This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.
We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.
Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.
In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.
Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion printed here:
Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Wait on the LORD
We are currently at a monumental crossroad in the history of our country. We have a corrupt and incompetent usurper for a leader who is hell-bent (literally) to produce national policy that will ruin our country.
Some look to President Trump’s promises to wrest the fraudulent leadership from this usurper and reestablish us on the road to American self-sufficiency, economic stability, military leadership, peace, liberty, justice and American unity.
Others believe that it is up to patriots to respond to this fraudulent election and the oppressive proclamations from its figurehead.
We know that God places rulers in their positions for His reasons, which are not clearly known or fully appreciated by us. And we stand now, under God, waiting, hoping and praying for God’s hand to restore us.
This is a very stressful period and many of us are wondering how to best get through it.
Fortunately, God’s Word directly addresses situations where we are waiting for God.
We know that God establishes authorities on earth, good and merciful, and bad and oppressive.
“For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” – Romans 13:1b
“He [God] removes kings and establishes kings;” – Daniel 2:21
We see what God does, but none of us, no matter how wise we claim to be, really understands it.
“I saw everything God does, and I realized that no one can understand what happens. We may be very wise, but no matter how much we try or how much we claim to know, we cannot understand it all.” – Ecclesiastes 8:17
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9
When we think things are going bad for us, God doesn’t want us bickering and complaining about it.
“Now when the people complained, it displeased the Lord; for the Lord heard it, and His anger was aroused.” – Num 11:1
God wants us to always recognize that He is the Supreme Authority in the universe and that His plan will succeed and His will be done regardless of the opposing efforts of mankind.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” – Proverbs 19:21
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9
“. . . for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it – lest you even be found to fight against God.” – Acts 5:38-39
What God wants is for us to fully recognize that He is in authority over all the world, that He is responsible for causing situations that we may not understand or appreciate, and that we should go to Him for relief in those situations.
Does this mean that God wants us to just sit passively and wait for Him to act?
No. God normally acts through men to accomplish His will on earth. God’s Word has many, many examples of people and rulers in tough situations that pray to God for relief . . . and many examples of God providing that relief, mainly through mankind.
“Therefore the LORD wants to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him” – Isaiah 30:18.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” – Lamentations 3:25-26.
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” – Psalm 27:14
God takes the issue of mankind recognizing Him as the supreme authority and deserving of the credit for the events on earth very seriously, as King Herod, to his dismay, found out.
“So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.” – Acts 12:21-23
So what is it exactly that God wants us to do when confronted with oppression?
“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices.” – Psalm 37.7
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
So, just when will God act to right this wrong that has been thrust upon us?
He will address the situation at a time that He sees fit, according to His plan.
“With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you” – 2 Peter 3:8-9.
We don’t know if God is going to act in a day, a week, a year or 10 years. We can hope and pray, however, that He will act quickly. Today, it may seem that God is not hearing our prayers, or that our problems will not be solved. But we should never give up or be discouraged. Rather, we should be bold and courageous . . . with faith, and, as much as is granted by God, peace and joy in His Spirit..
We will continue to commit our needs to Him, trust Him, and keep seeking Him. We will believe that His promises are true and that our prayers will be answered. As we wait on Him, He will strengthen us and provide for our needs . . . and we will give all the glory to God.
Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:28-30
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Psalm 27
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Who shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked came against me
To devour my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell.
3 Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.
4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the delightfulness of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
5 For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.
6 And now my head shall be lifted up in honor above my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joyous shouts in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8 When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
9 Do not hide Your face from me;
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not leave me nor forsake me,
O God of my salvation.
10 When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will take care of me.
11 Teach me Your way, O Lord,
And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.
13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.
14 Wait in faith on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
When you finally get to the top of the mountain, what do you see?
Another mountain to climb. Welcome to life.
Bringing this over from yesterdays daily :
January 23, 2021 23:03
From Jordan Sather on Gab:
January 23, 2021 23:03
From Jordan Sather on Gab:
Reply to TheseTruths
January 23, 2021 23:55
I think whoever made this meme may be missing the point…
A TRAITOR is one who commits or conspires to commit TREASON (a word that PDJT used MANY times).
Q also told us that it is NOW MI + NSA v. FBI + CIA
TREASON IS THE REASON (the condition that must be met)
“Who surrounds the President ?” ==> USSS ?
” ‘They’ lost this very important power’ ” ==> “They” = US Marines
PDJT brought the US Marines BACK INTO “who surrounds the President”.
“… against all enemies foreign AND domestic.”
Hold the line Patriots.
We’re almost there.
Thanks. This is helpful.
SERIOUSLY FOLKS. I’m at the end of figuring a way, to buy into smoke being blown up my britches.
Is this implying the ten days of darkness?
More conditions must be met to arrest traitors?
Conditions, like take the Oath of Office? Check. Did that four days ago.
What OTHER conditions must me met, to enforce The Constitution, rule of Law…?
EXACTLY what entity within USG rises to toss Beijing Biden and the Hoe?
And we ARE to believe the SS will simply stand down? Uh huh.
Our totally FUBAR government is magically going to demonstrate integrity, resolve and allegiance to The Constitution?
Good, I have started sipping on my first cup of coffee. Not so good it is 21 degrees outside. So I am not going for a long walk anytime soon.
I’m on my third. Thank you for speaking bluntly.
Yea, I am at a loss to know how we are going to fix our conundrum of sorts. Totally broken government. Have not given up. Nor will I.
Hope based on truth and reality.
My addiction to hopium, cleansed from my system. .
The only thing I can think of now regarding elections on the local levels is to get a MAGA PAC going for when candidates begin to emerge. That PAC will fund the MAGA candidates who will not get much if any help from the GOP.
All those new voters who left the Dems, we’ve probably lost them for good.
Excellent stuff!
(((TY Nor’easter)))
Reblogging at Marica’s.
😘 😘 😘 😘 😘
Report on the fraud of Covid, the Communist Chinese penetration of Canada’s government to enact them
Enclosed is a detailed analysis examining and documenting significant involvement and influence by the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) within our medical and scientific, business, and academic communities. The attached 40 page document penned by top professionals across Canada and the United states, many in the intelligence community, outlines and provides evidence which helps us understand why we responded the way we did to COVID-19, and why we continue to enact public policies which are destroying the western world.
Key points contained within the document are:
1. Lockdowns Originated on the Order of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, and Were Propagated Into Global Policy by the World Health Organization With Little Analysis or Logic
2. The Most Influential Institution for Covid-19 Models, Self-Described as “China’s Best Academic Partner in the West,” Has Been by Far the Most Alarmist and Inaccurate Covid-19 Modeler
3. Deadly Recommendations for Early Mechanical Ventilation Came from China
4. The World’s Predominant, Wildly-Inaccurate PCR Testing Protocols Are Based on Incomplete, Theoretical Genome Sequences Supplied by China
5. Predominant, Excessive PCR Testing Protocols Came from China
6. Studies Showing Significant Asymptomatic Transmission, the Only Scientific Basis for Lockdowns of Healthy Individuals, Came from China
7. The CCP Engaged in an Early, Broad, Systematic, and Global Propaganda Campaign to Promote Its Lockdown Response
8. Many Prominent Pro-Lockdown Scientists Show Conspicuous Pro-China Bias
9. Many Other Influential Lockdown Supporters Are Both Woefully Unqualified to Be Advising World Leaders on Pandemic Policy and Often Show Conspicuous Pro-China Bias
10. Several Top National Health Officials Among the Nations Are Woefully Unqualified and Show Conspicuous Pro-China Bias
11. Prominent Lockdown Supporters Have Proven Unusually Indifferent to the Devastating Consequences of Their Policies
I trust your government will consider and examine this documented evidence and the detailed sources and consider initiating a thorough investigation into potential corruption/criminal activities by CCP state sponsored actors.
Throughout 2020, lockdown measures have been quite popular, but that popularity is deceptive. For the general public, the idea that anyone might accept some outside incentive to support such devastating policies while knowing them to be ineffective—needlessly bankrupting millions of families and depriving millions of children of education and food—is, quite simply, too dark.
Thus, the public supports lockdowns because the alternative—that they might have been implemented without good cause—is a possibility too evil for most to contemplate. But those who know history know that others with superficially excellent credentials have done even worse for even less.
Furthermore, most of the public believes that if there were anything untoward about the science behind lockdowns, intelligence agencies would stop them. For obvious reasons, those who work at intelligence agencies do not have the luxury of such complacency. Given the gravity of the decisions being made, we cannot ignore the possibility that the entire ―science‖ of COVID-19 lockdowns has been a fraud of unprecedented proportion, deliberately promulgated by the Chinese Communist Party and its collaborators to impoverish the nations who implemented it.
Israeli lawyer Tamir Turgal questions impact of #Pfizer #Biontech #vaccines on #vaccinees in #Israel
Yes. Humans want to think the best of others. This is what fooled me about the Chinese in science for so long.
I did not want to face the truth. And the ChiCom were very sinister in how they USED Taiwanese and Hong Kongers to “pave the way” and get us to lower our guard.
Good stuff.
“In the wilds of geopolitics, the lion underestimates the snake at its own peril, and with lockdowns, the CCP appears to have delivered the world a hefty dose of snake oil.”
Very well said bc. I can honestly say I have more peace atm then I have had in decades. The Lord is in charge!
Ha ha ha!
The Amish Ministry of health just released Covid update.
No Covid present in the Amish community’s.
Ezekiel states (we don’t watch TV)
Those beards! Domestic extremists!
My brother has grown a beard as long as those during the lock downs. He has to work at home and doesn’t see much point in shaving right now.
Brothers of domestic extremists as well! 😮 😉
“…No Covid present in the Amish community’s.
Ezekiel states (we don’t watch TV)…”
There is much truth in that statement. If you are Amish, AND you are OUTSIDE soaking up VITAMIN D3. You are also EATING wholesome food like BEEF full of ZINC.
Also, there’s no autism because they don’t vaccinate. They stay away from the allopathic practice of medicine and stay healthy as a result.
A really good one!!!
Rising Serpent on Twitter:
For the record, Marines don’t call them hats. They are covers. Don’t ask me why, even for a friend.
Navy and Marine Corps calls them covers. My understanding is all Services call them covers.
Scott Pressler on Twitter:
Here is the link:
I don’t know if Steve monitors Insty like I do — but he should see this:
I don’t, so thanks!
14 things you can do about Big Tech censorship now
Item 12 on Sharyl’s list – suspect “fact checking” as being an indication the reverse is true!
Sharyl’s list has a number of flaws. An essential point to understand is that all of these companies/institutions are constructing a model of you so that you can be manipulated.
They’re not just doing it for fun, they’re doing it so they can unleash serious mind-control.
And it will only become more sophisticated, more AI driven, and progress at the rate they can invest in processors and not at the rate you can live your life.
When I say “mind control”, I can refer back to a primitive version —
Fundamental to the construction of their model is that they take in EVERYTHING that can be learned about you. If you hosted an email on their platform, they could certainly know about any businesses that emailed you on that platform.
As we know from gmail, they also monitor every email you receive or send.
But Google will also go out and buy information keyed to your email. Further, if you ever gave any entity access to both your email and your cellphone, they’ll scoop up every bit of information available from your cellphone number. Even better — with a cellphone number, a corporation can purchase continuous information about your location.
Each individual step seems insignificant….but they keep adding and adding and correlating and extrapolating.
So that you can be manipulated.
Jeff Carlson
If you missed the chance to download the 1776 Commission Report before it was deleted by the Biden Administration, it can be found here:
Mindy Robinson
After the illegitimate inauguration of Biden, sampling in Arizona revealed over 200k ballots were illegally modified and 100k aren’t even real people.
Americans aren’t going to just “forget” this…we want investigations, arrests, and these crooked politicians and Dominion voting machines purged from our entire election system.
bakocarl, thank you for another comforting lesson. You bring me peace.
I so want this to be true…
Michael DeLauzon
… although Trump is no longer President, we are a country without a president, the Pentagon is communicating with Trump which is interesting. 67% of members of Congress are to be arrested within next three (3) days. Everything Biden is doing is optics to fire up his base …
This is a very testable claim. How about a commitment?
If this proves out in 3 days time, I will post a daily tribute to this guy for a month and praise you for bringing this most excellent sauce here.
If, however, this does not come to pass, then this guy should not garner any more attention and his tweets should no longer be brought over here filling space.
And I am willing to give him a lot of leeway re the “67%”. Let us say that if ONLY 10% of congress critturs are arrested within the next 3 days, then I will honor my commitment.
Well I wouldn’t hold you to that nor promise not to share something else I found but I like where your head is here!
Oops, went for this 😉
If the guy proves himself worthless as a source, why would you even think of posting him again after the three days are over?
And if he’s just repeating crap he found elsewhere, then OK, give him the benefit of the doubt as he’s playing “aggregator” but if HE doesn’t drop HIS worthless source like a hot potato and keeps using it, that’s on HIM.
Good questions. I know that for me I won’t always catch who/what the source is for some material (mainly that I find on twit world) so there’s no way for me to keep a “promise” to never share “crap”. Sometimes it’s like “look at this” this is crazy. Sometimes it’s hmmm, what do you guys think?
I’m not a journalist who should verify “facts” before publishing. I won’t deliberately share something that I know to be false without pointing out it is known to be crap…
I will, however, try to notice if something that catches my eye is from Michael DeLauzon (or however it’s spelled) & attempt greater caution. That’s about the best my sieve like mind can “promise” at this juncture. I know that’s likely not “good enough” but it might just be “as good as it gets”. 🙂
OK, now that makes sense.
happy dance 😉
That guy says straight up on his twitter home page that he shares unverified things so (like w/ everything) take w/ a grain of salt…
Respectfully, it is NOT worth a grain of salt.
fair enough…I found That statement after sharing his tweet
He’s reporting what he sees on Charlie Ward (Simon Parkes’s friend) videos:
Why three days? Thought it was ten days of darkness.
Not trying to be Eeyore.
Seriously, WHO is going to do WHAT, under WHAT authority? What is magical about three more days, the 26th or 27th?
We have witnessed fraud at every level. Unelected, elected appointed officials at ALL levels simply ignored fraud, ignored the law.
Personally, I am shaking my addiction to following the latest, “shiny thought” that delivers Law and Order.
I, maybe WE, need something tangible.
yes, the skeptical, but not hopeless, eye is always in order
Michael DeLauzon: ‘Trump did not concede. If the military does their job Trump could be sworn in as president on March 4th. The original swearing in date.’
MdL says just before that in another tweet that he’s getting his information from Charlie Ward:
Ward does video broadcasts with Simon Parkes. I thought it sounded familiar.
ok thanks
Thank you for this beautiful post, Bakocarl and for the powerful Biblical reminders.
Psalm 27 has been my help in several storms.
Other favorites – remove spaces.
– Michael Gallup – bass – https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=qJintygfefI
– Calvin Marsh – Met Baritone – https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=1jlmSokPITk
– Phillip Webb
https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=S3_kJBhVjtE
white house has gone dark???
No visible light can leave a black hole.
This fact seems to somehow apply here, notwithstanding the fact that this black hole is in fact White.
This may be a new scientific discovery – the first white hole in the cosmos ….
Joe is in the basement…it’s where he’s comfortable
the lair
hopeful sign of life!
Michael DeLauzon
Earlier Saturday a resident near Mar-a-Lago said everyone is angry because the area near Mar-a-Lago is swarming with Secret Service and the military. More than ever seen before. Said she had to go through checkpoints just to get to the market to shop for groceries. A good sign.
Maybe that’s from a Charlie Ward video, too?
I really like Michael DeLauzon but …
I haven’t really seen much Charlie Ward, is he reliable in your opinion?
I haven’t watched him, but Simon Parkes does videos with him.
Simon Parkes admitted that the predicted plan went wrong:
According to him, the last time the ‘800 people’ would be all contactable was at the time around the inauguration. For whatever reason, the plan could not be realised.
I’m done with Parkes unless something happens at the end of March or beginning of April.
Based on that — and Parkes’s next prediction of late March (some of his sources) and early April (others he is in contact with) — we should just throw in the towel.
Parkes might not claim that, of course.
The rest of us can believe it or not.
I have no real idea who to believe, apart from the Lord, who remains inscrutable (thanks to Carl for his great & timely scriptural encouragement!). So I Hope DJT returns in triumph & the republic is restored but we have to live day-to-day in the world that is. Very strange times indeed…
Pres. Trump should continue to have SS protection, so I don’t see how that is a sign of anything. I don’t know about the military.
I wondered about the military too
Trade in ASAP
like Hitler’s invasion of Russia?
Perhaps we can pray that China does soon what all tyrannical regimes eventually do, which is to overreach.
Yes, what a perfectly lovely prayer. “My enemies…stumbled and fell.”
Thank you, Father, for answered prayers!
Thanking President Trump
Th3 R3al ✘An0nym0u5✘
If you are interested in thanking President Trump for all the great work he & his family have done for America, VISIT…
The National Pulse’s website.
You can send a message to President Trump & #RaheemKassam will deliver your message to the President.
Thank President Trump Today. – The National Pulse
Since Big Tech don’t want President Trump seeing your thank you messages on Twitter anymore, we thought we’d deliver your messages to him! Please feel free
Done! Thank you.
Thank you, Bakocarl. Romans 8 puts it all in perspective.
I feel keenly that this spiritual battle for our nation has reached epic levels. But God is in control and Christ reigns.
May I give a testimony about the efficacy of prayer?
Several nights ago as I was saying my nighttime prayers, a strange little thought occurred to me.
The gist was this: ‘Have your guardian angel go to the guardian angels of your children and grandchildren and ask them to be extra vigilant in protecting them.’
I reflected for a moment whether that was something permitted. It seemed presumptuous, but the thought persisted. So, I petitioned my angel with that request and thanked him ahead of time for his care and watchfulness over me and by extension my family.
The very next day my oldest son was hit head on by a driver careening out of his lane. He was alone in the car. He walked away from the wreck. He has some bruises and cuts, but he he had no broken bones or fractures.
Given the nature of the accident the doctor was amazed he walked away with no major injuries.
His vehicle is completely totaled. The engine smashed, nothing left of the front of the car. It was literally smashed to smithereens, both front tires blown, the bumper in pieces on the ground, etc.
My son was able to leave the hospital as soon as the x-rays confirmed no serious injuries. He’s been enjoying a few days off from work while the bruises and bangs heal.
God hears our prayers. Sometimes He even leads us to pray and petition Him.
Glory to God. I praise our God!
Stay in prayer for our country, for liberty, for all those fighting for our freedom, known and unknown. Our prayers have power to move mountains.
Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony Grandma. God Bless you & your family!
My joy to share. ❤
Wow, what a wonderful testimony, Grandmaintx.
Thank you for telling us!
God is great.
😌 🙏
All the time. 🙏
Thank you for sharing! Glad your son was able to walk away from the accident!
thanks for sharing!
so glad he is okay!!!
For what it’s worth, Guardian Angles have been with us since ancient days, even before the Hebrews and Old Testament times and were often named and written about and can be found mentioned in many ancient history sources. Even Kings had personal gods and some spoke freely of them. I believe the idea has been not to pester God with what one might feel perhaps trivial to God but important to you and thus the use an intermediary. It seems you’ve cultivated that relationship well enough that messages flow in both directions. Seems almost rare now a days. Applauds.
“Personal God To judge from the covenant between God and Abraham-note, too, the reference to a “god of Nahor” in Genesis 31:53-the ancient Hebrews were familiar with the idea of a personal god. The belief in the existence of a personal god was evolved by the Sumerians at least as early as the middle of the third millennium B.c. According to Sumerian teachers and sages, every adult male and family head had his “personal god,” or a kind of good angel whom he looked upon as his divine father. This personal god was in all probability adopted by the Sumerian paterfamilias as the result of an oracle or a dream or a vision involving a mutual understanding or agreement”
― Samuel Noah Kramer, The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character
Thank you for that information. It ties in with some other scholarship I am reading now.
facebook follies & FIB
The only PM’s that are safe…are on Gab.
And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.
for now…
Well Andrew Torba has built his own platform and he is not a part of the Big Tech Dictatorship.
I was thinking more along the lines of gov’t hacking backdoors…
Or hitting him with a subpoena or warrant.
cracking down on lefties now too. more censorship isn’t the answer…
They are just sending the troops home. Mission accomplished.
Useful idiots, no longer useful.
But still idiots!
I saw some tweet claiming that antifa realized that dems were just using them & they’re pissed. Supposedly this tweet got 4000 likes…hmmm
Antifa is NOT smart enough to know they are useful idiots. Handlers manipulate them asshoes.
i think the “writing painted on the wall” say they don’t want biden, they want revenge…or something to that effect
on the regular world that exposes their freak show lunacy!
Aunty fia has destroyed Portland and left a message for Wheeler and pedo Joe saying they are ungovernable lmao! I feel for Portland but not to much as that place is full of of insane liberals.i have been surprised that Eugene isn’t up in makes me wonder if U of O paid the rioters to leave the city alone.whatever it is sure surprised me.
I know that God is in control, but sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.
VIRAL VIDEO — Babykilling Democrats burst into catholic church, disrupt Mass screaming obscenities…
Antifa pro-abortion group disrupted church service at St. Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio Friday on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
The coordinated abuse of power (h/t anons!):
Now we know why he is sending troops into Syria!
Don’t them flashing lights mean you have to get out of the way ?
Didn’t go to the right one you have to scroll down.
Just watch. The GOP is the UniParty. This is what passes for conservative…a bunch of ignorant party liners who actually fight for the privilege of being enslaved. God bless those guys for trying.
No, they didn’t “try” –>> They WON against the GOPe!!
Yesteday was a Tremendous Victory in AZ, won by MAGA GOP who showed up – who did not forfeit the GOP to the Uniparty in a fit of anger at specific DC politicians such as Mitch but who showed up, fought and WON!
Why was it so close and such a hard fight? Well, let’s think about the numbers.
How many MAGA conservatives attended local, county party meetings & actually bothered to vote for their county GOP leadership and their SEC members?
Of those who actually bothered to get involved, how many MAGA conservatives quit to start a 3rd party v. fight effectively within the GOP?
The GOP, the Republican Party, is what we the voters, we the conservative voters and citizens in counties across the US, make it by being involved.
Send the state GOP and the RNC no $ …. But be Involved! And Vote in an Informed way for the SECs and the CECs. We need to know who our RNC members are, how they voted (did they vote for the RNC candidates endorsed by President Trump? for example).
AZ MAGA conservatives pulled it off.
MAGA Republicans in AZ didn’t “try” yesterday – they were involved, they showed up, they fought and won! And they are making waves across the MSM.
Let’s read All of the news from AZ yesterday;
When people paint all of the GOP/Republicans with a broad brush based on the actions of some DC politicians, these are the hardworking, fellow MAGA Conservatives that are wrongly included in the broad brush strokes and deserted in the time of battled by MAGA who quit.
The Uniparty says nothing but Good Ridance as they would have liked the MAGA GOP to have quit and forfeited the AZ GOP to the GOPe/RINOs yesterday. But they didn’t. They stayed in the game and WON yesterday’s match.
Who benefits when people quit the GOP County Party’s and State Partys? Send No Money but be involved! Who looses when MAGA is involved and who benefits if they quit?
How did they win, precisely?
Read my comment, click the links, read the links or even just read the title of the links … info is sitting right there … smh
Who wins when MAGA conservatives are discouraged from participating (send no money – Partcipate!) in the GOP? 🤔
Ask the Tea Party.
The Tea Party activists brought us President Trump.
The Tea Party activists (most) continued to work within the GOP and many are now MAGA conservatives involved in the local and state GOPs.
Trace the history of many of the 197 House GOP who stood against this phoney impeachment – Tea Party roots.
The Tea Party activists continued to work and did not give up. They learned lessons and then fought smarter and harder within the GOP and brought you President Trump.
I disagree….
The “GOP” did EVERYTHING possible to derail President Trump…..
Right from the START, and NEVER let up.
I up-voted your posts.
>> “do be involved” <<
P45DJT has always said “Fight, Fight, FIGHT!”.
He also exhorted all Georgians to VOTE in the recent US Senate run-offs there, even AFTER the extreme fraud was revealed.
Without voting, we have ZERO chance of making a difference. WITH voting, we still have a chance at electing true MAGA candidates (even a small win is still a win).
Despite so many turncoats (Rinos) at the Federal level, there may be fewer at the State and Local levels.
I think the whole point here is that we American patriots must become MORE involved – WAY more – in our own political process, bottom to top.
Begin now, even though the stench is almost unbearable, so that LATER, we remain engaged as things become sweeter.
MAGA Mom’s message here reflects what P45DJT said to do, irrespective of other concerns. We’re IN the system we’re IN.
A great way to defeat a swamp is to FILL IT IN … with engaged participation by WE THE PEOPLE.
I’d like another party too (TBH, I’d like NO “parties” in politics), but right now we must work with what we’ve got. We’re IN the system we’re IN.
Kinda like Barbara Mandrel – “I Was Country, When Country Wasn’t Cool”.
^^^ WITH voting, we still have a chance at electing true MAGA candidates (even a small win is still a win). ^^^
Pardon the honesty below…
^^^ What the hell is going to fix that? ^^^
Thank you. People must become fully awake.
I knew I’d catch some flak!
>> “ZERO American citizen verification” <<
That’s what happens, too, when citizens don’t vote.
Please remember, it was all of us VOTING that *caused*, and thus exposed, the massive fraud.
It may yet be redressed, as we all hope.
Demoralization is REAL. It plays right into the Dems / Rinos / Uniparty hand.
It is WE who must start the D5 avalanche! Gotta get some pebbles rolling to do that, yes?
>> “Pardon the honesty below…” <<
No need, Kalbo. I LIKE HONESTY!
>> “^^^ What the hell is going to fix that? ^^^” <<
It is WE who must do that.
Long road, complicated business – but who else will?
What I’m doing here, btw, is trying to MAXIMIZE the power of things working out our way: it is over-late to plan for victory, once the victory has occurred.
We haven’t been guarding the henhouse – for DECADES. Now is the perfect opportunity (with “cold dead hands”) motivation) to become the guards once again.
MAGA Mom is as involved as one could be, practically. Her message echoes P45DJT’s message – to fight, to never give up.
With resolve, we can take as many defeats as necessary, to WIN in the end. THAT’s the goal: to retake our Great American Republic!
You fix it by being involved …
Do you have any idea what it takes to be a viable 3rd party? Do you know long it would take to meet the laws and regulations to run on the ballots across the states and counties? Do you know the requirements in your own state and your own county to qualify as a valid political party?
If the answer is No, then right now all you are doing is discouraging people from being involved in the only viable way to make a difference and doing no informed and intentional legwork (and it takes lots of actual work not merely commenting on blogs and social media) to create a viable 3rd party.
Do you have any idea how long it would take to grow the farm teams to have candidates to then run to then be able to electe them in this new 3rd party and then win enough to have an impact in the state legislatures?
Being involved, knowing your elected officials in the CECs, SECs, RNC, and state legislature. + knowing how your county and states work.
Example of the heck to fix that:
Do you know who appoints Your county’s board of elections/county election commission (or other names, depending on location)?
In TN, the CECs, in partnership with the elected state representatives and senators, appoint them.
If you are not voting for your GOP CECs then you are forfeiting your Voice, you Power to impact the county board of elections in your county!
If you do not know who is on yoru board of elections in you county, start by finding out and learning about them, where they stand and their track record.
If you do not know how your board in your county/state is appointed/elected, find that out next.
Now that you know who they are and how they get there, learn your county’s specific safeguards against fraud and what systems are used for voting in your county. If you don’t like them at least now you have a clue as to how to begin to change them.
Same with your state. In TN, the Secretary of State is in charge of elections. Who is he? Who puts him in this job? What is his track record and where does he stand on the issues?
What has been happening and who has driven which side of the issues in your state? For example, who has been ensuring we have voter ID in TN and who has been working against it?
Complaining about a “they” is tempting and we all indulge at times … but it is unproductive when that is all we do and esp. we do not specify who the “they” is because we do not know. Complain but let the problems motivate us to learn more, dig deeper and work by Involvement toward change.
We can go after voter fraud COUNTY BY COUNTY!
My county just voted to place IN GOD WE TRUST on government buildings. We got RID of voting machines but sill have the cursed vote COUNTING machines.
Yes. Next week, wife has jury duty, fifty miles away at the County seat.
Same day I plan to in person, including the horror of being maskless, ask if our county uses Dominion, SmartMatic…
Answer likely yes as sixteen of seventeen counties in NV do use dominion. I assume SmartMatic.
Then, I’ll engage the county commissioners. Have them folks email addresses as I pepper them with 2A stuff.
Zero chance I am engaging with the traitorous RNC/GOP/RepubliCon asshoes. NEVER again. As the saying goes, if they were on fire, I wouldn’t piss on them.
I have gotten involved at the local level. We are sent GOPe minders from every damned state agency and group you can think of.
They pacify the local people with platitudes. They told us to accept the ‘loss’.
This is Texas, mind you.
It is revolting and disgusting.
Ask yourself: Did President Trump succeed by playing ball with the GOP?
He got some judges. You trust them? Who vetted them? He got some miles of wall, but it was torture getting it.
GOP is UniParty.
It will take decades of unmitigated work to oust the GOPe, who are burrowed in like ticks and as numerous as fleas.
Do we have decades when UniParty Communists have cemented their power?? Do we?
>> “Do we have decades […] Do we?” <<
The short answer is “Yes.”
We must rely, however, on a P45DJT VICTORY coming reasonably soon (a week? by mid-March? [NG timetable]).
It isn’t ALL up to us, here in the beginning – because we’ve failed ingloriously up until now. But in the end, it MUST be all up to us.
Right now, the last vestiges of the veil of rectitude are being torn off the face of the DS – shall we not prepare for that? Even lefties are beginning to see the LIES of their own so-called “leaders”; is it really “best” to let that opportunity slip away?
It’s been said many times – it’s the INFIGHTING among patriots that is our Achilles’ Heel.
“Physician, heal thyself.”
Well, MAGA needs a new plan to infiltrate and take over GOPe.
Until I see that, I can’t go along with the same insanity.
I do believe it will start at the local level…the long March.
Whether commies will allow that is to be seen.
>> “I can’t go along with the same insanity.” <<
Not alone, Grandma – bring FRENS! Take advantage of the position of knowing what’s going on – because so many others DON’T KNOW.
>> “I do believe it will start at the local level” <<
As do I. The Bottom-up approach works best here.
>> “commies will allow” <<
I don’t give a rat’s petunia WHAT they’ll “allow”. By the time WE’RE done, they’ll be haled to US.
We (as the total Americans bloc) are just now coming out of deep reverie: it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
We must rely, however, on a P45DJT VICTORY coming reasonably soon (a week? by mid-March? [NG timetable]).
^^^ In clear English, what is this?
Legally, what official entity is going to do what?
Why is. a week, mid March” stated?
Why the dealy? Fraud has occurred. Folks in power to do something, FAILED to do so.
There is some logic behind MM pushing fix GOP/RNC. Totally unlikely IMO.
But I see NO LOGIC in the hopium of…a week, mid March…Beijing Biden will be vanquished and President Trump rightfully prevail.
NOTHING I’d like more to be wrong. But logic and reality MUST be engaged.
>> “Why is. a week, mid March” stated?” <<
Because at first, the “news” was that the NG would be staying until the end of January.
And then a day or two ago, the “news” was that the NG would be staying until mid-March.
And I should have been more clear in my use of the word “rely”.
This is the best-of-the-best scenario – we prep beforehand, then get super-charged by a victory.
The best-of-the-worst scenario is: we prep beforehand, and so, are in a better position to continue the battle for our country, alone (together) if need be.
I do, in fact, see logic in “hopium”, because it optimizes outcomes for US (when we ACT on it!), no matter what THEY do.
Exactly what legal authority does anyone believe the NG has, to arrest or otherwise remove Beijing Biden and or Hoe?
What is the NG Operational Chain of Command?
Yes, Beijing Biden is His Fraudulency, The Viceroy, installed by Beijing, Beijing Biden.
Simply can’t see NG doing a damn thing. They legally can’t do anything.
I’ll skip hopium in this post. Short of solid answers to the first two parts of this post, it’s all irrational to expect regime change anytime soon in America.
Went along with much of the, gotta wait until the crime is completed hoopla. Don’t have a legal mind. Convinced myself it made sense. Then, sunset on 20 January arrived. we discovered, yer again, there was no there, there.
It was all largely, just feel good stuff to pacify us, a bit. no more of that crap by me. Orhers, enjoy the roller coaster.
Apparently my likes are not working. 🙄
Yaa, the “like” button works occasionally. We all try.
Thank you
There’s a fundamental disconnect between the two sides in this argument.
Maga Mom is arguing for going in to the GOP and taking it over. Those arguing against her are construing her argument as endorsing helping the GOP establishment.
Is this a total disconnect? I don’t think so.
In spite of Maga Mom’s statements that you should get involved without giving them money, the mere fact of involvement means you will be expected to pay your dues if you want to advance to any sort of leadership role–which is the point of this effort, it’s to replace the RINO leadership. And by “pay your dues” I don’t mean pay money, but rather to put in a ton of volunteer work.
Until the RINOs are out, however, any such volunteer work benefits them.
Communists (and other kinds of Leftists) are often willing to do work for a volunteer organization so that they can eventually take it over; we’re fed up and much too impatient for that, we do not want to give any effing RINO the benefit of even one microsecond of volunteer work.
And that’s where the talking past each other is happening in this case, MAGA Mom seems unwilling to acknowledge that you must necessarily benefit the RINOs to gain a foothold in their organization. Or, looked at from her point of view, the rest of us are too intransigent to want to do that even for the larger goal; we want to hurt the RINOs now.
Who benefits from info focusing on the “news story” that the GOPe clapped or booed for specific things? What does it matter who they booed or from whom they clapped?!
Why post discouraging news? Why post news calculated to stop MAGA involvement which only benefits the GOPe? Hmmmm…. 🤔
The MAGA GOP Won over the GOPe –>> why focus on their boos versus their loss!?! 🙄 What could be the motivtation for discouraging MAGA involvement in the GOP? 🤔 🤔 🤔 Send no $ but stay involved, or become involved, in person and vote in the county parties and vet who you elect to the SEC.
Has anyone who didn’t already know taken time to learn how many RNC members represent you, how they are appointed/elected, by whom, who they currently are and if they voted for candidates President Trump endorsed in the recent RNC elections?
Has anyone who didn’t already know looked up who your SEC members are, where they stand and what the SEC is doing right now in your state? When will your SEC members be elected next? How do you vet them?
Has anyone who didn’t already know looked up their CEC to learn who they are, what they are doing and when the next meeting is? This is CEC election time – Does everyone know if you are qualified to vote for your County party political officers? If so, have we all vetted them to know if they are GOPe or MAGA GOP?
Think – who benefits from MAGA GOP dropping out of involvement in the GOP?
Don’t send $ but do be involved because just like the Excellent MAGA victories in AZ yesterday, Many MAGA conservatives are involved in the CECs, SECs, etc and are still working hard to MAGA.
Congrats to Ward and to the MAGA Conservatives who stayed involved and elected her!
You have no idea of how many MAGA got involved or didn’t, etc. And if you do, please provide concrete evidence.
Also, the arguments you use are the same ones used that have us exactly where we are now…a stolen election and Dems in power.
The MAGA involved can be seen in the percentages of the vote for GOP AZ Chair. The MAGA involved can be seen percentages for the vote for censure.
MAGA elected GOP party leaders proved their worth in their actions in AZ during the meetings yesterday, making sure The People’s voice was heard on the issues.
MAGA was there and MAGA won multiple victories in the AZ GOP meeting yesterday.
Please enumerate the multiple victories at that meeting.
Why ask to be spoonfed?
You have the links. Not hard to click …. smh
Who benefits from discouraging MAGA conservatives away from being involvced from the Republican Party? The GOPe! Send no $ but be involved!
You got nothing.
Trolling, Trolling Trolling…
GOPe keeps on Trolling.
Gail, you post so much that is factual and logical.
And yet on this you fall into the abyss with the negative quitters.
It is not logical to call someone advocating for MAGA conservatives to be involved in the GOP, MAGA republicans who can make the difference between the GOPe winning and the MAGA conservative base winnign as we have seen in both AZ and the RNC in recent elections.
If the MAGA AZ Republicans listened to you the AZ GOPe would have won yesterday.
If the MAGA RNC members had listened to you, stopped fighting for MAGA and quit, then the GOPe would have won the RNC elections several weeks ago instead of MAGA GOP.
The GOPe *wants* MAGA to quit and foreit the party to the GOPe.
But we won’t give up and we will continue the work of MAGA.
Pushing MAGA to stay involved in the GOP is working for the GOPe? 😂 😂 😂
That just cracks me up.
But it is also sad to see such foolishness posted as it might actually discourage a MAGA voter from being involved and making a real life difference as we see coming out of AZ yesterday.
I bet the GOPe in AZ wishes the MAGA Republicans had stayed home & had quit!
You are so lazy you won’t click the links? Pathetic.
The AZ MAGA GOP victories are making headlines even on the MSM as well as conservative news outlets and you would rather talk smack and remain petty than click the links, learn, support President Trump and MAGA.
You posted: “Also, the arguments you use are the same ones used that have us exactly where we are now…a stolen election and Dems in power.”
I argued for More MAGA involvement (not $) than we have had. MAGA involvement means more than online posting, more than social media, more than blog posts, more than $, and more than voting.
I have argued for MAGA Involvement in the GOP.
MAGA involvement means showing up at the county GOP meetings, VOTING for the political officers of the CECs, knowing your SEC members, vetting and voting for them, Knowing your RNC members, knowing how they voted and why, knowing what the RNC did since the spring of 2020 and immediately after 11/03 against election fraud including the victories that had concerning election fraud, etc.
MAGA Involvement in the GOP (send no $) is what the victories in AZ show us make a different. We need MORE MAGA involvement to ensure More victories and to bring about the changes needed in specific states.
More MAGA involvement in the GOP has not changed as it is the viable route forward to longterm MAGA impact.
And holding our elected politicians accountable, boycotts, educating the general public, connecting the general public with the poilticians and fair GOP primaries, etc.
I thought so. You don’t have any hard data. Not even the huge increase in voters that MAGA brought to the table through groups like the Walkway movement and Scott Pressler and the Trump Campaign and the President himself.
You have the data. The GOP is now finding out the price of their betrayal.
The GOPe defender is back at it. They know they are losing us all, and are sending the shills.
T̳H̳E̳ ̳G̳O̳P̳ ̳i̳s̳ ̳D̳E̳A̳D̳ ̳ ̳L̳O̳N̳G̳ ̳L̳I̳V̳E̳ ̳T̳H̳E̳ ̳P̳A̳T̳R̳I̳O̳T̳ ̳P̳A̳R̳T̳Y̳!̳
Some of dropped off our social media but we have gained more followers on social media than we have lost.
Every GOP meeting in Middle TN since 1/6 has been packed.
Voters are More Eager to be involved and make a difference.
And now some start with the name calling and smearing. smh
For whom would I be “shilling”? send no $ to the GOP – but be personally involved.
Why do you discourage MAGA conservatives from being involved? That only helps the GOPe/RINOS.
For whom are you shilling if you consistently discourage viable and important action via personal involvement in the Republican Party?
You do realize that if the MAGA republicans had listened to your quitter advice the GOPe would have won instead of the MAGA GOP in AZ yesterday?
You are always against MAGA making an difference in the GOP … hmmmm … 🤔
Perhaps you, and us, would be better served by your giving your political expertise here … instead of your coronavirus “expertise”.
You did some damage to your rep here by trying to be expert on the latter, when your professional rep is of the former.
Stick to what you know best!
Enjoy your Sunday …
Wasn’t it Cindy McCain who was wearing her censor as a badge of honor? What was the GOP/RINO response to her smack back to their face?
How many phone calls, letters are people sending out? What would greatly help the GOP/Rino party is for everyone to evacuate while there is still time to make a difference. People need direction, right now PDJT is working on his impeachment hearing.
We sent letters back in the 90’s, daily phone calls, mailed bricks to the congress. We had NumbersUSA behind us.
I called and put out a message to RNC about Cheney, did the same for Katko, complained I don’t have representation in congress – been 3 months ya’ know. Put comments on Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Katko fb pages frequently and follow up with phone calls. I also put comments on WSYR radio station fb page. I asked why Cheney & Romney were even allowed in our party.
GOP complained PDJT didn’t raise that much money – do they realize our donations were going to PDJT personally?
I commend you for your hard work trying to deal with the RNC/GOP, some of us have been doing this for a number of years.
I love this painting of DJT
Biden, the Bishops, and the New Face of Catholicism
The Catholic Church in America has been thrust into a new and unprecedented crisis—namely the election of Joseph Biden to the presidency. If not dealt with properly, Biden’s presidency will cause serious damage to the very truth of what it means to be Catholic. Of course, I am referring to the fact that while Biden professes the Catholic faith, he fully supports legalized abortion, same-sex “marriage” and transgenderism, and vowed that he will do all he can to advance these causes during his administration. Nonetheless, Biden’s practice of Catholicism will be on display for the whole world to observe—as he attends Mass and receives Holy Communion.
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
What does it say about the Bishops who ignore this truth.
It says that they are fake Bishops just like our fake president is a fake Catholic.
We are living in (trapped inside) a world of fake.
Oh, they’re real bishops. What they are is fake Catholics, a lot of them. They’ve drunk the kool-aid.
Yet, they are allowed to remain in their positions.
OK. I got it. In a few decades they’ll go away.
Problem tolerated. Problem, intentionally, allowed to fester?
Dora…don’t leave out the fake pope.
What does it say about the, Cardinals, Bishops, Monsignors, Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Nuns…
Dare I include the Faithful, that voted for Beijing Biden? Knowing Beijing Biden’s support of abortion, gay behavior, transgender horseshit?
Can’t understand why there is NOT a groundswell saying, NO to Beijing Biden. NO to all of the HYPOCRISY of allowing this pro abortion, transgender garbage.
Yes, I walked away from Catholic church when I was ~thirteen or so. Do not participate in organized religion, but I am NOT blind to what is going on. It IS wrong. Yet, a blind eye is afforded the ABSOLUTE WRONGS.
Cue in the other asshoes like Nitwit Nan, John Kerry… For DECADES the Catholic church has IGNORED this festering hypocrisy. Why have they NOT called out?
Why do the likes of Dolan tolerate this crap?
Is it simply, “go along to get along”, in pursuit of money and church power of sorts?
^^^ This may apply to other religions. Which I am totally ignorant of their beliefs…
Apologies IF I have ruffled feathers and personal beliefs and feelings. I simply don’t understand the blatant, hypocrisy of it all.
By the way. Not really looking for answers. Actions matter.
The Long March succeeded in the hierarchy awhile back. There are a few good men left.
I should think the proper response of any organization to anyone professing to be a member while flouting its ideals would be to disown and disavow that person.
Which in the case of the RCC would mean excommunicating him.
Thank you, Carl, for another uplifting and inspirational Sanctuary Sunday thread.
😌 🙏 💓
And… 𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
another view of the dark White House…wouldn’t at least some lights always be on for staff at a minimum?
I wonder if it is still dark?
And…Jσҽ Bιԃҽɳ ԃιԃɳ’ƚ ɯιɳ.
Well the lights are definitely out! 😉
10 days of {WH} darkness?
Valerie, last night I saw a post on thedonald from a kid in DC which said, No snipers on WH roof.
implication: no one home. ✍
Yep. Good point!
Here’s an inauguration view from a rooftop where press were seemingly relegated…
That’s right!
It was sunny in that ‘official’ footage of Biden being sworn in!
Also, why was the press kept at such a long distance from the swearing in?
And…𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓷.
Seems suspicious, like so they can’t get good views of what’s going on. The commentator on the video mentions another man there as being conservative, so maybe it was the back of the bus group…
more images for the possible WH “set”
This post goes into some detail on the topic too
I’m wondering about the CASTLE_ROCK angle.
There’s two Castle Rock entities in Hollywood. One is a series based on Stephen King novels, and the other is a division of Warner Brothers. Are they helping the whole show?
Obama glitch during this video…hmmm
And also…the sunshine.
It wasn’t sunny at the inauguration — it was overcast and snowy!
And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Neither did Joe Bidan …
Mornin’ Wheatie!
Morning, Emstar!
😁 👋
And yes, no matter how you spell it:
ʝօɛ ɮɨɖɛռ ɖɨɖռ’ȶ աɨռ.
Good catch!
Broadcasting from a remote location? Green screen?
how sunny is it in Cuba…say, GITMO, on average….bwahahahahahaha
Or somewhere he felt safe from the people.
I suspect that one Star Trek series did a horrible disservice.
A hologram is simply a 3 dimensional looking image pained with light, sort of the way a rainbow is nothing but light.
It’s not “substantial” in any way and so you can wave your arms through it and even see through it. Anything dark on the hologram will be transparent since there’s no light there to obscure what’s behind it.
thanks for the clarification
A glitch in the matrix.
A black cat & one just like it!
I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully as yet) to find again a post / article I came across earlier this morning.
The gist of it was that there are more SS agents and police buzzing around Mar-A-Largo than residents have ever seen before.
IMO, the data points are forming a pattern. Captain Obvious, I know, but this whole situation is really funky. One hypothesis holds that P45DJT has RETAINED some of his powers – and it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility, to me …
You might be referring to this tweet…
Michael DeLauzon
Yesterday we saw that President Trump is at Mar-a-Lago. He looks happy and well. He’s being protected by both the military and Secret Service. His neighbors say they’ve never seen so much protection there. So now we know he’s not in a bunker. That’s info I like to know.
Yes Valerie – that’s the one!
TY for finding it!
YW I checked the comments on that tweet & no one added any helpful info so it could just be speculative. The tweeter sounds like he shares lots of stuff including unsubstantiated rumors…so you might want further sourcing before any conclusions.
So, after scanning 4 breads of anons, and a few news sites that I knew I’d looked at … it turns out it was you who posted it, upthread, right here!
Probably why I was able to find it again for you…did you find coaberating info elsewhere?
His previous twt acct was The Trump Page and there were lots of seemingly “inside” pics and info….who knows?
watch, wait, pray, evaluate, pray, hope, sleep, repeat 🙂
Uniparty equally GUILTY of attacking America.
Most RepubliCONs are also guilty.
Our beloved country is under Occupation by the puppets of foreign hostile governments.
And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
a message from JoeDan
Fear of man is a trap…
Fear of God is wisdom.
Changing the “rules” yet again, and deconstructing their MASSIVE LIE one li’l bitty-bit at a time …
“CDC changes Covid vaccine guidance to OK mixing Pfizer and Moderna shots“
CDC quietly changes Covid vaccine guidance to OK mixing Pfizer and Moderna shots in ‘exceptional situations’
In rare circumstances, it’s OK for people to receive one shot of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine and one shot of Moderna’s vaccine at least 28 days apart, the CDC said in updated guidance.
The agency says the two products are not interchangeable.
The CDC acknowledged that it hadn’t yet studied whether its new recommendations would change the safety or effectiveness of either vaccine.”
Just to make it MORE toxic, let’s combine one unproven experimental chemical mix with another!
Like John Goodman’s evil character says in the final scene of the movie “Fallen”:
‘What’s the maximum FUN?’
A couple anon responses:
“Vaccine mixin’ for extra special immunity now with twice the electrolytes”
“Almost like they are a placebo placeholder for the mega death vaccine in the pipeline.”
found OT h/t spoogles
Oh, what a tangled Web we weave…
What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations
Now add in the wholesale theft of American Wealth By the European Banksters.
👇 👇 👇
What they did with that wealth, aside from BUY influence of every groups from churches to the Girl Scouts to NGOs to Scientific Societies…
The Network of Global Corporate Control
WHO those TOP financial institutions are and WHO runs them.
The Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class
D-Rats earned the trifecta for worst Presidents.
First and second positions likely, given Beijing Biden’s handlers performance thus far.
almost like it was a contest…wonder what they win?
Lots of $$$ and our undying hatred.
CarterFDR!!!Before my time, but yes FDR .
Woodrow Wilson number four?
I have no love of anything WW did in this country.
Interestingly, though, a lot of people in Eastern Europe lionize him, giving him a great amount of credit for their countries’ independence from Russia or the Austro-Hungarian empire after WWII, since he talked of national self-determination when none of the other Allies did.
Melania, a treasure. Exuded goodness daily, always graceful and beautiful beyond my words. Sadly. Very sadly, much of America never recognized, acknowledged…how fortunate we were to have Melania as First Lady.
Rand Paul makes a great point!
And…𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓷.
and piglosi, and harris, and the squad
Quotes for this Sunday Morning.
A video:
“Q Is A Psy-Op To Make You Passive, Look At Operation Trust!” — Wrong.
A reminder of just what Q was.
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗪𝗶𝗻… 𝗛𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮!
The first is very likely a misquotation of George Washington.
Nevertheless, Joe Biden didn’t win.
come on man, corn pop ain’t gonna like this comparison by Katie Hopkins…
for Steve…rare Brasher Doubloon sells for nearly $10 million at auction
A rare, gold coin from the 18th century has sold at auction in Dallas for a record $9.36 million, which the auctioneer says is the most ever paid for such an item, the Associated Press reported.
The 1787 New York-style Brasher Doubloon was purchased as part of an auction of U.S. coins by an anonymous buyer. Heritage Auctions said the sale set a record for most paid for a gold coin at auction, calling the coin the “holy grail,” according to the AP.
“The Brasher Doubloons, for coin collectors, coin connoisseurs, this is sort of a holy grail … the one piece that is the most famous and the most desired coin,” Todd Imhof, Heritage Auctions’ executive vice president, said, according to the AP.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, January 24, 2021
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Romans 12:2 (KJV)