Rethinking Education – Our Model for School is Outdated

Interesting conversation with my son this weekend. This is the same kid who came up with the Canal Project. Big thinker. I admit, Monday afternoon and I'm still ruminating on what he said. Here's his premise: If 90%+ of the world's info is available from a smart-phone, college and various curriculums need to be rethought … Continue reading Rethinking Education – Our Model for School is Outdated

Dear MAGA: 20190422 Open Topic

This Easter Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Wait...'Easter Monday'? Yes, Easter Monday. It's a thing. It is referred to as "Easter Monday" on the White House site that gives … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190422 Open Topic