Dear KAG: 20220614 Open Thread

Cover image is stock wall paper. No specific artist this week on FLAG DAY!

The one at my house actually flew over the US Embassy in Bagdad back during the Gulf War. One of the benefits of having a brother in the Marines at the time.

Just because the darn thing is perpetually loading…from the Babylon Bee:

Official Timeline Of Events On January 6th

6:03 AM — President Trump wakes up at his regular time and crushes his usual 45-minute HIIT workout.

6:30 AM — VP Mike Pence wakes up grumpy with a serious case of “the Wednesdays.”

6:50 AM — President and First Lady enjoy breakfast of Sausage Egg McMuffins with ketchup.

7:00 AM — Mike Pence does his daily Bible reading in Habakkuk. Repents of his earlier grumpiness.

8:06 AM — Trump tweets, “Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd has never eaten at Arby’s! Sad!”

8:30 AM — Joint chiefs of staff sit down to play a game of Risk Legacy. Gen Mark Milley is later declared victor.

9:00 AM — Trump tweets, “They just found 50,000 ballots last night. But they won’t accept the 100,000 I just found under the couch. RIGGED!”

9:02 AM — Trump tweets, “Why would a Sith cultist leave clues to find something he already knew the location of? Blade of Ochi was a bad idea. Terrible movie!”

9:37 AM — Rep Mike Nearman of Oregon performs blood ritual to summon Buffalo Guy from the Netherrealm.

10:07 AM — Members of Congress slowly filter into the Capitol building throughout the morning. Many of them are late due to nasty hangovers from the previous night’s coke orgy.

10:58 AM — Proud Boys spotted discussing Eddie Bauer’s Winter Collection with FBI agents while marching on Capitol building.

11:30 AM — Sen Todd Young is hassled by protestors for enjoying The Rise of Skywalker.

11:32 AM — AOC dies tragically in a coal mining accident.

12:00 PM — Trump speaks to his supporters at a rally next to the George Washington Memorial. During his speech, he claims to be taller than George Washington, a statement fact-checkers later determine to be “mostly true.” He then suggests the monument should be renamed the Trump Monument “since I am taller and pointier, believe me.”

12:15 PM — Trump says, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” in a dramatic call to violence.

12:53 PM — Protesters rudely leave Trump’s speech early to break through barriers around the Capitol building.

12:58 PM — Buffalo guy casts Divine Favor for +1d4 radiant damage.

1:05 PM — House Speaker Pelosi bangs her gavel to call Congress to order. She accidentally strikes AOC, who dies.

More at the link.

The J6 Committee’s Real Target Is You

All I heard from the Democrats’ prime-time telecast of their J6 Soviet show trial was blah, blah, blah, Americans are racist, Trump’s a terrorist, and Congress must tear up more of the Constitution to save “democracy.” Lights, camera, distraction! The way-off-Broadway tragicomedy produced by State media at once radiated the cheap emotionalism of a soap opera while leaving the ludicrous impression that our exalted leaders are nothing but ventriloquist dummies seeking refuge from a bad vaudeville routine. It was difficult not to laugh at the parade of dour faces glaring intently into the cameras with their punishing nursemaid scowls imploring the audience to take them seriously. Even watched on a phone screen, the staged spectacle reeked of sweat, desperation, and community theater amateurishness.

Like a third-rate Vegas show performed by mediocre magicians, there was no surprise or suspense. Listening to the players read from their corny scripts, I thought they would have been better off just breaking into incantations or hypnotic chants: abracadabra, pay no attention to obscene gas prices or the imploding economy…forget about Hillary’s Russia collusion hoax…never mind that more evidence of a fraudulent 2020 election emerges daily…it is imperative that we take away more of your rights! Free speech is deadly, America. Stop following the man with the red hat. It is Congress that loves you. It is we who will keep you safe. Love us. Worship us. We promise to be good masters.

Just what could compel D.C.’s reptilian ruling class to go to such lengths in its attempt to scramble Americans’ brains with such overt propaganda? Well, this is obviously the only issue Democrats and their masochistic enablers have in terms of a midterm election strategy (aside from another round of late-night mail-in ballot dumps and a compliant judicial system eager to rubber-stamp ballots as “valid” deemed “invalid” by state law). I kept thinking over the last eighteen months that the geniuses running America into the ground would come up with a second or third pitch in their 2022 election repertoire, but that was foolish; this is it; the Democrats are still running on nothing but Orange Man Bad.

Oh, and things heated up at the Supreme Court even if the decision hasn’t been handed down yet.

Note which side is masked.

So, BioClandestine connected some dots:

Russian Military Moving into Nicaragua targeting US Funded BSL-3 Veterinary Biolab


This is from CBS on Saturday, Nicaragua gives Russia permission for Russian troops to enter the country?!?

For those who don’t know geography, Nicaragua is in Central America, 1600 miles from the Texas border.

Nicaraguan President, Daniel Ortega, signed a decree on 06/08/22, allowing Russian troops to carry out law enforcement duties, “humanitarian aid, rescue and search missions in emergencies or natural disasters.”

Russian spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, made the following statement on the activities in Nicaragua:

“We are talking about a routine — twice a year — procedure for the adoption of a Nicaraguan law on the temporary admission of foreign military personnel to its territory in order to develop cooperation in various areas, including humanitarian and emergency responses, combatting organized crime and drug trafficking,”.

So the Russian Military are moving into North America, looking for organized crime? My first reaction was… “DO WE HAVE BIOLABS IN NICARAGUA?!”.

Lo and behold, we do. And it’s worse than I imagined.

So I started digging on US bio activity in Nicaragua.

As it turns out, not only do we have a BSL-3 Veterinary biolab in Nicaragua, the Biden STATE DEPT added the Nicaraguan government officials to the “Corrupt and Undemocratic List” on 03/09/22, barring them from entering the country.

Keep in mind that’s the same day the State Dept put out their disinformation statement claiming there are no biolabs in Ukraine, right after Victoria Nuland from the State Dept just admitted there were Biolabs in Ukraine, the day before in congressional testimony.

They really are trying to kill us.

New hashtag from American Thinker:

No one should be surprised that these fools are now openly telling us that they are “grooming” the next generation into the evil LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION agenda. We’ve been on this path for years. What was long seen as immoral — and even laughed at by numerous Hollywood leftists — and more recently something that needed to be treated and cured, is now promoted and celebrated.

The Democrat Party seems to be fully on-board with every new perversion the LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION apologists can dream up. In addition to anything they can accomplish legislatively in support of this evil agenda, one of the leading Democrats in America, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will make a promotional reappearance on RuPaul Andre Charles’ TV show, RuPaul’s Drag Race.

In describing drag, RuPaul has correctly noted that it is a “very, very political” act because it “challenges the status quo.” He further adds, “Drag says ‘I’m a shapeshifter, I do whatever the hell I want at any given time.’” Of course, “I do whatever the hell I want at any given time” is an admission that one fully embraces the godless Pagan philosophy of “Do as Thou Wilt.” This godlessness is the foundational principle of the modern left.


And please, if you are going to try and dress like a woman, men, consult one of us for fashion tips. Rainbow hair and clown make-up will not allow you to blend in.

The RINOs are out in force on the ‘framework’ for new gun laws

According to a statement from the bipartisan group of senators, they have an agreement in principle for legislation that includes “needed mental health resources, improves school safety and support for students, and helps ensure dangerous criminals and those who are adjudicated as mentally ill can’t purchase weapons….” More specifically, the senators have agreed on the following concepts, which I’ve listed along with my comments:

Funding for school safety resources. If this means armed safety officers and hardened infrastructure, that’s good. Cynically, I don’t think it will mean that.

Extending background checks to juvenile criminal justice records and mental health records for buyers under 21. This is a good idea and might actually stop some of the crazier 18-, 19-, and 20-year-olds from beating background checks because their juvenile records are under seal.

Expanding mental health and support services in schools. Schools have become lunatic asylums that encourage race hatred and push students to deny biological reality. It used to be that liberal colleges took in bright, normal kids and, after four (or five or six) years of marinating these kids in leftist gender and race theories, graduated basket cases. Now, those same theories are part of elementary school curricula, so I don’t see schools as bastions standing ready to help students’ mental health.

Penalties for straw purchases. Meh. The likelihood of this effectively ending gun crimes is limited at best. Other laws already cover this practice in one way or another and they’ve been ineffectual.

Federal government funds for state and tribe red flag laws. Red flag laws, which deprive people of a constitutional right without due process, are unconstitutional. That’s it. They are. And it’s no use saying “but they might save lives” because they also might cost lives. Imagine a vindictive woman calling in a red flag on her legally armed boyfriend and, once he’s disarmed, killing him.

Blunt’s actually not running again, but the rest of them…yeah.

You’ll Never Escape COVID

Meanwhile, the media magnify fears over the mystery of Long COVID.  One third of all infected will suffer chronic and debilitating symptoms!  Niggling details didn’t make it to press, though, such as how most subjects were the vulnerable elderly and hospitalized for severe acute infection.  One in five may develop Long COVID, says the CDC, and vaccination will protect you!  Yet the article buried how vaccination can also increase risk of Long COVID and lead to worse outcomes than hospitalization for influenza.  Marvel in horror as people lose ten I.Q. points to Long COVID!  Never you mind all subjects were severe and critical cases.  Long COVID can even lead to death!  Actual underlying causes may have nothing to do with Long COVID, but let that not stand in the way of sensational headlines magnetizing clicks.

Nevertheless, actual SARS-CoV-2 infections can lead to actual chronic conditions, but nailing down the prevalence is elusive.  Government analysts with the U.K. Office for National Statistics grappling with this issue found that overall, 11.5 percent on average suffer longer-term symptoms out to 5 weeks that falls to around 3 percent at 12 weeks improving afterward.  Women and elderly are more vulnerable, including those with the well known comorbidity obesity, itself a “pandemic” estimated to kill 2.8 million per year.  Imagine the lives saved if government policies focused on nutrition, exercise, and general health instead of, well, other things.

But what exactly is Long COVID?  The U.K. report struggled with three different definitions and three different analyses for the condition.  Typical symptoms include difficulty breathing, cognitive decline or “brain fog,” chronic fatigue, malaise, headaches, and runny nose.  Yet these things plagued humanity long before the now-vindicated pangolas of Wuhan wet markets unleashed their “never could happen” gain-of-functionin-a-laboratory viral strain on a world bristling with triggers for these symptoms including, of all things, isolation.

Curiously, social stressors such as isolation are linked with inflammation, particularly in the brain, or “neuroinflammation.”  Brain physiology is altered by inflammatory mechanisms and implicated in fibromyalgia and Gulf War Illness.  Research into this issue predates the pandemic, showing rising risk for mental illnessfatigue, depressionwithdrawal, and mood disorders — symptoms that strikingly overlap Long COVID descriptions by the CDC

I have a cousin who identifies as an unwilling vegetarian and blames her inability to tolerate meat on COVID. It may have been a tick bite, but still.

Not sure that I agree with Revolver on this one, but prior to being occupants of the Oval Office there really is no comparison:

Don’t Compare Biden to Carter: Joe’s Not Fit to Shine Jimmy’s Shoes

The Biden-Carter comparison is a natural one, and not just because Biden shares Carter’s gruesome approval ratings. Both had to cope with similar problems: Inflation, an energy shock, Russian assertiveness, and the implosion of an American Middle East ally. Both inspired widespread feeling that the American superpower was over-the-hill and soon to be surpassed by foreign rivals.

And then, there’s the personal dimension: Joe Biden was the first U.S. senator to endorse Carter for president all the way back in 1975, when Carter was a longshot dark horse candidate for the Democratic nomination.

Unfortunately for Joe Biden and the American people, however, Joe Biden isn’t half the man Jimmy Carter was….

The piece goes on to tell of Carter and the near nuclear meltdown versus Biden plagerizing and finishing at the bottom of his class at Syracuse Law.

Please, see Mark Twain. Yes, he’s actually a well-known American author.

Tear jerk alert.

This is me on float trips.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


1 KINGS 21:17-29

17Then the word of the LORD came to Eli’jah the Tishbite, saying, 18“Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who is in Sama’ria; behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone to take possession. 19And you shall say to him, `Thus says the LORD, “Have you killed, and also taken possession?”‘ And you shall say to him, `Thus says the LORD: “In the place where dogs licked up the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your own blood.”‘” 20Ahab said to Eli’jah, “Have you found me, O my enemy?” He answered, “I have found you, because you have sold yourself to do what is evil in the sight of the LORD. 21Behold, I will bring evil upon you; I will utterly sweep you away, and will cut off from Ahab every male, bond or free, in Israel; 22and I will make your house like the house of Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, and like the house of Ba’asha the son of Ahi’jah, for the anger to which you have provoked me, and because you have made Israel to sin. 23And of Jez’ebel the LORD also said, `The dogs shall eat Jez’ebel within the bounds of Jezreel.’ 24Any one belonging to Ahab who dies in the city the dogs shall eat; and any one of his who dies in the open country the birds of the air shall eat.” 25(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab, whom Jez’ebel his wife incited. 26He did very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD cast out before the people of Israel.) 27And when Ahab heard those words, he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about dejectedly. 28And the word of the LORD came to Eli’jah the Tishbite, saying, 29“Have you seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days; but in his son’s days I will bring the evil upon his house.”

PSALMS 51:3-6, 11, 16

1Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. 2Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! 3For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. 4Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, so that thou art justified in thy sentence and blameless in thy judgment. 9Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. 14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of thy deliverance.

MATTHEW 5:43-48

43“You have heard that it was said, `You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Is it getting hot in here?

And then, of course, there’s JP.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Creepy Whisperer. Lying again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This meme is kinda gross in a “Mike Myers” way.

Bill Barr on Election Integrity in 2020
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More GAB….

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bill Barr’s “belly laugh” at 2000 Mules is a FORCED LIE.

I can read that human slime putz like a stop sign 20 feet away.


He knows it’s true, and he’s LYING.

Evil. EVIL stalks the land.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Uproariously” my ass. I can spot a fake laugh quite easily, but particularly in people who are purposely deceiving with a performance.

Barr knows that it’s true.


I can’t bear to watch it, at least not yet. I’m wondering what he says to “explain 2000 Mules is bunk.”

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He doesn’t explain it. His one argument is no fucking good.

Nobody is there to talk back to him, and he knows it. If I was there, I would walk him through an example and force him to admit that the mule is spotted. Without any pictures. THEN I would add the pictures. Then I would explain that this case he just admitted was the WORST CASE – that all the rest are stronger.

Then I would do the numbers and prove that it was determinative – and make him admit it.

Barr went into that hearing because he knew he could get away with the lie because nobody could question him.

Phillips did excellent science, and it BURNS ME to no end that this HACK of an AG, who betrayed Trump AND Justice AND the Constitution – who betrayed me, you, and all of us – this whole nation – now lies about great science.


He is thoroughly compromised and a traitor. Pretending not to know the truth is just another way to lie. He joined those who make things up, lie to our faces, and deny the truth that is as plain as day.

Anyone who does this with regard to the election of 2020 is a traitor in the literal sense of the word. I believe some of them were complicit in stealing the election, and the rest of them are covering up the crime. Traitors, all, deserving of a traitor’s punishment. They betrayed our country and stole our livelihoods.

Who is going to hold them accountable? They are the ones conducting any hearings. It’s maddening.

2000 Mules is THE smoking gun for election fraud. No one can truthfully refute it, so they lie about it instead. And they are getting away with it, for now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So angering. But I think Bannon is right. We can GET BARR.

Barr LIED to that committee, though the other traitors sadly WELCOMED HIS LIES.


Bush boy until death. Then Satan’s.

Gail Combs

Dante’s Ninth Circle is going to be over flowing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Barr has chosen THE WORLD over GOD.


There’s always room at that inn.

Gail Combs

But it SURE is going to need SPANDEX!

Remember the traitors are NOT just in the USA.

To circumvent democratic principles, national sovereignty, and the Constitution, the ReichsWEF implemented the Young Global Leaders program to effectively penetrate government cabinets and steer nations toward the vision of Klaus Schwab and, more importantly, the matrix of globalist corporations that now serve the horrible invisible enemy that is Prussia.

Klaus, it would appear, has taken a leaf out of Joseph Goebbels playbook:

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What did the Bush’s have on him?

Gail Combs


Anyone who got high up in government probably has an Epstein file and THAT is most likely WHY the FBI has NEVER RELEASED THOSE NAMES IN THE FILES and the DOJ has NEVER INDICTED them.


Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Barr ok’d the whole EDKH debacle. Once the sleeping guards located the lost tapes, he watched and confirmed that nobody ever ever never entered and exited the cell.🙄🙄🙄


You are on to something


Barr the schmuck feel soooo superior. No problem selling out the Republic


he knew he could get away with the lie because nobody could question him.

This goes to Peter Navarro’s point that the hearing is not set up properly and is a sham. If they had allowed Jim Jordan and others on the committee, it would be a completely different story.


I am not giving that blow heart my minute to listen to him. He is a typical DC shyster nothing more nothing less.


There was a time when one was just able to give Bill Barr “the benefit of a doubt” and to perhaps give credence to a “he’s a White Hat playing a certain part” idea. Got past that quite a while ago. IMO, he’s a skilled, contemptible liar and manipulator.
And he tarnished the art of bagpiping into the bargain also, as far as Yours Truly is concerned.

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS

Amen to tarnishing my beloved bagpipes!

This Highland Scot descendant would like to slip a dirk into his bag, so he never played again!


And no, I don’t mean Barr, I mean his pipes! For any Feds who happen to be reading.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO – or LAMO for any feds who happen to be reading.



Cuppa Covfefe

How about some bubble bath soap?

He’d be playing the pipes as if Lawrence Welk were along there with him 😀 Or maybe Pustefix 🙂

An a-one, an a-two, an a-three… gurgle gurgle gurgle…..

Different color out each pipe…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe



One can find an rotten apple in any bag  😏 


That’s a true story!




Barr FBI CIA Bush guy that says it all  🙄 


Remember Barr got a book deal a payoff ?????
Just look who gets a book deal all who have something nasty to say about Trump.
He cannot backpedal he is bought and paid for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But beyond that, Bill Barr is engaged in self-deception (guilty conscience) very much like that gal who did the Red Pill documentary – only she checked herself and realized what she was doing. Barr is intentionally trying to “not comprehend” the deconvolution of cell phone data in this case. He is TRYING not to understand.

You don’t even NEED the photographic evidence when you do the rest right. You don’t even NEED it. But they have enough to see who it is.

Scientists cannot afford to do this crap. We have to GET what was done and why. Bill Barr is “pretending to himself not to understand”, by refusing to confront the logic and the math of what Gregg Phillips did.

As as scientist, is pisses me off to no end that an attorney general won’t do his JOB to understand why the data is good.

This is SHIT. This is Galileo getting screwed. This is Nazis refusing “Jewish science”.



“Barr is intentionally trying to “not comprehend” the deconvolution of cell phone data in this case. He is TRYING not to understand.”


There must be a legal term for this, because certainly criminals do it all the time, either in statements to the police or if they take the witness stand.

Something like willful misconstruction, or willful ignorance.

Seems like there should be an easy way to expose him, if the person questioning him was really trying.

If the person questioning him suspects Barr will be an uncooperative witness, then begin the questioning with an overview of some similar case Barr prosecuted in the past.

Focus on the basic evidentiary points of the previous case for a few minutes, long enough to establish what will be obvious similarities to facts presented about election fraud when those questions come up next.

At that point, Barr cannot credibly defend two different (opposite) conclusions or thought processes based on similar fact patterns and legal reasoning.

That is, if A+B+C = D in some other case Barr prosecuted in the past, if he used that rational and legal process to prosecute someone and put them in prison, then he is locked in, he cannot turn around and deny the same legal reasoning and rational thought process regarding an obviously similar fact set.

Not without destroying his credibility — and the person questioning him should help Barr destroy his credibility, if Barr tries to have it both ways.

In other words, either he wrongfully prosecuted someone in the past, or he’s being dishonest now.

Brave and Free

Nice to hear your perspective on things again Scott. Glad you’re back.


Thank you Brave and Free 👍


Spot on.


Bill Barr knew he would get away with it.

As an AG, who oversaw the FBI, he must have known that this type of data has become an important tool to tie a criminal to the crime scene.

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Last edited 1 year ago by eilert

Don’t forget MILLEY – !



If I was a criminal tied to a crime by cell phone data (Jan 6 prisoners, anyone?), I would play this clip IN COURT in order to destroy their evidence against me.

I mean, the HIGHEST attorney in the land says cell phone GPS is bullshit, right?


Now that it’s clear where he stands we can add electronic forensics to the growing list of things they deny…science, biology, anatomy, past statements on video or social media…the list is endless.

We’re way beyond his faux mocking the proof. The traitorous Bushie Club sucks .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And I can see the dirty KAPO – Merrick Garland – chucking the chump change propaganda cases, to keep the BIG WIN of the FAKE ELECTION.

Sad, but that’s the way LIARS roll.




They’re all in now. They can’t cede an inch or the domino chain will start falling in reverse. They were all in on it.

Brave and Free

Excellent point!
I can see it now 👀 all the convicted felons will be appealing their conviction if they used cellphone data.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free

I would be.


Or maybe Bill Barr is just a dumb fat fuck.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would love to call him that – but I don’t think he’s dumb – I think he’s as much a traitor to Catholicism as Merrick Garland is to Judaism.

These people who stand up for big lies in public are far too damaging to the cause of truth to be “white hats” of any kind.

They SHIT on the Ten Commandments with this stuff.

It’s hard to get past believing the sneakiest of liars, but eventually one has to do it, to realize how effectively these people have kept honesty out of Washington.

One you SEE Barr’s “time-based” injustice, it’s impossible to unsee it.


Liars and deceivers of all stripes are traitors to God.


That is it Ten Commandments. The left have chipped away and those spending time in DC have lost their teachings.


… bingo ..



Gail Combs

If you look at the videos:

Patel Patriot Interviews Gregg Phillips (45 minutes)


Richard the Saint Issue 95: Flight 1745 Part 3: Maids of Honor

It is very clear Greg Philips had MULTIPLE Sources of data and not just the GEO-Fencing data. Richard presents clips of interviews by Greg and threads the information dropped together with explanations and other information.

The fact that Greg connected the cell phone IDs with KNOWN ANTIFA rioters via a world wide data.

@ 4:20 Rickard points out that the FIB used geo-fencing to catch the Jan 6th ‘RIOTERS’ that had ALREADY IDed as leaders of MAGA.

Unfortunately the Substack containing Flight 1745 is behind a paywall so here are some highlights from the reading:

@ 9:25-→ 12:10 quotes from Jon’s interview and Charly Kirk’s: “We have a few issues coming up, that are more explosive than the mules, that are 10X more likely to dive the country further…. We’ve been involved in a MAJOR COUNTERINTELLIGENCE OPERATION...”

12:30 → 15:40 Quotes from the Arizona State Senate Presentation by True the Vore (May 31st)
“…The MAID gives a phone new plethora of information… We can tell what websites they are on, we can tell WHOM THEY ARE COMMUNICATING WITH, and we can tell other, ummm, interesting tidbits about this person’s life….”
15:45 → Explains MAID and the importance of this nuget of info dropped
18:30 → 19:45 #2 We can BUILD what we call a pattern of life…

[Remember on Jan 5th, POTUS designated ANTIFA A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! with foreign ties.]
Richard writes: “…. But I’d be willing to bet that if you had the proper amount of time, [Remember POTUS quoted Greg Philips in December of 2016!!! I think the Pence voter fraud investigation was nothing but a headfake. True the Vote/Gre Phillips ALREADY HAD ALL THE VOTER REGISTRATION DATA! -GC] proper computing power, AND A PARTNER WITH AN AUTHORITATIVE DATA SOURCE, you could most definitely “…Make sure the person you are seeing is really the person you are seeing…”

Richard discusses ACLED — THE ARMED CONFLICT LOCATION & EVENT DATA PROJECT. This is the data set used to match the mules to violent protesters AROUND THE WORLD.

“There was an Amazing 44 second scene from the mules, and in that scene Gregg Philips and Dinesh D’Souza have a very reveling exchange:
GP: There’s an organization that tracks DEVICE IDs across all the violent protests around the world. We too a look at out 242 mules in Atlanta [Stacy Abrams anyone? -GC] and sure enough DOZENS and DOZENS of our mules showed up on the ACLED databases. So again, this is no grandma out walking her dog, these are violent criminals some times.

DD: There is not just a criminal element but there is an ideological element in that there’s an overlap between people. I mean you are not going to go to an ANTIFA riot and find it over populated with patriots or Christians or Republicans. These are people generally are on the far left . And it turns out these are also people that helped make up the mule population.

24:15 → 27:30 MAIDs and BRIDGE: The #1 provider of both the mechanism and the database to get the most out of MAIDs is a company called BRIDGE…. One of the 13 partners is ORACLE! {remember Larry Ellison is a good friend of Trump. He moved his company to Texas. Phillips said his main Super computers were in TEXAS AND Ezra Cohen-Watnick worked for Oracle before going to work for AG Sessions. – GC]

In addition to the BRIDGE corp there is the Bridging Divides Initiative and finally the Bridge Alliance, all of whom specialize in collecting data and providing that up to a master source like the ACLED databases…

comment image

Gail Combs

I am looking for a specific quote so I am going to look for it in:

Patel Patriot Interviews Gregg Phillips (45 minutes)
The interview starts @ 8:40 min.

@ 8:48 is a screenshot of Gregg Philips 11 Nov 2016 tweet that POTUS used to say the Non-citizen vote was over 3 million and therefore he won the popular vote.

 SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA:03 is a screenshot of POTUS Jan 27,2017 tweet

@ 9:45 → 11:05 paraphrase Gregg: Constant lie about the number of non-citizens… “We acquired a data base… and Identified 33 million….” If number is 10 million then 3 million is iffy, if 33 million it is much more likely. “Source of that data base was and still is an employee…” He will not say WHO is the employer. … He say that person is still a source for some of his data bases.

11:00 – 14:00
Discuss Exec Order 13799 May 11, 2017
Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
Jon: Did you provide any assistance to this Committee?

Gregg: No. But that’s OK because we were working on a few other things…many factions, let these bureaucratic commissions do what they do…. The Unfortunate part as I said on that CNN interview, is THAT DATA, all of that data is accessible and readily available by the US Gov’t. I guarantee you that is true because of some sources we have received…. My point to the left, Why don’t you ask DHS how many non-citizens there are…. There are now over 40 million non-citizens… ILLEGALY [In the Maids of Honor video towards the end, Richard points out the left blocked the citizenship question so Wilber Ross and POTUS USED OTHER DATA SETS TO GET THAT DATA –GC]

@ 14:45
Jon: …Geo fencing…. Could you have monitored this in real time:
Greg: yes.
You can see a major effort towards that in 2022.

@ 15:00 Jon: did you do it [monitor in real time]in 2020 or the 2018 midterms?

Greg: It took us quite a while to get this in place. [Remember that Gregg has been doing election surveillance for FORTY YEARS. ] What we had in place on election day was a plan to gather the data. All our hotlines, we were already receiving tons of information from all over the country… It wasn’t until late November of 2016 [you can see him hesitate before he says 2016 and then he quickly corrects] err 2020 that we really engaged…. [I think in this case the Fraudian slip that wasn’t is the real truth. -GC]

@ 16:30 Jon: I was watch the Charlie Kirk interview….you could not only tract the mules you could also see everybody who was at the NGOs,… could you also trace that back and figure out who was bringing the ballots in…?
Gregg: yes

Jon: so you know who brought the balots in and where they came from.
Gregg: Yes
16:50 GREGG:
there is really 3 key parts of this…. It took us 18 months to put together the filming of this video… there was a lot left on the cutting room floor.

There were three key parts of this grift an it is altered depending on what jurisdiction you are in…. There are three key pieces.

There are the collectors. They go bang on doors. Or go to [SHAKES HEAD…. HMMM now THAT is interesting in light of the Truck Driver who said he transported filled in ballots over state lines. – GC] Go collect these ballots and take them to the stash houses, the NGOs, and the NGO cause them to be cast. EITHER IN BULK or a few at a time like the mules…. Every jurisdiction is a little bit different.

Like here in Arizona, the emphases was in the collection and the NGO and less heavy on the drop box side…. Atlanta and Philadelphia were much more heavy on the drop box side….

18:40 Jon asks about Gregg’s statement about being in a rush.
20:20 Gregg: …when go up the ladder in bureaucracy state & certainly the FBI “you run into all sorts of betrayals. They are outrageous but we deal with them way too frequently”
I think our rush, was to get it secure it, but the analysis it’s self, Katherine’s montra to me and my team through out was:


So I want you to look at it again and again and again and again.

“…The emphasis we placed on the quality, this is all stuff left on the cutting room floor, the emphasis we placed on Quality Control, the emphasis we placed on regression testing our own outcomes by using some of the same data, these are all proven methodologies, that is nothing new or different but the amount of time we took putting this together is so significant that it gives us the confidence to know we were right….  [I was fairly sure he said elsewhere that they used MORE THAN ONE DATA SET to cross check. -GC]

…We are going to partner with law enforcement directly so there is none of this hand off to this group or the other group…
he then talks of plans for 2022.

25:4l0 Jon: … your former lines of work… packet capture.. Mike Lindell… Did you look at Pcaps?
Shows screenshot

SYNESIS offers full packet capture without any packet loss.  

What is packet Capture?

Packet Capture is a term for intercepting (capturing) data over a computer network for storage. Packet data can be visualized and analysed for network assesment and troubleshooting.

Gregg: We didn’t only because we didn’t look at it. Katherine HIRED US to take a look at what we were SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING ON and that is the Geo-spacial analysis…. Code Monkey did a pretty good read on this…. People beating eachother up on Truth Social… Jon, This is a THOUSAND FRONT WAR… 

27:00 But in the end this is in part being manipulated BY A GIANT COMMS OP, that is what this is., a communications operation. The otherside is manipulating us in way we can not even imagine.. so you get pieces of information about a P Cap or TLS or Hammer & Scorecard, you get all this different information and you try to assess it to try to figure it out and all the while you are potentially being manipulated by the other side who is injecting dis-information into the system and confusing it all the while these thousand front wars are going.

The challenge… we have to engage quickly and quit messing around…. While we are looking at 2020 the Left is preparing the REPLACEMENT for the THOUSAND FRONTS… this is insurgences the Left has created a thousand or more insurgences around the country. And the only way to counter that is literally a thousand or more counter insurgences….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I AM SO FRIKKIN HAPPY YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
WE REALLY REALLY MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖


Im YUP 🤨 👍 ‼️ 🙂 🤚 ❤️ ‼️ ‼️ ❤️

I’m really glad to see you Gail … 🤗😜🤚


You express your joy on the forum better than I could 🙂
Yes sooooo happy Gail is back  😍 

Gail Combs

She does, doesn’t she?


S she does. 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎




Gail Combs

  :wpds_oops:   :wpds_cool: 


Wolf, Bill Barr is an attorney. You know the definition of what an attorney is?

A professional liar who is trained not to be caught lying.

That’s literally the profession, in a nutshell.


No it’s not.

Your description applies to attorneys who get publicity/rewards for bold-faced lying. I have worked for (and with) many attorneys who strive to be honorable in the practice of the profession.

I do agree that too many psycho liars find their way into the legal profession and that they are allowed to be comfortable in their lying for far too long.


Don’t they almost all lie to some degree?

If you are a defense attorney, and you know in your heart your client is guilty, aren’t you lying when you defend him?

I imagine there are a few attorneys out there who are half-decent people. But they are not your run-of-the-mill, in my opinion.

I just think deception ( a lie by another name) is sort of built-in to the profession at large.


I have dealt with some attornies whom I greatly respect. If someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and defraud you in a civil matter related to property issues, estates, and the like, the knowledge and advocacy of attorneys can be invaluable.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Finding honest attorneys is great. I know a few.


“As it turns out, not only do we have a BSL-3 Veterinary biolab in Nicaragua, the Biden STATE DEPT added the Nicaraguan government officials to the “Corrupt and Undemocratic List” on 03/09/22, barring them from entering the country.”


Apparently the irony of the criminal Biden/Hussein regime calling anyone else “corrupt and undemocratic” is lost on the State Dept.

It’s like slapstick comedy…


I have a list of people that I think need to be slapped with a stick, repeatedly.

Gail Combs

Actually I prefer rope and four draft horses. You might get some interesting information that way.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Especially if the horses are heading in 4 different directions.😉


Love your posting style Scott 🙂 Welcome back  😎 


Thank you singingsoul, that is very kind of you to say 🙂


Truth 🙂


Wait, who’s on first??


“Wait, who’s on first??”


That’s what I wanna find out, I want you to tell me the names of the fellas on the St. Louis team.


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“Rainbow hair and clown make-up will not allow you to blend in.”


Neither will the Adam’s apple… 😂

Well I’m not dumb but I can’t understand
Why she walks like a woman but talks like a man,
Oh my Lola…


Nice to hear from you.


It’s nice to be heard 😁

Good to see you to, PG! 👍



I meant TOO!

I can’t edit!


So, you’re now running a too-too twain?


“So, you’re now running a too-too twain?”


I think that was the address for the mansion, in Murder by Death (Neil Simon, 1976) 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Cuppa Covfefe

And, of course, there’s Yoda 😆


LOL … 😂👍‼️

It is the way .. … 🤫

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious quote about John Kerry on CTH:

“Ketchup Lurch needs to be put out of our misery.”


So, something a little relaxing….

Once you are comfortable doing a real open water dive (one where the bottom is way down there somewhere), you get to do fun places like Maui. Mind you, there are still many very fun places to dive off Maui in water <100 ft, but there are also dives where you never get close to the bottom.

Maui is known as the “Valley Isle” because so much of it is the valley between the peak of Haleakala and the volcanic mass of Mauna Kahalawai. Haleakala is tall enough to get snow.

If you follow the valley to the southwest, you quickly leave the island and get into deep water, and just as quickly encounter Molokini crater. This is a lovely little extinct (?) volcano where half the rim and much of the middle has washed away. The inside has a lot of 40-60 foot deep snorkeling, that goes down to about 120 feet at the bottom of the middle and at the submerged rim, but the backside of the rim gets down to 300+ feet. A very common dive is to let out on the inside at a corner and form a group, descend at the exact corner, turn it, and let the current sweep you along the backside as you manage your depth. When you decide to get back to the surface, you are picked up individually by the dive boat in about 500 feet of water.


N00bs on the inside —


I should note that the hardcore dive tourists stay in Kihei, which is *ahem* not a resort….because you can roll out of bed, cross the street, and be at the Kihei boat ramp early.

We were staying in Kihei when the Fiancee had her run-in with DCS.


Also note that the visibility in Hawaii is slightly better than that in Monterey.


Beautiful. Not a scuba diver, but snorkeled for a few days at Maui.

Gail Combs

Actually I hate water and dislike swimming but I did spend a day snorkling in Jamaica.



Almost none of the $40 billion from the Ukraine aid package has actually made it to the battlefield, reported Newsmax correspondent Chuck Holton from Kyiv, on Monday’s “Wake Up America.”
What happened to the money?: Reporter reveals almost none of $40B Ukraine money actually made it
Almost none of the $40 billion from the Ukraine aid package has actually made it to the battlefield, reported Newsmax correspondent Chuck Holton

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Washington DC is sick.


Check with your local military-industrial complex banking institution.




The citizens of the United States of America should file suit against the MIL and freeze their frickin’ ass-ets …

Theres gotta be a way to get that money back, on principle ‼️ …

Where’s a good ‘out of the box’ minded lawyer whose loyal to the people of this country?!!!


Citizens of the United States do not have standing in federal courts. I think several such precedents were set after the 2020 election. Without standing there is no right to bring an action.


“Citizens of the United States do not have standing in federal courts.”


Those so-called ‘courts’, not to mention the entire crooked government, don’t even exist without us.

If we no longer have standing *in* the crooked ‘courts’, then We the People should stand ON them.

All 330+ million of us.

Let the crooks try that out, see how they like it 👍😂🤣😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From our mafia to theirs.


…and back again….kick backs….wires and bank transfers shooting around and around the world….

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Actually, Ukraine was only getting around $16B of the $40B package. Eric Prince was on Bannon a few days ago and said that Ukraine has only received 5% of the previous $14B in weapons that was funded before the $40B package was passed. He seemed to shake his head yes when Bannon asked if the defense contractors had already gotten their money. So the companys were paid but have only sent 5% of the first batch of weapons. That is why Zelensky keeps asking for more, and more, and more.

Top 10 Defense Contractors
Lockheed Martin Corp.
Raytheon Technologies Corp.
General Dynamics Corp.
Boeing Co.
Northrop Grumman Corp.
Analytic Services Inc.
Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc.
Humana Inc.
BAE Systems
L3Harris Technologies Inc.

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Killary is like that rogue elephant…remembers the “offense” a long time…she’ll get her revenge


And so will we.




Been telling folks for decades. The lists you see of Arkancide victims are incomplete.

Again, the Roman Empire had nothing on us.

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s apparently a long-time, valued customer 😮

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I have debated about sharing something I’ve found. I have not done extensive research into it, but the little I’ve seen raises red flags. I’m posting it so people can be watchful and draw their own conclusions.   

Bottom line: A number of the well-known conservative doctors who are working for medical freedom are actively associated with Sasha Stone, who was an associate of the late Robert David Steele. One of Sasha’s organizations has received an award from the United Nations. He has founded or is involved with several organizations that are steeped in New Age philosophy.  

What I’m presenting here is the tip of the iceberg. I haven’t had time to go down every rabbit hole.

This video is by a woman called “7grainsofsalt.” It was made about a year ago. I know nothing about her or her credibility and don’t know why she takes a little swipe at Lindell near the end, but I accessed several of the websites she mentions and found the same things she was talking about. 

1:32 – Some of the teachers at Sasha’s Academy of Divine Knowledge include Del Bigtree, David Icke, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and many others.

2:42 – Sasha’s International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ);

Vision: A world in which the Earth is honoured; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law.

Mission: To apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore truth and reason to the delivery of justice in the world; and uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries.

They were supposed to be looking into human trafficking and child sex abuse, but I don’t see any reference to it since about 2018 or 2019. I don’t believe they are accomplishing anything in that regard. I would not be surprised if they were hampering real efforts. The logo contains the occult infinity symbol:

comment image 

INFINITY (also eternity): In ancient India and Tibet, it represented perfection, dualism, and unity between male and female. In the occult tarot it’s linked to magic and represents equilibrium or the balance of various forces. The uroborus (a circular serpent biting its tail — a UN symbol for “Human Settlements“) has been found in this shape. In modern times, it became a secular mathematical symbol for infinity in numbers, time or space.;

Sasha’s Humanitad Foundation received an award from the United Nations.  
There is a page-long mission statement that ends with:

To this end, Humanitad is dynamically involved in fostering a manifestation of the next great stage in the evolution of humankind.

‘one world – one humanity‘

There is way too much evidence of what Sasha stands for, for these doctors and others not to be aware. So I can only conclude that they believe the same things and are working toward the same goals — which seem to encompass a New Age, United Nations, “unite humanity” type of mission.

So while they seem to be working to expose Big Pharma and vaccine dangers, I don’t know if they are America-first, true patriots. I don’t know who they really are or whose side they are on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good catch. I hope to have a long comment later!

Sadie Slays

Oh, it gets way more occult that just an infinity symbol. See that pinecone thingy in the middle? Pinecones and pinecone-like shapes represent the pineal gland. I’m not up for going into pineal gland theories right now, but the extreme tl;dr is that it’s (allegedly) the Third Eye. And I personally believe there’s something that theory because that pinecone shows up in a lot of history once you know what to look for.

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That’s really unpleasant, in just about every kind of way… 😂


pagan indeed

human enlightenment

the third eye

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I don’t have the vid, but we’ve all seen where the, I think they were associated with DARPA, talking about destroying your religious/spiritual connection with God by tampering with/derogating the function of the pineal gland.

Wikipedia Quotes.

René Descartes believed the human pineal gland to be the “principal seat of the soul.” Academic philosophy among his contemporaries considered the pineal gland as a neuroanatomical structure without special metaphysical qualities; science studied it as one endocrine gland among many.

The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers throughout history that it possesses particular importance. This combination led to its being regarded as a “mystery” gland with mysticalmetaphysical, and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.

IMO all the pineal gland stuff is a yin and yang / good or evil thing.
I’d further say that the ancients were able to divine things that would take science thousands of years to establish.

Interesting article

Gail Combs

Yes there was a Bill Gates video

Bill Gates briefing CIA on vaccine for “religious fanatics”
Feb 3, 2021 (Interesting that it is still up on Uboobtube.)


That one, yes, thank you.

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.   :wpds_wink: 


Billy didn’t include himself in the definition of ‘religious fanatics’, naturally.

Apparently believing himself to be a god and bequeathing himself with the divine right to violate the rights of billions of other people on the planet doesn’t count under Billy’s definition.


I knew there was something about the pineapple and that you would know. Thank you!


if it walks like a duck….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – here is what I wanted to say.

That SYMBOL with the “3D star of David” – I’ve seen that before – in the video that was used to incite the whole “suramin” debacle that was used to discredit Tenpenny.

Look for the deleted YouTube video in this post I made:

What it looks like to me, is that a certain intelligence agency (COUGH) and/or the cabal itself has an assembly of layers of useful idiots in the natural health world, and they basically inject stuff into that echo chamber using the useful idiots. All of this is designed to keep criticism of the Pfizer vaccine in the “unbelievable” zone.

The various layers are self-funded with grift and “buys” from the faithful viewers and believers.

Overall, it’s a nice scheme to protect their game.

Gail Combs


That is why I mentioned the viruses do not exist video that caught Patrick Gunnels. He is a self-made entrepeneur with a contempt for the University types (Who can blame him these days) so he was a prime target for Dr. Andrew Kaufman the psychiatrist and snake oil salesman.  I mean ROCK SWEAT?? Really?

The video has been removed but there is this:

The Big Virus Hoax

It has a couple other videos.

Kaufman is selling Shilajit-Mumijo (Rock Sweat supposedly from the mountains in UTAH.)

Shilajit • Mumijo can and has been described as ‘mineral oil’, ‘stone oil’ or ‘rock sweat’, as it seeps from cracks in mountains due to the warmth of the sun…


Rapid Determination and Quantification of Nutritional and Poisonous Metals in Vastly Consumed Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine (Rejuvenator Shilajit) by Humans Using Three Advanced Analytical Techniques

“…. For safety of the patients, the elemental analysis of Shilajit is imperative to evaluate its nutritional quality as well as contamination from heavy metals…”

Mines in Utah

 1,733 lead mines 

 67 mercury mines

 80 aluminum mines 

110 arsenic mines

63 barium-barite mines

178 fluorine-fluorite mines

To name just a few. I think I will take a pass… on his snake oil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A lot of snake oil out there!


Wonder if the stones that are heated in Saunas give off beneficial or toxic substances?


They’re supposed to be neutral, but then you can do things with them (like throw on water, or herbs).

Cuppa Covfefe


That’s what they do with people who’ve used his snake oil…

Gail Combs


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



useful idiots”

This is a huge problem because those are the very people whose advice we rely on some of the time, and they say and do beneficial things. So:

If they are “idiots” enough to be swayed into providing not-credible information in order to make the entire anti-vax movement look crazy, then their judgment can legitimately be called into question on everything they say — just as with conventional docs who spew the party line about vaxxes and a lot of other things. This is a huge coup and a win for the globalists. But I blame these doctors and others for being so gullible, for being so new-age-y, and for not having solid principles that they stand on.

Two doctors/scientists that I DON’T see related to Sasha are Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough. They seem rock solid in their scientific professionalism. I’m sure there are many others. As you say, this is a specific group of useful idiots. I’m sorry to see Dr. Mercola among them.

Gail Combs

Dr. Mercola always struck me as a little TOO SLICK.

We really really have to be very very careful. For example I like Mike Adams but he can sometimes get sucked in.

What I liked about Mike Adams and the Bryan Ardis 3 part interview is there is PLENTY of evidence presented.

All three videos are here:


Agree about a lot of these people – but I do trust McCullough and Malone and the Front Line doctors are telling the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I found it! A screen capture of the deleted deceptive video!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What this video EFFECTIVELY did was to use clips of Judy Mikovits to FOOL the other dissident scientists who don’t do enough fact checking. As discussed in my post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve updated that post today, to include a link to this discussion, and to explain the taking down of the deceptive video by this organization.


Their gullibility and lack of principles is hurting, not helping. ANYTIME you see the circular, namby-pamby, kumbaya rhetoric of the globalist, New Age, “humanitarian” United Nations types, run in the other direction! It’s like when the Dems say they care about you and are all about love. Life is tough and it is never just about feel-good love. There have to be boundaries and ways to handle disagreements and difficulties.

I have lost respect for those who allow themselves to be fooled like this because I have better judgment than they do in these matters, and judgment and discernment are sometimes just as important, if not more so, than their professional knowledge. They are misleading people and preventing some skeptics from seeing the truth. Sometimes that is a matter of life and death.


President Trump predicted Joe Biden’s entire presidency: watch… – Revolver

No one could have predicted “moderate old Uncle Joe” Biden’s calamitous presidency.

Oh wait…


Trump missed that they are coming for your food too.

Incase it’s not further down on the page.

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Another Blow to the US Food Market: Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Last Friday, me travelin WB on I-12 in LA. EB, 53′ soft side trailer rolled into the center median. Full of onions.


That’s a cryin’ shame.


I see what you did there. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Not very appealing, either 🙂


The bastids are just getting started…. bet they target water and gas, electric and nuclear next….


Wow so well done!


#Did you know

The Second Continental Congress founded the Army on June 14, 1775?

(click link… an image at T’gram I can’t bring forward

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looking forward to the founding of a new Army loyal to the People, the Constitution, and Truth itself, God willing. An Army willing to chase these damn commie insurrectionists to CUBA.




Well, according to MarketWatch, the three “versions” of Evergrande stock is listed at $0.51, $0.14, and $0.2000 per share (this last is “Evergrande Property Services.”)
One can only wonder how many CCP / Evergrande officials will be / have been, “taking an extended vacation.”

Gail Combs

I wonder how many mutual funds lost pensioners money in the Evergrande debacle.


Feds TSP – Thrift Saving Plan?

Gail Combs

And California state pensions… Run by a Chinese Commie.

Then there is Black Rock and Larry the Fink

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is what that lying asshole BARR was trying to get past.


OK, in the wildly TMI department….

On Saturday, even on my way to and from the fish meeting, things were painful in a tender place.

On Sunday, I was trying to be particularly gentle while cleaning that area in the shower, and felt something about the size of a brazil nut. Later, in the same shower, I got to recreate the shower scene from the Hitchcock movie “Psycho”. I actually felt some better, and wondered about my next step.

Sunday afternoon, I continued to have substantial bleeding and called the after-hours number for the primary care physician that I loathe, despise, and trust less than a rabid weasel on acid. Fortunately, she was not on call and I got a physician who I could work with. She confirmed my suspicions but noted that she couldn’t be really sure with a mere discussion over the phone — and I noted that I had just as much a chance of observing the situation as she did. She recommended that I visit the Urgent Care facility.

So I went over to the UC shop, and they said, “oh, we’d ordinarily do labs, but we can’t do them until Monday.” I told them that I had already discussed this with the “night doc” and everyone was 90% convinced if they could just get a peep.

I was set up with a hospital gown, they laid down a pad, and told me to change into the gown while only removing my lower clothing (why the gown?). Then the [female] doctor, who brought a [male] chaperone, told me to lay on my side on the pad and tried to deploy a privacy shield. She prodded the obvious places and observed the obvious situation, and left. The chaperone asked me if I needed help unfolding and I sent him away.

I’d bled on their pad, their privacy shield, and the floor. I didn’t see any blood on the useless gown, or the examination table or chair that I’d tried to avoid contacting. I got my bloodstained undies back on and noted that I’d bled through onto my cargo shorts.

Got a high-priority surgical referral. Also got a prescription and went to fill it, then went home.

Monday morning, I went to schedule the surgical referral and was told the earliest available was July 19, which I took.

My impression of the current state of Obamacare is that it is a complete pain-in-the-ass.


Did the female MD actually have an opinion about a diagnosis? Did she say anything about “get to an ER asap” if the situation continues or (God forbid) gets worse?
Almighty God, Supreme Being, please help our good friend cthulhu.


The diagnosis is pretty obvious if you can see the area, which I couldn’t (and neither could the on-call doc). Got sheets of cautions. No worries — it’s just a pain in the…..


Hi cthulhu!

I think I read you 5 x 5, so I did a bit of research. You know I am into the natural herbal treatment of things.

This could help, I think. It includes all the herbs that I found that are useful:



At present, this is a one-time situation, and is the first time this has happened in 59 years. Once I talk with the surgeon, there may be a one-time fix. I wouldn’t want to medicate for it unless it became more chronic.

That said, I’m already taking pieces of that compound and could look into a bit more.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Soaking in the bathtub helps decrease swelling. Prayers for excellent medical care and speedy healing. 🙏 ❤ 🤗

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great essay on the sorry state of modern medicine!


Yep. Bureaucratized, slow, and potentially useless — and fraught with unexpected perils.


primary care physician that I loathe, despise, and trust less than a rabid weasel on acid

Sadly, such an apt description.

Sorry you are going through this. Prayers for fortitude and healing! 🙏


No worries on prayer. I’d prefer our Lord look down upon my face and my soul.


I was contacted around noon and informed that due to a cancellation (or perhaps someone on the waiting list dying), I could have an appointment next Tuesday, the 21st.


Launching of the #CanWeTalkAboutIt CampaignOn June 14th @ 2pm EST/8pm CET we break the silence worldwide about vaccine injury and death.June 14th live stream program

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of clot-shot slab-jab “surprise” deaths, here’s Mark Steyn on monkeypox and SADS (H/T another in over at Chiefios)

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2

Rando youtuber decides he’s going to critique drums. Queues up The Professor —

Earlier, he had thought he’d critique The Octopus —

Both are hilarious.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, June 14, 2022

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,” 

2 Peter 1:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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a government of wolves…jackals

everything is a weapon

 👉  The US Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation

article link…


John Whitehead Commentary…Constitutional attorney & founder of The Rutherford Institute

the danger lurks in plain sight.

aided and abetted by technological advances and scientific experimentation…subjecting us to apple-pie propaganda.

 👉  weaponizing all of the following :


surveillance, pre-crime & pre-thought campaigns



behavioral science and nudging

desensitizing campaigns > false sense of security

fear & paranoia


the future

The end goal of their mind control campaigns- packaged in the guise of the greater good- is to see how far the American people will allow the government to go in re-shaping the country in the image of a totalitarian police state.

excellent read.

imo, too many have been duped.

while many others who have swarmed into America illegally…and recently…particularly thru our former southern border… are from totalitarian shit holes, to begin with, and are completely devoid of the basic wherewithal to recognize what’s happening here bc they are already used to it, and do not know or remember America before Obama….so they add numbers, many numbers, to the ignorant many who have been so easily brain washed.

very sad that we’ve let this happen.

we’ve been too polite, too easy-going, too complacent…assuming, rather naively, that those we elect will somehow “fix” it or eradicate it or expose and indict it…but it’s been going on for too long a time, running too deep, too entrenched, too global now….over the decades, the voices in the wilderness were always mocked as conspiracy theorists, the unhinged fringe…but they were always right…

and now it’s too late.

magical thinking is not reality-based.

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2

Well, if it’s too late then this blog should be shut down since it serves no purpose.


the Rubicon has been crossed…you’re free to disagree…this blog isn’t changing it, as informative and informed as we are here.

elections, obviously, will never be the same again….if there even are any actual, unrigged fair elections.

so…what’s left ? oops…

or…what’s right ?

 👉  notice : I didn’t say give up.

noncompliance is now the order of the day.


we are now in a war.

controlled demolition…as they proceed with their transhumanist reset.

you can’t put the goo back in the tube.

and GOD’s Judgment is coming down hard on this nation.

priorities matter…at a time like this.

pick a hill…pick a battle.

it’s coming to that.

it’s here.

it’s too late to return to “normal”.

it’s now survival mode.


it’s now facism.

it’s a beast.

we never thought it would happen here.

and that was our first mistake.

but when you’re going thru hell, keep going.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



at some point…soon…each of us will have to take a stand.

your blog is excellent & important…a strong, solid voice…I don’t mean to detract from that…

but sooner or later, sitting at a keyboard won’t cut it anymore.


Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I encourage all patriots to “make plans consistent with your own morality, but don’t advertise them to the enemy”.

It is important for the enemy to be surprised by things. When they push you too far, your reaction should surprise them, be that reaction to stand there passively, or be it to NOT TAKE IT ANY MORE – in a way they do not expect.

We must create uncertainty in the evil ones, so that their evil calculations are useless or worse.

And remember – at ALL STAGES – even now – peaceful CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is appropriate.



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…without ceasing

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon
What’s gong to be very difficult are the choices that will need to be made regarding family members who, while not intentionally going over to the “wrong side”, are there nonetheless — the ones who “had to get the vaccine in order to keep their job”; the ones who “got the kids vaxxed in order for them to go back to school”; the ones who believe that people who aren’t “vaccinated” are “spreading the virus”; the ones who “follow the science and/or the CDC”; the ones who refuse to entertain any thought or discussion about “Vitamin I”; the ones who believe Dr. Peter McCullough and others are “dishonoring the profession of medicine and need to be disciplined”; and so on.

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS

they might be the very same ones who will throw you to the wolves…and into the “camps”…to save themselves first…by complying.

history so often repeats itself.


Sadly, this is a concern — and, IMO, for many people.



Gail Combs


At this point be very very careful WHO you talk to about WHAT and that ESPECIALLY includes family.



Agree…you said it well

Gail Combs

From the Article:

The government is so confident in its Orwellian powers of manipulation that it’s taken to bragging about them. Just recently, for example, the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, the branch of the military responsible for psychological warfare, released a recruiting video that touts its efforts to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

This is the danger that lurks in plain sight.

AHHHHhhha but why in heck would ‘GHOSTS’ ADVERTISE???
The last thing they want is some looney schmuck asking to work in Psyops. You would be quietly RECRUITED AFTER you are in the service.

A different take on that recruiting video: Part 22 – Irregular Warfare
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The IW annex was released by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict on October 2nd, 2020. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict at that time was a name we should all know:comment image
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I will admit that this article was one of the more challenging to write due to all the different pieces that needed to be tied together. I’ll do my best to make sense of it. I’m hoping by the end of the article you’ll have a better understanding of what we have been living through under this Biden “presidency.”

Throughout the Devolution series, I have been highlighting the events that have led me to the thesis that some form of continuity of government is currently in play. A recent YouTube video has led me down another rabbit hole in which I found more evidence supporting the theory…..

To read: [article]

Video of reading of that substack (start at 22 minutes)

Patel Patriot’s “Devolution” Part 22: Irregular Warfare


1980: From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory (start at 19:45)

It was written by Colonel Paul E. Vallely now General Paul Vallely retired who wrote:
List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama

General Vallely’s comment:

Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn’t done this until now!

SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  I am doing my part. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

the following link is to a…

Financial Marketing & Real Estate blog…

We’re Goin Down ! Treasury Curves Go Negative As Mortgage Rates Hit 5.87% As FED Tightens Its Choke Hold


The US Treasury 10Y-5Y yield curve has gone into negative territory (which usually occurs before a recession ).


Gail Combs

Dr Peter Navarro has been saying this for over a year.

BOOK | Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Win It Back

If you can buy a copy of one of Dr Navarro’s book and help him pay his legal costs in fighting the Deep State SWAMP.

Peter Sues Pelosi & Her Kangaroo Jan 6

On February 9, 2022, I received a subpoena in which I was “commanded to be and appear before a Kangaroo Court established by Nancy Pelosi, AKA the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.”

Upon receipt of this subpoena, as a former senior White House adviser to President Donald J. Trump clearly covered by testimonial immunity, I was faced with several choices, including:

(1) respect President Trump’s invoking of executive privilege in the Committee’s investigation and fail to comply with the subpoena;


(2) unilaterally waive President Trump’s Executive Privilege and my own testimonial immunity by providing all of the requested documents and testifying before the Committee as commanded.

I chose Option #1; and Pelosi’s Kangaroo Court responded with a criminal contempt of Congress, with the intent to imprison me and fine me. In this suit, I argue that the January 6th Committee is unconstitutional and unlawful and its subpoenas are thereby unenforceable.

The fact of the matter here is that if this Kangaroo Court of a Committee is allowed to continue in its present form, it will continue to make a mockery of due process, the separation of powers, any legitimacy behind the power of Congress to investigate, and thereby do great damage to our Republic.

Please read this case carefully and you will see that it is time for the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on this whole issue.

They are not coming for me. They are coming for Donald Trump. I’m just in their way.


This is why Peter is Suing the Jan 6th Dumpster Fire on the basis of being a Kangaroo Court.

January 20, 2022
Only one Supreme Court justice protected Trump’s executive privilege from Biden’s clutches

I won’t say this opinion is the worst to come down the pike since Dred Scott.  It just offers a variation on Peter Finley Dunne’s “Mr. Dooley,” in that the Supreme Court follows the editorial pages (along with the election returns).  It is not with difficulty that one imagines Chief Justice Roberts’s anticipation of thunderous criticism from The New York Times had the Court ruled in favor of the former president.

Seems to me the Court (save for Justice Thomas) has now given the power of rejecting executive privilege to a successor president who unconditionally loathes his predecessor.  Political decisions are hardly conducive to consistency in governmental transitions…..

ℍ𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕁𝕌𝕊𝕋 𝕊𝔼𝕋 𝕌ℙ 𝕆𝔹𝔸𝕄𝔸, ℂ𝕃𝕀ℕ𝕋𝕆ℕ 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔹𝕌𝕊ℍ???


Pre-order for Sept 20, done.

Click on “Alternate Data” at the top of the main page to see the ShadowStats graphs for REAL unemployment, the value of the U.S. dollar, inflation, etc. In every case, the “official government” figures and values are so far out of reality that it’s dreadful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happens every time a DONKEY-COM administration comes into power. LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES.

Gail Combs

The RINOS aren’t much better. The managed decline of the USA started with Kissinger and Nixon when they opened the door to the Chines Commies.


“Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations”, comte de Mirabeau

It is a series of substacks. Patrick Gunnels does readings of this substack as they are produced.


An invisible hand sits behind humanity, exerting control over the human will. This hidden virus scours the earth, looking for hosts who will adopt its ideology, and wage war against dissenters.

You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.

Prussian ideology is this captivity. The awakening is seeing this invisible enemy, knowing its patterns, recognizing how we engage with it and understanding its ultimate end-game. Revealing the hidden enemy, is how humanity defeats the hidden enemy.

Understanding the ancient Prussian playbook shines unwanted light upon this tyrannical insurgent. This is the road to true freedom.

This is #PrussiaGate.

The #PrussiaGate papers are revealing when and how the most formidable army on earth [appeared] to fade away, but really just became invisible. This was the key to their transition from localized wars to complete world domination. To do this successfully, they would need to control intelligence agencies and media, but they also selected to use central banks, debt and large corporations to control the people. In this way, the US was essentially the “head of the snake”, although the influence was world-wide.

In terms of really understanding this ‘invisible hand’, the 2016 US election would prove to be a turning point for the entire world. Humanity received a four-year lesson in how the media deceive and how intelligence agencies were infiltrated….

I had already IDed England as not giving up on controlling North America. It is interesting that Frederick the Great’s MOTHER was daughter of King George.

In the latest, the authors mention:

Frederick’s bravery on the battlefield paled in comparison to his military intellect. His strategic ability was unmatched for the period. When America’s freedoms represented an existential threat to his Prussian authoritarian rule, he found himself in a huge dilemma.

In 1776, America was a fledgling nation. The industrializing nations of Europe dwarfed America’s predominantly agrarian economy. If Frederick were to join King George and engage the American revolutionaries directly in battle, the people would wonder why the might of Europe was so united in crushing a bunch of colonies on the other side of the Atlantic. This could raise popular awareness to the American Declaration of Independence, and a similar search for freedom could spread throughout Europe, creating a world-wide Great Awakening.

Instead, Frederick opted to play the ‘long-game’ and pursue the indirect path of infiltration; he would attempt to destroy America from within.

Prussia stayed decidedly neutral throughout the American Revolution. This was noteworthy because Frederick the Great’s bloodline was deeply intertwined with the British monarch. His mother, Sophia of Hanover, was the daughter of King George I, and the two kingdoms had just forged a strong military-alliance after the Seven Years War. Frederick’s lifelong friend, Prussian Field Marshal Ferdinand von Braunschweig, was so loved by the British, that there was a suggestion he command the British forces in America. Fortunately, that did not eventuate.

Officially, Prussia stayed as far away from this battle as possible. However, we now know that they were indirectly helping both sides.


If you would rather listen than read:

Prussiagate! The ReichsWEF, Part VI
Starts @ 11:15



Gail Combs

Shadow Stat is a real TREASURE.

This is a MUST READ from 2004. Show it to your normie friends so they can get an inkling of just HOW the US government manufactures their LIES.


…..Up until the Clinton administration, a discouraged worker was one who was willing, able and ready to work but had given up looking because there were no jobs to be had. The Clinton administration dismissed to the non-reporting netherworld about five million discouraged workers who had been so categorized for more than a year. As of July 2004, the less-than-a-year discouraged workers total 504,000. Adding in the netherworld takes the unemployment rate up to about 12.5%.

The Clinton administration also reduced monthly household sampling from 60,000 to about 50,000, eliminating significant surveying in the inner cities….

Gail Combs

TOO GOOD not to share!


BINGO!!!!!!! …

God help us …

1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”


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kinda putting it too nicely

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2

I worked Kelly service temp. for Gordon Foods cafeteria at a GM building in Troy MI. A younger woman came in later to work washing and supplying the dishes, glasses, cups and cutlery for the cafeteria. This was in the 1980’s when people still dressed for work and GM was not to be messed with as a customer. Well our new temp dish washer woman wasn’t up to the task (too much like work 🙄😑) so the dirty dishes get backed up, there’s no dishes, etc. out for the GM execs to use. I was taken off grill help and sent to the dishroom where she balling her eyes out mumbling “I can’t do this job”. It not rocket science, …
I seriously didn’t like being around the execs when they weren’t able to just get their lunch, I don’t blame them and I’m sure the cafeteria supervisor got an earful & Kelly Services.

Just do the job or get out.

Gail Combs

Working in various labs I had my belly full of Affrimative action hires. Bad enough when they WILL NOT do the work, but when they toss a temper tantrum and intentionally break glassware and equipment… AND MANAGEMENT WILL NOT FIRE??

Gail Combs

HR Ditzy broad:
OH! OH! He is a black Jewish transgender gay WE HAVE TO HIRE HIM!

Hiring Manager:
But, But, But, he never graduated third grade, he can not read, he can not add, he has a rap sheet a mile long….

HR Ditzy broad:
It doesn’t matter he is PERFECT for our accounting manager position!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds more like Sales/Marketing to me 😀

(ducks and runs from flying flipcharts, sales packs, expense ledgers, and empty bottles 🙂 )…..

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Gail Combs

Given some of the very smart but not well educated hustlers I know it WOULD be a perfect fit.


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Yep … do not mess with MOTHERS .. 🤨👍❤️

Gail Combs

I had to drag hubby over to see that. And yeah I do needle work too.


  :wpds_mad:  That’s funny.   :wpds_evil: 


Good morning DePat .. 😃🤚❤️🤗❤️ … thank you awesome open I appreciate it very much. God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always ..


Oh 😮🤚 and love the saxophone quartet … and the penguins, the last one was the kicker and so true .. 😜😂👍❤️‼️


I enjoy your open … 🙂👍❤️





good grief

Ron Klain’s total divorce from reality…

puppet master full of joy

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a CREEP.


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Gail Combs

It is ALL in the starting point of the graph isn’t it Wolfie?

How to Lie with Statistics should be mandatory reading in high school.


April 30, 2022
Steve Cortes: A Recession is a Given

Steve Cortes talks to host Steve Bannon about the horrible state of the economy.

“How bad is Joe Biden’s economy? It is so bad that even MSNBC, even Ali Velshi, is doing some truth telling about it. Because they know they can’t pull the wool over the eyes of the American people…. It is worse than the 1970s.”

(8 minute Rumble video)

June 10, 2022Peter Navarro On New Economic Reports, Shelter Cost Rose Most In 31 Years, Energy And Food Up 100%


Another slick movie type production…they’re slitting their own wrists with this blatant bullshit. Nobody believes it, no matter what political stripe they may be. The middle class and lower know exactly what is happening in their wallet and quality of life.


psychological warfare

mind control

repeat the same lies over & over & over again


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Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!


Up front and personal with me. It took me a long painful time to learn what I know now, and I’m never going back. All done with the sucker punches.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
… ❤️ ..




There’s beauty in their cheap ploys..they’re overplaying their hand, not reading the audience and obliterating any believability.
Same thing happening on the crime front…people aren’t stupid. Most watch the endless vids of street crime, suburban thefts, etc…the inane message from our “betters” is that poh-lice are bad, defund, cut off their ability and incentive to do their’s not working and people know it.

Gail Combs

On Bannon’s War Room a while ago it was reported that Target/Walmart were seeing a MASSIVE INCREASE in the sale of 1/2 gal jugs of milk and a corresponding DECREASE in 1 gal jugs.

In the last week, I noticed that the local food lion no longer has the large chuck roasts (5+ lbs) now they have been cut in 1/2 and weigh less that 2 lbs. The T-bone steaks are no longer thick cut but about 1/4 inch thick (Try getting medium rare instead of well done with that thickness) And the hamburger is no longer available in the family pack but only in 1 pound or less…. AND YOU HAVE TO ASK the store butcher to get access to the meat that is on sale. 🤔  😩 

Cuppa Covfefe

Over here some stores have RFID tags on the more expensive cuts of meat!
And it’s not in “da hood”…..

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

I bought a box of mushrooms and saw a really weird spiked thing. I thought it might be a RFID tag….

Nope it was a prickly pear spine complete with red ‘flag’ (flower)
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Cuppa Covfefe

Spike protein? 🙂

Gail Combs

LARGE nasty insect?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Drilling for oil isn’t just about gas for the car. Lots of it is used by our petro-chemical plants to make plastics, containers, petroleum jelly, ingredients for personal products, etc……… Our oil refineries in the Houston area are surrounded by lots of chemical plants.
The packaging for meat drives up the cost. Sams sells 1lb 90% lean ground hamburger meat in a 3 thick plastic pack @ $4.48/lb for $13.45. That’s as low as it goes. Everywhere else in traditional styrofoam 1lb is $7/lb. Can’t find large portions of meat, everything is small. I think sticker shock is also causing them to downsize.

Gail Combs

I am all for using nuclear as much as possible and saving the oil for plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YES, I need my pharmaceuticals!!!!😁


Lord, I count my blessings every day that I live in cattle country! I bought nice top sirloin steaks today for $5.99 a pound! And burger for $3.99.

Holy moly, I can’t imagine how people in cities are eating!

Gail Combs

Food Lion prices are OK, ON SALE: $3.99/lb for hamburger, 5.99 for Chuck and 6.99 for the T bones… BUT the shelves are generally empty.

I think that may be why they cut the sizes down. We are not in the area of a big city so we are mainly single family or decent size apartments. I would not be surprised to find out everyone is stocking their freezers. During Covid ALL the freezers for sale disappeared.

Freezers come in smaller sizes too. I had one the size of a washing machine. Good for a single person or a married couple with no kids.


I have two small freezers, one about that size, and one just a little bigger. They are all I have room for.

Cuppa Covfefe

Something like this? 🙂




Perfect segue into a conversation we had with several other people at a department store cashier station in the tourist town on the beach we are visiting.

The store employee, a male 55 years old started the conversation. He retired, but comes pack to work part-time to help out as they are short staffed like the entire country. He asked a question of my wife and I as well as a lady standing in line behind us if we remembered if Brandon ever discussed before the election the fact that he would be doing all he could to raise fuel costs. We all laughed and commented that it wasn’t just fuel prices. He jumped in and some other people came up and added their opinions. We now know of these people before the encounter and question by the store clerk. We left feeling kindred spirits with all of them. All from different parts of the country and ages.

Before I left I told him it was Globalism versus Main Street, along the line of SD’s explanation. The lady behind us, who is a NICU nurse facing formula shortages at work, knew exactly what I was talking about. I had to tell the clerk that, no, it wasn’t conservatives versus liberals – it is real Americans like him and us versus globalists who use all of us. The light came on. I asked him how many politicians claim to be conservatives with their words when they prove not to be by their actions? Quite a lot, hence the term RINO. Then I asked him to compare that with the politicians who claim to be progressives or liberals, but were actually conservatives. That one is like zero.

They have sold us out and it appears that people are starting to wake up.

Gail Combs

Actually people started waking up in 2008 but they killed off the Tea Party… they thought.

I have been checking out people’s knowledge for over ten years and they are a lot more awake than most realize.That is why they had to kill the Tea Party and toss us of Twatter and Farcebook.



WOW … miserable lying sacks of *HIT ..

It’s outrageous … 😡

Gail Combs



I don’t say this enough W00lf , your formidable Q Tree is a candle in the darkness lighting the paths of truth which are being assaulted/destroyed every day. Thank you so very much, you are truly a blessing to all of us here ..

God bless you and your loved ones abundantly … always

Psalm 5:12
For it is You Lord God who blesses the righteous man, O Lord,
You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! I’m keeping on trucking as best I can!!!  😃  Prayers ALWAYS help!!!


.. 😉👍👍‼️ ..


ITA . The Qtree is a meeting place for Patriots and it’s a blessed thing.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The Lord Blesses and Keeps Us All, He Makes His Face Shine on Us and Gives Us Peace, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Romans 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

.. 😉👍 ..


I encourage everybody to listen to this incredible group. I have all their songs downloaded. They go there with some of the best, clean musicianship you could ask to hear. You will go there with them.


I love them 😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Elon Musk NAILS the double-standard of the VIOLENT LEFT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From the Liberty Daily coverage…..

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Imagine Hollywood taking the “next step” after Miley Cyrus, using Christina Aguilera.

It’s that bad. “Pride Month”. SICK!!!

Hidden by spoiler for some viewers…..

Christina Aguilera Out-Does Miley Cyrus
Christina Aguilera Flaunts Bedazzled ‘Hulk’ Strap-On Dildo At An All Ages LGBTQ+ Event In LA [VIDEO]



Wasn’t Aguilera also a Disney kid?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




In a conversation with my younger son I said the word’groomed’ it triggered quite a heated response. I don’t doubt the people he socialize’s with are all totally messed up and insulate within like ‘minded’ social circles.

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
comment image“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Destroy the family, you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Gail Combs

They have had an ENTIRE CENTURY starting with John Dewey, Father of Modern PROGRESSIVE/MARXIST Education.

John Dewey and the Decline of American Literacy

 Dewey was appointed head of the department of philosophy, psychology and education at the University of Chicago, which had been established two years earlier by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. In 1896, Dewey created his famous experimental Laboratory School where he could test the effects of the new progressive curriculum on real children.



They have zero idea how twisted and stupid they look and act. It is so sad. Perverts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would love to have leaked audio of this kind of crap being “pitched” to the managers of these stars. I’ll bet it would BURN, BURN, BURN the ears of the public.


Aguilera’s 41 years old. The next Madonna.


I read somewhere the other day Madonna and Brittany Spears were recreating their infamous kiss. Sheesh, they’ve missed the boat..they’d need to get strap-ons to really be shocking these days..a kiss..ho hum


It’s such a lesser point in the filthy scheme of things but doesn’t ever hit them that women are being erased ? Women in sports…men are women..and to entertain and be sexy put on a nasty giant dildo because simply being a woman isn’t enough..gotta let the drag queens be the women now


2 Timothy 3
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive,disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men,their folly will be clear to everyone.


She’s sold out.

5/16/2010 – Christina Aguilera’s “Not Myself Tonight”: More Illuminati Music

Christina Aguilera’s new album and video introduces fans to a definite style change. The singer now clearly fits the mold of the occult music industry by incorporating its themes and symbolism into her art. We will look at the hidden meaning of her video “Not Myself Tonight” to and we’ll see how her new album relates with the rest of the music industry…

Long article with pics.


Martin Geddes Channel
Forwarded from 
Child Covid Vaccine Injuries UK

Media is too big


Data coming from fertility clinics: Whats going on here?

The sperm of injected men does not swim, the eggs of women do not grow into embryos

We’re already seeing a 80% miscarriages rate of women injected in the first trimester
Miscarriages up by 700-800%
79% increase in fetal malformations
And this is the tip of the iceberg

We are living through a sterilisation programme; what’s going to happen when these young women realise they can’t have a baby?



The Pale Horse

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Hi Smiley ,,,



Gail Combs

Someone needs to place Klaus Schwab’s face on that rider! And maybe add a dead and bloody toddler.
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One’s step-granddaughter, age 14, is already “fully vaccinated” and “boosted.” What about these young women?
What about the even younger female children (ages 5 through 11) who are getting “vaccinated” and “boosted”?
And the FDA is likely to grant EITHER Pfizer-BioNTech, OR Moderna, an EUA for their “vaccines” to be given to BABIES 6 months of age through TODDLERS 4 years of age — at the FDA’s VRBPAC meeting TOMORROW.

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS

It’s against the Nuremberg Code to FORCE vax …

I would never have even flown with my child after ‘Patriot Act went into effect (have my child fondled and ‘searched’ ? HELL NO! ) Won’t even wear a mask, much less be injected w/ something


Add to that the “transitioning” young people who will not be able to reproduce. I am convinced that depopulation is underway.


“Transitioning” goofs don’t count for much of anything in my book.

Transitioning goofs make idjits look brilliant.


They do, but their numbers are growing and it is that many more people who won’t be able to have children. Of course, one could argue that we don’t want people of that mentality having children…


TT Nails Slow Guys non PC perspective…

…one could argue that we don’t want people of that mentality (Trans FREAKS) having children…

Gail Combs

It is the parents of FIVE YEAR OLDS that are enabling the mental and physical child abuse that we need to target.



Yes, the butchers and protect the children.

The adults allowing their bodies be mutilated, I just can’t give a damn.

Gail Combs

Do nor worry Biden is bringing in MILLIONS of illegals to take the place of the Americans he is killing and maiming.


This is true and if it all goes according to their some point when the rabble (us) are dead or in a gulag while the elites and their families, rich beyond measure, living in gated and guarded estates……………their new subjects having never been proud of their new country and having been duped as to why they were enticed here, gangs and cartels growing stronger by the day..there’s going to be a hellish existence for all .
Living in a castle, afraid to walk the streets, the cities dirty and foul. It’s what they deserve


I feel your pain and anxiety. My teenage grandson jabbed and most likely boosted . The ten year old..I’m afraid to ask .


CDC hid Pfizer document admitting there is NO authorised shot;
Military Mandates illegal

The shot being approved was a lie to mandate our military to be injected.
They knew it was never approved, yet forced these shots under the pretense Comirnaty was fully authorised.

Hidden in the CDC website, the Pfizer document admits that Comirnaty is not being produced and they have no intention of producing it.

You cannot mandate an EUA drug but they are going to try to put this on the childhood vaccine schedule, mandating our children to take this shot.
It’s the safety of our kids and our future



“Can’t mandate under EUA.

^^^ Yet they DO mandate. Courts have done NOTHING to protect Service Members.


The depth and scope of this is stunningly evil.
If this one thing would go mainstream there would be revolution .

Gail Combs

To add to the Atlanta ANTIFA Mules and Stacy Abrams NGO stash house…

July 1, 2021

….According to her 2017 financial disclosure forms for her campaign, Abrams had a net worth of just under $110,000 with just above $410,000 in total liabilities. She also had an IRS debt of $54,000 that she settled in 2019.

Abrams addressed her debt during her 2018 campaign, writing an opinion piece in Fortune on the subject and telling CNBC that “[o]nce you dig a hole, you’re always trying to dig out.”

The former state lawmaker bought her first townhome in DeKalb County [NEAR ATLANTA] for $246,300 in 2004 and purchased a second home in the area in 2019 for $370,000 that is now valued at $409,400.

Fast-forward to October 2020, just days before the presidential election. Abrams simultaneously sold the home she bought in 2004 for $400,000 and bought a new second home for $975,000.

The home Abrams purchased in October of last year is now valued at $1,003,934.

The two houses are worth a combined $1.4 million, illustrating that Abrams has seen a significant financial tailwind since her failed 2018 campaign….

𝕊𝕠 𝕒𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟟 𝔸𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕒 ½ 𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣.

May 22, 2022

…Abrams, who is worth over $3 million and as of last year owned at least two houses in Georgia….”

𝔾𝕖𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕒 𝕘𝕦𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 $𝟛.𝟙𝟟 𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕟

I guess selling out your country to the Totalitarians pays real well.


Stacey Abrams Is Turning One Of Her Steamy Romance Novels Into A CBS Drama
Aren’t those book deals grand?


December 05, 2019

Ethics Director Says Stacey Abrams’ Nonprofit Acted As A Political Committee

The chief of the Georgia ethics commission said a nonprofit tied to Stacey Abrams acted as a political committee during the 2018 election and openly wondered if the organization illegally coordinated with her campaign…. The ethics chief said the New Georgia Project and New Georgia Project Action Fund shared staffers and that the fund distributed literature and social media posts that promoted Abrams’ candidacy, according to AJC….

Abrams — who has rocketed to national fame for her unproven accusations that she lost the Georgia gubernatorial election because of a coordinated voter suppression effort — has a history of founding nonprofits that have landed into legal trouble.

Third Sector Development, for example, was discovered in February to have been slapped with three additional tax liens, making it a total of seven known tax liens against the group over the years. The latest fines were related to the group’s failure to pay state unemployment tax. Abrams has blamed all of the discrepancies on clerical issues.


She’s definitely an Obamination creation, living her best life and ready to decimate Georgia.


🥳 Happy Birthday, President Trump‼️🎂🎉🥂🇺🇸

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🥳 🤸‍♀️ 🥳 🤸‍♀️ 🥳 🤸‍♀️ 🥳 🤸‍♀️


Happy Flag Day! 🇺🇸 On June 14, 1777…

…the first American flag was officially adopted by Congress. The Flag Act of 1777 specified that the new American flag would have “thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”

There is much controversy about who actually designed the flag. The two main candidates are Francis Hopkinson, a New Jersey signer of the Declaration of Independence, who was on the Naval Board at the time, and Betsy Ross. Both stories are unconfirmed though and have points that speak for their truth and against them.

Hopkinson submitted a bill to Congress for “creating the new US flag.” The bill, however, was denied by Congress. Later Hopkinson changed the bill and asked for payment for creating the new US Navy flag. Were there two separate flags, one for the Navy and one for the Army? Some evidence suggests this. Hopkinson was also an artist and an expert in heraldry (flag design). In spite of this, there is no evidence of any drawings Hopkinson submitted to Congress.

The Betsy Ross flag story is more well-known. Again, though, there is no contemporary evidence for the story. The story comes entirely from Betsy’s grandson William Canby, and a few other relatives, all of whom stated many years after her death that they heard Betsy tell the story from her own mouth.

This legend goes that George WashingtonGeorge Ross (Betsy’s late husband’s uncle) and Robert Morris approached her secretly in May or June of 1776 and asked her to make the flag. Circumstantial evidence supports the story. Betsy and George Washington sat in pews next to each other at church and Washington was known to visit Betsy socially and professionally, using her tailoring services. George Ross was a family member who had been in Congress. Due to lack of concrete evidence, however, we will never know for sure who designed the first American flag.

The Flag Act of 1777 did not specify the pattern for the stars, the number of points on the stars, the width of the stripes or the canton (the blue field) or whether a white or red stripe should be first. This caused a proliferation of flag designs with the stars especially being in many different patterns.

The Flag Act of 1794 added two stars and stripes for the new states of Vermont and Kentucky. This was the only official United States flag to ever have 15 stripes. The Star Spangled Banner Flag of Francis Scott Key fame was made in this design, but again, the 1794 act did not specify the pattern of the stars.

The Flag Act of 1818 finally determined that the stripes would remain at 13 for the original colonies. It also added five stars, bringing them to 20, for recently inducted states. This act also set the rule that a new star would be added for each new state to be added. The new star would be added on the July 4th after the state was added to the Union. The last time the US Flag was changed was with the addition of Alaska, the 50th state, in 1960. June 14 is celebrated across America as Flag Day in honor of the adoption of the first official US Flag.


The original Star-Spangled Banner, the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the song that would become our national anthem, is among the most treasured artifacts in the collections of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

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● Made in Baltimore, Maryland, in July-August 1813 by flagmaker Mary Pickersgill

Commissioned by Major George Armistead, commander of Fort McHenry

Original size: 30 feet by 42 feet

Current size: 30 feet by 34 feet

Fifteen stars and fifteen stripes (one star has been cut out)

Raised over Fort McHenry on the morning of September 14, 1814, to signal American victory over the British in the Battle of Baltimore; the sight inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star-Spangled Banner”

Preserved by the Armistead family as a memento of the battle

First loaned to the Smithsonian Institution in 1907; converted to permanent gift in 1912

On exhibit at the National Museum of American History since 1964

Major, multi-year conservation effort launched in 1998

Plans for new permanent exhibition gallery now underway

Britain’s defeat at the 1781 Battle of Yorktown marked the conclusion of the American Revolution and the beginning of new challenges for a new nation. Not even three decades after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which formalized Britain’s recognition of the United States of America, the two countries were again in conflict. Resentment for Britain’s interference with American international trade and impressment of American sailors combined with American expansionist visions led Congress to declare war on Great Britain on June 18, 1812…

With Washington in ruins, the British next set their sights on Baltimore, then America’s third-largest city…The successful defense of Baltimore marked a turning point in the War of 1812. Three months later, on December 24, 1814, the Treaty of Ghent formally ended the war.

Because the British attack had coincided with a heavy rainstorm, Fort McHenry had flown its smaller storm flag throughout the battle. But at dawn, as the British began to retreat, Major Armistead ordered his men to lower the storm flag and replace it with the great garrison flag. As they raised the flag, the troops fired their guns and played “Yankee Doodle” in celebration of their victory. Waving proudly over the fort, the banner could be seen for miles around—as far away as a ship anchored eight miles down the river, where an American lawyer named Francis Scott Key had spent an anxious night watching and hoping for a sign that the city—and the nation—might be saved.

Francis Scott Key: 

Before departing from a ravaged Washington, British soldiers had arrested Dr. William Beanes of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, on the charge that he was responsible for the arrests of British stragglers and deserters during the campaign to attack the nation’s capital. They subsequently imprisoned him on a British warship.

Friends of Dr. Beanes asked Georgetown lawyer Francis Scott Key to join John S. Skinner, the U.S. government’s agent for dealing with British forces in the Chesapeake, and help secure the release of the civilian prisoner. They were successful; however, the British feared that Key and Skinner would divulge their plans for attacking Baltimore, and so they detained the two men aboard a truce ship for the duration of the battle. Key thus became an eyewitness to the bombardment of Fort McHenry.

When he saw “by the dawn’s early light” of September 14, 1814, that the American flag soared above the fort, Key knew that Fort McHenry had not surrendered. Moved by the sight, he began to compose a poem on the back of a letter he was carrying. On September 16, Key and his companions were taken back to Baltimore and released. Key took a room in the Indian Queen Hotel and spent the night revising and copying out the four verses he had written about America’s victory.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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The trans community is speaking out against children transitioning.

For parents, I would say this: It is simply not your right or duty to decide to medically transition your child. Remove that burden from your mind. Medical transition is for adults. The negatives associated with medical transition are vast, and you won’t be the one who lives with the consequences. It will be your child. If your child tells you they will kill themselves if you do not allow them to medically transition (perhaps following a script he or she is provided on Reddit or Tumblr), take them to the hospital so they can be treated for suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation and seeking transition are separate issues, so separate them.


C.Y.A. by the mentally ill ‘trans’ community.

Am I the only one who is suspicious of an adversary piece that says everything we’d like to hear? Put another way, what is the benefit to the ‘trans community’ of issuing this commentary? Whom are they trying to impress? And why?

I ain’t buying it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Quillette occupies a kind of “bargaining stage” niche in the red pill universe, winning squishes back to the “they’ve gone too far” position.

Useful, but still not my bag, either. They get too much mainstream respect for my buddy Suspicious Cat.


The Quillette article is written by trans Scott Newgent who is in Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman” book. Comes out today.  🙄

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Should’ve read further, but my guess was correct. Matt Walsh. He’s on it. Kicking the crap out the gender insanity, he is.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think this is happening because of your favorite LGBQT children’s author(NOT), Matt Walsh.😜 He is also putting out videos of interviews with trans remorse people.
Then you have Disney, Pride Month, Dallas kid Drag show, schools, etc. It’s getting lots of mainstream attention. From what I’ve read, everyone hates the remorseful. While the pressure’s on from the general public, more are confessing, perhaps hoping they can find some support besides the reddit thread. The regretful maimed are a YUGE weapon against the amoral $$$ trans medical industry. They need a TAERS database to report and track all their troubles.


Need help from some of the smartest people on the planet. My brother is in ICU with several issues and hospital is pressing me for DNR and removing breathing tube. Breathing tube was inserted because he can’t exhale enough to get all C02 out. He is awake and alert. He knows me, reacts to photos, etc, but obviously can’t talk due to tube.
They want me to allow them to sedate the hell of him and remove breathing tube…basically to kill him. I am distraught. I am taking in paper and pen tomorrow to see if he can communicate how he is feeling and what his wishes are. Can anyone here weigh in and help me know what to ask medical team? How to advocate for my brother?


OMG, devastating.
The smart ones will see this and give info.


I’m not the expert, I’m likely just the first ooops second, to see the post. Experts likely on the on way soon so don’t loose your place. Our last request like this from Nora took several hours before meaningful answers began to appear. If you have additional information it may help, such as whatever the docs are telling you about his condition.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My long answer has to be later.


Thanks…replied to myself to try to keep it all together.


My brother is 60 years old and has Stage 3 kidney failure. He received report in January that his kidney function had improved. He was not on dialysis. He is obese. He saw a cardiologist in April who put him on Eliquis (?) and scheduled a cardio inversion for Afib. They didn’t do procedure, admitted him to try to take fluid off him. After 2 days, he experienced CO2 build up, sent to “step down unit”, put on oxygen and tested for pneumonia (never got results) Next up – kidneys started to fail. Was put on dialysis, tolerated very well. They were going to send him off to a rehab on Friday, so they inserted the “permanent” dialysis port and that’s when things went off the rails. They thought he had a stroke, 2 CAT scans later, they decided it was CO2 build up and put him on a ventilator. Then they said he has infection in abdomen (unknown type). Today they said he has lung infection (unknown type). Now they want permission to heavily sedate and remove ventilator. He will never be able to speak to us. They pressed me for DNR this AM, I initially agreed, but after seeing him I rescinded it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re killing a lawsuit. Bastards.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I should have read further down. Infection can also increase CO2. They should be throwing the kitchen sink of antibiotics at him. Does he have an Infectious Disease Doc attending to that? Antibiotics take a loooooong time to work. I watched my mother die of infection. Nobody snapped to give her high powered antibiotics at first and the ID Doc came in once she was in ICU and it was too late, her organs started failing.

My FIL had multiple myeloma and CKD. The CKD is what got him in the end. He was real agitated and refused dialysis. The poison built up in him, they put him on a vent, and everything went south. We had to request the vent be removed. FIL also had heart problems. BOTH Cardiologist and Kidney doc had to agree to the meds prescribed, Oncologist too.

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cardio and Nephrologist MUST work together on drugs.

Example – Lasix. Cardio prescribes to reduce fluid surrounding heart. Kidney Doc says no because drug is bad for kidneys, but so is the fluid build up. Compromise is either a lower daily dose or take every other day. Must monitor.


Unfortunately, “circumstances alter cases”.

You will need to run through all the “several issues” and determine (a) what they really are, and (b) the severity of each one.

Breathing tubes are seriously uncomfortable and he may be under sedation in order to tolerate it. That may mask other symptoms.

How much communication can you get from your brother? Can he move his extremities? Blink?

What are options? The medical team will try to herd you toward their pre-planned course of action, but there are always options.

Do NOT allow yourself to be rushed. If you need an hour to contemplate before coming back with more questions, insist on taking it.



He is very alert. He blinks, eyes follow, he nods his head as a response. His hands are gently tied to bed rails, I presume so he can’t try to remove tube. He went through a similar episode 6 or 7 years ago in CA – that’s how he learned of his kidney failure. He was on a ventilator for at least 10 days then. He fully recovered. He has used a bi-pap machine since.

I think the Eliquis ruined his kidneys. I read the warnings. He was on it for 30 days with no monitoring. The cardiologist was well aware of his kidney problems, but prescribed anyway.

Hospital offered no options. They did send me the most awful “survey” about my satifaction with his care. It was multiple choice and I didn’t like any of the choices. After question 3, I knew they were trying to box me in. I felt like if I didn’t answer postively it would affect the care they were giving him, but if I did answer positively it would clear them of any claims of malpractice. Answers were submitted question by question. I couldn’t undo what I had answered.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agree on Eliquis, etc. Absolutely NO on DNR. He can be saved. Tube removal may be good, but sedation can be cover for euthanasia. NO.


In my gut, I believe this. Thank you! When I rescinded, I asked for confirmation – was told “no can do”. I am calling nurse right now to make sure order was disseminated.


Numbersgirl~ please tell him that we all are rooting for him, we’re thinking of him and praying for his recovery. Tell him to hang tough


Yes, this.


Yes, follow up on everything. Get it in writing if you can, by getting a copy of the chart note or however it is done.


Not the smart guy here, but it sounds like he’s in need of a second opinion and this doesn’t sound like a case where you can take your brother from the hospital. Not sure how hospital records work, but if you can get get them to work with you on getting a second opinion, it might help by either getting the second opinion and that in turn might help too in kicking the docs into gear. Perhaps focusing on first where things went off the rail as you say. This may alienate the docs from your brother’s care if they get offended, but it seems they are already there. Gentle but firm persuasion in having them help you with a second opinion I’d suggest at this point. If you find yourself getting the same answers, then find someone that practices alternative medicine as applicable to your brother’s condition if there is such.

Unless someone can suggest some formula that can be sneaked in that might help. Something in an eye dropper say that can be discreetly administered or something that can be applied and absorbed through the skin…

As far as their survey thing. You should be able to ask for it back so you can write on it “see attached page” or “reserve the right to add a follow up in writing to questions X, Y and Z”.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Adds in this as far as alternative medicine approaches are concerned. Has no idea if they can help at this point, but they might suggest things to you. › alternative-treatment-for-kidney-disease
Alternative Treatment For Kidney Disease – Kundan Kidney CareScleroderma Chemotherapy drugs Certain antibiotics Blood clot in or around your kidneys Alternative natural medicine for kidney disease We have been helping kidney patients for the last three decades and have helped thousands of patients to recover from kidney disease or failure.
FAQAssessment FormContact UsTreatment for Kidney DiseaseAbout Us › how-to-cure-chronic-kidney-disease-stage-3
How To Cure Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 (Updated 2021)How To Cure Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 The Kidney Disease Solution is an all-in-one step-by-step program created to enhance renal health as well as reverse the effects of kidney disease. It teaches you everything you should know about kidneys and how to naturally cure kidney disease. › kidney-disease › natural-treatments-reverse-kidney-disease
Natural Treatment Reverse Kidney Disease – Dr. SircusHemp oil kidney disease treatment works on two fronts: curing the underlying causes of kidney failure like HIV and saving the kidney from damaging blood cleansing after pharmaceutical treatment. Studies have shown that marijuana is effective in reducing the effects and symptoms of HIV, Hepatitis B and prostate cancer. › alternative-treatment-kidney-disease-2
Alternative Kidney Health Methods – Kibow BiotechRenadyl™ provides an alternative supplement for kidney health to those who have CKD. It is a probiotic dietary supplement that metabolizes nitrogenous waste that has diffused from the bloodstream into the bowel. Nitrogenous wastes are utilized by Renadyl™ as nutrients. As probiotics grow and multiply, they consume more nitrogenous waste and …


Thank you! If I can get him out of there alive I will look into every bit of this.


IMO, the fact that your brother survived a similar episode several years ago is important.
Who has your brother’s Durable Power of Attorney and/or Healthcare Power of Attorney?
Since your brother can nod his head to respond, it might be a good idea to have at least two medical professionals from the hospital, in addition to yourself, at the bedside in the event he’s asked if he wants to live and keep fighting. Take a video. My guess is that he wants to keep on fighting.
Ride the nursing staff HARD on the tying of his hands to the bed — make sure it doesn’t turn into a “tourniquet” situation.
DO NOT let ANY hospital staff member pressure you into signing a DNR. Once this document is signed, it’s very difficult to rescind it.


He does not have POA. I will take your advice above and get this on video. I did not sign anything and just called ICU and they told me the act of rescinding was entered into chart. I have to wait until 9 PM to speak directly with his nurse, but will request she put a notice above his bed.


🙏 Praying for him, and for you. Whatever you do, DO NOT give in to pressure. I once had an elderly loved one in the hospital, and they hounded me at every tier of service to get a DNR — EMS, nurses, doctors, techs. “If they go into cardiac arrest and we have to do chest compressions, it could break his ribs,” etc. Which is probably true, especially if the person is in frail condition. But unless you know him to be dying, my advice is do not sign it under any circumstances. They will use it as a license to not provide all the care he needs, in my opinion.

And be sure they’re not putting him on “palliative care,” which is a way to ease the patient into hospice, despite what they say. Be sure there isn’t some team of “palliative care” people advising his doctors. In my case, they did it without telling me.

Don’t do anything else they try to pressure you with, like a survey. It is not your obligation.

I’m sorry about the fight, but fight you must. I’ve seen enough to believe that you need big guns, like maybe the attorney Wolf mentioned.


They have mentioned palliative care more than once. It sounds so benign doesn’t it? I’ve learned so much here. I notice that every time I speak to his nurse, doctor, respiratory person or the nazi Nurse Practioner that watches me like a hawk, the first thing they say is “your brother is very sick” same phrase, multiple people, multiple times. It scares the hell out of me.


They do this kind of thing to literally scare the family members into agreeing with whatever “ease them out of this life” treatment (or NON-treatment, which may be the case regarding Palliative Care) the doctors come up with.
DO NOT LET ANY Nurse Practitioner OR Physician Assistant to prescribe ANY medication for your brother that isn’t CHECKED by the ATTENDING MD.


Find out EXACTLY what they “say” they mean by “palliative care.” In my opinion, every patient should be made comfortable, so that should be nothing out of the ordinary. In my loved one’s case, they said a palliative group (I think really one or two people) was assigned to “help” the doctors and make recommendations like what kind of food the patient needs (soft food, more frequent servings, etc.) I call BALONEY! It is a way to stop certain things they would normally do, and just to keep the patient “comfortable,” which is hospice. ASK THEM, and put a stop to it — or at least make sure you know the standards of care for a patient in your brother’s condition and whether he is getting it.

It is really good that you can be with him. During COVID lockdowns, hospitals had free rein. Keep an eagle eye out, and ears too.

Yes, “your brother is very sick” is supposed to scare you. It’s to make you give up, sign a DNR, and let them proceed to usher him out. And I don’t discount that he IS very sick. I hate to say it, but they might be right — but they also might be trying to produce a certain outcome, and they can’t be trusted an inch. The standard of care used to be to help the patient in every way until the point of death. Now we have to fight their trying to hasten that event. It’s despicable. All my best to you.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

This is the clue I needed of what may be causing the CO2 buildup, sounds like it’s from the kidneys.

The normal level of serum bicarbonate(CO2) is 22-29 mEq/L. Kidney experts recommend that patients not have their serum bicarbonate levels fall below 22 mEq/L. For people with CKD, metabolic acidosis is defined as persistently low bicarbonate levels of less than 22 mEq/L in the blood.

Healthy kidneys remove acid from the body through urine and they keep the right amount of bicarbonate (base) in the blood. But in CKD, the kidneys can’t remove enough acid, which can lead to metabolic acidosis. The normal level of serum bicarbonate is 22-29 mEq/L.

Five stages of chronic kidney disease

  • Stage 1 with normal or high GFR (GFR > 90 mL/min)
  • Stage 2 Mild CKD (GFR = 60-89 mL/min)
  • Stage 3A Moderate CKD (GFR = 45-59 mL/min)
  • Stage 3B Moderate CKD (GFR = 30-44 mL/min)
  • Stage 4 Severe CKD (GFR = 15-29 mL/min)
  • Stage 5 End Stage CKD (GFR <15 mL/min)

There are two treatment options for kidney failure(Stage 5): dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and kidney transplantation. Talk with your family so you can decide which treatment will best fit your lifestyle needs.

BEFORE you talk to your brother you need to get more medical information about his condition. That way if he is alert, you can explain his options to him. All info should be presented to him or you before decision is made.

Q: What level CKD(chronic kidney disease) is he?

Talk to the Dr. or nurse and find out his GFR number. You can ask to see blood test results, GFR is listed on that. Then based on that there will be treatment options.

Q: Is he on dialysis? If he’s in any of the latter stages, it’s a must.

Q: If the vent is assisting in CO2 removal, what other option is there to remove CO2 from his blood if they take vent out? Sedating him will not solve this issue.

Keep at them until they explain everything. They need to medically/scientifcally prove their diagnosis/treatment plan. Most of that info comes from test results, scans etc., but the bulk of info comes from Bloodwork. There should be a kidney panel section of tests. Anything out of whack will either have a H or L next to it. Ask for your own copy, you can use your phone to search net for meaning, so you can verify what Docs say. Get 2nd, or more opinions, don’t cave to pressure. The Lord will help you and give you peace.

Praying for you and your brother. 🙏 ❤ 🤗

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Many thoughts, tiny keyboard now. More later.

There was a COVID tweet explaining what to say to docs to make them BTFO on DNR, etc . Posted here. It may help. Maybe somebody saved it.

The name of the attorney Tom Renz puts the fear of G_d in these medical folks. He is a big COVID lawyer. Ace in the hole name drop.

Sounds like the O2/CO2 imbalance I had after Wuhan. I’m thinking they are scamming for COVID bucks. Any chance this is from Omicron? The scam would be to withhold COVID diagnosis until he’s dead, then make the cash grab.

I cured my imbalance by a combination of time, measured breathing through the nose, and magnesium. Also did the zinc and D3 stuff, but Mg was my hero. Possibly a pulmonary capillary vasodilator.

Need more info on how he got where he is.


Thanks Wolf Moon…forever grateful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YW. I think your gut feel of sketchiness was correct. Do not let them shuffle him off!


This sounds very uncoordinated or as you said, covid scam. Cover up their general incompetent treatment under the covid payout umbrella.

Gail Combs

Exactly what I was thinking. They want him dead so they can collect the Covid Bonus money.


He is obese. He has led a sedentary lifestyle. He had episode 6 or 7 years ago while living in CA..cellulitis. Got so bad he went to hospital in Fresno. After 2 days of treatment, he began to hallucinate. Many tests, etc. later, he was diagnosed with renal failure, lymph edema & heart failure. They also found some cysts on liver, but no treatment was ordered. On ventilator at least 7 to 10 days. He was unconscious and I gave permission for treatments, dialysis, everything. He made complete recovery. He remained on dialysis for about 8 months and was able to get off. He was on some mile BP meds and diuretic.

He has maintained regular physician checkups since, but attempts at weight loss have not been successful. In January he saw his PCP, had bloodwork and was told kidney function had improved. Has also seen oncologist for liver, no changes over time and no treatment. My brother and I urged him to see a cardiologist in effort to help him become more active. He had appointment for Feb 15, cardio called and postponed until April 12. April 12, he drove himself and walked into cardio office inside a facility owned by the hospital he is in now, was prescribed Eliquis (30 day script)) for Afib and blood thinning in prep for Cardio Inversion and was prescribed different diuretic that was supposed to be more “kidney friendly”. Immediately thereafter he complained of being tired and began to retain lots of fluid in legs and abdomen. Cardio Inversion was scheduled for May 26. I drove him, he had to use wheelchair, could not walk more than 5 feet. Physician refused to do cardio inversion as he had run out of Eliquis 5 days before procedure and she was afraid of blood clots. Their office called cardiologist who decided to have him admitted to pull fluid off him. The put him on Eliquis again and after 3 days
moved him to “step down” unit for closer monitoring. They discovered CO2 issue at that point. Dr. suspected pneumonia, but we never got results. Next day or so he landed in ICU due to kidney deterioration. They put in temp port, gave dialysis and he was doing OK, they were going to move him to reg. room then to rehab clinic. 2 days later they put in permanent port and his blood pressure plummeted. They thought he had neuro event…immediate CAT showed nothing. Next they put him on ventilator and sent him in for CAT # 2. I met with Neurologist and he assured me that no stroke – CO2 build up due to being placed in upright position for long period of time while implanting permanent dialysis port. Told me it was recoverable – days not hours. That was this past Friday night.

Since then, BP drops and they put in PIC line. Issues with bleeding from that. They told me he had maxed out on BP meds for 2 days. Now they say it’s holding steady. Friday they said massive infection in abdomen (no results yet) today they say lung infection (no results yet). He doesn’t move around in his bed like he’s in pain, moves legs and feet a bit. He knows what’s going on around him. He does not seem like a person at death’s door. Every fucking person I talk to says “he’s very sick”.

FYI..he’s in premier heart hospital in the world.

Sorry to be so long winded…wanted to give as much info as possible. Any advice would be so appreciated.

Cuppa Covfefe

First off, prayers up for you and your brother. The “chefartzt of all chefartzte” can cure anything.


Third, that blood thinner sounds dodgy. I always look at to see what’s up (my son has had many, MANY heart and ear issues, so we always check when of it he gets something new, e.g. antibiotics, etc.).

Here’s what they have about Eliquis:

They also have a drug interaction checker, and a “profi” site, which gives more detailed information.

Their need for expediency seems to be getting in the way of the Hippocratic Oath. GOD Bless you and your brother, and stand firm. There are lots of experienced medical and scientific folks here who can help. And we’re all praying for you!


You fight, as hard as you can. The word you use for anything they say that you (and he) don’t want is “unacceptable.” Over and over.

If your brother knows you and can respond, ask him to simply blink once for yes, twice for no, and then ask if he wants them to remove the tube and let him pass. If he does, I’d respect his wishes. If he doesn’t, there’s that word again; “unacceptable.” Get this on video.

They are pushing you because they want the bed. Simple as that. Screw them. Tell them he doesn’t want it, you have video evidence of that, and you will sue them for killing him. Demand to speak to a hospital representative, up to and including the director of the hospital.

God bless you and your brother and good luck. I will be praying for you.


Yes, they want him out. Thank you. I will follow your advice. I’m feeling pretty scrappy right now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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You can do it!


Put that fake laugh in context now…..


It’s all about the Benjamins.

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At the rate things are going it will be all about the Grovers. (Grover Cleveland was the last person to be used on the $1000 bill.).


A billion here, 40 billion there – pretty soon, you’re talking about real money.

Cuppa Covfefe

But that wouldn’t work for “It’s All About The Pentiums” 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

A few tweets below has a link to the sources. A Forbes article that lays it all out.

The guy needs to be hounded for this and his stupid rejection of 2000 Mules and made to respond.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Turns out that he’s invested in “Dominion Resources”, which is the holding company for “Dominion Energy”.

THAT Dominion may or may not be connected to Dominion Voting Systems in any way.

I distrust both Dominions.

There is something very sketchy about the Dominion that Barr is invested in, even if it’s not directly connected in any way to Dominion Voting Systems. I suspect that, being a kind of “omnipresent utility” in the DC area, Dominion Energy is an arm of the DS in Virginia.


He’s a District of Corruption corrupticrat for sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If this is true, it’s devastating for Barr and the Unselects


Maybe that’s part of what Bannon was referring to about going after him legally.


Betcha. Good call.


When does the military step in and fulfill their oaths – foreign and domestic – right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any patriots have to be careful. Optimal path may be more “peaceful”. Patience remains a virtue IMO.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Zero folding on Due Process. ZERO.

Gail Combs

All it takes is Woke Liberal Karens, access to the republican voter roles and a few crooked judges.

Lying after all is what they do best.


Fold on 1, they take them all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Strike down these RED COMMIE LAWS.


Yeah this too.


What a joke has been played on the USA.The Kalorama Kabal have to be laughing their butts off at what they’ve done.
They installed a senile perverted pathological liar with a family history that could be a Lifetime movie..incest, drugs, possibly murder……….and I’d like to mention Jill. That last clip of Perv Joe meeting the Argentine official and his lady friend. Joe was excited, had a hard time keeping his hands off of her but when he did finally release the woman’s hand..Jill then opened both arms extended to her as if ‘ oh my what a lovely woman’..and the freakin pervert reached for her again. Jill caused that. She had to know.
Total dysfunction

Gail Combs

I think they put in Joe the Senile Pervert and a whore to HUMILIATE PATRIOTS.


ha! Probably true but being a hair sniffy touchy feely pervert is almost benign compared to what they’ve served up for us now with in-our-face degeneracy with the trans stuff.
We’re in Sodom and Gomorrah territory, I’d say worse than that even.

It’s such a immersion for us with the sex organs being openly shoved in children’s faces and all the rest that they’ve almost abandoned Juneteenth…I mean it was only last year that we were supposed to bow down to that.


Well look at the numbers of women who are “supportive pedos” themselves. Like the mothers selling their kids for a boyfriend. They all deserve the same ending.


No one in dc apparently can do anything. I wonder if they are capable of digging actual ditches ? It’d be better that the economic and political ones theyve made. Then they could stay in them permanently.

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Gail Combs

And these are the people ACTIVELY agitating for WORLD WAR III???

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎




Gail Combs

We would be better off with a government of people randomly selected from the phone book in each county/precinct than what we have now.


I agree 100%!


Probably would need to set up a news conference on the racism in ditch digging first.🙄

Gail Combs

MORE from Jon (and Patrick Gunnels)

From 34:20 to 1:24:00 on this ‘Power Hour

Patel Patriot (Jon) dissects his interview with Gregg Philips. Jon has a bit of a stutter so Patrick does the reading for him and acts as ‘Dr Watson’. Jon brings in a LOT of other information such as @ 1:06:00 he digs into who may have BETRAYED True the Vote.  

The US Election Assistance Commission established by the Help America Vote Act [HAVA] of 2002…. adopting voluntary voting system guidelines… [and] also ACCREDITS TESTING LABORATORIES AND CERTIFIES VOTING SYSTEMS as well as audits the use of HAVA funds… the four commissioners are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. [Remember POTUS was PREVENTED from making a lot of appointments by the Turtle. –GC]

US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is mentioned here in the second to the last paragraph.
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From Devolution – Part 5
The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency & Dominion Voting Systems

07/21/21 [article] [reading] [shorter version]

THEN it gets very very interesting.
@ 1:09:11 Jon puts up a screenshot of article
“Christy McCormick was nominated by Obama and confirmed by unanimous consent Dec 16 2014 “ and quickly became Chairman. 

So she was there before and during POTUS election AND HAS DONE A PODCAST WITH KATHERINE of TRUE the VOTE. Jon speculates she may have been the one who betrayed True the Vote. He does a lot of other digging and shows JUST HOW COMPRIMISED OUR VOTING IS…. CROWD STRIKE??? F..KING CROWD STRIKE!

Part 11 – CrowdStrike 
09/17/21 [article] [reading]

…I’ll go over some of the more technical details of the voting machines and security measures that were in place for the 2020 election as they pertain to CrowdStrike, the company heavily involved in the Spygate scandal….

After digging around on CrowdStrike’s website, I stumbled across something interesting from their blog. On July 30, 2020, Shawn Henry (yes the same one we’ve already talked about) published a blog post titled “Securing Elections Globally: How CrowdStrike is Helping.” Here is the first paragraph:

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This is the first time I have heard that CrowdStrike is a “global leader in protecting elections.” The blog continues to discuss their “History of Defeating Adversaries” and “The current Threat Landscape” but towards the end it gets to the really good stuff:

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Clicking on the “Cybersecurity & Election Security Resource Center” link brings you to the following page:

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There is a lot more, but not only Crowd Strike but DOMINION are IN CHARGE of securing out elections.
  :wpds_eek:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_sad: 

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Well, according to Influence Watch, Democracy Fund (funds Democracy Works) is a “center-left” lobbying group. Interesting that Smartmatic is also listed as an Organizing Member. And what’s AP doing on the list?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Global Leader
Securing Elections Globally


Lets go brandon and every democrat in dc.

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

I can’t tell you how many times a day that FJB comes out of my mouth….many many times.
That’s outrageous


Yes. Ruin their careers and upend the families. They did nothing wrong. They should sue snd be as oublic about the discovery side as possible.


I thought I read at the time that it had been found that the agents were not whipping the people.


Same thing as all the rest of the wasn’t an insurrection yet there’s people in a gulag…it was said, they weren’t whipping anyone buuut the govt will proceed with punishment anyway.Because we live under abject tyranny now


Yep thats right they didnt!


FDA got an earful from their hearing to pass the vax for young kids. Still listening. 1st three are highly credited medical professionals that are vax injured. 3rd speaker, “you will burn in hell for eternity!” Audio vid is at the bottom of the story. 4th speaker just as damning if not more so. 13 mins.
“This is All About Money”, “You Will Burn in Hell for Eternity” — Speakers Lambasted FDA Advisers During Advisory Committee Hearing (VIDEO)


And they dont care bc it isnt their kids…

Gail Combs

They do not care because they are PAID by big PHARMA!

See my article:
Big Pharma – Government – University Collusion on COVID Vaccines


That too.


Apparently you are correct. The panel that was being spoken too just recommended approval to the FDA. Authorization expected before the end of the week. 😠


Rubber stamp by paid monkeys. Shameful.

Cuppa Covfefe

Monkeypox, indeed…..

A disgrace to the medical profession; indeed, to science in general…

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d like to see them burn first, and then go to hell for all eternity….. 😡 😡 😡 😡




There’s probably a booster for that or a booster that caused it..I forget which is which  🙃 


Also, lo Q popo says withdrawal…. prince alaweed, you know, other types of things being ingested for youth and vigor.


Reap what ya sow and all that… there’s so few hollyweird peeps that I like anymore.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Of course everything is suspect these days, but it could be something as simple as essential tremor. I’ve known several people who had that. Merkel’s was whole-body, and I don’t know if essential tremor ever affects people that way. I think it’s usually in the hands and possibly jaw.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Yeah its likely but the coincidence among suspected elites is worth pointing out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta be some kind of “lifetime cocaine use” thing.


These people live high and crash hard at some point.


(NO Threadreader)


From RDS to Numbers girl
June 14, 2022 at 9:06 pm Edit

First of all — DO NOT SIGN A DNR. The man is still responsive and he apparently survived a similar episode several years ago (per The Q Tree posting and replies).
Second — at The Q Tree, numbersgirl mentioned that her brother’s hands were tied to his hospital bed. RIDE THE STAFF ON THAT ONE. Otherwise, it could quickly turn into a “Tourniquet” issue.
Third — Who has the brother’s Durable Power of Attorney and/or Healthcare Power of Attorney?
Fourth — Start talking loudly but politely about the “RIGHT TO TRY” law signed by POTUS45.
Fifth — Ask your brother if he wants to live and keep on fighting. Since he can nod his head in response, a “YES” answer would indicate that he wants to keep on living. RECORD THIS RESPONSE.
Sixth — Start looking for an attorney who has experience with the families of patients who wanted to live, but the hospital staff “overruled” the patients.
Seventh — take notes on everything you see and hear. LOTS OF NOTES. Keep them with you.
Eighth — be prepared if necessary to literally live in the hospital to make sure your brother gets the proper care and chance to survive. Been there, done that. Slept on chairs, in family waiting rooms, etc.
Liked by you and 2 other people


Thank you so much.


Great points about documenting and taking lots of notes. I’ve seen signs in hospitals that forbid taking photos or video-recording, but that would not stop me if I needed to get an answer from my loved one or if I needed to get a snapshot of something that was going on.


Hi Wolfie’s Awesome Den!! Hanging in…Just wanted to Post up..WE ARE ON THE PRECIPICE!!!! It’s coming Peeps!! America.. And the WORLD is gettin SAVED!! Happenin! DJT’s 12 page term paper complete with footnotes…Uh Yeah!! GOD WINS YA”LL!


Hiya Marica ! Hope all is well. What’s the term paper?


Molly!! DJT posted yesterday ..Hang on..


[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17]
[ Photo ]
Things are heating up. President Trump just released a 12-page letter addressing the nation and it’s pure
Go read the whole thing, but my favorite part is where he reminds the world that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.
Full letter here:


Alright !! That’s awesome and hadn’t seen it yet. Thank you

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



You make me SMILE!!!! Am so glad butterfly.. IS IN MY FOXHOLE!!!! I love you so much girl!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Good news, h/t Citizen Free Press:

RACE CALL: Mayra Flores (R) is projected to win tonight’s special election in south Texas, flipping an 84% Hispanic district to the GOP. The district voted Biden +13 in 2020.


Wolfie!! WE are on the Freaking Precipice!!!! I needed to hug you guys!

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