20200327: Dear KMAG, Open Thread

Welcome to Friday’s OPEN THREAD at the QTree! What a week! Wait until you guys hear what kinds of records you are all breaking at Q Tree. Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all organized, up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to Wheatie, Dep, BakoCarl, Michael, Steve in Colorado, all our science contributors and the lurkers!

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

I’ve decided to officially break up with the Main Stream Media for the hundredth time. Most of us already have. The media has become the virus plaguing America. Here’s my break up song.

I got up this morning. While I was having my coffee, my woman came in and sat down by my side. With tears in her eyes, she said, “I have a confession to make.” I said woman, “Speak what’s on your mind. Daughn said, I found somebody new………. to take your place (It’s the Q TREE). And Wolfie said, don’t feel so all alone, …….. I found someone of my own (It’s the Q Tree).

QTree has turned into a little golden oasis. Did you know our average viewers/day have almost doubled since February? We know Wolfie has this place locked down until after the election, but suddenly, we have a whole lotta lurkers. We must be doing something right. Congratulations! You guys have been solid contributors on the COVID threads, and FLEP keeps us all upbeat. Congratulations to all. We’re weeks, sometimes months, ahead of the MSM….. and they’ve become embarrassing.

This Wednesday, in a Presidential Presser, a reporter asked the President of the United States, “How many deaths are acceptable?” What kind of an idiotic question is that? Don, Jr. had some thoughts on the subject.

As Flep pointed out today in the Good News RoundUp, the President’s pressers are getting high ratings. It makes sense. We’re all concerned, anxious, and want more information from our leaders. Well, an average presser’s ratings equal a season finale of The Bachelor, and sometimes, the President’s presser’s equal Monday Night Football ratings. Consequently, the President’s approval ratings are rising because the President is speaking directly to Americans, without a media filter. The media can’t have it. They want to stop covering the President’s pressers. Can you imagine? It’s true. Here is CNN:

This is from Associated Press, which feeds every newspaper in the country. The President was concerned about Americans being depressed, not working, no money, and the stress it would bring to average business owners and families. AP decided to “fact check” and argue this point…… shamefully.

The New York Times had to change headlines on articles two days this week, because the headlines criticized Dems too much and didn’t criticize Trump….. enough. What does that say about the NYTimes credibility as a “paper of record”. It’s disgusting. The Washington Post floated an article which claimed Doctors were considering DNR orders for the elderly. A brief check proved it wasn’t true. We can all imagine how such an article would scare the population.

Then, we have the problem of media……. in general. They’re like hyenas. It’s not productive. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. We don’t have time for this kind of childish behavior.

Was I unwise to leave my eyes open for so long (to the truth)? Let’s face it facts, on the subject of Coronavirus, most of us wouldn’t have known what to think without help from other Q Treepers. Thankfully, you guys know how to dig for information, from all over the world. The expertise from our members helped ALL OF US. What a group….. great work. Thank you.

A typical pundit from MSNBC, https://twitter.com/chrislhayes, has a twitter thread which is dangerous. Everything is dire. Nurses and docs collapsing, hospitals on the brink, no equipment, people scared, and everything…….. is the fault of the Trump Administration. Yet, according to Dr. Birx in the presser Thursday, there are still ICU beds and ventilators available in NYC. That’s information important to the citizens of NYC. And according to Governor Cuomo’s presser today, every hospital in NYC has enough protective equipment. Contrary to the media articles. Why is the media lying to the people?

The answer is easy = Ratings, clicks, and more money………. by scaring people half to death with bad and incomplete information. No wonder the left is so jumpy, nervous, twitchy, and desperate. Time for the MSM to Go Their Own Way – Loving you, isn’t the right thing to do…… We’re done.

We’ll get through it all, together. We’re Americans, and Aussies, and Brits. It’s what we do. Remember to say a little prayer for the President, his team and family, the truck drivers, and every worker who stays late to stock the shelves. Throw up an extra prayer for the police, fire, and all the medical staff. They need all the help they can get. And PRAY for the Hydroxychloroquine + Zpack cocktail to work, and save our fellow Americans from the scourge from China.

Remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone 

We’ll meet at Wheatie’s tree house in the morning. Sure, we can have muffins.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Happy Friday everyone!!!
Don’t let the bastards grind you down, and hope for Justice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Still MUFFINS left and I’M GRABBING TWO!!! 😉


Wolfie!!!!! Stop grabbing Daughn’s muffins !!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, there’s PLENTY FOR EVERYBODY (except the lamestream media) !!! 😉


Now that’s funny….


Time is getting short for the FearPorn Merchants.
Tick tock.
We need another Q drop with the watch and pen. That would send the loony leftists over the cliff while they fearporn each other.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice idea! TROLL some Q-BAIT in front of them! 😀

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll tell you what, in the last week with all the freaking out and the rose petals, and the advice videos, etc., the celebrity class is certainly giving themselves away. A watch and pen, maybe something else in code….


good interview


Great coverage of Wuhan Flu and all being done. talked about governors taking leadership and responsibility for their own states. Love that – just like he assigns responsibility regionally around the world, he is doing same to the states. He is not only pro states rights – he is Insisting on states rights, limited fed gov! He wants to help them with the power of the fed gov but expects the to take responsibility and lead/manage their own states.
many other details
Has offered assistance to Iran, NK and China + many other allies
He touched on some hot topics! Biden & China…Hunter and China $!
RNC convention end of August.
HUGE – he talked about Kerry breaking the Logan Act.
wish Hanity had followed up on his Kerry & Biden comments!


Didn’t watch it so appreciate the summary, MAGA Mom.
Wonder if the Kerry mention was setting the stage for future action?


Getting Kerry would be nice. Most of us believe he has engaged in Treason – of course, no surprise considering what he did during the Vietnam War.


Let’s start calling it the “Trump Cocktail” –
BTW, medically and pharmacology wise what they’re doing makes sense, ie. using Hydroxychloroquine and ZPack.


Thanks. Didn’t see it until now.



Treat your guys like they’re “your guys”, and they’ll treat you like they’re on your side against the world. Great move by Gov. Abbott.


It’s what Pres. Trump does, too.

Rodney Short

Dang it took me forever to find this, from Kimi’s heart to yours Daugh….
She really enjoyed your tunes tonight…
Night and God bless Y’all…
Get some rest Daught Friday is gonna be a hoot…

Rodney Short

I am sure hoping President Trump owns the news over the course of the weekend, it seems in the last few weeks he has let them have their way.
I sure do look forward to Thursday and Friday throat punching of the fake news…


Holy crap, now Michigan’s Lefty governor is forbidding docs from prescribing hydroxychloroquine for C-Virus!!!

Rodney Short

They see that their losing their older and wiser base to the Trumplican party, what better way to steal an election than kill off the vulnerable…
Alot of people are waking up to the Democrats evil ways…
Night and God bless Alison….


Sweet dreams, Sir Rodney 💖💖💖

Rodney Short



I would not have thought governors had that much power, to stop the off-label prescribing of an FDA-approved medication. It seems like a gross overreach, especially in light of “right to try.”


I don’t know under what authority governors have that power, but I guess we’ll find out!


Citizens of Michigan won’t let her get away with that…look at how quickly Nevada’s Governor had to back track. Only the zombie-citizens in Virginia and the 3 West Coast states seem to go along with whatever inane proclamations their Governors make without a whimper. Maybe it’s the water!
Q always said to watch the water! 😉


you mean she is hoarding it in case her family needs it? that I would agree with.

Deplorable Patriot

Orders from Democrat Party Headquarters.


Jackboots in lock-step.




If it was about available supply, wouldn’t she be out in public taking jabs at POTUS for not getting her state what they needed? She is threatening to take doctors licenses. That seems really harsh if it’s about supplies. I guess we’ll find out, Daughn. I need to remember Marica’s 48-hour rule 🤓

Deplorable Patriot

Immorally irresponsible.
In the end, though, it’s showing the people who the Democrat hacks are.


Could “they” be promoting her as a VP candidate? Kind of looks like they are gradually sneaking her in…and, of course, once the media gets their marching orders she’ll be on TV 24/7.
Her relationship with Soros (and truthful I do not know the details) needs to come out fast and furious to knock her out of the box right away. We do not need another Obama side blinding us.


Wait until Daddy Trump gets hold of these leftist Democrat tinpot dictators – who want to preserve and protect the pandemic rather than their citizens!
Spit, spit, spit!!!!!


The bamboo treat for panda …. before we Strike the dragon

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. Well, I always assume that GOOD COP TRUMP knows what he is doing, even if BAD COP WOLF fails to understand….. 😎


wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall in that room?
to hear the ACTUAL conversation? bwahahahaha
sure it’s perfectly diplomatic but filled with pregnant pauses and veiled threats.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, there is STUFF going on FOR SURE!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Here, Mr. President, I brought a Corona”…
“No thanks, Xi, I don’t drink”… 😎


You said it, BC Wolf 🤓


I think what he puts out is a version to keep the country calm. “He’s a diplomatic leader who gets along with everyone n time of crisis and gets things done.” I bet the call was a lot like the calls to manufacturers that changed over to making stuff for virus. Potus said he didn’t have to use the War Powers act (or whatever it is called ) hardly at all. Companies just volunteered. They knew his power with it, he didn’t have to say a thing, he had all the leverage. Same with China. Also I bet he has others do or say the awkward stuff. He is so good at this and has don’t it all for years.


LOL LOL 🤣🤣🤣 Just don’t overwater it 😷💋

Cuppa Covfefe

Now we know what they were REALLY growing in their hydroponic gardens on “Lost In Space”…
(Except for that funny-smelling green stuff, of course)… Oh, the pain…
Danger, Danger Will Robinson…


AOC will try it.

Cuppa Covfefe

And she’ll complain that there’s no Avocado growing out of it…
She’ll be looking for Avocado’s number…
(which is about what her “green new deal” will cost, in dollars, give or take an order of magnitude or two…)…


Ugh! Give me blues!


not a jazz fan either…
give me that ole time rock and roll!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. These days there’s just too much sax and violins…
(Ducks flying tapes of Bubba playing the sax, Boots Randolph’s greatest hits, and the last remaining sub-contrabass saxophone…)…
(OK, Bill Evans, Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, George Shearing, Vince Guaraldi… they’re COOL 😎 )
(and Coltrane, Peterson, Mulligan aren’t too shabby, either)… (dating myself there, I know)…


So sad, why did they give them up? I think a few knocks on the door would’ve been great!


chickenshits one and all!


Think of them hearing him talk at the presser and thinking “Oh shit, he knows!!” LOL


I still think that ripped page from Bill Barr was a signal.
But hey HOARDING worked so well in Puerto RICO why not try it again?


What ripped page? I missed that part I think. I wondered how many places Barr actually knew about compared to what they thought he knew, lol. Yes, hoarding is in their play book for sure. Puerto Rico bit them in the butt. I think they are doing it with the malaria pills right now.


One of the press briefings this past week, Fauci was not present, but Bill Barr was. He briefed on DOJ efforts against HOARDING. During that briefing his leather notebook had a page sticking out the top that had a tattered edge of being torn out of a spiral notebook. It was incongruous.
They are definitely creating an artificial shortage of HCQ via multiple avenues.


Ahhh, I listened instead of watching that day. Thank you. Glad your DW is ok!!!


communists.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s worse than just this mask stuff – SEIU is deeply involved in this whole virus operation. Very deeply.
Wheatie’s suspicion that they were likely involved in Vegas turned out to be a gold mine. They were involved in CA3, and are definitely involved here. They provide FOOTSOLDIERS to the nastiest elements of KGB-CIA, radical communists, and all the rest.
“Purple People Beaters”.
I will bet that they are hoarding chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, too.


It was a miracle! 😁

Deplorable Patriot

The honey badger is on the hunt.

Cuppa Covfefe

It might be worth noting what SEIU stands for:
Service Employees International Union.
They are DEEPLY tied into the international Communist Workers’ Movement…
And, of course, controlled by the globalists…
Satan Soros has his tentacles in them, too…


Typo alert. First paragraph.


strong words to Russia from Pompeo today


Doesn’t Crimea want to be part of Russia? I thought that was the whole point of the scuffle – Russia helping Crimea annex itself to Russia. If so, why not leave it that way. What business is it of ours? Arbitrary divisions and tribal or ethnic borders have only been a source of conflict forever.
What am I missing, other than Ukraine (our money launderer and weapons facilitator extraordinaire) lost territory it wanted?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The SAME arguments were used to justify Hitler’s seizure of the Sudetenland.


Ok that helps. There’s so much confusing about Ukraine-Russia, and our own current financial ties via the sons of mucky mucks don’t help to clarify.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A little bit more: When the USSR broke up, every one of the new countries agreed to respect the boundaries as they were. Russia has reneged here and with respect to Georgia.


I understand. I just think those arbitrary borders and alliances are fraught with ethnic, cultural & economic conflicts. Not saying right or wrong, just very difficult to peaceably maintain.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is very true.
Boundaries in the Middle East and Africa couldn’t have been drawn worse for similar reasons.
In fact many say those boundaries are drawn that way *deliberately* so that it would be harder for those countries to become strong enough to threaten their former owners.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Russia / Ukraine is a scam. Outlaw meth dealer biker and his hooker wife. DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH EITHER. Wolf’s Warning to the WISE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“It’s my bike! You gotta help me get it back!”

Deplorable Patriot

When it comes to overseas stuff, remember we’re usually seeing “news” through the lens of somebody with an agenda. What the real truth is over there…when the Ukrainians and Crimeans start talking, we’ll know.


Exactly what I tell my Japanese friends and attempt to give them the “other side.” I was horrified at the slant of the “American news” there…as we also hear from our overseas residents here. Not much we can do about it except via Internet instead of CNN.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve run into that. When I was in Tuscany for a month for an opera program, one of the instructors said to me Italy has multiple differences from north to south. Then he asked if America had differences. MULTO, MULTO, MULTO was my answer.
And Ireland trip…had to tell a guy from South Africa that Orlando, New Orleans and Las Vegas were really not what the rest of America was like.
And forget going into state differences. They know California, Texas, New York, and maybe Florida. The rest are pretty much shrugged off with “never heard of it.”


Crimea is split. Ukraine desperately wants and needs to keep the sea port.


From Saturday’s presser

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


what are the odds?


…and the timing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t there a FAQ or something on the ID2020 site by Bill(ious) Gates, entitled “Ask Me Anything”???
Here’s one on Corona:

I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.
by u/thisisbillgates in Coronavirus

Cuppa Covfefe

OUCH!!! sorry that whole thing posted… Daughn, Wolf, delete if it’s not OK… thanks…
(Crikey, talk about buffer overflow…)…


Thanks, Cuppa! I’ll save the link, but not ‘up’ to go there tonight. That will take some fortitude, fer shure.

Cuppa Covfefe

The one that, erm, splattered, with preceeding asterisk is:

I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.
by u/thisisbillgates in Coronavirus

DiscoverTheNetworks is a great site. LOTS of stuff on the left, the globalists, and Satan Soros (but I repeat myself…)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So now after the groundwork finished, the real plan begins right on schedule. So obvious, Eric! Can’t you do better than this?


“NIH failed to test coronavirus drugs, studied drunk monkeys, soap operas, and tailgating instead”
“Expert warned agency as much as 87.5 percent of biomedical research was wasteful.’
‘ “Waste is more than just a waste of money and resources,” Bracken preached to the audience back in July 2016, according to the NIH’s official account of the speech. “It can actually be harmful to people’s health.”
Nearly four years later, Bracken’s sweeping indictment about the financial management, organization and conduct of federal medical research looms large over a series of “what if” questions about the deadly and ever-spreading COVID-19 pandemic:
What if the research community hadn’t bet all its marbles on the next pandemic coming from a flu instead of a version of the coronavirus?
What if NIH or other agencies had funded research into the efficacy of drugs like chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and HIV cocktails that had shown promise against coronavirus dating back to 2003?
What if more pressure had been applied by the medical governance world to develop vaccines aimed at coronavirus?
What if the medical community had simply adjusted its outdated modeling that predicted coronavirus would spread slowly and could be contained to account for the massive growth in global air travel the last decade that transported this virus from China to the West in treacherously fast time?


CDC/NIH/WHO have been captured/infiltrated/run by the leftist PC ideologues/agents for a long, long time.
Maybe as long as some of you have been alive.

Cuppa Covfefe

They were probably researching Trunk Monkeys too:



so the Drama Queen had an abdominal infection–which is ironic–mostly she gets diarrhea of the mouth…
She was furious that the hospital would not test her for the Coronavirus.
The reason? Kathy Griffin was hospitalized for an abdominal infection, treated and released from the hospital the same day.
Coronavirus symptoms include dry cough, tightness/pressure/pain in the chest, trouble breathing and a fever.
The hospital was following CDC guidelines which is why they didn’t test Kathy Griffin, but she’s bashing Trump anyway.


Exploiting the Crisis™



trump, thanks for posting this.
nauseating that such info is only available “underground”.





We’ll be hearing more about this. Israelis are going to use phones to track the asymptomatic paths of individuals that tested positive. We’ll do the same here.

Cuppa Covfefe

Many other countries already are.
Sad to say, apps developers, like most folks (though we’d not like to admit it) are fond of taking the easy way out, and request (and are usually granted) all permissions for their apps on whatever platform they’re running, as privilege problems shouldn’t happen, or at least will be a rare occurrence.
Even if the app in question doesn’t need the information, say, location, barometric pressure, what-have-you… But, now the app/phone/whoever-might-happen-to-be-snooping has the info. And some apps are notoriously leaky, despite whatever half-hearted efforts Apple, Google (the Androidverse), and, horrors, Huawei put up to sandbox or corral this leakage…
This all started when phones got GPS and mapping capabilities… can’t put that genie back in that plastic bottle… sigh…


So true, Geo mapping allows it to be entered into a GIS data base where the only limitations on the data are from the collection of data bases and then creativity of the user who can crunch all that information into uses that fit their needs. Remarkable stuff unfortunately much of that is usually propitiatory.



fight them with their own words–IF abortion is a CHOICE (as they claim it is)–then it’s also ELECTIVE…elective surgeries are NOT supposed to be occurring during a crisis!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

NO NO NO, absolutely no.


Verse of the Day for Friday, March 27, 2020

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:”
1 John 5:14 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed and wonderful Day!


You, too, Pat! God Bless You Real Good!!!


I believe He has!!!


Yay!!! * Doing a Happy Dance * Yippie!!!


yup!!comment image






He loves you!!! 🙂


and you too!!


* Smiling Broadly *


if this is true…wow!!! NYDOCCS: prisoners NOT MAKING hand sanitizer, just rebottling existing sanitizer into NYS Clean containers…LOL
But according to workers at Great Meadow Correctional Facility in Comstock, New York where the hand sanitizer is being “made,” as well as a spokesperson for the prison system, they are doing nothing more than taking existing hand sanitizer and rebottling it into packaging labeled NYS Clean.
…Cuomo claimed that the hand sanitizer would be produced by Corcraft, the public-facing brand name of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision’s Division of Industries. “Corcraft makes glass cleaner, floor cleaner, degreasers, laundry detergent, vehicle fluids, hand cleaner, and now they make hand sanitizer with alcohol,” Cuomo told the audience.
But according to a NYSDOCCS spokesperson, the hand sanitizer itself is being produced by an outside vendor he would not name; the Great Meadow Facility is only bottling and labeling it. Neither NYSDOCCS nor the governor’s office would respond to repeated questions about why the state would need to use prison labor to bottle hand sanitizer, nor did the governor’s office respond to questions about Cuomo’s pitch that this was a cheaper, more effective option than buying bottled hand sanitizer outright.


The technical term for it is that he is full of shit




more masks found–this time in a crypt at Washington’s National Cathedral.
WASHINGTON – A surprising recovery that was made in a crypt at Washington’s National Cathedral has been donated to help coronavirus first responders.
This week, workers at the cathedral recovered a cache of N-95 masks left at the cathedral some 10 years ago.
“We discovered that we had in the crypt thousands of N-95 masks that we’ve had here at the cathedral since the possible outbreak of avian bird flu years ago. And we’ve discovered that the masks are still good and useful,” said Rev. Randolph Hollerith, dean of the National Cathedral.
5,000 masks were found inside the crypt on National Cathedral grounds. A long-time cathedral stonemason recalled where the stash of masks was located.
The church has donated the masks to two hospitals in Washington, DC., including a local children’s hospital.
“In these difficult and trying times, the Cathedral community is doing everything we can to help protect the most vulnerable among us from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic,” Hollerith said in a statement.


I dunno…any y’all buying this stuff about a vaccine?
Once a vaccine for the coronavirus is created, it should last for years before a person would need to get a new one, which is very good news for the long term prognosis of humanity fighting off this awful sickness. In fact, it could function similarly to the measles shot, which actually protects patients for life.
This is definitely good news and something to give us all hope while we wait for this misery to pass by.


I’ll pass.


yeah I’m not likely to get one either…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it will be good for YEARS…right before it mutates.
They think we’re stupid.


just like the flu vaccines they say we need every year—yeah right!


I’ve read that there are already over 20 variations of the virus, and probably many more.


Alternative: Get swabbed in the doctor’s office when you’ve got symptoms, get diagnosed in 15 minutes, take Hydroxychloroquine for 3 days and be well.
When diagnosed, track & trace systems will kick in to give Hydroxychloroquine to anyone who had contact.


seems a cleaner path to heath to me!


Nope – are they saying – if they do not get you the first time – they will try, again?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Vaccines suffer from the fundamental problem that they can only protect you against whatever strain is in the vaccine.
Whereas an antiviral mucks with something much more fundamental to the functioning of the virus.
I’m no anti-vaxer by any means, but the antiviral is the more effective route–provided you can get it quickly when you start feeling ill.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pure (or rather, impure) speculation…
Impossible to define the properties of something that has yet to be developed…
Just ask any research and/or development manager BTDTGTTS….


show of hands…who’s surprised???
New Orleans new epicenter because of Mardi Gras…


Possibly doubling the danger – Carnival Cruise was advertising a Mardi Gras cruise.
Did it take place?


Oh boy! PC kills and kills and kills.


gees…delay, delay, delay…NY drug trials to start NEXT week…
Officials are working out final details in plans to begin clinical trials next week for a malaria drug combination that appears to hold some promise for confronting the coronavirus pandemic.
New York state Health Department officials are making arrangements to determine what patients at which hospitals will be allowed to participate in trials with hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax and chloroquine, a senior official at the department with knowledge of the plan told ABC News. The bulk of the patients are expected to be in the New York City metro area because the region has the biggest cluster of cases.
“We’re in the midst of getting info from hospitals across the state to determine interest and number of patients,” the official said. “Supplies will be going out by end of week.”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced earlier this week that he was eager to get the trials started. By Tuesday, the drugs were in New York and officials were working to identify who could participate.

Deplorable Patriot

Stalling. Should have known.


right? screaming for equipment for treating it–but not CURING it…

Deplorable Patriot

Standard operating procedure for “modern” medicine.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Somebody needs fired, if not beaten half to death with baseball bats, allowed to heal, then beaten again.
ANY patient on a ventilator (or close to it) should have been given the drug by now.


Required Reading for Homeschooling:
• “Animal Farm”
• “1984”
Homework Assignment: Identify CURRENT REAL-LIFE examples of both.
• M$M articles
• Political Leaders’ Statements
Homework Review: Discuss what to DO about it.
• Problems:
• Solutions:


wow! COVID-19 impacting more men and women than all other genders combined!!
“It’s incredible – we’ve found this virus is far more likely to affect biological males and biological females than any other biological gender,” said Head of Gender Research Dr. Benji Charmin. “We thought the data had to be flawed, but we checked again and again, and sure enough, this thing is aggressively going after men and women and ignoring the other genders entirely.”


I am sure if some of the media would bother to ask the virus why it is ignoring the rest of the genders it would respond, “That would be racist.”


or transphobic…


“said Head of Gender Research Dr. Benji Charmin. 🤣🤣🤣


interesting theory reinforces a lot of opinions on who’s really pushing Biden thru all this…
Who would be de facto President early on in a Biden administration, even without a severe medical event?
Answer: Jill Biden
In a Biden administration, who would be emulating Edith Wilson, wife of President Woodrow Wilson, who called the shots after Wilson’s severe stroke left him bedridden?
Answer: Jill Biden
Who dedicated her last book to the “The inspiring, groundbreaking First Lady Edith Wilson.”
Answer: You guessed it–Jill Biden


Hmmm – makes me wonder if Jill and Hill got together and cooked up the Biden campaign.
Also – remember how much Hillrotten loved Eleanor Roosevelt – enough to do a Séance in the WH or so the rumors went?


Nope – he has been demon possessed for a long time, NYGuy!


I’m probably posting in wrong place……it has good basic anatomy of the lungs and the covid19 course (to the extreme)…..a few salty words thrown in, recorded on the 23rd of March.


I used to think of lungs as sacks, but learned from Britannica Encyclopedias that they were more like sponges with feelers that took oxygen to brain and organs through the bloodstream – no special separate dedicated air pipes throughout the body – bloodstream takes air and fuel/nutrients and cells to fight infection and medicines throughout our body!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You had a better encyclopedia than I did, then.
Fortunately the World Book was readily available in school.

Deplorable Patriot

reading now that Rep Massie from Kentucky might delay the House vote on the 2 Trillion stimulus Bill. He supposedly MIGHT want a roll call vote instead of the voice vote, and might insist on a quorum.
Apparently with the voice vote–nays scream at one time, and ayes scream at one time…and the louder screamers win. that way no one has to claim responsibility for all the pork in the bill…
but Reps are mortified that they may have to be in DC to vote. so they are now non essential employees–they need to lose their jobs and salaries at this time like regular workers. file unemployment claims!!!!


POTUS not happy.


I don’t understand this tweet by President Trump about the 2nd Amendment. How is he empowering them? What does this bill have to do with the 2nd Amendment?


Maybe some of the poison pills the Democrats inserted into the CARES Bill.


Whoa, just saw the rest of this tweet, “throw Massie out of the Republican Party.” Did he ever says this about Mitt Romney. President just pissed off my Libertarian side bigly.


He’s talking about Massie… Massie’s past sins
POTUS followed up with a 3rd blast at Massie
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram·
Trump tweet on Massie: “Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive..It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90%..WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!”


I’m guessing Rand Paul would have voted NO on this bill, yet the President calls him his friend. You guys do realize Massie voted against Paul Ryan twice and for Jim Jordan to be speaker of the house. He is a version of Rand Paul in the house, and I agree that they need to be on record of how they voted on this important bill. Why the vitriol towards a Republican, when the Democrats held this thing up way longer with the shit they pulled. Fiscal conservatives and civil libertarians be damned right now I guess, full speed ahead off the cliff.


“Fiscal conservatives and civil libertarians be damned right now I guess”
Disclaimer: This is not aimed at you personally, just my opinion in general.
I completely understand the need to stop the pork and to work on the debt crisis in this country. I also have an issue with purists who “stand on principle” as the country burns down. In 2016, certain Christian groups stood against then-candidate Trump — at least at first — because he didn’t meet their moral standards (and I say this as a Christian). They would have either voted against him or not voted at all, ensuring a win for Hillary and the end of the United States as founded. It is much the same with many libertarians I know or whose materials I have read.
Since America is not a dictatorship, we have to compromise at times, and Pres. Trump understands that and sees the bigger picture. Sometimes it’s going to look worse rather than better. And yes, this kind of compromise is what got us into the pickle we’re in. I believe many of the compromises of the past have been the uniparty working together for a common goal. But now, Pres. Trump is the only “politician” I trust to work through crises like this and still have a plan to right the ship on the other side.


I understand that, but President Trump was wrong to make this tweet. People like Thomas Massie are standing up for our Constitution. They are not a disaster for America. Today is the first time I’ve been this pissed and ready to jump off the Trump train. Not saying I would ever vote for a Democrat, just saying he lost me today.


Your sensitivities are noted.


I stand with Massie, he’s a good man, and doesn’t deserve the hammering he’s taking today from Trump.
He should reserve that for our true enemies in Congress. Massie is not our enemy.

Rodney Short

If he lost you then he never really had you IMO.
Trump gravity—–> Check into it and rest well knowing Hillary is NOT your President….
There are enough Ann Coulter types in this world, dont be one…


In simplest terms until Massie came along with these antics the dems owned all delays and foolishness. Now the Republicans own them.
The low information voter is not going to see anything but Republicans don’t care and are delaying the help they honestly do need even if it is over the top.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A voice vote can be called by the presiding officer either way. Even if it’s clearly one NAY and hundreds of YEAs, he can rule that the NAYs have it if he likes.
Of course, someone can then demand a roll call vote…at least under most rules. Who knows what the House’s procedure is.
There was a congresscritter many decades ago who said “if you get to write the bill, and I get to write the procedure, I will screw you every time.”


i despise that Congress allows this to happen. we need to get funds to people who need them–but porkifying the bill is criminal imo. if Congress wants this to pass–then let them own it. I want to know who is responsible for approving so much unnecessary funding at a critical time in our history…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I will take this pork over the actual changes to totally unrelated laws that were in the original Nancy bill. E.g. emissions standards for airliners, mandatory ballot harvesting, killing voter ID wherever it has been implemented, and so on.
At least the effects of the pork go away once the money has been spent.


except it reinforces even encourages Congress to continue doing this constantly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think it’s a little late to be worried about that. The rebar has long ago been added to the concrete and the concrete set decades ago.


then get me a jackhammer!!


The Storm is Here! Power back to We The People!


stuff like this really frosts my cookies…$11 Billion in the stimulus Bill earmarked for 3 INTERNATIONAL Development Organizations…what does THIS giveaway have to do with the disease?????? where’s the freakin’ accountability????
Among the many provisions in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package that appear to have little to do with the immediate crisis at home is a nearly $11 billion pot of money for three international development groups.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) – which the House of Representatives is expected to vote on Friday – includes the funding for the African Development Fund (ADF), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Development Association (IDA).
The ADF and the AfDB are two related organizations that help fund development and poverty eradication efforts in Africa, whereas the IDA is a subsidiary of the World Bank that gives to poor countries in general. Combined, they will receive more than $10.8 billion under the CARES Act.
This amount includes $7,286,587,008 for the AfDB, $513,900,000 for the ADF and $3,004,200,000 for the IDA.


Supposedly, I read this elsewhere…POTUS signs most of those checks for the “goodies” and there is no time frame attached. Something might be approved but not necessarily enacted…not an automatic nor immediate disbursement. (The Wall construction, is a good example during Obama years)
Maybe another poster has a better knowledge about the mechanics of this.


There is some information out this about holding up monies, I believe it’s called “impoundment” which apparently the SC or some court ruled Nixon couldn’t do… BUT it also got delayed while the court case winds its way upward, so it could be a tactic until change in House in November.


CSM Michaell Bet1234
TUCKER CARLSON: Source says 2,000 ventilators were delivered to NYC and they are SITTING UNUSED IN A WAREHOUSE.
Who is playing GAMES and WHY?
Courtesy of Peter Gaynor Federal Administrator -FEMAcomment image


right! and a stonemason JUST remembered they were there…buying that??


You can bet our VSG is itching to streamline and make the ‘national stockpile’ very transparent and bedrock accountable!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

As infuriating as this is, think of it as exposure. Let’s hear the excuses from the people in charge, and then decide if we buy it.
Of course, we won’t, and they will be exposed.


Oh. MY…I would dearly love to be heading towards those magnificent mountains on that road right now!


Looks peaceful, doesn’t it – far away from the fray – and the ‘frantic’ faces.


This is SOOOO cool to watch. It’s a launch of a rocket from Edwards AFB, the reporter is out in the middle of nowhere near Bakersfield. It starts out with a bright red dot but stick with it. This happened right after sunset so as the rocket gets high enough in the atmosphere it catches the sunlight and turns into spectacular!


It would be so cool to have a button/pin made from that label!


A fine example of American ingenuity from GA/FL we have here – 🙂


…wait – I haven’t done it…yet! However, when I’m able to get out and about, I hope to try to do it.


American ingenuity encompasses ideas, too, GA/FL!!! Ask Pat for help – she sews!!!


Calling Pat – we need some assistance here – and maybe – you can go into business for yourself?


not sure what you want me to do…make the labels????


Make labels into pins – I think – gotta check with GA/FL – it was her idea




After all – weren’t we ‘Made in America’? Well – most of us were – anyway – you got it!!!


I’ll start researching…


Really? Goodie!!!


anything for you dear!


I just thought it was a great idea – did not mean to ‘spook’ GA/FL or even push you into action – not even sure if I was just being snarky or excited – Gosh – I am confused – 🙁


there are a bunch of ready made “Made in USA”, or “Made in America” pins available already and quite a few lapel pin companies that will make them for you…


Really? Wow!!!


yes AND…you have custom made pins relatively cheap and fast…so when this grand adventure nears its end and we all meet at Daughn’s to drink and laugh and commiserate…I’ll bring the Q-tree pins!!!


Sounds great!!! Thanks for the info, dear lady!!!


“Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday morning that Americans will get their stimulus checks through direct deposit within the next three weeks.
Mnuchin’s comments come a day after the Senate unanimously approved a $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that includes a $1,200 payment to single Americans who make less than $75,000 a year, $2,400 for families that make under $150,000 a year, and $500 for each child under the age of 17.”


direct deposit? so it’s all dependent upon navigating the unemployment websites which keep crashing?
can small business owners claim unemployment if they have to shelter their businesses??


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Mar 26
Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #631 William Jordan Gillis to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense.
Mar 26
Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #570 Charles Williams to be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Mar 26
Vote Scheduled: At 5:30 pm on Monday, April 20th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #556 Robert J. Feitel to be Inspector General, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


Just because……


…and just for fun….. an oldie, but so uplifting!


Brings me to tears every time I see this performance,,,,just a beautiful story that never gets stale.
We can all dream, can’t we? And Susan Boyle proves it.


Told ya. President Trump via Brad Parscale knows what his real poll numbers are.


Katie Hopkins has a message for celebrities during the coronavirus crisis: On the grand scale of things in rank of importance (low to high), there are celebrities, then there are dogs, and then there are all the people dealing with the crisis. 😂
There is a second tweet after this one where she reiterates, since they didn’t get the message the first time. I’m not posting it because I’m not sure of the level of offense of a slang word she uses and she gets a little explicit in her description of body parts. But it is deliciously spot on.


Brits are so good with put downs, wit sabers, and sarcasm – of which Katie is a champion!


Again, read Bottom to Top through Chad’s tweets… lots of “sound and fury” going on in Chamber
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram 2 mn·
Massie tweet: I swore an oath to uphold the constitution, and I take that oath seriously. In a few moments I will request a vote on the CARES Act which means members of Congress will vote on it by pushing “yes” or “no” or “present.”
If Massie forces quorum issue, the House CAN’T vote on the coronavirus bill until it has established a quorum, be that today or tomorrow. Mbrs concerned about sending so many mbrs to DC is a public health issue
Chad Pergram
On twitter, Massie intimates he will demand that they make sure there is a quroum on the floor. That means 216 out of 430 members. Lots of members here. But unclear if they have 216. If they don’t have a quorum, they may have to wait a day or two to get members to rush back to DC
Chad Pergram
Massie tweeting that he will force a roll call vote on coronavirus bill. Will likely stretch out the vote for hours. Mbrs will come into the chamber in 16 groups, voting in tranches of about 30 mbrs at a time.
Chad Pergram
Ahead of coronavirus stimulus vote, House lawmakers concerned Rep. Massie may trigger delay | Fox News
Extreme precautions ordered in House ahead of historic vote on largest stimulus package in US…
A “State of the Union”-style extreme security posture will be in effect on Capitol Hill on Friday, as the House of Representatives is set to vote on the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, Fox…
Chad Pergram
GOP MI Rep Upton on coronavirus bill: To those who oppose this bill, please, please, please stand down. We can’t wait another day to help. Don’t add to this disruption by, in fact, being a disruptor. Be a leader
Chad Pergram
Freedom Caucus Chair Biggs on coronavirus bill. Says measure shouldn’t have aid for Kennedy Center, public broadcasting, Smithsonian, National Endowment for the Arts, et c. “They certainly have no place in an economic relief package. It’s a shame that they’re in here.”


I know, I know, it’s not Caturday yet, but thought we’d enjoy the moment. 🙂




Friday March 27 Video Marathon


Nanzi ‘built’ this… she should NEVER have gaveled the House out of Session… the Senate has been actively working… She and her minions left D.C. Tuesday evening, if they ever came in! I don’t think she is in D.C. now, she wasn’t yesterday. Totally irresponsible.


I don’t have cable, so don’t know, but think and hope C-Span is televising all this DIM ‘malpractice’ ….
DIMs Care nothing for Americans and it should be obvious to anymore with two brain cells to NEVER again or anew vote for ANY DIM…
I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that Massie is doing the Country a favor by pointing out there is not a quorum present in the House… atm



GOOD – a bill that expensive should have some time to ferment and settle before voting.
NO MORE of Nancy’s usual MO – of ram-rodding bills through in the dark of the night – unread and unknown. She is so despicable, there are no words to deride her properly.


Leader McConnell@senatemajldr
ICYMITelevision: Last night, I joined @marthamaccallum with @FoxNews to discuss the Senate’s historic response to the coronavirus, which will rush much needed aid to our brave medical professionals and relief to families and small businesses.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
It is important to note that Massie forcing a roll call vote and also making sure there is a quorum in the chamber does not jeopardize passage of the coronavirus bill. There is wide bipartisan support. It may just delay the vote


I suspect the additional costs registering (and being regulated! ) in the US in order to get stimulus money might not be worth it compared to costs in foreign registration. There’s a reason these cruise lines hold registrations in very unlikely places.
Got to give POTUS credit for trying!



FAKE NEWs… not necessarily from Tucker, but from the STATS quoted, which of course are FALSE…


Really? Tucker did not do this program?


Yes, he did do the program, as far as I know, sorry for confusion my comment has caused.


Then, you are just questioning the stats?


Correct! ol’ brain is sputtering… think I am reading too much!


You are not alone – we are being inundated with information (disinformation) and (misinformation) to various degrees – sorting it all out is a full time job – some of us are retired from all of that – and yet – here we are working our tails off trying to make sense of it all – Exhausting, isn’t it?
Some info for you – I wanted to know – so I am sharing…


exhausting it is… thanks for MOAR info 😉




Is Benny a Boob?


I don’t think I was clear… sorry, I apologize. Just trying to say that NY’s numbers are not accurate, they are inflated. (Not Tucker’s fault he doesn’t realize it imho)


I agree – we do not know who it putting out these numbers – from where they came – wonder what numbers Dr. Birx has – she appeared to indicate a group was working on this aspect – if I remember correctly.


I don’t get it…I just watched twice and heard/saw no stats… help?


I can’t believe all the crap that comes from the left!
New York Times Blames Evangelical Christians for Coronavirus

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The sort of argument they are making–that ignoring the science can lead to catastrophe; and that evangelicals are more likely to ignore science than many others–would be a plausible one except for one minor detail: Trump isn’t ignoring the science.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great comment on that by J.Moore citizenfreepress.com :

Surprise! The CHRISTIANS did it.
Don’t dare mention millions of people gathering 3 inches apart to walk around a big rock for hours on end…… Wouldn’t wanna offend someone that might cut your head off, right? LOL idiot liberal fake MSM.
Crushing the left 11/2020. Thanks for the help, NYT.

Hmmm. Not mentioning that many of the greatest scientists and explorers were (and are) Christians…


“I can’t believe all the crap that comes from the left!”
I can’t either.
That’s why I stopped paying any attention to it.
It’s the same reason I stopped watching Fox News.
Fox News’s bogus claim of being ‘Fair and Balanced’ is always like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
They’re not fair OR balanced.
Fox News is a cockfight.
It’s cockfighting, for TV.
Fox News could care less what the truth is about anything. What they want is to two people claw each other’s eyes out, that’s all. It’s pure conflict.
It’s Jerry Springer dressed up like a news show.
They bring on the aggrieved (some conservative) who tells his story, and then they bring on the abuser (some democrat) who lies through his teeth and smirks with satisfaction every time he reopens an old wound, and turn them loose on each other.
They take one rooster with a red jersey and put it in the ring, and then they take another rooster, with a blue jersey, and put it in the ring, and then they try to tear each other part while Martha MacCallum smiles and tries to look pretty.
She’s the cheerleader of the cockfight.
She’s the ring-girl.
That’s not ‘fair and balanced’, it’s not even intelligent discussion — it’s cockfighting.
Cockfighting between roosters is against the law in most states.
But it’s big business in NYC and D.C. They just use people instead of roosters (except for Trey Gowdy, who is apparently part-rooster).
This is what Fox News does.
It’s a cockfight.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great comment on that by J.Moore citizenfreepress.com :

Surprise! The CHRISTIANS did it.
Don’t dare mention millions of people gathering 3 inches apart to walk around a big rock for hours on end…… Wouldn’t wanna offend someone that might cut your head off, right? LOL idiot liberal fake MSM.
Crushing the left 11/2020. Thanks for the help, NYT.


For Pat – I know she is a fan of AOC – and others who need a * Giggle *


Pompous Little Twit!!!


It is a joke, Pat!


I know…but the song is fitting–I want the WHOLE WORLD!


LOL – did you know she has already complained that illegals won’t get any checks? Dunno if that is true or not – skip over anything having to do with her – I do


I read that they won’t get a check… ss# with be used … NOT Tax I.D. #


Not only SS # used but direct deposit…how many illegals have bank accounts where you have to show documents.


Excellent point Tea………………..


But, the body language is real…that’s the point.


Oh, ok, Tea – then, it was well done!


listening to this with AOC’s animations really proves what trash so-called Broadway ‘musicals’ are…………….
imho, of course!
More ‘brain-washing’ ……………….


What an immature little twit!


I am still wondering how she ever got voted into office, Tea – I bet her district will be reconfigured – and she will be soon gone.


Again, read tweets bottom to top
Chad Pergram
You need at least half of all of those on the floor to rise to show they are in favor of a recorded vote. That number is much lower than establishing a quorum. So, if most members stay seated, there is no recorded vote. It goes to a voice vote.
Chad Pergram
Hse Dem Whip Clyburn says Hse has a quorum
Chad Pergram
Massie tweet: It’s pretty clear now, with enough members here to pass the bill..Pelosi..McCarthy are still working together to block a recorded vote just to insulate members of Congress from ACCOUNTABILITY.
Biggest spending bill in the history of mankind, and no recorded vote?
Chad Pergram
5) So, the members will stay SEATED. The term of art in the House is that “a sufficient number has risen” to prompt the recorded vote. But that won’t happen in this instance. Therefore, that parliamentarily prompts a voice vote.


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

As a veteran of the dating sites, that’s hilarious.


some insights into how the sausage was made…
In the race to save the economy and pass the largest economic rescue package in American history, Congress still found a way to do some old-fashioned home state favors and reward key special interests.
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) managed to successfully push a minimum assistance figure for every state — $1.5 billion — to make sure small states like his weren’t left out in the legislation.
A provision for the FDA to approve “innovative” sunscreens—that happen to be made in Florence, Ky., by L’Oreal—appeared in the bill, which was steered in the Senate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
The gaming industry wasn’t left out either: Casinos will be able to tap government loans for disaster assistance, a payback after casinos were blocked from receiving tax breaks extended to other businesses after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.


American Greatness@theamgreatness
Julie Kelly: The facts prove that Cuomo put his state, and yes, the country as a whole, in danger with his last-minute disaster planning and fealty to open borders. That should spark outrage, not admiration.
Cuomo Deserves No Plaudits for His Handling of Crisis – American Greatness
It was a stunning confession. During a press briefing on Tuesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted that closing schools and colleges in his state was a spur-of-the-moment decision based on a…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Especially since the antimalarial has not in fact started–three days later than promised.


Right Steve…


“antimalarial has not in fact started” . . . would you expand and cite that???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, New York is dithering and dragging its feet on this; Pat Frederick posted links.


They DON’T want to allow President Trump to look too good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Coyotes are spotted roaming the streets of San Francisco during coronavirus pandemic after all of its residents were ordered to stay at home


Feasting on human waste?


Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
Bill Gates is investing is yet ANOTHER “research” group studying coronavirus. Pile that on top of all the organizations he’s investing in trying to create a coronavirus vaccine.
Zuck will probably research how best to scrub data of Facebook that exposes Bill Gates.
Quote Tweet
CBS News@CBSNews
· 3h
Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan and Bill Gates to fund $25M coronavirus research group https://cbsn.ws/3dwxYqQ


Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
Sorry mainstream media, I don’t believe your bullshit.
Sorry, conspiracy theorists. Study concludes COVID-19 ‘is not a laboratory construct’
A new study on the origins of the novel coronavirus has concluded that the pandemic-causing strain developed naturally.


Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
Don’t forget the Chinese Academy of Sciences first biosafety level 4 laboratory (BSL-4 Lab) lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology there >> https://gnews.org/119075/
Wuhan + new lab + bio-samples and biomedical intel stolen from Harvard and other institutes = You can do the math.
Show this thread


Sweeeet! Thanks, PR! Was looking for this 🙂


Glad I could help Mama!


Sean Davis@seanmdav
‘Sanctuary’ Cities That Rejected Federal Law Are Now Pleading For Federal Help
‘Sanctuary’ Cities That Rejected Federal Law Are Now Pleading For Federal Help
“Sanctuary Cities” that reject federal law and coordination for illegal immigrants are now begging for federal help to combat the Wuhan virus.


Seems to me there should be some “quid pro quo” assurance on the part of Cuomo, Deblasio and other pols in Sanctuary Cities… raise your hand if you agree… if you tweet, send a message.


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But he repeats himself.


Chad Pergram
Massie asks for recorded vote. But not enough people rose to be counted. That blocked Massie. House passes bill without a roll call vote







Jack Posobiec
New: Members of the Rhode Island Natl Guard will be stationed at train and bus stations to gather the contact info of anyone coming in from NY
In addition, RI State Police will station troopers at the border to flag vehicles with NY license plates
Coronavirus In RI: Anyone Coming From NY Ordered to Quarantine
There are 33 new cases of the new coronavirus in Rhode Island, bringing the total to 165.


So now the states are against open borders.
Really makes a person stop and think doesn’t it?


Right LM… one can’t help but smile…
I listened to a vid last night that was quite eye-opening regarding Adrenochrome which gives another tier to ‘reasons why DIMs support OPEN borders… melanim (sp) BOOSTS the effects of the ‘drug’ … will have to find the vid… think it was an IPOT… back later


Thank you TheseTruths… I love teamwork!!!!!!!!


Me too!


I’m sure there are ranchers, property owners and businesses all along the southern border that are harboring some degree of “we told you so!” glee about this sudden concern from the NE states governors about who comes across THEIR borders. And, rightfully so.


Escape from NY…bwahahahahaha


Yeessssssss!!! Fench the whole thing off!



Deplorable Patriot

More celebrity weirdness. This time Alec Baldwin.


Did you see @Comey’s tweet from yesterday? It is so bizarre (a selfie) I don’t even want to post it. Why are they all looking physically like the Apocolypse has hit them??

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve quit paying attention to Comey. There’s something else up with him, IMO.


he has advanced terminal stupidity…no cure…

Deplorable Patriot

He’s playing a part, IMO. His messaging is not for us.


This ties in with a Katie Hopkins tweet that I posted on the previous page.
Does he even have the virus? Is he sick? If not, why didn’t he comb his hair?
Real leaders are up, dressed in their suits and pashminas, working, showing strength, and solving the problem.
He is an ACTOR.
Why would he think anyone cares about his pseudo-suffering remarks?
Is this a message or an attempt to influence the public?
They think we’re really stupid.


“Why would he think anyone cares about his pseudo-suffering remarks?”
Because he’s the archetype for narcissistic personality disorder?


We should put him in charge!


Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec
Netanyahu rival Gantz elected speaker of Israeli parliament in shock deal for unity govt
Netanyahu rival Gantz elected speaker of Israeli parliament in shock move
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s main rival, Benny Gantz, was elected parliamentary speaker on Thursday in a surprise manoeuvre that could herald a unity government keeping the veteran…


I challenge Greta & AOC to explain how they plan to control THIS kind of climate change catalyst. They cannot, no matter how many trillions they try to take from us!

Deplorable Patriot

As if we don’t have enough to deal with.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Volcanos tend to cool things off.


Really? I didn’t know this…why? (In English….simple English,…, please!


Dust cloud blocks the sunlight.


Okay, I get that but how about the heat…or does that dissipate as it rises? Thanks…pgroup…that was great English! 😁


The immense amount of particulate matter spreads through the atmosphere and has a shading effect on the sunlight, thereby cooling off the planet.
The huge 1815 eruption of Mt Tambora caused the 1816 “Year without summer”. See –

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They pump a lot of junk into the atmosphere that blocks sunlight, basically. Including dust, which if it gets high enough, can hang out up there for months.
Tambora (also in Indonesia, on Lombok I believe) blew its stack in 1815 and resulted in “The Year Without A Summer” in Europe.


Thanks…my first thought…it was 1815…perhaps there are ways to neutralize it somewhat in 2020.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just had a second thought–sorry to jerk you around…
But volcanoes are also known to inject lots of CO2 (greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere, so they’re a mixed bag.
The net effect probably differs on a case-by-case basis.


Bill Gates should rush to Mount Merapi and save the world from these pollutants and ash and globull warming by stuffing his ego in the volcano hole!


For the good of humanity, huh Scott 🤓


Yep. Good luck with that. Tambora would be right up his alley. Excuse for another crop failure and mass die-off.




No kidding!! I guess that’s a good thing volcano


Oh no! We wouldn’t want to see his human rights breached.
Rare egg smuggler dubbed ‘Pablo Escobar of eggs’ will not be sent to serve time in Brazil as magistrate rules South American country’s jails are so bad it would breach his human rights





the truth will out


Slithering conniving crooked serpent.


Make America Laugh Again


I hate this woman. I know, it’s not nice, but I really hate her.


she’s a bitter old bitch. PERIOD.


Did you spell that wrong, Pat? It is a ‘W’ – not a ‘B’ – although both could apply – just saying…


nope…standing by my “B”.


You do know she is a practicing ‘w’ – yes?


wouldn’t surprise me, but I know she’s a card carrying Bitch as well.


LOL – yes, she is – met with her coven out west once a month – will see what I can find – but, it is probably stamped conspiracy –

Cuppa Covfefe

www,cuttingedge.org has lots on the Klintoons and their witchcraft and treachery. Look them up in the site search function…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops, make that http://www.cuttingedge.org ….
First, sausage-squisher eats a couple of comments entirely, then it adds commas… geeeshh…


I have a hard time with ‘b’ because it refers to a female dog – and I like dogs – that is – unless you are referring to that 3-headed beast in Harry Potter…


Fluffy? I thought Fluffy was a boy…lol…
sorry…but I calls them as I sees them.


Not Fluffy, silly – look it up in the dictionary – I did not make this up – lol


wasn’t Fluffy the name of the 3 headed dog in Harry Potter?


I dunno, Pat – just know there was a 3-headed beast – his name was Fluffy? LOL


yeah we watched a Harry Potter Marathon a few weeks ago–his name was Fluffy…lol


Oh, ok – have not seen much of HP – however – I understand it got very ‘dark’ toward the end – the author is a witch, too.


yeah…from the fourth movie onward it lost it’s childlike playfulness and grew really dark…


Then, it is true – Thanks!


On another topic – listen to Pastor Marty video – he has the testimony of the woman that accused Biden of sexual assault!


“We came, we saw, he died.” She can’t always hide her true self.


This was a response to Hillary’s tweet about “America first.”


WH –

Golden State –

Fox 10 –


Thanks for letting us know, GA/FL! God Bless You!!!


I can’t go into a bookstore anymore… (like a gambling addict going to a casino!)
You literally cannot move in my house without stumbling into a bookcase etc., books on the floor, in the kitchen. A real vice.


Sympathize with you, PR! I have the same problem – 🙂


we bees twins!


Yes we bees!


I get that! Back in our college days I took a job at a book store…costs us more than I made! ha Husband said we could no longer afford that job. My son says he might not actual rich like his Williamson County friends but he is “book rich” – his own term. He understands the value of quality books and loves his collection. Yes, bookcase in every room…fellow love of books!


Hi there fellow reader!


🤓 I know!!! Although I used my “make it easier to give away” technique to take photos of book covers for those I love, but will never read again, thus freeing me to donate them to Goodwill and lessen my piles. 🤓


I sometimes think I furnished the local library! I need to cull again!




I know our next move will be a huge downsizing and, with that in mind, I have tried to start passing on “my treasures”, including books. I have three places I give them to and still looking for a place for a leather bound set (over 70) of the Franklin Library’s Great Books. Also, several author-autographed books will go to a good home eventually.
We have many fund-raising events for various cultural arts groups every year, and we’ve been donating some beautiful items that have been gifted to us over the years for silent auctions, etc.
My hope is that I don’t run out of time to do this!


Me too Tea… am afraid I won’t have enough time… then there’s 5 decades of journals I have to purge or destroy!


I can’t go into a bookstore anymore… (like a gambling addict going to a casino!)
You literally cannot move in my house without stumbling into a bookcase etc., books on the floor, in the kitchen. A real vice.
Sounds like my house 🙂



Gee – I hope they took out the PORK – and all y’all know what I mean, too –
Dunno if I should be excited or concerned – * Sigh *





Chad Pergram
Colleague John Roberts rpts Trump expected to sign coronavirus phase 3 bill just after 4 pm et


Can somebody . . . Steve? . . . expand on this?
March 27, 2020 at 14:09
Especially since the antimalarial has not in fact started–three days later than promised.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I responded to this question elsewhere, hope you saw it.


I had wondered about all of the large neck scarves she’s been wearing. Looks like a trach scar, don’t know when she started wearing the scarves. Don’t recall any MSM reporting what happened to side-o-beef that was severe enough to need a trach, not just oral intubation.


Great headline! 😂🇺🇸

CM in TN

She may have had her thyroid removed.


I love scarves and have more than any person should have. My husband buys me scarves some are more expensive than some of my dresses. A scarf dresses up a blouse a simple dress and it is very European.


Lvingly suggest you ckout Wyatt’s twitter stream on Dylan’s new song… here are a few tweets




Pope Francis delivers first Urbi et Orbi global blessing outside of Christmas or Easter ‘for 2,000 years’ to fight coronavirus


Pushed it a little




NO PORK THERE – pretty straight forward – will wait till I see the financial breakdown before I get excited


Clinical trials may begin next week in New York for coronavirus treatments: Health official
Gov. Cuomo announced this week that he was eager to get the trials started.
By Josh Margolin
March 26, 2020, 12:54 PM
New York state Health Department officials are making arrangements to determine what patients at which hospitals will be allowed to participate in trials with hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax and chloroquine, a senior official at the department with knowledge of the plan told ABC News. The bulk of the patients are expected to be in the New York City metro area because the region has the biggest cluster of cases.
“We’re in the midst of getting info from hospitals across the state to determine interest and number of patients,” the official said. “Supplies will be going out by end of week.”


Just watched the CARES Bill signing ceremony – Very Inspiring to hear the President and his legislative and health team speak – and I feel a bit better about it.
Look for it on the WH YouTube, Fox 10 or Golden State!



New Q Post exactly 15 minutes before the above tweet from POTUS
27 Mar 2020 – 10:58:17 PM

This is not another [4] year election.


It is the fall of the FED he acknowledges.
This is HUGE!!!!!!!


comment image


“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion.” ~JFK
Infiltration Instead of Invasion
26 Mar 2020 – 1:30:51 PM
[infiltration instead of invasion]
Replying to @Kabamur_Taygeta
Wolf man? Is that GWH Bush??
1 more reply
Glowing starFour leaf cloverHartje45Four leaf cloverGlowing star@christineBoonst
Replying to
Yes and ‘Wolfman oh Wolfman …’ referring to Timberwolf, Bush Sr.
And then the Kennedykids song ‘Timberrr’
Code url nrfa_lyYesQ in YouTube or google


Just finished listening to the ‘Signing’ Ceremony courtesy of RSBN (link at NewsRoundUp) – however – it has completed – perhaps – someone can post it later – $6.2T for the CARES Act!!!


In case anyone was wonderiing, Trish Regan was permanently fired


That is a shame – she was wonderful – guess they did not want her reporting the truth!!! Sad!!!


I bet Just The News will hire her.


She’s the type POTUS likes representing the WH…she will definitely get another high profile position.


I read some of the comments…….
I didn’t realize that the Hill was lefty left lunatics.



This is not another [4] year election.


Q Post 3904
The FALL of the FED.
Also exactly 15min before POTS last tweet.


Wait what?!?! I’m trying to enjoy the nice weather and this happens. Keep it up!!!

Deplorable Patriot

My non-Q following brother just dismissed this out of hand because it came from Bloomberg.
The red pills are not going to go down easy, that’s for sure.


Sol makes her much more tolerable! 😂




Duchess, Are you on Gab?? Did you see Wolfie’s post??


No, BFLY – saw Wolf’s post – but, have been busy today – meant to read it later – Thanks!


Get on GAB!! 😎😍


Yes, Ma’am!!! I have read through what Wolf presented – and will carefully adhere to his instructions and recommendations – Thanks!!!


I always thought Fake Indian and tubeman were twins..


Just a q while waiting fir presser to begin.
Dr. Birx has talked about a coming test that will be silf-administered, albeit in a doctor’s office, not at home. She says that will lessen need for medics to use PPE.
Even if test is self administered, there still will be some sort of face-to-face if it is to be done in the doc’s office. You cannot go to a doctor for ANYTHING without them weighing you, taking your temp, pulse ox, and blood pressure because of liability. Is all that protocol going to be waived??
What am I missing about “self-administered in a doctor’s office” and why don’t the 🤬🤬 reporters/inquisition brigade ask questions like that??


if you self administer how will they charge you unless they can charge you for an office visit?
still gotta make that cash!!!!


You can call and go by a local free clinic or outpatient clinic and get it done there. There are NO CHARGES for COVID-19 tests – thanks to PDJT.


To assure it’s done properly without fraud, contamination, etc.
You would be surprised how some people would use a sick person’s mucus to get out of work, get money, attention, etc.


” and why don’t the 🤬🤬 reporters/inquisition brigade ask questions like that??”
Because they’re too busy exposing their hatred by asking juvenile ‘mean girls’ gotcha questions. 😁

Rodney Short

Orange man bad dontchanknow….


Thought they were talking about the drive thrus. They give you swab, you swab mouth, put in bag, at a distance hand bag to person who’s wearing gloves only. They no longer need all the PPE.


That might be. Makes sense!

Rodney Short

Why give up your DNA over a fraud…
I am done with dr’s, I dont trust em


THIS!!! We are watching the largest DNA collection in history…

Rodney Short



Right!! *slaps forehead* #ResistDNACollection !!!!!!!


Yet another reason to abandon that worthless fraud of a network that pretends at conservatism while consistently doing everything possible to aid the subversive ‘resistance’.
Trish Regan is better off without them.
It’s not possible to run a conservative news network out of NYC, or any other God-hating, America-hating enclave (not that Fox is actually trying).
If someone wanted to reflect the values and beliefs of regular Americans, they would headquarter their operation somewhere in the heartland, not in Sodom or Gomorrah.


I watch Lou Dobbs…. then Trish Regan (or did)
Trish was much better than Fucker Carlson in my opinion.

Rodney Short

I just took me a shot of FUCKEMALL, oops I mean Jesse James Honey Bourbon, Fuck em all Brother


The Q Tree…….
is THE PLACE to be 🙂

Rodney Short

Most definately the place for me…


I’m Glad You are here!

Rodney Short

Thank you brother and God bless you…


RIP Curly Neal from the Globetrotters…comment image


Peter Navarro to serve as National Defense Policy Coordinator. Cracking the whip on companies with the National Defense Production Act.

POTUS dropped the hammer on GM today! Unpatriotic Witch backtracked on # of ventilators, slow walked production, and upped the price. VSG NOT HAVING IT!


Peter Navarro – National Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator


Navarro just said companies working on Trump Time! 🙂
Says all other companies working patriotically but GM had issues


GM’s ‘issue’ is CEO Mary Barra (Resistance Democrat)


hammering GM again – took time to discuss their pre-pandemic behavior and moving factories out of the country, etc & then explained some of the issues in this current negotiations

Rodney Short

Government motors, I reckon I could say Obama desperate motors, fuck em all I need a bail out and another shot….


..probably holding out for yet another bailout
sorry Mary . New management New rules

Deplorable Patriot

And people wonder why we drive Fords.


30K ventilators usually made in a given year….in short term 100K will be made and delivered
mentioning the ventilators found in store houses


Boeing getting cargo planes to fed gov to distribute medical supplies quickly to where needed.
readying to mobilize military including pulling back retires – they are offering to come back active duty for the crisis


And, Boeing has manufactured great AC freighters over the years.
There is no shortage of cargo AC. US based airlines have many freighters, including FedEx, UPS, etc. They have I’d bet been looking for cargo to lift as they are no longer carrying freight to China, Japan…
100% I don’t believe there is a shortage of AC freighters.


Discussing ventilators again … we will meet our own needs and try to help other country’s needs as well.


This one is good too…. ‘Don’t mess with Grandma!’


That is hilarious 🥳🥳😃😃😂💋


The Love Boat heading for Cuba later?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A certain bay on the southern coast, perhaps? 😀



Jordan Sather
“Hundreds of journalists are being laid off, right when the public needs them the most” says CNN.
The mainstream media panic is delicious. There’s nothing to worry about, for we have plenty of capable, independent journalists right here on social media!
Hundreds of journalists are being laid off, right when the public needs them the most
2020 was supposed to be a banner year for digital media. BuzzFeed, Group Nine, and Vice each indicated that this year they would be profitable, a long-elusive goal for an industry bedeviled by…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Buzzfeed being profitable is nothing to celebrate.
They were one of two orgs who took on the infamous pee dossier when it came out.
The other was CNN.


Someone is celebrating?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well they were bragging on how we don’t need the old media because buzzfeed and two others are making a profit. Not so much celebrating but holding them up as an example of new media
—but they’re just as bad as the old media, so not a very good trade!


I’m responding to you from the notifications bar… so can’t see the full tweet…
Buzzfeed is YELLOW journalism… they’re the scum that printed the dossier, right! I have a feeling there’s an indictment with their name on it for several things. New media? They’re progressive scum, started when zero went in about 2008 iirc. Nothing NEW about them. So if they’re being celebrated, you’re spot on…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Exactly!!! But the tweet was bragging on them! (go take a look.)
And yes, Yellow Stream Journalism at its purest.


I checked the tweet. Jordan referenced an article CNN wrote about buzzfeed looking forward to making a profit this year, and because of the Virus would not………
I think Jordan was pointing to the article and saying that we won’t miss their failure to make a profit and we don’t need them… as we have plenty of citizen reporters. Jordan is definitely a Trump Supporter and adversary of CIA media and progressive media as well.
Jordan’s comment is not clear, made on the run perhaps.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, his overall point was good, his examples….ick.


Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
“In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets…this essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.”
The economy is going to be just fine Smiling face with sunglasses
The Fed’s Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease
(Bloomberg Opinion) — The economic debate of the day centers on whether the cure of an economic shutdown is worse than the disease of the virus. Similarly, we need to ask if the cure of the Federal…


comment image


And there you have it……………

Rising serpent@rising_serpent
Anthony Fauci in the New England Journal of medicine:
“This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)”
Quote Tweet
Rising serpent@rising_serpent
· 53m
From Anthony Fauci in the New England Journal of medicine:
“On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%” https://nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387
Show this thread


Ann Vandersteel SteelTruthTrade mark sign TrumpTeam2020 Florida
Trump took over The Fed today
Gold will go to $70k/Oz and debt will be eliminated.
IRS to fall next and we move to a consumption tax.
What’s the over and under that we don’t have to pay our 2019 tax bill that’s already pushed to July because of #WuFlu?



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m all for a consumption tax as a replacement for the income tax.
Whether gold would hit 70K per ounce? I doubt it. (Do you even want to think about what a wedding band would cost?)
We don’t need to back ever cent of our money with gold; we just need to make it freely convertible at a fixed price–if more people buy gold, put on the brakes, if less, ease up.


You’re the expert on that… I was just passing along Ann’s take. What do you think about her comment that income tax might not be due for 2019?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I find that hard to believe.
Of course…we’ve already paid most of it. In fact, overall, it’s already been overpaid. Most people overpay so they can get a big refund in April. So 2019 is basically paid for. All that would be forgiven is the amount underpaid by those who don’t withhold enough (like me). (Because overpayers WILL file unless forbidden to–in which case they’ll be pissed.) And somehow I don’t forsee the government letting the underpaid cash go; it amounts to hundreds of billions if I had to guess.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the Fair Tax, but it’s a plan to replace the entire income tax and FICA with a straight consumption tax on just about everything; it would be built into retail prices (I don’t like that; it should hit you at the register just like sales tax does, so you are aware of it.) The government would send everyone (young, old, rich, poor) a check every month, refunding the tax on poverty level spending. That way the poor do not pay the tax. It would work out to 22% of the total price (or 30% added on to the pre tax price), about the same average burden as the income tax.


Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, I heard about the Fair Tax… it was being bandied about during the early 2000s iirc, mostly “built into retail prices” as you mention. (I think the EU was pushing it at that time, and they actually adopted it later (or, am I mixing that up with some kind of ‘value’ tax? ol’ brain gets things cross-wired often)
Your explanation makes sense, if I understand correctly. I don’t like the Sales Tax because it is a ‘regressive tax’ (poor pay for necessary items like food… FL doesn’t have a Sales Tax on food because of that). So would the Fair Tax be ‘Fair’ on the poor?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The idea behind those monthly prebates is to refund the tax the poor would pay on what they can afford to purchase. Everyone would get that prebate (so you wouldn’t have to file something claiming you’re poor), just like everyone pays zero percent on their first bit of income (even someone making $500K a year doesn’t pay tax on his first bit of income that’s in the 0% bracket).
That European tax is a VAT (Value Added Tax) and it’s conceptually simple but a paperwork nightmare. If I take $50 worth of materials, and create something that I sell for $200, I pay tax on $150, the value I added. If the next person takes the $200 thing I made and uses it as (say) a car part, and adds another $14,800 worth of parts to the car (total $15,000), then sells the car for $20,000, he pays tax on the $5,000 value he added to the parts in putting them together into a car.
A paperwork nightmare for manufacturers! But basically, it’s a tax on your productivity.
A consumption tax, by contrast, is something you as an individual can control, by buying less. You can’t lose your house or have to sell the family farm you just inherited to pay it.


“Jackson also gone, as Jefferson moves from $2 to $5?”
Looks like Jefferson grew a beard… or put on a Lincoln mask 😁


Think he misspoke…
Scott I just discovered this is NOT real…

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I figured. It couldn’t be real with no Andrew Jackson. I don’t have a problem with putting Kennedy on something, but I’d pull Grant off before Jackson. And Jefferson was not one of our better money managers.


Trump should be on at least one of them.
The problem of course is that people will want to hoard them as collectibles 😁


Yes, not real or not off the blackboard. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING
U.S. Department of the Treasury has nothing on this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bit of trivia:
We haven’t made bills over $100 since Roosevelt, but here’s who was on them when they were discontinued (on some denominations, it changed quite a bit between 1862-1934; Alexander Hamilton appeared on many earlier $1000 bills):
$500 McKinley
$1000 Grover Cleveland
$5000 James Madison
$10000 Salmon P. Chase
$100,000 (never issued to the public) Woodrow Wilson (BOO!!!).

Deplorable Patriot

Another bit of trivia….
Those big bills were used to transfer money from one Federal Reserve location to another.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The 100Ks, yes.
Approximately 200 $10K bills are known to still exist; for a long time a casino in Vegas had 100 of them arranged in a horseshoe shape, displaying a million dollars; this was eventually broken up and dispersed slowly into the collectors’ market. They’re worth $65,000 and up to collectors. (And they’re still worth face value should you be stupid enough to spend one.)


My fav is: “Hold on, let me get this straight. The governments’ telling me to sit right here, and do nothing for weeks? That’s the most sense they’ve ever made.”
The rod hanging. LOL
What’s bad is I do couponing as well so I fully understand.


Poor LA. Ok but here’s my question didn’t she give up her US citizenship? And I thought she didn’t want to live in the USA until Trump was no longer POTUS?!?! Oh well shut up MEGAIN
They Love L.A. – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Move to California


Hmmm, isn’t that the state that divide property equally in a divorce? He just keeps getting in deeper and deeper.




The scarf-lady is on! 😁


If Dr. Fauci is on today, maybe one of the intrepid news hacks can ask him about his love letters to Hillary Clinton that were recently discovered in the Wikileaks emails?
He’s a big, BIG fan of Sick Hillary.
He’s with ———> her! 👍


Hey, there’s Tony now!
How’s Hillary doing today, Tony?


Dr. Brix (scarf-lady) says we’ve learned a lot about how to ventilate people in a prone position… 😳
Previous to now, have most patients requiring ventilation been standing up?
We’re just now learning how to use ventilators on people who are lying down in a hospital bed?


Hahahahaha! Can’t put anything past you, Scott!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, when a relative of mine was on a ventilator, the bed was set so she was sitting up.
(Don’t fall for false dichotomies.)


“(Don’t fall for false dichotomies.)”
Humor wouldn’t be the same without them 😁


Actually we covered this about 3 maybe 4 weeks ago in one of the CV threads but it does sound funny in that context. 🙂


Check F*ing mate!!! 😀


Nope, POTUS got the Kennedy Center, at 10 million below asking price. Fox reporting Jon Voight and Gov. Huckabee 2 of the 10 appointed 🙂


2 Scoops!


Interesting. Not sure what it all entails. Maybe if I read the rest of today’s post I’ll find out! Or i can check back in 72hrs to find out.



All this good news calls for a MAGA dance.


Even the press can’t cover his lies…


Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer, that’s for sure.




I love this site. It’s like a giant box of chocolates. One never know what information one will learn here. Thanks for that post, Linda.


Very interesting………..


thanks for posting Razorbak…


YW….. I do what I can.
The Q Tree……
is THE place to be 🙂


Yes it is!

Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth, thank you for the film yesterday on the cabal. That lady tied it all together so well.


Qanon March 27, 2020 – Meet Your New Fed Chair – Donald Trump




Text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face@LisaMei62
It’s Friday, POTUS just took over the Fed, signed a bill that’ll help many who are temporarily out of work (& can blow off Congress if he wants to move funds), the Storm is here, I hit a milestone in followers, & I am so grateful I’m in the virtual foxhole with you all. Cheers!

Deplorable Patriot

I’d say Q wasn’t lying or putting out disinformation when he/she/it/they said we have the gold.
Thank you President Reagan and Leo Wanta!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is there actually a news story about what he did with the Fed? All I’ve seen is people quoting other Depolorables.


I’ve been wondering the same thing, Steve. I’ve been seeing tweets like the one below all over Twitter, but no sauce in any of the tweets.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good, it’s not just me.
Bad, it may not be true.

Sadie Slays

Sorry to be the party pooper here, but this “OMG TRUMP TOOK OVER THE FED RIP FED” hysteria going through the Q community right now is based on one single Bloomberg editorial. Not even an article, but an editorial. One man’s opinion. I’m sure there’s a plan in place for dealing with the Fed, but people should temper their expectations until we get more information.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glad to know the truth even if it’s a tad disappointing.

Deplorable Patriot

Scroll down, darling. Q posted it today.

Deplorable Patriot

Beg pardon, but here’s Q from today:
Patriots in Control of the Federal Reserve System
27 Mar 2020 – 4:58:17 PM

This is not another [4] year election.
I’d say the editorial was spot on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry, but I give Q no credence.
He often posts misinformation for enemy consumption, and he has certainly played Lucy/Charlie Brown football with us over and over again on when The Storm would happen.
So sorry I’m not going to believe it just because of a Q post.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the source of all the excitement.
And I would read the editorial. It’s more reporting than not.


This is not making even a ripple on any financial sites, fed.gov, Treas.gov or with other players. Whatever is happening here is too far under the surface to be noticed. That said, it doesn’t mean that the Treasury has not found some levers to pull that makes the Fed dance to the President’s tune.

Deplorable Patriot

That”s just it. It’s all subtle. And being kept out of the headlines for some reason.


Allowing levers are being pulled, the type of people that might recognize it are likely the type that contribute their analysis to weekly’s and monthly’s. What is clear at this point is the FED has finally turned a corner and have become hands on in propping up the economy and working with the President.
This doesn’t rule out someone knowing the mechanics and reporting early in a general way on which levers have been pulled and who’s controlling them to make this happen.
All that a guess. It could still be someone trying to explain Fed actions by forcing it to fit what they consider to be Q theorem and desired outcomes. ???


Deplorable Patriot

Quarantined siblings are continuing to be annoying. We do not care about or follow the same things. And they get insulted when I tune out TV shows, videos, etc.



Ha ha ha! I love it when POTUS gives appropriate names to these fools.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In Colorado, we had a chief justice of the supreme court named Mary Mullarkey.
Many of her decisions matched her name.
But that would have been too easy a target for Trump.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought I saw this posted today. I guess not. Yes, the Fed takeover looks to be in process.
Patriots in Control of the Federal Reserve System
27 Mar 2020 – 4:58:17 PM

This is not another [4] year election.

Deplorable Patriot
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Looks like the Bloomberg editorial.
This at least explains why the entire online Deplorable movement is going apeshit over it, but at the bottom, all there is, is an editorial from a news site owned by a Democrat.

Deplorable Patriot

The editorial itself is a warning, if you read it. A warning that the Trump Administration now has the power to print currency when before it was the Fed’s job. It is NOT glowing toward the president or his people at all. The melding of the Fed and the Treasury, according to the author, is NOT desired.
Which tells me it’s happening.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I read it as soon as I read your last reply (which was after I wrote the thing you’re replying to here).
It reads to me a lot like The Fed is doing this, this and this…then out of left field the assertion that it has therefore been merged with Treasury. Then all the thundering doom starts.
Either this is above my understanding, or it’s total bullshit.
(Have you ever had the experience of reading an article and suddenly being horribly confused by it–then finding out later it was confusing because it was bullshit dressed up in obfuscation? I’m not sure whether that will turn out to be the case here…but prudence dictates waiting for more sauce before lighting off the celabratory fireworks.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Which tells me it’s happening.”
What, an anti-trumper would NEVER lie to scare people about what Trump plans to do?

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, but who actually reads Bloomberg editorials?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently, more people than one would have expected, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
In any case, I see no reason to believe this, based either on this editorial (written by an Anti-Trumper), or Q (known disinfo distributor) repeating it.
I’ll be happy to change my mind when and if more info comes in.

Deplorable Patriot

When Q broadcast it, that put more eyes on it.
I have an idea there was a strategy behind it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, he wants SOMEONE to take it seriously.
Which doesn’t make it *actually* true, as that “someone” might be the enemy and this might just be disinfo for their benefit.