This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Glory to God 4
Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created. Revelation 4:11
Psalm 50:3 says “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!”. Similarly in the New Testament the Apostle Paul summarizes the way we should order our lives in order to glorify God.
The highest call and purpose of man is the joyful act of glorifying God. Notice here, that this is a ‘joyful’ act. As I mentioned earlier when we fulfill the very purpose for which we were created, which is to glorify God, and when we do this in worship, it is a joyful act and not something we have to put on. What is special about glorifying God through worship is that it combines the other two points previously mentioned, “Glorifying God by Believing in Him” and “Glorifying God by Declaring Him”.
When we praise the Lord, we do it because we believe in Him and we have faith in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly when we praise, we are declaring His glory, His honor, His praise, His power, His majesty outwardly.
God is seeking those who will bring Him glory, not just through the Sunday worship time, not just for an hour every day but what He seeks is worship every day, every moment through all our activities. We cannot worship God properly on Sunday or just in our prayer times, if we are not worshiping God throughout the week. In fact, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
So, the only way to achieve “glory to God” through worship is when it is done to Him in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24 says “But the hour is coming, as is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”
Worshiping the Father in spirit is to worship from the heart, from deep within you. It is not the external worship, because external worship can also be performed by those who are not right with God. Matthew 15:8 gives us an example of this, saying “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me; in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Worshiping the Father in truth is to worship God for all that He is in the majesty of His attributes revealed in all of scripture. We glorify God and worship Him for His love, and not only for His love but also for His righteousness and justice. We glorify and worship Him for His Kindness, His sovereignty and for His grace.
We worship Him, when He gives and when He takes away. Job 1:20-21 says “And he said, Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
We worship God for all of His ways. God’s Word is the source of our worshiping in truth, and as we do this, notice that worship in “spirit” flows out of worship in “truth” through the revealed word of God. As we fill our hearts and minds with the pure word of God, the truth of God will move our spirits to praise and love and glorify God through worship in Him. So starting today, let’s be sure to glorify God through our praise and worship.
Give glory to God! This is the very purpose of why we are created and are image- bearers of the living God. The very reason that we were created is to glorify God in all that we do.
It’s only when we do this that we will be complete, because this is when we fulfill the purpose of our very being. Without consciously giving the glory to God, there is a part of us missing. We will be always left wanting.
So, today if we are struggling to find meaning for our lives, perhaps there is something missing which we just can’t pinpoint. There is something in us searching for answers and we find ourselves lacking without an answer. Hebrews 8:12 says “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” We are made righteous in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
This is the greatest privilege in our life, so take some time to come before the Lord, and start giving Him the glory for everything in our lives, and live for Him, through Him, and by Him, as it says in Romans 11:36 “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.”
Everyone of us owes all that we are and have to God. We owe every fiber of intelligence to God, and the slightest resolve to do good is a gift from Him. Apart from Him we are all useless. And worse than worthless . . . wicked. We would fly into nothingness without His sustenance, and we would degenerate into devils without His grace.
If the totality of our dependence on God would hit us full force, how differently we would live and do good. We would “serve as one who renders service by the strength which God supplies.” We would not boast in our achievements, nor criticize the speck in our brother’s eye, nor grumble about inconveniences, nor be presumptuous in any way, as if even existence itself could be taken for granted!
A person who truly owns up to the fact that he exists by the word of God, that all his strength and moral resolve is a gift of God, that person will have a spirit of joy and gratitude and lowliness. And in serving this way, God gets the glory.
Let’s fulfill our very purpose and walk in the joy of the Lord, “so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in us, and us in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:8-9
Ground Report
Made a trip to Target because the boy had a Target gift card to use and wanted more Lego sets . . .
The store was busy and my wife instantly remembered why she hated going to these stores on weekends rather than during the week
I’m looking and thinking, this place isn’t as busy as it should be for a Saturday . . . sure there were plenty of people there, but the volume was down and something was “off”.
The first thing I noticed, however, was how many women had butch haircuts. I told my wife, ok I know it’s summer and it’s hot, so short hair makes sense, but there are lots of feminine haircuts that look good. She seemed to think that those were the people that were making a “statement”. I wasn’t sure if it was the weird hair color going to their brain.
Once inside it became much more obvious to me that “normal” shoppers were down, significantly. There were some families but they were not representative. In the past, Target was covered over with family shoppers . . .
There were youth shoppers and young adult shoppers and other shoppers. Judging from the tattoos, hair styles, clothing, and especially printed t-shirts, there was a much higher percentage of woke shoppers than in the past. Young couples who were clearly childless stood out to me – they could afford to parrot the ideological party line, because they didn’t have any skin in the game (yet).
My best guess is that people are voting with their feet. Woke hipsters were trying to reward Target with their business supporting them. But to me it seems the cost of losing the family business is higher.
After we checked out I was glad we were done, we can go another six months before we have to go back. Ten years ago we would reliably spend over $100 every month at Target, but we have cut that back dramatically in recent years.
Interesting. I hope it’s true that families are abandoning Target.
There’s nothing at Target that I HAVE TO HAVE that I can’t find elsewhere.
Except pervert inclusive restrooms?
The reason I quit going years ago.
You arent wrong in your observations. Here in CA, the bull rings and unicorn hair and ugly numerous tattoos are the standard there, as well as gay, although there was a trans dude working at my walmart for a while. Its as if Hot Topic took over target. Yeah no i really dont want to buy my vegetables being handled by these people.
Every time weve gone, we always check the lego section. Never stocked, lots of empty shelves. Stopped buying groceries there bc they leave old food out or dont stock. Employees are the least friendly of all the stores I shop at. Never can fnd my son’s size of clothes.Now that aldi just opened i have zero reason to go to target really.
For the past ten years or so we were only specific item/purchase shoppers at Target when there were no other options. We no longer go at all over the past year or so now. I felt like I am walking into a den of inequity every time we did in the past. Same observations as michael.
We feel slimed when we go to Walmart, but nothing like Target.
Sort of a ground report observation here in east TN: Costco does a good job of stocking and moving customers through checkout. However, I have noticed that the customers have become really aggressive and surly over the past year along with the employees being less helpful. There are precious few smiling faces and people enjoying the experience. More like rats in a cage.
When we go to our local Sam’s Warehouse customers and employees are much more friendly and normal acting. The locational difference is that Costco is in the more populated and affluent area and the Sam’s we use is in the more rural and lower income area demographically. Both are modern, well lit, clean, etc.
Been trending this way since COVID porn hit. It just seems that the real folks have handled the hits and fear porn better than the elitist mindset. Conditioned better to it. Interesting, at least to me.
Pretty much my assessment too. Lately we’ve decided that were done with Wally world, We literally feel like we’re in the inner city when we’re there. Heads on a swivel looking for an altercation to break out.
The few bucks we save isn’t worth compromising safety. It’s a sad time in our country when people feel like this.
I guess we’re Wallyphobia’s now.
Your tale is accurate for the stores in Tacoma area, but they aren’t quite as bad as yours. Yet not for the one in Port Orchard. The stores seem to reflect the area in which they are located.
When we go to Columbus we choose safer parts of city also. I like Easton. I like the Whole Foods on Lane Ave the best . My husband like milk in glass bottles and its the only place to get it.
We are prolly at that point with Wally World. Our visits down to once every week or two. Each visit uncomfortable. It isn’t worth it any more.
I am slowly getting Hubby weaned from only going to Wally World. We no longer buy meats, fruits or veggies there.
I started talking to the Food Lion Veggie guy. He was an older fellow and would fit right in here. Towards the end of the conversation he let out he was a retired Polymer Chemist. 🤓
Yea. Wally World was really about the convenience, of one stop shopping AND some cost cutting.
Wally easily replaced.
Each Walmart at different parts of our city are different. I usually go to the tamest safest one.
We go about every three months to Costco. Buy mostly cleaning and paper products or can cat food.
My husband goes to Walmart to buy cat litter that is it.
Our organic meat comes by UPS. Dairy and some organic vegetable comes from Kroger. Fish also comes per UPS three times a year.
Spring and summer to fall veggies come from the garden or Amish.
I guess it is easier when one does not have kids to stay away from some stores one shoppes different with kids.
The best bacon is Kroger house brand thick sliced in 3 pound packs.
Thank you I have to try that. Last time I got bacon from Moink it was very good. Kroger has some good house brands.
‘Real’ folks use common sense …
others regurgitate what msm tells them … imo of course 😂
Sorta inline with your post.
I’ve noticed a marked customer service difference between Costco’s. I chalked it up to big city VS smaller city.
All Costco’s have taken a hit since Covidiocy hit. Costco was stoopid with Covidiocy party line. I quit them at one point. Went back when common sense returned.
“… when common sense returned.”
Yours or Costco’s?
Well, admittedly, my version of common sense is suspect.
Actually, when Costco stopped playing the “masks required” BS.
Then, I’d always drop a comment about the stoopid plastic shielding at the registers AND their not touching the Costco card for scanning.
Yeah, one of my favorite restaurants JUST removed the plastic barriers between booths.
Yes! Same observations about Target. Definitely trending young, childless, left and Muslim / Hispanic (when there are children) in our area.
Someone posted a tweet showing the large array of gay/gender crap clothing Target was pushing. Target made the decision to go with the alphabet propaganda. I rarely shop there nowadays.
Have not been in a Target, since Target started blending boys and girls areas. Five or six years ago?
Thank you for today’s message, Carl.
LOL! Yup.
We don’t deserve Trump.
But, DAILY, grateful, Trump is fighting for America.
REFERRALS needs to be our mantra. OVER AND OVER.
Reposting this one. Was late in the thread last night when it appeared. Maybe someone has more information on this.
Anti-Vaccine Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died
Drags this out from the GWP story.
Sayer Ji, founder of alternative medicine portal GreenMedInfo shared the details surrounding the sudden decline of his health.
“For the record, Rashid reached out to me on Feb. 18th and explained that only a few weeks before, he was in the ICU for 6 days, with a diagnosis of both stroke and myocarditis, with symptoms and biomarkers consistent with adverse effects from the mRNA jabs (which he did not have). As you will see in the video, he believed that he was experiencing the result of shedding (aka, “self-amplifying” properties) from the transgenic mRNA jabs,” said Sayer.
A. Video? (not in story)
B. Sayer talking about shedding. Is that a misdirect?
C. Dr. Buttar’s talk and Sayer’s seem to confirm Dr Braun’s tweet, but then Sayer verges off into shedding.
D. The Center for Countering Digital Hate appears to be the culmination of a lengthy on going smear campaign. The end result can be seen in Dr Buttar’s Wikipedia page where he is made to look like a total nutter. Indeed a search for Dr Buttar is going to show an endless list of fact check type stories that say the same.
E. Dr Buttar never took a vax. Apparently documented to have been poisoned back in Jan-Feb by a venom. Diagnosed with symptoms similar to “Died Suddenly Stuff” (bold above). Braun’s next tweet was this.
F. We know the anti vax docs have been exploring various theories with varying degrees of credibility for those willing to listen and all have been getting discredited from various directions from one extent or another. Indeed there’s been various theories that the vax it self being studied is not the same in all cases which adds to the confusion. So where are we now and what’s the cause of Dr Buttar’s death?
Here’s the link from Braun’s tweet from the Disinfo group.
“The Disinformation Dozen” (40 Slides total).
How hazardous is shedding, is it a real thing (proven to be fatal), if so how many of those we assume to be jab deaths are in fact jab deaths by proxy.
The globo elite certainly wouldn’t put their own hides at risk nor could they hope to isolate themselves totally from their jabbed minions. Apart from Nattokinase is there some secret drug they’re using, I can’t recall any of the WEF types dying this way.
I have some opinions, but no time right now. Will discuss later.
Looking forward to the discussion.
Had thought shedding was largely discredited.
Certainly worth another look.
Stick To Your Beliefs
Especially in the last few years.
Humans are tribal like all other animals. Oh, you think not? Uh huh. Sure. Go watch “Animal Planet” on chimps sometime — animals that share an awful lot of DNA with humans, and which have a social order that in fact has more than reproductive value; as just one example their grooming of each other is a major contributor to their health because, like with humans, they can’t see out the back of their head and thus can’t really clean things they can’t see. Live in a tropical area where you can’t remove parasitic organisms that might be on your body and your life expectancy becomes shorter. Its a math thing.
Despite all chimps appearing to be “more or less the same” they’re not. They divide into tribes, and defend territory — from what, may you ask, since they’re living in a place with plenty of resource? From “because we do, that’s why”.
And they will do so with lethal force too.
We claim we’re all so much better. We’re not. We can try to make that claim but its false, intentionally-so. We’re animals at a base level, and while we claim to use our intelligence to strive for better in fact we often use it to strive toward improving our tribe at, if necessary, the expense of others.
Technology has often been said to “make the world shrink.” It does. To go from one side of the US to the other was a weeks-long venture, if you got there at all. Then it was a days-long venture. Now its an hours-long one and messages, which used to take weeks by pony, now take milliseconds by fiber optic cable.
Not to be limited by oceans we laid said cables under the sea and put satellites in the sky, both of which bypassed the wee problem of a couple thousand miles of water in the way of such communication at high rates of speed. Before that we skipped messages off the atmosphere, and some still do for fun — although the laws related to Ham Radio prohibit doing so for profit — even if the “profit” is so trivial as ordering a pizza.
The Durham Report outlined tribalism weaponized in a political context. It should lead to myriad criminal charges as, among other things, it implicates Barack Obama (and likely Biden as well) as having actual knowledge that the Clinton campaign was attempting to frame Trump with a false “Russian interference” narrative. Did Obama have a duty to demand the FBI not get involved in that crap?
You bet he did; the DOJ is under the Executive, which means he was their ultimate boss, and if he could not secure such a binding agreement he had not just the right but in fact the duty to both take that to Congress and stomp on it publicly in an address to the nation making clear that, if said demand was refused he would deliberately destroy it by exposing every one of their employees — pictures, addresses, phone numbers, spouses and families.
Because the premise of a Constitutional Republic is that you have a right to honest representation through expression of the franchise. This is one of the checks and balances that 250 years ago we put on human tribalism — and is rather unique to America. Trying to flip the table over through false allegations of acts that could reasonably be called treasonous is not just unacceptable it risks the fabric of the nation and its political process itself.
The crafting of our political system, which is wildly different than the Parliamentary systems of Europe and indeed most of the rest of the world, was an attempt to stanch that inherent human desire and elevate reason and discourse above simply bashing the other guy in the head with a femur — or its modern-day equivalent.”
[more at title link above]
Thank you, Carl, this explains a lot that I didn’t understand.
Nice discussion between Bongino and MeAgain Kelly. ~Ten minutes.
Not sure if we ran with this. Seems important so runs with it again even if we have and seems to think it should of came up in the interview above, but it didn’t, not that it won’t latter. Bongino plays to a live audience that talks back to him so he’ll say something about this and may already have.
Meanwhile story that Fox has fired it’s entire investigative unit as part of the Dominion Law Suit.
Now that would make them just like all the other networks. All have been trimmed to the bone. Does that mean the only news you get will be from one government source?
soupnews for you!”Amen
Lends credence to, Pravda news. Party Line. Official narrative.
“SITREP 5/20/23: Bakhmut Falls, Artemovsk Rises. What’s Next?”
Lays out the possibilities, long and short.
Fascinating read. I tend to think a bit more simply than that. My predictions are that sooner rather than later the Ukies in the meat grinder are going to say eff all this useless dying and lay down their arms while Z will be jetted off to Florida or somewhere the neocons can protect their good little boy for as long as he is useful as a reward for lining their pockets. The Russians are not playing school. They are going to end it one way or the other. They are systematically taking that Nazi haven apart piece by piece.
He covered everything but saw a gap. Unfortunately does not have an account from which to post.
Perhaps something more on the negative media exposure to this entire fiasco is in order. Where it’s working, what inroads are being made, where it wains, and what can be done to improve it? There’s clearly more than one target that needs to be engaged. The low lying fruit would be MAGA types in congress that still support Ukraine (cowards that won’t speak up), followed by our RINOs (working for the war profiteers). Current attempts to thwart the war effort largely fall into the “its a waste of resources”, but not much on “Russia’s right to protect it self” and few seem to want to go there even though the case is strong. This war started with a strong pys-ops apparatus already in place to not just muffle the truth but in most instances to blot it out completely. Low info types still don’t know Putin’s simple demands made on Ukraine (No to NATO, De Nazify, and Honor Minsk Accords) Now with FOX completely going over to the dark side it might seem that getting the right information out to the masses is lost now, however it could be just the opposite. The alt news Indians which people are being forced to flee to are perfect vehicles for carrying the right information and indeed many already do. Time to increase the volume. We would of never allowed the WARSAW pact to set up in Mexico in order to weaken us which is what Russia faces in Ukraine with NATO. More people need to be exposed to that kind of information and Congress needs to talk like they understand that.
It’s noticeable that the sites that are anti globalist are the ones who “get it” that natø and zelensky are in the wrong.
Amen. Forever and always. Blessings and appreciation for you, bakocarl.
Thank you for your joyful witness!
This was posted at 12:52 their time today. I never realized that the fighting was still so far south.
“Urgently ⏺
Zaporozhye direction.
Tokmak after the shelling of the city, the enemy completely de-energized the city from electricity and communications.The shelling continues.There are also reports that the enemy is conducting reconnaissance by combat at the contact line with the help of the DRG.It looks like it’s supposed to start very soon.Let me remind you that Tokmak is located north of Melitopol ⏺
Hold on Brothers 🙏”
Steady push.
Larry’s latest …
“If you think that the policy towards Russia, which is shaped by the perceptions and beliefs of the Washington status quo, is not seriously screwed up, think again and watch Charles Kupchan, a former Clinton and Obama National Security official and current shill for the Atlantic Council, take you on a bizarre journey worthy of Alice in Wonderland. Kupchan’s views are not unique to him. What he is saying about Russia and Ukraine is mainstream Neo-Con and reflects the views of Biden’s key national security aides and the leaders of the U.S. Senate and House. No amount of facts will change his mind. He is locked in, as is the Biden Administration, in portraying Russia as a rapacious, authoritarian state hell-bent on conquering the world.
If there is anyone in a leadership role in Russia or China who still believes that there is a path of negotiation with the United States, Kupchan’s delusional diatribes unleashed in this video should awake them to the futility of such an effort. There is no room for genuine negotiation with Moscow. The Washington establishment will not be satisfied until Putin is dead and Russia is carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey — the bird not the country.”
The Washington establishment will not be satisfied until Putin is dead and Russia is carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey — the bird not the country.
^^^ Washington establishment is gonna be frustrated for
yearsdecades.Turtle soup, once again… (mocked turtle?)… he’s earned it, though…
Verse of the Day for Sunday, May 21, 2023
“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.”
Psalms 95:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here’s the whole pic (tweeter cut off the conclusion)…
In the comments, someone posted that this is authored by someone else, and another commenter said he saw the same (or similar) 10 years ago.
“But I’m running out of patience.”
Sure you are.
Let everyone know if you ever actually run out of patience.
Until then, it’s just more of the same, all talk, no action.
Same old, same old, all talk, no action.
Could also apply to comments, too, eh…
Uhh… No?
One man can’t do what needs done.
One man is not an army, it’s just a suicide mission.
You signing up?
You want to join?
That’s what I thought.
Always good to see you defending the status quo 👍
Always seeing you griping.
What are YOU doing, other that continually accusing everyone of inaction?
We’re VERY active over here.
And I’ll leave it at that, lest the newSS take an interest.
“Always seeing you griping.”
I always see you defending the status quo.
I’m *&^%ing pissed off, and if more people were pissed off, we wouldn’t be in this *&^%ing mess.
But instead, half the people on our side have been lulled into believing that secret white hats will somehow save the day.
That’s so dangerous it’s hard to even imagine. To trust a ‘plan’ that is never articulated, from people who are never identified, within the same organization who allowed our country to be destroyed in the first place.
But it’s comforting, to think that we can all sit back, eat some popcorn, and let imaginary white hats come to the rescue.
Unfortunately, as fun as that little fantasy may be, it has never happened before, and it requires a level of competence and action never demonstrated by government in my lifetime, if ever.
And if the popcorn crowd are wrong, if they have been deceived, then they’re all dead — and they’re going to take the rest of us down with them.
You may be fine with taking that risk. You may not give a %*&^.
I do.
“We’re VERY active over here. And I’ll leave it at that, lest the newSS take an interest.”
More bullshit.
Prove me wrong.
What have you accomplished?
Oh right, you can’t tell anybody, because that would expose double-0-cuppa’s secret resistance network.
If I were just randomly strolling through here, I might very well consider that a personal attack.
As to the thrust of your argument, such as it is, everyone needs to manage their resistance based on their own circumstances. If they hold professional certifications, public positions, licenses, or the like, they may need to be circumspect. It doesn’t take much — my little long-dormant CPA certification could be taken away from me….and it is a force-multiplier whenever I talk to people. Should I take a more crude public approach and lose my certification, or mouth enough slogans to retain my CPA and present “yes, but….” arguments?
The Powers That Be would love it if we were all homeless, ranting in parks every day. How much more effective might we be as “faithful” observatory guards, pointing out where fences end?
“If I were just randomly strolling through here, I might very well consider that a personal attack.”
Not sure there’s any point in trying to understand where you’re coming from with that.
He posted a tweet by a 3rd party, someone called ‘always right’.
I read the tweet, and in the comments section, saw that it was either an old tweet or a similar sentiment had been expressed years ago.
I responded to the tweet by ‘always right’, not to cuppa.
Cuppa then engaged in a personal attack against me. I didn’t attack him, but he attacked me.
You don’t see that.
Me in response to ‘always right’, not directed toward cuppa: “Until then, it’s just more of the same, all talk, no action.”
Cuppa to me, directed at me: “Same old, same old, all talk, no action. Could also apply to comments, too, eh…”
But for some reason, you don’t see that attack on me.
I did see it, and replied: “Always good to see you defending the status quo.”
Hardly an attack, certainly less harsh than his attack, putting the ball back in his court.
But even if you consider it an attack — and apparently you do — at best it was a counter-attack.
But you don’t see that. You’re blind to his attack, and you want to throw the flag on me for what at most would be a soft retaliation.
Then cuppa makes second personal attack: “Always seeing you griping.”
You don’t see any of that. Like it never happened.
I pointed out the obvious (and uncontested) danger of believing white hats will save the day. He claims to be part of a current ongoing mission, but he can’t provide anything to back that up, for the same reason none of the white hat claims can be backed up.
Which is always convenient.
They’re “trust me” propositions.
Just trust me…
Confidence schemes.
Then you randomly stroll by, completely overlook cuppa’s personal attacks, and accuse me of making a personal attack.
Nice… 😂
DARVO is always surprisingly effective because most people just want to move on.
Another personal attack.
I never heard of DARVO before.
Now I’m being compared to a sexual offender or psychological abuser:
DARVO – Wikipedia
DARVO (an acronym for “deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender”) is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.
Very nice.
Hey, you’re the one who wants to take my general observation personally…..
Now blaming the victim…
You’re on a roll tonight 👍😂
French or Sourdough?
Female F_I_B agents show up at a person’s house and “want to talk to someone.”
The comments below the Twitter post are enlightening.
FIB clearly has lost their minds, handing them over to the globalist collective as they chase the phantoms created by their own guilt.
Yours Truly: There is a link on this list by to an article by Sasha Latypova. Apparently, there is a potential $500,000 total “payout” for each hospital patient in California who dies after being “treated” with remdesivir (Veklury.)
Can You “Catch” Alzheimer’s Disease? – The Burning Platform
Well , since they are spit balling and admit that no one has it figured out noticed someone looked to the East for answers saying it might be karmic. While not sure what to think about that and since the door is open for spit balling, why not allow that the subject/patient subconsciously realized something is missing from their lives resulting in a sort of forced period of self reflection, sporadic at first, a Walter Mitty thing, that grows and turns into a forced period of dhyana which then ultimately leads to forced samhadi and such may or may not come about with physical alterations in the brain as a way of forcing the samhadi by blocking out the distractions of normal thought. The conditions would appear to be the same without the will power to retreat from the condition as it is an untrained forced response. Call it being mesmerized by what comes next and that in turn tunes all else out. Because it’s an untrained response when one enters the state there is nothing to describe it or even will to describe it, the subject eventually then becomes captured by it.
Any way… short version of this… could call it Ascending to the Heavens but its called something else. The artist is a Sanskrit singer.
Got lost in the deep thinking AND big words.
Was it the spit balling or the Sanskrit girl? Doesn’t have to say.
I mean they did say they hadn’t figured anything out yet… so why not take a stab at it. Meanwhile Sanskrit girl has at least a dozen play lists which translates into a hundred songs at least.
Good stuff!!!
The Never-Ending ‘1619 Riots’
We can see the agitation over the death of Jordan Neely as a call to another summer of rioting.
By Mary Grabar
May 20, 2023
The Communist Roots of America’s Race Riots
The Truth of ‘Woke’ in [Market-Ticker]
This is a brilliant article, in which Karl gives away some of his best fundamental economic principles.
He’s right. The free money is over – IMO for a variety of reasons.
The public is becoming too wise to the free money scams. We even spotted Ukraine in almost real time.
51 People Who Should Never Have Clearances Again
51 People Who Should Never Have Clearances Again – American Thinker
Bad news,
New Hampshire Democrat Vote Favors Child Molesters Over Parents
New Hampshire Democrat Vote Favors Child Molesters Over Parents – Granite Grok
There is a MASSIVE bright side to this. We can beat the Dems to a pulp on this issue.
They won for now, but there will be CRUSHING LOSSES to come, and they’re stuck with the position for two years.
Whew. Whos got onions?
Look how appreciative the son is!
Very. He must be a really good kid.
Watch her virtue signaling! “Are the regime cameras on? Look at me! I’m a good person!”
Ugh. Yes.
“Sure you are, and I’m Batman.”
That libtard cow should go a ways down 680 and compete in the Alameda County Fair…
Crikey… Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, etc., used to be conservative, and rural/country minded. Seems the quiche-eating liberal East-left-coast white whine drinkers have taken over…
Maybe the birdchoppers on Altamont Pass have addled their brains..,
Ha, used to ride up that road going to work short of the Livermore Labs coming from the other side of the Bay. There may of been some bird choppers already getting erected while I was there. That was over 15 years ago. Saw the area on Google Maps not too long ago. Looks like a lot of building has been going on there since.
We lived there (briefly, before moving back here) in the late 90’s. There were three different kinds of birdchoppers being built then, and many of them (being run by Enron) were “out of service” or downright ruined.
Oddly enough, I read a few memory dumps of Enron’s corporate computers, not knowing at the time who they were… Gosh, what a sheltered life I led 🙂
Back then there was no housing to the east of Vasco Road north of 580, and you could see the trains coming down the hill, and hear the birdchoppers on a quiet (and cool) night. Not to mention infrasound; that was always there, more felt than heard.
Still, it took one to two hours to get to Palo Alto or Cupertino back in those days; some friends say it takes 30 minutes now just to get from Livenomore to Pleasanton!!!
[If we could have hung onto our house for a couple of years and then sold it, we’d have done really well. But then Kalifornistan probably would have taxed us to death (as would Germany).] Sigh…….
That’s when you take the money and run. Don’t stay long enough to get a tax bill.
Vasco road, great old time country road. Between Livermore and Brentwood. Before the reservoir was created. Great memories.
Yep. When I was growing up, we’d go to a pick-you-own peach orchard in Brentwood. Almost bought a house there, except we were low on gas when we were looking, and went to Livermore instead. Glad that happened, as from Brentwood to the west bay would have been the commute from hell…..
They used to have rodeos in Livermore, and of course the county fair. Wonder if they even have them now (I know First Street in Livermore has been redone 🙁 )….. It was still kind of country back in the 90s; I doubt it is now… Orchard Supply Hardware and a lot of the old places are gone…
When we moved in, there were 23 houses in the new little development, and there weren’t enough wire pairs to support everyone’s telephone needs (ISDN, etc., those being the pre-DSL days). I spent a lot of time at the Shell station on Vasco arguing with PacBell about how many they should have, versus what they’d bothered to put in… now it’s the same thing over here with FTTD…. (and we even have a Shell station down the hill… who knew)….
Thats what i thought. It was farming and conservative. Well most of ca was..
Eastern Sierras along US 395 may be the only CA area with sane folks these days. Bishop, Lone Pine, Big Pine, Independence, Lee Vining…
Riverside and san bernadino are going blue and crazy. Pockets of healthy but not like it was either. Same w Orange and SD counties.
30 years ago, people would have gotten in her face, shouted her down just for the foul language she was using around women and children, and chased her off.
Yes. If said something to someone before and it made it worse, but the rotund hag stormed off a bit embarrassed anyway.
As long as the girls choose to validate this bullshit by their participation, it will continue AND it will grow.
Theyre trying for college scholarships so they probably feel as though there are no other options. Meanwhile this jackass boy just stole a potential scholarship.
Net outcome 0 = 0.
Shame they don’t think logically about this, especially Miss Fourth Place who could have literally saved her breath since participation got her nothing.
Yep. Her parents arent guiding her, or havent taught her how to develop critical thinking.
Understand the point. Disagree with the logic.
Wrong IS Always WRONG. <<< ALL ages must know AND Act accordingly.
The girls, women can STOP the lunacy if they stand up for themselves.
Event organizers and sponsors are also required to do what is Right.
Playing along, INCLUDING for a scholarship IS wrong.
Id say that really its come to that. Girls need confidence developed in the right way with loving fathers or at least a male mentor to deal w a lot of these types of conflicts. Toughness in spirts isnt the same as toughness elsewhere. The Riley Gaines girl is bold most likely bc of her family structure. But, i know its not the only way to get there, just maybe the healthiest.
We should have some form of “stolen valor” scholarships for women athletes competing against blatant cheaters that the system rewards.
Ohh. Like that. Class action lawsuits but no one has the money.
Oh, that’s AWESOME.
We can also keep ALTERNATE RECORDS that don’t recognize TRANS CHEATERS.
It would never have happened 30 years ago, when Americans knew how to properly shame people for deviant and immoral behavior.
The title should read:
A cheater boy who competes against girls because he’s not good enough to win against boys, only managed to cheat his way into 2nd place.
Americans and people all over the world are invited to mock the cheater at his FB and tweeter pages.
Comment lifted from Moon of Alabama
How much does the war in Ukraine cost Europe?
There are direct costs, indirect costs and intangible costs. Grants are a direct cost. Where has the money gone?
The “European Peace Facility” has spent €5.6 billion on weapons for Ukraine.
Germany pledges €2.7 billion in arms for Ukraine. Germany will give Ukraine a tank factory, too. As the saying goes, “Give a man a tank, and he fights for a day. Teach a man to build tanks, and he fights for a lifetime.”
“Macro-Financial Assistance +” is an EU office that pays Ukraine €1.5 billion per month throughout 2023.
The Ukraine Energy Support Fund takes money from EU states and gives it to Ukrainian power companies. This means the European taxpayer is giving money to the same companies that cut off Russian gas pipelines to Europe.
Loan guarantees only show up in the book-keeping if someone defaults on the loan. As an example, Ireland has a “Ukraine Credit Guarantee Scheme”. This will not cost the Irish one cent, until the day comes Ukraine doesn’t pay.
Forget about the International Criminal Court arrest warrant against Putin being the work of a single judge. The EU has paid the International Criminal Court €16 million to “hold Russia accountable”. Someone help me out – what is the word for giving the judge money and stating what the trial outcome should be?
There are other programs, too many to mention. No trough not filled, no palm not greased. Need a quick €10,000? Check out these opportunities.
Officially, the EU has given Ukraine already €37.8 billion.
Then there are indirect costs, such as the increase in energy prices because of the war. Some €646 billion in taxpayer money has been used to subsidize fuel and electricity prices.
So yes, the Ukrainian war is costing the EU money. But there are also intangible costs – say, what the rest of the world now thinks of us. That cost will only become clear once the war is over.
It is not only the EU using the International Criminal Court to “hold Russia accountable”
On Wednesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was questioned by the House Appropriations Committee on the US China policy. Lindsey Graham employed his Kabuki theater “tuff guy” persona and told Austin that the Congress is expecting the Department of Defense to provide data to the ICC to “hold Russia accountable”…
At 5:38 Graham brings up the ICC
Thanks for adding Ms Lindsey
Morning phoenix: yw….. The ICC has always been a political institution, not a legal institution and in my opinion it should be burned to the ground and salt poured over the ashes.
I like your opinion … good day to you …
AS IF China cares about US designating as a terrorist state.
Ms Lindesy is delusional.
“I know nothink” Scholz has promised a lot… but he most likely (indeed, cannot) deliver. He’s getting a lot of pressure both from his own party and the others, and the opposition (CDU/CSU and the AfD) are VERY vocal. People here are fed up.
Sometimes I think he’s just as crazy as Bye, Done; he certainly looks unhinged lately…
If I might insert a quibble….
“Loan guarantees only show up in the book-keeping if someone defaults on the loan. As an example, Ireland has a ‘Ukraine Credit Guarantee Scheme’. This will not cost the Irish one cent, until the day comes Ukraine doesn’t pay.”
They only show up if and when the default is recognized. Ukraine isn’t paying now, and never will be able to pay, but as long as the Irish can go “la-la-la-la” and pretend otherwise, it’s still a loan guarantee and not a loss.
If Ireland were a public company in the US, there would be tremendous pressure to recognize immediately, but international rules are different — and rules between countries even more so.
Thanks Coothie …
People need to see these names!!!
I have bolded a lot of the names that I find interesting, concerning, or suspect in various ways.
It sure looks to me like they have an interesting mix of MEDIA people.
I see their wish list here:
Lisbon, Portugal, 18 May – 21 May 2023
Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chair, Global Advisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Agrawal, Ajay (CAN), Professor of Economics, University of Toronto
Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs
Altman, Sam (USA), CEO, OpenAI
Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder,; CEO TES
Andersson, Magdalena (SWE), Leader, Social Democratic Party
Applebaum, Anne (USA), Staff Writer, The Atlantic
Arnaut, José Luís (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
Attal, Gabriel (FRA), Minister for Public Accounts
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto (PRT), Chair, Impresa Group
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS
Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair, International Advisors, Goldman Sachs
Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA
Beaune, Clément (FRA), Minister for Transport
Benson, Sally (USA), Professor of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Beurden, Ben van (NLD), Special Advisor to the Board, Shell plc
Borg, Anna (SWE), President and CEO, Vattenfall AB
Borrell, Josep (INT), Vice President, European Commission
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA
Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
Braathen, Kjerstin (NOR), CEO, DNB ASA
Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum
Brink, Dolf van den (NLD), CEO, Heineken NV
Brudermüller, Martin (DEU), CEO, BASF SE
Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA SA
Byrne, Thomas (IRL), Minister for Sport and Physical Education
Carney, Mark (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
Cassis, Ignazio (CHE), Federal Councillor, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne
Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Ceylan, Mehmet Fatih (TUR), President, Ankara Policy Center
Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council
Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia
Debackere, Koenraad (BEL), Chair, KBC Group NV
Deese, Brian (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council
Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE
Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Economy, Elizabeth (USA), Senior Advisor for China, Department of Commerce
Ehrnrooth, Henrik (FIN), Chair, Otava Group
Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General for External Security, Ministry of the Armed Forces
Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po
Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA
Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University
Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Former Director, GCHQ
Frederiksen, Mette (DNK), Prime Minister
Freeland, Chrystia (CAN), Deputy Prime Minister
Garijo, Bélen (DEU), Chair and CEO, Merck KGaA
Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), Commissioner for Economy, European Commission
Gonzáles Pons, Esteban (ESP), Vice Chair, European People’s Party
Gosset-Grainville, Antoine (FRA), Chair, AXA
Goulimis, Nicky (GRC), Board Member and Co-Founder, Nova Credit Inc.
Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel LLC
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Anchor, La7 TV
Gürkaynak, Refet (TUR), Professor of Economics, Bilkent University
Haines, Avril D. (USA), Director of National Intelligence
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, DeepMind
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
Hofreiter, Anton (DEU), MP; Chair Committee on European Affairs
Holzen, Madeleine von (CHE), Editor-in-Chief, Le Temps
Jensen, Kristian (DNK), CEO, Green Power Denmark
Joshi, Shashank (GBR), Defence Editor, The Economist
Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister of Finance; Deputy Prime Minister
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.
Kasparov, Garry (USA), Chair, Renew Democracy Initiative
Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery Poland
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS
Kolesnikov, Andrei (INT), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Kostrzewa, Wojciech (POL), President, Polish Business Roundtable
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman, KKR & Co. Inc.
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lammy, David (GBR), Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, House of Commons
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, Umicore and Mediahuis; Chair DSM-Firmenich AG
Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees
Looney, Bernard (GBR), CEO, BP plc
Marin, Sanna (FIN), Prime Minister
Metsola, Roberta (INT), President, European Parliament
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Zeno Partners
Moyo, Dambisa (GBR), Global Economist; Member, House of Lords
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates LLC
Nadella, Satya (USA), CEO, Microsoft Corporation
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group
Orida, Deborah (CAN), President and CEO, PSP Investments
Özel, Soli (TUR), Professor, Kadir Has University
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group; Treasurer Bilderberg Meetings
Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre
Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE
Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español
Rappard, Rolly van (NLD), Co-Founder and Co-Chair, CVC Capital Partners
Reynders, Didier (INT), European Commissioner for Justice
Röttgen, Norbert (DEU), MP, German Bundestag
Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
Salomon, Martina (AUT), Editor-in-Chief, Kurier
Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Schallenberg, Alexander (AUT), Minister for European and International Affairs
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google LLC
Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks
Sebastião, Nuno (PRT), Chair and CEO, Feedzai
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), MEP, European Parliament
Silva, Filipe (PRT), CEO, Galp
Stilwell de Andrade, Miguel (PRT), CEO, EDP
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Subramanian, Arvind (INT), Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Brown University
Tellis, Ashley J. (USA), Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs, Carnegie Endowment
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC
Tsu, Jing (USA), Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University
Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), Minister of State for Security
Vadera, Shriti (GBR), Chair, Prudential plc
Vassilakis, Eftichios (GRC), Chair, Aegean Group
Waldron, John (USA), President and COO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Wennink, Peter (NLD), President and CEO, ASML Holding NV
Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, National Security Council
Yang, Yuan (GBR), Europe-China Correspondent, Financial Times
Yergin, Daniel (USA), Vice Chair, S&P Global
Yinanç, Barçin (TUR), Journalist, T24 News Website
69th Bilderberg Meeting to take place 18 – 21 May in Lisbon, Portugal
LISBON, 18 May 2023 – The 69th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 18 – 21 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. About 130 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia, labour and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on
The key topics for discussion this year are:
Banking System
Energy Transition
Fiscal Challenges
Industrial Policy and Trade
Transnational Threats
US Leadership
Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media are invited to take part in the Meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.
The Bilderberg Meeting is a forum for informal discussions about major issues. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.
Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued.
Media contact: media[@]
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2022 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List
Tags:Bilderberg Bilderberg Group
Thank YOU … for posting the long list of names … I hesitated to do so…
Glad you did …
You’re welcome! I even went back and bolded a bunch of them!
Barroso did an ENORMOUS amount of damage to the EU, and basically watered-down the education system here, killing off Germany’s “Diplom” degree, which is (or was) in between a master’s and a doctorate. Now only Bachelors (and then Masters) are given, with the Bachelors taking almost as long as the Diplom used to (i.e. same time, less material, lower qualification in the end)….. grrrr….
Da-ned commie…
The Trans human guy, Sergi something was not on the list, but a recent story captured him showing up with his little roller bags to attend anyway.
Keep your eyes out for Noah Harari as well! TROUBLE!!!
Okay, that’s who I meant. Couldn’t remember his name. They filmed him showing up at the hotel with couple of bags and said he was not on the invitee list.
Now that I have the name, lets see if the story still exits…
YUP. Clearly there to advise THIS ONE…..
Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum
Well, he’s got lots of moolah.
Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for this list. Agreed with all the names that are bolded. If Yours Truly may, another name can be added to the “side-eye”list —
Nadia Schadlow.
This woman is a “full member” of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR.)
She was a member of the National Security Council.
Also, she was the principal author of the 2017 National Security Strategy (NSS.)
There we go. Another GloboNazi traitor.
Yergin, Daniel (USA), Vice Chair, S&P Global
Curious. He’s an energy/oil name.
promises … promises …
Yup. I’m watching.
For now, I say…..
They are the Gestapo in sheep clothing. Never trust.
Second that emotion!
I dont trust McCarthy bc hes been there so long.
I think he is basically giving them the building for a letter that won’t get rid of Biden.
Nothing done w the appearance of something.
I’ll bet McCarthy said “no new billion dollar FBI building” if they didn’t comply.
He said something but i doubt its enough.
They should be in prison. Giving them a bldg after all this is disgusting.
Oh, they do need a new building. Oklahoma, maybe, or Texas. Not less than 1000 miles from DC.
There has to be an atoll with their name on it!
I understand it has some, erm, glowing reviews 😀
IIRC, Bikini Atoll is French.
But, y’know, it might not matter atoll…..
I think the solution just may be Aleutian….
Adak island . . . runway already there.
How about Mt. St. Helens crater for a nice location with a view?
Need to make sure that it’s set to “heat” and “massage mode”! 😉
A boom with a view 🙂
ONLY if that building is a prison.
Downsize FIB and they don’t need a new building.
“AND” logic. Downsize them AND put them in a new hut.
ZERO brownie points for Kevin. NONE.
Kevin gets an unclassified document, likely with redactions.
FIB gets billions as Wolf pointed out AND off record word, FIB won’t be pursued for trashing the investigative team last week. (Was it over BiteMe taxes, Hunter, all the above?)
Kevin should be putting the screws to FIB.
Yes. He has the ability with everything revealed so far doesnt he? So is he dealing for himself then?
The latter. Always has. Uniparty.
What does his ‘belief’ have to do with anything?
Either we are a nation of LAW, or we aren’t.
Either the Speaker has lawful authority to force the FBI to turn over the document, or he doesn’t.
If he DOES, then DO it.
If he doesn’t, then it won’t happen.
Belief is irrelevant.
just a really trivial comment:
I got my “COYOTE” label back!!!!!
Returning to your regular programming …
You appear to be logged in to your “phoenixrising” site account, which seems to be linking properly to your WordPress account. That explains it!
If you are not actually logged in, but instead “syncing” from a guest account, then you will get your avatar, but no “animal” membership!
Good … I accidentally did something right… 😉
Take the wins where we can get them.
Been busy down at the border? 😀
(just kidding… congrats and howwwoooooo)….
China Joe. The man is a disaster. IMPEACH!!!
Why is he wrinkled in the back of his neck? I often wonder if there is an imposter . The Biden we sometimes see has dead eyes and another time the guy does not look as bad.
BiteMe’s appearance, mannerisms, actions, reflect the ebb and tide of drugs, treating senility.
That is what my husband tells me also. It is heartbreaking to use this guy and the country suffers for it.
Amen that is it.
Yes we are.
We cannot blame it all on China Americans need to stop taking drugs. I never took drugs it never even entered my mind. No one in my family does . This drugging is so foreign to me. Even pot I do not understand or happy pills what ever they are so many women were prescribed. I have no sympathy for those who think that drugging salves problems. Only Christ can heal whatever troubles people.
I strongly agree. I’m at an age where I try to look back to see how we’ve ended up where we are. I am in my early 60s and work with a gal in her early 40s and one in her late 20s. Both are mothers, but I am not. When we talk I really listen to their points of view and I see how different their thinking is. They both have taken a crap ton of pills in their lives. I have never taken anything. They both have had counseling since their early teen years. I have had none. Neither can just accept and deal with adversity. They rely on pills and counseling to handle everyday life.
It is sad to see how badly the medical profession has manipulated people. And that’s just the crap they get legally. I think we have some lost generations to deal with.
I agree with you.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I noticed when my children started school they are now mid fifties. The schools started group therapy in class. I believe that was the first step where kids began not able to handle things. Right after that were pills against hyper activity instead curbing soda and sugar. I had a kid that was hyper cut out all sugar for all kids little TV lots of outdoor play time. He grew into a disciplined man still cannot handle sugar or soda or alcohol. I was home and since I am creative
was able to help all my kids without pills. Dealing with lives adversities are early lessons and one learns to get through it and how strong we really are. God is good.
People have been taught anything goes. Libs in charge, now its sex at any age, again libs and media and social media pushing. Parents need to parent or not have kids.
Yes parenting is learned and one has to set limits even when it pains. We are parents not friends to our kids even though it is tempting. To many people take the easy way out .
Its embarrassing and a dangerour behavior too.
Yes it is
Martin Armstrong has an article at ZH …
“… It is sad to say, but unless Ukraine loses this war, we are in for a total worldwide war on an unprecedented scale post-2024…”
Absolutely. NATO needs to MAN UP to the fact that they over-expanded in a geopolitically reckless and irresponsible way.
The consequences of not admitting this, will be another, worse, terrible, fatal, wreck.
Nato needs to get out of Ukraine and US also. The west is making a mess for nefarious reasons. Population control and get rid of anyone standing between their thirst for power ? Russia is in the way and US got Biden who is unraveling us as fast as he can. I wish there was someone like military or the states to put the breaks on this guy and his criminals running the government. Money cannot be the only promise they all got.
Where are the church leaders are they all compromised the the Anti Christ?
Beware of banks hiding your cash!
Considering the fact that most banks over here offer no interest (and eye-watering fees) for keeping cash in them, there’s no point to using banks anymore. It amounts to negative interest. A normal bank account here costs €4,90 per month, bears NO INTEREST, and even printing statements out costs €0,50, with only the first one free. I you forget, and the bank sends you a statement, that will cost you €1,50 !!! 😡 😡 😡
Moneychangers indeed…..
People should have money at hand so they do not have to beg the bank to get their own money.
If it was up to me it is not I would withdraw small chunks of money
I withdraw all of my discretionary monies every month …
My suggestion. If your stock piling cash, make sure it’s in something that will block a metal or passive scanner. They can carry such on cell phones now. Since that would be something metal, perhaps put in with the pots and pans or other places where there’s lots of metal.
Makes me think of Hari Seldon and Gaal Dornick at the beginning of the Foundation novels, where Seldon was on trial. He had jamming (decoy) equipment, which the federales came and took, but the real jamming equipment generated random, but plausible conversations…
Who’d have thought that that science fiction (horror) would actually come to pass…
This is a comment/review of Foundation lifted from a review site. Made me laugh out loud.
Foundation. The name is apt.
Isaac Asimov’s sprawling scifi tale is the rock on which much of today’s space opera is built. Truer scifi historians than me would cite the late 1920s and pulp magazines such as Amazing Stories and E. E. “Doc” Smith as the DNA donors that spawned a thousand space operas. They would be right, but Asimov’s fame towers above all others. His 1952 story of the decline and fall of the Galactic Empire is space opera’s… foundation.
Unfortunately, the analogy continues. Foundation has all the elements of poor writing that makes stuffy literary aristocrats stick their noses up at the genre. And rightfully so. Flat characters, a lack of economical yet creative prose, and endless dialogue are the genre’s Achilles heel, and not in a cool Ilium way.
This rant covers only Foundation itself. Despite owning an old edition which includes the entire original trilogy, I only managed to slog through the first book. Barely.
The first chapter with Hari Seldon and a death-or-exile-decision was promising. But the plot device that makes the story potentially interesting also pulls it apart like the gravity of a gas giant. Foundation spans decades and with each shift into a new era, you’re introduced to new characters. You learn almost nothing about them and in some scenes the dialogue is so pervasive, violating the hallowed “show-don’t-tell” rule so thouroughly, I was actually unsure where these people were.
One of my favorite parts of reading science fiction is being exposed to the new ideas of smart visionary authors. Good scifi ends up being right, cool or both. I obviously try to give anything as old as Foundation more of a pass on this front but I really didn’t find any of its concepts mind-bending, or even mind-tickling. Psychohistory, as I understood it, was alright. I guess. Statistics.
Dated elements abruptly eject the reader from the ever so important suspension of disbelief. For days I couldn’t shake the scene where two characters shared a bunch of “snuff”. I thought, is it reasonable that humans are still using tobacco products 12,000 years in the future?? And snuff?? Atomic energy is the big technology in the Foundation universe. That’s like, fascinating, and stuff.
Immediately after I “finished” Foundation, I picked up Scott Westerfeld’s The Risen Empire. A quote on the cover claimed “In the tradition of Asimov”. Uh oh. But wait. Intellegent turns of phrase? Break-neck action? Verisimilitude in the progression of civilizations? Technology that drives the plot, is extremely inventive and is extrapolated from today’s knowledge base? Well-thought out characters whose behaviour makes sense but is not cardboard predictable? Other wicked-cool oddities like undead royal families? No snuff? Yes, I’m in the safe and familiar bio-tech embrace of a trusted friend: New Space Opera.
Stories like Foundation are the reason why we even needed a New Space Opera in the first place. Unlike the misadventure of New Coke, this was a significant improvement on the original. The authors of this reinvigorated genre like Banks, Hamilton and Westerfeld (with all due respect to Stephen Baxter and his physics lectures some call novels) focus on quality writing, character development and social commentary. Oh and scientific accuracy verging on “whooooa there”. A few, like Dan Simmons’ georgeous Hyperion, are masterworks in any genre.
All this poison being said, I can easily watch old GI Joe and He-Man cartoons and marvel at their sheer genius while a 10-year old today would brand me an idiot. Nostalgia is a shiny prism through which we all view our past. If I had not first read Foundation in my thirties but instead in my teens this review would like be entitled “Asimov is like chewing on expensive snuff!”. But alas I am stuck with current me.
This review also marks several times now that I give poor grades to scifi written prior to 1980. I’m a linear person: old before new, read things in order, cake before coffee, no spoilers please. So I’ve attempted to read Asimov, Niven, Pohl and I have to say: meh. I now vow brown cow to not feel guilty by skipping the basement of my favorite genre and instead enjoy the first floor, second floor, jacuzzi, balcony and pool. I’ll get to that basement. One day. When it’s raining. Ooo look a squirrel!
Being a solid fan of New Space Opera, I must give proper respect to works upon whose shoulders it stands. I do so. But as with many of you, I have more books on my to-read list than I can tackle in a lifetime. I must prune and trim aggressively and I’m afraid the rest of the Foundation series is likely to end up on the greenhouse floor. Hopefully before I’m dust a clever New Space Opera idea about extending human life expectancy will give me more time to explore books about advanced civilizations prone to cancer of the mouth due to snuff addictions. Until then, I give thanks to the Old and say bring on the New.
Asimov created the genre, and was one of the pioneers. And many of the criticisms that are hurled at him by the young ruffians are hurled at Tolkien and others. Tolkien not only created the “Universe of Middle Earth”, he created an accompanying language structure and background (drawing on Norse and other mythologies) and a huge complement of characters, some of which were very minor indeed. A problem that Asimov also had.
I will say that Asimov erred in merging the Foundation universe and the “I Robot” universe; further compounding the error by devolving into Gaia…
Bliss? My hiney… (Bliss being the Gaia interface…)…..
It was great when I was 10.
That’s about when I read it. Maybe 12 or 13.
Thought it was great but I can’t remember a damn thing about it now.
Tin foil
LMAO!!! Oy, the ironomy!
What’s an ironomy? Is it tasty?
It’s something between a frontal lobotomy, and “a bottle in front of me”… more nutritious… less filing… (as opposed to less filling)…
Sometimes! 😉
Gold Star for you… eagle eye … catching that!
Thank you!