YES! It’s Preakness weekend. I can still hear the ads for Pimlico from the early 80s when I lived south of Baltimore. “HI HO PIMLICO!” Unfortunately, youtube doesn’t have the ad.

Baltimore Bang
- Ingredients
- 1 1/2 ounces bourbon whiskey
- 1 1/2 ounces apricot brandy
- 1 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- Orange slice, for garnish
- Maraschino cherry, for garnish
Steps to Make It:
Gather the ingredients.
- In a cocktail shaker, pour the whiskey, apricot brandy, lemon juice, and simple syrup. Fill with ice.
- Shake well.
- Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
- Garnish with a skewered orange slice and cherry flag. Serve and enjoy.
Uh, yeah, w-h-i-s-k-e-y is the spelling reserved for Irish whiskey. Everybody else it’s “whisky.”
And…yeah, Maryland still has the coolest flag in the union:

Alright, enough of the pretty state I love even if it’s on the beltway.
Badlands News Brief – May 16, 2024
Rep Harriet Hageman Outlines Rep Dan Goldman Connection to The New York City Trial Against Candidate Donald Trump
Trump is a Lightning Rod
Biden Regime Covering Up Tapes from Special Counsel!
GWINN: NFL Says They Do Not Agree with Harrison Butker After He Voices Christian Values
He’s Catholic and was giving a commencement address at a Catholic college to fellow Catholics. Essentially, he said, get married and have lots of kids. This is not something we all haven’t heard before. Bigger families are coming back. I see them all the time at Church.
Russia Is About To Overrun Ukraine’s Defenses – Why Are There No Peace Negotiations?
Chiefs’ Harrison Butker jersey ranked among NFL’s bestsellers amid kicker’s faith-based commencement address
CROCKETT CRACKS: Unhinged Democrat ERUPTS Starts SCREAMING and CUSSES at GOP Member During House Oversight Hearing on AG Garland’s Contempt of Congress (VIDEO)
Kansas City Under Investigation for Alleged Human Rights Violations After Doxxing Chiefs’ Kicker Harrison Butker
Really not well done by the KC people. There’s a reason there is practically a brick wall down the middle of the state of Missouri. Okay…at the St. Charles and Franklin county lines to the west.
Tweets & Stuff From X
For those who want to know what the hubbub with Harrison Butker is about, the transcript is at the link:
Yes, this is important enough to be in the opener twice:
Memes & Other Fun Stuff

Yeah…. It’s doubtful most right wing men would be interested.

A bad 1980s thrift store.
And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

26For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; 27but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, 28God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption; 31therefore, as it is written, “Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord.”
Have a good weekend!
Thank you, De Pat, for a wonderful week of posts.
Oh, and….
This week we’re going to Paris, France. I found a nice garden (one of four in Paris) that had a renowned rose garden of 10,000 roses. So here’s a video —
— that is oddly devoid of roses.
I tried again, with one that had “roses” in the title —
— and it had no roses in the first minute of a six-minute video.
It’s a lovely garden, nonetheless. Enjoy!
Have a good time! Really, the gardens at Versailles are worth seeing if you have time. I was behind the king’s apartments at the palace and looked down the Grand Canal and said to the people I was with, “Where’s the Lincoln Memorial?” that’s how much the Grand Canal looks like the Mall in DC.
I wish I were physically traveling, but I’m afraid that “we” is us here on the blog. I’m trying to take us around the world for gardens.
More locally to you. IIRC, a few years back ya mentioned it. Perhaps it was regarding to walks, taking pics, may have been referring to Fiancée.
Many a tag football game play back in my kid days. High school graduation also.
It probably was in terms of the Fiancee’s walks, but I’ve also included it in a Friday thank-you already.
Haven’t seen this one yet, but it looked promising:
Excellent listen.
A snippet or sorts. “Victim Olympics”.
Me. Life In These United States, since and delivered by hussein and goofs like him.
That is an absolutely EXCELLENT cartoon. Beyond spot-on.
Cohen Destroyed: Trump Lawyer “Dog Walks” Star Witness Through Lie After Lie, CNN Pundits Aghast
This is quoted from Epoch Times:
Back to Zero Hedge:
“Michael Cohen is just such a problematic figure.”
No, Alyssa, Cohen is a serial liar just like Joe Biden.
Wake the hell up.
This dude is AWESOME.
He is likely to get “paxtoned”, but still – he’s IN THE FIGHT!!!
SO, ONE AG shows he has GONADS and more follow suit. 😍
AG Paxton for US Attny General!
A few months??? NAH make it a DECADE. After all they spend a lot longer than that in the Marxist Indoctrination Camp we call our edumucation system.
They wouldn’t make it a decade. They wouldn’t make it three months. There would be a pilot episode, and then the entire cast would be dead.
Yeah but it would be the best pilot show ever.
It really would! “Survivor – Alphabets vs. Terrorists!” May the best gender-non-specific win.
Benny Johnson:
EDIT: It looks as if X is using “” in its URLs and they aren’t posting here.
Elon’s tweeted yesterday that all the mayor Twitter services are no on
“Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on”
Yes, it’s now. But is redirecting to there if you type it in the address bar. I was wondering when Elon would change it.
Our commenting software company has been a bit slow-paced with things like adding Rumble and updating Twitter. They will likely fix this soon, but no guarantees.
Good grief, I did not refresh BUT all the twitter imports I could see a few minutes ago disappeared!
That’s happened to a few nitter tweets on my computer.
The colbeck tweets I was looking at changed from long form to 2 side by side with ‘Show more…”
The nitter copy is still okay and WOW!
lots of screens shots of info (Hopefully authenticated)
Patrick Colbeck✝️
IMPORTANT: During today’s court proceedings, Dominion authenticated all of the data released by @SheriffLeaf.
– Dominion machines are designed to connect to internet.
– Dominion employs Serbian developers not subject to thorough background checks
Plus much, much more…
We’ve been lied to for years.
Now the truth is FINALLY being exposed…IN COURT!
Thank you @AttyStefLambert, @PatrickByrne, @SheriffLeaf and @realMikeLindell!
@MrJustinBarclay @TomJordanNews @TruckerRandy @PattyLovesTruth @realLizUSA
Срђан Ного
29 Nov 2020
Here are, hopefully, your images in the order above, run through gab
The last link,
said page not found
well I copied the last portion of the non-link above of https to .jpg & then got the above image which I also ran through Gab
Hope they show & that this helps…Blessings!
let’s see if this lets the tweet show, replacing x w/ twitter
It’s all a paper tiger.
All you have to do is stop running away from it, and pop it.
Four new nuclear plants is REAL GREEN. This is SMART.
When I lived near a nuclear plant that provided ALL our electric, our electric bill was $10!!! (1979) Even today that would translate to less than $100/mo.
My co-op [ ] rate is $0.0789/kwhr today. The blessings of our dams which the lunatics are trying to remove to supposedly save the salmon.
They really are trying to push us back to the stone age!
More nukes!
Less kooks!!
(Thorium and uranium pics from
NOT in my rock collection. Granite containing radium…. Errr, that was in the basement.
If it contains radium, then it must contain uranium or thorium or more likely both.
Think about it.
Well, then we were surrounded. The place was nothing but granite ledge. I had to bring in topsoil to have a garden!
Honestly the uranium in granite is no worry…unless you let radon accumulate.
LMAO!!! Hilarious – and TRUE!!!
Thank GOD for President Trump. The greatest ally of TRUTH in America!!!
Supreme Court upholds Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in major win for Biden, Democrats
Administrative State, Shall Not Be Infringed.
LOL!!! Well said!
They’re trying to disqualify Alito???
That is the dumbest thing I’ve heard all year.
Alito was confirmed by the Senate. That is his qualification per the constitution.
There is a way to disqualify him [or any other justices].
It’s call impeachment and conviction. That’s also in the constitution.
Better get busy calling the House Judiciary Committee.
This is a great summary of the stolen 2020 election.
They will try to do this at a larger scale this time.
I hope enough have woken up and help counter this.
^^^ Gina nailed it thoroughly.
Adding a bit….
NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Hid behind BS.
No standing. Too early to file that case. Should have filed the case before the vote.Don’t like to make hard decisions.
This is the problem, not the law itself. That globalists and communists steal elections is not news. They have done it all around the world for ages. That our judiciary, legal community and law enforcement were spineless was what was on display.
The course correction will never come top down. Lasting positive change always occurs bottom up.
Ackkk! Someone’s safe prediction for 2024. Laughable, but likely. 😮
Nah, they’ll make it jump even higher. If they’re gong tro lie so brazenly might as well go whole hog with Biden winning 105 to -5. Or in terms of actual eligible voters, 273% to 80%
Badlands News Brief – May 16, 2024
This one is very much worth the time to read it.
Butker is a wonderful sign! We need more Butkers!
CROCKETT CRACKS: Unhinged Democrat ERUPTS Starts SCREAMING and CUSSES at GOP Member During House Oversight Hearing on AG Garland’s Contempt of Congress (VIDEO)
This is to be expected. PLEASE NOTE Crockett is BLACK.
The Civil Rights Act was in 1964. Affirmative action was initiated during U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration in the 1960s. The federal government instituted affirmative action policies under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 in 1965 requiring federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure equality of employment opportunity without regard to race, religion and national origin. In 1968, gender was added to the protected categories.
By the time I hit the work force in the 1970s, Blacks within the work force were being treated with kid gloves. Companies did not DARE fire a black for poor performance for fear of being sued. Even the Black who intentionally broke equipment in front of me in 1978 was shielded from firing Because BLACK.
The result of this HANDS OFF, treat like a bomb ready to explode, ‘affirmative action’ for the last 50 years has resulted in a younger generation of Blacks who have ALWAYS been treated like royalty. This is the society that Crockett grew up in.
Essentially she DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE CRITICISM EXCEPT BY SCREAMING. After all that has always worked before.
MTG, by giving the ‘Protected Classes’ some of their own back is ILLUSTRATING just how nonsensical ‘affirmative action’ and DIE is.
I hope all this ‘affirmative action’ SPECIAL PRIVILEGE BS is FINALLY killed DEAD!
I love MTG. The woman is absolutely fearless.
She is really great at ripping the veil off that hides the rot beneath.
Kansas City Under Investigation for Alleged Human Rights Violations After Doxxing Chiefs’ Kicker Harrison Butker
From the comments:
One commenter said it was only the city/town so whats the big deal?
The big deal is IF you know the name, and IF you know the town and state, it becomes very very easy to find the person and his family.
about the maggot interview…
Greta Van Susteren
How is this executive privilege when the transcripts have already been released? (And of course no one has checked the transcripts against the audio which is important for authencity)
That’s a great point. The transcript may be a LIE.
May be??? Surely you jest!!!
Of course it differs. A lot.
get a load of this bullshit…
Mike Lee
The AG’s mistaken if he’s saying that, between DOJ & Congress, the former is more “fundamental” as an “institution of our democracy.” Congress is (1) an elected body that was (2) created by the Constitution. So it’s both “democratic” & “fundamental.” DOJ is less of both.
Daily Caller
AG Merrick Garland claims that because the DOJ is “a fundamental institution of our democracy” it shouldn’t obey a subpoena from elected lawmakers.
We are not a democracy and Garland is an employee, a worker. His authority comes from We the People even if he does not act like it. He should be fired, disbarred and charged with any crimes he may have committed.
Which will happen as bad as fast as did for B2, Eric Holder, Janet Reno, etc. As in never.
The communist infiltration through DOJ was very smart and very evil. Half of DOJ and former DOJ should go straight to GITMO.
Along with a lot of the state and county AGs and district Attorneys!
Putting aside the misnaming of our country’s design, how stupid can someone be? Could Garland be AG without the ‘fundamental institution’ of the Senate?
Patrick Colbeck
IMPORTANT: During today’s court proceedings, Dominion authenticated all of the data released by
. I.E.: – Dominion machines are designed to connect to internet. – Dominion employs Serbian developers not subject to thorough background checks Plus much, much more… We’ve been lied to for years. Now the truth is FINALLY being exposed…IN COURT! Thank you
Tweets by pjcolbeck
He is certainly worth a follow!
Patrick Colbeck
7:05 AM · Apr 17, 2024
Yup, again.
FOX’s complicity is tied to their settlement with Dominion. It was obvious all along they were colluding together. The settlement was a diversion to hide it.
As one person on Badlands said, it was actually a CAMPAIGN DONATION TO THE DNC…
Then it better be on a FEC report.
That only applies to Republicans they want to nail.
Patrick Colbeck @pjcolbeck
11:29 AM · Apr 24, 2024
Yup. Illegitimate POTUS and Congress. It extends far beyond just the POTUS position.
Everything that has happened since has been an illegal perversion of justice and government activity.
We had CHINA aka Konnech and now Dominion BOTH FOREIGN RUN entities STEAL elections across the board.
It was a COUP by FOREIGN ENTITIES and not an election.
The Jan 6th Fed-surrection and the House cover-up re-enforce the fact it was a COUP. As does the Foreign Connections of Potatus, Piglosi, Mitch the Turtle, and Chuck the Schmuck.
I’m OK with rolling tanks as a solution to this issue.
I think Ivan Raiklin has a more elegant solution.
I agree. It’s legal and comes from We the People resolving it.
YUP! 🤓
Gail, it’s an act of war as are all color revolutions.
Coup d’etat | Definition, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
In this case it actually is a ‘Fundamental Transformation’ that is desired though not yet achieved.
Essentially it is hollowing out the USA and leaving the carcass while completely trashing the Constitution.
“overthrow of an existing government “…..
Then how the hell can ANYONE claim that J6 was a coup against BiteMe?
Who was the sitting President on J6?
Did Trump want to overthrow…. HIMSELF?
It was a FED-surrection and not a coup.
The coup was the stolen electionS (plural)
REFUSAL to allow court cases to be given a fair trial or ANY trial at all in most cases.
The ILLEGAL congressional certification of the fraudulent election– It was not a quorum & the critters certifying it were installed by FRAUDULENT elections themselves. And the KNEW IT WAS A FRAUDULENT ELECTION.
The Fed orchestrated ‘Buffalo Jump’ that was used to shut down the possibility of challenges to the fraudulent election. (SHOWING they KNEW about the fraud)
The J-6 committee convened WITHOUT republican appointed members (so that was an illegal sham as well.)
The withholding of EVIDENCE of all the trials associated with the above.
AND last but not least, a dementia patient who is not legally competent (Hur) taking an oath of office for an office he probably does not understand and certainly can not carry out.
A foreign coup with inside assistance from criminals placed in positions of authority.
Which is just one more reason why everything they have done in attempts to take control of government can be undone by simply taking the trash out and burning it.
Verse of the Day for Friday, May 17, 2024
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Romans 15:13 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Angel of the Lord stay with me tonight
Help me to endure till the morning light
When the soldiers arrive to help me flee
Thru the maze of the tunnels and be free
Rescue me from this horrific plight
From the daily pain help me take flight
Take all of the babies heaven bound
No more suffering the terror sound
Let silence bring peace from abuse
And nightmares cease to induce
Memories of frightful occurrences
Bring forth the mighty deterrences
Sweet Jesus come and comfort me
Let nothing that hurts come to be
Let no one touch me unnecessarily
Bring forth the soldiers militarily
Let this be the last horror I see
Come quickly Lord and rescue me
Get me out of the oppressors way
Guide me out of the tunnels today
Take me to freedom into the light
Take me far from the oppressors sight
Bring me into the open arms of love
Follow the Angels sent from above
Thank You for ending my agony
Thank You for setting me free
Thank You for so caring be
Thank You for rescuing me!
D01: 07/10/2021
^^^ Love. ❤️ ✝️
Ty Duchess! 🙂
When all seems lost notice what happens next
God suddenly halts it at its apex
God said for us He will make an escape
Just as He promised in His Word takes shape
He will never abandon or leave us alone
To face problems without solution shown
When we put our trust completely in Him
The problem will no longer seem so grim
We might find answers thru advice of friends
Or maybe thru our thinking God will cleanse
Clarify and correct less the emotion
To help us strive and stop the commotion
Some days are plagued with sorrow and pain
We simply must manage stay safe and sane
One mishap after another to knock us down
Somehow we remain afloat and not drown
It is easy to see when we have faith
Just as in His Word He simply saith
For without faith we sure cannot please God
Cause faith is the substance of hope unflawed
When you lean not on your own understanding
You’ll see His power exert expanding
Acknowledging Him brings Him close at hand
His knowledge and wisdom at our command
Time after time God has proven His love
Definitively infinitely from above
Remember He resides inside of you
To assist abet with all that you do
D01: 07/31/2023
Thank you for your poems today, and for the wonderful inspiring things that you post to the board every day.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Ha! Another 😁ty!
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
since when does the “privacy” of illegal alien CRIMINALS top American citizens’ right to know who’s in our country?
DHS integrated into the BLOB.
DHS was integrated when OH!Bummer took office and destroyed all of Phil Haney’s work on muslime terrorist connections.
Was today’s disaster situation his intention?
Did he order my friend Phil to be whacked?
“Was today’s disaster situation his intention?”
Yes, I think so.
“Did he order my friend Phil to be whacked?”
More likely his CIA handlers.
Obama: “Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America” Long Version
If evenly distributed that is 14 per state. Enough to do MAJOR damage to each state depending on their expertise.
so what CAN the defense include in his closing? (asking for a friend)
May 17, 2024 7:47 am
For the legal Treepers
In the closing arguments in this bogus NY trial. Can the defense attorneys inform the jury that
a) the judge is either conflicted or at best does not pass the “appearance of conflict “ standard
b) the history of all the times that this case has been passed by various agencies, DA’s etc
c) the defendant never knew what exactly he was being charged with which handicapped him from preparing
d) the unconstitutional nature of the gag order
Based on what you know, what would you include in your closing arguments?
State all of the above. Factually true.
Let Merchan TRY to silence defense. Defense take the fine. Trump will pay it. T
Also add the wittnesses as has been proven LIED to the court.
Closing arguments are a commentary on the evidence taken in the trial and reasonable conclusions derived from that evidence. No commentary about judicial officers or events outside the court.
can he question if Bragg ever revealed and proved the covered up crime which elevated this to a felony?
If you mean the DA’s office, then yes. Bragg personally, shouldn’t.
Has anybody else noticed how this meme guy:
Suddenly came to life, and started making speeches?
He even has the grey eyes!
It’s crazy!
Who is that guy?
KC Chiefs kicker who’s in the news because of his pro Christian, pro family speech at a graduation (iirc)
LMAO!!! Excellent!
You see, I thought he might be a fellow scientist…..
Harrison Butker.
I just listened to his speech. Sharp guy!
Do you get the feeling that pro football is not going to be the biggest achievement in his life?
Yes. Exactly!!!
Wow, Wow. WOW.
Drama at the PGA in Louisville:
Let’s see if they show here using twitter rather than x
guest post by T.L. Davis
Yours Truly: The WHO pandemic “agreement” (aka, treaty) will be voted into approval on 27 May 2024. IMO, unless a miracle happens, the United States will vote Yea.
Yours Truly differs from Mr. Davis’ apparent reasoning that it’s time to put all of the past aside (apparently including the United States Constitution) and “building out” all over again. He speaks of the need to “build out” a new framework based on “understanding what freedom means.” Mr. Davis apparently doesn’t understand that the concepts of freedom enumerated in the United States Constitution ARE the framework.
Mr. Davis never mentions that the Supreme Being, the Almighty God, is the Author and Giver of freedom, and that the Founding Fathers recognized this.
This. I don’t know how it could be more perfectly stated than it is in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. All one needs is to read them to understand what freedom means. It worked very well for Frederick Douglass. No need to reinvent the wheel.
It is about time to go after Fauci:
Then again, the same rag during that time:
This is possibly the scariest moment you can go through – dangling of a bridge for 1/2 hour. She was avoiding an intoming car speeding on the wrong side:
This a different view:
Wish the dashcam had included the problem car. That posted video just makes it look like she just lost control for no obvious reason.
It looked like initially it was someone Else’s dashcam…
Gold just broke $2,400 (up $30). Silver above $30.50 (up over a dollar since yesterday).
So the dollar’s value keeps going down. 😥
Pretty much. One cannot correlate every movement directly (or the dollar would be going up on those days when gold is down) but it doesn’t look good.
I’m still waiting–with trepidation–the time when all the petrodollars come home because the dollar ceases to be the world’s reserve currency. Directly caused by BRICS but I don’t blame them; they’re responding to reality.
Someone said we have been exporting our inflation for YEARS
Since Bretton Woods Agreement signed in July 1944.
Technically, it didn’t start until the first Congress convened after Bretton Woods was agreed.
Spoil sport… 😥
Always at your service. 😂 😍
Bidenazi sanctions (done by the Obiden regime as a puppet of the EuroGloboNazis) are one of the biggest flaws in the dollar now.
Yes that has pushed a lot of countries toward BRICS.
But honestly all that is is people forcing them to do something that (rationally speaking) from their point of view they should have done a long time ago…but the transition was just painful enough to get them to kick the can.
Two days ago Bloomberg reported that in the 1st/Qtr of 2024, China dumped over $53.5 BILLION on US Treasury debt obligations. BRICS is on the move and it’s already not lookin’ good.
As big a number as that is, it’s a drop in the bucket.
China didn’t hold even a majority of our public debt even back in 2016.
Just curious – where do they go?
Dumping = selling so who bought them?
Russia? 😋
T. Turtle
May 17, 2024 10:53 am
Representative Anna Paulin Luna is proving what America First looks like…so far.
“Pro-MAGA Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) had a busy day on Thursday.”
The pro-Trump representative traveled to New York City with several of her peers to sit with President Trump during his ongoing show trial.
Then as the hearing continued, Anna Paulina warned crooked Attorney General Merrick Garland that he is not above the law and that his imminent arrest may be coming.
The Attorney General thought he was above the law and did not comply not just with one subpoena, but with two subpoenas. Those are subpoenas from both Chairman Jordan and Chairman Comer.
I want to read this to you because ultimately, if in 10 days, the Department of Justice does not do their job and hold the attorney general responsible, just like they would any other American, I think that it should be our job in the House of Representatives to bring an inherent contempt proceeding against the Attorney General, of which I’ve already filed that privileged motion over a week ago.
Well, … that changes things a bit.
I’ve heard that there are jail cells in the House basement.
Sounds great. If it happens, I’ll eat my tinfoil hat, LOL.
That’ll be pay-per-view exciting to see.
Arrest the bastard.
Anna Paulina and MTG can show the wimpy r-Cons how to get Garland’s attention.
It occurs to me that the Deep State doesn’t have blackmail material on those WOMEN.
I think it may be a lot easier to get it on men.
Spot on assessment.
More proof that the COVID-19 virus itself [and, by extension, the COVID-19 “vaccines] damage BOTH the endothelium AND the epithelium of the human gut, which then (via the “gut-brain connection”) attack and cross the human BBB (Blood-Brain-Barrier) —
“The Great Disruptor: Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED) is also Spike Protein EPITHELIAL Disease”
Walter M Chesnut
13 May 2024
Yours Truly: It appears that the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus itself [and, by extension, the COVID-19 ‘vaccines”, since they have the spike protein as an ingredient] attacks the ACE2 receptors in the human body, which then “upregulates” the ANG II hormone, an endocrine hormone that regulates blood pressure. This then increases “coding” of various protein genes, such as ADAM 17.
The papers cited in the WMC Research article are not easy to read; however, the bottom line is that the Spike Protein of the COVID-19 virus itself appears NOT to be a “hap-hazard cobbling” of items randomly chosen from some sort of “list.” The Spike Protein of the COVID-19 virus itself appears to be, rather, a CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED AND CHOSEN COLLECTION OF ELEMENTS MIXED TOGETHER TO CREATE THE MOST DAMAGING AND DESTRUCTIVE END RESULTS POSSIBLE.
Furthermore, these elements are ALSO present in the COVID-19 “vaccines” — since the Spike Protein of the Wuhan Hu1 (COVID-19 virus) itself is the “foundation” for these “vaccines.”
*** The crucial difference here is that an “unvaccinated” person who is infected by the COVID-19 itself and recovers, is exposed to this damage / destruction potential, but whose body can still fight off this potential. For COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons, the ingredients and mechanisms of the enhanced Spike Protein (SV40 cancer promoter gene piece, for example), PLUS the presence of the lipid nanoparticles (ALC-0159, ALC-0315, SM-102) that specifically EVADE the body’s natural immune system processes, all present in these “vaccines” — force the “vaccinated” person’s body to fight off the “fake COVId-19 infection” that these “vaccines” induce. And that this “fight the fake infection process” in the “vaccinated” person’s body CONTINUES FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. This means that, over time, the natural immune system of the COVID-19 “vaccinated” person’s body is either heavily damaged, or is destroyed — kicking the door open to vulnerability to illness, disease, and/or even death.
IMO, ANY person who EVER has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” — even one injection — is at risk. ANY person who EVER has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” — even one injection — needs to be on a Spike Protein mitigation / reduction program, possibly for the rest of their life. And, to refuse any further COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.
IMO, since it is now known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “shed” elements onto other people —which includes “unvaccinated” people — “unvaccinated” people ALSO need to be following a Spike Protein mitigation / reduction program, IN ADDITION to keeping their general health and their natural immune systems in the best shape possible.
Yes, we found the evidence early on that this Covid – 19 was a BIO-WEAPON!
This is from something I wrote very early on.
David Baltimore Cal Institute of Tech
He of course backtracked under pressure.
The important feature of Covid-19 is <b>*multiple* *separated*</b> HIV features showing up in a SARS-Related Virus.
This information was first mentioned in a paper from India:
NOTE DATE! 1/30/2020
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
The authors were viciously harassed and it is now labeled as <i><b>Withdrawn.</b></i>
But truth has a way of making itself known. Another set of researchers, this time in France confirmed the results.
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
”….we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”
That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.
From FG&C
Don’t forget about French virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus as cause of the Aids epidemic…
….who has publicly stated this about the WuFlu Chinese virus…
synopsis at:
Gail Combs
Thank you.
It’s that d@mned furin cleavage site between S1 and S2 in the Wuhan Hu1 virus code.
Gail Combs
Yours Truly tried to move her expanded comment above to the Deagel Report post, but my computer locked up. What I could do was to manually type in the URLs to the comment numbers for my expanded comment, your reply, and my S1-S2 reply to you. I think I was able to do that all right. My computer is still locking up. Need to investigate what’s going on.
You are so kind to move whole comments and replies over to the Deagel Report post.
Looks OK
I have been trying to ‘capture and transport’ all the comments I can find.
We are now at 297. 🤓
Gail Combs
Yay, thank you!
Fernández: Vatican’s new apparitions guidelines stress ‘caution’ in discernment process
By Matthew Santucci
Rome Newsroom, May 17, 2024 / 11:03 am
Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández held a press conference on Friday addressing the Vatican’s new guidelines on apparitions, with the prelate noting that the new norms would help introduce greater prudence in the discernment process.
“The Church has stated that the faithful are never forced to believe in this phenomenon. They are never obliged. There’s no obligation,” said Fernández, the head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, during the conference at the Holy See Press Office on Friday.
“The Church, as a matter of fact, leaves the faithful free to devote their attention to this phenomena or not,” he added. “Revelation that has already happened is the word of God. It contains everything we need for our Christian life.”
The document, titled “Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena” and released on Friday morning, establishes new guidelines on Marian apparitions, abrogating a former document issued in 1978 under Pope Paul VI.
Noting that these new norms establish a set of pragmatic guidelines to assist the local ordinary as well as the dicastery, Fernández said that “some phenomenon that could have a supernatural origin sometimes appear to be related to confused human experiences.”
Speaking specifically on the role of the bishops in the process, the cardinal observed that there have been instances in which some bishops have issued decrees on apparitions saying these events “should be considered as being true” and that the “faithful must believe, shall believe in this.”
“Quite often the bishop’s decrees have used these words,” Fernández said.
He emphasized that these new norms will help bishops “have a prudential character so that the faithful can accept this in a prudent way.”
“The pastoral action of the bishops and then situations can be very different and therefore we decided to have six possible conclusions,” he added. “If we look at history, at the different cases, we recognize different kinds of situations that can be basically located within these six possibilities.”
The new norms outline three stages for the discernment process. At the end of the evaluation process, the local bishop and a delegate he appoints to oversee the commission’s work are to prepare a “personal votum” in which the bishop proposes to the dicastery a final judgment. That decision will normally follow one of six formulas, one of which is the “nihil obstat,” a pronouncement that means there are no doctrinal objections.
“Without expressing any certainty about the supernatural authenticity of the phenomenon itself, many signs of the action of the Holy Spirit are acknowledged ‘in the midst’ of a given spiritual experience, and no aspects that are particularly critical or risky have been detected, at least so far,” the document states.
Drawing on biblical examples, Fernández noted that “right from the very beginning of the Church, the Holy Spirit itself, with charisms, promoted the necessary discernment of these manifestations. After 2,000 years, the Church still takes care of the faithful, helping them to be meek to the Holy Spirit.”
“These new norms are in continuity with this task,” he said.
Basically, the current Curia wants to meddle in the discernment process potentially downplaying any messages that are meant to be shared.
It would be as if the last 400 years of apparitions with the warnings of what we are going through now never happened.
“It would be as if the last 400 years of apparitions with the warnings of what we are going through now never happened.”
Maybe they didn’t.
Psy-ops weren’t invented in the 2020s.
Thankyou for the follow up.
DP appears to be correct, they are watering down the “discernment process”
Question people should be asking is why?
Are things extra ordinary soon to be happening or coming at a rate that exceeds what is historical?
What are they expecting?
Next to lastly is there a link to this story that allows comments that someone can share?
It would be interesting to see what others are saying.
Lastly some will likely be posting on the internets their take on this story so by all means post those stories as they appear if they seem interesting enough.
Carried your comment to the recent page “is it real or memorex”
Will try to remember to swing by at the end of the night and sweep up the comments to include them there.
I keep thinking about those Red Heifers (from Texas) in Israel.
“Revelation that has already happened is the word of God. It contains everything we need for our Christian life.”
I hadn’t anticipated that the Cardinal and prefect of the ‘Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’ was going to teach and observe Sola Scriptura.
The implications are mind-boggling…
Help! What is that guy’s name?
I used to watch him on TV but my brain is impersonating POTUS right now. 😪
Bob Ross, of “happy little trees” fame.
‘Maybe we’ll put a little tree right here, there we go, a happy little tree, and maybe another happy little tree over here… ‘
I have no idea why I ever saw it, or remember it… childhood memories… 👍 😂
POTUS” FLATUS, fifyYou are getting to be as rude as the guys around here.
Should I be flattered, insulted, or confuzed here? LOL
That’s Bob Ross!
hope this lets the tweet show here
Still working on the Ivan Raiklin video. It takes me a while because I am doing adjacent digs like this and then having to let my brain rest.
Ivan on Alpha Warrior Podcast – Government Coup Exposed
At 1:59:00 Ivan brings up Chris Wray and ✴BOOM!🔥
Christopher Wray, Rod Rosenstein, Sally Yates all work[ed] at King & Spaulding LLP (They Defended fattso Crispy Creme too.)
Gateway Pundit: Chris Wray Hires Jason Jones, a Partner at Rod Rosenstein’s Law Firm and Associate of Sally Yates, as FBI General Counsel
Christopher Wray once recommended Sally Yates to DOJ | CNN Politics
Rod Rosenstein heads to law firm King & Spalding LLP Washington Post
Good grief what an interconnected NEST OF VIPERS!
It has been mind boggling to me at the number of people who have sincerely wanted to believe they were all playing their parts in some grand scheme or sting that PDT was leading. All of it even after they had revealed themselves as black hats riding with fellow black hats both inside and outside of government.
Those people damaged the office of POTUS and our nation almost beyond repair.
Past years’ hopium is always looked at with incredulity in hindsight.
Sometimes even by the people believing this year’s hopium.
If it is looked at at all. Some are still waiting for their beliefs to come true.
It’s hard to have a snake pit without snakes. Just saying.