Big Pharma – Government – University Collusion on COVID Vaccines

Newly Uncovered COVID Vaccine Contracts Lead Unexpectedly to Academic Corruption and Shill Science Attacks on Honest, Skeptical Scientists

A Gail Combs deep dive into a tangent of Karen Kingston’s latest revelation on Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine deaths and injuries, leads back to the war against truth-telling doctors and scientists – this time by their own CORRUPT university employers.

PREFACE by Wolf Moon

Remember people saying that there was no such thing as the “FDA-approved” Comirnaty version of the Pfizer vaccine in existence?

Well, it turns out that REAL, LIVE COMIRNATY is out there, it has already killed over 50 people [in VAERS – yeah – do the math – x20 (1000), x40 (2000), or x100 (5000)], and – now even more shocking – there was some kind of bureaucratic screw-up in the contract and approval process which makes Pfizer LIABLE for all the deaths and injuries.

Look – I don’t know about the latter part – that’s “the law”, which is basically filled with LIES at this point. Whether any of these people will ever answer for anything is highly debatable, in my opinion.

But that’s not where this goes.

Gail Combs started looking at this video, and discovered ANOTHER scandal – the fact that universities which are silencing and firing honest doctors and scientists are not doing so from some misperception or moral high ground. These universities are turning on honest doctors and scientists because the universities themselves are COMPROMISED – by money, corruption, and the involvement of OTHER scientists at those same universities in the “scamdemic”.

We don’t yet know how deep this goes, but we do know this – the universities are clearly in cover-up mode. It’s not just limited to the vaccines. Fauci’s horrifying executioner remdesivir was forwarded past Trump, thanks to “work” done at one such university.

Follow along with Gail and you’ll see the SHAME of what has happened to many American universities, once bastions of free thinking and HONESTY – now CORRUPT and enemies of TRUTH.



FDA Broke Pfizer’s EUA Shield: Liability Protection Gone, Time To Bring Down The Gavel (10 minutes)

Stew Peters Show, Published January 26, 2022



Stew Peters interviews former Pfizer employee and analyst Karen Kingston, who does deep dives into patents and contracts. She found the three major contracts for Moderna, J&J and Pfizer.

Stew:Karen says she found contracts showing the DOD was in control of what data went to the FDA from vaccine trials. If that is true, then DOD not Big Pharm, was the central figure in any vaccine cover-up…. Military leaders maybe exposed as well…. When the FDA approved the Pfizer vax under the name Cormirnaty, it somehow broke their immunity shield.

That is not exactly correct. DOD delegated it to Pfizer. With the Pfizer contract with the US Army, it appears that, it was delegated to Pfizer to have the ability to manipulate the data that was submitted to the FDA.

With the Moderna contract for example it shows HHS [US Dept of Health & Human Services] had the authority to manipulate the data that was submitted to the FDA. The contract date is 4/03/2020 for ½ billion $$$ with NIH subsidizing a lot of the contract. It was for producing 100 million mRNA vaccines. The contract (shown) states:

* Contractor shall submit draft FDA submission to BARDA at least 15 days prior to FDA submission

* BARDA will provide feedback to Contractor within 10 days of receipts

* The Contractor MUST address, in writing its consideration of all concerns raised by BARDA prior to FDA Submission.

NOTICE THE DATE 4/03/202. No wonder they wanted to kill HCQ in April!

April 7, 2020 Trump’s Critics Attack His Optimistic Case for Hydroxychloroquine

Karen goes on to say that the contract says that BARDA can provide EDITS to the Data and THAT gets submitted to the FDA. She has never seen anything like this before. This [editing] is why the data was so phenomenally positive. This explains why the Whistle Blowers at Ron Johnson’s Formun found the DOD data had been ‘edited’ to remove the tons of adverse events.

She also said a lot of that contract is redacted including the Key personnel at BARDA .

The J&J contract of an mRNA vaccine was signed 08-Apr-2015 and 60 out of the 90 pages are redacted.

She then goes into the most recent contract. It is a joint mission of Dept of Defense and Dept of Health & Human services who contract with Pfizer/BoiNTech “for the co-development and distribution (excluding China) of a potential mRNA-based Coronavirus vaccine aimed at preventing Covid-19 infection“….. LOTS OF REDACTION….

The Research Collaboration & License Agreement
by and between
July 20, 2018

Again the DATE July 20 2018 shows mRNA vaccines for the next outbreak of Covid WAS A DONE DEAL!

@5:00 Karen EXPLAINS the OOPS in the Contract. You can not have a contract for commercialization WITHOUT A FDA APPROVAL DATE!!! So how in Hades did they KNOW there would be FDA APPROVAL? This shows it was PRE-PLANNED IN 2018.

@7:00 She also found the Cormirnaty lots used in the USA and the VAERs data



VAERS Dec 2021
Deaths = 51
Disabilities = 94
Hospitalizations 415

So who is BARDA?

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)


The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases.

Together with our industry partners, BARDA promotes the advanced development of medical countermeasures to protect Americans and respond to 21st century health security threats.

About NIH | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

A part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world

So there is your Fauci connection.

And that brings me to the digging I have been doing.

I start with the Chair of the COVID VACCINE ADVISORY BOARD, Hana El Sahly, M.D. of Baylor College of Medicine. She is the one who wrote the Remdesivir paper for Fauci, just in the nick of time so he could get that toxin approved for the use in hospitalized elderly Covid patients.

Baylor College rang a major bell with me. This Yahoo News articles shows why:

August 2, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough Sued by Baylor After Appearance on Stew Peters Show

Dr. Peter McCullough is being sued by the healthcare system that just mandated 40,000 employees to get the jab, and they’re doing it out of spite. Here’s the list of emails to those targeting him, if you wish to let them know how you feel….

I dare anybody to watch this and find anything wrong with anything that Peter McCullough is saying. He is basically admitting – at a time when social media was still removing people for saying as much – that the vaccines seemed to no longer be working. And NOW we know why – because of the delta variant.



Dec 20 2021

Doctor fired for spreading COVID misinformation finds supportive Crowd in Bartlesville.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a Dallas cardiologist who is largely discredited by the scientific community [Remember Dr McCullough is the MOST PUBLISHED AUTHOR OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS IN THE USA.] for his assertions that the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and that early treatment options have been suppressed….

While McCullough said that doctors were probably afraid to show up to the event, one of Oklahoma’s top infectious disease physicians, Dr. Anuj Malik, director of infection prevention and control at Ascension St. John, said that the doctors he spoke to were not afraid to attend. They were just not interested in sitting through what would be seen as a “politically-motivated, ideological speech by a modern-day quack.”

Malik said. “With all due respect, none of McCullough’s ideas have been supported by any randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials,” [<=== THIS IS ALWAYS THE EXCUSE! NO data is allowed except that PAID FOR BY BIG PHARMA/NIH.]

McCullough shared what he said was a threatening letter from the American Board of Internal Medicine warning that he could lose his certification for spreading misinformation.
There is likely a good reason for his concern about losing certification. A Dallas County court granted a temporary restraining order against him in July on behalf of Baylor Scott & White Health for continuing to claim titles, including vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, even after he was fired from Baylor in February.
In addition, an article in Medscape, an online global news source for physicians and healthcare professionals, reported that Texas A&M College of Medicine, Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine have also cut ties with McCullough for spreading misinformation….


So the Baylor Connection made me curious.

And looky what I found! No wonder Baylor sued Dr McCollough in the hopes of shutting him up as they entice people to be lab rats!

June 8, 2021

Baylor launches clinical trial for COVID-19 vaccine booster

Researchers at the Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit at Baylor College of Medicine have launched a clinical trial to study the safety and efficacy of a booster dose of the Moderna-mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine…. The study is being conducted by the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Consortium in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health…. “It’s important to determine the magnitude of the immune response after a booster dose in persons who received different vaccines in their initial vaccine regimen. We will also be looking at the safety of a booster dose,” said Dr. Robert Atmar, professor of infectious diseases at Baylor and co-principal investigator of the national study.

This activity is supported by the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium (IDCRC) through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (UM1AI148684). The IDCRC, consisting of the Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Units (VTEUs) and the IDCRC Leadership Group, was formed in 2019 to support the planning and implementation of infectious diseases clinical research that efficiently addresses the scientific priorities of NIAID.  The consortium includes infectious diseases leaders and clinical researchers from Emory University, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center and University of Cincinnati, FHI360, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Johns Hopkins University, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, New York University, Saint Louis University, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Rochester, University of Washington, and NIAID. For more information about the IDCRC, please visit

January 21, 2020, Rockville, MD [Above photo]

With presentations from members of the NIAID, the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium (IDCRC) Leadership Group, and VTEU PIs, the inaugural meeting of the IDCRC began with opening remarks from Anthony Fauci, MD, NIAID director. Session topics featured details on working with the NIAID, the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, and grants management. Breakout sessions facilitated thoughtful discuss on the consortium’s scientific agenda, flu, STIs, malaria, enteric, and emerging diseases, mentoring and career development, special populations, emerging lab sciences, and operations.

Leadership Operations Center

The IDCRC institutions are leaders of influential infectious diseases, immunology and clinical research programs focused on vaccines and STIs at eight top academic institutions and affiliates across the country. The programs, faculty and collaborators at these institutions have exceptional NIH/NIAID network and international connectivity, a history of performing outstanding ID clinical research and the experience and capability of rapidly responding to ID threats.

Bio Robert Atmar

Dr. Atmar is a member of the Baylor Vaccine Research Center and the federally funded Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Unit (VTEU). This research group performs Phase I to Phase IV studies of experimental and licensed vaccines, and Dr. Atmar serves as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator for the clinical trials. Dr. Atmar and the research group have been involved in important studies that led to the licensure of live attenuated and high dose inactivated influenza virus vaccines. They also have performed many studies evaluating vaccines targeting pandemic influenza, including H5N1, H9N2 and H7N9 viruses, and they have evaluated methods to improve vaccine immunogenicity, including delivery of vaccine by different routes of administration, different dosages, and with different adjuvant preparations. The group has also evaluated vaccines targeting other pathogens, including those with importance to biodefense.

2,625 studies found in data base [Baylor College] and 4195 for just Baylor.
24,250 studies – Just college

224,279 studies – University



So is there a Robert Atmar – Hana El Sahly connection???

PubMed(dot)Gov lets you search by author name. So I went looking to see if those two authored papers together.

Search for Atmar R

AND WELL WELL WELLL the first two out of the BOX!!!

2022 Jan 26.

SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Neutralization after mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination.

Pajon R, Doria-Rose NA, Shen X, Schmidt SD, O’Dell S, McDanal C, Feng W, Tong J, Eaton A, Maglinao M, Tang H, Manning KE, Edara VV, Lai L, Ellis M, Moore KM, Floyd K, Foster SL, Posavad CM, Atmar RL, Lyke KE, Zhou T, Wang L, Zhang Y, Gaudinski MR, Black WP, Gordon I, Guech M, Ledgerwood JE, Misasi JN, Widge A, Sullivan NJ, Roberts PC, Beigel JH, Korber B, Baden LR, El Sahly H, Chalkias S, Zhou H, Feng J, Girard B, Das R, Aunins A, Edwards DK, Suthar MS, Mascola JR, Montefiori DC.

N Engl J Med.

And the Affiliations:

• Moderna, Cambridge, MA.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, MD.
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.
NIAID, Bethesda, MD.
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
• Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
• University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
• Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.

 2022 Jan 26.

Homologous and Heterologous Covid-19 Booster Vaccinations.

Atmar RL, Lyke KE, Deming ME, Jackson LA, Branche AR, El Sahly HM, Rostad CA, Martin JM, Johnston C, Rupp RE, Mulligan MJ, Brady RC, Frenck RW Jr, Bäcker M, Kottkamp AC, Babu TM, Rajakumar K, Edupuganti S, Dobrzynski D, Coler RN, Posavad CM, Archer JI, Crandon S, Nayak SU, Szydlo D, Zemanek JA, Dominguez Islas CP, Brown ER, Suthar MS, McElrath MJ, McDermott AB, O’Connell SE, Montefiori DC, Eaton A, Neuzil KM, Stephens DS, Roberts PC, Beigel JH; DMID 21-0012 Study Group.N Engl J Med.

• From the Departments of Medicine and Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston (R.L.A., H.M.E.S.), and Sealy Institute for Vaccine Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston (R.E.R.); the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (K.E.L., M.E.D., K.M.N.), and the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (S.C., S.U.N., P.C.R., J.H.B.) and the Vaccine Research Center (A.B.M., S.E.O.), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda; Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (L.A.J.), the Departments of Medicine (C.J., T.M.B., M.J. McElrath) and Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (C.J., C.M.P.), University of Washington, the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division (C.J., C.M.P., C.P.D.I., E.R.B., M.J. McElrath) and the Statistical Center for HIV/AIDS Research and Prevention (D.S., J.A.Z.), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Children’s Research Institute (R.N.C.) and the Department of Pediatrics (R.N.C.), University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle; the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Rochester, Rochester (A.R.B., D.D.), NYU Langone Vaccine Center and Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Department of Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York (M.J. Mulligan, A.C.K.), and NYU Langone Hospital-Long Island Vaccine Center Research Clinic and the Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine, NYU Long Island School of Medicine, Mineola (M.B.) – all in New York; the Departments of Pediatrics (C.A.R.), Microbiology and Immunology (M.S.S.), and Medicine (S.E., D.S.S.), the Center for Childhood Infections and Vaccines (C.A.R.), Hope Clinic of Emory Vaccine Center (S.E.), Emory Vaccine Center, and Yerkes National Primate Research Center (M.S.S.), Emory University School of Medicine, Emory University, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (C.A.R.) – all in Atlanta; the Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh (J.M.M., K.R.); Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati (R.C.B., R.W.F.); and FHI 360 (formerly Family Health International) (J.I.A.) and Duke Human Vaccine Institute (D.C.M.) and the Department of Surgery (D.C.M., A.E.), Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.

2021 Oct 15

Heterologous SARS-CoV-2 Booster Vaccinations – Preliminary Report.

Authors: Atmar RL,….. El Sahly HM

EPub 2021 Sept 22
Efficacy of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine at Completion of Blinded Phase.

El Sahly HM, … COVE Study Group. N Engl J Med. 2021 Nov 4….. Epub 2021 Sep 22….

PubMed lists: COVE Study Group [Corporate Author]


Hana M. El Sahly, MD is principal investigator for Baylor and under her is listed
Jennifer A. Whitaker, C. Mary Healy, Christine Akamine, Wendy A Keitel, Robert L Atmar, Annette Nagel, Sandra Francisco, Thea Marie Cordero, Janet Brown, Jennifer Christensen, Caroline Doughty-Skierski, Connie Rangel, Carrie Kibler, Coni Cheesman, Lisreina Toro, Chanei Henry, Chianti Wade Bowers, Pedro Piedra, Kathy Bosworth, Kayla Burrell, Jesus Banay, Tykel Eddy, Trent Davis, Shetel Anassi, Yvette Rugeley, Olga Rybina-Willis

So what about the OTHER 15 on the ‘Advisory Board’ I checked, none are in the COVE study group.


And one last Baylor – Atmar paper:

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Complex Decision.

Wang EW, Parchem JG, Atmar RL, Clark EH.Open Forum Infect Dis.

2021 Apr 10

As the first severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines passed UK and US regulatory milestones in late 2020 and early 2021, multiple professional societies offered recommendations to assist pregnant and breastfeeding people as they choose whether to undergo vaccination. Despite such guidance, the lack of data describing vaccine safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy in pregnant and breastfeeding people has made this decision challenging for many. However, even considering the paucity of data, the known risks of coronavirus disease 2019 during pregnancy likely outweigh the not yet fully elucidated risks of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, which have reassuring safety and efficacy profiles among nonpregnant people.

The Chair of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee is so compromised she should NEVER have been anywhere near the approval process!



After viewing the tape of Dr. Peter McCullough on Stew Peters, I’m both shocked and disappointed that Baylor (IMO both the College of Medicine and the allied University) would do anything except DEFEND Dr. McCullough for simply speaking TRUTH when nobody else dared to say it.

At a time when all of social media was defending what now amounts to SCIENTIFIC ERROR, Baylor – a renowned institution – accused a TRUTH-TELLER of “misinformation” for being on the cutting edge.

To borrow from Trump…… “SAD!”

We know now that everything Dr. Peter McCullough said was not only true, but that the science he cited was LEADING EDGE – pointing in the direction of future findings.

It is not “misinformation” to state scientific and medical findings which are both TRUE and in the process of CHANGING narratives. That IS what science is supposed to do.

China won’t have to fire a SHOT to steal academic leadership from the United States, if Baylor – in TEXAS of all places – is going to hand them scientific superiority on a silver platter.

Get the politics and the self-dealing OUT OF YOUR SCIENCE, BAYLOR.

It is a TRAVESTY for you, Baylor, to let your “big money scientists” force out your TRUTH-TELLERS based on POLITICS and motivated by their own SCIENTIFIC MISJUDGMENTS.


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Not surprised in the least.


Did they really believe that all this collusion would never matter?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the universities thought they would never get called on it, as long as the censorship continued.

This is very typical of actual conspiracies, where the vast majority of “conspirators” who have no direct knowledge of anything bad, nonetheless defend the entire enterprise out of fear of having been part of the blameworthy whole. The more innocent know enough to guess the problem, but not enough to know their own likely innocence in front of a jury.


Universities have law schools and powerful lawfare versed alumni that don’t need to be kept on retainer.
Dr. McCullough is finding this out. Baylor’s issue with him is his use of titles after his firing, which is sneakier than firing and suing for matters of free speech. As a once respected member of the community, now persona non grata, the university doesn’t want him to be able to take anything with him.

The university boot is pointy, and connects to a pointed tail and pitchfork. Speaking from experience.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is making lots of sense.

Deplorable Patriot

University law schools don’t have anything to do with the med schools. At least not at my alma mater. Everything is siloed no matter how the administration tries to bring all parties together.

Universities contract the law stuff and may have house counsel, but law professors don’t practice law any more than Little Tony Fauci practices medicine.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

It’s siloed and compartmentalized. No one has complete knowledge or understanding, imo.

So many specialists, but I’m trained as a generalist. (I didn’t work for the UA, but I went to weekly staff meetings, because his office scheduled it on my calendar. I participated in classes that I was interested in, that I wasn’t enrolled in, holding my class registration until the last add date. I participated in symposia in my field, on my own time. Traveled with student groups in classes that I was enrolled in. Acted as an unofficial, and unsanctioned liason between the solar decathlon team and the facilities organization. They took 2nd place on their first try. I connected them with skilled university tradesmen that were able to get them on their way, when the wheels literally fell off in their tractor trailer, leaving the campus heading to DC.

I came to understand that “any person, any study” does not mean “any person, every study”. I was shocked to learn that I was expected to remain siloed; professionally, academically, intellectually. In retrospect, I suppose that I was considered quite the t*rd in their punch bowl, lol.

However, I felt responsible for helping to keep a great institution great, and everyday I tried to bring that to the table, even when I was being given the big red boot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“However, I felt responsible for helping to keep a great institution great, and everyday I tried to bring that to the table, even when I was being given the big red boot.”

Ironic how well that describes our current endeavor here, as we sometimes get the big red, white and blue boot! 😉


I don’t think that they’ve ever been challenged, or felt so exposed.

I don’t think that they ever anticipated the swarm of online researchers giving away their time to get to the bottom of this, in the interest of freedom, and love of country and Constitution.


More amazing revelations. Thank you, Gail.

Zorro rides

Thank you Gail. Also Wolf.


Excellent Gail! Thank you for sharing all your research and work. And Thank you also, Wolf.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome! Editing brings back memories!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is how the guilt deepens. By not questioning the narrative at every opportunity to do so sanely, the university gets more and more guilt.

Conspirators like the universities would have been much wiser to support BOTH SIDES of the question “are the vaccines safe or are they risky?” Then, if the vaccines “go south”, they are positioned for a pivot.

Seriously – going after a sound critic of the policy already on board is like throwing their insurance policy out the window.

What I’m curious about is the CUT that the university gets. I will bet anything that they are cut into ROYALTIES which come from MOAR VACCINES. And worse than that, we know that Pfizer has NASTY contracts with countries which FORCE PUBLIC SPEECH. Israel clearly caught in that game. So it’s very likely that there are pharma contracts with the university that are making Baylor go after McCullough.



Baric’s funding, as an example, flows thru UNC, and iir the university has a formula for how much of it is paid to the host university.

I don’t know much about the funding, but universities run on research grants, funding from federal and state governments, tax exemptions, private donations (Weill, Gates, Evergrande, etc.), endowment returns, as well as tuition.


And patent royalties. Many have offices for ip transfer.


Speaking of both sides of the game, I think that there are two sides, but when the dark side becomes too strong, the other side is forced underground (or into a little known BSL3), in order to fight another day.

There is an interesting theory that omicron is a sterilizing vaccine. If so, how did that happen?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s likely Omicron is sterilizing to itself and partially sterilizing to delta. My TES-based theory is that Omicron is China’s own pre-Wuhan biological warfare vax lineage re-tooled and re-released by white hats as a 4GW countermove and message to the other side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TES is thinking early 2018, released in China, because that fits the worldwide epidemiological data for a wave which originated there and protected the Chinese, then moving out in Asia and Africa. But I suspect that the ChiComs tried to SET UP Baric as a patsy by also releasing a low-spread version HERE, near his lab. They were likely taking everything Baric was working on, and integrating it into their available strains in China.

IMO there is a maze of betrayals between the ChiComs and the Globos.

Deplorable Patriot

I would be interested in knowing if you can find anything on Standard Oil and their Chinese relationship beginning in about 1906. I can’t find much online about it, but I remember reading a NYT article in an archival situation about thirty years ago having to do with the Rockefellers tapping into that market.


Why wouldn’t it be seeded in various places? Especially if they were able to aerosolize it and they were on a schedule?


TES based?

(Like one of our military kids that converses in solid acronyms. I never know what they’re talking about, lol.)

Think it all came from S. Africa?

Any thoughts about super spreader events at domestic research institutions involved in research into variants?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TES = The Ethical Skeptic! See:


South Africa? I suspect that SA has been used as a staging ground. Not even sure if the old Omicron ancestors were there in 2019/2000.

As for domestic labs, I suspect that they may have had both real accidents AND have been used as staging grounds by the CCP, as cover for test releases in the US.


That is sick mean spirit psychopathic what they try to do to children and babies. They would have to kill me first before they had their hand on any of my babies.
Do not understand parents. I am now wondering where are all the children that came illegally over the border? How many were babies and how many are used in experiments? How many parents had to agree in order to stay in the country? Nothing surprises me any longer when it comes to evil.


Yes a child is a child and a baby is a baby. I do not care i they are illegal or American born. The inhumanity is staggering. They not others like Germany saw Jews these are all human beings.
I hope to God we find out who the poor children are and it needs to stop. The experiments should never happen to human beings again. God forgive us i we do not stop this madness.




Great report, thanks.


Gail Combs
Thank you for unraveling the legalese word salad that the FDA issued when it “fully approved” COMIRNATY.
AND for enumerating the bad lots of COMIRNATY.
It seems to me that ANY person getting the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine” (BN162b2, still in clinical trials) MUST demand the see the actual VIAL of the “vaccine” and write down the manufacturer’s name and the lot number — so, if / when adverse events occur, and a bad lot vial of COMIRNATY was used, Pfizer-BioNTech is liable.
Head of BARDA in April, 2015: Robin A. Robinson, PhD
HHS Secretary in July, 2018 and in April, 2020: Alex Azar
Defense Secretary in July, 2020: Mark Esper (fired by POTUS 45 a few months later)

Wolf Moon, thank you also!

My late father contracted a bad case of Pseudomonas back in 2004 while being treated for prostate cancer at Baylor University. He was never able to completely get rid of this infection, which eventually got loose in his bloodstream and was one of the secondary causes of his death in 2006. I am no friend of Baylor University.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

And, guess what? Here’s TWO MORE ONGOING “clinical trials” of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine”, BNT162b2:
Actual Study Start Date: April 29, 2020
Estimated Study Completion Date: May 15, 2023
This “clinical trial” uses THREE formulas of the “vaccine”:
BNT162b2SA (called “Experimental Booster vaccination”) — Are these the “booster shots” that people are getting? And, if so, is BNT162b2SA a DIFFERENT FORMULATION?
Actual Study Start Date: February 16, 2021
Estimated Study Completion Date: August 24, 2022
This “clinical trial” uses BNT162b2 at 30mcg doses given to pregnant women.

(I’m also correcting the medical name of the “vaccine” to BNT162b2, etc.)


Lots of interesting information here.

I’ve read this quickly, and haven’t viewed the video. I have a few more dots for you:

University of Rochester and John’s Hopkins are members of Associated Universities, Inc., a consortium of research universities that goes back to the Manhattan Project. Los Alamos is noted, but not Brookhaven National Lab, now managed by SUNY Stoney Brook in NY which was originally built by AU,Inc., along with the radio telescope in West Virginia, and Project East River.

NYU China chancellor was formerly at Peking University, and before that at Cornell (also an AU, Inc. member). Shenzhen Peacock, 1000 talent, China Friendship award recipient.)

Brigham and Women’s Hospital received funding from Evergrande, along with Harvard’s GSD. (The GSD was designing 50 fifty more Chinese cities.) Note who received the funding for the GSD and find where he was before Harvard. He was chair of architecture when the peacock was president. Peacock may have even hired him to the chair position.

All in NY. Not an accident imo. Lots of the underlying planning and development happened when HRC was imported to become NY’s senator. Governor of NY sits on Cornell board of trustees. Cornell is also 1/2 state, half private. Fascinating story of how Cornell was established as a Morrill land grant.


Land grants were issued script for land that was sold to establish endowments. The land grants were not located were the institutions settled. Cornell and MIT chose the land that was sold to establish their endowments, iir.

Cornell chose the land based upon what was on the land, I believe. They not only sold the land, they sold what was on the land.

Ezra Cornell, a farmer, was partnered with Samuel Morse. Cornell invented a plow that could bury telegraph lines, and helped Morse complete a contract for one of the earliest lines, iir. Made them both phenomenally wealthy.

Although they completed the contract, they later discovered that burying lines underground somehow compromised the signal, so they needed massive quantities of poles, since they were in a race to connect to Europe over land, thru Alaska (Seward’s Folley) and Russia. They didn’t win the race.

Cornell was a partner in Western Union. He also had some interest in power from Niagara Falls, but I’m struggling to remember the story.

The story of the fight to site the land grant in Ithaca is also a good one. Lots of wheeling and self-sealing (imo) at the state level, that also included negotiations related to the founding of Syracuse U, and even Binghamton U.


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.

All connected to the UofR? I don’t know alot about the institution, although a close relative has a degree from there. Are they connected to Strong Memorial?


I didn’t know that either.

I know someone that had experimental DBS implanted twice with full informed consent. Both, very sadly, failed due to infection.

My dentist teaches there. He’s great. Foot massage included with any major procedure. Highly recommend it


I’m sorry about your mom and your friends.

Human experimentation without consent shouldn’t happen,imo.

Last time that I looked into it, only military research could legally utilize human beings without informed consent. Shouldn’t happen at all, imo.

There are laws and regulations. Have anything in your vast trove?


My son used to work at Emory until his team moved to Ann Arbor Michigan.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks for the information. I am sure a deep dive into the universities/colleges would show they are a cesspool of corruption.

More than ironic as so many of them started out as seminaries and divinity schools.


Ironic that following the scientific method is so easily denigrated, or in modernish terms, debunked, when convenient for the universities and pharma companies. When there is enough money involved, principles get flexible. Future generations will weep, or laugh, or both, at the follies of 2022 American institutions.
Gail, et al, keep fighting the good fight!