DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20211021

Yes, he did. Or his handlers did. Somebody did. At this point, even Democrats are begging for mean tweets and cheap gas.

And the mainstream media can be depended upon not to report that. Sort of like how they are not reporting any of the protesting we see on internet videos.

Why would that be? This might help.

Speaking of which, the Biden camp as acquired enough Pfizer product to start shooting up primary and grade school aged children. With all luck the mama bears out there will protect their cubs from the big, bad government.

I said with all luck. See, this is a problem:

As for the medical people….

Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985Replying to @Leftylockdowns1

Their education is largely influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. The world’s best selling medical textbook is Merck Manual, written by a pharmaceutical company. They are taught compartmentalized memorized knowledge. Very little principles and critical thinking.

Intellectual Property Isn’t@GaryOxide
Indeed. Many years ago I shared a house with a few medical students. I soon realized that they were actually on a seven-year long heavy indoctrination program, that trained them to stop thinking for themselves – ever. Those unwilling to comply simply never became doctors.

Unfortunately, I observed the same thing over the course of ten years working for a medical school.

The thing is, when it comes to medicine, and the lockstep mentality and not admitting mistakes, history is, to an extent, repeating itself.

General Powell’s vaccine was of no use against COVID. He submitted to experimental gene therapy in the hopes that it would protect him, and it did nothing for him. That hasn’t stopped the experts from proclaiming General Powell’s death as next door to proof that the vaccines are working.

Ian Sams, an adviser to the Department of Health and Human Services, is fretting on Twitter that what he is pleased to call the anti-vaxxers will use General Powell’s death as evidence that the vaccines may not be as efficient as advertised. A professor of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University, Dr. Leana Wen, huffs that news reports should mention that General Powell also suffered from cancer and Parkinson’s disease, which could have made the vaccine less efficacious. Dr. Wen also served as Baltimore’s health commissioner (and briefly as the head of Planned Parenthood, America’s premier abortion corporation —ed.), so she’s really an expert.

It all makes me think of another kind of expert, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, the physician who pioneered washing hands to prevent disease. Semmelweis actually knew what he was talking about because he ran the obstetrics wards at the Vienna General Hospital in Austria in the mid-19th century.

Semmelweis observed that, in those obstetrics wards that physicians attended, the mortality rate was high; in those that midwives attended, the mortality rate was low. The only difference between the doctors and the midwives was that doctors did autopsies and frequently delivered babies with the blood of the dead still on their hands.

Semmelweis concluded that something was clinging to the doctors’ hands that was harmful to the women giving birth.  Beginning in 1847, he began begging everyone to wash his hands with chlorine before going into the obstetrics wards.  The death rate plummeted.

Everyone should have been thrilled.  However, the medical community resented being accused of killing people.  To further discredit his ideas, although he was a Hungarian-born German, and may have been an atheist, a Catholic of Jewish descent, the rumor was spread that he was actively Jewish and, therefore, insulting Christian doctors.

Semmelweis was thrown out and, eventually, as his behavior became increasingly erratic (possibly Alzheimer’s or syphilis), he was relegated to an insane asylum, where it’s quite possible that attendants beat him to death.  The experts had spoken.  Evidence was not important when placed in the balance of what was politically correct and conformable to the accepted medical doctrines of the day.  This was back in the 1800s, and nothing has changed in the 21st century.

Experts and lies about COVID
By Pandra Selivanov

That doesn’t mean the people haven’t noticed the lies, and are taking action whether the “experts” realize it or not.

Are people REALLY quitting to stay at home on the dole, or are they hiding out until the shot fallout clears?

Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985
Fear is the virus. The super spreader is the media. A 100% effective vaccine for it is turn it off. Those who don’t take the vaccine endanger all of us, preventing us from stopping the spread.
2:55 PM · Oct 20, 2021

The worst of it is there’s a big cover up going on and it simply is not generating reporting or interest.

Biden orders OSHA to join the biggest cover up in human history

By Christopher Wright

OSHA has gone into full cover-up mode concerning adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. 

Late last month, Joe Biden told OSHA to hide information on vaccine injuries.  Yesterday, it was reported OSHA’s website now states OSHA will not require employers to report adverse reactions from the vaccines among their workers. 

The reason OSHA gives is astounding: they don’t want to hear about adverse reactions because they don’t want to discourage workers from getting vaccinated.  So much for the health and safety of the workers, which is the agency’s mission.  Workers have been sacrificed on the altar of the Biden administration’s phony narrative that the vaccines are completely safe.  Pravda has spoken. 

But that doesn’t prevent adverse reactions from continuing to pile up.  About 7,000 people had died shortly after receiving COVID vaccines when I first started tracking official government numbers in July.  The number of deaths has now passed 16,000 and the total number of adverse reactions — heart problems, blood clots, miscarriages, menstrual disruption, neurological symptoms, etc. — is approaching 800,000.  These numbers are off the charts compared to all other vaccines combined since the reporting system began 30 years ago.

Approximately 9,000 people in the U.S. have died after receiving a COVID vaccine in the last three months or so.  There are obviously problems with the vaccines, including problems for pregnant women and the babies they breastfeed, but nobody in authority will talk about them.

Here’s a point made by Lin Wood that needs to be considered when despairing that “nothing is happening.”

I can’t believe this man’s books are taught in college, and not dissected for what a society should NOT look like.

Some words of encouragement.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ROMANS 6:19-23

19I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once yielded your members to impurity and to greater and greater iniquity, so now yield your members to righteousness for sanctification. 20When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21But then what return did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? The end of those things is death. 22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the return you get is sanctification and its end, eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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From an avowed (now deceased) leftist but still one of my favs.


I cannot overstate how dumb it is that people allowing their employers to fire them for not taking the vax.


Send your company HR that is mandating the jab a certified letter ( with a tracking number) informing them you are not vaccine adverse, but since the COMPANY is mandating the vaccine you need answers to questions and concerns before you can feel educated enough to make an informed choice. The company is LEGALLY OBLIGATED to answer your questions regarding safety on the job. And the raison d’être for a vaccine mandate is SAFETY.

Ask them:
1) Has the COVID virus (aka Sars-COVID-2) been isolated?

2) If not, why not?

3) What are the specific ingredients of each vaccine shot?

4) What was the claimed efficacy of each vaccine at the time of the first use of each, and what is it today?

5) Are there alternative medicines which have rigorous, peer-reviewed studies proving their efficacy against COVID-19?

6) Please list those medicines here.

7) Did the CDC ever halt testing for COVID-19? If so, why?

8) Use of control groups to determine both long-term efficacy and/or unwanted, negative consequences of use of a new medicine or vaccine has long been a basic benchmark for the proper conduct of scientific medicine. Did Pfizer and Moderna lose their respective control groups for each of their long-term studies? When did that happen?

9) Is the US manufactured Pfizer vaccine approved by the FDA? If not, why not?

10) Are the makers of the vaccines legally liable for any harm caused by their products?

11) Since it is the company that is mandating this vaccine, does the company agree that it shall be liable for any harm possible caused as a result of taking one of these vaccines?

See….This letter is a catch-22 for the company.

If they answer it honestly, there is no way anyone would accept the jab, but if the company fired you after proving…THEMSELVES…that you should not take the vaccine, then you have just shown you have NOT been fired for cause but for something other than cause.

The reverse is also true. Any lying or parsel-tongue on the part of the company ABSOLUTELY opens them up to legal liabilities. They have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to inform you of all harm and risks to you while in their employ.

Either way, what they WON’T do is accept liability for harm.

Which means the company is trying to lay off it’s risks and costs on it’s employees, very likely without legally adequate and/or required disclosure(s).

If they fire you AFTER you have sent this letter, you have them by the balls for wrongful job termination, however they reply or even if they refuse to.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – documentation of any kind will put the company on the spot, and getting them to either ADMIT or LIE can only help when you produce that letter later during legal actions – either the letter OR the response OR both.


Some companies may try to get employees to sign a ‘waiver’ of liability.

They may already be doing it, I dunno.

In which case…DON’T SIGN ANYTHING!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Many states allow firing without cause.

Documenting the process only works if someone is willing to look at and consider the documentation. The process for this is a lawsuit (in states where employers must show cause), and this becomes very expensive very quickly. Many of these employers have full legal staff on retainer, creating a David and Goliath situation.

Speaking from personal experience, please ask yourself if you really want to commit valuable time, energy, and cash to a fight that is set up to crush you, for a tyrannical employer that would require this in the first place. The position that you’re fighting for will not get better for you over time, imo.

Walking away is terrifying, but I guarantee that windows of opportunity open wide for those willing to take the risk. Again, speaking from personal experience.

Now, consider this: what if there is a replacement workforce network planned and developed in Asia and Africa waiting in the wings?

University of Minnesota? Tufts (Eco Health Alliance’s Daszak and Epstein)? Daszak is involved in this.

Where are those crossing the border actually from? Are any from the One Health Workforce network?

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse
Valerie Curren

That “count the cost” perspective is wisdom, in my opinion.

When we were advocating for our special needs son’s special ed Legal Rights we got a rude awakening from a sympathetic attorney. Basically the bottom line in our battle was “what’s the point” of pursuing this. If you win you still lose because the school will drag its feet & provide substandard services, regardless what the law requires or an administrative law judge or arbitrator orders.

It’s very hard not to descend into hopelessness &/or cynicism when faced with what seem like pointless & painful battles. Part of my model was the Apostle Paul, who as a Roman citizen appealed to Caesar, as was his right. Taking that battleground journey is fraught w/ challenges. Sometimes no matter which way one turns they still basically encounter the Kobayashi Maru, no win scenario.

People of faith should prayerfully consider their options & absolutely Count the Cost of whatever path they choose! God will show Each of us the way We should go! He doesn’t promise absolute victory in this life but that He will never leave nor forsake us…
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comment image?Daniel3v17_18.j

Part of our journey & aftermath is articulated here:


Thank you for sharing this. I particularly like Josiah’s Twitter feed.

My sister shares your struggles, and she, like you, is a warrior. She has a son with Downs Syndrome, now an adult, living independently in a group home. He’s in a very good situation at the moment, but only because of her faith, and her tireless, unrelenting advocacy for his rights. She finally has a few minutes to breath, and I pray that it lasts.

So sad that these institutions seem to only create lawfare road blocks to families, paid for by public generosity. It’s not right.

I wish you well in your struggles.

Congratulation on Josiah’s engagement, he seems like a very nice guy.

Valerie Curren

Oh, thanks so much for sharing this Mary! What a blessing that your sister & her son are in a good place at this time.

My son is super excited to get Up North w/ his twin, dad, grandpa, & some friends (& our dog who will be in her version of heaven!) for an extended hunting weekend. He’s conversing w/ his fiancée Rose as I write this, waiting for Brandon to return from running a couple errands before they head out of town together.

Josiah has the very passionate heart of a Christian warrior. He still needs a bit of tempering w/ grace, wisdom, & self-control (who doesn’t in these insane times) but his feet are firmly planted on the Rock that is Christ Jesus! I don’t know how anyone could navigate the special needs quagmire without God’s grace, peace, & strength to shore them up!

I shared one of his recent Psalms of Josiah on Wolf’s post today. Many others can be found on his Freak Show blog.

It is criminal that our own tax dollars can be used to basically attempt to destroy us. Even while the letter of the law is written to make it sound like the system will care for the needs of the vulnerable there is NO social safety net. Why Anyone would want the State to raise their child or would consider it to be an acceptable substitute for God or the family completely baffles me!


Either way, what they WON’T do is accept liability for harm.

In fact, No. 11) on your list is probably sufficient by itself to get them to back off.

Even if they don’t agree to accept liability…by forcing employees to take the jab, they are assuming a position of liability for it.

Deplorable Patriot

That litany of questions is anything but playing dumb. It’s a challenging gauntlet thrown, and the company’s HR and executive suite is going to know that.

The reason you let the company fire you (Sister MD forgive me for the writing faux pas) is twofold: unemployment benefits, and the ability to sue for wrongful termination. If termination happens after the questions were raised, malice is on the table, IMO.


In some states UE benefits are denied if you are fired, and are conditional if you resign, meaning that you qualify for benefits after working a certain amount of time/accrual of a certain wage, iir.

From personal experience, I refused to resign in a state that requires no cause for firing. DoL initially denied benefits based on the firing. I won on appeal, as an administrative law judge determined that there was no misconduct and that I resigned, allowing me to conditionally qualify for benefits. (At the time of my firing within one university organization, another threw me a lifeline, hiring me for just enough time, as it so happened, to qualify for for the UE benefit.)

I would have lost everything, but a window opened, and I lost nothing. Zero regrets, but please wisely plan your fight, imo.

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse

I saw this today. Same time frame, and context that I wasn’t aware of in 2004-2005.

Additional context from the debate that occurred in 2004-2005 as Fauci transformed NIAID into a defense agency:

— Richard H. Ebright (@R_H_Ebright) October 20, 2021

Very eye opening for me.

Scientists weren’t the only ones asking questions in 2004-2005.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this new JP episode.

NOW – about his sponsored supplement.
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Remember – I’m KING MAGNESIUM – so when he’s pushing:

Well, I’m interested. The formula includes seven different magnesium compounds, meaning it’s going to be effective with at least one form, no matter what your personal biochemistry (which can vary).

I have found that multi-forming (I use 3 forms) is a really good strategy, and makes for effective release over a long time. I started with 1, went to 2, and got my best results with 3.

And guess what?

One of his forms is proven to be superior to many if not ALL of the other forms, in terms of bioavailability.

Comparative Study Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci

2018 Mar;22(6):1843-1851. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201803_14605.

Magnesium bioavailability after administration of sucrosomial® magnesium: results of an ex-vivo study and a comparative, double-blinded, cross-over study in healthy subjects

E Brilli 1S KhadgeA FabianoY ZambitoT WilliamsG Tarantino
Affiliations collapse


So bottom line – he’s actually fronting a very good (but very expensive and “boutique”) supplement.

This might be really good stuff for people with long haul. I am convinced that magnesium is what saved me.


Unfortunately, most forms of magnesium supplementation mimic the effects of colonscopy prep for me, so I just take the cheap stuff that doesn’t keep me up too late at night.

Oh, I’m sorry, I thought the “TMI” light was on….


Same here, Coothie.

And not just regular running-to-the-bathroom type…the explosive kind.


Yikes. I’ve never had that problem with magnesium, but some people do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here. It does NOTHING to my digestion!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You might benefit from that “sucrosomial” magnesium as a pure product. It is specifically designed to be non-irritating to the bowel. There is a link in my new post that just went up.


Thanks, boss…I was just looking at that.


Try to find a magnesium salve. You rub about a teaspoon on a fatty part of body…usually tummy or thighs…

It is IMMEDIATELY bioavailable. I use one in the eveni gs and it helps my sleep immensely. No upset innards.

I got mine from an herbalist.


grandma, there area number of topical products.
look on Amazon, and then choose (if you want to) from from the vendor.


Thank you so much, Gmtx!
I will check it out!


Somewhat amusingly, the flavor I currently take is TJ’s house brand.


I’ve also learned (the hard way) to get zinc gluconate and not zinc citrate.


Which one is better?


The one that doesn’t run a painful wood rasp through my digestion is the zinc gluconate. I have no idea which would be the better supplement.


So I read that 50 mg of zinc gluconate is about 7 mg of elemental zinc. The FLCCC protocols call for much more than that. How much do you take?


My supplements call out “50 mg of zinc” “as zinc gluconate”. I believe that I’m getting 50 mg of elemental zinc.


But a compound isn’t elemental, so how could that be?


You add up all the weights of everything in the molecule, and divide by the weight of just the zinc, then multiply by the 50 mg — and that’s how much of the molecule you want.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! So you get that much of a difference. Fascinating.

Read a bit down on this, where it talks about treating diarrhea in kids with zinc gluconate.



Incidentally, went out to dinner with the Fiancee. There were little QR codes on cards on all the tables. Server seating us said, “you can just scan to get a menu.”

I replied, “with what?”

She said, “you know, your cellphone.” I told her I didn’t have one. She seemed to be a bit nonplussed at the concept of a Luddite with money.


Did they not have any paper menus at all?


They dug two of them out of the vault.


Is it theoretically possible to avoid getting one of those damn QR codes?


The QR code was on a placard in a little stand on the table. If you’re a sheep, you whip out your cellphone and scan it, and you get to read their menu. In return, they get to read the contents of your cellphone.

Disney parks are going big into this — they’ve eliminated the old “FastPass” system or anything else in favor of “Disney Genie” — where they essentially take over your cellphone. People without cellphones cannot have anywhere near as enjoyable a visit. (I’m wondering about burner phones.)


Right – I mean a personal QR code that’s got all kinds of info ties to you. I’ll never own a smartphone.


There’s nothing magic about QR codes — they just represent data. I could make a QR code for “mileytheduchess” or “”.

And you can’t keep people from writing things about you.


In return, they get to read the contents of your cellphone.

Of course they say that’s not happening, but does anyone trust that to be true? This is another front that we need to fight on. We need to stop this technology march, which I believe is tied to transhumanism. Too much “progress.” Besides, I find it less convenient to read something on a small phone.

Deplorable Patriot

Spinach, avocados, tree nuts are all good sources.


I have this problem with most forms of Magnesium, especially Magnesium Stearate. I now take Magnesium Citrate and it is great and does not have that undesirable side effect.


Wolfie, what long haul symptom does it help you with? I’ve been taking magnesium for years (though not as good a one as this) and still have continued breathing problems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mostly lowering blood pressure, stabilizing heart rate, vasodilation, and in particular pulmonary vasodilation, which opens up damaged capillaries and reduces atrial stress. It’s also supposedly calming and relaxing.

Blood thinners of various types are also useful in this regard, but it’s important there to pick something that works for your individual system.

Deplorable Patriot

Dr. Jin Sung covered magnesium in his series. I think I may have to up my intake.


An outstanding book on Magnesium:—thomas-e-levy

There is an interesting section on Magnesium Chloride. You can make your own solution. You can nebulize it as well.


Is there any other way to read this book? I try to steer away from Google as much as possible.


no brainer

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We deserve better.
Evil cannot succeed.

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And chicken soup is just good stuff!

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Cuppa Covfefe

🙂  🐤 comment image


Ahhhhhhh I’m;I’ve it. He did one where this farmer has a roadside stand on the road on front of his farm to sell eggs, he didn’t sell any eggs and was perplexed .. his sign read:

SAM and ELLA’S EGGS …. 😂🤚

… 🙂❤️ ..


… doh 😣🤚 … “I love it” .. 🙄😑 ..

Cuppa Covfefe


That gets a knock-knock joke…

Knock knock…
Who’s there?
Sam and Janet.
Sam and Janet who???

Sam and Janet Evening 😆


🎶…you may see a stranger…you may see a stranger, across a crowded room…

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking in terms of Milley, “Health-y”, and Miley, as in

You may see a stranger,
Who is even stranger
When you go across the room…. (yuck….)


Lord, grant the people of Taiwan great success in repatriating West Taiwan.

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‘They rushed the process’: Vaccine maker’s woes hamper global inoculation campaign

The U.S. and the world made a huge bet on Novavax, but manufacturing problems are jeopardizing billions of doses earmarked for poor and middle-income countries.

The world’s vaccine distributor has been counting on U.S. companies to provide more than 2 billion doses to lower and middle-income countries by the end of 2022 — a crucial step in ending the Covid-19 pandemic.

But the campaign run by the international consortium known as COVAX, which has already been delayed significantly because of production lags, is now likely to fall short by more than 1 billion doses as a key supplier faces significant hurdles in proving it can manufacture a shot that meets regulators’ quality standards, according to three people with direct knowledge of the company’s problems.

The delay, which was confirmed by three other people familiar with the discussions between Maryland-based Novavax and the Biden administration, represents a major setback in the effort to vaccinate the world in the wake of new, more transmissible variants.

The U.S. government invested $1.6 billion in Novavax in 2020 — the most it devoted to any vaccine maker at the time — in hopes that it would offer the world another option for a safe and effective vaccine to help protect against Covid-19. But the company has consistently run into production problems. The methods it used to test the purity of the vaccine have fallen short of regulators’ standards and the company has not been able to prove that it can produce a shot that is consistently up to snuff, according to multiple people familiar with Novavax’s difficulties. All spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive company conversations.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmm. Not sure what to make of this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Politico is so far left it takes a semi full of salt to filter their rhetoric.
They also had a hand in the firing of the head of “Bild”, one of the few remaining (somewhat) conservative outlets. They’re also merging with (or being bought by) Springer Verlag, which should make life interesting(er) in the world of scientific papers and publications, paywalled or not…

Wonder if Novavax is being “targeted” like J&J appears to be…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Novavax is almost certainly safer than mRNA. Maybe they don’t want that to become obvious.

Concerned Virginian

Bingo. Fauci, FDA and CDC don’t want Novavax to be used in the United States.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It would give us an antigen-mRNA comparison that they DO NOT WANT.


Upon reading the article all of the red flags highlighted by our local crew came to mind. 1. consider the source 2. que bono $$$? 3. que bono politically?

Deplorable Patriot

My sister always says she’s holding out for the Novavax shot. Privately, she says she knows it will never be approved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smart girl, that one.

Deplorable Patriot

She plans on medical tourism to get it, so I have to differ.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She should at least wait until we have more results. And I don’t like that they apparently can’t produce the vaccine reproducibly. Not something that instills confidence.

Brave and Free

Yeah it’s probably a safe bet that none of that 1.6B didn’t end up in any politicians accounts. They’ll more than likely need another infusion of $$ to achieve their goals….
You know to keep us safe and all ……….


The FDA’s War Against the Truth on Ivermectin
David R. Henderson
Charles L. Hooper
– October 18, 2021



Later Campbell and some associates modified avermectin to create ivermectin. Merck & Co. has donated four billion doses of ivermectin to prevent river blindness and other diseases in areas of the world, such as Africa, where parasites are common.

The 10 doctors who are in the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance call ivermectin “one of the safest, low-cost, and widely available drugs in the history of medicine.”

Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines and ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children and infants.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic, but it has shown, in cell cultures in laboratories, the ability to destroy 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19.

Further, ivermectin has demonstrated its potential in clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19 and in large-scale population studies for the prevention of COVID-19.


Contradicting these positive results, the FDA issued a special statement warning that “you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.”

The FDA’s warning, which included language such as, “serious harm,” “hospitalized,” “dangerous,” “very dangerous,” “seizures,” “coma and even death” and “highly toxic,” might suggest that the FDA was warning against pills laced with poison.

In fact, the FDA had already approved the drug years ago as a safe and effective anti-parasitic. Why would it suddenly become dangerous if used to treat COVID-19?

Further, the FDA claimed, with no scientific basis, that ivermectin is not an antiviral, notwithstanding its proven antiviral activity.

Interestingly, at the bottom of the FDA’s strong warning against ivermectin was this statement:

“Meanwhile, effective ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 continue to be to wear your mask, stay at least 6 feet from others who don’t live with you, wash hands frequently, and avoid crowds.”

Was this based on the kinds of double-blind studies that the FDA requires for drug approvals? No.


After some critics claimed that we overstated or overreacted to the FDA’s special warning, we reviewed the FDA’s website and found that it had been changed, and there was no mention of the changes nor any reason given. Overall, the warnings were watered down and clarified.

We noticed the following changes:

The false statement that “Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses)” was removed.

“Taking a drug for an unapproved use can be very dangerous. This is true of ivermectin, too” was changed to the less alarming “Ivermectin has not been shown to be safe or effective for these indications.” (Indications is the official term used in the industry to denote new uses for a drug, such as new diseases or conditions and/or new patient populations.)

The statement, “If you have a prescription for ivermectin for an FDA-approved use, get it from a legitimate source and take it exactly as prescribed,” was changed to, “If your health care provider writes you an ivermectin prescription, fill it through a legitimate source such as a pharmacy, and take it exactly as prescribed.” This more clearly acknowledges that reasonable physicians may prescribe ivermectin for non-FDA-approved uses, such as COVID-19.

The ending statement about masks, spacing, hand washing and avoiding crowds was replaced with one that recommended getting vaccinated and following CDC guidelines.
The reasonable statement “Talk to your health care provider about available COVID-19 vaccines and treatment options. Your provider can help determine the best option for you, based on your health history” was added at the end.

The new warning from the FDA is more correct and less alarming than the previous one.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe



… 🤨👍❤️ ..


Just because, you know … ❤️

.. 🙂 ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what it looks like to me? People are trying to get on the right side of the science now. For some reason, the propaganda-forcing faction is losing the FEAR WAR against some other kind of fear.

Nuremberg II firing up anywhere?

Deplorable Patriot

Something is up if the rhetoric and word choices have changed.


So who will pretend that they are AGHAST I TELL YOU and had no idea of the deception?


Gritting teeth here. Those kinds of lowlifes make me very annoyed.


Looks like WINNING to me!

Yeah, they are trying to get on the “right side” of science, all right. Because hedgewitches and other alternative practitioners are becoming “preferred providers” to huge numbers of people.

I am a pretty confident person, but I am currently awed and scared by the weight of responsibility for people’s very lives that is being handed to me on a routine basis. I honestly never thought I would end up here. I have to wonder if M.D.’s feel this way all the time. If they don’t, is that actually the problem with modern medicine? Have many doctors become so disconnected from their awesome responsibility that they are monsters?

All I know is, I wish medicine would WAKE UP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Medicine is de-trancing. Slapped in the face. Waking up. GREAT AWAKENING. On the floor, naked next to a naked nurse and a dead patient, with a syringe full of REMDESIVIR. Last thing they remember was laughter and flashing cameras.


Nice image!


Thank you for posting this Gudthots. I could not find any information on whether, or not, Ivermectin was safe for pregnant women. I’m very happy to hear that it is, so that I can recommend it to my pregnant DIL if she happens to get sick.

Last edited 3 years ago by EllieLA

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This was posted in September 2019


It’s true…this video was posted on Sept 20, 2019.

I didn’t know that Pres Trump signed an EO back then to create a Flu Vaccine Task Force.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saved a screen shot in case YouTube removes the channel.


If one puts a youtube video on an archiving site, does it save a complete copy of the video or is the video lost if youtube zaps it ?




Wouldn’t be surprised. Classical Trump. In some ways he can be read like a book.

Likely scenario. He receives a report about Mr Global’s up coming event on Flu out break that swamps the world so he’s going to ask what can we do. Science/Technology experts brief him on capabilities in the private sector and Trump, in his normal proactive way, says put something together to grease the skids for a response as needed.

Trump is predictable in this way and does not suspect he’s being misled. Still likely holds onto the chance he was not and people responded in an above board manner.


Alternate scenario, it was a Pence initiative and Trump trusts Pence. Trump at this point would also trust Francis Collins, Fauci, and others like Scott Ghottlib (sp?) who might be advising as no trusts have been noticeably broken at this point.

Also of note we likely watched some of this occur in one of Trumps many open meetings.

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt Trump trusted any of them. He just gave them enough rope so that they could hang themselves.


Sadly, there is slack in the line(s).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Gab!

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There was a time when this would get you bounced out of the Bureau.

There are probably even still rules on the books, that prohibit this sort of thing.
As in…’using the Bureau to make a political demonstration’.

But alas, rules now mean nothing — unless they are being enforced on a conservative.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is helping me to see clearly where things went bad.

Universities were pushed first into allowing lefty groups (60s), then into formalizing official leftist departments and university orgs (70s), then those organizations radicalized against other parts of the university culture (80s), then rules supporting those assertions were made in “defense” of women and minorities (90s), then cases without due process (kangaroo courts) were levied by hoaxes against individual political enemies like men and whites (00s), then cancel culture was used to get opposition to the radicals BANNED from campus (10s). Today, we have communism driving out professors, students, and any dissent, like Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.

THIS was the price of PC – of “political correctness”. It was a SCOURGE.


Political Correctness was established to protect leftist tropes and policies.

Who benefits from political correctness?
Not conservatives.
Not white people.
Not straight heterosexual people.
— These groups are still openly bashed and derided.

PC was sold to us as “being polite”…but that is a lie because only the Left is afforded any politeness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a way to turn society upside-down. It’s WEIRD.


It’s censorship.

PC is a way to make people self-censor.


Evil, it’s a generational sucker punch … I knew something was rotten when the putrid stench of PC hit the school systems … the “Oh no 😮🤚😳😫‼️ … you can’t say thaaaaaat it’s … blah blah blah/horse-hockey … projecting guilt kept people from realizing what the hell was happening … 😡 ..


and it intentionally stirs up CLASS WARFARE.

a must-have in the marxist revolutionary’s arsenal !

 👉  divide ! …. and then conquer.


everything is weaponized, by the Left, sooner or later.

especially resentment, envy, jealousy and victim mentalities.


100%. It’s all the ‘a house divided will fall’ type stuff.

There is only one truth and we all have the opportunity to read and understand it – God’s Word.

Deplorable Patriot

Liberalism (okay communism) was on college campuses LONG before the 1960s.It just wasn’t as overt.


Free universities are arising. By free, I mean intellectually free.


The scum got teaching credential’s and their evil crap 💩 ran downhill through
K-12 infesting the “millennial’s ….. miserable bastards .. 🤬

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I really need to do an article – How The FBI Is Following The Path Of Universities To Become The KGB.


Is that the NWO flag?


If so … 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 …

Deplorable Patriot

I pulled this off of something yesterday and chose not to use it in the body of the thread.

Revolting. Just revolting.




Blood is boiling.


I thought that was a joke. What they did to the flag is inexcusable.



If those were Trump flags the left would be going berserk.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Or even bigger, imagine if they were just AMERICAN FLAGS or Gadsden flags!

“Divisive!” “White supremacy!”

Or some kind of Christian-themed flag.


Yeah, where is the “inclusion” now?

Dumb. But they “have to allow it!” And that’s how the MESS starts.

That’s how the KGB (slyly renamed “FSB”) and CCP (active measures invisible to FIB) work. Inject and maintain now-welcomed division INTO DOJ and FIB.

ALL created virtue signals in an organization, other than to purpose, need to be questioned. The governing country’s own basic symbols are normally the baseline virtue signals. Beware of others (swastika, hammer and sickle, anybody?) being forced into an organization.

The globalist left’s trick of turning the American flag into a negative virtue signal was really SLICK, but it was EVIL.


Carl has a quick update over at Marica’s.

Tl/dr version is that he’s doing fine and gently pushing boundaries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thanks!!!


Is there Nuremberg II on the horizon?
Are people starting to talk?

NIH changes story, confirms it funded Wuhan experiment that made bat coronavirus more dangerous | Just The News

Key scientist says admission shows that top administrators, including former NIH Director Francis Collins and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “lied to Congress, lied to the press, and lied to the public” in denying NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why Collins resigned, clearly.

The big question for me is where does MK fit into this, because I think that many key players were MKed along the way. And that worked until it didn’t work.

Valerie Curren

“somebody” woke up & caught the flower spraying in their face 😉


Q Hopepium?

Praying Medic
5hcomment image


From OT……….
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I don’t know if the particulars on this are available yet, but would hope that other alternatives that have popped up like Gab, Gettr, Parlor etc… will be able to plug into it rather than be a source of competition. Hoping for something like an umbrella with Trump as the parent.

Valerie Curren

Interesting I saw a Gab that was wondering aloud if Trump would be promoting “his” vax’s on his new platform. There were several comments, which I went to read at the post:

However the post wouldn’t load & then Gab said it didn’t exist…hmmm…

Perhaps Disco deleted the post, or Gab did, or Trumpist gremlins, or the Deep State…or perhaps Gab is under some type of attack?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Valerie Curren

I actually wrote to Disco to inquire about why that post was deleted. Wonder if s/he’ll respond…By the way, Disco is a “creative director” of Gab per their self-described Gab profile…

Valerie Curren

AND now Trump Plus, apparently
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comment imageAxiom Report ™

“JUST IN Trump has registered “Trump Plus” which hints that besides social media site, former President is also launching a subscription video-on-demand service”

Via @InsiderPaper

From the comments:

comment imageMaxwell Paddock
1 like
@AxiomReport @InsiderPaper I know people have given up on him, but I’m really glad he’s doing this. Competition breeds innovation. It’s not enough to have Gab and DailyWire with developing footholds in the Media Empire, but Trump has the ability to leverage his influence for fundraising in any business ventures he can envision, many are failures, but he’s basically a conservative version of Google. I doubt it’s as refined as Gab, nor do I expect him to start a movie production company like DW. But we need more bodies in this culture tug of war for the American future.


comment imageEddy
@AxiomReport @InsiderPaper If “Q+” = Trump,
What does “Trump+” equal?
Q++ ?

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comment imageDova80
@AxiomReport @InsiderPaper Expect more…


A snarky remark about the “+”:

In a bit of a disappointing branding, even Trump couldn’t do better than naming his forthcoming streaming company with a plus. So TMGT+ will join Disney+, Apple TV+, ESPN+ in the streaming wars.

From your post:

I know people have given up on him, but I’m really glad he’s doing this. Competition breeds innovation.

Who has given up on PDJT? Certainly not I.

Valerie Curren

They may be referring to the people that are (rightly, imo) concerned about his continued promotion of the “vax’s”, though at least he doesn’t go so far as supporting mandates…


May be…


Ok, even my skeptical side is buying this one.

It’s not just the time, look at the date.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine

Kari Lake schools this CNN genant.
Rumble — The Fake News showed up to a Kari Lake event — BIG mistake. CNN tries to push their Conspiracy Theories & makes absolute fools of themselves.
FULL Interview: CNN finds out the hard way, don’t mess with Kari Lake (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This may be the greatest take-down of the Fake News EVER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She KNEW to make her own recording of the interview. BRILLIANT.


Any time one is speaking publicly or being interviewed by the “press,” one should record everything.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had a TV crew interview me in their building’s courtyard once.

The had me stand on a wobbly rock. Only place (supposedly) they could get good light.

I pretty much ignored it. Maybe I looked like a dufus. Maybe I would have looked like a dufus without it. Who knows?

(Yes, I knew I was being set up.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

I wish we had someone like this as governor of Michigan!


Wow! Yay!


She has a mellifluous voice, too, very easy to listen to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. She was ONE OF THEM. Selected, groomed, and trained to deliver FAKE NEWS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just did a deep dive on this guy. Poor sucker driven mad. Demonic stuff snuck into his life.


or PTSD.

he served multiple tours in Iraq and Aghanistan.

he also made this in 2010..
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was a suicide note ever found ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not really – not a real note, but a few messages HE clearly left last. But the forensics were pretty clear to me overall. I dug in not trusting FIB or the murder-suicide scenario, and even looked through all the murder scene photos to get a “feelz” for the household, thinking it was some kind of set-up, or later a Muslim sentence of an apostate (her). But by the time I read all the pieces of key evidence, it was clear that he HAD to have done it. He survived the wife’s death and walked around the house.
He killed himself almost for certain.

Things were going downhill for months between them, and the wife was thinking of separating. They weren’t talking. Things were weird. She was trying to understand his world, too, but that seems not to have worked – may have backfired.

PTSD for sure, and remember what Q said – much MK experimentation on some of these guys. He was messed up.


The ‘most popular’ occupant of the WH can not even hide from ‘Lets Go Brandon’ in his home town:

People shout “F**k Joe Biden” as Biden’s motorcade passes through his hometown of Scranton, PA
[video src="" /]


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It wasn’t just the CHINA HUSTLE.



This is the most likely explanation IMO. China as a state has advantages unavailable to corporations. Global corporations have advantages unavailable to China. Working in unison, they can manipulate and defeat at will, given enough time and planning.

Insofar as their interests do not conflict, and they do not, and insofar as their interests are uniquely advanced by cooperation, then the world is big enough for both.

And at the tactical level they bear strong resemblance: bribery, blackmail, theft, and above all Sun Tzu level deception.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very well said.


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“…His brain is squirming like a toad”
(“Riders of the Storm”)

Cuppa Covfefe

Fancies himself as “Nurse Nancy(-boy)”…
Or Broom-HELL-da…

Any other generation, he’d be laughed off the face of the earth…..


Mainstreaming deviancy.

If Broom-HELL-da had shown up on a WWll Navy ship in a combat zone, he would have stood a chance of being tossed overboard.


I haven’t had enough coffee yet to think of what the absolute hell to say…O M G

mollypitcher5…brain is coming to life. The one thing that is mindblowing (after the initial shock ) not only is this a man who already prefers to dress as a woman but in his mind a cute costume is of a girl, a child ?
It sends so many cockeyed messages, all of them perverted and weird

Valerie Curren

some twisted lolita fantasy came to mind (his fantasy NOT mine–spit!)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At least if it HAD been your fantasy, you would have the equipment for it.

Valerie Curren

LOL but not the ambition!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah. You would find it execrable to do so. This person…I hesitate to apply even that title…does not even without qualifications. How fricking sick is that?

Valerie Curren

don’t make me look up “execrable” since my vocabulary is sub-par compared to yours (as is my education in so many arenas)…

By the way how’s your fight for freedom going? My son & I were praying for you & your colleagues yesterday.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glimmer of hope. Can’t elaborate.

Valerie Curren

Keep hope alive!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OBTW my notifier keeps telling me it couldn’t post that reply, so I was surprised to see you reply to it!

Valerie Curren

I had that happen in a reply to Wolf yesterday. Notifier kept saying no (it was during a Q-Tree slow down) so I went to the actual post to see if I could reply that way & there was my “reply failed” comment…hmmm

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glitchy, glitchy…

You’d think Microshaft wrote the damn software or something…

Valerie Curren

Shafted LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why it’s called NO-tifier 😀

(it goes by the adage, the more you NO…)….

Valerie Curren

yes 😉


On the general topic of supplements, I’ve been taking an unusual one for about a month and a half, and it seems to be providing massive improvements.

But I’m going to tell the story backwards, with my theory of how I got here.

Years ago, everyone had a haphazard diet, based on what was available at the time. Things went in and out of season. Markets more resembled today’s Farmer’s Markets than today’s supermarkets.

During the 20th century, food production became increasingly industrialized. This lead to some wild improvements in American health, as the cost of protein dramatically decreased and its consumption per capita increased (especially during childhood). This was, however, most noteworthy with chicken, beef, and pork. When I was a child, I remember getting fish sticks in serious rotation — by the time I was in High School, not so much.

At the same time, authorities became concerned about a decrease in iodine in the average diet. Rather than look into this further, educate the public about iodine-rich foods or supplements, and provide tests and guidelines…..TPTB decided to put iodine in salt, and completely blow-off the rest. With iodized salt, you could drop any education, any testing, any analysis, or any discussion. Wave the magic shaker and Morton’s will keep you safe.

Except when everyone started developing hypertension (possibly due somewhat to low magnesium)….and they decided to cast salt as “public enemy number one.” All of a sudden, those saltshakers started disappearing — or becoming boutique, like “Himalayan pink salt” (which isn’t iodized). Many packaged or pre-prepared foods used salt — but not iodized salt. The initial concept, that Morton’s would take care of your iodine needs, faded when Morton’s was banned from the table. I suspect that a great many people today are (a) iodine deficient, and (b) utterly unaware of the entire concept of iodine deficiency.

I had a variety of things going on (as always), when I started feeling I-curious….but what pushed me over the edge was something very simple. As it turns out, Lugol’s Solution has been around forever (like 150 years) and can be taken orally, where old-fashioned iodine for cleaning wounds might not be as forgiving. But users of either form of iodine noted that it can be absorbed through the skin…..and that the speed of absorption depended on the body’s perceived need for the element.

I got a bottle of 2% Lugols (5% used to be the standard, but the DEA stomped it), and put a drop on my inner forearm. It was gone as soon as I got the dropper back in the bottle.

Since then, I’ve been doing a drop or two every day. I should note that, in the event of nuclear attack, a radioactive form of iodine may be widely distributed. In such case, it is recommended to flood the thyroid with iodine and keep it flooded until safely away. Briefly scanning the information, the recommendation was something like 36 drops of this stuff per day. I’m not going to worry about ingesting two — or, with a slip of the hand, even three.

I vaguely recall that my doctor had done thyroid labs some time ago and that the results were not noteworthy. I have to wonder.

Since I have been supplementing iodine, my feet and ankles have markedly reduced swelling, the skin around my ankles has become more supple and less scaly, and my overall energy level has been boosted, as well as my internal perception of mental acuity (and I’m not going to argue this with anyone, especially because this acuity seems to be focused on a snarling frustration).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What are your thyroid hormone levels? It sounds like you must have hypothyroid – and that makes me wonder why your doctor hasn’t diagnosed it.


Short answer is: since Obamacare, I haven’t had a doctor that’s lasted for more than a year. Getting my own copy of labs has been problematic.

And I suspect I don’t have it any more.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this makes sense. Lab tests need to be seen over years to make sense, preferably by the same laboratory. You got MISSED is my bet. Thyroid numbers tend to fluctuate, too, and they may need different tests for different problems, just like immunity. I trust YOUR results most of all here. If you’re seeing changes, it’s having an effect – and that’s just by changing iodide availability. You need tests!


I very much liked the “swab a drop across your inner forearm” test. It didn’t cost much, I didn’t share it with the gestapo, and I could understand it.


Getting my own copy of labs has been problematic.

You can order your own lab tests and have them sent to you. A number of labs do this.


A doctor I know says the accepted lab results for thyroid function are off and that many people with thyroid problems either way (low or high) do not get diagnosed and treated properly because of it. This is another case where treating someone in an off-label way, or outside of the accepted norms, has helped a lot of people. I don’t know specifics about lab values, but there are alternative docs who have written about this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes a lot of sense, and explains what I know about the failures of the tests and/or treatments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your point about salt being banned is excellent – I think that diminished iodide may have indeed been an unintended consequence!


It’s the enforced ignorance that is the biggest problem. “You don’t have to know about iodine, we put it in your salt.” Then, “reduce your salt” when people have been conditioned not to think about iodine.

One has to wonder how many other essential nutrients have followed a parallel path — like, for instance, how many people with high blood pressure are on lisinopril when they should be on magnesium?

Even a casual observer has surely noticed that the USDA food pyramid is a gateway to diabetes and related metabolic syndromes.

And God help you if you try to talk to a “nutritionist” about any of this — they are so far deep in the BS that your lucky to see bubbles coming to the surface. I could get far better information from an eggplant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You DO get far better information from an eggplant! And so do I! 😀


Lol! It’s a good day.


I do hope you mean me! Lol!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He absolutely does. 🙂


🙂 Gives me the warm fuzzies.


What other purple font of wisdom might I be referencing?


Lol! Sure not Barney the Dinosaur!


It’s even worse than that. IIRC, they began to put bromine in breads which I guess displaces iodine, so it seems to be a planned lowering of the IQs of Americans?

Quick search gets:

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Deplorable Patriot

Where do you get this Lugol’s Solution?


DP – I found this:

Yea, I know, Amazon, but it was a quick search. 😉


J. Crow’s is supposed to be descendants of the original purveyors. Nepotism in action (maybe in a good way) — it’s what I’ve been using.


Amazon has several varieties. You could shop there but buy elsewhere. That is a nice technique I have mastered. 😁


If you have a good local pharmacy, they may have it. Health food store might, too.

Elizabeth Carter

I take Lugol’s drops. I buy directly from Lugol’s.
They run good specials.

Cuppa Covfefe

Weird. Wonder if drugs/meds are involved… especially the sunken eyes in that lower-left picture…


mental illness will do that, too.


Absolutely that is what it looks like.


I’m pretty sure that one is photoshopped. There are peeps out there who either are not terribly concerned with the truth, or they enjoy making people look worse than they already do. It might ne known as a joke when they first do it, but then the pics get circulated out of context, and people accept them as true representations.


Well worth a listen. One thing JFK said in his speech is, “On infiltration instead of invasion”. Que has posted this quote a few times. Before hearing this I thought Que was referring to China.

This is just an excerpt of his speech. I’m having trouble locating the whole of it. It would likely have contained the part, “There’s a plot in this country
to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

The fact checkers have been hammering that quote as being false. It’s a fact checker pile on.

(1:45 in length)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is the whole speech:

Deplorable Patriot

The pop is blocked.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

so….anybody here having a Birthday today ?

just to let you know…

I’m thinking of you !

and here’s your Birthday Carp !
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xoxoxo 💞  🎂 

Deplorable Patriot

Random request.

Earlier this week, and I’m not sure how I did this, I set off an old plantar fasciaitis injury on the right. Compensating for that on the left, of course, I set off the same, and aggravated an Achilles issue that hasn’t popped up in twelve years. To top it off, I somehow got a chigger bite Tuesday morning while I was out walking, which has turned out to be a dumb idea, but I missed three days walking last week for various reasons, and I have to do that. The chigger thing is better this morning, but still itches.

So, knowing rest is the best when it comes to getting over this stuff, I took yesterday off. The right seems to be back to normal, and the left is still stretching, but is there any way to speed this up? I think I know the answer, but this is driving me nuts.


try a muscle relaxant for 24 hrs while you rest.


Hope someone has an answer for you!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a lot better this morning, but the chigger bite is on the fleshy part of the arch and it gets irritated with shoes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

D.P., I just had an amazing herbal victory and it’s possible it might help you.

My granddaughter got a spider bite, probably a hobo. She had a red area the size of a tennis ball, with a knot under the skin as big as a golf ball, and just as hard as one, too.

I took some tobacco, moistened it, put it on a gauze pad and taped it over the bite. I was taught this as a child by my grandmother. We left it on overnight.

In the morning, the knot was GONE. Completely gone. The area is still bruised-looking, which is no surprise considering the size of that knot.

I had grown some tobacco this year, dried and cured it. I have always used regular tobacco this way, though, and it works. I just like growing my own stuff. I have no plans to smoke it; I have never been a smoker.

The tobacco draws out the poison, and the nicotine in it will take away the pain and itch.

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting. Thank you.


Wow ! Impressive


Blew me away.


I should’ve said..You’re impressive ! I read a lot about herbal remedies but to actually grow & prepare things…very cool


Thanks! *blushing*


Soaking your foot / feet in a warm water bath with Epsom salts mixed in has always helped me with foot ailments. The bath container can be something as simple as a mop bucket, five gallon bucket, or other container large enough to stick your foot (or feet) into.

I have a Dr. Scholls foot bath, but sometimes the limited volume is not enough.


Another way of absorbing Magnesium too. Epsom Salts=Magnesium sulfate.


Probably not the answer, but just a shot in the dark.

I suffered with alternating fasciitis for about ten years. Terrible.

A new (to me) doctor (an old timer) finally found bone chips in both Achilles heels. He knew right away and verified with x-ray.

After two respective surgeries and about a year, no further problems whatsoever.

Again, probably not relevant to you, but who knows.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think that’s it. This is all soft tissue.


Just thought I would try!

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks, though.

This has all happened before. Being short, part of the problem is my feet being propped up on a stool while I sit at my desk. And then, I walk 60-90 minutes, usually, 5-6 days a week on light hills.
