Dear MAGA: 20230702 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

I Stand at the Door and Knock

Through the apostle John in Revelation 2—3, Jesus addressed seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. They were individualized letters of instruction, rebuke, and encouragement to the local congregations. To the last church, the lukewarm church in Laodicea, Jesus made this urgent plea: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Revelation 3:20).

The idea of Jesus standing at a door and knocking is often used as an illustration of Jesus’ offer of salvation to individuals: if you would only “open your heart’s door” and let Jesus into your life, all will be well. But in Revelation 3:20, Jesus is not pleading with an individual to be saved; He’s seeking admittance to a church! It’s alarming to think of Jesus standing outside of the church and knocking, but that’s the position He was in. The Laodicean church had shut the door on the Head of the church; they were smug in their prosperity, but Jesus was left standing in the cold. He was an outsider to the hearts of the entire congregation.

Most of the seven letters contained a compliment, a complaint or criticism, a command, and a commitment from Jesus. But the church of Laodicea, like their spiritually dead sister church in Sardis, merited no words of approval from Jesus. The Laodiceans were guilty of self-reliance, self-righteousness, and spiritual indifference. Even worse, the church was unaware of their wretched condition.

To the congregation at Laodicea, Jesus issued this scathing criticism: “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked’” (Revelation 3:15–17).

In their proud, self-satisfied, and spiritually blind state, the church of Laodicea was useless in God’s kingdom. Using figurative language, Jesus issued His command, beckoning the members of the church to exchange their counterfeit righteousness for genuine righteousness (Revelation 3:18). He called the church to be zealous and repent (verse 19).

Christ’s appeal was heartfelt and urgent: “Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20, NET). The Lord’s plea was also personal. He spoke to individuals using singular words like anyone, his, him, and he. He was inviting everyone in the church to experience intimate fellowship with Him. And even though His desire was for the whole church to respond and open the door to Him, ultimately it was up to the individual to decide.

Jesus knows that not everyone will answer His invitation and open the door to a relationship with Him. Many, like those living in Laodicea, will choose to reject His call. Lukewarm, and with hardened hearts, they will remain blind to the fact that they have accepted a false righteousness (Hebrews 3:7–8). To these Jesus will say, “I never knew you, depart from me” (Matthew 7:21–23). Sadly, they will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

During His ministry on earth, Jesus went to great lengths to demonstrate that righteousness comes to us as a gift through faith alone. Having Christ’s righteousness, by grace through faith, is the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven (Romans 3:24–25; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:4–8).

When Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock,” He was inviting the members of the Laodicean church to recognize their miserable spiritual condition and receive His authentic gift of salvation. Like the apostle Paul, the Laodiceans needed to realize their absolute dependence on Christ: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith” (Philippians 3:8–9).

To those who would open the door, Jesus promised a close fellowship, pictured as enjoying a meal together. And He offered this great reward: “To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Revelation 3:21). These words were Christ’s commitment to the Laodicean church.

Today Jesus continues to say, “I stand at the door and knock!” To churches who are filled with nominal Christians, He sends out His earnest invitation for full fellowship. The One who holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19; Revelation 1:18; 3:7) calls us all to hear His voice and open the door so that He can come in and share an intimate union with us. To those who respond, Jesus Christ guarantees the open door of eternal life and the joys of being with Him in heaven.

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Many churches today need to open that door!


Amen. It is the simplest problem to remedy. Open arms for others while keeping Christ first in your life.


July 2, 1776, letter from John Adams to Abigail:

“The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

“You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. — I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. — Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”

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Last edited 10 months ago by TheseTruths

Under the Second Continental Congress in 1776…

A date was set for the formal vote on the independence question for July 2nd. During the interim, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. When July 2nd arrived, 12 of the 13 colonies voted for independence with New York abstaining, making July 2nd the official day of American independence.

For the next 2 days, Congress debated the wording of its official announcement of independence, making several revisions to Jefferson’s declaration. The final version of the Declaration was adopted on the 4th. So independence was voted on officially on the 2nd, but the wording of the official announcement was adopted on the 4th. That evening, printer John Dunlap made the first copies, which were sent to various leaders around the colonies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So today is a big day, too!!!


“You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. — I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. — Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”

I shudder when I read that. John knew. I have the book of Abigail and John’s letters.

We so need to post these again.


Reading accounts like these give me chills sometimes. The decisions they made would alter their lives forever and affect the entire world. I can’t imagine being a part of that.


I do not know if you have ever read the book ‘John Adam’s’ by Mccullough, but the amount of sacrifice the Adams’ family made for our country is purely immeasurable.


I have it but have not finished it; must do so!


I believe I finished that book in three days. Could not put it DOWN!!! Hauled it on NYC buses going back and forth to work!!!

What an idiot to do that!

Cuppa Covfefe

The musical “1776” was based in large part upon the letters of John Adams, and the letters to his wife Abigail. I’ve searched almost in vain for the number “Till Then”, but finally found this clip from the Tony Awards in 1972.

Seems they’ve made a woke revival, complete with BLM and transi “foundling fathers” (if that’s still OK to say)… and here I was hoping that for the 250th anniversary celebration, there’d be something worthy of this performance… sigh…

Here are Anthony Daniels and Virginia Vestoff as John and Abigail Adams in “1776” (apologies for the sound and vid issues):


“woke revival”…well, we know what everything woke turns to.

That was a moving performance, thank you.

I found “Till Then” on YouTube. It starts at about 3:40 of this clip.

Last edited 10 months ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve, not one da-n thing do we solve… that would fit almost any administrative or management body in the world…

There’s an interesting analysis of “Molasses, To Rum, To Slaves” by a doctoral candidate that looks at Sherman Edward’s development of that from back in the 1950s(!) to the 1970s, and how both the song and the presentation evolved, and some rather revolutionary ideas that were left behind in the process…

The post includes a shot of the manuscript; looking at it I can hear the percussion and orchestral rhythms… it’s a very stirring number…

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Cuppa Covfefe

Now I can’t get Molasses to Rum out of my head. John Cullum made a stunning performance of that… Seems that changes were made (per that paper I mentioned) that toned down the north’s involvement in slavery… fancy that…

Cuppa Covfefe

And from the comments:

“A second flood, a second famine, plagues of locusts everywhere, or a cataclysmic earthquake I’d accept with some despair, but no, you sent us Congress! Good God sir, was that fair?”

“You sent us Congress”… nailed it!


I believe I know every word in the play by heart. William Daniels.

I actually saw Howard DeSilva and William Daniels on Broadway prior to the movie being made.

LOVE this!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

I was cellist in a pit orchestra for that musical waaaayyy back when. It was such a great show. And the “Molasses, To Rum, To Slaves” (sung by the Edward Rutledge character) was shocking, the first time I heard it… as it would have been had he really done in back in 1776 🙂

Gosh, wish I could have seen it on Broadway, but at least I got to see a local version (seems like a million times 🙂 )…

If you’ve watched “Knight Rider”, you might recognize Kitt’s voice… not sure if it was credited or not, but that was William Daniels…

[Brent Spiner was over here in Stuttgart for a convention or something just before COVIDIOCY hit… and it was REALLY warm and humid outside… would have been funny to go up (discreetly) and sing “It’s 90 degrees, have mercy John Please” 🙂 ]…..


Here is the crypt in which John, Abigail, John Quincy and Louisa are interred. Under the church John Quincy built for his parents.

I never fail tears when thinking about what I visited that day.

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Last edited 10 months ago by WSB

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cuppa Covfefe

Beautiful posts, WSB. Seeing those, it’s amazing and humbling what the founding fathers and their families went through in order to birth our country (“The Egg”).

Would we have the will, the wherewithall, and the faith to do that now, in the face of the deep state (which existed then, as it does now)?

I pray that we would, and could, but only GOD can make it so… So little history is taught now; even back in the 1950s and 1960s (at least in Kalifornistan) not much was taught, and European and other history was all but ignored, so our place in history was decidedly “foreign” to us.

My mother, born and raised in London, knew far more about US history than even what we were taught in high school… I used to tease her that that was because she’d lived through most of it, but, to be truthful, the English school system in the 1920s was far beyond what Kalifornistan could muster… Still, I needled her every July Fourth 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That second paragraph is amazing! He knew that it would not be easy!


By that time, they had already undergone so many “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States,” with taxes and quartering of soldiers and attempts to take their guns and ammo and capture their leaders (the midnight ride of April 18, 1775, to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams), as well as people already having died for the cause, that those injuries impelled them to choose whether to continue to suffer those abuses, or to suffer while breaking free of them.

But that doesn’t make the choice to declare independence easy. I can’t imagine the courage it took. Yes, Adams and others knew the consequences of their decision. It’s awe-inspiring to think about those moments in history.


Today is indeed the day!


Thank you for bringing these and other posts, TT. Great service to our community.

If one is honest in one’s research, one will clearly realize that our nation was dedicated to God and Godly principles by some awesome founders who understand the cost of freedom and liberty.


YW. For me, looking at our past and the courage, foresight, and resolve of our founding fathers and other patriots, is enlightening and encouraging.




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The Flying Cloud held the speed record for New York to San Francisco for over 130 years — 1854 to 1989.


Interesting note in the wiki article.

Woman navigator[edit]

Flying Cloud’s achievement was remarkable under any terms. But, writes David W. Shaw,[5] it was all the more unusual because her navigator was a woman, Eleanor Creesy, who had been studying oceanic currents, weather phenomena, and astronomy since her girlhood in Marblehead, Massachusetts. She was one of the first navigators to exploit the insights of Matthew Fontaine Maury, most notably the course recommended in his Sailing Directions. With her husband, ship captain Josiah Perkins Creesy, she logged many thousands of miles on the ocean, traveling around the world carrying passengers and goods. In the wake of their record-setting transit from New York to California, Eleanor and Josiah became instant celebrities. But their fame was short-lived and their story quickly forgotten. Josiah died in 1871 and Eleanor lived far from the sea until her death in 1900.


Marblehead, MA, is a gift to the senses!!!

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Aye, Bedford neck o’ the woods, me self.


Ah, Bedfud, Carl…but then you knew that!

As always, thank you for your insights!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a really great insight. It’s easy to see what their real goal is, now.


Unlike most, I am sure, I would be perfectly content to return to the late 1700s-1800s.

Most modern life is nothing but a cheat.


Game here, so long as I am not in NV.   :wpds_shock: 


Lol! Yeah, you’ll need more water to grow your own food.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Growing your own food? They’re ALREADY trying to control that!


That is a war I will fight to the death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Going back to those times with American freedom would not be a bad deal, but I don’t think that’s exactly their plan!

Barb Meier

I hear you, Wolf. In finding sites with info of interest to American Freedom, I am trying to avoid sites that I can tell are “woke.” Right now, I am thinking about adding a link to a good site on American Inventors. Wiki’s pages are divided by a range of dates and some others focus on diversity so to speak. Others just mention the top 20 or 100.

After I get that added, I need to decide how to handle Events. With the reduction in local newspapers, I think it would be good for people to be able to search by location (within a distance specified) and for a range of dates.

Places like Expedia and Tripadvisor do have that capability but their search results don’t cover all the wonderful small town events that people in Shenandoah towns hold. I also imagine a shared calendar where visitors could add their own town events though I would need to add a database and either avoid Outlook and Google’s calendars or do a web calendar that can be exported to people’s choice of calendar with reminders. Maintaining Events like that would take a lot of time at my end, I think. We’ll see where it goes. 🙂

cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of Shenandoah:

Those were the days; neither woke, nor broke…

cuppa Covfefe

In 1969, Scientific American (which was both SCIENTIFIC and AMERICAN back then) had an article about hyperlinking and hypertext, and via YouTube, I just had a link journey… 🙂

Sissel Kyrkjebø also sings Shenandoah, but a further link had Solveigs Song (which I learned as a young piano student aeons ago). She has come a long way from the Christmas Carol Cassette that I bought in Solvang so many years ago; a wonderful talent, and it appears, a nice person too… I’ve learned/performed a lot of Grieg, thanks to my Norwegian cello teacher, and my fascination with Grieg’s harmonies and melodic lines. This is a great example of Grieg at his best (and Sissel at hers, of course):

Barb Meier

He knows how local people pronounce it “Shenandore.” A friend taught me after I moved here.


See’s you’ve begun on Susan’s Garden and I don’t remember Healthy Garden being there before or not with all the extensive information.

You put both of those under “Learn”. Perhaps homeschooling might be an addition if you go in that direction. I’m sure there is a plethora of information if you do. Least might be something like which might be something more of a site to feature should you branch out too with homeschooling.

And yep… we book marked you. 😁

Barb Meier

Great idea, para! Thanks! I will update these things you mention. The Susan’s Garden text and both the gardening photo thumbnails are from my childhood friend Sue. I encountered the Healthy Garden site where someone has done a lot of work, so added it too. She said she may write more posts about gardening and I will add them as they come. I do like adding Homeschooling. Not long ago, someone posted an adorable photo of making kids treats with little shapes and slices of veggies. Hope it doesn’t get lost on FB

I was delighted to learn Sue got to attend VSGPDJT’s event in SC and shared that to positive response on FB.  😎 




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Sometimes one needs to re-assess…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I never heard that one before, but it’s really good!


38 years later…..


For some reason, this reminds me of my time in the dorms at the University of Casual Sun-Bathing. There was a guy down the hall who was a total and complete head — I understand he was majoring in ECE, but he had an informal minor going in psychopharmacology. He had the nicest and largest dorm fridge on the hall.

Being somewhat adept at wheedling and negotiation, I kept my sixpacks of Tuborg Gold in his fridge. I generally had to excavate my bottles out of a pile of baggies, however — magic mushrooms, peyote buttons, hash, sinsemilla…..I was never tempted by them, and always grateful that my beer was cold.

I never encountered little dancing guitarists in his fridge — but if there were a fridge likely to have some, that was probably it.


Dancing guitarists — stoned spiders … how can you tell them apart when under the influence of silly-sy-been?


French police union declares “civil war” in France: it’s us or the violent minorities…
Essentially the police union in France is saying they are going to put down the uprising with or without help/sanction from the government and if Macron’s government doesn’t like that, they’ll be their enemy too.

Guess they didn’t like Macron going to the Elton John Concert last night.

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Yep, we saw the image yesterday, but it’s iconic 😮😏😁

Interesting. Will have to see how this plays out. My guess is the rebellion gets put down hard, then the government turns on the police and then the next round of yellow vest gets police support and guillotines come rolling out?

Current status in France… Story has comments.

Doesn’t know the full back story on France’s George Floyd moment (doesn’t really care), but there is this…


French police union declares “civil war” in France: it’s us or the violent minorities…
Essentially the police union in France is saying they are going to put down the uprising with or without help/sanction from the government and if Macron’s government doesn’t like that, they’ll be their enemy too.”


It’s about time.

Been wondering when the police and military might figure out they better do something now, or there won’t be anything left to do anything about.


“Essentially the police union in France is saying they are going to put down the uprising with or without help/sanction from the government and if Macron’s government doesn’t like that, they’ll be their enemy too.”


They’d be better off arresting minnie Macron and his government FIRST.

Then they have a free hand to put down the invading army, without having to worry about Macron and his toadies sticking a knife in their backs.

But what do I know, I’m just a ~50 yo white guy.

One who isn’t on the bottom of the ocean.

Last edited 10 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I can see Micron calling in the Dutch Gestapo to help him.


Macron can call his mother, babysitter, wife.




Yes indeed. Older!




I agree that those responsible for this mess should be stopped first, but is there any sign of that being the goal? I thought the authorities just wanted to stop the rioting and proceed with their agenda.

Cuppa Covfefe

The police (both their management and the unions) want to stop the violence and the Mozzie crime, whether or not TPTB and Macaroon want to or not. And since the police are getting beat up as well (and their vehicles stolen or torched), they’re really cheesed off.

Macaroon made noises late yesterday about restricting news, so I’m wondering if there will be a news blackout… although his little dance to the Elton John concert has wound up a lot of people too, and news WILL get out, somehow… even with a Twitter lockdown… with WEFfenSS conferences in RED China, and an EU conference in Brussels, and a NATO conference coming up next week or the week after, maybe these things are not a coincidence…..


“I agree that those responsible for this mess should be stopped first, but is there any sign of that being the goal? I thought the authorities just wanted to stop the rioting and proceed with their agenda.”


Depends on who we mean by ‘authorities’.

It was my understanding that the leadership of France (Macron and the political-class) absolutely want the destruction of their country, exactly the same as the political-class and criminal leadership of our country.

In that scenario, if the French police and military want to save their country (or their families, or themselves — if they want to have a place they call HOME)…

…their chances of success are astronomically higher if they arrest the criminal leadership of France first.

You don’t want to be fighting the enemy in front of you (barbarian hordes), and fighting the enemy behind you (the criminal, treasonous gov’t).

If the police and military want to FAIL, then by all means, they should try to stop the barbarian hordes with the leadership of France intact, so the leadership of France can continue doing everything possible to stop the police and military from succeeding.


And release the mostly peaceful protesters of their Obama-phones.


Same ol’, same ol’.


Macron is fiddling while Rome burns. And we all know what happened to that guy.

Valerie Curren

That’s what I thought with that image above–they forgot his fiddle!


In a previous post it was mentioned that the Bidense were already coming back with a new plan after the SC shut down their student loan debt forgiveness BS and that we just had to wait for the story to surface on conservative media. Here it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These commies are relentless.

We have to be relentless, too.


There’s an easy solution, just change the rule that prevents students from including their student loans in a bankruptcy filing.

Then they can all file bankruptcy, and start fresh.

Everybody wins.

Oh, wait, I forgot about all the banking interests that own the government.

Never mind…


Dang…where is MY bankruptcy?

Frankly the US needs to declare bankruptcy. And WE would get away with it. Who is going to go after us?


Back in the last ginormous financial crisis, around 2008, Iceland’s banks went foom — just like so many others around the world. In most places, this resulted in huge government bailouts.

In Iceland, they jailed all the bankers.

It was brutal for everyone for about a year or so, but Iceland’s economy recovered quicker and more robustly than most.

There are a ton of articles out there, including . Try as they might, however, it is difficult to say this was a failure.


Which is why I have said, like for all of my adult years, that the answer is bankrupting the Fed via forcing a full forensic audit. They are the linchpin. Everything tumbles down from there. We instantly become decentralized as a republic should be and the feds become toothless to stop it.

We need a Congress and POTUS with spines for just a moment in time. But they are scared for their lives. They are 180 degrees the opposite of the founders we are posting about on here today. Mental midgets with even less courage.

Much of the world is moving away from the petro dollar anyway. A default would dings us for a little while until we retooled back to the treasury’s control and currency that is backed by something of value other than bullshiz.


I remember. And then the reporting just went away.

Valerie Curren

Interesting perspective here:

There’s a lively discussion in the comments there too 🙂

Someone found this link helpful:

Hope everyone’s enjoying their holiday weekend! Our twins just arrived 2 hours ago so now everyone that’s planned on being Up North for this trip arrived safely–PTL!

Last edited 10 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Intriguing comment there:

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23 hr ago
including the sobering realisation that ‘a virus’ cannot ‘escape’ from a lab. everything we’ve experienced the past 3+ years, worldwide, ties into the racket of Biodefense: rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives” –


Valerie, I was with my virologist friend today. I asked her if she still thinks we were duped into what was the flu or if there was an engineered something.

She is still not certain. She has not seen white papers to clarify if there was an engineered sickness. Yet, the flu numbers were at zero in the state of NY.

She can’t rectify what the engineered components are.

At some point we will confirm.

Valerie Curren

It’s astounding the lack of basic scientific curiosity/skepticism that should accompany these facts.

It seems that ever since “covid” came on the scene that the Flu & ILI (Influenza Like Illnesses) have been recategorized as “covid” to keep the #s up, especially when using flawed PCR testing for documentation. But, imo, that doesn’t mean there is no such thing as covid.

My best way of short-hand looking at it is that “covid” is a very weak bioweapon that was engineered & exploited w/ Fifth Generation Warfare global propaganda campaigns to instill totalitarianism, globalism, & depopulation, & to absolutely fracture free peoples & societies. Ultimately the weak bioweapon fiction was pumped up to manipulate the masses to willingly accept the strong bioweapons of the “vax’s” in their bodies. So as they are attempting to kill as many of us off as possible, & shutting & shouting down voices of reason & dissent, they are also profiting on every aspect of the genocidal journey w/ myriad “first do no harm” betrayers of their oaths & humanity.

She can’t rectify what the engineered components are.” Those alleged HIV inserts are big indicators to me here in the cheap seats. I would guess that Wolf & RDS may also have more detailed “proof” of the telling “engineered components” that help exposed this fabricated nature of this ongoing apocalypse!


Yep. My friend knows about Fauci and the crap he pulled with HIV and in Africa. She mentioned everyone has wanted him incarcerated.

All efforts were to get the shots into us.



Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…..

Turbo Header Output Ports….


I’d be OK with FauXi, being Bubba’s bitch for a few weeks.

Then on to an execution.

Fair trial, sentence, yada, yada.





So long as not unnecessarily prolonged….


My concern for unnecessarily prolonged, matches FauXi’s concern for, what were they, Beagles?

Valerie Curren

Entirely appropriate!


The problem with a prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment” is that it fails to take into account the commission of “cruel and unusual crimes”.

If you do something particularly horrible that has only been seen once before in the last 500 years, you should be eligible for a punishment only seen once in the same time frame. This would surely qualify as “unusual” and likely also “cruel” — but it would be a major error to punish it as a traffic ticket.

Instead, civilization demands that the punishment would be as unusual as the crime, and of such indelible memory as to deter other would-be criminals from contemplating similar crimes for hundreds of years.

Cuppa Covfefe

Let the punishment fit the crime… from the ORIGINAL Mikado… (albeit restored)…

Cuppa Covfefe

And here’s one which popped up on the search, a proud father and his daughter singing a duet from the Mikado…

There’s also a few with Eric Idle and who knows who all, with their not-so-little lists… with the current crew of DEMONRATS, Bidenistas, and other detritus, a little list could go on for days…


I do a passable “Little Buttercup”, myself…..


She’s so cute. I didn’t know Groucho had a daughter. Turns out she had a short career of her own.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, that was precious (and it seems that’s a rare video; sometimes YT has gems hidden among the rest of their stuff). It was fascinating watching the proud papa come out, yet Groucho took pains to keep things like a regular contestant…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What would make it unusual would be if you punished him differently from others who had committed the same crime. For example, if one burglar had to serve 50 years while all others only got a 5 year sentence.

Of course this particular crime is a one-off, so that’s meaningless.

Or is it? Under our system accomplices are treated as having committed the same crime, and he no doubt had accomplices.

So come up with a horrific punishment (that cannot possibly equal the crime, in this case) and give it to all of them.

Valerie Curren

Hear, hear!

Valerie Curren

This is absolute truth!

Valerie Curren

No doubt!!!


OK. LOL!!! I will go with anything!


by The Heroes Of the Populace…


Valerie, I still cannot understand what is natural or a lie and what may have been manufactured. And my two virologist friends cannot either.


Which was their intent.

You should have seen the face of a medical research assistant neighbor of ours when all of this jab nonsense broke in early 2021 after I responded to her urging to get the flu vaccine and COVID jabs at my age. I simply told her that the COVID virus was obviously killing influenza based on the CDC’s reported stats, that COVID must be a good thing. So I would pass and just use natural immunity for a cold virus. She became quite flustered and refused to talk to me anymore and kept her distance. Darn…

All of the telltale signs of fraud and genocide have been there to see all along. When you mess with human DNA while denying you are messing with human DNA, yet being forced to later admit through the exposure of your own documents you messed with human DNA with ultimately billions of people around the world – what else is there that needs to be disclosed? The virus or flu bug was used for the purpose of poisoning human existence through the injections and false, dangerous medical treatments that followed while making huge amounts of money and gaining power.


There is more than enough evidence to show Covid was manufactured, gain of function included, AND jabs are designed to injure, handicap and kill.

No hand wringing here. Eyes Wide Open.

Or I missed something in a huge way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s where I am.

Valerie Curren

That is the absolute bottom line–which you always find & articulate so spicily. I quote you to hubby, a major bullet point fan, quite regularly 🙂


OK, so if you are correct, HIV was found, then I agree. Just never seen a paper on it.




Excellent! And you are 100% correct, when a lie of this magnitude is admitted, what else could possibly be needed?


She became quite flustered and refused to talk to me anymore and kept her distance. 

A reaction that stops the perceived threat but also cuts off avenues of open-minded discussion.

Valerie Curren

Heartily agree!


This is my thought.


IMO, bits and pieces of DNA / RNA from the following main sources were cobbled together to create the COVID-19 spike protein:
Civet coronavirus (“enhanced” by lab experiments)
Rabbit coronavirus (“enhanced” by lab experiments)
Pangolin coronavirus (“enhanced” by lab experiments)
Bat coronavirus (“enhanced” by lab experiments)
Green monkey infection (SV40)
MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus)

When used in the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines”, this mixture is first cultured in E.coli bacteria, then “harvested” and “purified” for use in the “vaccines.”

This “purified” content is then mixed into lipid nanoparticles (two of which, for the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” BNT162b2, were LAB-CREATED and NEVER tested separately to see if they were safe) and other chemicals to produce the “vaccine.”

There are naturally-occurring coronavirus-like infections that occur in civets, rabbits, pangolins, and bats. But these were artificially lab-enhanced in the lead-up research processes that created the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus.
For example: Ralph Baric, at UNC, was experimenting with rabbit coronaviruses BACK IN 1992 to see if he could “enhance” these viruses to INDUCE MYOCARDITIS in lab rabbits. Wonder how much of those experiments wound up in BNT162b2, which ALSO causes myocarditis / pericarditis?


I wonder why anybody would want to induce myocarditis in any animals? Is there some huge payout if millions of rabbits or civets or pangolins or bats have heart attacks?

Or is this just preliminary research into bio-weapons? Nah, couldn’t be that, could it?

Lord, please get these people off our planet. Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Maybe just trying to kill people?

Valerie Curren

This is such important information that should be placed somewhere that it can easily be accessible, imo. Thank you!!!

Valerie Curren

I wonder if that is perhaps because SARS1 & MERS were also engineered, I believe, but may have been billed as “natural”. If that is the case then there are decades of lies surrounding these respiratory “diseases”, or bioweapons, that need to be exposed. Finding True History becomes fundamental for us all then.


Now that is an interesting theory.

Valerie Curren

I hope somebody with the chops to make sense of things dives in on that at some point 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is because most MDs have the mindset of a technician, not a scientist. A technician primarily wants to know how to fix or maintain things. In doing so, of course, he has to learn a lot about how the world works, but it is not his primary motivation. A scientist wants to know how the world works and that is his primary motivation, so he will take it farther than a technician would.

I am not denigrating the technician mindset when I say this; I’m just saying it’s fundamentally different from a scientist’s mindset.

Valerie Curren

This is an important insight & distinction. Thank you for articulating these differences.


You should denigrate technicians … when they get out of their lane.

There is the same problem in the legal profession. Plenty of attorneys managed to pass the Bar exam and are then licensed to wreak mayhem or protection upon the public. A large portion of them are technicians who know how to copy templates and fill out forms but haven’t the foggiest notion how to legally reason their way to a conclusion.

Don’t get me started.  🙃 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes…you can assume I am talking about people working in their area of competence. (If they have one!)

Incompetence gets denigrated no matter what it’s in.


Holy. I am only a designer but even I have the mindset of a scientist!


I cannot even imagine how an MD would not want to understand how the world works.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s got patients to cure.


Criminal DOJ, caught, AGAIN.


BREAKING: New Evidence Reveals the Biden DOJ Edited Video Footage in Order to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 Trump Supporters and Oath Keepers – And Now They Got Caught

Valerie Curren

unbounded evil  😡 




REPORT: Tax Revenue is Plummeting in Democrat Strongholds Like California and New York

Democratic Strongholds Are Seeing Their Tax Revenue Plummet

Heavily taxed blue states such as New York and California last year had some of the country’s most drastic drops in tax revenue. At the same time, Republican states are enjoying the highest revenue increases even as they keep income taxes low.

Under Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, California has turned a $100 billion budget surplus into a $32 billion deficit, Bloomberg reported Friday, forcing the state to trim its “lofty climate change program, delay funding, and increase internal borrowing.” In this year alone, the once-Golden State has seen its tax revenue crater by nearly 25 percent as it hemorrhages wealthy residents to lower-taxed states.

New York, which under Democratic governor Kathy Hochul has the highest tax burden in the country, saw a similar revenue drop of almost 20 percent. Both California and New York last year saw their populations shrink by about 294,000 residents, Bloomberg reported.

California and New York aren’t the only blue states with tax problems. Illinois, New Jersey, and Hawaii also reported drops, according to Bloomberg, though theirs weren’t nearly as drastic.

Illinois is another good example, where life is about to get more expensive.



I hate to see it because that means more liberal insanity will be moving to red states. They are like parasites.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Political kudzu.


👍 Exactly.


Good one!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t take credit for it; it’s Neal Boortz’s coinage.

I wouldn’t know kudzu if I fell on it; I live above the water line.


Solution — legalize drugs and tax it.

Oh, wait … been there done that … now what?


Control Freaks Truly getting out of control..


World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance




I hope someone who is knowledgeable about this will comment.


Distilled to its essence, Elon is nuts and/or is trying to conceal his CCP subservient status from the peons. [h/t Warroom]

Last edited 10 months ago by pgroup2

I think that is SD’s take, but I’m wondering if there are alternative viewpoints.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think the TLAs are sticking it to him as well as WEFfenSS drones…

Gab is hyperventilating, but I’m more inclined to patch together a few 48-hour rules and wait until the smoke clears…

Lotsa smoke that needs to be covered up in France, Switzerland, and Belgium right now… “coming to a no-go zone near you”…..

Barb Meier

Is anyone home in Canada?

cuppa Covfefe

I hear Just in, is in 😆

(socks maniac though he be… Hi, FIDEL-ity…)….
(or, rather, IN FIDEL-ity…)….

Last edited 10 months ago by cuppa Covfefe

Gordon Chang: China’s ‘shock troops’ now inside U.S.

Gordon Chang: China’s ‘shock troops’ now inside U.S. (


They may do bad things. They will die quickly and be sent to the pits of Hell for eternity as well.


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The Fountainhead is one of my all-time favorite books. It contains my favorite put down of all time:

Ellsworth Toohey:
We’re alone. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me.

Howard Roark:
But I don’t think of you.


Ellsworth melted into a tiny puddle when he heard that one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He was a second hander…but not a complete second hander. (And second hander is the term students of Ayn Rand use for this type of person.) He was perfectly willing to use second-handers for his own ends, which he came up with himself.

The true second-hander, the person who lived and died by what others thought of him, by what others thought he should do, was Peter Keating.

Peter Keating, of course, was putty in the hands of Toohey, who is without a doubt the most evil character Rand ever created (beating out anyone in Atlas Shrugged).


I agree!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DOJ is filled with Ellsworth Tooheys. There are very few who are not, IMO.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You may find my reply to pgroup interesting.


I did!



The Myth Of The Ukrainian Stalemate
Many leaders in the West now are pushing the propaganda theme of an inevitable stalemate in the Ukraine war. In other words, Ukraine will fight Russia to a stand still. Well, that’s the delusional hope. Don’t take my word for it. Peruse these recent headlines:

America Must Plan for a Stalemate in Ukraine (New York Magazine)

Ukraine trying to end battlefield stalemate in what may be … (AP News)

Opinion | Ukraine must seize opportunity from Wagner … (The Washington Post)

Truce or a bloody stalemate? It all rides on Ukraine’s spring … (The Guardian)

What planet do these folks inhabit? A stalemate means that each side — i.e., Ukraine and Russia — are equally matched and enjoy no tactical or strategic advantage over the other. That is simply not the case with the “Special Military Operation” underway. Remember how Russia was running out of missiles? Western think tanks and pundits have been repeating that mantra since April of 2022. But the worm is turning:

According to a recent CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) article, Russia’s relentless campaign of strikes in 2023 has made one thing abundantly clear — the notion that Russia would eventually exhaust its missile supply is unrealistic. Despite facing sanctions and export controls, it is highly probable that Russia will continue to manufacture or acquire the necessary long-range strike capabilities to inflict significant damage on Ukraine

Russia also enjoys a massive advantage in tanks, artillery, artillery shells, combat aircraft, helicopters, armored vehicles, mobile artillery, electronic warfare, ships, cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles. Oh yeah, almost forgot — Russia also has at least a ten to one advantage in manpower compared to Ukraine.

That is not all. Russia’s military installations for training new recruits are intact and operating 24/7. Ukraine, on the other hand, is forcibly conscripting new “troops” and they are being sent to other countries and subjected to shortened training programs. Russia’s economy is strong and its industrial base is the largest in the world except for China. In other words, Russia can produce everything it needs to sustain its combat operations in Ukraine.

Ukraine, by contrast, is totally dependent on the largesse of the United States and NATO countries. Without the Western money and continuing supply of weapons, Ukraine cannot sustain combat operations for more than two weeks. How is that a stalemate?



They are counting on the sheeple will buying it. That’s all the BS alphabet controlled media counts on. It’s a stall tactic until Russia drives their tanks through the middle of Kiev.


Sheeple will buy it. Have been buying the Western lies regarding Russia Bad and Ukraine a shining democracy.

Russia will NOT play stoopid Western games.

Russia has fine tuned the Ukrainian meat grinder. Adapted it to Shred western armor.

Russian nukes and forces in Belarus, appears to be a brilliant, “check” on UK/US/EU plans for either or both, Crimea and Belarus.

The west is inept. <<< Charitable understatement.

Cuppa Covfefe


“The Great Fake Of Kiew” composed by the YSM/MCM, un-modest Zelenskyyyyyyy, NATO-the-not-so-great-o, and sheeple with wool pulled over their eyes (and stuffed in their cranial cavities)…..

How long until Tower Records and Sheet Music Plus (or Shar or The Music Stand) have it on sale….


… in the bargain bin.

Cuppa Covfefe

Cutouts 🙂

(remember them? with the little square notch cut out around 2″ from the corner of the album cover…)….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve seen that done to CD cases as well.

Sometimes I saw the entire upper right corner lopped off at a 45 degree angle.

Cuppa Covfefe

I could just see some klown cutting off the part with one of the hinges…

It just bothers me, the same as seeing remaindered books with their covers torn off (usually paperbacks)… The publishing biz is a crooked one as well… and highly politicized anymore, at least over here… and vicious, as well… not just Sid (or Cid)… or Cyd…

Valerie Curren

It just bothers me, the same as seeing remaindered books with their covers torn off (usually paperbacks)”…I used to do “secret shopping” evaluations at bookstores & part of the recompense was getting a free book or two. Some of those programs required cutting off the book’s cover & returning it to the eval company so that you could get paid & reimbursed for the purchase price. Those defaced books were not ever supposed to be re-sold though…


The sheeple are fine with both Z and our own warmonger Ms Lindsey volunteering every man to fight to his death so they will believe whatever fantasy is presented


Russian S-70 Okhotnik, a heavy-strike stealth drone, might have taken its debut flight in a real-time combat scenario over Ukraine. This development came to light through photographs of the drone soaring in Ukrainian airspace, shared by Ukrainian telegram channels and subsequently highlighted by Turkish media. The drone was reported to be operational in the Sumy region.

In a press release to the public, Rostec announced that Uralvagonzavod [UVZ] is suspending any other activity that is part of the company’s portfolio.

Multi-thousand tank fleet

“The consolidation of UVZ assets is completely consistent with what has been reporting since the beginning of the year. Namely – Russia is preparing to begin the return of the Soviet concept of a multi-thousand tank fleet.

We recall that at the beginning of this year, Mr. Medvedev said that Russia was starting production of 1,600 T-90M Proriv tanks. Back then, noted that for this to happen, Uralvagonzavod must work on the production of tanks only. As it is now.”
In a press release to the public, Rostec announced that Uralvagonzavod [UVZ] is suspending any other activity that is part of the company’s portfolio.

Multi-thousand tank fleet

“The consolidation of UVZ assets is completely consistent with what has been reporting since the beginning of the year. Namely – Russia is preparing to begin the return of the Soviet concept of a multi-thousand tank fleet.

We recall that at the beginning of this year, Mr. Medvedev said that Russia was starting production of 1,600 T-90M Proriv tanks. Back then, noted that for this to happen, Uralvagonzavod must work on the production of tanks only. As it is now.”


Verse of the Day for Sunday, July 2, 2023

“Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.” 

Psalms 27:11 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.




I like that they used the classic song “Puttin’ on the Ritz.”

Last edited 10 months ago by TheseTruths

That was fun.


Screw-those-darkies, 2.0

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Gates is the biggest racist of them all. Africa SCARES the GloboNazis. And they have the BEST cover to get rid of them, too.


Don’t those people ever tire of being the suckers for medical experiments ?


That’s what I’m wondering. Why does Gates get to do this? Can’t someone just say no?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Globalist power installs WEF puppets throughout African governments. Those brainwashed puppets will do whatever is needed.


M O N E Y.


Politicians, Health Orgs in poor countries PAID for (OWNED) by Gates Foundation.

Much like, WHO, lead puppet for Gates Foundation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Say goodbye to your future grandchildren, Africa! The biggest white supremacist of all is in town.


Gotta eliminate competition for resources. Those batteries and electronic components won’t build themselves.


EVs are justa ruse. Plebes buy into the lies.

Elites NEVER plan to give up ICE – internal Combustion Engines.

EVs are a subset of the green bs. Solar, windmills, global warming… ALL A LIE

Cuppa Covfefe

And yet there’s nary a word from the BLM and Al Sharpton folks about BillyGhoulGates… almost as if all these “protests” and car-b-ques were planned and/or staged… especially considering the leading cause of death among blacks is abortion…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are misled so easily, if they have no skepticism.
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cuppa Covfefe


I think there’s a reason that (doubting) Thomas was one of the disciples. He was a sceptic; not to be difficult, but to “proof the spirits”, and to be sure that what was presented as true indeed was true…..


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The leftie meltdown over this is amazing. “The poor college students.” What about the working people who have to pay for those loans that they didn’t consent to or take out themselves? What about all the people who have paid their own debts? Or the elderly who need tax relief, not more burden?


Where are the reparations for my tuition payments?


One of the links in the array above, in the Archive versions from The Epoch Times (for those who do not have a paid subscription to The Epoch Times):
“mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Should be Labeled Gene Therapy Products: Peer-Reviewed Paper”

And, the PEER-REVIEWED paper itself:
“mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory Issues”
Helene Banoun
published June 22, 2023
Yours Truly: IMO, this is an important paper.
Of particular interest is section 3: Controls Required by GTP to Which Anti-COVID-19 mRNAs Were Not Subjected.


By hollowing out traditional family values, love of one’s land, people and culture, it allows those with (wealth) and power to establish what they want you to believe (which can be changed in a whim) and then the general public can’t know what to believe and they’ll be utterly powerless.

“What’s under attack at the moment is not just individual facts … although they are under attack … it’s the very notion of truth that is under attack.

When a politician lies in the morning, then contradicts his lie with another lie in the afternoon, what they’re saying to you, finally, is that no truth matters. And truth itself is unimportant.

And if truth doesn’t matter, all we are left with is opinion. And if all we’re left with is opinion, the opinion that will prevail is the opinion of the most powerful and the most wealthy.

And then we have gone to a very dark place.”

– Australian author Richard Flanagan, National Press Club address, 18 April 2018

As an aside, in the context of transgenderism, Tulsi Gabbard spoke recently about the attack on objective truth.

Coming from both sides of the Pacific, clearly, we can see the agenda is on.


Hence the deceptive phrase “my truth.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Men are women and women are men, and they say they’re after our kids, but trust them, they’re not.


Last night we were talking about the rift in the Catholic church. This is interesting too. The article claims the reason people are leaving is due to scandals but the compulsory tithe may well be the true reason, imo. ~~~~~

The Catholic church in Germany has revealed it is losing followers like never before, with more than half a million people deciding to renounce their membership last year.

According to the Bonn-based German Bishops’ Conference, 522,821 people left the church in 2022, a number far surpassing predictions made by the institution itself and higher than most observers had expected. The previous record year for departures was in 2021, when just under 360,000 people left.

All Germans who declare an affiliation to the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish denominations are officially registered as such with their local authorities. They are liable to pay the Kirchensteuer or Kultursteuer (church tax or cultural tax), which amounts to between 8% and 9% of a person’s income tax and is drawn from their monthly income by the tax office, which passes it on to the appropriate denomination.

Those who wish to leave have to officially renounce their membership, a process known as a Kirchenaustritt, or church withdrawal, by actively visiting the local register office and paying a €30 administrative fee.

The church tax was first enshrined in German law in 1919 and reaffairmed in the Reichskoncordat between Nazi Germany and the Vatican in 1933. It was reaffirmed in law again in 1949.

Neighbouring Austria introduced a compulsory tax for Catholics in 1939 after the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany the previous year, and has retained it since, in what is explained as an effort to keep churches independent of political influence.


My head is going to explode. Affiliation tax = protection from political influence???

People seriously believe this shit???

“Beam me up, Scotty. There’s no intelligent life here.”


  :wpds_lol: .


Amen  :wpds_beg:    :wpds_question:    :wpds_shock: 


Mormons here in US must tithe… 10% … to the Church

Baptists also, however iirc it’s not compulsory, as with Mormons

Perhaps people in EU are withdrawing their purses, not their convictions?


That’s my thought too. Getting more expensive by the day to pay living expenses so pray to God on your own ? What are they going to do, deny communion if you don’t pay ?.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nope, the Finanzamt (Germany’s equivalent to the IRS) will come after you. Kirchensteuer is deducted along with all of the other deductions (health insurance, social security, etc.) from one’s paycheck/automatic payment. The only way to change that is to leave the church.

People have been leaving the mainstream churches for the “free” churches for some time now, but it was more a matter of the churches being like Laodicea and Pergamon, as opposed to the Kirchensteuer.

But, just like the politicians here who decry the AfD (our MAGA) and call them right-wing-extremists, etc., and refuse to see that THEY, not the people or the AfD are at fault, and thus refuse to change their way, the fallen-away church hierarchy here (IMMENSELY political, indeed one might say “planted”) refuse to see their apostate sinful condition and blame their former parishoners for their problems, again refusing to repent and change…

The Church (in Germany, and probably a lot of Europe), whether Catholic or EKD (mainline Lutheran) has left the people, and has left GOD.


^^^ …deny communion…over a tax. <<< Obscene in my mind.

Truly, not to piss off anyone. There is life after leaving, a “formal” church.


I don’t need a church to have a relationship with Jesus!


B I N G O.

Cuppa Covfefe

The convictions are long since gone, for the most part. The purses come afterward…


DW cousin, Baptist of some sort. Big on it.

  • Compulsory percentage of all income. At least 10%. Children start working, pay the compulsory tax.
  • Fanatics over paying the tax. IMO.

In their 40s. Cousin DH passed. (Pre-Covidiocy) Was Making really good money

Large mortgage, car payments, credit cards, lotsa monthly bills. Her income now, only her Wally World. Minimal life insurance.

Called me for financial advice. Gathered all her financial information, income, small savings, no investments, monthly bills…

  • Monthly financial obligations far exceeded monthly income.
  • Mortgage under water. Could never sell for loan payoff.
  • A few months until she’d be living on credit cards. Then, they’d get tapped out.
  • Put together an detailed financial plan. Included walking away from her mortgage. Get rid of one of the vehicles. Get rid of ADT, cable, home phone…
  • AND STOP paying the Baptists compulsory tax. Explain to the Pastor, or whatever they are called. Financial hard times. They’ll start paying compulsory tax, when they had spare money.
  • Audibly taken back. MUST PAY the tax.
  • I splained, I was rather sure her God would understand. Nope. Tax #1.
  • Four or five months later, she adopted my plan. Moved and living within her budget. No idea how she deals with Baptists compulsory tax these days.,

Over the decades they had sought financial advice several times. Gave it. They followed it. This time, OFW.


Hope she didn’t join the Church of Scientology. They don’t have monthly tax; they just make you donate all your wealth to the church.


Nah. Baptists of some sort. I don’t ask.

cuppa Covfefe

And your family’s too… “oh, they’ll drop their bodies soon enough”…..

Damnable rats… and in OT9 LRH claims that he is god…..

Cuppa Covfefe

The problem isn’t so much the Kirchensteuer, which has been around forever, rather it is the fact that the church has left the people (indeed, the church has left GOD), resulting in ever-increasing numbers of people leaving both the Catholic and evangelical (EKD) churches here.

When the EKD supports the Gaybow rather than GOD’S rainbow, and has workshops on drawing female genitalia as part of their church conference (2021, IIRC), and the Catholic church has a Kardinal named Marx who could just as well be Marx himself, then it’s no surprise what’s happening, although it is incredibly disappointing.

And without faith, there will be no-one to fight the Moslem invaders, who are hell-bent on imposing their warring faux-faith on everyone, by any means possible, legal or not. There are a number of countries in Europe (France and the UK in particular) where abandoned Churches are being converted into Mosques….

And yet the people stand by, twiddling their theological thumbs and letting the dust gather on their rarely-if-ever-used Bibles…

The rape-fest that occurred in front of the Kölner Dom at New Years’ 2015-2016 would never have happened in previous times; the people would have stepped in and stopped it, before the police and church hierarchy would need to get involved. With Merde-Kuh’s crew, however, all that came out was a recommendation for women to remain at arm’s length from “undesired suitors” !

And, shortly after that, a course was offered (I think in NRW) for refauxgees on “how to pick up German women”… [and they weren’t talking weightlifting Brunhilda, either]…

You just can’t make this stuff up.


Thank you for the close up view , appreciated


Some day you will have to tell us why you remain there.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m from Kalifornistan, so returning would be a “frying pan into the fire” effort. And that at an enormous cost…

Also, being here (for the most part) since the early 1980s, I have deep personal and financial roots here. Not easy to move across the globe when you’re part of the Geritol-for-lunch-bunch 🙂

Not to mention the klot-shot slab-jab and the DEMONRATS…

Sometimes I’d like to take a vacation back into the early 1960s, say 1961 or 1962… life was much simpler and better then… but maybe the rot was just hidden then…

The JFK assassination changed everything, and not just in the USA. Innocence (as it were) lost; and that in just seconds. Camelot no more…


I apologize if my comment was too sharp. I just wanted to know your reasons. ThanQ for providing them.

Deplorable Patriot

The Church in Germany is going heretical and they are trying to take the rest of us with them. There was an appointment at the Vatican level yesterday that is APPALLLING. EVERYONE who follows the Faith as it really has been taught for 2,000 years is in agreement on that one. All we can do is stick to what we know to be true and wait for God to straighten this out.


“…church tax…”, to be associated with a church?

100% crock of shit.

cuppa Covfefe

The history of that goes back a loooong way, and is as much political (natch) as it is “doctrinal”. It’s really later here, so I can’t explain it all, but it is basically yet another case of politicians usurping Biblical doctrines and admonitions to achieve their own POLITICAL ends…

I don’t think the 10% tithe for Catholics exists as political LAW in other countries; DPat, is that correct?

There was a lot of “funny stuff” that happened around WWII that had more of a political underpinning than a doctrinal one… have to ask my son about that (he was studying theology at Uni Tübingen just before “Stuttgart 21” and COVIDIOCY hit)…


“All Germans who declare an affiliation to the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish denominations are officially registered as such with their local authorities. They are liable to pay the Kirchensteuer or Kultursteuer (church tax or cultural tax), which amounts to between 8% and 9% of a person’s income tax and is drawn from their monthly income by the tax office, which passes it on to the appropriate denomination.”


This is so corrupt it’s breathtaking.

It eliminates even the possibility of being a ‘cheerful giver’.

How does this even happen?!?

What business is it of the government to get involved in matters of the Lord’s church?

If it’s the state’s church, then it would be the state’s business. Are these the state’s churches?


The New Testament is plain and clear what members of the Lord’s church are to do on this subject:

“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” (1 Corinthians 16:2, KJV)

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, KJV)

What the German gov’t is doing is acting as a collection agency for Tithes, and then deciding who receives whatever is left, after the gov’t takes their cut (unless the gov’t works for free in their capacity as a collection agency for tithes):


  1. A portion of one’s annual income contributed voluntarily or due as a tax, especially a contribution of one tenth of one’s income for the support of the clergy or church.
  2. The institution or obligation of paying tithes.
  3. A tax or assessment of one tenth.


The Jews, under the Law of Moses, in the Old Testament, were to pay 1/10th tithe.

Christians are not under the Law of Moses.

The word tithe or tithing appears 15 times in 14 verses in God’s Word. Of all those, only two are found in the New Testament, and both are spoken by Jesus in reference to the Jewish Pharisees (Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42).

Christians are to make a free will offering, as one purposes in his heart, which hopefully is more than 10%, to the local church, to the congregation where he or she is a member.

Civil government has NO PART in it, and is certainly not authorized by God to have any part in it.


Comment lifted from Andrei’s blog:

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‼️ On 30 June 2023, a delegation of Nazis from Azov (now the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the AFU) paid another visit to Stanford University, a consistently top-ranked university in the US and the world. The combat Nazis were invited to give a lecture course to local students.

❌ It is noteworthy that the Azov Nazis, led by Arseniy Fedosyuk, were welcomed by Francis Fukuyama, an American philosopher, futurologist, political economist and writer, as well as a senior fellow at the Centre for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.
Given the Azov’s previous trips to the US and lectures at Stanford and Chicago, their sponsor and patron is the same – former ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul, who is also a professor of political science at Stanford University.

❌ The visit of Azov neo-Nazis to America’s most prestigious university is not too publicised, but TrackAMerc has identified specific Nazi scum from social media photos, so the host will not be able to deny any contact with them.


Scratch a Liberal and you’ll find a Nazi.

Cuppa Covfefe

I had a classmate of Ukrainian descent who had a name (probably transliterated) almost identical to that. Weird.

But she was a LOT better looking 🙂 and was in no way a Nazi. But that was more than 50 years ago (man, do I feel old… sniff….)….

What is it with Stanfoo and the SF Gay Area… back in the day they were at least middle-of-the-road. Now, it’s amazing that they’re not in the middle of the Pacific (which would put them closer to their beloved RED China)….. and the Hewlett and Packard foundations, also tied to Stanford for a number of reasons, are far left as well. Bill and Dave must be rolling in their graves….. 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Last edited 10 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I am sure you know (I am stating for the benefit of others) the general rule in countries using the Latin alphabet is to preserve the spelling of people’s names no matter the country–so long as the name is in the Latin alphabet. Diacritics typically get dropped (umlauts for instance, but also haceks, accents, etc). [One exception is that it’s of course acceptable and perhaps even preferred to turn German ä, ö, ü into ae, oe, and ue when going to English.]

This rule does not apply, though when converting from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet; you could theoretically change the name to anything, so long as you pronounce it halfway right. So in theory the Ukrainian president’s name could be rendered “Dickhead” so long as you pronounce it something like <Zelenski.> In practice, of course, they won’t do that because it’s too confusing.


I used to work for a guy named Batway [also the name of his grandfather].

I’ve given up trying to figure out what grandpa’s name was before it got changed at Ellis Island.

Last edited 10 months ago by pgroup2
Cuppa Covfefe

Oh goodness, what they did to people’s names, and not just phonetical garbling… On the other hand, I can see why some people moved to get away from what their names meant in the old country 🙂


There’s a very popular (well, once upon a time it was) Brit comedy …

The star of the show insists that her surname shall be pronounced

‘Bouquet’ while it is spelled ‘Bucket’ …

show is called ‘Keeping Up Appearances’

cuppa Covfefe

Same Bat Time, same Bat channel…

(ducks and runs from flying VHS cassettes, eight-tracks of the theme music, and rusted-out HotWheels cars 🙂 )…..


Comment lifted:

EU/West in a nutshell:

“The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as “Euro-English”.

In the first year, “s” will replace the soft “c”. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard “c” will be dropped in favour of “k”. This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome “ph” will be replaced with “f”. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent “e” in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing “th” with “z” and “w” with “v”.

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary “o” kan be dropd from vords kontaining “ou” and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.”



And now we know why France is committing suicide. I bet they weren’t even consulted. 😬🙄😮🤔

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r
Cuppa Covfefe

They were still practicing retreating 😆


Retreating, a lost skillset, until now.   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

cuppa Covfefe

I suspect “Z” is doing remedial courses now… courses for horses, as it were…


… like roasting piglets over an open fire …

Cuppa Covfefe



rolling in graves > spinning in graves > rotating on a spit over fire (hell).

cuppa Covfefe

Bill and Dave were both strong Christians; I doubt they are roasting down there… and I knew Walter, who also was a decent fellow and a very good cellist (which is how I knew him)…


Rioters In France Shoot Rocket-Propelled Grenades At Police Station, Free Zoo Animals

Cuppa Covfefe

Article over here says they have anti-tank weapons, which would make things difficult for the police when they start rolling in the big iron.

And the police want to do that, to end the insurrection, whether or not Macaroon backs them. The REAL French people are saying enough is enough…

Wonder what the WEFfenSS are hiding behind this civil war…


Do you think it’s strange that Macaroon hasn’t made any statement ?

Cuppa Covfefe

He wants to keep fiddling  🎻 while Rome Paris burns… I think he actually doesn’t care, the same as Robert Haback here in Germany. He is so self-absorbed and narcissistic, indeed a sociopath, that nothing fazes him. And maybe his handlers (Stavros Schwab, et. al.) are busy cooking something up in China (bubble bubble, evil trouble…)…..

I’m still looking for anything new…sigh… there used to be someone here or on the old treehouse from France, but I haven’t seem them for a couple of years now. There’s a fellow over at Chiefio’s, but he hasn’t said anything (could be the French are monitored online more than the BND does over here  🕵  🙂 )….


Again, thanks

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not really. He’s WAY out of his depth, and is waiting for KlauSS to tell him what to do.


Word is Macron is related to Rothschild and is doing exactly as he is being told…

In my opinion. WEF is a ‘program’ … headed by a ‘tool’ … perhaps midway up the ladder Klauss may be … but nowhere high enough up to be telling peeps what to do … jes’ my two cents…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There are at least two or three levels about Stavros Schwab and his minions (BillyGhoulGates, Satan Sauros, etc.). Ancient european families who hide in the Demonic Darkness pulling strings in between sacrificing children…

And the “meetings” at Davos and elsewhere are just public celebrations of what was decided months, if not years ago, behind closed doors by only a privileged very few.

Almost makes one wonder if the meeting scene in the original “Left Behind” with Carpathia and “Stonegal” (Rockefeller, geddit?) had more truth to it than at first appeared (predictive programming)… has a lot of material on the illumis, WEF, etc., but some of that is pretty much “out there”. Then again, so was Alex Jones back then…..


(Mail Online) There were clashes between police and rioters in the Swiss city of Lausanne in the early hours of Sunday, where Molotov Cocktails were used and shop windows smashed. ‘Echoing the events and riots raging in France, more than a hundred youths gathered in central Lausanne and damaged businesses,’ said a Lausanne police statement.

There have also been arrests in Brussels following similar disturbances, with rioters in Brussels chanting ‘Justice for Nahel’. 

Point being, I find it interesting that the media reports on riots occuring in Switzerland, home of WEF & Amsterdam, home of the European Union. Seems pretty convenient timing for riots to occur in those very two specific cities.

I think the waiting for Klauss is about 10:30 this morning, US time, Macron held an emergency meeting. Macron made no comments…

Shortly thereafter, the French Interior Minister released a notice to the French citizenry informing them that as of July 3, they will experience a “temporary internet restriction.”


Back to CB radios.

The original social media that can’t be ‘interrupted.’

cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention ARRL and Ham Radio (seems to be a lost art anymore; I had a manager who always did the field days… amazing what they could do). Seems Bye,Done &co. have no clue…..

Signal propagation means nothing to them… they probably think it’s a new social media platform…

cuppa Covfefe

Macaroon has been itching for a media blackout.

He’s done it before…

But he won’t succeed this time…


Interesting that the rioters have rocket-propelled grenades.

The violence began as protests of the officer-involved shooting of immigrant 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, who fled from a traffic stop in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre on June 27.

The teen was shot in the chest and pronounced dead at the scene, ABC Newsreported.

So did the rioting begin in response to an immigrant being killed, and then it evolved into protests against letting so many “immigrants” in? Or is all the rioting a protest over what is considered to be unjust police practices?


And how much of the rioting is “for real” and how much of it is “facilitated” by “paid mercenaries?” Where did the rocket-propelled grenades come from?


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Barb Meier

Remembering the start of the “Arab Spring” was that said to have begun after someone self-immolated, ate a Koran for breakfast, or some such? Has anyone seen Samatha Power lately?

Cuppa Covfefe

“fled from a traffic stop” is a rather mild, falsely exculpatory word-painting of “attempted to run down a policeman”… The perp had an exceedingly long record for someone of only 17 years of age… Latest news is the rioting has spread to Switzerland and Belgium, and folks are worried here (e.g. Germany around Strasbourg and the various Moslem enclaves/no-go-zones) in north Germany….


one account of the incident that I read, possibly with quotes from the police commander, was that the kid was pulled over, he wasn’t obeying directives, the officer had the pistol ready and then the kid gassed the car with the open window frame knocking the officers hand resulting in a discharge..kid shot.


Cuppa Covfefe

Unlicensed driver (the perp) and the car with fake plates (stolen?) have also been mentioned over here… George Floyd redux, methinks…


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IMO, this is war. We have to save ourselves and our country from this lack of intelligence and refusal to see the truth.

“Compassion” – There is none for innocent babies, nor is there any for taxpayers who are working to pay for others’ expenses (students, illegals, etc.), nor is there any for those who exercise their rights to free speech and religion. Those who refuse to recognize and uphold those rights are enemies of our Constitution and therefore this country.

“Cruelty” – Don’t get me started…the babies…the people working two or three back-breaking jobs because of the tax burdens…

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s no accident that it’s called “The Streisand Effect”…

There’s a vid of her on a French TV show with Michel Legrand, and she’s fumbling along trying to remember the lyrics of “What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life”… Legrand is feeding the words to her while singing and playing the accompaniment, with Streisand being no more than ill-fitting furniture.

Sad. Apparently she learns a song/show/whatever, and then forgets it until/unless she performs it regularly. Not much room between her ears for anything but grievances and politics, I guess. Lots of talent, but not much else.

Same thing with Linda Ronstadt, who suffers from Parkinson’s, and, like Michael J. Fox, a rabid fan of abortion for stem cells for treatment. Seems neither of the two know that only “adult” stem cells have ever been used successfully for any treatment.

And probably “Vitamin I” would be much better, in any case, for all involved…

Deplorable Patriot

Barbra Streisand’s name is known because she had a good agent. PERIOD.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the French TV show with her appearance, in all of its gory, erm, glory… funny how the comments just slather over her, but it was an embarrassment, and Legrand saved her cookies big time… (and what’s she doing with a poodle-cut???)…

Last edited 10 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Yours Truly has a CD version of her 1976 studio album, Classical Barbra. (Thank heavens she got trying to really sing Faure’, etc., out of her system with this “assay”.)

Last edited 10 months ago by PAVACA
cuppa Covfefe

Gack… Streisand meets Fauré… wonder how she’d do with Rachmaninov’s Vocalise… (don’t even want to think…)….

I stumbled across Sissel Kyrkjebø singing Solveigs Song… completely different league… it’s either above or below this post (sort sequences being what they are)…..

[I really like Fauré’s Pavane, which KRON used to play as its sign-off tune back in the day (1960s-70s). It was one of my mom’s favorite pieces, so it makes me sad to hear it… There’s a choral version of it as well…]…

Oh, and here’s Fauré playing it, albeit via a piano roll:

cuppa Covfefe

And he wrote of the piano recording mechanism:

The »Welte-Mignon« is an admirable invention by which not only the notes can be interpreted with the greatest clearness and suppleness but also every shade can be expressed with all the fulness of strength, and all the subtility and charm of softness.

Gabriel Fauré

How wonderful that such a connection to the past and the great ones of the past can exist, even though it’s just by a mechanical (or sometimes electronic) invention. There are a number of recordings of Pablo Casals and John McCormack that are incomparable, even though almost 100 years old (and they both had Gerald Moore as accompanist many times)…..


Babs had a great voice. All the rest is exploitation.


Hmmm, Barbra Streisand — with a net worth of over $400 million, according to Parade magazine? THAT Barbra Streisand?


I can’t vouch for this but thought it might be useful.

Synergistic Pairing of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole Found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at Preventing and Treating Cancer

If “fully vaccinated” people who got jabbed for COVID had easy access to ivermectin, many of them could potentially find relief and healing from it. And even better is the fact that fenbendazole, another anti-parasite drug, also works to fight against cancer.

“What would happen if one did a combination therapy for both the prevention and treatment of cancer using BOTH ivermectin and fenbendazole?” asks “2nd Smartest Guy in the World” on his Substack. “The synergistic pairing would be far more effective than just using one of these miraculous drugs.”

Ivermectin and quercetin together fight prion diseases

When taken together, ivermectin and fenbendazole deliver a one-two punch to cancer. When combined with other anti-cancer nutrients such as quercetin, vitamins C and D, and curcumin, the effects are even more pronounced.

Preclinical studies show that both ivermectin and fenbendazole exhibit cytotoxic effects against cancer cells. The two drugs also inhibit the growth and spread of cancerous tumors.

“The mechanisms underlying these effects appear to involve disruption of critical cellular processes, leading to cancer cell death,” wrote Sid Belzberg in a paper cited by one of 2nd Smartest Guy in the World’s readers.

Both ivermectin and fenbendazole are off-patent drugs, meaning their original intended use as licensed has expired and they have become generics. This allows for many different generic drug manufacturers, including a slew of them across India, to produce them cheaply and abundantly.

United States regulators make it hard to access them without a prescription – unless you purchase the versions available for pets – but they are out there. And when combined with other anti-cancer vitamins and minerals they show incredible promise in cancer prevention and mitigation…

Belzberg makes the case for ivermectin and fenbendazole to be compounded with other complementary substances to create a synergistic anti-cancer concoction that is safe and effective for widespread use.


Calling our good Gail Combs…


I myself know people using fen-ben and vitamin I successfully against cancers.


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Cuppa Covfefe

It’s almost like the change in perspective one gets climbing higher and higher (or living on a hill). The older I get, the farther I’m able to look back, as it were, and the more I see that the innocent, harmless past was anything but that.

I’ve even read that WWI and WWII were, at first, not necessary but they had “scope creep” whereby WWI was to eliminate all the monarchies, and WWII was changed to wipe out the Jews, or at least use them as scapegoats for the Deep State’s dirty dealings.

Then came Korea, Vietnam, and all manner of other “diversions”. One cynic I know referred to them as a bunch of old men sending young men off to die… needlessly…


Your last sentence made me smile — what do you think sparked the anti-war movement of the 60s?

cuppa Covfefe

And it’s one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;

And it’s five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.
-Country Joe and the Fish

Funny how people think that the Klint00ns and Øbløwhøle (V1 and V2) are the first of the DEMONRAT crooks…. LBJ was in a different league…

Last edited 10 months ago by cuppa Covfefe

Country Joe and the Fish.


SHOCK: RFK Jr Reveals REAL Killer of His Father, Thane Eugene Cesar, Lockheed Martin/CIA Operative

Short interview where RFK Jr says the real killer of his father was not Sirhan Sirhan, but the body guard that took him by the arm and led him into the kitchen, a CIA spook. JFK cites “The Perfect Autopsy” as explaining all of the shots fired by SS never hit his father and all the shots were accounted for. That the body guard who was behind his father fired four shots, one that did no damage but to his father’s jacket, two that went into his lower back and one that went into the back of his head which killed him.

“The Perfect Autopsy” was called that because four leading pathologists from the four branches of the military were in attendance when the autopsy was conducted because of all the questions that arose from autopsy of JFK previously.

I could only find two links to “The Perfect Autopsy”. which speaks more to going to the wrong hospital (one a couple blocks from the shooting but not staffed with the right kinds of docs, brain surgeon types, that could of made a difference) than anything else. from 2018.
which takes you to the autopsy. “The Perfect Autopsy”


I remember seeing this:

RFK assassin Sirhan wins parole with support of 2 Kennedys – Politico

Aug 27, 2021  Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has spoken in favor of Sirhan’s release in the past and met with him in prison, wrote in favor of paroling Sirhan …


Yes, sounds familiar now. Likely read the head line and didn’t find out why he was doing that, assuming it smacked of liberalism. This was before he decided to run on the dem ticket.


Sirhan did not kill Bobby Kennedy … his son knows that…

The same people who killed Bobby killed Jack and Martin …

The Kennedys know that …

I know that …

Last edited 10 months ago by phoenixrising

France Has Fallen: 17-year-old “Victim” was Gangbanger with 15-Count Rap Sheet and History of Running Police Stops

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Uncaptioned picture in the middle of the story helps with the explaining.
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Commentators say it’s Macron. jpg title also says Macron

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r
Cuppa Covfefe

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Macaroon were a switch-hitter…


He looks like one. Yea, I’m judgmental and stereotype. Prolly “good” friends with Trudope.


bbbbut he was a good boy turning his life around ( trade mark quote)


A Shocking Analysis of Election Night Reporting and the Companies that Manufacture Election Results | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor | 179
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US Election reporting is dependent on a few suspicious companies that provide results that are arguably manufactured. 

Post by Erin and David Clements

The number of Americans who believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election has grown to 62 percent, with another 6 percent who say they don’t know if he won or not. An enormous mountain of evidence, including whistleblower testimony, expert analysis, or proven machine vulnerabilities has awakened a huge majority of American voters to the realization that our elections are largely rigged.

As independent analysts and auditors improve their understanding of the centralization of election system architecture, the evidence revealed during the initial aftermath of November 3, 2020, is taking on new and vital importance. Case in point, millions of Americans that watched election results witnessed impossible changes to their vote tallies. Millions saw the “F-Curves” demonstrating an inexplicable injection of hundreds of thousands of votes in key races across the country. The F-Curve has come to represent rigged elections and corruption.


Election Night Reporting is a show—political theater—set up ahead of time to fool the American people into believing that they are watching an honest process. And if the American people don’t wake up to the truth now, they will watch another election cycle of leaders being selected rather than elected.



Polish invasion of Volyn is ready, tanks are already heating the engines.
With a high degree of probability, large columns of Polish tanks will immediately after end of upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius and in agreement with Kiev, move to territory of Ukraine. Namely, to Volyn, which is near Belarus border.

Cuppa Covfefe

Crusin’ for a brusin’ …..

Do they not know what the word “hypersonic” means?

Or is a nuclear war a quick and dirty way of getting rid of, say, 3 billion people (the first mass extinction of Revelation)…..


Guessing Russians will be ready to give Poles a proper greeting, on a massive scale. Just inside Ukraine border.

cuppa Covfefe

Pole vaulting…


How the left commits election fraud and calls them “free and fair elections.”

How to Out-Compute the Left

Ninety percent of current election fraud comes in two buckets: election commissions jacking with voter rolls like Arizona and Wisconsin and mail-in ballots collected and illegally voted like everywhere.

Neither fraud bucket is thwarted by organizational solutions — both can be stopped with real-time compute power.

Let’s start with fraudulent election commissions — at the state and county levels.

Sketchy election commissions know they can modify voter rolls when mail-in ballots go out by changing ZIP codes (Arizona), adding a fake street (Florida), putting hidden characters in voter IDs (Wisconsin), creating an inventory of nice unvoted mail-in ballots gathered by the U.S. Postal Service (Illinois and Wisconsin) given to leftists — for a fee.

Current relational technology is blind because of database latency.

Chat with the team in Wisconsin who almost single-handedly shut down 40% of the phantom vote in 2022 — helping a U.S. Senate squeaky win. They showed the phantoms, identified with real-time Fractal technology, to registrars — with a smile.

When you have better technology than the government, the government hesitates.

This one step, alone, will reduce leftist fraud by 30 to 40%. It is unrecoverable. Leftists need fraudulent voter roll changes to impact their numbers — if they miss these quotas, there is no way to make them up.

Shut down election commission fraud, via real-time visibility, and you just cut election fraud in 17 counties 30–40%. In Arizona, Kari Lake would now be governor.



I am a bit confused as to how one can expose the phantom registrations in real time to registrars.

I found my phantom registration while signing in during the 2020 election, never had the complaint notarized due to the Election Board being shut down withCovid in early 2021, and as far as I know the registration still exists.

How to crack the nutshell?


It should have been removed by an investigation by the ‘Election Board’ … find out if it was removed and ask for names of board members … check with local GOP party wrt background of board members to determine if they are shysters… go from there…
The 2020 election, in my opinion was stolen by about 5 states and I don’t KNOW but off-hand would say you live in one of them 😎


I live in NY, and through an investigation, we have found two hidden algorithms in voter registrations in EVERY county that create phantom registrations and can separate the fake from the real ones. Thus, anyone with the keys to count can change the outcome.

I believe NY is a red state.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s just sick. Once the commie Dems are in power, they will do anything to stay in power.


I think I will go to the group that did the investigation. Maybe ONE court case can break a dam. Not sure what else to do, yet I have the information.


I just submitted my inquiry to

TY, phoenix for your suggestion.

I have been afraid to do so, but I am so angry about this, I guess I just do not care any longer.

TY, sweetie!


January 6 Security Footage of Capitol Southwest Lawn (

Note: The purpose of my first post containing January 6 security video is to provide a timeline and context rather than in-depth analysis. This represents the longest segment of January 6 footage released since Republicans took control of the House six months ago.

There’s plenty to see in these four separate videos totaling nearly 40 minutes. My goal here is to make this particular camera’s undisturbed footage publicly available to allow others to produce specific clips and offer independent analysis of what happened during this selected time period.

In the minutes before Congress convened a joint session on January 6, 2021 to debate the results of the electoral college count, a few crucial events occurred.

Almost as if coordinated.

Around 12:45 p.m., a woman walking to do her laundry noticed a device she believed to be a pipe bomb sitting near a garbage bin in an alley between her apartment and the headquarters of the Republican National Committee.

Karlin Younger, at the time working for a public-private partnership partially funded by the FBI, alerted a security guard at the RNC about the potential explosive. The guard immediately notified Capitol police, prompting orders to evacuate nearby streets and House office buildings. (Police located a second pipe bomb outside the Democratic National Committee shortly thereafter.)

Just as police were responding to the call, a group of protesters—including Ryan Samsel, Ray Epps, members of the Proud Boys, and at least a few FBI informants—engaged police at the northwest perimeter of the Capitol grounds. After a brief confrontation, protesters pushed down metal racks staged to protect the area, bounded past a handful of Capitol police officers, and made their way to the western terrace.

At nearly that precise moment, a separate group of individuals confronted a weak police line stationed near the southwest lawn; officers had left their post around 12:45 p.m., apparently to attend to another incident, leaving the entrance unprotected. As the Samsel/Epps crew advanced toward the building, the group to the south also tore down metal racks. Officers fled the scene with a crowd of men running behind them. Suspicious individuals are present and appear to motion to others.

January 6 2021 US Capitol CCTV – Southwest Roof 12:49:55-12:59:55 (



Apparently from this…

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r


This particular video was recorded more than 11 months ago, and I have seen earlier vids of this young man… young kids and males appreciate his message.

Here’s a video from 2 weeks ago


Even better! Thanks! 😁


You’re most welcome!


Lots of slick influencing going on there.



Argentina paid its debt to the IMF in Chinese yuan, instead of US dollars, the government of the country made a payment of $ 2.7 billion on June 30 using yuan and special drawing rights – La Nación, Gazeta .


Ha, cannot believe that Argentina is out of any debt!!!!!

That place is So SCREWED UP!!!!


What’s going on here?

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re having, erm, problems in Belgium too (likely in Brussels, the city of no-go-zones and car-b-ques)…

Wonder if Nuland is around inciting a “hot summer”…..


The riots that began in the suburbs of Paris spread to Belgium and Switzerland. Eyewitnesses and local media share footage on social media.
First, people went to rallies in Belgian Brussels. Everything was relatively peaceful there. Law enforcement officers selectively checked people who aroused suspicion and carried out detentions.

Now riots have broken out in Switzerland. The city of Lausanne was especially hard hit, where looters began to rob shops during the riots. 🔥🔥🔥

At the same time, the Swiss authorities, according to local media, are in full control of the situation.


Rallies= riot incitement

I remember reading Gates Of Vienna and other sites that documented the invasion and brutal crime and destruction that followed years ago. This is the anticipated result.


Anticipated in like… who the heck are all these people of military age that we just let into our country?

Have no doubt why they are here.
Should a purge need be done, the enablers should be on the top of the list.

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

I believe they are the ones who will be hired by the IRS and given weapons. Yes.




Changing our regular scheduled programing to Brussels (Cuppa!)

Cuppa Covfefe

And Brussels is the HQ of the EU…

Brussels sprouts with flames… And Mozzies…

Where are our Charles Martels? And Vlad the Impalers?

All we have now are bottles of Cognac and Vlad the Inhaler…


If they follow the playbook there will be groveling, placating, rewriting the whole thing as hearts and souls crushed by xxx-phobia and racism


None of the tweets are viewable for me,


Should have said some are not.


Me too, but at least some are and the still pic, more than we’ll see on msm

Barb Meier

Elon changed Twitter yesterday so you have to be logged in to a Twitter account to see posts. I think it may be temporary and something to do with some kind of attacks on Twitter right now. Did they call it scraping Twitter?

cuppa Covfefe

If Poland send tanks to Ukraine, they’ll get fires on their streets, but not from the Mozzies…..


One notes that the perp is wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress scarf among Middle Eastern Muslims.


Who the Hell wears black socks and white sneakers? Along with the headdress?



Their uniform, so they don’t attack each other. 🙂

Sorta like Fibbers have uniforms when they try to incite trouble.

Cuppa Covfefe

More liberal tears on the horizon… just days after a county official from the AfD (our version of MAGA) was elected by a large margin over his CDU opponent (in Thuringen), a mayor from the AfD has been elected. Both of them are the first in their positions in all of Germany, and the left and the uniparty (yep, we have one, too) are acting as if the sky is falling and the earth’s gonna fry…

Seems that the natives have had enough (or indeed, too much)….

Barb Meier

In our Virginia primary for state senator, we elected a guy who is a farmer. I could not be more proud of our citizens.


Thanks for that link! I had never seen an archived film before.


Wanting to block the sun’s light ranks right up there with the idea that the sun and planets revolve around the earth. Or maybe with bloodletting to cure disease. We need to be delivered from these people and their ignorant, destructive ideas.


How will the solar energy work again ?  😅 


It won’t, which is why the global warming crap is all a lie. But we know that. They are showing we know that by even entertaining this bs but they don’t seem to care. They just want to kill us or all of this is just one huge distraction for Joe.


Just turn your air conditioner on…!!!!!


If one accepts the insane premise of globull warming — or if the People allow the insanity of the premise (in this case, globull warming) to be established by the political-class, then all proposed ‘solutions’ to the insanity will likewise be insane, by definition.

Blocking out the sun is a symptom, a symptom that naturally arises from a cause, and the cause is the allowing of the insane premise that any such thing as globull warming exists.

Last edited 10 months ago by scott467

The Midnight Sun.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting life on this planet to self-abort would be an ingenious attack.

Just sayin’.


I object.


Awwww. Can’t we just all get along?!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too!!!


“We need to be delivered from these people and their ignorant, destructive ideas.”


Who will deliver us?

Not the police.

Not the military.

Not the local government.

Not the state government.

Not the federal government.

Not the multinational corporations.

Not the banks.

Not the NGOs.

Not Hollyweirdos.

Not the UN, the WHO, the Red Cross or any other captured agency.

Not the big tech oligarchs.

Not the captured governments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Western Europe.

Not WEF.

Not Chyna.

Not Hussein / Clintoon / Soros / Gates or the more shadowy members of the billionaire class.

Not Democrats.

Not Libertarians (even if they wanted to, there’s not enough of them).

Not white elbow-length glove, Marquess of Queensberry style Republi-Cons.

I’m beginning to run out of those who won’t deliver us.

Who does that leave, to deliver us?






AMEN. There you go, got it in one.


Sorry. Did not read your post first.






Okay, are we talking about a Deus Ex Machina event?

Something like when the angel of the Lord smote Herod (Acts 12:21-23), except smiting several thousand, maybe several tens of thousands, around the world, more or less simultaneously?

God could certainly do it, but is there any reason, any precedent, to believe He will?

We have historically recent examples of world conflict, like WWI and WWII. Did God intervene by Himself and resolve those conflicts, or did it require the mobilization of hundreds of millions of men (with 70 to 85 million fatalities in WWII alone) and billions of tons of materiel?

Is there any known example, since the Scriptures were completed, of God acting on His own, solo, to destroy a national or global threat to mankind?

Or does God tend to work through His creation, mankind, to bring about His will?

When God acts on behalf of mankind, does He tend to do so when mankind is capable of helping himself, or is it when what is needed is beyond man’s ability to accomplish on his own?

Last edited 10 months ago by scott467

I can’t answer for WSB, so these are my thoughts.

We know that He prompts us through the Holy Spirit. We know that He is omniscient. We know that nothing is impossible with Him (Luke 1:37).

Or does God tend to work through His creation, mankind, to bring about His will?

When God acts on behalf of mankind, does He tend to do so when mankind is capable of helping himself, or is it when what is needed is beyond man’s ability to accomplish on his own?

I do not presume to know all the parameters through which God works through His creation.

I do know of the still, small voice. I know of promptings of the Holy Spirit. Those can come not only when someone is incapable, but also when they ask for help, and sometimes even when they don’t. And such a prompting can cause a cascade of events that bring about change in ways we would not have thought possible in our rational minds. Not brute force, not deus ex machina, but things happening that we could not have imagined, in ways that we could not have imagined.

This is an entirely separate issue from the fact that we need to do everything we can to fight evil. This is not an excuse to sit back and wait for a lightning bolt from the sky. The point I’m making is that I, in my own mind, can’t limit God’s ability and His will to work in ways that I, as a human being, can’t imagine or understand or predict. I’ve seen it happen. I have faith in the limitless possibilities of how God works. Therefore, I can’t say what He will or will not do. But I know what He can do, and I know that what He does within the human heart and will at times seems miraculous.

Isaiah 55:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

I can’t say that we will not be delivered just because there is so much corruption and inaction. We have been delivered from a lot of bad things of all kinds, in spite of, as you say:

Not the police.

Not the military.

Not the local government.

Not the state government.

Not the federal government.

Not the multinational corporations.

Not the banks.

Not the NGOs.

Not Hollyweirdos.

Not the UN, the WHO, the Red Cross or any other captured agency.

Not the big tech oligarchs.

Not the captured governments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Western Europe.

Not WEF.

Not Chyna.

Not Hussein / Clintoon / Soros / Gates or the more shadowy members of the billionaire class.

Not Democrats.

Not Libertarians (even if they wanted to, there’s not enough of them).

Not white elbow-length glove, Marquess of Queensberry style Republi-Cons.

I’m not saying that all the things we want to happen will happen. I believe that one of the most important aspects of this is that we turn to God in humility and obedience and faith.


I agree with all you said, TT.

I am also left with the same question as before.

Should we not be DOING something, something more than analyzing our own imminent demise?

Or should we be doing NOTHING, just keep on with what we, as a species, are doing, and allow the monsters who are moving this world destroy us and the whole world with it?

This is what I cannot grasp.

We outnumber them 8 billion to a few thousand. It’s comical in scale.

It’s not a lack of faith.

God told Noah to build an ark.

God didn’t build it for him.

He certainly could have, but He didn’t.

Noah had to do something. If Noah hadn’t built that ark, Noah would not have been saved.

It hurts my head that I am unable to communicate this any better.

That doing nothing substantive (yes, I know, we’re MEME-ING to the choir and such), nothing that even gets the enemy’s attention, much less slows them down, is totally insane.

It is exactly the kind of thing which leads to what is going on right now in France.

That is crazy dangerous.

There comes a time when doing nothing is more dangerous than doing something.

If we didn’t already pass that point nearly 3 years ago, we must be right on top of it.


Should we not be DOING something, something more than analyzing our own imminent demise?

Of course we should be doing something. My impression, which you can correct if I am wrong, is that you don’t recognize most of the things that are being done. My impression is that you either don’t acknowledge they are being done, or you think them inconsequential, for exactly the reasons I outlined in my lengthy comment above. I don’t see a recognition that God can be working in ways that we don’t see.

It hurts my head that I am unable to communicate this any better.

You have communicated it repeatedly, and my guess is that most people understand what you’re saying.

That doing nothing substantive (yes, I know, we’re MEME-ING to the choir and such), nothing that even gets the enemy’s attention, much less slows them down, is totally insane.

Right, just as Thomas Paine’s writings to “the choir” got no attention and had no effect. /sarc
Memes are not just to “the choir”; they are posted all over social media, many times for the express purpose of enlightening the Left. And the memes that are to “the choir” help to distill ideas down so they can be communicated more effectively.

All of these things exert influence in ways that we both know and do not know. I don’t see acknowledgment of that from you.

Posting memes is not all that people are doing. Some people here have chosen to share how they are talking with others, wearing MAGA gear and striking up conversations, contacting their Congressmen, attending protests, etc. And those are just the actions of the people, not those in power. But my experience is that no matter what is said, your argument will be that it’s not enough, it’s not effective, it’s basically nothing.

IMO, this negates the factor of influence, something that PDJT understands and uses very effectively, and the factor of how God can work, as I said previously.

We just had some major SCOTUS victories which are the result of work the people have done. We worked to educate people, to vote, to help others to vote, and to overcome the cheating in 2016 to get PDJT in office. He installed three “conservative” justices, and we made our voices heard during those hearings, especially Kavanaugh. They have just ruled along Constitutional lines. Because of those rulings, we have been DELIVERED from being forced to do things that are against our religious convictions and from being forced to pay for other people’s college. Roe v. Wade was struck down. I might have missed it, but I don’t see acknowledgment by you that victories like those are evidence of work that has been done across years.

If you don’t think anything is being done that would have any effect on our problems, why don’t you come up with an action plan that you think would be effective? Because constantly pointing out that you don’t think anything/enough is being done is not effective either.

Last edited 10 months ago by TheseTruths

Who will deliver us?

According to you, no one? I have other ideas. Can you think of even one time when we have been delivered from a destructive policy?

Last edited 10 months ago by TheseTruths

“According to you, no one?”


Did I say that?


“I have other ideas.”


What might those ideas be?


Did I say that?

Hence the question mark.

What might those ideas be?

I stated some of them above.


“Hence the question mark.”


You were clearly putting words in my mouth, so was it not a perfectly legitimate question to ask?


No, I was not putting words in your mouth. If I had done that, I would have just made a statement. My use of a question mark showed that I was asking something and inviting you to respond.


“Can you think of even one time when we have been delivered from a destructive policy?”


Delivered by God, by Himself, from a destructive policy?

No, I don’t recall any which have been attributed to God, at least not since the New Testament was completed.

What example(s) were you thinking of?


Delivered by God, by Himself, from a destructive policy?

No, I don’t recall any which have been attributed to God, at least not since the New Testament was completed.

What example(s) were you thinking of?

I wasn’t asking you about God delivering us, but since I wrote a comment above about God working in our lives in ways we can’t fathom, I will state an example. The founding of this country, including the fact that we defeated the most powerful military in the world at the time, is attributed to God by many.


“I wasn’t asking you about God delivering us, but since I wrote a comment above about God working in our lives in ways we can’t fathom, I will state an example. The founding of this country, including the fact that we defeated the most powerful military in the world at the time, is attributed to God by many.”



But did God defeat the British for them, while the colonists watched from afar, blogging and meme-ing one another?

Or did the colonists have to do something?


Ranks right up there with … “we are not only superior, we are gods”

cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And what about the 2.5 µm particulate problem…

Ohhhh… I (don’t) see… it’s not a problem if BillyGhoulGates mandates it…


When can we put these people out of our misery?


Read this elsewhere.
Did they do the solar panel energy thing won’t work? 😆

oops… peeked… crop failures omg!
pretty much everything that depends on photosynthesis goes out of whack to include our vit D! Bastards really do hate us.

So we know a few months ago they would not let the company based in Mexico do this. They shot in down fast. So no excuses for them to even be talking about this. Something else must be at play. Something else for us to talk about and divert our attention? Or will Joe actually say do it and everyone can then blame him for “Snow Piecer II?”.

Whoops, not related. Just sticking it in cause it’s new

Whoops, thinks I already did her…I’ll try to get back on track… hold on.

Okay, I got no idea how this got in here. Keep digressing.

Ackkk… sorry, did this one too but it’s new footage.

Here we go, back on track…
comment image

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Meanwhile there is this. It doesn’t have a date and frankly it does not need one.

comment image


Who is the unshaven boi?


GD!!!!!!! Mac always shows up with faggots!!!!!


I think it’s George Soros’s son, Alex.


Good flick. Didn’t like the frozen arm punishment, though. Loved Tilda Swinton. She was the only actress who could play that role properly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See who can see this tweet:


I can see the tweet when I click the date link or the pic.twitter link, and the first link takes me to the Amazon page 👍



Some people asked me to share what I just shared in a space about the rate limits. I don’t work for Twitter but, I do architect IT cloud solutions as my day job.

It is temporary. Twitter’s rate limiting is not what everyone is thinking it is. It is not to punish non-paying users.

“Data scraping” is a big deal. This is where automated systems load the website or app and pull your tweets/data. It’s a huge security issue. Automated systems are pulling every tweet/word/user account information to store in an unknown database somewhere else.

This could be state actors like China, the US Government, Australia, or other bad political actors like PAC’s that are trying to gain access to everyone’s information to analyze and use for nefarious things. Manipulating what is said on the site can be done at scale with data scrapping.

It could also be used to figure out the identity of Anons or to punish people in their country for what they tweet. Looking at you #Australia and #Canada and #UnitedKingdom

The temporary measures of limiting tweets is to protect users just as much as it is to protect the entire Twitter network from going down. They are currently scrambling to get ahead of this and tune their network security to block it from happening again.

It’s also important to note that twitter has 500,000+ servers. That’s not free. In cloud data centers, the companies that use them have to pay for what is called “ingress and egress” of data going “in and out” of the servers. A data scrapping event that is large enough for them to start limiting means that it was a MASSIVE event that could be considered an attack on the site. It would also put massive load on their servers and cost them so much money it could threaten the site’s financial ability to keep running. It could be on purpose to put twitter out of business from cost alone.

Many people are misunderstanding why @elonmusk
wants people to pay for twitter or for the twitter API (a programming interface that can pull data for other sites and apps).

The reason he wants people to pay is because if China or porn companies want to create massive bot farms of fake accounts, it is currently free. These bad actors are highly skilled and operate like a business. They have professional staff that continuously change their tactics and Twitter engineers have to fight 24/7 to stay ahead of them. If they have to pay for every account or pay to use the API, it would cost them A LOT of money. This limits the amount of people who could create bots, put automated porn on here, and the hacking/scrapping/DDOS attacks on the site. It protects you.

It also guarantees twitter will continue to exist without bloating it with tons of ads. This is all a part of the plan to create a free-speech place we can enjoy without being controlled by outside actors or advertising companies. I know $8 is a lot to some people but, it is for many reasons. None of the reasons are to hurt or punish people.



Moar on this with a bit moar understanding on what may be happening with this data scraping.

Musk’s Tweet-Limiting Move Is To Prevent The Completion Of The “AI-Censorship-Death-Star”

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Yeah, and I don’t care about Twitter Asshoes!!!!!


Could we understand this in a sentence or two? Maybe I am just getting old and pissed off.


Kim Dotcom

Must watch: At the United Nations Security Council @MaxBlumenthal
deconstructs the US Govt corruption and lies regarding the US proxy war in Ukraine.


Tosses in Kim Dotcom’s pinned tweet. Educational for those who need to wake up.

cuppa Covfefe

Well Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaa! 🙂 (or not)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent presentation. There are a lot of times that I give Max Blumenthal the side-eye, but not on this one. He was 100% on that speech.


Okay, the first part of this story is really really weird. The second part is both interesting and educational but for us it’s mostly confirmation.

Massive Storm Brewing in South Carolina after Lindsey Graham Booed Off Stage

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Lindy is WAY out of touch.