The President's Tax Return and $467 of Italian Bolillos.

There's no way in hell the President should release his tax returns. Background: I was an accountant. I worked for Fortune 50 Banks, Investment Houses, and Insurance Companies, ending as a partner in a small brokerage firm out of Miami. Because I was the designated test taker in the office, I had every license offered … Continue reading The President's Tax Return and $467 of Italian Bolillos.

Dear MAGA: 20190415 Open Topic

This MAKE MINCEMEAT OF MIGRATION MENDACITY MONDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190415 Open Topic