Small victories…

I decided to make this a stand-alone post, because I wanted everyone to see it. You may have seen my discussion here with Wolf in his post yesterday, about a supplement called nattokinase, but if not, here it is: AubergineOnline Coyote October 20, 2021 10:20 This is a natural fibrinolytic. Maybe this could be a … Continue reading Small victories…

Health Matters of Various Kinds

TL;DR - Wolf needs to take care of health matters - both HIS and THE SITE'S. This should not significantly impact things here in the short term, and in the long term, it will improve things. However, this means that Wolf's appearances on the site will be even more unpredictable than they already have been. … Continue reading Health Matters of Various Kinds

DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20211021 Yes, he did. Or his handlers did. Somebody did. At this point, even Democrats are begging for mean tweets and cheap gas. And the mainstream media can be depended upon not to report that. Sort of like how they are not reporting any of the protesting we see on internet videos. Why would … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20211021