Let’s see….
Where to start….
How about with what’s for dinner.
Unhappy with prices, ranchers look to build own meat plants
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Like other ranchers across the country, Rusty Kemp for years grumbled about rock-bottom prices paid for the cattle he raised in central Nebraska, even as the cost of beef at grocery stores kept climbing.
He and his neighbors blamed it on consolidation in the beef industry stretching back to the 1970s that resulted in four companies slaughtering over 80% of the nation’s cattle, giving the processors more power to set prices while ranchers struggled to make a living. Federal data show that for every dollar spent on food, the share that went to ranchers and farmers dropped from 35 cents in the 1970s to 14 cents recently.
It led Kemp to launch an audacious plan: Raise more than $300 million from ranchers to build a plant themselves, putting their future in their own hands.
“We’ve been complaining about it for 30 years,” Kemp said. “It’s probably time somebody does something about it.”
Crews will start work this fall building the Sustainable Beef plant on nearly 400 acres near North Platte, Nebraska, and other groups are making similar surprising moves in Iowa, Idaho and Wisconsin. The enterprises will test whether it’s really possible to compete financially against an industry trend that has swept through American agriculture and that played a role in meat shortages during the coronavirus pandemic.
The move is well timed, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture is now taking a number of steps to encourage a more diverse supply in the beef industry.
Still, it’s hard to overstate the challenge, going up against huge, well-financed competitors that run highly efficient plants and can sell beef at prices that smaller operators will struggle to match.
I’m sure the carnivores here at the Q Tree wish them the best in this endeavor even if they are not producing bacon.
Here’s a question for the ages:

It’s a sad and tragic situation.
Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985
People seriously worship vaccines as holy. But if you ask them what convinced them, you’ll find evidence so flimsy, it feels like a joke. “Well before them there was polio, after there wasn’t, duhhh.” Ignoring the fact that almost all diseases were in a pattern of decline.
12:03 AM · Oct 19, 2021
All diseases except a non-disease treated as one.
Not going to expand on this one at this juncture.

BlackRock, who is buying up homes and foreclosures at record speed in the United States has an ownership of 262,067,651 shares of Pfizer Inc.
Would it surprise you to know that Blackrock/Vanguard own 15% of Delta airlines, collectively?
Who is Michale Pyle? He is a former alumni of Black Rock and is currently Kamala Harris’s Chief Economist. Black Rock’s assets are worth over 8.7 Trillion dollars and gobbling up US assets as fast as they canVanguard works along side BlackRock. They own the largest stake in Pfizer at a whopping 432,721,863 shares which equals $18,611,367,328.
More links at the Thread Reader
Government and commercial incest at its finest.

Our friends in Italy are putting on a show.
About Let’s Go Brandon….
About the fact checkers:
Chef Andrew Gruel@ChefGruel
Every “Fact Check” I see trending turns out to be real, even though the fact-checkers say “missing information”. This fact-checking mission is actually bringing attention to the fact the fact-checkers are wrong. Fact check that one with a fat check.
1:02 AM · Oct 19, 2021

Oh, Red hen Jen:

Have a good day y’all.
(I hope there’s this much good stuff out there tomorrow.)
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

I know I said we’d go through the horror film themes, but given the beef story….
I’ve only seen Carnegie Hall from the stage, and, uh, that’s not Carnegie Hall, at least not the main hall.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

ROMANS 6:12-18
12Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. 13Do not yield your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but yield yourselves to God as men who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness. 14For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. 15What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to any one as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
It’s one of those days.
The things you find on the internet.
Hi dp. Thanks for the camel train.
The whole picture is well composed, but I have to crop things for that space and it doesn’t always translate.
𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@risemelbourne) Tweeted:
I’ve said this from day 1…Every Single Message Counts Now…👇👊 https://t.co/4EaczOuI8o
On that note, kiddo and I are finishing American colonial history and in the transition we read a bit on The Great Awakening. I thought it was important to compare to present day. We watched this video today which is worth sharing here.
giloo, yes, very much worth sharing.
Thanks for posting this!
Youre welcome.
Yes, this is true, about impact. Far more true than people realize.
Another reason to like In ‘n Out Burger.
Still a locals company, lines longer than cfa.
Through all of the mask ignorance, In-N-Out at times asked if I needed a mask. Always told them no. Then on with the ordering process. Never a big deal.
Okay, it’s up, and I’m going back to zzz.
Ying is clingy right now. Poor girl still is mourning her little brother.
“Ying is clingy right now. Poor girl still is mourning her little brother.”
Have you thought about getting her a puppy?
At almost fifteen, no. She can’t take that.
They get so fragile when that age. I have a 16 year old dog and I have a new puppy. Thankfully, she isn’t too crazy. She does tug on his neck fur. He likes her though. She’s a girl and he’s not fixed. Hope springs eternal. 😂
She’s standing at the bottom of the stairs barking. She does that until somebody goes down there to be with her.
Do you not keep your dog with you?
She has the run of the house other than the basement. If she wants to come upstairs she can, but she’s got a bum knee, and is playing that for all she’s worth.
With my mom out of town, she wants to be with the Couch Commando, actually.
Oh yes knee problems. Mine has also but manages to come up. Yes your dog is morning people do not realize it. I had cats like that they were lost when their friend died. She needs special attention. Poor baby 🙁
My dogs never had problems. Had a 14 year old male when a puppy came they bonded and the young dog respected the old and the young dog protected the old.
Training is the secret and who is the boss. They never fought because I do not tolerate that.
I had 3 old dogs when a new dog came into the house worked well for us.
My dogs are crate trained sleep in my bedroom and can look at each other. When puppy gets old enough I leave the door open at night.
During the day I tie the puppy to me and are house broken in no time.
My old dog I tread like the Alfa they are get food and tread first. I go into in and out of the house first and older dog second puppy last.
I put much time into my animals specially training play time and giving them walks .
That ant colony casting thing is wierd DP but cool when it is out.
Is this a common thing to do or did he make this up to display as art?
It’s a known thing, but it’s not like people do it all the time. There are a bunch of YouTubes. Digging it out without breaking it can be a problem — IIRC, one went down 16 feet.
Wow. Its an interesting way to obtain a sculpture.
You’ll note that there is at least one among our number who really, really, really, really, really hates fire ants. It may be a combination of pest control and revenge, with the sculpture a monument to complete triumph.
I hate fire ants!
They have decimated the native horny toads.
Horned toads have a soft underbelly…and the fire ants sting them there and kill them.

When I was a kid there were horny toads all over.
We used to play with them.
I haven’t seen a horny toad in years, now.
Fire ants have also conquered and pushed out our Harvester Ant population…which is a food staple of the horny toads.
Fire ants are an invasive species from South America.
OK, there are at least two among our number…..
Well they are horrible.
Fire ants are aggressive and will attack people too.
They have a painful bite that stings like fire! 🔥
very itchy too !
at first…
so…you scratch the top layer of skin off, it itches so bad…then you have a burning painful open wound that can easily get infected.
fire ants are very very awful.
Three at least, I hate them too and have the bites to prove it. 😨😨
How are the collared lizards doing in surviving the ants? Somewhere I’ve got photos of one I caught while there.
I let it go shortly after taking the photos. I had placed it on a board and floated it in a farm pond so it wouldn’t run off.
They are doing okay, as far as I know.
Being rock dwellers, I suspect they are not as vulnerable to being attacked by fire ants.
Theyre cute.
Count me in. Hating fire ants.
Thank you, DePat, for another marvelous KAG thread.
Let’s hope those meatranchers’ foray into meatpacking goes gangbusters [we could use a few gangs busted]!
Yes, I hope more farmers get together and do that kind of thing. Big Ag is almost as bad as Big Pharma and Big everything else.
I have one small local example of that. My grandparents used to run a meat processing plant and locker in a small rural Missouri town….just a place for the farmers to bring in their animals for slaughter and processing, and to store the meat in large freezer drawers in the days before everyone had a freezer at home.
About 20+ years ago, my parents remodeled that and turned it into a restaurant. It had much of the charm of the old establishment, including the old overhead meat rail system, antique scales and hamburger grinder, etc., and was wonderful for the tiny town. But after some problems a few years ago finding good management, it stood empty. My SIL had worked to put it back in shape and found someone to run it, then corona hit and it is still empty.
When it became all but impossible to find any place for the beef farmers to process their meat, SIL started using the place to process his own beef with his cousin. I don’t know how many other farmers used/are using the place,but am glad it has been up and running again, sort of.
Rock and Roll!!! Take it big! Hit up all the non-chain markets in the area to market “premium local beef”.
A couple of thoughts in regard to the Black Rock story.
Number one, why does the Vice President, a notoriously do-nothing position, need a Chief Economist????
Second, I know people keep throwing up Vanguard’s “ownership” of a bunch of big companies. But is it really all that sinister when Vanguard is a mutual fund company? Yes, their many, many mutual funds are invested in just about every company in all the stock exchanges. But mutual funds are what people have in their IRAs and 401ks. Vanguard doesn’t own big pieces of those companies. Their investors do. And most of those investors are ordinary people investing for their retirement.
Yes, but Vanguard votes the shares.
A few things on this. All these mutual funds, all these banks, insurance companies, large public companies etc… All of them without exception vote the shares. For the most part investors seldom try to overrule/override the board or in case of a mutual fund manager, the manager’s.
One has to look back to David Hogg of Parkland fame to see the first attempt to take down Vanguard through non traditional ways when he tried to demonize the big bad mutual fund company Vanguard. There have been other attempts to take down Vanguard while charging it with corruption, but Vanguard has with stood all such attacks proving them to be both frivolous and designed by their competitors such as Fidelity which did have serious corruption problems.
Like other mutual fund families, the Vanguard Group controls multiple funds. In the case of Vanguard it’s 223 Funds not including its large array of ETFs.
Vanguard is a no load Mutual Fund company. That means with a minimum investment of 3000 dollars you can enter into almost all of Vanguards funds with out paying a front end load (percentage of your intended investment). You can also exit the Fund with no loads and there are no 12-1B loads that occur during your life in the fund either. The only fee you pay is a maintenance fee which all funds charge but Vanguard offers the lowest maintenance fees in the industry and those fees are dramatically lower than other funds. Example common maintenance fees run 3 to 1% where as very few of Vanguard funds charge more than .25% and it’s common for them to be as low as .16%
Vanguard is able to achieve these low rates by being the first fund family entering the market while using indexing to make money for it’s investors. Essentially what this means is that the money in any one fund follows the index’s of the market and attempts to copy the higher end of the index. They don’t use one smart guy to make judgements on what to buy. By following the index’s the Vanguard Group has managed to achieve a strong but conservative level of growth. So essentially for most of Vanguard Funds they do not actively manage the funds and are able to keep fees low.
This has made Vanguard Group a go to for Conservative fire and forget (you pick the fund and then just moderately keep an eye on it because you trusted where you put the money and need only watch the over all markets if that) type investors. This has also allowed Vanguard an unparalleled level of stability.
All these factors have made Vanguard one of the largest Mutual Fund Families in the industry controlling over 7 trillion dollars in investments. Investments as Linda points out that are made mostly by middle Americans who don’t have the time or sophistication to actively monitor their fund.
Now back to Hogg. It’s been several years since he attempted to demonize Vanguard. It’s been about one year now since new rumors of Vanguard have begun to surface on conspiracy boards. Some of these conspiracies sound strong, but what’s the truth?
Keep in mind one of the objectives the enemy has is to take away the money from our middle class/populace champions like President Trump. Mainstreet is under attack, small business’s are under attack and all of these things are what funds our fight against Mr Global. Taking down Vanguard would be a huge success for Mr Global as those type investors would be very leery of getting back into the market if it could be successfully demonized.
I should expound but time is short.
Very interesting. I shared your thoughts w/ some financially savvy family members. Thanks for taking the time to explain this!
Thank you, para. That’s why I give a side eye to people that demonize Vanguard and lump them in with Black Rock. They are not the same thing at all.
Saw your comment last night and woke up this morning thinking it needed a response. It doesn’t mean their may not be a problem there, but if there is, it’s the type you attack with a scalpel and not whole sale. It’s been largely recognized from even ancient times that Armies need funding and this is a huge source of our funding. Glad you posted it. I imagine the subject will come up again and yes, huge difference between between Black Rock and Vanguard. You can demonize Black Rock and demons will flock there. Demonize Vanguard and conservatives will run away. Not good.
Great opener, DePat. Thanks again.
This. This right here.
This is the soft underbelly of the beast.
Sue them into submission. Make them acknowledge IVM and HCQ efficacy.

I think this IS the underbelly, and where
Biden’sObama’s stranglehold can be chopped off at the wrist, in MUSLIM irony.Once that train gets rolling, it’ll be a full-on melee of trial attorneys vs. doctor’s malpractice insurance companies.
I hope many of them end up at Nuremberg II.
If not humanity will not survive.
Good grief – TikTok is CHUCKING FINA. Get off it, for goodness sake!!!
Zoom and TikTok are like inviting Chinese intelligence into your HOME.
They can take a long walk off a short pier … in other words …
I guess that means they’re without pier 🙂
Or, as the old Sonny and Cher commercial said,
“When you’re out of slats, you’re out of pier”…
(Old Schlitz Beer commercial: when you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer)
Why has Brandon made a complaint, for surely he’s the only one involved.
China is protecting their INVESTMENT – namely CHINA JOE.
Boot’s on the other foot now in the pretending not to know dept., FJB’s just sulking because Brandon stole his thunder.
New outrage. We’ve seen it almost put into practice in AUS. But now it’s in effect in WA state. Elected representatives locked out of their State Offices for not having presented vax proof.
OK, that’s absolute bullshit.
Anybody wants to INVADE WASHINGTON (state) and fix that shit, I’m totally up for it.
I mean, this is NAZI stuff. And the most hilarious part is the stupid, idiot, “anti-fascist” ANTIFA created this insanity.
Somebody recently said this is all looking like 1930s Germany, and they didn’t say anything wrong by just keeping it THAT general.
And then what happened? He legally represents a constituency and has the same rights as everyone else.
In the remotest reaches of Canada it appears the Canadian Govt is forcing vaccinations on the native Indian population and the Indians are having to go hide in the bush when the government comes calling.
This is just so SICK. The Baby Castro government does all this “dig up the bones” “mea culpa” VIRTUE SIGNALING CRAP – but when push comes to shove, they treat the Indians WORSE than even the people of the past who were allegedly so bad.
This is why I always tell people that it’s the PROGRESSIVES who push “progress” by STONE-AGE INTIMIDATION TACTICS who are the greatest danger to ALL OF US.
And then the progressives – years later – go through BLAME FIRST and/or MEA CULPA ON BEHALF OF OUR POLITICAL ENEMIES about CRIMES *THEY THEMSELVES* DID.
Leave us all ALONE progs. LEAVE US ALONE.
“Leave us all ALONE progs. LEAVE US ALONE.”
They said ‘No.’
So I guess we’ll have to move on to plan B then…
The modern-day smallpox blanket. Fuckers.
covid “vax” = smallpox blankets 😡
Pharmacy Manager for Safe Way quits. Tells customers to wake up she’s not giving out the plosion. Has seen customers die.
WOW. This is great. People are pushing back on the insanity.
Tucker needs her on his program tomorrow.
And Project Veritas should be working the pharmacies and doctor’s offices.
Moments later, the sheeple in the Safe Way said “But… but if you quit, how are we gonna get our vaxx?”
And then the herd slowly started following her, out into the parking lot, because they thought she took a box full of the magic elixir with her…
“MUH VAX!!!”
The pharmacies in the grocery stores here all have privacy screens now. They never used to.
Wanna get away?
Well, the Bahamas just changed it’s COVID entry requirements, again.
Now even fully vaccinated people must get tested for entry, in spite of being vaccinated fully…just in case that part needs pointing out.
If you’re not questioning this, then you are part of the problem.
(HINT: And yes, when the vaccines were first introduced even Fauci the Fraud was saying they had 95%+ efficacy against catching or transmitting COVID. Compare to now.)
I wonder if they’ll require that for hurricane relief efforts….
One tourist season later it will have all gone the way of the Dodo.
Yup. It’s about to die.
I can wait to get away until all this insanity is over.
After that…
Mt. Aso in Japan has erupted.
That wasn’t too bad, but it would have certainly reminded me that I was too $%@^# close.
One of those volcano stories that has stuck with me is the eruption of Mount Mazama that resulted in Crater Lake, Oregon. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Mazama ]
The short form is that Mazama was one of the tallest of the Cascade volcanoes, at about 12,000 feet, and it began erupting, big time, around 7,700 years ago.
And we’re not talking a throat-clearing eruption or a little lava flow like you see in Hawaii, we’re talking about the largest eruption in the Cascades in the last million years. “Mazama Ash” is orange-colored, and can be found in eight states and three Canadian provinces. There were significant lava flows, as well.
The ash and lava flows were so intense that, when they started to subside, they had left a vast empty subterranean chamber deep below the mountain. This chamber was so large that the top of the mountain collapsed into it — and some of the more recent lava flows actually stopped and flowed backwards.
When the fumes cleared and things settled down, it started filling up as a lake, as it is now.
Where it gets freaky is that there were human observers who survived, and pretty much all of them agreed that this was an event that should be taught to their descendants. They didn’t have any form of writing, but they left surprisingly detailed oral accounts — and you can tell that they saw this cataclysm as it was happening. Even in the “good spots” for observation, there were likely significant casualties — while anyone in the north or northeast just died.
A Klamath leader named Lalek essentially described what had happened to the mountain to a soldier in 1865, before it had been seriously studied by geologists. That ended up in “Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest”.
The Japanese are always one geologic event away from disaster.
Makes sense. Japan has turned to Ivermectin in a big way. And yes, IMO Mr Global has the capability to make things like this happen.
Mr. Global is a great term. I think Catherine Austin Fitts coined it.
Incidentally, I had a rather negative interaction with a devolved Pagan yesterday.
We are talking someone who is merrily along for the ride and enjoying it as far as possible. Doesn’t care about the depopulation (after all, it’s the Christians who cause all the world’s suffering), and is totally into transhumanism.
Has no sympathy for the “anti-vaxxers” losing jobs, etc.
Demonic mindset. Entrenched.
We must defeat them. Few will convert…at least until the real suffering begins.
That person sounds insane! Sorry you had to deal with It!
Not thinking correctly, that is for sure.
evil on steroids…& apparently proud of it too!
Agreed on Fitts coining the term. Also we can’t expect much from these types who have been convinced not to have children. Just another part, an earlier one, from Mr Global’s play book. What’s amazing is they think Mr Global will have a use for them. At some point they will be retired with all the others Mr Global no longer needs. The only transhumanism they will see will be as test subjects after which they will be discarded too.
Weird that the upper atmosphere and clouds are moving away from the camera, but the volcanic eruption smoke and fumes are travelling left to right.
I’m sure it has to do with fauxbidden stealing the election!
This is why it ain’t no one’s business what your healthcare status is:
“A communications manager at the Oregon Department of Administrative Services sent a spreadsheet to the Oregonian/OregonLive and the Salem Statesman Journal Monday that contained the vaccination status for all executive branch employees, as well as whether they received a medical or religious exemption from the state’s vaccine mandate. The spreadsheet also indicated whether an employee’s vaccination record or exemption request is still being processed or if the employee had not submitted any information.”
I wonder how “mistakenly”.
Yeah, they need to be sued into the Stone Age. We need to use lawfare against the Left just as often as they did against President Trump.
Let the Hunt begin:
Good hunting!!!
Thanks, DePat, for another great hump day thread!
👏 😍
You packed it with lots of good stuff for us to ponder.
This choked me up.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/087/754/069/original/395fed4d692cf194.mp4" /]
Good man.
Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this precious warrior with us!
💞 💟 💞
Plannedemic proof in Canada from 2016
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/088/129/872/original/43438c003fabe87e.mp4" /]
“You see how much planning went into this pandemic?”
Shades of the amount of planning that went into 9/11, and the rehearsals that were made beforehand to work out the glitches.
Yes, with Event 201 being the final dress rehearsal before the curtain went up & they attempted curtains for all free peoples of the world!
Potus 45 Statements overnight
Timeless Beauty, so refreshing to the soul!
Dogs know!
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/088/152/793/original/e027332a7ff29744.mp4" /]
Dogs know who the assholes are.
Editor George
Some people posted this for lolz, but it just made me sad: the police dogs in Australia are trying to protect people *from* the police. The dogs correctly sense who the aggressor and victim are.
Seen on Gab

From Andrew Torba on Gab
FAKE “Republican” EXPOSED: Voting Records Don’t Lie!
FAKE “Republican” EXPOSED: Voting Records Don’t Lie!Retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and TRUE America First Candidate, Jarome Bell, joined Stew Peters to expose a RINO Communist-sympathizing Fake MAGA “Republican”…tv.gab.com
View Link Feed
Kudo’s to Torba for not taking 2 months off after his wife had a kid.
LOL There were trains to catch & bills to pay!
Here’s Mandy Patinkin with some thoughts (OK, song) on this… starts at 1:28 if I got it wrong (the beginning, “Japanese Sandman” as a warmup is really good too; interesting to see how he “stretches” to get ready)… really convicting song for a father… [P.S. he’s a Lionel Trains fan…]
(Just realized the link between the two – cats in the cradle also has some pentatonic (oriental-sounding) sequences in it…)
Now why didn’t they find a way to have Inygo break into a ditty in The Princess Bride?
It’s funny reading the comments on that and some of the other of his vids… there’s a whole generation that doesn’t know that he started off in musical theatre… I saw him as Che Guevara in “Evita” around 40 years ago…
I think that musical with its banana-republic corruption and corrupt military, etc., paints an accurate picture of “the desolation of the Øbamanation”. “The Art Of The Possible”, where the generals are playing musical chairs, or “I’d Be Exceedingly Good For You” (Kamel-Hoe, perhaps?), and “Rainbow Tour”…
Funny how the snark and satire and condemnation from the Left is now better, and more truly applied against THEM. Hoist by their own retards, as it were… Here’s hoping that more than a few “Haman Moments” are in store for them in the very near future!!!
Amen on the Haman outcomes. My son & I were praying yesterday for God to bring down destruction quickly on their heads & give each of them one last moment of grace, where they will be given a chance to turn to Christ, before their incoming judgement! Justice AND Mercy…
Just as a personal note regarding some of my inattention today….
I’m back on a 16:9 27″ monitor, instead of the 4:3 19″ I’ve used for months. In addition, I will be bringing my Pi 400 in and using it with the same monitor, with the keyboard to the left….and putting a 32-bit Linux laptop to the right to control headless computers.
And, then, there’s the stuff that doesn’t make me happy — the fridge is misbehaving again.
Appy-polly-oggies all around if you expected me to be doing something here.
That said, the new screen is making me feel better about calculus drawings and having the 400 here will make it significantly less of a PITA to do Pi stuff.
Oh, and I washed my CPAP mask and headgear yesterday morning, because it was beginning to develop sentience.
Yikes all around including CPAP (have experience w/ such colonization around here too!). Please Do NOT put yourself out for Any Tutorials. Take care of what needs doing IRL & drop your many gems here as the mood strikes. God Bless & Strengthen you for the many tasks at hand!
You are way too kind. Really.
The CPAP thing — if my previous mentions were somehow missed, I have long used “something special” when dealing with things like SCUBA masks and CPAP masks, where there is a silicone flange that touches your skin and other plastic parts.
That “something” is Planet Ultra Dishwashing Liquid, made for Planet, Inc., Victoria, BC V98 5Z3 ( contact@planetinc.com ). It’s available through a variety of sources — the usual suspects — and I actually contacted the company about whether they’d succumbed to the disease of “new and improved”. The intern in charge of customer contacts actually found an old-timer who noted that that the only change in the last MANY years was a minor change in salt level to improve viscosity.
If you are washing hard items — SCUBA mask frames and the like, it acts much like regular dishwashing soap — except it rinses very clean, and any residue is hypoallergenic, unscented, uncolored, and neutral.
But when you’re washing silicone…..remember those old Palmolive ads when Madge said, “you’re soaking in it!”? When you have milky silicone that is stiff and crusty, this stuff (and water) can restore it to transparent, flexible, and somewhat “clingy”. This is a personal unscientific recommendation, and YMMV, but it’s what I use. I won’t try anything else until I can’t get this.
That’s awesome info. I vaguely recall you mentioning this before (& that’s saying something because my memory is Crap now!)…
When I took Scuba in college we did our check-out dive in Lake Tenkiller in OK, a hideous dammed river of a “lake” compared to what I knew from life in the Great Lakes State!
Anyway we had to dive to 40 feet & remove our mask & clear it while an instructor watched from a couple feet away. You could barely see beyond a couple feet anyway.
It was a colder time of year so we were wearing wetsuits, which I don’t think we’d ever practiced in before. I removed my mask & couldn’t get it to seal properly because of the wet suit “hat”. Went into a near panic because I was half breathing in water through my nose even though the regulator was in my mouth still. I was so close to ditching my weight belt to surface but by some miracle got the mask to seal & passed the class.
I spent A Lot of time practicing diving without my mask on after that & wouldn’t ever wear that hood again to avoid that scenario ever happening to me again. That did mean my long hair was swirling around me on dives. Must have never heard of a ponytail holder or something 🙂
Wish I’d taken the opportunity to go to Cancun &/or Cozumel w/ some peers back in the day so I could have experienced a clear water dive at some point…but live & learn & encourage the kids I have to Seize the Day!
I learned to dive in Monterey Bay, and continued to dive there for fun until the Fiancee (and dive buddy) got DQ’d. When you dive in tropic destinations and identify your “home port” there, you get very strange reactions.
We’ve done Monterey dives where the effective viz was about four feet — and we’ve had fun with that, circling a rock with nudibranchs and crabs and gobies over anemones for an entire dive. You learn to adapt.
I believe you…you & your dive buddies have been blessed! I was just glad to learn for it was one of my goals 🙂
Looked up the Planet liquid on Amazon for the hell of it and they seem to want $48 for one 25oz bottle. Walmart wanted $81 for one or $81 for a case of 12. Strange.
I don’t know if I’d describe my experiences as “gems”. I’ll be continuing Linux and calculus when I have the opportunity.
Your Description of your experiences are what I consider the gems. What you actually experience (lemons) with which you make very enjoyable & vicariously relatable lemonade is what would be gems to me 😉
Wolf has a new post up. He tried to dodge any interference with this lovely post by DePat — but, if he were entirely successful, nobody would ever see his.
Distribute your attentions accordingly.
Canada Pastor Found Guilty Of Inciting People To Come To Church
Canada is officially a communist country. Christians and other religion need to stand together . They only can win if the split us up into small groups. They will come after up do not kid yourself. Church service sooner or later is going to be eliminated.
Love the camels 🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫 ..DePat 🙂🤚❤️ … 😜
It’s all fake

variation on the theme

From a Georgia Police Precinct

Walkout at GE Aviation at multiple locations
GE Aviation employees “walk-out” over vaccine mandate, up to 75% of Staff did not show up for work
GE Aviation Employees “Walk-Out” over Vaccine Mandate – The Triangle TriangleEmployees at multiple GE Aviation facilities, including one here in Durham, North Carolina didn’t show up for work yesterday in protest of a vaccine mandate, according…The Triangle Triangle
View Link Feed
Expecting aviation to have a very bad year as far as crashes are concerned. Lot of these people leaving fix the planes.
Yikes. Who benefits from a destroyed airlines industry? Who buys up the remnants at fire sale prices?
There ya go thinking rationally.
The asshoes inflicting all of this on us don’t care about us, the economy, Country…
No doubt. But they are sure to cash in on the chaos somehow!
Valerie…how ab Trump?
Red-pills abounding surely! Trump could likely turn pretty much Any industry around!!!
With our boots on!

yes, save the ammo for the dangling WEF types as high up the tree as possible.
Well we’re currently practicing the pen is mightier than the sword style ammo around here…but yep your way is on the horizon it seems!
if only this were outrageous

reminds me of sickening photos of the last days of incorrigible sociopath richard speck
Not familiar, but that might actually be a blessing!
Killed all those Filipino nurses in their apartment.
turned tranny in prison…smuggled-in hormones and grew “breasts”…beatles hair-do…girlie undies…
puke emoji Ploy to get put into female population to assault more women or to get favors from more obviously masculine inmates–gag!
survival…his way of surviving inside.
a hopeless vile repulsive wreck.
going straight back to a horrendous childhood.
no doubt 🙁
OK thanks 🙁
Wow, just how did genius Joe know?/s

No Doubt!

SD scores with this thread.
Thomas Sowell!!!
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/088/152/996/original/f7356deff56829ff.mp4" /]
Just like that.. I’m feeling REALLY oppressed. https://gab.com/emoji/1f921.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/1f44c.svg
SOWELL: “The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that put together.” Thomas Sowell on reparations: (VIDEO)
Actually Sowell is wrong – Western Europe had slaves. St. Patrick, an Englishman, was kidnapped and held as a slave in Ireland. St. Patrick escaped and later went back to Ireland as a missionary to the very people who held him.
We need to be MUCH more concerned about SLAVES and SLAVE TRADE going on around the world TODAY – not 200 years ago!
Men, women and little children who are being stolen, kidnapped, sold, used for evil purposes and drug addicts are all slaves!
And there are no innocent slave sellers or users….that includes those who sell, use and buy people, p0rn and drugs.
Blacks and Liberals need to concentrate on CURRENT slavery – and the symbols and flags of Islamic African and Middle Eastern slaver nations: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/259324/pulling-down-slaver-flags-islam-and-africa-daniel-greenfield
REPARATIONS should be actions bringing freedom and justice and healing for the victims of Current Slavery – not bribes and graft and guilt offerings for slavery centuries ago.
Well said! I believe the serfs in the feudal system were little more than slaves also. Reading about German genealogy apparently they couldn’t even marry w/out permission of their “lord” & so would often have multiple kids w/ desired spouse before reaching the milestones that allowed their “better” to grant permission to marry. It appears that the church basically went along w/ this immoral practice too…
Over the centuries power systems were part of the culture/civilization. There were slaves in Bible times, but in Judaism, they were freed and released in the Jubilee year, and the owners constrained to be humane to their servants and slaves.
yes…appears to be a near ubiquitous part of the human condition… 🙁
Speaking of serving(s):

Great post!
Whoa! Gettin’ a Tonawanda compliment made my day/week!
What about all the little illegal children Biden transports around the country what happens to them? They have no family no one who looks out for them. What is their future? I find that disturbing.
There’s still Hope!

Excellent! People are WAKING UP!!!
she could reuse that sign at a lesbian march … /s
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/088/161/916/original/53b5db1f11bfd3bb.mp4" /]
It’s not the trial of the century.. this video ends the case in seconds.
Antifa… actors.. glowies… whatever. This video clears everyone.
Operation Lockstep, known in 2010?
July 16, 2010
Alex Jones warns his audience about Lock Step: The coming global pandemic, mandatory vaccines and biometric ID cards.
Operation LockstepJuly 16, 2010. Alex Jones warns his audience about Lock Step: The coming global pandemic, mandatory vaccines and biometric ID cards.tv.gab.com
View Link Feed
from September 2021…
here’s brandon….listen in at about the 1 minute mark 1:01…
should be a video at this link…
“…a big agenda…USA and Australia are in lockstep…a common crisis…”
real bad choice of wording there if this lockstep conspiracy is just a theory.
well oops and fuk biden, it didn’t post there.
Link doesn’t work, but great catch on your part!
re-posted it for you.
here it is…at about the 2:23 mark…UN General Assembly event…talking to Morrison..
49 secs said Lockstep JB
The list of their agenda items is cringe worthy too–spit!
they’re all a pathetic bunch of UN toadies.
spineless parasites & bottom-feeders, remorseless frauds with roles to play, like hopeless clowns…or clones…on their little stage play of Let’s Takeover The World !
No Doubt. I wish we could just ignore it all but that would be to the world’s peril 🙁
insanity in Virginia!

WHAT THE F***???
These Democrats are HORRIFYING.
I just saw a commercial on regular TV, which we almost never watch, about returning mail in ballots for Detroit for Nov 2. It sounded like that election might be All by mail, though I don’t know that for a fact. It’s hard to imagine but apparently the dems that ru(i)n Detroit might still be finding further ways to destroy & corrupt the vote!
Democrats got power illegally and they are not going to give it up without a fight. Communists never like to be honest specially giving up power.
Valerie, it works like a charm in WA State: All mail-in ballots, all Dems, all the time.
That’s the goal now isn’t it!/s
controlled cabal?

Apr 13
Another Rothschild.. and this time with George Soros son and bunch of other familiar faces… no wonder they removed this from the internet.
shocked to see Maria’s name & face there…!
I always thought she was one of the few last remaining journalists out there.
guess that’s what happens when I stop listening to Fox Snooze…
Yes, though Maybe she got red-pilled for real…who knows…
Yes, some may have walked away. Just means more scrutiny.
It would be interesting to know what “bloodlines” are represented by the “coat of arms” on Schwabb’s podium…
On occasion I run across posts that I can not like even though I can like the one above and below and others but some like this one for some reason I can not. Can’t account for it.
different strokes for different folks 🙂
I call bullschiff on Maria B. as one of this group. She is NOT young.
Do all the others even know they are on this list? I doubt it.
that was supposedly from 2004…I’m not vouching for the info, but do hope anyone in the know will weigh in & enlighten us all,,,
You can search from this page (if you can stomach it
Seems to be a shortage of white males, and probably Christians are extremely thin on the ground, as it were…
Belly of the BEAST, indeed…
If you go to Cuppa’s link below she does show up as an alumnus…
I did an image search (Google 🙁 ) on that Schwabb image found this interesting twitter conversation, which maybe survives because it’s in Arabic twitter…
seems plausible…
The vaccinated arent afraid of the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are afraid they trusted the government and their vaccines might kill them.
Their anger towards the unvaccinated is misplaced jealousy.
As Rush used to say, 180 degrees out of phase!

language warning…the follies of defunding police
About a month ago they started a relentless propaganda campaign about mental health, specifically depression and sadness. It is everywhere, and all the apparatchiks pretend they care.
The campaign has been varied in its approach, but the “soft” and “caring” approach has been consistent. One exception was an ad I saw which was condemnatory of anyone who says things like “cheer up” or “smile” or “stop dwelling on the negative.” No, we are supposed to kindly suggest professional help.
I do not for one second believe this new, comprehensive propaganda campaign is about caring.
But I cannot figure out what the actual goal is. Whatever it is will give us an idea what they are up to in their goal of imposing an Fake alternative reality.
Stockholm Syndrome…by alternating BAD ABUSIVE behavior with GOOD CARING behavior, the abuser creates what’s known as a TRAUMA BOND in the abused victim.
the abused victim becomes bonded to the tormenter….dependent on the tormenter to provide the “healing”.
it’s a form of gaslighting.
it is psychological abuse.
and it is a common manipulative trait of malignant narcissism.
Excellent catch!
Makes total sense! The PSAs augment and lend credibility to the on air celebrity propagandists, who otherwise lie in our faces. My goodness, even football announcers are pretending to care about your mental health.
Get people on psych meds & then make them “disqualified” for the 2nd amendment? MK people into committing atrocities? Label & marginalize? AND logic surely applies… 😡
My daughter told me the other day “she saw a study that 45% of people in US are on some kind of mental medicine”.
I remember when my husband was a lay Pastor in a small country church several of the women in the Bible class were exchanging happy pills. Some of their daughters were nurses and shared their pills with mom and anti. I was shocked.
People find it easier to take a pill than coping with an issue. I rather cope with it get it over with and move on. It takes me a day or so 🙂
Good for you! Dealing with root causes of some issues can be quite challenging. Medical science seems conditioned to treat symptoms not cure causes!
That is true always search for the root of problem.
Don’t get mad/sad: Get Even! 🙂
(Seen at a Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Sacramento:
“Don’t let the musicians tortue you: Fight Back! Sing!” ) 😆
Shakey’s Pizza….
This is all so showing up in the Medicare brochures going out to everyone. One of the benefits they mention:
Virtual Appointments: “Other test can be conducted via virtual health. For instance, provider can assess your risk for DEPRESSION or addiction during a remote chat.”
Talk to them at the risk of being checked off as “depressed ” which leads to mental health which leads to Red flag laws………
We are at the point where your doctor must not be told the truth about many things.
My doctor as the same because they have too. They feel embarrass. I am not happy about it and told them if I have a problem they are the first to know.
I know they enter what I say into the computer for medicare?
In town there were two Greek sisters who had an antique store in an large building they owned. One sister died the other was 90 and in good health but had 15 cats. They put her into a nursing home and took all the valuables from the store sold it to friends and relatives for pennies. Someone who was close to them told me the story. I used to love visiting them and all the cats well cared for. If one has no relatives one is at the mercy of whoever decides that one is mental.
singing…this is sad and frightening at the same time.
Torture…which the evil ones do not care ab at ALL.
Yes it is frightening and sadly it happens more than we know.
The more people are self centered the less they will pay attention to their surroundings and the less they will figure out what is happening. Distraction of the masses has always been important to tyrants and petty tyrants alike.
The amount of navel gazing in modern society is much more than it should be and comes in way too many varieties.
I thought it might have something to do with that study Wolf wrote about, where they were testing Ivermectin, Flonase, and an anti-depressant, Luvox, against Covid.
I think it has long been a goal to get most people “hooked” on an anti-depressant. Once you are on one, it is VERY hard to get off.
2nd amendment under assault, I know it’s just another day in liberal loonville!

What an diabolical plan it was to entrap Trump supporters…pure evil
Licenses for what exactly? Driving? Physician? Contractor?
I think it was gun licenses
Where’s Breitbart’s War video when needed?
A Reminder: We Will Not Comply
In a time of universal vaccine mandates, non-compliance is a revolutionary act.*
The landing craft is now bumping through the raging surf, and will shortly be ejecting us onto our very own Omaha Beach.
Yes, we are in the midst of a war. There are no non-combatants.
Looking at it from one angle, everyone who has been “vaccinated” has already surrendered and been taken prisoner. The rest of us — the ones who have refused, sometimes known as “purebloods” — are now being intensively targeted in a renewed offensive by the enemy. There are very few unjabbed people left who can be easily coerced into getting the vax, so we can expect the next phase of the war to become particularly nasty.
[Rest at link. The Mark {of the Beast} is in the injection, that is the ENTIRE POINT.]
Here is that martyred hero–assassinated by team aka Obama/cabal…
probably not hyperbole

Simpler times, gone but not forgotten…

I absolutely LOVE those vintage trucks !
I am pretty much car-phobic (20 yrs in SW FL will do that) but I really do appreciate…and miss..the older nicer better-made MANUAL vehicles…and all that chrome !
I still use a MAP.
I detest & loathe…what’s it callled…GPS…?
and non-key ignitions…you so much as glance at the frikkin thing and it starts !
nope…not me…
still a LUDDite and I’m sticking to my story.
Love it. I relate on So Many levels!!! Blessings 🙂
I went to my auto garage the other day to buy windshield wipers for my car and the attendant, who is elder & grizzled, looked at me and said “I am sorry to tell you, that like you and I, your car has become obsolete” they no longer make wipers for my car…
I’m a ‘rural’ resident. In a neighboring community there exists a grocer who still employees men & women to help carry groceries to and load groceries into customer vehicles. Last week when I stopped, the bag boy looked at my car and said “Sweet!”.
Kinda took me by surprise because I haven’t washed my car in about seven years but I proudly turned to her and said “It has no beep, beep, beep sound when I reverse, it doesn’t have GPS, and I actually have to insert a key in order to start it up.”
I’m right there with you in the LUDDITE camp smiley2…:0)
💝 👍
Quite the lineup here!

Ted Cruz is still a weasel that can’t be trusted. He’s trying to sneak aboard the Trump Train, now renamed USS America First.
Funny how he was so reviled as corrupt and globalist during 2016 campaign, but now when compared to the even-more-corrupt left and rino’s, he looks tolerable. Side eye always on TC.
And Let’s Go Brandon!
Nice! Canadian non-natural born citizen shouldn’t ever have a shot at the big chair regardless of the usurpations of aka BHO & Kamel-u(g)h!!!
Calm down. Christ was/is the only perfect man.
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat for most of his adult life. Just saying.

Strange, I was able to save the above image to Pinterest from the Q-Tree but not from Gab, where I found it. I am able to save plenty of images directly from Gab though…
This shows a weakness in Pinterest’s censorship algorithm.
I bet you’re right. I’d rather see a Free Speech algorithm!!!
This is Really Weird. My reply to you below did NOT go through from the notifier, or so it said. I came to the page to see if I could post that copy/paste same reply & discovered it was already here…Glitchy it seems to me…
logic is a conspiracy theory!
Somehow I haven’t been sick in almost two years, but I’m making everyone else sick simply because I didn’t get the jab (even though I’m completely fine)? Holy crap – listen to yourselves!
Logic is apparently a conspiracy theory.
Faucism-Lysenkoism is NUTS!!!
Move along, nothing to see here:
This is hilarious:
“It’s unclear if any have been fired at this point after the deadline has passed, or if any level of negotiations or understandings are in the process of being reached. The reality is that these employees are seen as immensely valuable to both the advanced nuclear lab and national security, given their government-issued clearance levels.”
What negotiation or understanding can possibly be reached?
Either the needle goes IN the arm, or it DOESN’T.
That’s not a negotiation, it’s an either you get jabbed or you get fired.
Even more hilarious is the mention of “the reality is that these employees are seen as immensely valuable to both the advanced nuclear lab and national security…”
Can’t go talking about REALITY when it comes to vaxx mandates, because vaxx mandates can’t get anywhere NEAR ‘reality’ without all the children in the whole school district pointing out the emperor is butt-naked (or buck naked, if one prefers).
Naked he be, either way.
So if the company surrenders, then “important people” don’t need the vaxx.
But that makes no sense, because even though they’re important people, if they don’t take the vaxx, then we’re all doomed, or something.
And if they don’t take the vaxx, and get fired, then the only people left to run the nuclear facility are Homer Simpson and his family (try to keep Bart away from the consoles with all the flashing buttons).
Covid narrative has zero chance against REALITY, which is exactly why these confrontations are so interesting.
It’s like matter and anti-matter colliding.
Don’t forget the doesn’t matter!
Love your takes on the idiocracy!!!
I’m glad someone does! 😜😂
Oh, we’re out here, Scott. Believe it.
Even STALIN wasn’t THAT stupid. He did NOT cull his nuclear scientists for thinking Lysenko was an idiot. Others? They got EXECUTED!
I’m thinking plumbing the depths of stupidity is a starting point nowadays!
Otto Warburg, of cancer fighting fame. Jewish decent and suspected to be gay. Survived through Nazi Germany. Hitler and company were scared to death of cancer and were not even willing to send him off to the camps.
Fascinating guy.
Read his history, and you can really see the parallels of the times. The similarity of Wokeism to Nazism. Government by endless ridiculous bureaucratic rules descended from a combination of EDICTS and ABUSED PROCESSES to rubber-stamp them.
“Let’s go Brandon” is the perfect joke. And every day it lifts my spirits.
“Let’s go, Brandon!”
Spirits lifted!
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, October 20, 2021
“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
John 11:26 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Father God:
We come to you humbly on our knees before the Throne of Grace to ask You to lay your Healing Hands on our Beloved Brother, Carl.
We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.
You know only too well the challenges Carl faces not only for himself, but also for his family.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to burst those blood bubbles and seal them up tight and right quick.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to alkalize his stomach contents and calm the disruption and disunity.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Healing Angels with Healing Oils to cover him now and in the days ahead.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Your Heavenly Angels to reconnect the nerve endings, break the chains, and smooth the blood flow throughout Carl’s body.
We ask You to remind Carl that he has Healing Holy Spirit Power within him to restore his health for he knows greater is He that is in him than he that is in the world.
We ask You to increase Carl’s trust in You, to lean not on his own understanding, and to acknowledge You in all that he does because he knows You will make his path straight.
We ask You to ensure Carl has Restful and Restorative Sleep, Father God.
We ask You to Restore his Balance and Functionality, Father God.
We ask You to Replenish and Boost his Energy Levels, Father God.
We ask You to send the Power of the Son to Carl’s heart and environment to invigorate him, Father God.
You know only too well Carl is a loving soul who provides encouragement for others in spite of his own afflictions, Father God.
We ask You to bless Carl’s caring heart as he blesses others in all that he does in the coming weeks and months, Father God.
We ask You to increase Carl’s patience in the coming weeks and months, Father God.
We ask You to increase our patience as we pray for Carl’s healing and comfort for his family, Father God.
We ask You to provide us with perseverance as we pray for his healing and wholeness, Father God.
We ask You to strengthen our prayers and petitions on Carl’s behalf, Father God.
We ask You to seal relationships with openness and love for Carl’s peace of mind, Father God.
We ask You to restore Carl to health, cleanse his heart, and renew a right spirit in him, Father God.
We thank You for being the rock Carl needs in his present trials and tribulations, Father God.
We thank You for loving Carl as he puts his trust in You, Father God.
We thank You for our Beloved Brother Carl and for all he does to encourage and support our blog family, Father God.
We acknowledge and ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Father God:
We come to you before the Throne of Grace on our knees to ask You lay Your Healing Hands on our Beloved Brother, Wolf.
We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.
You know only too well the trials and tribulations of our Brother Wolf who suffers daily physically, mentally, and spiritually.
He rarely complains unless we need to understand something he has gleaned from his suffering we need to know and for that, Father God, we ask You to bless him.
You know all, see all, and control all in this world so his suffering is well known to You and he knows that trials work patience.
We ask for Your patience with us because we are impatient for Wolf to heal so he may glorify, honor, and praise You another day.
Pour Your Healing Oils over his body, Father God.
Strengthen his lungs and breathe new life into them, Father God.
Comfort him daily as he brings forth the truth, Father God.
Guide him daily in Your Truth, Father God.
Bless him daily for fighting the good fight, Father God.
Let him know You have not abandoned him, Father God.
Make his sleep restorative and refreshing, Father God.
You are the Heavenly Physician who heals all wounds whether they be physical, mental, and/or spiritual.
We trust You will increase Wolf’s faith as he puts his trust in You and You alone.
We lean not on our own understanding because Your ways are not our ways.
We acknowledge You in all of our ways because You and only You will make our path straight.
We ask you to make the path straight for our Beloved Brother Wolf and that with each step he takes, he can feel Your Healing Power.
We acknowledge and ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Waldman, Deripaska gets interesting very quickly.
Leads to Vekselberg Blavatik, Rusal/Susal/Glencore and ultimately China…specifically Hunter’s partner CEFC.
Complex stuff, a bit above my pay grade. A couple links for those better equiped:
…”According to a November 2017 EN+ prospectus, which may not reflect current arrangements, the other 30 percent of the company’s equity is divided between the general public (10–15 percent), AnAn, a Chinese energy firm (about 6 percent)”…
…”Singapore-listed AnAn International Ltd. said in its 2012 annual report, when it was still called CEFC International Ltd., that Ye worked from 2003 to 2005 as deputy secretary-general of “CAIFC,” the acronym for China Association for International Friendly Contact. That group is a political arm of the People’s Liberation Army, according to a 2013 report by the Project 2049 Institute, an Arlington”…
(Maybe the Big Guy was point for the Russia frame job all along?)
Messy. The boy is a tool for both Russia and China – that is for sure.
UN World Food Program was the cover for Hunter’s meeting with Ye Jianming. Talk of donations turned into talk of a Monkey Island deal, and later delivery of a 2.5 carat diamond to Hunter. 10% for the big guy is all related to this relationship, apparently.
Shortly after this meeting Patrick Ho was detained, indicted, and convicted in the SDNY for bribing national and UN leaders, running the $$$ thru US banks. Hunter becomes his lawyer, (attorney/client privilege firewall?).
SDNY raided Deripaska yesterday. An An (formerly CEFC) had a 6% stake in En+, Deripaska’s company, according to one of the links. (Needs a timeline.)
Here’s the DOJ press release for Ho’s conviction:
Tonight’s NY Post:
I bet he was an expert.
He was partners with China, and China owned 6% of Daripaska.
Where was Hunter getting his information on Deripaska that he wanted to sell to Alcoa? From the Chinese? From another domestic source? And who was this contact at Alcoa?
Hunter Bagman Biden… he’s a joker, he’s a smoker, he’s a midnight toker… he gets his lovin’ on the run… 👍😂
It seems the polls are getting more honest by the day, maybe this was the real poll last year.
Do people really believe that the guy who supposed to have been (s)elected by the biggest number of voters ever, is at 28% approval 10 month after his installment.
This is a Quinnipiac poll, but the best poll, and the only one that one needs to follow, is the ‘Lets Go Brandon’ poll.
I suspect the sample being polled might well have changed, but we would not know that as the methodology is a trade secret.
Hard to imagine he could even be polling 28%, when the whole world knows his crack-smoking wannabe porn-star son is the bagman for the Biden CRIME family.
In any other reality, this would be the midnight comedy movie at a run-down drive in theater.
Nothing can stop what’s coming!
FDA BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Lied, Heart Attack 70 Times More Likely & Jab Kills Twice As Many As It Saves
Their narrative is crumbling, and these sociopaths are not going to be able to conceal the fact that the jabbed are dying off at an alarming rate, which only increases by the day. The truth is coming out and even the “normies” are slowly starting to clue in. When the sleepers finally realize what has been done to them, they will tear the system down and be out for blood.
This is now an inevitability, which is why the Tyrants have thrown caution to the wind and are pushing ahead like they are. They understand that they have nothing to lose at this point. The damage has already been done, and their best hope now is to lessen the number of people that will be healthy enough to participate in the violent uprising that’s poised to sweep them from power.
They know that they have already lost, and now it’s just a matter of time before the rest of the world comes to this conclusion too. Keep pushing the line Patriots, we are winning
FDA BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Lied, Heart Attack 70 Times More Likely & Jab Kills Twice As Many As It SavesBitChute
One minute video at Gab post if it doesn’t show here…
This was from the Steve Kirsch data that convinced the panel to vote 16-3 against boosters.
Hopefully this will queue up at the right time.
Crucial catch!!!
This is Incredibly Damning material. What an epic find!!!
attempted to archive this & it’s been crawled 70 some times at archive.org but none (that I could tell, randomly selecting multiple saves) show an actual video. At archive.fo it only saves a snapshot, not a working video.
Do you know an archive site that saves a snapshot AND working video???
“Nothing can stop what’s coming!”
People always miss the narrative sleight of hand in that rallying cry, i.e., ‘Nothing’ is apparently a code name for the black hats, and they can STOP whatever was supposed to be coming.
So the key question is, “Can anything START what’s coming?”
sadly this seems to be pretty true so far…
“Their narrative is crumbling, and these sociopaths are not going to be able to conceal the fact that the jabbed are dying off at an alarming rate,”
Why not?
What is going to change between now and whenever, regarding the MSM’s ability to either blackout whatever they don’t want the zombies to know or talk about, or to focus the attention of the zombies on whatever squirrel they want the zombies to be looking at?
“The truth is coming out and even the “normies” are slowly starting to clue in.”
This always sounds like wish-projection.
The ‘normies’ I know don’t have a single extra clue more than they started with at the end of 2019… in fact, quite a few appear to actually have less clues than before… 😂 🤣 😂
hopium dope = nopium to hope 🙁
Well, what’s happening, at least in my neck of the woods, is people know people who have gotten the shot, and died. The more that happens to actual people, the harder it is to stop the knowledge from spreading. You know, through work, school, email, actual honest-to-God personal contact.
They can only hide what people don’t experience personally. And that is getting increasingly difficult, as so many people are injured and/or dying from the vaxx.
Sort of like how we all knew the “overrun hospitals” narrative was crap, because we went in them, looked around, and spread the word. We are questioners of the narrative, so we seek stuff like that out. Normies don’t, but they are now getting hit in the face with the deaths, and it is only going to get worse. They don’t have to seek it out; it is coming home to roost.
Holding them accountable!

Letter Regarding Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries from Dr. Patricia Lee.
From the comments

Despite the seemingly mega fascist participation…the above and the researchers, the sharers, the places like qtree, etc etc is exactly why they want to get rid of us and replace with low info, low motivated people.
Knowledge and caring for ourselves and fellow humans is a threat to their plans
We represent what’s still left of God’s image in humanity!
Trending on Gab, haven’t read just sharing FYI. Need some rest as a bit under the weather:
OK here’s a better link:
OK here’s a better link:
Live & learn 🙂
Cops Attack ‘No Vax’ Dockers Praying Rosary
Pope, Italian bishops mum as Viganò addresses protests against tyranny
Should be a bathtub toy suitable for a dementia patient!
Probably something like this:

Since Bye,Done has the Ty-D-Bowl touch: everything he touches turns to $hit…..
(as opposed to the Midas touch)…
That is so apropos!
Just saw this on CTH and Tucker. WOW. Let’s go, Team SOVIET AMERICA!!!
Like th
ose incredibly fast talking t’s&c’s on adverts and the microscopic print…”Expectations can go down as well as up.”Lowering expectations goes against the American spirit: striving to be your best, striving to be the best, pride in oneself and one’s country. So get outta here with that (literally, get out!) It’s America first, with American pride leading the way to excellence.
This is just a carry over from “Everyone gets a Trophy.” There’s a generation or two that have no expectations, there conditioned to just receive. They’ll line right up to receive the government handout that’ll becoming along because of the “Shortages” in the supply chain.
Programmed to receive, in other words. Like Hotel Kalifornia…
“Relax,” said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!”
The Millenials’ Mantra: “If you aim low enough, you’ll never miss.”
Never mind the fact that that ends in shooting oneself in the foot…
Charlie Kirk was all over this during his radio show today.
Dewey, Cheat’em And Howe in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Wow! Drug companies and Govt off the hook as huge double cross comes to light and the employers get caught holding the bag for all vax injuries to include those of succumbing to the virus if they took the shot. Did I read that right?
3 Stooges!!!

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss three (trillion) bucks goodbye!
Sad if true ( the tweeter appears to be genuine )
What atrocities will happen now ?
The mama bears who have not drunk the Kool-Aid will have something to say about this, I’m sure.
“The mama bears who have not drunk the Kool-Aid will have something to say about this, I’m sure.”
Talk is cheap!
(and has no effect whatsoever on tyrannical Nazis)
How about this;
These Nazi fucks will vaccinate my grandchildren over my still-twitching corpse.
Not happening, unless I am dead.
Then deciding if theyre aryan… now deciding if they are woke and democrats.

They don’t want to hear that kids don’t catch the virus. They will make enough of them catch it or think they’ve caught it to scare people into this. And we know how they do that!


National Guard deployed to help Covid testing among students in Massachusetts
“To top it all off, CDC Chief Rochelle Walensky says her agency will still recommend that children wear masks in schools even after the vaccine is approved for kids.”
Yes im sure it is. Will be seeing more since theyve said its safe for preggo women. And today they want to rapidly give this to kids now.
I think they will force it sooner than later.
They’re ghouls, murderers anxious to watch the jab do it’s thing.
Just like the German fascists who did it just to see what would happen.

I saw that earlier and was so disturbed, I couldn’t bring myself to copy and paste it.
There are no words. None.
Just on the outside, far away, remote chance, I don’t suppose all the mothers were VAXXED by any chance?
He says every single one during gestation.
L O L…
At least it’s calling attention to what is being done.
More Garland unethical quagmire…which as usual is noted but nothing done
And this guy could have been on the supreme court.
Not so supreme court…anti-American & unconstitutional kangaroo zoo!
“And this guy could have been on the supreme court.”
What makes you think he won’t be?
Criminal history only increases his credibility with the criminal political-class.
If he was nominated tomorrow, he’d be in like Flynn.
People keep patting themselves on the back for the wisdom of keeping Garland off the Supreme Court bench siting the long term and nearly irrevocable damage he may of caused though that damage would take some time to manifest and thus be gradual. In the meantime as AG he is he’s coming at us like a freight train bringing the Biden Blight that will be just as damaging in the long term but much quicker. Guy has got to be stopped.
UPDATE: Sen. Manchin says this is BS and he’s not leaving the party.
h/t Citizen Free Press https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/breaking-manchin-considers-leaving-democrat-party/
Joe Manchin is considering doing whatever will get him re-elected…
OFGS ! make it stop !
Revolting, isn’t it.
F aggots
B reed
I nsanity
(if they can call us “breeders”, we can say what THEY breed, as it were)…..
I hope the FIB is dismantled, and the sea aye eh scattered to the wind
There’s a lot of this going on.
It’s slow torture at the hands of madmen. Ultimatums, threats, forced compliance and then snatch! the rug is pulled out with new demands..Now they’re coming for the kids.
Remember when those old white racists got so mad over taxes that they revolted and began a new nation ?????.
And all of them can go to hell.

Yes they are sooner than we think too.
Excerpt but whole thing is interesting.
Oh, you’re a woke-poke employer eh?
You think hiding behind OSHA — or the threat to issue a mandate by the government — in some way prevents you from being liable for injuries and/or deaths related to the vaccines?
Uh, how would you like to defend that position in court given all of the following are true:
The PREP act has no provision giving you legal immunity and cannot be amended by executive order as it is law, so you would need both houses of Congress to pass such a thing — and they have not.
The producing firms and health care providers are immune from damages under that same PREP Act. Therefore under the general principle of joint and several liability guess who gets all of it: You do.
You could have tried to claim that the Federal Government refused liability (and got away with it) for direct employees, or even that “there’s no such thing as vaccine injury from these jabs” and claimed that the Federal Government itself said this is so….. except, oops, that just went up in a puff of smoke.
Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) Tweeted:
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers endorsed an event for AmeriCorps that was steeped in Marxist ideology.
The event encouraged volunteers to adopt the principles of the Black Panther Party, end capitalism, reject individualism, and accept accountability to the “collective”. https://t.co/yUf0J5mo3r
So brave. yawn.
Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) Tweeted:
Happening now in Washington state-
@GovInslee is demanding that State Representatives show proof of vaccination to enter the state capital, essentially forcing Republicans to bend the knee or silence their constituents.
Medical apartheid is underway.
When can we stop paying taxes since we’re losing representation ?
Have had ZERO representation since returning to Metro Detroit 2 1/2 decades ago!!!
Ikr? War engaged but people are not acting.
IMO that would be unconstitutional for the federal government, depriving people of representation. Someone needs to look into the state constitution and laws and put a stop to this.
Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) Tweeted:
This tweet is a perfect representation of the state department’s careerist cadre.
All woke theatrics & zero delivery for the American people.
While we spend money on this globalist nonsense China signs port & mineral access deals.
He is funny.
Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) Tweeted:
This is phenomenal. Man shows up at anti-Dave Chappelle Netflix protest with a sign saying he likes Dave and thinks jokes are funny. Gets accosted by woke mob, has his sign destroyed. https://t.co/KKRgLp269b
Her Majesty is “resting” at Windsor Castle on the orders of her doctors. She has cancelled Her trip to Northern Ireland. Very unusual.
My late husband knew a titled woman who was clued in to the doings of the Royal Family of George V.
Methinks this bland medical report on HM is, so to say, a smokescreen.
Methinks Her family has possibly been warned to be ready to travel to Windsor Castle at a moment’s notice.
CV…with all going on in the world, just what we need: Her Majesty dying, so wimpy Charles can rush in and comply with whatever TPTB have in mind…at least w Elizabeth, whatever you may think of her, that program, wrt UK, is on stall.
What program?
Why, whatever TPTB have in mind.
Military developing micro chip to put under the skin to detect virus’s. Who thinks this is a good idea under an administration that weaponizes everything.
It’s good that they keep doubling down…bring it until every thinking person rises up.
It’s not a good idea under any administration. It’s transhumanism, and it must be fought in any form.
America is crying out!!!
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Keep standing up and speaking out. Do not comply. Fight back. Keep spreading the word of corruption and exposing the darkness.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
– John 1:5
Amen TIM!
brutal “truth”–God help us!

You were being groomed for islam through the lgbtq movement. for the last twenty years.
the powerful twisted elites don’t mind sacrificing your offspring from the herd. they give us oil, we give them children. think Im joking?
when was the last time you saw an Orphanage? in orphanages,children talk to each other and witness each others pain. In foster care the kids are isolated and alone. The Fosters, who have no real love,and the kid. oh and the worker, the coyote. They recruit black/spanish women for this job for a reason. They are deemed “The least compassionate towards children and can be bought.” Not my words.
Not just body temps and facial recognition but scans for QR codes as well at the speed of 5G. Aren’t they swell.
Seen on Gab

Crazy conspiracy theory? Please DON’T READ if you wish to continue on with your happy day.
These psychopaths need to be stopped through mass-noncompliance at the very least.
Found this about Mike Yeadon…
Stew Peters w/ Dr. Carrie Madej & views of what she found in the “vax”
Stew Peters With Dr. Carrie Madej – Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial ContentsBitChute
View Link Feed
I’m sorry, but she’s not doing serious expert analysis, IMO. She’s jumping to conclusions.
She needs to work with people. GROUNDED people. Not people who trust the industry, but REAL scientists – skeptical of ALL hypotheses.
She’s hurting our side of truth, IMO.
Just the facts ma’am!
LOL! That’s me. DRAGNET!!!
It’s like Jesus himself told you where to get a boat-swamping catch too!!!
They don’t call this mess of small fry “the inter net” for nothing! 😉
The images were quite interesting though 🙂
I’m glad they are bringing this info forward which, if true, is horrifying. I don’t have the knowledge to be able to evaluate it. I hope it’s not something that a scientist could look at and immediately debunk. (Or maybe that would be a good thing for the sake of humanity.)
I would not put it past *them* to use humans as experiments without our knowledge and consent to usher in transhumanism.
Something was said in the video about a Project Veritas exposé coming up. If it could be proven that transhumanist parasites are being injected into people without their consent, it would be Nuremberg on steroids.
Yes! See Wolf’s nearby comment for his scientific take here too 🙂
My suspicion is that PV will find no parasites, but they will find PEGylated graphene oxides.
Short answer, yes.
Long answer as a woman with long hair at various lengths depending on mental condition and the seasons, honey, why not braid it over a shoulder so that it doesn’t get mega tangled?
I would grab it. Pull it through the loop on my 30 LB back pack and tie it off. Then drop my bag a couple of times. Of course, only after I politely asked her to get her mane out of my face.
Gross. Shed move that quick and the staff would actually sanitize the tray.
This looks like a job for THE HAIR SNIFFER IN CHIEF!!!
More push back from Gov. DeSantis https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/20/florida-surgeon-general-dr-joseph-ladapo-discusses-education-health-policy-and-mask-mandates-without-scientific-support/
WATCH: Nikolas Cruz pleads guilty to murder charges and says he’s “very sorry” for Parkland high school massacre – https://breaking911.com/watch-nikolas-cruz-pleads-guilty-to-murder-charges-and-says-hes-very-sorry-for-parkland-high-school-massacre/
WATCH: Nikolas Cruz pleads guilty to murder charges and says he’s “very sorry” for Parkland high school massacre – Breaking911Nikolas Cruz apologized for killing 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students, and said he struggles with nightmares. He also made comments about marijuana…
Not good.
Q, X, and Z are the only letters that don’t come up with a list! Holy crap!
New York City Police Departments largest union, the Patrolmans Benevolent Association (PBA) to sue over vaccine mandate:
No reruns please!

From GAB (remember that!)
Sign-up does not appear to require a phone number – just a “name” and an email address. GOOD. You can sign up now and be part of the beta test in November.
Says available Feb 21,2022 @ app store
YUGE! That is great news, and I bet the stock is a winner.
This will be a good site, IMO. They have had time to study the problems with all the others.
Big competition for Gab and GETTR?
Available at the Apple App Store. What could go wrong there?
Yeah, I know. I think Trump is baiting them.
More at Citizen Free Press https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/president-trump-announces-launch-of-new-social-media-network/
Honestly, this should have been ready to go in Jan. 2020
Maybe Jan 2021. I still think 1/6 took a lot of people off guard. The other side spent YEARS in top secret preparing that steal.
Wait – I see what you’re saying. Ready BEFORE the election. Yeah, that would be problematic, though, as far as Trump himself, but the TIMING would have helped.
Should have anticipated the steal and had this as a ready-to-go Plan B (for backup)
Which makes it a bit ironic, as in “They never thought he’d lose.” Which I know isn’t true, because I think they DID expect some big cheating. But Trump was headed to a victory, and it was clear that they used the mail-in fraud to make it go all the way to Biden.
So evil.
Respectfully, the reality is that the sheep had to be shown what a sham network television is. How fake it is, and how reality is presented as fiction as well as setting up the people for the acceptance of paganism as a societal norm. That was part of the Great Awakening, actually.
I’ll give it a shot, but shows like the ones mentioned, are a turn off to me. “America’s Got Talent” and all of that…no. Just no. It’s a personal preference.
Pro Tip:
If you need to infiltrate a radical lefty meeting you’ll need to blend in. They’ll throw you out on your ear if you don’t.
The solution:
Bug-eye glasses. Wear them in the lib meetings, and don’t forget to take a recording device with you.
about says it all!

Any costco shoppers here able to confirm prices like this where you are?
Bryan 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@Bryan12879262) Tweeted:
Y’all ready to ride on this Government yet? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://twitter.com/Bryan12879262/status/1450955107466633217?s=20
Shopping at Sam’s yesterday hubby said ground beef was up 10 cents a pound but chicken (usually boneless, skinless breasts) was steady…
Valerie…same at WINCO and Kroger.
Everything fully stocked, too. Everything.
I’m gonna monitor each wk…maybe make a graph, ha!
Maybe it’s going to be like rolling blackouts. Random & inconsistent losses. Or like those psych experiments where they taught dogs “learned helplessness” where they used inconsistent electric shock to train them into hopelessness. They learned there was nothing they could do to escape the pain so they just hunkered down & took it. The effect of that was that they would basically never leave the torture chamber, even when the metaphorical door was left wide open!
Ok good. Ive got to go get chicken on Friday. 1.99 lb for boneless on sale. Cannot find turkey bacon less than 2.75 for 12 ounces rn tho. 😫 progresso soup is .99 can too. Im running out of space! My mother gave me 10 lbs of butter sticks but its salted. Had to buy can corn with salt bc unsalted was out, unless i wanted to pay more than double for organic unsalted. Ill just have to rinse well and not add salt i suppose.
Keep us posted on the basics as you notice!
At least not moving 😀 🐤
For now…
NIH “corrects” (distorts?) the record…

The NIH issued a correction today for previous statements made by NIH director Francis Collins and NIAID’s Dr. Fauci that the NIH did not fund gain of function research in Wuhan.
The NIH states that the Ecohealth Alliance violated the terms and conditions of NIH grant AI110964.
From the comments

Sounds like Fauxi and Collins are getting skeered.
Let’s hope so!!!
Things are getting SPICY!!!
Good stuff.
TikTok. ChiComs are wildly running around figuring out what to do about this one!!!
God’s glorious creation!

A Divine Sunset – Grand Teton Mountains, Wyoming…
h/t kyblue:
That doesn’t surprise me, but what need does Romney have for donations? Does he think he will run for president again? LOL
He probably does. But I doubt he will even win his next Utah Senate race.
Hope not! But we don’t need a Dem to take his place. He needs to be primaried by a patriot.
Shocked, shocked I say!/s
Cue Chucky, lying again.
Wonder who the D or I was that, voted against this.
But yea, shockingly, apparently all Rs voted against the lunatic D-rat bill.
I wondered that too.
Sinema maybe? Manchin talks a good game but always caves in the end.
Yea. One of the two.
Sinema certainly trying to become the “maverick”. Manhin is simply owned, and seemingly always caves.
“Schuck you, Fumer!”
Whenever they mention Uncle Chuckles speaking (on anything), I always envision him like this, and then I read what he has to say as if he is speaking….
…after having inhaled helium….

Hopefully that voice seems more melodious on helium. It’s like those timid speakers imagining their audience naked & then someone finding their courage!
From Gab:
Shades of “Deteriorata” from National Lampoon parody of Desiderata from 1972 [wow, has it been that long????]
(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Deteriorata, Deteriorata)
Go placidly amidst the noise and waste, and remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep. Rotate your tires. Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself; and heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss – and when. Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do. Wherever possible, put people on hold. Be comforted, that in the face of all irridity and disillusionment, and despite the changing fortunes of time, there is always a big future in computer maintenance.
(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)
Remember the Pueblo. Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate. Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI. Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you… That lemon on your left, for instance. Be assured that a walk through the seas of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet. Fall not in love, therefore, it will stick to your face. Gracefully surrender the things of youth: the birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan – and let not the sands of time get in your lunch. Hire people with hooks. For a good time, call 606-4311, ask for Ken. Take heart in the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese. And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Milwaukee.
(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)
Therefore, make peace with your god, whatever you perceive him to be: hairy thunderer or cosmic muffin. With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal, the world continues to deteriorate. GIVE UP!
(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)
Wow, not familiar here but seems apropos for these dark days…
So what he’s saying is, we should pull the plug on Skynet BEFORE it achieves self-awareness.
There may be something to that…
It would make perfect sense for the anti-Christ to be a huma-noid, created by man.
”Look upon my powers and worship me.”
They have given us an excellent reason to counter everything they are doing, then. We already knew this, but they’re right out in the open about it. What they are doing is somewhat religious in nature, and certainly differs from the religious beliefs of many of us. So we can be open about our vehement opposition, too, with the assertion that “thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
Someone — I can’t remember who — has said this is not possible. I hope they’re right.
It’s actually not that uncommon with computers that I “cannot comprehend its output.”
Or, make something idiot-proof, and someone comes up with a better idiot…
Faulty programs are proof positive that alongside artificial “intelligence” flourishes REAL STUPIDITY…
Years ago, El Reg (www.theregister.co.uk) mocked and pilloried a transhumanist/cyborg-loving professor, I think at Uni Warwickshire. mercilessly and seemingly daily (he was a rich target, so to speak).
Judging from their recent and wildly leftist/commie effusions, I rather expect that they would welcome him with open claws, erm, arms now…..
They won’t be happy until they can say, “In the beginning, MAN created the Heavens and the Earth”…
But they are of the darkness, and cannot (and will not) comprehend the LIGHT.
Romans 1:16-32 says (especially verse 22):
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
From GAB…..