Does It Feel Good To Watch An Innocent Man Burned Alive?

If we’re going to pass judgement by mob rule and decide a man’s/woman’s fate in public, then why do we have a court system? Why have police at all. Maybe we should simple adopt gang mentality or decide on a few local warlords and carry on. Maybe we should all, just, regress… Or not? It’s time to decide.
The public square was where we decided the fate of the women of Salem. We burned them alive because we were ignorant and thought them to be witches. They were “a danger to our society and community”. How is this false outcry different than the press outcry against our President, today? How is it different for the men of Virginia?
In Salem, the public outcry was so loud, there was no time for proof of the women’s innocence nor a rational evaluation of their guilt. The “mob” demanded action and it didn’t matter if the action was just or fair. Gee whiz, did we think those days were long gone? Did we assume we have advanced as a society? Take a look at Virginia, today. Take a broader look at politics, today. Take a look at DC and the “Muh Russia” investigation, same thing. We’re doing the same thing. As a country, we are supposed to be embarrassed by the Salem Witch Trials in 2019. Right? Yet, if we’re embarrassed, if what happened in 1692 was wrong, then what in the hell are we doing, today?
How was Trayvon Martin any different? George Zimmerman was innocent. We learned NBC doctored an audiotape to make Zimmerman appear to be racist, which was a lie. HOW was what NBC did in the Zimmerman case, any different than bearing false witness against the Salem women?
How was Ferguson any different? We learned “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was a lie and pushed by the media. Eventually, through our court system, rather than depending on the lie from CNN of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, we learned Brown was the aggressor and yes, he did go after the policeman and tried to get the policeman’s gun. Yet, the mob, unwilling to wait for the court process, already convicted the policeman and threatened his life. Even AFTER the trial, the policeman had to leave the state. How is that fair?
Are any of these instances all that different from an online mob who attacked innocent kids from Covington High School? How about a rent-a-mob of twitter bots, hired to influence a corporate entity?
I recall living in Miami and meeting people who were born in dictatorships. In the third world, they hid their money under mattresses or buried it in the backyard. They fled their homes, when accused of a crime, because they had no trust in their government. Their experience was so dire, so horrific, they risked their very lives to come to the USA. In the USA, OUR legal system, despite a few hiccups, was the envy of the world. The USA was just and fair. Our banking system was stable. My new friends were relieved to finally be safe, in the USA, and my own pride in my country was renewed. A reliable system of government was something I took for granted as an American. Their relief made me keenly aware of how fortunate I was and how fragile freedom can be. Suddenly, all the songs we sing, as Americans, made sense.
Today, I am keenly aware of how easy it is to lose our legal system. Today, we’re in danger from the mob. So, what the heck are we doing, America?
Would ANY of us want to convict an innocent man? Do you, as an individual, believe yourself to be moral and fair? Okay. How about convicting a man in a court of public opinion if it serves your political interests? What if you were paid to protest the man? Can you justify the ‘sacrifice’ of one man, rationally, because you believe it serves a higher goal of “Orange Man Bad”? Look what the USA did to Justice Kavanaugh, based on no evidence, whatsoever. Was it fair? In the instance of Kavanaugh, very quickly, we had women admit they made up false claims to smear a man for the purpose of politics. How is their behavior any different than bearing false witness against the Salem witches?
Why don’t we LEARN from these experiences?
Why in the heck are we rushing to judgement for the men in Virginia? Why do we presume we know better than a jury of our peers in a court of law? Why do we rush, beat our chests, scream and yell on social media, and demand action when we KNOW our haste is likely to lead to a false accusation and a bad result? Why…… and this part is funny because it’s self-defeating, are we so silly/arrogant/self-absorbed/ presumptuous to SHOUT our opinions when we KNOW we don’t have all the facts….
Are we addicted to the outrage? Does being part of the outrage make us feel like we’re part of something bigger or more important than our regular lives? If so, we might need to “get a life”.
The Presidents taxes are a perfect example. In this area, I am an expert. I’ve testified in court, as an expert. I know it would take a team of 100 people, just like me, to properly evaluate the President’s taxes, AND it would take us at least 6-12 months to assemble the information to even begin the process. I know it would take us 3-5 years to properly evaluate the 512 entities where the President has a major interest as a principal and even longer to evaluate his other personal investments. This length of time would only be compounded if we were required to analyze many years of tax returns. Yet, my expert opinion does not matter to the mob nor to any pundit on television. “THEY” think they know better and they are the ones whispering in the ears of others, encouraging the mob. Never mind that the IRS, the entity charged with auditing the President, every year since W Bush was elected, has professionally evaluated the Trump tax return and found no wrongdoing ……. It does not matter to those who push for wrongful actions.
We’ve reached a point where our opinion or our desire to be heard, even though it may be false, has become more important than the life and reputation of an innocent man/woman. We haven’t learned a damn thing in 330 years. We’re making the same mistakes. We’re still listening to the MSM/idiots in the crowd who shout, “Kill her, burn her, she’s a witch.”
The mob thinks they know best and we’re being misled by those who would rather see people burned alive. Today, the “higher goal of a political win” is being used as a dangerous justification for insidious behavior. Look what happened to Matt Whitaker yesterday at the hands of our “leaders”, the Democrats, in Congress! They know what they did was wrong, but they do it anyway. Before we, as individuals, partake in “the mob”, we should probably ask ourselves, “Does it feel good to watch an innocent man/woman burn at the stake”?
Is it FINALLY time, after almost 330 years, to turn our collective ire on those who tempt our primal but evil side, and push for another ‘burning’, while they sit comfortably, with clean hands, on the sidelines?
Is it any wonder the President of The United States uses the term, “Witch Hunt”?

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Jan Phillips

Amen, amen!!! Thank you for putting this into words!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rule of LAW is a wonderful thing, and the COMMUNISTS tempt us to abandon it at every turn.
The communists are REINFORCING identity politics and the ideas of “appropriation” by getting us to ASSUME that all blackface incidents are negative, and are negative in the same binary way. Thus Joy Behar (who I despise, generally) is fine with me doing costume as a hot black chick. I simply can’t be outraged by a nod to black beauty. If others want to be outraged about it, that’s their RIGHT and their free speech about that is PROTECTED. As was Behar’s speech.
The more I think about this, the more I think Northam is being used in a PSY-OP to make Democrat women look reasonable.


Jan, I just posted below my thoughts on the subject of courts…

Jan Phillips

Great!! I’m trying to find it now!!


Welcome to the Q Tree, Elena! Great to see you.
If you have any CTH experiences to share, we’d be happy to know. Nearly all of us have shared our testimony, dating from November 11, 2018.


CHI->AZ sent me a link month or a little more ago and I am so grateful for it, because lately I was miserable at the Sundance place with all the pessimism there and we were not allowed to have Q talk there…


Glad that CHI->AZ sent you the link to the Q Tree.
‘… lately I was miserable at the Sundance place with all the pessimism there and we were not allowed to have Q talk there…’
Good grief.
If anyone were sensitive to censorship (based on your family’s experience), it would be you.
Again, welcome aboard.


I am “sensitive to censorship”, but I am very loyal too, so its not easy for me to criticize SD, he was there for all of us for a very long time it was our place of refuge…I feel sad about him: he was ours for a very long time…


I agree, Elena.
I, too, am a loyal person and was very upset to be banned there, as were many of us currently on the Q Tree. (I was re-admitted to the fold for a month, between the week before Christmas and mid-January.)
Thank goodness that Wolfmoon provided us not with a ‘Last Refuge’ (SD) but rather a ‘FREE Refuge’ with regard to expression of thought.
It is sad what has happened OT (‘Over There’, as we call CTH).


I was not banned, but I saw, that things changed there, I did not see any old people there…so I stopped commenting…


Good for you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too. 90% of us would have stepped in front of a train for the guy.
I still wonder what happened.

Steve in Lewes

Daughn – “The Presidents taxes are a perfect example. In this area, I am an expert. ”
I know that I am not an expert, but have done enough of those damn things over the years to know that what you say is absolutely true. Just look at how much time people use to gather the info and fill out those forms. It is mind boggling, but we are suppose to believe these nitwits (Congress/Media), especially after Whittiker’s testimony and AOCotez’s ludicrous ramblings that any of them could comprehend the very first page of PDJT returns.
Yea, that’s the ticket, let’s have AOC analyze PDJT’s returns but only after she rescues all those poor souls drowning in the waves crashing into their living rooms; or have Swalwell do it but after he finishes nuking all law abiding gun owners…Yea, that’s the ticket !
Nitwits every single one of them !
Oh btw, excellent read and right on point !


Thanks Daughn!! It is no wonder our VSGPDJT calls it a Witch Hunt!! Nicely tied in to the Salem Witch “Trials”..Rule of Law and Equal Justice can’t return soon enough!!


Thank you! Outstanding! I would add only this caveat vis-a-vis Fairfax: apparently, the 2nd woman has 2 valid corroborations (that have already been verified) from the time the alleged rape occurred so there certainly appears to be some evidence vs. the crap thrown on the wall against K. Legally and publicly, yes, judgement must be withheld until due process rights have been fulfilled.
Politically, however, IMO, it is a valid question as to whether or not he can now go forward, particularly if he faces legal charges, to adequately serve the citizens of VA.


If we put police officers on leave pending the outcome of an investigation, he should voluntarily be put on leave or he should be forcibly placed on leave.


Daughn again a insightful essay to reflect on. Thank you.
I think I am a little numb about all the burning of peoples reputation specially POTUS’s. Numb from the media droning even though I have no TV still the Internet provides enough real or false info I have to comb through.
Here on this site there is a little pit from the droning.


Correction: Not pit but instead it is supposed to be respite.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey!!!!!!!! There’s a good idea, Tinfoil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, Nebraska, I agree with you. Fairfax is skeevy.
Just trying to calm our side down, a little bit, and claim the high moral ground.
Nationally, it makes us look reasonable, to the independents.


The ” witches” were never given a trial as it was. Holding your breath underwater and survivng proved you were satans helpe so they would kill you anyway,, but dying proved you were innocent and with God anyway.
False choices of death or death ti eliminate the discomfort that person brought and remive the focus of what was really going on that likely involved others in positions of power.
Sounds familiar.


Could not agree more.
Excellent post that deserves wide distribution!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ristvan says:
February 8, 2019 at 6:45 pm
Well, this looks like a fact lock compared to double door Ford’s recovered unverifiable Kavanaugh memories. Law firms do not ever put out unverified statements.
Fairfax is going down. Only questions are when and how hard. The more he fights, the worse it is for Dems. And he looks to want to fight, based on today’s statements. GOOD.
I agree with Ristvan, and differ about this burning at the stake business. In Virginia, Fairfax will get due process – the articles of impeachment are drawn up by the House of Delegates, then passed to the Senate, and there is a trial where evidence is presented. Then the Senate decides guilty or not.
This case is nothing like the Kavanaugh situation with blatantly false allegations. Not one of the “named” witnesses for Blasey-Ford was willing to go along with her charade. A truck could be driven through the holes in the story (ies). I wouldn’t be surprised if Sen. Grassley, POTUS and McConnell actually had PROOF that it was all a made up story to take down Kavanaugh. It would be why they all stood strong for him.
Back to Fairfax. I believe they have very serious, credible witnesses – these things don’t happen just one time. There is usually a pattern of behavior. Anyway, Fairfax can stay and get his day in court (the legislature) – but it must be serious if his own Black Caucus isn’t willing to stand by him.
I’m all for due process. Our white young men are being crucified on college campuses. But this must be addressed. If he is innocent, then he can stay and defend himself. On college campuses, the boys don’t even get that opportunity.
But this isn’t a witch hunt, this is my state, and I’ve watched the vermin that the Democrat Party, along with the malignant media, smear our people, steal elections – like they did in Alabama, 2017 – WaPo making up lies and supporting false stories, all the while pretending nothing was happening here.
I’m not going to defend Fairfax. The Dems have a reason for wanting Fairfax out of the way. Considering what we’ve now learned about these Dem characters in our highest offices, you kick them when they’re down.
But to your point, about due process, and justice, yes, of course. It’s up to the Dems. This is actually in their hands, not ours.


But how do you get rid of the black guy and let the two YTs remain? 😱

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The blackface and KKK stuff is political and social. Fairfax’s problems are sexual assault – legal. It’s a Democrat problem. Either they force out Northam and Herring, and keep their Black Democrat voter base happy… and if they ignore Fairfax, they lose on the Democrat women.
I bet the Dems have “proof” or serious credibility regarding Fairfax or they wouldn’t be pushing him out. Dems never push their own out. That’s the logical thinking I’m seeing here. Remember Franken, took a lot. Menendez is still around in New Jersey. These people are taking on a Black Democrat for a reason.
Yes, they’ll be upset about Northam and Herring, but again politics will drive the narrative either way.
Fairfax has been accused of rape, and he can defend himself in the legislature. BTW, NC has statute of limitations on rape, and this is the last year for the Mass. charge. One problem the Dems have is the cover up by Dems in high places regarding the issues around Fairfax. That’s why they want this to go away.
It’s exposing the rest of the cockroaches. Wonder what happens if we turn over more stones.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Edit: NC has no statute of limitations on rape.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ooooo, No Statute of Limitations in NC? That will come in handy.


Thank you, Lady P — much appreciated (including your info below on NC’s statute of limitations on rape,).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Northam and Herring have a social problem, not a legal one.
The black community will never trust them, no matter what they do.
Good for us.


I don’t think the other two will get to stay if Fairfax is removed. The mob will take over and make it physical if need be. No justice no peace thing. Who knows maybe not, but I’m sure they’ll be some of that and they wont die down easy.


I’m just saying that my post above is the easily-grasped optics of it. When Diamond & Silk are tweeting out the optics, it’s a problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, of course, but it’s optics that is a Dem problem. I’d like to think they lose either way, but one never knows.


Project “Mockingbird” !!!!
The “Media” is one of our biggest problems…
THEY… do NOT report the TRUTH…
And… OMIT much TRUTH
How are the “people” supposed to know anything…..
without the TRUTH?


I saw this meme recently:
The media used to report that something happened and we had to determine how we felt about it.
But today, the media tells how we need to feel about something and we have to determine if it even happened.
A country without a free non-politicized media that actually seeks the facts…. is doomed. All this other stuff is just a result of this core problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The media is one of the biggest problems.

A Fortiori

What we are seeing in the conflict about the treatment of innocent individuals is nothing less than a clash of civilizations. Stick with me for a paragraph or two please:
In the Dark Ages, civil society continued to function without effective government. The people who derived from this experience saw in different areas of Europe a wide variety of successful religious expressions, forms of commerce between individuals and group associations based on common interests. From these successes derived the practical notion that an individual can and should be free to pursue a myriad of activities guided by his individual talents and aptitudes and the derivative philosophical notion that individuals who do so should be respected. And, of course, the idea that government can be separated from civil society was born. To further define and guide the individual within the civil society, individuals were imbued with rights and limited with responsibilities to others. People derived from this tradition created the notion of rights derived from God, and the idea that governments are instituted to protect those rights.
Outside the West, order was imposed on society by strongmen. By way of example, the Tartars who ruled western Russia required tribute, and created a lorded gentry to organize peasants to work the land in such a way as to create tribute and to survive (barely). When the princes of Moscow threw off the Tartars, they maintained the basic structure of society keeping the tribute for themselves. From these types of societies derived the notion that everyone has a place within the order of things, and that religion, commerce, family structure and indeed each individual must subsist within that order and that governments are instituted to preserve order.
To the extent that the Communists have set up shop here in the US, they are perfectly willing to sacrifice the individual in support of their goals. Indeed, they see nothing wrong with this. For those of us who value the individual, this is a great sin.
The reason we see so much of this is because it is corrosive to our society. We are being bombarded with conflicts to keep us off balance, diminish our health (a steady diet of cortisol is not healthy), make us suspicious of our government, divide us from our fellow citizens and prevent us from peacefully going about our business.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A Fortiori you nailed it there. They see nothing wrong with being Communists and feel empowered by it.
To the extent that the Communists have set up shop here in the US, they are perfectly willing to sacrifice the individual in support of their goals. Indeed, they see nothing wrong with this.

A Fortiori

More to the point, as to our elected officials, I believe that when they swear to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the US, they are swearing that that they will NOT sacrifice an innocent individual for the advancement of a cause.

Elizabeth Carter

I believe they have President Trumps tax returns and have had them every year he ever filed. They are just looking for a way to make them public so they can destroy anyone he has ever done business with, made a donation to/from or had any other interaction with.
I have no confidence that our tax returns are private and our information protected. President Trump knows this as well as I do. We have no privacy, no protection and no rule of law these days.
I keep praying that God and his angels will take over this whole mess and we will wake up one morning to find all of these truly evil people in little piles of dust that a giant tornado will vacuum them up and take them to the evil disposal plant.
I am past all sympathy for them. I am not even angry with them anymore. I have no idea what we can ever do about them. I just want them gone so we can live our lives in peace on this earth.


Hi Elizabeth, whilst I share the sentiment, I have sadly concluded that “living our lives in peace” is not the way this world was set up to be, with a clear purpose to this design. Conflict and suffering appears to be what forces us to change …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Charlie Kirk agrees with you.


Agree 110% with Charlie Kirk on accusations against Lt Gov Justin Fairfax: due process under law.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree with Kirk, but the two cases are WIDELY different.
Kavanaugh was set up.
We all know it.
Fairfax has already admitted ‘something’ happened.
This one is different.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is absolutely sad and absolutely sickening! Our Justice System cannot defend a baby in her mother’s womb because of evil politicians that have decided that they are not real until they are born and are given the green light by the mom who could choose to kill him or her even after birth.

From the article linked above:
Prosecutors initially included a charge of abortion against the Queens man arrested Friday in his pregnant girlfriend’s murder — but rescinded it because of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new Reproductive Health Act.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown sent out a press release saying Anthony Hobson, 48, would be charged with second-degree abortion as well as murder in Sunday’s fatal stabbing of Jennifer Irigoyen, 35.
But a DA spokeswoman later told The Post that the abortion charge “was repealed by the Legislature, and this is the law as it exists today.”
Could this add to the hysteria we see today and will see going forward?


This is what happens.
But, on January 22, the braying NY state senators couldn’t see it, could they? No, they were too busy giving themselves a standing ovation.


Daughn, another thoughtful, unbiased essay from you. I concur with what you said but I also think you can’t fight marquis de Salisbury rules against a cage fighter. Thomas wictors latest “ how Trump will win everything “ explains a lot. We know our/Trumps enemies have zero scruples. We know-from their own mouths and actions- arcansiside, infanticide,human trafficking,drug smuggling. We are NOT a hysterical low info rent a mob.We are watching President Trump engineering their destruction. Also anonymous conservative has a very good take on the “excercises” in LA. Food for thought


Marquis of Queensberry rules, but point taken.
(Surprising, given that you are from Oz. 😉 )


My mistake. Why surprising as I’m from oz?


You’re part of the Commonwealth! 🙂
Or don’t they teach those things in school anymore Down Under? 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just trying to remain cool headed while the other side implodes.
This is a perfect opportunity to get rid of the ‘racist’ charge and fakeness of the #MeToo movement.


Even courts does not guarantee absence “witches trial”. It all depends on political system. During Stalin time in USSR it was the big propaganda against person or group of people in newspapers and on radio, after that arrest, following by torture and then death sentence by court and NEVER in USSR, and now new Russia history court was able to have independent decision. During Khrushchev times, it was no more torture by authorizes with exception beatings by police and death sentence and Gulag was not that popular…Brezhnev times introduced mind altering drugs in nut houses for dissidents

Jan Phillips

So wonderful to see your comment, Elena. You have such an amazing story, we can all learn from it!! Thank you!!!


Thank you. I lived several lives during my lifetime and in different cultures.

Jan Phillips

Yes, you did. If someone doesn’t know, Elena came here from the USSR. Her grandmother died in a gulag! She is amazing! ☺️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

@Jan Phillips
I find Elena absolutely deplorable, personally.


LOL…I guess I fit right in with the other deplorables here, who love this country.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You might find this an interesting story. Ayn Rand, another escapee from Soviet Communism, was standing on a street corner campaigning for whoever it was that running against Roosevelt that year.
Someone heckled her, because she had a very strong foreign accent.
She shot back with words to the effect that she had *chosen* to come here at great expense, having had to leave her family behind, and adopt our values and culture, whereas her heckler had merely been born here.
I respect actual immigrants who come here because they want to be Americans.
MAGA on!


If she stayed there, her life there would be short and tragic. Some people feel it in their gut, that its time to run and never look back. Everyday I wake up grateful, that I am here, in US.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m one of those native born, so I try to remember how fortunate I am, and of course to try to ensure it continues to be good fortune.
Ayn Rand’s family was from St. Petersburg/Petrograd/Leningrad, and she was born in 1905 within weeks of that abortive revolution, so her family went through some interesting times through WWII, but at least one sister of hers survived and came to visit; AR who was very very anti-communist found her to be thoroughly indoctrinated, not like she was at all in adolescence.
Another woman, one I’ve met in real life, was a Never Trumper, and could not STAND the slogan “Make America Great Again” because, she maintained, America was already great! And in comparison to the rest of the world, she was absolutely correct. But we could all see the signs that it wasn’t as great as it could have been; it was in decline, and THAT is what we wanted to fix. But “Make America As Great As It Could Be” wouldn’t fit on a hat and just sounds awful as a slogan, even if it’s a more accurate expression of what we wanted (and still want). The woman who hated the slogan dropped off the face of the earth between the election and inauguration, however so I’ve no idea what her current attitude is.


In my humble understanding and that how I think should be explained to people, who are not that bright, that MAGA means bringing manufacturing back, we used to be the country, which was making stuff and during the last 30 years we slowly stopped producing and turned into service industry(((
And another thing to make America even better is to make everyone equal under the law…however the latter one is just a dream.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think manufacturing is an important component but not the entire story by any means. It’s a good example of the sorts of things that indicate we were in an overall decline.

Jan Phillips

And that’s a good thing!

Jan Phillips

I see I forgot to say who I was responding to. I just caught on to Steve’s joke about “deplorable.” Steve, this is emotional, but I am SO glad you’re here!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Welcome, Elena, and thank you.
You understand.


Hi Elena! I remember you from the other place. Glad to see you posting here!


I been posting here, but not a lot. I been enjoying reading other deplorables posts. I post only if I can add something to the conversation…


Great post Daughn. Agree.
Along those lines, or so I think, believe…
Real crimes.
– One or more of the women press charges if they are of a mind to do so. These are felonies.
– More public reporting on infanticide, my word, murder. Put an end to the madness. These should be felonies.
PC stuff.
– D-Rats largely run VA. D-Rats in VA can impeach LT Gov if they wish.
– So called journalists research VA Gov and VA AG black face and related information. Classmates know something. Surely someone in Northam’s medical classes are deeply offended by Northam’s infanticide position.
Conservatives ought to leave this PC crap alone.
In the mean time, I do enjoy watching the D-Rats eat their own, while imploding. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of disingenuous schmucks. Sadly, most RepubliCONs are disingenuous schmucks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To clarify: “impeachment” is the equivalent of “charges” for an elected official in Virginia. The charges are delivered to the senate, and that’s where the trial takes place. I’m not calling for Fairfax to resign, he is certainly welcome to his day in court.
I’d like Northam and Herring gone, but not for the race issues… I want them gone because they’re liars and support murder of babies. Period.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is another way you 🛑 the mob mentality! Hit them where it hurts the most.


This is hilarious!! Click to see Bulwark story in Memes!


Too right, Sheriff (now retired) Clarke!
An English friend was advocating this to me in offline conversation earlier today: ‘Why don’t American conservatives FIGHT BACK?’


Excellent article Daughn and it “so” needed to be said!! And Badly, too!!
I believe we are seeing “democracy” in full swing! Democracy is mob rule and was despised by our forefathers! But democracy is embraced by the left and I am constantly pushing that fact online to those who call our country a democracy!
We are a “Constitutional Republic”! A nation of laws and every American citizen has those very same rights backed by the Constitution! Liberals are eating their own and what is very sad to see, is that some of our fellow conservatives are getting caught up in the “feeding frenzy”! We all need to calm down and let the law take its course!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It used to be we did trust the law to adjudicate.
We would have waited in Ferguson, to see the results from a jury of our peers. That didn’t happen, thanks to the Obama Admin and the media.
For social wrongs, like Northam and Herring, normally a FAIR press would have taken care of the problem. The men would have been shamed and left office OR, the politically oversensitive would not have existed in 2019.
For heaven’s sake, when I was 19, I ate poptarts for breakfast.

Plain Jane

Regarding Northam himself, although the klansman pic is abhorrent, his real crime, for me, is his promotion of infanticide. There are many who understand that the witches of Salem were practicing, with various potions or other means, to cause spontaneous abortions and others to be used as birth control.
To me, same crime. Hopefully he will be tried in the court of the voting booth and/or by sane dims if there are any left.
Regarding Fairfax, he deserves a legal trial. With evidence.
Good article DNW. TY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

North Carolina can bring criminal charges. If the Statehouse in Virginia feels that there is reason for charges, it is through the process of impeachment. Then Fairfax gets to have a trial. West Virginia just impeached 4 (all?) of their Supreme Court Justices. That must have been crazy.

Plain Jane

Holy cow! I have to find out what reasons for the impeachments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Usually, its for bad deeds done in office, but there may be moral clauses and stuff like that. The problem for Fairfax isn’t just the 2004 accusation, but the Duke University one in 2000, and then word, not substantiated yet, but more recent issues. Logically, the fact that the Dems are stressed out about Fairfax says there’s more to his situation. If there isn’t then, he can stay, and take a wait and see attitude. He certainly can defend himself in whatever venue required.
The problem is optics for the Democrats. Something is driving this – and it’s not the GOP.

Plain Jane

Your last sentence has really got me wondering.
Maybe this is a Godsend OR what do the dims have up their sleeves. OR who did any of them cross?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right. The Dems are driving this. It’s basically a PR mess – they usually have control of “the narrative” and the MSM provides additional cover. In their effort to get Northam’s infanticide out of the headlines, they accidentally exposed pretty serious issues. They had to have known about Fairfax too – and no, the VA Dems didn’t want him on the ticket, but he won the primary… so they were stuck.
Remember, at the core of the Democrat party are the white liberals who seek power, and then dole out tidbits to their minority members.

Plain Jane

That makes total sense.


I haven’t educated myself all that much on the Salem witches, the abortion and birth control aspect is intriguing

Plain Jane

It is intriguing. I wish I still had the old printed material with information. I still had it in my posession yet about 10 years ago before I had to purge my paper files. There is a tad on the net about it, but not sure if I lost those bookmarks from about a year ago.
IIRC logic or “proof” had something to do with which mentioned sins, in the bible, the sin of sorcery is grouped. That was not brought up in the articles I found on the net more recently.


Wow, you just jogged my memory big time. I wrote a term paper in my high school AP English class on witchcraft, it’s history and it’s allure in the modern era. This must have been ’84-’85 year, wonder what made me write about that at the time? Really, I was doing cool boy stuff too, raising hell and chasing girls and such 😬

Plain Jane

I know that about 1988 I was doing Christian Sidewalk Counseling. Operation Rescue was starting to happen, and there was a lot of negative publicity for the pro- life movement. Depending on what part of the country you and I were in, there could have been much publicity happening. Some churches were finally speaking out against abortion.


What a great thing to be able to look back on and know you were involved with. I remember the movement and remember being propagandized to with all the lies. I don’t remember the church I grew up in (LDS) saying much about it, they seemed to focus more on doctrine and their own propaganda. Only after coming to Christ in my early 20’s is when I started to understand the true horrors of abortion. Not to say, at all, that coming to Christ is a requirement for understanding the horrors of abortion but it seemed to help me as He put things on my heart and I gained a better understanding by the desire to learn.


What a beautifully truthful way of expressing it: ‘He put things on my heart and I gained a better understanding by the desire to learn’.
Thank you.

Plain Jane

I feel so unworthy to have worked with the men and women who suffered so greatly from their awful choice or coersion to abort. I learned so much that I don’t know how to verbalize, about God’s compassion and forgiveness.
Prior to that, I learned about true bravery from the Rescuers. Those brave souls brought the gravity of abortion to the forefront. Prior to that it was a quiet secret eating away at the fiber of everything and everyone it touched.
DH didn’t want me to Rescue because we had two older kids and a young one at the time and there was high possibility of rescuers getting hurt or jailed and trialed.
Right now, I am thinking maybe God is telling me to get back into the PL movement. It occurred to me this evening and afterward, I I heard the hymn that always made me tear up when I was debating doing heavy duty PA healing work as a volunteer.


“Here I am”, that’s beautiful and convicting. Amazing how God works and understanding grace and compassion is such a freeing experience. I, too am feeling a call to something higher, just not sure what yet. drillerwife has a great testimony about keeping her son, driller-son of whom I wrote earlier on open topic. Hopefully she’ll get a chance to share it here sometime. Thanks for sharing Plain Jane, who I would say is not so plain ❤

Plain Jane

Thanks drillererlite. I could say you will know when and what you are being asked to do, but then I never did, I always just found myself doing and wondering how I got myself into things. 🙂


Pretty much how it works with me 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve just come from Mass, and I’m peeking in, catching up on comments.
And then there is your comment, below, the reply button gone… but you mention this special hymn, “Here I am Lord” – it was our hymn at Mass today.
It’s one of my absolute all time favorite hymns. Maybe the Lord is speaking to both of us Plain Jane.
God Bless.

Plain Jane

Me thinks so. OT reading for today is Isaiah. The thought of getting back to the pro-life movementhit me on the way to Mass last night. Then the readings…and the hymn. I teared up the same as I did back 19 years ago when I started the healing program in our diocese……”but God, I don’t know how to do overcome all the obstacles.” HE did though.
After Mass, dinner, and a little shopping, when we got home, I told DH that Idon’t know what God would do with an old decrepit body like mine in the movement. I can no longer stand outside PP, someone else is doing a fine job with the healing program, etc. DH reminded me of the 5 minute sermon of our terrific young priest. The message- God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Come Spring, once I get my drapes finished, unless God has other plans, I am thinking I will hook up with a group that I admire about 30 miles away.
Yep, coincidence you saw my post? Hahaha. I do not believe in coincidences. I doubt you do either my sister.


A game around that time, Dungeons and Dragons, was thought to be responsible for some teen suicides. It was linked to witchcraft and the occult.


That’s right. I never played it but remember those stories and knew some kids who played it. I was concerned and intrigued at the time with what they were getting involved. I’m sure that was part of my thesis as well.


It was a big deal. I remember reading about it in the press.
By then, I was out on my own, but worldly wise youths in their late teens where I used to live also expressed concern to me about the dangers of that game.

Plain Jane

I remember that.
Silly or not, I had/have a deep aversion to transformers that came out around the early 80s. I felt they were a ploy to normalize demonic manifestation later to come. I still hate them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Side story about Optimus Prime, leader of Transformers.
Head guy, here to save the world, allegedly.
I had a stepson who was desperate for Optimus Prime’s “home base” one Christmas. Sticker price $96, which was expensive back in the 90’s. All he did was talk about that toy, and it was all he wanted for Christmas. He made it sound so fabulous, I thought I might have robots doing my laundry.
I took him to Toys R Us and we stood in front of the box.
“That’s IT?”, I said, and stared at him, disappointed.
It was dinky, small. I was reading the back of the box. It didn’t have secret trap doors. It made no noise. Nothing was automated. It’s didn’t convert into a spaceship. It didn’t DO anything…….
It was a $96 hunk of plastic.
I was pi$$ed, feeling used and abused by the power of advertising.
Finished size was about 16″ x 16″ and the Optimus Prime doll couldn’t even fit into his own base.
“What a rip-off!!”, I was teeing up for a rampage and my step-son was nodding his head in agreement.
“We’ve been lied to”, I said, “the commercial made it look so great!”
Decision time. I looked at my step-son and told him I was willing to buy him the base because that’s why we came. If it was that important to him, that “all the other kids” would have one and he wouldn’t, I was willing to buy it.
If he wanted something better, something bigger, I was willing to spend the same $96 and build him a base for Optimus Prime that was at least 3′ tall, and far better than any other kid would ever have.
“You decide”, I left the choice to him. He was about 6 years old.
We left empty handed.
Over the next two weeks, before Christmas, we built the best Transformer base I’ve ever seen. We painted it. It had elevators. We stripped the sound alarms out of his toy lasers and made them work for pressure sensitive things. The base folded and turned around (glued the whole thing to a huge old lazy susan I used to use for serving tacos) for BATTLE STATIONS! It had airplane paint on it in wild designs. We poked holes in the cardboard and strung Christmas lights through the holes so OUR base lit up. Yeah baby, we were the only family who had a light up transformer base.
My stepson would request certain functions, and together, we had to make it work. We even had a helipad and fold out runways for other transformers to land. We outfitted the base with communications consoles and captains chairs, beds and sleeping quarters, a kitchen for humans who visited robots (like GI Joes), and a hospital/maintenance for robots that were injured. We had it all and it was built with sheer imagination.
It was one of the only toys he moved to the new house and he was 10yrs old before he finally got rid of it. The base was his nightlight for years (had to restring the lights a few times). The base went through MANY alterations and additions over the years.
Like our parents used to say, “Give a kid a cardboard box……….”

Plain Jane

I have no doubt his anticipation and appreciation for each innovation you did wound up inspiring future interaction with his future children. But the best part of it was you giving YOU, meaning your time and attention to something that meant so much to him. Cool! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right, PJ, all they want is our time and attention. He did end up as a civil engineer though. Hey, cool.

Plain Jane

Cool is correct. You gave him the gift of YOU. Cannot be replicated, bought nor faked.
The favorite toys of the boys and grandsons were erector sets, legos, kennects, tape, boxes, string, and of course duct tape. Can’t forget the duct tape.
DH is EE. I have one boy that’s a civil engineer, another son is a mechanical & electrical engineer, the SIL is aero/astro engineer. One grandson is ME, his wife is ceramics engineer, another grandson is working for his EE, granddaughter working toward her chem engr. The ones who are not yet in college plan to rule the world. Yep, when you pay attention to the kids, they learn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plain Jane, we need to get our families together for Christmas.
My grandfather was Chemical eng. Dad was Electrical Eng. First husband was Civil Eng. Step-son is Civil. And my son is a senior in Mech Eng.
You should see what my garage looks like.

Plain Jane

Yes we do. I’m LMAO now thinking of the possibility of the conversation at such a gathering. Can you just imagine.
My girls, meaning our daughter and DILs sit and look from one to another with big grins wondering how how we hooked up with these guys. Their professions vary drastically.


I’m gonna play Devil’s Advocate for a minute. Theoretically, I can’t argue with anything in this post.
We Conservatives are law-abiding. We are generally polite, hard-working, respectful of others, and kind.
The people we are fighting against are Saul Alinsky radicals. There are “Rules” and they follow them, because they WORK against people like us.
Rule #4 is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.”
Political Correctness is THEIR rule. They made it, they own it. They are our ENEMY. They never hesitate to yell “hypocrite” if a Conservative gets caught breaking a Commandment. Those are the Rules most of us live by, so they hold us to them.
I think it is possible that the Alinsky Rules may just go the way of the dinosaur if they are turned around on the Demoncrats. They can’t possibly obey all of their own rules.
War is hell, and I hate it.


I probably posted on this thread the words FIGHT BACK — meaning rhetorically, not physically.
This we must do — NOW — actively and competently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True, with the false moral superiority of the Dems, who can possibly be that clean?
I know.
Only a man or woman who was chosen to run for office, and protected until they were ready to be installed.
Bill Clinton AND Obama decided to run when they were very young. Controlled.


New Q drops out


“Is it FINALLY time, after almost 330 years, to turn our collective ire on those who tempt our primal but evil side, and push for another ‘burning’…”
I propose that Rosie O”Donnell be a one-time exception for the stake-out and bonfire treatment. I think President Trump would concur!

Plain Jane

I take it the J/K means just kidding. In that case :-).


Dearest daughn, absolutely incredible article. I so enjoy reading your posts! Would you allow me one small quibble, already mentioned (but I want to throw my helmet in the ring?)
“Why in the heck are we rushing to judgement for the men in Virginia? Why do we presume we know better than a jury of our peers in a court of law? Why do we rush, beat our chests, scream and yell on social media, and demand action when we KNOW our haste is likely to lead to a false accusation and a bad result?”
The rush to judgement involves the legal matters against one individual, the LT Governor. “These men” are not involved in the legal matter. However, they are involved in matters of the soul, of civilization, of being an American. Sure, it’s a political matter, but I say we can and should rush to judgement on them you we all know they would against us. The Gov and his Lt’s & AG are in agreement for infanticide.
Time to rush to judgement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll be happy to give you that one RedLeg. You got it!




Speaking of getting burned alive, I saw somewhere mention of the lovely young Candace Owens was involved in something scandalous so I had to check her Twitter. Apparently she’s being misquoted, taken out of context about Hitler and the vicious lies are being advanced by Chelsea, the Grotesque, Clinton. Poor girl gets put through the ringer, that’s for sure.
Third Reich apologist, give me a break.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, they really went after Candace. Chelsea Clinton in the middle of it too.


They’re such despicable… well can’t call them despicable human beings as they are so devoid of any humanity


Great post Daughn … So much one can say in response, since this topic covers the human heart.
We may mock the Dem’s “muh feelings” strategery, but it is proving incredibly effective. The ego wants what it wants, and so we get corrupted, slowly but surely, as time goes by. Their “Arc of history” is in large measure testament to this. Heck, the Jeff Sessions wars OT proves this point. The CTH is supposedly a MAGA site, yet a significant percentage (surely a majority) were happy to burn Jeff Sessions at the stake, to assuage their egos’ demand for justice …
Us banned motley crew are what is left defending righteousness … How’s that gonna play out.
I just saw this on YT pertaining to this topic

I hope this is not my inner eeyore coming out for a trot, just calling it as it appears to be ..
To this end. Is the “pursuit of happiness” all it is cracked up to be? I find myself pursuing understanding of reality. I find that happiness as and end seems to be rather “empty calories” …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you Jason.
Most of this comes from my own fear of jumping on a bandwagon.
When everyone is moving in one direction, and it doesn’t make sense, we need to stop and ask, “WHY?”.


“To this end. Is the “pursuit of happiness” all it is cracked up to be? I find myself pursuing understanding of reality. I find that happiness as and end seems to be rather “empty calories”
For me happiness is within myself and make no one responsible for it. I do not look outside of myself to find it.
Often though it is right there in the most unexpected places when I do not even look fo it. I have a cice to embrace it or not.
I have all my life been like this but then I am weird as many people told me .
The tendency to jump on the bandwagon is real and one needs to guard from it. I am not always successful because one overcomes one vice and another sneaks up.When one becomes aware and embrace it as it is one can overcome it. For me is embrace, love and let go. Every person deals different .


Correction: Choice to embrace or not.


Well put Jan.