Dear KAG: 20211019 Open Thread

Cover image: Fall Buck by Daniel Eskridge.

With all the news and craziness in the world, one of my colleagues at my other blogging gig found a story that just inspires head banging.

TSA should use dog teams to make up for workers’ low vax rate: Schumer

The TSA should use its canine teams to keep airport security lines moving if there is a worker shortage amid the federal COVID-19 vaccination mandate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday.

President Biden’s vaccination order for federal workers takes effect three days before Thanksgiving — the busiest time of the year for air travel.

“If TSA lags in jabs, send in the dogs,” Schumer said during a press conference in Manhattan, citing recent revelations from the TSA that 40 percent of its employees remain unvaccinated.

“There is no reason on God’s green Earth why anyone — let alone a TSA agent — shouldn’t have the vaccine,” New York’s senior senator said.

“Now if the agency plans now with contingencies, including the deployment of the canine dog teams, wherever the vaccine rates are impacting staffing and security, travel headaches can be avoided,” Schumer insisted.

Link to story

As wonderful as dogs are and as talented at sniffing out explosives and/or drugs, they can’t stack tubs, and they aren’t trained to read x-ray screens for possible weapons. How, exactly, is this going to help make those lines move faster?

While we’re waiting for an answer, we’ll take a quick tour of the mess.

I’m not saying they’re trying to shut down small businesses, destroy the middle class, transfer the majority of the wealth to the world’s largest corporations, and divide us with fear and hatred. But if they were, what would they be doing differently?
12:48 AM · Oct 18, 2021

That’s fairly optimistic. The people are standing up, American style. Via internet video.

Don’t forget:

Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985
If the disease requires a public relations campaign for you to fear it, it is not deserving of the level of fear.
1:32 PM · Oct 18, 2021

And about all of those ships parked off the coasts. There’s more to it.

School boards….

And yet, school districts tend to check off a box for “warm body” when interviewing potential staff

Remember this?

This past weekend:

And guess what popped into my feed….

   17 Oct, 12 tweets, 2 min read

(1) Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Brief Timeline

We maintain a very detailed Timeline of our own efforts and those events in re the CFdn and others that are beneficial to our pursuits. Here is a brief overview of some key dates.

Late 2015/early 2016: begin background work
Early October 2016: reach out to CFdn CFO

Nov 8, 2016: HRC loses to DJT
Nov 9, 2016: CFdn CFO returns our call at 9:45am EST
Nov 30, 2016: meet CFO in NYC

August 2017: file CF whistleblower submission w/IRS

Oct 2017: meet w/DOJ
Early 2018: share materials w/FBI
Throughout 2018: continue investigative efforts and expand our files. Share all this with IRS, FBI and DOJ.

Nov 1, 2018: receive Preliminary Denial from IRS

November 2018: time to go public. Introduced to John Solomon who reports on our efforts.

Late November 2018: Congressman Mark Meadows contacts us to request our testimony at Congressional hearing

December 13, 2018: testify to Congress.

Continue to work case/file on CF and host of other connected orgs both public and private. Remain in contact w/LEO et al (5)
Feb 2019: IRS issues Final Denial to our CF Whistleblower Submission

March 2019: we appeal the IRS Denial to US Tax Court.

Throughout 2019: Many high profile lawyers/law firms turn down our inquiry to represent. Say we have little chance of appeal being accepted by USTC (6)
We keep working the case/files on CF and other public charities.

August 28, 2019: all those lawyers proven wrong. US Tax Court informs us our appeal is accepted. Initial trial date set for January 2020 but subsequently postponed. Motions and proceedings begin. IRS files (7) for Summary Judgment aka dismissal.

October 8, 2020: Judge denies IRS motion for Summary Judgment indicating IRS has ‘abused its discretion’ in its handling of our WB submission.

Case continues with Judge inquiring if/how IRS Criminal involved in investigating CF. (8)

Case ongoing and under seal in USTC
Beginning in late 2015 and for the ongoing 6 years, we have continued to expand our investigation both in depth and breadth. These efforts have led to our filing other whistleblower submissions and a host of other related pursuits. (9)
Our Timelines run into many hundreds of pages.

Our Formal Exhibits are exhaustive and in re CF total > 125 and > 8000 pages.

We corroborate all data points.

We interviewed not only Cfdn CFO but other CF execs as well. We interviewed execs and whistleblowers of CF (10) partners. We sourced docs from CF internal counsel. We sourced email exchanges between CF officials and foreign government officials. We engaged official within IG Office of major Geneva-based financial intermediary.

We utilized the FOIA extensively.

This brief overview (11) provides an inch deep review of our efforts that penetrate miles into the surface. Our findings are not our opinions. They are all fact based.

Our children’s future and that of our nation are on the line here.

We’re in it to win it. Our nation needs justice to prevail (12) in re Doyle, Moynihan v IRS and that victory to serve as the catalyst for victory on other fronts.

These efforts are NOT right v left but rather right v wrong.

God Bless America.

Let’s Win!!

Could it be that Bill & Hill are alerted to danger?????

And one more thing:

He can be arrogant pain to work with, but he has a point.

Kyle Becker@kylenabecker
I am not sure if it is invigorating or depressing to wake up every morning knowing full well there will be at least ten major issues that the mainstream media will be deceiving America about in a given day. It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure but with pathological liars.
1:23 AM · Oct 18, 2021

Double dose today.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Message from General Flynn.


Be fearless and don’t wait for the next superstar to stand up and fight back against this health tyranny…each of us has our own inner strength to take the harder right path. In your communities, at your local city council meetings, school board hearings, zoning board meetings, everywhere elected officials reside, we should be in there ensuring they are doing what we the people voted for them to do. Get involved now, no more waiting for someone else to do it…it is our time, our moment in history and our obligation to the next generation and the one after that…Local Action has a National Impact 

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, allegedly adults:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


LUKE 12:35-38

35“Let your loins be girded and your lamps burning, 36and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the marriage feast, so that they may open to him at once when he comes and knocks. 37Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes; truly, I say to you, he will gird himself and have them sit at table, and he will come and serve them. 38If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them so, blessed are those servants!


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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That painting — the deer is buck nekkid.


He feels like a million bucks…


But at least he’s not in town, blowing some bucks.


Still on my first cup of coffee….

….butt I see what you did there.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

You can be SO naughty.  😁 


What a copious agglomeration of fine content!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great opener! Those service members – thank God we have men of conviction and duty LEAVING this horrid administration’s control.


Hey boss…something weird happened.

That pic I posted yesterday of Hussein dressed in his sparkly Satan costume, has been mysteriously deleted.

And not just deleted from the comment…but deleted from our media file as well!

Did you do that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. Not me!

Let me take a look.


I didn’t think so…but I thought I would ask.

This is the comment where I posted it:

I was thinking about uploading it…again…to the media file — just to see what happens.
Heheh. 😏 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hang on just a second and let me investigate more fully….


Okey dokey, standing by.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s definitely gone. Feel free to put it back and edit the comment, and if you can’t, I’ll do it.

Also, check this out. A LOT of information about the image.


Okay…I will put it back in the media file.
We’ll see what happens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I edited the comment, and it’s BACK.
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are also some EXCELLENT side-by-side photos out there that seem to show an almost perfect match for Obama.


Thanks, boss.

Question is…how did this happen?

I mean, as an author, I have deleted images that I uploaded myself.
You know, duplicates or changed my mind about using one.

But I’ve never tried to delete someone else’s upload.

Can authors delete anything in the media file?

I figured that only you could do that.


Very strange. I hesitate to log in here and usually don’t unless I am submitting my opener.

I finally logged in because I miss the orange ball so much.

I have been reading less because I have to go through the string of comments over and over and try to figure out which ones are new.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s not optimal right now.

Deplorable Patriot

If you are logged in, you can go to the dashboard and go through the comments there. I do that a lot if the post isn’t mine.


Thank you. I hadn’t thought of that.


Use the CTL-F in your browser. If the last comments you read were at 1:00 pm Eastern, then CTL-F 13: and it’ll show them, then 14: will be new ones, etc.

That functionality is in your browser and doesn’t matter if you’re logged-in or not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, it could have been an author, or it could have been an admin at the host company, or it could have been a white hat, or it could have been a black hat, or it could have been a foreign actor like the ChiComs. It may be possible for WokePress to delete it, too, even though in principle they should not have that capability.

Valerie Curren

From Tineye image search, the first instance shown is from Jun 14, 2018:

>> gallery/DkTw00k  – First found on Jun 14, 2018
Filename: trhMw2W.jpg (600 x 315, 35.4 KB)

Last edited 2 years ago by Emeraldstar
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that has to be a secondary with the meme text!


the horns !!
comment image

people who know him say he smells bad…

that awful photo with the fly stuck to his disgusting mouth def suggests EVIL.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Evil is rotten, and he is evil, so that must be the source of his smell.

Valerie Curren

The video in that link is removed but I found it on the Wayback Machine, but they are doing something to make it not playable, it seems…hmmm


Got it to play after 3 attempts, doesn’t have the pic of obama in it.
However the pic seems to have come originally from this person…
(Annamarie Hope on Instagram)

Valerie Curren

Thx RAC–good job!!!


Don’t know if that “class and grace” thing is linked to the obama’s, but that this is purportedly from “everysilversea”

Valerie Curren



Hmmmm. Somebody doesn’t want that picture out there, and it ain’t Mr. Wolf. They always tell us what they’re afraid of. They just can’t help themselves. I think we need to post that picture everywhere.


I think we need to post that picture everywhere.

Yes! I agree.
Great idea!
 😄  👍 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That picture is a real rabbit-hole.


I just posted it on Gab.
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are several comparison photos out there – after looking at those, I’m almost sure it’s Obama.


IIRC…I got that pic off of an 8kun thread.

At the time, the Anons were trying to figure out if it was photo-shopped or real.

The general consensus was that it was real.


I think Q posted it.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very likely. A solid ID on the guy next to “Obama” would settle it, IMO.


IMO – the forehead is a little too broad and low.

Valerie Curren

Cool. 😊👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It disappeared after I commented:

The desolation of the Øbamanation…..
(let the reader understand)…

Maybe the DEMONRATS and their master Satan “understand” what that means…

Valerie Curren

Wow, weird


Looks Obama is the big foobar. Evil on display. So he has risen to the Satanic king?

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m wondering it it’s BillyGhoul Gates. Seems that he was the first of the “big tech mostly software” folks that rose like a meteor to mega-billions heights… Started out as a member of the homebrew computer club, and manuvered his way upward, either by buying (or pwning) other people’s software, or pressuring them out, e.g. Gary Kildall (RIP). I wonder if he ever wrote an original line of code… With his Eugenicist father (scion of Planned unParenthood), he could get funding from who-knows-where (aka derp state) to amass money to achieve THEIR goals…

He’s perhaps a bit old, and his “charisma” is largely negative anymore, but who knows? It seems the “man of lawlessness” is alive somewhere today – just look at the DEMONRATS…..


You are on to something. Quit possible.


it will make a meteoric rise within the military and/or political ranks…by stealth, fraud, manipulation, deceit…

not Gates….zero charisma there and absolutely zero clout within any ranks…he’s just got the money.

I agree with you that it’s most likely in the world now.

I also am tending to think it might be homosexual.

obama…?…s/he’s their wonder boy still…but s/he’s such an empty chair of a person, seems to not possess the extreme malignancy required.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2
Cuppa Covfefe

Look up Baphomet. It is bisexual. Female witches include lesbian acts as part of their ceremonies. Indeed, for the Satanists following the “left hand path” of “do what thou wilt”, NOTHING is a sin (except, of course, being a Christian).


>>”part of their ceremonies”<<

As with “Skull and Bones” (The Eli-based ritual of induction has been said to be bi- [m+m] also).


No, not any exceptions at all.

Christianity is their immortal (and “mortal”) enemy – there aren’t any “sins”, for them (so they THINK).

Thanks for expressing properly their anti-credo, as it’s been uttered and written.

I’ve seen the T-shirt that the satanist “JZ” wore, in a photo, proclaiming the exact same wording.

The only “Alistair” that I’ve ever liked had a last name of “Cooke”. (Wasn’t he a host of PBS’s Masterpiece Theater?).

We’re nearing the inflection point, yes?

Deplorable Patriot

Baphomet is the demon of human sacrifice. It’s one of the generals right under Satan. Lilith is the demon of female homosexual seduction. Male homosexual demon is Leviathan. This is according to an exorcist.

Valerie Curren

are you referring to Michelle/Michael here?


reply to Valerie…no, referring to obama…the girlie effete.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

OK, thx


If and when we have to self-organize actual kinetic action, they will be extremely valuable.


You need to get south, my friend, and maybe souther than you planned.


This article was posted in yesterday’s thread but didn’t get much discussion. If these numbers are correct, and if the timeline of when this is really going to hit is correct (around Christmas), then we’re going to be looking at mass deaths in a couple of months!

Are Covid ‘Vaccines’ Giving People AIDS? Immune System Functions Are Dropping Around 5% EACH WEEK in Those Who Were Vaccinated

Last edited 2 years ago by Linda
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is very interesting. At first, I thought it might be BS, because somebody basically tampered with the graphs in the British official releases, but what they were doing was simply adding two columns to show the calculations that the British were not doing.

This deserves an entire article, actually. But I’m working on one for the latest clot shot research right now!


This idea that COVID (now per implication the vaccines) might have something to do with AIDS or at least HIV, came to me very early on last year, when it was reported that the ACE2 receptor of the spike protein was related to the HIV one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a hypothesis.

What if the immunodeficiency activity of HIV is directly related to its ability to game that receptor in the way that it does – and that is ALL that is necessary to create an immunodeficiency virus?

In other words, it would be an almost necessary and definitely sufficient condition to efficiently game that receptor in the way that HIV does, to create immunodeficiency.

That would make the specific gain of function experimentation that was done here, either extraordinarily reckless, or extraordinarily malevolent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to go with…extraordinarily malevolent.

It looks to me like the common denominator is Fauci.

Oh but I guess it’s just a coincidence that Fauci was involved in HIV research.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
What about that research paper from India that showed they found HIV elements embedded in the original COVID-19 virus? The paper was withdrawn. Why? Especially since there is now proof that other “elements” are in the “vaccines” — metal chips, hydrogels that glow in white light, Polypodium Hydriforme or Hydra Vulgaris organisms (per Dr. Madej and Dr. Zalewski), etc.?
Has anyone actually performed a complete forensic chemical and microscopic evaluation of unopened vials any of the “vaccines”?
IMO, it’s also worth pointing out that Dr. Fauci, having failed with his AZT “treatment” for HIV/AIDS, has been theoretically “working on” a “vaccine” for this condition for over 40 years.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

It’s mathematically impossible that such a huge incidence of “mistakes” (or “recklessness”) all happen in the same direction.

Like at the grocery stores, when all the pricing “mistakes” are over-charges, rather than under-charges.

While there may be *some* honest errors, the vast majority aren’t honest at all.

This demonstrates an over-arching intent – so, yes, malevolent. On purpose, and “knowingly”.

These people are SICK.


I’m going with both, and logic…



Valerie Curren

Also there were reports that Covid had 4 areas of HIV-like spike proteins, iirc. Something that seemed to confirm lab origin of the “virus”. Also read somewhere that people that took the Shot were testing HIV positive…


If AIDS was their first attempt at a cull and it didn’t work effectively enough for their purpose they’ve re-engineered as the jab.


I’ve been attaching it to tweets to the nasty vax crowd. I’m not entirely sure of the veracity of the statements (loosing 5% immunity ea week seems much but that might be vax type dependent and happening in waning of the vax cycle) , however it’s fairly plain to see things are trending in that general direction. Meanwhile ADE many don’t seem to understand but mention AIDS and that’s going to open some eyeballs which is the point. I figure they can sort it out, but yes if any additional info can be added as Wolf suggests might be forthcoming that would be great.  😎 


comment image


My three children are between the 50-59 range. God have Mercy.
I wonder if some of the immune boosters could reverse some of the damage?
I am now convinced the virus and jab is parasitic in nature that is why Ivermectin , HQC and now Kafir help . I think the virus and vaccine without the parasitic nature can easily overcome. I know nothing about science but I am also not in a box and can think freely even if I am wrong  😅 
I am also now big on Kefir for immune booster.


I am going to concentrate on fermented foods for awhile. Not big in my repertoire right now.


I mainly ferment sauerkraut. Want to ferment kefir need a starter. I am learning never stops 🙂


I LOVE Kefir.

just bought another bottle.

the champagne of dairy.

it is so refreshing esp when I’m hot & thirsty after outside physical exertion.

I highly recommend it.

very soothing, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

I love the taste and it is good for us. Reminds me a little of buttermilk.
When I grew up the milk was not pasteurized we just let it sit out in a bowl for two days it would thicken. Sour milk tasted a lot like kefir.


There is some concern about HIV and the vaccines at least with the Sputnik vaccine:
They claim it is the Adenovirus Type 5 (Ad5), which this vaccine use, which might increase the HIV infection:

Sputnik V vaccine not yet approved in South Africa because of HIV concerns – Sahpra (


It is similar to the Johnson & Johnson and Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccines, however, instead of one engineered adenovirus, Sputnik V combines two separate adenovirus-vectored constructs, Adenovirus Type 26 (Ad26) and Adenovirus Type 5 (Ad5).

Sahpra said there have been concerns raised about the safety of Ad5-vectored vaccines in populations at risk for HIV infection.

“One of the challenges faced by such vaccines is the presence of pre-existing Ad-specific neutralising antibodies (NAbs) in the general population,” said the health regulator.

During the assessment of the application for approval of the Sputnik V vaccine, Sahpra reviewed the outcomes of two clinical trials in particular.

“In both the Step clinical and Phambili trials, administration of an Ad5-vectored vaccine was associated with enhanced susceptibility/acquisition of HIV in men.”

“Sahpra, therefore, requested the applicant to provide data demonstrating the safety of the Sputnik V vaccine in settings of high HIV prevalence and incidence. The applicant was not able to adequately address Sahpra’s request.”



Thanks, DePat, for another great Tuesday open thread!
 👏  😍 

This one is packed with so much good stuff!


Ditto! Great opener.


I really enjoyed that musical selection. The vocalist has such a smooth voice and pleasing tone.


comment image

We’ve noticed this!

Commercials have recently gotten so ‘woke’ that you’d think white people were a tiny minority of the population.


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comment image


That’s a very convincing argument.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I found a very early version of the picture on a Brazilian blog.
comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Have ye er Bows and Arrows?

(ducks and runs…)…..


No bullets. Unless it’s a Russian roulette revolver.

Valerie Curren

& that females are over-represented & often showing what males usually were doing (driving cars w/ men in passenger seat, all females conferring in decision making in med settings, only females in NFL promo commercials, working on home repair while the emasculated man nurtures the baby)–it’s pretty obviously agenda driven & propaganda!

Cuppa Covfefe

And little girls with power tool toys, little boys playing house with vacuum cleaners, mops, and washing dishes, etc.

Lego is no longer going to have “Legomänner” and Legomädchen. Only sexless, or perhaps gender-bending figures. And, of course, they have their “Rainbow” diversity campaign.

No more LEGO here. Most of it’s made in RED China anymore, anyway. And they can stuff their Harry Potter and other trash where the sun don’t shine…..

Valerie Curren



The men are usually from cuckistan with a non white “superior” wife also if they are in them at all. Pasty, fat, or void of muscles, or stupid, like homer simpson 24/7.

Valerie Curren

Massive Pass!

Cuppa Covfefe

Same over here, also in printed ads (ALDI, LIDL, Kaufland, etc.). And if there ARE white actors/models, they are part of a mixed couple, either black/white or arab/white. And group “family” photos are hilarious, with mixes there, too, but no real mulattos, etc.

Just like that 30 (or so)-color symbol the elite are putting on everything. All different colors, but no white segment…


A chunk of my afternoon was spent dealing with Citibank.

Which is peculiar because I have no association with Citibank.

I got this letter in the mail, which means that they have my deadname and street address — hardly surprising, ’cause it’s out there. I mean, they used to publish it in white pages. The letter purported to be from Citibank. It said, “thank you for your interest in obtaining an account with us,” and continued, “we are unable to process your request at this time because we could not verify the accuracy of the credit information on your application.” It also included a 19-digit “Ref No”.

So, I tried calling into Citi’s fraud department. Gotta say, I’ve got a lot of experience with various phone trees, and theirs is TEH SUCK. I tried a couple of quick combos to see if I could cut through the muck with no joy, so I took the letter in hand and schlepped to my closest Citibank branch.

Got into the manager’s cube (turns out, she was on loan from Cupertino, but….) was starting to set hooks and had a crisis on the teller line. While she was dealing with that, a guy came in and complained that he had been in phone tree hell for 45 minutes, and got parked in the “manager waiting area.”

I managed to get a couple of phone numbers (and a mailing address) from her regarding the fraud, as well as her contact information if I wanted to continue our conversation, before getting out of the way of her next guy. While she was talking to one of her bank contacts, she had a sort of passcode she used — two alphanumeric and five digits. I hope I’ll have forgotten it when I wake — I can still remember it clearly now….weird memory tricks and eavesdropping are in the auditor/terrorist toolkit, like being able to read upside-down.

Using the phone numbers I got, I managed to get transferred person-to-person to someone who inadvertently gave me two very important pieces of information. Mind you, it is official company policy for banks to NEVER give ANY information to civilians, under any circumstances — and they’ll dodge around quite a bit before just saying, “I cannot give you XXXX.”

First, this was an actual letter from Citibank, and the 19-digit number actually went to an application for credit. It now has “FRAUD” smeared all over it.

Second, I got the person to sum the digits of the social security number on the application (I could hear her adding them). She wouldn’t give me THAT total, but she told me that it wasn’t the same as MY total.

So I spend a couple hours finding out that an amateur is randomly applying for credit in my name without my SSN, and not just trying to phish me.


Hmm…does that mean that Citibank will report that you were “denied credit”?

If so, then that would be a black mark on your credit report.


It shouldn’t now, but it might have before…..though unlikely, because they’re tracking SSN’s and not just names (there being substantial repetition with names, even at the same address).


Bummer. I have found it increasingly difficult to get anything done because the phone trees almost never have the option I need. Even in the best of circumstances they make you sit through a spiel that you don’t need to hear, when if you could just talk with a person the issue could be solved so much faster.

What is the significance of the sum of the digits of the SSN? Is it that if someone took yours and rearranged the digits it would add up to the same number?


Wow. I wonder if certain companies use that as a way to ID people while keeping that actual SS number not easily accessible to fraudsters.

And how are they adding up the numbers? Single digits at a time or as whole numbers in the sequence.

Last edited 2 years ago by grandmaintexas

It wasn’t their idea to add the digits.


There are a number of ways to crash out of phone trees to talk to humans. I tried a bunch of the easy ones with Citibank and they didn’t work. Just showing up in someone’s workplace, however, is usually a good way to perk things up.

Living in Silicon Valley, I’m rather spoiled in that regard. When I was being pestered by ‘Ira Weatheral’ in 2015, I went to the Intuit campus and had a nice face-to-face discussion with their head of online security. I learned a lot; he learned a lot — I got some solid contacts which lead me to different places…..some of which paid-off later.

There are a variety of ways to find out various digits of someone’s SSN. Everybody is running around, patting themselves on the back that they are printing “XXX-XX-1234” and saying that this is safe. Pro-tip — it is not safe. Every bit (in a computer science sense) of information provided for free can be combined with other “free” bits to pull together rather startling amounts of data. My browser, for instance, leaks: “Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 12.68 bits of identifying information.” [ ]

Comparing sums is just a quick way to check to see if the person attempting to defraud Citibank in my name has my complete SSN.

One of the major disappointments with my 2015 cybersecurity incident was discovering that a fellow AoS moron was behind it. I’d previously attended casual MoMe’s all over the country without the faintest concern. Shortly thereafter, I was informed that a moron that the Fiancee had privately met while traveling — which seemed fine at the time — had a history of stalking.

We increasingly live in a society bereft of the rule of law — and must guard ourselves as best we can, accordingly.


Thanks for that info. As for phone trees, I’ve tried pressing 0. I’ve told the robot that I want to speak to an associate. Then the robot politely says it would help if he knew more about the issue, and gives me more options, none of which apply. So I keep repeating “talk to an associate.” 😖 And yes, I’ve found that showing up does get attention. Sort of like storming the castle.

Deplorable Patriot

The way around the phone trees is to hang on long enough that it defaults to a live person.

Valerie Curren

or click Nothing & pretend you’re calling from a rotary phone


I do that one.

Valerie Curren

Me too sometimes 🙂


Well you are a rather smart cookie. I hope you are able to stop it.


They are going after ASPRIN now:
(Nuremberg II cannot come soon enough.)
Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer? – American Thinker


Can they get any more insane?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. They’re NUTS. But that’s what happens when any organization has been OBAMATIZED. It’s all TOP DOWN. And the TOP says “no cures for you”.

They’re SICK and EVIL like OBAMA.


I can’t wait to see if my doctor goes along with that. Will tell me a lot…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From what I understand, the docs are now prescribing a lot of expensive blood thinners – some made by Pfizer.


But of course. 😏

Deplorable Patriot

Wealth transfer by another name.

All by design, I am quite sure.

Deplorable Patriot

I read that yesterday. The mainline narrative is falling apart.


Love the symbolism in this:
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Poor little baby…this is child abuse.
 😕  😧 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Oxygen deprivation brain damage from the get go–forcibly disabling a child–No Words  😡 

Valerie Curren

& maybe forcing some Obama ears too–spit!


exactly !

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

No No No No no

Someone needs to be sued for medical malpractice.


Cant be in usa….omg, any hospital doing that is setting up for a lawsuit.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m betting somewhere in Asia…


Like the one with the 2 eye holes only. 🥴


That image keeps grabbing my attention. Powerful.


NORTH KOREA fires a ballistic missile…
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toward the East Sea : South Korea


article here…

this comes as “top nuclear envoys” of the South, the U.S. and Japan are in Washington, DC to discuss efforts to resume dialogue with North Korea.

this missile was launched from a site near Sinpo, South Hamgyong Province.

more, at the link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Some major cuteness:

[video src="" /]

Mama bear with 4 cubs…that’s kind of rare, isn’t it?


awwww !

little kiddos !

very very cute.

but don’t ever mess with a mama bear.


Nooo…that would be very unwise.

And don’t mess with a mama bear’s cub, either!

Concerned Virginian

Very nice how Mama did the “head count” of her cubs before taking everybody across the road.


Cute. Theyre so little.


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The Intruder


tempera on panel

Andrew Wyeth, American


That is a hauntingly beautiful painting at the level of darkness in which I see it. It doesn’t see a threat; it doesn’t see a flock….but there is a protector.


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Falls on Goose River

ca 1970-71

watercolor drybrush

this was Wyeth’s preliminary study for The Intruder.

if you left-click on each image posted, it will bring up the image closer, and you can see his technique a little better…

there is almost always a quiet deep mystery about Wyeth’s work….a reverence.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Probably the same dog (Wyeth’s buddy) on a night of full moon.

“Night Sleeper” (1979)

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Hmm….maybe not the same dog as in his paintings.


yep…that’s Rattler, his dog…showed up in a lot of paintings…

like this one…
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The Ides of March

and here’s a photo of Rattler and Wyeth’s hat on Wyeth’s bed...

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photo by famed photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, ca 1960s.

not sure who the pretty snow white shepherd is in your post below.


oops !

not sure what happened w/ Eisenstaedt’s photo….

try again…
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Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

smiley, Thank you!




Besides Rattler, another of his dogs was named Nell Gwyn. The white shepherd?

Rattler was a constant companion while Wyeth was out painting.

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one of my favorite photos of him…love the car, too !


I’ve never seen that one before. It’s beautiful!

Thank you for posting.


you’re welcome, Dora.

glad you like it !


The Real President over night,
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Concerned Virginian

Hmmm, “now Wacky Bill Cassidy can’t walk down the street…”


At this juncture, Trump’s announcements should not include the word ventilator. It sticks out like a sore thumb and taints the entire statement. Yes I’m observant, like everyone else who’s actually paying attention.

You’re welcome to post some juvenile reply. Doesn’t change my mind a little bit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Cuppa Covfefe

The snark is strong in 1337s. Talk about high school.


But you replied. So I made the point. And you replied in the precise manner I predicted. I set the table quite well.

See comment below as an example of thoughtful as opposed to knee-jerk.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Cuppa Covfefe

But you missed it.


I don’t miss much. I see you got your pat on the back. 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Honi soit qui mal y pense…


Oh my. Not worth the effort, for sure. HAGD


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Just a kid at heart?


I see it and you see it. All of us here know better. So I can’t help but think that Trump is addressing the FUCKING MORONS that STILL THINK ventilators are a REAL treatment for covid. Because they are STILL USING THEM in hospitals, for covid. Seriously. They ARE. I know of several people who have died in the last few weeks on a frigging vent.

I have come to understand that we are such an elite group here. It is amazing to me that I have lived to become, with no medical education, a BETTER DOCTOR than almost all of the M.D.’s I know. That is the most absurd statement I have ever made, and I am well known for making some doozies.

I am willing to allow for the possibility that Trump is playing to the cheap seats, AKA the MORONS, when he makes these statements. Because he has to know WE know better.

Deplorable Patriot

I watched med students for ten years in a major medical school. The could memorize like crazy, but go off the reservation? Not so much.


Not taught how to think, taught WHAT to think.

Valerie Curren

THE major problem of much of “education” (aka indoctrination) at virtually every level!

Deplorable Patriot


Valerie Curren

Well he was making a technically factually accurate statement that He Fought to get Ventilators, which were “approved” Covid treatment then. I think he’s touting his ability to move lightening fast to accomplish real things. Obviously the vents are a horrible option, especially when they are chosen Over life-saving interventions that Trump also widely promoted like HCQ & IVM…




These announcements never sound like the same person is composing them. Some are almost high-brow, some sound carelessly thrown together. Like this one. The one about Colin Powell actually sounds like Trump put it together.

Whatever the reason for throwing it in there, it just sows more confusion. And when there’s confusion everywhere people look, I don’t see the upside. People are starving for truth and clarity, especially from him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I don’t disagree. I am just looking for answers as to why he is putting out what he is.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think the messages are for us.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s what (2³+3²) said early on (I think SD said it as well) that there would be messaging and deception, basically smoke and mirrors, as they could not (and should not, for that matter) be open about everything, revealing their hand(s) as it were.

Giving the enemy ammo is foolish and counterproductive, as is impatience and moping.

We’re (my family) rattling cages, signing and forwarding petitions, etc., and red-pilling everyone in sight. Lots of stubborn folks out there, but presenting facts, testimonies, and (relatively) easy to understand documented and supported statistics can move things forward, even if only slowly. Can’t just sit around and grouse and gripe.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why I really think the people who claim to be insiders are being fed mis and disinformation. It throws up a smoke screen. Tore calls them red stringers, and of late, on Telegram, they’ve gotten into some scuffles over who is on the up and up and who isn’t.


I don’t really think so either.


Which is precisely why I very rarely read his press releases or whatever they are.

Most don’t even get a scan. More like a glance.


To wake up the last of those asleep, who may yet be awoken before the inflection point (down-or-up, going forward), even if it is only JUST before.

“Enough must see. It is the only way.” (4550, Jun 30, 2020)

Why “preach to the choir”?

I’ve found it to be ill-advised to second-guess his positions – too many times, they have proved to be the proper ones, IMO.

Even though we may only realize it LATER.

“Future proves past.”

The answers we need will come …


Still taking my dad’s advice, hiding and watching.


I’m not second guessing anything. I KNOW, and I mean KNOW, that things are happening that are beyond my understanding. And that information/communication is flying around. But everyone (that’s still watching) looks at what Trump puts out, and ventilator is on the cringe list for those people. Not morons. People. No more, no less.


Me too. Plain and simple. (But somehow that seems to be a problem in my case.) 🙄


Don’t take it personally. It’s not you. Really. It’s the ideas. Some will agree, some won’t.

I don’t ever take it personally when someone here disagrees with me, however vehemently they may do so. Like my Grannie told me, let it roll off like water off a duck’s back.

It’s just politics.


Hang in there,
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another dead-eyed psycopath

the ghoul has an utterly hopeless expression in the sinister dead eyes…

and if you can stand to look at little closer, there’s a strong whiff of malice there, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Yeah, my eyes and holding my nose 👀  😘 \.
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Cuppa Covfefe

I think 15 days to flatten his career (and then some) would be appropriate…

Send him off with his “cockroach-killer” pointy shoes and pointy head to Gitmo…




I hope he is in GITMO jail by that time after he was convicted in the Nuremberg II Tribunals, if he is not given the noose.


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Wont be able to have that generator in CA soon. Tree guys wont be able to landscape and trim and people cant afford to pay the new option so they go without. And the state now requires the fire dept “inspect” your property BEFORE you can sell it for landscape maintenance.
Yes indeedy, if they think your property needs clean up they force you or the new owner to do it as part of the sale.


I read and wrote a letter to .

What a horrible clusterfark of innuendo, bullshit, and slime. Just as one example, the article says “In its latest letter to parents, Centner called COVID-19 vaccines ‘experimental,’ despite the fact that they have been under development for decades and the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has earned full approval from the Food and Drug Administration”.

Just about everyone here just says B***S*** when someone says that “vaccines” “have been under development for decades” when the pathogen was discovered less than two years ago. When they double-down by talking about full FDA approval when EVERY SINGLE SHOT to date in the US was administered under EUA is a baldfaced lie through obfuscation.


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Cuppa Covfefe

The massive flotilla of container ships out there really seems to be a blockade…..

Hidden in plain sight…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

What a scary thought.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of like this (H/T Bayou Renaissance Man)
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Valerie Curren

Great Post, DP. So Much Moar to process. Love the Buck too, as hunting season is in full swing around here!


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Finished the HALLOWEEN pies!!!!
….but nobody wants to eat them and the kids won’t stop screaming… 😅  😅  😅 
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Wow, those are creepy.


Too creepy. No thanks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like something that Hell-the-BEAST might cook up:
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In re the container ship fiasco …

From the anons, yesterday:



California’s Environmental Laws and a Precedent-Setting Court Decision Is Causing the Container Shipping Crisis

“There is a trucking crisis at California’s ports, the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB), that is causing the bottleneck in supply chains because all semi tractors have to be current with new California emissions standards, or they may not operated in the state. As a consequence, that means trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports. This issue especially affected fleet trucks at the ports.

“In addition, a court settlement, dated October 16, 2020, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced settlements with three interstate trucking companies for violating the California Air Resources Board’s federally enforceable emissions restrictions on diesel trucks to filter particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Virtually all private owner operator trucks and half of the fleet trucks that are used for moving containers across the nation have been shut out.

“Big businesses in the private sector, including Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, Samsung, Home Depot and Target, were aware of this problem years ago and quietly diverted shipments of their goods to other ports, to avoid the ire of environmentalists.”


“the skinny, not allowed to buy new trucks and not allowed to use old trucks. gee, what did they think would happen.”



damned if you do, damned if you don’t

“[T]he historic massive backlog of cargo containers piling up in California ports—is an historic supply chain crisis the American people aren’t being told is caused by the socialist Democrats in California having passed their AB5 anti-trucking law that is preventing trucking companies in their State from investing in new trucks—and on 30 September, it saw the socialist idiots at the Port of Los Angeles slamming on truckers radical new emissions rules that keeps older trucks from entering their port to take away cargo.”


Lorena Gonzalez sponsored AB5. Shes a real pos. Married to county supervisor in San Diego…as nice as she is.


this is how the communists take full control of production.

and how they are using the climate change hoax to do it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Chiefio has been banging on about this for a few weeks now, as he’s looking to leave Kalifornistan, and (il)logistics are becoming a HUGE problem… Seems NewScum, et. al. have basically crippled if not outright destroyed some industries at a single stroke…

This article and his W.O.O.D. collections have lots of links about the madness:


In the onslaught of information, here in this INFORMATION WAR, one has only so many individual resources to spend.

I’ve got mine, you’ve got yours, and others have theirs.

One must CHOOSE which sources that one has the time (and volition) which to pay heed to.

It’s a blessing that so many here make their own choices, and then bring their / our chosen info to the fore – HERE – so that we all are able, cooperatively, to gather as many (and as potent) perspectives of other “digital soldiers” as may be.

>>”crippled if not outright destroyed”<<

Destruction is the anti-art of the Enemy. EVERYTHING he does is toward that end (including the deeds of all his disciples) – with guile (earlier), or without (now).

He and his are being EXPOSED, ever more blatantly.

Our collective VISION is being restored, due to the efforts of 17, and of 45.

And of US.

Cheers, Cuppa!

Cuppa Covfefe

Cheers to you too, ES (or should I say Elessar 🙂 )…

The thing about chiefio is that he occasionally does deep dives that are quite interesting, and backs it up with a lot of research. I’ve been following him since the climategate years. One post he had was about a researcher who traced various civilizations’ rise and fall throughout history, and common points between them that killed them off. Don’t have that link to hand, but I’ll dig it up.

He’s also got some interesting posts about prepping, alternate replacements for the internet (e.g. mesh-based), and the occasional off-the-wall music/entertainment post… I don’t agree with some of what he says/believes, but he’s well worth a read..

Cuppa Covfefe

Bayou Renaissance Man has an interesting post up about the backup (might be from a different point of view than most – see the comments to it) titled “The California trucking mess: It’s a lot murkier than it seems” at
Food for thought (and thought for food, perhaps)…


Tuesday Tour de Force!

Tuesdays are named from the Norse god of war and justice, Týr. The equivalent Roman god was Mars, and from that we see the name of this day in Latin languages, French Mardi, Spanish miércoles. And then there are terms such as «martial arts».

And there is this neverending battle against evil in all its forms.

so Let’s Go Brandon!
Foxtrot Juliett Bravo
Epstein didn’t kill himself
Biden didn’t win
And the Diamonds must be returned


Suggest, we be crystal clear with messaging. Helps slow folk like me. 🙂

Foxtrot Juliett Bravo

Fuck Joe Biden

Yea, NOT PC at all. But clear message.


Good morning all and God bless you abundantly, always. Thank you DePat for today’s open, I appreciate it.


Overnight, from Ron Watkins (aka CodeMonkeyZ);

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [19.10.21 02:57]

The stage is set.

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Deplorable Patriot

When the overture starts, will we know?


I haven’t any idea.

Perhaps when it *ends*?

Cuppa Covfefe

The orchestra and overture reminds me of this, from

New World Order writer, Peter Lemesurier, in his very powerful book, “The Armageddon Script”, published in 1981 wrote:

“Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors … have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come.” [p. 252]

The key words to [cuttingedge] are, “Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra …” This script was written in the “Pit of Hell” by Satan and his demonic host. Certain of the demonic host have served as the “Guiding Spirits” to key human leaders throughout the centuries, whispering the plan in their ears as to how to conduct their policy so that Satan’s plan is fulfilled; on the other hand, Satan is forced by God’s prophecies to take certain action so that God will get the ultimate glory when His prophecies are minutely fulfilled.


The stage is set.”

At this point I’ve become jaded as to what that might mean.


CM, 8-2-21: “Today the tide turns” (or words to that effect) and a string of other “Today [fill in the blank]”. Preposterously portentous!


DDG definition of “portentous”:

“Of the nature of or constituting a portent; foreboding.
Full of unspecifiable significance; exciting wonder and awe.
Marked by pompousness; pretentiously weighty.”

CodeMonkeyZ oversaw continuous attacks on the 8chan / 8kun websites for YEARS, against world-wide State-actors trying THEIR BEST to take them down, by *whatever* means necessary.

CMZ always prevailed. How’s THAT for a skill-set? Applied patriotically, for Kew, for the anons responding, and for all “lurkers” reading, WW.

And now, so many not only question his creds – but instead try to smear him???

Who is it, exactly, who’s “preposterous”?

My Lord, even HERE, people STILL wish for self-satisfaction over WINNING THE WAR, for ALL. Vanity defined.

He’s earned his stripes, at a level which almost NO ONE here can even approach.

Can one not recognize ally from foe?


Imma gonna hafta take a break.

GL all.


Look up non sequitur, too.


I was driving home from an errand yesterday and had a Christian music station on and they were airing messages about the MELINDA AND BILL GATES FOUNDATION and allllllll the goooooood things they’re doing …   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_evil: 

I could not believe it!!!

This is the station:

Smile FM – 88.3 FM  
Christian Contemporary 

I don’t know if they’re National but it’s incredibly horrific. This is intentional or they’re ignorant … May God remove this station from the airwaves of strike them in a way that OPENS they’re eyes 👀 … it’s evil being vomited on Christian airwaves … 🥺😫😢🤬

Valerie Curren

I was Up North this late Summer/early Fall as Smile FM was having their fundraiser & excited that their upcoming Metro Detroit station would expand their listening audience significantly, like doubling it, & allow them to even reach into Canada. That is via radio, obviously online they could reach almost anywhere.

It came across, especially from the numerous SmileFM staff that were on the airwaves during the fundraisers, that the station is Desirous of honoring the Lord, imo.

Please prayerfully consider contacting them & sharing your concerns. It is unlikely that they are aware of the significant evils perpetuated by the Gates & their Foundation. Perhaps they received a large donation w/ strings attached??? Let’s see if their front office people are Open to the Truth!

Those evil shills for the Enemy don’t seem to miss a trick or a technique to chip away at Truth AND the Righteous & Godly in this world!


They have people in authority who are well paid to know the content of what they air on their show, if they are not aware then they should shut down. There are other stations that haven’t aired the Gates *hit show, they’re murderers.

Valerie Curren

You might be right, I honestly don’t know their inner workings but have listened to them on & off over the years, mostly when in Northern Michigan & in their early iteration they were awesomely edgy (played classic Christian Rock, which was Very Hard to find on the radio then or now). They are much more watered down now musically but not quite at the level of Christian muzac, thankfully, imo…


I think everyone is aware, especially Christians.

Ignorance is no longer an excuse.