Dear MAGA: 20240225 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Running the Race

Accomplished people will tell us that goal-setting is essential to achieving success in any worthy endeavor. Perhaps no other ambition is more important in the Christian life than the one the apostle Paul preached about in Philippians 3:13–14: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

What goal was Paul targeting? Like an Olympic athlete, Paul exerted absolute determination to cross the finish line of Christian maturity. For the remainder of his life on earth, Paul was resolutely committed to the passionate pursuit of this singular ambition. He explained to the Philippians that he had not arrived at his destination yet, “but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Philippians 3:12).

Take hold means “to win, acquire, possess, or make one’s own.” On the road to Damascus, Paul had been seized by the powerful, unbreakable grasp of the risen Christ (Acts 9:1–19). His life now belonged wholly to Jesus. Acts 9:15 reveals that Paul was God’s chosen instrument to proclaim salvation to the Gentiles and the people of Israel. But this was not the goal Paul pressed toward. Instead, Paul explained, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10–11).

The goal Paul pressed toward was twofold: to know Jesus Christ and to become like Him.

Jesus had saved Paul and made him His very own possession to bring him into an intimate and eternal relationship—one that would grow and increase throughout Paul’s earthly life and culminate in “perfection” or “perfect knowledge” at his death (Philippians 3:12, NLT). Crossing the goal line does not happen on earth. While we press toward Christian maturity in this life, “we see only a reflection as in a mirror,” but when we reach the final destination at death, “we shall see face to face” and know Christ fully even as we are fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12).

The word press in Philippians 3:14 means “to carry out or participate in an activity, to pursue or follow.” Believers are to actively press forward in our knowledge of the Lord and in our fellowship with Him until we finally hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. . . . Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:23, ESV).

Jesus said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24, NLT). Giving up our own way, taking up our cross, and following Jesus are the activities of a Christian who is pressing toward the goal of becoming more like Christ. That is why Paul said, “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better” (Philippians 1:21, NLT).

The apostle John described the action like this: “We are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure” (1 John 3:2–3, NLT). We keep ourselves pure by imitating Christ in right living (1 Corinthians 11:1; Romans 13:12–14).

James taught that pressing toward the goal of Christian maturity requires determined endurance to stay the course through the trials of life: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2–4).

The Christian growth cycle is ongoing, with a snowball-like effect of building from one success to the next. As we persevere and grow through hardship, we are strengthened and prepared for even greater challenges of faith down the road. We are continually pressing upward into greater maturity as we move toward our goal—our full potential of complete and “perfect maturity” in Jesus Christ.

The English Standard Version describes the goal we press toward as “the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14, ESV). When Jesus took hold of us, God called all of us upward toward His heavenly kingdom through an intimate relationship with His Son. The direction we press toward is “up” because that is where the call comes from—directly from God’s throne. He called us from heaven and will eventually bring us home to heaven (Philippians 3:20; 2 Corinthians 5:1; Hebrews 11:13–16). We press toward that goal by following the call that keeps us moving ever-increasingly onward and upward in Christlikeness and in our knowledge of Jesus our Lord.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31

The Lord . . . will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.  1 Corinthians 4:5

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Barb Meier

Thank you, Carl!! May God bless you for all the wisdom you share with us each week. You help me stay centered on what’s important in these turbulent times.

Last edited 5 months ago by Barb Meier
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen!!! 🙏

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I needed this particular encouragement right now! Thank you, Carl! 💖


Reposting from late in yesterday’s Daily:


FLCCC: Ivermectin used to successfully treat advanced stage 4 prostate cancer:


Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

And people around me wonder why I take IVM as a prophylactic. No respiratory issues during one of the worst seasons for it in our area’s history along with a continuing good PSA and cleaned up vision. Next question.


Yup, IVM once a week. Prolly every six months or so, if something feels amiss, another IVM.

If I am diagnosed with cancer or some malady, IVM will be daily or whatever is suggested. Join FB and ask to join the cancer group Linda has mentioned.

In spite of the lunacy we’ve journeyed through since Covidiot arrived late 2019, slew of daily vitamins and supplements along with weekly IVM, have kept me healthy.


Sounds like a plan to me, for sure.

Gail Combs

I found that changing what I eat plus adding in supplements are making me feel better than I did at 50.

Unfortunately age has made my joints stiffer but at least they do not hurt too much unless I do something stupid.


Oh my. Resemble your remarks here.   :wpds_wink: 

Cuppa Covfefe

My mom used Tiger Balm… I can still smell it 🙂

Worked like a champ, though…

Gail Combs

Tiger Balm contains  menthol & Methyl Salicylate.

I ‘over dosed’ on Bengay and became allergic to those ingredients.


I’ve noticed that if there’s an off-the-wall situation or condition, you’re involved somehow.  😂  😍 



Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock: … Little old innocent me???

  :wpds_wink: .

Cuppa Covfefe

You’re supposed to put it on your joints, not as a joint 🙂 (don’t inhale) 😆

Gail Combs

I have been taking Glucosamine & chondroitin (Move Free Advanced) for a couple decades. This brand was recommended by the pharmacist for those allergic to seafood.

I added CBD oil as soon as it became available in NC and also Move Free Triple Action with boron, collagen, & Hyaluronic Acid when it became available. NC is very low in boron.

I can now reach my feet to put on my socks and tie my shoes. Before, at age 50 Hubby had to do it!

All of this is from the suggestions of strangers.

I also added Co-Q-10 for hot flashes (and heart health) again at the suggestion of a stranger.

Gail Combs

I should add, I found this salad helped a lot when I wanted to lose weight. This is what I use for a low salt low sugar high in nutrient salad:

1 small yellow squash shredded 
1 small zucchini shredded 
1 small eggplant shredded 
grated red onion shredded 
diced pepper (Green yellow red…)

Sour Cream
Olive oil
Spices – Thyme Marjoram & black pepper are high in iron.

The nice thing about this salad is by adding the oil and vinegar and making sure it coats the raw veggies it will keep in the frig for a few days. Long enough to get eaten. It is also very filling.

You can then add things like canned salmon, fresh spinach, tomatoes or what ever else you like when you go to eat it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

That sounds really good (almost too pretty to eat 🙂 )…

[My grandpa, who had a couple of farms, used to eat around a bushel of fruits and vegetables a day (I’m told) as well as the usual WV bacon and other meat (complete with bacon-grease on the green beans). Lived to 96]…..

Beats the daylights out of processed food…

Gail Combs

Most of that is available from the guy down the street or the people across the street.

The goats and deer without a dog makes it hard for me to grow veggies.


Solution? Get a dog.

How hard was that, farm girl? [just funnin’]

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s dawg, pgroup, DAWG 😆

Gail Combs

I tried.

I had a mother & daughter pair of Great Pyrenees that was used to livestock all picked out a few years ago and Hubby said NO!! We are too old.

So now we have the neighbor’s Great Pyrenees patrolling our farm.

She was here to greet us when we got home tonight.


My sister in law is living in a motor home on our property. She has a Great Pyrenees and he’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. Just a big fluffball.


Unless, of course, you’re a coyote…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Useful Info!


You’re displeasing your enemies by staying healthy. Good job.


Laughing a bit at myself.

Some time ago, I Opted Out, of voluntarily being part of the 14. 14 of 15 that is. Exercise. Eat better. Vits / supplements. Listen to the knowledge, experience, insights and wisdom posted daily, QTree.

But as Gail posted. Bones, joints…not cooperating. Time marches on, whether we like it or not. We make the best of the hand dealt us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you! Defy the 14/15-ers!


Multi-protein collagen for the joints. Ancient Nutrition is the best IMO. Been taking for 5+ years.

The depops can pound sand.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Also re-posting this video of Tucker’s Kirsch interview which Kalbo found late in the day yesterday.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They’re all in the devilrat party, or the NeverTrump GOPee Donor class.

Brave and Free

Their a “it’s all about me party”
all about $$
all about power
all about we’re smarter
never anything about America

pat frederick

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Send that to the Trump campaign.

Valerie Curren




No way around it. At this time Nikki Haley is running at Trump’s Pleasure.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“BIG MIKE”!!! 😂

Joan Rivers is certainly having the last laugh, it seems!


Why isn’t Haley’s name in that pool?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent question!!!


So what’s their plan?

Pull a ‘Fredo’ on Brandon at the Con-vention, insert Big Mike, and make Greasy Newscum Mike’s pool boy?


That’s what a lot of people think.


I don’t think Mike’s big man-sized heart is in it.

He’s used to the easy life. Being POTUS is way too much work, even if he’s just putting in appearances.


I’ve been saying that from the beginning. I think Michelle hated being in the White House and under constant scrutiny.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see a path for Osatan to convince Big Mike to do it. At the same time, I’m not afraid of it. I think Trump can beat Big Mike and destroy Obamaism once and for all time.

Valerie Curren

Obamunism  😡 


“I think Michelle hated being in the White House and under constant scrutiny.”


It’s hard to hide the bulge 24/7.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

The battle of the bulge…

pat frederick

penis envy

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock: ….   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Very slick of you …

Cuppa Covfefe

Mochelle run? Willy or won’t he….

Valerie Curren

 😂  LOL  😂 


Dan Bongino says the same thing.


Bongino was in a position to KNOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The trouble is, the communist Osatan is addicted to power. His “third term” is fundamentally changing America. IMO he’ll do almost anything to stop Trump from getting back into the White House.


he’s a malignant narcissist.

he’s addicted to himself.

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Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2

Which means he’s not just a malignant narcissist, but he also has horrible taste.


he’s devoid of any taste.

you either have taste …or you don’t.

he’s an empty suit.

with inadequacy issues…like most narcissists.

attention, adoration & prestige are what he wants..what he craves.

the perfect tool.

feed him and he’ll perform.

the happy couple…

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eaten up with jealousy & resentment and an inflated sense of entitlement (grandiosity).

the two poster kids for WOKE.

Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2

Are they actually fist-bumping, like a couple of dudes?


Big Mike. hussein.

  • Fist bumping like a couple dudes?
  • Asked AND Answered.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He won’t sacrifice himself or his legacy to stop Trump.


Hope you are correct. hussein is full of his self appraised, grandeur.

Gail Combs

OH!Bummer may also be afraid that Trump may be aiming at him as well as Hitlery.


Trump better be.


Plus it’s been shown that using a proxy is much easier. The pretend president does all the appearances and takes any flack while he pulls the strings in his mansions.

Brave and Free

Then again “it” could be inserted as VP. We’ve definitely been shown that job can be held by anyone and they don’t have to do anything.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT point. Maybe they used THE HOE as a stepping-stone to “prove” that Moochelle could do the job.


Big Mike with Nimrod as its VP bitch.

Gail Combs

Pool is too big….


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chaff! IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t mean that negatively (meaning I’m not saying Larry isn’t “wheat”) – what I’m saying is that he’s being used as chaff to distract from Trump’s top list of real candidates.


VP must be life insurance for POTUS.

IOW, it must be someone who is more Trumpian than Trump.

Someone who terrifies the left.

Larry Elder is a great American but he’s not Trumpian.


Someone like Bannon or Navarro.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, they would be great! The left would have to go to extreme measures to remove both!

Valerie Curren

Navarro!!!  😍 


Randy Quaid.

Have him always dress in a white shorty robe, with black socks and dress shoes.

Scare the whole world… 😂


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



General Michael Flynn.
He KNOWS where the bodies are buried.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That would draw the Obama viper out of its hole!


Living for the day it is ALL exposed, WITH proof.

Gail Combs

“We have it ALL.”


That’s where I’m going, if he can shine in areas other than intel.

Gail Combs

I find his ‘Stage Presence’ lacks.

I like Mike Pompeo.


Pompeo called for the assassination of Julian Assange.


Yes he did and he did not stand with Trump to the end.


Hard NO to Pompeo


I do not like Pompeo he was CIA and he made fun of Trump. He also did not want Assange being released or pardoned by Trump. I do not trust him he falls into the swamp site of things. He talks good.

Valerie Curren

Pompeo “ex” See-Eye-Eh…massive pass!


Zero chance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How embarrassing for America.




I’m laughing and pissed at the same time!

This is so terrible. American’s should not be subjected to this. It’s humiliating.


The upside is that the POTATUS team continually gaslights the US public that it’s only lying conservatives that accuse Joe of being incompetent. The rest of the world also sees it.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! and this is why the WEF is flipping out and calling for censorship.

Gail Combs

Most KNOW Bidden was installed by the Deep State and we did not vote him in. On top of that Italy’s Government is ‘neo-fascist’ The lefts term for anti-globalist. I think the people are more Pro-Tump than Pro-Bidden-globalist so they are joining the American people in making fun of this GLOBALIST PUPPET we are suffering under.

Russian Textbooks Revised: US Rigged 2020 Presidential Electionarmstrongeconomics

Russian schools are teaching the youth that America rigged its own election in 2020. 👉Students in the 11th grade have posted excerpts from their revised textbooks to the internet…

Couple that with this:
9/25/2022 Italy election: Giorgia Meloni’s far-right party… | Euronews

Its biggest party is the Giorgia Meloni-led Brothers of Italy, which will likely obtain 22-26%. The Democratic Party-led centre-left coalition and the Five Star Movement lag behind with 25.5-29.5% and 13.5-17.5%….

And by Sundance

Conservative Nationalist Giorgia Meloni Wins Big in Italian Election, Certain to Become First Female Prime MinisterSeptember 25, 2022 | Sundance | 271 Comments

GREAT NEWS – Looks like the Italians have decided to Make Italy Great Again and voted overwhelmingly to support Giorgia Meloni and the nationalist coalition. With an anticipated 45% of the exit polls, this outcome will almost certainly make Giorgia Meloni the first female prime minister in Italy.

10/22/2023 Giorgia Meloni: One year at the helm of Italy’s most right-wing government since 1946 — EuroNews

…The victory of Giorgia Meloni’s party in the Italian elections raised concerns among European democracies.

One year on, what assessment can be made of the Italian Prime Minister’s policies? Has she succeeded in erasing her neo-fascist image, particularly abroad?

…Experts say that on migration policy, international relations and domestic policy, Giorgia Meloni has failed to show her closeness to the people or to dissociate herself from the neo-fascist image that follows her. 

“There has certainly been an attempt to distance herself from the neo-fascist label…

And yet, according to the polls, if Italians were called to vote today, Pellegrino believes that “the picture would be no different… I don’t think there would be a big victory for the left.” 

According to an Italian poll carried out on 16 October, her Brothers of Italy party has maintained its support among Italians…

Meloni’s government had expressed its intention to create a “naval blockade” to halt the arrival of migrants on the Italian coast….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the Left tries to garner support for gun control, they ask what it’s going to take to get people to “see” that guns must be regulated and taken away. I ask them the same question: What is it going to take for people to see what illegals are doing to our country? How many American citizens have to be killed by people here illegally for the Left to recognize the problem?


And why would any sane person give up their guns while their country is being invaded by hostile, criminal illegals who think nothing of killing us?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And worse, still, when it’s the GOVERNMENT which is inflicting the invasion upon us!!!


it’s called willful ignorance.

mass psychosis.

democracy !👊🤘🗣


diversity = divisive

the masses revolt !

class warfare…the Left depends on it.

class warfare keeps the Left relevant.

the nonsensical world of Oxymorons.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to reason with Leftists.


Some need to stop thinking they can.


No, but the truth has to be put out there, or their false narratives dominate. And every now and then a lightbulb goes off in someone’s head. 💡

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are the huge swath of people who don’t know that.

You try to reason with a leftist in front of them, so that they’ll see it.


And Fentanyl Joe didn’t stop there…. #’s seem to be just as countless as death by their vax injections. Likey moar since people turn a blind eye to what they willingly do themselves and cabal is too willing not report. But a little baby does not exactly fit in the willing category…
Indiana Couple Arrested After Six-Month-Old Baby Dies from Fentanyl Overdose
Cassandra MacDonald Feb. 24, 2024 11:20 am


This must be one of many upcoming tactics to smear the Trumps. It is pure trash.

I skimmed through and didn’t see who the author is, but it quotes Stephanie Grisham. That explains everything. I hope Melania will be suing whoever is responsible.

When she wasn’t engaged in petty disputes with Ivanka, Melania was holding “meetings with teams of lawyers to examine her assets and attend to matters associated with her pre- and postnuptial agreements with her husband,” Stephanie Grisham, a top aide to the first lady, told Rogers.

Rogers disputed previous reporting that the negotiations revolved Barron, instead saying Melania was laser-focused on her own financial security.

“I know that she had very separate finances that she watched very carefully, and she had her own lawyers that she met with a good amount,” Grisham recalled. 

Melania had her own money before they married, and she meets with professionals to manage it. This spins it to cast doubt on their marriage, just in time for the campaign season.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. Typical leftist trash book.


The woman is envious.


Fortunately, nobody actually cares!


Those with TDS will add this to their false arsenal.


Hope Melania calles on her ‘team of lawyers’ and sues the pants off that ‘author’ and his/her ‘publishers’ (propagandists)!!!!

Last time a ‘publisher’ picked on Melania and printed lies about Barron – they got sued and lost $2 million – enough to pay Barron’s way through college, grad school and a grand tour of Europe afterward!


So predictable…expect tons of articles about each family member


Grisham is the worse kind of person slandering gossiping taking things out of context. I am sure Melania met with lawyers to ensure Baron was taken care off . I red the other day “she bought $million apartment in Trump tower.” She had that for many years. I can see that specially having family visit and Trump doing business and the hours he kept having own space.
My neighbor sold their home I wanted to buy it to live in. My husband keeps late hours likes to sleep in takes care of the house different the way I do 🙂 I told him” he could visit ” 😂
He did not take to kind of the idea. I understand wanting own space. 🤔


1990’s Contemporary Christian music.

When the STORM arrives.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barb Meier

Thank you, Itswoot!!!

Ground report: this week, I terminated my contingent contract on the pretty Illinois house by the Mississippi. I saw an article saying IL Gov is giving over $200M to illegals and while I might be a reinforcement for commonsense, I cannot fix that level of corruption and stupid.

Someone here probably highlighted Wolf Street and I check the headlines periodically. Here’s one that caught my eye:

On my side, my house has not sold fast enough; the Fed is not dropping interest rates so the pool of buyers is smaller; I want to have pros do powerwashing (I used to do it myself, but usta doesn’t live here anymore); and the pros say we need five days above 55 degrees to power wash. It will also look great once everything greens up outside.

If the delayed new contract job does come through at the end of the month, I will have time to ramp up before moving home and can also pay someone to paint the many deck rails.

In the meantime, I’ve been cleaning, packing stuff for the auction house, and watching as the clutter disappears thanks to the auction house movers.

There’s a dozen (yes, 12) closets to unburden and the basement leftovers to clean out.

When I moved here, it was fully furnished plus I brought a 17-foot U-Haul’s worth of my parents’ furniture, and also what I’d accumulated on my own. It was overwhelming but I followed Mom’s guidance not to do things too fast, so I gave a few things to good friends when they mentioned something they needed.

Your mattress is still on the floor? You could have this queen-sized canopy bed.

You need more knives? I have an extra box of them that were left in the kitchen here that you can have.

In 15 years, I just had one yard sale but it’s quite the chore to have a yard sale on a mountain. 😂

My neighbor reminded me to “Enjoy!” After waking up this morning, I realized that no matter how long it takes for me to sell this place, it’s a joy to be here in a lovely, safe, and decluttered place with mountain and valley views as leftists keep failing to demolish us in every way they can.

I will move closer to my family all in God’s good time.

Gail Combs

Happy moving! Better you than me.

I moved into my last place using a VW pickup. To move out of this place would take a couple semis and several stock trailers…


I moved over 40 times in the first 30 years and that is enough.

That said, I really need to go through and TOSS, SELL, GIVE AWAY… But there is always fences to fix and at this point buildings to repair…. I really really do not want to climb onto the roof.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Gail! I am learning that I can take a little time to box up all the stuff to give the auction house. One does not have to be dead to have a downsize sale. It’s sort of like an estate sale, but you keep stuff you need and that matter to you. I can’t say what I will earn from it, but hey.. perhaps it would be enough to pay a young nimble guy to climb on the roof for you!!


Good luck Barb. I hope that you find the perfect home and that the buyer comes along for your current property! It sounds exciting so as your friend said..Enjoy the coming spring and whatever surprises happen.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Molly!! I have learned you can search for “vintage homes for sale in Missouri” and Redfin will come up in the results. It shows vintage homes, which often have character and some of the things my kitties would enjoy, like wide window sills. hehe… I found a very interesting home south of Ft Leonardwood. That would be handy if the new job supporting the Army comes through. Also, while it is in a small town, it’s across from an elementary school and has a 2-car garage where I could stash decorations for the seasons to amuse the kiddos.

I don’t need two stories, but could use that for guests, most of whom are younger than me. Also, I don’t typically like sinks or stoves on islands, but there is much to recommend it.

We will see what I find after I sell this property so I can put down whatever up front. In the meantime, I enjoy being a lookie loo and not having the stress of doing it all in a super short timeframe.

Happy go lucky

Super cute, just my style, love the private patio in back.


Sounds like a good plan, Barb. Praying for it all to work out just right!

Barb Meier

Thank you, TB!! I’m doing the things I can and not worrying about the unknowns. I’m learning all sorts of things and that is great.

I’ve always loved looking at homes. My hometown had an entire main street and street up a hill to a park overlooking the Mississippi with many vintage homes. They were unique and have character. I even looked a bit in TN and ran across a lovely place with the nicest landscaping. It is not close enough to Missouri, though northwest TN does connect a bit with MO. I like the mountains in VA and TN and hills in MO.

Last edited 5 months ago by Barb Meier

You are welcome, Barb.

Have you thought of looking at homes with frontage on the Indiana side of the Wabash River? Sunsets across the water.

Barb Meier

That’s an interesting idea, Itswoot! An early techie friend moved back home to IN and landed in Bloomington. I just remember IN as being a flat state but in looking at IN images, there are some hills. hehe… While I’m exploring, I’ll explore Indiana.

Valerie Curren

 God be with you in every detail & step along the way of your precious, unique journey!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The truth is no longer permitted by the woke.

• Thomson Reuters’ former director of data science Zac Kriegman claimed he was fired after sharing his research on race and police killings with colleagues

• Kriegman posted stats showing cops in the US killed more unarmed white people than black people since 2015

• He said he was ridiculed and bullied by colleagues, and when he asked leadership for help, his post was taken down and he was fired


“The truth is no longer permitted by the woke.”

It’s why a woke industry pushes cell phones over lap and desk tops. Afraid we’ll do our own research and miss stories like yours.

Gail Combs

The Steve Kirsch story is the same. Since he does not need the money and he now has new friends he is fine with losing all those WOKE leftist friends acquaintances.

He also mentions not only the CDC but CONGRESS is blocking any look into the ACTUAL DATA. That means they are ALL IN ON IT!



Of the 535 in Congress, ONLY Senator Johnson has discussed the poisonous Covid Jabs.

The other 534 in Congress ARE assholes, OR have their heads in the sand, OR both.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

They are all scared since the Intel controls our government. Intel has turned congress into their puppets. Who knows how they threaten them with danger to family is a China way.
We can no longer trust the US intel turned full KGB.


And now for something completely different…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Burning Man. It just attracts weirdness.


Isn’t that the point?

Plus tatas.

Gail Combs

Interesting subject matter, HORRID presentation style.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2

Obama was a community organizer before he was president. What does he have in common with Hitler? Hitler was a community organizer (Gauleiter) before he was Kanzler of Germany.

A Gauleiter (German pronunciation: [ˈɡaʊlaɪtɐ]) was a regional leader of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) who served as the head of a Gau or Reichsgau. Gauleiter was the third-highest rank in the Nazi political leadership, subordinate only to Reichsleiter and to the Führer himself.

pat frederick

so is the affair a cover-up for the WH involvement? (lisa monaco?)

pat frederick


They may have discussed WH directions, to get Trump.

Assuredly, Nate was making money on the side, banging Fani.

Yea, a twofer of sorts. 😎

pat frederick

i wonder if they were not instructed to go on those trips–as cover. i mean, the man is married and yet he pays for fani’s tickets in HER NAME. any good divorce lawyer will track that. who’s that stupid?
so it’s a diversion…focus on the left hand (the affair) and forget to look at the right hand (the collusion with the WH making it a rico case?)
and if fani is telling the truth…she would want to be paid off in cash. she prefers it after all. AND if they were to raid her home and find large amounts of it (aka her payoff for ruining her reputation) she’s already established that she keeps large amounts in her home.



WH and Deep State corruption is primary. Should be the primary focus.

Her home and wherever Nate shacks up, should be raided. Cash, drugs and other evidence.

Cash does not make her guilty, but it is evidence. I never support, Feds or any government agency seizing evidence, without charges AND prosecution. Even for the likes of Fani. Civil asset forfeiture is sanctioned theft.

pat frederick

agree about the cash. it’s prudent to keep some on hand.
however, she should always ask for receipts to avoid even the hint of impropriety. that is lesson 1 in any any exchange involving a public official.


Men can be that stupid if they have a willing accomplice.


He had a willing accomplice all right – just below his waistline.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_cool:   :wpds_lol: 


That seems to be the problem 🙂


Just to be clear – RICO is only for criminal organizations that use violence to affect businesses [extortion; protection rackets; etc.].

The ‘working together’ part must already be an existing criminal org and the racketeering techniques must further the aims of the criminal org in order for RICO to apply.

pat frederick

thanks for that!


I’d like to add…they’re stupid, like base dumb hatching an elaborate clever ruse seems unlikely but that’s just me!


Seems this little bit of TDS spittal is making a small splash in headlines.


Many, many years ago, I figured Bob Costas IS unlistenable. Self absorbed know it all, asshole. <<< Includes sports. Stephen something another one of them ignoramuses, the same thing. Fools addicted to to sports, think these fuck sticks are wise.


The Hannity of sports?


Not a sports guy, only knowing the guy when he bleeds into conventional news assumes like you he has a motor mouth that only he is in love with. 😉


Oh that is bad and if true disliked by me both of them.


I remember Costas from my St Louis days when he was a little speck and fairly unknown. He married a St Louis girl and divorce her as soon as he made it big. I have no good words for that guy .

Robert Baker

There was a time when I liked Costas for his baseball announcing. He had a comfortable affable look. It appears the passage of time has not been gracious. When I saw a video of him last week I thought he looked lost and desperate. Anyhow those are the words that came to mind.

Robert Baker

I take your point. I am certain there are multitudes of people living in the shadows of their younger self.


So true he used to be enjoyable 🙂

Brave and Free

The jab will do that to ya.

Deplorable Patriot

Plastic surgery. He’s been on that binge for decades.


‘little speck’ is priceless.  😂  😆  😍 


I am glad you enjoyed that 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

He was cheating on her, I heard. She divorced him. I happened to have known her.


Yes I heard that also. Regardless she got rid of him because he screwed up. Sad because when he was young everyone liked him on the Radio.

Gail Combs

Talk about a Marxist DELUSIONAL Donkey’s rear-end!

Either this turkey is all in on the 13 out of 14 have to die, or he is NUTZ.


Bought AND paid for.

Sports talking heads are much like Pravda News.

READ, what is handed to them. Followers, goofs that listen in, THINK, these talking heads KNOW. In fact, they are paid for schills for Pravda news, Deep State…

Gail Combs

Well that too.

HOWEVER you have a choice. Esp at the salaries they earn. They could easily just retire.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bob Cost A$$…


Good online friends —
Of your charity, please spare a prayer for our good Rodney Short (over at Marica’s blog.) He posted that his Kimi wasn’t back home by 10PM their time (Pacific Time, that would be 1AM Eastern Time) last night, wasn’t responding to her phone or to text messages. No further word from him at Marica’s blog as of 5 minutes ago.
Thank you.


Thanks for posting. Prayers and good thoughts their way. IIRC, they live in a rural area northern CA. Looking forward to a happy conclusion.

Gail Combs



Still no new word from our good Rodney Short on Marica’s blog as of 12:35PM Eastern Time today.


that’s worrying. They live on a reservation or near one ?


I believe they live at the border of a reservation.
Still no new word from Rodney Short as of 4:20PM Eastern Time.
Nebraska Filly from Marica’s blog reached out to him earlier this afternoon via email and text.


I thought I remembered that. He must be beside himself.

pat frederick

Rodney has been having internet connection problems this past week. hopefully that is all that is preventing him from posting.


With that in mind, cell connectivity, may also be an issue.


Not making light of this situation but if we ever have a widespread communication meltdown…that’s going to be hard. We’re so used to instant connect and knowing how everyone is whenever we want.


pat frederick
True, and they also have cellphone connections issues — both, it appears, largely due to weather-related problems.
That said, one is still concerned.


Marica’s has a new post by Rodney —

Thank you Pat, it was after midnight when she got home. Her phone died and her car charger dont work.

Valerie Curren


via State Of The Nation
Yours Truly: This article has some ** interesting ** hyperlinks, such as to Harvard University professor Charles M. Lieber, to the release of 5G technology, and more.

FTA: “Because of the RNA and DNA altering aspects of the Covid injections, these “vaccinations” cannot be undone. Consequently, those vaccinated individuals will either succumb to the ELE [Extinction Level Event] or become severely incapacitated to the point of becoming a great burden to their caretakers.”

IMO, the authors of the article are expressing their own viewpoints based on their research and observations. HOWEVER, there IS the mounting MEDICAL TSUNAMI of reports of “vaccinated” persons — ESPECIALLY young / healthy / active persons —coming down with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and/or dying from the effects of these “vaccines.” There are ALSO the mounting reports of “vaccinated” persons with ALREADY-EXISTING medical conditions presenting with these conditions either being aggravated; or, being re-established if they were in remission prior to “vaccination.”

IMO, it is absolutely crucial for ANY person who EVER TOOK a COVID-19 “vaccine” to be strictly following a spike protein mitigation protocol such as outlined by FLCCC. IT IS ALSO absolutely crucial that ANY “un-vaccinated” person who EVER HAD a COVID-19 infection and recovered, ALSO be following a spike protein mitigation protocol. IT IS ALSO absolutely crucial that ALL “un-vaccinated” persons, whether or not they ever had a COVID-19 infection and recovered, ALSO be following a spike protein mitigation protocol, due to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “SHED” components from the “vaccinated” person onto others.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

EPIC…   :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

I had to get my hubby out of his chair and show that to him.


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Thank you for this. Read through the summary of the Mercola article at The Burning Platform.
Yours Truly does agree with several points:
One: That vaccines aren’t the be-all-and-end-all to staying healthy and/or treating disease.
Two: Using a different vaccine instead of a REAL placebo in clinical trials is NOT a good idea.
Three: The CDC is turning into a “medical censorship” agency.
Four: The “Safe and Effective” narrative is basically a lie.


Ignorance rolls on in Komifornia.

  • Wonder if komifornia will ban disposable diapers?

First it Was Plastic Straws, Now Lib State Moves to Ban ‘Single-Use’ Cups From Chain Restaurants


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Helll no they won’t ban plastic diapers or the pallets of bottled water that people buy weekly or the gazillions of sport drinks and energy drinks in plastic bottles . They’re the biggest hypocrites around.
Think about the sky high mounds of disposable crap they’re providing for the invaders, food 3x a day, baby stuff. Probably flushing wipes down the toilets


Dang. It’s a mutt.


IMO, she’s paid her dues being one of the borrowed children to lull the public into believing the Ozeros were a normal happy stable American family, so right for the first black (1/2) family in the WH
I’m glad she dropped the name…it was fake anyways


Sotero would have been the last name IF Ozero’s history was told to the dumbmasses.


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I think I have this figured out folks. The Cabal in their zeal to get Trump at ANY cost and keep him out, has inadvertently fallen into a trap.  

Seems like they are winning, right? Massive lawfare, egregious fines, and financial awards. NOPE.

Think how this all started back in 2015.  

I’ll come back to that. 

First Biden took away (illegally Trump’s executive privilege. Then the National Archives, using the PRA went after Trump’s records (because of what they KNOW he has, the Red Binder)

Then they raided his house violating 4th, 5th, and other civil rights. Then they prosecuted off the ILLEGAL findings (or lack thereof) Then they took AWAY his lawyer client privilege. Another ILLEGAL act. All to get “evidence” to prosecute Trump further.  

 At the same time, they went after his MONEY. First with the E. Jean Carroll crap, and now with Letcia James. They are trying to make him forfeit his assets, and limit his ability to effectively run a campaign, and his businesses. All with illegal, circumstantial evidence WELL beyond any statute of limitation.

In short in their zeal to get Trump, they shredded Executive privilege, lawyer client privilege, the right to a fair speedy trial, the right to privacy, the right of his freedom of speech (gag orders), his rights against unreasonable search and seizure, his right to not be excessively fined, and in essence, his rights of liberty, and to pursue prosperity (through arresting him ILLEGALLY, and then attempting to ban him from running his businesses. They have also slandered him, his movement, his family, his friends, and his businesses. They have went ALL IN and thrown the book at him. They are STUPID.

Notice the fools they used to perpetuate this farce are ALL compromised in one way or another. Notice they are all funded by Democrats, ran by Democrats, in Democrat cities, with biased prosecutors, judges, juries, media, lawyers, and officials. He has shown he CANNOT get a fair free trial as is his RIGHT. Whelp, I’m telling you, they did NOT think this through one bit. Get “Orange man” at ALL costs. I am here to tell you it WILL cost them MORE than they have EVER imagined. Life, Liberty, the pursuit of happiness. FREEDOM. WEALTH.

We know the Cabal practice projection, that is putting their crimes and actions upon someone ELSE. In this case that is Trump. One small problem for the fools. Ever hear what goes around, COMES around? How about you reap what you SOW? How about an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life? Dems and the Cabal FORGOT, because they turned away from GOD.

God did not forget. Retribution incoming. I have always believed that God puts certain people in certain places and circumstances to serve HIS purpose. Sometimes these people are NOT saints. Trump, I believe is such a man. He saw the light, or heard the call, and despite all that has been done, he ENDURES. I believe God is with him and is unseen helping him toward a grand design. It is rarely easy, look at the tribulations of Abraham, Jobe, Moses, and Jesus. What is the purpose? To perhaps save the US, and via that the WORLD? Evil, whether we believe it or not IS among us. It has had a grand ole time, based on OUR suffering in one way or another. Time to pay the CHECK.

Now remember this. We have it ALL. Sometimes you cannot TELL the people, you must SHOW them. Trump has shown us ALL what the evil is capable of. God has sustained him…no man ALONE could have endured what he has. And for WHAT? To MAGA. A great America is a GODLY America. God through Trump wants us to succeed, to prosper, and to return to HIM. That can only be accomplished by ending the evil and tyranny. No man could do that ALONE. Yet it IS coming. Here is how.

In their zeal to get Trump (and by abstention US), they shot the whole wad. They forgot something. all the things they themselves shot at Trump; was they very loopholes these evil people used to save themselves from JUSTICE.

That is right, I’m saying it. Trump was led by God, to allow this to happen to him, as a way to SHOW the world what evil looks like. BUT, not just to show us the evil, but to entice it, to lure it in, and then to spring the trap.

Precedent …FOOLS. No more hiding behind executive privilege, no more hiding behind lawyer client privilege, no more Presidential records act. No right to a speedy trial, no right to change to a “friendlier venue.” No rights against searches, or SIEZURES. No statute of limitations. No right to privacy, no right to shelter ASSETS or money, no right to MAKE their corrupt money via the laundering they do and did. Soon NO Presidential immunity.

Yep, if they are STUPID, they WILL do this. That will be putting six bullets in the chamber, spinning the cylinder, and pointing the gun and pulling the trigger.

See, they set PRECEDENT. Now, WHEN Trump wins, and he WILL, despite it ALL. These fools ALL get experience the wonderful precedents they themselves established AGAINST Trump AND his followers. They will have NO protections, because they stripped Trump and the J6 and MAGA of all of OURS. PAYBACK. That is what they are scared of. They ASKED for it, Heck, they BEGGED for it, now, they are going to GET what they wished for in SPADES.

Notice how they keep saying Trump is a threat to “their democracy” YEP, he IS, because “their democracy” is ANYTHING but a democracy. It is EVIL, led by EVIL, it is tyranny. Evil MUST first be EXPOSED, then it is like a weed, you must rip it out to the roots, you must get it ALL.

This, after the 2020 steal, was the plan. I think Trump knew after Covid, that the steal was coming. I think he wanted to prevent it or reverse it, but after Covid, doing the takedown would have rendered the US and the world asunder. I know these years have been SUCK. I believe there was no other way. People had to be SHOWN the evil. I do not mean the suffering, that part sucks, but the EVIL, had to be exposed in the light, so we would truly awaken.

We needed an example, a martyr if you will. Trump volunteered. He has done his part. NO ONE else could have or WOULD have. Anyone else would have taken their life back and RAN. Trump faced them DOWN; he fought back for US. He could drop out TODAY, and all this would go away. But he FIGHTS, not for himself, but for ALL of us. Only God could empower someone to do that.

Soon the truth comes out. They CANNOT hide. I wrote the other day about the red binder. That is what the head of the Cabal (on Earth) Obama FEARS. It lays bare all his evil. Remember folks, Obama was NOT just spying on Trump, he was spying on EVERYONE, and he USED it to enforce his and his masters, SICK agenda. He unleashed Covid. For Hell on Earth, The US and all the other Godly countries must be destroyed or corrupted. Why are they keeping the US and Russia apart? Is it because Russia is evil? Led by an evil man?

Or is it because Russia (Russian church) and the US are the two largest followers of the Catholic faith? Could they team up to defeat EVIL? Nostradamus thought so. Remember in the end times the Eagle (US) and the Bear (Russia) will team up to DEFEAT EVIL on Earth and bring about peace. They were to fight the third antichrist. Now, I am not a big proponent of Nostradamus, BUT the Lord uses sometimes bad men as VESSELS.

Will Trump reveal the red binder, that reveals Obama? WHO or WHOM could validate it? I submit Putin could. would he? would we believe him? Why not? The MSM, politicians, and MIC can’t sway us anymore. They CAN’T hide it anymore. Musk and Carlson and others see to that. What will we do when we are shown the truth with proof? More awake now, more ready to accept the truth. Sometimes the artist has to work the clay before it is ready to sculpt.

After Covid and ALL the suffering and ALL the corrupt, sick agendas. I believe people are ready. We have prayed for the suffering to end. God IS about to answer. He works in mysterious ways on HIS time and according to HIS plans, using whomever HE wants to further that. Trump is but a vessel. Others are with him. He is NOT a savior. He is the example, the messenger, and perhaps, just perhaps, he will deliver us from this evil…all at God’s request.

And before you think this is too religious, or wonky, I do not think God spoke to Trump. But I DO think he has set him on a path. Deeds and actions. I believe that the Evil men with and behind Obama and his Cabal FEAR exposure, they FEAR retribution. Before they can PAY they have to be exposed.

Gail Combs

“….Remember folks, Obama was NOT just spying on Trump, he was spying on EVERYONE, and he USED it to enforce his and his masters, SICK agenda. …..”

I remember that from a decade ago.

May 23, 2013 Maxine Waters Exposes Obama’s National Citizen Database

“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life, ” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. “That’s going to be very, very powerful, ” Waters said. 👉That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it.

And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”


Snowden tried to tell us. So did Maxine Waters (unintentionally(


“In short in their zeal to get Trump, they shredded Executive privilege, lawyer client privilege, the right to a fair speedy trial, the right to privacy, the right of his freedom of speech (gag orders), his rights against unreasonable search and seizure, his right to not be excessively fined, and in essence, his rights of liberty, and to pursue prosperity…”


Not to mention election interference…


Among other thigs yes.


“I am here to tell you it WILL cost them MORE than they have EVER imagined. Life, Liberty, the pursuit of happiness. FREEDOM. WEALTH.”


Only if there is some mechanism to F O R C E adherence to the law.

If such a mechanism exists, it has not presented itself yet.

If such a mechanism does not exist, then obviously they will get away with everything.

Which is (obviously) what they’re counting on.


I am hoping that would be the Military, what’s left of it. Perhaps Space force?

Gail Combs

Some, when Trump first won the election, compared Trump to Cyrus.

On This Day in History: Cyrus Conquers Babylon; Comparisons With Donald Trump

…For those of you interested in reading about Cyrus’s conquest of Babylon, the story is so strange and a real page-turner! You can find the story recounted by Herodotus in his Histories.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs

Thanx Prex….. awesome as usual. Afterall, Nebuchadnezzar was also used for Gods purposes.


ya never know..was watching some America Unearthed episodes that went into the aspects of the Davinci code idea that the Holy Grail was a lineage of Christ protected by the Templars…..anyway it occurred to me that DJT’s ancestry goes way back to Scotland, one of the Knights Templar’s places. Some supposedly fled the persecution from there to the continent of North America

It’s a stretch but things beyond our understanding are possible.

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

…And it’s not lost on me that this many centuries of that bloodline being spread out into millions of people but only that it was an interesting thought.


“Ever hear what goes around, COMES around? How about you reap what you SOW?”


A lot of wealthy people — all of the really wealthy ones, actually — exempt themselves from that.

Because they can.

Over and over (and over) again.


Well, if what I think will be exposed IS exposed, they have NO cover now.


“Sometimes you cannot TELL the people, you must SHOW them.”


You can lead a horse to the show, but you can’t make him look (ancient proverb).

Unless they look, how will they see what anyone shows them?

And they don’t have to look — so they won’t look — unless someone forces them to:



2:25 – “…and these people are compelled to see what their own government had perpetrated.”


When everything else breaks down, the only mechanism left is force.

I keep looking for some other mechanism, but it is not found.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

What if this is so pervasive they cannot NOT look. I believe that will be the case. The MSM will cover in their zeal thinking they have Trump, but in the end will have themselves.

Gail Combs

What Scott misses is the Left is just a very LOUD minority.

Much of ANTIFA and BLM are PAID activists. They interviewed some of the Occupy Wall Street crowd and found they were CLUELESS they were just their to party and for the excitement.

Look at the Fake News vs Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and even the Badlands.

CNN loses nearly 90% of its… | Daily Mail Online

CNN kicked off the new year with a staggering decline of nearly 90 percent in both viewership from its overall audience and critical target age demographic.

The network averaged just 548,000 viewers during the week of January 3, a precipitous drop to the nearly 2.7 million viewers from the same week in 2021

👉548,000 viewers = 548k views! Badlands gets 1/2 that on a good day!!!

Just Human (Kyle’s rumble acct where he reads court cases and discusses them)

You are the frame. You are the support.5 months ago  8.35K views

Badlands Daily – this is a daily new show. 14 days ago 67.8K views

Defected Ep. 56 29 days ago 208K views

Devolution Power Hour #218 30 days ago 243K views

Bannons War Room 9 days ago 51.6K views


Agreed the left in general IS the minority. The just are more vocal, destructive, and propagandized by the MSM.


“Yep, if they are STUPID, they WILL do this. That will be putting six bullets in the chamber, spinning the cylinder, and pointing the gun and pulling the trigger.”


Is it really that stupid?

What is their other option?

If they allow Trump to win, they’re dead (at least in theory, I still don’t see the mechanism to compel justice, even if Trump does win).

But if we proceed on the presumption that Trump’s victory means their end, that removes any and all constraint on their actions.

If they succeed, then it pays off.

If they fail, then at the very least, they will have delayed their own execution, by at least 4 years.

So either way, once they crossed the Rubicon, doing what they are doing is smart.

At least smarter than not doing it.

The only way they lose, is if some mechanism for arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing — some mechanism greater than the United States military (their Praetorian Guard) —presents itself.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

That mechanism is SUNLIGHT.


“See, they set PRECEDENT. Now, WHEN Trump wins, and he WILL, despite it ALL. These fools ALL get experience the wonderful precedents they themselves established AGAINST Trump AND his followers.”


Who makes that happen?

I mean the reality of someone, armed with a gun, arresting these people?

Presumably DJT doesn’t give the order directly. Maybe his AG?

Who is going to follow the AG’s orders?

Which judges are not corrupt?

Are they going to arrest all the judges suspected of corruption?

What will the criminal politicians, all 95% of them, do, if DJT’s AG starts arresting members of the political-class (Legislative Branch), and members of the Judicial Branch?

What will the MSM do?

How will they portray DJT?

The script writes itself, nobody has to be a prophet.

The mafia protects itself. In this case, the mafia is the Deep State, which encompasses all of the federal government, every agency, and every institution, including the U.S. military.

So when they all throw the world’s biggest temper tantrum — and they will — what magical force is going to compel them all to shut up, sit down, restore order, and carry out the arrests and prosecutions?

Our entire system — every system of government on earth — ultimately goes up through a hierarchy of power and authority to compel compliance. Ultimately, if all other levels of authority fail, the military is the authority of last resort.

Because it is the military which has the physical, corporeal, real ability to F O R C E compliance in an otherwise unruly population.

And sadly, the military is under the control of the same criminal political-class that is persecuting DJT.

So who is there, above the capability of the U.S. military, who will compel / force the Cabal (including the U.S. military, which is under Cabal’s control) into submission?

I want you to be right, more than I can express.

But there are real, concrete obstacles to the hoped for success, which remain unaddressed.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

“Evil MUST first be EXPOSED, then it is like a weed, you must rip it out to the roots, you must get it ALL.”


All right, now we’re getting somewhere.

Who rips it out, and how?


God will choose the gardener, as well as the method. Wait for it.


“People had to be SHOWN the evil.”


They’re not looking.

Lot’s of them.

Not looking.


We simply disagree MORE are looking now than EVER, and we KNOW there are at LEAST 75 million from last time.


“Anyone else would have taken their life back and RAN.”


Ran where?

Where can anyone run, that is beyond the reach of the Cabal?


I don’t know, give me a billion dollars and I bet I could.


I don’t think you could… military spends a billion dollars shooting down a couple drones over the Red Sea every day… 😂


“He could drop out TODAY, and all this would go away.”



DJT must be destroyed, so ‘his kind’ are never allowed to rise again.

I think Davie the Plouffe (that’s his mobster name) said that.

Here it is: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”


They sure do FEAR that one man, don’t they. It seems that did not work out too well throughout history.


“Or is it because Russia (Russian church) and the US are the two largest followers of the Catholic faith? Could they team up to defeat EVIL?”


The U.S. side is too busy facilitating tens of millions of invaders at the southern border.


“Remember in the end times the Eagle (US) and the Bear (Russia) will team up to DEFEAT EVIL on Earth and bring about peace. They were to fight the third antichrist.”


Cuppa Covfefe

More likely China than Russia… China is atheist, Russia is Christian (despite the Bolshviks, et. al.)… and China is far, FAR more likely to be able to put up a million-man, heck, 10-million-man army…


“What will we do when we are shown the truth with proof?”


Now there’s the $64 bazillion dollar question.

If the past is any indication, the answer is not much 😂


Things HAVE changed in both tenor and awareness. Something is COMING. If the cabal did not think so too, WHY risk it all over ONE man (Trump)?


“I believe that the Evil men with and behind Obama and his Cabal FEAR exposure,”


I’m sure they’d prefer to avoid it. It’s much easier for tyrants to do their tyranny behind the veil, than in front of it.

But in front works too, just ask Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler, etc. It’s harder that way, but it’s definitely doable.


“…they FEAR retribution.”


In order to fear retribution, some mechanism would have to exist to deliver retribution.

What mechanism is there?


“Before they can PAY they have to be exposed.”


Before they can pay, they have to be seized.

Who’s gonna do that?


Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

As for the easier to do, let me know how being exposed worked out for Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, etc. Not too good in the end. “who can do that” Remember EO 12333? Asset forfeiture for “crimes against the US and humanity? I bet THEY do. If they are so all powerful, why don’t they just ignore Trump? Because they HAVE something to fear, that is why.


As usual, I hope you’re right! 🙂

pat frederick

plot thickens
Nathan Wade “made the decisions to hire or fire” employees in Fulton County District Attorney’s Office following Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis’ election victory in November 2020, multiple sources familiar with the Wade and Willis relationship exclusively told Breitbart News.
The revelation of Wade’s previously unreported position as the former personnel decision-maker for the District Attorney’s Office raises ethical and conflict of interest concerns. It also raises questions about whether Wade and Willis have been forthright about the timeline of their affair.
“Wade is a prosecutor on the Trump case and he selected the office employees,” a source told Breitbart News.
Wade led a transition team of ten to twelve people who interviewed and evaluated current employees to remain in Willis’ newly won office just weeks after she won the election in November, said the sources, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution due to their direct knowledge of the environment inside the District Attorney’s Office, which they characterized as “corrupt.”
Wade, a second source told Breitbart News, was in charge of determining who of the 250 office employees would remain with Willis. Sources described one-on-one interviews behind closed doors with Willis and Wade, who was “too invested to be just a friend” of Willis to hold such a powerful position.
Wade and Willis claim their relationship started in 2022 after Willis launched the probe into former President Donald Trump. But sources say Wade and Willis “obviously” had an ongoing romantic relationship at the time Willis won the election. “There was just something so weird going on,” one source said.
“Willis said everyone in the office was essentially all terminated, and that essentially we had to reapply for our jobs and must submit an application and schedule a time to appear for an interview,” a source said. “We had to reapply and came back in so they could interview everyone — from lawyers to paralegals to assistants to investigators.”
“And in that room, in my interview, there were a lot of people other than Fani Willis. And that was her transition team. I definitely know that Nathan Wade was in that room because he was taking the lead role,” the source stated. “And I was a little confused because I had never seen him before.”
“I had about maybe ten people in the interview,” another source described the reinterview process with Wade. “Nathan definitely was up moving around and taking charge in the room. Wade hired the entire office of 250 employees,” the person said. “I was just telling him my employment background, and they just sit there and looked at me and they said well, ‘you’ll get an email on our decision.’ And that’s what Wade said. And he looked at Willis. They looked at each other. And there was just something so weird going on.”

Brave and Free

Transition team = DOJ looking for their lawyers and investors to get Trump


“It also raises questions about whether Wade and Willis have been forthright about the timeline of their affair.”


Except for me 🙋‍♂️

I don’t have any question about whether they’ve been forthright about the timeline of their affair.

I’m certain they haven’t been 😂

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

“Wade led a transition team of ten to twelve people who interviewed and evaluated current employees to remain in Willis’ newly won office just weeks after she won the election in November, said the sources,”



I wonder…

What could the criteria have been, to determine whether current employees would remain in Miss Fani’s newly won office?

Could it have been… oh I don’t know…

Are you willing to get Trump at any cost?


No doubt .


“A network of spy bases with 12 secret facilities was created by the CIA along the Russian-Ukrainian border. The New York Times writes about this. American intelligence helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies operating inside the Russian Federation, throughout Europe, and also in Cuba.

Cooperation between the SBU and the CIA began after the Maidan in 2014. This partnership with American intelligence agencies is not a “wartime creation.” It turned Ukraine into an “intelligence gathering center.”

The Americans began training elite Ukrainian special forces, where one of the officers was the current head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov, the newspaper notes.”
In WW2 spies got a quick trial then hung, I suppose that made the job a little less appealing.


Russia prolly has an expedited process.

No time for a “last meal.” 😂


My opinion – jab.

Healthy. KPD pushed hard for their people to take the jabs previously. A close friend retired from their department early because of the harassment about not taking the jab even though the provided a medical reason from his physician two years ago.

Unfortunately, this stuff is happening with increasing frequency nationwide.


Unless otherwise proven, the JAB was likely involved.
MEDICAL TSUNAMI due to the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the bodies of those who took them.
May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may the family find Comfort.


There are so many on my news scroll…so many unexpected or sudden death..and the strange ailments of the hollyweirdos that blab about their everything


“There are so many on my news scroll…so many unexpected or sudden death..”


Not to discount that in any way, but there is a phenomenon to keep in mind.

I’m sure it has a name, I just don’t know what it is.

When we are focusing on some ‘thing’, we naturally begin to notice a lot more of it.

The example I usually see used is a car. Suppose you buy a green BMW. You wouldn’t (and didn’t) think that was a very common color, and I suspect it isn’t.

But now that you have one, now that your senses are attuned to the visual image of a green BMW (i.e., yours), you begin to notice them everywhere, because your mind is paying attention to occurrences of green BMWs, whereas before, your mind had no reason to notice them.

A similar thing could, at least to some degree, be taking place with our noticing so many ‘died suddenlies’.

That is, the more we focus on it or think about it, the more we will tend to notice it.

Also, to the extent that AI and algorithms may be involved, the more we ‘click’ on ‘died suddenly’ stories, the more those types of stories may begin showing up in our suggested topic lists.

So it could quickly become a type of self-fulfilling prophecy situation, where we are noticing a dramatic increase in such stories because we are interested in those stories, and it becomes a sort of positive-feedback loop.

While our friend or neighbor, who is not clued in to this subject matter (or benefiting from algorithm targeting) may not see these stories at all, and therefore have no perception of a dramatic increase in reporting on ‘died suddenly’.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Brave and Free

That’s a great point.


Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I get rucky 😁


That’s true and I try to read the timeline if any background is written. Were they sick for a period of time prior to vax roll out and age. If they’re older than 60 it’s iffy. 50 and under with no mentioned illness always gets my attention. Very early or fast onset of dementia or rapid cancer is suspect. What they were doing when they died sometimes seems to follow the pattern.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But even there…do we have numbers comparing “young and died suddenly” both before and after?

I’ve seen people counting “died suddenly” SINCE then but never a comparison to “died suddenly” rates BEFORE.

Without the comparison, this could be utterly meaningless.


Well it’s not an official study! It’s just that I don’t ever recall this many young and middle aged people up and dying .

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes but as was pointed out by one of the people in this chain of replies–we weren’t primed to see it back then.


no before numbers because died suddenly was never a thing with anyone before so there were was no need to keep statistics. It doesn’t mean some collage couldn’t do a study, but most of us don’t need a study to know this hasn’t happened before to degree it is happening now. Will there be some inflation to those numbers because of current sensitivity to the problem? Sure, but it’s not going to do much to move the needle into believing it isn’t happening without one being easily swayed, which of course there are many that can be easily be swayed because they don’t mind their surroundings.


Meanwhile Zelensky is doing this very thing. Yesterday
Zelensky Says 31,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed Since War Began 2 Years Ago

Cuppa Covfefe

The embalmers know, as do the medical folks who are speaking up (i.e. retired or about to 🙁 )…

Valerie Curren

“Also, to the extent that AI and algorithms may be involved, the more we ‘click’ on ‘died suddenly’ stories, the more those types of stories may begin showing up in our suggested topic lists.

So it could quickly become a type of self-fulfilling prophecy situation, where we are noticing a dramatic increase in such stories because we are interested in those stories, and it becomes a sort of positive-feedback loop.”

great points!


Get a participation trophy…..

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Gail Combs

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Good online friends—
Marica sent Yours Truly a message that Rodney Short and Kimi are safe.
Thank God.
And thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.


  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_smile:   :wpds_smile: 

Valerie Curren

PTL! Thx for letting us know



comment image


That’s from a while ago. They should do another picture with the other person standing on the books.



Cuppa Covfefe

Or “the binder” 🙂


That would be an EPIC troll…..


Little Baron in blue jeans. 😮

Barb Meier

Naomi Wolf has been busy and she shares the disappointing outcome about an election integrity bill they were working on for Maine. Unsurprisingly, all democrats said no.


Naomi is naive.

I am glad she’s trying, but she doesn’t truly get how left leftists really are. Not even now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Mikki support slipping away…


Koch-Backed Group Stops Spending on Nikki Haley Campaign


That’s okay. The DNC isn’t using any money on their candidate and she’s a useful thorn in Trump’s side so they can fund her.