back to being yellow, again.
Very interesting. What this tells me is that something in the Javascript code on your platform is “holding back” the proper page folding. If you “de-yellow” the posts, it MAY allow the proper folding.
I didn’t explain it very well…sorry.
‘De-yellowing’ the duplicate posts doesn’t last.
When I refresh Page 2, the yellowing comes back on the duplicate posts.
When I refresh Page 1, it has no effect on the duplicate posts on Page 2.
Okay. I just tried something new.
Back on Page 1, instead of clicking on the box 【2】…I clicked on [Next].
And now those duplicate posts are all gone!
Pretty weird, huh?
At least now I know what to do if it happens again.
This has happened to me before, btw — a couple of times.
That is definitely a BUG, and you did great to find it! That bug MUST be found in code, and it is WRONG. Both moves to the other page should trigger the proper folding.
Well clicking [Next] instead of the Page number is a way to smooth out the folding.
I have pretty much always clicked on the numbers…dunno why, just have.
If you are feeling up to fkng with the Code, what would be really great…if possible…would be to make the Orange Number count of new comments just be for each page.
Like it is, it ceases to be useful after a 2nd Page has been generated.
Key words here are ‘if possible’.
Is anyone able to confirm 1) ANY kinetic actions actually taken in Syria post-1/20 2) that said actions originated by the United States military?
Note: If kinetic action is confirmed, the mere presence or use of a weapon system of U.S. origin in situ does not constitute positive attribution to a particular actor. Expect that U.S. origin weapons are present in Syria (cf. HRC, Noname, Libya).
#trump #melania #donaldtrump
Donald Trump & Melania Trump, Wow
— I fully support removing the children and dogs from people like the above.
Sterilize both parents and/or make them have the sex change they want for their kids.
perhaps then they’d reach an understanding about the natural order of things.
This quacks me up…
It’s just a funny Pepe/DJT dance video. 😄
Oh, really leboring one….
LeBron James, Media Decry White Coach Getting NBA Job
There are “legitimate questions about” Minnesota’s hiring process, Feldman continued. “But when people place outsized emphasis on hiring someone they’re comfortable with, that tends to favor the type of candidates who are already entrenched. It’s antithetical to diversity. The demographics of NBA coaches indicate a problem. Black coaches don’t get the same opportunities as white coaches.” The playing court is also “antithetical to diversity” with 74 percent of the players being African American.
The demographics of NBA coaches indicate a problem. Black coaches don’t get the same opportunities as white coaches.” The playing court is also “antithetical to diversity” with 74 percent of the players being African American.
Yeah, about those last couple of lines…..I want more diversity in ALL sports.
You want black coaches? I want more white/asian/spanish/pygmy and Hobbits represented on both the fields and courts.
Wictor thread – https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105796035106246410
Defines fascism and Nazism as leftist – and says nationalism is not far-right.
He is incorrect wrt his definition of Fascism and Nazism as leftist.
He knows his cannons and flamethrowers… not the expert on everything some think.
The petty, vindictive, modern left.
LIVE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at Conservative Political Action Conference
Right after that, Florica Governor and First Lady make announcement:
Yes – their new program for the mental well-being for children and families – from ‘damaged goods’ to hope and health.
Critical thinking skills is vital, as well as physical exercise. Good for the governor and his wife!
my apologies for double post… WP has a mind of its own it appears. No matter how I post a thread to the new platform it shows up double (except for the last or single post)
Why do they really want the codes?
are they planning some attack on US soil and want the President hamstrung in responding?
Some of us have considered that theory…
The Cabal WAS capable of nuking a US city… have no idea if they still are…
But… how would the Military respond? The Cabal is NOT a nation, they are scattered…
16-D chess is a bit above my brain level…
They couldn’t do thay.
if they did, the radiation signature could be traced back to the nuke plant that created the plutonium or uranium.
if joe is moved out the picture, then the responsibility for the accident would fall on kameand NanXi for having the codes.
now maybe they just want to sell some to Russia?
no doubt it is traceable, but have we learned nothing from the fraudulent election?
Proof doesn’t matter if there is no law enforcement…
and faux biden didnt win
And… Michael posted this earlier:
Can’t link directly to a comment! Must use it as a link on some arbitrary text using the LINK button in the comment box!
oops… thanks Wolfie…
dems want the codes away from executive…
so they can be handed over to China.
Hi Phoenix –
Please see the whole thread from page 1, beginning with my 8:04am post (almost at the end of the page).
The “nuclear codes” thingy has yet to be fully explained; I took a shot at it, and I got “BTFO” (nicely!) because the K-lala post referenced above by “Feisty Cat” appeared in 2018, NOT in 2021.
At the time of the Twist, K-neePads was referring to P45DJT.
I think now I was taken in by a psy-op, well-camouflaged and well-written.
(Sorry I can’t post the link right here … haven’t tried it yet!)
going to look now… 😉
BE AWARE – that photo is of President Trump talking to troops during his visit to Mar A Lago Christmas 2017 or 2018 – IT IS NOT CURRENT!!!
iirc it was taken right after his arrival at Mar-a-Lago on Jan. 20th …
Tineye says differently – first instance of the photo was in 2017 ,,,
http://www.wsj.com articles/trump-gives-thanks-to-armed-forces-praises-economic-agenda-1511463582 – First found on Nov 22, 2017
articles/trump-gives-thanks-to-armed-forces-praises-economic-agenda-1511463582 – First found on Jan 7, 2019
view all 6 matches
Filename: NA-CS539_TRUMPT_E_20171123232157.jpg (359 x 239, 25 KB)
Thanks Emeraldstar… it has floated around alot then, hasn’t it… I forget to use tineye
And I forgot to CHECK THE DATE of the K-lala post!
For which, I’m now doing penance, making sure that others don’t fall for it too.
Wheatie helped me out – as did Maga Mom (though I didn’t know it when she posted! D’oh!).
I’m passing it forward now, doncha know …
The confusion with Heels Up’s tweet, is not helped by the fact that she has stated something similar in last day or two. Frankly, I think I need to go offline for a bit… have blundered a couple of times in last two days… ALz problems are enhanced when I’m online too much… 😉
Then take a break!
When you think you may want to, well, that’s the time to do it!
Please remember, though, that it was *I* who made the EXACT same mistake … so you aren’t doing anything abnormal.
Except, of course, that I’m somewhat “abnormal” myself … Ha!
The worry is often worse than the reality!
Keep your spirits up! Do something FUN … and then, at the right time for you, return.
Thank you for your wisdom and your kind words Emeraldstar… see ya later!
We are being tricked all the time. I tend to forgive myself a lot easier than before, since the information warfare is so intense.
We are normies just trying to navigate through the insanity.
I wouldn’t say we are normies, maybe some. A lot of our regular posters are full on anons in their own right. We are much farther along than where we were just a few short years ago. A lot of top notch investigators here. 😎
Well, I meant just normal in general…like not sociopaths and narcissists. 😄
👍 Gotcha! 😀
Even teenagers in S. Korea have been showing signs of dementia after using their cell phones all the time.
My goodness!
Yep. Brain likes a break from the microwaves, especially during sleep. Microwave overs, cell towers, wireless cameras, wifi, smart meters. All disrupt sleep patterns needed for neurological tone and health.
Good to know…
Here’s a video that explains in simple terms. 🙂
Thanks so much Gudthots
phoenix, that particular photo has even appeared in memes…with selected various images on the President’s monitor!!!
Thank you Piper… I don’t get around much apparently… 😉
Here are the photos:
Thank you Georgia.
After checking I learned that – President Trump had two different sessions with troops at Mar-A-Lago. –
Feisty Cat has not been a reliable source. Clever comments and often opinions with which I agree but not reliable on facts and leadership/direction for MAGA Conservatives. A source I enjoy but on which I do not rely or take ques.
Maybe she was taking a knee?
Dora – please see my reply to Phoenix, just below.
Posobiec is running a psy-op here, conflating K-lala’s twit from 2018 with a very similar situation now in Syria.
Please remember that Kew *totally* discredited AJ, and most all of the associates (like Corsi – and JP!), a couple years ago.
Interesting that Bannon often has JP on his show…
I can’t stand the guy, JP.
“Chat logs”, and other BS.
Bannon walks a fine line … and although he was IN the WH for a spell, I can certainly see why he was “re-purposed” (in PC corp-speak!)
Same here. I actually blocked him when I was on Twitter. 😂
When you “like” a post, does your handle show up?
You have an avatar, and are also an author – is this some WP issue, or did you choose anonymity when up-voting?
Right now, I see one up vote (you?), and it’s showing “Guest1”.
Was it you?
WP is so weird. Sometimes I am signed in at the local site here and then you will see me as an author. If I have another tab open in a browser it might not show me, although it always has me signed in on my own WP account.
Half the time I don’t get notifications anymore and I even have problems commenting on other WP sites unless I sign in AGAIN as a commenter.
So, I have no idea if I am a Guest1 or not.
I just checked and it must be me who is the Guest1 since I had updated it. Good Lord. 🙄
Busted! I thought so!
Good to know – TY for letting me know.
I’ve wondered about you (hehe) for some time now …
I don’t know why that does it, because I am signed in and my comments are auto filled with my name.
If your posts say “Wolverine”, your nic will be in the thumbs. If your posts end with “Author”, your name in the thumbs will be “Guest1”.
So, if it is my post, then author shows up? Sorry for asking dumb questions, but I’m trying to understand.
No worries — it’s like trying describe something on the back of your head — you need a spotter who can see it.
Right now, this comment has your avatar (a thistle?) grandmaintexas in bold, a red-outlined box that says Offline, and a green box that says Author.
If I go to your comment of 12:43, it has the same except there’s an orange badge and the word Wolverine after it.
My guess is that whenever you comment and it says “Wolverine”, you can do thumbs that say “grandmaintexas”, and whenever you comment and it doesn’t say “Wolverine”, your thumbs will say “Guest1”.
I hope that explained it better.
Hah! and you just got back online.
My first thought: Any trouble within the Dem ranks is welcome.
Second thought: This could be 25th Amendment fodder, that His Fraudulency is taking serious action unilaterally and that is a danger to the country.
Maybe she was taking a knee?
Two knees.
Techie Qtreepers, please translate:
“Google recently announced that they would be removing support for Google services from Chromium. What does this change mean for you and what could it mean for the future of a free web? Join us to find out.”
In my opinion, bifurcation is coming. Commie tech vs. free tech.
Leftech will be the “establishment”. Free tech will be the alternative.
Short term painful, long term good.
At some point, we need our own email and search.
And I want a GAB phone!!!
There are dozens of search engines available.
some of the EU ones are good.
mail has quite a few as well.
some in Italy and Switzerland are great.
No “cabalmail” for this kid. I’ll take low-level traitors over their masters! 😉
Seriously, the choices are BAD. Protonmail is basically Rothmail. No thanks!
Proton is rotcpschild?
Same. 😡
My theory why it’s allowed. I have no proof – just suspicion. But seriously – imagine the secrets flowing through Protonmail. Worth more than gold or silver.
Same “privilege” that kept Switzerland free during WWII. They let people think neutral Switzerland was due to Swiss partisans, patriots, and bridge sabotage threats, but no – if it were not for the controlling money, Switzerland would have been run over by Nazis early in the war, and would have folded like a cheap suit, IMO.
My mom had Swiss papers. She was very skilled in navigating socialist bureaucracy, and got that “ace” in her hand quickly.
Don’t know about rotschilds but it’s cia and gmail.
I would not use protonmail after reading this.
links to bad news everywhere.
Protonmail has a history of Dishonesty.
From Protonmail’s creation lied to their users. Starting when they crowdfunded $550k to “remain Independent”, a promise they broke almost immediately by selling equity ownership to a US corporation with ties to President Obama and John Podesta.
Ugh. Where are the good guys in this business?
Passing folded-up messages in diversity training classes!
Crap. Well, I thought it was some great thing. Damned tired of being taken in by these evil people. Should I just delete that email addy then?
No. You have nothing useful to the cabal – we’re too low-level. Protonmail isn’t even a risk of “mere billion-dollar secrets”. The intelligence gained from Protonmail is so high above us, it is “effectively secure”.
That’s true. You made me laugh at myself. 😂
Sometimes, there is comfort in being a small fry. In the mouth, out the gills!
LOL. Never heard that before. 😄
I take GREAT comfort in my tiny-fry status, daily.
The reason I stay on American traitor emails is that if I want spies on me, I prefer OUR SPIES, bad and misguided as so many of them are.
Our bad AND good spies need the reassurance of seeing all my crap. I’d rather do a favor to the good guys, than give them the shivers just to jerk around our communists. 😉
Torba said they had to build their own email. The care and feeding of a mail server is supposed to be quite a headache.
It might be useful as a subversive tool. Sending emails with key words that get red flags so they have to look at it, but make sure the email is full of useless information…like about yoga and your daughters wedding…
and faux biden didnt win
I think so. Polarizing, but I think we are past the point of trying to get the fascists and communists to be reasonable.
This is the way of things. Makes things clearer.
Neolibs are a cancer – stupider than ChiComs – designed (by the ChiComs and cabal) to make people welcome the “relative sanity” of the ChiComs who are less stupid. 1930s all over again, trying to get “Hitler” right. Remember how people WELCOMED Hitler, vs. the Soviet insanity they had suffered? ChiNazis going for the same thing, IMO.
Yes. Same playback in many ways. It will be awful getting them out.
Biden: It’s Okay to Finance China’s Military
—- the fact that the military is silent about all this crap means to me that they are complicit.
Sadly, so. Ike understood that the MIC was a danger, and now we see how the ChiComs realized they could USE THAT CORRUPTION for their own strategic benefit.
When it comes to Ike and the MIC, given the two jobs he had ahead of being president, I suspect he knew A LOT more than he ever let on. That nebulous entity had been loosely organized for at least 40 years before he gave that speech. The capabilities weren’t all there yet, but the players were. As NATO Supreme Commander and his position in WWII…he had to know what was going on at a certain level.
Oh, yes. I think he understood the “cabal basics” very well. And his quiet, patient ways of responding to a very cunning opponent earned him trouble with a lot of people who should have been allies on the right.
Trump 2020
stay tuned!https://gab.com/emoji/1f609.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f2.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/1f985.svg
that’s all folks….
I would think harris would really want him to go 9n. They must want him gone…but the ability to just shove abything in front of him to sign would be gone too.
It will be Biblical.
Jeremiah 49 AKJV
24 Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee,
and fear hath seized on her:
anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail.
25 How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy!
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets,
and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,
saith the Lord of hosts.
27 And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,
and it shall consume the palaces of Ben-hadad.
28 Concerning Kedar, and concerning the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon shall smite, thus saith the Lord;
Arise ye, go up to Kedar,
and spoil the men of the east.
29 Their tents and their flocks shall they take away:
they shall take to themselves their curtains,
and all their vessels, and their camels;
and they shall cry unto them,
Fear is on every side.
30 Flee, get you far off, dwell deep,
O ye inhabitants of Hazor, saith the Lord;
for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon hath taken counsel against you,
and hath conceived a purpose against you.
31 Arise, get you up unto the wealthy nation,
that dwelleth without care, saith the Lord,
which have neither gates nor bars, which dwell alone.
32 And their camels shall be a booty,
and the multitude of their cattle a spoil:
and I will scatter into all winds them that are in the utmost corners;
and I will bring their calamity from all sides thereof, saith the Lord.
33 And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons,
and a desolation for ever:
there shall no man abide there,
nor any son of man dwell in it.
Breitbart https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/02/25/paoletta-amazon-prime-cancels-justice-clarence-thomas-documentary-during-black-history-month/
Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
Amazon Prime dropped Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, making it unavailable to stream during Black History Month.
The Bidens head to Texas on Air Force One
Saying a prayer now that he arrives and leaves without incident and having had no impact.
I pray he’s using obama’s useless drunk coke whoremongering Ss guys again.
Oh, I’m sure the cabal is covering all their bases with their plans for Resident Biden.
Oh, I hope Abbott calls out Beijing Biden for NOT declaring every Texas county a disaster area. Make it front page news. Beijing Biden would bumble and mumble an nonsense answer.
Liberal Privilege on display:

𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 means you can publish leftist propaganda…and never have to retract it.
Rand Paul calls out chemical/medical abuses.
on a related note

Wins the meme of the month.
LOVE the “Ignoring election fraud is like…” meme
Bombing Syria….I wonder how much money they make doing a bombing run. The people involved, the bombs used. DS must look at it like “turning over inventory”…can’t make and sell new bombs until the old ones are used up! Plus, chaos and anarchy in the ME…”we’ll fk up REALPOTUS’ Peace Plan pronto”
and faux biden didnt fking win
Bizarre: Psaki Says She Delayed Press Briefing So She Could Prep Biden on Texas Trip — As Air Force One Flies To Houston
prep? Was he getting an enema before landing?
It could have been a Chinese Covid test. LOL
law-fear incoming?
Tyler Green
So my 5 year old daughter tells my wife last night, “on our first day of school the teacher asked everyone in our class who has had shots…”
Needless to say… I’m fairly livid. Have spoken to lawyer friend, yep, they have broken the law… this is going to be interesting… https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f44d-1f3fb.svg
They will keep pushing and pushing … until they get pushed BACK.
We – the public, the people – must do the pushing back.
It is *We The People* they are afraid of: afraid of us *unifying* against their tyranny.
They’re pushing their “agenda” so forcefully, and so fast, that they will actually HELP us – as a whole – become united, against their insane plans.
They ARE insane, btw.
Glad you’re here and posting, Valerie.
Agree completely!!!
I’m thinking of that beating up the bully scene in A Christmas Story. Once the beast is unleashed there’s no taming that pent up rage! Sowing the wind they will assuredly reap the whirlwind!
Thanks for the encouragement ES–Blessings!
HIPAA…Sue them for all they’re worth. We can’t let the Left use our personal health choices (my body my choice, right?) to control us.
>>”my body my choice, right?”<<
This is a canard, in more ways than one.
When a woman has sex with a man – THAT is HER “choice”. When a man has sex with a woman – THAT is HIS choice. See? Equality, right there.
Whether protected (never 100% reliable), or un-protected (bad choice!), it is SHE who has already made her “choice”. Actions have consequences. Same with the man – it is HE who made his choice also.
Furthermore, once a child is conceived, she no longer has the right to claim “my body”, because there are now TWO bodies for which she is directly responsible.
The man, too – he is ALSO responsible for TWO bodies, his and the child’s.
It’s best, of course, for each to think of THREE bodies – theirs; their lover’s (in today’s parlance of having a child out-of-wedlock, the parents are called “baby-mammas” and “baby-daddies”); and the child’s.
The double-speak that I saw that “plant” young woman use to bait candidate Trump – remember the video? – was sickening, and had multiple LIES.
IIRC, she also asked about “equal pay” for women – with her hands on her hips, in spurious self-righteousness – to which DJT responded – paraphrase – “If she does as good a job!”
I think it’s imperative that we COUNTER their misuse of language, their fallacies, and their rhetoric … by using hard TRUTH, to debunk their pleasing, soft lies.
Gotta de-construct their abuse of language, right as it happens.
Has anyone here read anything de-bunking that infernal phrase, “My body, my choice”? If so, I haven’t come across it.
Every lie they speak is vulnerable to the truth – and we haven’t been LOUD enough in countering them.
IMO, YMMV, etc.
I agree. That’s why I put that phrase in quotes. It’s a tool they use, and we need to throw it back in their faces.
Good point about the choice being to engage in sexual activity in the first place. That’s where the choice first comes in.
But if they’re going to insist on “my body, my choice,” then they must be held consistent. It’s also our choice what we put into our bodies. And IMO, shining light on their inconsistency and hypocrisy is one way to push back.
And more: If they insist “my body, my choice” then they should extend that same choice to the father. If HE wasn’t planning to be a father he should renounce his parental rights and not be sucked into child support.
As law stands right now, SHE gets to make the choice for BOTH of them, once she’s pregnant. In other words, the “you made a choice when you engaged in sex” argument you and Emeraldstar make, is actually used by the feminazis…but they ONLY apply it to the man. It’s amazing what a blind spot they have over this.
Yes, men have been completely left out of the equation.
Don’t forget you need your wife’s permission to get a vasectomy.
Relationally speaking that’s a good idea. My husband had that procedure years ago but I never signed a permission slip for him to do so…
Yup. & HIPAA is also what can be cited in refusing the mask for medical reasons & others cannot allegedly legally ask you to disclose the reasons you can’t/won’t wear a mask…
nurse speaks out

Vaccine manufacturers are immune from lawsuits, but I doubt that facilities like that one are. I’m amazed at how people just jump on the bandwagon without a second thought. I know someone who is smart and conservative, but she so wants to trust that “the scientists of the world” know what they’re doing and have our best interests at heart that it’s like pulling teeth to get her to trust any of the sources I show her — even those with peer-reviewed studies on what happens if you get a coronavirus after getting the “vaccine,” like this one linked from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s site.
Her blog where that site is linked: https://vaxxter.com/covid-vaccines-part-2/
Vaxxter site where her blog can be found: vaxxter.com
Try getting the absolutely arrogant and indoctrinated medical people to listen.
I gave up.
Yes, it’s a losing battle. And it can be hard to find a doctor who is not indoctrinated.
We started seeing a new doc & he inquired if we were getting the vax. We told him No & he said he’s not recommending it because it hasn’t been studied long enough. However it didn’t sound like he’s discouraging others from taking it either…hmmm…
When I hear of someone I care about choosing to the get that kill shot, I feel deeply sad as I start the process of mourning for the loss that will likely come before our next Christmas season.
Asked a local retired physical therapist if she was informed about the gene modifying aspect or the total failure of animal trials in the past before getting the shot. No she was not aware.
It’s so tragic & insane what is going on & how so many professionals just seem to be going along with it. Someone shared a Dr. Tenpenny video here the other day & it was very informative, as well as quite alarming!
Yes, that video prompted me to go to her site, which has a wealth of information.
I’ll have to check that out too. I opened the site in another tab after the video but haven’t gotten around to looking further.
Vax manufacturers are NOT immune from being sued for unfair trade practices and/or false advertising (fraud). Lack of informed consent is NOT negligence (from which they are immune) – it is fraud.
Best one is that these concoctions are NOT vaccines. More false advertising.
Find a hungry skilled lawyer and have a blast.
Lady Melania!

Do that woman’s legs ever end? Asking for a wide-eyed drooler.
Reminds me of an old Far Side comic. I think it was Wolf Spiders calling out “hey baby do those legs go all the way up!”
Well, I was close in that recollection

need sleep so am getting slap happy in the Far Side corner of the web 🙂

I hope the last one shows
excuse the language, but these people are insane & evil!
Oh dear God.
😳 😧
This is vile and craven evil…right in our faces.
And we are even being forced to pay for it!
Yes the grossest forms of abuse being perpetuated against the most vulnerable by those whose own mental illness compels them to inflict their psychosis on society at large!
Crime against humanness.
& an abhorrent rejection of God & His creative design. I guess He mentioned this in His word in the discussion of eunuchs
Matthew 19: 11-12
11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”
Well I mis-remembered that quote thinking it referred to those who made themselves eunuchs, not those who chose to live as eunuchs. This self-mutilation is surely from the pit of hell & entirely incomprehensible!
Yes!!! & how can such an utter psycho be on/near the top of a national health position driving policies???
Dr Mengele would be so proud.
How very creative they’ve become. They’ve managed to brainwash parents to ask for this and if they don’t ask…they’ve empowered extremely mentally ill caregivers and teachers to encourage this in kids.
Children have become their subjects for inhumane experiments
So horrifyingly true. The inmates are literally running the asylum. Oh & since they pretty much closed the asylums & exploded the mentally ill out on the streets the asylums are becoming every city in America!
We are enabling the creation of a whole generation of castrati. The stories of the castrati and their emotional and physical problems are devastating. Our society is crumbling around us, and the immorality of destroying children’s lives to satisfy perverted goals is stunning.
This thing that calls itself a woman is a mentally ill man. In a decent world, he would be in therapy for whatever mental issue has caused his breakdown. I fear that this kind of sickness has to run its course through our world so that people finally awake to the depravity going on around them.
This crap is being pounded incessantly into our young people’s faces. It’s becoming fashionable/trendy (peer pressure) to be gay/bi/trans/ questioning. There is very little biblically based morally centered truth taught anymore. God help us & our youth!
catty wampuss
I had a cat as soon as lights went out at night took a marble or two from the kids and rolled it in the bathtub over and over. We eliminated all the marbles then she took a small ball and doped it from the top of the steps and one could hear bong……. bong……
She slept during the day.
Hehehe cats and their antics crack me up. Other people’s cats that is. 😺
I love them. Still have 3 only because I want to outlive my pets. Here my cats have a front porch that is enclosed and they have a big cat tree and 6 bird feeders outside their window. We also have a dog who watches the cats like a sheep dog that they do not get on countertops and other mischief.
Those Australian Heeler are wonderful 🙂
Wow singingsoul your setup sounds wonderful! A peaceable kingdom. I’ve always had several cats, but only have one now. A huge Russian Blue rescue missing an ear.
My cats have always been more like dogs. None of that crazy catty stuff. I wouldn’t mind it because it cracks me up, except I don’t like my sleep interrupted.
I have an Russian blue also and is a rescue. She is different and very needy. I love cats I just love animals and kids the most.
How fun from afar, but a nightmare to sleep through. My husband was sleeping over at his best friend’s house when a teen & they did something that scared the cat into flying across the room & careening into it’s food dish. His friend’s step-dad came stumbling out of his room in the middle of the night to see what the ruckus was & my husband still cracks us up with his description of Larry in his leopard print banana hammock–yikes!
What a funny story 🙂
🙂 yep hubby was minorly scarred for life & that was before “eye bleach” became a thing!
And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Notice that a huge “operative word” here is ERASE. “Final Solution”, anyone?
Yep. In times past, when actual votes mattered, they’d be working hard to change our minds. They’d be nominally attempting to sway us. Now they have gotten away with fraudulent elections and know they do NOT need our votes at all anymore.
We’ve become expendable.
public access concept
Why is it not being done?
Because the fruit would not last very long when a few people come along and ‘harvest’ it all at once.
Who would stop them? The Fruit Police?
>>”Who would stop them?”<<
Swedish Patriots.
Enforcing their OWN laws of morality and ethics.
I’ve read that the “Wild Wild West” only involved Sheriffs / LEO’s when the matter at hand was substantial; in most other matters, the people themselves took care of any minor problems.
IIRC, most of these “problems” never re-occurred, because of the “intensity” (words AND / OR deeds) of those confronting the problem-makers.
Lessons learned, and mistakes not repeated.
The phrase “Jury of ones peers” comes to mind, in the way I suspect it originated – WITHOUT any judge.
Again – for relatively minor matters (called “misdemeanors” today).
I know what you’re saying Emstar…and that would’ve been true a few years ago in Sweden.
But Sweden has been the Number One Requested Destination for all of those fake refugees that have invaded Europe.
Sweden welcomed in these predators with open arms.
And their country is not the same as it was.
There are now No-Go Zones and roving rape gangs.
The native Swedes cower in their homes, afraid to go out very much.
Their leftist-controlled media tries to keep the truth from getting out.
Swedish patriots have got their work cut out for them.
Much as we do here.
>>”Swedish patriots have got their work cut out for them.”<<
>>”Much as we do here.”<<
No argument from me here, Wheatie.
Let’s take care of our own, first!
Perhaps – I hope – the rest of the world will follow …
Probably the birds (& their poop) would rule 😉
In the countryside when I was a kid there were apple trees along the country roads. Anyone could pick them and they did. I am not sure how it is now. The county street department took care of the trees with pruning.
Same with woods anyone could go a pick mushrooms blue berries and hazelnuts. There was not a thing where one could not go to the forest and not pick things. We picked rose hip for tea and all kind of other things. Except hunting that was regulated and one had to go through training and it was managed.
We have so much land and so much is wasted.
We’ve had 4 generations of wild black-berry picking in our family in Northern Michigan in the summers leading to homemade jams & pies & cobblers. Now it’s almost impossible to find any berry patches from which to pick. The couple that we’ve unearthed in recent years are well picked by the local bear population & we definitely don’t want a contest w/ those rivals. Berry season used to be written up in the local paper, even like 100 years ago, per my family history researches. Sad losses abound 🙁
When we lived in St Louise we picked blackberries and then we found a wild apricot tree we assumend there was a farmhouse before. Also peaches but they were no cling free. Mushrooms I was not allowed to pick my husband thought I would poison the family. I picked nettle and still pick rose hip from my roses to make tea. Rose hip is high in vitamin C.
How do you use the rose hips? Since I’ve been bad about cutting our roses we’ve got a decent amount of those rose hips lurking about 🙂
Rose hips are an AMAZING source of vitamin C. They can be dried and used in tea. You can make jam from fresh ones.
Thanks Aubergine!
Just like most herbal teas you can dry them or use fresh. Put a small handful into pot with water and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Add some honey.
Thanks singing 🙂
Thank you for sharing you berry story. Yes bears are there and they know when to pick them before others come along. Sure would not want to run into one 🙂
I think the bear wins in any direct encounter so I’d much prefer to pass on that possibility too.
My GGrandmother picked blackberries into her old age. She carried a carpet scrap so she could lay on the ground for picking so as to not strain herself. If I go I’m always snagging my skin & clothes on the pickers/thorns–ouch!
It’s a good idea but once anything becomes the responsibility of a city or gov entity they would be liable for anyone who claimed the fruit made them sick to the expense of the park maintenance having to use hand tools like rakes.
People are partly to blame. Crying about every little thing, suing over trivial stuff.
In Europe people do not sue over everything. We have to many lawyers who need jobs.
When I was in engineering school…on the very first day the dean of the school told us incoming ‘shmen that Japan had the same number of engineers we did. But only one tenth of the lawyers.
Given that Japan had (very roughly) half our population at the time (1982), that explained a lot
Insightful concerning 10% lawyers
Common sense & common courtesy are anything but common anymore, sadly…
Fruit trees require a lot of pruning and fertilizer and spraying at times. The birds can often eat all the fruit and berries.
You have to prune peach and nectarine trees by 1/3 every year, or the weight of the fruit will split the tree.
Been there. I gotta laugh. Had two trees split their branches to the trunk because we didn’t know enough to prune the peaches. Live and learn.
yes, it’s a nice thought until getting down into the nitty gritty. We had sweet & sour cherry trees in our backyard when I was a kid. The few times we tried to use the fruit there were many worms in the cherries–yuck. As this was in the suburbs I don’t think we ever did any spraying of them. So mostly the birds & the critters got that fruit…
When I was a kid my neighbor had cherries and they never spayed and no worms. I loved climbing the tree and helped picking the fruit. No one sprayed anything but they pruned and grafted the trees. My husband parents had a peach tree and fig tree. Those were the biggest peaches ever and lots of figs. My husband’s father grew up on a farm and new how to take care of the trees,
Farmers in our family go back a few generations. The one who started out on a farm, my GGF, went to work in the North woods in the lumber business when he was a preadolescent. He ended becoming the boss’s right hand man & ultimately ended up in Detroit to run the lumber yard. That’s how my dad’s family came to the city after generations of farming.
The reason why is simple, a problem known as “the tragedy of the commons”.
There will always be people who come and steal all the fruit and do so in a way that harms or destroys the plants capacity to bear fruit. This is a common problem in California for instance.
You might plant a tree once or twice, but after too much replanting you just give up and put in something else. No one likes to plant a garden without being able to enjoy the fruit.
Orange groves often put an outer row around the grove with a different variety of oranges. They put off fruit that is edible but tastes bad, so anyone who picks from those rows gets the less desirable oranges. But they different variety allows cross-pollination with the orange varieties and improves orange yields.
The other reason is that different climate zones don’t produce fruit as well. While California has a tremendous fruit bearing climate – provided they have water – other states are not hardy for fruit trees.
Very interesting. As that original tweet was in Swedish this is probably an overseas discussion where the criminal culture is presumably different. Where are the modern Johnny Appleseeds?
My Inlows had fruit tree peaches and figs in Queens NY. Friends of my husband’s family had cherries and other fruit trees and all produced much fruit. They canned the fruit. Chico figs trees are hardy. I have a fig tree. I love to have more but my husband id not so keen .
Fig preserves are one of my favorite things. I am trying to get a small fig tree to grow in my garden here, but it is not easy because of the cold.
Plant it on the south against your house. My in laws put theirs against the garage and the soil was compost and it was a 3-3feet compost bin lined with brigs. Plenty of info on internet. Gardeners supply has some winter protection material. There are different ways to protect the tree.
I have my tree in a big pot I bring in house in the winter. I have a thing with wheels to transport. I put it in the cold place in the front porch. One can leave it in a garage. Water once a month .
Thanks for the advice! I just built a small garden room attached to my house where it could winter over. I think I will find a big pot and put it in this summer.
When the tree is small not to big of a pot as it grows you need a big pot. Search the internet they have good advice.
Small greenhouses are sold by Home Depot.
I actually do have a small one. I am a gardening junkie, and never have enough space to plant all I want.
When I arrived in SoCal in 1967, I was 19, broke and excited. A couple of local hippies showed me how to find the good oranges, back a few rows. I survived for months on oranges, grapefruit, pears, walnuts, and other things.
There were fruit groves on Victory Blvd in Tarzana and alongside of Hwy 55 in Costa Mesa (before the freeway). Those were the days. Footloose and fancy free.
propagandized history
Maybe because he isnt sure where to go? Isnt oriented? Needs an eval 2x a day?
Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
Maybe because he wasn’t the one who actually ordered the strike. It’s clear he’s the Pretender, the Puppet, the Placeholder so whoever is really in charge of the country right now made the call.
There’s something fishy about it . It appears that the current illegit admin is very favorable toward Iran. they’ve spent the last couple years prepping relations with them so why the big advertisement about airstrikes to Iranian backed militia?
Remember obama bowing to his king?
Yeah..that’s true, sickeningly
Something target specific.
Everything about our current government is loathsome and suspicious.
Never stop watching this!
It was stunning. Just stunning, some of the new details that came to light with this.
And…there’s a lot more people involved in the web of deceit and umbrella-like corruption than we currently know, that’s for sure.
It’s a great vid and thank you for featuring it.
It is stunning. Gonna watch again today.
Sydney posted mark meadows stating Trump planning next administration.
after yhe stories about him during the last days, I hope he’s not included.
I’m not believing anything about what Pres. Trump is doing until I see it. Gateway Pundit has an article stating what his CPAC speech will be about.
I have taken the attitude that I’ll beleive it when I see it. I know whatever he says will be important. I don’t expect to see calls to overturn 11/3/20. PDJT might be working on that, but I don’t think CPAC is the appropriate venue for announcements like that. I don’t expect anything about DECLAS. I don’t expect any major announcements about himself. But I think it could be a stepping-stone speech to good things to come. 🇺🇸
People with actual contacts inside the Trump team say the speech has something unexpected in it.
De Pat,
I wonder if it has to do with RINOs?
Well, that could be fun.
Lin Wood on Telegram:
Mike Lindell said the same thing about other countries in this video report:
A couple of foreign leaders have contacted him, encouraging him in his fight against election fraud, because their countries are at the same risk with the voting machines.
Obiden’s bend over style is back
I like “Obiden.” I’m finding it hard to even type “Biden,” and under no circumstances can I refer to him as president. Obiden fits the bill nicely, and I will use it if you don’t mind.
No prob. It’s not my creation (at least I think I’ve seen or heard it elsewhere, but who can recall!). I never called aka BHO the P word either. He was always The Usurper to me…
Iranian attack?
dad’s & father figures continue making a difference in young lives
This probably was pre scamdemic and my freshman gs doesn’t get all emotional about it but the coaches at his school have maintained a sense of normalcy for the kids by having practice . They know they won’t have games but the kids are going to the shuttered school , mingling, flirting, strutting. Some of the social aspects that are part of high school. “Practice” has been invaluable and it’s the coaches that fought for this and I give them credit and thanks.
Some coaches can be a huge & positive influence on our kids (we’ve, sadly had a few bad ones too). Sports are such an important outlet, especially for young men.
driving conservativism
Robby Starbuck
Had 3 Latino Uber drivers today. All of them are Republican and one of them was banned by Twitter. It’s amazing to see what’s happening in the Latino community. Truth and freedom will win.
another tale of vaccine woe
Nancy L. Russellhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Replying to @ruggiere_l
My dad was in a nursing home. Got the first vaccine shot. Eight days later tested POSITIVE for Covid. Died within 10 days on January 15, 2021. I’ve HAD IT with the EVIL behind the curtain, running our country. God will PREVAIL with JUSTICE. He has heard the cries of HIS PEOPLE.
the real First Couple

Why am I seeing the need for a Walther PPK with a silencer in this pic?
Samuel Clemens rules 🙂
Durham is resigning from the U.S. Attorney’s Office Feb. 28. “First Assistant U.S. Attorney Leonard C Boyle will serve as Acting U.S. Attorney upon Mr. Durham’s departure.”
From 2/9/21: “John H. Durham will continue as special counsel in the investigation of the origins on the Trump-Russia inquiry, but is being asked to resign as U.S. Attorney, as the Biden administration begins replacing top federal prosecutors appointed by former President Donald Trump with its own nominees.”
U.S. Attorney Durham Announces Departure from Office
After serving as the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut for more than three years, and as a federal prosecutor in Connecticut for more than 38 years, John H. Durham today announced his resignation from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, effective at midnight on February 28.
“My career has been as fulfilling as I could ever have imagined when I graduated from law school way back in 1975,” said U.S. Attorney Durham. “Much of that fulfillment has come from all the people with whom I’ve been blessed to share this workplace, and in our partner law enforcement agencies. My love and respect for this Office and the vitally important work done here have never diminished. It has been a tremendous honor to serve as U.S. Attorney, and as a career prosecutor before that, and I will sorely miss it.”
Prior to his appointment as an interim U.S. Attorney in November 2017 and subsequently as the presidentially appointed U.S. Attorney in February 2018, Mr. Durham served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in various positions in the District of Connecticut for 35 years, prosecuting complex organized crime, violent crime, public corruption and financial fraud matters. From 1978 to 1982, he served as an Assistant State’s Attorney in the New Haven State’s Attorney’s Office, and from 1977 to 1978, he served as a Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney in the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney.
First Assistant U.S. Attorney Leonard C Boyle will serve as Acting U.S. Attorney upon Mr. Durham’s departure.
“The Office will be in the extraordinarily capable hands of Len and our superb supervisory team who, together, guarantee that the proper administration of justice will continue uninterrupted in our District.”
Mr. Boyle has served as First Assistant U.S. Attorney since June 2018, when he returned to the U.S. Attorney’s Office after serving as Deputy Chief State’s Attorney in Connecticut for approximately nine years. He previously served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office from 1986 to 1998, and from 1999 to 2004.
Mr. Boyle is the 53rd U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, an office that was established in 1789.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office is charged with enforcing federal criminal laws in Connecticut and representing the federal government in civil litigation. The Office is composed of approximately 68 Assistant U.S. Attorneys and approximately 54 staff members at offices in New Haven, Hartford and Bridgeport.
I’m going to have to see what sum dunce thinks about this.
I think we already have an answer on that.
John Durham to remain as special counsel in Russia probe, but step aside as U.S. Attorney in Connecticut
FEB 26, 2021 AT 5:41 PM
John H. Durham will continue as special counsel in the investigation of the origins on the Trump-Russia inquiry, but is being asked to resign as U.S. Attorney, as the Biden administration begins replacing top federal prosecutors appointed by former President Donald Trump with its own nominees.
I’ve already seen people asking “Where’s the report?”
Sorry folks, this isn’t high school. The U.S. Attorney’s job is investigation and prosecution, not to write reports.
Okay. So where are the prosecutions?
Ah, you can see the narrative building that is happening here. They are going to build up Ashli Babbitt as a martyr and intimate that “patriots” are expected to be angry enough to be violent. Can see a FF coming…
“The well-placed sources told RCI the plainclothes officer has gone into hiding out of fear for his safety. They said he worries about reports that some of those arrested in the riots have declared “open (hunting) season” on whoever killed Babbitt, now a martyr in their cause. Twitter accounts have been created in her name, including “We Are Ashli Babbitt” and “Justice For Ashli Babbitt.” “An unarmed American patriot was murdered in cold blood! We need to know who murdered #AshliBabbitt!” proclaimed one recent post.”
And the officer’s lawyer. Can’t make this stuff up:
“A Joe Biden donor, Schamel also happens to represent Igor Danchenko, the “primary subsource” of the discredited Steele dossier on Trump. It’s not immediately clear if Babbitt’s family is pursuing civil action against the police, including a wrongful death lawsuit. Schamel said the family has not contacted him directly or through a lawyer. Attempts to reach Ashli Babbitt’s husband, Aaron, and other family members were unsuccessful.”
Oh brother!..Since they haven’t revealed his name and obviously don’t intend to..what’s his worry?
They keep trying this game of saying Trump supporters are crazed violent extremists. It didn’t work during the campaign. Didn’t manifest at rallies. Other than property destruction even on the 6th…there was no violence unless you call the antifa skirmish with guards violence.
I think they’re having a hard time finding a genuine white extremist group that will now fall into their trap or else they would’ve already shown us a big raid on the outlier compound, maybe had to shoot a few of them…we ‘ve seen it before.
Yep. Everyone has been alerted. They have succeeded in only exposing themselves and their narrative building. The more you see it the easier it gets to spot it.
100 percent!
Texas Blackout: What Happened? How do we fix it?
Via Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
TFR takes a look at what caused the blackouts in February of 2021 and what Texans could do to strengthen the state’s electrical grid.
Recieved this via email today from my medical provider.
Screening Mammography and the COVID vaccine
The COVID vaccine can cause unilateral axillary adenopathy which can be seen on screening mammography.
If this occurs, the patient will be called back for a diagnostic exam to ensure that the lymph nodes appear benign (responding to the vaccine), rather than metastatic or malignant.
In order to prevent this, we recommend that patients schedule/rescheduled their annual mammogram such that they are screened a) before their first dose of COVID vaccine OR b) 4-6 weeks after their 2nd dose of COVID vaccine.
And yet another reason to avoid the darn thing like the plague it is.
Your Kids Would Be Better Off Feral Than Going To Schools That Make Them Anti-American Racists
State-sponsored instruction that makes your child a dogmatic racist relativist is not worth any benefit you feel schools give in return. Not a single one. Being Mowgli would be better.
To obtain or keep teaching licenses, Illinois now requires all K-12 teachers to indoctrinate their students in critical race theory, destructive lies about sex and gender, and other leftist mind poison. The rules clearly communicate that in Illinois public schools are no longer places to learn, but places children will be lied to, manipulated, and warehoused as wards of a corrupt and malevolent state. And this kind of schooling is spreading nationwide.
Every decent parent, family, and church should refuse to allow this kind of instruction to be inflicted upon the children in their care, and assume personal responsibility for securing their genuine education outside such anti-public schools. Those who do not are abdicating their sacred duty to teach their children to love and know the truth.
The new Illinois rules require teachers to demonstrate that they “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives.” It clearly specifies that these include incorporating into all their teaching and curricula neo-Marxist falsehoods about race and sex, and actively discriminate based on religion, viewpoint, and race. The rules require teachers to:
No joke: Illinois’s state school board and legislature also deleted requirements that teachers prove they have learned any traditional curricular content or subject-matter knowledge. Social agitation uber alles.
“What’s more,” notes Stanley Kurtz, “the Illinois experience is about to go national.” A coalition of leftists is working together to make rules like Illinois’s operate in every state under the guise of “civics,” as Kurtz documents in depth. They intend to co-opt and subvert the grassroots recognition in America that education institutions use public resources to teach the next generation to hate the country that gives them more than every other country in the world does.
. . . MORE . . .
Texas ‘Deep Freeze’: Urgent Climate Warning but “Not What You Think”
In the unfolding extreme winter tragedy in Texas as well as many other regions of the United States not prepared for severe winter weather, a notable point is that much of the vast windmill batteries across the state, supposed to generate 25% of the state electric power grid, have frozen and are largely useless. The recent severe winter weather across not only the continental USA but also large parts of the EU, and even the Middle East, warrants a closer look at a subject that has been too long ignored by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, as well as by a new group of academics known as Climate Scientists. That is, the influence of our sun on global climate.
. . . On February 14, 2020 a record Arctic cold front swept from Canada far south to the southernmost parts of Texas on the Mexican border. The immediate impact has been power outages for up to 15 million Texans who as of February 17 remained without heat and electricity, as almost half the wind units were frozen and inoperable from ice storms, many permanently. Texas over the past five years has doubled its share of wind generation to the grid in a rush to adopt a green energy profile. With some 25% of the state electric grid from wind sources, almost half that is out of commission, many permanently, from the storm.
. . . In addition US oil production, centered in Texas, has plunged by a third, and more than 20 Gulf Coast oil refineries are blocked as are grain barge shipments along the Mississippi River. Several analysts of the deregulated Texas grid model point out that had the state maintained a “reliable emergency backup” such as is possible with nuclear or coal power, the blackout could have been averted. Recently Texas has forced six coal power plants to close since 2018, owing to state rules that force power companies to take the subsidized wind and solar power, undercutting the cost of their own coal generation. It simply forced them to shut down functioning coal plants that generated 3.9 GW. Had those still been on line, sources say the blackouts could easily have been averted. Unlike current wind technology or solar, coal and nuclear plants can store up to a month or more capacity on site for power emergencies.
While in northern states like Minnesota where severe winters are common and prepared for, Texas has no such requirements for reserve capacity. For example, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission requires plants to have enough reserve capacity online to ensure the power stays on during extreme circumstances. Instead, Texas operates an “energy-only” market, where wholesale power prices are seen as an adequate incentive to bring more power plants online. The aim of the energy only model was to make intermittent wind and solar more profitable to increase their market share over conventional alternatives like coal or nuclear.
The state grid model forced Texas coal and nuclear plants to sell electricity at a loss on the market because they are unable to reduce their electricity output when high wind and solar output force prices into the red. Ultimately, it forced the unnecessary closing of the six coal plants, just what the green energy advocates wanted. The flaws in the model are glaring, as is the growing dependence on unreliable wind and solar options to get a dubious zero carbon footprint.
. . . MORE . . . including a length discussion of the Grand Solar Minimum . . .
“Unlike current wind technology or solar, coal and nuclear plants can store up to a month or more capacity on site for power emergencies.”
The ignorance in how power is generated is amazing. Coal and wood fired plants will have a supply of fuel on site that will last for a given number of days. They typically will be re-supplied on a regular schedule so the buffer of on site storage will hold them over in case of any supply chain breakdown.
Nuke plants run off the reactors fuel which lasts for several years until the plant is shutdown for a replacement of the rods.
Power is generated per demand. There is no storage of power, no batteries. The plants generate power up to the capacity of the generators at each plant. Once they are maxed out that it is. Also, if the plant is off, you don’t just flip a switch and they come on. It takes hours to bring a steam plant up to pressure.
This is why the advantage of gas fired jet engines is they can easily be brought up to speed and bring power on line.
There aren’t enough batteries, and not enough lithium on the planet to provide backup for wind and solar.
But, of course, they know that already.
Correct. Nuke and FF needs to be you base load. As wind and solar picks up you dial back your base load and ramp it back up when green energy sources drop off. Still not ideal or as efficient but improves reliability.
Thank you for posting this! I have wondered if the recent weather events correlated with what I’ve been hearing about a coming cooling pattern. This article explains it very clearly. Bottom line: We need to be prepared for weather extremes. Take care of the infrastructure of your buildings and pipes, have food stored, be prepared for emergencies, etc. And this “climate change” is known and predictable, not due to human activity.
Some notes on, and quotes from, the article:
Earth’s temperature changes are cyclical, not linear (not rising or lowering steadily).
NASA says Earth just entered into a new solar cycle, Cycle 25, in 2020.
Sunspots and solar activity rise and fall in roughly 11-year cycles, with some longer cycles of 200-400 years. The current cycle could be comparable to the Dalton Minimum, from 1790-1830 (beginning a little over 200 years ago).
Scientists in the UK predict “that the next Solar Minimum which began in 2020, would approximate the most extreme recent period of solar minimum, the so-called Maunder Minimum [or “Little Ice Age”] which went from 1645 to 1710. That was termed a Grand Solar Minimum, a prolonged period of extremely low solar activity, and began about 370 years ago.”
Due to “a drastic falloff in the sun’s internal magnetic field, a roughly 70% downswing in magnetic field intensity from its average value, arising from regular variations in behavior of the very hot plasma powering our sun. In other words we could be at the early phase of drastic changes in Earth climate lasting several decades. Zharkova’s research predicts that this Grand Solar Minimum period started in 2020, and expects it to last until about 2053.”
Solar minimum phases correlate with increased volcanic activity, and the ash further blocks the sun’s rays.
In 1816: “The cold temperatures saw snow in New York in summer of 1816. Crops across North America and Europe failed in what has been called, “the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world.” In China in 1816 there was a massive famine. Floods destroyed crops. The monsoon season was disrupted, resulting in overwhelming floods in the Yangtze Valley. In India, the delayed summer monsoon caused late torrential rains that aggravated the spread of cholera from a region near the Ganges in Bengal to as far as Moscow.”
“Dobler adds, ‘In a Grand Solar Minimum, cosmic rays trigger larger flash floods, hailstorms and – due to jet stream disturbance and mixing of atmospheric layers – local long-duration precipitation events… Due to the shifting jet streams and changing wind patterns, singular heat waves and more wild fires are expected.’ In short we can expect unstable, irregular weather events over the coming decade to three decades if solar physicists such as Zharkova are right.”
The Jet Stream also becomes less stable. “…the Jet Stream, instead of forming a stable ring, becomes highly irregular or wavy. That is what allowed the unprecedented Arctic cold as far south as Texas. This irregular and weak Jet Stream allows severe cold and snowfall in some areas and unusual warm pockets in places like Siberia, as well as unusually warm and dry or wet periods. As we advance deeper into the present Grand Solar Minimum by 2030 or so, physicists expect this “extreme” weather change to intensify.”
Never Trump Hypocrites Again Shocked to Find the Left Hates Them Too
Kurt Schlichter|Posted: Feb 24, 2021 12:01 AM
Yeah, I’m, looking at you David French, and what I am seeing is not pretty. If you ever wanted to know why actual conservatives gag every time they hear some cruise ship con babble about “principles,” this doofus is Exhibit A.
In my spectacular Townhall column from last Monday, “The GOP’s 2024 Race Will Be Brutal And It’s a Fight We Need to Have,” I discussed a bunch of potential 2024 candidates and assessed each one. Some were non-squishes, some were squishes, and some were Mitt Romney who is probably best described as a “mega beta squish.” But I totally forgot Mike Pence, and that itself is significant.
Also, CPAC is coming up and it should be interesting.
Cruise Ship Cons Are The Worst
So, after slapping his sissy fins together like a trained seal whenever real conservatives were suppressed, silenced, and/or censored, David French suddenly changed his tune when Amazon did it to one of his friends. Now censorship is bad, because it’s one of his tiny circle of pals. Always good to see “principles” in action, right?
I expect the left will make censorship great again when they target, once again, people pointing out how lame David French and his ilk are.
My favorite part about this utterly predictable turn of events is how French insisted in his own defense that, in the past, he had litigated for the free speech rights of lots of people who he disagreed with. This is supposed to make it better that he celebrated censorship? Not sure that’s an argument I’d make wearing my lawyer hat or a clown nose. It’s not better when you know what you are doing is wrong.
And he’s totally shocked about it. He’s thinking “But but but I was down with transgender storytime! I don’t get it. Why don’t they like me?” Here’s the thing – you can never submit hard enough. They hate you. They will always hate you. They might be less vocal about hating you when you are playing the useful idiot role trashing real conservatives, but they still hate you.
So where do you end up if you betray your fellow conservatives – who, not coincidentally, are your competition?
The left continues to hate you. And now, conservatives hate you too. Everyone hates you. And that’s because you are garbage. Ahoy!
I Forgot About Mike Pence So You Don’t Have To
I like Mike Pence and I thought President Trump treated him badly in the wake of the garbage election. The idea that Pence was supposed to utter some sort of Constitutional incantation and make the whole bogus thing right was ridiculous. He was a loyal veep, and he was a calm and reassuring presence. He did not deserve being vilified. It was not his lack of battlefield prep that let the Democrats run amok.
That said, I see no Pence lane to run in 2024 and when I listed potential GOP candidates it never even occurred to me to mention him. Few people commenting on my sensational column even brought up his absence. The time of the Pencening has passed.
It’s not a diss on him. He’s competent, honorable, and utterly unsuited for the present moment. He’d love to be the guy to go build bridges, except this is not a bridge-building epoch. Attempts at bipartisan hugging and kissing now will inevitably end up with the left even more ascendant.
Pence is not woke. He does not recognize the enemy, only friends he hasn’t yet met.
I think he gets that. He’s not dumb. He sees no Pencemania out there. He knows that no matter how nice, genteel, and submissive he is, like W and Mitt, if it looks like he’s competitive he’ll be Hitler and that’s that. Who needs it?
There’s another clue. For the first time in 18 years, Pence turned down an appearance at CPAC. You can’t be a GOP nominee and ignore the activist corps. He’s not going for it. Thanks for a great job, Mike, and our best wishes in your future endeavors, which do not include the GOP nomination.
CPAC Coming Up
As noted, the great conservative confab is back, this time in free America. The Orlando gathering will feature sensational speakers, like me, and people hanging out in the bar talking smack, also like me. President Trump plans to make his post-presidency debut there as well. It should be cool.
CPAC has changed over the years, with the squish elements now avoiding it because they really hate being confronted with actual conservative voters. CPAC had become part of the accountability culture of modern conservatism. It’s no longer enough to talk big and do nothing. You have to conserve something. Actually doing stuff is hard, much harder than performative posing, and the Fredocons deeply resent the notion that they must explain their myriad failures and lies to the great unwashed.
That’s one reason it has become fashionable in jerk circles to talk smack about the convention as if it was some sort of nightmare to have to spend a few days with friends you rarely see plotting, planning, and conspiring to destroy the liberal establishment. It must be a nightmare if you suck. Remember, when they don’t come to CPAC it’s because they don’t want to see you, to meet you, or to hear you, much less to answer your questions.
It’s a litmus test. If they will not come to CPAC and be accountable to the activists, why would you ever imagine they would ever be accountable to the base?
I like Schlichter but disagree with him about Pence. And at the end, when he says this, it throws some doubt on whether Pence is also avoiding CPAC because he is a “squish.”
He says “Cruise Ship Cons Are The Worst.”
CPAC is the dang cruise.
I also don’t agree with Schlichter on Pence.
The only way Pence gets a pass is if he gets a “pardon” from Trump – which I leave open a bare possibility giving Trump’s M.O. Otherwise, no.
Schlichter is right that Pence’s political capital is spent.
And of course, Schlichter comes out of the gate laying pain down on David French, which is deserved.
Rodney had asked about never-Trumper David French recently so I’ve made sure to keep him on my intel radar, since he comes around every few months to lob bombs at grassroots conservatives that don’t hold their pinkies just right for his taste.
He ranks right up there with Ann Coulter, Erick Erickson, and Rod Dreher.
DJT endorses Max Miller to unseat Anthony Gonzales in Ohio’s 16th District

And nanXi sayeth,”oh no he didn’t?”
They Didn’t Do Their Jobs” – Conservative Commentator Deroy Murdoch Puts Blame on Federal Judges for Role in Jan. 6 Riots (VIDEO)
Don Jr. went there. 🤭
“Kamala Harris was not informed prior to the Syrian bombing and is very upset about being left out of the loop, per WH official”
She sounds very emotional.
Don’t let her anywhere near the football.
Yeah I’d hate to see her w/ the launch codes when some fool forgets to leave her salad dressing on the side.
And a little ammo for you …

“Was Joe Biden informed?”
It depends on what the definition of ‘informed’ is…
SHOCK: FBI did not investigate a single case of election irregularities in 2020 but is working on Lady Gaga’s dognapping case. ‘Merica
Quote Tweet
Daily Mail Celebrity
· 14h
FBI investigates whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated because she sang at Biden’s inauguration
“FBI investigates whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated because she sang at Biden’s inauguration”
Finally, a crime befitting their investigative skills and capabilities.
David French’s tweets aren’t aging well, surprise surprise . . .
David French is a partisan hack and a goof.
He doesn’t even take himself seriously. Just look at the photo of himself that he uses for an avatar. He makes delta males seem masculine.
So dumb and inept…
Biden’s Secretary Of State Poses With Upside-Down Mexican Flag While Touting Devotion To US-Mexico Relationship
FEBRUARY 26, 2021 By Jordan Davidson
I seem to remember him, or someone in obasshole’s admin doing something similar?
LOL probably. I don’t think attention to detail is their forte
lol – Thinking sabotage??? White hats set up the idiot?
Is there a location tracking all of President Trump’s 2022 endorsements?
Looked but haven’t found one yet …
Teacher Asked Students to List Their Political Party and Why, Then Publicized Their Responses, It Didn’t End Well
By Nick Arama | Feb 26, 2021 3:00 PM ET
A teacher, as part of an assignment, asked kids to list what political party they would choose and had them write it down, and explain why. The teacher then publicized to the rest of the class what each student had chosen and what they had written, with conservative students being bullied, according to WCNC.
One mother described how her daughter was bullied for being a Republican. She said that the daughter got threats, “These threats that, ‘we’ll show them!’ Or, ‘I can’t wait until I see her,’” the mother explained.
Students took pictures of the students’ answers with their names next to them and spread them throughout the school so kids from other classes were soon involved in the bullying and threats.
The mother said given the “climate” now, “people are too politically charged up” and she said it’s “just creating a toxic environment.” She blasted the teacher. “That teacher put a target, he outed these children.”
The mother said the teacher apologized. but that she thought he should never have asked the question or put it out there, to begin with. “Most of us know that not even adults can get along about this,” she observed. “I don’t know why we would think that teenagers would be more mature about this than we are.” Boy, ain’t that the truth? She said that she hoped in the future that they would include “civility” as part of the lesson, saying they shouldn’t be put in a “hateful and dangerous environment” for thinking differently.
Agree strongly with the mother: “I don’t know why we would think that teenagers would be more mature about this than we are.”
Thank you, Michael, for the link.
Bet now soldiers have to have feelz for the enemy and apologize when they do anything that might offend their culture.
They should apologize to us first, for letting the CCP steal our country and take over our government.
Then they should apologize to the Constitution for the most total and irreconcilable violation of their Constitutional duty that could ever be conceived or imagined.
Then they should all resign in shame.
And reach for their nightstand.
It’s getting warmer.
Aw…poor thing. Too bad the sex accusations are eclipsing the murder accusations but at least he’s getting some well deserved smackdown
Notice the Q in lLGBT is missing.
do only they want him?
Ugh. Always the clingy white polo. He truly thinks he’s all that.
As least he took out his nipple jewelry.
😂 The nipple is enough on its own.
Not so sure. I think he’s got his little starter pins in! Look really close! It’s a big image! High resolution!
You’re being sick. None of us want to take any closer of a look that we have to.
Having recently jump-started my car…..
The thing is, he could avoid all of this conjecture by just choosing navy blue. Looks great with khakis and his official seal (the size of a saucer). But he WANTS you to notice. That’s what’s so cringe.
‘Whited sepulchre’, maybe? 😉
BOOM. THIS. Nipplepin Venthoarder wants it.
He freed the nipple?
The picture isn’t from this year.
I’m pretty sure I saw a recent one with some kind of sado pretend torture thing like 2 bars in an X formation. I thought on it way too long and make me erp out
So tragic that President Trump did not receive the supported he needed to achieve the full potential of his term in office.
He fulfilled his campaign promises to the fullest extent of his power from within his legal powers as POTUS and would have ahieved so much more had he not been blocked again and again from within the federal government and by RINOs such as Mitch and Paul Ryan, and the long list from within the DOJ including their FBI.
I have always said I would give all during his 4 yrs and leave nothing on the field.
And yet I did not do all I could as I now realize looking back.
Immediately after he lost, on Wed, Nov 4, I, along with others, began spontaneously organizing grassroots protests.
We did not do that throughout his term. Had we taken to the “streets”, protested at state capitols and in DC, he might have gained enough political leverage, especially against those GOP Senators who wanted his endorsement, to have pressured the GOPe to respond to the voting base and do more.
We should have supported him in person, on the “streets” *during* his administration as much as we were willing to do so after the Nov 3 election. Why did we not give him more cover, more support when he flat out told us so many were working against him, how we wanted to fire Sessions, how he was disappointed in his AGs but felt he could not fire them due to politics? Why didn’t we believe him and give him the protests that he needed? Why didn’t we protest the DOJ’s lack of actions, the FBI’s scams and lies?
Drain the Swamp protests … hindsight … could’ve done more.
Well, the last organized protest became a vehicle for the insurrection rap, so I’m not sure that lots of organized protests would have been helpful.
Plus, wasn’t there a a plan to cause mayhem and mischief at “armed protests” in state capitols? It got quashed because Trump supporters didn’t fall for it.
Any groups of Trump supporters were, and are, vulnerable to infiltration by violent leftists who are then supported by lies from Congress and the media.
I actually feel guilty for being super-excited and encouraging people to go to the Jan. 6 fiasco. I am very grateful that so many things went wrong in my life that I didn’t go, not because of myself, but because I would have dragged my 25 year old son into it. I would be even more devastated watching him deal with the consequences than I already am, watching Wolf and others.
I just wanted to support the President, we all did, and they used us. The BASTARDS.
We all did the best we could. Everything to be proud of. Nothing supports feeling otherwise.
Those who went were called to witness. They went, they witnessed. It was not without peril or cost. Only with the fullness of time will it be known if it was “worth it”, but it was an important positive step.
If I were in NC, I would likely have gone. As it is, with air travel being so #@$^@#$^, and with local talk (at the time) of 150-mile driving limits within the state, I couldn’t make it work. I am proud-of and happy-for my friends-in-a-box here who went, and listened to their testament with rapt attention.
More AMEN!
And yet the protests prior to that had no infiltration. No stop the steal in Nov had problems
Have seen Antifa lurking at a number of protests at Capitol Grounds in Carson City, NV. Plus what we’ve seen in video clips of Antifa criminal actions.
January 6th in DC. Me thinks we got sand bagged. I, perhaps we, expected Antifa goons dressed in their typical black, helmets, face covering being obvious Antifa. Generally lurking in the shadows until they selectively engage in criminal mischief.
From what I understand, what we got was mostly undercover Antifa that infiltrated our lines. The undercover Antifa broke into the Capitol, damaged the capitol and goaded MAGA folks.
Sadly, I, 100% believe dodge and fib were aware of Antifa changing tactics on January 6th. We were sand bagged by faux good guys, dodge and fib. We should have at a minimum been warned about DC. Instead we were told about state capitol threats. “Look over there”, while we got screwed in DC.
Well said. This, exactly.
No way were Dodge and Fib going to save Trump. HA!
“Serves him right!” I will bet many of those Dodgers who were cursing the MAGA walking by KNEW what was happening, and knew it a long time before it did.
Oh, this is where you are SO WRONG. You are RIGHT about no problems (well, not entirely true at OUR rallies.) But you are WRONG about infiltration.
I can’t tell you everything I know about the infiltration and informers – all kinds – all sides. It took me a while to figure out what happened.
Again, watch THIS to understand.
Oh, no – we were in a BOX being played by that BASTARD Ali Alexander Akbar or whatever his name really is.
They were PLAYING with us. There was infiltration out the wazoo, but it was not VIOLENT. We were being SET UP. They had knowledge of exactly what they were going to do a LONG time before.
FBI watched the whole thing, but they’re using their knowledge of the plot for leverage on Pelosi, IMO. Too late for justice and nobody WANTS justice, but not too late for the bureau to have serious LEAN on that mafia bitch.
Now we had “Proud Boys”, but again, they were non-violent, and simply intimidated away the BLM and Antifa violence. We also had CCP scouting through controlled opposition.
We were SET UP and we are no good at dealing with this kind of evil crap.
Give it a rest. People donated massive amounts, when they absolutely didn’t have it to give. They showed up for rallies in numbers that could never be accommodated. They had truck parades, boat parades and anything else that they could throw together, all the time. Most importantly, people voted in unbelievable numbers that have yet to be revealed.
So you think we should have been out in the street protesting at every difficult juncture? And you think that’s what Trump would have wanted? That’s crazy talk. Again, give it a rest.
Some of what she’s saying is right – but ALL of what you’re saying is right, too.
The biggest point is this.
Her “blame ourselves” is TOXIC BULLSHIT.
The truth is, Democrats and other commies by the TENS OF THOUSANDS need to be IN JAIL.
The FBI and the Military WILL NOT DO THEIR JOBS.
And thus we’re stuck here like CHUMPS.
True – DOJ and their FBI we now clearly know are swamp. So what do we do about that? What can we do? How do we operate differently now that we are “armed” with that knowledge?
If we knew 4 yrs ago that the DOJ and its FBI is what it is, what would we have done differently these last 4 yrs? And is that lesson applicable going forward?
How do we win more, bigger and achieve our goals based on what we have learned in the last 4 yrs?
Winning POTUS in 2024 … what will that get us if the fed gov & esp. the DOJ and their FBI remain the same?
I don’t want to be a chump expecting the DOJ & FBI do behave in a way they clearly aren’t and have no intention of doing.
If we knew then what we know now, we would the MAGA supporters have patiently wait for 4 yrs for justice? No, because we would know what we know now … it doesn’t seem to be coming for the cheaters. And so they only cheat more and cheat bigger.
So, what would we have done? And now that we have tought about that, what does that mean we do going forward?
OK, so no one likes the protest idea. What other ideas are out there?
Hold onto our arms. That’s about the only thing that is different than other countries that have been sucked into communism. They’re going to come after them with a vengeance
It is a consistent theme in her posts that does nothing but demoralize rather than inspire or energize.
This, a thousand times.
The problem is that she is RIGHT that we have to play the stupid GOP game, even as we FIGHT OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM.
Seriously – the Ohio MAGA candidates KNOW it was rigged. If they had their druthers, they would have Dominion IN CHAINS. One can tell that they KNOW THE TRUTH and are SEETHING underneath that we got robbed.
But just like the fall of the East Bloc and Soviets, there had to be sympathizers IN THE SYSTEM to help bring it down.
This is why I cannot pick one side when all sides have important truth to win this sucker.
But it’s OK to talk back to the stuff that’s not working. It’s GOOD to call it out.
We’re battered conservatives. We’re Jews in a boxcar, headed for bad or worse, figuring out that the whole thing is a scam. What do we do?
Yes, we have to play politics, which includes party politics, meetings, fund-raisers, phone calls, letters to Congress, even walking door-to-door…WHILE we fight outside the system. And many people have been doing at least some of those things.
It is not feasible for all MAGA people to be able to travel all the time when they have jobs, kids, elderly parents, disabled or sick relatives, their own infirmities, natural disasters, farms and ranches, and other things to deal with. It also costs money to do that, which can really add up if someone is doing it frequently.
It is also not feasible to become involved in a group when you know you will be called away and won’t be able to follow through on things. That has happened to me before. In that situation, you can’t keep up with the emails, texts, and phone calls, let alone the in-person meetings (which are iffy now, anyway).
It is galling to constantly read that we didn’t do enough from someone who has no idea to whom she is talking nor their life circumstances. It’s one thing to tell someone under your authority, who agreed to do a certain set of tasks, that they didn’t meet the mark; but it takes real hubris to make assumptions about and preach to people whom you don’t know. And the one-track solution really gets old. The problem is too deep for that to be THE solution. Our rallying every week about some measure would not have changed the GOPe’s minds at all. Their goal was to get PDJT out, and they cheated so they could do it, the people be dam_ed.
I’m racking my brain, daily. These things are not going to happen, but I want Hillary’s, Weiner’s, and Pelosi’s laptops published on the internet. I want Epstein’s videos available so people can see who was involved. I want declassification of documents, and I don’t care what foreign country’s misdeeds might be exposed. I want the people to be able to see what we know to have been going on.
But, as you say, the offices and organizations who have the power to do those things have failed us. How do we get enough power to influence them? Voting is our main power, and even that is not enough, and that has now been stolen.
I’ve read that PDJT is working to primary GOP candidates with MAGA ones. Great, but if the voting system is fraudulent, what good will it do?
Still thinking…
Yup. I hear you.
Must we now pray for tribulation? Perhaps that is our last remedy.
Solar Flare at just the right time to clean the clocks of all the monkey business.
Can we toss in a few asteroids just to be sure?
Be my guest.
Maybe a couple earthquakes in strategic locations.
Like….. Rods from God?
Scalar Weapons?
Twin Tower type nukes?
Whatever God wills… Italy has a lot of earth movement all the time.
Proverbs 13:5 – A righteous man hateth lying; but a wicked man is loathsome, and cometh to shame.
Psalm 27:11 – Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
Every post that isn’t either some innocuous question or an attempt at small talk . . . is a verbal downer, quicksand, smothering. Always conniving, never genuine. Can you imagine being forced to spend the weekend?
Apologies to OTHERS for my take on this. It is what it is.
No apology necessary. ☺️ I could say a lot more but will stop there.
it would be more of a “downer” to think that there is nothing we can do better, more effectively or just differently that would make a difference.
To think we could have done nothing more to make a difference would mean that there is nothing we can do differently in the future to make a difference,
that all we can do is keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
or do the same thing and expect failure.
or do less and continue in failure.
We must succeed and therefore we must do something differently to acheive different results.
So therefore we must come up with new ideas, now plans, new ways to increase our effectiveness. That is being optimistic. Thinking we can make a difference going forward is optimistic.
Learning from the past is one way to come up with such ideas.
If you don’t like my ideas then discuss the ideas and offer better solutions. If idea of protesting is no good then hopefully we can focus on exchanging ideas, synergizing and coming up with what most agree are effective plans and ideas v. just attacking, name calling, insulting and smearing me. Doesn’t impact me but it does shut down minds and conversation from building and thinking and creating and moving toward solutions and is a completel waste of time.
There are others who echoed everything I said, in this comment and the one further up the thread. I wonder if you’ll address them with equal concern, since that’s your specialty.
Gotta call it as I see it – by the way, the term “toxic bullshit” was used up the thread as well. And not by me. I’m done here.
I hope you’re not done here.
We need everyone’s thoughts and ideas, especially now.
I meant done with her. 👍🏻
Thanks. Got it! 🙂
You’re welcome to your views — e.g. donating directly (contributions) or indirectly (hosting events) to the Republicans — but many are rightly focused on election fraud.
‘Doesn’t impact me’: interesting.
Your nail-gun trigger is stuck on high. IOW you’re nailing it.
That too
I am not “blaming” anyone. I was just thinking, reflecting and analyzing what I could have done differently to learn for the future. Retrospection is a good thing so that lessons learned can be applied going forward. That is all.
Not a blame game.
Hindsight is always 2020 and just thinking what I would do different if I knew then what I know now.
It is far from toxic to learn lessons and then move on with new knowledge.
Rallies were great! I had the pleasure of being part of organizing a large car/truck parade and rally this past fall. And raised funds, spending countless hours meeting the public, etc, etc, etc.
All good. But all we did wasn’t enough or we wouldn’t be here in the current situtation now.
We the only reason we are here now because we didn’t hold a protest or people’s rally in DC during the 4 yrs of the Trump Admin? Of course not!
But it is something that I didn’t think of and we could have done.
Why think about what we/I/MAGA Conservatives could have done differently? Because I refuse to think that we did Everything we could have done and still did not succeed –>> that would be horribly discouraging!
It the swamp is beyond our influence, if there is Nothing we can do, if what we did was everything possible and we still failed … ugh! Can’t even go there!
There must be more we can do because if not, then why keep going? Why be politically active if all we do is not enough? I can only be optimistic, stay motivated and keep going if there are things I can do differently or more or tweak because to continue to do the same things and expect different results would just be silly.
I refuse to believe that we can’t learn from the past 4 yrs and then do more/differently/better next time.
We learned through the tea party years and we changed, learned what to do differently and then had more success when we beat the primaries and elected President Trump.
Now, the same. Assess, evaluate and carry on but better, wise, sharper and more intentional than before. It is only by learning from the past and realizing what we can do better than we have new goals, specific aims and increased impact.
The problem with 2020 isn’t that the grassroots didn’t do enough, or frankly anything else.
The problem with 2020 is that the election was stolen.
That’s why I consider the Election Integrity our #1 issue right now. Not in 2022, right NOW, this minute.
We did not fail. They cheated.
IMO it also presents a clear path forward, because elections are state and local – not federally administered.
MAGA Mom – I posted a lengthy comment about my view of the situation and steps forward about ten days ago. I was hoping you had some comments to add to it?
OMG, I could not love this mission statement more.
It does a good just of summing it up.
Not as good as “NUTS” but that was a special brilliance 😉
You will see this idea has just been silver-plated and served with tea and C-4 in my latest post! 😉
I ask respectfully, would you please take what a lot of people have pointed out to heart? When people see what you write as blame, please consider that their point of view has some validity and consider changing how you interact. I have yet to see this happen. Instead, you lecture us and blame us because we are not just like you.
“Shoulda” statements come across as blame.
“We didn’t do enough” statements come across as blame.
“If only we had done this” statements come across as blame.
“Why didn’t we” statements come across as blame.
“Coulda done more” statements come across as blame.
The worst part is not that we’re being blamed; it’s that the blame is misplaced. We do not have the power to fight the juggernaut that is the Dem Party/globalists all over the world/liberal media/communists in Congress, etc. It’s admirable to take personal responsibility and try to effect change, but IMO, you’re looking in only one direction and not placing blame proportionately where it belongs.
…not to mention, the continual droning posts become a deterrent to the so called dialogue that is given so much lip service…The bogarting of threads is a poor motivation for “dialogue”
I am a big fan of give and take discussion, but sometimes a short essay isn’t out of line.
It’s not that so much as the content.
I don’t read more than 1 out of 10, but the annoyed responses are a bit toxic too.
I’m a bit fed up with those posts, to be honest.
The poster means well but is simply getting up people’s noses at the moment.
Now is not the time, yet the poster persists. :/
I think Wolf gets value from the provocation of debate on the topics covered. And perhaps more of us should think about why we take the position we do. Many of the protects are about lack of relational engagement. If someone is going to “lecture” you, at the least it would be nice to have a sense that they lecturer sees you and has some greater connection with you.
‘I think Wolf gets value from the provocation of debate on the topics covered.’ I’ve understood that all along and have nothing against freedom of opinion.
HOWEVER, I do agree with your last sentence: ‘at the least it would be nice to have a sense that they lecturer sees you and has some greater connection with you’.
THAT is the real issue.
That could be why you might not understand why people have had it up to here.
Absolutely; many people do it at times, and they can be very instructive and can prompt worthy discussion. But when the short essays are written with the admitted agenda of trying to get us to see the merit of cooperating with the RNC — when some people’s opinion of it has been extensively expressed, with supporting documentation — and when they’re written with unfailing blame on us for not doing enough, they are themselves toxic. And when the author never acknowledges others’ points of view about her writing style or how it is affecting people — to the point where the site owner 1) said she was blaming and 2) called it BS — it’s frustrating. Not even that phased her. That’s why you see those responses.
In the real world, you don’t have a debriefing where you all examine what you did and what could have been done better, unless you have all agreed to that and to be accountable to each other, with the accompanying transparency. In the real world, it is rude to tell people they aren’t doing enough when you don’t even know them or what they do and when they didn’t give you that privilege.
This is an internet site. There is little to no transparency, and no one asked anyone else to come in here and critique things she isn’t even aware of. It’s way too much. And it gets really old.
I get it. An old adage comes to mind, “people don’t care what you think until they think that you care.”
‘bogarting’: thank you. 🙂
Haven’t heard that in ages, and, yes, I do know the origin. I first heard it from a classmate from Michigan many years ago.
FIX the FRAUD in (s)elections…….
Or it matters NOT….. what “we” do.
Thanks for the understanding.
“So tragic that President Trump did not receive the supported he needed to achieve the full potential of his term in office.”
But he DID receive the support he needed in office.
He is a VSG, a triple double-D chess player, with the benefit of a time machine, quantum computers and a military intelligence team that has been working (with Christopher Nolan, I would imagine) since the early 1960s to save the world.
Either that, or he purposely misled us to believe that McMaster, Sessions, Barr, Mattis, Kelly, Wray and on and on and on were either great hires or secret great hires who played villains.
And with all his hiring and firing and business experience, he has to be able to read people better that WE can, and yet most of us had a sense of these rat-weasels in under 10 seconds.
And his (not)SC picks, which he often said was probably the most important decision(s) a president can make because it affects so much of the future and for so long… did he just leave it up to RINO, Inc. to pick these tards?
He can’t be Chauncey Gardiner AND the most competent and effective President in our lifetimes.
He’s either embarrassingly incompetent (which he’s obviously not), or we’re still being played, along with the bad guys.
Trump needed more support. He was asking but I know I misunderstood him. I was listening to much to the Victor’s of life and other voices who spoke counter to Trump when he ask. I put all the burden on Trump. I am only speaking about myself.
I did realize what was going on after the election and resented the voices who still tried to psy op me the other way.
Trump didn’t need any more support — he needed more law.
As in law enforcement.
As in law enforcement, written law not overruled by the casual whims of authority, law not found in courts that find everything “not ripe” or “moot”, law like a G**D*****D REPUBLIC, like we are supposed to have — not some empty pseudo-Republic shadow-show Kabuki, with private law (privilege) for he and thee and we.
Why do we suffer false flags like the Capitol and yet the globalist scum skates on REAL flags like Fort Hood or Pensacola? How does Cuomo get away with intentionally killing 14,000+ people? How do the Biden clan sell out the United States over decades…..and get situated to do it again?
We would have more justice if the SYRIAN ARMY under ASSAD took control of Washington.
Think how horrifying the truth of that statement is.
That too
“So tragic that President Trump did not receive the supported he needed to achieve the full potential of his term in office.”
Whoever said such Bullshit should be ashamed!
“Tragic”… is THEY are getting away with LIES!… CORRUPTION!… and THEFT!
The “system” collectively and quite intentionally FAILED. Not MAGA folks.
The “system” = state courts, state legislatures, governors, county and state election officials, asshoes that purchased Dominion fraudulent vote counting fed corts including NOT SC, senate, Houes, dodge, fib, IC, fake news, big tech…
The people of this country were ROBBED and BEATEN DOWN by an evil establishment which is now the BITCH of China because they betrayed US for HER.
The American government that BETRAYED US are like some weak husband, tricked by the CHINESE dragon lady to kill his own wife, We The People, Lady Liberty. Now CHINA gets the mansion and the jewels.
OK – True.
Now we are here.
Do we say that there is literally nothing we can do or do we come up with additional ideas, plans and a way forward?
It is up to MAGA conservatives to Save America … according to President Trump and His newest campaign slogan as seen on his website.
Do we think we can do nothing or do we think we can do something? Yes, you have identified the issues … so knowing this, what do we do going forward?
If we knew this 4 yrs ago, what would we have done differenlty? I had one idea. No good? Ok, that is fine. Just an idea. What other ideas are out there? What ideas are better? I have no ego any specific idea or observation. Would LOVE to hear other ideas! Thinking about what we/I would have done differently had I known then what I know now … that is just 1 way of brainstorming. One person’s brainstorming, one person’s idea.
Yes, what has happen stinks to high Heaven … so now what?
We can’t just stop now and say what we did is all we could have done because that implies that we can do nothing more in the future. that is too defeated for me as I am still optimistic and hopeful … or I wouldn’t still be thinking of what else could we have done so I can think of what else can we do going forward.
Yes, we “delivered” … we worked hard. But we have to work smarter, more effectively and figure out solutions to probems we didn’t even fully realize were there such as the extent of the swamp, esp. in the DOJ/FBI
(And, as always, of course I mean only legal political activism as we all plainly now see were illegal activism gets us … and no, MAGA conservatives aren’t being treated fairly about this either)
I…. can NOT pass a “law”…..
I…..can NOT ENFORCE said “Laws”…..
I…..can NOT Elect anyone by myself……
I…..can NOT make ANYONE do ANYTHING….
I…..can NOT convict Any CRIMINALS……
I…..can NOT even ARREST said CRIMINALS…..
I…..can NOT make “Lawyers” follow the “Law”….
I…..can NOT make the MSM and Social Media tell the TRUTH!
I…..can NOT make “Teachers” teach Correct History and Science….
I…..can NOT protect OUR Borders by myself.
I…..can NOT make “Doctors” prescribe Therapeutics that work
I…..can NOT make Big Pharma produce “Cures” instead of “treating” SYMPTOMS”
All that I can do is…….
I…..CAN ….. PRAY.
I also….. can NOT make people “vote” correctly…..
and even if I could do that……..
Without FAIR and HONEST “Elections”…..
What does any of this MATTER?
I don’t know why we should do the RNC’s work…that of trying to figure out MAGA in order to do to MAGA what y’all did to the Tea Party.
MAGA will destroy the RNC and the GOPe within the next four years.
I am not a betting woman, but I suspect the GOPe will follow the Lincoln Project morons to the Democrat Party by 2024.
We are seeing many patriotic minded Democrats become MAGA. The future of the GOP, if it has a future, is as the Party of Populism, of the working and middle class.
The Democrat Party will be the party of the rich and their slaves, the poor underclass. The Democrats are the Party of Oligarchs. May the GOPe rot in hell with their rich globo-communist friends on the other side of the aisle.
Trump didn’t lose.
joe biden didn’t win..
That’s where we’re at.
But what do we do from here and what do we do differently since what we have done in the past has not worked?
I refuse to believe that there is nothing we can do better, differently, more effectively. That would be too discouraging a position.
We dig in deeper, starting with grass roots Pro MAGA . .
Those already employed by the R party, will need to ACT PRO MAGA with their votes, AND Language, $hit or get off the pot. 😄
McFarland: Don’t hold your breath for ERLC reform
Friday, February 26, 2021 | Steve Jordahl (OneNewsNow.com)
Change often comes slowly, if it comes at all. That may be the case for a policy group within the Southern Baptist Convention that has come under scrutiny for allegedly “distracting” the denomination from the Great Commission.
The task force commissioned by the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention to look at growing dissatisfaction with the denomination’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and its chairman, Russell Moore (pictured), has filed its report. Task force chairman Mike Stone, a pastor from Georgia, summed up the report’s findings at this week’s meeting of the Executive Council:
Executive Committee chairman Rolland Slade accepted the document:
And that’s precisely the problem, according to biblical apologist Dr. Alex McFarland. “The Executive Committee, as far as we know at this moment, read it, tabled it, and nothing has been done,” the ordained Southern Baptist pastor shares with One News Now.
At the meeting, supporters of the ERLC read a letter into the record asking the SBC’s Executive Committee to publicly repudiate the report, which contains several recommendations intended to bring the Commission back in line with the majority of Southern Baptists. That letter calls the task force “unwarranted, divisive, and disrespectful.”
McFarland predicts little will come of the task force’s report or recommendations. “I don’t hold my breath that anything will change regarding the ERLC. For one thing, the recommendations were very innocuous,” he says.
In an earlier One News Now story, Dr. Robert Jeffress – senior pastor of First Baptist-Dallas – questioned if the ERLC has outlived its usefulness, pointing out that many other parachurch ministries and faith-based organizations are doing essentially the same task the Commission was originally assigned.
I wonder if Dr. Robert Jeffress and PDJT still meet up.
I hope so.
I’d like to think so, but at the moment I think all of that is on hold. Would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.
Me, too.
Gordon Chang is getting a lot more coverage for his insight into the China-America conflict . . . I’m continuing to watch for his insights
Biden: It’s Okay to Finance China’s Military
by Gordon G. Chang
February 25, 2021 at 5:00 am
Gordon Chang: Will Biden Allow Investment in Companies Tied to China’s Military? | CPAC 2021
American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times
Joining us today at CPAC 2021 is China analyst Gordon Chang. We discuss President Joe Biden’s recent executive orders on China, and how he is formulating his policy on China. What direction is U.S.-China relations headed?
You think they’re going to circle back with us on this?
Biden mum on strikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria as Democrats call for explanation
by Abraham Mahshie, Defense Reporter | | February 26, 2021 11:12 AM
. . . Biden remained notably silent on Friday after authorizing airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria on Thursday night as some of his Democratic allies call for an explanation of a move that raises the stakes for his nuclear negotiation efforts with Iran.
It does sound more like something, um Trump, would do…..
Regardless, it suggests a shadow president running foreign policy and military interventions.
While it could be Trump, it could just as easily be other operators . . .
Horowitz: Oklahoma House votes to enable legislature to block Biden’s executive orders
Executives are making ‘laws’
DANIEL HOROWITZ February 26, 2021
. . . Rep. Jay Steagall introduced HR 1005, a resolution expressing the right of a state to defend the Constitution and intervene on behalf of the liberties of its citizens.
“Oklahoma hereby asserts sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers,” states the text of the resolution, which passed 80-14. “THAT this resolution shall serve notice to the federal government of our intent to maintain the balance of powers where the Constitution of the United States established it. THAT we intend to ensure that all federal government agencies and their agents and employees operating within the geographic boundaries of Oklahoma, or whose actions have an effect on the inhabitants, lands or waters of Oklahoma, shall operate within the confines of the original intent of the Constitution of the United States.”
If they need a STATE MILITIA to defend against the communists in Washington, SEND OUT THE CALL.
Kristol and Biden deserve each other. One is suffering from extreme cognitive disorder, and the other one didn’t win the election.
Jeffrey A. Rendall
The Right Resistance: #NeverTrump’s Kristol begs former GOPers to join with Grampa Joe Biden
. . . .Leading #NeverTrumper William Kristol wrote about the possibility in the eternally anti-Trump publication, The Bulwark:
Just when you thought the #NeverTrumpers had permanently receded to the background where they belong, you get op-eds like Kristol just published. With the scummy, pox-infested anti-Trump Lincoln Project having been discredited beyond any hope of redemption by homosexual pedophilia and corruption scandals, there just aren’t many alternatives remaining for people with Bill’s mindset. After all, the reason they left the GOP is now out of Washington, isn’t he? Can’t they just declare victory and move on?
Problem: their friendly overtures of a reunion with their former chums have been returned with a profound “Um, no way!” Imagine sending a note to someone you heard was hosting a party for old pals and having him return your gesture covered in bird droppings. Or, something that actually happened, having your army’s surrender demand being sent back by the enemy with a simple reply, “Nuts.” (This happened at the Battle of the Bulge in December, 1944.)
Well, Bill, now you want to come back into the conservative tent and powwow with us like the past half decade didn’t happen and therefore everyone just sits with crossed legs on the floor mat, holds hands and hums along according to cues from the cult leader? … “NUTS!”
Biden doedn’t command a movement. There is no “Bidenism.” His Fraudulency is clearly a front man for a global agenda, with other people pulling the strings. Can Kristol be this dumb?
“Can Kristol be this dumb?”
LOL is that a rhetorical question or do I need to answer it? ROFL
I think the answer is that he thinks we’re that dumb.
No. He’s a sneaky CIA Trotskyist who’s trying to sell chocolate-covered Bolshevism to the war party RUBES, which is what the “neo-conservative” Trotsky leaders ALWAYS do.
Chocolate covered dog turds still stink and taste like shit.
We are the inconvenient force between them and what they want.

Yes! Fight back.
Aaaaaannnnnnnd right on cue:
Sheryl Gay Stolberg
1 hour ago
“U.S. Officials Warn Governors Against Easing Restrictions”
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, the CDC and the Federal government, on the golden advice on Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, is warning that “Things are tenuous” and “This is not the time to relax restrictions” on the movements and lives of We, The People.
You see, the big drop in CCP Virus cases and deaths, according to these geniuses, “may be stalling” and “potentially leveling off at still a very high number”.
No matter that a it’s been shown that the current CCP Virus test can produce a positive result in a Kiwi fruit.
So what happened to that “100-day mask mandate”? As is by “magic”, the CDC and the Feds are signaling that they want it to be extended, along with lockdowns, businesses not opening at all or at vastly (unable to keep the business going) reduced customer access, and all the rest of the CovidNazi “rules for the benefit of public health”. Watch for schools to start “deliberating” whether or not to open in the fall of this year.
And, of course, the timing of this is a slap in the face to Gov. DeSantis and any other governor (mostly Republicans) who either relaxed or got rid of the CovidNazi “rules” in their respective States. Obviously, the CDC and the Feds want these governors to come to heel.
In my opinion, there’s another angle to this, one that the CDC and the Feds wouldn’t dare mention in public — not yet. This has to do with the “anal swab test” for the CCP Virus that American citizens were subjected to, supposedly “IN ERROR”, by the Communist Chinese government. And that the U.S. State Department did NOTHING about issuing the directive for Americans to decline this test until AFTER complaints flooded the State Department.
The “anal swab test” is being touted by the Beijing as being “more accurate” in detection of the virus due to “science”, which says the bowels of the human body seem to “hold onto” trace elements of the virus longer than what is kept in the bloodstream.
It is now within the realm of possibility, since the DemCommunists are in charge of the Federal government, that if enough “scientific studies” appear to “prove” the “efficacy” of the anal swab test, your friendly local CVS testing site, for example, could be changed to an “anal swab testing site”, and in short order. The American diplomats in Communist China who underwent this test “by error”, was a TRIAL RUN.
All those governors and mayors that ignored trumwill drop their linen (and yours) for DOOFUS and THOTUS.
I know of a college that covid tests the discharge water from the residence halls. Made zero sense to me until now….
It STILL makes NO sense. It is all BS.
It is a really beautiful scam that nobody can call out because it’s actually TOO NEGATIVE on the ChiComs who are doing the research. This is BRILLIANT weaponized science psychology. Malicious science can’t be called out.
China RUINS science this way.
Because you have to be “nice” to “people of color” in science, anybody “of color” can do really terrible science as long as it is “directionally cleared” by the media – meaning it’s politically correct. The science media at ACS does this – that is why they were pushing all the fecal corona stuff from the beginning in C&EN.
The fact is, though, that the whole problem with testing has been that FRAGMENTS set off the test, long after people recover, AND digestion is one of the ways that we actually GAIN IMMUNITY to the virus, and the Fauci-bots PRETEND NOT TO KNOW these things, so that they can be WORRIED about fecal, non-infective, corona RNA.
There is very little to be done about liars who simply pretend not to know.
And it’s WORSE, because COVID-19 genetically incorporates, and while it doesn’t produce viable virus from the DNA incorporation, it DOES produce a lot of FRAGMENTS and JUNK DNA (and then junk RNA) that sets off the test for long time periods after recovery.
So these anal tests are actually a way to prolong the crisis. But you can’t SAY THIS because it contradicts the FEAR VIRTUE, and it insults all the CCP POC who are working on it.
See? How are sheep going to understand a SCAM at the cutting edges of science? Even TECHNICALLY COMPETENT lawyers, judges, prosecutors and juries are at the mercy of most experts who are incompetent to catch bleeding edge science hucksters.
In my opinion, anyone who is “trusting the science” of the so-called “experts” at this point is a moron, and if they don’t make it, they are an example of Darwinism at work,
Seriously, just look around at REAL LIFE, and tell me covid is the plague. How many people do you personally know, outside of a nursing home, who have died of covid? If it’s less than 3-4, this is not Captain Trips.
The only ones I’m hearing of 2nd hand now are elderly that just got the kill shot.
I don’t know of anyone personally who has died of COVID. I only know one person who has had the virus, and that person was in their early twenties, had flu symptoms and some loss of taste, and did fine without any special interventions or meds.
Yeah, I don’t know anybody, and nobody I know knows anybody, either. And that’s the point. If this were a terrible pandemic, we would ALL have a relative, a friend, a co-worker, somebody in our close circle who had died.
People are just blindly following along. Nobody uses their brain anymore.
I know of a family that just lost an elderly mother in a senior living facility. I’ve known people that are better after using the alt drugs. Wolf still posts about lingering issues.
I do know many who have had it and some of who died.
however, if I was just living my “normal” life not in politics I would only know 2nd hand/1 step removed from people who have died and would know fewer who have had it.
Even in a small pond, being in a public position I just know more people now. But I know a long list of people who have had it – from politics, from church, from homeschool debate club, martial arts, husband’s corp job, my doctors (for chronic health issue) and their offices, from Trail Life, from homeschool group, from neighborhoods … from everything we do their are people and their families who have been sick with it.
But TN is one of the top infected states so maybe location has something to so with me knowing so many people who have had it.
I personally know 1 person who died of it who was a personal friend. And, yes, 100% directly of the virus as was active before it – volunteered all day at the polls on 11/3, the full 14 hour shift. Passed away 3 weeks later.
I personally know more who were hospitalized but recovered, a good # who are dealing with mild to severe “longhaulers” and then a long list of those who have had it with varying degrees of severity.
I don’t know how many 2nd hand that I know who passed away … 20+ but now sure how much +. Again, if not involved in politics and if not in a state with a high rate of infections, would be a lower number. Plus, living in a small town seems like everyone who passes is related to at least 1 person I know or is related to a friend of my friends.
At this time, TN is 6th in the nation for total infections per million but only 18th for covid19 deaths per million. We are 28th for tests per million so our higher case rate is not due to a higher rate of testing. The higher TN infection rate might also account for my knowing so many and others not knowing as many.
The virus is nasty for many, “longhaulers” stinks, China is an A****** & despite TN’s high infection rate I agree with Andy Ogles and many other conservative Tennesseans who thoroughly disagree with the Governor’s overreach and mandates and EOs!
I personally know of one man who died of COVID (already unwell, caught it from someone in his household).
I personally know of two women who had it and survived.
Sum total of COVID victims of my acquaintance: 3 — one death, two survivors.
I was watching the ChiComs push the research this way in C&E News (official organ of the Chimerican Chemical Society) from the beginning of the “crisis”. It’s all NUTS. I warned people that the ChiComs controlled American science and could make it do any stupid thing they wanted. Welcome to that reality.
Some have thought the virus would go away after the election, but I think it is too much of a control mechanism for leftists to just let it go away. They want to keep us under their thumb by carefully manipulating the numbers just enough to keep people scared and the economy teetering.
Walensky laughing about coronavirus then discussing the disgusting aspects of the past 11 months — and why the US must continue with them:
She ends with: ‘Okay, that was fun’.
Can you imagine if PDJT or one of his advisers had done that?
Chinese deny anal tests on US diplomats:
Furthermore, the Chinese, rightly, consider this type of test to be humiliating (emph. mine):
‘Polls showed a majority of Chinese citizens claiming they would refuse the procedure, while even Chinese doctors who believed the anal tests were highly accurate said they should only be used in special cases.’
Ron DeSantis to CPAC: No going back to ‘failed’ GOP establishment
Governor welcomes conference to Florida’s ‘oasis of freedom’
Art Moore By Art Moore
Published February 26, 2021 at 2:13pm
While previous CPACs have been held in a suburb of the nation’s capital, DeSantis opened the 48th CPAC convention on Friday in Orlando, Florida, welcoming participants to “our oasis of freedom.”
“We are an oasis of freedom in a nation that’s suffering in many parts of the country from the yoke of oppressive lockdowns,” he said. “We look around our country and in far too many places we see schools closed, businesses shuttered and lives destroyed.”
In his speech, DeSantis also emphasized his state’s leadership in election integrity, combating Big Tech censorship and carving a new path for the party that leaves behind the “failed Republican establishment of yesteryear.”
DeSantis said Florida is leading in “protecting our vulnerable residents, saving the economy and safeguarding the freedom of our people.”
“In Florida, schools are open, every Floridian has a right to earn a living and all businesses have a right to operate,” he said.
“We are stronger as a state and much happier as a people because of this leadership.”
He pointed out that Florida has much lower COVID mortality than the national average, and the rate is lower than 27 other states. The unemployment rate is lower than the national average, even though tourism isn’t fully restored.
“Florida got it right, and the lockdown states got it wrong,” DeSantis said.
. . . DeSantis touted Florida’s leadership on election integrity, noting the recovery from the stigma of the infamous “hanging chad” election of 2000.
Among his first actions when taking office in 2019 was removing the supervisors of elections in Broward and Palm Beach counties.
“Then when COVID hit, I rejected pressure to make hasty and ill-conceived changes to our election administration like mass mailing of unsolicited ballots,” he said.
The result was that by midnight on Nov. 3, Florida had counted, tabulated and reported 11 million votes.
Now, DeSantis said, Florida is leading on banning all forms of ballot harvesting and third-party political groups such as those funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg “from interfering in the administration of our elections.”
. . . Looking at the big picture, DeSantis said that “what’s true in Florida is true for conservatives across the nation.”
“We cannot, we will not, go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear,” he said.
DeSantis said the Republican Party’s grassroots base rejects “open borders, “weakness in the face of the threat posed by China” and “military adventurism.”
. . . MORE . . .
From Project Veritas:
Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida today, highlighting reporting from the organization’s Insiders — including stories on Voter Fraud, Big Tech bias, Mainstream Media corruption and more.
Here are some of the highlights from CPAC so far:
You can watch the CPAC speech here:
The Brave Insiders present at the event included USPS’ Richard Hopkins, Google’s Zach Vorhies, CNN’s Cary Poarch, Pinterest’s Eric Cochran, and Facebook’s Zach McElroy and Ryan Hartwig.
The Project Veritas Team appreciates the opportunity to participate in this latest edition of CPAC. The environment was electrifying, and the crowd absolutely loved the Insiders on stage.
Looking forward to CPAC 2022!
Be Brave,
Project Veritas Team
My car had trouble starting, so I hooked-up our handy-dandy spare battery widget, ran my errand, and got it home. I’m in the initial stages of troubleshooting, and it occurs to me to ask the internet just how long car batteries can be expected to last….
Get a bunch of answers, generally 5-7 years, but one was especially brutal: “On average, a car battery lasts from 5 to 7 years. The battery lasts longer if the vehicle is driven daily and the battery is kept fully charged. When the vehicle is parked for extended periods of time, the battery deteriorates sooner. We have seen batteries last up to 10 years.” [bold added]
The reason why that one particularly hurts is that there’s a sticker on the battery saying it was installed in 2010….. I guess I needn’t waste too much time contemplating other issues….
So I’ll be doing a hippity-hop out to the auto parts store as soon as the Fiancee gets home.
My understanding is newer vehicle OEM batteries are typically 3-5 years. <<< Which surprised me. Also matches my experience with vehicles. I usually replace OEM battery with top of the line battery from whichever major auto parts store is closest.
I’ve got the new battery in the back of my car. It has cooled down from the afternoon’s temperatures, so I figure I’ll put it in tomorrow, when it’s warmer. I even found one of the three terminal brushes I own.
The car is a 1994 model that I bought new, so OEM is loooooonnnnnnggggg gone. And considering that I just got 11 years out of a Walmart battery, I’m not seeing how it would benefit much from using anything “top-of-the-line”.
I had to ask at the counter what size class to get — they no longer have books.
I probably should be doing preemptive battery replacement. I remember having one fail during a road trip to SoCal, and push-starting the car in the subterranean parking garage of the Getty Museum, just as a bunch of fancy-pants were arriving for some gala.
IIRC, that was its first battery replacement after I bought it. Then there was the Walmart one. And, now, this one.
If I didn’t have lists… I would be listless.
If you then hung out in an evergreen forest, you’d likely be listless and pining.
So true.
Of course, if you were hanging out in the evergreen forest as part of a contest with American pickup trucks as the prize…..
You could be listless and pining for the Fords.
Careful. You might just go Scandinavian next!
The fiords!
Somewhere along the line I saw a list of 2021 autos with manual transmissions…..the list was alarmingly short.
When I last replaced tires on this pup, I went to our usual tire place…..and was told I should get XXXXX. I said that there were a ton of reviews for XXXXX, and they all said it performed well but wore out super-fast. The guy responded, “check the model of car — that was the OEM version shipped on a new car. The ones you get in the real world are good tires.”
It boggled my mind that a tire manufacturer would intentionally poison its brand by allowing OEMs to dictate the use of an inferior tire with the same name….but it appeared that he was right. A bunch of OEM stuff is intended to impress until you are off the lot and out of warranty, and then to fail.
Yea. Odd as hell, I think. Both, OEM tires and batteries don’t perform worth a damn over time/miles. Ram second battery and third set of tires.
Conversely, I ponder brake pads on my 15 Ram. 138K miles. Original brakes. 6-8MM remaining. Last week, the Les Schwab guy told me, that OEM brakes last much longer than replacement pads. THIS, I also found odd.
Vehicle manufactures cut corners on tires and batteries, but not brake pads.
Wictor is still holding out hope that Trump is really in charge and was the one who called for the bombing in Syria….composing not one but three threads today.
Wictor is getting some push-back from a few of the QV people about his ‘Trump is really in charge’ business.
As well he should.
Term ended on 20 January. That’s cast in stone in the Constitution. There’s no provision, none at all, for a president (who is not the president-elect) to continue to serve after that time, even if there’s no president elect.
But there was a president elect, since Congress certified Biden the winner, and their decision is final. That too is cast in stone in the Constitution.
Now it may be that Biden isn’t really in charge, but the powers behind the throne are the people who put him forward.
Yes. This.
This was the EVIL BEAUTY of the STEAL PLOT, which used the CAPSTONE of illegal-to-barely-legal impeachment to end all possible exits for Trump. Trump was forced to concede, even if minimally (“Office of the Former President”), to escape the logical jaws of potentially valid impeachment. But in doing so, even slightly, the plotters knew that Trump’s own SCOTUS appointees would have to argue that his case was MOOT. Were Trump NOT to concede in the slightest, and abandon the Constitutional argument, he could still potentially be impeached on his potential win.
Trump’s ONLY solution would have been to CALL OFF the “Stop the Steal” rallies – to betray not only the feelings of his own movement, but the ENERGY needed to support the election integrity effort. And even then, Antifa could have pretended to be MAGA, even if NONE of his people were there.
I remember thinking back in 2016 that he was new to politics and would simply be cut to ribbons by political maneuvering if he could even manage to get elected.
Maybe I had it right the first time.
I know what you mean.
Politics is an entirely different game to business.
PDJT did the very best job he could during those four years and was a blessing to the American working man and woman.
That Trump survived for one term was a miracle, frankly. I think it was a little of both. Cut to ribbons, but held strong.
Donald J. Trump forced the ENTIRE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT to reveal its evil.
That is NOT EASY.
Hiya darlin!!! I just wanna say Hi! And I am fighting the good fight from my end!! I miss ya Wolfie!!! And love ya!!
Thanks, Marica! Good to see you! Keep up the good fight! And remember Michael’s rule:
In the event of loss of comms,
find something communist and break it.
Well.. Yeah! You know i would!!!🤷♀️🤸♀️
Oh ..We .will.. Find ..Each…Other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PDJT prefers to follow the Constitution. There is no way he would take extra-Constitutional action like this. Plus, consider the blowback and damage this would cause when revealed later. Talk about a constitutional crisis. He would not do that to the country. If he were going to do that, he might as well have published all the declassified material that would be so damaging. That could have been done before the election.
And yet, he never did do that. He can’t, now.
Which makes me wonder if there is actually anything there. Maybe we are deluding ourselves that this stuff exists.
PDJT trusted Barr and others too much. What a shame.
Yet, in essence, it’s not as bad a reflection on him as it is on Barr and those he trusted to do the right thing.
Oh, dear.
John Durham to remain as special counsel in Russia probe, but step aside as U.S. Attorney in Connecticut
FEB 26, 2021 AT 5:41 PM
John H. Durham will continue as special counsel in the investigation of the origins on the Trump-Russia inquiry, but is being asked to resign as U.S. Attorney, as the Biden administration begins replacing top federal prosecutors appointed by former President Donald Trump with its own nominees.
Sit around and get paid for doing nothing
a fat man so close to death shouldn’t run his mouth
Marsha Blackburn was invited to CPAC despite the fact that she voted to accept the fraudulent electors on January 6.
Can’t believe she had the nerve to come.
the fact that they asked her shows their true face.
She has been censured (as has Hagerty) by 2 TN counties so far and more are sure to follow. TN voters are disgusted with both of them over the 1/6 vote – esp. because they had committed otherwise.
10 sq. miles surrounded by reality:
gq… Gentleman’s Quarterly
Here’s Ithaca Police Benevolent Association’s timeline of contract negotiations/litigation:
IPD’s contract expired in 2011, and IPBA has been in negotiations/litigation with the City under Mayor Myrick ever since.
Local labor unions are watching closely.
Well, what else would one expect from a person who, as Mayor, opened the country’s first “supervised heroin injection site” in Ithaca in 2016?
Think of Svante Myrick as a younger version of Barack Obama. In 2022, he’ll just be 35 years old, therefore just old enough to run for President in 2024.
And you can just about bet the farm that the DNC / DeepState are just about to put him on their “potentials list”.
2.26.21: More arrests, suicides! [DS} HATRED of GOD’s creation EXPOSED! PRAY!
And We Know Published February 26, 2021
I looked for a list of candidates President Trump has endorsed so far and have not been able to find one so I started a list to keep for myself. Here is who I have so far – am I missing anyone?
President Trump Endorsements Since Leaving Office
1/25/21: Sarah Sanders, Arkansas Gov (GOP primary)
2/23/21: Drew McKissick, Chair of SC GOP (for 3rd term)
2/24/21: Bob Paduchick, Chair of OH GOP (will be 1st term/new chair)
On both state GOP chair endorsements:
2/26/21: Max Miller, US Representative, OH District 16, (for the GOP primary against Gonzalez, 1 of the 10 who voted for impeachment in the House)
2/26/21: Jerry Moran, US Senator for Kansas (GOP Primary, incumbent)
I am not overly excited about this one due to his position on the 11/03/2020 election fraud and his tepid support of President Trump during the impeachment trial as seen by quotes here:
““The Constitution does not clearly state whether a former president can be tried for impeachment by the Senate, but I believe the impeachment process is intended to be used for considering whether or not ‘The President’ should be removed from office,” Moran said in a statement on Feb. 13. “Because former President Trump is no longer in office, I voted to acquit. Establishing the precedent that the Senate has jurisdiction to convict a former president would cause extreme damage to our country and the future of the presidency.”
Moran condemned the violent actions of rioters who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6. He also criticized Trump for continuing to allege at the time that there was widespread fraud, calling Trump’s action “wrong.”
President Trump has regretted endorsements before (see Romney and Kemp, among others).
President Trump’s endorsement is GOLD in the GOP primaries … see TN’s primary race for US Senate last year between Dr. Sethi and Hagerty. There is absolutely no way Hagerty would have won without President Trump’s endorsement.
I hope he takes his time and has new advisors on who to endorse for both incumbents and for primary challengers. We have Plenty of time as it is early in the 2022 GOP Primary process.
Good stuff!!
HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Provide 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 to Arizona Senate for Audit
And it’s supposed to be a Fed crime to destroy election “evidence” for 22 months after an election. Could I be a hopium addict?
They’d better not say they no longer have the ballots!
Or what?
WHAT XXXXING ARMY is going to do JACK SHIT about it?
hahahahahaha (just wait until they make them do the anal tests )
Next up — Anderson Cooper transfers to White House reporting….
Imagine if PDJT had done that.
Good grief, I could not despise this COMMIE ROBOT BITCH any more than I do.
Looking at the emblem at the top of the post, I got to thinking about rattlesnakes….and how they have the peculiar evolutionary quirk of mechanically linking part of their old skin after a molt — that’s what the “rattle” is, a connection of old molt leftovers.
Which got me thinking about a popular reptile on the blog — Steve’s Darwin….which lead to me further wondering if Darwin had ever molted when Steve was in the picture….and what behavioral changes may have been associated with same. Did he hide? Did he want to be scritched more?
Probably also has something to do with a squirrel I observed this morning while drinking my tea. He was rubbing his body along a piece of lumber outside my window. We’d already been talking about squirrel stew and bushy-tailed rats on the blog and I could think of mange or parasites causing such behavior, or just the arrival of warmer weather and maybe a new coat.
february 26, 2021 the marshall report
If anyone with common sense looks at what is coming out of the White House Press, you have to either be scratching your head or laughing your arse off. Rolling of eyes and side eyes are commonly seen on all of the faces who are observing the entire fiasco with an ounce of maturity. That is what we all are supposed to be looking at. Meanwhile, what is happening in the world? Who is striking Iraq? Who is striking Syria? What is going on?
I’m afraid this type of incompetence and insanity is part and parcel of tyranny. Think of the outright stupidity of foreign regimes of the past.

Arachidonic acid sounds like something you’d get from soaking spiders…..
It’s peanut (groundnut) oil.
In France, it’s ‘huile d’arachide’, which is where I first encountered it decades ago. It’s cheap and widely produced.
To ward off damage, apparently, it’s good to drink tea:
According to wikipoo, arachidonic acid is not found in peanut oil, despite the name.
IDK anything about her but I know that I don’t like him and that she is bringing the fire!
hard to believe how heated the GOP primary is and yet the election still ~1.5 yrs away for most voters! Ours is 8/2022
Here is a list of other state’s primaries to elect the candidates who will be the GOP against the Dem in November
Thank you, GIN-T, for another brilliant post. 🙂
Have tried Yuengling beer and can highly recommend!
Thank you! I miss Yuengling beer a lot, and I don’t drink much beer.
I know what you mean.
Great to see you, Marica! 😃
OMG – “$Doge Faced Pony Soldier™” – LMAO!!!
You too my friend!!!!!!! I am LMAO ..and riding your damn roller coaster!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!