Green Margarita
- 1 1/2 ounces blanco tequila
- 1/2 ounce Combier
- 1/2 ounce dry vermouth
- 1 ounce pea puree*
- 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
- Garnish: lime wheel
- Add the blanco tequila, Combier, dry vermouth, pea puree and lime juice into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
- Double-strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
- Garnish with a lime wheel.
*Pea puree: Add 2 cups peas (removed from their pods), 1 teaspoon verjus, a pinch of sugar, a pinch of salt, and 1/4 cup water into a blender and puree until smooth, about 30 seconds.
Badlands News Brief – February 29, 2024
From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship
Former Boeing senior official refuses to fly on “Max” airplanes because of shoddy workmanship he witnessed firsthand…
Seriously wondering if this is industrial sabotage. Just remember, if accidents and crashes were an everyday occurrence they would not be headline news.
The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier
The Consensus Conspiracy
Tweets & Stuff From X
The full video is posted above.
Well…God was watching.
TOTALLY illegal to ask her to do this.
Cheetos? EWWW…says the girl who secretly loves them and avoids them like the plague.
Memes & Other Fun Stuff

Capybaras are the best.
And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

MATTHEW 21:33-43, 45-46
33“Hear another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country. 34When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; 35and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. 36Again he sent other servants, more than the first; and they did the same to them. 37Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, `They will respect my son.’ 38But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, `This is the heir; come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’ 39And they took him and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. 40When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” 41They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.” 42Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the scriptures: `The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 43Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it.” 45When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking about them. 46But when they tried to arrest him, they feared the multitudes, because they held him to be a prophet.
Have a good weekend!
Thank you, De Pat, for another Wonderful Week of posts on this Fabulous Friday!
…..and, also…..
I’d picked out this garden to showcase before I saw the drink. We have Green Animals to go with the Green Margarita.
I wish that Trump would have arranged to push Abbott’s wheelchair. What an audacious photo op that would be. Abbott could have used that video with the caption, “This is what a real servant Trump is. I’m proud that he’s a friend of Texas.”
Photo ops…
“Walls. Work.”
So do machine guns and sniper rifles.
Heck yeah Walls Work & according to Joe Biden, having the right roof works too!
Oh wait.. that’s just for fires… sorry.. got excited there for second. 😁
Yup. War on petroleum, again. Yawn.
Did Joe just do a Pass Over announcement? Asking cause… you know the thing. 😮
I’ve seen two examples of insanely unjust lawfare against citizens. These cases should never have made it to court. The first one is a suit against people who drove by a Biden campaign bus, prosecuting them with the KKK law, which I’m not familiar with and which they say is also being used against Trump. The defendants broke no laws and did not cause emotional “damage.” Yet they have been fighting this for four years.
The second is the case of Amish farmer Amos Miller. Attorney Robert Barnes does an excellent job of laying out the case. It’s not only a terrible injustice, but it infringes on everyone’s freedom.
Lawfare is evil.
I don’t see a problem here. 😂
You’re abusing AI, it appears. 😂
Ha! If only I had that capability.
Lack of inclination AND interest here.
What if …
It wasn’t China who released that bioweapon?
Or China released it on approval of the US?
How about this — what if the bioweapon was made in Ukraine? And then the design was given to China for ‘accidental’ release? What if the entire purpose [and timing] was to blow up the 2020 prez election?
What if … the Ukraine biolabs were working on more than one bioweapon? Could one of the bioweapon research labs have been working to create a weapon that could kill only ethnic Russians while harmless to Ukrainians?
What if this entire ‘war’ is to keep that knowledge from getting out to the public?
What would happen if Putin obtained the truth of the 12 secret labs [now admitted by NY Times] and was holding it for maximum leverage while letting the SlowJoe admin know that he had the info?
What if the major part of the CCP bribery scheme on Biden was a really shiny toy to keep everyone’s attention away from the Ukraine bioweapon research?
What if Putin had a bigger objective in Donbass and Luhansk than merely protecting ethnic Russians? What if Putin’s master plan is to destroy the US intelligence groups via exposure of the biolabs’ truth, and to inflict severe political injury on the structure of the deep state as collateral damage?
What if …?
I have always thought that.
That ending with Putin as a hero would be nice.
Protecting ethnic Russians, was part of Putin’s reasoning AND valid.
Along with NATO encroachment towards Russia. Also, valid.
The dozen Biolabs may have been the final straw. Close them down. Capture information. Expose the truly evil work of US IC, with a complicit DoD, DoS…
Glad you caught my drift.
Slow Guy, usually catches up.
Are we going to leave out that the tariffs PDT hit China with were countered by COVID release killing economies world wide that allowed China to move into the vacuum with money to buy leaders of nations off and provide products they needed/wanted?
Asking for a friend.
Yup. CCP knew DNC was over a barrel, and when the evil mark is over the barrel is always when CCP gets their best deals.
USG is up to its eyeballs with Covid creation AND release.
Covid had many benefits for Deep State AND WEF – Global Reset.
Needed to take out Trump. Install the compliant dementia patient. Destroy America from within.
Yup. It’s never just one thing. LEVERAGE. They’re always looking for it.
IF…. Most or ALL of this is TRUE…
We would be EXACTLY where we are NOW.
We ditched Mitch the bitch and now this — a good day is had by all normies.
This has probably been covered, but it’s so satisfying to hear people calling this guy out in real time. Sort of akin to “they won’t be able to walk the streets.” The people are speaking up.
I’m amazed how reserved the people are. A couple of raised voices. Not one man with a voice loud enough to drown that POS out, or with enough anger and hostile intent to get the attention of the cops standing there.
The POS just calmly talks over them, and they allow him to do it.
Calling him ‘sir’… must be the White Glove Marquess of Queensberry group.
People should be rushing the podium.
It’s never enough for you! 😂 I think people are afraid of being arrested. And before anyone calls them cowards, I point them to J6 prisoners. Until we have people in charge are are actually just, we’re probably going to see milder forms of protest. I do expect it to grow because things are only going to get worse.
“It’s never enough for you!”
It’s never enough to actually change anything, that’s the problem.
If the objective is to STOP the government from facilitating the invasion of murderers across our border, if the objective is to STOP these invaders from murdering women and children (and even detestable men), then a few people raising their voice at a press conference, is not enough, by definition.
Whether I comment on it, or not, is irrelevant… 🙂
“I think people are afraid of being arrested.”
Fear of arrest is a legitimate concern. So is anger toward the monsters who are doing this to us.
The question is whether the fear of one’s wife or daughter being murdered is greater than one’s fear of being arrested, and whether one’s righteous anger can overcome whatever fear there may be.
“And before anyone calls them cowards, I point them to J6 prisoners.”
I am continually amazed how many women, particularly, have been totally cowed by the January 6th consequences. It’s as if one slap to the face was more than enough to make many women heel all throughout the land, never to even consider challenging the lawless authorities again.
TPTB sure got their money’s worth out of January 6th, and then some, giving women and effeminate men the perfect excuse to never do anything that might get them ‘in trouble’.
Is that how the Civil Rights movement worked?
Did they all run away after the first arrest or exposure to billy clubs and water cannons?
“Until we have people in charge are are actually just, we’re probably going to see milder forms of protest.”
Then have you not created a self-fulfilling prophecy of endless enslavement?
How will people who are ‘just’ ever be in charge again, if the People don’t make that happen?
Are the criminals going to oust themselves?
I truly don’t wish that anybody ELSE here would have gone to January Sixth, than those of us who did (who I will not number or identify), but if there WERE more of y’all who went, then those people MIGHT have an understanding of what you’re saying.
Speaking for myself, I’ve already had to deal with a significant amount of BULLSHIT because of having gone to J6. (I can’t actually specify what forms of bullshit, because I don’t want them to know how much I know.)
You are absolutely right that “We The People” cannot expect a fair shake from DOJ, FBI, DHS, or even the woke military. I would advise NO person who was at J6 to enter Washington District of Criminals. I would say think very hard before taking part in PEACEFUL protests.
The other side is EVIL and tries to bait us into their evil plans. Don’t fall for it.
Throwing away your capabilities for an unfair shake with dirty justice just is not worth it, in my opinion.
Not unless you’re ready to go to jail, lose everything, and have everybody you love suffer in the process.
It is very possible that there WILL come a point where that happens, but it’s not now, IMO.
^^^ Wisdom worth listening to.
‘Conservative’ U.S Senate Candidate Blocked from Indiana GOP Primary Ballot after Being Exposed as Democrat
And the law was upheld. That’s remarkable these days.
And the law was upheld. That’s remarkable these days.
It’s an election year.
Plus, some Illinois idiot [nice phrase!] is trying to kick DJT off the ballot.
Optics, man. It’s the optics.
😂😅😂 It’s not really what his Wiki page shows, but it looks so funny.
Media Blackout: 67+ ‘Prominent’ Muslims in Minnesota Arrested in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme, Many Attempt to Flee to Islamic Countries Amid $250 Million Scandal
Have them contact that Nigerian prince that kept pestering me a few years ago.
I think this is what Pavaca mentioned yesterday. I had no idea there were already 8 shots in the pipeline.
It’s hardly surprising.
If you take a whole class of people, and give them protected-class status so they are essentially unaccusable, making them above the law, like the police chief of the Homicide Division in Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970)…
How long does anyone think it will take for them to realize they can get away with murder — or anything else — and do it?
We saw the same thing with the so-called ‘leadership’ of BLM.
Already done.
Dummies that took eight Jabs, Deserve the ninth. They should Demand the ninth.
Happy for them.
It really is beyond my comprehension abilities that there are people who did this.
What kind of cowardly emotional cripple do you have to be to be scared into taking what is described as a “vaccine” nine times? A person with an IQ over 90 should know that a “vaccine” makes it so you don’t get the illness again!
This whole episode has given me the worst view of humanity ever. And I hate it.
Pondering Covid, Jabs, is numbing to me.
I grasp what is happening. So many NOT thinking. NOT seeing what is plainly in front of them, in everyday life.
Then consider USG, CDC, FDA, Big Pharma are blatantly contributing to DePop.
Wish I knew how we could stop it all.
Sometimes you just have to let idiocy run its course. It is sad, but necessary for the survival of mankind.
There are many ancient civilizations that pursued activities and beliefs that destroyed them to the point they no longer existed. Same deal.
Me, too.
We’re swimming in the cesspool.
My backstroke is excellent from years of practice.
Be sure to keep your head well above water!
Thank you for bringing this. Yours Truly did present this CDC “recommendation” yesterday. That is correct — if someone has taken ALL of the “recommended” COVID-19 “vaccines” injections, this would be NUMBER NINE that would be in their body.
The CDC is pushing DOSE NINE of the “vaccines” due to “the potential of waning immunity from the previous booster”, the “vulnerability” of seniors, and “majority of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID is among those over age 65.”
Yours Truly will take these “rationalizations” apart:
ONE: THE INGREDIENTS AND MECHANISMS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” ARE DESIGNED TO DAMAGE / DESTROY THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE “VACCINE” RECIPIENT’S BODY. This has been proven in numerous scientific papers. THIS is the cause of the “potential of waning immunity” from taking the injections.
BONUS POINT, FOUR: Watch for the CDC to start “recommending” that certain OTHER populations should take another injection of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” — such as, immunocompromised persons; people who had transplant surgery; and certain types of “vulnerable” children.
We’re watching people we know have committed crimes continue and escalate their crime spree.
Palace Issues Rare Statement On Kate Middleton’s Health Struggles
By Chris Powell
February 29, 2024
“Amidst rampant speculation and the spread of conspiracy theories about the Princess of Wales’ absence from public appearances, Kensington Palace issued a statement Thursday to address the ongoing rumors.
A spokesperson for Princess Kate stated, ‘We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant.’
They also added that the princess, who is 42, is ‘doing well.’ ”
(more at the title link above)
An actual example of the royal “We” 😂
Thank you for bringing this.
IMO — without actual, new, un-retouched photos or video — it’s “just all talk.”
yes. It’s all just talk. Something is going on behind the scenes.
The pic last week of Kate in a blue dress, led me to believe Kate was on the mend.
Now I believe it was a file photo, or the like. Either way, we really have nothing to base Kate is doing well. Regaining her health.
If I were a betting person, I’d bet Jabs are playing havoc on Chuckles and Kate.
Edit. Note to Wolf. Got it right. I think. 😂
Yup. Hope it’s not cancer in her case. I’m betting that it’s Guillain–Barré syndrome, like Newscum probably had. They have to keep her out of public view while she recovers, and especially if they had to put her on a vent. They’re even shilling to domestic violence to cover for the jab, IMO. Horrifying.
Respectfully I would disagree that a royal got a bad shot, or even a real vax at all … unless they’re sending a message to Willy.
At that level, the knives in the back are everywhere. And the ultimate diabolical evil is putting a real round in the gun. Just like that broad getting shot with a real bullet in Alec Baldwin’s gun. People are STILL not asking the right questions about that one.
Evil gets away with so much.
By all accounts, Kate is actually a good person. That’s enough motive for many of them.
Once I realized that the killer jab was a “Club of Rome” idea, then the double-cross by elites against each other becomes possible, simply by making sure a person gets a hot shot, or even just a real shot.
If I had spoken that way in 4th grade, or 1st grade, or even pre-school, my Mom or my Grandma would have smacked my mouth, depending on whoever was closest 😁
We were constantly corrected, by every adult around us. We learned to speak properly, just so we could utter a complete thought without interruption 😂
same here ..
my dad was adamant about correct grammar….insisted I take Latin in highschool.
in vino veritas !
in martini veritas ! 😁
Cogito ergo vino!
modus operandi !
👉 ain’t we got fun.
Beatus Yay Friday !
Illegitimi non carborundum!
🎵…it’s only…
…castellis ardentibus 🎶
Lol! Had to look that one up.
LMAO!!! Was not aware of this one!
Not forgetting an important one…
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
Had to look that up, only speak English
Now THAT one is familiar! 😂
I’d rather have a Manhattan.
Thanks for jogging my memory, not sure whether it’ll be streamed….
“McAfee has set a March 1 hearing date for closing arguments on the motion to disqualify Willis. He has also said he would bring all parties in for a private “in camera” meeting to discuss whether to allow into evidence alleged statements from Wade’s former divorce lawyer Terrence Bradley. Defense lawyer Merchant, representing Trump 2020 campaign official Michael Roman, claims Bradley told her Willis’s affair with Wade actually began long before she hired him as special prosecutor in November 2021.”
Right! Today’s the day…
What have me and willis got in common…
We are both watching this and thinking “what are they talking about I don’t understand a word of it”
Here is a livestream….. happening now
Very cool – thanks!
i see it more as her wearing her i’m black/ghetto street cred/tough as nails/you can’t touch me/arrogant bitch cape.
Yes. To “talk right” is too “white.”
succinct and correct!
She sounds like exactly what she is; an ignorant, diversity-educated-and-hired, Southern black woman. I grew up there, this is how they talk.
Notice, however, she affects a “patrician” speaking style. She just doesn’t have the vocabulary to back it up.
hey…yo…watch that Rural White Rage, ok ?
try saying it real fast…
wool white wage
Ebonic Plague…
I have to say, I think the only bar she passed is the one that has free snacks…
And she passed it early, and often…
Just added to my Christmas list 😁
When the aircraft carriers are plagued with mechanical issues just replace them with leaf blowers 😂
This looks like a colossal waste of time and effort. Not because it isn’t important, but because the method is inefficient and unlikely to accomplish the objective.
I saw one person find a foreign object, and heard one other person call out that they found a foreign object.
A herd of people milling around, scanning haphazardly, minds wandering, etc., with people in front of them and beside them, obscuring their view of the deck, it just seems like a waste of time and effort.
Design something like a skateboard platform, that people can lay on, on their stomach, so their eyes are actually close to the surface. Have only enough people involved that they cover the width of the runway, and make two passes, one each direction. Make it part of their job, so there is accountability if they miss something, and incentivize them with some kind of reward for every piece of debris recovered.
Or better yet, design a laser scanner to scan the entire runway surface every morning (since there are minute changes to the surface due to wear and tear from landings and take-offs), either using a drone or a camera from the tower. Then re-scan the surface, either continuously, or periodically throughout the day, so that the computer compares the morning surface laser scan of the runway surface with every laser scan that comes after, noting any anomalies that show up in later scans.
When the computer finds something in a later scan that was not in the morning scan, send someone to that coordinate on the runway grid to retrieve the debris.
Or something else. It just seems like there has to be a better way than the way they’re doing it.
S M H.
FenceWalk-Down.That’s how someone who is not serving on an aircraft carrier sees it.
As always, I would love to know why I am wrong, and understand why what they are doing is the best way to accomplish the desired objective.
It’s just a rational inquiry.
I have zero unquestioning trust in authority.
I have zero unconditional trust in tradition.
I have zero unquestioning trust in the institutions of men.
I have zero unconditional trust in doing things a certain way, simply because that’s how they’ve always been done.
So I question everything.
I don’t care if my questions or observations seem stupid.
A lot of times they probably are! 😂
But if I don’t know something, then I don’t know. If I don’t ask the questions, then how will I ever know the answer?
Is it better to be too afraid to ask the question?
Or is it better to remain ignorant?
When I was a kid, many of my teachers said “There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.”
So I asked a lot of questions!
Eventually, if he keeps this up and keeps refining his models, this guy is going to win some sort of Nobel Prize 😂
More like the InCel Prize.
No, apparently he’s married.
What he is describing is borne out in dozens of videos I have seen over the past month or so, where young women go on interview shows, and guys who have spent time studying this stuff ask the women questions that expose exactly what is going on.
The men are not incels. They’re not teenagers living in their parents’ basement.
It’s like they’re exposing another facet of the splintering society, and it’s not just theory, they invite real women onto their shows, day in and day out, and prove their points.
And the women keep doing it, because just like most people are clueless about covid and vaxx issues, the women are absolutely unaware of how they’ve fallen into the Matrix.
They’re seemingly eager to prove these men right, over and over again, even though that is the exact opposite of their clear intent, because they hate these men.
Many of them appear to hate all men.
The evil ones have done well in their evil quest to turn American women against American men. Now, it’s a race for non-man-bun men to find tradwives and keep them away from Pravda News and Fake Entertainment, which will do their best to ruin ALL women.
They thought she broke the calculator, proving their point 😂
Fresh and Fit podcast.
^^^ Chalk full of Chunky types.. 🙃
I had never heard of “Fresh and Fit” before, until a couple weeks ago.
I have only seen a couple episodes, or segments of episodes, like the one above.
OMG, listen to that guy!
Osatan at work.
New America
biden sends immigration (AMNESTY) bill to congress
Obama is always ten times as evil as you expect.
Despicable turd.
Absolutely. RATS!!!
…. 💩👍‼️ …. Well, there’s a fire he will be subject to for eternity …
Mark 8:36-3836 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Another conspiracy theory come true.
Some weekend reading is posted. Time to start bringing BIMD is a close with Part 3 of Scoundrels. Bringing a story as an example of how the uniparty/globalist impact local industry as well as the entire nation. The story is based in DePat’s great state of Missouri.
After this part there will be two more to close it out. The next will be about my heroes from that time as well as a finale to recap it all. Future stories will pick up in Civilized War that are more current times oriented, along with an occasional Heads Up and Ground Report.
Have a great weekend folks! Stuff is happening and a lot of it is good.
Thank you so much!
Marked my calendar not for that, but for the Pass Over Announcement the old coot in the WH announced yesterday.
Very interesting…..
I could have saved companies billions of dollars, but no one asked me. 😅
Marketing. Let’s give consumers something that:
• costs more
• will not be ready to transport them without careful planning and action
• if it catches fire, will be extremely difficult to put out
• does not have a reliable network of readily available stations where they can take necessary action to continue their journeys
• makes them uncertain about the distance they can use it for travel
How do you sell that to people? You say it’s better for the environment. How many people are willing to give up money, convenience, and even safety considerations in order to be “green”? I think it takes the most diehard of leftists to stick with such a product, and even they will tire of it after a while.
The people at Toyota had the foresight to realize this.
EVs have been a lie from day one. (Includes Tesla.)
Companies that bought into the EV S C A M, were bribed with Fed Slush Funds AND I am sure threatened with, ICE vehicles Will Be Banned in 2030 something.
A double whammy for Elon Musk and Tesla.
The Biden administration, and their joined at the hip’civil servants’, are using their regulatory powers in trying to destroy his business for daring to buy Twitter and making changes for the better.
Tesla might come out okay with EVs — if I’m understanding Scott correctly here — if they end up being the main source for them. IMO they are an item for a niche market, and if he can corner that market, maybe he can make a profit.
Verse of the Day for Friday, March 1, 2024
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these, especially for Philippians 4:6-7. Prayers ongoing for you here at and Marica’s blog. Be well.
J6 Tapes again, more will be released. Faces will not be blurred.
How long will it be before they find another reason to delay???
Then what faces WILL be blurred.
Blurred faces will hide agitators, Fed contractors, Fed employees…
Don’t wanna hear about doxing anybody. Show All Faces.
Apparently, there will not be blurred faces.
Hopefully that will be so.
That would be great AND appropriate. Looking forward to it.
I “get” the outrage for journalist.
Same outrage should be for Every American, for simply walking too close to the Capitol OR entering the Capitol Building.
So according to Raiklin, both Sgt’s at Arms, the Capitol Architect and the Chief of Police of the Capitol must approve release since it involved a crime at the capitol. Since they are all political appointees put in by Democrats or McCarthy Raiklin had been advocating subpoenas for those persons both past and present to force release of information. If that didn’t happen Johnson may have folded on Ukraine, the Border or the Budget would be a fair guess. My guess is that republicans finally woke up and started to issue or threaten subpoenas.
Oh oh. Steve may choose to tweak his next daily a bit more. 😂 😅 😂
I’m going to continue to nag Johnson until they are all out.
Good. Hope Johnson listens.
Looking forward to Ronna’s replacement.
H/T Filly

Who taught these guys to think or Not?
Incredibly ignorant on the drivers part.
Wearing a cowboy hat. Playing the part, I guess. No license plate.
All of that aside.
Bullet points – totally agree.
“Wearing a cowboy hat. Playing the part…”
But no balls hanging from the hitch. Amateurs.
Looks like a cheap$hit RED Chinese truck, too…
Drugstore cowboys…
My thought was: I wonder what the project he is working on is going to look like?
Maybe the post in the truck bed is for a do-it-yourself repair job?
Beautiful. Happy for the infant, parents AND thankful for that doctor.
In our Blue Roofs Matter segment we really have to pause to see what was done here.
Slo Joe literally pitched a soft ball straight over the plate, smack dab across the strike zone and so far other than a very awoken twitter mob, I can find no conservative stories taking a swing at this. The closest I get is the Neanderthal statement story about climate change that came from the same speech on GWP but they cut away before “the right roof” part. How can they miss this?
Slo Joe’s exact statement “ “If you fly over these homes that are burnt to the ground, you’ll see amidst twenty homes totally destroyed, one home sitting there because it had the right roof on it… any way…” trails off into more climate change crap…
Joe just confirmed the conspiracy theory and or cop’ed to a crime. Joe believes in the “right roof” theory of saving buildings from catastrophic fires.
Personally it doesn’t get easier than this but our conservative thought leaders seem to be asleep. There is no confusing what he said here. Blue Roofs Matter! Hopefully we get some stories from this soon and don’t have to wait till Passover begins on the 22nd of April according to the Hebrew calendar and continues to the 30th. (okay, sliding that one in… but wow…)
Mop head raggedy Anne spokesperson definitely needs to be asked about this.
Insurance companies should want to know what the right roof is that stops homes and buildings from burning down in a raging inferno.
GICO and FLO memes need to be made.
Democrats need to be taunted into getting their apartment managers to paint their roofs blue. In fact all the blue areas in red states need to pay attention to Slo Joe’s announcement. It was for them. This is their Passover Announcement.
Perhaps Kamala should be asked about her favorite blue color for roofs. What does she think…. urp… okay went a bit far there… we all know she doesn’t think.
Anyway’s I guess we’ll have to wait till this perculates… but wow.. should of taken off like a rocket
No, sorry, this isn’t the home run people want to think it is.
I live near the wildland/human interface. In construction here, when a house is built in a fire area, fire-resistant roof material is pretty much a given. As are other precautions. Fires often spread in the air, by embers falling onto rooftops.
I get the blue-roof thing, but this is too easily explained by the above. Whoever spread it would get swatted down and made to look stupid. It’s probably another “honey trap” designed by the bad guys to get people to fall for it, and then turn it on them.
Would disagree. Only homes that survived in Lahaina were those with blue roofs, no others. President is the one that brought it up so anything mentioned would be in his context of all buildings destroyed by fire except the ones with right roof, which has to be the blue roofs. Let them stammer through an explanation, it will come back to conversation about lasers. A conversation not had in the wider public and you’ll have the voice of Biden backing up any insertions about lasers unless he wishes to try to correct the record on this and again… it’s only the blue roofs that survived the fires so what really can he say?
Citizen Free Press headlines:
Since Smith should be strangled anywhere he’s encountered, DJT’s restraint is both admirable and amazing. 🕵
the burger wars are reigniting…LOL
On the heels of the kerfuffle over Wendy’s “price surge,” Burger King has one-upped its rival by handing out free Whoppers through Friday, March 1, the New York Post reports.
Calling the deal “No Urge to Surge,” Burger King is giving customers who spend at least $3 through its “Offers” tab on the mobile app or website, a free Whopper or vegetarian Impossible Whopper.
“The only thing surging at BK is the [flame emoji],” Burger King tweeted. “We don’t believe in charging people more when they’re hungry.”
Damn, I am in GOOD COMPANY!
D-Rat ignorance never ends…
A fitting representation of what the Democrat Party is doing to our beloved USA.
Note where the middle talons are buried.
LOL! Demon Dems are VULTURES!
Looks like they borrowed Yosemite Falls… 🙂
(which should be spectacular this year! If anyone goes, please take pictures and post them…)…
Yea, surely similarities to Upper Yosemite Falls. Angle leaves out cascades and Lower Yosemite Falls, if that is what it is.
Agree, Yosemite Falls (all of them. Yosemite, Vernal, Nevada, Bridal Veil…), likely in all their glory, soon.
Best time to visit the falls, is early spring. Week before easter less crowds.
Big storm working across Sierra’s these days. Lotsa snow.
Yep. That’s what I was thinking.. Rodney and Kimi (wayyy up in NorCal) are getting pounded…
Weather cycles, but people need to be around 100 (or 200 🙂 ) to have seen them before…
All that Gore-Bull warming doncha know…
[That’s one thing I miss about CA, just about every geological formation and microclimate around, all in one state… pity about the people 😆 😆 😆 ]…
Briben, Hoe and Idi Amin failing, again…
Amid Recruiting Shortfalls, the Army is Cutting Its Force by 24K to Make Itself Stronger
Legal Scholars are extremely thankful for the Supreme Court’s Decision today to take up Presidential Immunity. Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation after they leave office. This could actually lead to the extortion and blackmail of a President. The other side would say, “If you don’t do something, just the way we want it, we are going to go after you when you leave office, or perhaps even sooner.”
It appears that another ingredient of the original Wuhan Hu1 COVID-19 virus spike protein itself as been isolated — this one, engineered to induce the human body to produce autoantibodies that will attack the body’s own immune system:
“New Onset Autoantibodies After Any Exposure to the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2”
27 February 2024
Walter M Chesnut
Yours Truly: Mr. Chesnut presents a compelling argument (with examples, email chain, and a new pre-print paper) that ANY exposure to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus can result in the body’s producing large amounts of autoantibodies.
Autoantibodies are antibody proteins produced by the immune system of the body that attacks one or more of the body’s own immune system proteins. Autoantibodies are associated with many types of human autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.
The pre-print paper that Mr. Chesnut refers to is:
Also here: http://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.15.24302857v1.full.pdf
“Prevalent and persistent new-onset autoantibodies in mild to severe COVID-19”
Peter Nilsson, et at.
Mr. Chesnut also discusses a new type of group of diseases / conditions that result from the spike protein: neuro-COVID. However, autoantibody production can also create havoc with the heart and lungs. It is also being linked to “Long COVID.”
Mr. Chesnut makes it clear that, while persons who are “unvaccinated” and get COVID can then later present with autoantibody issues, it is the “vaccinated” population that is at most risk.
if one is reading correctly, it appears that it is the MECHANISM AND INGREDIENTS OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS ITSELF that can induce the body to produce these autoantibodies to attack the immune system. The spike protein itself forces the body to attack itself.
This means that the COVID-19 VIRUS ITSELF was lab-engineered to do this to the human body. Which means that the COVID-19 “VACCINES” contain these same elements (they are isolated and described in the Chesnut article and in the paper). since these “vaccines” ALL (including the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines”) have some amount of the original Wuhan Hu1 virus code in them, albeit in “lab-synthesized” form.
This also explains more regarding the ongoing damage to / destruction of, the natural immune systems of the people who take the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
This also means, IMO, that ALL people need to be — due to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “SHED” elements into the air and onto other people — on a daily regimen of strengthening / maintaining their body’s immune system. And, IMO, to stay on such a regimen indefinitely.
This also means, IMO, that ALL people need to be — due to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “SHED” elements into the air and onto other people — on a daily regimen of strengthening / maintaining their body’s immune system. And, IMO, to stay on such a regimen indefinitely.
^^^ H U G E takeaway. ^^^
Slow Guy.
Striving for 1 of 15.
Dang, I was hoping for 14/15 gotta go. 🤣
Nah. Was being selfish. Self-centered. Me, part of the , 1 of 14. 😂
👍 🤣
They ain’t gettin’ me ’til God says. It doesn’t matter what they do, God decides when to take His children.
Correction. 1 of 15.
Yes – there are several big takeaways here.
And, if people are interested in understanding autoantibodies in general, this is a good link.
Here is the abstract where I have bolded the most important points.
Age is a significant risk factor for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity due to immunosenescence and certain age-dependent medical conditions (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disorder, and chronic respiratory disease). However, despite the well-known influence of age on autoantibody biology in health and disease, its impact on the risk of developing severe COVID-19 remains poorly explored. Here, we performed a cross-sectional study of autoantibodies directed against 58 targets associated with autoimmune diseases in 159 individuals with different COVID-19 severity (71 mild, 61 moderate, and 27 with severe symptoms) and 73 healthy controls. We found that the natural production of autoantibodies increases with age and is exacerbated by SARS-CoV-2 infection, mostly in severe COVID-19 patients. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that severe COVID-19 patients have a significant age-associated increase of autoantibody levels against 16 targets (e.g., amyloid β peptide, β catenin, cardiolipin, claudin, enteric nerve, fibulin, insulin receptor a, and platelet glycoprotein). Principal component analysis with spectrum decomposition and hierarchical clustering analysis based on these autoantibodies indicated an age-dependent stratification of severe COVID-19 patients. Random forest analysis ranked autoantibodies targeting cardiolipin, claudin, and platelet glycoprotein as the three most crucial autoantibodies for the stratification of severe COVID-19 patients ≥50 years of age. Follow-up analysis using binomial logistic regression found that anti-cardiolipin and anti-platelet glycoprotein autoantibodies significantly increased the likelihood of developing a severe COVID-19 phenotype with aging. These findings provide key insights to explain why aging increases the chance of developing more severe COVID-19 phenotypes.
Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for this!
The FDA KNEW, back in April 2021, that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, causes autoantibody issues and also autoimmune diseases and disorders. Here is the title page of the report that the company gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021; and also, page 2 of the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of the report, showing “Autoantibody positive” and “Autoimmune” diseases and disorders that BNT162b2 caused.
Go woke, go…
Posted a couple weeks ago, this is a problem.
Looks to be coming true.
r-Con Brian Fitzpatrick (RINO-PA), planning an end run ISO Ukraine. Surely he’s been bought, again.
Hope Johnson can rally r-Cons to stand strong for America. (Not holding my breath.)\
DESPICABLE: House ‘Republican’ Prepares Scheme to Force Vote in the House on Funding Ukraine and Undercut Speaker Mike Johnson in the Process
Pennsy Perv Perp is probably running a game in Ukraine… or perhaps the game is running him…
90 Billion split between Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Must sit for 30 days before brought out and debated (likely clock already started). No modifications of bill allowed (which we should know now what allocation of funds will be). No other discharge petitions on same subject allowed during the same session of Congress… so nothing moar until Next Jan.
Russia won’t care since they’ve already been facing full wrath of US govt and are continuing to meet their objectives and there really are not some new stockpile of weapons to dive into so little impact for Ukraine except it will give them the ability to hold out longer. Meanwhile it will expose RINOs and put Dems in harms way as money will not be spent on their priorities. Plus Dems, RINOs and the Bidense have to sell this to public while Ukraine is already being seen as a lost cause. Great look going into an election and nope.. not our fault. Ukraine was never worth fighting over
https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/RS/97-552 <—general rules for discharge petition in Congress.
Mush mind is pathetic.
Joe Biden Callously Shuffles Away When Asked if He ‘Bears Any Responsibility’ For Laken Riley’s Death – Killed by One of His Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)
At this point I am thinking Joe is just a lost soul who is being used by Osatan and has no idea what awaits him at the pearly gates.
Being used like a dirty dish rag mopping up the counters at the local bar after the doors at night.
He’s evil, …. and a putz
Time Bandits/Mum Dad don’t touch it it’s evil.
(great movie)
Yeah, that was a good one!
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Setting the stage.
October 2, 2019 is when this poster was added to the Scott County(?) website.
SOURCE: https://www.scottcountyiowa.gov/health/news/2019/10/02/get-flu-vaccine
Wonder how much Slush Fund money, was funneled from Feds, CDC…
Wonder if there’s enough of Superman’s arm and glove there to qualify for a copyright violation on the part of that county….
Then again, IIRC the superheroes are now owned by DEMONisney, so they’re woke enough to look the other way…
Here We Go
(tv show Raising Hope) open music
Dang it, 😣🤚 … please pardon the van (cough 🫢🫣🙄😑😶🌫️)
More Q for Dummies – Chapter 7
Thank you TradeBait, I appreciate this.