It’s fricking Thursday again?
Badlands News Brief – May 15, 2024
The Nebraska GOP is rejecting all Republican congressional incumbents in Tuesday’s primary election
Making a statement at the state level. This is one step.
Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system, bombshell study finds
Here Come the Lying AI Robots: Study Alerts That AI Systems Are Getting Adept at Deceiving Humans
When are people going to wake up and demand AI be unplugged? Should have happened long ago. Anyone who has read science fiction should know that.
2024 like 1980?
My machine Democrat grandfather didn’t even vote for him.
Hemingway: If You Don’t Speak Out Against Democrat Lawfare, You Have No Future In The GOP
Winston Marshall: Populism Is The Voice Of The Voiceless, The Real Threat To Democracy Is From The Elites
The MAGA Party
Machine Republicans are not happy in Nebraska, or anywhere else as they see the MAGA message turning into a movement.
Our ‘Greatest Ally’
Please, put emotions aside on that.
Trump Biden Debate! Will It Actually Happen?
Not if the White House calls a lid.

COVID killed it.

Pray anyway.
I saw one Tuesday.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
LUKE 15:1-10
1Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. 2And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” 3So he told them this parable: 4“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost, until he finds it? 5And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, `Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost.’ 7Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. 8“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? 9And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, `Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.’ 10Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Thank you, De Pat, for a thunderous fricking Thursday post!
Such a gentleman. Thank you.
It’s quiet out there other than the normies waking up.
Another assassination attempt:
Could it be our famous Blob is behind this???
It IS our fucking BLOB – merged with its wicked master, the evil CABAL in Europe.
Got it in ONE Wolfie!
Obama is on that bus!!!
Are they the same person?
He sure is somethin’ else.
oh my goodness…spit my cereal all over the table with that one!!! lol
unfortunately, it’s a valid question.
Excellent party material!
That’s like having the women raped by Clinton sitting front and center at the Hillary debate.
I just found this. If you want to know the real story behind Jan 6th. Ivan Raiklin lays it all out.
Sorry but it is 2 hrs 50 min so I am NOT going to try and take notes. On the plus side I love alpha Warriors voice.
I am 40 minutes in. Ivan goes into what police have jurisdiction. The fact he talked to the guy who discovered the bomb — He thought it was suspicious as all get out… The constitutional reasoning behind Ivan’s strategy and WHY that scared the crap out of Piglosi.
That is the foundation for why Trump, who knew the strategy, said Jan 6th ‘would be wild’
Now I am headed for bed.
Ivan on Alpha Warrior Podcast – Government Coup Exposed
OK, I said I was not going to transcribe but this is too juicy not to share!!!
First REMEMBER, Ivan did not RETIRE until AFTER the clot shot was mandated.. AND he was PSY-OPS
Ivan Raiklin
At 50:50 Ivan asks Alpha what an IMSI grabber is. He looks it up:
IMSI-catcher — WIKI
Ivan then says, “My question to you FBLie is why is the FBI so interested in finding out whether or not certain people were on the capital ground and whether those people had access to an IMSI-catchers.”
Alpha (who is/was a LEO laughs…)
Alpha: “If I know what steps I take at a local level, I can make save educated assumptions what would take place at the Federal level.Esp when looking at national Security.You know an event like this that is going to bring this many people, YOU are going to be deploying these devices, you ABSOLUTELY KNOW THAT, but you also know there is a very strong likelyhood foreign entities will be deploying these devices. So not only do you have these devices, you are using your technology to see if there are other devices like this out there because you are doing counter intelligence at the same time….”
Ivan is GRINNING like a cat who ate a ton of canaries.
I am going to stop there and do a bit of digging:
Where to get a warrant:
There are others.
Another point.
Congressional Reseach Service: The Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters: The Use of the Military to Execute Civilian Law
Updated November 6, 2018
Third point: I live in the flight pattern between Ft Brag and DC I saw a HECK of a lot of military traffic between the 2 in December 2020 & January 2021.
WHO is stationed at Ft Bragg?
The 4th PSYOP Group
And they have a Youtube channel:
4th PSYOP Group
Well, well, well the vid I wanted has been removed. However it was captured and placed on Rumble:
The second PSYOP recruiting video is here, and it will blow your mind
07/02/2023 New Video from 4th PSYOP Group – Fly Me To The Moon
It is only a few minutes long and worth a watch given what Ivan is saying.
Now take ALL that information and add in the FBI’s panic raid on Mar a Lago… Ivan has said Russia,Russia, Russia group is the SAME group as the Fed-Surrection. He also said the raid was about getting the evidence on the spying on Trump… HMMmmmm
1:03:00 Alpha was at the capitol on Jan 6th (IIRC they are going after him.) He says he was having cell phone issues as were others.
Alpha: You know they are MOVING FAST, and to move fast means, and people right out of the gate were saying they were having these cell phone issues. I am like OK something was deployed out there, at the minimum it was sting-ray and probably a lot more sophisticated then that given the agencies… On the small level we often rush to arrest people and put them in holding tanks… doesn’t really mean they are bad guys. We put them in these positions to help facilitate the story…. This lead me to Edmund Newman… FBI dropping hammer on every one who went into the Capitol.
Alpha says FBI Ivan corrects to CAPITOL POLICE.
[The take away is the FBI is working at the direction of the Capitol Police. -GC]
Alpha: So I am going thru the site having all the arrests and they have info and pics and I come to this Edmund Newman and he has this UKRAINIAN revolution scarf, The FBI finds out this dude was ACTING IN THE COLOR REVOLUTION… Ivan interrupts, does not want to go off on another rabbit trail.
Alpha come back with the point that the file had ALL THE HITS ON HIS PHONE, they had where he was at this time, at this time, & at this time, and they had a plot map. And I am like, they have this on EVERYBODY.
That is a really good point because it applies to this sect 1979. Release of Security Information [Capitol police have SOLE authority.]
Ivan then gets into the PERSON whodetermins what info will be released:
It would be the senior lawyer of the US general council of the Capitol Police who ADVISES the board on what info to release. This allows him to protect any information that would give away the Fed-surrection.
So WHO is the board?
(Funny the first search items are FactCheck & Politico. snicker)
Capitol Police Board
There are THREE voting members Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House & the Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate.
Michael C. StengerApr 16, 2018–Jan 7, 2021
at 1:09:21 is a slide showing who appoints each.
Piglosi appointed the House Sergeant of Arms and McCarthy kept him. IRVING, Paul from 2011 – 2023
Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate. appointed by Senate Majority leader.
Michael C. StengerApr 16, 2018–Jan 7, 2021 (Mitch the Turtle)
Karen Gibson Mar 22, 2021–present (Chuck the Schmuck)
Architect of the Capitol appointed and confirmed by Trump & Senate for a 10 year term/
They Booted Trump’s Architect of the Capitol and put in Biden’s.
Was looking at this yesterday in responding to a tweet that claimed Pelosi had nothing to do with controlling the Capitol.
So concerning the delta between 11. & 12. 2yrs. The acting Capitol Architect was hired on by the Obama guy Ayers. This makes her a defacto Obama pick.
Up next on the link above… more 4th Psyop Group.
That’s new. I saw it with the English titles not long ago. (3 minutes)
Thank you so much, Gail!!!!!!!!
I’m at 56:10 now and learned about the IMSI-catcher. Ivan is amazing. He’s got all these facts in his head. No wonder he is often smiling.
My take-away of the first hour is that I want to make an animated graphic that shows jurisdictions across time and place with names and faces. That would match up with the specific law that takes prescidence as actions take place. I am sure that it would be so much easier for us normies to follow who did what, when (or should have). It would be a play-by-play of the deceptions.
I am not an artist, but I know a few who are. Let me try to sell the concept of making all that Ivan is sharing even more digestible and transparent to the rest of us.
They (Ivan & the Fltnns) made a ‘Glen Beck’ type wall for the Flynn movie showing ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ and the connections
I have not seen it yet but I hope to.
Ivan has a substack but it is subcribe.
January 6: Fastest Path To Truth & Justice
This has quite a bit of data for the general public.
He names actual names.
Oh that’s great! Thanks for the info. There is so much info and it is so important. It is the difference between remaining a constitutional republic and collapsing into chaos and anarchy.
Right now I am listening to Ivan (1:14:00) describe how the Capitol police not only have ALL the video footage in the capitol (Think the elected abusing their staffers…) they ALSO HAVE ALL THE EMAILS…
I’ll have two helpings, please. Maybe more.
Wow, thanks! you can subscribe for free, but only get the articles he publishes for the general public.
That’s an intriguing idea, hope you can get it to be realized! TY!!!
MOAR Ivan. I am now about 1/2 way thru.🤓
1:27:00 John Boenner (Speaker of house -R) & Paul Ryan (Speaker of house- R) campaigned for Liz Cheney. They and Piglosi all had Paul Irving as House Sergeant at Arms.
1:29:30 Came out in Jan 6th hearing Paul Ryan called MARC SHORT (Pence chief of staff ) and then MIKE PENCE…. Did he also call Paul Irving? Was Ryan part of the Fed-surrection via instructions to Paul Irving? Did the RNC via Paul Ryan DIRECT Pence?
Tarik Johnson knows the stuff from the inside. He was there for decades. Chief Steven Sund was there for only the 3 years as Chief. So he doesn’t know the human dynamics. But does know the mechanics.
So you need the info from both. However the one who really know everything is the Chief Council for the Capital Police and He ain’t talking. He is in ACTUAL control of the release of info and the TARGETING of specific people. He avoids Ivan like the plague.
(I am leaving out a Key player that Ivan mentioned. Yogananda Pittman. She was acting chief of the Capitol Police during the Fed-Surrection The Chief reports directly to the Capitol Police Board. Before being acting chief she was assistant chief of police for intelligence operations. So she was KEY to the operation and has been wisked away to a job in Calif.)
1979. Release of Security information
This is the cover they are hiding info behind.
1:34:00 A MUST LISTEN: “appropriate committees of Congress” Ivan gave the article on his substack to listed Congress critters. There was supposed to be a meeting with Kevin McCarthy and the listed people. Ivan was supposed to be at the meeting BUT the day before the General Counsel calls Witthoff?? and says McCarthy only wants to meet with you. So the Capitol Police General Counsel is nervous.
1:37:00 So then he went after Barry Loudermilk, who was to be the chair of the oversight subcommittee on house administration. Via his chief of staff he set up a meeting and more or less ambushed Loudermilk with a group of five. (did not catch names) They told Loudermilk. We are 2 years ahead of you so please contact us when you are ready. But here is the problem. It is a sub committee of the House administration committee & the chair of that committee is Bryan Steil. Who was a STAFFER FOR PAUL RYAN!
Racine, Wisconsin is the epicenter of the Uniparty Republican leadership. Paul Ryan, Bryan Steil, Reince Priebus (now chair of RNC convention) Robert Voss are all from Racine.
New Schlichter —
Looks like Con Inc is resigned to another Trump presidency.
This evening, I got a call from one of those “we’ll buy your property” companies. The woman spoke in clear English but with an Asian accent. She said she wanted to buy my place, so I pointed her to my realtor. She then tried different ways to pursue her interest in buying after the contract expires.
It pissed me off because I have no interest in side-stepping my realtor or breaching any contract I’ve signed. It is an insult to suggest that idea. She asked if I would be interested in doing a “rent to own” deal. No, I said. She even asked what I will do after the contract expires when I would not give her a date. I told her “I’ll live here.” She was pretty good at cold sales pitches and digging for info. By starting with “I want to buy your property,” she increased the odds I would not immediately hang up. Who sent her, I have no idea.
After napping a bit, I connected depopulation tactics with CCP, democrats/RINOs, or elites wanting to buy cheap all the properties from estates or owners anxious to downsize. I’ll research the phone number and company name from Caller ID, but know they can spoof Caller IDs so won’t assume it is real.
Of course, it is easy to find out when a home goes off the market and to check the county GIS for my name. From there, who knows where she got my phone number but I doubt it is too hard. I don’t hide.
Our gov could increase our expenses into crazyland then try to dip their beaks as eventually people either die or go bankrupt. Is our own government trying to do that or is it little enterprisers? I’ll dig more later…
My Word Is My Bond.
A handshake was all you needed. (From an Alabama song?)
Integrity matters to folks like us.
I’d bet your caller was a scammer of sorts. Easy to get your number. Home is for sale on MLS. (My guesstimate) Then a few more dots and they have your number, name…
For past six months, prior to selling our place in NV, we were receiving near daily calls to sell our place for cash. Had never sought out a cash deal. Demand for homes in the area high, for all the refugees escaping California.
Most were suspicious from their first words. Initial delays after I’d answer. As if the call was passed to next available scammer.
Fundamentally I stuck with, No. Always blocked their number. Everyone in the area gets constant calls to sell for cash.
We did sell to a cash buyer. Had checked them out. House flippers. In business for nearly twenty years. Owned by four guys that grew up in the area. Excellent reputation. Their offer was exactly what I got. No title insurance fees, closing fees, realtor fees, inspection fees.., Thirty days to close. After closing, allowed us to stay in the house rent free ten days.
True, they got the place a bit under market. Trade off of sorts. I sold a home with zero stress. Would the buyer walk away, want a contingency, etc. The days the home closed, money was in our account that night. Win – Win in this case.
>>> Hope your place sells soon, so you can join family.
We get the calls all the time to. Hubby quotes a sky-high price and they hang up. I was told by a neighbor, a place down the road, smaller acreage than ours, and ALL SWAMP is up for sale for 3 mil. 😮 I do not know if it has a house. The plans were to put in a camping ground.
Large tract buyers with unobtrusive type plans like campgrounds or nine hole golf courses, storage lots, etc around here have become very suspect because the real intent is to use the new county proposal to rezone everything that used to be low density family zones into all manner of medium/high density. They even came up with a ‘commercial medium’ density zone ,meaning the property can be both commercial and multifamily housing.
The rush to build build build housing is pure DemCom ideology. Destroy traditional for a phantom blast of new inhabitants. They even use the buzzword “workforce” housing…what workforce? There’s no industry here.
It’s a huge fight. Supposed to be the vote tonight on these new changes. The community has stood up to oppose . So far they’ve blatantly ignored us so we’ll see what happens tonight.
We are worried the city in our county will take over the unincorporated area (US) WE do not get a vote on it, THEY DO.
Want to see taxes sky rocket ==> Farmers sell and move out.
Remember the average age of US farmers is 58 years old. Kids are not interested in farming so they SELL.
I think vultures are trying to buy BEFORE rezoning makes prices skyrocket. Right now it is 2 ac minimum because we are septic. However I can see them bringing water and sewer closer and closer. all sounds very familiar.One gal I talked to at the last meeting said that near her there’s a small subdivision of single family homes that were bought one by one and have been sitting idle for a long time in anticipation of this proposal going through.
They’ve even taken the Dem method of trying to manipulate traditionally black owned (since post civil war) into thinking white demons are trying to get them to not sell to’s like a reverse gentrification scheme. Get them to sell, promise them a fine new apartment or condo while essentially giving up their hard fought for property.
Wow… hopefully this will not devolve into more Maui like attacks on homeowners. In rural areas where I was watching for a new home, there is a big industry coming to a nearby town and a LOT of cookie-cutter open floorplan homes are being built. Then, I saw an article about people having problems with poor quality on these new neighborhoods because home builders are reducing quality to reduce prices since the interest rates have gone up so much. Everything OBiden touches turns to 💩.
Horton builders..
MORE new home nightmares with America’s biggest builder D.R. Horton
When I bought my first house down in Texas in 2000-2001, DR Horton had the exact same reputation. Nothings changed. They don’t care about correcting as the video points out.
When Colorado Springs annexed a few small suburbs near Cheyenne mountain the stink was so bad that there’s now a law in Colorado that the annexees (I think I just invented a word) must approve by a vote.
And something similar happened to Denver.
“the stink was so bad”
I thought you were referring to a literal problem, like in switching over septic systems to sewer systems LOL
Around where my parents’ Northern Michigan Cottage is there is a local septic service company called the Purple Poop Pumper, & they drive around in a purple, presumably poop-filled, small tanker truck 🙃
I was talking about “raising a stink” which was my father’s favorite figure of speech for complaining loudly and effectively when some jerk is trying to screw you over.
And yes we have septic trucks. Honeybee, etc. And even one company that proudly boasts they will take crap from anyone.
Good luck!!! A few years back, someone wanted to build a gun range and that was defeated in our area. The 21st Century Zoning Wars…
We already have a turkey shoot next door. (great training for my ponies. They do not jump at a balloon popping) A Skeet Shoot in one direction and Mud Racing in the other. We used to have a golf course too.
That does not include the lake less than 10 miles away.
Very much a good recreational area which is why the Campground idea made sense.
speculative question…is there any possibility of natural gas or oil under your property?
Most certainly under mine!
We have lots of caves in our area, including Endless Caverns on this Massanutten mountain range just a few miles south.I don’t know of any gas or oil for this property.
lotta of anticipation of “drill, baby, drill” when the presidency switches. we are inundated with letters about companies and folks wanting to buy our gas/oil rights. some want the land as well, some just are offering to buy the rights.
but folks around here sell the property WHILE RETAINING the gas/oil rights. we’re in the Marcellus Shale area.
We have to get rid of the DemonRat gov first.
true. we are too close to NY. upstate wants to allow the fracking and gas exploration, but nyc et al do not want to allow it and they have more voters.
SWAMP camping sounds like a mosquito mecca 🙄
Uh … sure. 🙃
but would you want a swamp campground as your neighbors? Down the road from me, a couple is hoping to sell their home. Their next door neighbor turned their property into a vehicle graveyard and the county is explaining how they need to clean it up within 30 days or the county will. It was such a nice little place after efforts of the previous owners. Now, it is a nightmare. Cars without wheels or titles all over the front and back yard.
It is a couple miles down the road. If the campers also had horses, I would not mind at all.
Prices for overnight board of a horse go from $35 to $100+ per night.
I can offer not only shelter but turnout so that puts me on the higher end. I also have trails that connect to more trails.
If I get any moe like this, I’ll use Hubby’s solution!!! Thank him very much.
You are very welcome. Just add a zero to what the house would actually sell for.😆
Hahahaha… that should do it.
Thank you, Kalbo! I let my realtor know and she appreciated the info. She said she had just been talking about the increase in scammers with a title company. I, like you, have been researching job posts and companies more deeply than ever. Every day is a little war against corruptocrats. I remember Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did handshake deals back in the day. Now, it seems, Billg has gone to the dark side in an insane way.
Oooh… here is the reply to Kalbokalbs! LOL
Those delays can indicate that you’re talking with an A I conversation program.
Thanks Kalbo! I thought I had replied to you before, but do not see the post now.
I’ve never gotten a phone call before and just two or three junk mails about selling my property. Typically, they want the land not the home, but the county requires me to sell this property as a whole, all five acres. When that happens, the county will change it from three parcels to one. So when they have an interest in the empty land, I know they are clueless about our neighborhood. Long ago, they sold very small lots as camping sites and now the county is trying to pull those together into larger lots.
Zero stress would be very nice. It is also important to me that whoever buys this place is a good neighbor to my neighbors and not some jerk.
I am so glad your home sale turned out so well. My older brother’s home sale went well too and he might have gotten more for it, but was thrilled to get a local buyer with plans to make the home much better for his parents. My turn will come. 😊
Twofer of sorts. Post is slightly up, posted 1044.
Your brother’s sale great gesture, so the buyer could help his folks. We need more of this. Children helping parents, family…
As I understand it if you’re under contract with some realtor, it’s perfectly acceptable to sell the house yourself for cash.
However, they are still entitled to their commission, which you will have to pay.
Eating their own…
Upside down. It’s a feat to say the least.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, May 16, 2024
“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”
2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Post on apparitions & miracles is now published . . . if you’re interested.
Thank you!
Excellent! Thank you!!!
Ty. Good message 🙂. Just a hop a way.
The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!
The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!
The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!
More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!
Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!
From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!
Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!
The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!
Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!
D01: 11/18/2013
Ty Duchess! 🙂
Lovely Duchess. This song comes to mind, & the underlying Psalm too 😇 Blessings!
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
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“Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system, bombshell study finds”
And in other news, study finds completely empty brain cavities, no spines, and no balls in autopsies of those vaccinated for Covid four or more times!
Nice that they’ve caught up. I believe Gail, Wolf, et al, even you were warning about Anti Body Dependent Enhancement ADE back when the vax was first coming out. “It’s Going To Destroy Your Immune System! ” It was what many of the anti vaxxx folk were saying.
Yes. It is too bad many didn’t listen.
Here is the slide that was shown for just a second (thank God that someone captured it) during the FDA VRBPAC meeting in October 2020. Vaccine Enhanced Disease (ADE) is on this list.
Yep, we had that slide posted here minus the write up on the bottom early 2021. The write up, though was part of top portion of the tweet. Someone got thoughtful and combined the two to make a more thoughtful meme. 🤗
Thank you! I missed this one!
The study was in humanized mice, but that can’t be dismissed, because these mice have worked so well for other studies which are cited by the “pro-vax” crowd.
boy i find that term offensive…”humanized” mice.
Oh, this whole thing is “Island of Dr. Moreau”!
The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells.
Do not forget that H. G. Wells was a founding member of the Fabian Society. Looks like the ideas didn’t change.
Thank you for this. Please see Yours Truly’s comment posted below in the discussion thread, where I take the report apart.
That’s so weird. Without a brain, one couldn’t control any functions at all. In Biden’s case, perhaps his brain migrated to his nether regions.
A guy from Oklahoma just called in to Chris Plante’s show and suggested that self-immolation should be added to the Olympics as a sport. Chris and his crew talked about it during a commercial break and thought that would be a great way to light the Olympic torch. I can’t stop laughing… 😂
fat people would finally have an advantage
… 🤮🤮🤮
Chris can get really edgy when the opportunity arises. 😆
Good stuff! Thank you!!!
Well that answers the question about whether they are REAL and possibly were used to start fires in California, Canada and Hawaii.
So which is the cheaper way to start fires?
Drone or illegal alien owing ‘transit fees’ to the cartels?
Sounds like a tossup to me.
Depends upon the access. If they have to hike miles in the wilderness? FORGET IT!
Directed Energy weapon that can light a series makes a lot of sense.
There was also the weird melting of vehicles while the tree near by was not touched.
Julie Kelly
You don’t have a plane. You have our plane—you think it’s yours because you’ve lived off the public teat for 50 years. (And corrupt foreign oligarchs) Trump, on the other hand, does have his own plane.
(hers was in response to this false bravado bullshit)
Joe Biden
I’ve also received and accepted an invitation to a debate hosted by ABC on Tuesday, September 10th. Trump says he’ll arrange his own transportation. I’ll bring my plane, too. I plan on keeping it for another four years.
and just imo…whoever is writing thesetweets for the maggot should get his ass kicked too…
the maggot couldn’t even spell plane let alone come up with this kind of snark
You know, that sounds like it was written by a Judas Iscariot type trying to tempt someone from the conservative camp into violence. If somebody took a shot at MushBrain, the commies could use it as justification for all sorts of repression.
That is why the Q movement was a good idea. It is keeping people calm so they do not walk into the false flag traps set for them.
With the current DEI contingent working in all facets of aviation “his” plane could be an airborne booby trap
You’re making me nervous. 😥
Just as long as they do not fly over our house.
Bad enough someone had to do an emergency landing on a highway in my county. (It was successful)
More Boeing stuff…
Boeing 747 catches fire during takeoff.
Don’t forget that 747s are being phased out. That plane is likely nowhere close to new.
Suspect maintenance and replacement parts would be my focus. 747s incredibly safe.
Nothing to see. Move along. Just another coincidence in Boeing world.
Not to mention sabotage.
Boeing has earned black marks for ignoring QC and I guess buying into DEI / Woke BS.
I’d bet significant, loosely coordinated sabotage, is in play these past couple months. CCP primary suspect.
“The Garuda Indonesia plane was travelling from an airport in the Indonesian city of Makassar to Madinah in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday with 468 passengers onboard when the incident happened.”
Seems like a lot of people.
“It typically accommodates 416 passengers in a three-class layout over a 7,285 nmi (13,492 km; 8,383 mi) range” — Wiki
468 is more than 12% over capacity.
Were they riding on top of the fuselage, like they ride on top of trains?
Have been on Garuda Air. Have been on Air Egypt. They actually sometimes take straphangers.
I kid you not.
That is absolutely brutal — flight time is in excess of 10 hours.
Mostly short flights. Not sure what happened here. Have been on Egypt Air in SAND STORMS with strap-hangers! Nutz.
That must get entertaining during turbulence.
All the more entertaining to fondle females in seats!!!
Al Franken-stein–yikes!
makes some subways or busses appear “civilized” 😉
Crazy. Likely lawsuits for injuries incoming 🙁
When I worked on the Great Wall Hotel (I worked in NY but the hotel was located in Beijing), rightfully they used bamboo scaffolding. Holds up to monsoons. Still must have had 15 deaths under local site ‘management’.
Never heard anything about any of it. Cost of doing business.
SMH. 🙏
Oh my goodness!
That was over about 3 years or so.
Have no idea how many have perished on the Panama Canal or other large monuments like Mount Rushmore…
Wow, likely some hidden history, at least internationally.
So I went looking & this is from the Brave search engine…but may or may not be accurate… 🙄
Deaths at mount rushmoreThere were no reported deaths during the carving of Mount Rushmore, which took place from 1927 to 1941. The sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, and his team of workers, including Donald “Nick” Clifford, who was believed to be the last living carver of Mount Rushmore, worked on the monument for 14 years without any fatalities.
However, there have been some reported deaths and accidents near Mount Rushmore over the years. In 2018, a 58-year-old man from Illinois died in an accidental fall at the base of a cliff near the monument. Additionally, there have been reports of visitors getting injured or killed while hiking or climbing in the surrounding Black Hills area.
It’s worth noting that the Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a popular tourist destination, and while it’s generally considered a safe place to visit, accidents can still happen. Visitors are advised to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines when exploring the area.
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That is remarkable that no one was lost during the construction!!!!
Yes, IF it’s actually true 😶 AI needs a fact-check, supposedly 🙂
PS this is satire, yet I have been on flights with people standing in the aisles.
In-sane 😮
No kidding. Our college group was attempting to fly from Luxor to Abu Simbel and back…in a sandstorm.
I am surprised I made it back alive from Egypt when I studied there. Too many weird crazy things happened. I guess I beat the odds.
The way movies make those sandstorms look it sounds dangerous if not downright deadly–Wild!
Did you get to explore the tombs in Luxor?
Valley of the Kings across from Luxor. Yes, have been inside Tutankhamun’s tomb. Rather extraordinary.
I was hidden in the Temple of Luxor as well. My British professor hid me from a boys’ school tour one day.
Something about strawberry blond hair and each teenager wanting to take a picture with his new girlfriend!!! Ugh. Took about 45 minutes for them to pass. I had been starting the photo shoot…with each of the 85 teenagers…when my prof saw what was happening and he wisked me away.
If you had any fair complexion back then, you had an odd experience.
Was hidden inside the space from the left column where the one in the blue shirt is standing.
Wow, that’s amazing & crazy!
When I was very sick in Liberia (see my other comment) I ended up missing out on the day the Team went into the bush to see a primitive tribe. I was the only White Person on the Team that week & had been told that I might have been the only White Person these people would have ever seen in their lives. I was to be prepared for them to want to touch my skin & my hair. Honestly, I was pretty sorry that I missed out on that unique experience…
Apologies. Aswan. We were in Aswan attempting the fly to the site of Abu Simbel.
Short flight but necessary. About 45 minutes.
Unless there is a sand storm.
Quite the crazy memory & experience! Glad you lived to tell about it 😇
That wasn’t the worst part. That was just humorous.
The last night before leaving was a bit frightening.
We were offered by our chaperones to have fun for the last afternoon in Cairo prior to flying home.
Choices. Pyramids, town or the Casbah.
Since some of us were already accosted by local boys after the lights went out inside the Giza pyramid previously, and had done ‘town’ in Cairo, a few of us decided to visit the Casbah. And then we got lost…on the first night of Ramadan.
Long story short…we endured cow dung, a police station, people putting their hands all over my face, one member being hit by a donkey cart, a 6-year-old to lead us out of the area, and had to jump through a waving mob into a strange VW bus with two guys in galabeyas driving it. We drew sketches of airplanes and hotel buildings in our sketchbooks to get 10 of us back to the airport hotel.
We were glad we were all not taken into a slavery situation. Our passports were held…Egyptian-style…back at the Egyptian airport hotel. Can you imagine?
Many interim stories, but alas, when I hit the tarmac of TWA at Kennedy, all I wanted to do was kiss the ground!
I LOVED my time in Egypt. It was just a bit much for being 20 years old and first time out of the country. Next time, I would start with Canada, maybe!!!!
Wow, that’s crazy & scary.
I was in Liberia for 3 weeks on a Missions Trip w/ grad school in the late 80’s. I got Very Sick (I think I came close to dying w/ Salmonella & an amoebic parasite). At one point after feeling better some of my American teammates (we had some others from a couple African countries on the team) & I wanted to grab a lunch at the cafeteria at the American Embassy, where we’d been told the food was good. We had to walk quite a ways to get to the Embassy & they wouldn’t even let us in. It was absolutely Nothing like how such things are portrayed in movies. If we had been in some type of dire need it seemed highly unlikely that we would have received Any Help Whatsoever from “America” in Africa 😠
Oh my goodness, Valerie.
I have had Salmonella in NYC!!! Lost 30 Lbs in three weeks.
But the parasite is just as bad, so I know how you must have felt like DEATH!!!
And the Embassy staff should have been taken out for their non-action!
No, your government will not help you.
God bless you for getting through that one.
And now, we have nowhere to hide.
There was a kindly lady who was working w/ the Bishop of the Church of God in Liberia, she may have also been a missionary for I believe she was from England. She & the Bishop took me to some type of medical clinic & she helped me in the bathroom provide a “sample” in a very small vial for analysis.
This bathroom was halfway below ground level & their was a clear window, no covering, where we could see the legs of people & dogs walking in the alley outside. Fortunately no one bent down to look in, at least that I saw.
I don’t even remember if I had to pay for the clinic or what. It was fairly surreal as I was the only one who got sick & the only White Person in sight for a while…hmmm…
One of my teammates, an aggressively spoken Nigerian, told the others on my team that my illness was like a demon possession–she had previously told me, while still America when I gave her a ride back to campus from a team prep meeting, that “frustration is a demonic spirit” when I had mentioned being frustrated about something–yikes!
Oh. This is why we all need to better study…tribes!
Of every likeness: Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid, Christian, Hebrew and moslem.
We have been plastically enjoined, and national tribalism needs to be respected again.
fascinating 🙂
Oh, and then I had a parasite for about three months. 101 fever constantly.
I think it was the fish I ate on the last part of the dinner cruise we all attended. Or it was the ice at the Cairo Hilton.
Always have chocolate bars with you when traveling to places other than Peoria.
Have I shown you my etchings?
LOLOLOL!!!!! What a trip I had!!!!
I’d Love to see your etchings!
I still had Salmonella 9 months after returning to the States. When in Liberia I was loosing it from both ends simultaneously, that was Not Fun. I thought I was just getting bowel obsessed or something so it was a bit of a relief to find it wasn’t just in my head LOL
So sorry to read of your extended illness. So many people have no idea how ill one can become just by traveling.
If one has not had a severe bout of something while across the planet, may God bless them.
After half of my life being in very odd places, I am now fine to just be at home!!!
Although I never got sick from working in Kota Kinabalu!
Where is this KK you mentioned?
I haven’t travelled much outside the country, mostly just Canada, but I did tend to get sick more than others on trips for some annoying reason.
Nowadays we mostly just stay in Michigan which is closer to home 🙂
Yes, KK. on the island of Borneo. Sabah.
TY. You’ve had an exotic life 🙂
Ha! And I never realized what I had gotten myself into until I was told I had to show up for a presentation!
I went to the DMV the other day. Woman tried to sell me on this Federal ID. I told her I didn’t want one.
She asked, “Don’t you want to fly on a plane?”
I responded, “With bolts, doors, and tires coming off on quite a few flights? With all of the traveling I have done, I hope NEVER to get on a plane again.”
She looked at me as though I was a NUT!!!!!
Reality check much she needs!
PS KK is the place everyone goes to before they hike into the Headhunter territory. Don’t ask!
It is actually very metropolitan, save for the strict moslem garb on women on the back of the husbands’ motorcycles…
This is next to Brunei.
Did they try to force you to cover up like in those shrouds when there?
No, never a western woman working there. Never. I worked on hotel design. Never had any problem.
I guess they all just enjoy local
slaverycustoms.Yet I mention Brunei because there were kidnappings of US girls, models, by the Sultan there. There are historical accounts of this happening.
Frightening, just wow!
That is pretty out there. It didn’t exactly sound like kidnappings, at least in that write up. Glad you avoided the harem LOL
Ha! Did not realize. See the motorcycles in the background? No one can afford a car, so the burkas fly on the back of the motorcycles.
Ivermectin would probably fix that 👍😁
Indeed!!! I was actually on one of the anti-malaria pills but then stopped when I came home. Maybe I should have kept on them!
Sweet. So you pay for a seat, and you get to have somebody’s butt in your face for 5+ hours.
Like flying wasn’t miserable enough already, so they they found a way to make it even worse.
That has to be great 👍😂
I have alluded to this method in the past. It is a legal method which has obviously become necessary. Will see if it is triggered soon or not.
maybe this lets it show
Trump should pick Ivan Raiklin for VP. It would be wonderful and terrifying to bad guys. I would trust him just like I trust Trump.
MOAR from the video:
I am slowly watching it.
1;15:00 if you want to KNOW how DC works
Because of budget originating in the house the Speaker is the MOST POWERFUL person in the world! (Think Piglosi)
Johnsons FIRST meeting was with PAUL RYAN… No doubt he was show the blackmail material at that point… (has more info than that.)
1:21:10 Biden laptop intel agencies LIE tie in. Shows memo in politco article 0ct0ber 19 2020
Hunter biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.
click on memo and find names (51)including one name:
David B. Buckley former inspector general for CIA for John Brennan
Former Dem Staff Director House permanent Select committee on Intel.
This is good CNN no less!
July 23, 2021
Staff director for 1/6 committee accused of retaliating against whistleblower
Ivan is very very good and connecting dots.
Thank Biden. No not for the arrest. That happened despite him.
Illegal Alien Who Operated a ‘Rape Dungeon on Wheels’ Arrested [VIDEO]
Have Dungeon, Will Travel
Hopefully it shows here after running it through gab 🙂
Im waiting for him to pardon the entire DS . Fairly certain he will. How does that work even for treason abd crimes against children?
Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings
After the DOJ stonewalled over surrendering an audio recording of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Joe Biden over his handling of classified documents, the White House has invoked executive privilege to block House Republicans from obtaining it.
On Wednesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland requested that Biden assert executive privilege over the recordings following a subpoena from the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.
“Because of the President’s longstanding commitment to protecting the integrity, effectiveness, and independence of the Department of Justice and its law enforcement investigations, he has decided to assert executive privilege over the recordings,” said White House counsel Ed Siskel in a letter obtained by The Hill.
I’m hoping when President Trump resumes the WH, his AG revokes the maggot’s executive privilege and goes after him…just like they did with President Trump.
Good times!
I am unsure that current POTUS can revoke prior POTUS executive privilege. I understand that SlowJoe has CLAIMED he can [and did] revoke DJT’s EP.
I can claim I own the Brooklyn Bridge — doesn’t mean it’s true. Same for OatmealBrain claim of revoke authority.
Allow me to point out something the Fecal Administration has overlooked in the documents case.
The govt got a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago based on DJT taking national security documents that essentially are state secrets. Nuke launch codes, military war plans, etc. NOT RUN-OF-THE-MILL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS which everybody knows he had authority to declassify.
Well, SlowJoe ‘revokes’ DJT’s exec privilege and what does that do? If valid, it makes ALL of the confiscated docs fair game for prosecutors to use against DJT. Even if all legal peeps involved have proper security clearances, are not any ‘military secrets’ not quite so secret anymore? Isn’t the danger of unauthorized distribution increased by allowing access to a larger group?
So protecting military secrets [claimed to be the basis for the raid] isn’t true, as shown by subsequent actions?
Bonus question: does anybody suppose judge Cannon has figured this out?
Note that I’m not saying that DJT’s exec privilege can’t be over-ridden, just that it can’t be done by Biden’s unilateral choice.
Especially the parts that cover state secrets.
The DOJ has dropped charges against lots of spies because they didn’t want to disclose state secrets.
That’s a high price to pay in order to preserve secrecy.
Yet not here, against DJT. Son of a bitch must be really dangerous.
iirc it was admitted that the maggot got (and this “title” might be wrong–i will try to search it out) the WH Counsel to revoke DJT’s executive privilege for the whole document thing.
Technically true. But it isn’t as simple as issuing a decree. Officials who would be needed to implement that decree must accept it as valid.
IOW it’s how the inferior officers view the validity of the decree.
Same as America is a nation only because everyone else agrees that we’re a nation. Gaza is not recognized as a nation called Palestine; ergo, it is not treated as a nation.
It always boils down to respect. On 12/26/91, the USSR ceased to have the respect and acknowledgement as a nation by the world and thus ceased to be a nation.
so he “waived” it…
President Joe Biden will not invoke executive privilege to shield an initial set of records from Donald Trump’s White House that’s being sought by congressional investigators probing the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.
“After my consultations with the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice, President Biden has determined than an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the Documents,” wrote White House counsel Dana Remus in a letter to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero in a letter obtained by POLITICO.
Biden’s decision triggers a window of at least 30 days for Trump to challenge the determination in court before the National Archives releases them to the Jan. 6 panel, experts have told POLITICO. It mirrors a similar decision made by Biden and his DOJ earlier this year to waive privilege and and allow former Trump DOJ officials to testify before congressional committees about the former president’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election.
In a Friday letter addressed to Ferriero obtained by POLITICO, Trump said the records sought by the committee would contain information shielded by “executive and other privileges, including but not limited to the presidential communications, deliberative process, and attorney-client privileges.
Trump indicated that he wished to assert privilege over 45 specific documents identified by the National Archives as responsive to the committee’s request. Those documents, Trump said in the two-page letter, included protected “presidential communications,” as well as deliberative process materials and attorney-client privileged materials.
Any pardons he does can be reversed if the 2020 election has been proven fraudulent.
Ah ok ty. Id think everything biteme signed off on then could be reversed…but not get our money back. 😒
Gov knows how to claw-back funds from perps.
I think Trump had an EO about how to do that.
With respect, I know of ZERO authority to support your statement, and lots against it. Let’s start with the ASSUMPTION that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
Which part? The casting of votes in multiple jurisdictions? The certifications of election officials in those multiple jurisdictions? The December votes of electors from those multiple jurisdictions which votes actually elect POTUS [in most cases]?
More critical and [in my opinion] determinative, where in the federal constitution is the authority to reverse pardons?
Let me save some time and effort – there is no such authority.
How about NEW charges or can he do a blanket pardon for ALL CRIMES including MURDER and TREASON?
Murder, yes. Treason, that’s doubtful since treason is a crime specifically delineated in the constitution. Adding anything to that language would require an amendment.
I do not know if this applies…
Unfortunately, this applies to common law fraud — not the ultimate result of fraudulent elections.
With all due respect if he is proven to not be the duly elected POTUS everything he has done can be undone.
Criminal coups are not rewarded.
It would take the Supreme Court but I think it might be possible.
I Want/Hope this is true but doubt the corrupt government/coupsters would act in any type of responsible or Constitutional manner, sadly.
Common sense says yes AND I agree. Problem is the courts do not serve justice.
The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Pardons are a function of the executive branch that is specifically described in the constitution.
There is no process for undoing a pardon.
Main reason is because the Fifth Amendment prohibits double jeopardy. Since the revoking of a pardon would NOT affect the double jeopardy prohibition, it would be pointless to revoke a pardon since the person could not be tried again. Re-imposing the sentence [if it were possible] would be placing the defendant in jeopardy again.
Another point: I have heard countless conservative talking heads call Biden an illegitimate president. This is a big mistake.
He is NOT an illegitimate president. There is no such thing.
Well, what is he?
He’s a legitimate president, same as DJT was. He took the oath of office which is what made him OFFICIALLY the president.
But the 2020 election was stolen!!! You are quite right; the problem is that administering the oath of office is the actual “crowning” that gives him the power and authority. That’s in the constitution.
There is nothing that can be done now regarding the stolen election.
This also means that he has the authority to issue pardons, and no one can undo them.
Once Congress certified the election, that was the final word. Their role in the process is described in the Constitution, and it’s pretty clear that their decision is final. That plus the oath does it. (Without that, well any clown, not just a famous one, can recite the oath.)
The only other route to the oval office is succession due to death, resignation, or impeachment/conviction of the sitting POTUS, and that succession is also…prescribed in the Constitution.
In exactly the same way that a pardon is final.
I tend to think of Biden as our analog to a usurper.
A usurper is someone who got the monarchy by incorrect means…but that person is still the King, even though he is a usurper.
There’s also the additional difficulty of getting some competent court (i.e., one that has jurisdiction) to find that there has been fraud.
Love the optimism. Somehow I am doubtful.
The legal precedent has already been set. “Fraud vitiates everything.”
If fraud is proven through the appealing to SCOTUS and a decision rendered affirmatively, in essence it voids everything involving a Brandon election or executive decision. All decisions he made for EO’s, signing of bills, etc. would be appealed and most overturned. With the pardons in discussion, there would probably be clear proof of collusion and conspiracies involved.
All of it assumes evidence is admitted and accepted by the court.
it is kind of like the BS that follows. Fauci, Collins, Baric, Tabak, CDC directors, etc. lied under oath and the entire COVID/Jabs scamdemic was criminal because they funded gain of function in China. They broke the law, then they lied about it in testimony. So everything that happened from the beginning is fraudulent, which includes Brandon’s actions in mandating, promoting and funding same.
All we need is courts to enforce it.
Courts are equal — not superior.
Yes. Sposed to be equal.
Courts typically act like inferior skeerdy cats.
Sorry but that is not correct when talking about constitutional issues and especially where there are separation-of-powers issues.
You realize you are saying a criminal enterprise cannot be prosecuted on the federal level? Which is not true. Said enterprise is not operating fully under the cover of powers enumerated to it.
We are going to get nowhere with this discussion.
h/t Marica
JUST IN: The judge is completely railroading Trump’s team! the defense brought out text messages between Cohen and the DA investigator Jeremy Rosenberg in which Cohen said he was “going to hold Trump accountable.” The Judge is blocking it! Rosenberg was removed from the case after his personal relationship with Cohen was exposed, yet the DA has been trying to hide the reason. These text expose collusion with the DA’s office and Cohen. Why isn’t this Judge being investigated and thrown in jail?!?!
“Why isn’t this Judge being investigated and thrown in jail?!?!”
Why would he be?
Who would do it?
Who is even authorized to do it?
If anyone is authorized, why would they do it?