Back In My Day: Civilized War – Think Hebrew

If you have found value in any of my BIMD stories to date, please understand that this one begins a series of events that "trumps" them all in terms of worldly and eternal importance. In my opinion, it is the critical piece that many are not understanding. Everything from this point forward in BIMD will … Continue reading Back In My Day: Civilized War – Think Hebrew

2023·02·11 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

EDIT: 22:54 MT. Well let's just say the top item didn't age well...except perhaps for the deserved insults to Speaker Dungsmear. I can only hope McCarthy keeps his promises. Giving Our "Love" To the RINOs and the Dipshits Going After O'Keefe RINOs an Endangered Species? If Only! (Well this is the perfect time for this … Continue reading 2023·02·11 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread