Dear KAG: 20220201 Open Thread

Cover image: February Thaw 2020 by Charles Birchfield.

When in the course of human events Patel Patriot comes out with a new installment of his devolution series, time needs to be taken to take a gander at what he has to say.

The thing is he put Part 15 out the day after Christmas and a whole lot of us were otherwise occupied. Part 16 is also out and deals with Chinese President Xi. (I’ll try to tackle that tomorrow. We’re in the middle of pre-storm preparations here, and yours truly has some things to deal with at home.)

One of the issues Patel is facing is the number of people saying, “WE NEED A WIN,” so in Part 15 he actually posts a list he found of the other side’s FAILURES in relation to the apparent defeat in the 2020 election.

Part of that may have to do with We the People, and the various states fighting back on specific line items, but even that does not explain why GITMO remains open let alone that it’s been expanded.

Wait, there’s more.

Then Patel talks about the idea of President Trump having Judas Goats in the government, much like there were such figures placed in his administration, which he undoubtedly knew was going to happen when he took the job.

The idea that Trump’s Judas Goats have infiltrated the enemy helps us to understand some of Trump’s actions. Not only do Judas Goats guide the enemy into poor decisions, but they can also provide intel to the good guys. Judas Goats or no, Trump and his team have been ten steps ahead of the enemy. They always seem to know what the enemy is going to do next. COVID is a perfect example of this orchestrated foreknowledge.

I’m going to prove to you that Trump knew the enemy’s pandemic plans in advance. That advanced knowledge made Trump and team able to make appropriate countermoves. Let’s see what we can piece together.

Patel then goes into the moves made by Obama BEFORE Trump took office, and the moves Trump made after he took office which have not been rescinded. Please, visit the devolution site for the details, most of which will merely be reminders to regular readers of this site.

Before we move on, let’s do a quick summary of what we’ve put together so far.

Two days after the moratorium on gain-of-function research was lifted, Fauci made the statement that “no doubt Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak”

There are multiple examples of NGOs and the political establishment holding “pandemic exercises”

The United States Government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through grant money originating from the Anthony Fauci led NIAID

Trump’s December 2017 National Security Strategy specifically mentions pandemics that “Take lives, generate economic losses, and contribute to the loss of confidence in government institutions”

Trump’s September 2018 NSPM 14 was specifically geared toward supporting national biodefense and was issued in conjunction with the National Biodefense Strategy

The National Biodefense Strategy discusses deliberate biological threats and outlines support and preservation of continuity of operations

NSPM 14 established a committee chaired by the Secretary of Health and Human Services that was tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy

NSPM 14 established the National Security Advisor as the lead for policy coordination and review to provide strategic input and facilitate policy integration for Federal biodefense efforts

There’s more having to do with influenza vaccines, and others on this site are far more equipped to comment on all of that than this writer.

This, though, aside from the weed details, is the meat of the argument that the [CB] pushed up their time table for releasing the virus.

I’ve said before that if Donald Trump knew the election was going to be stolen and did nothing about it, then I would consider him complicit in the destruction of America. I’m going to say the same thing here regarding COVID-19. If Donald Trump knew there was going to be a pandemic, which I believe he did, and he didn’t take steps to fight it, then I would consider him complicit in the destruction brought about by the pandemic as well.

Trump did take steps to fight the scamdemic, but they were overshadowed by the “science” and the people setting the narrative.

Operation Warp Speed established a partnership between DoD and HHS to support the development, manufacture, and distribution of vaccines. Remember why the DoD and HHS are so important:

The Secretary of HHS is the chair of the Biodefense Steering committee tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy that was established by NSPM 14

The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of HHS co-chaired the National Influenza Vaccine Task Force.

EO 13887 allowed the Secretary of Defense to implement vaccine development within the DoD

Within the framework of OWS, the DoD and HHS are assisting Big Pharma in fast-tracking their vaccine development, manufacturing, and distribution. We know Big Pharma is part of the Deep State and would love to keep us in a perpetual state of vaccines and variants. If Trump hadn’t issued EO 13887 and then implemented OWS, it could have taken years upon years before we ever saw a vaccine, and that perpetual nightmare of variants and vaccines would have become a reality. Just how long would they have kept us locked down? Instead, EO 13887 paved the way for fast-tracked vaccines and the DoD and HHS helped get these Big Pharma vaccines to the public ASAP. This heroically sabotaged the Deep State’s original plan. Their entire timeline was overhauled and replaced with Trump’s timeline.

Emphasis added.


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 36da6f No.1391731 
May 12 2018 22:24:18 (EST)

If America falls, the World falls.
God bless our brave fighting men & women.
They deserve our deepest gratitude.
Through their strength, and the millions of united Patriots around the World, we will succeed in this fight.
Peace through strength.
Now comes the pain.

What we did not know at the time is that the pain would include us, the people.

When I look at the above results, it tells me that Trump’s pro-vaccine stance isn’t geared towards his base. A majority of his supporters will still vote for him regardless, and those same supporters still won’t get the jab even though Trump supports it. Trump knows all of this. Trump has taught his base to question what the mainstream media and government officials tell us. Trump has taught us to do our own research and use our freedom of choice to make the decision we feel is best. So if his pro-vax stance isn’t geared towards his supporters, we can logically determine it’s for those who don’t support him.

Clif High has presented what I would consider to be the best explanation of Trump’s pro-vaccine stance.  This brief 15 minute video outlines it. It’s a great theory that fits the facts available to us.

When Trump talks about the vaccines, we simply can’t take him at face value. EO 13887 and OWS dramatically accelerated all timelines, causing the Deep State to panic and go all-in on increasingly unhinged mandates, variants, and vaccines. Don’t forget what Trump’s ultimate goal here is – he is trying to unite America against those who seek to control and destroy us. He is engineering a mass awakening and he has to do so while carefully navigating the COVID and vaccine situation. How do you reach the half the population who have been savagely indoctrinated by the leftist universities and mainstream media? They believe the vaccines are literally the only solution to ending the pandemic. How would the media react to Trump coming out against the vaccine?

We can speculate all day long as to why Trump is doing what he is doing but we won’t have the answers until the dust settles. If you’re looking for why he has been so consistent in his pro-vax stance, you won’t find the answer here but this is what I can tell you – Donald Trump knew a pandemic was coming and he took steps to prepare for it.

Since then, President Trump has gone mum on vaccines, and that will eventually disappear as new memories form.

In the meantime, it is worth remembering the point about Trump, and by extension, the XVII operation, that part of the purpose was to get the people to remember how to do our own research and think for ourselves.

With the trucker convoys now gaining traction, we are learning to stand up for ourselves on a level none of us have ever had to do.

Is the convoy movement itself part of the plan?

Does it matter?

So long as We the people make it happen, the whole exercise is a Godsend.

Memes will return probably Thursday so long as the electricity does not go out in these parts. We’re due to get a humdinger with ice.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 86:1-6

1Incline thy ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. 2Preserve my life, for I am godly; save thy servant who trusts in thee. Thou art my God; 3be gracious to me, O Lord, for to thee do I cry all the day. 4Gladden the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. 5For thou, O Lord, art good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on thee. 6Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; hearken to my cry of supplication.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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It’s another Deplorable Patriot Tuesday.

And we really appreciate your efforts.


And hope that her storm preparations go well and are effective.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

Is the convoy movement itself part of the plan?

That thought has struck me, too, DP. I was reading a link that geneticallycatholic left in Gail’s thread about the military precision with which this convoy has been planned. They have planned for every eventuality, including what the other side will do to stop them and how the media will smear them. They’ve brought enough supplies with them to last for many months. They say they can stay there for a couple of years if need be. They have excellent messaging and have taken advantage of many different social media platforms, not just one. As it turns out, the person coordinating all this is ex-military. Could this be part of the plan? It very well could be. And it seems to be spreading to other countries.


Here is the link geneticallycatholic shared:


Fun link.

And, yes, they had hay for the Ottawa horses…..


… the Ottawa police horses …

The best ‘pre-emptive first strike’ I’ve ever seen.


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I think one of leftists made the mistake of saying, “We just want our lives back!” 

Yeah, sweetheart, so do we!

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

So THAT’S what the adulterers are using for an excuse these days? Can’t sleep honey, those truckers are honking. I’m going to sleep with your buddy?

Good grief, these limp-wristed soyboys. Pitiful.


Ear plugs do wonders against noise 🙂
He should buy her ear plugs  😂 





SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually, it might be her buddy.

And who knows, it might be a threesome known to all three of them already.




Sadie Slays

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That’s a good one!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually, it could be even worse.

“My wife says she’s going to go sleep at a (male) buddy’s house.”

There could be no potential adultery issue here if it’s a lesbian couple.


Also possible, considering who we’re dealing with!

Barb Meier

Thanks Linda, this is a great link!



🤣 😂 🤣

Gail Combs

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

TY Linda,
It’s a great clip and worth everyone’s watch.
..they sure believe they are part of the plan.
..if not, I don’t see it.. lot’s of insider comms  😁 


My son’s father in law was military organizing convoys and leading them in the middle east twice.One time during Bush’s war second time during Iraqi war. He told us some interesting stories. He is from W Virginia and family comes originally from close where I live. These people who organize these convoys are special people very detail oriented.


These people who organize these convoys are special people very detail oriented.

^^^ Logistics. ^^^

Gail Combs

And it takes a special knack too.


Off on a tangent.

Truckers unite to protest an abusive government, Covid BS or anything.

  • What IF the trucks were electric.
  • Didn’t have the stamina of 300 gallons in their tanks.
  • Fossil fuel, easy to refuel, if needed.
  • Electric charging station available? Feds cut the power to coerce compliance.

Something along these lines ^^^ is a major reason, I’ll never buy an electric vehicle. TOO EASY for the government to shut off the power.

Our ABUSERS, The Feds, WOULD do THIS, just as sure as The Feds SCHEME to register CONFISCATE ALL GUNS.

Valerie Curren

mene mene tekel parsin

(the handwriting on the wall from the Old Testament)


“numbered, numbered, weighed, divided”

Valerie Curren

or weighed measured AND found wanting!


You have the word that failed me 🙂


As many of you are probably tired of hearing, I’m in a club of machinists that make miniature engines that work.

Something like this —

That is a “hit-or-miss” engine. They were popular many decades ago. Essentially, when the engine “pops”, it is a conventional engine — fuel and air enter the cylinder, are compressed, and a spark creates a small explosion to move the cylinder forcefully down to spin the flywheels.

Then no fuel is introduced and the valves open while the flywheels spin — there is little friction and no compression, so there can be several cycles of spinning. When the speed drops below a threshold, the valves function normally, a little fuel is squirted in, and the plug is sparked.

I’m embarrassed to note that I was in the club for over a year before I realized that these were not just stupid demonstration devices. In fact, they run very efficiently with no load — making them economical — but can quickly ramp up to firing every cycle if the engine comes under load — and can be surprisingly powerful. After that, if you drop the load, it drops back into firing once in several cycles. They were mighty handy whenever you needed power intermittently.


Here’s another (much longer) video about rehabbing a 100-year-old full-size hit-and-miss.

About 11:00, the guy actually gets it to start running.

They make attractive targets for model engine building because their parts count is quite low.


I seem to remember reading somewhere that is the type of engine that was used in commercial canal boats longer since.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! That JP Sears video on gun ownership is one of THE BEST explanations of why the Second Amendment is CRITICAL that I’ve ever seen.


That was excellent. Presenting the evolution of his thinking is a powerful way to get the message across. For one thing, it shows that he understands where some people are coming from.


The only sour note I heard was JP saying that the Constitution gives people rights.

God gives people rights. The Constitution is a rough blueprint to form a Republican government. The Bill of Rights is a handy reminder that a Republic that gets crossways with God or oversteps its granted powers isn’t worth much.

I also wish he had mentioned that the 2nd Amendment was written by people who had just shucked-off a tyrannical government with the weapons they personally owned — including personally-owned cannons. These Founding Fathers would have figured that their Second Amendment would provide ample protection against abominations such as .


God gives us rights – the Constitution protects them.


^^^ A KEEPER. Nicely stated.


I’m glad his original video got such pushback about having his boogerhook on the bangswitch.


I knew it was a fake gun, but I kept cringing until he mentioned it.


I always appreciate the artwork in these posts, and today’s hornpipe is a rousing piece.


2000 Mules (Trailer)

Dnesh D’Sousa


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

correction : Dinesh


Paper about the longevity of the spike protein after vaccination:

Long-term persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: evidence and implications – Doctors for COVID Ethics (

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Abstract: This paper discusses the recent study by Bansal et al. [1] on the detection of spike protein in persons vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein.


4. Conclusions

Long-lasting persistence of spike protein

Delayed onset of spike protein expression—but observation limited to spike on exosomes

EMA report on Pfizer also reported relatively slow onset of spike expression; on the other hand, early onset of blood clots etc. suggests early onset of spike expression

While some specific claims made by Bansal et al. can be debated, the very long-lasting persistence of the spike protein in the body is convincingly demonstrated. Whether it is the mRNA encoding the spike protein that persists or rather the spike protein itself remains to be determined. Nevertheless, as long as the spike protein appears on either exosomes or apoptotic vesicles, it must be present on cell membranes; and as long as it is found there, the immune system will attack those cells.

Protracted inflammation and impaired organ function have been reported both with the virus infection itself [7] and after vaccination [8]. While inflammation may arise from autoimmunity downstream of intense acute tissue damage, the long-term persistence of spike protein after vaccination offers another straightforward explanation, and it supports the notion that the vaccines will give rise to lingering and slowly progressing inflammatory disease.

We must also note that the spike protein persists for at least twice as long as the participants of Pfizer’s farcical and fraudulent [9,10] ‘clinical trials’ were observed, on average, after the second vaccination [11]. It follows that the reports on side effects which occurred in those trials cannot possibly be complete.

Pdf download link:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a third and even more horrifying possibility which follows from the Jaenisch paper on genomic incorporation by infection with the virus and reverse transcription (RT). If the spike protein enables it’s own RT from the RNA, then the vaccine could do the same.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think so. I think Fauci knows a hell of a lot about the spike protein that he has hidden from us.


at the Coutts/Sweet Grass border crossing…

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Trucker Stand-Off ~ SWAT Team At Montana-Alberta Border…

update link with tweets…


Canadian SWATs

more here…


stay tuned….

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Trudeau flees…Karma’s a bitch…


C W McCall…

 👉  Canadian Convoy video !


History repeats itself, keep digging youtube.
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Gail Combs

YouBOOBtube acct has been terminated…. SURPRISE!


Truth. Social.

Barb Meier

YouTube says it terminated the account associated with this video. ^^^

Valerie Curren

Video unavailable because account terminated 🙁

Sadie Slays

Major fire in progress at a fertilizer plant in Winston-Salem. I am reminded of all of those articles from the past few weeks about a current fertilizer shortage/price hike causing future food supply problems. Seems suspiciously like an infrastructure attack.


Great. Right in the area where I’m trying to move. And, of course, sketchy as hell with the fertilizer shortages nationwide…..

Gail Combs

The area is nice if you stay out of the cities. We do gigs there frequently.


Couple of years since the HCQ factory burnt in Taiwan.

Gail Combs

Sort of goes with all those Military aged males coming over the border and being shipped all over the country.


“seems like”

There are no coincidences.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, February 1, 2022

“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” 

1 Corinthians 1:9 (KJV)

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Valerie Curren

Very refreshing! Thank you so much. God Bless YOU!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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NYT digging into Hunter Biden’s business links – media.

The newspaper is seeking embassy emails mentioning the president’s son and his associates




Past couple weeks, the media has increasingly been making hit pieces on Where’s Hunter. Also a leak from Durham, something to do with Hunter. AND, Red Handed, by Schweizer.

IS THIS a Pravda News ramp up, to trash BiteMe and his Crime Family from the White House?

Gail Combs

They hope to rid themselves of Bye-Done and all the nasty garbage hanging from him in hopes of saving the Mid-terms (That they plan to steal) They CAN’T steal the mid terms plausibly with Bye-Done still in the White House.


Yea. D-Rats SEE the problemS. Americans KNOW BitEME IS RESPONSIBLE.

D-Rats creating a Mirage of a solution for Americans, IS a Bridge To Far, before November.


12/29/21 – Trump did make a statement on Biden’s failure to monitor vaccine data and his mismanagement of the monoclonal antibodies:

“After inheriting the vaccines, Biden had a solemn obligation to monitor the data, keep the American people fully informed, and promot trust through transparency and communication. Instead, he has lied repeatedly and pursued nonsensical policies like denying natural immunity among those who have recovered from the virus – losing the trust of the American people.”

“Under Biden, there are now widespread shortages of monoclonal antibodies, one of the most effective treatments for seriously ill patients. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has failed to follow through on bringing new antibody treatments to market to confront new variants. This is a disaster of gigantic proportions.”

Link –

However, this statement doesn’t go quite far enough. 

He boasts about therapeutics – but only about recently developed pharmaceutical corporation therapeutics – but – he fails to mention the PROVEN efficacy of safe older drugs – HCQ, Ivermectin, Budesonide, Zinc, D3 and other substances on the courageous Front Line Doctors (FLCCC), Raoult, Zelenko, Bartlett protocols.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

I imagine he’s easing into it. To quick of a turnaround from supporting vaccines might look suspicious.

Gail Combs

He doesn’t want to jinks the proven treatments by endorsing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That, too. Which is a shame.


Tonga volcano eruption creates mysterious and puzzling concentric ripples in Earth’s atmosphere.


One of my interests is collecting old barometers and barographs.
Whatever changes in air pressure are recorded the ink trace is always a smooth gradual curve, the only time it shows a quick spike is if the instrument gets an accidental knock.
Three of the barographs were running on the week that happened. All of them simulaneously recorded two small spikes on that day several hours apart, the first one being the larger of the two, and all at the same time. The instruments were all sitting on different pieces of furniture so there was no chance of an accidental knock affecting them all. I did try to work out the time from the eruption to the time shown on the recording charts at my location but for reasons too long to explain it wasn’t possible.

Gail Combs

“… I did try to work out the time from the eruption to the time shown on the recording charts at my location but for reasons too long to explain it wasn’t possible.”

That is too bad. In the 1970s, Hubby was working on the mathematics looking at seismic signals to try to figure out if the signal was from an earthquake or underground bomb test.

Chris Moritz



Hows about this for a theory…
PDJT knew what was in store from the Hopkins Scenario, but not the precise details.
Fauci & Co already had the poison jab idea worked out well in advance and was working on perfecting the virus so he could use it.
China releases the virus.
PDJT can’t stop fauci’s jab but ensures that, whilst he is in charge, it is not mandatory, only for those who want it.
PDJT has a separate group working on a cure (military or other?) but they can’t start work till the virus is released and they know exactly what they’re dealing with, thus fauci had a head start.
Takes them a couple of years to develop the freely available cure Omicron.
Those not wishing to participate may, of their choice, continue to keep getting jabbed up and wearing masks for ever.



I like it. A lot. You should consider writing a novel about it.

Gail Combs

Yeah, I agree. My research shows that is what happened. Wolfie may put up the article after he adds to it. Stuff is moving FAST.

People forget that the Deep State CONTROLLED RESEARCH GRANTS and that is the key. Also the CDC shut down the military bio lab crippling the DOD response.


Aug 6, 2019 CDC Shuts Down Army Lab’s Disease Research – The Scientist

Research on dangerous pathogens has been suspended at an Army lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found biosafety lapses there, the Frederick News-Post reported August 2. A spokesperson for the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) tells the newspaper that no disease-causing materials have been found outside authorized areas at the site.

According to its website, USAMRIID has been the US Department of Defense’s lead laboratory for medical biological defense research since 1969. The News-Post reports that the facility has both level 3 and level 4 biosafety labs and has worked on pathogens such as Ebola, Yersinia pestis (plague), and Francisella tularensis (tularemia). Those pathogens are among those considered “select agents and toxins” by the Department of Health and Human Services, which only allows authorized labs to work on them…..

The New York Times, quoting a statement from the USAMRIID, reports that the lab received the cease and desist order in part because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found it did not have “sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater” from its highest-security labs. The USAMRIID spokesperson tells the Times….

October 18 – 28, 2019 CISM Military World Games – U.S. Department of Defense

Top U.S. military athletes are competing against their counterparts from more than 100 nations during the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, China, Oct. 18-28.

US military personnel coming home had Covid like symptoms
Gallager letter

Dear Secretary Austin and Chairman Milley,

From October 18-28, 2019, the World Military Games took place in Wuhan, China.

1 The games featured competitors from over 100 countries, including 280 American athletes and staff.

2 After the games, athletes from several nations reported becoming sick with symptoms they later recognized as consistent with COVID-19. For example, French pentathlete Elodie Clouvel reported becoming sick at the games and later was told by a military doctor that she may have contracted COVID-19.

3 Reports also indicate that athletes from Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Luxembourg may all have become sick with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 at the games.

4 One athlete from Luxembourg reported “nearly empty” streets in Wuhan during the games, recalling, “It was a ghost town” and “There were rumors that the government warned the inhabitants not to go out.”

5 While anecdotal, these reports raise important questions about the timeline of the initial COVID19 outbreak in Wuhan. While the Chinese government first reported an unexplained illness in Wuhan in late December 2019, information released by the U.S. Department of State suggests that lab researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) became sick with symptoms….

September 22, 2021 — Whistleblower: 2019 Wuhan Military Games Were China’s First Intentional COVID Super-Spreader Event

On July 21, 2021, Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. broke the news on The Gateway Pundit from a China source that the release of COVID-19 at the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan was a test of the longer-term effects of that type of bioweapon because foreign visitors to the Games would carry it back to their own countries and the consequences could be observed. . .

The source explained that the subsequent outbreak in Wuhan was entirely unexpected. That is, there was no laboratory leak, but the unintended spread among the Chinese population of Wuhan of a virus for which they had underestimated its transmissibility.

April 4, 2020 CDC Lifts Shutdown Order on Army Biolabs at Fort Detrick – Military(dot)com

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention restored full operating capability to all U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland, last week following a shutdown last July of some high-level facilities out of safety concerns.

The CDC cleared USAMRIID’s Level 3 and 4 laboratories — those where the world’s most dangerous pathogens are studied — for full operations March 27…..

Gail Combs

It most certainly does. That control of grants ALLOWED universities to rid themselves of Conservatives. The Universities made no bones about doing it either.

Yes, Universities Discriminate Against Conservatives
“Why are there so few conservative professors in American higher education? 

University leftists like to say that it’s a combination of self-selection and intellectual interest. There are simply fewer conservatives who are interested in, say, sociology or art history…

Writing yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, Georgetown University professor John Hasnas shares his experience on faculty search committees:

In the more than 20 years that I have been a professor at Georgetown University, I have been involved in many faculty searches. Every one begins with a strong exhortation from the administration to recruit more women and minority professors. We are explicitly reminded that every search is a diversity search. Administrators require submission of a plan to vigorously recruit applications from women and minority candidates.

Before we even begin our selection process, we must receive approval from the provost that our outreach efforts have been vigorous enough. The deans and deputy deans of each school reinforce the message that no expense should be spared to increase the genetic diversity of our faculty.

Yet, in my experience, no search committee has ever been instructed to increase political or ideological diversity. On the contrary, I have been involved in searches in which the chairman of the selection committee stated that no libertarian candidates would be considered. Or the description of the position was changed when the best résumés appeared to be coming from applicants with right-of-center viewpoints. Or in which candidates were dismissed because of their association with conservative or libertarian institutions.



I was the victim of a re-write of the position so they could specifically exclude me. They changed Chemist to Chem Engineer when I applied for the Quality Engineer position in another plant. Our plant was being shutdown and I had six years experience in the EXACT SAME JOB.

But Karma is a cold hearted bitch. The guy they hired could not do the job correctly and they had 6 months of producing NOTHING BUT GARBAGE –despite my having clued them in to the problems at a high level meeting. (That is where I made the enemy of the arrogant Lead Engineer who was incapable of taking constructive criticism…)

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I believe all of the preceding posts on this to be 100% correct. You probably already know this, Gail; truth telling is usually career limiting, but absolutely necessary for the good of mankind and the truth teller’s soul.

Been there, done that. However, I sleep much better with a clean conscience.

Learning great things on here outside of my areas of expertise. Much of which proves that POTUS powers are limited internally without the general public’s awareness.

All of this is beginning to make sense. For example, why would it be necessary for PDT to have a “perfect” phone call with PM Zelensky? Internal restrictions controlling the authority of the POTUS as to what he can say or do.

Replying to a point Gail made yesterday about the Fed helping foreign banks/central banks.The method chosen by the CB (nod to DP for that usage) to recover from the gross abuses of the financial system during the debt market collapse is still in play. It will be continuing as long as they are in charge of things because it is a staged event that leads to one world currency (digital). NWO stuff. Eventually the Fed has to be bankrupted and at that point, JMO, it will be the final battle over NWO or independent nations.

Which is why they are trying to kill crypto currency via various methods. Which is also why they fear parallel economies which do not utilize their economic model. Rebel alliance stuff.

Fed bailouts of foreign entities and central banks creates liabilities for those entities. The Fed can then manipulate them easier. The dollar has to stay the world’s currency for that to work. The CB is still running the show, which is why the Fed is still in control and printing the money without regard to balancing a balance sheet on their books or the books of any other participating nations.

Gail Combs

Yup, Truth telling and honesty is very career limiting.

If you watch the Clif High videos he goes into a lot of stuff on the Fed/CB.

He had developed a program that looks at language change on the internet. With censoring it is not as reliable but he thinks the collapse may be this spring.

First part is about Kondratieff Russian Economist for Stalin. He talks about the long waves in business economics and also about currency. (And puts in his usual off putting Woo stuff at the very beginning.)


Greg Hunter has Clif as His Guest


There are conservative Professors but they are not vocal because they will be fired and their life made miserable.Those who are conservative know who is and who is not. The problem is Unions people forget that Universities have Unions and that changed everything just like teachers.
They are the radicals they decide if one is hired or promoted. Conservatives are scattered among the communists.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

It is a nice and plausible fleshing out of a theory presented here at Qtree within days of Omicron’s “discovery”.

Sylvia Avery

DePat thanks for the nice run down on Devolution Part 15. I have been trying to get people to read the Devolution series but it’s like shouting into the wind for me. If I can get anyone to even consider it, all I ever hear is “sniff. Woke generals. It can’t work” and I just about tear my hair out in frustration. If they would only look just a little bit into it, they’d understand. There is a LOT of evidence to support the theory. Thanks for the bite sized pieces.

Sylvia Avery

I know. And I thought way back when PDJT started talking about “The Swamp” that I had a pretty fair idea what he meant. Well, as it turns out I had only the most cursory understanding.


Eyes open slowly, until, once they see it, they can’t NOT see it.

So many short videos with Epp’s encouraging invading the Capitol, Most Wanted posters, then he falls off the Most wanted list.

Gail Combs

Sylvia, I have read the whole thing. I have even watched a few Clif High videos. 🤓

Sylvia Avery

That is encouraging to know. You’re such a terrific researcher. What do you think of the theory, in general? (PS Clif High is kind of a trip, isn’t he???)

Gail Combs

Here is an interesting bit from Devolution #15

….Knowing all of that and knowing how Trump viewed China based on his National Security Strategy, I can guarantee you that a large focus of our military surveillance and intelligence was on the WIV in China. I believe some of the actions he took can around the time that Covid began nearly prove that…..

There is PROOF of that. Dr Malone mentions talking to a CIA agent who was IN WUHAN ON JANUARY 4, 2020. This is a guy he has worked with so is knowledgeable about viruses.

Remember that Military personnel were coming down with Covid after the October World Military Games.

And yeah, Clif is a trip. I sometimes think he puts out ‘Woo Woo’ stuff at the beginning of his videos to turn off the ‘enemy’ so they do not take him seriously. Onece past that he has some very good info.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Moar Clif High with Patel Patriot
..posted late the other night, some may have missed it.

Gail Combs


The first 1/2 hour is on economics and the demise of the Central bank/FED the 2nd half is the part Patel Patriot referred to in #15.


..I’m on it now,Thanks!

Gail Combs

AHHH, Clif comes to the same conclusion that I did. Outsiders (The Fed/Globalists) put in place the Russian Communists and Chinese Communists (28 minutes)


Lot’s of dot connecting huh?
I’d already seen the Quack up woo, ..but being a slow guy and
I have the time today , going for round two ..maybe more will sink in ..  😜  😂 


And would this be the link to the Cash Patel Series?



Sylvia Avery

Yes, it is.


Wish I had time to read everything, absorb then re-read. Everyone gives so much time, knowledge and reason, it is so appreciated! Thank You Q-Tree!!!


Go back to when Q first emerged.

It has NECESSARILY taken years to learn and absorb what we now know.

”Trust the plan” takes on a whole new meaning, and understanding, with this truth in mind.

Gail Combs

Part of it was engaging peoples interest and then TEACHING LOGIC & RESEARCH SKILLS. On top of that we now have multiple Alt News sources.


Justine personifies, Soy Boy.

Could blend in with Frisco’s night life and no one would ecognize the putz.


Carried over from Monday late evening post.

Peter Navarro ABSOLUTELY EVISCERATES Joe Rogan for caving to WOKE BS.

Bannon tries to throw Rogan a life line. Navarro was having NONE OF IT.

7:30 Starts some of the lighting up Rogan.& the genocide Olympics.

9:00 More focused on Rogan.


Initially I thought Rogan simply agreed to a “misinformation” banner when some guests are on his show. He could prolly shred the “misinformation” label in real time. Nothing lost. Overall plus.

BUT, it appears to me, Rogan HAS CAPITULATED.

MeThinks Rogan likely regrets his WHINY BS apology AND WILL be walking it back for quite awhile.

A side fallout we’ll likely NOT read or hear about, Malone. Malone is quite reserved, measured in his statements. IIRC, Malone IS SELECTIVE who he, Malone interviews with.

  • Rogan LIKELY BROKE the trust Malone may have had with him.

Rogan publicly had a weak moment. Hope he Grows A Cet.


Navarro was great! And Bannon’s amusement was fun to see.


It was entertaining. 🙂




This is how it is DONE, people!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Ha Ha. ” everyone has the covid..Imagine that ” Ha Ha !.
As you might know, those are YUGE Rigs required to move those large trucks.. each Cab weighs in the neighborhood of 30k+ lbs. The owner/operators of those specialized Rigs likely have Contracts with the local governments to keep the transportation system clear/open for normal business operations.
Confirmation the drivers/owners of those Rigs are in solidarity with the Truckers.


My new pronoun is “canadian honker”.

Gail Combs

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Gail Combs



I can just FEEL it!

This is gonna be a GREAT WEEK!


Sisters have fun in the snow!


Sisters of Life go sledding in Central Park as Winter Storm Kenan blankets NYC


Fauci Demands ‘Universal Coronavirus Vaccines’ Through Global Virus Harvesting Push.

Anthony Fauci called for the development of “universal coronavirus vaccines,” relying on an “international effort” to hunt down viruses capable of infecting humans.


Margot Cleveland gets it:

“With Thursday’s official announcement by Justice Stephen Breyer of his impending retirement, conservatives are strategizing on the best approach to prevent confirmation of a leftist activist justice. Instead, Republicans should be praying that President Biden nominates the looniest, most far-left lawyer possible for a slot on the high court.

Why? Because history has proven that a far-left justice will be no worse than a moderately liberal justice in the casting of Supreme Court votes, meaning there is no downside to a far-left pick, while the upside potential is huge, given that it is Biden appointing the new justice and not a Republican president: Thank you very much, Never Trumpers.”

She really does a good job making the case for this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. We can hang this around the putrid RINOs’ necks for a generation.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree.


Well, people need a MASS AWAKENING RIGHT NOW:

According to both and the WashPost, Pfizer-BioNTech will apply TODAY for an EUA to give the company’s COVID “vaccine” to BABIES and TODDLERS ages 6 months to 2 years, STARTING BY THE END OF THIS MONTH.
Actual Study Start Date: March 24, 2021
Estimated Study Completion Date: May 5, 2026
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
No Study Results Posted

This is the Pfizer-BioNTech “clinical study” on the “safety and efficacy” of the company’s COVID “vaccine” on various cohorts of people: ages 6 months to 2 years; ages 2 years to 5 years; ages 5 years to 11 years; ages 12 years to 16 years; and ages 16 years to 18 years. There’s even a subpart of the “study” that gives the “vaccine” to a cohort ages 12 to 15 years FOR TROPONIN TESTING (testing the heart muscle for damage).
Notice the Start Date and the Completion Date.
Notice that ALL of the EUAs that the FDA granted to Pfizer-BioNTech thus far for ANY cohort under age 18 WAS STILL IN CLINICAL TRIALS when the EUAs were granted.
Notice that, per the “study’s” description, EACH age cohort, INCLUDING the one ages 6 months to 2 years, can be given the following doses of the “vaccine” PER DOSE:
10mcg; or,
20mcg (the dosage now given to children ages 5 – 11); or,
30mcg (the dosage now given to children ages 12 – 15 AND TO ADULTS).

Now notice again the report posted below in this thread by eilert about how the SPIKE PROTEIN POISON stays in the body, doing damage, for LONGER than originally thought.

IMO, ANY adult who allows a BABY or TODDLER to be given this “vaccine” is allowing CHILD ABUSE. ANY person under age 18 who gets this “vaccine” IS A DE-FACTO “STUDY PARTICIPANT”.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Youre right. Never before has this been done. We dont use experimental meds on people without very strict controls and monitoring and against their will or w coersion. I read about this late yesterday and its sick. I do believe they are using lot numbers with different mixes to adjust and see effects for adults. Its terrifying to anticipate what will happen to the littlest ones.


And, of course, the granting of the EUA will ALSO ABSOLVE Pfizer-BioNTech of ANY liability.
The “vaccine” being used in this “study”, by the way, is BN162b2, the ONLY Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” available in the United States. The FDA ‘fully approved vaccine”, COMIRNATY, is the company’s German version of the “vaccine” that’s only available in the EU / Scandinavia (however, it appears that BOTH the BN162b2 and the COMIRNATY are used interchangeably in these countries).

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Evil people experimenting on animals with no humanity or dignity left. Its prob why a callous veterinarian is the head of pfizeer. Some vets are just butchers with a title.


Why don’t they just name it “Cabalatol”

Cabal-atol = Ka BALL a TALL

The drugs is meant to turn us into fking cabal zombies, so why not?

When I happen to watch the tube at night and see endless drug commercials, all I see is they all could be named ‘cabalatol’ … “If you’re taking xxx and you have shakes, try xxx too!” … it all sounds like cabalatol to me

Last edited 3 years ago by Please
Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

I get 404 not found message


Have to take the *****PDF from the link.


Yeah, that was from something in my copy/paste file. I went back and fixed it.

Vid is of a Walmart guy asking some total mask jerk guy if he was going to pay for his groceries as he was going out the door. Guy said “yeah”, Walmart guy said “when”, guy kept going and then Grandma shoved her basket between him and door, grabbed his ski mask and pulled it off his head. That followed by a tug of war for the stolen goods which the demasked jerk lost.

More fun in the comments as this appeared to trigger some trolls. 😁😆🤗

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t read the comments without an account. When I go there, it gets covered up with a “log in” “subscribe” banner within seconds.

Gail Combs

Twatter starting doing that to me too today. I used Brave ingognito window and it worked fine.


She kept his headgear 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Personally, I’d burn it.

Might be loaded with COVID.


Higher likely hood of lice.

Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damned fine point! After all, lice was wearing it.


 😂  Grandma’s Rule.


The guy has to live with the shame of being bested by a grandma, on video for all to see. 😂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’ll take it out on everyone with more crime.


 😂 ..well she was well on the way to reintroducing shame  😂 
I think if she had a little more time, she’d of grabbed him by the hair, and planted his face into the cart. The store attendant rescued him  😂 
He forgot you don’t do stupid $hit in front of Grandma, or anyone else for that matter. No respect.

Gail Combs

Grandmas use twisting ears. Worked wonders on my HUGE brother.


I knew it triggered a memory, video has been taken down, account closed, but the transcript is still there.
“You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”


Come out and say it Mr. Trump – say “FALSE FLAG – FEDERAL OP to smear MAGA Patriot Trump supporters.”


Honk or le honk depending on you Canadian location.

The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) Tweeted:
The tide is turning.

Keep up the pressure 👊


Hoping that you’re doing OK and on the mend. Please take care of yourself.


Ty. Every day improvement. Just have to remind myself no lifting much and don’t overdo it.


Easter eggs in here…

PolitiZoid (@PolitiZoid) Tweeted:

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

Brick Suit guy was in there.

Barb Meier

I love this… shouting the battle cry of freedom. Thanks giloo!


Answering questions while wearing a mask and holding a coffee.


Weak pseudoconservative putz.

Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) Tweeted:
Two years of lockdowns are fine by him.

Two days of peaceful protests are too much for him.


^^^ Putz trotted out, delivering Trudope’s EMPTY head message, falls FLAT.

Idjits refusing to acknowledge Canadian citizen demands to end mandates.

Dope bureaucrats will in time cave to common sense, END ALL Covid related mandates.

Bureaucrats free to choose the inevitable. Look weak and incompetent sooner, OR later.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

The State Of Modern Journalism – James O’Keefe (1 hour)

Rumble — James O’Keefe is an investigative journalist and the Founder of Project Veritas.

Faith in mainstream media is at an all-time low. At a time when we need better quality information, pretty much everything seems like it’s been made with spin in mind. Creating an alternative type of journalism is filled with legal, ethical, organisational and personal dilemmas and today James explains some of the biggest ones he faces.

Expect to learn what it feels like to have Anthony Fauci call you out by name during a hearing, why James O’Keefe was raided by the FBI at 6am, James O’Keefe’s response to criticisms about undercover reporting, how Project Veritas deals with the ethics of releasing undercover documents, whether James O’Keefe sees himself as impartial, how many times he’s been sued and much more…

Gail Combs

@ around 33 minutes James O’Keefe says he has a new breaking story about the Covid Vacines and children/Babies.

“This story is going to outrage Pro-Vaccine people, as much as it will outrage antivaccine people”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another JWST update from the NASA Webb blog: James Webb Space Telescope (

(Note that “blog” is already short for “web log” so this is the “Webb web log,” I guess.)

This one isn’t too full of unexplained astronomese, but does assume some technical knowledge–you’d better know what a kelvin is. (In case you don’t: Basically, a temperature scale that starts at absolute zero, but whose “degrees” are the same size as Celsius degrees. Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees C, so freezing (0 C) is 273.15 K. Preferred in physics because it’s linear: 500K is actually twice as hot as 250K. You can’t say that about Celsius or Fahrenheit, for that matter.)

They’re talking about waiting for instrument packages to cool to temperatures well above the 60K given for the mirror on the “where is Webb” site.

That site got updated overnight to give the temperatures of the instrument packages (these are the sensors that will make images) and they are indeed warmer than the mirror. If I read the following correctly, the instruments were deliberately heated (somewhat) so residual water vapor boosted from Earth with the spacecraft wouldn’t form frost on them (which would take a long time to go away, if it ever did). So they’re being allowed to cool very slowly.

Where Is Webb? NASA/Webb

Following Webb’s arrival at its orbital destination around Lagrange Point 2 (L2) on Jan. 24, the mission operations team began working its way through a critical series of steps: powering on all the science instruments, turning off heaters to begin a long cooldown process, and ultimately capturing the first photons on Webb’s primary camera to enable a months-long alignment of the telescope.

While the MIRI instrument and some instrument components were powered on in the weeks after Webb’s Dec. 25 launch, the team didn’t finish turning on the remaining three instruments – NIRCamNIRSpec, and FGS/NIRISS – until the past few days.

The mission operations team’s next major step is to turn off instrument heaters. The heaters were necessary to keep critical optics warm to prevent the risk of water and ice condensation. As the instruments meet pre-defined criteria for overall temperatures, the team is shutting off these heaters to allow the instruments to restart the months-long process of cooling to final temperatures.

When NIRCam reaches 120 kelvins (approximately -244 degrees Fahrenheit, or -153 degrees Celsius), Webb’s optics team will be ready to begin meticulously moving the 18 primary mirror segments to form a single mirror surface. The team has selected the star HD 84406 as its target to begin this process. It will be the first object NIRCam “sees” when photons of light hit the instrument’s powered-on detectors. The process will essentially create an image of 18 random, blurry points of light. For the first few weeks of mirror alignment, the team will keep the instrument trained on the star while they make microscopic adjustments to the mirror segments; ultimately that collection of 18 blurry dots will become a focused image of a single star. Cooling of the telescope and instruments will also continue over the next month, with the near-infrared instruments ultimately reaching 37-39 kelvins. The cryocooler will cool MIRI to 6 kelvins in the following months.


RIP – Andrew Breitbart

Sadie Slays

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The scene in Ottawa


It’s a Patriotic Party and all are welcome !
Those sidewalk pizza ovens are pretty cool.


The truckers are giving away food and cooking for the homeless.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t be fooled, they’re mean, Neanderthal knuckledragging scumbags who just don’t believe the science.

(/sarc, if it wasn’t obvious)




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Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Professor David Clements gives an update on the New Mexico audit. Dr. Shiva, an MIT scientist, will be the prime contractor. They are not working with Jovan Pulitzer, who was involved in the Maricopa process, because they say his work was incompetent and ineffective.

The New Mexico audit is the antithesis of Maricopa. Some good things came out of Maricopa, but the competent people wre neutralized and the ones who didn’t know what they were doing were running the show.

There were three phases in Maricopa and Jovan’s was one of the three. When September came there was no sign of the expected report, just a repurposed canvass report that was called “kinematic artifact detection,” but that was not the case; it was not about that at all. Also, Jovan didn’t allow peer review. He’s still saying he’s going to have a forthcoming report, but there won’t be anyone to deliver it to, or no hearing for it to be presented to.

This is why I am in favor of examining every person, even those who have a reputation of being patriots who are fighting and are effective. It seems that a great opportunity was missed in Maricopa, partly because of Pulitzer.


The Professor’s Record [Professor David Clements]

Hi friends:

#FightBack [Lin Wood’s organization] has pledged to help raise $100,000 for the NM full forensic audit.

The audit is being led by MIT scientist, Dr. Shiva, and other nationally recognized experts.  

Almost immediately, the corrupt NM state auditor has sought to stop our efforts.

Let that sink in for a second. An auditor that is afraid of a real audit.

America’s Audit Force will support Shiva’s efforts in volunteer driven initiatives like weekly canvassing operations.

In fact, I’ll be knocking on doors this weekend.

The goal is to get rid of corrupt election machines before the primary.

We got to this point by working around the clock and seizing an opportunity to present our initial findings to the Otero County Commission. They voted unanimously in “We the People’s” favor.

Please consider partnering with us.

Everything we learn will be shared with other counties across the country.

Get rid of the machines.

Fix 2020 or Bust.


New Mexico Audit

Emergency Support Needed !! FightBack to Commence New Mexico Election Audit 

FightBack stands front and center in the Fight for Election Integrity to Fix 2020!


“Good luck getting a delivery in Ottawa”

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wonder why.

I mean, there’s no shortage of trucks and drivers there.




Valerie Curren

God the eternal Male & we all (Believers) His beloved bride. What mystery!

If the world exists not chiefly that we may love God but that God may love us, yet that very fact, on a deeper level, is so for our sakes. If He who in Himself can lack nothing chooses to need us, it is because we need to be needed. Before and behind all the relations of God to man, as we now learn them from Christianity, yawns the abyss of a Divine act of pure giving—the election of man, from nonentity, to be the beloved of God, and therefore (in some sense) the needed and desired of God, who but for that act needs and desires nothing, since He eternally has, and is, all goodness. And that act is for our sakes. It is good for us to know love; and best for us to know the love of the best object, God. But to know it as a love in which we were primarily the wooers and God the wooed, in which we sought and He was found, in which His conformity to our needs, not ours to His, came first, would be to know it in a form false to the very nature of things. For we are only creatures: our role must always be that of patient to agent, female to male, mirror to light, echo to voice. Our highest activity must be response, not initiative. To experience the love of God in a true, and not an illusory form, is therefore to experience it as our surrender to His demand, our conformity to His desire: to experience it in the opposite way is, as it were, a solecism against the grammar of being.

From The Problem of Pain
Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis

The Problem of Pain. Copyright © 1940, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright restored © 1996 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

From a mailing list.

Be Blessed AND a Blessing!

In Jesus’ Love 


Karl –

Pretty much in line with what we have discussed on here.

Gail Combs

“….But note well that Trump, and Fox, are all over the Wuhan Institute only. Oddly silent is that institutions right here in the United States appear to have been part of it.  ….”

If you want the SOBs to stand trial for mass murder, you DO NOT TIP THEM OFF!!!

You also want most people to WAKE THE F…UP about FauXi, the NIH, CDC, FDA and their disregard for the health of the American People.

Were the doctors involved in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study tried and jailed?

Then there was the Guatemala – US syphilis study where 1,500 men, women and children. deliberately infected in secret in the 1940s experiment.

Wiki has a listing of the Unethical experiments. (There are a lot I was not aware of.)

I HOPE that THIS TIME the SOBs are tried, convicted and HUNG!


Amen. We will eventually learn the why’s. Don’t sweat the details at this stage. We want Trump taking center stage. Nobody does it better.


Live stream in Coutts Canada with police looking to arrest truckers. Carrying plastic cuffs and checking trucks.

Gail Combs

I hope they have those trucks rigged with kill switches. I had a way I could make it so no one could start my truch when I was commuting in Boston.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was just watching it.

Voiceover said Rebel News reports no one near by is willing to tow the trucks!!!

(An epidemic of COVID among tow truck drivers, it seems! First Ottawa and now clear over here in Alberta.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Also, RCMP is planning to “move in” today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a collection of RINOs and DINOs – because CCP!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At the risk of making my entire Saturday repetitive boilerplate I’m tempted to put my RINO rant in all five weeks of the rotation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

RINOs deserve it!!! RINOs are ASSHOES.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Feeling charitable today, I see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beautiful day, and I worked hard! NO CHINEE MOORAH TAKEN.

BANE-ER working hard to be the BANE OF OUR EXISTENCE.

Charity today only for the downtrodden, not for the downtreading!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Similar prediction and conditions here, but changing rapidly in terms of amount of snow. I think the entire eastern half of the country is under a snow warning!!!


Columbus was wonderful yesterday. Was nice to walk around and shop like it used to be. Most places are open some went out o business like Pencies. Could not happen to a better woke guy.
The Spice house is thriving. Life is good :).

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

We have 61 F today but the weather is supposed to change to rain and Friday snow. I enjoyed the sun yesterday and today. Opened all the windows was inspired to reorganize . Clean wash items. I better get all my spring cleaning in because when it gets real nice i want to be in the garden.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We’re supposed to get a mini one starting Thursday night, a 12hr freeze + 2 more. No snow, nothing like last year.
Still, Abbott and others gave a press conference earlier to say how ready our electrical grid is. They.Better.Be.

Stay warm DP.🤗💖


Very unsurprising.


Some how I am quite sure, there are many MORE Uniparty collecting gratuities (bribes) from Chinee.

Two in the WH. BiteMe, Hoe via the fool that married her.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Not surprising.
Betcha dollars to doughnuts the CCP and the other entities these people lobby for have “the goods” on EVERY single one of them.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MAGA Blows Up Over Trump’s Baffling Neocon Endorsement in Tennessee . . . But It’s Even Worse Than They Think

This is interesting. But it sounds like Robby Starbuck has the support of the MAGA faithful – enough to WIN.


It is a FU. The best way to handle it is to get PDT in a photo op with Starbuck.Ortagus is not even a good RINO.

Which s why I don’t understand why people cannot accept that PDT/supporters make mistakes. They want to pretend he is going all 4D chess master ninja. They had plenty of time and resources to vet Ortagus and Starbuck. They messed up. Fix it.


I see it as he’s testing us to vet his picks and maybe he throws up a RINO for us to expose… and we are up to the task … but …

… most likely he just f’d up.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’m thinking maybe out of loyalty to Kansas? Pompeo may/may not know/approve of her past. DRINOs in the State Dept probably recommended her to him.

Gail Combs

Who ever is vetting these people for POTUS NEEDS TO BE FIRED!!!

The Asshole Abbott (instead of West) and now this even worse ass wipe??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Samantha Vinograd is a name I remember. Absolutely infamous anti-Trump.

This has consequences. There is something very, very wrong here.

This cannot be excused as setting up an ear for Trump in the enemy camp. This strikes me as a double or triple betrayal of Trump, setting up future betrayals.

We need to talk about this.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Can you pleeeez set up a private_message_to_Trump??🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf – that’s why I keep bringing up Judas Goats, double spies, whatever. Our side has a handful inside. But it has appeared to me as a result of what we have seen, that PDT and the GOP has/had hundreds of them within inner circles of alphabets, the WH, his cabinet, military, etc.

Roman Empire type treachery at its finest. The problem is that it is happening again before the rebuild gets started.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

This is why I want to look at everyone, even the people who seem to be beyond reproach. If there are people like that who are betraying PDJT, no one would ever suspect them and they would be free to cause havoc.