Dear MAGA: 20190408 Open Topic

This MILITARIZE THE BUCKING FORDER MONDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.



Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Well, look at this!

But WHY??? This, from one of my OAN faves….

David Martosko retweeted this, so even though it’s “BROOMBERG”, it has some credibility…

Do we have successorsign? YES! We have successorsign!

Needless to say, the JACKALS are circling around the apex predator’s kill….

Even “Dead-Eyes Broomwitch”, the handler of both Treason McCabe and Two-Door Ford, had to get in on the act. Wasn’t this worthless piece of SHIT a buddy of Avenatti? And he’s talking about integrity? Hopefully he’ll continue to do so from GITMO.

And don’t forget GODWIN’S LAW – already reached!!!

Although we ARE seeing some better commentary…

Love seeing how clueless SOME of the commies are….

Oh, yeah, babe. You think you’re happy now.

Wait for it.


My recommendation?
Joe Arpaio for Secretary of DHS.
Matt Whitaker for Deputy Secretary of DHS.
Make ’em SCREAM.

PS – Thanks to our lovely MARICA for the brilliant recommendation of BIG MATT!

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Totally agree, Wolf. Matt and Joe would be EPIC!

Sylvia Avery

We’ve been saying at my house that Sheriff Joe would make an AWESOME DHS Secretary. He’d whip them into shape in no time!


Love Sheriff Joe. He’d make those migrant men wear pink underwear. Just joking.


Meme please : )
ps. thinking the same LOL

Pat Frederick

that would be hilarious–isn’t machismo a big thing in Latin cultures? that would drive them NUTS!


Don’t forget Kris for czar!


Love the Big Matt meme! Hah! 😆
He has been very quiet lately.
I wonder what he is doing.
I would love to see Whitaker at DHS or somewhere within the T-administration.
Or better yet…create a new dept and make him the Secretary of the Dept of Kicking Ass & Taking Names!


I second it! love it.


Presidents can create new Depts with the stroke of a pen.
Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Education.
GWBush created the Dept of Homeland Security.
So Pres Trump could create a new Dept if he wanted to.
I vote for that one…the Dept of Kicking Ass and Taking Names.
It could be nicknamed ‘Dept Q’.

Pat Frederick

Department of Make America Great Again!!!
omg—I can see liberal heads exploding…LOL…red hats for everyone!!
townhall meetings all over the country to discuss new ideas to make America better…


Thank you. You too. It is better.


Wheatie, just love it. Good morning. Good morning to all. Appreciate some prayers. Burned my thumb cooking last evening. It’s blistering now. Spilled spattering butter on it from the oven. Ouchy.


Burned a spot on my wrist with spattering butter the other day, too. Ouch! 🙏🙏


Hope it’s healing, Grandma.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ouchy no kidding.
The last time I had a burn that bad, I picked up a piece of hot brass. Of course, I set it down again instantly, about ten feet away once it was done bouncing after the initial toss.
Pro tip: Hot brass looks exactly like cold brass.
Nothing but my own stupidity, there.


Steve, you made me cringe.


Real Aloe Vera gel, let dry. Real Aloe Vera cream, let soak in. Repeat often.


comment image


Wow…his nose!
His nose has gotten bigger!
And his head looks bigger too.
Or maybe his body has gotten smaller.
Since that video doesn’t play with it embedded like that, here’s the orig so people can play it here:

He looks like a bobble head doll!

Harry Lime

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, you see, he’s not weaseling at all since anything Trump wants is by definition “partisan bickering.” Thus he can’t support it, because he’s against “partisan bickering.”
See? Makes perfect sense!
(Fortunately this is a textual medium and you can’t hear me upchucking violently.)


Pretzel anyone?


Romney = Trying to bring back the Roman Senate.


Then we should bring back proscription.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would be better to bring back damnatio memoriae (a term that, apparently, they didn’t actually use) but on the internet, nothing can be forgotten.
On the other hand, we don’t actually want to forget such scum exist; we need to be watchful for them.


😖🤚 .. nope … P U …. he stinks the place up, send him back to Utah and he can be a nerf-herder 🤨


he is former naval intelligence. do not underestimate what he HAS been read in on. probably still has classified clearance also.

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to pull clearances from EVERYONE except those who have an absolute NEED TO KNOW.
If it’s important enough for the USA’s security, it’s important enough to hire FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES.


The jokes just write themselves with this guy.
A gay guy with the name Butt-gig.
I mean…come on.
Can you imagine? …President Butt-gig?

pgroup calls him Peter Buttplug in their headline links. I snort every time I see it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Comedically, the name is almost as Buttafuoco, but of course he is too much of a creep for even the Dems to want him.
One would think so, at any rate.

Sylvia Avery

I am so dense. All these years and I just now got the joke with the name Buttafuoco. I can’t believe it took me decades to comprehend. Slinking away in shame now….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s probably to the good that your mind isn’t always in the gutter.

Cuppa Covfefe

onsidering that fuoco means fire, I can only suggest what the Scots term “ring-stinger” (a la Phal, in an Indian Restaurant in Edinburgh) (ring of fire) as their, cough, intent…
Fond memories of Italy “If you don’t like the way I drive, get off of the sidewalk. Basta!”
(Howdy, Massimo!).
One time I visited our site in Italy, no parking spaces (to my vision) were able to fit my car. Massimo said, let me park it – no problem. I watched in horror as he maneuvered back and forth, the cars in front and in back moving in synchrony to his moving my car. Seems that in Italy (and I’ve heard France, too) one leaves their parking brakes off to allow others to *cough* park nearby… As far as I could tell, my car escaped unscathed… Wonderful country and people (except for Draghi)…
Only problem, I didn’t have a chance to go to La Scala…. some day…


Wheatie, I really didn’t want to be the one to say it… but you summed it up completely. That name, his character, and the position he’s running for paint a total picture that once you see it you can’t get out of your head. What idiot had a sick sense of humor to think it would be a good idea to run that guy. Some psychological gaming going on there.

Steve in Lewes

In the ‘Democrat communist faithful’s world, wouldn’t that make them racist…sending more money to a white guy over a black guy…..
…or is it just another day in the world of NeverTrumper hypocrite-ism; First Willard, now those commie donations !
Darn, they change their mind more often than my wife trying to buy a new pair of shoes, or a new dress, or picking a place to eat, or where to go on vacation…or never mind !


When all the dresses are ugly, and all the shoes pinch, it’s really hard to make a choice 😉

Gail Combs

I get my shoes from New Balance, I wear blue jeans not dresses. (If I dress up it is Black jeans & a fancy western shirt. 😁) And I normally pick the resturant and do the ordering for both Hubby and I since he dithers forever.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, that can be problem. That’s part of why I’ve migrated to jersey and t-shirt dresses and accessorize to change my look from time to time. Seriously, when five scarves go with the same dress, it’s tough…and then there are the earrings.

A Fortiori

A friend of mine became an American citizen last week, and I would quiz her from time to time on the things she needed to know to pass the exam. And wouldn’t you know, in order to become a citizen you must say that “democratic capitalism” in the form of government we have.
After she was sworn in, I told her that this was wrong. We are a republic, with elected representatives and separation of powers.
Democratic capitalism is a term that is useful only to people with a communist world view. We have not chosen capitalism as part of the selection of the form of our government.
We value liberty, private property and the rights of the individual, and we limit our government according to these values. These limitation precludes the adoption of all the various forms of communism, but do not necessarily require capitalism.


I cut & paste your comment for an email blast to my friends. Your comment scares me as much as an Islamist with AK-47, though obviously for different reasons.
Here is what I wrote to introduce your comment:
I love reading blog comments because it’s like being at a tea party rally or convention. One of them is below the signature line.
This comment stunned me. How deep have we been infiltrated? How can something so basic be gotten so wrong, and from the supposed “ultimate authority” on all questions about America – govt agents?
Trevor Loudon might have been underestimating our problems. Or maybe we just didn’t take him as seriously as we should have. For sure, America as a whole owes The John Birch Society an apology for over a half century of deliberately misrepresenting the group.
We are at that tipping point people keep asking about. We simply must turn this ship called America around before we founder.
I’ll let you know if I get any hot responses.


pgroup, agree with all you say, and I have always been a Bircher in my heart. I may join.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s a common trope, of course. But in the end the distinction between the words “democracy” and “republic” is quite arbitrary and obscures the true nature of things.
“democracy” is a very general term for a situation where the people rule, with “unlimited, direct democracy” (like in ancient Athens) being only one of its possible meanings. We certainly do not have the latter. But we undoubtedly do have a form of democracy here.
The people don’t rule here, you might say. Well, every government official is either a) elected, b) appointed by someone who is elected, or c) hired under the authority of the above. Ultimately, the people as a mass have control. What we DO have are constitutional protections, particularly built-in structural ones, but those too can be changed if the people want it badly enough–or are too lazy to stop it.
The reason our system works as well as it does (and in comparison to others it has worked remarkably well) is not that it is a “republic.” A republic (which by the way is from the Latin res publica, rule by the people–uh, that sounds familiar) is simply any system that isn’t a hereditary monarchy. That can include any number of craptastic dictatorships out there, but it does also include our system and the Roman system (which was oligarchical).
There’s certainly nothing inherent in “republic” that makes it mean “A government with separation of powers, limited overall powers, and constitutionally protected rights with a capitalist social system.” Which would be a good description of what we (are supposed to) have here.
The United States is both a democracy and a republic–the two terms don’t contradict, they overlap. (Trying to make them mean opposite things is, frankly, disinformation on the right.) And they only tell one percent of the true story of what we are. Those other 99 percent are significant and are not inherent in either term.
So I don’t get horrified by the use of “democracy” to describe this country, but I note that the old Eastern Block would constantly try to steal the term for themselves. And it was a certainty that the people had NO voice in that system whatsoever, so it was certainly not the appropriate term there.

A Fortiori

It is quite clear that our founding fathers did not consider it a common “trope” to assert that a republic differs from a democracy. Indeed they considered a democracy to be impractical for a country with population that is dispersed across a large land mass, weak against factions, dangerous when passions are inflamed and wholly insufficient to protect the liberty of individual citizens.
As to the notion that seeking to distinguish a republic from a democracy is right wing “disinformation,” I look to James Madison, writing in Federalist 39:
“The first question that offers itself is, whether the general form and aspect of the government be strictly republican. It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; with the fundamental principles of the Revolution; or with that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found to depart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible…”
“What, then, are the distinctive characters of the republican form?…”
“If we resort for a criterion to the different principles on which different forms of government are established, we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it…”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And yet not once does he say it isn’t also a democracy.
Thank you for bolstering my point.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And in any case the trope in question is the modern canard that America is a “Republic not a Democracy” when it is in fact, a democratic republic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I reply yet again with an apology–I realized late last night that this passage from Madison was quoted with a different intent than I had ascribed. He’s simply describing a republic.
Sorry for my misunderstanding.

Deplorable Patriot

Argh. Oklahoma without a starter’s pistol just doesn’t owrk.


LoL. How to say Q over there without tripping the ban algo:
NC Patriot says:
April 7, 2019 at 8:35 pm
#17 has been referring to treason/sedition for 18 months—but not so much communist as globalist and big money and NWO. Russia is not much into the NWO, I don’t think.




To understand the BORDER STAND-OFF between Mexico and President Trump – you must read this thread:

MEXICO is a fully owned and operated subsidiary of the powerful, super-rich DRUG/HUMAN TRAFFICKING CARTELS.
The CARTELS own all of Mexico’s politicians, many other countries politicians and many US politicians as well.
The CARTELS are armed to the max bloodthirsty ruthless killers – think ISIS on steroids at our back door and also inside the USA!!!
President Trump is fighting the CARTELS and has been fighting the cartels since he took over in January 2017.
President Trump is about to make some very serious moves.


Last week, President Trump:
– Closed the border without closing the border – allowing 12 hour or more delays.
– Put the blame on Mexico. *

– Declared the Country is FULL – cannot accept any more asylum seekers. Sorry.
– Called 750 more Border agents to the border.
– Fired Vitiello and Nielsen – for cause:
Last week, DHS released 17,000 illegals into the US in 12 days.

Stephen Miller stated it was paperwork in regard to the Vitiello firing. It is likely both were not fully carrying out Trump national security and immigration policy.



I’m sure she mis-typed. She meant to say “to insure an orderly flood of invaders.”
Spit. Gen Kelly needs to be humiliated for foisting this upon us.


In addition to the other new measures, DNA testing will also identify fake families trying to enter US.

Pat Frederick

hopefully that DNA testing will help identify more than just family relationships…maybe solve some unsolved crimes…


That could’ve been done long ago to disprove the media lies about family separation so I’m thinking they’ve been doing it and keeping the results quiet as part of a strategic plan to expose the entire human trafficking network crossing the border as family units. If Trump asked for Neilsen’s resignation it’s because her replacement will be hardcore on board with him exposing and shutting this shit down.

Sylvia Avery

“Twitter appears to be one of the only big tech companies to back out of an alliance with the Southern Poverty Law Center after the group’s long-time president was fired for unspecified conduct reasons, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned…”

Sylvia Avery

“According to a new report, criminal aliens currently make up nearly 20 percent of the population in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system — a total of 34,776…”



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So it may be true that a smaller number of convicts are illegal aliens, than in the general population.
Who knew?

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, I could swear I have read much higher percentages than this…

Harry Lime

I know Lara Logan has been in the news lately and you have probably heard much of this covered on some of the other shows she has been on…but this interview with Mark Levin is outstanding. Once I started watching I couldn’t stop until it was over. And Levin let’s her talk until she is finished with her thoughts!
This woman is quite remarkable…

Sylvia Avery

I have found Mark Levin’s Sunday night show to be must see TV. He has interesting guests, he asks pretty good questions, and he gives them time to answer and doesn’t interrupt them. It is so refreshing and enjoyable. I have not watched this one yet, but I have it recorded.

Harry Lime

I agree, Sylvia, he has a calm and intelligent interview style…you get a lot of information packed in to that single interview sans the interruptions and jumping from guest to guest.
You’ll enjoy this one…Lara Logan along with Sheryl Attkisson (who is not on this show but is mentioned) are two of the most ethical and brave journalists we have left in this country. There are others but these two are fearless and not afraid to speak out.
We need more journalists like this.

A Fortiori

I agree Sylvia — the format of this show is excellent. Fox had been after Levin for years to do a show, and he would not relent unless and until they let him move away from the “fair and balanced” thing.
This format prevents the interviewee from talking in sound bites and avoids the leftist tactic of interrupting anyone making a good point so as to pollute their quotations.
He also negotiated the length of the segments to allow for a much longer discussion in the first segment.


AFort – makes sense now that I realize it.
Levin’s show is far more enjoyable because there is no yelling, and guests are allowed to finish their answers and fully explain an opinion.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And some of the other Fox hosts don’t even need a leftist on the screen to prevent their guest from finishing their answers.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for the background information. I didn’t know that. Mark was wise to stick to his guns because it sure makes for a much more enjoyable and interesting show.
I’ve never liked his radio show because he yells a lot and the sound of his voice gets on my nerves. But he doesn’t yell on TV, either. He just calmly has an intelligent conversation with interesting people. It sounds so old fashioned, but I find it immensely enjoyable.

Sylvia Avery

“…McAleenan is a longtime border officer, reflecting Trump’s priority for the department initially founded to combat terrorism after the Sept. 11 attacks. Fox News is told Trump wanted the “toughest cop” around on border security, and McAleenan fit the bill…”

Sylvia Avery

Wow. Butt-plug, dude, way to impress the evangelicals! Call them names and belittle them and try to shame them and they will be eager to vote for you! Or not…. What an ass.
“2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg blasted the hypocrisy of evangelicals supporting President Donald Trump in an interview Sunday.
The Democratic mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was asked on NBC’s Meet the Press about his comments calling into question Trump’s belief in god.
“How do you square that assessment with the fact that the Evangelical Christian community is so devoted to his candidacy,” NBC anchor Chuck Todd asked.
“It’s something that really frustrates me because the hypocrisy is unbelievable,” Buttigieg replied. “Here you have somebody who not only acts in a way that is not consistent with anything that I hear in scripture or in church, where it’s about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers, which is another word for immigrants, and making sure that you’re focusing your effort on the poor…”


Obviously Buttgieg believes in the modern propaganda myth of holy homosexuality. Ain’t no suchova thing. The Bible NEVER affirms or approves homo-bi-etc. sexuality. The myth of holy/healthy/happy homosexuality is contradicted by science/medicine, CDC and police statistics and Scripture.


Buttgieg has presumed to denounce Mike Pence’s Christianity because he doesn’t approve ‘gay’ marriage and lifestyle. That is the ultimate example of pride and narcissism and deception.


One way to disabuse others of ‘holy’ homosexuality is to get graphic. I have told people the plain ugly facts on numerous occasions. It shuts them down faster than sucking on lemons.


– 40-150 times greater INCIDENCE of ALL STDs.
– Increased incidence of injury, violence, murder, suicide, early death.

Sue Mcdonald

My ex brother in law died a horrible ,slow death from hep c ,liver hardening like concrete, from his activity’s of the homosexual fact the Dr’s were reluctant to put him on a donor list as he wouldn’t abstain from his activities. what was even worse then all that, he truly thought he was a saved Christian right up to the end:(


The incurables are the 4H diseases – HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, and Herpes. Then there is a new strain of untreatable Super-gonorrhea.
The deception runs deep…lie after lie foisted on the public year after year, decade after decade. ‘Sexual identity’ ‘Sexual orientation’ are made up, invented propaganda terms, cunningly fomented according to empirical educational heuristics. Very clever of the activists.


Buttgig is a Sodomite who supports murder of children. His understanding of the difference between an instrument and a servant of God is nil. The Bible is filled with both types as well as people who start as instruments and become servants. However, I’m sure this would never interest a lost media creation such as this lost soul.


True, Tradebait.


The Pete Buttigieg does not have the moral authority to critique the relaionship between Evangelicals and President Trump.
Who is he to try to drive a wedge between Evangelicals and POTUS..?
As a Christian POTUS is doing more for Christian values for a long time. One is the pro life issue and he also has not thrown us into a fake war.
By the way, how does Buttigieg was is in the heart of men..?


He doesn’t know so he just projects what’s in his own. That’s why he spews so much vile garbage.


Whoever takes over must be tough as nails, patriotic, conservative and completely dedicated to enacting TRUMP* Immigration and National Security Policy.
*TRUMP policy – not Bush, Clinton, Obama (insert expletives) policies!!!



Kobach still campaigning for the job:

Pat Frederick


Waters will be impeached or indicted before Trump ever is.


H2B visas were increased, quietly. over the weekend.


Source: Brian Kilmeade was just talking about it on Fox as “one of the things Tim Cook of Apple was looking for.


THIS is a great idea!


Direct the Labor Department to link American citizens to jobs across the US that match their skills/experience profile. Why aren’t they already doing that?

Pat Frederick

that is a great idea—AMERICANS first!


Seasonal jobs are an interesting dilemma.
Resort workers in FLA are usually NOT permanent residents because the people who live in FLA year round would prefer a year round job. Can’t make a living if they only work as a pastry chef from December 26th until April 30th.
Most of them came from cruise lines if I remember correctly.
When it came to picking crops, wasn’t that supposed to be the reason kids were out of school for the summer?
I remember my grandparents farm, when the apples came in during the fall, local high schools would let out early, so the kids could help bring in the apples.

Pat Frederick

here in PA kids get the Monday off after Thanksgiving for deer hunting…

Deplorable Patriot

When we lived close to the Chesapeake Bay, the local kids had already been on the skipjacks by the time school started in the morning. Summer was all about tobacco. It was very different.


“H2B visas were increased, quietly. over the weekend.”
Engineering Technology programs are graduating US students who are very qualified to do the jobs and are having to compete with H2B visa recipients. The industry can pay less for the imports them homegrown.
When does slave labor stop in this country..?
My son had to fight through is doctoral work and after with cheap Chinese competition because Professors like slave labor.
We need to stop slave labor and be willing to pay fair wages. Companies are enriching themselves on the cost of American young people.
We need to be willing to call out what H2B visa is slave labor to change it.


I think you mean H1B visas, which are the foreign nationals who come in and take jobs for our kids for tech, accounting, banking, etc., and I agree with you SingingSoul.
H2B visas are the foreign hires for seasonal employment.
Mostly affects the resort communities and crop growers.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a sibling who fell into this trap. FOrtunately, he’s now in a job that pays far better than the regular cubicle farms.


Zinger from the AOC parody account

Pat Frederick

Biden was born to be a TSA agent…


ok, I must be sick – I LOL at that one.


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, yes. Gropin’ Joe’s favorite song…Feelings…

Cuppa Covfefe

What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Gropin’ Joe won’t leave and go away,
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey


President Trump is locked, loaded and ready to rumble!


President Trump meets with Pence and Pompeo today to discuss policy and strategy.


What has President Trump done to stop the border crisis???
Last week, President Trump:
– Closed the border without closing the border – allowing 12 hour or more delays.
– Put the blame on Mexico. *

– Declared the Country is FULL – cannot accept any more asylum seekers. Sorry.
– Called 750 more Border agents to the border.
– Instituted DNA testing to identify fake families and child traffickers.
– Fired Vitiello and Nielsen – for cause:
Last week, DHS released 17,000 illegals into the US in 12 days.

Stephen Miller stated it was paperwork in regard to the Vitiello firing. It is likely both were not fully carrying out Trump national security and immigration policy.
The WALL has been under construction since 2017 – almost as soon as President Trump took the oath of office, he had the Army Corps of Engineers doing site work. This President is a DOER, a builder, and a demanding boss.
[Shut your lying mouth AC.]


“Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget” is the DJT way of doing things.
My prediction – The wall will be built before the 2020 Election!


Last week, we did a whole article about the John Dowd, attorney for President Trump, interview with Byron York. Here is the second part of the interview.



@realDonaldTrump followers:
59,588,726 – 7:51 am
50,093,930 – 9:00 am – 4/8/18 – 1 year ago
42,188,932 – 8:14 am – 11/8/17
33,488,007 – 9:30 am – 7/8/17


Add to that, those who don’t tweet; but follow.


And all of us ‘Russian Bots’ that twitter kicked off.


Pat Frederick

reading the comments to this tweet–I have to wonder why POTUS doesn’t start using the old, you can see MY tax returns and whatever as soon as OBAMA UNSEALS all his records—no one made a fuss about that back then…but now? “we’re entitled to see everything!!
I’m so tired of the hypocrisy!
sorry–guess I have to chant, or breathe, or damn, just switch to decaf…


Probably because the dems would attack with the ‘birther’ defense.

Pat Frederick

true, but time to go on offense…perhaps POTUS can shift this off to someone else to raise to cry—unseal those records…lol..


Sheriff D Clarke……………..

A Fortiori

PDJT cannot relent on this tax return issue, no matter what he gets in return. He must protect the institution of the Presidency.

Pat Frederick

totally agree…but didn’t Obama spends millions to seal all his records…who does that? so make them defend that instead of allowing them to make POTUS defend not giving his tax returns…
gotta give our defense a chance to rest and get our offense into the game




I didn’t see you had already posted this – sorry!




Trump Retweets


PDJT also retweeted:


Tag-teaming wit-choo, PHC! ;8->


People don’t understand that taxes are rather subjective.
If a person only as a W-2, then the calculations and deduction are easy.
If a person owns a business, I guarantee, we could give the same information to 10 accountants/CPA’s and probably get 10 different answers. They would all be correct.
President Trump is a principal in at least 512 separate entities.
When an audit begins, there is a negotiation.
Tit for tat.
Appeals processes for what the IRS will not allow to be deducted.
And if ANYONE believes the IRS is fair, ethical, or has hard fast rules about what is deductible, they are dreaming. MOST IRS and state revenue officials are promoted on “amount recovered” – they’re bounty hunters who go after unsuspecting Americans.
Because of my personal experience, I always keep 5-8K in deductions as a buffer against any audit.


Democrats to subpoena Trump’s underwear drawer……………………..

Pat Frederick

they’re deep diving now…


Biden Sniffing

Pat Frederick

LOL…too creepy to even picture…
although iirc there used to e a shampoo made just for Biden types…Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific, wasn’t there?


comment image

Pat Frederick

thank you..LOL…and Biden thanks you…he’s not creepy…just retro! (in fact–I bet that’s his new campaign slogan!)

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh goodness, iI am so gonna hide after this…
Combining this, with the last and greatest DEMONcRAT hope, a new ad appears…
“I can’t believe it’s not buttplug”….


Yeah Cuppa you’d better hide!

Pat Frederick

Oh my!! my little peanut was only 6 pounds even at birth…



4 adults – 2 children shot at Chicago baby shower:
Same thing happens at Chicago birthday parties, back yard BBQs, trips to the zoo, movies, mall…etc.

Pat Frederick



Urban Safari

Pat Frederick

you’re on fire this morning!


Burned up will do that to you.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same thing here, in Berlin, Hamburg, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, and many towns in NRW. Only with knives, not guns…
The religion of pieces…


The left be-clowns itself 90 times a day, thanks to AOC, Bernie, Beto, Biden and these clowns…

Cuppa Covfefe

And CNN is hot on their tales (as it were), in search of clickbait:comment image


My list today:
Where’s Ruthie?
Soetoro spending time with his Rothschild handlers in Europe again. Looks worried.
Open borders advocates = Death cultists
Slick and Cankles trying to build up the legal defense fund on their speaking tour.
BP and ICE are heroes.
Predators are more interested in killing their prey than meeting arbitrary timelines.
Faux Pope Frank is evil.
Getting the World Bank ultimately under PDT/American control was big.
China deal will happen. Stock market responds bigly.
Where are Loretta, Lisa, Peter, James and Jim?
How’s RR’s retirement going?
Jeff – anybody seen Jeff?
Next up in the center ring – Michael and John.
Q says they have everything.
Let the games begin…


My personal fav: “Next up in the center ring – Michael and John.”
Horowitz and Huber – GO BIG and go ALL THE WAY!
🔒’em ALL ⬆️ !!!!


“Getting the World Bank ultimately under PDT/American control was big.”


This is an awesome list – Trade Bait – wit and sarcasm to the max power!


PLEASE do MOAR of these lists – at least weekly!


Giuliani charges against Pelosi fake, says EyeTheSpy:

Cuppa Covfefe

Eye the Spy reads like Brennan…style and content…
“I spy with my little eye”…
Yeah, right, Burnout. And your little brain, too…

Gail Combs

Eye the Spy is probably DEEP State. There is NO LEGAL WAY for ‘IT’ to have access to Praying Medic’s Tax returns or even have knowledge of an investigation.
Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974 – Department of Justice
Privacy Act Regulations:
Praying Medic is a target because he has a nice voice and his Youtubes are aimed at ‘Normies’ unlike SerialBrain, InTheMatrixxx and several others.
Listen to the last 1/2 hour of The Matrixxx Grooove Hour With Praying Medic


Good points, Gail. Many thanks.
Personally, I don’t have an opinion either way. Agree on wondering how EyeTheSpy would know about PM’s taxes.
Could be an interesting — and instructive — story nonetheless WRT Q and Q’s interpreters.
Thank you for the video link. I’ll take your word for it. Apologies, but I’m maxed out on media already: four to five hours of political talk shows every weekday and marathon viewings of BBC Parliament.


Q is not real but I talk like Q you can trust me


Bernie against open borders:


This guy sounds like he’s serious about running for president.


More GOP hopefuls for Doug Jones’s Alabama Senate seat:

Pat Frederick

Good Morning churchmouse…missed you!


Thank you, Pat! 🙂 I missed you and the Q Tree, too.
I have been busy reading about Brexit negotiations since Thursday. Awful.
I shall visit here sporadically this week.

Pat Frederick

sounds awful…but glad you’re ok!


Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking.


Gotta keep the home fires burning. :8-)
You know we miss you, but we do understand.


Thank you, GA/FL — much appreciated. 🙂


——– FTA:
The name of the rocket mission is AZURE–short for Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment. Its goal is to measure winds and currents in the ionosphere, a electrically-charged layer of the Earth’s atmosphere where auroras appear. Specifically, mission scientist are interested in discovering how auroral energy might percolate down toward Earth to influence the lower atmosphere.
At the Alomar Observatory in northern Norway, space scientist Jason Ahrns used video cameras to track the motions of the clouds:

Another video taken from a fellow who was out filming the aurora borealis at the time…shown without the time speeded up:

Pat Frederick



“Dark to LIGHT”
– Q
That phrase is often used in Q posts. I got to wondering what would make a good visual to go along with it. I found myself focusing on a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ effect. But something more inspiring other than a man-made tunnel with more drama and beauty in it.
Three versions:comment imagecomment imagecomment image


All are awesome!
#1 is my favorite!

Pat Frederick

i really like the second..the third reminds me a forest fire for some reason…


I like all three…it would be tough to have to pick just one.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, you have to be careful with light at the end of the tunnel. It could well be another train headed straight for you.


Har Don
The New Flagrance For The Toxically Masculine.


Guaranteed to drive feminists to distraction

Pat Frederick

haha short trip…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One would think the women distracted by har don would NOT be the feminists…



Collins to Nadler: Double. Dog. Dare. You.


#MeToo Hillary
Trump Screwed Me In 2016


Top of the morning to you, Patrick…
I’ve been reading here… seems you are already on a roll !!


Hi pR
Warming up for some roof repairing caused by yesterday’s storms.


ooh my… I didn’t realize you all got damage. Knew tornedo didn’t happen. Hope the damage is minor Patrick. Stay dry !!!!!!!!!


We got some high winds for awhile.
Damage is minimal, but did cause a leak.


So glad the damage was minimal…
and hope that’s your biggest problem of the day 😉

Sue Mcdonald

Had quite a day here in PNW, days of torrential rainfall has caused flooding and rivers are cresting now,but yesterday for the first time ever our phones were blowing up on the EBS, telling everyone to prepare to evacuate. Holy smokes! I went into panic mode, had been watching our creek in the back yard going higher and higher then over the banks it went flooding the lower yard. Then make matters worse theres a big dam quite a few miles away that the Army corps of Engineers started releasing water out at a rate they never had to do in the past, all people below the dam were told to get out ASAP.
our neighbor lives on a hill so we could there when the river that the dam was going into came our way. and the rain is still coming down this morning. DH is going down to check out the highway in a bit to see how much of it is under water. then the news showing washed out roads and landslides all over sheesh ,first the snowapcolipse now this. I dont think the water will reach our house ,it sits on a little hill. and in other news from last night the body of Dennis Day was found under his house, he has been missing since July. Dennis was an original Musketeer from the mickey mouse club and lived here in Oregon.

Pat Frederick

wow stay safe!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. Out here in the Mississippi watershed we feel for you. Nothing worse than a wall of water coming at you.

Pat Frederick

wow…karma does find you
The discovery alone was a shock. But for Aaron, the human remains sunk below a layer of concrete in his boyhood home snapped the jumbled pieces of a family mystery into place. In January 1993, his mother, Bonnie Haim, had vanished. Police suspected her husband, Aaron’s father, Michael Haim, of murdering his wife. Those suspicions started with what Aaron, who was then 3, had told authorities.
“Daddy hurt her,” Aaron had said, the Times-Union reported. But Aaron’s own family doubted the little boy’s foggy account, and no physical evidence tied Michael to the crime.
But that day in December 2014, standing amid smashed concrete, Aaron was holding the evidence that would eventually lead to his father’s arrest.


Good morning all…

Pat Frederick


Deplorable Patriot

Hmm. Memos to himself leaked strategically. Waiting to see where this one goes.


Yeah I’m not sure I want to listen in to Jim Comey’s conversations with himself…

Pat Frederick

so now we have to honor a prior administration’s mistakes, and illegal overreaches? BULLSHIT!
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said Sunday Dreamers, children of immigrants brought into the country illegally, should get legal status.
“Well, it’s been put in place by President Obama and I believe we have a responsibility to fulfill what is a presidential pledge and commitment. So that’s in the past. I would provide legal status for those Dreamers in the country,” Romney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” referring to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that shields these individuals from deportation.


Willard is such a Rat!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm, Rotney, you don’t seem to worried about fulfilling YOUR CURRENT PRESIDENT’S pledges and committments…
Here, Willard, have another lump of stale cheese…


It begins….

Remember 2018?
During the 2018 election season – there were at least 639 documented media and politician approved/incited acts of violence and harassment against Trump/family/staff/supporters and other conservatives. They are organized and trained agitators, escalators, instigators of conflict and violence.
639 acts of Democrat and media-approved violence and harrassment –


Must mean arrests are being made.


…or they are scared.

Deplorable Patriot

Arrests are being made…and no book deals most likely unless they are the gossipy, palace intrigue sort of sensationalism that clouds the real story.

Elizabeth Carter

Wow. I’ll send this to John Nolte. Maybe he will do a list for the 2020 election season.


China sent troops to Venezuela?
I just stumbled across this video which reports on this:
Haven’t seen or heard any other reports of ChiCom troops in VZ…but maybe I missed it.
Not surprising though — China has loaned Maduro a lot of money.
So has Russia.
Russia sent 100 troops there…so China sends 100 troops.



Google is, the Ministry of Deceit


Right up there with Farcebook and Twatter


Yes. Yes they are.


Sing it Patrick … not enough believe.


Yates perfidy against Michael Flynn.

Deplorable Patriot

Better yet, they are publishing the dots being connected that reveal the plot.


What were there door prizes and party favors?


…and there was a ‘hostess gift’ of course.

Gail Combs

I made this up, half serious and half in jest.
☠️ Shop at your own risk☠️
However, given the statistics that Gun Free Zones have a much higher death rate if a shooter opens fire, it does seem as if the stores, churches and other businesses implementing a ‘Gun-Free Zone’ have the DUTY to WARN the public of the INCREASE IN RISK of entering a Gun-Free Zone.
Can any lawyers out there help with how we go about REQUIRING such a label on Gun-Free Zones???
As a Horse owner I have up:


““You should not have to worry about controlling your bodily autonomy because the governor has pushed such an abominable and evil bill that is so restrictive…”
Abrams, like most feminazis, doesn’t want the responsibility of CONTROLLING her bodily autonomy…
feminazis want to be able to behave like dogs and walk away…
If you find my comment offensive, then so be it… I don’t apologize. Call ’em like I see ’em.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20


Another creepy individual…


Then there’s that tiny little matter of abolishing the ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!!




Wheatie!! “My writings are shit!” LOLOLO!!!


The two-faced Dems are trying to have it both ways.
I wish someone would start asking Jihad Girl Omar and Taliban Tlaib about how islam treats gays.


The Road To Ruin Is Paved With Democrat Intentions


LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER – They are beset with cognitive dissonance (inner thought/belief contradictions that do not allow their mind to function or rest. The consequence is instability, irritability, anger, violence.


Dawson has a THREAD (doesn’t he always ?)
If you thought the College Admissions Scandal was a small thing, think again…
This is a long but important read

bbuutt nuttin’ habben’, right?


Here is link to threadreader… twitter seems to breaking the thread
Would also add I’m unable to access article on Mack … Dawson says FB is blocking
try this link, or just key in (DDG of course, NOT google) allison Mack accused of molesting girl
The very first charges against Mack were for CHILD molestation…



Thanks for tweeting that out wolfie !
Agree with all you say about Allison… sounds as if she was a victim herself, as a child.


But Nothing’s Happening!!!comment image



Not defending her actions, but she was clearly abused as a child. That leaves a mark. She probably thought she was taking her power and control back.


Mexico could have stopped these ‘caravans’…but they haven’t.
I don’t like calling them ‘caravans’ because they are actually Invasion Forces.

Mexico is facilitating this Invasion.
How is this not an Act of War?


Mexican Gov’t IS Drug Cartels
Drug cartels = Mexican Gov’t
THE WALL is everything !!!
Remember Q said the Wall is more important than we realize ?
Human trafficking (including children)
Drug Trafficking
Importation of illegals – votes for DIMs; additional Congressional seats for DIMs; cheap labor; additional burden in form of healthcare, medicaid, education, etc. to illegals, further draining our resources
In sort… demise of our Republic…
Which is objective of Cabal.


Mexican Gov’t IS Drug Cartels
Drug cartels = Mexican Gov’t

Brian Cates on cartels owning Mexico:


comment image
H/t phattcat


Great one Patrick… thanks !!




wordpress responded when I hit the ‘Post Comment’ after hitting the P in Phoenix and carelessly sliding my hand off the keyboard ! Ol’ age and wordpress… a dangerous combo
Wolfie, thanks for your astuteness and allowing a ‘stranger’ through your doors. I know you have better things to do !


ahh… you mean I’m speshall ???!!!
I’ll have to stop cursing WP……. 😉

Pat Frederick

I’ve always thought you were special


what a sweet thing to say ! thanks…

Sylvia Avery

That is a stellar meme. It is funny, and true, and aggravating.

Pat Frederick

it’s early yet…wait until cinco de mayo!

Deplorable Patriot

Had to go get one earlier today. Avocados and eggs…beauty food.


For eating, or rubbing on your face?

Deplorable Patriot

Eating. My nails are always just a step more the envy of other women when I make sure I eat both regularly. I wouldn’t waste an avocado on a masque.


SMH – the insanity of it all just kills me!
“Think of women and take a “gender perspective’” during bombing operations in war zones, combat pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) have been told.
The “Gender in Air Operations” doctrine informs pilots what they should do before dropping bombs in war zones to ensure women aren’t placed in danger, according to the Sydney Daily Telegraph.
One hypothetical example included in the RAAF guide highlights how destroying a bridge, being used by enemy forces, could force local women to walk further to perform basic domestic chores. The doctrine said:
Although destroying this target may provide a military advantage against the enemy, the second order effect may mean that, due to the gendered social roles, women need to travel further afield, on unfamiliar and less secure, well-known or well-lit routes to gather water and firewood.
The program has been designed to encourage a “new way of thinking” in which vulnerable women aren’t at an increased risk of violence or threat, the Telegraph reports.”


May as well be told “If given a combat mission, refuse to fly and demand the RAAF surrender immediately.”

Molly Pitcher

Oh FFS ! Surely we’re in some alternate reality…the test or something


Store owner posts sign banning Trump Supporters from his store.
Then…he says he did it “because wants to do business without politics”. (!!)

We can thank the Trump-hating media for this.
They have vilified our President to the point that it encourages people to use their Trump-hatred as a way to virtue-signal.
The Dems and their media nozzles have put forth the narrative:
“Trump is evil. His supporters are evil. So I must fight them in order to show what a good person I am.”
And this local CBS channel said that the Store owner is already “getting threats”.
I’m throwing the bullshit flag on that.
If it is happening…at all…it is probably Dem operatives making the threats.


Excellent idea!!!


Yes…but only if they get every minute of it recorded.
Otherwise, the lying media could say:
“Angry Trump supporters swarm music store”

Molly Pitcher

Wheatie, it appears that in the last day or so it’s clear that it’s gone past virtue signaling.
It’s fascism….. ” severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition ”
They’re openly advocating for blacklisting Trump admin who leave . The campaign to weaponize the MAGA hat basically saying..if you wear it, expect violence . The Smollett affair..vilify and blame white Trump supporters but throw it under the corrupt rug


Yes absolutely it’s fascism.
It is fascism in every sense of the word!


I don’t think the Left realizes just how many of us there are. The other day, while driving, and yes a stereotype busted for me, I saw a car with a special Virginia license plate – the one with the “Don’t Tread on Me” snake logo. The driver? African-American. 🙂


Similar strategy used by Hitler (1930’s Germany) against the Jews in preparation for his Third Reich. That’s been the danger of having the #MSM, and mass communications (Social Media) controlled by Lefties in this country – they’re the ones messaging marginalization, denigration, and encouraging mistreatment towards all those who aren’t in lockstep with their Leftist ideology.
It doesn’t matter to them that we’re at least 65 million strong for traditional America.
The store owner getting threats, yes, there might be some, but mostly those “threats” are likely of an economic nature – as in it will be satisfying to see him go out of business in as short as time as decent people can make it possible. Simply take their business elsewhere. I bet it will happen.
Americans are more fair-minded than any other country. Americanism is our ideology vs some fascist/communist philosophy. His “virtue signalling” will put him out of business.


Dear snowflake store owner,comment image




thanks wheatie … Paul Brooks is great… makes me smile.
the last one reminds me of POTUS’ trip to KSA… and the ‘orb’ …

Pat Frederick

i loved the Sandra one…I’m with HIM! LOL
thanks for posting!!


Those are good. Course the beagle would find a way to climb.

As I read this post, it occurred to me that maybe just maybe that the 17 intelligence agencies were not in agreement that Russia had interfered with the election. Hence the birth of Q.
I trust the Q Tree followers to read and provide analysis.
BTW this came from a poster OTH

Deplorable Patriot

Always did think Clapper was an idiot.


Do Kobach, Homan or McAleenan have an idea of what to do about Visa overstays???


The visa overstates are in Universities.
Hold people responsible who hire visa overstayer. Why are we so impotent to deal with this…?

Deplorable Patriot

Visa overstays are everywhere. I knew one decades ago and she was here as a nanny.



Spinning wheel, spinning round 🎶…..


Well, this isn’t good……from OT – haven’t read the GP article referenced.
ezpz2 says:
April 8, 2019 at 10:31 am
Worse, in fact, Paul.
According to Gateway Pundit, the named replacement is the author of Obama’s catch and release program.😡
ezpz2 says:
April 8, 2019 at 10:59 am
Clarification: he’s the ‘acting’ director, but still….
According to the GP article, he reinstated Obama’s catch and release last year.


If this guy is against him, it is bad!


Yikes! Surely President Trump knows this.


comment image


well that’s just creepy….


have you seen her dance?
you don’t want to…


Oh May…


Wrong – the number of illegals fell when there was a rumor in 2014 that ‘catch and release’ had ended.
Gidursky is sitting in NYC making statements that aren’t always accurate.
Maybe he needs to move his behind down to TX or AZ and see stuff first hand.


I think that was ONE of Nielsen’s problems… she sat behind her desk. She was actually planning a trip to Europe last week, had to cancel when POTUS decided to make a trip to Southern Border…
Being kind Brian Cates said of her, that she was actually trained for foreign policy and hunting ‘terrorists’
I recall that John Kelley said when interviewed that they (he and Nielsen) were a ‘package deal’ …
One of POTUS’ traits is he likes to ‘help people out’ … works well in the private sector, not so well in public.
Kelley has proved to be the ‘kiss & tell’ type … I expect to see the same from Nielsen as she departs. In fact, a report upthread says ‘allies’ are rushing to her side, saying she prevented POTUS from making bad policy several times. Perhaps Kelley’s wife can find Nielsen a job…


Of course they are going to claim Barr is acting in a cover up. That is a given.



Alrighty then… the brilliant Stephen Miller is in chargenow of problems at the border.
I can live with that…


I can’t emphasis enough How much I agree with every word in this THREAD…
The media, Hollywood, the DNC, liberalism as a whole, has completely lost all credibility and needs to be ignored. They have no leg to stand on. They will slowly slip away into irrelevance along with their impeachment fantasies.
No mercy. Bury them with truth.


Lets Go Freedom Caucus!!


A militant homo’s interpretation of God’s word is about as far from the gospel as it gets.


I do not discriminate against perverts.
I treat them all with equal disdain.

Pat Frederick

well it’s tooo dang dangerous to turn the other cheek with these guys…


The muslims throw them off of buildings.
But only because they don’t like any competition of their any debauchery .


competition of their OWN debauchery


New Olympic sport – Synchronized Media Mouthing:


comment image


They look more alive then the real MSM




comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Ok I know you all warned about the Bushes but wow… tell me more!!!!
Roger Stone: Barbara Bush a Mean Spirited, Nasty and Entitled Woman Who Lied About Me


Time for Spring Cleaning !!!🧹 🧽 🧼
US Secret Service director to step down as part of larger DHS leadership shuffle


One more…


Stephen Miller!! unsung Hero!!!!!


I do too Wolfie!! Here comes the cavalry!!!!📯🐎🐴🏇


But Nothing’s Happening!!!comment image


He reports directly to Sec Nielsen…


THis is funny!!! From the article: “This kid knows how to defend a home,” Trump told the press, referring to two incidents when the child was stranded without his parents and had to defend himself from burglars with a series of makeshift traps.


Or at least visit!😜


Any idea where The Babylon Bee got the name from?
To the best of my knowledge, there is only one “Babylon” in the United States, located on Long Islands south shore in western Suffolk County, NY.
Once beautiful, but no more.
You don’t want to go there. Trust me. I know from whence I speak.


This was posted at OT by
MaineCoon says:
April 8, 2019 at 1:38 pm
Yesterday Sidney Powell posted that she had an article coming out today. I highly regard Ms. Powell’s opinion as it is always based on facts and her prosecutorial experience. Many here hold this opinion, including Sundance.
Below is an excerpt for the article.
FTA: Let me be clear. I fully support President Trump…
Congress, Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats, Mitch McConnell, and the RINOs passed a bill that completely sold out American citizens and hardworking taxpayers—all middle and lower-income America—and crammed it down the President’s throat. An inner circle of people in the White House do not share the MAGA agenda and either mislead the President or flat-out lied to him about it all. And, the National Emergency Declaration won’t fix it.
The bill they crammed through aids and abets the Mexican criminal cartels, boosting their billion-dollar-business by multi-millions of dollars a month. It’s a neon sign inviting human-traffickers and other criminals to grab children and pour into the United States. It is worse than amnesty.”
All of us need to read Ms. Powell’s article and carefully consider her suggestions. We need to support the President and anyone who is taking tough immigration stances, like Stephen Miller. We don’t need to whine about any WH individuals who we THINK — but do not have conclusive evidence — of misguiding P45. Nothing we can do about spilt milk.
I look forward to Sundance’s input and response to issues raised. We can and should help guide President Trump’s in response to any misguided WH input that he is receiving on immigration — not to mention the bad actors in Congress.
Thank you, Sidney Powell.
(Ad Rem, I hope I don’t go into moderation again for buying a new PC???)


Don’t you also think that the end of Mueller’s investigation, his report turned in to DoJ…
Made a huge change in EVERYTHING… POTUS is now on the OFFENSIVE…
I admire Powell also, but it’s not like there haven’t been legal beagles ALL OVER legislation regarding immigration and the border. jes sayin’


Yes, now that Mueller’s Report is done, POTUS is FREE, FREE, FREE at last to go on offense. Might be quite interesting.


I think there’s been a Plan to Clean House for a long time.
We are just seeing it being acted on now.
Some things had to happen before they could start cleaning out the nests of ‘resisters’…like wrapping up the Mueller witch hunt.


Wolf last evening Powell posted at OT that she was going to publish this article today. I believe she just wrote this.
Maybe she gave WH heads up I do not know if she has a close relationship with POTUS and his advisors..?
Maybe you are right that POTUS had this before we got a look at it.:)

Pat Frederick

hmmmm blank USB drives? or full of malice?

Pat Frederick

i love this!! I’m cracking up…oh you don’t want me to do this…this? I shouldn’t do this?…ok…nah, I’m doing it…LOL


II’m Doing it! F ya’ll!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick



Awesome Wheatie!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🏆

Pat Frederick



After the gay bishop was put into place – the Episcopal church and Anglican Communion split – this left a lot of empty churches and a number of church buildings were sold to become ‘Islamic centers’. Out of spite, they refused to sell the buildings to the original parishioners, who didn’t go along with the gay love garbage. The (insert expletives) Episcopal church even sold the buildings to the muslims cheaper than the original members offers. Spit.


You have to cut your losses. These people were bad news.


They were cunning enough to pass a rule that the central church owned all property and assets, and got them to sign over all assets to the central church entity – BEFORE they began to foist the ‘gay’ approval business on the church.
Made the Episcopal church rich but heretical/apostate. Syncretism is another of their crimes/sins against the true Faith. They fell for the ‘Islam is a path to heaven’ crap. (CCC#841) They don’t believe in the essentials and believe all the heresies and apostasies.


When the compass is broken it’s not a surprise when the ship crashes on the rocks.


We cannot break GOD’s laws/commandments – they are written in stone and are the laws that run the whole universe.
When we attempt to do so, we only break ourselves and others, like ships with faulty compasses, or captains ignoring the warning of the Lighthouse and rules of the Sea, end up crashing ourselves, families, cities, even nations or the entirety of Western culture, against the rocks, taking on great disorientation, damage, ruin, loss and poverty.


We cannot break GOD’s laws/commandments – they are eternal, unchanging, written in stone and are the laws that govern the whole universe.


I would like instruction on how to attach an image (PNG) file to my comment. Or second, could someone point me to where I can find instructions on how to do that. Thanks


From the web
Click on the image
Select ‘Copy image address’
Cop/paste into comment
Needs to start with http and end with png
From your files
Image has to be uploaded to a site such as imgur to obtain a url


Enter url on separate line from any other text


Thanks PHC. It is an image from my computer. I have never uploaded any of my images to the web so I will have to think about how and whether to do that. I appreciate the info.


I use Safe site
Green Button/+New Post……Top Left

Pat Frederick

this was a comment–was this previously known? is it true?
LC – #MAGA #DeplorableDregOfSociety
Dodi Fayed was Jamal Khashoggi’s first cousin. I thought that was pretty odd.
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes


Missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is a nephew of a billionaire arms dealer and second cousin of Princess Diana’s lover Dodi Fayed. Jamal Khashoggi, 59, was allegedly tortured, murdered and …

Pat Frederick

k…so just I am ignorant…ok…I get it….






internet ate my post…
figure it was the universe’s way of telling me I post/talk too much anyway… 😉


Too much of a good thing………………can be Wonderful


This is my first(probably only) meme. I reckon I am to old to be a memeologist but I thought I would try it once. If it works I owe it to PHC. If it doesn’t, like I said I’m old.comment image


You done good!!!


Give me your poor, tired, cuddling masses…………….
Yearning to be felt up.
Uncle Joe


Excellent Spab!!! Funny as Heck! Cuz it’s true~~~


Nice work, Spab!
Creepy Joe is perfect for the TSA.
“Hello, my name is Joe. I will be handling your groping session today.”


Great job Spab …
Love it…
I bring them… won’t even try to make meme.


I don’t know where James Woods found this one…but the replies to this hilarious.


She sure is pissed off for being a clown.


Clowns are creepy. Period.
I never liked them as a kid…and never understood why anybody liked them.


Funny I’d rather run into a big foot than a clown, the big foot is less creepy, lol.


poor child needs a doctor… maybe even a strait jacket…


Please go march on the street. I’m sure the police will be happy to help you.


WE Knew….


Kinda slow on the uptake.
My mother could beam her voice into your head from anywhere she was……………………….

Molly Pitcher

hahahhaha so very true

Pat Frederick

so all those criminals who claimed to have heard voices in their heads telling them to do bad things should get another trial right?


Looks Like Comey’s Diary is coming out today…😜



Feds charge DC-area man accused of plotting to ram stolen truck into pedestrians, sources say…….
Sudden Jihad Syndrome?
This is a developing story. Please check back updates.


“This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.”……………………………………
Where we will describe the camel humper as an ‘English Citizen,’ and blame his doings on Trump.


Whoa. Nielsen gone, now the head of secret service, the withdrawl of the new head of the border patrol nomination, and more to come!
All the open border biz as usual people are being tossed and Stephen Miller is taking charge. Yeehaw! Making up for a bit of a slower week.
I would love to see a total end to remittances to Mexico until they stop this b.s. then a provisional “fee” of 15%-50% depending on the amount, plus a maximum amount cap annually.
Also, 100 miles a year of border is beyond a failure. The wall must be complete 2 years before the end of 2nd term to be a bulletpoint for a hopeful successor.


I bet POTUS waited until McConnell went with the nuclear option, shortened cloture debate rules, and now many can be moved quickly through confirmation. Read where of 1050 hours of debate before cloture for a whole bunch of nominees is now down to 70 hrs.
Expect to see some other moves…


Its got to pick up because hes going to be busy campaigning. Even a great multitasker can get run down.
Btw, starcucks schultz is on fox biz slamming POTUS. He says he will only run for POTUS as an independent, that the dimms “left him”. I dont think he will run. Dimms are full socialist.


Agree Schultz won’t run. No chance as an independent, and the Dems won’t have him.


End benefits, Section 8 housing, Obamacare and Social Security for ILLEGALS!
Implement E-Verify with STIFF penalties!
Implement very STIFF penalties for Visa overstay!


I’ll take Key-logging for 1000, Alex


can’t recall name… Congressional aide was sentenced yesterday for key-logging and other crimes…


Jackson A. Cosko?

Sylvia Avery

You have a mind like a steel trap!


Little rusty, these days


I do read a lot though.


Nation-state malware. USSS agents know how to sandbox these thumb drives and don’t just stick them into ports. That must be one hell of a kit.


Like cyber-bombs, huh?


My guess is they wanted to infil the Mar-a-lago network. To spy and get remote control malware installed. They would read every single manifest they could find, every single email and communication, try to take control of the VSS and use it as their own set of spy cameras. Even changing/updating guest records, getting certain registrations dropped, getting certain ones added and giving themselves special access. Any access to guest networks and guest equipment is even better – people will transmit ANYTHING over a “free” open WiFi network. And I’m sure this wasn’t the first time, that they’ve done this same op against many hotels and venues before.


Whoa! Likewise, could the hotels spy on guests?


Depends on how extensive the security systems at Mar-a-lago are. I suspect they’ve been upgraded significantly of late.
Every hotel is different, but some have more capabilities than others. Any hotel/casino in Las Vegas you should assume is watching your every move. Many of those aren’t exactly on the up and up, if you know what I mean. The small fry hotels in the heartland generally aren’t going to be set up with that level of security. If they decide to spy on their guests it’s going to be a Keystone Kops rerun.
A five star hotel with diplomats passing through is definitely a ripe target for the baddies.


Excellent quick hit from Congressman Mark Green this morning with Bill Hemmer


For folks with older computers – here it is on YouTube:


College scandal, Felicity Huffman pleading guilty to fraud. I wonder if shes just going to buy off her punishment. She may be embarassed, may have to pay a fine, but whats the punishment going to be?

Deplorable Patriot

She’s going to try to make it go away.


okay, I’m rewriting this, and first draft got ‘lost’ …
There are a couple of tweets and an article from Gateway suggesting that POTUS’ pick for new Sec of DHS is creator of Obama’s “catch and release” and that Kevin also re-instituted the program under Trump in 2018.
Critical thinking is our friend, so is the internet.
Kevin McAleenan is presently the commissioner of United States Customs and Border Protection. Here’s link to the organizational chart of DHS, you’ll find CBP on the bottom line, 2nd from the left.
The CBP does not decide policy, that’s done higher up the chain.
Secondly, ” … the phrase (catch and release) refers to a “collection of policies, court precedents, executive actions and federal statutes spanning more than 20 years, cobbled together throughout Democratic and Republican administrations.”[2] ` wiki
So obviously McAleenan did not write the policy for Obama… it was already there, as an amendment to The Immigration and National Act of 1965.
Republicans have attempted to add amendments to the I&N Act of 1965 that would change this policy… most recently in 2015, 2016… the Resolutions got as far as introduction on the House floor.
I got the info above through a few keystrokes. My cardiologist tells me beta-blockers are key to managing heart rate and BP… I tell him a few moments to gather info are important also.
First thing I do when reading so called journalism is … breath. Gateway may not be FAKE NEWS but its often click-bait.
POTUS and Stephen Miller together are supernova brilliant. (Oh, did I mention Stephen Miller was previously communications director for then-Senator Jeff Sessions?)


thanks for the tips wolfie…
in this instance I think I may have ever-so briefly lost wifi.. message came up but sys tray gave no indication there was a loss… I tried going to previous page, where I found the post, out of the reply box, but when I tried refreshing the page I lost it. Don’t think it was WP this time.
Live virtually in the woods and sometimes lose wifi for a ‘flicker’ of a sec – I need to ‘copy’ before I send, as insurance, esp. when I include links and lots of text. Hasn’t happened for months now, in fact first time it has happened here at Qtree.
I do appreciate your tips… it’s nice to know there is help here. Grandson not always available, and actually he’s not too savvy about this kind of problem…

Gail Combs

….. hammering on Control-Y ……
THANKS! It is not something Hubby was aware of nor I. Hubby used to do code and write computer manuals.


The Lazarus web browser plugin is quite handy for rescuing text.
I have a habit though of copy/paste from a text editor before clicking “post”…


TGP article is fishy. Tom Homan was also Obama official, and he is supporting McAleenan. So is Mark Morgan. Someone should investigate the sheriff making the claim.


To you point Phoenix!..

Sylvia Avery

pR, I love you!
Thanks for taking the time to look into that and tell us what you learned. Today has been crazy busy for me and I’m just getting the headlines of what’s going on, and that headline was depressing to read and made me wonder. So THANK YOU!
Big hug,


No respect.
Where are the Park Rangers?
Kudos to this veteran for trying to get them out of the water.
I’ll bet these people are mostly illegals.


Park rangers are probably watching porn. Guvmint worker types need a strong no nonsense leader to not allow the bs. Too many repeat problems by lazy or liberal nuts in these positions.
Im glad the people didnt hurt him.

Pat Frederick

that’s disgusting and unsanitary!


You must not be familiar with illegals. This is far cleaner than they operate. There is a drain area that I know of which spills into a river. Raw sewage does go there. Despite this, year after year, hispanic illegals flock to the area, cook, throw trash including diapers, and defecate there all summer. When POTUS says the criminal elements are animals, he is being too kind.

Molly Pitcher

Ah yes the memories of living in the agri fields….yes, your water hose is their car rinser, hand washing station, drinking water
Your fruit trees are their snack supply, your fence is the privvy, your yard is the toilet paper and lunch debris dump
Open border baby..what’s your is theirs until you complain to el jefe and then you hope there’s no payback

Sylvia Avery

I will never forget reading Victor Davis Hansen writing about coming upon a carpet cleaning tank trunk emptying it’s dirty chemical laden fluid sucked back from dirty carpets into the rows of his field. He stopped and confronted the guy who smiled bigly and told him no problem, it is organic!

Molly Pitcher

The small town where we lived was quaint with a plaza and a cool water fountain that was inscribed with “God’s free gift”.
I went there some months ago, now that it’s almost all hispanic and full time migrants = illegals…it’s dirty, slummy and rundown. Why is it that nothing ever improves when these over valued diverse newcomers takeover ?
It looks like any town in Mexico without the pride. Sad.


This ChiCom spy got way too close to the President.
Maybe this incident was the ‘last straw’ and led to the dismissal of the head of the Secret Service.


The other day, Dan Bongino was downplaying this incident by stating that some of this is not the Secret Service’s job. He said a lot is up to the screeners that officials at an event have in place. If screeners have been told to let someone in, they get in. Bongino said the SS is not a screening agency.
At the time, I thought that sounded too risky. I like Bongino, but I’m thinking there is more to this story.

Weather Watcher

It’s ALL a misunderstanding- …the Chinese woman thought she had been accepted into UCLA….She wasn’t sure if she was suppose to give the “Coach” the 5 cell phones, or 17 SIM cards and the $7500 in cash or just the device that detects hidden cameras……..


Funny how the Mar-a-lago summit with Xi was canceled/delayed and then we have this mess. These people are so transparent.


What I am wondering is if the Chinese women was a scout to check out what the weaknesses are and where to penetrate in Ma O Lago ?
Some one is planing something there or it is a diversion so POTUS stays at another place that is easier to penetrate.
If this was the spy not a scout or decoy then she was stupid .

Pat Frederick

I’m shocked!
butter my buns and call me a biscuit!
what are the odds???


It’s only news when a muzzie isn’t terrorizing.


Pat Frederick
“I’m shocked!
butter my buns and call me a biscuit!
what are the odds???”
Ha ha ha 🙂 🙂 🙂
This is so funny first time I hear that impression.


Husband called and made an “announcement”, regarding Homeland Security.
1. Withdrawal of one nomination and sudden decision.
2. Firing of Nielsen.
3. Removal of head of Secret Service.
Husband concluded President Trump has decided he is going to win reelection and has begun his 2nd term, this Monday morning. No more playing around.
Here we go, balls to the wall.

Pat Frederick

I like your husband’s thinking!!


Tell Hubby I think he is on point here…
No more SC …
Not a competitor on the planet in 2020… I see a LANDSLIDE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

….provided the opposition is left in a shambles by incontrovertible and clear-to-anyone evidence of criminality–and is hollowed out by arrests, trials, convictions of many of the major names.



#TBT did you know @SenGillibrand speaks fluent Mandarin and has a Chinese name It’s Lu Tianna!


The Long March … time means nothing …


I keep seeing the word “pleaded”…which just looks wrong to me.
Shouldn’t that be ‘pled’ instead of ‘pleaded’?
The word ‘plead’ is in the same class as words like ‘bleed, feed and lead’.
You wouldn’t say ‘bleeded’, for example…you would use ‘bled’ instead.
Sorry, it’s just been bugging me.


I was taught ‘pled’ –
however, I looked up conjugation of verb ‘plead’ and
now either is correct: pleaded/pled

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Meanwhile, “hanged” in a certain context (method of execution) is more and more often (mis)rendered as “hung” but no one authoritative considers that correct.
Languages will tend to simplify over time, particularly languages that are serving as lingua francas.


When you beg the dry cleaners to give you your pants back in one piece


It does sound weird but pleaded is correct. Husband corrects me all the time.

Sylvia Avery

Bugs me as well.
I also can’t get used to “gifting” and “agreeance.”

Sylvia Avery

I’m very tired and cranky and a wee bit stressed today. I just want to shovel people who say that. And gifting is really starting to annoy me.


I’m so with you Miss Wheatie, but I don’t think pled is correct. Doesn’t mean it should be tho!!😃


Bet old H> wet her britches when she heard about this.


Thank goodness for depends:-)


There are more charges … what of those ? Did she plea bargain them away?
I saw the original indictment and there were four charges…


I think she turned RAT!!🐀


So…she is finished “singing?”


Senate was in session today, but no voting…
Mitch spent considerable time acknowledging Nielsen’s tenure as well as praising South Carolina’s former Senator Fritz Hollings who passed Saturday at the age of 97 (succeeded by Lindsey Graham in 2005).
Mitch did find time to

Chuck Schumer was busy demanding
“The outgoing Secret Service director must testify before Congress as soon as possible about the potential security vulnerabilities at Mar-a-Lago involving a Chinese national arrested with malware, and other counterintelligence and national security threats.”
Funny Schumer never seemed concerned about the ‘potential security vulnerabilities’ in the ever so many places zero stayed on vacay and golf trips…
Schumer’s making a big deal out of this issue… guess he has nothing else. Not like we have an emergency at the border, right? Big security issue there… Chuckles could care less.


Just a thought. The new guy HHS is already saying that he can’t do anything until congress does something. Basically a defeatist attitude.
Okay, maybe his silly game needs to be played. Here’s a thought:
From Wikipedia:
“Presidential addresses
In addition to a State of the Union address, presidents address Congress on specific subjects. The first such speech was delivered by John Adams on the subject of U.S. relations with France. The most popular subjects for such addresses are economic, military and foreign policy issues.
In addition to bringing back the tradition of delivering a State of Union address, Woodrow Wilson was the first president since John Adams to address Congress on specific topics. He delivered 17 such speeches, more than any other president.”
17 Seems like an auspicious number. Should get the job done. If it can’t be coordinated then then it can be done on the spur of the moment with Senate Leader telling the Senate to assemble in the house balcony after which time the President can interrupt the flow of business in the house and give his chat. No need to go through the hassle of inviting the media as CSPAN is already there and of course a spot in the balcony can be left open for what media wishes to observe and report.


Sorry, change “chat” to public admonishment” “berating” “dressing down” or some such.


Lots of fronts that have been covered by q in the news. Big drop coming?

Deplorable Patriot

Possibly. When Marker 1 was accomplished, this was all probably the next step(s).


Nadler and the DIMS are demanding to see so much… POTUS’ tax returns, SC’s full report
Republicans should start asking to see whether or Sen. Gillibrand has a NXIVM brand…


comment image

Sylvia Avery

Just don’t make me look at it. Someone else can verify in the name of transparency.


Futile to deny it – too late now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To say nothing of Fako O’Rourke….


“Marine Corps Gen. Randolph “Tex” Alles retired from the military in 2011 after a 35-year career as a major general. He will be the first Secret Service director in a century to have not served in the agency beforehand. His appointment will likely placate those who say the agency is in need of changes only an outsider could affect, The New York Times reported Wednesday.”
Alles went to USSS from his post of Acting Deputy Commissioner at @CBP.


from zeroHedge
…”And Alles’s likely won’t be the last head to roll at DHS. Two other top officials are reportedly on their way out.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services director Francis Cissna and Office of the General Counsel’s John Mitnick are expected to be gone soon, and the White House is eyeing others to be removed.
A former marine, Alles was recommended for the post by former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who ran the department before his move to the West Wing, per the AP.”
…Alles was recommended for the post by former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
KNEW IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cissna is an Obama holdover… moved to another position in Oct. 2017 –
Previously, Mitnick was the senior vice president, general counsel, and secretary of the Heritage Foundation –
Remember, POTUS did not have a large pool to choose from … almost anyone who has been in D.C. for any length of time is ‘swamp’ ……..


Makes sense to me wolfie… once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine, right ?
I’m inclined to think there will be a huge housecleaning across the government, some reported, some not.


Yes I see it. I’ve never been as down on Kelly as others are. Though clearly he did not have the MAGA interests he did have a job to do.

Deplorable Patriot

The gossipy, palace intrigue reports were breathless at Kelly’s and Mattis’s and some others anti-MAGA positions. Any time that happens, raise an eyebrow. I’m not buying all of it. Those guys were there to do a job. They did it.

Deplorable Patriot

That was just it on the generals around VSGPDJT. Most of them are Marines. In the military Marines are a different breed.


Taliban, Iran, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR = same/same

Gail Combs

EyeTheSpy seems to be DEEP STATE…. He could not have the info on IRS investigation of Praying Medic or details otherwise.
He is TARGETING Praying Medic because he is very very good at explaining Q to ‘Normies’ has a great voice and good presentation skills.
Neonrevolt came to the same conclusion independent of me.

People keep asking what I think of @EyetheSpy (on twitter). So much so, that I thought it worth my time to just write up a quick post and go on the record. So… what do I think of him? Fake. 100% Fake….

Deplorable Patriot

Truth be told, @WhiteSquall8 and @BurnedSpy34 are more believable. NR is an outsider, yes, and does a lot of good dot connecting. Don’t follow the others. Praying Medic…something is not right, and he gets too many details wrong the few times I’ve actually read what he has to say.


Hmm. Wonder if there is any difference between @eyethespy and @trueeyethespy
I don’t know much about Q, NeonRevolt or any of the people like Wictor, the Cates brothers, Unseen, et al. Even SD, Flep, Wolfie and all of us/each other have to be received/believed with caution. There are fake MAGA like the MAGA coalition, fake Q and a bunch of anons and false flags all over the place. Betrayals and fakes abound.
There seems to be no litmus test, but time and gut feelings or a tuned ear.


So, is PM a scammer who pretended donations to his ministry were deductible, but actually were not?


U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg, Appointed by Barack Obama


Of course….


District Judge Richard Seeborg also blocked the citizenship question on the next census.
The justices are scheduled April 23 to hear the Trump administration’s appeal of a federal district judge’s ruling barring the question from being asked. A ruling is expected by the end of June, possibly leaving the Census Bureau with weeks or even days before the printer is slated to start rolling.
“We have film that will be prepared for our printer for either decision that they make,’’ said Albert Fontenot, associate director for Decennial Census Programs for the Census Bureau. “We say, ‘Run film A or run film B.”
The bureau has a July 1 target deadline to print the questionnaires.
I will wager that the Court rules in favor the question.
Judge Seeborg ought to be removed from the bench and fined for obstructing the taking of the Census.

Deplorable Patriot

I think the court allows this as well. I mean, before 1950 or 1960 it was perfectly legal and now it isn’t?


Judge is wrong…
Asylum-seekers by international law are required to seek asylum in FIRST country they enter after leaving home… in this case Central America to Mexico…
Judge knows this, but is attempting to stall …
POTUS should disregard the ruling…


At every turn, fundamental transformation that Obama promised.
Seaborg’s ruling is crap.
“worried about northern Mexico being dangerous…….”


IGNORE this sorry LEFTIST JUDGE ACTIVIST, just like Ø ignored the Hanen decision.
Please take DACA before the SCOTUS, Mr. President!!!


Oops – Messed up BIG TIME!


No you didn’t… we understand what you meant…
Do you think since POTUS has declared a national emergency at the border… whatever garbage the judge is spewing can be dismissed ? That’s something to consider, right?

Gail Combs

phoenixRising says:
“…Do you think since POTUS has declared a national emergency at the border… whatever garbage the judge is spewing can be dismissed ?…”
Yes, If I recall correctly, a national emergency can ‘limit rights’ and ordinary court orders. Sorry it is too late and my old computer too cranky to try and look it up again. Chances are I could not access the info even if I tried with my old version of Firefox.
Also Obama IGNORED court orders…
Obama Administration Ignored Court Order On Immigration
50 U.S. Code § 1621 – Declaration of national emergency by President; publication in Federal Register; effect on other laws; superseding legislation
National Emergency Powers: A Brief Overview of Presidential Suspensions of the Habeas Corpus Privilege and Invocations of Martial Law on JSTOR
National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301 Fact Sheet | State Public Health | ASTHO
Obama Signs Executive Order 13603 for Martial Law During any ‘National Emergency’
3 Differences between Martial law and National emergency – Social Utility Network Blog


Thanks, Wolfie!!!


Jury rejects Harry Reid lawsuit against fitness band maker
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A jury in Las Vegas flatly rejected former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid’s lawsuit against an exercise band maker he blamed for injuries.comment image

Denied Season 3 GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

.comment image


Maybe they put his brother on the stand. I believe he stated he was the one that kicked his ass.

Gail Combs

GEE, I thought it was the ChiComs who were pissed he did not get the Bundy ranch for them….

Deplorable Patriot

As a member of this household who chides me for giving conspiracies the time of day said, whoever it was led with his left.


Absolutely true. Also a bit of collusion with Pah-kee-stohn.


comment image


comment image
A group of 30 suburban Chicago police chiefs said that they have no confidence in Foxx and called on her to leave her post. Nearly 30 police chiefs attended a news conference with Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham to support that call, saying the dismissal of charges against Smollett, who they charge stagged a hate crime against himself to boost his career, was a factor in their position.
Foxx defended the decision at Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.’s Rainbow-PUSH Coalition offices. In her remarks, the top prosecutor did not address specifics of the case, or the criticism leveled by legal experts and others who said it was highly unusual.
“In my 48 years of practice, I certainly have never seen a deferred prosecution done like that,” Richard Kling, an IIT-Kent Law School professor told the Chicago Sun-Times last week.
Foxx also responded to the calls by various critics to resign, saying that she will complete her term that ends next year and has plans to run for re-election.



My money’s on Stephen Miller.


Don’t let her near any U-Haul Trucks……………………………….gnomesayin


She needs to be removed from the country, no uhaul req!

Elizabeth Carter

PHC, Now you can see why they don’t let their women drive cars, much less U-haul trucks. They barely let their women speak in public. They may know their women better than we do……..gnomesayin




They don’t put bags over just their heads either……………..


Just spit on keyboard!


We just want an arress. She committed marriage fraud, election fraud and is constantly spewing anti-American, unconstitutional sentiments.


I’d love to see them debate.


This one’s a keeper… motor mouth jimmie boy goes silent, finally.
I guess Miller proved too great an opponent for Jake… they cut Miller’s mic


If Stephen Miller would debate Omar and Occasio, we could fund Trump’s entire campaign + the Wall and fill a couple of stadiums, selling the tickets for $100. and box seats for $1000.


It would be like one of those over hyped boxing fights that are usually over in 30 seconds. Then everyone is screaming for a refund.


Miller is clever enough to play with them for a while, lead them into many traps, then pounce.


She’ll be Foisted by her own Retard



Deplorable Patriot

And the problem with being a nationalist of any color is……


notice I never comment on a lot of tweets I bring… it’s because the content would raise my BP if I actually focused more than a nano second…
The US House of Representatives is teeming with ignorance… and hate.

Weather Watcher

Interesting coming from a black Muslim Somali……hmmmm – I don’t think she came to the USA to better herself. I bet she was not as mouthy and vocal back when she lived in Somali…..

Molly Pitcher

Her betters (males) back home know that the USA isn’t quite ready for the jihadi men in elected positions so they can rejoice at their sister saying all the bigoted bullshit with her teflon shield headwrap and her kevlar black skin. Free rein to lie, insult and incite


“I hope that Miller delivers…” Oh Wolfie…Miller ALWAYS delivers!!😜 Favorite Time– MILLER TIME!!!🤣🤣


I am his Biggest FAN!!! and Jeff Sessions brought him on…So….

Gail Combs

And Jeff Sessions was DEATH on illegal immigration. Any bets that Jeff (and Steve Miller) know all the bad actors in the DHS and Border Patrol? Do not forget Ezra Cohen-Watnick, whom former national security adviser Michael Flynn brought onto the NSC as senior director for intelligence became the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick: The Hero that We Don’t Deserve

Molly Pitcher

Let’s not forget the other openly hostile anti American ~~~ (picture of the painting at link)
You’ve probably seen this photo already a number of times: Rep. Rashida Tlaib posing with terror-supporting antisemite Abbas Hamideh, with the latter holding up a painting of her wearing a keffiyeh, next to the Capitol building.
I have seen this photo tens of times, but only recently had something pointed out to me: note how the keffiyeh is not just wrapped around Tlaib’s neck but also around the Capitol building!
This was no accident – the keffiyeh around the Capitol building is meant to symbolize something. One needn’t be an art expert to work out what that might be.
And there Rashida Tlaib is, posing next to it (and a terror-supporting antisemite) with a smile.

Molly Pitcher

Me either Wolf. Looking at it again now, wondering about the significance or not of the black and blue stripes…
They’re so in-your-face with their caliphate thinking

Gail Combs

“The US House of Representatives is teeming with ignorance… and hateAND TRAITORS!
Given the Awan brothers who were Pakistani/Taliban SPIES I sure hope it can be PROVEN TOO!
Is that part of Q’s ‘We have it all” I sure hope so!


PM has a THREAD about …


Yes it is.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK. A little too CYA, IMO – and God instructed? Sure. However, if the dates are correct, it looks like controlled opposition was lining up the division of the movement right after the election. Hence, be careful who you follow. (Hint: anyone who likes the sound of their voice just a little too much.)


From: [Redacted]
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 2:46 PM
To: Grafeld, Margaret P [Peggy]
Subject: Concerns about the HRC Review …
While working with this inspector, I have personally reviewed hundreds of documents in the HRC collection. I can now say, without reservation, that there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection; maybe more.comment image


She was guilty, she is guilty, and she always will be guilty.
And, according to US law, The is NO element of “intent” in the gross negligence of handling classified documents/secrets, which is a felony and punishable by mandatory prison sentence.


They almost got him.
Too bad they messed it up.




Smoking Gun pic is AWESOME!!! Thanks FG&C!!


Liberals react…comment image


Barr’s statements make complete sense when you factor in that a TON of this has been ongoing…
DIMs won’t know what hit them !!
As for Sally Yates and her Logan Act charges against the General… wonder how she looks in orange?


Well dressed…………..down


Really, all Barr will have to do is collate information from all the investigators working on this with Huber and Horowitz.
He knows it all. And he knows that a SC is just bread and circuses.
Bring the pain!

Sylvia Avery

I have been wondering about the “investigation” of how the Kavanaugh hearing has gone and what the outcome was. DiFi leaking Blasey Fords letter, etc.
Chuck Grassley who was the Judicial Committee Chair at the time and is now the Chair of Finance was on Fox & Friends this morning. He was applauding Devin Nunes for making criminal referrals to DOJ over stuff he has uncovered. Chuck also mentioned quite casually that he made criminal referrals to DOJ as well following his investigation into the misdeeds involved with the Kavanaugh hearing. He said that is all he and his fellow politicians can do is refer things over to the DOJ and it is up to them to take action.
I did not know that criminal referrals were made by Grassley after that circus. DOJ has been quiet. Of course, we still haven’t heard anything about the criminal referral made against McCabe many moons ago.
What IS that DOJ up to? I hope Barr is burning the midenight oil reviewing this stuff.


… never talk about ongoing investigations.
You’re free to use your shovel… anytime.
Ms. Sally could do with a hit or two…


Let’s hope he’s got a team of at least 18 angry Republicans working on it (to match the number of Mueller’s ‘angry Democrats’ per PDJT).


Besides Jack at OAN, Anyone else hear about this possibility?–Barr Investigating Mueller’s Investigators?


No other reporting of same that I’ve seen.


Thanks, Patrick!! I will try to find another source…🕵️‍♀️


I’ve keep an eye out across conservative sites.
Nothing, so far.


Gotcha–So either Jack P Is FAKE NEWS or He has a “scoop’….Hmmmm which one? 🤔🤔


The reasoning of his report is sound.
Where it came from,……………………to early to tell.


According to Larry–NOT News


Democrats Will Regret Not Walking Away When They Could
In contrast with Kenneth Starr’s report on President Bill Clinton, which was drafted in a form ready for public release, the Mueller report inexplicably requires additional work to get the lion’s share into the public domain. Why, Byron York asked, would the Mueller team not prepare the report for public release? Why force the attorney general to spend the time to comb through the materials to redact and excerpt the materials which must not be released. Didn’t the attorney with oversight, Rod Rosenstein, publicly warn Americans that uncharged conduct could not be released into the public domain? Isn’t that exactly one of the reasons that Rosenstein supported the dismissal of James Comey? The answer portends disaster for the Trump-Russia hoaxers.
The special counsel team has fled the stage, one hopes under a cloud of embarrassment. The failure to segregate the report to make it ready for public release leaves a smokescreen to cover their exit without accountability. But when this smoke eventually clears, the Democrats will get their hands on something resembling the entire report. And then what?
Then the Democrats will have one of two things: Lies or nothing.
There’s no scenario in which the release of the full report helps the hoax boosters.


If true than we are screwed. In the whole department he has no one to trust to run this? Need bigger swamp pumps.comment image

Gail Combs

wheatietoo says:
Mexico could have stopped these ‘caravans’…but they haven’t.
I don’t like calling them ‘caravans’ because they are actually Invasion Forces…
Mexico is facilitating this Invasion.
🥆 🔫 💣 🥆 🔫 💣 🥆 🔫 💣
merican Thinker: Mexico: Lopez-Obrador’s bizarre statement
“Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans….”
La Raza’s goals are to bring California, Texas and other southwestern states into Mexico. “re-conquista of land’ BOUGHT from Mexico after the war. They have explicitly said they intend to remove or kill all people not of “The Race” in this area. Here is the extent to which they have achieved infiltration of these areas.
This is the intention of La Raza:comment image
From WIKIcomment image
Note the fact that the La Raza Lawyers Association links to the National Council of La Raza on their websites “community” section and it has very few such links. These are the lawyers down in Mexico helping the invaders.
As an old NAZI-supremacy group advocating the genocide of Americans and resettlement of North America with south of the border illegals, La Raza clearly falls under these Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law statutes.
La Raza already has a congressman. (20th District of Texas) At least there is no reason to think he would be opposed to his mother’s philosophy. Handily, his committee assignments are on Foreign Affairs and Intelligence.
His mom? Rosie Castro, one of the guiding lights of La Raza.
Btw, they don’t call themselves la raza anymore. I guess the name was becoming too notorious. Please spread the new name along w the old, unidosUS.
Check out the schools and read about what they’re taught in their “chicano studies” — to invade and weaken US to “take back their Mexico” La Raza/MEChA receives federal funding including 30 million in CA alone to TEACH this crap to Hispanics.

…Conference on March 15 – 18, 2001, the official “MEChA Philosophy” was ratified. An excerpt from the document states: “as Mechistas, we vow to work for the liberation of Aztlan.”
The MEChA Clubs on each of the Santa Barbara high school campuses are not the only ones. MEChA groups exist on 90 percent of the public high school, college and university campuses in the Southwestern United States.
h ttp:// [remove space after h to make link active]

MEChA Guiding Documents

Guiding Documents
MEChA has three guiding documents: El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan, El Plan de Santa Barbara, and the Philosophy of MEChA. These documents outline our principles and ideology, and help all MEChistAs work toward the common goal of uniting all Raza.
El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan
In 1969, the National Chicano Youth Conference’s agenda was to begin the formation of an identity and an ideology for the Chicano Movement, the result of which was El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan. The plan concluded that what would truly solidify the Movement was the ideology of Chicano Nationalism. El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan states: “Nationalism, as the key to organization, transcends all religious, political, class, and economic faction boundaries. Nationalism is the common denominator that all members of La Raza can agree upon.” In a word El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan, created and gave direction to the Chicano Movement. It is this document that we as MEChistAs look back upon as a reminder of why we continue to fight for social justice.
El Plan de Santa Barbara
As a result of the Chicano Coordinating Council on Higher Education held at UC, Santa Barbara, the goal of El Plan de Santa Barbara was to develop a master plan for the creation of a curriculum and the related structures and services that would facilitate Chicano/a access to institutions of higher learning. This was significant, because it was the first opportunity for Chicano/as to implement the ideas of El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan. El Plan de Santa Barbara set the framework for the establishment of Chicano Studies programs and the creation of MEChA, the student arm of el Movimiento Chicano/a that would keep la causa moving forward on school campuses….

And from h ttp://

“…Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)
We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.”

“That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: “For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing.”
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<b.Sure sounds to me like there is PLENTY of evidence out there that these caravans are intent on a HOSTILE TAKE OVER of several USA states! 😡
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Only the fact we have a government FULL OF TRAITORS has kept the USA from closing the borders and defending them from this invasion.


As a 5th generation Texan, I have just a few words to say to any messycan La Raza dipschiff thinking he or she will take over Texas….
Remember Goliad. Remember the Alamo. We haven’t forgotten. We did it before and we’ll damn sure do it again.comment image
Or, in the words of Gen. Mattis….comment image

Elizabeth Carter

Gail, I agree with your opinion. I would add that the Mexicans can’t control their own country and would never be able to control all of the territory on the Aztlan map, The people coming into our country to take us over are the Chinese, the Muslims, ISIS, the Communists in general and whoever else can get in at this point. The Mexicans are just useful idiots. We protect them more than they understand and by the time they do understand it, they will be destroyed by the real invaders of the USA.
I do not ever see the Mexicans being able to take over our country. The other invaders will not be able to do so either. Our country works because of our Constitution. As soon as these idiots destroy that, the whole thing will fall apart. It is impossible for the parasites to prosper once they kill the host. Parasites can’t live on dead prey. It is easy to convince useful idiots that they could excel if they just steal what others have done. In fact, if they actually could excel, it would show in their own countries and it never does.
The USA is 327 million people out of 6 billion. They have all of the rest and they have not created anything that even begins to compare to the USA. Once they destroy us, they will just fall into the primordial slime and darkness.
The parasites would do well to learn from us and bring our successful things to their own countries and learn how to compete fairly on a level playing field. Then the world would prosper. We would even love to show them how to make it work.
James 4:2-3 New Living Translation (NLT)
2 You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. 3 And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.


Why don’t the “bronze people” make their own part of the world great? If they took ours, it would be ruined in no time.

Deplorable Patriot

“If people want to live LIKE Americans, they have to live AS Americans. If they come here but refuse to live AS Americans, then none of us will live LIKE Americans.”
Simply, they don’t know how. From 1917-about 1970 Mexico was one of the most ruthless socialist countries on the planet. 50+ years is 2+ generations. The knowledge was lost to time.


Concerning the Castro’s, there is this about Joaquin. He wants, they (commi libs) want him to do the whole Beto vs. Cruz thing but this time with Coryn. Lots of stories and speculation on this one. Every bit as big as the last one. Lots of money will be aimed at Texas again in the hopes of turning it blue if he decides to run.
Meanwhile you have to know that John Cornyn is not a stellar patriot. Malleable but definitely tastes swampy. He has a Conservative Review Liberty Score of 35% vs. Joaquin’s 20%. To put that in prospective Dan Crenshaw has a 80% rating and Cruz has a 82% rating. Whether you use the American Conservative Legislative Ratings or the ratings at Freedom Works you come up with same spread. IMO this guy gets blown by the wind which means he should remain tacking to the right.
Question is does he get a primary or not and would a primary hurt him even if he wins?
Food for thought as we approach 2020.
Leaves you with the sites in case you want to check this or someone else out, though I’m sure most of you are aware of them. No opinion on how accurate the ratings are for any of them, that’s why I chose three.

Sylvia Avery

Here’s pieces from an article about the firing of the Secret Service head and includes stuff I didn’t know. For example, that Chinese spy woman was photographed with PDJT at his Super Bowl party in Mar A Lago. Face palm.
The article is in The Daily Mail (gag) but it is written by By Ronald Kessler and David Martosko and I think they are fairly reliable, aren’t they? Kessler writes about the SS a lot and he wrote a book favorable to PDJT.
Anyway, here’s a few excerpts and the link is below:
‘The ouster of Secret Service Director Randolph D. ‘Tex” Alles on Monday was not unexpected, and, in fact, was welcomed by most members of the law enforcement agency, sources tell
‘The sentiment at the agency is “good riddance,”‘ they say.
‘Alles seemed more interested in making friends with agents than fixing the problems that plague the once-proud agency,’ according to agency sources. ‘He proved to be the exact opposite of what was needed to reform the agency. ‘
His idea for trimming costs was to get rid of protection for members of the Trump family…”
“…At one point Alles actually proposed saving money by withdrawing Secret Service protection of some Trump family members and some aides – unless they had actually received a threat.
Throughout history, none of the assassinations of assassination attempts have been preceded by a threat.
Horrified White House staff immediately shot down Alles’ proposal to cut back on protection.
Especially given the hatred directed at Trump and his family, the idea of the director of the Secret Service would entertain dropping protection of the president’s family members is inself a scandal and all anyone needs to know about why Alles should be replaced before a tragedy occurs…”


The things that have been alluded to by q and what we dont know…shame on the man. All these people are typical administrators who are there for the accolades and benefits but dont do the work.
Throw them all out and take their coats!comment image


To save money – cut protection of those former Presidents with a personal worth of over 10 million $$$ – esp. if they have a ‘foundation’ or an .org.
Let those who gained great wealth while President pay for their own security!!!


Miss Sylvia, maralago spy lady and New Years picture lady are two different people. Details in Miami Herald article I posted upthread.

Sylvia Avery

THANK YOU, bflyjesusgrl. That eases my mind a whole lot and changes the complexion of this thing. Most appreciated!


Article is kinda confusing because I didn’t know there was a New Years lady. Also the spy’s attorney is trying to spin a fake narrative to get her released. Beware ….


WOW Sylvia!! I thin we need a bigger Shovel!! I’m a bit “hot under the collar” regarding “TEX”-😡😡😡😡

Deplorable Patriot

Wants to make friends and not interested in solving problems smacks of the faux pope we currently are enduring.


Time to see some 302’s and ask the other FBI agent that was with Strozk if this is what he wrote.


Werent they not written or magically disappeared? Or inconsistently completed?


Yep. I believe they were editted after the fact. Which is why we need FBI agent #2 under oath.


They sure were/are afraid of Gen. Flynn.


BREAKING: McCabe personally saw to it that Gen. Flynn was fired: After Yate’s pressuring of WH lawyer McGahn on Jan. 30, 2017, didnt accomplish their goal, McCabe sat VP Pence down in Situation Room on Feb. 10 & had him read his 302s on Flynn. The NSC chief was fired 3 days later
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) April 9, 2019


Ha. Beat ya!


On two fronts


“Was it after the McGahn failure?”
And before or after the Pence sit down?


wait, the original 302’s that disappeared and replaced with ones dated later when requested in Flynn’s trial?
BUT which version of the 302s did McCabe provide to @VP to read. As it appears the interview was memorialized in differing versions of 302s. Some say 2, some say 3 versions or re-writes. Some say they don’t exist at all.
The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying.”
… “McCabe sat VP Pence down in Situation Room on Feb. 10…” ~~ Paul Sperry
Sounds like McCabe was on friendly terms with MP but not Gen Flynn and POTUS. What does that say?
(That’s my bias showing… Pence said in several interviews I read and posted OT and maybe even here that Pence said firing of Flynn was right thing to do… that Flynn had misled him
I have admitted to never being happy about Donald J. Trump being forced to put Pence, a GOPe, on the ticket.
Again, my bias, but I don’t understand why McCabe went to Pence with whatever info he went with; if he took 302s they had to have been fraudulent.


On 18 February 18, Gateway Pundit reported that investigative journalist Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell that McCabe altered his 302 of the Flynn interview, and deleted all history of revisions. Cernovich claims the Inspector General knows McCabe changed Peter Strzok’s 302 notes on General Flynn.
In a letter to Rosenstein and Sessions, Graham and Grassley asked this, “Did the FBI agents document their interview with Lt. Gen. Flynn in one or more FD-302s? What were the FBI agents’ conclusions about Lt. Gen. Flynn’s truthfulness, as reflected in the FD-302s? Were the FD-302s ever edited? If so, by whom? At who’s direction? How many drafts were there? Are there material differences between the final draft and the initial draft(s) or the agent’s testimony about the interview? What information did the FBI present to the DOJ regarding this interview, or any other investigative steps involving Lt. Gen. Flynn, and when? What, if anything, did the DOJ do with this information?”

Deplorable Patriot

Those original 302s have to exist somewhere. Word processing software does keep a history of edits.


And, just to lighten the load, try this on for size! 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Chip off the old block.


Defending Flynn as ‘patrickhenryrevisited,’ is how the ‘patrickhenrycensored’ handle came to be
Back in the day, among the branches of another tree……………………………………………………………….


I should remember that … as I think I was posting OT after the inauguration. Perhaps not…


I love that story Patrick!!!! QWEL!!😎


I KNEW you were once “revisited”! Ha! I’m not nuts!


If you’re taking flak, that means you’re over the target!



Congressman Nunes files $150 million lawsuit against McClatchy….

Sylvia Avery

I love Nunes! Yeah, baby! Use the courts against the left!


Sick em!
Take no prisoners! No mercy!

Deplorable Patriot

Going for the bankrupt tactic. Nice.


Heh !!!


A lot of Evidence – affidavits, tape recordings, documents…Hillary colluded with Ukraine to win 2016 Election!!


Long day… going to lay my head down…
leaving you with a little bit of Carolina,

Good night to all…
G’ night Patrick… hope you got the roof repaired!


That I did, pR
Good night
God Bless


G night Twin!!! Love ya!!! 😘😘😘

Sylvia Avery

Sweet dreams, pR.


They call him Mr. Cleanup…(I need a meme😃)
Nunes is going after all the liars. HE AINT PLAYING!!! Twitter 1st, now McClatchy, who’s next??


comment image


Twitter has erupted…

Seriously not sure I am catching all with this tweet.. But SD is making waves…


There is more here than just memos from POTUS meetings. He snuck some Dear Diarys into the mix. Example, Exhibit B talks about him naming a source, real name and code name, talks about methods, sending spies in…none of that would’ve been to memorialize a conversation with President Trump!!
He was up to some shady $h!t, giving this to Richmond to leak to press. LOCK HIM UP!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Jury is still out on some of this stuff for me. Doesn’t quite gel with the rest of Palpatine’s Revenge.


Well I was going to try and stay awake for the new thread, but very sleepy now and have a great thunderstorm to go to sleep to. I love a good storm! Anyway, happy birthday to me! Adieu.


Well I made it. Thunder is really loud.



Something funny while you wait for new dt.


Keep ’em coming!


I don’t care about anything but …
(well, I do care but it feels like it doesn’t matter unless we get some Q)