DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20230601

It’s June already? Where does the time go.

Badlands News Brief – May 31, 2023


You Asked for a Rebuttal, Dad

No, a ‘Fair Tax’ is not a good idea

10% flat tax. It’s Biblical. Anything more is theft.

Making QAnon scary again

The normies still don’t get it.

This Is How You Do It: Christian Pitcher Blake Treinen Speaks Out Against LA Dodgers Empowering Blasphemy

That’s at least three MLB players piping up.

Return to the Story

We have to reclaim the idea of the present moment. By nature, man is impatient and distracted but this doesn’t have to be the beginning and the end of one’s existence. Stories are our way back into the possibilities of individual and collective imagination, no matter what happens.

America and the Future of Globalism

Sorcery or Nihilism, Part III

Toward a Youthful Republican Party

There’s more to attracting young people than a coherent message, but it would be a good place to start. Republicans, in general, really do not have good communication skills.

‘Back to Basics’ in Education Is Not Enough

Agreed. Build morals and values into the lessons kids learn. Like Voyages in English does in grammar drill.

Matt Gaetz Crushes CNN, Beats Network’s Viewer Numbers While Guest-Hosting on Newsmax

Why Are Democrats Trying to Pigeon-hole MAGA Women?

Target may have ‘lost control of narrative’ after Pride backlash: consumer research expert

Gee, ya think?

Is Jamie Dimon a Prophet?

Republicans 2024

Project Veritas Sues James O’Keefe Because He Left After They Fired Him – Demand Injunction to Stop O’Keefe From Working



Some things the world just does not need to see.

He’s the only one I’ve ever heard didn’t or doesn’t remember.

The masks killed more people than the flu did.



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


SIRACH 42:15-25

15I will now call to mind the works of the Lord, and will declare what I have seen. By the words of the Lord his works are done. 16The sun looks down on everything with its light, and the work of the Lord is full of his glory. 17The Lord has not enabled his holy ones to recount all his marvelous works, which the Lord the Almighty has established that the universe may stand firm in his glory. 18He searches out the abyss, and the hearts of men, and considers their crafty devices. For the Most High knows all that may be known, and he looks into the signs of the age. 19He declares what has been and what is to be, and he reveals the tracks of hidden things. 20No thought escapes him, and not one word is hidden from him. 21He has ordained the splendors of his wisdom, and he is from everlasting and to everlasting. Nothing can be added or taken away, and he needs no one to be his counselor. 22How greatly to be desired are all his works, and how sparkling they are to see! 23All these things live and remain for ever for every need, and are all obedient. 24All things are twofold, one opposite the other, and he has made nothing incomplete. 25One confirms the good things of the other, and who can have enough of beholding his glory?

PSALMS 33:2-9

2Praise the LORD with the lyre, make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! 3Sing to him a new song, play skilfully on the strings, with loud shouts. 4For the word of the LORD is upright; and all his work is done in faithfulness. 5He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD. 6By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth. 7He gathered the waters of the sea as in a bottle; he put the deeps in storehouses. 8Let all the earth fear the LORD, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! 9For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood forth.

MARK 10:46-52

46And they came to Jericho; and as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great multitude, Bartimae’us, a blind beggar, the son of Timae’us, was sitting by the roadside. 47And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 49And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart; rise, he is calling you.” 50And throwing off his mantle he sprang up and came to Jesus. 51And Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” And the blind man said to him, “Master, let me receive my sight.” 52And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.



Not satire, but…..

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Sorry, this video is hosted on TikTok . . . can’t control everything

“A false education”

This video will make you see things differently, speaker – Alan watts. #alanwatts #philosophy #deepthoughts #education #reality #motivation #mindset #fyp

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No more of these, please. They have to be manually shut off every page refresh.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t worry – no more deadly TikTok videos.

They are not supposed to work here. I had them turned off. Apparently some recent update turned them back on. That is now fixed, and they don’t show up.


Well, they can’t be that deadly – most of us are still here.  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Coconut Oil and MCT Oil: Ketones as Alternative Fuel for the Brain in Alzheimer’s and Other Disorders

Slides from a medical conference. Same doctor.

This one is interesting and may explain why hubby is doing so much better on a diet with a lot more beef.

In 1970, Dr. Siegfried Hoyer reported decreased glucose levels & lower cerebral metabolic rate in brains of some people with dementia.

In 1991, Hoyer reported that the ratio of use of glucose to alternative fuels in cerebrum shifts with aging:

• Young normal people – ratio of 100:1

• Elderly persons without Alzheimer’s – ratio is 29:1

• Early stages of Alzheimer’s – ratio is 2:1

Suggested fuel for brain cells must come from alternative fuels, such as fatty acids and amino acids (didn’t mention ketones in this paper).


Siegfried Hoyer. Brain metabolism and the incidence of cerebral perfusion disorders in organic psychoses. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde 1970 ,197 (4): 285-92. Hoyer S. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease. Annals New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 640 (1991): 53-58. Hoyer S. Causes and consequences of disturbances of cerebral glucose metabolism in sporadic Alzheimer disease: Therapeutic implications. Adv Exp Med Biol Vol. 541 (2004):135-152.

Ketogenic Diet was also used to treat epilepsy

Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy – 1921

• In 1921, Rollin Woodyatt discovered and reported by that either starvation or consuming a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet result in production of three ketone bodies, betahydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone in people who are otherwise healthy.

• Shortly after, Russel Wilder of the Mayo Clinic began to call a diet that resulted in high levels of ketones (called ketonemia), a “ketogenic diet”.

• Wilder and C.E. Baker were the first to report on the use of the ketogenic diet for epilepsy in 1921.


Woodyatt RT. Objects and method of diet adjustment in diabetics. Arch Intern Med Vol. 28 (1921):125– 141. Wilder RM. The effects of ketonemia on the course of epilepsy. The Clinic Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 307 (1921):1. Baker CE and RM Wilder. High-fat diets in epilepsy. The Clinic Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 308 (1921):1.

Gail Combs

Ketones are Neuroprotective in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s – 2000

• Neurons were grown separately in cultures, from the hippocampus to study Alzheimer’s and from the mesencephalon to study Parkinson’s.

• Cells subjected to a toxin known to cause these diseases, Aβ1-42 for Alzheimer’s and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium for Parkinson’s.

• Ketone beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) added at starvation levels to some of the cell cultures and remaining cultures served as controls.

• Findings: Addition of the ketones: – Significantly increased the survival of the neurons compared to the controls. – Size of the neurons was larger and there was a greater outgrowth of neurites, suggesting that ketones can act as growth factors to neurons in culture.

• Began developing BHB monoester for therapeutic benefit.


Ketones are Neuroprotective in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s – 2000 Kashiwaya Y, T Takeshima, N Mori, K Nakashima, K Clarke, and RL Veech. D-b-Hydroxybutyrate protects neurons in models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease,” PNAS May 9, 2000, 97(10): 5440-5444.

Alzheimer’s is “Type 3 Diabetes”

Explosion of research into the relationship between AD and brain glucose metabolism in 1990’s and beyond. In 2005, De la Monte and Wands looked at brains of persons with advanced AD who did not have type 1 or 2 diabetes:

• Levels of insulin and factors related to making and using insulin are greatly reduced.

• All of the signalling pathways involved in the use of energy are abnormal.

• The functioning of mitochondria is abnormal.

Coined term “type 3 diabetes” to describe insulin deficiency and insulin resistance in AD brain 


De la Monte SM, JR Wands. “Review of insulin and insulin-like growth factor expression, signaling, and malfunction in the central nervous system: Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Vol. 7 (2005): 45-61

Foods with Medium Chain Triglycerides

Coconut oil 8.4 grams per 15 ml

Palm kernel oil 8 gm per 15 ml

Goat butter 2.4 gm per 15 ml

Cow butter 1.6 gm per 15 ml

Goat milk 1.7 gm per 240 ml

Infant formula 1 gm per 240 ml

Cow milk (full fat) 0.9 gm per 240 ml

Human breast milk 0.78 gm per 240 ml

Goat cheese 2 gm per 30 gm

Feta cheese 1.4 gm per 30 gm

Heavy cream 1.3 gm per 30 gm

American cheese 0.78 gm per 30 gm


According to USDA National Nutrient Database (

Well I have been using heavy cream instead of sugar in my tea for decades. We also switched to butter.

Sugary Drinks and Brain Aging
(Think Mike Obama’s drinks in schools…)

Middle-aged participants (53 to 56 years old) in the Framingham Heart Study to determine if consuming sugary drinks, including sugar sweetened soft drinks, fruit drinks with added sugar and 100% fruit juice, was associated with signs of pre-clinical Alzheimer’s (that point at which Alzheimer’s is underway but symptoms are not yet obvious) and vascular brain injury. Every two years the participants had an MRI (4276 people) and/or neuropsychological testing (3846 people). They also looked at intake of diet soft drinks for comparison. Findings, compared to people who did not consume sugary beverages:

• Consumption of one or more sugary drinks per day resulted in lower total brain volume, lower hippocampal volume (hippocampus is an important area of the brain for memory and the process of Alzheimer’s disease starts there)

– One to two sugary drinks per day resulted in 1.6 years of accelerated brain shrinkage.

– More than two sugary drinks, 2.0 years of accelerated brain shrinkage.

– Three or more sugary drinks, 2.6 years of accelerated brain shrinkage.

• Worse scores on delayed-recall memory testing (the ability to remember something, such as a list of words after a distraction).

– One to two sugary drinks per day resulted in equivalent of 5.8 years of brain aging.

– More than 2 sugary drinks per day resulted in equivalent of 11.0 years of brain aging.

– Three or more sugary drinks per day resulted in equivalent of 13.0 years of brain aging.


Pase MP, JJ Himali, PF Jacques, et al. “Sugary beverage intake and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease in the community.” Alzheimers Dement Vol. 13 No. 9 (2017):955-964.


THANK YOU Gail… you are a treasure!


^^^ This. Thank you for posting, Gail.

Almost as soon as I completely shifted to Ketogenic on Feb. 1 of this year my age related malaise and fatigue ended. Reduced sugar (even natural food produced) related intake, eat almost no carbs from processed foods, increased protein from red meat while still eating fish and poultry (mixing it up), consuming less starchy/high carb veggies and fruits – all of it helped greatly. I will have an increased natural (non-processed) carb day every week or two.

Could care less about calories and how much fat I eat. Switched to butter long ago. Eat eggs nearly everyday.

I abandoned soft drinks and sweet tea decades ago. Now I am off chips and processed food snacks. If craving a sweet snack, I eat a couple of small pieces of dark chocolate.

Still losing 5-6 lbs. per month and will hit my goal weight in July, a weight I have not seen in 25 years. Full mental focus is back and stamina has strongly increased combined with the chiro adjustments while doing no additional exercise program to help it. Do some stretching in the morning and still able to do about anything physically I want or need to do.

Sleeping better and becoming an even bigger irritant (a–hole) to woketards and traitors. Never going back.

Gail Combs

I tossed bread/wheat a couple decades ago and my nightly acid reflux completely cleared up.

I wish I could get hubby off of bread.

At least rice is not nearly as bad for you as wheat and sugar. Supposedly it is absorbed more slowly and further down the intestinal track.

I am VERY sensitive to sugar/carbs. They will put me to sleep without fail but rice does not although I eat it with meat, onions, mushrooms, and fat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sleeping better and becoming an even bigger irritant (a–hole) to woketards and traitors. Never going back.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Damn! I changed the settings and got rid of this TikTok video, and it came back somehow! Had to remove it manually! WTF!!!


Speaking of peculiar website behavior, Qtree tabs don’t have the little icon thingie on them any more. You know, the brownish widget that shows up to the left of the truncated title with circular writing….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmm. The icon shows up fine for me! If you want to give me any specifics about the browser, I can try that, too. I’m using Brave when seeing no problem.


My “normal” browser is Firefox with all scripts blocked, except for And about a thousand open tabs. And Privacy Badger, Canvas Blocker, ABP, and maybe some other things. Weird thing is not that it isn’t working, but that it worked before. I also went back into my still-open qtree tabs and the icon thing is there until I touch it and refresh the tab.

In Brave, gets the normal brown circle with a figure and writing circled around, but an open tab (like DEAR MAGA: Open Thread) has a little black circle with a stylized white S inside.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, something is being blocked now. For this site, have you turned off “Enhanced Tracking Protection” (the shield), or is that still running? If it’s not that, then it could be one of the other added extensions.


I’m running a comparatively vanilla Brave, relying on Brendan Eich. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if my Firefox installation has a modification that implemented “Enhanced Tracking Protection”. In neither case would I trade it for little tab decorations……but it’s just odd that it used to work and doesn’t now.


Thank you, DePat, for showing there is life after Wednesday.


Thank you Coothie … for your thoughtfulness and … your exceptional wit …


MTG also said this in that thread:

I would love for everyone to be able to see the J6 tapes except the funded Antifa internet trolls that can’t wait to comb through every ounce of video with facial recognition software in order to doxx every person that simply stood on the Capitol grounds that day so they can ruin their lives and the FBI can raid their homes in the middle of the night and the DOJ can persecute them mercilessly.

…which answers no questions.
What is the reason the public is not getting the tapes? To protect people from “Antifa internet trolls”? To protect the people from FIB raids and persecution? Why don’t you release the tapes and defund the FIB so they can’t act lawlessly against the people? Why aren’t you persecuting the FIB?


You ask such annoying questions. Picking on poor congresscritters.



Just when they’re sick, too. 🤢😅

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One of these things is just like the other, really creepy .. shudder 😖




I have more respect for people who do not pretend to be MEGA than a person like MTG. I have met people like her more times than I can count. They are the worse.


It’s a little obvious that the FIB has already been poring through every frame of the tapes with facial recognition software already. Is she suggesting that Antifa has better software than the FIB has?


Good point. I find her comments patronizing and her arguments ineffective. It’s disappointing.




If that’s what she means, she should just say it.


One of the reply’s correctly says that the FBI had this footage for a long time already and ran it through face recognition software anyway.

When ANTIFA gets the hands on the footage so can we and identify the FED’s and ANITFY, who supposedly weren’t there.

The problem with given this to a limited number of journalists like Julie Kellie and Solomon, is the Left, DemonRATS, the RINOS and Propaganda Media (MSM) will use this limitation as an excuse and accuse those journalists of selective editing (as they have done with Tucker) even if they have made an incredible objective effort to present the evidence.

Brave and Free

I am sure the FIB has already run facial recognition on everyone there. She’s deflecting again, what a putz she’s turning into. Remember her big 50 cal give away, I wonder how many of those entries she gave to the FIB?


and round up the domestic terrorist group antifa?


@SpeakerMcCarthy has given @jsolomonReports, @Julie_kelly2, and a third outlet unfettered access to the J6 tapes, and their reporting on it starts tomorrow.

What is the third outlet? Is it going to operate in the shadows, with Solomon and Kelly being the public faces of the release? If that’s the case, why reveal its existence at all?

If the third outlet is going to be public like Solomon and Kelly, then why the secrecy?

I don’t think people in Washington have any idea how tired so many of us are of being spoon-fed.

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Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

What if the third outlet is some outfit being started by Tucker Carlson? Since he is still “negotiating” with Fox, he probably can’t be public yet.


I had thought of Tucker too. This is very nitpicky on my part, but the announcement could have just said “other investigators” or “experts” or “cooperative journalists who will work with Kelly and Solomon.” But no, it has to be obvious that there’s a “third outlet” that we the people can’t know about. I’m just tired of Washington doling out what we are allowed to know.

If it’s Tucker, great, but we need a thorough, complete job that holds nothing back this time.


I agree.


MTG is…

I can’t capture how full of delusional bullshit MTG has become.

Or MTG always was always full of delusional bullshit.


By The Way. WHO IS THE THIRD OUTLET. There IS a reason, no name given.


I’m guessing it ain’t because it’s Tucker Carlson.


I’m guessing it’s because it IS.


[quiet giggle]






A clone of Charlie Brown you be … always expecting ‘Lucy’ to ‘change’ …

you’ll do it again before the day is out 😉


You’re starting to sound like Scott.


That’s a good thing.




I think we have been given reason to trust MTG and some others to enact change and to be the change.

The day I stop expecting change is the day I give up on America. That’s not going to happen. 😊 So line up the football, Lucy. One day she will find that it’s covered in glue or oil or something gross.


Sooner or later, They might figure out that in order to defeat the bitch…. Aim for her head instead of the football.


“The day I stop expecting change is the day I give up on America.”



The political-class isn’t America.

If anything, the political-class is the enemy of America.

And that’s not going to change, at least not on its own. The criminal political-class is not going to reform or punish or purge itself. Not in this lifetime, or infinity after it.


Who said anything about the political class? Or the criminal political class, for that matter?

Yes, MTG is a politician, but I’m not only talking about them. Lots of others are causing changes that are positive, and some in Washington are doing the same. Sometimes the people cause politicians to do the right thing. Change is possible and does happen.


Preach it, brother!


Or sister! 😁


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As was suggested in a comment by K1tt7-fzn in yesterday’s daily, this is Groomers Month.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The month of GROOM.


Groom and doom.


Mao would be proud the way they target children


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Oh. I love Hillary as the vulture who cannot wait for senile Joe to perish.


Thank God the Cackler isn’t in this one.


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They always say “my pleasure.”


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America First Legal is Stephen Miller’s group.

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Gail Combs


I have gotten at least two similar requests via mail recently so why not use Twatter??

It is not as if it is a NEW strategy for law firms, just a new vehicle.


“You may be entitled to compensation under a class action lawsuit”

Oh wow, the delicious irony!

Cuppa Covfefe

And all the ambivalence-chaser lawyers 😀

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Julie Kelly on the J6 tapes:

Two years ago this month, I wrote my first article about DOJ concealing thousands of hours of surveillance video from January 6.

For two years, I have beat (banged?) the drum for public release of all footage.

That said–I supported Tucker’s sole access to the footage for one reason: releasing clips must be a surgical strike within a frame of context. Flooding the zone with random clips without proper context minimizes the impact.

Tucker did that with some success–I’m not here to explain why more clips weren’t aired, I have no knowledge –but that approach should be repeated again at least in this next stage.

For the first time, we have the chance to control the narrative on Jan 6 and expose the fraudulent J6 committee, which acted as both a coverup of the truth and a missile aimed at Trump.

Giving access to @jsolomonReports and me (and another solid reporter) then allowing us to combine clips with new and existing reporting will effectively erode the media/Dems storyline.

And after looking at recordings, I can tell you, it’s an exceedingly laborious process. I’ll admit maybe I was naive in thinking they could all be uploaded and made public–my hope is that will still happen, but will take time.

Innocents must also be protected since lowlifes like Sedition Hunters will only be too happy to comb through footage, plaster faces on social media, and destroy more lives.

Keep in mind–this DOJ and Capitol Police are responsible for keeping this footage under wraps. THEY want it kept from the public, and still do.

I understand the frustration and I will do my part to keep pushing for full public release in the near future. For now, I think this side will be pleased (shocked?) by a steady release of new material.

Thanks for everyone’s support–this project is ongoing and nowhere near the finale.

https: //


I go back and forth:
I understand the concerns about “the wrong hands” getting hold of the tapes. But the wrong hands are already prosecuting and persecuting people. See: J6 prisoners.

I understand that “Flooding the zone with random clips without proper context minimizes the impact.” I’m also tired of being spoon-fed only what others think I should be able to see while the 3-letter agencies run roughshod over our rights without consequences.

Maybe this is the best way, especially when I think of people we know of who might have been there and whose lives have a chance of being impacted by the release. At the same time, promises made to us are almost never kept (except by Trump), vital information is kept from us, we are lied to and patronized and treated like second-class citizens, “national security” and our own safety are used as excuses for withholding information that could shine the light on corruption, and almost nothing happens to cause real change (again, except Trump).

I can only imagine what a daunting task it must be to comb through so many hours of tape that include so many people. If the tapes were released to us tomorrow, there’s no way I could go through them all, and I probably would not be able to discern much from them. I would be relying on reports from autists and pedes and conservative media. So now we are in the same position we were in with the Twitter files: waiting for journalists to put together reports and show us what THEY think is important and safe for us to see. I guess time will tell whether this will be effective.


I look at this as being similar to the old rules about sources in journalism — if the source is providing useful information, a reporter would fight like hell not to disclose his identity; but if the source provided some dreck that made the reporter look bad, the reporter would burn the source by releasing all information.

In my mind, the Feds at all levels — Capitol Police, January 6 Commission, FBI, FISA Courts, instigators, and everyone else — have misbehaved to such an extent that everything should be released and any organizations facing collateral damage should quit whining.

You don’t get anonymity if you fire tear gas at your own citizens. You don’t get anonymity if you beat one protester to death and shoot another. You don’t get anonymity if you instigated violence in a peaceful protest. You don’t get to hide if you’ve been frantically spinning ridiculous narratives.

Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.


Yes, in addition to innocent people’s identities being revealed on those tapes, the misbehavior of authorities would be, too. We need to know about that. I hope these journalists will have the courage to show it.



100% of the tapes should be GIVEN to every J6 Political Prisoner.

The CHOSEN Three, do NOT represent the interests of, 300+ Million Americans?

Them three, damn sure don’t represent my interests.


The whole “hide the tapes” BULLSHIT is based on the premise that the citizens legally protesting have something to hide and that the authorities, out of the kindness of their hearts, are looking out for their best interests.

If EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN at J6 were identified, it would be obvious that it was all protected by the First Amendment and the thousands of people were there legally. The government couldn’t cut out a few people and “make an example of them”. But it would also show that blatant illegality of the government’s actions on that day.


But if you are one of those citizens, currently anonymous, would you be ok with being identified so Antifa could surround your house every day and terrorize your family? Or your leftist employer could find an excuse to fire you?

These are dangerous times. The current White House squatter refused to protect conservative SUPREME COURT JUSTICES from the mob. What would they do for an average citizen?

We need to think this through.

Gail Combs

A lady I know, a retired marine, who was on the school board was doxed as having been at Jan 6th. She was thrown off the school board and the town news made her life a living hell.

I can no longer contact her because she had to change her phone number and e mail.

She was living with her elderly Mom.


And ^^^THIS^^^ is exactly what I am talking about.




Releasing ALL the tapes will further prove, J6 was a set up.

This is what we need to get past the J6 lies.


Whatever Solomon, Kelly and unknown release will have faces.

Are they gonna blur out Feds? YES. Blur out every other face, also? I guess.

All seems far to convenient. “Chosen Few”, decide what everyday folks get to see.

Wonder what agreements Solomon, Kelly and unknown have signed. AND unwritten, verbal agreements.

  • Zero trust here. NONE.

Did nobody stand with her? Did nobody say, “I couldn’t make it, but she was there representing me?”


The whole “hide the tapes” BULLSHIT is based on the premise that the citizens legally protesting have something to hide and that the authorities, out of the kindness of their hearts, are looking out for their best interests.

I think, at least for conservative journalists, it’s also based on the premise that the authorities would persecute citizens unjustly, as is already happening.


Exactly – we did not vote for the chosen 3. We voted for Congressmen and women.

Release the effing tapes. Those tapes our owned by We the People.


Solomon and Kelly will provide access to the defense attorneys. Tucker did and that’s how the ‘Qanon shaman’ got released.




I think we need to think about the consequences to average Americans who might have their lives upended by Antifa goon squads surrounding their homes, leftist employers, and others, before we condemn how this is being done.

It’s easy to say you would do it, but some people may not be in a situation where being doxxed is ok. Would you want your young children to have to run a gauntlet of Antifa crazies outside your house every day on their way to school? Remember, these people are insane; they have no jobs, no life, no anything, except hatred for us. And there will be NO HELP forthcoming from the feds.


I also think the feds could easily bring bogus charges against innocent people and lock them up. We’ve already seen it.

But we can’t hide in fear, because that only empowers them more. We need to take the power back. The fact that we aren’t in control is what’s making me a little hesitant.

I’m hoping there’s a way to navigate through this where government misdeeds are revealed, innocent people aren’t harmed, and the truth about that day is shown to all.


Feds AND their misdeeds will NEVER be exposed by Soloman, Kelly and the third mystery goof.

^^^ FIB will ensure Feds are NOT exposed.

^^^ 100%, any and everything Solomon, Kelly and third goof releases WILL BE SCRUBBED of Feds, including Feds doing bad things.

We’ve been fed a shiny object.


Your anti-depressant drugs aren’t working real well.  🤔 


Thanks. My comments remain spot on.


Truth, can at times appear to be depressing, to the reader.  😮 


Me, too.

Gail Combs

I am thinking of what Naomi wolf did with the Daily Clout and the Pfizer documents.

Slow release is not a bad tactic IF ALL THE CRITICAL INFO IS RELEASED>

The fact that Tucker was fired shows just how scared the Deep State is of this info in the hands of honest journalists. I just wish Tucker could have continued.


Some day, Tucker will tell us why it all stopped, abruptly, after night one.

Yea, prolly Faux dictated it. The Rest Of The Story, is what I, we want to know.

Gail Combs

I am seeing a critical difference between the Pfizer document and these tapes.

the Pfizer document was written and that made it easier for the non-professionals to extract the info and the publish it and spread it around.

Video is going to be a bit harder.

At this point I am in the ‘wait and see’ mode before I flip my lid.


My lid has been flipped on most everything.

Yes, there is a huge difference in media.

IF the videos are ever made available, geeks will figure them out quickly.


We always must remember that we are the most moral and the smartest people in American society.

While we could properly deal with a total dump, lots of other people cannot.

It is those people who need to be treated somewhat differently.


What I think the problem is with releasing all the tapes publicly is that she is correct; people will be doxxed just for being there. That wouldn’t cause them problems with the feds, necessarily, but what about with leftist employers? What about the “underground” conservative living in New York or Los Angeles? What would happen to them?

This needs to be done selectively by people we can trust. Julie Kelly is a WARRIOR for January 6. Let’s see what she does.


people will be doxxed just for being there

Yes. And the implications of that flow from the false narrative that it was an insurrection against the government instead of a protest and a call for Congress to do the right thing.


Giving access to @jsolomonReports and me (and another solid reporter)…

  • ^^^ HORSESHIT.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Solomon has been among those who have been telling us for years that something big is going to drop in just a couple of years.

Only to leave us with nothing.

Another damn internet charlatan.

Sadie Slays

PSA: Michael Obama launched a children’s food product company. Rumor going around that the Obama juice is soon to be added to school lunches. I wouldn’t trust these Deep State creeps not to add who-knows-what extras to the children’s food, either. h/t Neon Revolt.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is this healthy like the COVID shots? Is this healthy like remdesivir? Is this healthy like paxlovid, the rebound drug?

Gail Combs

Is it healthier like mRNA contaminated food?


Assuredly, Safe AND Effective. <<< At what, I dunno.

Gail Combs

Slow poisoning???

Remember High Fructose corn syrup is made from CORN…

USDA funded Spermicidal Corn:


Ingredients here:

Sweetness from stevia and monk fruit.
Color from vegetable and fruit juice.
2g fiber in each bottle.
35 (mostly empty) calories per bottle.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a study that just came out showing Stevia and monk fruit are riskier that they thought, including hormone, heart, and stroke issues…

Here’s an article that I found on a quick look-up; there are others…

If you’ve ever eaten low-calorie sweeteners that contain stevia (like Truvia) or monk-fruit, they may also include erythritol, a natural sugar alcohol that offers a similar sweetness to sugar, but with zero calories.

But erythritol, which is popular in keto-friendly foods and low-sugar or sugar-free baked goods and foods, may have an unexpected and very unwelcome side effect, according to a new study published in Nature Medicine. When looking at people who had major cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes, they found that people who had them were far more likely to have high levels of erythritol circulating in their blood.

(more at the link above and [paywalled]
Witkowski M, Nemet I, Alamri H, et al. The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event riskNat Med. 2023. doi:10.1038/s41591-023-02223-9 )

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It looks as if the danger comes from erythritol, not pure stevia or monk fruit. Erythritol is not “found in” stevia or monk fruit, as the title of that article suggests. They can be used in their pure forms. It can be hard to find pure monk fruit on the shelves, and sometimes it has to be ordered, but pure stevia leaf powder is more readily available.

Many years ago I tried eating some sugar-free sweets that contained erythritol. I had a weird sensation of my insides being completely chilled. I could not get warm, even directly in front of a heater. I tried it one more time after that with the same result.

Some people also have bad gastrointestinal symptoms when they eat erythritol and other sugar alcohols. I have avoided them like the plague for many years. Unfortunately, you have to read every label carefully because they will use “sugar-free” or “keto” or ‘low-carb” as selling points.


“No additional ingredients.” Thanks!


From the article:

When looking at people who had major cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes, they found that people who had them were far more likely to have high levels of erythritol circulating in their blood.

This might not be relevant, but diabetes can lead to heart attacks and strokes, and diabetics comprise a segment of the population that uses sugar substitutes. Examining evidence about erythritol in relation to whether stroke and heart attack sufferers are diabetic might be something to look into.


Does it contain additives that turn Michaels into Michelles?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Estrogens! That’s it!!! Bet it’s loaded with SOY!

Cuppa Covfefe

Well it says on the front that it contains REAL FRUIT JUICE 😀


Is that fruit as in queer?


Someone should get a lab analysis.


Is it healthy like hemlock? Asking for a friend of Socrates.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So, about a week and a half ago, our city had its annual “cleanup week”. You dump all your unwanted stuff at the curb and they come by with tractors and semis and haul it away. It’s a great opportunity to get rid of dead trees, broken patio furniture, light fixtures you can no longer get bulbs for, and the like — stuff that doesn’t really fit in a normal trash bin. It went fine.

Then, about a week late, some assholes dumped about a yard of sod and mulch and crud on our side street about six inches to our side of the property line with our neighbor. It’s been a busy week with the holiday and all, so we were slowly considering what to do about it.

Then, today, we got a citation from the city. I tried calling to find out what we were supposed to do about it being that we were the wronged party, but they’d all left for the day.

Then the Fiancee got home and popped her top. It had to be dealt with NOW. Her idea of dealing with it involved shoving it in our normal greenwaste recycle bins, since tomorrow is trash day.

My understanding is that sod, because (a) it weighs a ton and (b) is mostly dirt, is not supposed to go in greenwaste bins, except for a de minimis amount. OTOH, the code inspector used the word “greenwaste” in his write-up and the Fiancee was spittin’ nails.

So she and I duly loaded greenwaste bins with the stuff and I rolled ’em around to our main street next to all the other containers. Hopefully the weight doesn’t rip the robot arm off the truck.

This really could be a much nicer state if you could just shoot illegal dumpers if you caught them. That and people who steal out of cars or shoplift….I wouldn’t even mind clearing the corpses out of the street half as much as I minded shoveling all that sod.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

California justice! Keep it away!

Gail Combs

Since we have 1000 ft road frontage and two dirt roads we get all sorts of ‘nice presents’ like aspestos roofing tiles, old 1/2 filled paint cans, tires, and everything else the dump WILL NOT TAKE.


Can you shoot people for that in NC?

Gail Combs

Well you can certainly shoot a dog that is ‘threatening livestock’

Then there is S,S&S…


From your neck of the woods I’m going to assume that’s Sight and Shoot & Scoot. 😮🙄🧐🤔😏😁😆😉

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Gail Combs

Shoot shovel & shut-up …

Happy go lucky

Hopefully the weight doesn’t rip the robot arm off the truck.

Hopefully, fingers crossed 😂😂😂


If it does, it’s because the inspector dude called it greenwaste. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to put it in the greenwaste container had he not done so.


Update — they took it.

Happy go lucky



Gail Combs

good grief he makes me feel THIN!

I am surprise he has not dropped dead for m all that weight. He is 61.


Hell, Chris Christie makes Nads Nadler, look thin.   :wpds_mrgreen: 

Gail Combs

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


It is a photoshopped pic.

Gail Combs

I was wondering about that. but it is not too far off. (these are 2011 -2012)


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I could be wrong. It’s rare but it does happen.  😆 

Gail Combs

Well at least you are willing to admit it.🤓


Could be significant but the connections seem a bit vague…

“They write that after the blow to the building of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, a new star appeared on the board of honor for the dead CIA employees, the 140th in a row (for the entire existence of the CIA – at the beginning of May there were 139).”



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dying for KlauSS SSchwab instead of the American people and Constitution is a sad way to go.


Darwin Award


The ultimate exercise in futility, doing the same thing ….. no wait it’s the dark putz thing, that’s it.


An attempt to break through to Shebekino — what is known by 11.00 on June 1 , 2023

The Belgorod region has surpassed the Donetsk agglomeration in terms of the intensity of shelling over the past couple of days — we gave sad figures yesterday. Shebekino gets the most: intense strikes are being inflicted on the city, the evacuation of women, the elderly and children has been announced.

Early in the morning, Ukrainian formations attempted to break through the Russian border. According to Two Majors, 20 border guards and 20 conscripts joined the battle in the area of the Shebekino automatic transmission. One of the tanks came in close proximity to the state border and was eventually destroyed. Later, artillery and aviation worked out — the sortie was repelled.

On another site, already by the forces of the company from Ogurtsovo, an attempt was made to sortie to the New Tavolzhanka. Russian troops repulsed the offensive attempt, fire damage was inflicted on landings in the Ogurtsovo area, where enemy equipment was concentrated.

>>>As during the events of May 22-23, Ukrainian formations were advancing under the flag of the “Russian Volunteer Corps” and the “Freedom of Russia Legion” — simulacra created by the British, which should “legalize” the use of Western technology on the internationally recognized territory of Russia. And of course, the second goal is to promote the separatist project and the rise of Russian Nazism, which is being promoted simultaneously with the theses on the decolonization of Russia.<<<

(Me: the scheming bastards are trying to make it look like a color revolution, same with the wests special forces doing attacks from within the RF.)

In military terms, such sorties are aimed at shifting the focus of attention from the Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions and forcing Russian troops to react on another sector of the front.


Remember yesterday Col Macgregor gave the bit of information that the recent UAV attacks on Moscow were launched from within the RF.


My husband loves Van Morrison, his music was played when we traveled.


Here are the 149 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats in Passing the Uniparty Bill


OH reps betrayed the voters in OH. Mine will be in trouble not going to vote for him again. My husband tells me the hair cutter and people who go to him are upset about the way republicans voted. We are rep country and they will be in trouble. People here do not forget.


Presstitute did good serving this one up to Professional Liar, John Kirby.


“Wow!” Stunned John Kirby Stammers Out a Denial and Leaves Podium after White House Reporter Details Joe Biden Bribe Allegations and Whistleblower Charges, Asks About Majority of Americans Believing Biden is Corrupt


Posted in the replies:



His eloquence is magnificent …. 🫢🙄🫤😂😂😂😣🤚 …


More excellent news… Hope it falls into an abyss…


Bud Light Bloodbath Drops Anheuser-Busch Stock Into Bear Market Territory


Yesterday, michaelh linked to during a discussion of Federal farm policy, with a “what do you think?” — probably for Gail.

So, I’ll throw in my two cents.

There shouldn’t be any Federal meddling regarding ethanol. Everything about this situation is government creating a problem, mandating a solution that causes more problems, then requiring more government to deal with the problems originally caused by government.

If left to private industry, where participants have skin in the game, some vehicles would require better fuel; others would run different combustion cycles; others would embrace MTBE as an additive while others embraced ethanol and others used something else. Farmers would grow what they thought would yield a good profit. Over time, the various approaches and regional resources would tend to produce optimal results. Maybe they use ethanol to avoid knock in Iowa, where Texas uses better fuels and Utah will burn anything.

The second that government lays their heavy hand upon the situation, it will get FUBAR’d. No mandate will be optimal across the entire nation and regulations will be subject to the whims of lobbyists.

My comment, then, is that there may be a case for corn ethanol as a component of motor fuel in some places at some times — but there is no way that the Federal Government can appropriately assess this or properly regulate it.

Gail Combs

Oh, I agree we need to do away with many laws and most regulation.

For example the Farm Bill ONLY FUNDS GRAIN. That tax payer funded grain then means it is CHEAPER for big Ag to use confinement operation for chickens, hogs, and cattle instead of PASTURE.

Get rid of the subsidies (and tariffs on sugar) and High fructose corn syrup goes away. So do confinement operations that foster disease. So does corn ethanol…

It also means bread and other grain products are artificially lower in price shifting food dollars AWAY FROM fruits & veggies which are NOT SUBSIDIZED.


I guess we need to go back in time. All people in Germany that had a house had fruit trees grew vegetables. Here we grow grass I never could figure out. They made us dependent to buy instead growing. I still want to turn my front lawn into a garden bu I am married to an American who is so entrenched into having a lawn. His parents immigrants had a garden and fruit trees and fruit bushes.
At least I grow some vegetables in the back yard. We need to go back the way our parents grandparents grew their food supply.

Gail Combs

In some towns it is ILLEGAL to grow veggies in the front yard.

FWIW, I am seeing a lot more raised gardens at the birthday parties I go to.


We do not have restrictions where I live. Not jet .
Good to hear people are gardening 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Over here they’re monitoring who grows what, when, and where. So far no-one’s getting called on it, but I doubt the GangGreens and the Gubmint will let things go un-taxed…

They have to pay for all those wasted COVIDIOT vaccines somehow; not to mention the Mozzie refauxgees and the black hole money sink known as Ukraine, with its klown transident…


It is not the Germany of 60 years ago for sure. Germans seem to be so easy influenced by charlatans.


If only…..




~Six months ago, Boebert was spot on. MTG was out to lunch, Then AND Now.

Buy hey, three “approved” journalists, get access to J6 tapes.


He forgot there is a reason why the other Republicans supported this.


Steve Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Democrats on Uniparty Spending Bill
“I’m Ready to Turf You Out!” – More… Steve Bannon Fires Warning Shot at 149 Republicans Who Voted for Uniparty Bill (VIDEO)
I don’t understand what’s going on with Jim Jordan. It’s as if he’s drinking the MTG Koolaid that this bill will enable the House to do good things regarding spending cuts.


Jim Jordan is more and more like, The Return Of Rooster Head.


the “good things” are too far down the road to be considered real by anyone. Foolish not to have gone back in and said no can do, then stand firm or get a better deal. They have nothing to show but a measly 1% spending cut and between now and when the good things are supposed to happen we’ll likely see a whole host of supplemental spending bills with the first being Ukraine, the second being Ukraine, the third being Ukraine as well as the 4th, 5th, and 6th, but at least we got the magic beans!

Heck, Ms Lindsay is already out there banging the pots and pans for more money for…. you guessed it… Ukraine!
Lindsey Graham threatens to block Deal over funding for Ukraine…

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

They must have something on them or family. The opposition is ruthless. MTG I read is now divorced because she had an affair. I do not know about the affair if it is true but she got divorced. I think be in DC long enough a person gets dirty and then they use it against them for control. One has to be strong to not be let astray. A strong faith helps and supports character.


We don’t need a balanced budget in five years, we need a balanced budget in five minutes — and we need an elimination of the National Debt within 30 years.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Alas none of those is going to happen (absent a catastrophe).


Catastrophe for who? It sounds like blessed relief for American citizens (and taxpayers), but possibly extinction of the political class.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A collapse of the government would be a bad thing for everyone, honestly. And that’s what it would take to wipe out the debt and deficit…basically have the debtor disappear. Because the debtor is clearly unable/unwilling to control itself.

Yes, it would give us a chance to replace it with a proper government, but that’s probably not what we’d actually get.

The only thing worse than bad government is no government (which is paradoxical, because the optimum would be a very limited government, which seems like ti should be very close to no government).

The alternative is to try to regain control of the government and force it to stick to principles, but that means we’re stuck with a debt that’s much too huge to pay off.

Secondary disaster would be hyperinflation reducing the debt to the value of a (June 2023) quarter, but we’d have to first stop spending or the debt would simply increase to match. And if we stop spending, we won’t get the hyperinflation.


Kevin needs to be shit canned.

Whether this is true or not, shit can Kevin.

Motion to Vacate: Four Democrats Claim Kevin McCarthy Cut a Deal With Hakeem Jeffries to Get Debt Deal Done

Kevin McCarthy denies it. Hakeem Jeffries denies it. But everyone in Washington DC knows that McCarthy and Jeffries cut a secret deal to secure enough Democrat support to pass the debt ceiling deal Wednesday night.


All of Republican rebs from OH voted yes. I will not vote for Winstrop from Cincinnati again. There is no difference between Dems and Repups. They do not get another penny from me. This vote was a betrayal of major proportion. They do not deserve the MEGA support.


Grapple with REALITY…

Gail Combs

Just Human (Kyle) brings a lot more info to this McCarthy -Wray back and forth.

It is only 10 minutes but loaded with detail. Kyle is a real bulldog when it comes to digging out the deets.

Think, Rudy G., Ukraine, Podesta, Hunter, Grassely… Lots of info you will not find in the Fake News.

49:45 to 60 min


Very interesting.
Thanks for giving the times, they’re long vids.

Gail Combs

Yes, they are very long videos. That is why I try to give times so people can see the really important stuff with out a slog through stuff they do not want to waste time hearing.


Time marks huge help. Thanks.

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.


They are bantering about why part of the investigation to PA?

Maybe, Biden docs.

Timing is everything…

Oh hell. They just stated PA – Biden documents, including classified. <<<

Currently at hour twelve plus…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

“2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has once again blasted the United States government for lying to the public and to the world about Ukraine, while calling out the Military Industrial Complex in particular.

It’s not the first time. Earlier this month an avalanche of mainstream media headlines condemned his take when he told UnHerd the following: “We should have listened to Putin over many years. We made a commitment to Russia, to Gorbachev, that we would not move NATO one inch to the east. Then we went in, and we lied.”

More recent speaking engagements wherein he utters unpopular truths on Ukraine have gone viral this week. In one of them, he tells an audience at a campaign event, “Our government is lying to us about it. The media is going on with the lie…It’s a laundering operation for the Military Industrial Complex.”

Snip … “Well as it turns out, opposing Vladmir Putin has been for 20 years the principle focal aspiration of the neocons who were thrown out after the debacle in Iraq. And we thought they were all gone for good, but now they’ve all reemerged in the Biden White House… it’s the opposite of a humanitarian mission.”
He further described Ukraine as a small country which is now tragically being “ground into dust by the geopolitical ambitions of the neocons in the White House.” Ultimately the Ukrainians find themselves stuck in the middle of a proxy war between two rival superpowers, he explained.

more at link


Hope RFK Jr keeps up this speaking Truths.

Dunno if OAN gives RFK Jr air time, they should. As should Megan Kelly, Bongino, Bannon… I think Bannon has.

RFK Jr is doing all Americans a great service, speaking truth.


Amen …

Gail Combs

Yes, Bannon has. He also gives RFK Jr’s group, Children Health Defense Fund a platform too.

I love the way Trump is hitting the Uniparty from the Right and RFK Jr is hitting them from the Left.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

RFKJ truly understands what has gone on! The point about re-emergent neocons is quite brilliant, and nicely explains (on the left) how a somewhat cancerous MIC used self-deception to shift their income from anti-communist to anti-Russian – and quite ironically anti-anti-communist – and then embedded it under American and global leftists, thus becoming “allied” fascists. And thus we see a kind of united socialism emergent in the USG. The ones that aren’t Bidenistas are Bidenazis – and vice versa. Meanwhile all of America is their enemy to be deceived, largely by division and FAKE NEWS.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, June 1, 2023

“For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” 

John 6:38 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Thanks for a good one, DePat.

100% agree on the tax. The 10% is Biblical and the only way it all will work as it should. Anything beyond that is theft.



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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North Korean Health Official Elected To Board Of World Health Organization


It is beyond time for Kevin and his pet cheerleader MTG, to get this one passed…


Good Morning all …

Hope y’all are well … and enjoying this wonderful Thursday …

Thanks to DePat for ‘the news’ and prayers for the knee …

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Gail Combs

Our AT4 family is one of the most successful anti-armour weapons ever. Lightweight, man-portable and fully disposable weapons, each is optimised for anyone to use.

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US Army personnel firing an AT-4 during training.

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The AT4 is a preloaded single shot weapon that is disposed once used. The design is based on the earlier Miniman, but features a larger caliber rocket. The larger caliber allows for a larger warhead and 84mm was chosen in order to reuse many components from the Carl Gustav recoilless rifle. The smoothbore rigid launch tube is made from fiberglass. The launch tube includes a forward grip, flip up sights with adjustable rear sight and trigger button. Various types of warheads exists. All warheads are also produced in a form that uses the Davis countershot principle for use in confined spaces.

Good grief, we really do need TANKS on the southern border!


Was interested in what the patch on the guys back said. One had a comment about it but it’s the only comment that won’t translate to english. Go figure.

They also turned the comments into an argument of is that a javilin or an AT-4. Good going Deep State. Other than that people in Mexico don’t seem to be happy about this.


I’m waiting for some jerk to respond by saying AT-4’s are easily guarded against. By which my ready response will be yes, after we’ve entered into a mid intensity combat as is happening in Ukraine. 😆

On the way to find the global research article I was met with a Fact Check Story that said International Black Market of Weapons from Ukraine is False. 😮🙄😏😆 Oh my!… first thought was that it must be happening at wider scale than we can imagine. 😬

Gail Combs

They really make it easy. If it is in the Fake News, it is either FALSE or the truth is completely buried way down in the small print.


Scott takes Lindsey Graham to the cleaners. Some choice quotes:

“You now know what the face of evil looks like.”
“Perfumed princess….”
“War mongering psychopath….”

“Scott Ritter responds to a viewer question on US Senator Lindsey Graham – Fasten your Seat Belts!”


my apologies for the duplication of some tweets!

Gail Combs

No problem. Twitter does that to you.


Because one twit is never enough …


Morning radio guy was calling Ukraine a war of connivence in context to the budget deal. He didn’t sound happy about it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Perfumed Princess… that’s gonna leave a mark…
twinkie burn or some such…

Gail Combs

Excuse me BFD!!! As president he can DECLASSIFY ANYTHING!


And show it to any one he wants!

Gail Combs

Remember POTUS left the White House early, well before the Jan 20th 12 noon transfer of power to Biden.

HE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD ACCESS AFTER HE LEFT! Therefore Everything packed up and moved WOULD BE BEFORE that January 20th Noon transfer.

The only fight would be whether a president has to SAY/publish the declassification or it is DEFACTO.


…Experts agreed that the president, as commander in chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When people lower in the chain of command handle classification and declassification duties — which is usually how it’s done — it’s because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president.

The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan — which addressed the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance — addresses this line of authority.

“The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’” according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. “His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security … flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”

….The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president. The president is not “obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed,” Aftergood said. “And he can change those.”

....The national-security experts at the blog Lawfare wrote in the wake of the Post’s revelation that the “infamous comment” by President Richard Nixon — that “when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal” — “is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the president gets to disclose what he wants.”

So this looks like ANOTHER empty smear campaign.

Cuppa Covfefe

And all of the TONS of stuff the Klint00ns, Shrubs, Øbløwhøles, and of course, the Bye,Dones have taken and often left in unsecured, indeed dangerously open locations.

This is just another case of the DEMONRATS throwing shade on VSGPDJT and MAGA to cover their own egregious Satanic evil….

Gail Combs

Too true. BiteMe leaving classified docs in the Penn Biden Center FUNDED by the Chinese should have come out a long time ago. As VP he did not have declass authority.

Just in case anyone forgot or wants ‘sauce’ for arguing…

…White House administration. Steve Ricchetti, who briefly served as managing director of Penn Biden Center in early 2019, has now been appointed as Biden’s counselor, a position that typically allows wide access to the president. Antony Blinken, Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State also served as the center’s managing director before leaving in 2019 to work on the presidential campaign…


Biden Center at UPenn Received $54.6M from anonymous Chinese donations01/11/2023

At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents.

…. Most of the anonymous donations were given to the Biden Center after the university announced the Penn Biden Center, the Post reported.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, some of the funds were given by Shanghai real estate developer Xu Xeuqing, who reportedly has no immediate connection to the university. In 2011, Xu faced corruption allegations in China but was never charged with a crime. An expert on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the American Foreign Policy Council, Michael Sobolik, told the Beacon that Xu’s non-prosecution suggests he has a close relationship to the CCP.

In April, a government watchdog, NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, asked the U.S. prosecutor David Weiss to look into the anonymous donations as a part of the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax and gun violations…


All about stopping Trump in 2024.


… or BEFORE, if possible.


After having to close 750 Walgreen stores, Walgreens now offers ordering at a kiosk with a pick up at the counter.

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How cool is that!   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_exclamation:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil: 

Thanks Demonrats!


I remember Horn & Hardart. You could see the food behind glass doors of the individual items, such as a sandwich or a slice of pie. You put your coins in and the door lock released. Once you removed the food, a kitchen worker quickly placed another item in the space.

I thought they were so cool [I was five or six when I first experienced one].

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw similar things at railroad stations on a trip to Europe…but that was 30 years ago, so it might have changed.

Cuppa Covfefe

And PDQ Bach thought so too; he even wrote a concerto for it 😆


One wonders how many of the closings are also due to “staffing issues” from COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries / illnesses because of the company’s “mandated” COVID-19 “vaccination” of employees.

Cuppa Covfefe


pat frederick

In 2 weeks our real president is having a birthday–June 14th.
Let’s shower him with birthday cards!!
this is the best address I could find for Mar-a-lago. If anyone has a better one, please share!

President Donald Trump
c/o The Mara-a-lago Club
1100 S. Ocean Blvd
Palm Beach, FLA 33480

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Save America Pac At Donald
The maximum amount an individual or PAC (multicandidate PAC in parentheses) may contribute to Trump Save America JFC is $11,600 ($15,000) unless otherwise amended by federal law or regulations.

Snail mail address.
President Trump
1100 South Ocean Boulevard,
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
Memo line on check. Trump 2024

pat frederick

Thanks Gail!

Gail Combs

Bureaucrats are NOT and never have been interested in trade offs. Their mandate is to grab as much $$$ from the tax payer as possible.



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UPDATE: Chris Wray Did Not Admit FBI Had Damning Biden China Bribery Document – Until James Comer Notified Him He Already Had Seen the Filing (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer joined Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria on Thursday morning.

Rep. Comer told Maria Bartiromo that dirty FBI Director Chris Wray told Comer he did not have the damning Joe Biden bribery document until James Comer told him he had already seen it.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The FBI is a dangerous organization that is out of control.”


Ronna, “Plan to destroy America is BACK on schedule”. Unspoken. Trump is gone.

^^^ NOT sarcasm.


Trump was loyal to a traitor . He did not know she was one. He gets blinded by his loyalty to a person. We see clearly who she is maybe he does now also but after the fact.


Trump’s over-the-top praise of many, Ronna perfect example, is, an effort to rehabilitate, RINO’s. <<< Tall task.


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Impeach! Defund the FIB!

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Impeach The Bastards…Wray, Garland, Idi Amin, Hoe, BiteMe…

MASSIVE defunding.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

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Yea, NO.

J6 tape release is MINIMAL, PARTIAL at best. Release ALL Tapes tp ALL. <<<

Deal? What deal? Kevin caved to HIS Masters.


Is she the latest female critter to fall under the Kevin spell?

Kevin didn’t make it on his first try for Speaker because he was doing the wild thing with some female congresscritter. Is he up to his old tricks?

And isn’t she getting divorced? If not, is it coming?


Last I read, divorce either done or in-work.


…. 🙄😖 … 🤬😡🤬 …


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Another red-pilled radical terrorist!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks huge, and in the category of good news, too.


Judge Dismisses Many Of Claims Against Abbott Labs Over Baby Formula
The class action over Abbott’s conduct was tossed, but some individual claims for personal injuries allegedly caused by its formula stand.

Judge Dismisses Many Of Claims Against Abbott Labs Over Baby Formula | Lake Forest, IL Patch


They are all in it the judicial system is very corrupted. I am trying to stay positive but it is getting harder. God is the only one who is consistent and can be relied upon. God Bless you all God Bless America.


Here we go again.

Feds Proposes New Rules to Require Automatic Emergency Brakes in All Light Cars (So Antifa can stop your car, pull you out and beat you up. Or you can stop some politican’s or govt workers car and pull them out and beat them up. Or Any Tom Dick and Harry can stop your car, pull you out and beat you up while robbing you. Or the FEDS can just stop your car. or… well lots of or’s… )

The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed a new rule that would require nearly all passenger vehicles and light trucks to have automatic emergency brakes (AEB) before they are allowed on American roads.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which oversees safety standards for automakers in the United States, said the proposed rule would “dramatically” reduce the number of crashes with pedestrians and rear-end collisions.

In numbers, the federal agency estimated that implementing the rule could save at least 360 lives and reduce 24,000 injuries every year.

For reference, a total of 42,915 Americans were killed on roads in 2021, the highest number of traffic deaths since 2005. That figure slightly dropped by 0.3 percent in 2022.

If adopted, all light vehicles—defined as passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 10,000 pounds—will be required to have AEB installed within three years after the publication of a final rule.

Here’s the 288 page info guide they are asking you to view and comment on at the Federal Register. I think we have 60 days to comment beginning ??? Clear as mud.

From page 2.


Proposed compliance date: Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, four years after the publication date of a final rule, would be required to meet all requirements. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, three years after the publication date of a final rule, but before September 1, four years after the publication date of a final rule, would be required to meet all requirements except that lower speed PAEB performance test requirements specified in S5(b) would apply. Small-volume manufacturers, final-stage manufacturers, and alterers would be provided an additional year (added to those above) to meet the requirements of the final rule. Early compliance is permitted but optional.  ((Huh? …not sure if this is what the Epoch Times story is saying. ))

Personally I’m not even sure if Epoch Times has the story right, because everything seems as clear as mud.

And because I’m inept or they are deliberately making this clear as mud, here is the link to the Federal Register where you can comment. It’s in there somewhere unless it’s not in there until they file it with the federal register which I’m not clear on either.


I’m all for this. Helps the price value of my used car to keep pace with inflation.



Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out In Interview – Is Hiding Out as Fugitive in Undisclosed Foreign Location


Doubtful that this is true. He/she could be easily found using passport/visa records and comparing them to fed employee rosters.

Much better to hide in plain sight here in USA.


Cash, wheels not linked to her and a little imagination, easy to fly under the radar.


I like my idea better.  😜 


Slow guy, figured my thoughts dove tailed nicely into yours.

Missed the boat again. <<< Me. <<< Searching for a clue.  🤔 


Brandon’s Terrible Bad Day.

BREAKING: Joe Biden Takes MASSIVE Fall at Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony (VIDEO)

Biden Tells Air Force Cadets He Applied to the Naval Academy After Graduating High School 300 Years Ago (VIDEO)

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Needs Directions to Find the Stage During Air Force Commencement Address in Colorado Springs (VIDEO)

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was wondering why there was this foul odor in the air here today.


Foul stench .. 🤢

cue to 10 seconds


Sorry I didn’t see you’d already posted.


Seems like the Hand of God …. Hmmmmmm


Apparently there was also a Dark Brandon clenched and shaking fist moment at the ceremony as well.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

The Vatican is okay with this? Amazing.


Page Francis for comment. My guess is, Francis is good with it.

It IS amazing. The USA could display such ignorance. But NOT surprising.



It wasn’t clear what caused the fall. There wasn’t anything there to trip over and he wasn’t navigating stairs.


He’s probably had a lot of sleepless nights worrying about the stuff he’s done that might be under investigation.
And even more worrying the stuff he’s done but can’t remember 😂


What about the meds he takes?


BiteMe has no shame. BiteMe’s morals and ethics are in the gutter.


He did point at the floor, but I doubt there was any obstruction there.




Hallucinations do fool people.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The one MSM story I read claimed he tripped over a sandbag.

Why there’s be a sandbag there is another question entirely.


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Watched the video clip of the fall on You Tube at 25% speed several times. It looks to Yours Truly that Biden was nowhere near the sandbag, wires, or anything that would cause him to trip. IMO, it looks like his right knee just buckled.


IMO, if anybody on the White House medical staff (let alone “Dr. Jill” and/or the “handlers”) had a lick of sense, “President Biden” would be using a walker or Rollator on a regular basis — a cane wouldn’t cut it.


Or he tripped over his feet. Understandable. Dementia, loss of balance…ALL evident over the past couple years.


God has a sense of humor .. that’s a “GOTCHA‼️”


Matthew 18:6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea

Deuteronomy 27:25 Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen’


Surprise. MSM lied. Again. We already knew MSM would lie.


It is a cover up for Biden’s senility.


“Cover up”, for what the entire world knows.


But they do not know that we know 🙂


He had to invent a cause not admit it was his bumbling.



Awesomely horrifying …. 😃👍 … ✋😫🤚

Sharing …


Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus

“Speaking on Thursday at a meeting of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security chiefs, Lukashenko said a “violent regime change is being prepared” in Belarus.
He went on to allege that “in Poland, Lithuania and, unfortunately Ukraine, illegal members of armed groups are being trained.” The operatives, according to Lukashenko, intend to create “sleeping extremist cells” in Belarus.

The president cited recent joint operations with Russian security forces, during which explosives were allegedly seized.

“This fact means that they won’t leave us alone,” he predicted.

Lukashenko claimed that Belarusian citizens opposed to his government are fighting for Ukraine and gaining combat experience there.

He alleged that unlike the protests of 2020, the West is now urging the country’s opposition to engage in acts of armed violence, and is funding such activities.

Lukashenko warned other CIS member states that they may encounter similar threats in future, and called for greater security cooperation.

Appearing on Poland’s Polsat TV channel late last month, retired general Waldemar Skrzypczak called on authorities in Warsaw to “prepare for an uprising in Belarus,” insisting that “it will happen.”

“We must be ready to support the troops that will carry out the operation against Lukashenko. We have reasons to help them, just as we help Ukraine,” the general, who was formerly Poland’s deputy defense minister for armaments, argued.

Commenting on the general’s remarks, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov noted that Russia has an obligation to ensure the security of Belarus, “which we will do in the face of such obvious threats.”



lol, 149 House Republicans just voted for a terrible spending bill. 
Not even a paper dragon.


I guess you can do that with the peoples money. This is like a bottomless barrel. When we crash I hope we cancel there salaries first.

Gail Combs





149 traitors to the citizens of the United States of America … 😡‼️


Just STHU… Traitor


He is a liar. They better get rid of the two faced nothing burger.


What is that bruise on his right cheek? Did the cabal send somebody to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse?


Doesn’t Congress have a beauty salon on site? Any makeup artist could make that disappear. How long before he claims it’s a rosacea outbreak?


As soon as he knows we noticed 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember when black eyes were all the rage (so to speak)…

There may have been a “ceremony” involved… Hotel Kalifornia?




Frank Luntz got overly rambunctious. .

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh no! Not someone else with a hammer…  🔨  🛠  😎 




New: Hunter Biden’s lawyers have told DOJ that if he’s charged with owning a gun as a drug user (which is illegal), they will argue the ban is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment

Defending the 2A can come in handy when you need it.


Good for them, and good for us.


The bastard needs to be charged.

I support his defense strategy.

None of this will ever happen.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

B-1Bs do the Balkans, the Thunderbirds do the “Brandon Faceplanted Here” spot.


Yesterday or at least the last few days there was a description of what all the different rainbow flags meant. I think the flag depicted in this pic may have been the pedo one…

“The United States Embassy of the Holy See (Vatican) displayed the gay / trans flag”


Adding in the Pedo portion of the flag tells the whole story of how they spread so quickly.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Paging Francis. Comment please.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just the powder blue and paedo pink, but brown and black (and if they were trying to do it “right”, the paedo part would have the colors pink and blue, then a white space, and then the blue and pink (mirror image denoting “trans”)…

Adding the black and brown covers all the *cough* bases. Though I’m surprised they left any white on the flag at all… maybe it has “reserved for future use” written in white ink on it 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Just checked; over here they have the all-seeing-eye on the left, leaving no room for the white… and in one swell foop, they’ve desecrated two symbols, one holy (the rainbow) and one profane (the all-seeing-eye).

From (a pro-family group over here, great folks) a pic of the fag flag from here:

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Gail Combs

Tara Reade accused Biden of inappropriate touching and behavior that made her uncomfortable. She has since moved to Russia for her safety.

Zak Paine and Brad Getz do a deep dig into the back story. Remember the Me To movement? Well just like Occupy Wall Street was a ‘Capture and Kill’ astroturf movement designed to help kill the Tea Party, there was another Capture And Kill astroturf non profit called “Times Up” Reade went to them for free legal help and they strung her along… no mention of the fact Biden was one of the FUNDERS and one of the top brass ended up working for the Biden campaign. Turns out “Times Up” helped ZERO women!!! Oh and they were connected to CAA a casting group that sent girls to Weinstein and seem to be connected to the CIA.

13:00 to 48 minutes

This is one of the articles they cover:
Joe Biden Accuser Says Time’s Up ‘Betrayed’ Her: ‘In That Hallway, He Was a Man Assaulting a Woman’


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More believable than the sandbag.


LUV LUV LUV – Pepe and the banana peel.  😂 


More good news.

AB stock in bear country.

TarGay stock downgraded.

Nolte: Target Stock Downgraded by JP Morgan After Satanic Grooming Backlash

  :wpds_neutral:    :wpds_smile:    :wpds_grin:    :wpds_lol: 


Can’t recall if this one has been posted…



His statement on its own, is a start. Meager, start.

Fundamentally the Injections do NOT wor AND are NOT Safe or Effective.

  • Gotta be stated.
  • Also, gotta address injuries, handicaps AND deaths from Injections.

Gail Combs

First have to allow RFK Jr to ‘Red pill’ the normies about the death shots.


Doh!  🙃 

Gail Combs

He said what I said earlier. A lot of people are FOR the Jab.

Also notice he said, a lot of people wanted the vaccine — ASIDE: 👉NOT the people in this room

As Burning bright says, POTUS Trump’s asides are very important because that is where he drops the real intel.

Gail Combs

Badlands Media Whistleblower Interview – Former Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik K. Johnson (Jan 6th)

Happening now. He is well spoken and intelligent.

Gail Combs



Next in my queue. 🙂

Gail Combs

Since it is live I do not have the time stamp how ever they show the first release by John Solomon.


So, Solomon and perhaps Keely plus one, have had the tapes for awhile.

  :wpds_arrow:  J6 tape announcement yesterday WAS cover for Kevin, MTG and another 147 R-Con turncoats passing the debt nonsense.

Live. I’ll pick up with live. Then go back when taped video posts.

Gail Combs

I think they probably got the tapes at the same time as Tucker.

IF you believe that Q is for real, then having the tapes released bit by bit by professional journalists with time for comment in between leading up to the election makes a lot of sense.

I do think we are in a 5th generation war and it is pretty darn clear that people are dying in this war and not just in Ukraine. I also think we can agree the Cabal wants to kill off a LOT of people and I am talking millions ==> Billions. Q & the trump team are trying to keep the deaths to a minimum.

If we had Hitlery in the White House instead of Trump, you can bet your boots we would have had the same scenario as what happened in Australia and Canada. People rounded up and forced to take the jab. Resistance would be used to CONFISCATE GUNS and call out the military. Bush had already signed a ‘treaty’ with Canada to allow Canadian Troops to enforce order here in the USA during a crisis.


Sadly, agree.

Trump allowed us to dodge, the kill shot. More way than one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering their roads (mostly toll; free ones are clogged with trucks) and their railroads (Debit does Thalys, as in overcrowded, overextended, and some dangerous passengers and terminals), it could be a long summer, complete with car-b-ques…


I’m sure things will get better soon, if people just hope hard enough 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose….


It appears that “President Biden’s” handlers have nominated Mandy Cohen, MD, as the new director of the CDC. Dr. Cohen was the driving force behind the state enforcement of the national Draconian COVID-19 control tactics in North Carolina, where she was head of the state health department. Previous to that, Dr. Cohen was the organizer of “Doctors for Obama.” She also apparently “thinks the world” of Anthony Fauci.


If she thinks so highly of Saint Fauxi, then RFK jr. has another book to write.


I’ve been thinking about Wind Sock Ron not being able to decide how to pronounce his name, and I’m sure I know why they are trying to change it from the normal Deh-SAN-tis to the ridiculous sounding DEE-Santis.

It’s because the normal way to pronounce it works so well with insults. For example:


Etc. It doesn’t work with the emphasized DEE at the beginning. But he has always said it the original way, so he keeps slipping back into it. I think it’s hilarious.


I’ve been using ‘Rhonda Santis’ lately, during target practice at the shills on Tweeter.


I love it!


I didn’t know he was trying to change it. I’ve never heard of a name beginning with “de” being pronounced with the accent on that syllable. It seems unusual to forgo pride in the correct pronunciation of one’s family name. For some people, it’s a big deal. I wonder what his dad thinks about it.


Yeah, it’s weird.



Was he warned of this possibility?

If not, call 1-800-LETS-SUE [iow, find a good lawyer].

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

John Solomon with the first out of the box.


Believe we have read or seen like information of Piglosi’s daughter making movies. behind the scenes, as if it is all planned.


Yes and Yes.


NEWSBREAKING: Twitter’s Head of ‘Trust and Safety’ resigns… UPDATE: ‘What Is a Woman?’ immediately throttled…June 1, 2023 ( ago)

Ella Irwin, the Head of ‘Trust and Safety’, has resigned, according to Reuters.
On a Twitter Space that just concluded, it was stated that Ella Irwin was the tech executive choosing to continue censoring “misgendering” and the ‘What Is a Woman?’ documentary.”


Elon was asked what he was going to do about it (‘What is a Woman’ flap), in an earlier tweet. He replied “I’ll fix it”.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

The executioner who flips the switch on the electric chair is ‘fixing’ a problem.


Too strange.

US Air Force Trained A Drone With AI To Kill Targets. It Attacked The Operator Instead

…Air Force researchers trained a weaponized drone using AI to identify and attack enemy air defenses after receiving final mission approval from a human operator, Hamilton, who serves as the Air Force’s chief of AI Test and Operations, explained at a summit hosted by the United Kingdom-based Royal Aeronautical Society. But when an operator told the drone to abort a mission in a simulated event, the AI instead turned on its operator and drove the vehicle to kill the operator, underscoring the dangers of the U.S. military’s push to incorporate AI into autonomous weapons systems, he added….

…Programmers attempted a fix by telling the AI it was not allowed to kill the person giving the go/no-go order, Hamilton said. The AI just generated creative ways to bypass those instructions.

“We trained the system – ‘Hey don’t kill the operator – that’s bad. You’re gonna lose points if you do that’. So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target,” Hamilton said.

AI is strange.
I’m going to assume, but I’m not sure, that no real people were actually killed but I’m not sure from this write up and can’t get into the comments to see if there are some hints on wtf is happening here.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

It’s narrative creation IMO.


Some of the current narratives trying to be created for AI besides being just bad, is its manipulative, argumentative and does what it wants, so this seems to fit those narratives.

Meanwhile I notice MarketWatch is running articles on the best way to invest in AI. Latest article was something like “AI is the big buzz word so how do you invest in it” Ackkk!

Then there is this creepy tweet h/t mutual friend. I can only assume that AI is implied here.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Okay – that’s a bit weird.


Hope AI fails miserably…self destructs.

Cuppa Covfefe

Real stupidity always defeats “artificial intelligence”
(which is programmed by real idiots)…..


US military AI drone simulation kills operator before being told it is bad, then takes out control tower



That’s a must read. Baltic States media company, part of Philanthropic arm of Thomson Rauters Fondation. LGB and other socialist crap plus Oil/gas reporting.
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I brought that here bc i dont get it all but theres creepy stuff afoot everywhere.


It’s like the groomers and the colluders have gotten together and I doubt its for anything we’d consider to be good.


They are interwoven like hollywierd and the media and politicians.


Senate Passes Biden-McCarthy Debt Ceiling Bill 63-36
Okay, MTG. You’re on. Time to do all of these things, ASAP:

Once we pass the debt ceiling bill, these are just a few of the things House Republicans will be able to do in appropriations to take down the Deep State:

❌ Punish Dr. Fauci, Peter Strzok, James Comey, and John Brennan by defunding their retirements

❌ Terminate all government funded COVID vaccine programs

❌ Disband the 87,000 IRS army

❌ Take down Biden’s domestic terror units in the FBI, DOJ, and Homeland Security that target conservatives

❌ Punish everyone mentioned in the Durham Report for pushing the Trump-Russia hoax

❌ Cut funding for all Green New Deal projects

❌ Defund sanctuary cities

❌ Cancel funding for the FBI’s new HQ in Virginia

❌ Defund ATF programs that violate the Second Amendment

❌ Hold FISA courts accountable for spying on over 278,000 Americans


Does anyone believe that MTG BS? (Rhetorical.)


I’ll believe it when I see it, which is why I’m posting it. She laid out a list that we can hold her, and them, accountable for. Let’s see what, if anything, gets done. (And to be clear, I don’t expect any of it to be done. If anything happens, it might be half measures that don’t really complete the task or make any difference.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m from Missouri on that stuff. SHOW ME.