Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don’t give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE:
Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL.
Today, in our VERY SPECIAL Three Babe Moon issue, dedicated to Tim Matheson who is not Chevy Chase, we have THREE SHORT LESSONS in politically incorrect WOLFTHINK.
OMG, This Chick Is Smart
I’m sorry, but…..
It’s almost comical how utterly qualified Amy Coney Barrett is for SCOTUS.
When I read her short argument invoking – of all people – Ruth Bader Ginsburg – to not just answer the question of why she won’t promise to recuse herself on anything, but to also explain that (yes, I may be extrapolating just a bit)…..
- any promise of recusal would deprive the OTHER justices of THEIR say in the matter
- and thus, basically, it’s an unconstitutional request
- the question should never have been asked
- the question should never be answered in the affirmative
… which point I then realized…..
- pressured recusals are all a bunch of Alinsky BS and Goebbels misdirection by accusation
- we’re all [useful] idiots for having ever considered the question
- the left’s failure to EVER recuse is THEIR ISSUE, not ours
- there need to be CONSEQUENCES for the left’s failure to properly recuse
- if such consequences don’t exist or are underutilized, THAT is an issue
- SCOTUS is damn near like church elders, tribal elders, or a communist cell, take your pick
- our Democrat communists, communist Democrats, or whatever they are, have therefore been trying to sabotage the only working communism
……OK, sorry, maybe that’s pushing it a bit, but no – AT THAT POINT – I realized that this chick is SO smart, it’s obviously a crime that she’s not ALREADY on SCOTUS.
Yeah, somebody’s got some explaining to do!
… I can’t be as much of a fanboy as I want to, but that’s OK – she’ll be on SCOTUS for a LONG TIME, and every moment will be a VICTORY for Notorious RBG, who got replaced by a woman whose EVERY BREATH will remind the world that Trump FOOLED US ALL when he pretended to RESERVE the “Notorious Seat” for a woman, when what he was really doing was to appoint the smartest and best judge that he could – but he milked it for all it was worth in terms of the WOMEN’S VOTE.
Shrewd. Almost as smart as THAT CHICK with the blank piece of paper.
Or maybe SMARTER!
OTOH, This One’s Smart Glasses Ain’t Workin’
This little tweet made me smile!
Oh, that’s a good one.
MS. S.E. Cupp is a CIA “fake conservative” used on CNN to “sweep up” the right edge of the Overton Window, which she has obviously been doing a piss-poor job of, since America decided to move the window in the other direction.
An irredeemable Trump-hater, she was even used in a “debate” with Van Jones in the 2016 election.
The reality, however, is that Ms. Cupp helped reveal just how HORRIBLE and FAKE the media in the United States, and even the entire SUCKER WEST, really is.
And of course, just as she was for CANKLES in 2016…..
…..cuz CORN POP is goin’ down, and “C CUP” with him!
The Wolf Who Cried “Boy!”
I’m sorry, but I simply cannot NOT troll the Democrats about “Muh Russia“, so here we go…..
Talk about a “kiss and tell” picture!
Yeah, pass me the SALT, sugar! AYE-YI-YI.
I think people are still trying to figure out where the Democrat lies about Russia end, but leaving aside the easier treason of China, it’s safe to say that the Mueller Coupsters in DOJ wanted this lady GONE for some reason.
If you want to hear the CRAZIEST story ever about an actual FBI informant and a Russian spy, at the periphery of The Hoax, you can read it all here:
I’m still trying to figure out what it all means. When I do, I’ll let you know.
All I DO know for sure is this.
WHATEVER is going on with Mary Butyne, the truth is BAD FOR THE COUPISTS AND THE COUP.
We have a little over TWO WEEKS until the election.
This is the final stretch.
ADDENDUM: ACB Impact on Sessions Recusal
This is really part of the FIRST segment about Amy Coney Barrett, but it broke up the flow, so I am tacking it on at the end.
This gal Notorious ACB is SO SMART, that she “OH BY THE WAY” proved [to me at least] why Sessions’ recusal without consulting Trump, Mike Pence and others was a mistake.
By elucidating a fundamental principle – DUE PROCESS – Amy Coney Barrett is already fixing stuff.
And I repeat – it would be a CRIME not to vote to confirm this woman!
First of all, let us consider that the same RBG logic of ACB’s refusal to hastily recuse herself may likewise apply here – that the A.G. should not make the decision to recuse without discussions or at least prior notification of others OUTSIDE OF DOJ who are affected by the recusal, including POTUS, VP, CoS, head of FBI, Chief Justice.
NO SUCH discussion or notification PRECLUDES the A.G. from recusing in a proper and timely fashion if properly warranted. This is KEY. In fact, hasty [media-driven] recusal by the A.G. to CAST LESS SUSPICION ON SELF becomes a self-serving act (downside of all virtue signals) which may unfairly CAST MORE SUSPICION ON OTHERS, or in SEVERAL important ways deprive OTHERS of their guaranteed rights, particularly of DUE PROCESS. That is a complicated but absolutely powerful point, and it is clear to me that the LAWFARE GANG understood it, when they talked Sessions into a HASTY RECUSAL which DEPRIVED THE WHITE HOUSE OF PROPER REPRESENTATION.
It’s the SCALES, amigos.
This is an example of an “Alinsky WIN”, not by making the other side live up to its well-considered rules (which would be a DRAW), but rather by making the other side live up to its rules TOO MUCH. Owning the MEDIA allows this kind of trick to work.
Note that Comey saying “Trump was not being investigated” was not exactly true, but his lie and/or legal façade still mocks the basic TRUE principle of “innocent until proven guilty”. This has a huge effect on things, but before I get to that, consider more deeply the Comey grift.
We don’t know if redactions are hiding the fact that Comey’s statement to Trump that he was not under investigation was a LIE, and we further note that if Trump was being investigated as an INTELLIGENCE matter, that is not the same as a LEGAL matter. Likewise, any “investigation” of Trump was more likely being done as “incidental” to investigating others, and thus under greater “color of law”, if not actual “cover of law”.
IN ANY CASE, if Trump was DUE the respect of being “treated as innocent” by the Constitution, then there is absolutely no excuse for the A.G. not to share the still-open question of recusal with Trump, and to get his input or response. Any other POLICY of DOJ is likely to be an unconstitutional HOLDERISM. The MEDIA can insinuate whatever it wants – Trump was innocent until proven guilty, and was entitled to make an INNOCENT decision that he needed a FRESH and UNRECUSED A.G., and not an ACTING A.G. who might be corrupt, biased, or subject to inappropriate pressures (meaning Sally Yates or Rod Rosenstein). He could have then made this critical point to HIS subordinate, the Attorney General, to consider and possibly reject. Note that this is all about DUE PROCESS – the fact that we must not ASSUME guilt on the part of either Trump or Sessions, either in the past, or even more importantly IN THE FUTURE.
The fact that Jeff Sessions was TARGETED by DOJ staff to talk him into a hasty recusal and deprive President Trump of his rights may in fact be CRIMINAL. It was certainly LAWFARE, and thus I think it is very important to know if people OUTSIDE DOJ in the “lawfare” community had a hand in it.
Bottom line – somebody knew they could push Jeff Sessions into hasty recusal to create “The Hoax”, and do EVEN WORSE than to simply deprive President Trump of his Constitutional rights. Depriving Trump of his rights was THEN used for a political impeachment, likewise an abuse of power.
But we won’t get into THEIR crimes quite yet.
DAMN It is getting bad out there…
Twitter even dumped Trump for a few minutes today.
Twitter Locked Official Trump Campaign Account Just Weeks Away from the Election
Out of shadows seems to be gone as well.
The Democrats want to tear the constitution up. Just look back at history and it never ends well.
You can’t just tell people this sort of thing is happening. Sometimes, you have to show them.
Can’t believe that this is America.
Why? This is human nature. Just because we are Americans does not mean that human nature is suspended.
Listening to Tucker Carlson refer to statements by Sen Feinstein concerning Judge Barrett that “The dogma lives loudly in you” and “She’s been pro-life for a long time. So I suspect with her, it is deeply personal and comes with her religion,” a couple of thoughts immediately occurred to me.
The first thought, on the dogma comment, was that I wished Judge Barrett had responded “You noticed? That’s wonderful. Jesus told us to let our light shine in front of people, so they may see and glorify God. I’m extremely gratified that my light shines bright enough for you to notice.”
And the second thought, on the pro-life comment, was that yes, Christians, mostly, but, unfortunately, not totally, have a pro-life stance. But let’s not ascribe a pro-life stance exclusively to religion . . . let’s look at the science.
A human fertilized egg goes through several stages of development but initially is called a zygote . . . a whole, distinct, living human organism. Science names the next stages of development as blastocyst, embryo and fetus. The fetus moves a few inches down the birth canal and, voila, we have a baby.
Different names for different stages of development. But development of what?
A human life.
The first few stages are very fragile and dependent of the specialized environment within the womb. After birth, a human baby is still very fragile and totally dependent on a different environment and help for the basic necessities of life.
But, in every one of those stages, we are looking at a human life.
So, why be pro-life from a scientific viewpoint? Because to abort the zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus is to destroy an innocent human life. The science here is truly settled.
To me, the designations of 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester doesn’t bear on the fact of presence of human life. Neither do the presence of a detectable heartbeat, the ability to feel pain or development sufficient to be sustained outside the womb.
Abortion destroys a human life.
It would be great is she could have said those things, but she isn’t going to give the media sound bites or bytes ? , nor tip her hand.
I understood Feinstein’s comment regarding being prolife was a “hot-mike” moment. She wasn’t talking to the Judge, and thought her mike was off.
I like your responses.
Very well said; succinct and clear enough that even the most avid baby-killers will have to take note, consider, and ponder their deeds and their sin…
The science may be truly settled, but the belief systems differ. According to Christianity, the soul is infused at conception. According to another of the “Abrahamic religions” it is infused at birth. I don’t know about the third.
Good logic Wolfie.
Thanks! I really think our side is capable of lifting up each other, America, and the whole world out of the ABYSS that socialism has been creating for us. Trump is just spreading the LOGICAL THINKING.
I’m seeing it even in science publications that were utterly dumbed down with “Soros-think” – they’re turning back to LOGIC, and it’s beautiful!!!
After not watching, but following the “TownHall” of POTUS, and shrew Savannah Guthrie last night, I was wondering if they have any normal people working in those networks.
The media will be the last place to return to logical thinking.
Great concept, on the RETURN to LOGICAL THINKING. It’s like it’s been lost as the Dems went radical Left. Still going to be difficult to convince those Karens – who are quite symbolic – of the psychopathology.
The media had to be specially mind-warped to lead us. Most will not recover, IMO. They’ll do the “Dan Rather” to the very end.
Dan Rather was a KGB Agent according to Kent Clizbe a former CIA agent.
Thank God. I’ve been concerned about the seemingly demise of logic in the past 3-4 decades. Seriously.
Check out the The Philosophy Of Karl Marx (Left Click to highlight and move the cursor down to make the words show up. HIDING this archived article JUST OCCURRED BTW)
“…Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the conceptions of them possessed by human minds were real….”
This is the garbage thought process that is taught in COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES!
I went to a week long management seminar for first time managers and foreman and we had an hour of this drivel shoveled at us. These guys were manufacturing foreman, RED NECKS and looked completely lost. So I told the Prof if he really believe that crap to go lie on the R/R tracks outside the window and wait for the noon train…. BUT FIRST sign a will in my favor. The whole seminar ROARED!
This is ALSO why the arguments on Gore Bull Warming are all about a CONSENSUS.
The ‘Science is settled’ aka the ” thesis and antithesis acted and reacted on each other, and a new phenomenon—synthesis—was created.” Synthesis = CONSENSUS
Of course in REAL SCIENCE 99 scientists can be DEAD WRONG and ONE scientist correct and he PROVES IT VIA DATA.
Wow Gail. I didn’t know all that. My ethics were shaped by my God and parents thankfully. My ethics/ logic class at the university was so shallow and void, I blew through it for the grade. I got more logic/ethics instruction in two lit classes, and in one from an atheist prof who had us reading books like the BurkePaine Controversy.
Forgot to say “Thank you, Gail.”
No surprise, Romney will vote to confirm ACB.
Betting both Collins and Murkowski will also vote to confirm. We ought to have 53 Rs.
I suspect we’ll also get a t least a handful of Ds voting for ACB confirmation. Perhaps a mix that are not up for reelection and impact from voters “back home”. But also, a few D-rats up for reelection and have perhaps many conservatives they NEED voting for them. Perhaps this is a stretch, but, hopeful.
Amy deserves broad bipartisan support. Impeccable resume and answer at the hearings.
Mitt Romney Says He Will Vote to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court
‘I am confident that she will faithfully apply the law and our Constitution, impartially and regardless of policy preferences,’ he said
Help me out here, please.
Judicial committee vote is next Thursday? Senate floor confirmation next Friday?
Until Mittens vote I don’t trust him.
I won’t trust him until he’s planted.
A stake through the heart. It’s the only way.
And even then I don’t trust him.
😉 Seeing what he did to his dog says it all
Committee voted 12(R)-10(D) to send to Senate.
I thought the 2 old bats already publicly said they’d vote no–because the process was rushed…did they change their minds???
Very narrow, but we don’t need them. Current make up is 53 vs 47 and we have VP Pence to toss in if need be.
They did. And no. But I believe the hags will vote yes.
But, AMC is so obviously well qualified, difficult for a R to vote no, present, abstain.
Perhaps misplaced optimism.
Until Mittens ACTUALLY votes, I smell “John McCain Vote on Repealing Obamacare II”.
Yes, Pierre DeLecto is an untrustworthy snake.
There won’t be a fourth r to vote no. It appears Collins may be this stoopid. MSki, will go yes.
IF Pierre goes NO, he knows he is on the losing side in many ways.
Swing Voters Standing By Trump – Don’t Blame Him For Coronavirus Pandemic
Trump has very smartly stuck with the TRUTH. CHINA did this.
With HELP.
Yup he’s lost it
INSANE: Joe Biden Supports Prepubescent Children Being Able to Change Their Gender
If you don’t want LGBTPEDODRUGSPIERCINGSANDDEATH activists in public schools infecting your kids with the idea that they’re really the other sex, gotta vote TRUMP.
Leftist pansexualist activist Gorsuch in his recent ruling made it possible for those trans/drag/pierced/mentally deranged freaks to be employed in public schools without danger of being fired!
Gorsuch, we now discover, will be a liberal swing vote like Roberts and an activist justice.
Gorsuch was siding with the partnered lesbian priestess of his radical left Episcopal parish. He was ruling as a pansexuality activist – not a Christian.
Sure, ACB is pro-life – HOWEVER – we cannot yet be sure where ACB stands on the core societal issues of LBGTXYZ marriage and sexuality. She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian. That is yet to be revealed.
“She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian.”
Please, don’t lump us all together. The vast majority of Catholics are NOT SJW sorts, just most of the loud mouths who assume the rest of us are like them. And Sacred Scripture is one of the three pillars of the Church which our Church Fathers culled and closed 1100 years before so many kicked the Faith to the curb in favor of their own interpretation. As for being born again, we all are in Baptism.
No way am I lumping all Catholics with the SJW pro-homo/pansexualists and the climate activists, etc. OR the traditionalists who call Trump ‘Hitler’
Of course I’m not.
When I talk about ‘born again’ it’s people who have been converted and see/comprehend the Kingdom – the truth of the Gospel and uphold Scriptural Faith – see John 3:3 – Christ’s own words.
None of us can see or comprehend the Kingdom. It is arrogant to even imply that.
That’s not what the Bible says.
Besides John 3:3 – there is Luke 17:21 – “The Kingdom of GOD is within/among you.”
These are Christ’s own words.
I’m literally talking about the ability to imagine or comprehend. As in “eye has not seen”. I’ll stand by it.
Eye hasn’t seen refers to natural eyes on earth not seeing heaven.
The Kingdom of GOD is people who are surrendered to the KING – and His Will/Word/Ways – His Truth, Love, Life.
You are not God’s mouthpiece. Of course we haven’t “seen” heaven. To me, “see” in this instance means comprehend the mystery.
And what about primitive people living their lives who have never heard the word? Do you imagine God has no plan for them? Or are they just doomed because of the litmus test? It isn’t a clique, or a scripture quoting contest.
Again – I, myself, would never be so bold to claim to be able to comprehend God’s Kingdom. There are mysteries beyond our comprehension. And I certainly could never proclaim that I’ve achieved the milestone, while in this life, of heaven being a given. I don’t believe that anything we do, or declare (like being “born again”) during our earthly sojourn makes that so. We follow the word, and have faith.
I am sorry to have caused a misunderstanding. I’m not boasting or claiming to judge.
The Bible tells us about those who never heard the word of GOD. GOD is merciful and just.
So, it’s as I said. “Merciful and just”. You or I don’t know, can’t claim to know, and could not comprehend anyway.
Just because we can’t comprehend the fullness of GOD and His Kingdom – it doesn’t give us permission to compromise the Commandments and plain Scriptural warnings/proscriptions….or to champion and approve of those who do, as Romans 1:18-32 tells us at the end.
I come from a combination RC/Southern Baptist background. I have relatives who have spent their entire lives thinking that having a simple glass of wine is a sin. An aunt and uncle who refused to attend their own daughter’s wedding because she married a divorced man. (married 50+ years at this point) Cousins who would not allow their daughters to wear shorts in the summer, little kids – in Texas. The modesty factor. They quote scripture 50 times a day, but seem not to know how to sensibly navigate through life. To be honest, it’s torture to visit and stay overnight being constantly preached at.
I’m about over engaging on this. We’ll just have to part ways agreeing to disagree. 😏
My family was the total opposite and there was all kinds of behaviors, addictions, abuse, perversions….even way back then in the 40s and 50s.
So we come from opposite spectrums…I have a reason for wanting to adhere to Scripture and GOD’s prescriptions/proscriptions – gives children a safer, saner, more stable environment to grow.
But, I don’t mean in rigidity and religiosity, which is self-righteousness just loving obedience.
Oh, they had plenty of errant behaviors. There was spousal abuse with same couple with the modesty hangup. As well as an inability to manage alcohol, when they decided to throw caution to the wind on a cruise and thereafter. 🙄 I grew up on the Irish/Italian RC side. NY/NJ.
Hope you had a good childhood with lots of love, laughter, security and great Italian and Irish food!
MY POINT – if anyone supports the LBGTXYZ agenda to normalize the practices and promote ‘gay marriage’ – they cannot be born-again Christians.
I don’t believe in gay practice or gay “marriage”. For the gay-enslaved, this is their identity. It’s their life’s work – just like black people who make that their life’s work. I certainly would never be so bold as to make a blanket proclamation regarding someone’s spiritual status. Think Ric Grenell.
Grenell is an activist. Yes, he, Pressler and Straka have done good things, but being promoters of their lifestyle makes them activists.
There is a ‘revelation’ factor – where, like the Apostle Paul, scales are removed from our eyes at ‘regeneration’ – a person who is baptised without being born again is just wet, but not really converted in the true spiritual sense. They are not believers. I’ve seen/heard/read priests, bishops, etc. in both Catholic and Anglican churches deny the true gospel of repentance, regeneration, faith and forgiveness. Heck, some have denied the bodily resurrection. They are false teachers. Then we have all the sexual degenerates posing as priests/bishops/archbishops/cardinals who have been baptised, ordained, etc..
I’m with Tozer… conversion doesn’t come by instruction and ceremony – but by the Holy Spirit’s work of revelation, conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration.
The Holy Spirit …and His work of Sanctification.
I was blind and now I see…
Amazing Grace
“…you must be born again…”
Acts 13:48
When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been APPOINTED to eternal life BELIEVED.
(Notice “appointment first……. then “Belief”)
Romans 8
28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;
30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
There’s plenty of sexual perversion to go around. In all denominations, and everywhere else. .But, the RC thing is particularly heinous as it’s overwhelmingly depraved men preying on pre-pubescent boys, teenagers and seminarians. And fostered by the institution itself. Protestants have two big advantages. They control their own money, and they hire and fire their own pastors. So if you pull some nonsense you’re gone, and likely immediately prosecuted.
Baptism? What about the thief on the cross? He was Never Baptised.
And still:
Luke 23:43
And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
We don’t actually know that. But, Christ did as He chose.
In the Baptismal ceremony it is said we are reborn. Not only that, it puts a mark on the soul as one being Baptized to new life.
Don’t actually know what?
The thief died? without baptism?
or went to heaven as promised?
And who am I to say that the baptized infant does not know.? Again, mystery. Beyond my feeble comprehension. Everything isn’t literal.
Not on topic, but sharing this with you.
Media Bear’s Latest Anti-Mask Video Pulled By YouTube
Most recent mask video taken down by the Uboob is on bitchute here:
[…] Posted By: wolfmoon1776 1 Views 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 19ViewsShareTweetMail […]
I never did get why a sexy Russian redhead gun nut was a danger to society.
And if that was the extent of Russian spying, I never saw any reasons it shouldn’t be encouraged.
Seriously, even if you had a photocopy of a KGB payroll stub in front of you for Maria Butina — which would you rather have in the country: her or Ilhan Omar?
Depends on how much damage either one did or was going to do. Omar is a known quantity. I think Butina did less damage, but was angling to do a lot more, even if she herself didn’t know it.
Jussie Liu wanted Butina quiet and then gone. Butina was trouble for Team Coup. I think Butina was out to make sure Hillary won by pwning some GOP and then blowing up in a scandal. But SHE didn’t know the part about being sacrificed on the media altar – only Team Coup and Putin did. That made Butina a very dangerous hot potato for Jussie Liu and Team Coup, because they likely didn’t know if Butina had figured out she was a tool to elect Hillary. Butina could have turned on Team Coup if she wasn’t handled just right.
Interesting times.
Not to downplay your response…..but “grinning blue-eyed sexy Russian redhead gun nut in a cowboy hat” vs. “brother-wedding immigration-defrauding Muslim Somali member of the progressive wing of the House” isn’t even close.
LOL! Yeah, I hear you. I kinda see how Mr. Byrne got burned! Trouble is, she was too true to be good! 😉
Sorry, cthulhu, think which would you rather have is a nonsense question. Wicked is wicked is wicked, dangerous is dangerous, evil is evil.
Butina vs “Omar” ELMI?
Answer: Have NEITHER one in the United States.
Oh, the Anna Chapman thing, too – such a misinterpreted chess move. She was used by Putin to make Hillary and Obama, who gave him all that uranium, look good. So brilliant. Putin is a strong player. Our CIA guy at the time actually helped embed the Cankles psy-op by saying that the Russians were trying to cast suspicions on her. LOL. Yeah, right.
ACB could not be #1 choice
We wanted her to be #3 choice
Reason is simple
#1 Gorsuch. Clerked for Kennedy.
Needed to inflate Kennedy’s ego. NO SMALL TASK!!!
Convince Kennedy that he was the best Supreme Court Justice in all history.
Talk him into stepping down.
#2 Kavanaugh. Clerked for Kennedy.
Kennedy gets a ton of accolades.
Gave Kennedy his moment for allowing his former clerk to take his seat.
Ego task fulfilled.
#3 ACB.
Only possible b/c Kennedy had cleared the deck.
We knew RGB was leaving and it was only a matter of time.
Replacing with a woman very smart move.
Replacing with the SMARTEST CANDIDATE – Grand Master Chess Move.
These are all major grand master chess strategies going on here.
It’s incredible to witness genius in action.
Any faux-conservative pundit who says otherwise is an idiot crank who should be consigned to the Bill Kristol asylum for washed-up idiots. Some paid pundits egos are so large they really believe themselves to be smarter and better at politics than anyone alive – which is why they’ve all clearly spent so much time in the Presidency (sic).
VSGPOTUSDJT even said, straight up, “I’m saving her for Ginsburg”. Mind you, Ginsburg might have been propped-up for another few months, so there was a risk…..but ACB was the perfect candidate, held back for the perfect opportunity.
And here we are…..
Yup. I think the whole thing was masterful. INCLUDING Trump hovering his hand over ACB on both the first and second moves. Then on the third move “ahhhhh, maybe not, maybe…. OK – ACB it is!”
“Art of the Deal”.
Also the timing – matching each one to the political realities. Gorsuch wowed the NeverTrump side who expected a Merrick Garland Republican, creating a WIN that the Dems could not stop. Then Kavanaugh burned up half or more of the Democrat gunpowder. Woman goes in for RBG, and she’s “no-brainer smart” – an exemplary anti-token. Unassailable.
Trump is not just any genius – he’s STANDOUT among them.
Agreed. Absolute perfect execution in the murkiest of waters.
Turns out – Gorsuch is a liberal swing vote –
Justice Name —— Born – Age — Leans —— Nominated— By President
Stephen Breyer 1938 82 Liberal 1994 Bill Clinton
Clarence Thomas 1948 72 Conservative 1991 George H.W. Bush
Samuel Alito 1950 70 Conservative 2006 George W. Bush
Sonia Sotomayer 1954 66 Liberal 2009 Barack Obama
John Roberts 1955 65 Swing 2005 George W. Bush
Elena Kagan 1960 60 Liberal 2010 Barack Obama
Brett Kavanaugh 1965 55 Conservative 2018 Donald Trump
Neil Gorsuch 1967 53 Swing 2017 Donald Trump
Amy Barrett 1972 48 ? 2020 Donald Trump
Gorsuch was a pansexual activist Trojan Horse. Gorsuch’s recent ruling made it impossible for employers to fire a person who decides to ‘go gay’ or change ‘genders’. Turns out Gorsuch was siding with his lesbian activist priestess of his radical left Episcopal church. Both Alito and Franklin Graham dissented against Gorsuch.
Sure, ACB is pro-life, HOWEVER, we cannot yet be sure where ACB stands on the core societal issues of LBGTXYZ marriage and sexuality. She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian. That is yet to be revealed.
Yes. I’m thinking we cannot use ACB’s religion to predict her rulings, which IMO is a good thing, whereas others may disagree.
My thinking is that ACB will see around the leftist traps and deceptions, particularly on issues of the basic civil rights. THAT is plenty for me. She will have proper priorities to protect freedom, truth, basic Constitutional principles. A huge win against communist degradation and politicization of SCOTUS.
However, I think that ultimately means she will NOT be a reflexive conservative like some of the others have been. She will disappoint those who want outcomes based on her religious principles. Yet at the same time she will not be flagrantly opposed to basic religion and religious principles, like so many Democrats who are allegedly members of various religions. I think she will protect religion, as intended by the Constitution.
I sure do hope so!
Thanks for trying to be reassuring, Wolfie!
Good question: (found on Gab)
U.S. Rep. Grace Meng is using her influence among national Democrats to push for the appointment of Muslim judges to the federal bench for the first time if her party wins back the White House. (Meng is Chinese, why is she pimping for Muslims?)
ChiCom strategy to get non-ChiCom oath-breakers in positions of power.
I’ve been wondering how her presence on the S.C. will influence/impact C.J. Roberts opinions if he tries any of those convoluted arguments. I’m sure she could slice and dice those arguments to pieces.
I don’t care for Roberts because I think he cowardly let Obamacare stand – and separate from all speculation about whether he was compromised or not, I believe Roberts did it because of the unholy pressure he was getting from the Left. Also, he probably doesn’t like DJT.
That said, I have a lawyer friend who believes Roberts has decided almost all other issues correctly, even if we didn’t like the way it came out. He says Roberts is a process guy, whatever that means.
So to answer about how he’ll be with Judge Barrett on the Court… it may stiffen his spine and pushback his need for wokeness.
She’s going to mess up a lot of tactical stupidity from the Obama girls, that’s for sure!
The Obama Grrlz are already up a tree. They relied on RBG to write opinions grounded in the law that made sense to which they could sign on — and now they’re going to have to get opinions on teleprompters like the rest of the Dem bench. Neither of them could draft a SCOTUS-level opinion to save their lives (or manage their clerks to do so).
Forgot to add fangs to the teeth….
I could just see an animated git or a vid with her lower jaw flapping up and down like a ventriloquist’s dummy. Dummy indeed….
Paul Sperry twit today says her husband is pals with a Clinton operatve.
Guess where her questions came from?
Sometimes it’s good to have a mask covering someone’s face… the evil that woman displays must go clear down to her soul…
Someone claiming to be Chanel Rion from OAN made a thread on 4chan. LARP or not, I think this person correctly nailed what the Hunter Biden stuff is leading up to. “Chanel” claims that the FBI found child porn on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and that the big reveal will be that Joe Biden himself pressured the FBI into dropping the child porn charges. That’s in line with what Q is hinting at as well.
Click the imgur link below if you want to read “Chanel’s” posts.
Original Thread
Whoa! I don’t find that hard to believe at all. The FBI are good at covering up child trafficking. Look what they did with Wiener’s laptop.
Oh, this is definitely 2 + 2 = 4, so LARP or not, it’s reality.
Chanel has stated on her verified account about the “MAP” stuff – as she called it, “underage obsession”. There are also now reports – strong reports – that the FBI sat on this – which they did before. It’s a no brainer that they were protecting the Bidens.
Any LARP would only be stating what we know is coming.
And here is the deal. Yes, anybody can theoretically have CP put on their device by hackers, just like Sharyl Attkisson had classified documents put on HER device, likely by the Holder-Rosenstein DOJ/FBI.
But let’s say that RUSSIA or UKRAINE or CHINA did it – hacked his laptop. The whole thing speaks to the corruption and vulnerability of both Hunter and Joe Biden because they’re criminal SELL-OUTS.
Yes, and sat on it through the impeachment hearings.
Here is Chanel Rion on Twitter official account:
And she retweeted this:
She is obviously irate and outraged about the contents of Hunter Biden’s computer.
My question is – WHERE did Chanel access the computer – NYC or DC?
Do the Trump people have it?
Did she see a copy of the files or the original computer?
Supposedly the hard drive was cloned and the original lap top went to the FBI. Worse is that the Senate Intel Committee had possession of it too. Who had it when, is another whole new scandal that unfortunately we can’t get into now because we need to keep the Senate.
Hopefully the Senate Intel Committee has NEVER received a copy of the hard drive. That would be like handing a copy of the hard drive to Lawfare or even Pedo Joe’s lawyer.
But they did get a copy of it according to Ron Johnson.
Rudy has a copy of the hard drive. The computer guy gave it to Rudy’s atty after the FIB did nothing with their copy for 6 mos.
Rudy has been working on this story for at least 1yr or longer. He went to Ukraine last year and interviewed multiple officials. He teamed up w/OANN shortly thereafter. Chanel has interviewed Rudy and the witnesses. OANN has done many videos and documentaries on Biden/Ukraine/China corruption starting early 2020. Chanel is well educated on this subject.
Chanel is one of the few that PDJT and Guiliani trust.
The beauty of this hard drive story is that it destroys the Democrats and their supporters, no matter what.
If it’s REAL, it’s bad.
If it’s a “Hitler diaries” fraud, it’s TOO GOOD, and would show that the Democrats created a professionally fraudulent hoax AGAIN.
Democrats are SKAROOD however this works out. If it’s a HOAX, they go down for THAT HOAX, TOO.
O Lord, have mercy on us: for we have waited for thee: be thou our arm in the morning, and our salvation in the time of trouble.
Isaiah 33:2
Hope original tweet gif shows 🙂
Honestly I’ve been wondering for quite a while if CV was EVER an actual Pandemic. They say here it’s just a flu virus…
CHINA intentionally spread the virus – BUT – had a LOT of help from the Democrats/Globalists/WHO/medical research leeches, etc.
Even Johns Hopkins website, using big red dots, to trace the spread was designed to hype/dramatize the spread and increase dread/fear.
VIDEO – HOW TO MANUFACTURE AN EPIDEMIC (using the full array of common plentiful coronaviruses and the PCR test).
THIS IS THE ARTICLE that the video quotes – IT IS A MUST-READ.
If you don’t have time to watch the video – just skim the article.
Re: the virus – I think his point is valid….that the PCR test is limited/faulty, the array of coronaviruses plentiful, the data scurrilous and intentionally manipulated, and the fear-mongering is rampant.
His final remarks are that the coronavirus pandemic is a cover-up to hide the global banking corruption and the result of corrupt politicians fiscal policies.
As much as we all have looked into the virus business – we have seen that something ain’t right – smells like rotten fish.
New data suggest that lockdowns didn’t help contain Covid-19 and opening up didn’t increase the spread, writes @DonLuskin
The Creation of a False Pandemic – Jon Rappaport –
My only conclusion is we have been and are being deceived by leaders in medical research and government.
Great Finds!!! Thanks so much 🙂
Who are these people and where are they?
Not sure but it looks like some European event…
The location was given by someone – in German – way down in the comments…but they posted a link.
Nice. Thanks for doing the extra digging!!!
BERLIN – Here:
YT video:
Thanks GA/FL!
Fact Checking Biden…Boilermakers…
Attempting some different embeddings of an ACB video.
Here is JavaScript:
!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=””+(arguments[1].video?’.’+arguments[1].video:”)+”/?url=”+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+”&args=”+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, “script”, “Rumble”);
Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”v81w3r”,”div”:”rumble_v81w3r”});
OK – clearly that does not work in the comments.
Here is IFRAME:
This will work in an authored post as an “embed”, I believe, but not in a comment.
Here is an “IFRAME URL”:
This creates a full-window player in the browser.
Here is a “Monetized Direct URL”:
This takes you to the Rumble page itself. Rumble is like YouTube, but it’s not communist.
Note to Wolf — save that header. It’ll be useful for a while.
Great reminder! Thanks! 😀
I’m hoping for 30+ years….
Hooray! Li-Meng Yan is on Parler!!!
Parler Page:
First Report:
Second Report:
Found a great Chinese-language (intermittent English) YouTube video interview with DLMY that has not been scrubbed. They actually get into the substance of the papers.
More MAGA YT views!
oops erased link…
View counts from Town Halls elsewhere…
Carlos has a thread:
international corruption corraled?
James Woods strikes again!!!
Eeeeeeeewwww, Butterfly – but, have to agree – fits perfectly – devil’s spawn!!!
could the “eye” aspect of this be connected to Joe’s flipping the blizzard cup over video clip?
Looks like I’m not going to be able to see your stuff any more on Twitter. Not sure if it’s everything, or just this one because it’s not set to “public”, but whatever – Twitler is in control of it.
I’ve never changed my settings, so as far as I know All of my stuff is public…
The Dairy Queen commercial had the eye shape of their logo but filled w/ various videos of their different foods, sort of in patterns. Since I was looking at some of that symbolism stuff earlier “today” this reminded me of all the Eye imagery that twitter compiler had gathered, Illuminati symbols, I think.
It just made me wonder about that weird short Joe clip, someone thought was some type of comms…just speculating…
When ever I go to twitter, I always get the “Something went wrong” or, less frequently, “Nat available to you” or “Not authorized”. But then I refresh the page and it comes up.
Thanks Carl. Twit world apparently doesn’t like Q-Treepers. I wonder why?/s 🙂
same thing with my experience…… started yesterday.
Same with trying to open a Uboob video from a link here.
It opens a new tab and complains it can’t display the video.
If I retry a couple times to reload the page it usually comes up.
Twit world said your account is Temporarily Restricted. They have you following Zero people but more than 3000 are following you 🙂
Wolfie – that has been happening to me too all of a sudden – but if I refresh or clean out cookies and files – it works again.
To be clear – I’m still not on Twitter. I’d be banned in less than a day.
Wolfie, this message appears when accessing your account. You must be over too many targets.
Wolf Moon – Pagan Worshiper of KMAC’s Broken Clock
Caution: This account is temporarily restricted
You’re seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to view it?
Then a button for YES, View Profile
You are following no one???? WTH???
Wolf Moon – Pagan Worshiper of KMAC’s Broken Clock
Tried to leave Twitter, but could not resist the dogpile of patriots and truth researchers on 9News, Denver Post and Antifa. Ah, the allure of citizen justice!
Flyover, USAwqth.wordpress.comJoined January 2013
0 Following
Followed by coosmama ☆☆☆, Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn, and 125 others you follow
Wolfie, I am getting that too and I do not have an account.
So far the THREAD READER is fine.
Brian Cates Newest:
MAGA man of All the people!
Very nice, clear explanation of #BidenGate.
Good news in Kyle’s Korner!
Twitter CEO Dorsey Responds To Biden Block-Gate : Unacceptable
TWITTER is against us.
THE MEDIA is against us.
BIG TECH is against us.
THE SWAMP is against us.
THE DEEP STATE is against us.
THE HOLLYWOOD ELITE is against us.
CHINA is against us.
But President Trump has the WORKING MAN AND WOMAN and NOTHING can beat that‼️
BIG TECH has over-reached and Americans are angry!
…and notice how they’re all dying a slow death…
including Hollywood which is nothing but a leftist prop machine…like Chinese torture : this is what you get to watch as “entertainment” whether you like it or not, and it’s all you get to watch 24/7, blaring into the streets with a gigantic images of Meryl Streep & Cuties (Kooties) & Sean Penn et al….
Trump is like Patton, MacArthur & Churchill against the axis of evil !
(that was a Reply to GA/FL’s post at 05:39 am, above…showing up out of sync.)
hiya smiley!
how are you??
hey, pat…. real busy (mural) at the moment with a challenging deadline…I’m not 25…or 35…or even 65…anymore either…up & down off of scaffolding/ladders is wearing this old girl out, lol.
thanks for asking…and how are you ?
I’m okay, thanks for asking!
I’m sure your mural is gonna knock everybody’s socks off!!
piece o’cake ! lol
corners are the hardest parts…
here…I’ll share…
looks yummy!!!
Did you know about the state of FL tour of murals?
Stay safe….hold on tight to those ladders and watch your step!
We need you around here!
hey cool…..I did not know ab that…thanks for sharing.
Considering who owns most of (un)Hollywood, it IS Red Chinese Torture…
(Next up, Jaws 322 and Friday the 13th part 666)…
exactly !
President Trump to visit Ft. Myers on Friday – to talk about protecting America’s Seniors.
President Trump has 2 Rallies and 3 speeches today. 18 Days to the Election!!!
11:40AM THE PRESIDENT departs Doral, FL, en route to Miami, FL
12:45PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Southwest Florida International Airport
12:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs Southwest Florida International Airport en route to Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater – Fort Myers, FL
1:30PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on Protecting America’s Seniors – Fort Myers, FL
2:40PM THE PRESIDENT departs Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater en route to Southwest Florida International Airport
4:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Ocala International Airport – Ocala, FL
4:15PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally
5:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Ocala, FL, en route to Macon, GA
6:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Middle Georgia Regional Airport – Macon, GA
7:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally
8:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Macon, GA, en route to Washington, D.C.
10:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
10:30PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House – South Lawn
Qaddaffi warned that if he were to be taken out, Europe would be flooded with Moslem refauxgees from the Middle East and Africa…
Øblowhole and HELL-the-BEAST took Qadiffi out, and, with the help of Merde-Kuh, Europe is being INVADED by, yes, Middle-Eastern and African refauxgees. Mostly single, male, malevolent, Malthusian, misanthropic, military-aged (and probably -trained) MOSLEMS…..
Talk about hell to pay…..
Nowhere in the EU now is really safe; and the No-Go zones are a suicide mission for non-Moslems….. where’s our Martel, and/or our Vlad the Impaler?????
So far all we’ve got is “Vlad the Inhaler” … (saw that handle over on Twitchy)…
so Feinstein apparently hugged Lindsay Graham? is THAT how they’re going to infect him so he can’t vote?
(article was at the Hill which I refuse to link to…it’s toxic)
Oh, Pat, this is so disgusting. Swampy.
I see no real resaon for her to do this…
He should have sprayed her with water….
If I was Ms. Lindsey, I’d have started my HCQ cocktails last night.
you are a smart man, Carl
There is a video, Pat – of the conclusion of the Committee proceedings – at the end – the handshake and hug occurs – thought that was strange – however – she is second in command – Yes?
sovif he is out with covid, she takes over?
I do not think it matters at this point – ACB has been voted out of Committee – and is on her way to the Senate for the vote – next week – if he gets CV-19 – he can vote virtually – yes? In fact – any of them can – my understanding.
What we are watching is INTENTIONAL corruption of the Election process.
– by Democrats in authority
– by USPS employees
and other nefarious actors.
Forgot the link….
wow…no mail in ballots found, but PA postal workers found dumping mail in trash bags or trash bins. what caught my eye was one guy who worked out of the PIttsburgh office (mid to lower extreme western part of state) was seen dumping the mail in a dumpster in Lawrenceville (on the PA/NY border in central PA).
Lawrenceville is a few small towns over from us…but accessible on the major highways in the state and is right off one of those highways…
Separately, McLenigan, a city carrier and U.S. postal service employee working out of the Pittsburgh Post Office Bloomfield Station, was allegedly spotted on video surveillance footage on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 dumping mail into a trash bin outside the Persad Center, a mental health center serving the LGBTQ+ community in Lawrenceville, Pa. An employee at the center recovered the mail from the bin and reported the matter to the Office of Inspector General.
more crap about those “misprinted” ballots in PA…they are setting them aside and won’t be looking at them till AFTER the election
“Voye [David Voye, Elections Division Manager] said that Elections Division staff were segregating ballots that were received from voters affected by the issue, and those will be set aside and reviewed following the election.” [Emphasis added]
The county admits that they know some of the faulty ballots were returned, but those ballots will not be reviewed until after the election. That likely means that if the ballot is faulty, those voters will not have their vote counted because there will be no new voting for them because the election will be over.
here’s something I found in the comments:
Here is more info from the Pittsburgh Tribune. To summarize:
“Midwest Direct, the Cleveland-based company hired to print, collate and mail the ballots, told elections officials that a programming error caused the ballot file to be matched with the wrong individual’s information…The result is that those voters received ballots meant for someone living in another voting district. While the choices for national and statewide races will be the same, the candidates for U.S. Congress and the state legislature could be wrong.”But that’s not the most alarming part. What is terrifying is the county’s response regarding when they will be reviewing the ballots they received back from people who were not aware they were wrong.
If I understand the linked article correctly, the 2 USPS workers dumped the mail in 2 separate areas WITHIN the city of Pittsburgh — both Bloomfield and Lawrenceville are in Pittsburgh. My father managed a pharmacy on Butler Street in Lawrenceville.
All of the areas mentioned in the article — Mount Oliver, Bloomfield, Baldwin, Lawrenceville — are hotbeds of DEMCOM population / low- and no-info voters / Millienials who believe they’re “entitled” to everything.
Many decades ago, all of these areas of Pittsburgh were filled with middle-class, hardworking people of Irish / Italian (Bloomfield was “Little Italy”) / Polish, Eastern European, German ancestry (they worked the steel mills in Lawrenceville), heavily Roman Catholic.
well, that’s good to know…there’s a Lawrenceville a few towns over along the NY/PA border…and it’s right off the highway…thanks for clearing that up!!
Wolfie, I meant to tell you how much I appreciated your perspective and insight about Amy Coney Barrett. She is really an extraordinary woman. Interesting about how she answered the recusal question – that she wouldn’t want to deprive other Justices of their vote.
Due Process – you know who I want to see indicted for RICO, Fraud, Sedition/Treason? Andrew Weissman. He’s really dirty. Oh, and the guy Bromowitz who helped Blasey Ford defraud the Senate Judiciary. These are nasty people.
are we keeping a list–A very PUBLIC list– somewhere of all the self important little nazis who claim they will move out of the country if POTUS is reelected? cuz I really want them to go this more empty promises!!!
oh c’mon, man !
dark humor is like food…or even votes …
not everyone gets it.
the egos of these people to think that THEY matter to us so much, that it will influence our votes…is just astounding to me…how do their big heads fit thru doorways?
…or up their asses ??
you make me laugh!!!
likewise, I’m sure.
more voting chicanery…
The Center for Voter Information was described by the Washington Post as having “a history of sending error-ridden mailers” but also labeled it “nonpartisan” – a farcical and manifestly false claim.
The group is responsible for sending over 225,000 ballot request forms to residents in Texas, many of whom are deceased.
As reported by local news, one individual received multiple ballot request forms for her deceased husband:
“Kristen Link received four ballot request forms in the mail addressed to her husband, who passed away in 2015. Kristen thought the forms were sent by a government agency, but they came from a third-party group called the Center for Voter Information. The ballot applications are already filled out and addressed to the Bexar County Elections Administrator.”
The group also made headlines recently for mailing more than two million Virginia voters official ballot applications, but due to an “error by the printing company,” hundreds of thousands of ballot applications were sent with incorrect addresses. What’s more, Virginia election officials raised concerns about the activist group’s mailers masquerading as official documents
“This mailing is causing great confusion and concern among voters who have been contacting our office. While the mailing may appear to be from an official government agency, the Fairfax County Office of Elections did not send it,” said Fairfax County General Registrar Gary Scott.
The news is just the latest in a string of false, missing, or tampered ballot stories the media and Big Tech firms keep denying, across the country.
Don’t we have a sidebar thread on this?
Shoot, wish I had the time to copy over there.
Busy couple of days coming up.
disgusting, but true…allowing them the discretion to change their bodies is a segue into allowing them to “choose” to have sex…
If they say 8-year-olds are mature enough to “consent” to a sex change, we all know what they’ll be saying kids can “consent” to next.
These are demons.
— Bandit (@Whytepilled) October 16, 2020
TRUTH!!!! This is the sickos true agenda. They want to legitimize their depravity calling it ‘minor-orientation’ “I can’t help it if I’m oriented that way” Lies from the pit of hell.
There are many good reasons that not-yet-of-age children are called MINORS !!!!!
There goes the SATANIC UN again, with Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 working to take away the GOD-GIVEN rights, responsibilities, and rewards for being a parent.
they want to cut the parents out of the equation–or to favor the rights of the parent that WANTS their child to submit to that garbage over the rights of the one that does not
Verse of the Day for Friday, October 16, 2020
“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”
Philippians 3:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!