For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19/China Virus threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to post your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations within these Daily Threads. Additionally, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.
We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.
For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.
Primary Update Links:
- Links to the USA CoronaVirus Task Force:
- Johns Hopkins CSSE Dashboard to update number of “official” cases within China and worldwide:
- Another summary of data, updates and sources:
- Hard Link to the World Health Organization:
- Hard Link to the Center for Disease Control: CDC Updates:
In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:
- Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
- Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
- Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates
- Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
- China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
- An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
- Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
- Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
- Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.
- Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
- Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
- Other news items
Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:
- January 25th, Our first thread:
- January 27th, Our second thread:
- February 1st-9th, Our third thread:
- February 10th – 18th, Our Fourth Thread:
- February 19-29th: Our Fifth Thread:
- March 1-10th, Our Sixth Thread:
- March 9-16th, Our Seventh Thread:
Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.
Love to all!
Have not verified this, but if there is such a connection, it’s going to be huge.
The hit was pro-grade – looked like suicide for a long time. Was it CIA-grade or CCP-grade?
Hmm, is there a difference?
I’m pretty sure everyone at the time thought it was Clinton grade, which means Cabal grade. Still do actually.
There is obviously a connection to the Clintons, and I think that is critical. Cankles is involved in this whole thing. I’m certain of it. WHO among her allies delivered the deaths, though – uncertain.
Now that it’s coming up, I sort of remember this happening. And, yeah, it was thought to be a Clinton hit at the time.
read yesterday, a high ranking German was found dead along a railroad track…run over by a train…”suicide”…will try to find the link…financial sector…
Thomas Schaefer…finance minister of Germany’s Hesse region…found dead…
dead by suicide (reportedly…hard to fathom that)
…on the railway track at Hochheim (near Frankfurt)….
body so mangled, could hardly identify it…
article link…
( very hard to believe a person…even in “despair”….could/would do something like that.)
“coronavirus despair”
Killing them would not stop the company from making the drug. So I think there was some other purpose behind it.
Exactly. Stopping the drug – no – the drug has VALUE. VALUE in the future. But there are many complications in a conspiracy. Details can have asymmetrically large consequences. It could be to cover something up – even just a MISTAKE in letting people KNOW something.
I’m sure they had a reason to do it. But that reason could be almost anything.
This will renew interest in the details of the case.
Maybe looking into Apotex financials, production, Board, CEO since their murders as well. Thanks fir heads up, Wolfie. I remember the murders but not the details!
So what’s happened since the “suicides” to
• the company,
• its ownership/leadership/board,
• its factory locations & capacities,
• its production volumes,
• its inventory and
• its customer base?
Yup. Exactly. And if things STAYED THE SAME, then watch for INTENT TO CHANGE BY OWNERS which was THWARTED by their deaths.
I’ll bet there was a shift in directions. Where would that come from? THE BOARD and company officials. Thus, WHO came into increased control of the company BEFORE the deaths and what changes THEY made are likely related to the deaths, but not necessarily in a provable way. Why not provable? Because the other side loves to play the deniability game by making moves from different sectors without consultation. They “grease the skids for Cankles” without her direction. This is one of the most fascinating parts of the game.
It’s like a chess game where WHISPERS FROM THE CROWD matter BIGLY.
yes, like Hati / Clinton
Mind sharing this for those of us who can’t see twitter?
Can you see images?
I could see that image. Yeah, IIRC, that was where they were chained to the railing of their swimming pool and beaten to death. Nasty.
No – NOT beaten! It was made to look like SUICIDE.
But yes – going BACK to re-understand it, they were chained and then killed.
Great wealth, powerful connections including some on the criminal side
I’m watching a Fifth Estate episode on youtube about this now…Interesting that they were found hung with belts from a short swimming pool railing…how many people have been found hung from a low height such as this in the past several years…seems to be a repeating pattern…railings…bunk beds…door knobs etc.
I’m pretty sure I know how they’re doing it – same way as Scalia. It’s pretty ingenious, so very likely CIA or equivalent.
CDAN claims the Sherman murders were about a HIV drug, the Clintons, and Haiti.
Rwanda, not Haiti, sorry.
Gives new meaning to the phrase, ‘killing the competition.’
They also make azithromyacin. In fact, they make many generic antibiotics. Despite their murder, they are still making both covid-19 drugs
Yup. I would not expect anything obvious here, if there is a connection to the plannedemic.
FDA gives emergency authorization for the Trump cure
On March 28, 2020, FDA issued an EUA to allow hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate products donated to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to be distributed and used for certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19. These drugs will be distributed from the SNS to states for doctors to prescribe to adolescent and adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible. The EUA requires that fact sheets that provide important information about using chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate in treating COVID-19 be made available to health care providers and patients, including the known risks and drug interactions. The SNS, managed by ASPR, will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ship donated doses to states.
It’s true.
FDA turned around and issued emergency authorization.
Yes, he’s even got the FDA running on Trump time.
Enjoying the show on this topic. Some others not so much.
No wonder he gets so much done!!!!
I can not believe I called that last night before I saw it hit the news!
As I said then,
REMEMBER the test with over 1000 patients using the Trump Protocol. ( Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin) started a couple days ago. If this is true:
Then we should have preliminary results by the end of this week. If president Trump lights a fire under the FDA’s butt the Trump Protocol may have at least provisional approval by EASTER!
Looks Like Trump Time was even faster than my thoughts!
So yes, Quarantine just might be lifted for Easter!
Remember they also have that new very fast Do-It-Yourself nasal swab test AND an ANTIBODIES TEST.
Once production is up and running for all of that the crisis is OVER!
OH, and that graph?
It comes from the original French study:
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial
This changes EVERYTHING about the impact at large of this virus as well as individual outcomes
I can’t find that on the FDA’s site. Can someone help verify that?
I found this which is not exactly the same. The particular language is “for use in clinical trials.”
Never mind. I should have read further. It is in there.
“It is in there.” Hell it should of been front and center. Not something that needs to be searched for. These people are evil! 🙂
“We need to hit this infection HARD and EARLY.”
Rudy makes a comment that this family doc should be a professor – the guy tells him that he could have been a professor, but he loves family practice!
THAT explains a lot.
He also explains his rationale for blending three things:
He got the idea FIRST from the Korean study using HCQ and zinc, and then from the other study using HCQ and AZM.
He says that about a THIRD of his patients are from outside his community, seeking his help!
Rudy interviewed Dr. Zelenko who said that he uses a lower dose of HCQ in his protocol to prevent side effects unless the patient is critical and already has ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). His protocol is:
HCQ 200 mg. 2x/day for 5 days
ZPack 500 mg. 1x/day for 5 days
Zinc 220 mg. 1x/day for 5 days
For anyone who hasn’t heard it, the interview is worth a listen!
Those high levels of zinc really prevent damage. My levels were “high normal” from a supplement – around 15 mg daily plus diet. Wish I would have been taking MORE. My permanent lung damage is likely the result.
ZINC!!! Take more ZINC!!!
I was taking ascorbic acid at around 500 mg/day, which seems to have been what allowed me to recover. I forgot one night and got worse, then doubled back and started taking over 1000 mg daily.
Bottom line – multivitamin plus vitamin C is a basic survival tool, IMO. If you get it, 1000 mg daily MINIMUM.
We take supplements including 2000 mg of ascorbic acid and a Zinc/Selenium combo daily but it only has 15 mg. of Zinc which we now know is too low. I read that you should bump up the Vit C to bowel tolerance every other hour when coming down with a cold/flu. I’m sorry to hear that your lungs aren’t recovering back to normal.
It was scary to hear Dr. Zelenko say that the damage caused by ARDS from the Chinese Virus is mostly irreversible. That’s why it’s so important that patients with symptoms start the protocol ASAP. Thank God we have Trump pushing this through at lightning speed. The Evil Dems would like nothing more than to watch hundreds of thousands die so they could blame it on our President.
This is Rudis podcast:
There’s an entire generation+ of physicians who have been trained to be hyper-skeptical of everything unless it has been published multiple times in specific academic journals.
By “skeptical” I don’t mean a healthy skepticism that asks questions, but rather the toxic variety that inhibits curiosity, discounts possibilities, and generally only allows themselves to operate within the bumpers provided by the medical establishment priest-class – the AMA guild.
If someone said aspirin was useful for relieving pain, they would deny efficacy unless there were peer-reviewed academic journal articles to back up the finding that were published in their trusted “credible” sources.
If that same journal published findings paid for by a pharmaceutical company grant to manufacture a study with all their favorite code words (“double blind”, etc) even though it was sketchy in terms of corroborating research, they’d still take the vender swag of pens and post-it notes and happily provide the samples the vender supplies to their patients.
I’m not beating up on physicians. They are human. We’ve made them into mythical scientific people whose opinions are sacrosanct. For my part, logic says that whether what someone says is true is determine by whether what they say corresponds to reality, not by the unimpeachable opinion of someone with academic credentials attached to their name.
Put slightly better in Wolf’s terms, FAKE SCIENCE.
Good post – yes, its like a culture, an attitude and presumptions that everyone has & that you pick up without even realizing it. Background in med school and pharma companies … had to come a long way to be able to look at things fresh and unbiased which then became a watershed moment.
What we have today is doctors who rely on what Pharma tells them because medical schools train them that way. In Germany at least in the past they did not throw out wisdom knowledge of healing and combined the new with the old.
I myself fid my two scientist kids so stubborn to fight any idea not to be possible if it has not gone through the proper scientific process.
I feel blessed having known growing up people who used herbal healing including my one grandmother and doctors.
This is why the ChiComs using American crypto-socialists and PC control-bots to take over science orgs (that controlled publishing and exercised peer community control) made such amazing progress, including in particular the climate hoaxes.
Americans over-prided themselves on published science leading popular “science” like “Silent Spring” and all that crap, when in fact it was the REVERSE. Popular mind-fuck from THEM was controlling thinking of kids going into science, where they were dutifully herded into supporting the media-controlled socialist mantras.
As I recall, the case was never solved. This is amazing…wonder if Q will have any comments.
I dropped a TIP to an IC guy I TRUST!!!
Same with the female employee of NBC or CBS…”died ofCoronavirus…not mentioning she had been battling cancer for 20 years.
Awfully convenient for the narrative they are pushing to assign any death to virus.
Corona just pushes people in wheelchairs in front of cars. It trips granny down the stairs. It smothers people in nursing homes. It kills off the old and infirm.
I have no problem putting all these people on the CCP’s tab.
But don’t you DARE use their deaths to HYPE CORONA FEAR you blasted FAKE NEWS MEDIA!!!
Donald Trump Don’t Trust Media – Media is Asshoe!!!
Now THERE’s a double entendre!
My best guess is still 4/10ths of 1% but hedge to as high as 7/10ths.
Wait for it … we’ve got to SEPARATE OUT the Flu and Comorbidity Deaths from the TRUE ChiComVirus Deaths.
Seems they’re massively inflating the ChiComVirus Deaths numerator!
I see NO ONE doing this … yet.
You can bet he already knows the score
True. SEIU “found” 39 million in southern California.
My sister has two boxes that’s she’s been working her way through for years to work in dusty situations, and you’d think she has gold.
Same here. I’ve done a lot of construction type work over the years and keep a supply of them to work with in moldy/dusty environments. Renovated my last 3 houses.
Interesting convo on “OT Twitter”. We just leave out one letter of the alphabet! 😉
DeB/Wilhelm is a tinpot dictator at heart – just like Ø.
We need to send them where they would be happiest – USSR, Iran, Cuba – but get them out of the USA where they don’t fit in.
Interesting nothing ever has stopped faithful to gather for worship until now the China virus achieved it?
We cannot allow evil to triumph over the church or Synagogue or any other Religious gathering.
We need to do something for Easter maybe Sunrise outdoor service???
Yes, as someone mentioned somewhere, the founding fathers were quite aware of plagues and quarantines when they wrote the Constitution.
“Happen under Hillary” … what a nightmare that phrase conjures up!
We are blessed that President Trump won all the time in so many ways on dozens and dozens of issues…But this situation ranks in the top 10.
He is using it to change gov for the better. Shudder at the thought of she/her “team” would have used it!
That’s not exactly what he said. I heard the whole thing and people are exaggerating his comment.
True, but with communists, they also minimize their intent! 😉
Well DeBlasio loves telling people what to do when he doesn’t do it.
Those skeptical of MagaMom and the site both she and Birx point to ( should note that the site’s latest data on death (as opposed to a prediction) is 154 on March 24.
The site projects 212 fatalities on March 25th (five days ago) as most likely, but they have a confidence interval around that of 195-228.
Anyone have a fatality figure for March 25th?
Similarly (and repeating the 24th and 25th to make them more visible):
for the 24th (Tue) 154 people are recorded to have died.
for the 25th (Wed) the projection was 212 (195-228)
for the 26th (Thu) the projection was 273 (248-300)
for the 27th (Fri) the projection was 348 (310-392)
for the 28th (Sat) the projection was 437 (380-508)
for the 28th (Sat) the projection was 542 (461-648)
for the 29th (Sun) the projection was 660 (544-815)
We should be able to figure out pretty quickly whether this site holds any water.
(Note: If dates start coming in near the top or bottom of their ranges, future date projections will have to be adjusted upwards or downwards.)
Whoops, I repeated the 28th, and so the bottom two rows give the right numbers but they’re ascribed to the wrong dates.
for the 29th (Sun) the projection was 542 (461-648)
for the 30th (Mon) the projection was 660 (544-815)
This is the 28th or 29th that I posted earlier:
USA Cases
USA Deaths
Global Cases
Global Deaths
It was the evening of 3/28/20 –
If the Worldometers site is correct, there were 264 US deaths on the 29th, which is way lower than that projection.
Interesting. On the other hand, Worldometers also says 2485 total deaths so far here…and that is damn near on the centerline of the “total deaths” projections of the Birx site. Projected to be 4913 on April 1 (probably at the end of that date).
If you scroll down on worldometers, there’s a graph plotting total deaths.
It looks like a good exponential curve…except for the 29th, which would have to be markedly higher to be on the curve.
I wonder what happened?
(Note: Many of their graphs can show in both linear and logarithmic mode. If it looks like a straight line on logarithmic, it’s exponential growth. And although these lines aren’t absolutely ruler straight, they’re pretty close with just the tiniest drop at the bottom.)
If this CONTINUES to happen we’ll be peaking early, and that’s good news.
That definitely looks like a good sign. The next couple of days should tell us more.
If you scroll down below that to the Daily Deaths, the 29th is lower than the prior 3 days. Prior to that, it was basically increasing every day.
It’s possible there’s some lag on that reporting (it’s still the 29th in the Pacific time zone for one thing), and that bar will grow over the course of the day tomorrow.
Absent that, yes, looks encouraging.
New meds/old meds being used in new ways…changes Everything!
Yes…the charts make the assumption that we’ll continue to do social distancing, etc; but do not bring in the effect of NEW treatments.
Likely because more testing was conducted/reported.
Also – this is about the two week time for exposure to infection to take place after the Guidelines/shutdown was instituted.
May be COVID-19’s last big hurrah/peak before it begins to subside. Hopefully.
Of course, from what I’ve seen, maybe about half of all people aren’t following the guidelines anyway–at least here.
Steve says “…I wonder what happened?….”
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine
Especially see the citations on this peer-reviewed article!
That number now reads 368, up from 264. As I had feared, some reporting is a little slow.
Still lower than the projection.
…so it appears we probably shouldn’t take the previous day’s numbers as gospel.
Sara is on it now….
Wasn’t one of our Treepers just a few days ago asking “Where are the crisis actors?”
Interesting that LOCKDOWN makes certain forms of communist theater very difficult if not impossible.
Discouraging protesters (HK, Chinese cities, Paris) was a feature that applied to other threat actors (Antifa, Occupy, MS-13) as well.
No agitprop for you!
Unintended consequences 🤷♀️ Unemployment for crisis actors 😷
Another hospital corrects the false media claims:–cases-are-overwhelming/article_48c64142-720a-11ea-bedb-27c6004ed5a4.html
The reported numbers in the region don’t bear out there being horrific conditions in the hospitals. As of yesterday, we were still under 1,000 cases in the STATE, let alone this side of it. SLU, Barnes-Jewish, and Mercy SHOULD be able to take care of the majority of the metro without any issue. St. Luke’s West could be another spot. MoBap. Between those five alone, never mind St. Clair, St. Mary’s, the Christian hospitals, Mercy South, and any of the others, there’s, what, about 5,000 beds? The ICUs are transplant level in a couple cases, level 1 trauma in another. And then there’s MoBap.
The numbers just don’t bear out that the hospitals would be overrun. They just don’t.
Fully agree. Something is off with these numbers big time.
Just saying. Brooklyn Hospital and Presbyterian Hospital (mentioned in tweet doing the same as in this tweet have what are called loading docks. As do all city size hospitals. This loading of bodies into semi tractor trucks street side does not happen unless someone wants to create a scene. Total Bull Shit!
Also if you close down mortuaries and funeral homes because they are non essential you do need a place to put the bodies.
I totally agree.
This looks staged and the story is before or about the same time Tod Starnes visited the same hospital:
Ohhhh! Good catch. And he’s not the only one that’s been walking around hospitals. Saying that because Daily Mail is showing this happening all over NY.
Feeding the panic.
The hell will beak loose if we find out what goes on in NYC is a big farce !
We need to know are the overflow of patience in democrat cities? What about republican cities ? That will give us a good sense what is happening.
Bodies are not removed in public view like that – especially from hospitals. Can you imagine on any given day in NYC, that people just walking down the street witness such scenes? It doesn’t happen.
Hospital morgues are often in the basement, and they have special ingress and egress for intake and removal of bodies, and specific protocols to NOT disturb the public.
Even a death on a sidewalk, gets curtained off to all the looky loos.
Exactly. But it feeds the panic
Oh, absolutely. If people USUALLY saw bodies removed… but they don’t so this creates a false reality with accompanying fear, and raises their belief of whatever false narrative is being pushed.
The stories feed the panic, true.
But we shouldn’t assume nothing is happening, just because the areas the public sees normally, look clear.
There is definitely something going on. The key is being prepared without the panic
^^^ Precisely!
We should have data by city. Tested positive, negative, age groups… Hospital beds, critical, ICU, ventilator…
Bill Gates telling CNN that China did a good job on shutting this down (sic)
Wants U.S. to use draconian measures to stop spread.
I have a better idea. Let’s shut HIM down.
Look at that picture. CABAL BOY Anderson “CIA” Cooper and Bill “Gain of Function” Gates. What a PAIR made in HELL.
Don’t you mean CABIN BOY?
Better yet shut the THREE of them in Quarantine TOGETHER for 6 to 10 weeks with the amount of food a liberal normal has in the kitchen (little to none)
Just another case of the Liverpool Care PATHWAY they want to use on us old folks.
I guess giving us the computer virus known as Window 10 wasn’t enough for this asshoe.
Yes I’m right there with you.
Though when we complain about Microsoft Viruses not enough attention is given to Microsoft Crabgrass Office. That’s the REAL virus, in more ways than one.
* Macro Viruses
* An entire generation of mid-level managers that CANNOT function without building a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
* Infect-ware + Spyware
* Onedrive = Spyware
* Outlook + Exchange = Total Corporate Spyware + Email Virii Delivery
* PLATFORM INDEPENDENT. Malware that is just as happy on Macs as on Windows!
We use Linux…
Hubby use to write computer manuals for Bill Gates competitors.
I basically refused to upgrade past 2003. Even the Word suite in that drives me batty; they had built a beautiful paradigm for handling styles, and then partially broke it by trying to be helpful to users too lazy to learn it.
But at least it doesn’t have the screen-hogging and obfuscative ribbon, that hides all commands behind cryptic little icons.
I use Office 97 and am quite happy with it.
Gates= forerunner of the anti Christ…
Dr. Raoult has successfully treated 1003 patients with the hydroxychloroquine-zithromax protocol, and has still only had 1 death among those treated.
The graph cuts off the bottom numbers here. Sorry, you have to open the ttwt to see that part.
Hopefully this will work better
Raoult is THE #1 infectious disease researcher world-wide. Fauci is listed down in the 30s.
The gene for our daughter’s disease was discovered/mapped by an Italian researcher working in Montreal Canada, where the first/most intense research was done by a French Canadian!
The war against disease is truly a WORLD WAR!!!
Fauci is #38 IIRC.
Geeks saving the world. Great job!!!
Thank you so much! IT is not in my wheelhouse, as you can tell by my autocorrect not working 🙂
Slow Joe is so far outside the fence that there stars no longer shine there.
Dark nebula land.
And Faux News shows him leading the polls!! 🤬
Joe has zero clue someone sent that TW under his name. Nor is Joe aware of CCV.
Can’t imagine tolerating such an asshoe.
Citizens, IMO should go for a walk…while social distancing.
Civil disobedience on a grand scale…read (IMO) common sense.
IF parks are taped off with yellow tape or whatever, cut it. IF police or someone bitch about it, sue DeBlasio, and take another walk.
Respect Dr. Fauci?
I’d much rather save my respect for Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr. Zev Zelenko, and others like them.
Respect Dr. Fauci?
Not even the Chinese Communist ‘respect’ their treasonous tool.
REFERENCE: interview: Prof. Francis Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus
Newer Prof. Boyle interview with links to all five papers referenced:
Yup. It’s been a long time since anybody who actually deserves a Blow-Bell “Explosives Payoff, Shut Your Mouths And Take The Money, Science” Prize actually got one.
The people who thwarted the Bill Gates “Fund My Vaccine Research Over Your Dead Bodies, Planned Media Hysteria, And Hiding Of Therapeutics” Plan actually deserve one.
There needs to be a blood serum test for resistance! I think that kind of test has been developed, but maybe not in full production yet. Don’t know if our over-worked labs have time to do that kind of test.
But – they could hire new people and rent space – MOAR jobs, jobs, jobs!!!
Idea is good but 80% of our 142,793 cases have not recovered yet.
We have 4,562 recovered and 2,490 dead of confirmed through testing WuFlu cases …. is this inaccurate?
Would be very useful to have antibody test as many more have already been exposed, have “had” it and yet fought it off and recovered that never tested. But his #s are inaccurate.
“Idea is good but 80% of our 142,793 cases have not recovered yet.”
Given the disease has been in country since December 2019 there are PLENTY of recovered immune people.
Also there already is an ANTIBODY TEST. One of the CEOs yesterday (1 hour 34 minutes on the Gold State link) said so. He is the guy who talked really fast. I had to rewind to make sure I hear him correctly.
This is the Youtube:
Good points. Testing to determine past exposure (regardless if the person has previously tested positive) will both uncover many non symptomatic/mild/stay at home cases not yet counted giving better data and will free Many who are at home trying not to become infected who have actually already been infected and beat it. They could all go back to life as “normal” because its already over for them and they just don’t know it.
Of course, this is presuming post infection immunity. I still wonder how many “re-infections” were relapses. But does one have immunity? Does one have immunity to all similar strains?
Great idea – but his #s are wrong. Of our diagnosed cases we have only a small fraction resolved/recovered which distracts and detracts from his premise, which is a good idea.
The number will always lag, but we have to think ahead.
I’d like to identify that particular CEO who talked about an antibody test. Is that different from the company testing in Telluride? Or is it the SAME ONE? If different, then the question will be WHICH antibody test to trust, both for outcomes AND for lack of leakage to CIA and ChiComs.
WHY? Because Sadie and I are very suspicious of the company working on their antibody test in Telluride, as they have CLASSIC signs of CIA influence and CABAL affiliation. Taiwanese founder, but “Hahvahd” daughter and cabally boy as current CEOs. MAJOR SIDE EYE.
They will have recovered shortly. And then they will still be a minority of the new number.
After being presumed Covid-19 positive and being nearly over it, I relapsed and was sicker this time although still not bad enough to be hospitalized, thank God. I was bad enough, or my case was intriguing enough because of the “relapse” that I got tested this time and am positive.
I’m doing much better today so I thought I’d stop in and give you an update. Just for your info my symptoms: low grade fever, red eyes, dry cough (painful), tight chest. When I relapsed the fever returned, the cough was worse, and I had shortness of breath. So far I have only been treated with OTC guanestein (sp?), high doses of Vitamin C and zinc and other vitamins, tylenol as needed, bed rest, and now an inhaler.
I asked for a prescription for Placquenil and a Z Pack, but the hydroxychloroquine is sold out in my area. Trying again tomorrow…….
Dear Sylvia — go wherever you have to go; do whatever you have to do, but get that HCQ and Z-pak. If you have the script, you’re mostly there.
…..and take zinc.
Fever is your bodies way of fighting infection. Covid-19 does not like heat so do not take something to lower your temperature unless it is going dangerously high for you.
Liver Damage Risk of tylenol/acetaminophen
And DO NOT TAKE NSAIDs such as ibuprofen!
(The French seem to have a better handle on this disease than the rest of the world.)
I’m so sorry you’ve got this ChiComVirus, Syl!
Hugs and prayers up, for your speedy recovery!
I hope you can get some Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pack soon!
It breaks my heart to know that you’re having to wait.
It’s after 2:00 AM, and I’m about to crash. The cash cost of HCQ shouldn’t be that bad, and Sylvia has a script, so it’s only a case of locating some in the area between Seattle and BC, about 5 hours north of Portland. Anyone with contacts in that area or knowledge of drug logistics, please sound off now for our cherished Sylvia. And, should that not work, anyone who has a phone can make phone calls.
If she had the HCQ, I’d still fret — but she’d be getting the best that we know about. With a script in her hand and nothing in her body, I’m upset.
I hope I wake up and this problem has been solved (the joys of living on the West Coast).
Thanks Wheatie! I’m going to be fine, with or without the drugs!
Great to hear!!!
Thanks Wolfie………keeping my eye on you, too. Praying for you daily.
Thanks! I’m hoping that I’m virus-free, but I can’t really tell. I act as if I’m not, even though I’m pretty sure I am. All fever long gone, no symptoms of an active infection of any kind.
So I’m pretty sure we’re both done with ChiCom-19. CHEERS! WOLF-HOWL!!! 🐺
Take care, Wolfie!!!
Hopefully we’ll ALL be done with it soon!
Been thinking of you, Sylvia. Praying for a healthy recovery for you. I hope you’ll be able to get the prescription filled.
Thanks Lady P. The prayers are invaluable.
Prayers up Sylvia
Thank you!
Oh Sylvia!!!!!!
We will follow closely. We love you.
Thanks Daughn! Love you back!
Also deemed helpful:
Vit A – carrots, broccoli
Vit D3 – take gel caps.
Vit C – pills, oranges, fresh parsley/greens!
Blessing you – we love you, our dear feisty Shovel Lady!
Thanks GA/FL!!!!
Pray you get well and feel better soon!
Lots of ❤️ 2 U!!
Download the GoodRX app on your phone. Put in drug info. It will show all the pharmacies near you by price that carry drug. Start calling them one by one until you find it. You’re gonna beat this. Prayers up Sweet Syl.🙏 Luv U soooo much❣ 🤗💖🤗
Thanks bfly!
You’re so welcome! Azar just announced they got 31million doses this weekend, sending to the states. Surely WA will be first on the list. 😘🤗💞
Thought of you when I saw this! 😘
Oh HOW BEAUTIFUL! Wow! Some people are so creative! I have never seen anything like it! I’d never want to eat it, just sit and look at it! Thank you bfly!
This sounds like just the thing. Thanks, bfly, for putting it out there!
Indian reservation pharmacy might be the answer to out of stock.
BTW, have you threatened the virus with your shovel yet? That usually gets behavior to improve in a lot of situations. The mere mention of Sylvia’s shovel works half the time. 🙂
LOL, thanks pgroup!
Likes your getting a lot of good advice here. Don’t forget a good nights rest to help the immune system.
Also talked to my cousin, a retired physician in California. She returned from a trip to Morocco in December and was horribly ill with a respiratory thing. Down for six weeks. Better for a couple weeks, then got it again. From her symptoms, she thought she might have CV. But she couldn’t get tested. They have six criteria you have to meet before you get tested. She absolutely couldn’t believe I got tested. She got very dehydrated. She talked to one doctor friend still in practice who told her to stay away from the ER’s as they were death traps. She called another doctor friend (infectious diseases) and asked if she could come in and get IV fluids. He said he couldn’t because new regulations said anyone who came to his office needed to have a negative CV test……but she couldn’t get tested. Her husband said enough with this and took her to a concierge care clinic where as long as you pay them what they charge you can be treated and she got her IV and finally recovered.
BTW, she went to every grocery store in her area last week. No TP on the shelves and no bread anywhere.
Also, she’ll be 70 next month but her employer pressed her and other retirees back into service. She works at home with a variety of devices and screens patients that call in thinking they have the WuFlu……..
Where are you? I vaguely recall you’re in Washington State — how close to Portland?
It’s about a 5 hour trip one way, although there probably isn’t much traffic these days so maybe 3.5 hours.
So, you’re near Spokane?
Between Seattle and BC.
Don’t narrow it down any further. Somebody might get the idea of swiping your shovel.
Ha! Let ’em try!
You can substitute tortillas for both…..
LOL…..wish I’d thought to tell her that.
Before toilet paper…our ancestors used rags.
Then they boiled them & washed them out to reuse.
I keep a box of rags, old worn-out t-shirts, etc.
So I guess we’ll use those if we have to.
I can see it all now…
Wheatie standing over a hot boiling pot of doo-doo rags, after we run out of TP!
We bought the bidet for a “just in case” scenario like this. The Bidet does the dirty work and then just a little tp or a rag in desperate times to pat dry.
It isn’t actually a bidet but a bidet attachment. We lived in a rental at the time so an attachment not a full installation of a bidet.
Husband bought one with no bells and whistles so it would last longer as less to break and so that if it did break he would have a chance of fixing it himself.
We are preppers in the typical sense of the word. Not a lifestyle, don’t wear camo all of the time, don’t even think about these things very often. But we do think about them, make some choices, make purchases, implement and then don’t have to think about it again.
Glad we had thought of that! Irony – had it for 10 yrs & it broke several weeks ago! But husband able to fix with phone calls to the manufacturing and an inexpensive purchase at the hardware store.
We have saved close to $1K over the 10 yrs in tp (we talked about that while it was broken and we increased tp usage right when it was scarce!) and have prefer it now. Plus, our amount of tp will easily last. and if it doesn’t, the bidet will do the dirty work and our old rags can be kept in a bag by by the side of the toilet and then washed on sterilize in the washing machine.
Recommend this change to anyone. Worth it when there is no emergency and now so worth to make tp last and 100x worth if we run out. Its a prepper thing, how/why we originally thought of it and bought but just blended into our life like normal. And now we remember and are grateful we took some time to think about the “just in case”! Highly recommend.
We got an attachment one too a few years ago when we renovated the bathroom.
Yes……it’s a thing now. They call them “family cloths” and the greeners are all over it. I have a couple bags of old cotton T-shirts, too………..just in case! I really hope it doesn’t come to this.
Don’t know if these will help, but –
Seattle area COVID-19 Studies
Want to volunteer?
Helen Chu lab, immune response, antibody studies:;
Ruanne Barnabas lab, hydroxychloroquine:
Marion Pepper lab, antibody studies:
Institute for Systems Biology, drug response, genetics and immune response:
Thanks Carl!!!!!
I think your sister may have had it, too.
NOTE – if Sylvia’s sister got it in Morocco, it could very well have been from the CHICOM WUHAN GAMES DEPLOYMENT – which I believe was the CHICOM / CABAL attempt to get it into the world’s militaries FIRST. That happened in the SECOND HALF of October, coincident with Pelosi and Schiff having full attention on the House investigation of the Fake Whistleblower and CIA Ukraine Hoax. From there, it would have spread very quickly (but with RANDOM SUCCESS AND FAILURE) into many smaller nation’s security personnel during November and December.
Morocco would also explain SPAIN getting hit hard via migrants.
Antibody testing may tell a story on Sylvia’s sister, too.
Thanks for your report, Sylvia. Very glad we presumed that you had it. You were prepared.
Hugs and prayers!!! <3 <3 <3
Yeah Right!!!
From BuisnessInsider !!!
There are no mistakes or coincidences
‘Business Insider’ has a lot of leftist writers working for them.
I would say that 85 – 90% of their articles are slanted Left.
True, and they are almost all – very young ideologues.
yep – known leftists and bias “news” outlet
Business “Insider” is a cunning admission of what they really are. Bolshevik “insiders”.
More MSM lies:
MSM lies caught, again
Map of hotspots:
Here’s that map expanded:
In looking at that map you have:
Wahington — Sea-Tac airport nonstop flights to/from China
California — SFO had daily flights FROM Wuhan
MARCH 18th: 3 Chinese airlines resume SFO flights
Illinois — Chicago O’Hare to/from Wuhan
Texas — Dallas/Ft Worth nonstop flights to/from Wuhan
“A map of the United States shows where Arab immigrants have clustered over the years. The largest cluster, by far, is in southeast Michigan.” (Think Iran)
Didn’t see BWI (Baltimore). Surprised me for a moment. DCA (Reagan) and IAD (Dulles) largely disburse to VA, MD and DC. Onward flights along east coast. When living in northern MD late 80s, used DCA for ease. IAD a pain in the ass – location and airport itself. Terrible.
Worldometers shows VA + MD + DC ~ 2,800. Still below cities in PPT charts above.
PA, slightly north IAD ~4,100. Plus onward flights from IAD on smaller regional AC.
Florida …a few updates…closing in on 5,000 confirmed cases …
article link…
at top of that page…plse click on dark red bar that says Breaking News-Interactive Map
Total Cases : 4,950
Positive Residents : 4,768
Hospitalized : 633
Deaths : 60
Miami-Dade : 1,448
Broward : 992
Palm B : 368
Collier : 97
( also…a highly contagious covid infested cruise ship passing thru Panama Canal…seeking to port in Ft Lauderdale (!!)…Broward…will provide a link…)
Assuming that “Broward” is Broward county, just looked it is, then you’d think the people there would run like hell giving they have to know Broward County is in Deep State’s back yard.
F&F – VP of Staten Island Medical Ops, 2 Hospital Systems, Dr. Strange – SI surge this week, close to capacity, looking for non-traditional places to create new beds, vents in place, getting in more staff. Been getting appropriate equipment, personnel. In house 100+ hospitalized w/symptoms, both daily discharge 2-3 for every 1 admitted, other hospital has 200, they’ve seen 2000 positive, sent home to quarantine those not admitted
Dr. Daniel Varga, Hackensack Meridian Health, loranlamib (sp) drug (used for HIV, breast cancer) option for use on patients. Tones down immune response so lungs don’t get injured.
Clinical innovation, using Prone ventilation is putting patients on stomach, let’s lungs expand easier to get more oxygen.
Trials – Remdecivir for moderate/severe patients, some got well & went home, some still in ICU. Using HCQ on approx 300 ICU patients. Some have done well, 9 extubated and gone home. Also using HCQ as prophylactics for caregivers.
Sounds like we’re going to have a menu of drugs for everyone as some may/may not work for all.
Hydroxychloroquine could be bad for the heart/ heart patients
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
MARCH 2018
Note it is ONE PATIENT!! AND he was taking hydroxychloroquine for the last 8 years.
I THINK THIS IS THE SOURCE of the Media calling the drug ‘dangerous’ (aside from the aquarium cleaner.)
This lists the side effects:
I’ve heard Drs say they test and monitor hearts of Lupis and RA patients on long term HCQ therapy. HCQ can also cause permanent eye damage.
Yes, has been noted there are some small subsets that need to stay away from the drug. Doctors will know to prescribe or not and at what doses I’d think unless we get some deep state docs in there that just have to prescribe wrong because oaths mean nothing to these types. Wouldn’t rule that out.
Well, DemonRats and Libs definitely need to stay far away from HCQ, because HCQ seems to be able to obliterate harmful viruses.
Holland America cruise ship….
…starting it’s move toward Florida…
article link…
March 29, 2020
…carrying 4 bodies along with “scores” of “patients” with covid-like symptoms….
heading for either Miami or Ft Lauderdale/ Port Everglades (Broward !)
coming thru Panama Canal from South America…Chile had denied them entry..ppl started getting ill from the crud…
wait staff onboard = sickened ppl from Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia …!
not a good idea !
also not a good idea : taking a cruise at this time…!
I strongly suspect cruise lines of employing illegals cheap in exchange for passage.
Cruise ships are like floating sardine cans and like airlines, limited air supply/exchange and likelihood of cross contamination is great.
Look how many cruise ships have been infected with COVID-19!
It would take a great deal of time and cost for adequate investigation to trace the crew, passengers, the origin of the infections – AND – the persons exposed by being in contact with all of these people – bet it ain’t getting done!!!
PS – largest cruise ship line Carnival’s owner is a longtime neighbor of Trump in S FL.
Cruise lines are possibly as big a business as Vegas casinos and Hollywood.
CRUISE LINES AND AIRLINES – and their passengers – would greatly benefit from the fairly new UV-C light disinfectant technology employed by top hospitals to eliminate bacteria and proven effective against coronavirus and other viruses. Has helped a lot of hospitals win against stubborn staph infections in Operating Rooms!!!
AIRLINES and CRUISE LINES need to employ UV-C lights to clean passenger rooms, kitchens, staff quarters, pools, equipment – AND – in AC units/ducts!
Nail and hair salons use UV-C lights to sterilize tools and brushes.
Can be used for cell phones, computer keyboards, etc.
AMEN to that one!
HomeSoap and PhoneSoap UV devices on order – look like a simplifying game-changer.
Anyone have on-hand experience?
No experience with UV lights yet. I saw the ones at our new hospital wing in use – and it was very impressive.
Here’s how to make your own UV disinfection boxes if you ever need anything bigger.
HOW TO MAKE a home made UV light
2. DIY Lamp –
From what I understand having listened to a number of health people, this PSA seems to be demonstrative in a way not much else can be.
Just proves I was right to be freaked out by those damned Keypads!!! 😱😱😱