Dear KAG: 2021-02-26, The American Spirit

Hey everyone! It’s Friday, and Wolf’s Pub is wide open to American patriots.

The globo-communists are gonna end up on the ash heap of history. Don’t care how much AI y’all try and stuff down our throats. Don’t care how much psyops y’all pull on us. Don’t care about how many lies y’all tell us.

Don’t care what y’all think about us. Trust me, what we think of you is just precious.

Hey, Globalists and Communists, there’s something called the American Spirit. I know it fills you with rage. Hehehe. Let me just sit a moment and enjoy that. Ahhhhhhh. So good. The only reason I ain’t cussing you out like a fishwife, is because I’m trying to abide by the Rules of this place. Speaking of which:

House Rules

I know it grates on the nerves to be civil to the enemy. I mean, it GRATES ON THE NERVES. Much easier to be civil to the brethren. But, we can do this. Let’s bless them that curse us. I suspect it actually inflames them in a metaphysical way, God having a divine sense of humor and all.
So, our burly bouncers are at the ready to show you to the UTree if brawling is your preference this day. Otherwise, please review the rules. We show our canine teeth, but in a nice way, kind of.
Now, on to the American Spirit, that indomitable, unbeatable something that attracts freedom seekers from around the world.

Our Drink Special today is indicative of the American Spirit: Yuengling Beer. Yuengling is a beer from America’s oldest brewery. Please, do take the time to listen to the story of Yuengling. It’s American grit. It’s the “can do” American Spirit. A family-owned business for five, going on six generations now, Yuengling has seen good times, bad times (uh, Prohibition), and everything in between.

But they didn’t give up. They didn’t give in. They kept moving. They adapted, they improvised, they overcame:

I raise my glass to the Yuengling family. God bless y’all and please, can you send some Yuengling to Texas? It’s at least a two-hour drive to Arkansas for us to get to some. Talk about a beer run!

Talking about American grit, how about Mike Lindell? This Christian man is a whirlwind of patriotism and courage. Christ has endowed him and prepared him for just this time. Yeah, I’ve bought several pillows and the Giza Sheets, and I intend on giving a full complement of My Pillow products to my liberal relatives for gifts. Right? Let’s start the EXODUS from the satanic world system.
Andrew Torba of GAB is right.
Why the Oligarchs Fear Christianity
This is our little bit in the war to take down the globo-communists. We can do this. Bit by bit, let’s leave them to their own devices. We never give in. We never give up. Ever.

And, here’s a kudos to every single cattle rancher in America. Bill Gates, you can shove your fake meat where the sun don’t shine. I’ve had a delicious steak twice this week and I may have another one before the weekend is out.

We don’t take orders or fake meat from crazy ass psychopaths.

LOVE YA, Qtreepers! Thank our GOOD GOD for every single one of you. WE ARE WINNING!



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I’m first, I guess, but I have not read yet. CHEATING – yes. But I cannot ABIDE this thing sitting here with no comments. SO THERE.


I think you scared everyone away.


The howling gets ’em every time.


I thought it might be the teeth.


Don’t they go together? I mean … who would be impressed with a toothless howl?

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Anyone who pretends Biden is POTUS?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


… 🧐🤚‼️ … 🤨👍❤️‼️😉 …

here, here … 🐺. … ‼️❤️‼️ ..


I am neither a wolf or a sheepdog.
I care not to be an alpha.

I am quite happy being a sociopathic sigma ram.
Fk with herd.
Fk with your friends.

Fk with my own and I’m going to do some very bad things to you and yours.


I had my first steak in a while today, myself.

Lucky’s had BOGO on tri-tip steaks, which put the price of beef into the acceptable range (where it used to be ALL the FREAKIN’ TIME), so I nabbed two packages about 3/4 pound.

Lined the tray in my toaster-oven with aluminum foil and tossed in a rack — honestly, I’m surprised that more people don’t use racks for cooking. Unpacked my three little steak pieces onto the rack, grabbed a small round-bottomed bowl and started throwing things into it.

1/8″ t of chipotle powder, some ground black pepper, california chili powder, mustard powder, garlic powder, ground rainbow pepper, paprika, cayenne….add enough olive oil for it to be like a paint. Stir it up with a silicone sauce brush, then brush it onto the tops and sides. Flip the meat. Brush it onto the new tops and sides. Slide it into the toaster oven and set to bake at 350….this is the “preheat” phase.

After 10 minutes, crank it up to 450 for the “surface” phase. It was done around 18 minutes.

A lot of people think that toaster-ovens are a toy….but that’s what’s neat about them. You can cycle between temperatures much faster than in a outdoor grill or a kitchen oven. There are even a bunch of projects for doing surface-mount electronic soldering in them (DO NOT USE FOR FOOD AFTERWARDS, EVER).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Mmmm, Tri-tips! Used to love them off the steakhouse grill. So marbled, so good.

But your recipe of blended pepperstuff (and bi-temp cooking) sounds great. Does the little steak kind of turn into Beef Candy? How hot is the spicy taste? I can’t wait.


The actual hotness depends entirely on the amount of chipotle. If you replace the chipotle with more paprika or (to be even more mellow) pasilla, you can make it very mellow.

Which, by the way, is the reason that the only thing I measured into the mix was the chipotle. Everything else was by eye.

I was looking for a smidge of “char” over a firm-ish pink center — very medium.

One of the things that beginners tend to miss (and I’m not saying this for either of us) is that the hotter the cooking temperature, the pinker the center. You find this especially true when you’re doing things like seared ahi — heat that bad boy up to near-glowing, then *wham* *flip* *bam* and *off* — and you have about 1/8″ cooked into the meat. When you do a pre-heat as I describe, you don’t have to worry about a beautiful exterior with an extreme rare inside.


So, one of those odd quirky stories…..

I learned nothing about cooking while living with my parents, and not much more during my early years flying solo, but when Iron Chef came on (in the original Japanese, with subtitles), I was like a sponge. My dad had introduced me to Chinese food around 1984 (note, I was in my early 20’s). I started in on Teppanyaki around 1981. But that was all about consumption — with Iron Chef, I started thinking about production. I started collecting cookbooks and studying techniques and hoarding ingredients. I started to look at things like braised dishes, or stir fried…..

After a couple of decades of this, I was spending some time with my dad. He retired as one of the top-tier Engineers at the City of Los Angeles after being raised in a tarpaper shack in Delta, Colorado by his dad — a sheepherder.

So I asked him — “y’know, a group of sheepherders had to do a lot of things, but some specialized in herding, some in scouting, some were medics/vets, some kept in touch with ‘civilization’ — what did grandpa do?” And I got the reply: “he was the camp cook.”

Blending chilis is an art that changes over time as the chili powders fade. Chipotle will light you right up. Cayenne, chili de arbol, and ‘hot’ New Mexico strive to live up to their reputations. California chili powder is a good backbone. Paprika is actually more sweet than spicy, although there is a Hungarian hot paprika worth seeking out (as well as a smoked paprika). Pasilla (which is made of ground ancho chiles) is earthy and grounding — good for stews, soups, and comfort food.

After learning that about my grandfather, I think back to him when I blend-up powders for a project like this steak. Mind you, he probably was doing it with squirrels and rabbits more often than not, with some venison on occasion, out on the Western slope of Colorado….but he probably had many of the same powders in his bags.


I’ll go with “more palatable”. I haven’t been cooking squirrel yet.


Squirrels are tree rats.

Squirrel meat is nasty stuff.
There’s no way to make it very edible.

I’ve tried.
When we were starving students in college…we tried everything.


You have to be really hungry to eat vermin.

And we were.
Lots of hot peppers…we discovered that we could get it down if we smothered it in hot sauce or red peppers.

Squirrels are just rats with fluffy tails.

Deplorable Patriot

Paprika…the secret ingredient in my stew along with white pepper.


Try mustard powder. Fresh, it tastes like mustard; cooked, it has a pleasant mellow complexity.


We did too. The Wife pan seared a couple of steaks last night with some rosemary from the garden. First steak we have had in a while.

Deplorable Patriot

I use racks under a broiler all winter long.

Fortunately, one of our local grocers does this cool thing where they take meat close to the sell by date and put it in packages about halfway between club pack and regular tray size. That goes in a special case where it’s mix and match 4 for $19.96. I have a whole freezer drawler full of those. They also, from time to time, sell whole pork loins in vacuum packaging for REALLY CHEAP. So, you get one, and cut it into four, cook one and freeze the rest in separate packaging. And then there’s the chickens.

It is possible to get plenty of meat in the diet. You just have to be diligent and not put stuff like ice cream in the freezer.


Nanzi sez that a freezer is ONLY for ice cream and what could you know you f’ing deplorable.

Deplorable Patriot

What do I know? That the chicken thighs I cooked for dinner last night I put in the freezer December 5, 2020. I always put a date on the Ziploc. I also haven’t bought meat at the store at all this week. I got it out of the freezer since nothing decent is on sale.


The US had roughly 4,000 breweries at the end of 1918. Prohibition was passed on January 16, 2019, and by 2020 they were all converted to something else. After Prohibition was repealed on April 7, 1933, there were a scant 31 brewers by June. 756 brewers restarted in the next year. It took until 2016 for the number of breweries in the US to climb to 4,131.

This despite beer being the oldest of all known beverages. A Sumerian recipe is preserved in the “Hymn to Ninkasi [the goddess of beer]” on tablets of clay.


Facts I could not live without but everybody else can live without.


Actually, it’s quite instructive. Some sort of unfounded cultural panic could seize the levers of government and ruin an industry for 15 years back in the 1920s. What is allowed for gyms, hair salons, restaurants, and concerts today, with similar levels of “science”?


Will Cuomo get off scott-free for killing thousands of his own citizens? Does this seem like a chilling echo of ?


He’ll get off for operating death camps for granma and granpa. He will get nailed to the wall for planting a wet lips kiss on his office hottie.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

I had him pegged as a mass-murderer back in March of last year, and instead of being hung for a week and his head mounted on a pike thereafter for that, he’ll likely be ushered out of office with a generous pension for pinching a heiney after an office party. What a strange, upside-down world. What’s next, adolescent girls and boys showering together?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not about consistency, honesty, or truth. It’s all about POWER.


I bet you’re right. The sex stuff is a good diversion. These guys are clever coming up with just the thing to distract the masses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that’s straight out of the Clinton playbook!


Cuomo is a politician. As executive office holder, he executes policy designed by others.

The NYS Director of Public Health has not resigned. Why not?

Not only did they send infected back into nursing homes, they allowed infected nursing home workers to continue to work. Workers reported a lack of PPE.

How about their written policy for allocation of ventilators in the event of an emergency? Rather than buy and store ventilators in the years before the plannedemic, they elected to create a policy for triage of ventilators in NYS.

They even had policy related to circumstances where EMT’s we’re ordered to Do Not Resuscitate people they were called to help.

All reported and documented by the NY Post.

What science wrote these policies? Firing Cuomo is just scratching the surface.


This is the NYS Director of Public Health giving a TEDxCornell talk in July 2019.

“Relativity in the Age of Virality”

He discusses the problem of misinformation and public health, and advocates for greater state controll of our “social center of gravity”.

Meant to post this yesterday, but I became distracted by a video with David E. Martin. Not sure what to make of him.
Beyond the video clip posted, there’s
very compelling video of him speaking out at a DC protest against Fauci and others, and another of him in Antarctica where he could be Greta’s guru.

What else do we know about him?


Did everyone but me know that nipple ring granny killer Cuomo was married to a Kennedy? He was married to one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy’s daughters. Cuomo and his brother seem like such uncouth clods to be hobnobbin with the Kennedys but what do I know?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that is pretty wild. Makes me wonder if they’re all into kinky stuff. NHK just seems like the type!


hahaha maybe so. She must’ve been quite the catch and they were married for a fairly long time. He gives me the creeps and I can’t imagine him being all Rico Suave’ back in the day yet here he is the Gov of NY . Maybe his family was rich and connected too. Never heard about them either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I just found the best gossip EVAH about their ENTIRE marital history.

Just call me TABLOID WOLF!!!  😅


  :wpds_lol:  ” Cuomolot”

that was very saucy! Makes ya wonder if the Kennedy clan didn’t have some juju in bringing him down after his rise to Covid royalty status seemed like no way anyone would ever touch him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I could write better than that in the fifth grade. FFS, getting pronouns wrong is a sign of writing while drunk. But the worst part is when I have to keep re-reading a paragraph to figure out what it means.

They pay people to do crap like this? I’m going back to work as a word salad maker.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Rico Suave”! LMAO!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Damn, this IS a bar!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m gettin’ a drink!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s down and I wish I had more! But it’s good. Q Tree Communion! I will remember my Savior! Unworthy as I am, surely, but not unforgetful tonight!

Deplorable Patriot

This heresy must stop.

Actually, that’s more in the sacrilegious department.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You will not get me back in that government church! No masks in the home church, sacrilegious as it may be, though more comfortable than tunnels and under bridges!  😉 


His father was NY Gov also, Mario Cuomo.


3 terms.


 He was married to one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy’s daughters.

So that would be RFK, Jr’s sister.

RFK, Jr. is bigtime anti-vax.
So I would imagine that he hates Nippleman Granny-Killer’s guts.


The article says that he was at HUD under Clinton. I think he was Secretary of HUD at that time.

He was also at HUD under Bush, when Jack Kemp was Secretary; before the Saving and Loans collapsed, and Mario was governor of NY.


The Kennedys are just filthy rich bootleggers who got into Democrat politics and had PR fairy tales written about them.

And there are many really filthy chapters and characters in their family history.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL
Deplorable Patriot

Very few families anywhere don’t have filthy chapters and characters.


You are right – mine and me included. Dreadful chapters and destructive characters.

We are all messed up…

Satan’s continual seductions and assaults must be continually resisted, or repented, renounced and redeemed.


We’re proud of our characters. One was FDR’s campaign manager.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I knew that. Story went that she cheated on him. Anything is possible.


She almost HAD to cheat on him, since he’s such an arrogant egotist. Alternative is to end up like that aunt or whoever that Joe Kennedy kept in the nuthouse so she wouldn’t blab to the press.


Deplorable Patriot

The woman was his daughter and it was a TRAGIC story. I don’t remember what the issue was she had, but he gave permission for her to have a lobotomy. The daughter was then basically a vegetable, and his wife never forgave him.

In that case, who was the arrogant one?


Rosemary. Yes, her story is very tragic.


I think they had a mentally disabled daughter.


I think, at one time she was a resident at a private community residence in upstate NY. The Kennedy family were generous benefactors of the facility, as I recall.


I was just funnin’ you.


Yuengling did ice cream and dairy products.

Deplorable Patriot

Scant 31…and the biggest one still stands on Lynch Street and 7th in Souland. Stand on the sidewalk and you can get high.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I love this guy’s unapologetic Christianity. Thank you for that link! I had seen quotes from this article, but the whole thing is a joy!

Seriously – and this should SCARE Torba’s enemies even more……

ANY religious minority is going to realize that they are SAFER under “Christian nationalism” than they are under loony socialist communist violent nuttery.

TORBA AMERICA is exactly where they want to be. Radical Islam? Yeah, maybe they want the violence of ANTIFAMERICA, but everybody else? EASY CALL.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they fear Christianity, but more than that, they fear Christ Himself, hence the effort to split the Church over the last 1,000+ years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What if Francis is part of making Christianity “antifragile” again?

Deplorable Patriot

Anti-fragile? He’s heating up glass so it can be dowsed with cold water and [SHATTER].

Actually, those who really care about faith are learning more and doubling down, but the “in” crowd doesn’t want to admit that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let the diaspora of ground crystal irritate the world! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Something like that.


Any MINORITY should realize they are safer under Christian nationalism.

I come at life from the perspective of an artist, which is what I am. As such, I have always run with the “freaks and geeks” crowd to some degree. I understood long ago that ones such as us are far better off when the “normies” are in charge. The freaks and geeks are not equipped to deal with the everyday minutiae of banal existence.

I have tried for years to convince people I know who are “fringe” that they are far better off and SAFER when the normies are running the institutions of government. Some listen, some don’t, but I think this interlude of Biden & Co. destroying things is going to be a wake up call for many of them. When society has collapsed, who will take care of the freaks and geeks? The answer is, nobody.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Very critical point!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grandma – which Gab account are you definitely under now? Gigi333 or Grandmaintexas?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, passwords are a pain for sure.


Ive gotten in to the chat but hell if i know how to send you a msg.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! I can send you a message by going to the chat page, then clicking on the “+” sign next to PRIVATE MESSAGES in the left-hand sidebar, and then in the pop-up using your username, or you can contact me using mine: WOLFM00N with two zeroes.

I’ll let you try first, so that then you can message other people!


Got it. Ty.


I did it but you let me know if its the right location.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PMs working! Hopefully you can see my response.


I am also having a lot of trouble with Gab chat. I go there and half the time my password won’t work, either. It’s frustrating. Gab works for me, chat not so much.


This fool is the very definition of NOT a techie. Eyes glaze over when many a folks here start talking about whiz bang computer crap.

Finally got Gab Chat to work, I think it’ll be fine into the future. Downloaded Brave, imported stuff from Firefox to Brave. Seems as though all my bookmarks and stuff are working smoother than ever.

Brave has probably been one of the easiest transitions I’ve made.


Brendan Eich invented JavaScript, co-founded Mozilla, and was Chief Technology Officer there until SJW’s ran him out of the company for having supported the proposition that marriage was between one man and one woman.

He then founded (and runs) Brave — which is why it works so well.


If not using Brave, maybe give it a try. Just did so myself. Gab Chat is easy access now.


fyi….if you don’t have auto update enabled on Brave.


We’ve been to the Yuengling Brewery pictured above. 👍🏻 Right in Pottsville, near Reading.


*sigh* I remember when there were such things as “Home Ec” classes, where you might actually learn something. Someone should bring them back, and one unit in the class should teach “lauter tun”, “wort”, and “sparge”.


You’re out beyond the perimeter fence again.


No, really, there’s all sorts of knowledge out there….

For instance, you’re out hiking in West Virginia, and you come upon a group running a still. They don’t look like they’ve applied for government permits and tax stamps, but they seem a friendly bunch. They just got the thing fired-up, pulled the first jug out of the condenser, and offer you some. How do you respond?


“They just got the thing fired-up, pulled the first jug out of the condenser, and offer you some. How do you respond?”


Umm… I got a wort stuck in my lauter tun and if I drink any of that moonshine I’ll sparge all over the place?


Blindingly quick, you are.



Does that mean you knew?


(Going blind is a characteristic of methanol poisoning.)


Doing “online” interaction sucks – you get none of the visuals “q’s” we are so reliant on ….


Hmmm…. That actually might work.

Running a moonshine still is fractional distillation — you’re trying to separate the ethyl alcohol (172.81 degrees) from other substances in the fermented mash, like water (212 degrees) or methyl alcohol (poisonous) (148.5 degrees). As such, the very first jug out of the condenser would likely have fractions with lower boiling points, and would likely be toxic.

Responding with “no first or lasts for me, thanks, I’d rather have a nip o’ sweet run” would indicate you were knowledgeable.

OTOH, “wort” is “pre-beer” — it’s sort of a “grain tea” where malted barley and other grains have been thoroughly boiled and flavoring elements added. It is cooled and fermented to make beer.

A “lauter tun” is a “tun” (large vessel, similar to “vat”) for lautering (separation of the wort from the grain, so you don’t chew your beer).

When you “sparge”, you run a substance through another substance to try to extract goodies. In beer, you typically run liquid (often wort) over your grains in your lauter tun to sparge; but in chemistry, you may bubble a gas through a liquid to sparge.

So, if you were to say “Umm… I got a wort stuck in my lauter tun and if I drink any of that moonshine I’ll sparge all over the place?”, they may let you go because they figure that if you went to the authorities, none of them would believe that you were sane.


comment image


This will do wonders on my floors?


One thing I remember about my home ec experience was that the instructor was fixated on doing fluffy omelets — separating the yolks from the whites, whipping the whites, folding the yolks in, and cooking.

I’ve had omelets on three continents cooked by line chefs. None of them went through that kind of manipulation. Separation of yolks and whites is mostly done for souffles or custards (including creme brulee).

I think she was beyond the perimeter fence.

Frankly, it would have been more useful to teach us how to just scramble eggs — such skills were rapidly falling by the wayside in that period.


We’re never too old to learn things.

I was grateful to learn a few years ago…that a little bit of Baking Powder added to scrambling eggs, will result in very creamy, non-rubbery scrambled eggs.

Baking Powder.
(Not Baking Soda.)

Who knew?

Linda Harrison

The International House of Pancakes (IHOP) puts just a little pancake batter in their scrambled eggs/omelets that makes them fluffy.

Deplorable Patriot

We have regular arguments in my family on the proper technique to scramble eggs. I use a fork, the Couch Commando uses a whisk and ridicules my method, my sister puts the egg in an olive jar with a little water and shakes it up. Dad insists on putting a little milk in his, something I guess he learned from his mother.

The fights over this….


I understand. We are at odds over if it’s better to add the salt and pepper before or after cooking.

Deplorable Patriot

During. That’s what I do, anyway.


We don’t have fights over it in our house – who does the cooking chooses and who is only eating says thank you. Don’t like it? Feel free to cook tomorrow morning! 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Interestingly enough, the one skill that REALLY has fallen to the wayside is the proper way to fry bacon. My youngest brother likes it Spanish style, all limp and practically raw. I go for crispiness.


… 😳👍 …

lauter tun”, “wort”, and “sparge”. …

inquiring minds want to know … ❓🙂❓ … please .. 😬🤚❤️


Discussed above at 01:47.


Close to my heart. My mother’s degree was from a school of Home Economics. She taught me my most valued, and practical skills.

She had 10 years in as a industrial nutritionist, developing recipes for the food industry, before starting a family.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We cannot spare this woman! She fights!”


Yes she does! Spunky go-getter


Finally! Someone who gets how to fight, and in Congress!

Elizabeth Carter

IMO we need to pay close attention to this video.

Wall Street Treason & Crime with US Government Complicity: Conversation with Bud Burrell

Barb Meier

Media: We will trade you one Cuomo mass murder story for extensive Wall Street+Government Treason & Crime story.

Deplorable Patriot

This is worth a watch. I have a comment here somewhere to Duchess about the whole meal thing that the guest talks about. It has collapsed nationwide.

Deplorable Patriot

My comment to Duchess is on yesterday’s daily, actually. Here’s what I said:

Message 1:

I don’t remember who posted this, but this interview is worth listening to. How, exactly, we are supposed to stand up and save the country hasn’t been made clear yet, but for background on where we are, this rings true based on other research and 30+ years of really watching what has been going on.

Message 2:

More than that.

One of the things that this guest of RDS talks about is the collapse of the breakfast tradition on Wall Street. I can personally attest to THE SAME SORT OF COLLAPSE of the lunch clubs here in STL. It was a thing with the big law firms and the wealth management companies and judges and so forth. They’re gone, for the most part, all but the Missouri Athletic Club which somewhat survives on renting out the ballroom space for proms and the like, and the St. Louis Club which is in the county seat. Members can use the rooms for meetings of all sorts – and I was on a first name basis with the manager at one point – but lunch there is a big deal. So is dinner.


I found his discussion of the physical mass of $trillion cash transactions fascinating (@ apx. 45 mins. in) Might explain pallets of cash and money planes.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. That and you have to know where it’s going.

I do agree that the American people are woefully underinformed on matters of money. I do not agree, though, that we’re all still dozing. I would say well over half are awake, at least. The thing is that this information is not getting to them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – for a second day I’m going to ask everybody who has an account on Gab Chat who has not contacted me yesterday, to do the following:

  • send me a PM on Gab chat (
  • let me know here that you did (reply to this post)
  • verify if you can see my response PM on Gab chat

If you don’t have a working Gab chat account, don’t worry, although I DO think it’s important for all the authors to be able to contact me there.

Brave browser, Dissenter, Chrome, Chromium, Vivaldi and Opera should all work. Firefox does NOT. Edge is iffy.



Message sent!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! See if my response is visible!


Got it


I’m on but have no idea how to find you or send the PM…help please

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – what is your gab USER NAME? You should be able to see in the sidebar menu on the left, an item called PRIVATE MESSAGES that you can click on to expand, and click the “+” to create one. You can then use my handle WOLFM00N (with two zeroes) to send me a PM. Or I will send you one, given your username!


ok, sounds easy enough (famous last words) lol
going in!
I’m mollypitcher on gab

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Reminds me of one of the funniest episodes from the LA riots. A bunch of US Marines were detailed to help out the LAPD while they were stretched. One policeman is assigned to serve an arrest warrant on an address with a known gangbanger. He’s about to walk up to the door, so he tells the Marines, “cover me.”

Problem is, “cover me” in LAPD-speak means “have weapons ready, pick off anyone who’s about to kill me.” On the other hand, “cover me” in Marine-speak means “lay down enough suppressive fire that nobody on the other side pokes their head up.”

So the Marines start running suppressive fire on the target, blowing holes in all sorts of things, and the policeman immediately turns around and is waving his arms and going “cease fire! halt! stop!”

And when it stops, the guy inside is screaming, “I surrender, I surrender, I surrender!!!!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me know if I can help or advise!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a class of mail at gmail called “updates” where a lot of answers go. There are also some other categories that are NOT in the normal inbox.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With protonmail, there can be foreign or domestic interference with password emails – that is a common trick by governments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You may get in later. Just keep trying every once in a while, and if the barrier (may be in the UK) falls, the message will come through.

If you get it running, a backup ain’t a bad thing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

refresh PM page


I’ve been looking over (a German email provider) if it turns out I need an alternative … yet again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! See if that one can log into – I have a PM waiting for that account!


I just sent you a PM.


Hoeyone is my GAB handle

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I still cannot get into Gab Chat.

And that PM feature on my Gab account has disappeared.
It was there until Torba did that ‘Gab offline’ thing…then when he brought it back, the PM feature was gone.

Maybe it exists now in the Gab Pro accounts?
I dunno.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, it’s not even in Pro! They just took it out.

Not sure when it will be back, either.

But there is always PTMW if needed.


Sent, but you are offline.


Done (I think!)


Sent you a PM

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Checking now!


All, please pardon my third plug for Brave.

Since we started the, have Gab as back-up, more specifically Gab Chat, I have had problems every time I tried to access Gab Chat.

Downloaded Brave last night. Seamless transition. Gab Chat and other stuff seems to work flawlessly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to know! I think that’s why I see so few problems on Gab Chat.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just sent a message (I think… I hope 🙂 )…

I think I need to get a smart phone (for this dumb user…that would be me 🙂 )…


comment imageMajor Patriot

Graph from Peter Navarro on where #CPAC and #MAGA overlap:
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That graph makes CPAC look like a bunch of RINO surrender monkeys. What else have have they caved on? I thought the C stood for Conservative not Commerce.

Deplorable Patriot

They always were RINO surrender monkeys.

It took President Trump and MAGA to expose that.


Sylvia (of the shining silver shovel) has a POST over at Marica’s. Some things are getting better.


Very nice peeps over there, but I feel like a ruffian when I visit — so I try to keep it short.




You ARE a ruffian.




Interesting tidbit from the anons – lab mice are comp’d when compared to natural field mice …

>>>13050662 The MRNA China Virus vaccine and the TERT gene – Attack on your immune system

Reply to above post:


“The whole telemere story is the entire story about Bret Weinstein and how he made a Nobel winning discovery about the tradeoffs between lifespan and youthfulness through celular reproduction. This was way before all the stupid gender/race evolutionary biology crap at evergreen college. This was like in the late 90s.

“His brother has really stuck up for him, but they’ve been totally shafted…his bro is a total libtard but a smart fucking dude and works with Peter Thiel.

Anyway, Bret discovered a fucking HUGE mistake in the use of lab mice rather than field mice as a model for studying disease and developing vaccines because the lab mice had developed telemere lengths that were selected for over many generations by trying to reproduce the most number of mice.

“They needed lots for experimentation. They were very youthful, but all started getting cancers, etc. in more frequent rates than field mice. In any case, it was all covered up because it would have pulled the rug out from under almost all of biomedicine and the pharmacological industry.”


Wow…that makes so much sense!

Lab mice are like ‘hot-house flowers’ that probably could not survive out in the real world.

And ^^this^^ is what labs are using to make their ‘scientific’ claims.
Not good.


Transgenic mice. At one time a breeding pair was reportedly valued at about $70,000, iir. They require highly controlled lab environments, especially for breeding and housing. Positive pressurized environments, lighting controls, specialty light control films…

(Helped prototype a TMF in the early 2000’s, and a BSL prototype after the anthrax attacks.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Andrew Torba

This isn’t a parody this is actually a new Twitter feature where they auto block “trolls”

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I just noticed that the date of the thread is wrong – should be the 26th, not the 25th …

Yuengling is likely to blame!


That was quick!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me get the URL. BTW, just refresh that PM and you should see my responses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

URL is fixed now, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problem! 😀


So, just to interject some wine discussion into the middle of a quick scramble about dates….

The Romans were quite sophisticated about a lot of things, some of which were quite subtle and didn’t make the headlines. They managed to seed varieties of wine grapes along the northern regions of the Mediterranean that were (1) quick to ferment; (2) foolproof; (3) tasty; and (4) reliable. In Spain, it was Tempranillo; in Italy, Sangiovese and Valpolicella; in Croatia, it was what became known as Zinfandel. There were more, but these tend to be more popular today.

As opposed to the Burgundy / Bordeaux wines of France, Roman wines need no cellaring and are famously easy to produce.

IMHO, I know of no Cabs (or cab blends) that are not substantially improved by being laid down for several years. I do consider a properly aged Cabernet to be a very fine wine and far superior to the Roman blends I may have quaffed while the Cab was getting its act together.


The University of California has waged war against French wines for decades….and the science is on the side of the Californians.

UC Davis has the premier winemaking / brewing faculty on the planet. Mind you, there have been a number of embarrassments — like when some grad students were hired by Gallo to make a wine for supermarkets…………that didn’t actually contain any grape juice. But they have the intellectual and physical tools to take wines apart and put them together better than anywhere else. The best California wines are generally better than the best French wines.

That said, French wines made in traditional ways are generally better than California wines before they’re re-engineered.


I think it’s optional, but traditional. I vaguely recall seeing some wineries say “low sulfites.”

Deplorable Patriot

Sulfites SUCK.

I can drink Italian wine all day. Some California wines, I get flushed.

Deplorable Patriot

As I understand it, wine grape vines take 20 years to produce decent wine, and then it’s not as rich and tasty as it is at 80 years. That’s about the time they pull the vines and replace them.

Wine grape vines are essentially like fruit trees in that regard, where they have to be rotated out as yield drops as they age.


This is a kin to twitter taking off the training wheels.
Of course they’ve been doing this along.

And how can this be a personal feature when they say “in addition we show their replies to fewer people”? That means it doesn’t matter if you turn on your safety feature or not we’re still blocking the trolls for you and you just can’t see your training wheels.


From Lin Wood –

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Lin Wood, [25.02.21 19:42]

“Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?

Q. Did you take the Covid vaccine?
A: Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still get Covid?
A. Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still spread Covid to others?
A. Yes.

Q. So you know that you still have to wear a mask (or two!) and social distance?
A. Yes.

Q. Then why did you take the vaccine?
A. [Silence]

Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?
A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???

Moral of the Story: When you are given the right to choose, educate yourself so that you can choose wisely.

ALL choices have consequences.”


It seems to me that Gab is the only “social media” (apart from some blogs / vlogs allowing comments) which ISN’T enemy territory.

It also seems that when entering said territory, that one should use a disposable email, a disposable phone, and a different ISP (? coffee shop Wifi) than ones own …


Speaking of regrets, did you finish The Turtle’s lament?


*Thinking of you and Pepto-Bismol.*


You’re a brave soul, Gran.

I wouldn’t blame you one bit, if you stopped reading that asshole’s drivel.

We can pretty much figure that it’s crap since the source is full of it.

So don’t torture yourself…unless you really really want to.


“Will you walk a little faster?” said a whiting to a snail,
“There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s treading on my tail.
See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance!
They are waiting on the shingle—will you come and join the dance?
    Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
    Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?

“You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!”
But the snail replied “Too far, too far!” and gave a look askance—
Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.
    Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance.
    Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.

“What matters it how far we go?” his scaly friend replied,
“There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.
The further off from England the nearer is to France—
Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
    Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
    Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?”


The danger of the internet giants is based on their ability to aggregate parts of your life that you don’t want aggregated and sell it to the wider world. They want to take a restaurant reservation that ties to your cellphone to link to a profile that leads to your email that links to your resume in an HR database somewhere you once wanted to work.

You should limit connections with EVERY social media that you actually intend to use…..and take pains to flood every alternative link from that chain with garbage.


Lately, a bunch of such links claim to encrypt your stuff.

Encrypt it yourself, so you can be sure it was done competently.


It’s really very easy. Generate a 2-part key — Aa.

Have them generate a 2-part key Bb.

Tell them in a verifiable communication that your public key is A. [Telephone: “hey, did you get A?”]

Have them send you their public key, encrypted by your public key A[B]. The only person on the planet who can read this is you, because only you can use ‘a’ to unlock it. a[A[B]] -> B.

From then on, anything you want to send for only them to read is B[x] (encrypted with their public key). If you want to send them something for only them to read that they can be sure comes from you, you send them a[B[x]] — encrypted with their public key and your private key. They “unwrap” it with your public key — A[a[B[x]]] -> B[x].

Google, Twitter, and Facebook depend on you not knowing this. It might be a good idea to learn it.


I saved it as well – very good explication, TY!


A major caveat is that all the tools are easy to find in Linux. They exist in all platforms, but they’re harder to find.


The old Lenovo (IBM) ThinkPads are often refurbished and sold at a low price. I’ve not had any trouble loading a version of Linux on them. Then I put a VPN on it so my IP address is behind the curtain, so to speak. I think one of the best things about using Linux is if anything doesn’t work, someone has already posted a solution online somewhere.


>>”social media that you actually intend to use”<<

For me, that would be NONE!

No Fakebook, no Twister, no Instaglam, no TikToxic, and no MindSplice nor any other prior incarnations of social media – EVER.

Just commenting on a few sites is good enough for me – and I usually keep it to one site at a time.

And most of the value that I’ve gotten from other sites’ articles has come from reading the *comments* …

I also save and archive EVERY post I make (including this one), as I think most everyone should, *especially* on social media.

Although your advice is very good, I think the ship has sailed – for a huge percentage of the population – in re taking preventative steps to guard ones info.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
Deplorable Patriot

It’s kind of hard to limit some of the social media platforms when that is the method of contact your family and other circles use to communicate.


 Let’s bless them that curse us.


Bless their hearts.


And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.


Is that half of “bless their hearts, curse their tushies?”


I’m not very good at that “Love your enemy” stuff.

Been working on it.
But so far…it’s just not happening.



And thanks for the great Friday Thread, Gran.
Nice work!


I was just reading that burning coals scripture in the past 24 hours. Not an easy path to follow… in the footsteps of Jesus, our King.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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