2020·10·10 KMAG Daily Thread

Is the shitstorm quite here yet?

Nope. Maybe it will arrive with full declass, unless people who can prosecute and arrest do their usual “ignore.” Aided and abetted by the Yellow Stream Media, which is good at its real job.

How about Heels Up Kamaltoe Harris? What a piece of work, thumped into the ground by VPOTUS Pence. Except, of course people will be encouraged to forget about this.

So in all there’s been plenty to watch going on this last week, but not much actual movement. It’s like watching the contents of a blender for half an hour, then being surprised that as fast as that stuff has been moving…it’s still on your kitchen counter after all that time.

But the temperature continues its slow climb.

And President Donald J. Trump kicked COVID’s ass.

I’d say that qualifies as a good week!!

Public Service Message

This one bears repeating.

It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.

Chris Rock on a similar vein, in 2007

Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.

A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Needs to happen, soon.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

Give No Quarter!

It’s my words to Trump, Barr, et. al. but it’s also indicative of how tough it can be to collect early quarters.

You wouldn’t know it today from their sheer ubiquity today, but the US quarter dollar was not always popular. Which means the earlier dates can be especially rare. And no one–no one–has ever put together a date and mint set in uncirculated condition. I know this, because in many cases no uncirculated example is known to exist. No, I’m not talking about the many different years when no quarters were made, I’m talking about years quarters were made, yet no example has come down to us today in unworn condition.

The US mint began making quarter dollars in 1796. And then, after punching out 6,146 of them, they stopped. The best guess is that 600 or so of them still exist today. This is the first quarter, and it’s a one-year type, because the design changed the next time they made them.

This coin is worth approximately $125,000, graded mint state-63

The next quarters came out in 1804-1807, a grand total of 554,900 made, about 3000-4500 of them surviving today. The eagle is of a totally different style.

Note the line running under the last S in STATES and through OF on the reverse, This is actually a die clash. At least once, the two dies came together with no blank in between them, and the bottom of liberty’s portrait was stamped into the reverse die (her head was opposite the eagle’s tail, her bosom opposite of the clouds above the eagle’s head). This impression was then imparted to the reverse of every coin subsequently made from that die. This was a not uncommon occurrence back then, and there are collectors who collect many coins of the same date, and the same die par, to trace the progression of the dies as they were damage and got worn.

And you guys thought *I* had no life.

Then more made in 1815, 1818, 1820-1825, 1827, 1828, then the mint started striking coins “in collar” (i.e., there was a ring around the dies to contain the metal when it flowed), so quarters became thicker and of smaller diameter.

Out-of-collar Capped Bust quarter.

Finally, with collar but essentially the same design there some regularity from 1831-1838. In fact the next year no quarters would be struck would be 1922, then possibly 1931. Quarters were made in 1975 but none bore that date. (You all should remember why.)

Struck in collar. This coin, I suspect, has been cleaned a few times. A big no-no!!

The Seated Liberty style began in 1838 and ran through 1891. I’ve discussed some of the minor and temporary changes to these coins previously (1853-5, 1873-4).


As regularly issued as these were, some dates, especially from San Francisco, simply haven’t come down to us in uncirculated condition.

From 1891 to 1916 we had the Barber series, from 1916-1930 we had the standing liberty series, and then from 1932 onwards, the Washington Quarter. I believe I’ve talked about all of these as well, but just in case a refresher is needed:

Barber Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter

The most significant change in the whole series, arguably, came about in 1965 when the government started issuing copper-nickel clad quarters. The mint must have been an interesting place, as one press would be stamping out 1964 quarters until they ran out of silver, and the one next to it would be cranking out clad crap. The mint claimed they would look so much alike that they’d be interchangeable, but I’m sure all the silver disappeared within nanoseconds. Gresham’s Law (bad money drives out good money) is true.

No quarter given, indeed. The early quarters are harder to collect than the other denominations (half dollars are comparatively easy), they aren’t given away; you will eat Ramen for a few months after some of your acquisitions, to save money.

Obligatory PSA/Reminder

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).

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Steve old boy … you’re quite late. No dessert for you.


Nice article on quarters, I was particularly interested in the die strike information.
One year, the Fiancee and I were at Universal Studios Florida, and a guy had this tent. In the tent, they had a guy with a “drop forge”, if I’m remembering it correctly. The dealio was that there was a guillotine-like device in the middle of the tent. The hammer would be withdrawn about a foot, and a socket in the anvil would be loaded with a bottom die (face up), a sterling silver blank, and a top die (face down). The mark would choose a front and back design for the dies, and the striking weight would be hauled up near the top of the tent (ten feet?) and secured by a catch. The mark could hit the catch release, the weight would fall, and there would be a “personalized” medal to be exchanged for a credit-card slip. I’d envisioned there would be “blank dies” to take care of those who backed-out at the last minute or whose credit card was declined. All the employees were in costume, of course, and the usual barker behavior was involved. And, mind you, this was probably about 7-12 years ago…..
I was intrigued, particularly, because I thought the concept could be extended using a CNC device on would-be dies. You could imagine a die, have it CNC’d in two hours, then strike medallions on it every 10 minutes for 100 minutes…..
It’d almost be like you had your own seigniorage….
This also figured in to your earlier discussion of whether the reverse of a coin was right-side-up if you held it at top and bottom and rotated it.
It has been a very interesting and informative series of posts.


It’s not so bad if you regard the dies as expendable. If you’re going to strike 100 “Steven and Lisa 6/28/17” medallions for a wedding party, you’ll likely have recycled the dies long before anyone thinks about coming back and getting more on the birth of their 40th great-grandchild.
And, even then, if you’d preserved the CNC files that created the original dies, you could make a new set in “syntho-diamond” that would be sharper and smoother than the original set.


Knuckle press? Screw press?
Hydraulic press — https://www.harborfreight.com/50-ton-hydraulic-shop-press-96188.html


The funny thing about Harbor Freight is that — while much of their lineup is single-use crap — when it comes to the semi-industrial stuff, it’s made in the same factory as Grizzly and painted a different color.
If you’re in the business of doing X, you don’t want any of your primary tools for doing X to be HF. If, by contrast, you are doing flooring, and need a hammer…..a $3 hammer from HF will generally work as well as you need it.
Lathes and mills at HF are made by SIEG (in China) who also makes Grizzly. They’re ok gear — although it should be recognized that you have to completely disassemble it into component pieces, clean the pieces, and reassemble it correctly with proper lubrication before it’ll work worth a damn. Otherwise stuff will wobble, it won’t be safe, and whatever you make will be rough. Upgrade kits are available at https://littlemachineshop.com/ .
HF isn’t all garbage — and its garbage isn’t all bad — but you have to know more than the average bear to realize the value available.


General rule of thumb for Harbor “Freight”……
Do not buy/use wearable items… i.e. Drill bits, zip ties, sand paper, etc.
Most wrenches and auto tools are ok (If you are not a full time mechanic)
My goto tools are the Ryobi 18+ variety.
I have probably 50+ tools that all use the same batteries.
I recommend the lithium ion high amp hour battery upgrade.
I also have a 6 port charger mounted to the wall, so I always have charged up batteries available.


It’s also showy, which helps create a premium over bare metal value.


I went to 1 (ONE) Ren Faire (happy tame face of SCA) in Agoura, CA. Rodents in the area are the #1 reservoir of Black Death in the US (Yersinia pestis, previously (rightfully) known as Pasteurella pestis, previously known as bubonic plague. Having a bunch of unhygenic people wallowing around in their midst seemed like a bad idea, however much fun the rest of it was. (I’ve done another Ren Faire in Norcal and less featured SCA events). It just seemed like they might want to be recreating too much of the medieval period…..


Maker Faire was always full of SCA……and also Burning Man. Then, again, I know of an incident where a particular ‘ette took a modern Marine to an SCA meetup and he got some borrowed kit….Grim had a ball and was home before the damage from the insufficient kit became apparent.


Incidentally, a quick and dirty way to harden steel (which makes it more brittle, but…..well…..harder), is to hold it in a blowtorch until a magnet no longer sticks to it (unless the magnet melts to it).
You need a previously prepared metal bucket where you have lined the bottom with bricks. You then use it for whatever drained waste-oil you have until it is about 2/3 full. If it’s engine oil, it’ll have wear from various metal components and probably some soot darkening it…..which just makes it more suitable for the task.
After your workpiece is no longer magnetic, just drop it in the bucket. Fish it out an hour later. It’ll be black and hardened.
Incidentally, Pierre Curie first got his chops in physics by mapping various temperatures where various alloys lost their magnetic properties. He’d never get famous for this, so he and his spouse turned to radioactivity and Pierre promptly got run over by a horse-drawn wagon (cue X-files theme).


One weird quirk that I think about sometimes…..If you have a 2017 and a 2018 Washington quarter from a specific mint — the only difference on the face is the date. Is it the same die with a different date insert, or is it a different die? And if they’re different dies, are they replications off the same “negative” with different “negative date inserts”, or different negatives, or different positives?
And, BTW, I appreciate that you share your knowledge. I’m a naturally curious person (if you haven’t noticed) and it’s great that you are shining a light on a corner of our world that most people just ignore.


I had a gf whose grandmother’s boyfriend was working with a table saw…..and lost half of two fingers when he was in his 70s. It’s not like he didn’t know everything there was to know about a table saw or was inexperienced — they’re just that dangerous.
There are some tools that I will eyeball and run manually, and many where I’ll clamp down the work and use a jig to move it through the work area. I intend to die with all my fingers at full extension.


DH and his older cousin were using a table saw during one of their many projects…cousin lost the tip of a finger…it grew back, which I understand is common.
When I was young, living in rural farm country, it wasn’t unusual at all to see men with missing fingers or partial…a definite hazard working around farm equipment in those days. It was so prevalent , you really didn’t think anything of it.


Oh, you lucky dog — that looks like a great resource.
Oddly enough, much of what I know about mastering comes from the LP record industry.
Jumping ahead a few, just because it’s fun — why are lacquer masters for LP’s created on a specialized lathe?
Because a lathe is a tool where the thing being worked on is spun on an axis, and the tools are applied to the spinning workpiece. A mill is a tool where the thing being worked on is clamped in place, and the tools are spun.
In the case of an LP lathe, the lacquer is spun like the record will be (at fractional speed), and the cutting tools are moved like the needle is supposed to move in the record player. This is used to make first generation masters, which make printers, which produced 5M sales platinum LPs,
There is a difference between CD’s produced from the final mix, from the lacquer, or from masters.


IIRC, lacquers are carved, masters are electroplated, and LP’s are stamped.


If you have disc brakes, your mechanic likely has a disk brake lathe. You can’t record music with it, but you’d have a heckuva time setting up an LP lathe to refinish brake disks…..


No 1975 quarters? I guess I missed that and can’t even begin to guess the reason.


A great new ad from Dan Scavino:


We could do a whole subthread about HF’s shortcomings (which might actually be entertaining, but not starting from now).
For instance, I’d readily estimate flooring costs using a HF tape measure….but I wouldn’t cut anything without a measurement from a better brand.


measure twice….. and cut once.
“Burn” an inch for more precision.
Ever said: Damn! cut it off twice and it’s still too short?


Buzz Patterson for Congress (CA-7)
US House candidate, CA-7
The New York Times endorsed Biden.
In other breaking news, grass is green and the sky is blue.
As if there was ever any doubt.
The New York Times’ ChiCom overlords must have thought it was time to make it official.


Turnout for a Biden-Kameltoe appearance in Arizona:
44 adults and 2 children… there were more people at the Waffle House down the street.

Oh look. They had shiny star balloons!
Were they giving those away?

Deplorable Patriot

Did they start lining up two days before??????


😄 Heheh…I doubt it.


Union employees, or staff family, the kids are the give away. There are more people in line at the bathroom during a Trump rally than Biden could PAY to show up for he. But, sure, he is “ahead” in the polls..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Brave and Free

Just got off the phone with someone who was driving A1A in Melbourne FL. Said Trump parade as far as they could see taking place. Cars, trucks, and motorcyclists out in force.


All organic too, no paid employees .


I have been wondering why Biden’s not flying. Trains & now a bus. Something about his dementia or meds that prevents him flying?


Quite an audience!

Gail Combs

50 million RADIOS/computers/Iphones were tuned in. For example Hubby and I listened to the same radio. So how many of those 50 million are actually multiple people?

Gail Combs

“…. analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara’s American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012 election, resulting in 2012 voting age population (VAP) turnout of 54.9%….”
about 129,150,000 voters
So that means 1/2 or more of USA ACTUAL voters tuned in to listen to POTUS.


Brilliant strategery……
Bypass the MSM……
Go straight to the people.
Moar Rush radio listeners than ALL MSM viewers combined.


Same here…great point, Gail.


How many were in offices, warehouse, mechanics garages, restaurants, etc., with five, ten, fifteen people or more listening?


Or listening at a later time like myself. Couldn’t listen during the live show.


Gee discounting media, that is ONLY 49 999 997 more than tune in to hear Biden or Harris speak. Look at it THIS way. 95% of that 50 million WILL vote for Trump on Nov 3rd. That is 49 750 000. Trump got 63 million last time. What anecdotally does that tell you about THIS time. It tells me we are engaged, and Biden is TOAST, burnt, moldy, TOAST.


REAL weapons beat rocks every time 🙂

Gail Combs

Dawson Field has a bunch of new threads on Flynn. I am leaving in an hour and don’t have the time to move thenm to here.
5 tweets on the stickies with dates:
Timeline discrepancies 24 tweets
“The Flynn discovery revelations this week, combined with the DNI Ratcliff revelations & Comey’s testimony have revealed some VERY interesting things regarding McCabe & the coup plot. If you look at the timeline of the revelations & of DOJ’s ‘mistakenly’ scanned post-it notes…”
4 tweets — EXPLOSIVE
“Why was @MarkWarner wearing a wire for @Comey when texting a Hillary Clinton associate Adam Walkman who was a Russian Agent & representative for Steele & Assange? To expose the effort to frame Trump for collusion….”
8 tweets — Talk about BOOM BOOM BOOM!
Oh! and note it is CONSPIRACY (Statute of Limitations reaches back FOREVER if continuing Conspiracy.)
“If Elliot Broidy is only being charged with one conspiracy charge, he is cooperating & likely has been since 2018!
This case involves Hillary & Obama donors trying to buy access to Trump to get him to stop Comey’s #1MBD investigation….”

Last one -5 tweets
“Sullivan’s Brady Order saves the best for last!
Day after Flynn interview DOJ lawyer notes say “NO REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” would bring the case against Flynn! #ButNothingsHappening….”


Sorry Gail, but this guy goes a bridge too far for me, on nearly every level, buying back into the reframed timeline that this started in July. That IGNORES the Papadopolous, Manafort, and Don Jr setups entirely. To me this is an attempt by someone, to get back to the original SD premise (false premise) that this was all orchestrated by a “small group” of FBI and DOJ. It tries to paint some as innocent who are NOT, by some massive assumptions. I give you the BIG wopper. Comey was having Richard Burr wear a wire on that Russian call to frame or prove some sort of conspiracy against Trump by Clinton, Obama, or that small group.
BARF. Sorry, This guy is trying to paint Comey as a white hat. My answer? NO. Comey released STOLEN, and EDITED “copious” notes to GET Mueller appointed. Comey signed off on the original redirecting timeline FISA of Carter Page, who he KNEW was NOT a Russian asset because he had worked FOR Comey on Sechin in NY. Comey has LIED multiple times under oath.
NOW, when CAUGHT, Comey develops memory problems. The ONLY reason McCabe is not testifyoiing is that he has ALREADY been caught in lies and fired from his job, and is SUING to try and reverse that. McCabew like the REST of them have ALREADY gone “on the record” and ANY subsequent testimony, under OATH, would contradict the now known FACTS, land him in PRISON, and end his law suit.
Comey by stonewalling put McCabe in THE trick bag. IF McCabe changes his testimony to come clean, he loses his lawsuit, is guilty of perjury, and most likely subject to a “horrendous accident” If McCabe clambs up his previous testimony STANDS, and he is caught in LYING to Congress and the OIG multiple times, loses his lawsuit, goes to prison, but does not have any “accidents”
If McCabe is NOW screwed. In reality they ALL are, but McCabe is first in the breech UP the ladder to Obama, and THAT is where this heads, always HAS, not some small group.

Gail Combs

Rex, I certainly agree with you.
NOT A SMALL GROUP. However what I found interesting was the CONFLICTS. Don’t forget that “No Such Agency” is FOREVER no matter what they tell us.
If they have been doctoring government records that ADDS LOTS to the counts against them and to the evidence they were conducting a coup d’état not just a ‘Political Dirty Trick’ It STOPPED being a political Dirty Trick on November 4th 2016.

And yes, Dawson seems to always be attempting to MINIMIZE the damage. That in and of it’s self is a TELL in my book.
My point is ALL information is useful. You just have to figure out where it ‘fits’ and if some parts are skewed and WHY.


Agreed, we just need to sort the wheat from the chaff, and there was LOTS of chaff, but a few grains of wheat.

Valerie Curren

This May generate some Q-Tree traffic…

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this fascinating take…
It’s been years since I read CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, & That Hideous Strength) but I appreciated how he handled the concept of life on other planets in our solar system. Basically they still had to have an awareness of Jesus (the Bible says Jesus died once for all) so his Christian perspective on the concept of other life at least attempted to align with a biblical world view, & I don’t think he was Actually arguing for life on other planets.
He did postulate that our earth was Fallen, I think he used the term “bent” and that the spiritual entity that had authority over our specific planet was also “bent”. On Venus, I think, he had a creation tale play out without the Fall of man, so their planet’s guardian was not bent…
He also touched on the concept of Stars being more than just balls of gas. In his children’s tales, the Chronicles of Narnia, there are a number of Stars who were living on earth as men, & able to re-produce. He May have been expressing a take on fallen angels mating with human women, as mentioned in scripture, or he may have been expounding in an accessible way his theory that life in space is more than we imagine, or it could have purely just been his imagination…
Anyway, mathematically, given the magnitude of the universe, & it’s ever expanding state, theoretically there could be life, including intelligent life, on other planets. That doesn’t contradict scripture, necessarily, from my perspective, so I’m not afraid to “entertain” the concept in theory…many Christians are likely not so open to that concept…
Now if God is Who He claims to be in scripture then He is Lord of All the Universe. So this other life is either Not Fallen, like Lewis postulated, or it knows about Jesus’ sacrifice here & accepts his substitutionary death & is thereby redeemed, as are we…
If I recall correctly you are not a person of faith so my reasoning here would be highly suspect, I’m guessing.
The movie w/ Nick Cage, Knowing, postulated an apocalyptic end of the world scenario that was prophesied. It ended with basically pre-pubescent Adam & Eve & a space ark of sorts that would remove them from our destroyed planet & re-seed them elsewhere.
In watching the special features they talked about how they had consulted with religious scholars to try to portray their fictional world in a way that would not be offensive to people of faith. I believe they said they modeled the space craft(s) at the end with descriptions of Ezekiel’s Wheels & the Chariot of Fire that took up Elijah, I believe, to heaven, accounts in the Bible.
Some people might think those same biblical accounts are a telling of ancient encounters with aliens. Knowing, the movie, implied that the rescuing “aliens” were actually what we’ve called angels…Oh & there is an account of a form of spiritual warfare in scripture, in Daniel or Ezekiel I think, where the ArchAngel Michael was prevented from coming down to earth for a time until the prayers of the saints allowed him to break through & engage directly in battle with the dark forces of Satan.
Frank Peretti has written a couple of amazing books that reveal this spiritual warfare in fiction & they were such a joy to read like 3 decades ago (This Present Darkness & Piercing the Darkness)…if you enjoy fiction at all you may potentially find some of the books I’ve mentioned worth a read 🙂
None of that is proof of anything for you could say these things are rather archetypal in the psyche of humanity, especially those familiar w/ scripture, Christians & Jews & perhaps Muslims &/or Mormons to a lesser degree. I don’t know enough about other faiths to speculate…
But your description of planets, atoms, & passing without colliding with each other made me think of Jesus in His resurrected body where He appeared in a room, having walked through the wall perhaps. It seems like the same thing as your galaxies; if His resurrected body still contained roughly the same amount of “material” as a typical human wouldn’t a full grown human only have like a teaspoon of material if all atomic distances could be collapsed?
There was a Christian comic I read as a teen that said that Jesus was holding the universe together, literally. They mentioned the “magnetic” forces in the atom (please forgive my gaucheness in discussing physics which I barely passed in college & only after failing calc-based physics 2X) where the atomic nucleus containing the protons & neutrons would naturally explode apart putting all those positively charged particles so close together. How do these protons not repel each other?
Anyway, I agree that there is little, if anything, of real interest in our planet to tempt interstellar travel for a rape of the resources, like in Independence Day, the movie. However, if wormholes can be created artificially so that transit can be effected more quickly & economically, well all bets are off the table.
If Corso’s book is True, & I’m not saying it is, he said that our entertainment venues are seeded with elements of truth related to our interstellar neighbors. It’s interesting that there are so many tales in space that have taken hold so strongly in the human psyche.
Some that come to mind:
The afore-mentioned Space Trilogy
Star Trek
Star Wars
Dune series
Far Scape
That book series from my Luna Wolf Pack post (I already forgot the name, sadly)…
Anyway I love what you shared & am curious to see how things continue to develop in these arenas.

Valerie Curren

I’ve heard similar takes as you share in your first paragraph. My thinking May be out of step w/ other Christians but I try to Not be out of step with scripture.
I wasn’t remotely advocating for Hollywood getting Any science right, more saying that Corso’s take that “truth” about aliens is leaked into the culture deliberately in entertainment & research could mean that some of the storylines have some basis in that what we (think we) know aspect of “aliens”…
I really like how you think & express yourself & don’t Ever expect you, or anyone else, to have to speak from a Christian perspective. I was just saying that that was where I was coming from. God is way bigger & His ways are much higher than any of us can Truly Comprehend!

Valerie Curren

I haven’t gotten there yet, sorry. I’m always & forever playing catch up. With less people in my house the next few days maybe I’ll finally get there…
I think the Jews have some sort of saying like you have as many interpretations of a scripture as people considering it!

Valerie Curren

Assuming they were all actually capable of thinking for themselves! Having been on a church board for a number of years there are quite a few who happily prance in lockstep–yuck!

Valerie Curren

Nice…but you don’t want to be blown about by every wind either…However I respect people who can change their minds when shown facts & truth contradicting their entrenched dogmatic views…

Valerie Curren

Interesting. If you ever look up material on the consistency of scripture down through the ages it’s quite remarkable & presumably Devine (especially for those who believe).
Unlike Julius Caesar the Bible tells Many horrible tales that merely human authors would likely prefer to have been left on the cutting room floor.
Here’s a sampling:
The man who vowed to sacrifice whatever he first saw after coming back from a military victory–his only child a beloved daughter. He killed her rather than break a vow.
Lot offering to send his daughters out to be ravaged by the homo mob in Sodom that were clammoring to have their way with the angelic visitors.
Lot’s daughters getting him drunk on consecutive nights to sleep with them so they’d have offspring since no men were around (Moab & ? perpetual problematic nations for Israel)
King David’s lust for Bathsheba, his arrangement to murder her husband (through duplicitous orders in war) when it was found she was pregnant.
Samson’s repeated stupidity being led around by the little head in regard to Philistine women.
The analogy of Oholah & Oholabah representing Israel & Judah who were whoring after idols & “god” of their surrounding pagan peoples. Very graphically he describes them longing for them that are hung like horses w/ emissions like donkeys (or similar)…should make people blush.
Book of Job opening w/ God pointing Satan’s attention at Job “Have you considered my servant Job”. I doubt very many theologians or preachers want to really touch that hot potato!
The concubine some holy man threw out to a sex crazed mob of Benjamites who crawled to his doorstep & died having be gang-raped all night. He cut her body into 12 pieces & sent them throughout Israel to muster war on that tribe. Later all the tribes having vowed to never allow their daughters to marry Benjamites didn’t want Benjamin to disappear from Israel so they allowed them to kidnap, rape & marry their daughters in a semi rape of the Sabine women sort of way!
Some poor sap who fell asleep because Paul, I think, was preaching so long & fell out of a window & died, though he was later raised from the dead.
Lots of fodder for human weaknesses & depravities to loom large in scripture.
So I”m just posting this one as is or I’ll never get back to other reading. Please excuse my typos & any confusion of phraseology!

Valerie Curren

Not aware of that term but the concept rings true. Most people don’t want their “warts & all” to be seen, or remarked upon, by others.
That’s one of the things that is endearing about Trump. On Rush’s show yesterday (I think but it could have been Levin’s) he said something about working w/ Roger Goodell re: getting the NFL going & that Roger was wearing too tight of a T-shirt & he self-deprecated referring to himself & the host about when you reach a certain age you put on a tie because you don’t have the bod to show in a tight T-shirt. I love how genuine he is!

Valerie Curren

Great minds & all then! Since I still haven’t read your guys’ further discussion yet. Hopefully I still have those tabs available for I had a shut down & lost some of my too-many-tabbed windows…

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Those Cowboys for Trump, I posted a video of them in a tweet here today, had what I think was the New Mexico flag, yellow background w/ simple graphic red Native American “sun” on it (I think that’s what it represented)…Perhaps NM is becoming Trump territory!

Valerie Curren

Per your standards then Michigan’s flag is an epic fail & Alaska’s a wild success!

Valerie Curren

& I think Maryland has part of the Coat of Arms for Lord Baltimore…By the way the episode Lord Baltimore contains an epic scene in the series The Blacklist…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJQAaKWUpUI&w=738&h=415%5D
I can’t tell you how many times my husband has played just this scene..& it makes me think of Trump for some reason 😉
This is supposedly the coat of arms of Baron Baltimorecomment image

Valerie Curren

They just slapped their seal on a flag basically…

Valerie Curren

Well as a numismatic (is that the right one for coin collecting?) you have to appreciate the power of a good design!

Valerie Curren

That’s awesome. That’s one of the reasons that I think God included so many individual flunky names in scripture. That way thousands of years later some obscure ruin can be found w/ an intact seal or tablet or inscription or something & it will just Happen to have the Exact name doing the Exact job in the Exact place as scripture said…all conveniently coincidental of course 😉

Valerie Curren

Right, at least as far as the New Testament goes. Most of those books were written in the lifetimes of the people purported to write them, I believe. Some books the author is unknown, like Hebrews, I believe. It is a fascinating book that could bring Jews closer to understanding that Jesus is their Messiah too, if only they have eyes to see, ears to hear, & hearts to understand!
I dealt with Hebrews a few times on my blog, if you might be interested:
I actually touched on the Whole book of Hebrews here–
This one focusses more on Hebrews 11, the heroes of the faith chapter, as well as insights on heretical teachings of prosperity–
This one has a quote from a Jewish Rabbi who is very intellectual & thought provoking–(doesn’t directly deal w/ Hebrews the book, but the people aka Israel)–
This one addresses adoption, including into the family of God. It has a decent amount on the book of Romans–
This one juxtaposes The River of Life in Genesis & Revelation, ideas I hadn’t heard articulated elsewhere but interesting from a coming full circle perspective in scripture–
The Pentateuch (First 5 books of OT) was purportedly written by Moses. Obviously Many of those events occurred before his lifetime. We don’t probably recognize the significance of an oral history culture & the ability to pass down info through the generations. We also don’t likely appreciate the level of greater mental capacity they probably had then compared to now. Was Everything “Moses” wrote “dictated” by God? How would he know of many of those people & events?
We are the poorer offspring of greater sires (a very loose re-working of Grima Wormtongue’s despair filled declaration to Theoden King in Peter Jackson’s Two Towers movie.
Doesn’t the concept of entropy argue against the idea of “evolution” improving the species. As mutations are introduced the organism is less fit, not more so…
If the life-spans in Genesis are legit, where people lived near a millennium for a while & later a half millennium it is unlikely that they were worse off physically, & by extent mentally, than we are…
I used to hear this song on a ’45 as a kid, but not this epic version. What talents. I put it here for the “who calls that livin’ when no gal will give in to no man that lives 900 years!”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMYM75JFrIY&w=738&h=554%5D

Valerie Curren

Now, you made an assumption that I said it was flawless! I was saying those oral tradition cultures could pass down a wealth of info orally, compared to us presumably. Never said flawless.
Embellishment is a fine art for many of the oral storytellers I know, some of whom are my beloved relations! 🙂 They are likely in extremely fine form in this domain at hunting camp this weekend! I did Not get that story-telling gene & it seems best expressed by males!!!

Valerie Curren

Fascinating! Based on your comments I think you Might enjoy reading some of the material on the miraculous level of Bible preservation & accuracy. Compared to other ancient texts it is completely unparalleled, & some of those other texts w/ only a copy or two are considered authoritative.
I wish I knew which materials to point you toward. The movie that followed on after God’s Not Dead had a court case that “proved” the Bible was true…I can’t remember that movie’s name because the legal battle was too close to what I was wrestling with in attempting to advocate for Josiah’s legal rights in special ed so the topic was rather traumatizing at the time we watched it.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the 1940’s, I believe, were virtually unchanged from ancient biblical texts copied down through the ages from the BC days if I recall correctly.

Valerie Curren

I often use the NIV & I recall that passage about the woman caught in adultery described as not present in the earliest manuscripts in the footnotes, which I greatly appreciate.
What is your source for the assertions on the numerous NT discrepancies? Not fair to ask when I didn’t offer actual titles before for reading. Not an intentional hypocrite, but then who ever really is?

Valerie Curren

Well I’m reading via the WP bell so I just opened the link to peek. Thanks for the extra effort though…& it shows as an image in the bell too 🙂


Is it me – or does Kamala’s voice sound like a weedeater on meth?
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 10, 2020


She has a nasal tone voice and enunciation like she’s trying to talk while wearing a retainer and holding a pencil between her teeth.


[snort out loud]

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s probably talked a lot with her mouth full….
(Oh, slap…I’ll go stand in the corner..)…..


Blush…. I’ll nevah evah reveal how much I laughed over that Cuppa saying.




To me she sounds like an old black church lady.


Documents reveal that General Flynn was entrapped! @EveningEdit @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020


debate #3 moderator deletes her whole account?
I hope someone has the full archive of Kristen Welker’s @kwelkernbc tweets.
What started as a debate moderator fiasco looks more and more like another organized hoax concocted against Trump.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) October 10, 2020


Debate Moderator Kristen Welker is not fair. She’s been an activist for awhile.
And when she was on twitter she couldn’t handle being called out for her bias. pic.twitter.com/lxcLxZfSP5
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 9, 2020


We have it ALL…
Think NSA


i do, then I remember stalling, misplacing, losing, bungling…

Valerie Curren

So apparently I slept through this, so in case it’s not been seen here yet (which is unlikely)…

Valerie Curren

This one looks important, haven’t read through yet so it’s an fyi…


AAm I imagining or are there fewer people on this post than normal by this time? Hope I’m wrong. Thank you , SteveinCO. for all your interesting coin info Etc.


These days it’s hard to tell what’s real and what is meant to be a joke. I think this is kooky enough to be real.


Epistemic Entitlement – where men can ‘go’ in a bottle, but women have to stop and squat. Just ain’t fair, so let’s pass a UN Resolution™ to whack all the menfolk off so they are equal to womyn!
Seriously, that’s the way these angry man-hating females think.
In the 1970s they decided to change GOD into a female – the goddes Sophia. They have been going downhill ever since. Now these deviant distorted whackos change poor little boys – who have the misfortune to be in their clutches, into pseudo females – even using hormones on the poor little kids.


It’s not only stupid – it’s also irrational. Surprised? Shouldn’t be since it’s from the UN.


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you are my favorite fount of knowledge!


Also, wouldn’t that map look better with Korea, no North or South?


Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 10, 2020

“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”
Romans 12:12 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Saturday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good Saturday Duchess!
busy day planned? hope it’s Blessed!


Morning, Patty!!! Why yes, yes I do!!! Awoke to a warm WSW wind – in the last hour – it has shifted to stronger gusts – we started out warm and will have an even warmer day – with damaging thunderstorm later in the day – which will drop temps 30 degrees – very strange weather front.
Sooooo…will have to make haste before the storm comes.
Hope your day is blessed, too! Hugs!!!



The UK Government (i.e. Boris and his Cabinet) do not care. They are totally creeped out by the virus and think it is the greatest threat we have ever faced since the Second World War. They won’t stop until we get a vaccine, so they are fine with a health passport.
Seasoned backbench MPs on the Conservative side of the aisle keep trying to inject logic into the parliamentary debates on COVID-19, and all Boris and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care say is that they are ‘guided by the science’.
I have a post on it today:


When they start feeling the financial bite, they may change their attitude.
You take vaccines to enter Third World nations to protect yourself from diseases, UK seems to be requiring it for the opposite reasons.


I really do not understand what is going on.
I am really worried that they are tanking our economy for years to come. We were doing pretty well when lockdown lifted during the summer, but all that good work and that of the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s (Rishi Sunak’s) Eat Out to Help Out plan has gone down the plughole with these restrictions.
Rumour has it that Sunak disagrees with Boris’s and Matt Hancock’s approach. If fewer people are working and spending, how are we going to replenish tax revenues that are paying for these special furlough plans?
SMDH at the idiocy of it all!

Valerie Curren

Mark Levin is just awesome!!!


Pelosi doesn’t have as much power as she pretends to have.


Or as much of the brain power she thinks she has – she is worse than Biden – if that is possible!
Where are the men in the white coats with the ‘hug me’ suit, Georgia?


They are gonna need a lot of hug me suits – President Trump may have to invoke the War Powers act to get enough made to meet demand.


I agree – however – after her rants the last two days – she is first on my list – Mark Levin spells it all out – she could care less about the American people and what they need – if she does not get what she wants – nobody gets any relief – I cannot even play the videos of her latest debacle – any more than I would play one with Schiff or Zero in them – these people need to be locked up post haste, Georgia!!!
I have had it with her – I’m calling AG Barr!!!


Hey I have an idea, they can convert all those soon to be useless masks into CRYING towels. The military can hand them out too.


Watch and share! Really good.

Valerie Curren



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Ah…. the Modern DORK KNOT!


I don’t know, did this get the Amish seal of approval?


let’s call them and see…oh wait


they don’t mind the human feces on the streets

Valerie Curren

Needing a Northern Border Wall now???

Valerie Curren

IF – and that’s a big IF – there are Chinese troops amassed in Canada – there most certainly are missiles and rods from GOD aimed at them right now.

Valerie Curren

That IF puts that Canadian discussion of detention camps in a different light if the Chi-Nazis are taking over swaths of territory, to get a foothold w/in missile distance of US–grrr!
I wonder if Canada has the death penalty for traitors, eh? Sparkle socks dancing at the end of a rope at the end of a very public trial…


Socks has been quiet recently as have Macron and Merkle….very unlike them.
I’m sure they are waiting for election results to see what side they’re going to declare support. They especially don’t want to cross Trump….they know the consequences.


I can see it now…”Excuse me most honorable Chairman Xi…I have disturbing news from our Canadian province.” Xi “what is it?” ” So sorry, exalted one, but our garrison of troops and equipment seems to me missing.” Xi “missing?!!” “Yes oh merciful one…gone, like the wind” Xi “did the Americans bomb them? “No most merciful benevolent one, there was simply a reported flash, an earthquake, and the bases slid into the sea” Xi “SHIT, damn you Trump”


This is an excellent find. I’m going to post the video along with a link to the direct article on the next page with newer comments.

Valerie Curren

Awesome, thanks. You guys are always better at sifting the wheat from the chaff than me!!!


Aww, TY

Valerie Curren

🙂 YW


for Gailcomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


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finally…for Stevecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

I like the plaids.


me too actually!

Deplorable Patriot

I grew up around preppies, and remember the early 80s quite fondly.


My pride and joy were Pendleton reversible plaid skirts with coordinating sweaters…picked string beans all summer to buy them. Handed them down to a younger cousin who probably wore them as long as I did.

Deplorable Patriot

Pendleton…my grandmother’s favorite. I mean everything was measured against whether or not it was Pendleton.


I grew up in the area where Pendleton clothes were made…got a lot of beautiful fabric from their warehouse store. It was a seamstress’ dream to sew with their wools.


Me too — and jumpers!


Pat – did you post a ‘LINK’ for sharing? Cannot find it – Please – Thanks!!!


Thanks so much!!! Bless You!!!


sorry–I was splitting firewood!!


* Smacks self upside the head * – I did – should have known – it is Saturday – have to earn that Day of Rest – we do.


OHHH CZ guns…The one on the right looks like my CZ 10.


not me–thought she’s be PERFECT FOR YOU THO!!




Valerie…yes, this was a good segment on Tucker’s show last night.
Tucker has been doing segments on UFO’s from time to time, for quite awhile.
I’m re-posting this on it’s own, so that the video clip will play here.

Personally, I think that our government has been sitting on a lot of evidence of visitation from other planets.
I think the main reason they have kept it secret…is to reverse-engineer the technology.
If we admitted to what he have — then the rest of the world would demand that we share it.
Other countries like China and Russia, are doing the same thing with whatever they have.
Hairy Reed was always a big friend to the ChiComs when he was in office.
He knows that we have people who are “studying” this stuff.
I’m thinking that Hairy Reed would like to see us share what we have with his ChiCom buddies.
We need our Space Force up and running…like, yesterday.
I thank God that we finally have a President who is getting us back in the race to explore space.
Our planet is like a grocery store, compared to others out there.
The more we learn about how rare our planet is…the more it makes sense that beings from other planets would be curious about this one.
And some of them may not be friendly.


Heck, 40% of our own population ain’t very friendly. So no surprise with the space bugs.

Valerie Curren

Info on “Twitter’s fascist rules” fyi…

Valerie Curren

Something beautiful & uplifting…my mom started w/ piano at 4 too but never got like this…what a Gift!

Deplorable Patriot

I hope this kid doesn’t burn out. A lot of child prodigies do.

Valerie Curren

I loved the part in the video when one of his parents was being interview & he was peeking out from behind a chair, just like a “regular” playful child, not a prodigy genius, might do 🙂
Oh & I’m glad you saw it for I thought of you when sharing it.


Steve? didn’t wanna spend the $10million to own this?
A 1794 silver dollar believed to be among the first ever minted in the U.S., and the most valuable, went unsold during a public auction in Las Vegas.
Legend Auctions chief executive Matthew Bell said offers for the coin dubbed the Flowing Hair Silver Dollar didn’t reach a minimum bid and Las Vegas resident Bruce Morelan retained ownership.
Morelan sold 12 rare coins during the Thursday event at the Bellagio resort, reaping almost $4 million.
Coin collecting experts had thought the Flowing Hair coin could sell for more than the $10 million Morelan spent to buy it in 2013.


as you wish…


a) you’re not in Utah…lol
2.) I madly love my hubby


Before China Infected the World…
Everybody☀2020♫ It’s Showtime ♚ ELO HQ 1080p HD ♫ ALL OVER THE WORLD ♛ People Are Awesome


AWESOME…This is Nov 4th 2020..right after Trump wins AGAIN, and frees the WORLD from Covid in 2021….LOVE me some ELO.
Party at my house, when it happens EVERYBODY invited…Gonna need a bigger house…we can use the streets! LOL oh, BYOB… LOL


It made me * Happy * , Prog! It was uplifting after all we have been through for the past (6) months.
FYI – I have been reading till I was bleary-eyed – have some questions – but, will wait until I have finished and done a second pass – you have presented an enormous amount of information in one document – it is awe-inspiring – just wondering – on sale at Amazon? Why didn’t you hire an editor? Some people would do it for free – for experience and/or to be helpful – invest in your effort.
Amazon is NOT a publisher – they just sell things – you really NEED an editor to present your material in the best light – and increase sales – JMHO
Will be a while before I can finish two passes – how I do things – and bring forth questions – please know I want the best for you – and this is important information to share – Mkay?


Good, happy you like it!


Have you seen this new book by John Solomon?


Not yet


Sent link – going to look into it – you?


I am always up for more info and different takes. Solomon does a good job, and he is pretty accurate.


I was surprised to find it.

Valerie Curren

This warrior’s sentiment leaves tears in my eyes & hope in my heart. The Spirit of America, of our founders, is Still Alive & Well!!!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Hope someone knows how to get the pic to show, for the punchline to be seen. Sorry for my tech weaknesses…


Let’s see if this works:comment image

Valerie Curren

Awesome Wheatie! Thanks so much!!!




The last set is coming to an end, the early risers have left for home long ago, and the true fans along with the no-where-else-to-go folks are all that’s left of the night’s audience. The staff’s begin stacking chairs, the last drinks have been served, and the band’s been saving this one last treat for the True Believers. If you’re lucky and if the band is still willing, if you are lucky sometimes you can hear perfection . . . And when you hear it, it’s a confirmation that greatness is well worth the wait.
Marcos Valle, Stacey Kent – Amando Demais (Video Ao Vivo)


102 minutes of delight for your Saturday evening viewing…
ENNIO MORRICONE (b. 1928; d. 2020) directing his compositions @ CONCERTO ARENA di VERONA – 28 Settembre 2002

1-Cinema Paradiso
2-Once Upon a Time in America
3-The Legend of 1900
4-The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
5- Once Upon a Time in the West
6- A Fistful of Dynamite
7-The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (2)
8-La Luz Prodigiosa
9-Battle of Algeri
10-Sacco e Vanzetti
11-Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
12-Sostiene Pereira
13-La Classe Operaia và in Paradiso
14-Casualities of War
15-Queimada – Abolisson
16-Il Deserto dei Tartari
17-Richard III
18-Il Deserto dei Tartari (2)
19-The Mission





Livestream of Protest going on in the UK against the masks, the shutdowns and Bill Gates vaccines:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNcpp0MEhzU&w=644&h=362%5D


Another Bioweapon Attack?
CBP Seizes 1300 Lbs Of Chinese Goods With ‘Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza’ Risk
https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/cbp-mooncake-seizure/comment image
……………….From the article:
According to Cincinnati Customs and Border Protection, the egg products inside the pastries “pose a high risk to American agriculture” and contain diseases such as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Virulent Newcastle Disease:
“Mooncakes, which are traditionally given to family members and business associates during this holiday, are sweet pastries filled with lotus seed or bean paste and salted duck egg yolks. These pastries are highly valued and can cost hundreds of dollars; however, because of animal diseases endemic to many Southwest Asia countries, egg products from that region pose a high risk to American agriculture. China and most Southwest Asian counties are hosts to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Virulent Newcastle Disease (vND).”
MOONCAKES:comment image
The seizure came during the agency’s Special Operation “Over the Moon,” which led to the confiscation of 1,272 pounds of mooncakes and 359 pounds of other prohibited items.
…………………End quote.
Ewww…those things look gross.
I’m glad they confiscated them!

Deplorable Patriot

Just one word…yuck.

Valerie Curren

So I’m still Q Agnostic, but this appears to be important to the Qniverse (as best as I “get” that) 😉

moar popcorn?


Some people are trying too hard to figure out secret signals, codes, etc.
Reminds me of the Gnostics and the DaVinci code, etc.

Deplorable Patriot

If there’s a deeper meaning in any one signal or symbol it won’t be that hard to nail down. The trick is knowing some background, like say this:comment image
I’m not sure where this is, but the symbolism of the four streams coming from a rock and deer drinking from it is typical in Christian art. The meaning is the four Gospels, and, supposedly, deer can detect a snake.
I’ve seen this image in so many churches over the years. St. Clement in Rome which is a Medieval era Church has one. So does our Cathedral Basilica. I honestly think it’s a matter of one layer that isn’t a stretch to understand the symbolism and/or code if you know what to look for.

Valerie Curren

well if it’s all a party game at least it’s got people thinking creatively & patriotically! & it’s gotten perfect strangers from around the world to be cheering for POTUS, white hats, Freedom, Truth, Justice, & God!!!!

Valerie Curren

Seems related


If somebody next tries to tell me it means Feb. 10, 2021 I will just laugh.
I was brought up SDA – good people but always looking for signs and had explanations every time something didn’t come true. Always predicting …. always modifying and re engineering their predictions when they didn’t come true.
Happy for it to be true and read all that is posted with hope and am encouraged … but count on nothing. If The Plan and Q are correct, accurate and in the know, still all human and incapable of seeing around all corners. Count on nothing but hope for all to be true

Valerie Curren

I used to work in a Christian Mental Hospital in the late ’80’s & one of the Psychiatrists on staff was all excited by a book called something like “88 reasons why Jesus is Returning in ’88″…
Well I was thinking the Bible says “no man knows the day or the hour” so anyone claiming that level of inside info is just incorrect.
The Bible Prophecy types are on fire nowadays, my husband enjoys it all w/ a grain of salt, because of how many things taking place seem to point to stuff in Scripture.
My perspective is that every day, every moment, we are always growing closer to That Day. He may or may not Return in our lifetimes (or it could be more figurative than literal)…but Every generation of Believers has anticipated Christ’s return in their lifetime…
By the way what is SDA?


Seventh Day Adventist, off shoot of the 19th century Millerites. I grew up SDA but didn’t join the church.

Valerie Curren

OK thanks. Are they the ones that don’t have music or celebrate birthdays or holidays?


That was no Easter Bunny…that was a White Rabbit:comment image
Even the nozzles at CNN remarked on that rabbit not looking like a regular smiling-faced Easter Bunny.
They showed White House Easter Bunnies of years past…and criticized Pres Trump for having a strange looking bunny.
That was the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.
It has glasses on.
It has the astonished “I’m late” look that the White Rabbit is famous for.
Our President was sending us a message there…plus the use of the odd phrase “tippy top”.
It was a Q-proof.
Valerie, since you are ‘Q Agnostic’ you may not know that Q has mentioned “follow the White Rabbit” in some drops.

Valerie Curren

Actually I was aware of the white rabbit scenario (also appears in the Matrix film).
Good catch on it being from AinW, for I mistakenly assumed it was the “Easter bunny” but thought someone including the pic in the tweet was to reassure the Qniverse about the white hats going after the pedos (if memory serves)…


The first “tippy top” came from an Anon asking Q if he could get PDJT to use the phrase “tip top” in a sentence…to prove that Q was real and was a back channel for PDJT to tell us things.
Pres Trump not only said “tip top”, he added the “tippy top” to it.
Then later that day, Q posted this:comment image
This is what is called, a Q-proof.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie. Probably why a bunch of those people on Twitter were calling it Christmas!

Valerie Curren

Social media scared brick *beat*-less, or is it bat crap crazy?

Deplorable Patriot

Governor Christie
I am happy to let you know that this morning I was released from Morristown Medical Center. I want to thank the extraordinary doctors & nurses who cared for me for the last week. Thanks to my family & friends for their prayers. I will have more to say about all of this next week.
9:14 AM · Oct 10, 2020


Thanks for posting, DP!!!
Another success story – to debunk their fear porn – and he was the least likely to survive this attack – too many pre-existing conditions.
Wonder if PT tweeted and congratulated him…

Valerie Curren

Seems to have a clue, but I do love a good conspiracy theory!

Valerie Curren

On a random personal note I wanted to say that I’m so excited for my family to be Up North in Michigan’s beautiful north woods for white tail deer bow-hunting season extended weekend!
It was quite the caravan of cars departing from our neck of the woods:
My car (more room for gear storage than hubby’s vehicle): my husband, daughter, & father
My oldest son’s car: son, daughter-in-law, son’s friend–1st time in deer camp
My middle son’s car: son, roommate–another 1st timer in deer camp, our dog Jules (who’s been in an intermittent slump since son moved out in June–thankfully he stopped by for there wasn’t room for the dog elsewhere & the Hunting Shack & surrounding woods are probably her favorite place on earth)
& starting from an hour away my husband’s hunting buddy & a couple of his 9 kids in his camper
Unfortunately my dad’s long time hunting buddy, who usually drives up w/ Dad was unable to go this trip having recently survived a near fatal bout of appendicitis. Another one of Dad’s hunting buddies, who’d been planning to come North w/ his son also fell through. No one from my brother’s family is available this weekend either.
They’ll be having the 2 shacks going, plus the camper, to sleep everyone. At my dad’s request they’ll be eating All meals together up on the hill at The Luzerne Hilton, where my husband will likely be the chief cook–& he Rocks!
The best times for seeing deer, & Possibly getting a shot, are dawn & dusk. Since they haven’t been up for a couple of months, since their wood duty weekend, they don’t have their spots much picked out so likely only those comfortable with a stalking hunt on the ground, like my daughter prefers, are likely to get out this morning. Today they’ll likely set up blinds & pick spots for tree-stands & try to get the newbies familiar with a spot to hunt, with this evening probably being the first “real” hunt of the season for most of them.
If you think of it I’d appreciate prayers for safety, fellowship, travelling mercies, hunting success (it’s been a few years since Anyone’s gotten a deer in bow season), & great communion with the Lord in His wondrous woodsy cathedral.
I can’t wait to hear so many tales of their adventures once they all get back, some as late as Tuesday. The official rule is “whatever happens North of Bay City is nobody’s business South of Bay City”…but I can play “nobody” quite well! The story download, & the descent (or is it ascent) into legendary lore carried down through the generations is the part that I get to partake in & it is something I’ve loved most of my life.
My grandpa, his cousin Hugh, Hugh’s son Bob, & Hugh’s dad Will (the legendary Mayor of Pisscopailian Valley, per my dad) all live large in legend & as far as deer camp goes are known by my kids, who never met a one of them in this life…I can’t remember if it was Hugh or Will but one of them was on flapjack duty during Rifle Season (Nov 15-30) & was cooking in his long johns. Well between the stove & the woodstove it was baking hot in there so the “chef” decided to “better ventilate” himself by dropping his butt-flap & there he was w/ his naked butt hanging out for the world to see as he cooked up a griddle feast for the baffled but grateful voraciously appetited men who ate pancakes at a volume that would have shamed a camp of lumberjacks…Good Times!


prayers up for your family, their well being and fellowship!!
hope you are amply rewarded with wondrous tales of adventure!!

Valerie Curren

Yes! Thank you so much for praying…I really appreciate all your prayers for my family Pat <3
Josiah decided to stay home (they really didn't have room to transport him anyway) instead of going to hunting camp like he tries to do when he can (he doesn't hunt).
He's excited to see Rose every day for the weekend. Tomorrow is their 1 year anniversary of dating & half a year of engagement. They are very sweet (& silly) together. Love is a beautiful thing & I'm so thankful they've found each other!!!


Mama always told me every pot has a lid…
I’m so happy he’s found someone too!!

Valerie Curren

Not familiar with that phrase…
The one around here, not from my mom, is “crap or get off the pot” 😉

Valerie Curren

Well, the “thunder mug” as my dad liked to call it, would be better with a lid, especially if that “thunder” brought forth…well you get my drift 😉

Valerie Curren

LOL–& I mean literally! Thanks for that good medicine (scripturally speaking not riffing on American Indian verbiage) 🙂


she meant there is someone for everyone…every pot (as in pan, cooking pot?) has a perfect lid to fit it…

Valerie Curren

Yes! It’s hard to believe but most of us do have a mate that is a “perfect fit” at least until that “iron sharpens iron” & the “trials of life” start whittling away…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They have that expression over here, and often in the “lonelyhearts” section there will be a few instances of “Topf sucht Deckel” or similar… There are singles parties all over the place with that name/theme…
(probably Tupperware parties too 🙂 )…


LOL…I beg to differ–I have bowls in my cabinet that I cannot find the lids for…LOL


that I do


What a great start to my day — it was like the Utree was back with Steve & Cthulhu bantering back and forth about something interesting (granted I don’t know a lot about what they were talking about but it was interesting just the same)! All that was missing was the tunes & the jokes!


Here’s a tune for you…
My favorite for these times 🙂


YW….. Styx is one of my top 5 of all time.


Nice — thx! It is a good one for these times!




I’ve really missed the lessons, the music & jokes!



good news!

Valerie Curren

Prayer request for the good guys!

Valerie Curren

This is well done & encouraging for all Warriors for Truth!

Valerie Curren

A different pace but makes me love our country, all of it, even more…

Valerie Curren

Will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump!


Steve: i know I have been lax in letting you know how much I appreciate your coin history – it is fascinating!!!
Thanks for all you do to put these educational posts together – it is absolutely intriguing – learned so much!!!


Thanks, Steve – This is great – the links – the info – really appreciate your help. SAVED!!!

Valerie Curren

This looks important

This was the link within…

Valerie Curren

She said it because she knew they would “disappear” and she would be protected by the Deep State. It was a bragging taunt…”you’ll never touch me.”

Valerie Curren

No doubt!

Valerie Curren

Weener’s Laptop?

Valerie Curren

Now where’s the conspiracy fun in that!

Cuppa Covfefe

How about nano-sized space aliens a trillionth of a meter tall came down and walked through HELL-the-BEASTS drives, recovered and copied the data, did the same for Weiner’s laptop, compared the two just for fun, and gave the results to the white hats…
Then they zoomed back off into outer space, stopped at Mr. Slushy on the way out (cf 3-2-1 Penguins of Veggie Tale fame) and went on to help others in need…

Valerie Curren

Now that’s funny. You said Mr. Slushy & my brain (& I know the 2 Christian kids shows referenced) went to the silly movie Encino Man & them “wheezing the juice”…
Pauly Shore Is an alien–guaranteed!


For Steve, his Eagle and the Wolf –
Eagle on the prowl
Eagle on the prowl
And the Wolf starts to howl
The traitors are all known
Around their necks a great millstone
For their crimes they’ll atone
Eagle on the prowl
The traitors now run free
But there’s no place to flee
Deplorables bear down
Prepare for the meltdown
If swift justice is denied
Our great nation will die
Patriots to the fore
Patriots to the fore
Now we all understand
We win or lose our land
Big Ugly has arrived
Now it’s time. Do or die!
Eagle on the prowl
Eagle on the prowl
And the Wolf starts to howl
The traitors are all known
Around their necks a great millstone
For their crimes they’ll atone
Eagle on the prowl




Love it, Carl.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



How about just impaled?


Heavens, this is a blood-thirsty group…who would have known!😱👹
Okay…here’s my contribution….having the sadistic dentist from the Manchurian Candidate do dental work on them…heh heh.

Cuppa Covfefe

They were deeply mystics, sometimes imbibing those mushrooms (playing that fungi music), leading to the fad of Trance, and Dental Medication…..

Valerie Curren

Anyone on Twitter & Facebook want to see if this video has merit? I’m not (ever going to be) on FB!

Valerie Curren

Not sure if this is the same video or another one…the message in the tweet is alarming…

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting that Dan Scavino would post this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet POLL NUMBERS are lookin’ sweet.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thinking the same thing.
I know that we harp on the young sorts being brainwashed, but there’s a lot of videos out there of Generation Z waking up. Maybe the tide is really turning.

Gail Combs

Teens REBEL against their parents. In this case the VERY SELFISH Millennials and Generation Xers. Many are influenced by their Boomer Grandparents who are much more conservative.
Also they are worried about JOBS!
The generation Xers (and Boomers) watched America’s Ruling Class ship their manufacturing jobs overseas and then bring in H1B visa holders from India and China to take the Computer Tech jobs here.
The Millenials that got snookered into taking student loans to get degrees in African Women’s Dance and other idiotic subjects are in even worse shape than Boomers and Xers who at least had marketable skills.
APRIL 13, 2020 The Atlantic:

…..The Millennials entered the workforce during the worst downturn since the Great Depression. [THANKS BUSH & OBAMA!] Saddled with debt, unable to accumulate wealth, and stuck in low-benefit, dead-end jobs, they never gained the financial security that their parents, grandparents, or even older siblings enjoyed….
Compounding their troubles, Millennials are, for now, disproportionate holders of the kind of positions disappearing the fastest: This is a jobs crisis of the young, the diverse, and the contingent, meaning disproportionately of the Millennials. They make up a majority of bartenders, half of restaurant workers, and a large share of retail workers. They are also heavily dependent on gig and contract work…

THIS is what the smarter Gen Z students noticed AND they SAW President Trump BRING GOOD PAYING JOBS BACK TO THE USA.
This is what WIKI says:

…..Despite being dubbed “digital natives,” members of Generation Z are not necessarily digitally literate.[3] Compared to previous generations, members of Generation Z in some developed nations tend to be well-behaved, abstemious, and risk-averse.[4] They tend to live more slowly than their predecessors when they were their age.[5] They have lower rates of teenage pregnancies, and they consume drugs and alcohol less often.[6][7] They are more concerned about academic performance and job prospects.[4][5] They have a tendency to be more flexible in workplaces.[8] In general, they are better at delaying gratification than their counterparts from the 1960s, despite concerns to the contrary….

If you have parents who are childish, you have a tendency to GROW UP sooner because you HAVE TO.
I am not too worried about Gen Z. They have learned by watching Xers and Mill and are swinging back towards Conservative.

Deplorable Patriot

uh, being a Gen-Xer, my experience is that the Boomers are the problem. The ones I know are flaming leftists, very self-centered, and pretty much refuse to consider valuing much of what went on before 1965. Those of us who have parents born before WWII are a different story.

Deplorable Patriot

You have to understand about Gen X is that there is a line of sorts for those born in the early 70s. Those of us born prior to that are different. Afterwards…my twin brothers are just on the other side of the divide and we can’t be more different.
Don’t know what it is.


Pro police and Trump flags, signs, stickers are seen by me routinely.


Thats great. Some people have started a proTrump and police daily rally near city hall here. Hoping it stays nice without agitators.

Deplorable Patriot

A reminder for those who have not seen this information as yet:
Pelosis Take a Big Stake in CrowdStrike, Democrat-Connected Linchpin of Russia Probe
The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike rose to global prominence in mid-June 2016 when it publicly accused Russia of hacking the Democratic National Committee and stealing its data. The previously unknown company’s explosive allegation set off a seismic chain of events that engulfs U.S. national politics to this day. The Hillary Clinton campaign seized on CrowdStrike’s claim by accusing Russia of meddling in the election to help Donald Trump. U.S. intelligence officials would soon also endorse CrowdStrike’s allegation and pursue what amounted to a multi-year, all-consuming investigation of Russian interference and Trump’s potential complicity.
With the next presidential election now in its final weeks, the Democrats’ national leader, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and her husband, Paul Pelosi, are endorsing the publicly traded firm in a different way. Recent financial disclosure filings show the couple have invested up to $1 million in CrowdStrike Holdings. The Pelosis purchased the stock at a share price of $129.25 on Sept. 3. At the time of this article’s publication, the price has risen to $142.97.
Drew Hammill, spokesman for Pelosi, said: “Speaker Pelosi is not involved in her husband’s investments and was not aware of the investment until the required filing was made. Mr. Pelosi is a private investor and has investments in a number of publicly traded companies. The Speaker fully complies with House Rules and the relevant statutory requirements.”
The Pelosis’ sizeable investment in CrowdStrike could revive scrutiny of the company’s involvement in the Trump-Russia saga since the Democrats’ 2016 election loss.


ignorance is no excuse…


Well, her “private investor” husband most CERTAINLY knew of the optics….that excuse is pathetic.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Drew Hammill, spokesman for Pelosi, said: “Speaker Pelosi is not involved in her husband’s investments”…
Bull puckey. Kalifornistan is a community property state. Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino is involved in her husband’s investments whether she wants to be or not…..

Deplorable Patriot

Community property…yet another reason why I will never live there. Nope. Sorry.

Deplorable Patriot

“REGN-COV2 was NOT MADE with human embryonic stem cells.”
“This particular program DID NOT involve human stem cells”
Trump calls catching COVID ‘blessing in disguise,’ touts experimental antibody treatment: ‘I feel…
In a video released Wednesday, President Trump talked up the benefits of an experimental antibody drug given to treat him for COVID.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image




Brun0Barking Retweeted
REX on possible @HillaryClinton email release.. https://social.quodverum.com/@REX

Deplorable Patriot

[snort]comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Har har.
If Mizzou hadn’t held a goal line stand against LSU down to the last down, I might groan.
Oh, the Tigers won.

Deplorable Patriot

ENOUGH! Or I’ll start posting pictures of my yarn stash. Talk about stringing along a hobby.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually use a hook. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

And not just one hook. I have about two dozen in different sizes.

Cuppa Covfefe

By hook or by crook..
But no crewel or unusual punishment…

Cuppa Covfefe

and thin no more!



saw this this morning…FUNNY


I love these guys – tell it like it is – they do!!!
“Wait – you saying what I’m saying” – “Well – we ARE Twins!!!” LOL


When I first saw her video, I had the sound off….it was so entertaining I left it off! Just for your own amusement…give it a try.


One picky note– Pelosi is setting up a Commission, not legislation that needs Senate approval and Presidential veto. The house members can block her “commission.” Hopeful they will, because this “commission” can use for Dem presidents, not just GOP presidents.


this site is dedicated to Pompous Little Twit memes…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image

Valerie Curren

This image really reminds me of Josiah after his first heart surgery, only maybe half this baby’s size, his chest bandaged, multiple tubes in & out of his body & I think he had something like 16 lines w/ those controlled med delivery devices dispensing stuff…Pray for this little guy for God is surely able!


i will absolutely offer up prayers for the tiny one!!

Valerie Curren

Beautiful Pat…me too!



Valerie Curren

Thanks DD! Blessings


Situation update:
After three days in a very uncomfortable office chair, my back exploded. I’m trying to make light of it, but shit, it hurts. When my back goes out, it really goes.
Not sure when I’ll be back to the office chair, if ever. On the plus side, I did manage to get quite a few people registered to vote while I was at it.
I have to say, I was in more of a “phone sales” environment than I expected, with quotas and harassment from the bosses if people weren’t “making the sale” often enough. I kept a count for a while to see how many people I talked to who were already registered voters. There were A LOT of them. Many people stated adamantly that they would be voting TRUMP.
All in all, I felt pretty good about it after spending those hours on the phone.


thanks for your commitment to helping reelect POTUS!!!I will pray for relief from your back pain!!!!


Auber – a good Chiropractor can reset your back – and a good chair cushion will help you last longer in the chair – just a suggestion…
Hope you are ‘back in the saddle’ soon!!! Praying for you…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Phone work is great, but honestly I think your research and analysis abilities are a better use of your time.


Thanks, Wolf. I am putting those skills to use right now, reading Clinton emails. Do you know what all of the “B” classification numbers mean? I can’t find a list of that anywhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I may get into this. I got a lot of mileage on Podesta emails – a lot of insight. Your point about the redactions is a good one.
These emails were on the private server – right? If so, that needs to be kept in mind.
If it has to be redacted to US, then why do China and Russia get the information?


Nevermind, FINALLY found what the “B’s” mean.




Sorry, I didn’t mean to drop the ball. The B5 designation means “”deliberative process,” which refers to internal deliberations by the Executive Branch. Such discussions are exempt from public release.” That means that virtually ANYTHING could be hidden with B5, and we’d never get to see it. If it was a conversation/communication between people in the Executive Branch, it can be classified B5. That covers a lot.


aka…… More BS from the DS

Deplorable Patriot

I feel your pain. My lower back is still tender from earlier in the week.

Gail Combs

It is part of the price of standing upright.
I have finally given up and gone to coveralls — RELIEF!
No more waist band pressing on the disc I munged up in my twenties.

I have also found CBD oil, Turmeric Curcumin and possibly Cinnamon (Helps regulate sugar/insulin) have gotten me off the pain killers and when I do something stupid I recover a LOT faster (Like in a day or so verse a week.)
Ice the first day followed by ice alternating with heat is what I have had physical therapists recommend (and my Vet for my horse 😋)
(Click on footnote number and it takes you to the scientific paper.)
Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs (That would be CBD oil)


You need a gravity table. You be careful, take care.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie Curren

Hope someone can break out the 4 images to save here before twit world deletes/hides this stuff!
wishful thinking?

mixing in some humor too


2 enter…… 1 leaves.


Candace Owens @RealCandaceO
Black and Latinos Americans do not support the Marxist, anti-police rhetoric that has become fashionable in the media.
Today, thousands of us have descended upon Washington D.C to #BackTheBlue.
Minorities do not belong to the Left.


WORTH a listen. None minutes.
Me thinks Gina Haspel has some splaining to do…


Maybe, maybe not, Kal – Remember, PT put people in positions for a reason – what they do or do not do says a lot – it could be PT put here there to take out Brennan – so right now – I am waiting to see.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Encouraging, eye witness, anecdotal MI to CA ground report–worth it!!!




Music, Boats, Flags, Fun!!!
Sounds like the Latinos are involved in this event!!!


Read it was 30,000 vehicles! According to Miami police Department. That’s beyond comprehension!


COMING UP – 2:00 PM !!!
President Trump’s White House Event!!!
CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?476869-1/president-trump-delivers-remarks-white-house


OANN – will likely cover this event – access via subscription or cable


thanks for keeping us on top of all these events GA/FL!!!!


YW! Just posted a ‘punny’ on the Flep’s page.


I just dropped into the released Clinton emails at page 900 to read.
Page 901, email with subject line “S’s question.” Email from Susan Biniaz, State Department Deputy Legal Adviser, as well as the lead climate lawyer and a lead climate negotiator from 1989 until early 2017, to Jacob J. Sullivan, senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, with expertise in foreign policy; cc’d to Todd D. Stern, United States Special Envoy for Climate Change, appointed by Hillary in 2009.
The entire email is redacted, labeled “B5.”
“B5 means “deliberative process,” which refers to internal deliberations by the Executive Branch. Such discussions are exempt from public release.
The B5 coding has the effect, according to a congressional source, of dropping the email content “down a deep black hole.””
What this means to me is, no matter what they release of HilLIARy Clintoon’s emails, unless the “redactors” are White Hats, or there are NO redactions, we’ll NEVER know what was really going on. They will hide it within “deliberative process” and keep it hidden forever.
Rat Bastards.


Maybe not.
Start with this powerful timeline:
And now imagine the implications of Russian Cozy Bear hackers in the unclassified email systems of the State Dept., the WH, and then the DNC, from summer 2014 thru December 2016.
And Dutch Intel AIVD watched their every move.
Are the Dutch the source of the “Russian analysis” that DNI Ratcliffe discusses in his letter? What about the Amanda Renteria memo?
March 2015 events noted in the timeline are interesting, and potentially explosive, IMO.
What did the Dutch see?


This is a video showing Chinazi’s, looks like a platoon, walking alongside a road in Canada. Valerie Curran posted a link to a tweet talking about Twinkle sock’s boss letting the mil in for obvious fake reasons.
This is a link to the actual article. (remove 3 splats)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My suspicion is “UN” troops, but they’re keeping the “UN” designation off them for now. Interesting.


This is within the article. “Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities. – Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. THAT is total BS. And Cana-DUH is part of Five Eyes? SICK!!!


No S. That’s not that far from my little corner of the US either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Intentional. They want trained Chinese PLA monitors near the PNW. And TURD-EAU is helping.


I’m wondering if their presence has any relation to the hot spots that have been experienced this year. I don’t have any knowledge of how those things work, but wondered if having a closer proximity to said events would have any bearing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, absolutely tied in. They are MONITORING the communist infiltration of the PNW. They’re assessing the opposition as well. It’s pure information warfare, disguised as a bunch of road marching GRUNTS.
They will help assets rise up. They will help opponents lose jobs, have social trouble, not rise, etc.
Fighting Chinese information warfare IN THIS HEMISPHERE is completely different from information warfare in Asia. China plays a long and steady game.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China can get a LOT done with these units. They all pass for something else, but they’re INFORMATION WARFARE units.
It’s a novel form of warfare, and as I like to say, the ChiComs are very inventive, but have also perfected the art of disinformation so that nobody believes they’re up to something.
One thing they can do is open up the border there. I think that is likely part of their purpose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They will do this by getting the information needed to compromise people on both sides of the border.


Well, in this case, I think they done what they always do…. too much/many.


Oh my. He literally gave a foreign country right to occupy their soil.
He shouldve been hung for treason to Canada


It’s pretty much the same info. Pretty sure our mil is aware!


Unrelated to this video but a couple months back IIRC, a video from either Au or NZ with unidentified storm trooper-esque clad troops marching…the comments seemed to surmise they were ChiComs because of their small stature. The helmets obscured their features

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I remember that. And again, they’re not there for whatever stated purpose. They are there for information warfare operations.


rumors online are that the UN will decide the US elections… that they will replace Biden and Heels UP and Trump and Pence… with Nanzi


Yeah I’ve seen those, but am not buying it.


Oh, I’m not buying, just reporting what I see


not on my watch


Only if we go to war will they do that.


I agree Gil… just reporting what they think they can do…


Now barr says delay of Durham. No Justice.


Hmmm…tried to slow it down and look at the soldiers…….saw alot of what looks like long hair….
…a platoon of women?


I think it’s head coverings, the “hair” didn’t look to have the right texture. It would be more telling to look at physical builds. I did wonder about one or two, but it wasn’t definitive. (Some guys do have big tushes.)


There are females in the group. Terrorist training camp or drug rehab boot camp?


Or Aunty fas wanna bes?


They were too normal for Antifas. No pink or spike hair.


No rainbow hair and no tattoos.


Took another look (maybe my fourth), and stopped it a lot this time. There appears to be quite a few, and all asian. I think Wolfie has is right, it’s for recon and infiltration purposes. They don’t normally show very many females in the military so it would be something that people would discount happening. Sneaky, very sneaky.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinese military units include LOTS of women, and information warfare units even more so. Women make great spies.


Yes. For one thing, the poonanny is dangerous to men who thinkmwith their little heads.
Honey pots.


I’m fairly certain that it ain’t thinking that’s done with the little head.


No worries, Auntie Fah & BLM will fight them and protect Washington & Oregon.




this is not a meme…THIS. IS. REAL.
LMAOcomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Joe arrived in Vegas…called it Arizona later in the “rally”…LOL


finally something that joe says will spark some interest!


LOL he told people to sit on the ground in circles.
He went from Million to thousand to $15. Boooooooo 😉


lure them in high priced call girls and when they’re hooked, substitute Pelosi & Hillary…LOL


Came across the recently. He says he’s talking to the people of Arizona but yeah, the flag he’s standing next to says Nevada.


Where are the Spanish language “Vote for me” signs?



Cuppa Covfefe

From Bi-DONE’s latest effort:
I like to be in America!
O.K. by me in America!
Ev’rything free in America
For a small fee in America!
Automobile in America,
Chromium steel in America,
Wire-spoke wheel in America,
Very big deal in America!
Immigrant goes to America,
Many hellos in America;
Nobody knows in America
No more illegals in in America!
I like the shores of America!
Comfort is yours in America!
Knobs on the doors in America,
Wall-to-wall floors in America!
(apologies to all folks involved with WSS… made a couple of changes to the lyrics)




Lenin Square, Uzbekistan.


Now, I think it’s Independence Square, Tashkent


Yeah. I saw that double meaning when I posted . . . too lazy to clarify!



The mask is off. Antifa tasked to compile and monitor the social credit score for yelp and now out in the open call to jail Trump supporters


Gone already!


Really?! that was fast


It highlighted this~~~~~ @DailyCaller
· 21h
OLBERMANN: “Terrorist Trump must be defeated…. and his enablers, and his supporters… and the Mike Lees, and the William Barrs… and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barrett’s must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Are he and Jennifer Rubin neighbors? Has to be the water! ☠️


Olberman has gone stark raving TDS !!!


Deplorable Patriot

comment image


well stated–who elected them?


so true

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Posted on Gab, and then the Gab link dumped on Twitter, and it’s pretty cool.

Deplorable Patriot

I pulled it from Twitter. That might be why.

Valerie Curren

Prager U short & sweet, my blog post, not so much, but I’ve gathered lot’s of good stuff there…

Valerie Curren

This is still so infuriating here in Michigan–God help us, literally!!!
They are doing everything possible to destroy our beautiful state! Gov Witchmer lost in court so she just punts the power to the health dept. Someone needs to break the “pandemic/epidemic” lie w/ data so we can be Free of this BS. Now County authorities are imposing similar restrictions, at least in the heavily populated Metro Detroit area where we live! Where’s a hair on fire emoji when you need one!
I wish I lived in South Dakota or that our Governor was a Kristi Noem identical twin!!!

Valerie Curren

Hopefully the image shows here

Valerie Curren

Before clicking on the expanded view I thought the Hildabeast was leading the Chi-Nazis here…my bad…


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Dinesh D’Souza@DineshDSouza
Guess whose movie is #1 on Apple iTunes?
Zoe, “Trump Card”

Valerie Curren



Pres. Trump is speaking now. He is in fine fettle. He called it a peaceful protest. 😀🇺🇸


Pres. Trump came out onto the balcony to Hail to the Chief with a mask on, which he removed to speak. He looks very healthy and seems upbeat. It was a campaign speech about his accomplishments, polls, and getting out to vote. At one point people chanted “We love you,” and he said it back. He looks and sounds great. I’m sure the Left is fuming.


(Oops. Italics were supposed to end after the name of the song.)


And dropping acid, too.


Blexit is in D.C. this week-end…
Candace was there with the crowd… He spoke to her, thanked her for being there…
They cheered him so… made my heart smile.
Commie DIMs can go pound sand.



local update for those interested.
My bro went down to the island protest…supposedly with the call out to statewide SJW’s to demand the Mayor resign. The apology wasn’t good enough.
About 30 people showed up. NAACP banner frontline. Two megaphone yellers. Hey Hey ho ho Mayor has to go. and of course No justice No peace.
They only marched around about half the island. Hopefully that’s the end of their interest and they don’t reach out to the BLM orgs for “professional” traveling asshoes.

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need a vote fraud thread to archive all the instances of vote fraud and schemes so that anytime a liberal says “there is no such thing as cote fraud” we can drop that thermonuclear bomb on them and vaporize their lie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DP is gonna do that one – should be shortly.

Valerie Curren

This looks promising!

Valerie Curren

Alinskyites strike again…


Praying Medic@prayingmedic
After losing its fan base in the U.S, China may be the only market left for the NBA
Quote Tweet
· 15h
The NBA is returning to Chinese state television after a one-year absence, @AP reports https://trib.al/WiTZVmV


This IS great news!
Can we ship the entire NBA infrastructure teams and asshoe players to ChineeLand. ONE WAY TICKET. Revoke passports.
Who next up….hollywierd asshoes, MLB asshoes, NFL asshoes….

Valerie Curren

Witchmer in the mob of mask(less) nazis–hypocrites…


Biden always wears a mask, even when he doesn’t need to. Dreaded fact-checkers say that was from an event in March. 😀

Valerie Curren

Don’t know exactly when Witchmer’s lockdowns started in long-suffering Michigan but Feb or March is probably about right. Thanks for the info though!!!


Please let this go viral !
Having a celebration over the latest FIB entrapment FF starring Whitmer as the “victim” ? Laughs and high fives all around on a job well done?

Valerie Curren

Per These Truths it might not be a recent pic, fyi…


Thanks ( but still..Whitmer has had a mask stranglehold on citizens for awhile now I think)

Valerie Curren

Believe me I know living in her extremely oppressed state–grrr!


Dentia joe has no idea if he has a mask on or not.
Jill dresses the putz and guides him around for his outings.



Putz. Copying auntie nancy from obummer care. We have to pass it for you to see whats in it.

Valerie Curren

Could be interesting…but I stopped paying attention to “generations” after the Baby Boom, so what’s Gen Z?


The youngest ones that can vote right now.
Generation Z – Wikipedia
Search domain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Zhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z
Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, are the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha.Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years. Most members of Generation Z are the children of Generation X and sometimes millennials.. Despite being dubbed “digital natives,” members of Generation Z are …

Valerie Curren

So, per your write up my youngest 3 are Gen Z, & my oldest Millennial. I’m the tail end of Baby Boomer & my husband, who’s nearly 3 years younger, is whatever follows BB. So the 6 of us span 4 “generations” though both our family generations have all births within 4 years of each other. Oh & I think my parents are both technically the beginning of Baby Boom or just barely the generation before that–pretty artificial distinctions it would seem! At least to those of us who are into genealogy & probably look at “generations” a bit differently 🙂
Thanks for the info!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve. Thankfully my parents were both born before 1946 so I can be reassured that we are actually from different generations!!!

Valerie Curren

I’m sorry that your family broke up 🙁 & fascinated by your growing up overseas…how intriguing.
My parents’ parents may have been around the age of your parents’ parents as both sets of my grandparents were born between 1900 & 1910. Both delayed having families due to The Depression, likely, so they were both older parents when my parents came along circa 1940. Technically my mom’s Birth parents were teenagers when she was born but since she didn’t know them & we only learned details about them when she was around 60 they were a non-factor culturally, except very loosely in retrospect…
I agree about stereotyping, it’s so incredibly destructive & dehumanizing.
Both of my parents grew up in the city of Detroit & both sets of their parents would have likely lived there forever if it weren’t for the race riots of the late 60’s that changed the nature of everything. They were both nearing retirement & convinced to move by predatory block-busting real estate agents. Both sets winterized summer cottage homes to live in year round…
My parents were teens & young adults in the Motor City during the peak of Mo-Town music. My mom was massively into music, choral & piano. Even so it’s like they were completely oblivious to that massive cultural phenomenon swirling about them! It’s still unfathomable to me…
I was out of step culturally by being an overt Christian in public school. I used to get mocked & ridiculed for my faith, & I thought I was pretty low-key about it. There were a lot of Catholic kids in my Junior High & one time one of the guys asked if anyone had a Bible because he needed to study up before having confirmation or something. At that time I carried a small Bible in my purse which I shared with him.
Well, sometime later I was one of 3 people written about in the school newspaper (my school had about 1000 kids) & they totally mocked me for my Christianity w/ every sentence entirely made up of clichés about Christianity that weren’t true about me. It left a mark for I can still remember some of it:
She carries a 10 pound Bible
Her favorite saying is “Praise the Lord”
Her favorite color is virgin white
Whatever, but at that age being singled out like that was really humiliating…
My HS class graduated in the early ’80’s & we were said to be more conservative than most recent classes. Maybe this was around the time that Michael J Fox really made an impression as that ultraconservative kid in a family of libs, Family Ties or something…
My parents, well my dad particularly, were extremely strict. They were rather into legalism especially when they started a new church when I was in 5th grade. That church “required” women to wear dresses & my dad inflicted that standard on me & my mom for more than a year, even on schooldays. I could drive but wasn’t allowed to see a PG movie. Couldn’t play cards, couldn’t dance–I still can’t dance though I’m allowed to if I choose!
Because both sets of grandparents went through the Depression we all learned to be extremely frugal. My grandma used to make her own rag rugs from clothing scraps…
What countries did you live in? Speak any other languages?
My mom’s birth cousin (who might be a half sister) lived abroad a lot growing up (Afghanistan was one place) & then later when married to her air force husband. He was mayor of Fort Collins for a while, Doug Hutchinson. I think I told you before that my husband was born in CO & is descended from one of your Governors, Oliver H. Shoup, & one of those robber barons of the mid-late 1800’s, James John Hagerman. JJH was actually a University of Michigan graduate, which we found out after moving to my home state of MI. Small world & endlessly interesting, at least to someone like me 🙂


The banner photo eagle is President Trump before COVID-19
This is President Trump after COVID-19….comment image


If it fits – I just thought it looked fierce, fit, formidable and raring to go!!!


I meant if it suits you, forgot about the need for cropping.


comment image&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_lzswLJS6*cp_549B49D528C2FEA962816EAC812BD7D7*mid_61F434C5522B21776269BA4958549A8895E563DC*simid_608014215184584049*thid_OIP.lzswLJS6xdn-0Xsfy09ELwHaFZ
If you can get that to load . . . it’s eagle city.


It loads fine for me.


You should make use of tinyurl.com

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

German Law over twit world???

Cuppa Covfefe

Depends on where the tweeter or complainer live…
Twitter and Farcebørk are controlled here (as is most of the rest of the media… Merde-Kuh carried on Göbbels torch…)….

Valerie Curren

I love how you love MK, no pun intended…

Valerie Curren

This is actually awesome. 3D Trumpianism combatting 4G Warfare!

This next one LOL!


Valerie Curren

Predator Joe…

Valerie Curren

Sadly that’s true…


Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
BREAKING OVERNIGHT: Military Intelligence sources close to the President indicate CIA was actively involved in domestic targeting and surveillance of Trump campaign personnel. To do this upon US Citizens would have required approval from DNI James Clapper and AG Loretta Lynch.

Valerie Curren

Larry Sinclair…BHO’s coke smoking “pal”…one of the few that they didn’t kill off…per old WND stories…



I bought his book, way back when.

Valerie Curren

Per twitter comments used ones are going for hundreds of dollars now–score!
What did you think of that book? I’ve never read it but read a decent amount about LS & aka BHO at WND.com at that time…


It all rang completely true to me. What a skeeve Obama is – I may dig the book out and read a little again. I used to listen to Pastor Manning as well.

Valerie Curren

Pretty much everything I learned about Obama made me have zero respect for him. When he read scripture at the 9/11 memorial one year it made my skin crawl & my hair stand on end. It felt as if I were hearing words spoken by the devil. I’ve Never had that kind of reaction listening to anyone else saying words from the Holy Book. I don’t think it was my extreme dislike for the man for I love God’s word. One of my mom’s prayer group ladies had a similar reaction, so maybe it was something more in the Spirit.
I’m not familiar w/ Pastor Manning…


Pastor Manning is in Harlem and can’t stand Obama. I just noticed his picture in that long stream. When Obama got elected it was like a gray scrim came down on the world for me. 2016 was a miracle. If only we can see it complete.

Valerie Curren

Thanks! Yes I remember the 2008 election with a sick feeling in my stomach. It was like the world had gone insane & pretended aka BHO wasn’t who he’d been. Hannity was pretty clear eyed about the disaster headed our way. I wish it was all in the rear view now but will we Ever be rid of that stain?


comment image


Remember that History Channel Bible show? Ugh.


That was one of our top three trips. Right up there with Glen Coe and the Scottish Highlands.


Valerie Curren

I think twit world is heavily suppressing that tweet for I’ve retweeted it several times but it never shows that I did so…


Oh, they are fooling around all right – put a warning on one of President Trump’s Tweets!!!

Valerie Curren

When do their assets get confiscated & the platforms get re-constituted with Full FREEDOM!!!


They are working on it – from what I understand – they have testified before Congress – what happens next – dunno


Someone said these are the emails she turned over to the State Department – NOT – the ones she acid bleached wiped smashed to smithereens.


What if there are backups somewhere – so when she tried to destroy them – there were copies elsewhere.


There are always back ups, and more back ups.
The only question is, did the deep state within DOS erase them all. could they find them all?


And yet, they claim nothing is ever deleted – she thought using a private server would protect her – and destroying evidence would eliminate anything untoward – who had an insurance policy – I wonder.


naming a road after Trayvon Martin…
A Florida road will be named after a Black teenager whose death by a neighborhood watch volunteer in 2012 catalyzed a movement for racial justice.
The Miami Herald reports Trayvon Martin’s name will be added to section of an avenue that leads to a high school he attended in Miami-Dade County.
Martin was shot dead in Sanford, Florida, at 17 while on a visit with his father.
The teen was unarmed and walking back from a convenience store with candy when he was shot by George Zimmerman.


Ridiculous – he would probably have been dead by now of drugs or gang violence the way he was going.



Harry Lime

Ooh…look…here’s a picture…comment image


I spit coffee all over my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too funny…


He was slamming Zimmerman’s head on the concrete and would have killed him had GZ not been able to defend himself. Sundance did the best work I have ever read on that case. It’s how I stumbled upon OT.


the left makes mountains out of potholes


Trayvon was the starting point for what we’re dealing with today.




[WATCH] Mask-Shamer Joe Biden Literally Removed His Mask to Cough
Some things you just have to see to believe. During a drive-in campaign event in Las Vegas, Nev., on Friday, Joe Biden did something really stupid.
First, as you can see in the video below, he was unnecessarily wearing a mask while alone at his podium. Second, he was wearing it wrong, with his only his mouth covered, and not his nose. But the real absurdity came when he had to cough, and he literally pulled his mask down to cough into his hand, before readjusting his mask (correctly) and placing his now germ-ridden hand on the podium that some campaign intern would then be tasked with removing.


MONDAY – 10/12/20 – Rallies resume!
Hearings begin for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett!
Kayleigh McEnany has a series of tweets with wonderful letters recommending and praising ACB.


Hopefully sometime next week Kayleigh will be back in the WH.
I miss Kayleigh back handing the presstitues, and they never realize it until the presser is over.

Valerie Curren

Research tool for Rasmussen Reports…


Miami PD Estimates More Than 30,000 Cars Participated in Anti-Communist, Latinos For Trump Caravan in South Florida


Creepy Joe Biden: “You’re Trying Your Breast, But It Never Feels Like Enough”
Dear Joe stay away from our breasts…. I’d hate kick you in the grapes. thanks.

Valerie Curren

California mail in voting fiasco…


I just got my absentee ballot and mr gils 2 days ago. Honestly, they are slightly behind, but no fiascous here , for

Valerie Curren

Johnny Q-uest?

Valerie Curren

Build Back Better=NWO? This tweet’s been out for 7 hours & I’m the first to pass it along–NOT!

Valerie Curren

from comments…


Valerie Curren

more from comments…



Valerie Curren

further items of interest from the comments…
gematria..no opinion just fyi

Valerie Curren

history lesson & perspective from comments…
open prison state
The black & white graphic is quite detailed & speculative but interesting…

According to this fun chart it looks like I’m beyond help 😉

Valerie Curren

thought I was done with those comments but then I found these…



This comment in light of Harry & Megan living on Vancouver Island then the Pacific NW or CA in US…if the reports of Chinese massing along the border w/ Canada in our West…hmmm…

Valerie Curren

still not quite done yet…sorry for so many posts here but at least they’re lumped together
The graphic on this next one made me think of an old joke phrase, maybe by Rush, how Bill Clinton was building a bridge to the 21st century…in his pants!

well that video above ends w/ what looks like some anti-Semitic stuff…hmmm…
this one goes back to those internment camps in NZ, Canada, & possibly Australia, at least that’s what comes to my mind…

Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the slide with Chuckles… it says “The Great Reset”…
Except, it doesn’t.
It says, The Great Re Set.
Set is another name for Satan…
Chuckles has already proved himself to be antichristian. And he’s not playing with anything close to a full deck…

Valerie Curren

Isn’t Re an ancient Egyptian “god” (principality or demon)? Good catch!

Valerie Curren

Interesting perspective. I once read a translation of “the Book of the Dead” & wondered if Moses, who was raised in Pharaoh’s household had been exposed to it. At one point one of the ancient Egyptian kings Atenaken I believe, brought forth the “heresy” that there was only One God, that they called Atun, the Sun God, I believe.
I wondered if Moses was exposed to this perspective. There is only One God though He has gone by many different names depending on the peoples. I believe the Native American’s “Great Spirit” is another name for God.
I used to think Muslims’ “Allah” was the same as the Lord God but I no longer think so. The word “Allah” may be the Arabic word for “God” so an Arabic Bible translation may use that word (assuming I’m correct about Allah=god/God as a word) but they are not equating the word God in Arabic with the entity Allah in Islam, or they shouldn’t be.
Islam’s deity is a blood thirsty capricious confusing tyrant. He is Not the loving, forgiving, self-sacrificing (in the form of Jesus) Being Who desires to draw all men to Himself.
When I read the Book of the Dead I thought that some of their Egyptian gods & goddesses were just descriptions of various attributes of the natural world. They also could be personifications of some of the attributes of God.
In this way I think a polytheistic culture could be shifted into a monotheistic one by honoring the ancestral ways of identifying powers that are beyond human but then correctly assigning the powers of Darkness to the Enemy & the powers of Light to God.
Catholicism attempted to do some of that, I think, by bringing Pagans into the faith & offering Jesus’ Mother Mary (who was only a Virgin up through his birth–scripture indicates that Jesus had brotherS so she had at least 2 other kids) as a female near deity, sort of a goddess stand-in for those comfortable revering a female.
So me allowing for this type of viewpoint is probably not in line with “orthodox” Christian thinking. I just believe, as scripture says, that God has made Himself know to all, so that people are without excuse…
A couple snippets from this post:
“In the naiveté of my youth I also believed that Christians, Jews, & Muslims all worshipped the same God. But I no longer believe that “Allah” that Muslims worship & fear is synonymous with The Lord God of Christians & Jews (Elohim, Yahweh, YHWH, Adonai, etc). The attributes of “Allah” are not compatible with the scriptural descriptions of God’s nature & character. Though many (most?) Jews do not yet recognize Jesus as their Messaiah many in recent days have come to do so.”
& in relation to CS Lewis “The Last Battle”
‘”It should be noted that those Calormenes who did good in the name of Tash were really honouring Aslan: likewise those Narnians who do evil in Aslan’s name were in actuality serving Tash. This illustrates Lewis’ belief that faith is more defined by a person’s deeds and beliefs than by the name they honour. This is made clear in The Last Battle, where Emeth, an honest Calormene soldier, enters “Aslan’s Country”. In fact, the Calormene capital city has an existence in Aslan’s Country.”‘
CS Lewis perspective here has always puzzled me because scripture that Jesus is the Only way to the Father. At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow & every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God.
It does somewhat align with the concept of false teachers & believers who appear to follow God but they are cast out. In that case it is more than just “using” the Name of Jesus. These are mysteries difficult to understand.
Matthew 7: 21-23
True and False Disciples
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Valerie Curren

It sounds like you are alluding to “the unknown god” passage in the NT where someone, Paul likely, told the listeners there that the Unknown God they had built a temple to was the only true Lord God of heaven & earth, etc.
After the “heretic” Akhenaten, it’s no surprise that the priests tried to destroy the cult of Aten to re-assert his power. Religious, political, & financial power seem to be the only “real” powers in humanity, especially when it comes to some small privileged group getting to lord it over the masses…
I wonder if the Egyptians also destroyed most of the records of the Pharaoh reigning when Moses brought the plagues that preceded the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Then the destruction of the Egyptian military in the Red Sea (or Sea of Reeds in the NIV footnotes) following the escape of the generational slaves!
That sounds like the kind of record that would need expunging ASAP!

Valerie Curren

OK. You have remarkable understanding of Christianity for being an “atheist” 😉

Valerie Curren

Why would reading the Bible drive YOU (Steve) to be an atheist? Of course my logic is faulty in the question because you did not say that was your particular pathway.
Are you sure you are Truly an atheist & not an agnostic, or even worse (or better?) someone who believes in God but rejects Him for reasons of pain, disappointment, anger, or fear, etc.?
If you really Are an atheist, do you think those of us who are persuaded that God is real (even if we can’t agree on much else) are in some sort of delusional or infantile state?
I’m asking in genuine curiosity, not just waiting to rip your answers into shreds (like I could Ever pit my intellect against yours) 🙂

Valerie Curren

Thank you for this Very Thoughtful reply. I really appreciate you taking the time to try to articulate so much of what you, & atheists in general, might be thinking…
Interestingly, I actually heavily relate to a number of the viewpoints you expressed. I meant to articulate them point by point but I’m running a bit out of gas as I’m double checking this so it is going to be less complete than I’d hoped. Ironically my daughter just came in view & I said “Hey” to her & she just did a staring double take & I thought she said “I thought you had a brain!”–showing how far I’ve fallen from my previous state, alluded to below. She actually said “braid” but it’s going to live in my mind now as Brain because that’s pretty much how it feels in my current existence 😉
You said ” it’s anger at what the belief in God causes some people to do or think. There are, for instance, people who will not seek medical attention for their children because they believe God will take care of it”…anger at the Belief, not necessarily at God, totally computes w/me!
My husband spent the bulk of his formative years in the Bible Belt & I was out there for a decade for higher education, etc. Michael didn’t grow up in a Christian family but he & his mother were lead to the Lord by the man that would become her 3rd & final husband.
She had experienced a lot of pain & hardship in her life. Though she grew up in a wealthy home she suffered when her sister died in their childhood & later when her family cut her off when she married a Jew (apparently they were of German extraction & anti-Semites). When she came back to her hometown after 2 divorces w/ 3 sons in tow her family “helped” her by financing the purchase of a tiny one bedroom home at exorbitant interest (her final husband paid the loan off & the family hated him for interrupting their cash cow source apparently)…
Anyway once she became a Christian, being steeped in some (in my view) distorted Bible Belt theology, she refused to get any type of medical care when she was found to have cancer (she kept her diagnosis hidden from her family). As they watched her decline they pleaded w/ her to seek medical care, which she refused to do because she thought it would reveal a lack of faith on her part (she was also filled with fear & becoming paranoid)…
Anyway, the upshot of the situation was that she died after suffering for years & it was very traumatizing to the extended family. Her death made my husband an “orphan” in his early 20’s, before we even met.
We had many discussions over the years about what it Might have been like had his mother gotten treatment & lived to know me & our 4 kids…
I try not to be judgmental of others’ faith perspective, well I’d like to at least think so 🙂 , but I do believe, at least for Christians, it’s important to “rightly divine the word of truth” & that we are told to have “the mind of Christ” & other verses that encourage us to study, learn, reflect, & put into practice the teachings of the Bible. I never see any scriptural justification of living based on our feelings, though there are many examples of crying out to God Because of our feelings.
I find the last few chapters of the Book of Job to be comforting as God speaks & gives us a perspective on how His ways & understanding are Far Above ours. Also the first chapters of Job are disconcerting, especially the part where God directs Satan’s attention to his “servant Job”. I doubt many, if any, Bible Belt preachers deal with the uncomfortable implications of that passage!
Christianity & Judaism are beautiful foreshadowings of the heavenly kingdom that awaits true believers. Fewm if any believers, actually on the planet are good examples of what being a True Christian is–& I include myself in that description.
We all fall short of the standard, miss the mark, stumble & fall, & that’s just in those who are honestly & imperfectly pursuing God. Throw in the charlatans, hypocrites, fake cultural Christians, & outright predators that inhabit the “flock” & the leadership, well it’s a wonder that Anyone would consider coming to Christ based on his representatives here on earth!
Honestly, to come to faith in Christ is a work of the Holy Spirit, to draw a person, to cause the scales to fall from their eyes (like happened to Paul in Acts) & to soften their heart to receive the Word of Truth.
You exhibit such a fine character & exemplary mind I Know I want to meet you face-to-face someday in that “sweet by & by” so I hope (& if I were a better Christian I would pray–but I try not to make promises I can’t/won’t keep) that some day you will, like C S Lewis once did (a former atheist himself, iirc) have that Ah Ha moment where it all comes together & you say “My Lord & my God…& Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief!” (my heart’s cry in my own life again & again).
If you ever do make that decision, that you accept that there is Absolute Truth & it is founded on the person of Jesus Christ & you accept Him as your Lord & Savior that will truly be a great day in heaven & on earth! Your amazing qualities won’t disappear nor be suppressed but you will be enhanced & begin a journey of being conformed more into the image & character of Christ, something that None of us ever fully achieve. This is a beautiful, agonizing, freeing, & humbling ongoing process that all people of True Faith are embarked upon.
You already have easily entered into the “iron sharpens iron” aspects of the authentic faith journey, & for that whetstone-like process I truly thank you!!!
I agree with you that no one can Prove that God exists, though there are many Proofs if one has eyes to see, ears to hear, & hearts to understand.
If I hadn’t grown up in a nominally Christian home I don’t know if I would have accepted Christianity for myself. I used to be quite smart & was probably prone to arrogance & pride in relation to my mental prowess (age, trauma, stress, & hormonal changes have all done a number on that area of my existence). I can imagine myself as a Rabid Feminist who lived to cross swords with any man who dared to challenge me (I had such tendencies in my youth even as a Christian). I would have descended into the arrogance of my “superior intellect” (I’m thinking Kahn in Star Trek Wrath of Kahn here–the line, not the level of my skills!!!) & become immovable in how right I was in all things, & insufferable!
I’m still heavily opinionated & try to be “right” as much as possible, but in service to Truth, not to my own aggrandizement, at least that’s my goal.
In the Bible Belt I was exposed to a much more emotionally exuberant form of worship & faith than was familiar to my Mid-Western background. There was often a high-degree of emotionality, something with which I am naturally uncomfortable. I still want faith to “make sense” & not just “feel good” so I was rather suspicious of overly emotional displays of “genuine” faith, especially if having Christian faith was the presumed cultural norm, like in the Bible Belt…
I encountered a number of people who seemed to truly love the Lord but were incapable of any type of actual personal transparency if any of their thoughts or feelings didn’t align w/ culturally normative “Christianity”. That plastic, fake version of faith was truly repellant to me!
I still struggle with living out my faith in genuineness & in a way that honors the Lord. I don’t have, nor will I ever have, all the answers. I believe God is real & Christianity (as it Should Be, whatever that might mean) is the Best way to interface with Him. If John 3:16 is true, then God is longing for All of us to come to Him. He wants us all to have Everlasting Life & to have Life Abundantly. He wants it for you too!
A humorous thought or two…I wanted to share Daren Streblow’s song about atheism but my husband is practicing his bass now…so it’s in there…but the whole routine is fun…enjoy!

Valerie Curren

I stand corrected for this misspelling & hope to not repeat it in the future, but make no guarantees w/ my sieve-like memory. Funny that That is what you chose to comment on.
Maybe Kahn is a more common spelling, like with Madelaine/Madylyn? Kahn? Who knows.
I’ve never seen Babylon 5, but I believe someone here at Q-Tree, perhaps you, recommended it to me some time back 🙂

Valerie Curren

Hey, no prob…I still haven’t gotten to that conversation between you 2 geniuses!!!


Here’s the video in case you missed the link to it

Gail Combs

How soon was the shooter back out on the street?


I’m sure Commie-la will be posting his bail shortly

Plain Jane

Does anyone know the size of the crowd for Pence’s speech today. It sounded big.


About 4K


Ha ha ha! The VICE PRESIDENT gets more people out in one rally than Biden has the entire year. And they want us to believe that Crazy Joe is 14 points ahead.

Harry Lime

Interesting. Item number five:
Vice-President Pence outperforms Kamala Harris in a debate, but media coverage focuses on a fly. How did Biden’s plodding campaign have a website, graphic and slogan prepared immediately after the debate to sell a flyswatter? Could the fly distraction have been planned, and could it pose a danger to Pence?
Maybe this was posted here…but first I heard they already had flyswatter ads ready to go…


So, you’re saying that Harris wasn’t able to keep abreast of Pence and that the press was focused on Pence’s fly. Izzat it?

Harry Lime

Oh dear…put the kids to bed…yup…that was the VP debase.comment image


So is the death collateral damage for Patriots or what? Just wait for……?
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
Antifa celebrate the death of the man who was shot in Denver immediately after the shooting. https://t.co/YQDN6TkeN3


Really. Whats the hold up in the plan now?
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
Good god.


See the new video i just posted. The shooting but still not directly caught.


RLC (@RLC19802020) Tweeted:
@catturd2 You can see the man who is murdered here. He goes right off camera, and then murdered in cold blood. https://t.co/tGxZuJcX1N


Wray certainly is at this point. Im about to call jumping the shark on the happenin happening without action. Its quite the game to play by showing people a glimpse into how bad it could get, but using real peoples lives not npcs. These arent the heads of state or the heads of the hydra, but their lives matter to their families.


Donald J. Trump
As the 1st President to formally recognize the issue of Missing & Murdered Native Americans, today, I was proud to sign Savanna’s Act & the Not Invisible Act. We have also provided $295 Million to support public safety & crime victims. Forgotten NO MORE! #OperationLadyJustice


October 10, 2020


Being shot as he is macing. Self defense on the victim.
After Action Report (@after_theaction) Tweeted:
From the denver post https://t.co/DNJWDtATex

Gail Combs


Gail Combs

Another commenter said you could hear the round being chambered BEFORE the bear spray.comment image


Bear spray is not deadly, is it? Lethal force was not justified. The shooter could have turned away to avoid the situation.


Carlos will be addressing this shortly. Guaranteed.

Gail Combs

I have no doubt he will be.
Unfortunately he is correct these people ARE COMPLETELY CRAY CRAY and WANT TO KILL. They also know they will get away with it. IF Biden wins or even if he does not, any bets this guy WALKS FREE??? HOW does the public in general EVER KNOW a convicted bad actor was ever imprisoned?
See how that works? ALL YOU HAVE IS PAPERWORK that says he is in prison.


Why You Should Care About the Resurgence of Scarlet Fever: WARNING

Gail Combs

The NEXT Disease from CHINA???
“….Scarlet fever, caused by the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes and considered as deadly as Covid-19, has made a recent resurgence in the UK, China, South Korea and Vietnam, with cases recorded in Australia and even New Zealand. UK case numbers have also quadrupled in recent years…”
[Remove two splats]
“…A University of Queensland-led team of international researchers says supercharged “clones” of the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes are to blame for the resurgence of the disease, which has caused high death rates for centuries.
UQ’s Dr. Stephan Brouwer said health authorities globally were surprised when an epidemic was detected in Asian countries in 2011….
Co-author Professor Mark Walker and the team found a variety of Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria that had acquired “superantigen” toxins, forming new clones.
“The toxins would have been transferred into the bacterium when it was infected by viruses that carried the toxin genes,” Professor Walker said.
“We’ve shown that these acquired toxins allow Streptococcus pyogenes to better colonize its host, which likely allows it to out-compete other strains.
“These supercharged bacterial clones have been causing our modern scarlet fever outbreaks….”

“The toxins would have been transferred into the bacterium when it was infected by viruses that carried the toxin genes,” <==== The Chinese messing around with Bio-weapons AGAIN???


Much or nearly all way above my brain.
“…as deadly as Covid-19,”
So, slow guy is wondering.
Thought Covid was no more deadly than the, “flu”. Covid targets the elderly with major health issues.
Are we guessing about the same death rate as Covid, only maybe targets a different segment of the population? Or relatively even across the entire population. But same death rates?

Gail Combs

It targets Children. And at least the ‘old’ variety could be treated with an antibiotic.
“Scarlet fever, also called scarlatina, acute infectious disease caused by group A hemolytic streptococcal bacteria, in particular Streptococcus pyogenes.Scarlet fever can affect people of all ages, but it is most often seen in children….”




I went and looked at information about scarlet fever and I found it very interesting because the seriousness and symptoms were very much downplayed from what I remember. I had scarlet fever when I was about 9. My mother (a R.N.) took me to the dr, but wrapped me up good and the dr. came out to the car. Our son also had it when he was 2 and I did likewise, called ahead and they had me come in a side door. The symptoms say a fever of 101, but I know both myself and our son had a MUCH higher temp, and the important thing was to bring the fever down. I also remember when I went back to school, I wasn’t allowed to go out and play for quite a while. Being allergic to penicillin, I’m not sure how I was treated. Our son had antibiotics given, but it was a few days before they took effect, and just waiting to make sure that they did work and he didn’t have any secondary problems was distressing.
The chicoms have probably developed a strain that is resistant to antibiotics as well as the other stuff.


IMO her circle of problem children stops at the medical community. She really should push that out to who stands behind them providing the permissions, guidance and ability to seemingly run amok. That being of course the same players associated with WEF, Davos, UN, and other Cabal type players playing fast and loose well outside any governmental bounds to the point they are nearly undetectable and certainly unaccountable while the medical aspect is just one of their pressure points applied in the pursuit of world domination.


Not sure she goes that far in her assessment, Para – more concerned about USA Patriots – Constitution – Civil Rights – in the light of God’s Word – I hear what you are saying – it is all connected – one person can only do so much – not in her purview – IMHO


No she doesn’t and it would muddle her talk and put it further into the conspiracy realm, yet the inference should be made if not by her than us.


True – just when we think we can breathe – these demons of the past keep reappearing!
I cannot imagine even a fraction of what PT must face on a daily basis – it never lets up – however – this has been going on for centuries – this demonic interface. * Sigh *


Tore Says Show 09 OCT 2020


Can you give us the Cliff Notes? I haven’t got 2 hours to invest in a video.


Oh, Lord, Linda – she covers a great deal of material – one thing is the 25th Amendment.

Elizabeth Carter

duchess, I had glanced at Tore but this time, I watched the whole video. She made some very important points that I have not heard anywhere else. Jamie Raskin and his wife are much bigger players than I have ever understood before.
Thanks for posting this.


Maybe I’ll watch it then. Too many videos just cover the same ground over and over again. I wish they’d write this stuff down in an article instead of making a video. It would be much faster to go through.


Absotutalutely, Liz! She makes connections we would not have discovered without her insight – who knew how many times they have tried this 25th Amendment?

Harry Lime

Wow…if this is true! I mean..we all know the media hates Trump supporter’s…



For a couple of weeks..any streamer or “press” at all protests have been bullied, beaten up, threatened and/or chased off UNLESS antifa approves.
Curious that channel 9 had an approved body guard..wonder where he came from ?

Harry lime

I think you’re probably asking the right question, Molly…where’d that bodyguard come from? Someone’s got some splainin’ to do…


Yep..it’s getting dicey for anyone with a camera that isn’t an ally…so..guess the channel9 reporter was an ally and his body guard…? Crazy thing is…unless there’s way more that isn’t out there..the beef wasn’t even with the reporter so why is the body guard involved in the 1st place?

Gail Combs

So WHERE is the Reporter???


The news guy, Kyle..embraced by antifa

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image



Her clock since was prominent in a recent interview she gave, and it had the “Q” time of 10:09 or 10:10 (not sure which is correct).


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Everybody is on their own. Nobody in FIB or DOJ or DHS or anywhere going to defend/protect against the 2020 brown shirts or BLM mobs
This is Denver..the PD wouldn’t even defend the Back The Blue group..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump needs to create a new federal agency RIGHT NOW. WORK AROUND WRAY AND FIB.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What in the hell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a still of the arrest of the “bodyguard and journalist” or whatever these MSM PUNKS are. Victim is on the left. Shooter with gun is next. “Journalist” is on the right.comment image

Gail Combs

I put this above:
Shooter has drawn, aimed and is in shooting stance. WHY??comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what I think? I think that “reporter” is a lightweight and an ANTIFA sympathizer, and took an offer of “protection” from ANTIFA. The Antifa dude, like most of them, is TERRIBLY trained, as evidenced by his pointing a gun at a guy with bear spray carried down and ready. Bear spray guy goes up, discharges, gets shot. Ridiculous.


Also, the reporter in blue ( isn’t that him ?) is in no danger of bear spray or anything else. Looks like an execution and really why not..media will whitewash, cops are busy doing nothing, antifa creed is didn’t see shit and any Trump supporter is automatically labeled a militant white supremacist, Go ahead..shoot at will.
I also don’t think the felon who was aiming down on Kyle R has ever been charged with anything

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got more stuff – moving to today’s thread.

Gail Combs

Kyle Clarkcomment image


Channel 9 should be bankrupt by summer at the latest.

Valerie Curren

Now for some good news from Scott Pressler!

Valerie Curren

Cue the Blacksheep clips…


brought to us by the greatest scam in history..China scamdemic, foisted on all of humanity to stop free will

Valerie Curren

Yup. Why anyone with their eyes open wants to be under those jack-boots I’ll never understand!

Valerie Curren

This is good stuff

Valerie Curren

Trumpeting Trump tool 🙂

Valerie Curren

not my thing but these are interesting…


I love seeing the Saturday Open thread, Steve. My favorite Eagle picture is on the march.
He looks so…..Annoyed! Perfect.
Interesting days ahead. I can hardly stand the news, it’s crazy times.

Valerie Curren

I’m curious why the 1796 quarter had 15 stars & surprised you didn’t comment on it. All the others had 13, presumably for the original colonies/states…

Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve. So did we have 15 states in 1796 then?

Valerie Curren

Fun. Thanks for digging in & expounding on the minutiae!