DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20220408

Yes, folks, it’s Friday. Time to pour a cocktail and let your hair down if it already isn’t.

Let’s see…poolside libations. Sugar and spice and everything nice…we’ll save Sex on the Beach until after Lent is over.

Maybe some tea…Long Island Iced Tea?

  • ½ fluid ounce vodka
  • ½ fluid ounce rum
  • ½ fluid ounce gin
  • ½ fluid ounce tequila
  • ½ fluid ounce triple sec (orange-flavored liqueur)
  • 1 fluid ounce sweet and sour mix
  • 1 fluid ounce cola, or to taste
  • 1 lemon slice 


  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour vodka, rum, gin, tequila, triple sec, and sour mix over ice; cover and shake. Pour cocktail into a Collins or hurricane glass; top with splash of cola for color. Garnish with a lemon slice.

True confession: I had one of these for my first legal drink…and haven’t had one since.

Alright, shall we kick things off with Sundance noticing something that the rest of us have seen for a while?

There Is Something Very Troublesome About the Western Govt, Post-COVID, Rules-Based Order

The word ‘autocracy‘, with all its variants, has been used a lot frequently by western government politicians as they attack the ideology of Russia, China and essentially every national leader who does not join their “rules-based order” club.  There is so much linguistic repetition from the same western leadership, it’s impossible not to see this autocracy narrative as some form of talking point that stemmed from some G7 or NATO collaboration meeting.

It does not seem coincidental the new catch phrases of “autocracy” vs “rules-based order” surfaced at the tail end of the COVID crisis, when Build Back Better shifted from a talking point into an actual set of western legislative constructs  perhaps intended to codify the emergency powers those same officials deployed.

What kind of democracy, or rules-based order mindset, was the European Commission carrying when they decried the overwhelming national election in Hungary?  Surely if the EU wanted to celebrate democracy, they would cheer for the high voter turnout that reelected Prime Minister Viktor Orban, yet they did exactly the opposite.  Apparently, some democracies are more valued than others.

At the same time the EU is clutching pearls over the results in Hungary, another western ally, Canada, is codifying the government’s emergency act power to seize property without due process.  As we are directed to be distracted by everything Zelenskyy, it might be worth noting that Ontario Bill 100 is about to permanently change the rules of permitted political protest. You can read about Bill 100 here and watch the economic debate here.

Essentially, Bill 100 gives the Canadian government the power to seize your home, finances, bank accounts and assets if you take part in any form of protest that would create economic harm to any loosely defined entity.  Protest at the border, lose your house; at least that’s the threat they are about to make into a law.

It seems rather incredulous to me that securing a corporate financial interest would override the concerning possibility of forever losing liberty and freedom for the individual citizen. However, in this new post-COVID ‘rules-based order’, that’s the official justification from the Canadian government.  Slippery slope and all that accepted, this Ontario Bill 100 is a few slides beyond the slippery.

Similar actions are taking place in New Zealand and Australia, where codifying the emergency powers of public health officials post-COVID rules, is at the forefront of their legislative and constitutional reform efforts.

Creating new era ‘rules-based democracy’ stuff is filling up the business end of western government attention in Europe, North American and the land down under.

Can you say “New World Order,” Sundance?

Yesterday P-Rex gave us this:

OnlineWolverine April 7, 2022 12:57

Remember what i posted yesterday about select members of the Cabal all of a sudden testing positive for Covid, even though they have all made it through 2 years without it, in the HEIGHT of the “outbreak”. NOW, cases are at the lowest since the beginning?

I am telling you this is too much of a “coincidence, and as Q said, there are NO coincidences.

Schiff then Pelosi? within 24 hours. SOMETHING is up TOO many of the HIGHER profile Cabal are just suddenly “testing positive” and then out of the spotlight for a bit. With all that is going on with election fraud and Durham this cannot be a mere happenstance.

Word on the Telegram channels is “testing positive” is code for being taken in for questioning. On what? We don’t know what we don’t know.

In the meantime, the normies are starting to wake up on some of the truths we’ve known about the beer bug and the clot shots for quite a while, and good information is finding its way into the big name blog sites like The Blaze.

It’s no longer January 2021, when we all thought we lived in a world of normal vaccines. It’s no longer OK for elected officials to mindlessly repeat the bromide “safe and effective” without any reflection about the mass injury we’ve witnessed, along with the waning and the negative efficacy, in itself, engendering calls for endless boosters. We have so much information that raises serious questions, not the least of which is from Pfizer’s own documents, now ordered released by a federal judge, thanks to Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, and FOIA requests from groups like the Informed Consent Action Network.

Here are just three of the most recent revelations from these documents that expose the government/pharma narrative to be a lie at its core:

1) Pfizer needed massive staff to process adverse event reports…

2) Rate of myocarditis…

So, all of these stories suggesting that young males were more at risk for myocarditis from the virus than from the shots were bogus, and Pfizer knew it. And again, if this is the degree the company is willing to concede, imagine what the true incidence rate is.

Also, what is the degree of subclinical myocarditis? If we know about this many cases shortly after the injection, who’s to say there isn’t another cohort of people with heart damage that has remained subclinical so far but could come to fruition several months later? Remember, with many fewer vaccines administered in 2022, the rate of myocarditis reports to VAERS is averaging 245% higher than last year.

3) Pfizer knew about natural immunity…

Pfizer claims efficacy against severe illness among those who took the shot vs. the placebo group among those without prior infection. Researchers report one case in the trial group and 21 in the placebo group. Then they mix together results of those with and without prior infection, and yet the numbers remain the same at 1 and 21 respectively! That means that among those with prior infection, there were zero cases of serious reinfection in both the trial and placebo groups.

Waking up is happening whether the Davos crowd wants it to or not.

Amazing what news of grooming at the Mouse’s House will manifest.

A few inconvenient truth bombs.

Don’t forget:

And then there was this from the Babylon Bee:

Are You A Woman? 12 Signs To Look For

Are you always cold?

Has a human ever popped out of you?

Have you ever decorated a bed with six or more pillows?

Can you tell the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white?

Have you run into a curb in the past 24 hours? Be honest, CAROL.

DO YOU BLEED? Like, for an extended period of time at regular intervals?

Does it take you over three hours to decide what you want to eat?

Are you currently a member of at least three pyramid schemes?

Do you find simple movie plots hard to follow?

Do you frequently describe your emotional state as “fine” when you are not in fact fine?

Is your Starbucks drink order anything other than black coffee?

Do you have two X chromosomes?

Tally up your number of “Yes” answers and consult this chart:

0-2: There’s a small chance you’re a dude, bro.

3-5: We’re getting some real feminine vibes here.

6-8: Starting to look kinda likely that you’re probably a woman.

9-11: Definitely a woman.

12: You are the final boss of women. Congrats!

Not revealing my score, but I could tell the Couch Commando the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white. My brother being a true guy, just laughed. I also haven’t hit a curb this week, and am not participating in any pyramid schemes to my knowledge.

Rocky III. Eye of the Tiger. Survivor. Take your pick. We went to see that in the theater, and half the swim team was there. That was not organized, but it was fun.

Caught steeling and thrown out. It’s going to be glorious when this happens to the [CB].

And one night at Le Select on St. Barth, this came to be.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


JEREMIAH 20:10-13

10For I hear many whispering. Terror is on every side! “Denounce him! Let us denounce him!” say all my familiar friends, watching for my fall. “Perhaps he will be deceived, then we can overcome him, and take our revenge on him.” 11But the LORD is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble, they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten. 12O LORD of hosts, who triest the righteous, who seest the heart and the mind, let me see thy vengeance upon them, for to thee have I committed my cause. 13Sing to the LORD; praise the LORD! For he has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers.

Russel Brand is just so on it with this one, it’s not even funny.

Have a great weekend.

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Memes and music and cocktails, some clue-bats and Jeremiah!

Gail Combs



Every Thursday I tell Woodford “tomorrow is Friday.” He gets all excited because Friday he goes with his daddy to Hortons to get an egg Muffin. He loves when I tell him late in the evening what tomorrow brings 🙂


JP should do a Russel Brand interview (and vice-versa).


Brand is so dramatic I have a hard time to get through his spiel.


Have only made it trough a couple Brand video’s. His message appears to be spot on. Delivery, for me, can’t do it.

You called it, drama. Just deliver the message already.


Drama 🙂




Russell Brand was spot on about principles. The Left has been devoid of them for decades. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are documents of principle, and that is why the Left can’t abide them.

Principles get in the way of agendas, and rightly so; that is their function. They grant the same rights to all even when it requires sacrifice to do so.


That is what the left wants to do is grant all the two million plus the same rights and yes it will require from us, not the 1%, sacrifice. 🙄


Emerald Robinson: Why Was Ghislaine Maxwell Doing Fundraisers For Disney in 1985?

Photos of convicted pedophile Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called “Happy Family Disney Day” in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today. It’s the ultimate PR nightmare.

It’s going to be very hard for Disney to claim that it’s not a pro-pedophile organization when it literally took donations from the world’s most infamous (still) living pedophile and “groomer to the stars.”

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…But, wait, there’s more. In 2019, Project Veritas broke a major story: a TV reporter named Amy Robach was caught on tape talking about how her network ABC News had killed her story on Jeffrey Epstein. 

Who owned ABC News? Disney.

And, finally, what if I told you that Disney owned and operated a cruise line for families in the Caribbean? And what if I told you that those cruise ships offered a snorkeling trip for adults and kids to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island for years?

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s all pretty weird.


It’s a pedo network. It looks “weird” because it IS weird. To us. But it’s essentially the same thing that’s been going on in Thailand forever, instead based in the US, and “prettied up” to keep the normies in the dark.

I’d bet anything I have that there were two “tracks” on those cruise visits to Pedo Island; one for the normies, and one for the pedophile freaks. Just like visitors to Thailand.

We have been skating along on the surface of evil for millennia, really. Child predation for sexual purposes has always been a thing, but most of humanity doesn’t see it, because is is too painful for most of us to contemplate.

This world is awful, and filled with horror underneath. I’m actually glad I was unaware of a lot of it while I was raising my kids. They grew up in a mostly safe place, with me vigilant enough, but not utterly terrified, as I am now for my grandkids.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sometimes I wonder if it’s just a coincidence that there’s a province in Thailand named Phuket……. and apparently it’s a destination for just that…

The left, and thair father, Satan, have been stealing and corrupting innocence since the Garden of Eden, indeed, before that (the fall)….

But they will face GOD one day, perhaps even while they’re still on Earth. And Matthew 18:6ff shows what will happen then:

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


Could be something to that name thing as this seems to indicate a recent name change. From Wikipedia


There are several possible derivations of the relatively recent name “Phuket” (of which the digraph ph represents an aspirated //). One theory is it is derived from the word Bukit (Jawi: بوكيت) in Malay which means “hill”, as this is what the island appears like from a distance.

Phuket was formerly known as Thalang (ถลาง Tha-Laang), derived from the old Malay “telong” (Jawi: تلوڠ) which means “cape”. The northern district of the province, which was the location of the old capital, still uses this name. In Western sources and navigation charts, it was known as Junk Ceylon or Junkceylon (a corruption of the Malay Tanjung Salang, i.e., “Cape Salang”).

Phuket also appears to be foreign travel destination with festivals that foreigners are encouraged to attend. Much of it though does appear to be innocent and given past scandalous notoriety has likely been cleaned up from past notorious days.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it really is an aspirated P, it sounds like the P in pot (as opposed to the P in spot).

Not like an F.


Matters not. I can tell you an Italian joke using the word Fork where the waitress serving the man saying Fork, hears F*ck.


True story.

Daughter Freshman in high school, Waldorf, MD. Assignment was to write some sort of essay of memorable event.

Daughter wrote about our three day family vacation to, Phuket Island, Thailand.

Teacher had NEVER heard of Phuket. Thought my daughter was being CRUDE. Teacher sent me a note, written in red on the actual essay, informing me…

Rather humorous, to me. Teacher learned something. Apologized to daughter, of course.

BTW. Phuket was a great three day break from Singapore, where we lived at the time. Great beaches, huge pool at the hotel, Grand Prix Go Karts… Perfect for three teenage kids.



Phuket Thailand is a beach resort on the coast and was probably one of the top stops for U.S Navy port visits when I was in. Lots of the typical sailor activities. Drinking and hookers. And Jet skis to help transport Thai Sticks out to the ship under the cover of darkness.


Honeypot for military personnel with access to saleable info


Been watching too many movies. 95% of ships personnel just had routine jobs with no secrets to give. Unless what the contents of the ships store was and what was on the menu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But ya gotta dig through the 95% to find the 5%!


Actually pretty hard. You got to find the dweebs that worked intel and no one hangs out with them. And on the ship each department pretty much hung together. They could have put me under water torture and I would not even know who to spill the beans on.

Cuppa Covfefe

The warning’s been around for quite awhile (even if the city name hasn’t).

Poor fellow’s wearing a red shirt, too… he should know better:

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s definitely a Star Trek allusion!

Cuppa Covfefe

I think there was an episode where Kirk had a “green” love interest, as it were. Much better-looking than Grating the Greenhearted, too…

(Now I’ve got “Greeneyed Lady” going through my mind…)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorta kinda.

The original pilot The Cage had a different captain, Christopher Pike; his love interest was under the control of aliens who could project illusions into your mind. They at one point made her look like a green skinned woman, an Orion slave dancer. (This original pilot got parted out and served as the “old story” shown in the one two part episode, The Menagerie).

In a third season episode there was indeed another green skinned woman (I believe from the same world) but she was clinically insane. Kirk was, of course, not going to complain if she showed interest in him, but he certainly didn’t actually have the hots for hr.


Yeah, I vaguely recall that the green-skinned lasses had a reputation similar to hot young Russian mail-order brides.

In the third season episode, the Enterprise was supposed to visit a planet designated as an asylum for the criminally insane, only to discover that the inmates had taken over and wanted a starship.


Speaking of Russian mail-order brides……….

…….and Linux.

One of the common options for a filesystem in Linux is ReiserFS. People really got excited about its abilities until its lead developer became unavailable…..which was related to his personal madness and Russian mail-order bride.


Note that Russian mail-order brides are known for being beautiful, initially affectionate, having your children, and ensuring that the rest of your life will never be short of danger or drama.

For instance, .

Oh, and they may be from Ukraine.


Rumor had it that they had problems shooting that episode. They’d shoot the girl, and she’d come back in some generic Caucasian tint. So, they’d slather on MOAR green makeup….

On day 2, the film processing lab sent someone up to the production, saying, “how the heck are you lighting that set? The film keeps coming back with the Dame tinted green!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I recall a similar version except it ended with the producer finally calling the film lab and asking THEM what was going on, “we keep sending you green, and we get back white”

“OH!!! we kept correcting it!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Green chicks are so hot!


They just can’t say, “STOP!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Phuket apparently starts with an aspirated P, not an F. I imagine if you were to pronounce “Puket” (no h), you’d probably pronounce an aspirated P. (It’s not a distinction English speakers “hear” though we are very consistent about aspirating some Ps but not others…for example the P in pot is aspirated, the P in spot is not). Many languages in east and south east asia hear that aspirated/unaspirated P distinction, though, and wonder how we can possibly be so deaf not to hear the difference between such obviously different sounds.

Regardless, “Phuket” doesn’t sound anything like :”F*ck it”


There are all sorts of eastern/southeastern asian languages that have distinctions I can’t hear. Heck, if someone tells me it’s a tonal language I know it’s going to be tough sledding.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tonal you can at least be trained to hear. Mandarin has “only” 4 tones. Cantonese, apparently, has 6 (if I recall correctly).

Some languages in India not only distinguish between aspirated and unaspirated T, they also have retroflex and “normal” T, for a total of four “tuh” sounds that sound ALMOST alike to us, but not to them!


It would depend on who is pronouncing it. A westerner or a native speaker. Safer argument is the Malay definition of the word for Bukit, being “hill”. This still doesn’t get you away from some mariners or such suggesting they call it Bukit, because then Westerners can pronounce it as Phuket or F*ck it.

The name change is alleged to be recent. How recent it does not say, but the old name still exists on navigable charts. Apparently France had an involvement with Thailand prior to WW2. Anyway sounds like someone tricking the natives to change the name from Thalang (cape) to Phuket (hill). Likely when the French came back after the war.


May it be so. And soonest is best.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right about the two-track thing!!!


I think that may be true for MANY things. Things we never see.


Satan’s last stand. The most hideously evil thoughts, pursuits, ways of living, agendas . . . are all bursting forth like endless lava, simultaneously, everywhere. For the people like us (me) the despair is becoming unmanageable. I have little to no patience with people who won’t see, who remain indifferent.

I can’t turn it off, neither can I figure it out. We (I) – those of us who are engaged and following everything second by second – are weary of trying to find the right path amid the outrage and disappointment. Who to trust, if anyone. Cryptic messaging that rarely pans out and mostly leads nowhere. We’re all just going around in circles, reporting on each new outrage and rolling our eyes.

Just rambling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rambling, but I hear you.


I feel you all the way. I soothe my despair with my garden, and with the knowledge that I am doing what I can to prepare my little family for the worst. It’s all I can do.


Same here. Provisions, meds and target practice.




“coincidences” right? NOPE.


Having been on a Disney Cruise with the wife and our 10 year old daughter back in the 90’s, I am sliding to the edge of my seat.

A few years back before COVID we were planning a family trip with the grandchildren to DW. With what we have since learned, there is no way in Hades that will ever happen. Our grandchildren even express no interest in Disney at all now.


Im not the cruise type but this is so bad. I remember hearing about it but wondering how they chose HIS island. Makes sense. So so disturbing.
Kiddo watches old disney films, no disney channel anything. We prob will never go to Disneyland.


Be careful with the films… lots of folks are screening them now and finding lots of trash… subtle very subtle imagery

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought I might have been over-reacting to Disney weirdness in the 90s – now I realize I was getting an early warning.




You kidding right?
the pornographic imagery in Disney cartoons has been the subject of internet exposure since…..well, the internet


Well, my daughter never watched Disney… nor did the grands (except for Lion King) … and I didn;t either… but I did hear about Walt… on the internet… 😉 I should have been clear… and said “lots of PARENTS” – because the others don’t count, right? 😉


Hi Ozzy!


Im watching with him.


That’s always best… I knew you would… you’re a great Mom


Trying to get him interested in old movies. He will watch some but not like me. Maybe eventually. 🙂


How old? My late father related to me that he could not watch “old” movies… referring to those back in the 40s, 50s. etc. His reason? “I didn’t like them then and I know I won’t like them now” (most were musicals, and I never cared for those myself … I always thought of this as a very bad rip-off of Opera, which I love! Back to Kiddo… perhaps you have moved too far back?


50s n 60s. Tried to have him watch old Tom Thumb. He enjoys some musical types from that era. Doesnt like Wizard of oz or Alice in Wonderland, thinks theyre creepy. He has some good instincts. He loves abbott and costello though! And 3 stooges.


Oh… he likes slapstick… have you tried Charlie or Keaton?


No…boy i barely remember those as a kid. Ill look around and find a few of those.


left out Chaplain sur name 😉


Disney world! Meh
kids have moved on from the mice/ ducks etc.
now they sell Disney crap in supermarkets to older nostalgic customers


Lin Wood
Forwarded from 

BREAKING: Georgia Judge Grants David Perdue, Petitioners’s Request To Preserve 2020 Ballots

The 22-month limit for preserving the ballots was approaching.

Gail Combs

That is REALLY GOOD NEWS! Now on to the other swing states that were stolen.


It’s an open secret that he’s a changeling.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

A changeling? Really? A fairy replacement for a human?

Do normal people actually believe in that?

I believe in all kinds of weird stuff, but I never think of others believing in it, too.


I no longer rule out anything 😉


Lol, me neither!


Jack Maxey was interviewed by Eric Bolling on Newsmax about Hunter’s laptop. He says he is prepared to “hand a copy to every NATO ally if that’s what it takes,” and he is willing to go to multiple police agencies to have the images looked at. He has found about 100 references to the “Big Guy” and multiple texts between JB and Hunter about allegations of Hunter abusing a family member, in which the only concern was for Hunter.


Maxey is getting a lot more publicity now in conservative circles. Here he is interviewed by Emerald Robinson (22.5 minutes long).

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

50K emails. OK, hang them on the Internet.

Let Bannon’s War Room Posse sort them out.

SAME as War Room Posse IS sorting out the Pfizer documents.

  • Posted online. Posse reviews and analyzes. Professional medical types involved. Lawyers… This stuff feeds much of what Dr Naomi Wolf discusses.

CAN’T be this time consuming to sort out the hard drive from hell.

Obviously I am missing a lot. As usual.


I have read that part of the reason that Maxey is in Europe is that he is working with an organization to recover all the deleted files on the hard drive. My understanding is that it is taking a long time to recover and distribute the info. I do not know what is required to maintain a chain of custody to combat further claims by the opposition of disinformation and fake evidence. Beyond that it does seem the process is taking the slow boat to China to release the information. One question I have is why Maxey has been allowed to retain and distribute the private property of someone else. I would have expected a restraining order to cease and desist a long time ago. I can’t find an answer to that fly in the ointment. I can imagine that there are many media outlets and numerous government agencies, foreign and domestic, who would want a copy.



My understanding is, Jack is in Europe, so can retain custody of the hard drive AND outside the reach of the “law” so to speak.

Chain of custody ought to be easy. Maintain the original, OR whatever he claims is the original – mirror copy.

Perhaps in time we’ll have FULL transparency. Law Enforcement SHAMED into Action.


He is in Switzerland because when he uploaded docs here, through various “servers” (for lack of the correct term), they were taken down almost immediately. A Swiss company was the only one that would allow the process he needs to go through to get this done. It really helps to watch at least the first few minutes of videos where he explains things.

Gail Combs

The lap top was ABANDONED BY HUNTER. He did not pick it up & PAID FOR REPAIRS despite calls from the shop.

In this case it would depend on the contract with the repair shop or the posted notice. Around here it is 90 days.


As I understand it Biden forfitted the computer by ignoring the calls of the owner of the repair shop and never paying for the repair. He left the computer there past the specific time to pick it up.


does hunter have a level of deep disgust for his family and himself?
not the first laptop he’s abandoned


“Hunter Laptop Computer Repairman Says No Way 450 Gigs of Additional Data Was Included on Hunter’s Laptop…UPDATE”




Someone is trying to claim a “gotcha” here, and force evaluation before all data is in.

I can envision many scenarios where this sort of thing might occur. Just as a couple of examples — if email messages are stored in an mbox file, each email doesn’t have a minimum file size. If you extract the emails so you can review them for criminality or porn, each email DOES have a minimum file size. If there are several thousand emails that say things like: “I agree.” and the minimum file size is 4K, that’s a heckuva lot of expansion.

Similarly, backup systems frequently compress their backups. If someone tried to delete a backup file [perhaps because they were running low on disk space], that deleted file may be full of files whose size is many times the size of the compressed backup.

It’s ok to be skeptical, and the 450G claimant should be asked about the discrepancy….but there’s no “gotcha” here [yet].

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you and thought the same. BUT…..

Maxey could answer the discrepancy in one sentence. He did not. He needs to.

The answer would stick, and anybody with a clone could duplicate and validate. That’s science.

I think Yaakov got this right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice Maxey’s response in an update to the article:

Update: Jack Maxey shared with us that Isaac has been through a lot but the evidence speaks for itself. He wishes Isaac only well.

THAT is a classic dissembler, pathological liar, and operative response when cornered.

All this takes is a one-sentence technical explanation to have the two men agreeing. The fact that Maxey punts to this response ends it for me. I think Apelbaum got this right.

This response reminds me of people defending deep state bullshit when I worked in Shallow State. It reminds me of ChiCom spies. Simple, easy technical explanations avoided with obsequiously courteous dithering responses.


I think what is happening is they are having to look at each and every email for national security information, and/or pedophilia and exposure of a minor. That is what is taking up the time, IMO. Of course, I could be wrong. 🙂


Perfectly good with screening out pedo and exposing minors.

  • That crap has to shunted to reliable Law Enforcement, IF any exists.

The “National Security” crap is a red herring any more. Done with it.

For YEARS we have been stonewalled by assholes in government citing, BS reasons for NOT releasing information.

  • “National Security”, classified, sources and methods, active investigation…ALL BS reasons to STOP Truth AND Accountability.

Well, I don’t disagree that I don’t care about “national security,” but if Maxey released classified documents it would land him in exile or prison.


Understand. Agree to a point.

Rhetorically. But, how hard can it be to go through 50,000 email.

Do a quick cull with three piles. 1. Immediate release, posted on Internet. 2. Pedo child stuff, for handing over to numerous LE agencies… Hopefully implications in Russia, Ukraine Chinee… 3. National Security BS.

The latter, far to conveniently used to stonewall investigations, prosecutions… There ARE ways around this issue.


But, how hard can it be to go through 50,000 email.

There are thousands more than that. They are finding a lot of deleted material as well.

I don’t think Maxey is stonewalling at all. He took things to the proper channels, including Congress and the NSA (I think), and was ignored. So he is basically on his own.


Not just emails. Videos of the barf inducing type.


Naomi Wolf has had a team of volunteers, including the professional types you mention, poring through the Pfizer docs since they were released.

The laptop is different because of the sensitive nature of the content. Maxey had the same laptop that Giuliani had, and then someone mentioned that there were probably deleted materials on it, and Maxey is having people search for that. And they are finding a lot of pics of young girls and who knows what. Of the pics that aren’t blatantly pornographic but are obviously exploitation, he has said he doesn’t want to cause the victims any more exposure and pain, so he is walking a fine line.


Finally made it through the Jack portion of the interview. My hopes are buoyed. Perhaps within a week or two we’ll have a trove of documents available, to the public AND searchable.


Jack ought to send everything, short of pedo crap out DAILY.

Post the stuff, all of it on the Internet without a pay wall.

Deliver a copy of the hard drive to every NATO entity, NOT TALK about it. DO IT.

Much of what Jack talks about was known years ago. WHERE IS THE NEW STUFF?


Have you watched any part of the videos?


Opened. Getting there…


Maxey is being VERY smart about this. There is so much publicity about this that if anything happens to him it will explode. Putting it all out there is a great idea.

And I hope he has a dead man’s switch in place, too. He should publicize that as well.


More than once I have hoped he has a dead man’s switch.

IF Maxey is for real on this one, he does, have a dead man’s switch.


he needs them in spades

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maxey has hundreds of “virtual dead man’s switches” by now. There are cloned drives everywhere. Any of the clones could be reanalyzed to recover the deleted data, and Maxey’s death would trigger dozens of such analyses. He is simply threatening to be first.

Maxey is obviously an intelligence op – the only question is whose side.


NATO countries already know… gov’ts of most are puppets for the Cabal.

Doesn’t matter as NATO is run by the US Gov’t, which is run by the Cabal.

See how that works? (That’s a rhetorical question… 😉 and not directed toward you personally… simply where I happened to comment!)


Yes, I understand. I take him to mean he will do whatever it takes to get the info out.


I fear for his life… Switzerland is HeAVILY controlled by Cabal…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sailorjack2019 reposted

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1 quote


  :wpds_evil:  Trojan Horse IS Cinderella’s Castle…   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Baryon Schittler gets nuked!


Student nailed CNN, Stelter…

Potato Head never answered the question.   :wpds_shock: 

A crowning touch would have been, including main stream outlets “parrot” the same story line, daily.


Drifting further away from sanity….

Gentle Giant went through a wide variety of personnel, but its core remained the family Shulman — here seen on lead vocals and bass. One hallmark of the band was the requirement that everyone play multiple instruments.

The band broke up because they couldn’t deal with record company executives… the lead vocalist became one.


Here’s a few years later —

At 0:52 is the original lead vocalist, after several years as a record company executive.

At 2:08, I believe that is all the surviving members.

In between, they got a lot of their kids and friends in there….

There seem to be no restrictions on which part is on which instrument…..which is part of the original Gentle Giant presentation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How badass is YOUR coffee mug?

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Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Where’s the link to buy one?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was gonna make people dig for it, but why not! 😉

Gab Emblem Mug | Ceramic
Height: 3.85″ (9.8 cm)
Diameter: 3.35″ (8.5 cm)
Black colored rim, inside, and handle
Dishwasher and microwave safe – Discover cool merchandise from

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama judges resurrect Obama/Biden vaccine mandate for federal workers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kremlin hopes operation in Ukraine ends ‘in coming days’

Either the Russian forces will reach their goals in Ukraine or Moscow and Kiev will reach an agreement in the near future, the Kremlin says


I don’t know, this was published on the same day and seems zelensky is messing them about and or stalling for time.
“New Kiev-drafted agreement marks departure from provisions recorded in Istanbul — Lavrov”

“MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Kiev presented its draft agreement on April 6, which marks a departure from the provisions that were recorded at a meeting held in Istanbul on March 29, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.
“Ukraine presented its draft agreement to the negotiating group yesterday, which marks a clear departure from the most important provisions that were recorded at the Istanbul meeting on March 29 in a document signed by the Ukrainian delegation’s head Arakhamia,” he pointed out.
According to Lavrov, Kiev said in the Istanbul document that future security guarantees for Ukraine would not apply to Crimea and Sevastopol. “However, there are no such statements in the draft agreement presented yesterday, it only mentions some ‘effective control’ as at February 23,” he noted. “In addition, there is an idea that the issues of Crimea and Donbass should be included in the agenda of a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents,” Lavrov said. “Surely, Ukraine will next request a withdrawal of [Russian] troops and will keep piling up preconditions. The plan is clear and it is unacceptable,” the Russian foreign minister emphasized.
Lavrov also said that Russian troops had de-escalated the situation in the Kiev and Chernigov area after the Istanbul meeting as a gesture of goodwill in order to facilitate efforts to make an agreement. “In response, a provocation was staged in Bucha, which the West immediately used in order to introduce another package of sanctions, and Ukrainian neo-Nazis carried out atrocities against Russian prisoners of war,” the top diplomat stressed.

According to him, the document that Arakhamia signed in Istanbul says that Ukraine will be able to host military drills involving foreign parties only with the consent of all guarantor countries, including Russia. “However, the draft document presented yesterday does not contain this clear provision and speaks about the possibility of holding drills with the consent of the majority of guarantor countries, without mentioning Russia,” Lavrov explained.”


JMO – Vlad and gang should just keep on keeping on. They are already half pregnant and adopted the baby before it was even born. Deliver the baby and raise it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whatever they do, I hope they kick the cabal’s ass.


Unfortunately using a proxy means they don’t feel it. That’s why it would be wisest if for something to kick off here, Lord forbid, you don’t bother with the cops or military or even their rabble in the street, but go around them instead. Now while that’s likely an impossibility given their security, they always have some low lying fruit hanging around that they’d miss.


Russia wants the sea access corridor , motorgrup and a few other strategic assets.
NOT the Ukrainian people

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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All kinds of ANIMALS!!!!

Burt wants to live inside too

[video src="" /]


Gail Combs

Actually as the sheep (lamb) comes in the house I have to tell the cats THEY are not allowed in.


Aw he says “pweeez????”


There should be film of that fat future roast stuck in the cat door

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These three articles are telling me a lot about how WEF and its pet governments are responding to Ukraine.


#1 – Top of Globalists Anglosphere pushing to retain control via division

UK outlines hardline new approach to Russia

London says antipathy towards Moscow will underpin the ‘‘new approach to security in Europe”


#2 – Fractured response includes WEFfians pulling in different directions

NATO divided over Russia – media

Bloc members argue over policy towards Moscow amid the conflict in Ukraine, NYT reports


#3 – WEF’s main fair-haired boy trying to build an exit for KlauSS to cut a deal with BRICS that leaves WEF in control of as much as possible.

Macron defends dialogue with Russia

Continuing talks with Moscow can help build a “new architecture of peace,” the French president said


It really has been an interesting hill to choose to die on, Wolf. Ukraine? That’s pathetic. It tells me Ukraine really is a nexus with WEF/CB along with Kazakhstan, New Zealand and a handful of others. The 2014 coup, the money laundering, the bioweapons labs, etc. etc.

BRICS is a big deal – a game changer as I have repeatedly posted. I’m sure none of them actually trust each other, but they have common goals including taking out WEF/CB. Notice how they are strategically located globally and are the dominators on four major continents – Asia, Africa, Australia, South America with the potential for domination of Europe, the later of which will barter for neutrality.

America’s Uniparty sold us out to the losing side. If their takedown is underway, I suspect PDT already cut our deal with entry into BRICS. Just my best guess.


Nice post. Couple thoughts…

“America’s Uniparty sold us out to the losing side. ”

^^^ 100%. Key WORD to keep in mind, UNIPARTY.

“If their takedown is underway, I suspect PDT already cut our deal with entry into BRICS. Just my best guess.”

^^^ “IF”. Sorry, AND I am SORRY, PDT is NOT IN ANY position to cut deals with any foreign government.

More, “IF”, I misread reality, please educate me. Tangible evidence Trump cut a deal. I do realize, this perspective is shared by some or many here QTree.

Gail Combs

IF there was a deal it was done a few years ago. SEE the WIKI state visits of Trump vs OH!Bummer.



Gail Combs

Think about POTUS (Trump) welcome in CHINA vs that of OH!Bummer.

CNN – Trump to become first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden
The Guardian – Barack Obama forced to exit from ‘ass’ of Air Force One – videoBarack Obama ‘deliberately snubbed’ by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20 — The US president was denied the usual red carpet welcome and forced to ‘go out of the ass’ of Air Force One, observers say.

Think of POTUS welcome in Saudi Arabia.

Most US Presidents hurry over to the UK to ‘kiss the royal ring’. POTUS DID NOT!

(From WIKI)
May 20–22 — Saudi Arabia
May 22–23 — Israel
May 23–24 — Italy, Rome Vatican
November 5–7 Japan
November 7–8 South Korea
November 8–10 China

Trump waits an ENTIRE YEAR before going to the UK even though he went to Belguin, Germany, France & Italy in his first year in office.
July 12 – 14,   :wpds_arrow: 2018  :wpds_shock: 
Trump UK visit: Snub to May as No10 admits they WON’T have One-on-One Talks

Will Trump find time to see Boris and Nigel Farage? US president snubs May as No10 admits they WON’T have one-on-one talks during his visit. Donald Trump has arrived in the UK for his long-awaited three-day state visit

The PM’s spokesman tried to play down the slight against her, claiming the arrangements were normal for this kind of visit….

Jan 2018 — “…the US President cancelled a trip to open the new embassy in London… The paper also said that No10 officials were in the advanced stage of planning a trip that could have included lunch at Buckingham Palace.” — UK Sun

Oh!Bummer (From Wiki)
February 19, 2009 — Canada
March 31 – April 3, 2009 — UK
April 3–4, 2009 — France & Germany.

April 21-24, 2016  The GUardian (Lots of pictures,,,)

The US president and the first lady have lunch with the Queen at Windsor Castle, before Barack Obama heads to Downing Street to meet with David Cameron. They will have dinner later on Friday at Kensington Palace with Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge

June 11-13, 2021

Joe Biden

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. traveled to the United Kingdom and Belgium in June 2021. This was the first overseas travel by President Biden. This trip highlighted his commitment to restoring our alliances, revitalizing the Transatlantic relationship, and working in close cooperation with our allies and multilateral partners to address global challenges and better secure America’s interests.


I’m late getting here but I think the penultimate act of treason the us has ever been subjected to is te confirmation of Kunti brown jackboot.
proposed because she’s a black woman, ( who can’t even define what a woman is) and confirmed despite her record on paedo sentencing .


I agree with what Butterfly said yesterday, essentially. She was a trade for a liberal justice. The vote on cases will be the same, as they are all in lockstep. And she can no longer preside over and give light sentences to perverts. There was no way Bye-Done was going to nominate even a moderate, and all libs are the same. She won’t influence the true conservatives on the court.

It’s a net win. It just feels terrible.

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, the new inJustice was involved in several dodgy decisions against MAGA, Patriots, the American Way, and TRUTH and JUSTICE itself.

So I think “her” nomination (and subsquent “confirmation”) is a “reward” for that. KJB Bucket-O-Nuts…


She will not be sworn in… my 2 cents…

What’s his name hasn’t yet retired… set to do so when Court sits again IN OCTOBER…

Who knows… perhaps all kinds of INJUSTICES will be righted by then

Present Senate is as fraudulent as pResident and VP…

Fraud vitiates EVERYTHING

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d love to believe that rescue is coming, but IMO rescue must come from US. The mood for that won’t happen until after the next stolen election. She’ll be there to save it – and to intimidate Ms. Lamey Comey et Barr into toeing the line, too.

Nobody will act until a certain percentage of the American people are totally “fed up” with Washington.

It’s coming, but when is the question.


If I thought there would be another stolen election, I would curl up in a fetal position, stick my thumb in my mouth and …

Yes, WHEN is the question… the day and hour will not be known, but it cometh… and soon.

“Rescue” is not comin’ ….

JUSTICE is comin’ … she bees swift and righteous


Or slow and scorch and salt the earth


have ya met my neighbors? 😉


Another “plus” is that members of Congress have outed themselves even more over her nomination.


They sure did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If we just call her Justice Groomer from here on out, we win.







Theres only Clarence- and he’s old.
the much vaunted Potus Trump picks are melts
( as in chocolate teapots)


Prelude to a FF?

“NATO will provide Ukraine with equipment for chemical and biological defense, – Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”


What is wrong with the picture? US Ukraine dabble in making chemical- biological experiences and now pretend they are going to be the victims of them. They really think we are stupid.

Cuppa Covfefe

Stoltenberg is a globalist puppet (always has been) and has a TON of baggage holding him down to their commands…..



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This post puts a lump in my throat Every time.
Thanks Duchess for keeping the innocent front and center.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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JW in Germany

Devin states that although Truth Social is still developing…it already has more interactions than Twitter. Not that I do not trust Devin (true Patriot in my eyes)…I would love to have some data to back that up when confronting doubters.


At this point, to me, Truth Social IS click bait.

JW in Germany

I’m not ready to go there….yet. I think Devin’s explanation are reasonable. Trying to build a platform from scratch without relying on any Big Tech probably introduces some pretty steep mountains to climb.

I will wait and see.


Yup. Pretty much that is where I am. When TS IS ready for prime time, It’ll be obvious. Then I’ll pay attention, click on it, sign up…


With you there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Right now signing up for it is just “hurry up and wait.”


Be like a blind watchmaker. With a non braille map.


What he is saying, I think, is that conservatives on Twitter get fewer interactions for the same tweets on Twitter as they get on TS, because Twitter shadow-bans them. Which may be true. There are certainly not more people interacting on TS than on Twitter.


Agreed. And that story was out a day or two back. Read that story as good in that they are now able to make that kind of comparison, which they would not be able to do if TS were not populating.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Can’t remember exactly, but I’ve seen Bongino and maybe Sean Davis give some stats on tweets. For example, one tweet gets 5k on TW vs 300K on TS. Not just shadow banning, I believe a reason for the big difference is because TW banned the majority of Conservative users. Only the Blue checks remain and a big ruckus is made when TW bans them. You never know/hear about the 2+ million TS users that got banned. I AM NOT A BOT!!🤬


I’m hoping Elon makes all their( Twitter staff) nightmares come true


This one above on RR’s seems one scary but also lite on backing up the facts. I looked through some RR industry links and couldn’t see anything that verify’s this. There are some labor disputes and the like but nothing that seems out of the usual. Then I remembered Warren Buffet. So yes, likely cause for concern. Wait… will leave some links and one additional story to watch below this Buffet link.

Warren Buffett currently owns one railroad, BNSF. Buffett has stated that buying BNSF represents a belief in the future of the U.S. economy. Although the U.S., North American, and global economies grow and shrink, railroads will play crucial roles in supply chains for decades.

Good link for RR news.
Maybe someone can find something better with this search.

Now for that one story that seems to back up the NOQreport story above on RRs.

Grain shippers want regulators to press railroads on service issues

Advocacy group blames precision scheduled railroading for service disruptions at UP, BNSF, NS

U.S. grain shippers are asking federal regulators to press the Class I railroads to relieve “significant” service disruptions throughout the national rail network. This also has an interesting graph showing a decline in dwell times due staff shortages?

Cuppa Covfefe

The German grocer raising prices 50 percent is a load of hooey… maybe the Berlin store, but Berlin exists in an “alternate reality”. Largest increases I’ve seen are for luxury foods for Easter, which is their normal gouge at this time of year. And the German news only spoke of PROPOSED increases, not real increases…

More “Panikmacherei”, i.e. fear porn.

They’re using the Ukraine to cover for their disastrous “Energy” policies. Transportation costs have been going up long before Vlad started neutralizing the biowarfare labs…

And the Greens have been desperate for a meat tax (forcing everyone into Veganism) for the last few years. What better way to drive up the cost of meat then to drive up the cost of feed? Trouble is, there are other sources and types of feed, as well as other meats (pork, poultry, game, etc.).

If they took out the land devoted to grain earmarked (so to speak) for Ethanol, there’d be more fodder there, too…

Sad to say, Carly’s mantra is showing up again: “perception is reality”. Göbbels would be proud, were he not toasting in Hell…..


Yes, had read that story a couple of days ago. Remembers comments said 50% rise was only hitting select products while most others were only seeing moderate increases in price. Take it for what it’s worth. Meanwhile its clear that Ukraine War will have more serious effect in Europe compared to any where else, however there’s a spill over effect that effects world markets.

Meanwhile we know the Ruskie’s are trying to be kind to the Ukraine country side and much of this can go back to normal as soon as the West pulls their head out of there collective hind quarters.


Saw a wierd bus shelter ad. “Wasting food is worse than using plastics”.
hell that disrespects the climate religion bigly and is on a bus stop in public?

Cuppa Covfefe

Could really wind them up by tagging it with “Wasting ad space is worser still”…

Cheese off the greens, the foodies, probably the vegans, and the grammar nazis all at once 😀


Interesting article which verifies what we know with some interesting statics. I’ll leave you with the main one and you can look at the story for others.

Most-vaccinated larger counties have 27 percent more new COVID cases than least-vaccinated larger counties.
Not supposed to work that way, right?


Happy Friday. Plenty of things to savor in today’s opener… many thanks!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Happy Friday, too. Yesterday’s opener was great, too, with Stacy Abrams as “Brownhilde” in the “Odderdämmerung” 🙂


You don’t miss a thing, do you Cuppa? 😉


Bernard again at MoA… are y’all angry yet? (I’m livid!)


Ukrainian Tochka-U Missile Killed Dozens At Kramatorsk Train Station
The current top headline of the New York Times is:

Live Updates: Russia Strikes Train Station, Ukraine Says, as Thousands Flee From East

“Dozens” were feared dead and injured, a local official said, after a missile strike in Kramatorsk, which had been a main point of evacuation for people trying to leave eastern Ukraine.

CNN quotes an Ukrainian military official who described it as an Iskander missile strike:

Two missiles struck the station, according to the head of Ukraine’s national rail system, Oleksandr Kamyshin. Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of Donetsk regional military administration, said the Russian military used Iskander short-range ballistic missiles.

A pro-Ukrainian twitter account also describes this as a result of the missile attack (the time stamp is UTC+2):

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The same account describes this as the remains of the booster section of the missile that hit the train station:

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Cont. reading: Ukrainian Tochka-U Missile Killed Dozens At Kramatorsk Train Station


This link was in the comments below that article you posted (map)…

And directly below was this comment…

Statement by the Ministry of Defense of Russia:
According to updated data, the strike on the railway station of Kramatorsk was carried out by a missile division of the Ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​​​the settlement of Dobropolye, 45 kilometers southwest of the city.
Posted by: Nebo Sinee | Apr 8 2022 12:01


Makes one wonder how the nazi supporting governments and msm can carry on even when the fighting stops.
They lie so blatantly and so often they can never walk it back, their credibility is destroyed forever.


As far as the cold war is concerned it’s back on full force and will last decades at least unless we get Trump back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Except this time THEY’RE the Allies and WE’RE with the bloody Axis. But Russia attacked after the Nazis re-took Ukraine by stealth.

This is all looking very familiar.


from another online post:

“Frankly at this junction it’s almost a waste of time debunking this stuff. First, it will be amplified all over the West and once in the minds of the morons there is no erasing it. Second, the people debunking it have been canceled out of the mainstream media so nothing that is said will have the slightest impact.

The important reason to debunk it is simply to record it as a listing in the upcoming war crimes tribunals which are allegedly tentatively scheduled for June, according to Martyanov, which implies Russia expects this to be over by then, at least sufficiently to begin holding them. But we don’t need to do that – the Russians can do it by themselves nicely since they know what happened.

Just wait for the official MoD statement and consider the case closed. Frankly, I consider the only reliable source of information on this war is the MoD briefings, which I suspect are at least 95% accurate, at least on the actual combat events, if not necessarily on the more “political” aspects.”


I agree with these comments. and would add that while tons of Americans are waving the blue and yellow, combined with citizens of the so-called West… the total population of the aforementioned is a minority compared to the rest of the world which SUPPORTS RUSSIA…

Putin doesn’t give a friggin’ damn what Americans think… how much they lie… in the end, it will be America that is reviled… by the rest of the world, for having been the Cabal’s spearhead.

The world WILL know… because the Cabal is being destroyed. God wins… didn’t you get the memo?


America being reviled is likely part and parcel of what the Cabal is seeking. 100% of Republican Senators are behind Ukraine which makes our job easier when it comes time to have them primaried this year and two years from now and four years from now until they are gone. The wanton destruction of Ukraine to please their lobbyists equals murder. No way past that.




TO3631, Mike Flynn posted his brother Joe’s comment from Twitter:

Ladies and gents a lifetime appointment has just been made…for those of you who still think Trump and the “white hats” are in control…time to get your heads out of your asses.

It quotes the Daily Wire saying, “Now that Judge Jackson is confirmed, nevere forget her saying she didin’t know what a woman is because she isn’t a ‘biologist.'”

And Mike Flynn’s comment is “Always remember and never forget.”

This is interesting on several levels. One SCOTUS appointment is no measure of what “white hats” are doing. It is a product of the current political state of having an imposter Dem in the WH and a bunch of traitors in Congress. The “white hats” have never been expected to control things such as this. It seems like a straw man argument, and I don’t know what point he is trying to make.

I would not have said the white hats were in control even when PDJT was in office. We had his leadership and a few good people in Congress and his administration, but the only absolute control that could be exercised would be a military takeover.


I agree with Flynn. White hats are not in control they lost control when Biden cabal cheated. The black hats with Zuckerbucks made it possible. That is what i think could be wrong but to much points into the demonic direction.
Could the cabal be broken yes and the dam might break right in France with the election. Hungary was the first. This will snowball and it will be the people who make it happen.


Rally in Selma, NC, tomorrow:

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Cawthorne is one of the guest speakers according to Liz Harrington’s previous release. Likes that Trump is sticking by him.


I don’t know how much truth is in this, but it’s juicy.

Nancy Pelosi ‘blamed’ progressives AOC and Pramila Jayapal for ‘vying to be queen bee’ and claims Democrats have alienated Hispanic and Asian American by talking about socialism and abortion

● The California Democrat, who’s been in the House for 35 years, complained that her progressive colleagues were vying to be the ‘queen bee’ of the left 

She told one senior lawmaker that Democrats had alienated Asian and Hispanic immigrants with loose talk of socialism and callousness about abortion

Pelosi, who has said she won’t seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: ‘You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again’ 

Pelosi also complained that Biden had chosen ‘untrustworthy’ Xavier Becerra for HHS and said questioned what chief of staff Ron Klain knows ‘about anything’  

Nancy Pelosi was furious that she had to ‘beg’ her Democratic colleagues to elect her speaker again in 2019 and blamed progressives for nearly costing them the House in 2020, according to a new book. 

The California Democrat, who’s been in the House for 35 years, complained that her newcomer progressive colleagues like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pramila Jayapal were vying to be the ‘queen bee’ of the left, according to ‘This Will Not Pass’ by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns. 

She reportedly told one senior lawmaker that Democrats had alienated Asian and Hispanic immigrants with loose talk of socialism and callousness about abortion.

So where has her leadership been on that issue? I haven’t seen anything from her.

A bright spot:

Pelosi, who has said she won’t seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term, reportedly said: ‘You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again.’ 

I think she misses the days when O was there, and that’s why she lovingly and obsequiously placed his hand to her cheek. The Dems insisted on JB and cheated to get him in so they could use him, and they dug their own political graves — at least I hope so.


‘You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again’ “

she meant “‘You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars again to run for Speaker ’ 


Pennsylvania audit news:
The Professor’s Record

EIN Presswire

Pennsylvania 2020 Election Canvassing Results

Canvassing results from over 3000 houses in 10 different counties. The findings are astonishing.

The Professor’s Record

Forwarded from Audit the Vote PA (Toni Shuppe)

💥 Breaking News 💥

Small miracle…we have secured ballot images and CVRs from the 2020 election in Allegheny County.

Establishment politicians:

Now would be an okay time to start crapping your pants. 








SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gee, you didn’t want to go for an electrical engineering degree?

Why not?


She hates #3 pencils.

Cuppa Covfefe

“I am the 99%”

Either a racist (“fractional people”) or can’t do math (typical for snowflake libs)…

$20K isn’t bad at today’s rates… could easily have been a few hundred K$ in some states or at some Universities…

Maybe the poor luser could go to “Hamburger U”, or, better yet, learn a trade and do something useful…

Highschool “guidance counselors” are not any help either…


couldn’t hack STEM?
Go flip burgers then


Scott Pressler vs. Mittens!

I promise to come to Utah & help defeat Mitt Romney in 2024.

You have my word.


Definitely a pie in the sky boondoggle. Their favorite type as it lacks any real accountability but rest assured your politicians can continuously dip their hands in the tax payer funded cookie jar.


Comment lifted… ex of Propaganda 101:


Reuters is already on it and has made it their main headline.

Ukraine says 39 killed in rocket strike on rail evacuation hub

LVIV/BORODYANKA, Ukraine, April 8 (Reuters) – At least 39 people were killed and 87 wounded on Friday when two rockets hit a railway station in eastern Ukraine packed with evacuees, Ukrainian authorities said, as the region braced for a major Russian offensive.

Make note of the propaganda technique in the first paragraph of the associated article.
When George W Bush gave his important speech just prior to Congress voting on giving him authority to use military force against Iraq he employed the same propaganda technique.

Cause and effect. The typical reader’s brain thinks there is a cause and effect relationship
between what is said and what follows. George W Bush used it five times in his speech.
George said “Saddam Hussein” and “September 11th” five times, one following the other.
As you may remember, the majority of Americans believed Saddam was involved in
September 11th at the time of our 2003 invasion of Iraq.

George W Bush did the same thing in January 2003 during his State of the Union Address; five times also, “Saddam Hussein” and “September 11th”.

As you can see from the lead paragraph of the Reuters article, it does not specifically
say that the Russians did it, but the average reader’s brain will make that association –
cause and effect.


Yep, still trying to gin up support for a ground invasion by NATO into Ukraine. I hope people are not paying attention this.


This is specifically for These Truths:

I saw your post on Jack Maxey earlier today and responded with a comment. However that is not the reason for this message. I was over at The Duke Report and saw an article about Maxey that you may already have seen. But in case you have not I will link to it below. I have no idea about the truth of the claims made but it certainly is controversial. In our present state of extreme fog of war I have no opinion about it other than to say that it is out there. Make of it what you will. If you could shed some light on it for the rest of us that would be good too.


He says in the chat that Q was a Stanley McChrystal op. Guy is clueless there.

I asked … “So answer this. Who did they try to make Q appear as with out saying who Q was? You get one shot at this, because its one name and it’s not been uttered anywhere. Now’s your chance”. Unfortunately I’m waiting for comment to be approved.

That said, I don’t have any high hopes on Maxey. We’ve seen these things play out before. Either he starts dropping stuff very soon that can be verified or he gets dropped.


Also in the comments:

Roger on the Q naming convention. Keep in mind the Flynn said just recently that Q was a CIA op and a leafiest influence operation 😉

Yaacov Apelbaum , April 8, 2022 at 12:39 pm

If you go to the link, it’s a recording of Flynn talking with Lin Wood. Wood says he didn’t pay much attention to Q but says he thinks he knows what Q stood for. Flynn says he thinks Q is a CIA-created disinformation campaign. He says, “I find it total nonsense, and I think it’s a disinformation campaign created by the Left. And the types of people that can create something like that are the kinds of people that we train with certain skills in the CIA.” So that is what Flynn thinks about Q.


Is it really? Flynn was a top spy and knows how to spread disinformation and who he can and cannot give real information to.


Oh Linda, you’re showing your brilliance again.  😉 

Cuppa Covfefe

Apelbaum raises some “spidey senses” flags from way back. Not sure if friend or foe or fog…

If things are getting hot and heavy, I expect the disinformation and smoke and mirrors to increase…

Infowars, as it were, indeed…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me, too. At the very least, he seems to never question his own preferred interpretation of things, or to CLEARLY take a “we don’t know the answer to that one yet” position. That doesn’t mean he’s wrong on certain things, or that he’s not right most of the time, but I find it hard to trust people who never raise the “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” flags.


That was a private conversation with Lin Wood. There was no need for Flynn to try give Wood disinformation. Wood is not a Q follower, nor does he talk about or promote Q.

And this is the issue I have (not aimed at you or anyone in particular). No matter what some people, like Flynn, do, there is an excuse. He’s videotaped robbing a store? It was a clandestine operati or he was trying to lure a bad guy into a trap. He contradicts something he said before on a major issue? One or the other statements was said for a darn good reason that we just don’t know about, and we aren’t to question it.

In a video posted to social media last year, former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and his family recited a well-known QAnon slogan, “Where we go one, we go all”. Now, in a $75 million defamation lawsuit against CNN, the Flynns say the phrase isn’t from QAnon at all.

Maybe he’s being consistent about Q, but I believe that if this were anyone else the anons and patriots would have hung them out to dry. Now he’s on tape saying not just that Q is a psyop — which can be done by good guys and bad guys alike — but that it’s the worst kind of psyop. Yet, if the C_A were behind it and stringing along and fooling all the MAGA folk, I am certain that PDJT would have put a stop to it immediately. And Dan Scavino and others close to PDJT would not have condoned it.

So if Flynn’s disavowal of Q is some kind of disinformation ploy, what is the purpose of it? Now all the Q followers are supposed to turn on a dime, not believe anything that was said before, believe PDJT and company allowed them to be misled, and follow Flynn? My impression is that MAGA patriots are being steered in a certain direction, and 99.999% are willingly and unquestioningly in march step, kind of like — oh, let me see — oh, yeah — 🐑.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just one point – private conversations are among the best places to spread disinformation – particularly if it’s the truth.



Yes. My point is that Lin Wood is not a person who would further spread the disinfo. He doesn’t talk about Q at all that I know of. There are a lot of much better candidates to have that conversation with, who would talk about it.

But Flynn won’t say it aloud. That degree of openness with his supporters might cost him a few of them.

particularly if it’s the truth.

Are you saying you believe Q is a C_A psyop?

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need a bigger keyboard for that one! 😉


Since your answer is not an immediate no, then something seems amiss. Flynn said he believes Q comes from the Left. If that were the case, it would change literally everything, and people we have trusted would have been guilty of misleading us in a huge way. It would be betrayal that could not be recovered from.

If Flynn thought Q was a leftist psyop, why didn’t he let the people know? Why would he let it continue? And if the answer is going to be “for our own good” or “the time wasn’t right” or “because of national security” or the like, then there is no one we can believe or count on to be honest with us, anywhere, ever. And then what’s the use of trying to fight? So that is exactly the goal: to demoralize us. It is clear that something is “off” but we are being kept in the dark. I feel it, and I think I’m only one of many.

On the other hand, if Flynn supposedly said those things as disinformation, then the same applies: how are we to believe anyone? What would be the purpose of lying to Lin Wood about Q, or about Flynn’s opinion about Q? What good would come from that? Lin Wood has as little to do with Q as anyone I can think of, and he clearly doesn’t trust Flynn. So he isn’t going to take Flynn’s word on anything.

If there is never a time when things are exactly what they seem to be, and we have to do mental gymnastics of trying to figure who *might* be lying or misinforming for some purpose within a purpose within a different purpose that we will never understand, then again, what’s the use? It’s all a game that *they* are playing — including those on our side — and we-the-people have no say in our republic anymore.

I’m extremely weary of excuses being made for behavior that I don’t understand and can’t reconcile or condone. I feel I am expected to trust “just because.” So what’s the use of employing my senses, thought process, and judgment if the final answer is always to trust something else rather than the evidence before me, my intuition, and my own judgment?

Taking that ability and confidence from the people is a way to wear us down so we have no fight left in us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A bunch of great points here.

The Q thing was a MESS. A beautiful MESS – designed to attract and influence people, but further manipulated by enemies, friends, and others to change the attraction and influence.

It was an entire BATTLEFRONT in an information WAR.

It is NOT simple, and if you try to make it simple and logical “or else”, you will destroy your own faith in what you believe in, so I highly advise being as “non-absolutist” as you can about “what other people choose to do” in a war.

That means in many cases, to neither trust nor distrust. People are going to do things for reasons they don’t tell us.

It’s hard enough to choose what YOU are going to do or not do in a wartime situation.

Sundance kicked that shit out of his blog with a GOOD REASON.

I wanted to keep talking about it and studying it with a GOOD REASON.

Neither one of those is RIGHT or WRONG. They’re CHOICES that we had to make with too little information, because THAT is the nature of WAR.

Flynn LIED about that prayer being a Catholic prayer. Why? Well, the first question is why would somebody in a WAR even tell us if we asked why? I don’t expect them to tell us why. But at the same time, I’m probably not going to fully trust a person who lies, because even if they have a great reason when they lie, they will likely lie again, and not tell us, because they can’t.

I do want to talk about the possibilities of what Q was/is/might be again – but I will want a lot of room, so maybe a new post tomorrow.


Thank you for your reply. I don’t have much time to respond, and that’s probably a good thing. 😊

The Flynn prayer is not one of my biggest concerns, except for the way he handled it. For all we know, he could just be ignorant about it and have thought it was a Catholic prayer. But I can think of 5 or 6 things he could have said to address it that would have helped greatly, but he didn’t. It does erode trust, if in nothing else, then in his judgment.

Carrying on and looking forward to whatever else you have to say.


Thanks for posting that. It all bears watching. The tone of that article is a red flag for me, with the language intended to disparage and persuade rather than just presenting facts. A pic of Maxey at a party means nothing. Neither does a pic of him holding a drink. The claims about the amount of storage on the hard drive might have some merit, but I don’t know if this person is presenting all the facts. And that’s the problem: we don’t know who is being completely factual in just about anything. I wish Rudy Giuliani would weigh in.

And as para59r points out, the author said this in the comments:

Yep, the same people behind Q-Anon are also involved in the Maxey operation. 

Next time you are in drugstore, you should pickup a card and send it to Stanley McChrystal thanking him for the Q-Anon gift that keeps on giving.

That makes me question everything else he writes. According to Wiki, the author, Yaacov (Jacob) Apelbaum, has had sexual assault allegations against him. Investigations seem to have been inconclusive.

But yes, we need to see all the information so we can vet it.


Maxey’s Gab response:

Over the target! – any lawyer out there who wants to own Yacov, when I am finished “fabricating” the truth let’s destroy this traitor and POS. Plenty of outright and intentional defamations designed to harm me and others in this published trash. Remember Yacov, this range can turn two way at my choosing. Also note the scum bags and tactics of the people opposed to the truth and why I will never quit. Crushing and humiliating Yacov will be a pleasure at the right time. #benotadraid #dutyhonorcountry #yacovthecuck

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maxey needs to explain the source of the extra data. I’m not buying that until it’s explained and confirmed by others holding clones of the laptop hard drive.

Brave and Free

Two acquitted and two dead locked making that a mistrial for those two. Now lets do the FBI agents and their bosses please.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

More “fog of war”? comment at MoA:


“French reporter who was in Bucha claims that there was no dead bodies when and his crew visited and that the civilians thought the Russians were friendly and helpful.

“RT was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the recordings. In what appears to be an excerpt from a satellite phone call, an alleged reporter identified only as ‘Simon’ tells his colleagues he visited Borodyanka and found that “there’s no bodies in the streets at all,” contrary to what he was led to expect.

The town has been “shelled to pieces,” he outlines, “but there’s no evidence of any rights abuses here at all.” Simon claims that he and his crew interviewed multiple residents who said the Russian troops had been very friendly and gave them food and water and other supplies. “And we got quotes on camera for that,” he adds.

“I don’t know what the prosecutor was talking about, but we have seen nothing like that at all. It’s a completely different picture,” he continues, adding that a French journalist may have seen the body of someone killed by shelling, but “no executions.””


I’d change that ‘A GLIMPSE INTO A PERFECT WORLD’ Meme – take out Psaki and put in Øbama, Schwab and Soros.


The chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff had this to say.



This dual citizen Khazarian paedo knows what he is talking about

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brava for calling out that f-er for what he is!


“bowing … slightly” 😉


Wants to fight Russia, how ungrateful of him, after he hijacked their name to produce some of his biggest infamous lies.


Well then, there you go. We’re going to fight to the last Ukrainian.



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Let’s you and him fight, produced and directed by ADamned Schiffty, paid for by Americans and innocent (non-Azov) Ukranians and others…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

A little bit more information about the two men posing as DHS agents.
“Both U.S. citizens accused of the bribery hold passports with visas to Iran and Pakistan.” RealClearPolitics reported.”



Canada Bans Foreign Home Buyers for Two Years
In Chapter 1, sub-section 1.4 of the 2022 Canadian budget, there is a rather remarkable new rule that bans foreign ownership and investment in housing for a period of two years. 

To make sure that housing is owned by Canadians instead of foreign investors, Budget 2022 announces the government’s intention to propose restrictions that would prohibit foreign commercial enterprises and people who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents from acquiring non- recreational, residential property in Canada for a period of two years.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder how they define “Permanent Residents”….. could be a lot of room for ornamentals there (as in RED Chinese)…..


Good question. Trudescue likely has a carve out, special deal for his Chinee friends.


Wow, this is worse than I thought. Wonder if they were all dems?

127 House members have now tested positive, 30 since March 1, and 10 in the past 3 days. Go vaccines!

h/t Anonymous Conservative


Laughing here….

Is THIS part of the BiteME exit plan…

BiteMe has been double Injected AND has had two Boosters. What a putz.


WH Spox Psaki Admits Joe Biden Might Get Coronavirus After Contact with Infected Democrats


Jill likely gives him vit I


Double dang.

Was hoping FauXi endorsed, Gold Standard, Remdisivir was at the ready.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of “I Got It From Agnes” by Tom Lehrer (subtitles in Italian):


Ukrainian Soldiers Executed Russian POWs In Possible War Crime, NYT Confirms
Ukrainian forces are seen on video executing Russian prisoners of war in an apparent war crime, the New York Times confirmed.
The vid inside is rather graphic and clear. Leaves nothing to the imagination. The story does not say how the NYT’s came by this but apparently they got it when Biden was spouting off about war crimes and have not released it because of the graphic nature. The Times ran the piece confirming it happened. Some one else has posted the vid. I’d think that this was obtained from a prisoner or dead Ukrainian soldier’s phone. I bet the Russian led war crimes tribunal next month is going to be show stopper as you can well imagine how many phones the Russians have been picking up off of Ukr Military they happen across.

On the flip side, the Ukrainian’s have had their share of prisoners and dead Russians from which to pick clean of their cell phones yet nothing like this has been found assuming they are permitted to carry such. Normally a disciplined military will not carry personal items like that but we’ve seen enough vids to know that the phones are out there anyway.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The video that I saw was just a mercy killing at the end. But how those soldiers were laying on the ground bleeding or dead – THAT is the atrocity, for sure.


Wow! The Bidenese Sick Bastards really love their mandates.

Joe Biden Wants to Force Christian Hospitals to Kill Babies in Abortions or Shut Down

Catholic News Service reports conservative leaders discovered the plans for the radical new regulation buried in a legal memorandum from the pro-abortion Leadership Conference and a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announcement.

Crafted to be an anti-sex discrimination provision under the Affordable Care Act, the anticipated regulation likely would force Catholic and Christian hospitals, doctors, other medical workers and insurance companies to provide abortions, transgender surgeries and other procedures with no religious exemptions, according to the report.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

JB is a CINO, Catholic in Name Only.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Human In Name Only!


You nailed it Wolfie!


Very comprehensive and compelling report (about things we already know so pass it to someone who does not.)

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid



When AND Who IS going to splain this to the normies?

Perfect companion story for the laptop from hell.


While inflation IS taking its toll on slow guy, very grateful to NOT be in stocks, mutuals…any of that shit.


There will always be trade in markets. Trick is getting in on the ground floor. Be ready.


Yea. Ground floor when available AND guessing which one.

Somehow I think there IS a lot of luck AND happenstance that the mega funds / billionaires “just happen” to be investing the same way at the same time.

The ENTIRE system IS rigged, with those investing multi billions to invest having the golden key. Little guy only hopes to tag along. IMO.


Further confirming what we know, coming our way…

CTH (Emphasis added below)

Worsening Food Price Increases Gain Global Attention, UN Food and Agriculture Organization Tracks of Highest Prices Ever Recorded
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization reported on Friday they are recording the highest Food Price Index since they started recording thirty years ago. With record highs in prices for cereals, vegetable oils, dairy and meats
This issue has been a slow burning fuse toward the biggest powder keg in modern history, and it is about to get very serious. We have been warning about it since last fall {Go Deep}. In the most deliberate and painstaking ways possible, we have been urging everyone to take this issue seriously.

The background cause is complex and started with the 2020 government response to the pandemic. U.S. and international government intervention in the food supply process has been FUBAR from the beginning. Every action taken since early 2020 has been one bad policy after another; building failure upon failure, crisis upon crisis, bad decision upon bad decision, bringing us to a precipice summed up by saying “the absence of food will change things.”


God bless everyone here and their loved ones ..

Revelation 6:6
Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail’s posted a number of times about gubmint’s børking the food supply, production thereof, and reserves of all sorts of things. Also there are her articles on the sidebar.

Everything the left touches turns to $h!t. The Ty-D-Bowl touch…


comment image


April 8, 2022 at 8:09 pm
Comment over at Instapundit:

Just amazing. After the endless amount of discussion over two years about mass formation psychosis, plus the endless stream of lies from the corporate media, all of a sudden half the population of so-called “conservatives” have turned into full blown textbook cases of Gell-Mann Amnesia. It’s like Pavlov’s dog. The corporate media says “civilians killed” and the saliva reflex kicks in: Russia did it!


And here I thought, it was gonna be rightfully, Trump’s Fault. /s


Well maybe a case of …


comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Maybe God can create and “undo” function for beings like this … oh yeah there is one


comment image

UPDATE: A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23” – (VIDEO)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The MSM may be pushing a meme to normies that COVID is responsible. Just a heads-up from an unpublished ground report.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. And even OAN describes it as “mysterious heart complications”.

Heck, they’re LISTED as possible side effects of the slab-jab/clot shot.

Said shot should have a black box warning slapped on it, and then pulled off the market, just like Vioxx was (at least in the USA, in 2004)…

Hmmm. Vioxx… Not Pfizer, but Merck, who have their own “history”…


Heartbreakingly sad .. 💔🥺😢🤚😔

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the basic “trans bullshit narrative” – that being trans causes mental illness, suicide and death.

No. Mental illness left untreated and worse yet abused by trans activists causes suicide and death – due to not just non-treatment, but even anti-treatment.


I agree.
Let kids mature into adulthood then if they want to transition is their choice. Hopefully they find ethical professionals who help them sort it out.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

He needs to worry about his own kids and not other peoples.
Since when is it governments job to indoctrinate our children? We do not have universal values. There is something sick going on in society to take innocence away from children . What they are doing is to early before kids understand adult sexuality.
Biden and his team is trying to scatter his perversions on other kids.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

They have created a problem and are now presenting a solution. There was no problem with kids and gender identity before adults started promoting the idea. There have been people who felt they were homosexual from a young age, but that is not the same as being the opposite gender.


It’s a tradition.

Government creates a problem.

Government creates a solution that makes the problem worse.

Government creates a solution that makes the problem worse.

Government creates a solution that makes the problem worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Left to ponder if Kindergarten Kids committing suicide or murder was a thing. Pretty dog gone sure it is not.


He can eat chit and …


Miserable predator

Matthew 18:6/7
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh


Our idjit NG provider, Southwest Gas, sent a survey.

  1. Would I be interested in paying for carbon offsets? (ME. NO)
  2. Why? Pick one of the following. Can’t afford it. Not interested. Other. (ME. Other. Carbon offsets ARE STOOPID on steroids. STOP the greenie bullshit.)

The madness needs to stop.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re pushing the madness toward a world war. That’s their goal.


Their goal is the takedown of Babylon the Great… They are the Beast out of the Sea (see Rev 12 and 17). The second beast is already here – the one who looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. The second beast is a single person – the culmination of Satan’s work. He “owns” space (the air), brought “fire down from heaven” already and recently bought a big stake in a reviled comm’s platform – the “Prince of the power of the air” … He is shortly going to take over from the composite (many headed) beast. But this is all part of Gd’s plan – the takedown of Babylon the Great is authorized (see Rev 17:17).

Yup, we are living in Biblical times

Don’t forget to “watch the water” ….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. This is something!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is definitely something up. I think it’s a Dem double psy-op. They’re pushing two different messages to different crowds. To the Washington crowd, they push “masks for the election”, bring back COVID rules – you folks now have the defense of having had it – take it seriously.

That matches what normies are getting on the boob tube right now.

On our side, they’re pushing a phony white hats are saving the world right now meme, as a cover for a lesser reality. WHY do I say that? Because there is no way that all these people are getting pulled into grand juries simultaneously. NO. FREAKING. WAY.

Now the REALITY may be that people are being asked to talk to investigators (much lower bar than a grand jury) about various things, and the Dems are all choosing a COVID *tactic* to put off questioning until they have their talking points from Mafia Nan, or something like that.

This would also match with the idea that a different part of the Deep State (FBI) is trying to gain some leverage, and DNC is pushing back.

DNC is known to use COVID as a stall tactic on legal proceedings. I suspect that’s happening here – but that we are being spoon-fed a “too sweet” story, so that we will be disillusioned by missed expectations rather than invigorated by the truth.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Saw the other day that Nasty announced she wanted to visit Taiwan. Chyna said NO. Nasty suddenly gets Wuflu, cancels trip.🤔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. Sounds like her handlers are letting her talk to the hand because she’s not doing enough of what they want.


Smells like a rash of False Positives.


Disney+ has had over 350.000 cancellations in last five days

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HOLY ####.

That is HUGE.


Yes! They need to be burned to the ground. (I’m being figurative here, internet censors).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I hear you!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kicked out sometime between 00:10 and 00:13