Happy Q Year

In addition to the normal Dear MAGA daily thread to be posted later, I offer this thread – a bit early for America – specifically for messages related to the New Year.

Well wishes, resolutions, hopes, dreams, promises made, promises to be kept.

One may even take this moment to wish Q, Q+, and the Q Team a Happy 2019.

I will begin by thanking each and every visitor to this site, for your contributions, your faith and fellowship, and your friendship. This site is truly a joint effort, and I appreciate all the efforts you all have put into this MUTUAL NEWS, DISCUSSION, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION SITE which is our LAST LAST REFUGE.

And which is even more than that. A place of FAITH in our Country, our God, and Each Other.

Wolfpack, QTs, QTreepers, Treeplorables, Qeepers of the Faith, or whatever we may call ourselves – I salute you!

Further salutes to our LURKERS, our occasional visitors, and others who help spread the Word.

Moreover, a salute to all other Q followers and Deplorables on whatever other medium they may be using.

And lastly, to Q, Q+, and those who stand behind them, in many rows.

Thank you for everything.

Here is to 2019! WWG1WGA.


PS – find Q in this picture:

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Such a beautiful image to ponder in devotion to Jesus.comment image


As I sit here in front of my computer I see this image in front of me and also to the left of me hanging on the wall. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!


To priests who will proclaim and extol My mercy, I will give wondrous power, and I will anoint their words and touch the hearts of those to whom they will speak (Diary, 1521). Wolfmoon I know you’re not a priest, but we have a pro choice pope and a pro love President, up is down and wrong is right in these sad times ,I believe if you pick up the Divine Mercy flag that so many of our priests have drop , I believe if you incorporate Divine Mercy in some of your thinkings and writing… > I will give wondrous power, and I will anoint their words and touch the hearts of those to whom they will speak (Diary, 1521)


Happy New Year Wolfmoon, my fellow Treepers, Q, Q+, Patriots, and Anons !!!


It’s shaping up to be a year like no other in our lifetimes. When we win, it will be one for the history books. Happy New Year all!


Happy New Year, Wolfie!
Here’s hoping that 2019 will be the globalists worst nightmare!


Absolutely, Wolfie!
Being happy warriors is fun.


omg that’s funny


May everyone here have a hapy and prosperous new year. Thank you for this wonderful blog, Wolfie.


I ended 2018 on a very high note. I actually feel significantly better and you guys are in trouble now. Now if you could only fix my typing skills


It should be this simple. Lol.
Happy New Year Wolf and everyone here! Lurkers, take a leap and start posting in 2019. Everyone else, thank you for giving me laughs, food for thought, real news, and camaraderie.
May 2019 fulfill the needs for justice and bring peace to our Country and beyond.comment image


Dear Maria,
Please get back to being suspicious cat and not a Fox News talking point puppet.
Thanks in advance,


Happy New Year Wolf and everyone in Qdom!!!
Hoping for a Q drop tonight or tomorrow!


Could mean less nap, more map. Q map that is.comment image


Thanks-Giving Square, Dallas Texas


beautiful ttt…
simply beautiful!
Happy New Year to all… may 2019 bring more light, dispersing the darkness…


great image and thanks for finding me on gab TTT..I’m pretty clumsy on there


No worries.
Gab is getting friendlier every week. 🙂


Here’s to a great New Year, for Q and Anons, Q+ and family, Tree House refugees, our military, and all Americans.
May the unenlightened see the light, may the criminals end up behind bars, and may we all see justice come.
Let 2019 be the year of our victory over the vast, internecine tyranny of the Deep State! MAGA!


Happy New Year, Everybody!comment image
Wow, 2018 is nearly over…seems like it just flew by!


Me too, Wolfie…looking forward to an epic year!comment image


Happy New Year to all who have wandered here…we are not lost thanks to Wolf! Happy Q Year to you Q and the Qanons and especially to Q+ and family. May our road lead to victory “Deus Hoc Vult!”


Happy New Year One & All! It’s gonna be an EPIC 2019!!comment image



Hah. I love our fire-breathing President!comment image


I am stealing this one

Plain Jane

He’s hysterically funny. Love him, love him, love him.


Me too! Love him, love him, love him. 🙂


POTUS makes me laugh so hard


Rumor has it here in Cherokee Nation Oklahoma, she has started consulting with a Cherokee medicine man as to the future!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s interesting information.
If I *ever* feel the need to consult with a Cherokee medicine man (an exceedingly unlikely event, to be sure), then it’s good to know that my not having a drop of American Indian (much less, specifically Cherokee) blood won’t prevent me from doing so.


You can consult with me. I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear, for a *small* fee.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, but without the Cherokee-ness it just wouldn’t be the same!


Think the medicine man is on the same page—especially when it comes to white woman!😳😳

Elizabeth Carter

Happy New Year to President Trump, his family, his cabinet members and staff who work so hard to advance his vision for America and the world.
So much change is happening so quickly; it will be interesting to see what 2019 holds.
Happy New Year to Q, Q+, Qanon, Q Tree friends, our military and Patriots every where.
President Trump is making everything New in America and it is changing the world. He is bringing peace and prosperity to all by the Grace of God.
God Bless President Trump
God Bless America


“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language;
And next year’s words await another voice;
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
T.S. Eliot
The Four Quartets
#WWG1WGA even non-believers and uncertains cannot deny that we share our country’s destiny. We damn well better pull together to Make America Great Again 🇺🇸
God Bless President Trump and all who love our sovereign nation.


Happy New Year Wolf, President Trump and Family, White Hats in important places, Fellow Q Tree branch setters and commenters, Friends and Family!


BTW…… tomorrow is 1-1-19……
Backwards is: 9-11-1
Just a thought.

Cuppa Covfefe

Reversing 9-1-1… as in undoing the deception and evil…
Happy and Blessed New Year, Wolfmoon and Qtreepers!


Geez, I could start a rant on that one, Rayzor!!! Lol


To All, I wish you all a Blessed New Year.
I wish I would not have posted the Beyoncé comment a few months back, but I did. My intent was a tongue and cheek remark for the despise I have for the self proclaimed elite and their pursuit of destroying the morals of our society.
This is my first time back since my banishment and I beg for your forgiveness.


to Q, Q+, and the Q Team!!!
Thank you for working to bring us all
from darkness to light.comment image


Flep!! Agree!! You are a wonderful person and a special poster!! Thanks for coming over to our Q tree and giving us all a boost! And IT IS gonna be a special year!! Happy New YEAR Flep!! Its gonna be an AMAZING YEAR!! hugs


“Happy New Year” Q, Q+, Anons, Military, our Veterans, Treeplorables and all Americans!! May God Bless all of you and bring MAGA Victory!!!🇺🇸

Elizabeth Carter

Happy New Year!!

Harry Lime

comment image


I will add my own Happy New Year to all! Jeez – I feel bad changing the subject but…..gun owners in FL aren’t going to be feeling very happy, I would guess.
“The Jacksonville, Florida Sheriff’s Office has created a task force to seize firearms from people under accusation, without due process.
“The new Risk Protection Order [RPO] is intended to prevent …mass shootings — and other violent incidents — by allowing citizens to report potential risks to law enforcement officers, who can follow a process to take firearms away from those deemed a risk.
Under the law, once someone is reported, law enforcement must verify the person meets the criteria laid out in the law. Then a judge reviews the case, and if the judge approves, the person’s weapons are taken, and they cannot buy another gun for up to a year.
If someone’s gun is taken away, they can ask the court for their gun back after the year is up, but then they must go through a background check before a judge approves the request it and releases their gun to them.”
One Floridian has already had 23 guns seized, and ten RPO (also known as “red flag confiscation”) cases are pending. Fox News reported in July more than 450 Florida residents had been ordered to give up their guns under the new law.”
“Friday noted that people flagged as unfit to own a gun aren’t eligible for a public defender, since they aren’t charged with a crime. Therefore, they’d have to represent themselves in court if they can’t afford a lawyer.”


Wow, that’s bad…a Sheriff’s Office making new laws out of thin air?
That ‘RPO’ is cloaked in a “public safety” disguise, but it’s really a diabolical way to grab guns from law-abiding citizens.
The really insidious thing about this, is that if it is allowed to stand, unchallenged…then it establishes a Precedent for it to be repeated across the country. (!!)


Oh that’s a good one…that would make them set their hair on fire.


Red flag laws have to be stopped, IMO.

Sylvia Avery

They are relentless. They just keep pounding away and they will not give up. I hope the NRA has already filed a lawsuit? I hope. I hope.

Cuppa Covfefe

In a normal universe, this is the sort of action and infringement of rights and freedoms that the ACLU would FIGHT against… sigh…
Probably the ACLU and/or the SPLC had a hand in crafting the craftiness…


Better bury a few for good measure! Large PVC pipe can be used for this. Just remember where you buried them!!! 😳

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The point could be made that if you think it’s time to bury your firearms, that’s the time to UNbury them.


Stevie—I have enough to go both ways—but I love your logic!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am nothing if not hardcore on the Bill of Rights, especially that one after the first one. Of course, sometimes, and with other amendments, that makes me appallingly “liberal” by some peoples’ lights…


Missing Sylvia…are you ok? It is Jan. 30th and we are worried about you.

Sylvia Avery

Hi, I’m here! Right now about all I can manage is to try to skim as much as I can.
I’m fine, just been a bit under the weather and between still feeling a little run down AND facing what seems like mountains of house work and errands from a few sick days I’m trying to get caught up.
Missing you all and time spent in the Tree!!


Sigh…glad your ok and come back when you can. Your posts are valuable.

Sylvia Avery

TY so much! I’ve been able to spend an hour or so here today and am desperately trying to get caught up a bit. It is so good to be back among friends!


Sylvia, hi. So glad you are back. We all missed you tons. Blessings and keep getting better. We’ll chat when you can.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, Zoe. Believe me I have missed hanging out here on my perch!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Colorado ain’t going to be a slice of heaven for gun owners, either.
We have a new governor. He used to be the congresspuke from Boulder. He’s proggie as all get-out. Both houses of our state legislature are now Demoncrat. Even if it’s by only a couple of seats, our state legislature is set up such that Republicans might as well stay home–nothing they want will get more than a pro-forma hearing in a “kill committee”, except for the hope of peeling away one demoncrat vote–IF the bill can make it to the floor.
The most we can hope for is that there are a couple of demoncrats who merely want gun owners to FOAD, instead of pushing us through a meatgrinder.


Happy New Year, East Coast Deplorables!
From your fellow Deplorables in flyover country!


Cool! Bannon’s film, Trump at War, is on OANN right now. Recording!!!!


Love, love, love the Daily Ledger. I liked Liz Wheeler until she jumped on the Charlottesville bandwagon. Huzzy!


Mmmmm…you are so much more generous than I! Sorry but how many of us knew it was bogus? Even I knew that! No, I believe it was probably corporate pressure – just disappointed she caved. Other than that, she is pretty good.


This is fantastic – only ONE commercial by Values.com this whole time! Man, I love OANN!


Ladies (and gents, of course) – BB’s fashion notes and pics of ten gowns worn by our stunning POTUS – I did NOT know this (I think this is the gown that was used to show up the Sasquatch so glaringly):
2. Mrs. Trump’s Nod to Diana, Princess of Wales
If there is something clear about Mrs. Trump’s wardrobe — beautifully curated by the great Hervé Pierre — it is that she lives to pay homage to artists, icons, and legends.
While in London, England this year, Mrs. Trump was ravishing as American royalty in a yellow chiffon, off-the-shoulder draped evening gown by J. Mendel which featured a regal cape.
For many, Mrs. Trump may have been channeling “Belle” from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, but this gown was a throwback to Princess Diana’s famous blue chiffon gown that she wore to the Cannes Film Festival in 1987.


Loved PDJT’s tie in the shot of the striped dress (Japanese visit). They match!


Ohh, thanks NF for posting these photos of our gorgeous, elegant FLOTUS…
Wonder what fashion treasures 2019 will bring?


She truly is as beautiful as Princess Grace, who, until now, has always been my idea of the epitome of beauty, class and grace.


Great comparison!

Sylvia Avery

I enjoyed that SO much! Thanks for posting it! Happy New Year.


Happy New Year to you, my friend!


IKR? I was hoping for many more and disagree that a few of those were worth the top ten, but that’s just my personal preference on style.


“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” – Thomas Paine
Thank you to Wolf and all the patriots here! Happy New Year! 🎉


“Everyday is a prototype.” – Think*3

Harry Lime

Happy New Year Everyone!comment image

Harry Lime

Happy Nerw Year Everyone!comment image

Harry Lime

Ok…not sure what a Nerw is…


Somebody around here is sure to tell you. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If this were Spanish, you’d have to trill that R for half an hour because it’s doubled.
If this were Spanish.


“President Trump has reduced the number of foreign refugees admitted to the United States this calendar year by more than 75 percent compared to former President Obama’s wave of migration in his last year.”


Happy New Year Everyone!!
Glad I found you guys, this is a much more happy and peaceful place for my spirit!
Looking forward to MAGA # 3, lots of truth, justice and the Constitutional American Way!!!
God Bless you. Praying for happiness, success, and many blessings in 2019 for Everyone.


Welcome Jesus girl! and Happy New YEAR!! and so very right.. happy and peaceful place!! So glad you found us!!


Hi Bflyjesusgirl!
*waves furiously*
It’s so good to see you here!


Hi sweet wheetie!!! Happy New year!! It is gonna be Spectacular!!!–


Yes it is!
And Happy New Year to you too, dear Marica!


Hi Miss Wheatie, was particularly missing you, especially at the last POTUS rally, and of course on the day the EO was signed for the creation of….
I still have that box of Kleenex to return to you my kind friend…..🥰


Have missed you too, Bflyjesusgrl.
I’m so glad you’ve found your way here!
Love those little space ships. Haaa.
And we’re getting our Space Force!

Sylvia Avery

So glad you found your way here! Welcome home.


Yes, Miss Sylvia, this is a wonderful “home”. Been missing you and your “shovel”, Lord knows there’s been several fools who’ve needed it upside the head, LOL. You may need some spares, got a feeling we’ll be wearing out a few in the next 2years! 😂😂


Ya’ll–I am usually done about now.. Gotta share this… But we went to a NYE party/dinner and dance..Good food and friends — DJ for dancing…I NEVER have ever noticed or cared about color/race/ etc.. SO we are at a Country Club (yeah–we arent members–but our friends invited us)–So dancing started and the DJ is a cute black guy– COOL–right.. So He would play a song we we would all get out to dance to…then change to a rap song that we couldn’t dance to.. it was OVER and OVER OVER again!! Seriously!! I sat down down and watched!! When I pointed it out–everybody saw it !! Shaking my head… SO stinking sad…


Wolfie– We were at a Very WHITE Country club–which we do not belong…DJ would play a popular song and people would jump out and dance to–then– switch to a very rap/black song that NO one could dance to…It was SO obvious!




It has become open season on white people, and it is going to get worse in all our personal interactions.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My last high school reunion–the DJ was awful, playing hip-hop more than music. (By my definition, which doesn’t match the definition used by music theorists, music must have a melody.) Nothing from, oh, say, about the time we were in high school.
However, one of my classmates is a drop-dead-smoking-hot dance instructor and for whatever reason she wanted to dance with me a LOT. I humored her. Sacrifices…..


Deliberate disrespect would be my guess, justified because it is fervently believed that everybody there deserved to be disrespected in an ostentatious way.


T I hope they made that prime rib the way you liked it…


or whatever you called it…


TY! Yes, I got my end cut!
Nice talking to you, as usual!


Happy New Year to everyone here!
Exciting times ahead I am thinking!
Bring on the Kraken!
God Bless

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Happy New Year to my fellow Treeplorables! Because I believe this will be a year of momentous change, I wish for you this year abiding faith, stamina, practical wisdom and the fellowship of good people.
Where we end up depends not on which way the wind blows, but on how we set our sails.


that’s awesome…


Øbama’s legacy in the Middle East is even more evil – it was horrific, tragic, fatal for millions!


Here in SC on this very first day of 2019, the sun is shining, after a record breaking rainy December
and I have had my traditional Southern NY’s meal of Hoppin’ John, collard greens and cornbread. 2019 WILL BE an outstanding year. Trust the Plan and pray, and pray some more…


There must be as many versions of Hopping John as there are cooks.
Mine would look like this with plenty of southern smoked sausage!


I want to wish everyone a a Happy New Year! 🎊 2019 is going to be a year of triumphs, truths, and breakthroughs (although, it may be a hellish year for certain bad actors). I’m thankful for the Q Tree and the refuge that it provides. Peace and blessings to all!