Dear KMAG: 20210110 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here

Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

In the following article there are one or two statements (not from God’s Word) that I cannot see are supported by God’s Word . . . or, perhaps, I’m not wise enough to make a solid connection to God’s Word. Nevertheless, this article is a timely presentation for our times.

God Raises Up Kings or Nations
and Removes Them

“Before Him all the nations are as nothing; they are regarded by Him as worthless and less than nothing. To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare Him to?” (Isaiah 40:17,18 )

Civilizations come and go, and governments rise and fall.  Because our Creator loves people, He also blesses each nation with a span of time so it might prosper and do well, but this blessing ends when a nation becomes degenerate, rebellious, and unfit for self-rule.  When God determines that extended mercy for a nation has no redeeming effect, He marginalizes or destroys that nation.

Many Christians understand that God destroyed the world in Noah’s day because it became evil, but this is only part of the picture!  God drowned all but eight people in Noah’s day to free future generations from the evil conduct that belonged to their parents and grandparents.  The Lord created the Earth and it belongs to Him.  He loves future generations just as much as He loves the present generation.  When it becomes evident to Him that future generations will be ruined by the behaviors passed down by parents and grandparents, He wipes out the present generation. He did this in Noah’s day.  In more recent times, He did this with World Wars I and II.  Surprisingly, a God of love imposed these wars during the first half of the 20th century so the world’s population would grow and flourish 75 more years before needing another world war.  “But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God, the eternal King. When He is angry, the Earth trembles; the nations cannot endure His wrath.” (Jeremiah 10:10‘I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.’ ” (Isaiah 45:7)

Many Christians will not accept the premise that a God of love destroys nations when they become decadent and degenerate. (Ezekiel 14:12-21)  Notice what the Lord said to Ezekiel: “ ‘Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its men and their animals, even if these three men – Noah, Daniel and Job – were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. . . . ‘Or if I bring a sword against that country and say, ‘Let the sword pass throughout the land,’ and I kill its men and their animals, as surely as I live,’ declares the Sovereign Lord, ‘even if these three men were in it, they could not save their own sons or daughters. They alone would be saved.’ ” (Ezekiel 14:13-18)

World War III is Coming!

Sooner than later, the “sword” is going to come again.  World War III will occur.  Tensions are mounting. Nations are preparing for war.  Secret alliances are being made.  Military spending has increased. And now, for the first time since World War II, Japan and South Korea are building missiles for protection.  India is seeking to purchase submarines that can carry missiles.  Iran is developing its military prowess as fast as possible.  Israel is perfecting its use of drones.  China, Russia, and the United States are in an arms race and North Korea is defying the world’s nations.  Like it or not, World War III is coming; and when it does, millions of people will die.

Meanwhile at home, the United States is suffering from paralysis.  The leaders are fighting each other.  They are bogged down with complex domestic problems and cannot get anything done because they cannot agree on a solution.  Partisanship has created a do-nothing legislature.  The U.S. is facing large, complex problems so expensive that no one can offer a good solution.  Many governments in the world are in a similar or worse situation.

According to the Bible, the longevity of a government is determined by its commitment to moral principles God has dictated.  When a majority of people abide by these principles, God blesses that nation with prosperity and longevity.  He sends the Holy Spirit to prompt honest hearted citizens to be good neighbors.  The Holy Spirit helps people make good decisions because good decisions bring good results for individuals, families, and ultimately, the nation.  To ensure continuity for oncoming generations, God also raises up good leaders and the result is a good government that prospers and endures. This is why King David wrote:  “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.  From Heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on Earth– He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.  No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.  A horse [a symbol of military might] is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” (Psalm 33:12-19, insertion mine)

Governments are very complex organizations.  In fact, they are so complicated that men cannot manage a government on their own.  Of course, a man or woman can rise to the position of a king, queen, dictator, or president, but only with God’s approval.  God sets kings up and takes them down according to His higher purposes.  Sometimes God will raise up a king to serve as a destroyer of other nations only to destroy that king and his nation when they pass the point of no return. (Jeremiah 25:9-12)  Because we cannot know or understand God’s higher purposes until He reveals them, we have to trust Him. We have to accept that He is carefully and thoughtfully managing the political processes on Earth to benefit the world.  Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzar,  “He [the Most High God] changes times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:21,22, insertion mine)

God Does Not Guarantee a Nation Will Be Successful

History indicates that prosperity and longevity is not a guaranteed right for any nation.  A nation will flourish or disappear depending on the behavior of its people and the wisdom of its leaders.  God enables a nation to prosper for as long as the majority of its people are honorable, living right, and making wise choices.  Think of the billions of decisions, the actions and consequences that occur every day within every nation.  If a million immoral decisions are made each day, a million evil consequences will follow, because the law of “cause and effect” cannot be broken.  Whatever we sow, we reap. (Galatians 6:7,8)  This axiom is true for individuals and governments.

For example, when Dictator Mao Zedong implemented “The Great Leap Forward” program in 1958, he did not anticipate that his efforts to transform China from an agricultural economy into a communist society would cause mass starvation within five years.  We now know that His decision resulted in the death of some eighteen to fifty-five million people!  A God of love allowed Mao to make such a decision even though God foreknew the outcome and He allowed Mao to rule over China for twenty five years as dictator.  This is because Mao’s choices fit within God’s plans for the future of China and the world.  This is a hard concept to accept because we cannot see the end from the beginning as God does.  In fact, a time is coming when God will allow the devil himself to rule over the whole world!  (Revelation 13:11-18)

Jesus understood the curse of sin.  He knew that evil things happen to innocent people, and He made it clear that those who cause others harm will be repaid:  “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come.  It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” (Luke 17:1,2“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

Because adults have free will and a sinful nature a nation always has the possibility of rebellion and chaos.  This is why law enforcement is necessary.  To help offset man’s propensity for rebellion, and to help nations grow and improve, God has given adults the ability to recognize and appreciate a need for law and order.  He has also given us a “natural desire” to live in peace with one another and in harmony with the laws of the country.  Paul was aware of this phenomenon when he wrote Romans 13.  As you read his remarks, keep in mind that Paul was a prisoner in Rome when he wrote this:  “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.  For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.  Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.  This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”  (Romans 13:1-6, italics mine)

When a nation advocates and exalts evil, a patient God removes His blessings from that nation in small steps, hoping that repentance and correction will occur.  If there is no change in behavior, problems soon begin to sprout like dandelions after a spring rain.  The nation’s economy flounders.  Poverty increases.  Sexual misconduct ruins relationships, and families and children are abused by predators.  Political problems escalate until finally, war engulfs that weakened nation.  One of the tell-tale signs of a nation’s imminent downfall is the arrival of poor managers.  When people are put in positions of power that are self-seeking and immoral, we know the end is near because they only make matters worse.  When lies and suspicion replace truth and trust, government is doomed. God is no respecter of persons.  He will destroy nations that He once blessed when they become unfit for His purposes because He owns and rules over the Earth.

God Permits Rebellion Against a Cruel Government

The Bible teaches that man’s first and highest duty is to obey God. (This is why church/state governments are so dangerous.)  When man’s laws run contrary to God’s laws, civil disobedience is warranted.  When Jewish leaders forbade the disciples from speaking about a resurrected Jesus, “Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’ ” (Acts 5:29) Jesus highlighted the concept of “God first” when He repeated the first and greatest commandment.  He said we must love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and the second commandment is that we must love our neighbors as ourselves.  (Matthew 22:37-39)  Given the order presented in these two commandments, Paul’s counsel in Romans 13 could be considered a third commandment, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”

When a government becomes cruel and oppressive, tyranny occurs and under such circumstances, God permits revolt, civil disobedience, and war.  In fact, the United States came to be a nation through acts of civil disobedience and the revolutionary war.  Then, about seventy-five years later, a civil war broke out between the north and the south and 620,000 people perished. In spite of all the blood that was shed in both wars, consider the results.  A great nation arose, greater than England by far!  A nation having fifty united states where no man is permitted to own another as a slave.

Many people have argued through the centuries (using Paul’s comments in Romans 13:1-6 and a concept called “the divine right of kings”) that revolting against government leaders is forbidden by Scripture.  But Paul included an important qualifier in his remarks.  Paul said, “For he is God’s servant to do you good.”  When a government violates God’s laws and when leaders become dishonest, cruel, and oppressive to maintain their power, they are doing no good.  God warns all government rulers that they will have to give an account for their actions. (Psalm 2:10-12)

Citizens of the U.S. are blessed to live in a country that has the finest constitution ever created, but the nation is falling apart because people have abandoned the moral principles which God requires to receive His blessings.  Corruption is replacing confidence and there is no shortage of liars and predators in politics.  Forty million of 360 million U.S. citizens need assistance to buy food and the median price of a home is beyond the reach of three-fourths of the population.  The number of people in poverty is swelling because the middle class is disappearing.  Wages are stagnant and student loans are proving to be ruinous for millions of young people.  More than ever, fellow Americans do not like or trust each other; and more and more, we carry guns because we are increasingly afraid of each other.  America has fallen so fast!

God Has a Solution to National Degeneracy

There is no human solution to the world’s problems, but there is a divine solution for both.  The downfall of all nations is near!  During the Great Tribulation a stern-faced king will arise; he will take control and utterly ruin everything on Earth ­– a fitting end for a world that insists on evil behavior.


How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! For who has known the mind of the Lord?

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.

The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.

Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

. . . for the kingdom of God is . . . righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

Behold, I am coming soon.

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Heh. I was just on the other side of the blue flag (and the American flagpole). I figured that Wolf was in a stovepipe (tall, straightsided) top hat….half-obscured by the flagpole and facing left. I wonder what that looks like in higher resolution.


Why do you think they want everybody wearing masks?


Control, fear, to cause division, to cause health problems, the usual 👍 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Make it tough to carry on a conversation much less a confidential conversation.

You can not organize a n uprising if you can not gather together. Hence Covid and closing down of Churches, bars, gyms restaurants, 6 ft distance, masks, no more than ten in a private home….


they hate to see HAPPY people? SMILING people? just PEOPLE?

Cuppa Covfefe

Howl you find someone in a crowd like that? 😀


Kilroy? That’s dating yourself, old boy.

JW in Germany

Thanks for the morning laughs. Always a good way to start off a day!

Love all my fellow Wolf Pack!

Cuppa Covfefe

But, but, but… the commercial goes:

Interesting. Well-seasoned. Provocative. The only question is: Are you grown up enough for Granny Goose?

(not sure if that brand was popular outside of CA or not…)….

Cuppa Covfefe

Almost as bad as Kilgore Trout…

Breakfast of Trumpians…


Wait…so you’re saying it wasn’t Wolf in the library with the MAGA flag OR the candlestick??

JW in Germany

I think it was the lead pipe. 😎 

JW in Germany

Damned near spit my coffee out! LOL!


American Airlines pilot threatens to divert plane full of maskless Trump supporters chanting ‘USA’ and ‘dump’ them in Kansas during wild flight from DC to Phoenix

An American Airlines pilot threatened to divert his plane and dump a group of pro-Trump passengers in Kansas if they didn’t ‘behave’ during their flight from Washington, DC, to Phoenix on Friday.

The incident took place on American Flight 1242 which departed Friday afternoon from Reagan National Airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor.

Video posted to Twitter shows the passengers in the cabin chanting ‘USA! USA!’

At one point, the pilot becomes fed up and tells the passengers on the loudspeaker: ‘This is the way it’s gonna be… it’s a four and a half hour flight to Phoenix.

‘We’ll put this plane down in the middle of Kansas and dump people off – I don’t care.


Pilot be da boss!


Sounds like pilot be da Pedo Biden lover.


Still da boss … of his plane.


“Still da boss … of his plane.”


And he’s still a hateful intolerant bigot who discriminates against Trump supporters.

And the Trump supporters should sue his ass.


There is a more direct alternative that could be more impactful.

JW in Germany



Yeah, but he has to come out of that cabin some time.


I thought it was just the stewardesses who were on power trips.


To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Interesting. He doesn’t say he won’t be going to Biden’s inauguration, but “the” inauguration.


He will not concede to a corrupt process, and he will not acknowledge a corrupt Biden by name.

This does not mean that a corrupt Biden wont put his ass on the chair in the oval office. That is yet to be determined.


I think his ass is going in a different chair.

It’s an unusual kind of chair, not meant for comfort.

It has restraints, wires and a switch attached to it. 😁 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

But he’ll really get a charge out of it. Can’t resist… He’ll have a real capacity for receiving justice, with inductive reasoning, from the short-circuit court…


Whatever the outcome, loves that this guy will not bow to these creeps and has them all in suspense.


Yeah, DJT is an incredible man, no doubt about that. He has had my admiration since he put his hand up to run. The “slings and arrows” that he said he would bear on your behalf are raining down on him heavier than ever.

I have questioned the outcome of what will be transpiring in the course of this month, and only to the extent of how deep and wide the corruption is. I am not an American, and as such, bow to your commitment and knowledge. I am absolutely rooting for PDJT’s success in draining the swamp and I am rooting for all here.

May it be so


“Interesting. He doesn’t say he won’t be going to Biden’s inauguration, but “the” inauguration.”


Yep, welcome to today’s lesson in Trump interpretation, it’s fun for the whole the family 😂 🤣 😂

I wasn’t aware that anyone had asked, it would be a strange question to confront the President of the United States with, so unless there were Tweets (LOTS of them, which would be odd) asking that question, I suspect he just phrased it that way as a pretext to deliver the statement.

Then for the main message, does it mean he is simply not going to attend the inauguration of the Traitor, Pedophile and International Criminal, Joe Biden?

Or does it mean that the inauguration won’t BE on January 20th — and therefore he’s not going on the 20th, he’ll go on some other day, when the inauguration actually takes place?

Or is it a prearranged code or signal to someone, e.g., “those who asked”?

Most important of all, none of these questions would even exist, if DJT was actually planning to turn the government over to [JB] on January 20th… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Kudos ^^^^ Your closing sentence. ^^^^


Pres. Trump also said this:

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

Sadie Slays

Head’s up that Lin Wood is currently claiming that there’s an “imminent blackout” and that we should have “10-12 days” of preps just in case. I’ve warned people since before Election Day to get their preps in order for post-election fallout. If you haven’t already, please take some time tomorrow to stock up on necessities. Keep your devices and batteries fully charged until this is all over. Make sure you have working flashlights, a way to stay warm during cold weather, and some cash on you. This may very well be the prepping final exam.
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Made an ALDI run this afternoon and stocked up!

However, our family consumes more food now than we did last March . . .


Kids are getting biger…


“Kids are getting bigger…”


And Leon is getting larger… 😂🤣😂

Harry Lime

Well…I guess that would explain the coming blackout…

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That guy is nothing but trouble… 😁


It would sure help if they explained WTH ‘blackout’ means.

Does it mean the ELECTRICAL GRID is going down?

Or does it mean comms are no longer possible on all the enemy platforms (Tweeter, FB, etc.) which we already know?

Or something else?

They can’t cry wolf for four years straight, and expect most people to know what these undefined terms mean, tweeted out by people who are not even officially part of the administration, or know when to take it (what is it, anyway?) seriously.


I see it as comms.

Gail Combs

 👆  👍  😖 

Sadie Slays

Prepare for both. Q warned us of both communication blackouts and cyber attacks on infrastructure. And then there are the ANTIFA/BLM nutjobs who were chopping down power poles last summer. I agree, though, Lin should have been more specific. If the Nye County, Nevada GOP chairman is to be believed, it likely means “communications blackout.”

Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.


“Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected.”


None of those would affect me at all, I wouldn’t even know if they were down if somebody here didn’t point it out 😂🤣😂

Sadie Slays

I expect other services to be affected by the flood of refugees coming in from affected services. Kind of like what’s happening with Gab right now, or cell service being jammed during emergencies.


I do not think the comms blackout, will be MEANT for US. But it will AFFECT us.

I FULLY expect Twitter as a WHOLE, Facebook, Google, Apple, You tube, Yahoo, etc are about to see what REAL power, as in REMOVING all of them from OUR Internet backbone, looks like. Cell service will likely ALSO go down, which gives NASHVILLE a WHOLE new meaning, they found WHERE the next router paths were due to that explosion, and they are about to be SHUT…especially in the Eastern US…NO ESCAPE, NO COMMS for the cabal, land lines are also going down.

Then I FULLY expect the major news networks, including FOX will soon look like a test pattern. THEN we bet the EBS. I suspect that comms will go DOWN for a day or two, and NO ONE except those with CB..LOL use CB and ham radios will know WHAT happens, until that EBS, when it is ALL over.

I think Power, and the rest will be FINE. The comms were that ALL Americans were to shelter, and would be SAFE, and when it hit, it would be VERY quick.

I suspect that when shit hits the fan, the left will PANIOC, but WE will know what is happening….and when the blackout lifts, some are in for a “brave NEW world” as their favorite propagandists are GONE, and the fake news is REPLACED by truth.

It will be a BITTER pill for them, but they should NOT have piled on us, the shoe will soon be on the other foot. I think we are going to need a WHOLE NEW Congress in a few days, with just enough left to function, the hardcore are going STRASIGHT to prison, the squishies are there till replaced, likely by NEW elections.

By my calculations this is day THREE of 10…expect the latter half to get BAD for a certain Cabal. Look this week for at FIRST a major declass, by a spokesman, then Trump will unleash HELL on those people.

DO NOT panic when the airwaves go SILENT, just be prepared for the big reveal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only hazard in replacing Congress is that there will be 435–no, 870–congressional district party organizations and 100 state organizations (in both cases I’m counting both parties which is why my numbers are twice too big) who will get to put a candidate on the ballot for the special elections.

Do you imagine that if they nominated the previous crapweasel, they don’t have another crapweasel to replace him with?

One of many problems we face is that the party organizations are full of corrupt “kingmaker” types, happy to not be in office so long as they get to put people into office who owe them favors.


BUT, this time WE will be informed!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We can’t truly fix things “permanently” (i.e., for more than about four or five years) without upending Party establishments, and I mean the organizations, not the candidates, because the organizations pick the candidates.


Agreed. the SWAMO is big.

Deplorable Patriot

The big fly in the ointment is the number of gas appliances with an electronic ignition, and digital safeguards. In that case, the hot water heater is fine, no stove or furnace without serious rigging.


Fortunately some of us know how to do just that! I suggest a generator and an inverter!


“Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the emergency broadcast system.”


Good, I hope they do!

Shut down their whole company on January 20th for High Treason, seize all of Apple’s assets around the world, and end it.

Bye bye Apple.

But all you people at the middle manager level and above, you’re not just out of a job.

You’re all going to a military tribunal for High Treason, where you’ll have a chance to prove your innocence.

You guys like this Hitler game so much when you have the advantage.

You’re not going to like it when you don’t.

And the whole world will be cheering for your prosecution.


Remember, the FCC just WARNED all comms providers of their “obligations” The FCC CAN do MORE than FINE…they can quite literally PULL THE PLUG, and there is NOTHING Congress can do.

I suspect something goes down today or tomorrow, that is why Nanacy was so DISTRAUGHT in her threaqt of “by Monday”

They KNOW folks, and FEAR of death is KILLING them now.

Think I am a kook? Then WWHY ALL the UPROAR over a guy who is supposedly BEATEN and LEAVING POWER in TEN days? There is MORE than meets the eye/

WHY be scared of a man whose power is WANING? Because they KNOW there is something coming, and when Trump goes SILENT, shit is about to go DOWN.

Tic mfing toc fools.

Sadie Slays

Pakistan is having a nationwide power outage! Can you imagine if something like this happened in America? Prepare!
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

Always enjoy your comments post what I am thinking most of the time. Rough days ahead for sure,I feel much more prepped and aware of what’s going to happen because Q has told us what expect and you see it too.


Pakistan you say?
didn’t they interfere in our election?
POTUS flexing his muscles before battle?
practice run?


Not practice, ticking off a LIST…Iran and China NEXT, italy too. Germany as well, perhaps Spain. IF shit begins to happen in those countries, batten down the hatches.


so far, it’s pakistan, italy and canada…


ALL in the same day, gee, I forgot I posted yesterday that Q’s RED post was a COUNTDOWN, and RED 1 was FRIDAY.. I told you we are NOW at zero thirty. Then as if PLANNED, 3 COUNTRIES have their power go out, on the SAME day…ZERO day. All 3 just “happen” to be linked to US Nov 3rd ELECTION FRAUD.


Imagine what ELSE is going to happen NEXT….SHOWTIME. The LIGHTS just went out, the CURTAIN will be DRAWN next, then the SHOW begins!


as long as it’s not piglosi on a stripper pole I guess I can watch…LOL


Eeeeeeewwwww, Pat!

OTOH – that might be fun to watch – Yes?


“fun to watch” ?
only if you’re into watching people wretch…


Not really – it just makes me ill to see that thing in a dress – you know!!!

Gail Combs

That was my thought. Pakistan just had the plug pulled. Do not be surprised if later on information about Pakistan’s role, with HARD EVIDENCE to back it up, comes out.

I am not sure, but I do not think military tribunals are as…. delicate, about the origin of solid Intel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If I read whatever it was someone posted yesterday properly, and if it wasn’t just bullshit, they can be made cognizant of the intel without having to reveal it publicly.


Sadie, do you think it is possible this was done as a warning for Americans?

Hate to say it, but I imagine the average Pakistani citizen is WAY more equipped to handle a power outage than the average American millennial. Scaring them a little with news about how it goes in another country might make them a bit more ready.

Tin foil hat off now.

Sadie Slays

I think the Pakistan outage was /ourguys/ conducting a military op.


If our resident pilot is around, i would like his opine on these 2 different flights. 2nd one is an awfully unprofessional way to start…

a Patriot’s Point of View 🇺🇸 † (@PatriotPOV) Tweeted:
@Yoder_Esqq @Delta My flight DC to AZ yesterday


Put the plane down in the middle of Kansas then.

Go ahead.

Don’t even use a runway tough guy.

Put her down.

Go for it.


I guess thats the AA flight from the article Michael posted. Even if the fligh attendants asked or told them to be quiet he could’ve told them to knock it off in a more serious but joking manner. But hes the pilot.


Yes, of course he’s the pilot.

But if he is so hateful toward our country and our people and our president, that he wants to threaten to put the plane down in the middle of Kansas,


It was his idea, he’s the one who threatened to do it, so go ahead and do it.

He’s the pilot.

Land the *&^%ing plane.

Show everybody what a great American you are, Mr. Pilot man.


YES!!! Class action lawsuits are very effective – Cue


Was that Captain Karen or Captain Hitler?


My response to these two incidents is as follows…

An unnamed poster said of this….

This is an extremely alarming development reminiscent of yellow stars of David…denial of equal access to public transportation for political views!

Well, that is certainly one way to look at it.

But it is completely wrong, mainly because it is ignorant of far more important and over-riding considerations.

Pilots are entrusted with the SAFE and efficient carriage of passengers from one point to another. SAFETY is the #1 concern.

QUESTION: What happens if a riot were to break out inside the confines of a commercial jetliner, where retreat is all but impossible? Do you think anyone would get hurt?

Now ask yourself….

Who is responsible, by law, for everyone’s safety inside that confined space? Who can be held liable, in BOTH criminal and ccivil court? Who can lose not just his/her job, but their entire career, AND be thrown in prison for negligence for jeopardizing, compromising, or failing to ENSURE the safety of ALL the passengers??

A: The Captain. The PIC. Pilot In Command.

HINT: The confines of a passenger jet is NOT a “public space” like, say, a park or a street.

Reread that last sentence.

The #1 responsibility and OBLIGATION….by law…..for me, as the PIC, is the safety of each of my passengers….irrespective of who they are or what they choose to believe. American OR communist. White OR black. Christian OR Muslim. Law abider OR convicted criminal being transferred somewhere.

In the interests of safety, keeping the peace is of primary importance.

Thus, WHOMEVER poses a risk to the keeping of the peace and calm….for whatever reason…..inside the confined space of the metal tube we are trapped inside MUST be deemed a threat.

Now reread that.

So, given the liability, and the obligation….now ask yourself…

Is the Captain going to risk his/her job, career, and possible freedom just so I can express my contentious political views inside his/her airplane? Will the Captain permit me to yell fire in the crowded theater when it’s his/her ass on the line??

No. Way.

I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that the political views of disruptive parties on a passenger jet are completely irrelevant to the issues and concerns of the SAFETY of ALL onboard. The FAA doesn’t care, the company doesn’t care, and the CA doesn’t care.

Jeopardize the peace and calm inside the confined space of a jet, for ANY reason, and the safety is jeopardized.

The jeopardy to the public peace onboard a plane is a threat to SAFETY, and threats to safety are REMOVED.


It has zero to do with the political views of the crew, and it has nothing….whatsoever…to so with “denial of equal access to public transportation for political views.”

Act like a jackass, get treated like a jackass. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

My airplane is not your personal place to express your political views to people who are forced by the confines of the space to listen to you, even if I happen to agree with you.

If you risk my job, career, and freedom from prison….for any reason….I WILL throw your ass off my airplane…and I may even have the cops arrest you for disruption of flight crew in the performance of their duties in the process, which is a federal felony.

And the FAA, the DoJ, my company, and my union will back me up 100%.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that the political views of disruptive parties on a passenger jet are completely irrelevant to the issues and concerns of the SAFETY of ALL onboard. The FAA doesn’t care, the company doesn’t care, and the CA doesn’t care.Jeopardize the peace and calm inside the confined space of a jet, for ANY reason, and the safety is jeopardized.

The jeopardy to the public peace onboard a plane is a threat to SAFETY, and threats to safety are REMOVED.”


That argument would have a lot more credibility if it applied equally to Leftists, but we only ever see these things happen to Trump supporters.

Who, unlike Leftists, are almost exclusively NON-violent.

To a fault.


I’m not making an argument.

I’m stating fact.

it matters not whether you like or agree with it or not.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I stated a fact too.

If you want to call your argument a fact, that changes nothing.

It would have a lot more credibility if it applied equally to Leftists, but we only ever see these things happen to Trump supporters.

Who, unlike Leftists, are almost exclusively NON-violent.

To a fault.


Fortunately, my career and job are not dependent in any way upon what you think is credible or not.


And we were never talking about your job, we were talking about what happened in the videos posted above.


The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.


“The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.”


So you’re saying you are the pilot in that video?


Nope. In neither instance.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“Nope. Not what I’m saying at all. I’ve been quite clear.”


gil00 posted two videos.

The first sentence of your original post in reply to gil00 was “My response to these two incidents is as follows…”

It therefore seemed reasonable that you were addressing the two incidents in the videos posted by gil00.

After several comments, I said “And we were never talking about your job, we were talking about what happened in the videos posted above”, acknowledging the first sentence of your first reply to gil00.

To which you then said “The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.”

Which was strange, because you said your response was to the two incidents in the videos posted by gil00, and I reminded you of that, which you then said was “ridiculous”.

So if you are not referring to the videos posted by gil00, then the next logical possibility is that you were referring to first-hand knowledge, which I then inquired about, asking “So you’re saying you are the pilot in that video?”

And your reply is “Nope. Not what I’m saying at all. I’ve been quite clear.”

It doesn’t seem very clear, which is why I asked the question.


Ok. Sorry you are confused.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Maybe remember that just a short time ago ForGodandCountry shared he had been through a tough time in DC and was worn out. I am glad to see he has recovered so quickly and is back posting but maybe his recent experience explains mood and bite in his replies. Compassion may be due to short temperedness – after all, he was flat out not going to be able to post or be involved and yet here he is, bouncing back so much quicker than expected!


“Maybe remember that just a short time ago ForGodandCountry shared he had been through a tough time in DC and was worn out.”


Yes, that is true, I just read that yesterday.


“I am glad to see he has recovered so quickly and is back posting”


Me too, very much so 👍


“…but maybe his recent experience explains mood and bite in his replies.”


I thought his replies were less biting than usual 😁


“Compassion may be due to short temperedness –”


I did not detect any short termperedness in FG&C’s replies, and hopefully none was apparent in my own.


“…after all, he was flat out not going to be able to post or be involved and yet here he is, bouncing back so much quicker than expected!”


Which is good news! 👍


“And the FAA, the DoJ, my company, and my union will back me up 100%.”


Of course they will.

The FAA will do whatever the Lefties controlling it want, the DoJ is a criminal organization so corrupt it is currently participating in a 4+ year coup against the POTUS, if you fly for one of the major carriers with routes into D.C. (who all canceled flights on the 5th and 6th to block Trump supporters), that company is corrupt / infiltrated or owned by the CCP, and unions are notoriously corrupt.

Every step in the process is corrupted and orchestrated against We the People.

And none of it would be orchestrated against anti-fa or BLM.


I cannot answer for the bias and choices of other Captains.

I was asked for my opinion, and in the answer I stated what I would do as well as my rational for it.


I understand that.

But the airline is opening itself up to discrimination lawsuits. The people being kicked off the plane are Trump supporters.

There is no evidence that they did anything wrong, and they certainly don’t look like the type to provoke a fight with anyone.

They had clothing that identified them as Trump supporters, and the filthy Marxist scum on the plane attacked them.

And unless the airline has a posted policy against wearing clothing which supports POTUS, or even just red, white and blue, then they can wear whatever kind of clothing they want, so long as it doesn’t violate any law.

So why were the Trump supporters kicked off the plane, when it is 99.999% certain that it was the Marxist America-haters who caused the disturbance?

It would be because of political discrimination by the pilot and the stewardesses.

And the passengers who were kicked off that plane should sue the airline for discrimination at the very least.

And Trump supporters should keep suing any airline or other service industry who discriminates against conservatives, until it becomes so costly that they stop doing it.


Go ahead. Sue away.


I would, if they did it to me.


So why were the Trump supporters kicked off the plane, when it is 99.999% certain that it was the Marxist America-haters who caused the disturbance?

I’ve seen no proof of that, and I wasn’t there, so I don’t have all the facts.

My response is general in nature, not as to the specfics of these incidents.

Sorry for not making that more clear.


“I’ve seen no proof of that, and I wasn’t there, so I don’t have all the facts.”


See the video above, the longer of the two.

The people leaving are clearly Trump supporters by the way they are dressed.
At 0:10, someone asks “Why are they kicking you off?”
The reply is garbled, but the same female voice then says “Why?”.
At 0:15 a different female voice says “Freedom of speech.”
At 0:16 several voices are talking over each other, the only clear voice I can make out is a man who says “Just for saying that?”
At 0:20 one male voice says “That’s the ridiculous” while another male voice, a Marxist scum bag passenger, orders the Trump supporters to “Get off the plane”.
At 0:23 the male voice says it again, more forcefully, “GET OFF THE PLANE!”
Who is causing the disturbance, who is the provocateur, who is escalating? The Marxist scumbag, not the Trump supporter.
At 0:24 the woman the Marxist scumbag was barking order to turns to the Marxist scumbag passenger and says “I have the right, I have the Constitutional right…” and I can’t hear what she says after that, some people start applauding her, while the Marxist scumbag male and others are shouting her down.
At 0:31 the Marxist scumbag male again orders the Trump supporters “GET OFF THE PLANE”.
At 0:33 a different Marxist scumbag male says “I hope your proud of what you did, get out!”
So who created the disturbance?
Marxist scumbags.
And who was punished and removed from the flight by the pilot?
The Trump supporters.


I saw the video. You are making emotional argument. I was responding to giloo, and I have made clear it was a general response vs. specific to these incidents. I don’t have all the facts. Neither do you.

By all means, beat away on this dead horse.


You’re pushing on a logical fallacy. FG&C stated outright “I cannot answer for the bias and choices of other Captains.”

I would feel comfortable flying with FG&C. I’d feel comfortable flying with a Marxist if he showed FG&C’s level of professionalism and integrity (which they generally wouldn’t).

Sometimes, it’s the job.


IF FG&C is carrying passengers between X and Y, and passengers supporting A start attacking passengers supporting B, he’s going to do whatever he can to provide safe transport for SOMEONE between X and Y. He may agree with A, he may agree with B, he may find the B people to be obnoxious. Or the A’s.

I trust FG&C to do what he needs to do, even if he finds it personally distasteful. He’s a pro, and I respect that.

That said, I was particularly distressed when FG&C was incommunicado and very much relieved when he turned up unharmed — and I can now disclose why.

FG&C has such a talent for pissing off his friends here that I feared his contact with normies in DC would get him killed.

I’m so proud he went to DC to represent. I’d call him a friend in a hostile bar. He’s a mensch and an honorable man. But I’d have a helluva time describing him as a diplomat.


Just don’t get caught choosing. WWG1WGA. Meaning you kick them all off.

Seriously, my school bus drivers knew this stuff back in the 70’s.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Sue for discrimination will likely not work in a private setting. Defamation on the other hand might.


You said about what i thought. The captain didnt want to be bothered about anything and he made it clear.


Great to see you back, posting and seeming in strong spirits. So glad you recovered from 1/6 so quickly after sharing what an intense time it was for you. Good for you to bounce back so quickly.


Not so fast. Your working with multiple personalities you have not even come in contact with. What if your little speech set one of those personalities off like a spark and that spark had followers? You just incited a riot on said plane. Best to rethink this.

A proper response might be like “I will kick all of you off the plane!”

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

I am amused that you think my “little speech” here is the same I would give over the PA of my aircraft.

But, since you mentioned it, it would go something like this….

”Hello ladies and gentlemen, from the flight deck…. this is your captain speaking. It has come to my attention that there has been some disruption in the main cabin. Please pay attention as I will only say this once. I don’t want to throw anyone off this airplane as I realize everyone has a good reason for being here….but I will remove anyone who is a part of this disruption if it continues. This disruption will cease…immediately…or I will take action without further delay. We only have _______ (time) to our destination and I’m confident the parties involved can refrain from any further altercation for that long. This is your once chance and I will not give another. The next intervention, if necessary, will be by law enforcement at a diversion airport where all the persons involved will be taken into police custody. Thank you for your compliance and assistance. I will be back shortly with an update to our arrival information.”

(note: this announcement assumes we are en route.)

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’ll get their attention!


Thank you for the clarification. That is the correct message for the passengers.

However, I am uncertain whether ALL airline pilots are as professional and ethical as you are.


I’d suspect our FG&C is better than 75% out there. But, considering that the airlines serves as a “retirement community” for military pilots, with DFW-ORL in place of shuffleboard, it’s a tougher competition than many know.

Sadie Slays

LURKERS, one thing I discovered from the recent Quod Verum debacle is that there are far more of you here than I had realized. Everyone who posts here regularly has their own unique voice and personality to contribute. Sure, we have disagreements here, but we’re civil, respectful, and it adds variety to the community. Lurkers, I encourage you to add your own unique voice to the mix here. Feel free to speak up and share.


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We all lurk but its ok to post now n then. 😁
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“We all lurk but its ok to post now n then.”


Posting is the most fun part 😁


We talked about lukers and how they are actually the underwater portion of the iceberg of readers months and months ago. I shared this website at that time:

I used to periodically check and it was fascinating to see how many readers we had at OT v. how many commenters and a Great reminder that the cozy circle and then the larger group of commenters there were the minority of those who came there to read.

Its so easy to just talk/post to the people actually here posting and get to “know” them and yet many, many more are reading than are posting. This isn’t a closed group. Eye opening to realize how many more eyes are here than are commenters/regulars.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Sometimes lurkers ‘like’ a post, and I see names that I haven’t seen in a long time 👍


Hi, Sadie.
I read your comments in yesterday’s thread a little while ago, about what Quod Verum did to you.
And yeah…massive hypocrisy on their part!

Something weird happened when I opened an account there yesterday:

The minute my account was created…there were several ‘follows’ already pre-loaded on the account.

It was Wictor, Rex and that Saul guy, + plus some others that I didn’t recognize.

I hadn’t followed these people.
But they were already followed when I activated the account!

Weird, huh?

I didn’t mention it at the time…because I had a lot of tabs open and was reading about a lot of other stuff which seemed more important.

Now I’m wondering if this happened to anyone else?

Given what Quod Verum did to you…that place deserves the full side-eye:
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Sadie Slays

They were all auto-followed on my account, too. 


Could be acting in the capacity of moderators, they may follow every new account for a few days, just to make sure it’s not a troll or a bot.


There’s no way to delete your account, which is sketchy.

Wyoming Knucklehead

I probably will mostly be a lurker. I have posted about three times I think. I am not tech savvy and also do not have the brain power most of you have  😊  but one never knows.


I’m with Wyoming. Plus I try not to talk without having something to say. (Though could be disputed by my husband, lol.)

Sadie Slays

I understand, but if you do have something to say, please share!

Sadie Slays

 I am not tech savvy and also do not have the brain power most of you have

Don’t sell yourself short! If you feel like chiming in, please give it a try. It gets easier with practice.


Everyone has a certain expertise in something, and nobody has it all. Sometimes, you will find discussions where someone says, “XXXXXX”, and you’ll think, “no, it’s YYYYYY — I do that six times a day, for a living.” When that happens, speak up!!! We all want to know Truth and shed delusions.



Confirmed on Parler:

CALL TO ACTION- Our ability to communicate will likely be shut down tomorrow! Please text “FREEDOM” to 98078

This will allow me to communicate directly with you!


This is Devin Nunes. BIG TECH WILL NOT SILENCE US! Thank you for subscribing to my text alerts and joining Team Nunes. I will keep you posted!


Is this a way to fundraise?


lol probably


LOL after my sucker donationsto Miss Lindsey it’ll be a cold day in hell before anyone of them get any$ from me But I do like Nunes


He can do more with less too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I almost never give money out to anyone. This time around I made two exceptions, Lauren Boebert (whom I may actually have met once in her restaurant) and Sidney Powell.


Good solid choices.


He’s talking about Parler being shut down, not necessarily anything else. But we shall see.

Incidentally, in Praying Medic’s article someone shared in the last thread, he mentioned that 4.5 million Trump supporters were suspended from Twitter yesterday. I guess I was in good company. Twitter must now be nothing but an echo chamber. Talk about boring!


There are a bunch of patriots regrouping and re-networking

If you don’t want to use Twatter anymore that’s fine and I respect that

If you want to be an engaged digital soldier and tell @Jack what he can do with his suspension notices, feel free to jump back in


I may at some point. But I’m not sure I want to take the time to build up followers and find people to follow right now. There may be no one worth following left on Twitter. Just a bunch of echo chamber lefties.


Putting trolls and bots out of business too.


That actually seems like a small number, if DJT had at least 70 million followers who were actually being shown — who knows what the real number is, which is almost certainly being suppressed by Tweeter.

I expected the purge to be a much larger number.

There’s always tomorrow 😁

Gail Combs

OR, a lot of us were smart enough to stay off the ‘Personal Information Collection Sites’ like Twatter and Farcebook.


And – the 88.7 President Trump followers, too!!!

Twitter must be a ghost town – and – a boring echo chamber.

Translate that into $ lost – Hmmm…


Amazon is suspending Parler from its web-hosting service, I think starting tomorrow, and Parler will likely be dark until they can come up with a solution. I think that’s what he is referring to.


Maybe that will be the tipping point to get DJT to begin actively posting on Gab… which seems to be the most obvious new ‘home’ for DJT’s comms.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You see, this is the risk of CIA basically owning Amazon and WaPo.


I want you to remember this phrase, “Sauce for the goose” Their time is COMING. Tic TOC


Should that byline be “Safe Haven for Intelligent Thinking”?


ok…so “tomorrow” definitely means Monday, right ?…..judging by the time-stamp there…16 minutes after midnight, last night = this morning (Sunday)…so “tomorrow” would be tomorrow : Monday…

or….is “tomorrow” today ?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve captured my dilemma pretty well there, Smiley2!

New dailies go “live” here at ten PM. Sometimes I’m barely home from post work chores and/or hanging out with friends, and I have to keep in mind it’s now “tomorrow” to a lot of people and I haven’t even taken my shoes off.

So anytime between then and about 4AM my time, my rule is to specify a day of the week instead of (or maybe in addition to) “today,” “tomorrow,” and “yesterday.” I don’t always remember, but that’s what I strive for.


also seeing in various “comments” on some other Forums that ATM transactions have suddenly become inoperable…but it’s not clear where, exactly.


Harry Lime

I tried that once…


Great movie . . . so underrated!


We’ll always have smoke signals…

And those cups, with a clothes line connected between them 😁


the chair is against the wall

john has a long mustache

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of those two was actually used to tell the French Resistance that D-Day was nigh (check out, if you can, “The Longest Day”). The producers of Red Dawn paid them an homage with that.


I thought they both were used.

“the chair is against the wall” is the more famous.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You could very well be right about that.

Now I’m going to go jump down a rabbit hole.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I found something indicating “Jean has a long mustache” was used as a code phrase, but it didn’t specify D-Day. So yes, it was a double homage to the French Resistance; very appropriate for Red Dawn.


The British in the Revolutionary war banned communication. The Patriots found a way. THAT is why the Covid lockdowns on free time, like church, sports, concerts, dining, bars. to LIMIT communications. did not work so NOW they are on to the internet. HINT, that won’t work EITHER. Determined people FIND a way. Maybe we should all go BACK to CB and ham radio. SERIOUS.



Listen up Nanzi, Shcmucker, Shciff and all

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

It almost seems like refusing an offer to participate in a military coup is evidence that somebody is already engaged in a coup, and is attempting to recruit members of the military to join them.

And it almost seems like anyone in the military who became aware of an attempted coup would be obligated to report it and oppose it, or face charges of Misprision of treason themselves.

And somewhere along the line, it almost seems like ALL of this would be a crime, in a country that had anything besides an imaginary DoJ and an especially pink FIB.


§2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

BINGO, and this is BIG, the MILITARY AFFIRMED Trump’s CONTROL. ROT RUH Nancy, looks like YOU and YOUR ilk JUST committed AGAIN high treason, and Trump is about to PULL your plug… GLORIOUS it will be. There will be no MSM coverage, but PLEASE have military video of the takedowns available, hell put them on ppv.


yes…I WANNA SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In case you missed it (or I missed someone else posting it) here’s a fabulous 7 min video of the PEACEFUL PATRIOTS at the Capitol. Wolf has some great pictures of the massive flag being unfurled…watch how it comes to life in this clip posted at Gateway Pundit.


Thanks for that.
Violent protests ? Not true.
I read something that Bill O Reilly said and it is so false . I wouldn’t have thought he’d say this. Pfft on turning to Biden? Really?

This is it~~ President Trump’s failure to tamp down the angry protestors supporting him in Washington has destroyed his legacy.

Our divided nation turns to you, @JoeBiden. Defuse it. As best you can.


As a professional fence sitter you’d think he’d know which side of the fence to set his toe by now. His business model sucked  🙃 


He’s a professional goof if he has chosen Biden for anything other than the Pedo of the Month club.


O’Reilly dropped his mask.

Another one bites the dust, just like that America-hating Strassel woman. 👍


E Pluribus Unum.


What mask? O’Really has always been a snake in the grass, Scott!!!


O’Reilly is the consummate PINHEAD.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes, that’s taken from the platform the media uses to show the Inauguration. I did see people up there.

All of that cream-colored stuff is the inaugural stands, not actually part of the capitol building. They set that whole elaborate thing up every four years, then tear it down. (Maybe they ought to just make it a permanent addition to the Capitol, maybe with some modifications for better access around the sides to the building proper.)

I was basically on the reverse side of the white-shrouded scaffolding on the left of the video; so I hadn’t seen just how many people crowded into this area. I guess I was part of a sideshow!

By the way, the side of the Capitol that faces the Mall is actually the back of the building! Ironic because the overwhelming majority of people who actually see the building only ever see the side that faces the Mall.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is one camera perspective clip I’ve been searching for in particular.
The view of the crowd from the Capitol, looking West, covering the ground towards the Washington Monument.
Because of the distance involved, I thought it would offer a good idea of crowd size .
The elevated position offered that view in spades, if only momentarily.


Thank you Katie, Very inspiring !
A disorganized chaotic ‘mob’ would NOT have been able to pull that off !


Isn’t it odd how all the cameras and video used by the presstitutes come from up close and personal with the ‘shootings’ and vandalism, yet no one has shown this view of the hundreds of thousands being peaceful and patriotic protestors?

Must be just another one of those coincidences. /sarc!

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

This is purely fyi…not sure where John Mappin falls on the map…

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Follow us on @JohnMappin
on Parler and

CamelotTVNetwork on Telegram


Michael Greer Retweeted
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Matt Nutz

What are they so afraid of?
Quote Tweetcomment image
Robby Starbuck

· 13h
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar — you’re telling the world you fear what he might say”

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I didn’t know who John Mappin was, and I found that he is the owner of the Camelot Castle hotel in Tintagel, Cornwall and flies a Q flag there. I wonder what he knows, or thinks he knows.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Wow, thanks for looking that up! This is VERY BIZARRE, I was about to reply to your remark in the notification bell at 3:33am & suddenly 2 of your 3 URL’s just disappeared off my screen!!!

Wolf Alert!!!

Since TT did this reply “an hour” ago there is no way that the edit function is in play by “her”…if YOU WOLF didn’t edit off those URL’s Who the Heck is messing w/ info w/in the Q TREE???

This is the only link I see in the bell now…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was edited on the page, IMO.

Valerie Curren

an hour after she wrote it? By you or the post’s author Carl? I had clicked on her comment in my notification bell & was reading through & skimming the URLs when the 2 just popped away…I think I said that was around 3:30am?

I thought once we put up a reply/comment there’s only a matter of minutes we can edit it. But once someone clicks reply that option goes away. Not sure if I’d clicked into the reply box on the Bell then or not.

No biggie unless you think it is. I just wanted You to be aware of what looked like an aberration. We don’t want Outside Influences modifying things here, right? Ongoing & open record & all…


I edited it sometime after I wrote it, but I don’t think it was an hour later. Some of the links weren’t right, and I corrected that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Does it currently look like what you edited it to look like?

If so, then someone is just mistaken about timing (either in how long the edit window is, or just memory of how long it was when they saw the change). If not and it doesn’t look right to you, someone else is monkeying with us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Changes cascade slowly through the system sometimes. It’s very complicated. I would explain fully but there is not time right now. You have to trust my simplified explanations. Nevertheless, it’s good for you to observe these things, in case we DO begin to see manipulations.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks Wolf. I keep mentioning them as I see them. But no need to explain. If you acknowledge the item mentioned that’s good enough for me because I trust that if any aberration was of concern you’d be hot on the trail!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

FBI appears to be aiding & abetting crime instead of investigating

Valerie Curren

Amazonian a–holerie
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See new Tweets
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BuzzFeed News


NEW: Amazon is booting Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, knocking the pro-Trump social network offline until it finds a new host.

Amazon’s suspension of Parler goes into effect on Sunday

In an email obtained by BuzzFeed News, Amazon’s Trust and Safety team told Parler that Amazon is unconvinced the platform’s plan to use volunteers to moderate violent speech will be effective.

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Oldkan, Counter Narrative Artist

Replying to @BuzzFeedNews
This is what real fascism is. Not the cosplay shit the woke and the left pretending was.
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There is no new Q post on

This one indicates it’s an exception to the rule of “no outside comms.” I don’t see any indication of where Q supposedly posted this. Does anyone know?

Valerie Curren

Not a q follower so no clue here. By the way, when I describe myself as Q Agnostic I do NOT mean Q Antagonistic 😉


#1318 had «no outside comms» Never seen any grants of exceptions to that, so «who sez this» is a BIG question.

It looks like somebody’s interpretation of matching current events to info in various other drops, which can be interesting in itself, but unless this actuallly shows up on or equivalent, it is not «inside comms»

Valerie Curren

Thanks Slow. I appreciate those insights!

Sadie Slays

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And I do not believe for one second that “8kun is compromised” because Ron (@codemonkeyz) is very much on our side and has led the fight against the fraud. His family owns 8kun. Nope, not buying this.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Disinfo & chaff & countermeasures 🙂


This is not a Q post.
It is fake.

If Q needs to post outside 8kun, he needs to authentic himself first, likely through his, which only he can access.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Eilert!

Valerie Curren

Hope remains while the company is true <3
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Lisa Boothe


Between the DOJ/FBI targeting Trump campaign, Kavanaugh confirmation, COVID tyrannical power grab, and now this censorship, it’s been a big fat dose of a red pill for me.
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“BREAKING: Newly declassified 2016 emails of fired FBI Director James Comey reveal Washington Post “investigative reporter” Shane Harris, formerly w/ Wall Street Journal, was feeding Comey dirt on president-elect Trump thru mutual friend Ben Wittes of Lawfare/Brookings Institution”


I’m so glad to find out little Benny Wittes is going to be convicted of High Treason. I knew he would be, they’re all going to be, but this is specific to Benny, and even if there was nothing else, this is enough.

Everything else they have on Benny is gravy.

What a great day this is going to be. 👍

Valerie Curren

Happy dance!

Reminds me of a Curley-ism, of the 3 Stooges: “My father died dancing…on the end of a rope!”


Lisa Booth: “Between the DOJ/FBI targeting Trump campaign, Kavanaugh confirmation, COVID tyrannical power grab, and now this censorship, it’s been a big fat dose of a red pill for me.”


That’s great Lisa…

But if it took you until January 9th of 2021 to begin to figure out what’s actually going on, WTH have you been?

Living under a rock?

How many times do the people living inside the bubble have to find out they have no idea what’s going on in the world, before they learn to step outside the bubble occasionally for a reality check?


They did not WANT to BELIEVE…denial is MORE than a river in Egypt. NOW it is NOT a “conspiracy” it is FACT. WHEN the PUNISHMENT comes, they will see and KNOW. Some are just attempting to board the wagon because they KNOW what is coming, there are NO secrets in DC…OTHERS like Boothe are merely bubble livers. It is EASY for them to dismiss something that SEEMS impossible, because it UPSETS their bubble.

Trump and Q did NOT call this the “GREAT AWAKENING” for nothing. In fact, when this is all over, we may find the military op behind this is CALLED op Great awakening or the like.

Valerie Curren

Bbbbbut outside the bubble everyone’s rubes & hicks you know!


The emergency alert system could be a complete head-fake. By telegraphing their plan to use it, it has apparently caused Apple and probably others to drop their masks in the effort to prevent POTUS from using the EBS.

He may have never intended to use it in the first place, and I hope that turns out to be the case, that they dropped their mask on this one for nothing. 👍


No, it is the ONLY way to reveal the truth to ALL. The NMEED for Apple to try to circumvent that, after being WARNED speaks VOLUMES. Apple is in for a RUDE awakening. They DO NOT own the air waves or the internet on which they OPERATE and are 100% DEPENDENT on to EXIST. Their plug CAN (and will) be PULLED.

Oh, and fun fact, the EBS can “take over ALL phone lines, ALL TV lines and ALL internet coms…even when “off”

I watched and participated in one of the early tests….You LITERALLY CANNOT turn it off.


good to know!


Giant Voice.


“Oh, and fun fact, the EBS can “take over ALL phone lines, ALL TV lines and ALL internet coms…even when “off” ”


So I don’t need a cell phone or cable TV to receive messages from the EBS, I can get those messages right here on the Interwebs?

I should probably do a search for the EBS page and maybe bookmark that sucker… 😂

Valerie Curren

I was wondering if the major emphasis on Italy for the steal is also a head fake so Chyna doesn’t know that the Hammer & Scorecard is going to come crashing down on their Communistic skull(s & bones)!


Keep ’em guessing. They should know that since DJT is using the handbook of one of their greatest generals.

How embarrassing is it to be defeated by one’s own war manual? Bwahahaha!

Valerie Curren



reminiscent of the Rise of The Third Reich tactics & brutality & censorship & agitprop, oh yes… most definitely…impossible to ignore, impossible to miss..

but with a heavy dose of Mao and Marx , as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

It’s a pretty wild ride having mezzanine seats for the communistic revolution out in the open in the West & it’s inevitable downfall! No matter what happens we CANNOT give up our guns under ANY circumstances!

Valerie Curren

Parler to be back soon
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Rob Schneider


And following @Twitter
& @Facebook
censorship lead, Apple and @Google
are now censoring (removing) other digital platforms (@parler
) for NOT censoring.

I hope you can now see that the virtual Reichstag building has been burned down.
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The similarities to NOW and the early days of Nazi Germany are EERIE. Helpful hint, it did NOT end well for the Nazis.

Valerie Curren

But in the interim it didn’t go too well for the Jews, gays, disabled, & gypsies…oh & most of the world who got sucked into how many years of war & hell!

But definitely in the end the evil doers will face a Holy God & answer for their sins in this world. We just would like to see God’s justice roll on like a river down here too!!!


Btw Schneider left CA for AZ permanently a few weeks ago. Lots of others are too.

Valerie Curren

Hope Newscum can’t get that slavery tax passed to keep picking the pockets of escapees!