Twitter Is Censoring This Video, What This Means, and Why There Is No Retreat For Me

From GAB – the last bastion of FREE SPEECH.



QAnon and the Great Awakening

Mike Roman, Trump’s director of Election Day Operations shares this video from woman in Penn stuffing the ballet box. Share because twitter is censoring it.


OK – so you have that? FILMED cheating not allowed to be shown by “big tech” – specifically Jack Dorsey’s platform, owned by Saudi billionaires.

Now read this.

Remember – this woman was working with third-generation Russian red diaper Jussie Smollett to use a HOAX to defame us and pass legislation that WE were “lynching blacks”.

But it gets worse.

From Gab.

For the visually impaired, we have a Kamala Harris tweet from TODAY, November 4 at 4.24 AM…..

…..which says:

“One of my first acts as VP will be to ensure that there are excellent education programs for Americans, young and old, so that we never end up with another Donald Trump.”

Let us be VERY clear. If this woman becomes President, America ENDS as we knew and loved it. It’s RED DAWN.

So no. Just no.

They WILL have to kill me, to see this woman into the White House.

And I won’t make it easy.

Are you READY to commit to the same?


All who will join me, and Patrick Henry Censored, are welcome.


“Fight for Peace, Prepare for WAR.”

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Rodney Short

Let’s roll…


Let me put it to you like this:
I’m somewhat of a borderline pacifist who typically prefers non-violent,aggressive approaches.
After today? I’m ready to take it to them! Head on! No more high roads. No more “oh welp, next time”. Fight, fight, fight!
Based on some of the tweets I’ve been reading, it seems as though I’m not alone in this sentiment.
The hell with this bullshit. No way in hell I’m going to accept a true illegitimate president!


Our enemies have done that for 4 years. This election was a pay back to POTUS and us from Clintons and Obama and Biden. Only they had the power to pull this off.


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Nov 3, 2020
The Greatest Teaching Moment—Heritage Brief 44
Rick Joyner
We have come to the time when the distinctions between God’s ways and the ways of those who reject and resist Him are clear. Biblical prophecy calls this time “the Valley of Decision.” With the distinctions made clear to all, every individual and every nation will either make the choice to follow God or side with His enemies. There will be no middle ground for anyone.
Jesus said in Matthew 12:30, “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” This has been true since Jesus walked the earth, but many have tried to sit on the fence, which is in fact to oppose Him. At the end of the age it will be clear where everyone stands.
There is a reason why the two globalist forces in the world, radical Islam and Marxism, both consider Christianity and America their greatest enemies. Both of these globalist ideologies have the destruction of America as their number one goal because it is the biggest obstruction to their ultimate goal of totalitarian control of the whole earth. They are right about that.
Radical Islam is the ultimate religious totalitarianism, and Marxism is the ultimate political and economic totalitarianism. Radical Islam cannot tolerate religious freedom, and Marxism cannot tolerate any kind of freedom—religious, political, economic, or any other kind. The total dominance required by both of these globalist forces are threatened by the freedoms America stands for, as well as her political, economic, and military power, to hold these totalitarian ideologies at bay. Both radical Islam and Marxism consider themselves to be the inevitable conclusion of human history—the irresistible force. America is the immovable object. Now is the time of the ultimate clash.
The core freedoms that have made America the freest and most powerful nation on earth, has also made it vulnerable to the delusion that it could get along in a peaceful co-existence with these contrary ideologies and religions. It is our nature to let others be free to choose their own course, which is one of the most unique and extraordinary characteristics of America. But this innocent naivete has also allowed those intent on our destruction to grow very strong both from without and within our own land. Without a doubt, America is in the first stages of its ultimate battle for survival.
It is basic military doctrine that you cannot defeat an enemy you cannot see. It is a historical truth that if someone says they want to destroy you it is a deadly mistake not to take them seriously. Every oath of office in America is to defend The Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, but it has been the history of America not to be good at discerning enemies until they have become a grave threat.
America is now experiencing the truth of Isaiah 5:13: “My people go into bondage for their lack of knowledge.” It is the lack of knowledge of the foundations our nation has been built on, which we lack because of neglect, and the lack of knowledge about the true nature of our enemies, because we have not been vigilant. For this reason, we will use these Heritage Briefs to study our national and religious foundations, and contrast them with present enemies.
As America is called to be a healing nation, and one that proclaims liberty throughout the world, we must learn how to balance our healing nature with the ability to recognize our enemies and resolve to defeat them. There are remarkable examples in history of those who were both great healers and great warriors. We must learn from them. These two seeming contradictory natures actually work together to elevate each other, as we will see. To understand how they work together, we must keep in mind Ecclesiastes 3:1-8:
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven, “a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted; “a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up…
“a time for war and a time for peace.”
Understanding timing is a key to understanding. We may want peace more than anything, but we will perish if we seek peace when it is the time for war. We are now at war. As history also makes clear, attempts to appease intractable enemies like we now face makes the ultimate cost of the conflict far greater.
Remembering the first thing Jesus said about the end of the age is to not be deceived, one of the most common roots of deception is dualistic thinking. This causes people to only think in extremes when the “path of life,” the solution, is usually somewhere between the extremes. Dualistic thinkers cannot comprehend concepts like “the great and the terrible day of The Lord,” but can only see it as “great” or “terrible.” Such cannot resolve that Jesus is both the Prince of Peace and a warrior, the “Captain of the hosts (armies) of The Lord.” He is both a Lion and a Lamb. He is all of these all of the time, but depending on the times one side of His nature will often be preeminent. This is why discerning the times was such an emphasis of Jesus.
Peace and unity are noble goals, but ultimate peace and unity will not come until the ultimate conflict, prophesied at the end of this age, takes place. If we think it is a time for peace when it is a time for war, we are deceived. Jesus, who is “the Prince of Peace,” who came to bring peace and goodwill to man, who is the greatest Healer there will ever be, also said, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34).
To walk with Jesus requires that we know what time it is. Jesus came the first time as a Lamb, but He is coming back as a Lion. We are now about to get to know His Lion nature. Those who follow Him in the coming times will be warriors so that when the battle is over the whole world can receive all of the benefits The Lamb sacrificed so much to give this world. As we proceed the path we are here to walk, it will get brighter as well as our purpose in this time.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid. ~President Dwight D. Eisenhower
It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it. ~Gen. Douglas MacArthur
To request additional copies of this Heritage Brief, or to request a copy of our latest catalog, call 803-802-5544 ext. 266. To order other MorningStar books and resources online, visit
© 2020 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.


Muslims will join with Marxists to defeat their enemy but once they win the Muslim will kill off the Marxist infidel.


This is excellent.

JW in Germany

If my memory serves…it was Chomsky who said not to take the Right on with War…the Right does War better than the Left does. That’s why the manipulation, the lies, the propaganda….even the demasculinization of the male population.
They will lose!
We the People will be VICTORIOUS!


If Fla. can get it right , even with the BS vote by mail , there should be no reasonable objection for other states to adopt the same .
As cthulhu notes below , They won’t want to see our skin suits..
We elected PDJT in 2016 to avoid that , but if they are to become required attire may as well do it right.
..wear the matching face masks and ear and lip necklace’s of their associates also.
Trumps got this cos we got Trumps back.
We can’t let this Big tech/ blue state banana republic voting coup $hiz slide .
That precedent would validate it.
He knows it and we know it, everybody else is watching
It’s good ground to fight on, may as well settle things. The skin in the game will be theirs.


Ineptitude implies innocence. This isn’t ineptitude.


Concerning post. There are steps in between trusting the plan and the above post, right? Prostesting in DC, perhaps? Care about regulars and long time online “friends” even if we don’t actually know each other and even if tempers sometimes run short and we disagree.
Intentional, focus political actions with long term purpose and short term goals … white anger … not really time to go red anger without going through the active white anger first when we protest, for example, right?
Kind of weird to realize we really might not have won every round over the last 4 yrs and we really might not win this one. I think it might be pulled out of the fire even yet and if not we build the GOP to make sure we capitalized on the MAGA movement so we don’t revert back to the GOPe and we finish really make progress for permenant change.
Disappointment now doesn’t mean absolute defeat forever or hopelessness


You need a first and 250 millionth follower.
I am the same sentinent. We cannot be afraid of calling it out. They already hate us. They havent seen anything yet.


They will make a treaty like canada. Allow chinese military to occupy from inside our border. Yes they will have our land given to them.


Mr gil has been saying it like me. Oeople are so ignorant still to russia hoax and frankly, history. He was talking about the idea of a banana republic to some coworkers who laughed and thought it was something he made up.🤨


This is a challenge that’s analogous to what our forefathers were confronted with by rebelling against the British Crown. There was not unanimity of purpose…some were likeminded. Some were loyalists to the Crown. Some were too involved with the day to day tasks of living to be involved and yet we had a successful revolution in spite of all the “resistance.”
The words of Thomas Paine seem appropriate to these times. Will we simply be “summer soldiers” and “sunshine patriots?”
Excerpted from The American Crises:
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”


Surely you must see that there will be no building coalitions within the GOP after this. The GOP is in on the coup and have been.
They were used by Trump to get elected and he’s pulled as many as he can out of the abyss, but as a whole they are with the communists.
Do you wonder how Joe Biden could get the popular vote? He got it because Republican districts ‘voted’ for him in enough numbers to give him a boost in the popular vote. They hide the fraud in red areas. Very smart, but patriots who know numbers have outed this plan. I will try to find the video on it.
If Harris/Biden gain power our freedom will disappear in a twinkle.


I heard that the GOP is out of money to hire lawyers? POTUS needs donations.
Jay Seculow is going to represent POTUS through his organization but does not take care of other lawyers needed to fight this.


Where is the site for this? Is it still the regular winred site? I don’t want to drop dollars into the RNC.


I am not sure. I heard Beck say he donated and specifically wrote that it be used for Lawyers fighting the Biden team and DNC.
I am donating later on Trump’s reelection wep.


I just donated at It’s specifically for campaign and recount debts.


That is the way to do it 🙂


Disappointment is not the correct response to repeated, in-your-face lawlessness – a level of lawlessness that will change what we are as a nation. Scott said in a post last night that it’s to the point where Biden could stand in the middle of the street and say “Yeah, we cheated and won. And here’s how we did it.” and fully expect nothing to happen. This is where we’re at.
If this is left to stand, if what Trump and the nation have endured for the past four years just moves on down the conveyor belt with no arrests, electoral defeat forever will be the least of your problems.

Concerned Virginian

It’s NOT a case of “Disappointment now doesn’t mean absolute defeat forever or hopelessness.”
Read again what KAMAHARR said above.
She — in other words, the “INNER CIRCLE” of Joe Biden handlers GROOMING HER to take over as President WHEN Joe Biden either steps down OR IS “REMOVED” since Harris is a CONTROLLED ASSET for them —
HARRIS MEANS HOPELESSNESS FOREVER for ANYBODY who wants to fight what they’re going to do.
Didn’t you read the JOE BIDEN sweet where he says that the United States WILL REJOIN the Paris Climate Accords “77 DAYS FROM NOW”? He MEANS IT.
Read again what HARRIS said in her tweet of YESTERDAY about “CREATING CONTEXT” so that “people can understand”.
How will Harris – Biden CREATE CONTEXT?
Through a CONTROLLED ASSET, like JACK DORSEY censoring the TRUTH about voter fraud.
Through a CONTROLLED ASSET, like ZUCKERBERG, censoring and deplattforming the TRUTH on FB.
Through a CONTROLLED ASSET like YOUTUBE, deplatforming and demonitizing the TRUTH in video.
Through CONTROLLED ASSETS like the mainstream media, which NOW includes FOX NEWS.
WATCH — IF Biden – Harris take over on January 20, 2021, YOUR CELLPHONE PROVIDER will load software to CENSOR messages that you send from the device. The software will be embedded into an “automatic software update”. If you try to send a tweet to, let’s say, The Q Tree, you’ll get a message that your tweet was either BLOCKED, or that it will be sent with “a warning message to the recipient that the content of your message may be incorrect or misleading”. This software is ALREADY embedded into things like WeChat.
WATCH for the similar to happen TO YOUR EMAIL accounts. Use Windows? Your “automatic software update” from MICROSOFT (owned by the CONTROLLED ASSET Bill Gates) will have the same type of censoring software embedded into it.
In NEITHER case, cellphone or computer, will you be able to DELETE the embedded software.

Concerned Virginian

Will do all I can.
The population over age 65 is going to be a “particular target”. The goal is to wipe us out as soon as possible. They’ll begin with Medicare RATIONING in order to set up “Medicare for All”.
They’ll use the same “quality of life” and “projected useful life span” criteria cr@p that was used in ITALY to deny care to the elderly who came down with the CCP Virus. The Italian “health ministry” instead directed medical care and supplies to the younger “more viable” population. Same thing goes on in every EU country that has some type of National Health Service.


It’s NOT a case of “Disappointment now doesn’t mean absolute defeat forever or hopelessness.”

I agree with you. If we don’t win this election, it’s over for America. That is not hyperbole. There is no “building the GOP to make sure we capitalized on the MAGA movement.” The Left is ruthless and would prohibit that in every way, including censorship, stealing elections, taking our guns, packing SCOTUS, rationing healthcare, etc. And I have no faith that the GOP would capitalize on MAGA at this stage. The GOP is hanging in there solely because of Pres. Trump’s leadership. If he were gone, too many of them would go right back to their own progressive ways. We need four more years to wake more people up.


Ah, yes, the China connection. Not only are lying and cheating practiced and encouraged, but selling off the country to foreigners is too. IMO, this is treason. And when you have almost an entire political party willing to commit treason, they have to be defeated, NOW. There is no party-building for the next election. We’re way past that. I maintain that this is a tipping point and that they have become so brazen that they would make it impossible for conservatives to grow and thrive or ever win an election again. The battle lines are drawn, and it’s now or never.


Thank you, Wolfie. I’m onboard with you. No “re-education” camp for me.


We’ve been connected via twitter, gab, etc for a long time now. So you know my fb “political friends only of the same mindset” page is easy to find. My circle of friends are vets like me and patriots of the same mindset. We’ve been preparing for awhile now.
And we have quite a few woman that can handle situations and are experienced via the military or employment experience. All you have to do is holler, as we like to say around here.


Dr Steve Turley has posted a video on why the coup very unlikely to succeed…


I have been feeling queasy all day today. Not because Biden or Trump will or won’t be the next President, but because of Iowahawk’s famous quip:
“Take a respected institution.
Kill it.
Gut it.
Wear its carcass as a skin suit.
And demand respect.”
Even if Biden is inaugurated, everyone will know the fraudulent means used to put him in. Twitter knows that the woman is stuffing a ballot box — that’s why they’re not letting people see it. Fox knows that AZ should never have been called for Biden. The random poll worker handing out Sharpies so ballots can be disqualified knows what she is doing is wrong. Each of them is flaying off a ribbon of skin off the Presidency in hopes of making a skin suit for Biden.
Just as they tried to skin VSGPOTUSDJT’s Presidency with him in it — and ultimately wasted their time. He walked the walk through four long years of abuse and really has been an effective and inspirational President. He didn’t demand respect because he wore the Presidency — he conducted his Presidency in a way that earned respect.
These post-election shenanigans are grotesque and repulsive, and it is disgusting how many of our countrymen are willing to be part of them.


Amen. We have no obligation to recognize a person or party who usurped our republic. We are obligated to resist.


For all my ancestors who fought for freedom, the least I can do is resist the commies within our republic. They have burst out in full rotten fruit.


BTW, if anyone wants to recirculate this — with or without attribution, please make the following edit: “Each of them is flaying off a ribbon of skin off the Presidency in hopes of making a skin suit for Biden.”
It was an artifact of how the sentence was rewritten.


Can I quote this elsewhere, cthulhu? It is exactly how I feel. With attribution, of course 🙂


Use anywhere you’d like, with or without attribution — with the one edit cited above.


In the video…it’s interesting how that white SUV pulled up, and then slowly backed up toward the ballot-stuffer.
It’s like the SUV pulled up to maybe pick her up.
Then…as though to block the person filming it, the SUV backed up to position itself closer to the ballot-stuffer.
The smugness of Komrade KamMUHla is…telling…isn’t it.
She knows the fix is in.
Right now, we should take our cues from our President.
He will fight this.
And it will be a slog for the next days and maybe weeks.
I think that our President knows that all he would have to do, is say the word and millions of us will march on Washington, DC.
So for now, we should probably just stay frosty…and keep an eye out for what [They] are doing.
If it comes to it — you betcha, we will fight.
No re-education camps for us.


The camps would likely be death camps…for the ‘troublemakers’ and for oldsters.
They have a replacement population that would show up if they open our borders.
The ‘classes’ would be for younglings and those that they need, like doctors, police and skilled labor.
Komrade KaMUHla should never have power!
Maybe we should just call her “Mullah” for short.


One thing I can promise you, I am a blunt, open person. I tend to read and post little, esp since they increased the tracking they were doing on us.
It will be a cold day in hell before I let a commie whore who screwed her way to the top, take away my God given rights.


Right there with you, Elize.


I saw a headline on that earlier. They are so used to cheating that they’re not worried, they believe they’ve won.


Kaw-Mullah……. I like it 🙂


Theyll take the kids first.


Chilling but true.
May God grant wisdom to each and every parent in these trying times.


Yes. AMEN.


I think this video goes with the outside story. A poll worker from inside. They were done at 4Am and then the van showed up with ballots. Very interesting that Trump alluded to 4 AM when he gave his speech at @AM…
Do you think he knows what happened, what’s going on? Was he aware before – does he have a plan?


Such brazen vote fraud!
Yeah…the “4 AM” thing is something that happened in other states, too.
There were huge numbers of other ‘Biden votes’ delivered at around that same time, at other vote-counting locations.
Yes, I think that Pres Trump knew they would try something like this.
That’s why he had a team of lawyers standing by to contest it, which they are.
Did you see this:




FU Biden-Harris




We’ve already seen how quickly Trump supporters gather organically while being blocked via social media. So we don’t have the ease of use of a platform to organize like the nutty ass libs do with social media catering to them.
This is a nod to you Wolf…wolves call out/howl to their brethren to let them know what’s up and to be prepared. It’s not that difficult, we’re just not used to doing it often.
Our forefathers didn’t sit on their asses when they had no representation. Our relatives and many of us have fought to give others freedom.


They were in on the virus, this has rung true to me from the very beginning. When the impeachment was held up for NO reason. Can you just wrap your head around this. They were IN ON the virus, with the CCP.


I agree with you.


Get on Gab.
They’ve overcome everything thrown at them and are prevailing in the free speech realm.


I am on Gab. 🙂


Thank you.
You are now added to the list pinned to my profile!

Plain Jane

The popular uprising among patriots is beginning. Mike Cernovich is live in Maricopa.


I think Twitter will be dead as soon as President Trump secures the election.


Great idea. I will begin a campaign…


Here is my first Salvo. Need a hastag…




I have posted this Reagan quote several times today, and many times in the past.
Wolifie I do believe these are words that we not only need to read but act upon.
Reagan was not only a great speaker with but a very prophetic man.
“We have problems in our country, and many people are praying and waiting for God to do something. I just wonder if maybe God isn’t waiting for us to do something. And while no one else is capable of doing everything, everyone is capable of doing something.” – Ronald Reagan


Excellent. Thank you.


Too many of our good Americans are dying off, and we are getting left with the crap shoot.
Been reading Wolfie’s words, yes it is time to fight or we will be the ones in those rail cars going to camps.


My foster father’s whole village in Poland was wiped out by the Nazis. The only reason why he survived was because the Russians had come through and taken all able-bodied young men to fight in their army – the village was near the Russian border. After the war – there was no one left to return to. Wiped out by the Germans. He got lucky as a refugee came to America.


As the Axis was rolled-up, they had to pull-back and abandon areas they had held. A friend’s father had related coming across a woman’s corpse as they moved forward. She had been gang-raped on the cold ground as Allied troops advanced. Her arms were frozen solid, her legs were frozen solid, her head was frozen solid…..but the rape had continued until it was too cold to continue, and it hadn’t frozen yet.
It probably made it very easy to kill retreating “soldiers”.


Western front. Slavic auxiliaries.
And this is a memory of a story told me second-hand thirty years ago.


Did not find out until about 3 or 4 years ago, but my uncle was with the American troops that liberated one of the camps.
One of my cousins who is like 8 or 9 years older then me was relating how my uncle stayed with them when he came back. when the war was over. She would often hear his screaming in the night.
She was talking to her mom about the older days, and she finally asked her mom about our uncle’s screaming at night when she was little. My aunt told my cousin what she remembered of what her brother had told her. Back then not many spoke much about the war. Do believe ,many just wanted to forget the horrors they lived and saw during the war.


This is not the America I want to did in…


Well stated!
God never said, just hang out enjoying life while I cater to all your needs. He provided us with the bodies, brains and needed materials to survive on this earth. It is our responsibility to utilize our God given skills and abilities to defend ourselves, our rights and our beliefs.
The corrupt have sold their souls to satan to gain riches on earth. If we don’t defend our rights and freedoms no one else will.


And they are selling America out to the Devil.


The protest is growing. Rep. Gosar is in attendance.


Amen. With you, Wolf. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Should we wait to hear from Prsident Trump before thinking of such a sharp change in direction? He is still our duly elected president ….


Trump has clearly stated what he plans to do…fight this corruption and win.
If we were a group on fb we would be messaging each other and organizing. If we knew each other in real life we’d be texting.
We signed up to get emails from Team Trump and they are very clear.
One of my fellow vets called first thing this morning and jokingly said “morning comrade,”
due to the commie activities going on in this election.
Another friend texted me about it this morning.
Most of us have been around here forever, but only know each other because of the forum.
See what’s going on locally, get in touch with like minded friends and associates.
I know several on here live in my state or close by based on their comments.
A video was posted of what Mike Cernovich is doing and then the group protesting/saying the pledge of allegiance.
We showed our president our support with our votes and rally attending. It’s time to show the left that we’re not defeated or feeling defeated!


What “sharp change in direction”? This is merely a continuation of what we have all been doing to save our country. We had an election and they’re stealing it. What would you have us do, concede and hold political meetings?


Damn report after report and video after video
Police cars revolving light
#Detroit COBO has kicked out everyone with a GOP badge out of the room and won’t let anyone in. BUT they are still counting and only dems are in the room. police are barricading and supporting this. Video below is from a friend who is down there


While I applaud the sentiment, and would snicker at the result had you the power to order it, it’s a dangerous lure for deplatforming without actual bombers and actual bombs……..and perhaps even with.
I’ve tried to avoid — or appropriately hedge — such sentiments because I don’t want to compromise the Den.


I will say this. There are not many but for me way too many. If i hear one more person say “So what if the Democrats cheated if it gets Trump out of the White House. ” Usually more Expletives in the comments.


Its the same ole argument with Illegals.


A good friend of mine, who lives in Northern Virginia, where Fairfax County delivers fraud and heavy Dem vote all the time, said they have no idea what they’ve done. Us older folks will live out our days, but our children and grandchildren will be destroyed – like the Chinese and what they’ve done to their own people and Hong Kong.
If the Dems think they’re going to be rulers – no, the Chinese will send in their own people…


Pray the good Lord takes me before my children see the shit they created.


There are many republicans in the party who hate Trump. This comes down to ” I do not like him he is not presidential.”
I see it as excuse and if everyone would look within themselves there is a Trump in all of us. In politics they do not like an hones person so they besmirch him and hang all the nastiness that they are on him.


I have posted this many times, because none of us are perfect, including me. We never thought Trump was or would be some perfect human being. It just boogies me the people that keep pointing fingers at Trump saying he can’t be a Christian. The belong I have posted often, along with this verse from the Bible.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3 NIV
FACT: We Never Thought Trump Was Perfect.
FACT: We Voted For Him Because He Called Out Corruption Of Clintons, Bushes And Obamas.
FACT: We Recognize That The Damage Done By These Three Families To Our Nation For The Past 30 Years Has Almost Crippled America!


Good point!


More patriot protests planned…


Great job gmtx, this is what I’m talking about.
I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school. So I spent a lot of time in group events and organizing healthy outings for us as young people.
The tea party grew out of frustration because of us being screwed.
I highly suggest we take our current frustrations and start organizing. The left isn’t used to that from us. Turn the tables on them and show we support Trump.


I agree 100%. I believe we can beat them.
If the votes hadn’t been massive in Trump’s favor they would’ve gotten away with the fraud.
But they overcompensated. They went all in to get Joe selected. They couldn’t back out. They have nothing left.
We need protests. Massive protests.


You’ve got your hands full here. 🥰


Don’t watch the news then, cause according to the news these are riots


Hey you guys I think know me from way back in the Treehouse days ..With me it is usually always F….. or #*$^# or S…. or H3LL!!
There have been a few times, I spelled it right or spelled it out totally,
Remember once I didn’t realize I was that mad.
Looked at the reply back up in the corner where you don’t usually see your whole post!
It was “kin you are really pissed aren’t you.” I replied back with something to the effect of, why where they saying that? Before they responded I knew cause I looked at my whole post–Boy i was really ticked. for it was really laced.
Just the way i was brought up I guess.
Things are so weird where I work now due to us going to be laid off in a couple of months, that I’m hearing it a lot of F bombs.


This comment of yours made me lol…been there.
“Remember once I didn’t realize I was that mad.”




Oh another good one!!!!!!!! Almost 8 months to the day HOLY COW Wolf you nailed it  😯 


I think many of us noticed this guy saying this the day before the election. Right away, I wondered if they had a plan to steal the votes. What he said didn’t make sense – but now it does. They were all in on it.
There’s a separate clip of it somewhere.


Yes. When it crosses my twitter feed I’ll bring it – but I distinctly remember that was very strange, ominous.
At this point, several states should have to be redone.
They’re trying to steal Georgia right now… They had sent poll watchers away Tuesday night, but then continued to count.


Do you see any path forward? Any hope?


From the Breitbart article (already tweeted above):


Yes, that’s exactly what I thought.


How is it allowed to send pol watcher away? Is there not a law to protect the process ?


Court Orders – Dems are corrupt – been getting away with it for years. Pam Bondi got an order to enter this AM – of course, they’ve already counted ballots without oversight.


And STILL…. will NOT let them in!
Cory Lewandowsky has called the Sheriff for assistance.


Tweet in the reply (will repeat to Wolf):


Wolf why not create a thread dedicated to protect the vote protests/gatherings and let us add our support to these groups?


Between my military service, work and education I’ve lived or stayed in over half of the states in the U.S. and have friends scattered all over. I’m sure we all have like minded friends and family who would feel more comfortable if we were sharing info and getting together.
Heck many go to church weekly and don’t know most of their fellow church members.
Remember the lefts main goal is to keep us separated and feeling isolated.
Yet they are able to rally psychos to burn cities down?????


What is sad is when one has to make sure you do everything out in the open, even at your job.
I’m praying that things stay normal enough until the Spring. My part-time job ends Jan 31st, and then in the Spring I’m moving to a state that is so Red i will get weird looks when I accidentally slip and say a curse word. in public. A place where people respect each other, especially our police and leaders who deserve the respect.


Welcome to Arkansas 🙂


Hey is it that way there—actually I’m thinking South Dakota, My kids are already pissed that i wont move back to Calif, to retire,
Someday I will tell them what they can do with their precious state


Republican RED here…… 64+% went to Trump.
Pretty Hot Humid summers here….. Gets pretty cold in winter. People are great….. courteous and SMILE to you. Pretty much Rural… Except in/around Little Rock. I’d look for a place on a lake to retire.


Hmm interesting,,,Just need to be in an area that there is decent medical
Medically I’m find, however at 71 things can change quickly


Pretty good medical facilities all around NW Arkansas….. also around Little Rock…. Don’t know about the rest of the state.


Like I said not real medical issues but at 71 and things do start to go a bit down as one ages.


I understand…..
Best to cover all of the bases 🙂


As it is I do have a 1/2 way decent hospital, but most still say it is only good for “Birth and Death” ! with nearest one better about 45 mins away, or flown out to Portland or Seattle.




You got that right. Used to be doctors here would sometimes send you to Portland for some specialist. Now a days we all asking why not Spokane instead. No one wants to go to Portland anymore even if they a liberal.


Oklahoma would be another choice….. just not OK City (Tornado zone)


I don’t want tornadoes…LOL..


actually, the risk is quite small…… Hurricanes cover STATES….. Tornadoes…occasionally cover up to a Mile. That’s why a lot of people have storm shelters.


If I move into what they call tornado alley I will have a basement or storm shelter.
Hey I have said it many times, i will take Tornadoes and hurricanes over earthquakes. With earthquakes there is no warning ever. Been lucky so far and only lost some dishes and nick knacks, but have had a couple of friends when I lived in Ca that lost heir home and almost their life.


I went through some pretty big ones long ago when I lived in Cali.


So did I–was on 2nd floor apt during one really bad one with everything falling off shelves. Was going to try and get out but the balcony was weaving up and down., so I went to the door way between the two rooms. People on bottom floor near the pool ended up with flood damage sort of, the waves is the pool was like an ocean with water seeping into the apartments near the pool.
It was one of those types that you think will never end…


BTW….. Aren’t you in Washington? I used to live near Vancouver Washington.


NE Oregon—I joke, but its the Truth. I can see Washington from my house. LOL
Just so tired of the west side controlling what happens in our state.
On top of that Brown seems to care more about Illegals than Oregonians,


The thing I remember most is the rain….. very light most of the time…..
We called it: Oregon Mist…
Missed Oregon and hit Washington 🙂


LOL–used to be nice cause we could still shop in Wash without paying taxes.


Moved to Arkansas 2 years before Mt St. Helens Blew….. we were 40 miles from it!


I was doing the shake and bake in a small California town during that time period Hey they did wonder if Mammoth Mountain might blow too,
Lived in a town with tons of earthquakes even during summer when it was often triple digits! We nicknamed our area shake and bake.


I lived in Anaheim….. could see the Matterhorn at Disneyland out my bedroom window.


LOL–Lived in El Segundo area. Boy we had good police in that area…


We’re in a very red county now, moved earlier this year, it makes 10000000% difference in the way you live.
Our 2nd choice was S Dakota, but this was closer and the market was perfect for us to sell our house and get out of our invaded by blue county.
We are planning a visit to SW SD and we may end up moving our retired butts there.


Rapid City was so awesome…They even have a FB page moving to Rapid City


I know I can still sub for a bit of extra income. I will be downsizing too. Maybe one of those 55 plus communities for double wides or a condo.


Hey Wolfie how about we all get together and set up a Wolfie Commune. in one of your very red areas


Something you said reminded me of the 60s and the Hippie Communes LOL


Yes Rapid City is our goal. I have a friend that says it is beautiful and perfect for our preferences in many life areas. I’ll chuckle if we end up neighbors!


LOL that would be neat ..


Oh I have to high light this old statement. Is this just not way ahead of the curve. Did this just come out in the Revolver article? HA!


WOW did not realize it was that bad Wolfie.
I will keep praying for you as I do for practically everyone I know on Twitter and here,
Pray that what ever happened to Larry Johnson does not happen to you and you disappear with no one knowing what the heck happened, I do believe there was once a few on here that remember NoQuarter.
Wolfie stay safe, and always remember you have many that have your back, though we are faceless to you we are real.
Deuteronomy 31:6
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”


I remember you touching on this in the past. You don’t need to organize. Most of us have been around for years and are of a similar mindset. Being able to gather here keeps us in touch.
Those that are called to organize will do so, others will pass on information, etc.

Sadie Slays

Already came to terms with this years ago. There’s a reason why I refuse to have children.


I, too, have no children. But I wish I did. If I somehow managed to slip them past the globalists and totalitarians, my kids might inherit the world upon their collapse. I have three godkids who I love dearly, and a niece and nephew, who I cherish. Maybe they’ll survive. Maybe they’ll remember me.


Same here, have never birthed and I don’t regret it.


I’m in………..


Have those speaking so drastically prayed about this issue and read the Word on this issue with emotions calm?
this is a political “battle”. I pray that each of us keeps that proper perspective. Anything else is counter productive and short term with no long term effects. Anything else is will only be used against President Trump. We are For law/order and one doesn’t achieve that by actually breaking the law. The only impact breaking the law, in anyway, has is negative.
Is this what happens when there is a possibility of the Q illusion is broken that all is taken care of and planned out? To be suddenly hit with reality of The Plan being failible is harsh, I am sure, but does not require this type of over reaction. I am sure President Trump does have a plan, even multiple plans … but they were never infailible. The outcome never pre determined. Many failures have occurred and no, not everything went well, went smoothly or worked out. We see the DOJ not acting on evidence and treating some more equally than others for example. It was not all just a big charade, a play, a pretend while more was really going on behind the scenes that was good. It was what it was. Accept and adjust and move on. That is what President Trump does. His life is informd by positive thinking and quickly moving past failure, adjusting and seeing a new way forward.
And yet has Q not panned out? Is this the 10 days of “darkness” when we are supposed to actually trust in faith that its all planned out? Perhaps waiting and not even entertaining such possibilities as being mentioned here would be best.
I am absolutely still optomistic, for both a Trump win &/or for our future as a country. Why? Because I have been talking to so many real life people and know that more are aware of civics, of politics, of the issues, than ever before.
Tea Party gave us President Trump & many improvements/successes. MAGA will give us more and bear fruit for many years. One election – good or bad/win or loose/ – is still just one election. Life and America go on.
The political “battle” (metaphorically speaking, just be be 100% clear) goes on to each generation to guard against America’s enemies and to guard conservatism for the issues and policies current to their times.
Calm down, think rationally, pray and determine what will be helpful v. wrong + VERY harmful to MAGA, Trump, your fellow MAGA supporters and conservatives in general. Knowing how harmful anything other than political action would be to President Trump and your fellow Trump supporters … seriously, how can this even be considered?! Any violence will just be a news story to harm, est. the “fact” that All Trump supporters are thus and be used for harm.
I have appreciated the encouragement on the things in which we are like minded … bacon, cats, good music, MAGA and supporting President Trump through political activity, analytics, facts, highlighting the truth of stories since the Martin story in FL. But this Blog is yours to do with it what you will and I do not come here to argue. This is now a 180 turn from where I stand … and seems short sighted + the opposite of what we stand for.
Anything of this nature that is discussed by others here that is illegal, violent (even protests that are not genuinely peaceful), will only Harm and Tarnish President Trump and be used as an excuse to smear, tar/feather and shut down the rest of us Trump supporters who are law/order and just politically advocating for our political beliefs within the framework of our laws and our political system.
I will pray for those I have meet here but this is not at all for me or the type of discussion for me. I am excited about the possibility that President Trump will win – still a path or will go through the courts for answers on the legitimacy of the loss.
If not, we continue on, “fighting” (politically) for the type of GOP candidates we want. We have political work to do between now and 2022. In TN, there is a governor’s race, local races, building our party on the issues, being politically active on issues between and now and then, perhaps even actual peaceful protests.
Take care and please, please let President Trump make the calls. Please think logically v. hot, angery emotion. This does not sound like a good road to go down emotionally, mentally, spiritually, legally or politically. Pray that you do not open yourself up to harm and to be used for harm.
God Bless and prayers. Many thanks for being a postive place for MAGA supporters. This new direction is not for me or my family, not even a little bit, not even enough to make me curous to check in.
MAGA and (still hoping) Trump 2020


Perhaps, just perhaps, we should have given President Trump the political leverage he needed to fire Sessions and revamp the FBI + pressure the GOP Senate to confirm has admin in a timely manner. Perhaps we should hve believed President Trump when he said Sessions was a mistake instead of thinking it was all a big show and we could all just sit by and wink at what was going on. Time to support President Trump with protests and rallies was when we thought it was all part of a grand plan. 🙁
Shake it off, get involved locally, know your SEC, help start a Young Republicans to supplement the regular GOP. Make changes locally and at the state level.
A defeat is not final unless we let it be or if we take ourselves out of the game or we reinforce the defeat with idiotic, half cocked behavior that only empowers the left and makes it Much harder for the rest of us to MAGA


Maga Mom, with all due respect, all those items you mentioned – start a young Republicans group, yada yada yada – have absolutely NOTHING to do with the situation we find ourselves in. We don’t have years and decades to slowly chip at the monolithic evil the left is building and has built. If Biden/Harris are allowed to steal this election, all of our very lives are in danger! And very quickly. You think BLM/Antifa have been bad in the last few months? Multiply that by 1,000 and in every town, city, and state. You think COVID has taken away many of our rights? You haven’t seen anything yet! Sitting around drinking cocktails with your local Rino group just isn’t going to cut it.


And yet I have done exactly as I have planned.

From that date above I helped create and plan 3 stop the steal protests in Nash, helped get many people to the peaceful protest in DC on 1/6 (none of which participated in the capitol violence), educate many TN voters, etc.

The calls for being an enemy to the state and to die before allowing the fraudsters to take office in the WH have changed.

Stay the course that President Trump lays out, support him by playing the calls that he makes, and yes, calm, intentional, peaceful action and playing the long term are the answer v. becoming enemies of the state


I’m sure you have no idea how much people like you are the problem. And honestly, I went away for a minute to cool off before coming back to comment.
“Bacon and cats”? Are you fucking kidding me?
The Republic my ancestors fought and died for, gave up their peace of mind, their livelihoods, and sacrificed their children for is under assault, and you have to nerve to want to talk about bacon and cats?
Well, get the fuck on back to your comfy life, while the rest of us fight for your damned freedom, ya doormat!
And who the fuck said anything about “illegal” activities? You know, it’s not illegal to insist that the government do the right thing. It’s not illegal to refuse to acknowledge an illegitimate election. It’s not illegal to rise up and protest EVERY DAY against what is being done to our country. It won’t be illegal to resist “re-education,” but I’d bet you and your ilk will just submit.
If EVERY VOTER who voted for Trump were to descend into the states and cities where the REAL illegality is occurring, we might actually have a chance of forcing them to understand that we won’t take it anymore. Unfortunately, there is probably a fair percentage of Trump supporters who are “sunshine patriots” and cowards like you are.
I sincerely hope that I never read your name on this blog again. You always have managed to irritate me; today you have enraged me.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


You have the spirit of a Lion, Aubergine.


Yes. Yes. And yes.


Agree 100%….. Irritates me so much that I learned to just Scroll on past EVERY post she makes.


Some people want to co-opt the moniker, and use it to appear untouchable – and yes, superior. No. Just no.


I did, too, but this one was too damned much for me today!

JW in Germany

Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear!!!!!!


Love you back!


Illegal activities … see above posts of “becoming an enemy of the state” and dying to prevent the fraudsters from taking the WH 1/20/2021.

And here we are 9 months later advocating for peaceful, legal political activity. Good, glad all as clammed and we are again agreed to follow President Trump’s lead, play the calls he makes and to MAGA.

9 months later and I did exactly as I said I would do. Helped organize 3 stop the steals in my state (one 2 days after this post that we began organizing the day after the election), other items I listed above + more … all having immediate and long term impact.

But, thankfully, no one here has died to prevent the fruadsters from taking office 1/20/2021 and that is a good thing.

Sorry that common sense, ballanced and effective plans to MAGA “enraged” you but also glad that common sense now prevails and no one is advocating for the kind of fruitless, pointless and damaging to MAGA actions that were advocated for in this post.

What is interesting is how many “huckleberries” from this post were, only 2 months later and still to this day, critisizing those who broke through the doors and did other damage on 1/6 as not being part of MAGA (despite me saying on that day that yes, MAGA people are involved in the damage and crashing in).

Cooler heads, intentional, effective action … results!


“Well, get the fuck on back to your comfy life, while the rest of us fight for your damned freedom, ya doormat!”

And yet I am publicly speaking out and fighting (legally, fighting being only metaphoric in this instance) and spending 30-40 hrs a week to MAGA and have been since (and before) this post.

How many hours a week do you do so? Have your efforts yeilded results? If so, great. Share what you are doing so we can be inspired and can take your ideas and efforts and apply what works in our own towns, counties and states.

No, I don’t have a “comfy” life … because I am working hours on end for MAGA in tangible ways … but all peacefully and legally, intentionally and with concrete results.

I am fighting for Your Freedom … did you show up on 1/6? Did you organize Stop the Steal protests or even just attend them?

If you did, great. If not, then why attack me, again and again and again, when I actually am doing what you claim to be doing.


See, there you go. Fighting when you say it is metaphorical, but if someone ELSE says it, it’s not.

You are an OP. I know it and others here know it. Why Wolf continues to let you post here is a mystery to me.

Did YOU show up on Jan. 6? You said you did not.

You continually try to elevate yourself as working for MAGA, and denigrate others whom you DO NOT KNOW, and HAVE NO IDEA what they do in real life. I do not know you, maybe you are a LIAR. How would I know?

Prove it. Anybody can write anything online.


Fighting … he said he was willing to die … that is not metaphorical


Would YOU be willing to fight to the death if circumstances in America escalated to another Revolutionary War situation? Or is that something we’re just not supposed to talk about? Do you not understand that people are referring to extreme situations, which at certain times appear more imminent than at others?  

This is NOT the same as advocating for violence in a situation like Jan. 6. You are refusing to take posts in the spirit intended and are causing trouble.  

If you have such a problem with what Wolf or anyone has said, why don’t you go somewhere else? The rest of us understand the spirit of the written word. It is not a triumph or a feather in your cap to supposedly have gotten people to see your point of view. No one needed you to come in here and quiet down supposed (nonexistent) calls for violence. Your insisting upon that, and your lack of understanding, are a danger to both this site and the movement itself. 



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s what I love about TheseTruths!!💖 I always perceive and KNOW the evil spirit, but TT ALWAYS masterfully breaks it down and COMMUNICATES it PRECISELY. 🤗🤗TT🤗🤗🥰😍


My husband and son were there and many others that I helped organize and get to DC. Post pictures to prove it? Sure… that is a legit request based on the investigations/witch hunts.

Again, just stop. Why attack people who are advocating for MAGA?

Today, people are advocating for peaceful actions only – GOOD!

I agree! The end … except my agreeing with you upsets you … smh

Everything I have advocated and promoted as been to support President Trump and MAGA. That is how you know I am pro MAGA … not very hard.


Again, I have your WORDS on that, and NOTHING ELSE.

I don’t know you. I know what you WRITE.


Same goes for you. And all commenters here.

And yet what I write is info that makes a difference, that people can use to MAGA.

I advocate and encourage others to take actions to MAGA. I never discourage … except in this thread where the actions to which some were alluding were clearly extreme and illegal.


Again, slander. NO ONE here has called for anyone to do ANYTHING illegal. Legitimate protest only.


Again, that was not what was implied by “dying” and becoming an enemy of the state. Being ready to die in a fight implies physical fighting.

“So no. Just no.
They WILL have to kill me, to see this woman into the White House.
And I won’t make it easy.
Are you READY to commit to the same?
All who will join me, and Patrick Henry Censored, are welcome.”

Last edited 2 years ago by MAGA Mom

Again, if called to stand with our military, of course we would go.



That is not what was said at the time. Read the words printed, not what you want them to say or what you think they say or what you imagine was meant.


“Unfortunately, there is probably a fair percentage of Trump supporters who are ‘sunshine patriots’ and cowards like you are.
I sincerely hope that I never read your name on this blog again.”

You post about me as if you know me … and you don’t. Why? In part because you don’t actually read what I post … you read what you imagine I post.

I was Literally helping to organize our first TN stop the steal while you called me a “sunshine patriot” … I was doubling down, making plans for the future and taking big (legal and peaceful) actions while you cursed and posted vulgar comments filled with rage and hate … at me, a MAGA organizer, leader and WORKER. Your emotions are VERY misdirected

And yes, I was and remain incredibly busy which is why I rarely go back to read comments posted in reply to my comments and posts.

I just read your nasty, vulgar comments from Nov today as I remembered your “huckleberry” comment … and then no showing on 1/6.  🙄  I rarely have time to sit on the computer waiting for replies. Too busy doing real life MAGA work … exactly as I committed to do in 2015 and as I stated I would do on this thread.

And yet you curse me and tell me to get back to my “comfy” life … my life of working for MAGA in real life dispite income, dibilitating health issues, etc. Direct that hate and anger at the far left, the Uniparty, etc. and use it to motivate you, not to tear down MAGA workers, those doing what it takes to support President Trump!


Again, you know NOTHING about me or my life, and yet you judge.

Arrogant. You are not a nice person. And people like you alienate the good people. Get out of politics.

You and Jen Psaki might not not agree politically, but attitudinally, you are soul mates.


Sweetie, calm down.

I have not “judged” … I asked you to share so that others can learn from you, apply and duplicate what you find effective.

Your comments are nasty and vulgar … that is not “judging” you … just noticing your filthy language and blatent insults. They don’t upset me – why should a stranger’s opinion upset me?

How *YOU* read the posts, the tones you hear, the inflections, the intent you imagine … more of a reflection on you than on me.

And now you think I should get out of politics … not the first time I think a suspicious cat is due for one of your comments.

I am effective for MAGA, supporting President Trump & America First … and you think I should stop. Hmmmmm….and who would that help? That would only help the left and the Uniparty … so whose side are you really on? And you called me a Chinese spy … ???  😂  😂  😂 

I advocate, encourage and share how to make a difference FOR MAGA and President Trump and you discourage involvement ….  😳  🤔  😱 


You are slanderous, for one thing. No one here has EVER called for violence, but you imply they have.

You are a cancer on this blog.


Again, dying implies physically fighting.

“I choose Freedom, and invite all to freely join me. Choose your weapons – pen, sword, or both. But know that we risk DEATH if we oppose these demons with our all.”

Sword – physically fighting with weapons

Not my words – the words and message with which I disagreed and I am Dellighted to now 100% agree with only peaceful/legal fighting

Last edited 2 years ago by MAGA Mom

All of us here understood and understand that this meant that if the military called, we would go to do our duty to our Country. All except you.



Literally No one mentioned the military being called up and to stand with the military.

You are trying to rewrite history.

Why did you create so much drama and division just because I agreed with and was glad to see everyone leaving behind the calls to physically fight and focusing on peaceful political activity?

What does this benefit you?


i don’t enjoy proving someone wrong and have other ways I would rather spend my time otherwise … but you seem to think illegal actions were not called for on this thread.

If illegal, non peaceful actions weren’t called for then I would Not have said so.

You are simply wrong and No I am not slanderous.

This is what was posted: “I just realized that if Biden takes office, we are giving control of our nuclear weapons to CHINA.
Cannot happen. I support military intervention or civil war before we give our nukes to China.”

And you eagerly posted that you were his huckleberry.

Biden/Harris did take office and No, we did not have a civil war to prevent it which is a good thing.

Cuppa Covfefe


Must be an HCOPL about that somewhere…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

“She” said no one called for physical fighting … I quoted where exactly that was referenced.

The end.

don’t know what hcopl is but all I did was quote what “she” denied was there.


What’s a huckleberry?



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I called it out as a TROLL long ago and refuse to feed it. Scroll on, won’t read, won’t like, won’t reply, basically refused to acknowledge it’s presence. Give it nothing, zero, zilch, nada. Trolls exist to get a rise out of you, that’s their mission. You can see the cycle, incendiary, benign, benign, benign, incendiary, rinse, repeat. Everyone knows, no one believes it. PLEASE STAY DEAR AUBERGINE AND STARVE THE F’NG TROLLS WITH US!!! We ❤❤❤ You❣🤗🤗😘😘🥰🥰🤗🤗💖💖💖


Love you, too.

I was fine until she started quoting Wolf and interpreting it as if he were instigating violence. He was NOT. But that type of rhetoric is dangerous and not to be tolerated.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Damn sure is. Waiting for WM to get online, he needs to address this post haste! NO ONE on this site has ever insinuated or advocated for doing anything illegal or violent. THAT’s ABSURD!!!


LIES. SLANDER. And very very dangerous.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thank you for bringing Everyones attention to this.❤


Yes, it is subtle. But this is very real. She is doing exactly what we think she is. Setting a narrative. I don’t see how that could be anything but destructive.


This one is an enemy. Take it to the BANK.


I will be reading along to see where this goes, but I will be quiet and not commenting until I see it resolve. The Trojan Horse is inside the gates, and who knows what will creep out of it.

I am not going to facilitate the enemy in any way whatsoever. It is enough that I think we finally drew her far enough into the open to see what’s going on.

I love this place, and almost everyone in it. Hope it all comes out right.


It’s not even subtle. It’s gotten ridiculously over the top now.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

P.S. If you leave, it wins, by picking you off. Please don’t give it the satisfaction.


I’m afraid that I may have to leave, too.

This is not just a troll. This individual(s) is much more dangerous and is setting us up for door knocks, raids, arrests and so on.



I said nothing today I didn’t say at the time and NO ONE said I was reading into things.

I disagreed with illegal actions at the time and do so now. That is it.

I was glad to see calls for only peaceful action. and aubergine started a fuss.


But you do have to admit that you like to keep it going? Like I said before I have not come to any conclusion about what is your game. I have never felt anyone here has said to do things illegal. I don’t read all of it but you do seem to be implying today that people on this sight have been doing it. And I will have to disagree with you. I have also agreed with things you say.




NO, you guys!
You’re NOT leaving!


I love this site, and all of you here.

In order for us all to be safe, I believe she has to go. That is my boundary. Being unsafe because of some idiot is not ok for any of us.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

3 of us are calling for it today so far. I wanted it long long ago.


Me, too!

I’m headed out for lunch. I hope to come back to a peaceful, safe, interesting, essential MAGA site.


Ok, I know I don’t comment very often, I just try and read and gain knowledge. I’m also not as smart as most of you but all this infighting! Goodness as much as I love a good fight, and I have to admit that the other sights I have been on, dog sights and orchid one, I loved it when people get into it. I almost always just read and stay out of them. I know that makes me sound awful but they can be funny to one that is just reading.

I hate that wolf is being tried to have to make this decision. I’m not sure it’s fair. He has said very strongly that he wants this to be a free speech sight. I’m not sure how I feel about MM, the way the FBI has been doing things it seems to me she would be trying to GET people from this sight to do violence against the Gov.

Seems that’s there new MO. Anyway I hate to see how many have gotten there feeling hurt and left the sight. Like b’fly say’s if indeed she is a troll they win. When you say you scroll on by then scroll on by, really. I do it allot and I don’t dislike her that much. I think she’s wrong on this and yes I went back and read it like the rest of you.

But good god in heaven she’s long winded, I just don’t have the time. And look whom is long winded now  😉  If wolf bans her because no one likes what she say’s are we not like The Daily Kos and there will be no opposition?

I really hate to see this sight lose such good commenters I learn so much from you guy’s please don’t go.


I’m glad you commented.

If wolf bans her because no one likes what she says are we not like The Daily Kos and there will be no opposition?

I can’t speak for Wolf, but I believe there is a lot of speech that he doesn’t allow on this site. We do not have trolls who are constantly advocating for Dem positions. That’s what makes this a refuge.

but all this infighting!

Notice that there is only one person who stirs the pot and “inspires” the strife.


Well I do know that, It would get to trolley if you let just everyone in. I’m just not sure about what her game is like some of you seem to be. But I do know how not to feed the troll if I have to. I will trust Wolf to make this decision. I just hate to loose people we have already lost enough. And I think there will always be one who will stir the pot.


I don’t claim to know her “game”; I just know that something of off. People saying she’s some kind of agent just gives her more to criticize them about.

I agree about losing people. It places Wolf in a very difficult position.

No one has ever stirred the pot like this, not even close.


I can’t say your not right on this one. She really is getting in deeper and deeper. Look up top of this page where I found Wolf mentioning there trouble 8 months ago.


You read my mind.
Wrote it better than I would’ve.

So I can be lazy and just say

~ thanks ~


You have missed the point. MM is accusing people here of advocating violence.

This is dangerous. It is also libel.


No I read it but I will say it did take me a while to go back and forth reading the posts of the different places to get all the information. And then reading all the new comments made today. As I posted somewhere HOLY Cow you guy’s outed her BIG TIME.

And I get it she just keeps saying it and how Donald Trump is working with the GOP. NO JUST NO he is not he is the GOP now and getting rid of the RINO’S. So while I did come here today trying to start with and open mind she has shown her true colors.




I don’t know what you mean by “Q illusion.” This is not about Q. And I firmly believe Q is still hard at work.
“Take care and please, please let President Trump make the calls.”
As far as I’m concerned, heis making the calls. He is saying as much as he can legally say. The rest is up to us. We know that he stands for America first. So do we. That does not include allowing communists to be in power.
He fights for us, and we must fight for him. That is all we are doing: fighting for him and for America. The grassroots protests in favor of fair elections are exactly what is needed right now. We don’t have to have Pres. Trump choreographing our every move. We know what to do. We begin with making our voices heard, and then marching to show that we demand fair elections. If the communist coup persists, we have to fight, in whatever form that takes. IMO, it is way too late to correct this through elections, if we lose this one. If that bunch gets in power, free and fair elections are a thing of the past. We have to take a stand, now, to keep them out of power.


Q “illusion” – whether from Q or from those who “explained” Q … many seemed to think that President Trump had secret info up his sleeve and would still be POTUS on 1/20/2021

I was told when I said that one silver lining of President Trump being out of office was that he would now be free to fully attack RINOs within the party … which he is doing.

I was told that post/comment would not age well as he would be POTUS 1/20/2021. In a fair and just world, yes, he would have. But it is not a fair and just world and he is not.

And he is attacking the RINOs.


I’m your huckleberry.




What’s a “huckleberry”?


Same question twice, sorry.
I’m getting tangled in threads from different dates.


“I’m your huckleberry” is a way of saying that one is just the right person for a given job. The range of slang meanings of huckleberry in the 19th century was fairly large, also referring to significant persons or nice persons.

The movie “Tombstone” came out in 1993, but even all these years later, one line from the film stands out. The phrase “I’m your huckleberry,” spoken by Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in the film, can be seen on t-shirts and in memes everywhere.

You might be surprised to learn that Doc Holliday actually spoke the line in real life too. Hollywood wasn’t taking liberties with the truth this time. The team creating Tombstone worked hard to keep things as authentic as they could.

Much more historical context at the links. 😊


Movie reference from Tombstone. It’s used like “I’m your guy,” when somebody needs something done.


Bannon war room has a good program today. He said ” we won and now we have to fight back and POTUS has to fight because he took and oath to defend the constitution.”


Bannon is spot on. All the time.


Bannon is good but I sort him a little he is a little to over the top at times but today he is spot on concerning defending the constitution.


He’s over the top because he has the full range of emotions. Unlike the flat leftists we all know.


I was listening to that oath segment as well, he stressed that the oath was to God. To God, to protect and defend the constitution.


“Oat to God” yes and defend against foreign and domestic enemies.
We are fighting domestic enemies.

Concerned Virginian

Judge in the state of GEORGIA just threw out POTUS’ legal team lawsuit regarding counting “found” ballots.
Per Gateway Pundit.

JW in Germany


They censoring Trump right and left on Twitter.
People are getting suspended right and left on Twitter.
FB just deleted a group I was in,, this is so crazy


I posted a meme from FB see if you can see it get some one to copy it for you it is all about the watermarks You know me and memes,….I know I should learn word is out that National Guard are in different States scanning for the watermarks right now.


Do you know any thing about the water mark sting or is it or is it a crazy rumor??


Fox shoes 264 Biden and 214 for Trump they jumped the shark.


I’m not necessarily opposed, but I’m not necessarily “in”, either.
I need specifics.
What, specifically, are you talking about, Wolf? What is it you are asking me to do?
If you say, stand up and fight…..what do you mean? Specifically?
In return, let ME be clear.
1. I stand with President Donald J Trump.
2. He has powers and authorities he has not yet used because America needs to SEE the corruption for what it is.
3. He has NOT been caught off guard by any of this, and being the VSG he is he MOST DEFINITELY has a winning plan to deal with it.
I, personally, will not take any independent action that would undermine President Trump and law/order. I am therefore FORCED by conviction, belief, character, and duty to wait and take my cues from our President. This I will do, and I will not take independent action. PERIOD.
I therefore ask you again….
What, specifically, are you talking about, Wolf? What is it you are asking me to do?
If you say, stand up and fight…..what do you mean? Specifically?


Actually, I was hoping you had a plan of action I could follow and participate in.
But you can absolutely count on the fact that I am 100%, totally, utterly, and in every possible way VEHEMENTLY against the political left and, most especially, vomitous communist PIGS.
I wish you all success and nothing but victory against our enemy.


going around the internet that the National Guard are in different States scanning for the watermarks right now.==There is a meme on it but you all know me and memes
See if this FB copy works-if not I will message the Meme to some on Twitter

Plain Jane

From Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech:
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!
Just as Britain did in pre-revolutionary America, the Left has incrementally shattered our peace and freedom. Social media, the media, and the Dems are now openly fighting us. They do not honor their oaths to uphold the Constitution. They have no honor whatsoever. They are selling out the country to communists.
Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Political meetings can’t solve this. Build a consensus, of course. Wake people up. But we’re at a tipping point, NOW. People like Roger Stone and Carter Page and George Papadopoulos have already had to fight. Michael Flynn, of course, still persecuted. And Pres. Trump from the moment he announced his run. The battle is already here.
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!


Gab meme… not a fair fight, but we fight.comment image