Scroll down for some info, some of it may be useful, some may be interesting, some might even be both, but more likely most is neither, about precious metals and what sorts of products are out there.
His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
The last distraction/hopium magnet was the Supreme Court pretending to think about taking up a bunch of election-related cases on the 19th. This week, they weaseled out of hearing them on the grounds that they were moot. I’m not terribly surprised; under the Constitution Congress is the final arbiter of elections and they arbitered it arbitrarily on the 6th. Done, get out of my courtroom!
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices.
Kitco Ask. Last week:
Gold $1785.60
Silver $27.36
Platinum $1276.00
Palladium $2412.00
Rhodium $23,000.00
This week:
Gold $1735.60
Silver $26.80
Platinum $1191.00
Palladium $2379.00
Rhodium $26,000.00
Basically, everything but rhodium took it in the shorts. Rhodium went up by more than the price of any one of the other metals. It has gone up over 200% in the last year, because, apparently, it’s needed for catalytic converters. Of course, so are platinum and palladium, and they don’t seem to be going bananas.
Rhodium is an odd one. It’s recovered as a byproduct of mining other things, even more so than some of the other PGMs. When there’s a sudden upsurge in demand (or we start running out of it), it’s still too expensive to mine for its own sake…we’re not going to mine more nickel (say) just to get the tiny amount of rhodium that’s along for the ride. Of course if the price goes up enough. who knows? We (meaning the world, in this case) only produce about 30 tons a year.
This leads to a dynamic where the price is reasonably stable, then suddenly jumps up when we run out. Inelastic supply, as economists would call it. Once we recover some more the price drops again. But will it ever drop from this surge? Hard to say. People seem to think this time is different, somehow. Anyhow, I can’t afford to play this, but if the price drops to a sane level, I may just buy some for the next time time. Hopefully someone else here can play this time.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Help me – I’m being held prisoner in a Beijing fortune cookie factory.
If I get that as the fortune in my cookie, I’m NOT eating it.
Could be worse….
“Help! I’m being held prisoner in a Xinjiang fortune cookie factory.”
You’re not supposed to eat the paper. [giggle]
Check to see if they have any gallons of milk. If they have any eggs, get 12.
Great graphic!!!! Had me LOL!
A few days ago, someone suggested that programmers get zapped whenever user-level interactions aren’t intuitive. And I responded that programmers had to live in a looking-glass world in order to make computers sing and dance and play and do useful things — and that they could just leave all those things in the looking-glass world if they were going to be zapped whenever it leaked through into userland.
In the looking-glass world, a message like, “Check to see if they have any gallons of milk. If they have any eggs, get 12.” is perfectly logical and reasonable. But when the programmer arrives home with 12 gallons of milk (and no eggs), their companion in userland would likely be somewhat upset. They’d just spent a workday among computers, and a computer would naturally go “lock milk to milk(gallon)”, “if eggs <> 0, buy 12 milk”. Their companion was likely thinking more about an omelet.
The real problem is that with humans, there really isn’t such a thing as “intuitive” – human expectations just aren’t aligned with machine realities 😉
Mostly the baseball game where she stole home plate and filled it with cookies.
Actually there is such a thing as “intutive” There are a lot of things like intuitive, because everyone has different notions of intuitive and there are a lot of people in “everyone.”
What’s really meant by complaints about intuitive is that people are used to expecting things to work a certain way…and then somebody ups and moves their cheese. That happens an awful lot because there are “fashions” in GUI design (and as I do this for a living, I’ve learned to hate what the fashion pukes pull–If I wanted to live with pointless changes in appearance I’d have gone into the gay-filled fashion design business myself).
For example, buttons no longer look like buttons. They’re just doodles that will do something if you click on them. Sometimes the doodles even have an obvious meaning to them.
On this day…
Apple Discontinues the Newton
February 27th 1998
Today in 1998, Apple formally discontinued their Newton series of personal digital assistants. At that time, this marked an end of the Apple operating system existing anywhere outside of the Macintosh computer. The death of the Newton seemed like a potential death knell for the company and for handheld computing devices. However, in 2001, Apple released the iPod, the subsequently the iPhone and iPad, bringing a new renaissance to mobile.
Yo, Steve! Have you been through a molt with Darwin?
A molt?
That’s not really the term for it, he’s not a lobster.
He has shed his skin several times, though rarely all at once. One leg will shed, then his back, then his chin, in apparently random order.
The very first time he shed after I got him, his entire head and body shed at once, one day he looked like his head had exploded because it peeled off his head first. By the end of that day he had shed the old skin and looked very colorful (he tends to look white as the skin gets ready to shed).
Does his behavior change? Does he hide? Does he all-of-a-sudden want scritches? Does he find places like couch cushions to slide between?
In case you’re wondering, it was the rattlesnake thing on the previous post that got me wondering — and, in fact, I wondered there, but here you’re responsive.
I haven’t looked on the previous post since 6 PM my time (8 PM ET), so I probably missed it.
Snakes tend to shed their skin all at once, and since that includes their eyes, they can be a bit cranky while temporarily blind.
In either case it’s not photogenic but a sign of good health. And yes, he seems to want to hide more when his head is shedding.
Do you ever brush him? Blow him off with compressed air? When he’s shedding, does he look like he itches? (I’ve never had a large lizard around while he sheds, so I have no idea.) Does he take positive steps to get it over with quicker, or does he seem to ignore it in hopes it goes away?
He pretty much ignores it.
Climate is dry here so I will spritz him with water if it looks like he’s shedding.
Elephant seals do a “catastrophic molt”, and I’ve spent some time around them, so that crept into my description.
You will note, BTW, that I left open the possibility that you were the one molting….in which case the questions would have been: “did he look sympathetic?”….
You would think that if rhodium is that expensive to mine and that costly, that someone would invent a new kind of catalytic converter.
Apparently rhodium is *very* good at dealing with nitrogen compounds, which is a major issue.
Just added this picture to the post.
So the little ball on the right is about $60K?
It’s probably well under a troy ounce. In fact if it’s 5mm across, it’s a *lot* less than 1 cc, which would be about 12 grams. So figure it’s worth about 500-1000 bucks (and probably cost a lot more than that to make). I’m making very quick estimates here (I didn’t pull out a calculator), so these numbers could be wildly off.
Oooh, I actually did pull out a calculator but obviously botched the calculation, ’cause I came out with about 50 cubic millimeters….which became 5 cm^3. That’ll teach me to compute on scratch paper instead of between calculators and websites.
Yeah you dropped a decimal there, failing to cube your fraction. 0.05 cm^3.
Which puts my guess at $600 — right in the range you gave.
Which, still……$600 BB’s???
I think the reason I tend to buy and hold is I don’t like figuring out taxes on gains.
What Conservatives Can Learn from Zorro in the Culture Wars
. . . One of my favorite movies is The Mark of Zorro (1940) starring Tyrone Power, Basil Rathbone, and Linda Darnell. There is a 1920 silent film starring Douglas Fairbanks and a 1974 made-for-TV version with Frank Langella in the lead role titled The Mark of Zorro. Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins, and Katherine Zeta-Jones revived the story with The Mask of Zorro in 1998 and a sequel The Legend of Zorro in 2005.
The 1940 Mark of Zorro remains my favorite. The story is simple, gets to the point (pun intended) quickly, and in my opinion has one of the best sword-fighting scenes ever filmed.
. . . Why are so many big companies becoming more “woke”? Because they believe that’s where the money is. They see conservatives as inconsequential since they are not unified and can’t or won’t compete against the prevailing culture.
There are different tactics in today’s cultural war. Upfront fighters engage in battle and take the brunt of the blows. There are numerous websites that we frequent daily. They have been targeted. Those who work there may never get a job anywhere else. The same is true of some politicians. We know where they stand, and they also are frontline fighters.
But not everyone can be or should be a frontline fighter. They are like Zorro. They have skills. They keep their worldview masked. The goal is to find employment in the belly of the beast, do excellent work, make themselves indispensable, and hopefully recruit people like themselves to get hired. The goal is never to sabotage a company. The ultimate objective is to replace the kooks and crazies by doing better work than they do.
. . . MORE . . .
Basil Rathbone was known to be one of the best sword fighters in Hollywood, but he lost all but two sword fights in the movies because he usually played the villain. Fencing was a favorite pastime of his. Tyrone Power was also among the best swashbuckling actors. That was a great fight!
From the article: “While the dominant culture is dominating, there are times and circumstances when it is circumspect not to tip your hand while you are building a network of opposition to replace those wielding the rapiers. Talk is cheap.”
In other words, it is prudent to go undercover until ready. We are all Zorro and the Scarlet Pimpernel and agents of Project Veritas.
The Scarlet Pimpernel is a great favorite of mine:
They seek him here,
They seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere!
Is he in heaven,
Or, is he in hell,
That damned elusive Pimpernel!
I’m afraid that my only exposure to that character was via Looney Tunes 😉
The Merle Oberon/Leslie Howard duo is the best by far in the film versions. 1934.
Thanks Grandma!
I used to grow what we in S GA called ‘scarlet pimpernel’ vine aka cypress vine – it’s the prettiest shade of brilliant scarlet red.
Also comes in white:
Both are so beautiful!
Rathbone and Danny Kaye in The Court Jester.
Yes I immediately thought of Danny Kaye too!
Back when Hollywood could make a movie that was actually “good” . . .
One of the best and most important parts of sword fighting is the exchange of verbal jabs during the fight 😁
Home computers were a new thing when I was a kid, and since modern graphics were years away from being possible, many of the computer games were text based. The games were on cassette tape, and loaded onto the computer via a cassette drive. It took about a half hour to load a game — if it didn’t have a loading error, which was common. In that case you rewound the tape and started all over again.
The two games I remember best were the Battle of Midway, and a whole series of text adventure games by Scott Adams (no relation to the comic strip creator turned political commentator, as far as I know). Battle of Midway came in a nice box, but the Scott Adams adventure games were ordered by mail, out of PC magazines, with the cassette housed in a cheap piece of Styrofoam cutout the size of a DVD or Blu-ray case, with a paper cover glued at the ‘spine’.
The Battle of Midway was nearly impossible to win. Like a Kobayashi Maru test. You didn’t have enough planes, and when your squadron was lucky enough to actually find the enemy carriers, the program determined the number of successful ‘hits’ — and you never scored enough direct hits to sink anything.
Until I figured out how to break into the program, and give my three carriers (and the island of Midway) 99 fighter planes each. It may sound like cheating, but I can’t even describe how much fun it was, after losing repeatedly no matter what I tried, to finally obliterate the enemy through superior software programming 👍 😁
The text adventures were the best though. Like an interactive novel, in the sense that your imagination was required to create the ‘world’ in which the game took place. The game only provided fairly basic descriptions of each ‘room’ or location or setting, but it was amazing how big the game’s ‘world’ seemed, how much your imagination filled in.
In one of the adventure games you played the role of a Pirate, which of course meant you had to sword fight regularly. The way they pulled that off in a text-based game was with insult retorts, very much like the movie clip above, only more humorous 😁
In order to defeat the enemy, you had to have better retorts 😂
Now that I think of it, one of my early graphic adventure games did the same thing, the title was something to do with “Monkey Island”.
I found it. It was called “The Secret of Monkey Island“, by Lucasfilms:
And here is Battle of Midway. I haven’t seen that box cover in a long time 😂
edit / correction: The game was called Midway Campaign.
I remember it as the Battle of Endless Frustration… until I found those extra planes 😂
My brothers used to play one of the earliest Nintendo games (I think) there was some type of battle game called Contra. Somehow one of them discovered the cheat code for endless lives, instead of the 3 strikes & you lose. That game is up at my parents’ cottage in Northern Michigan & my brothers still remember the series of moves to get endless lives & have shared the joy w/ their kids & nieces & nephews. Good times!
Yes, Monkey Island was (is) a great game.
Swordsmanship skills were not determined by prowess with a blade, but one’s ability to hurl verbal insults at the opponent 😉
I purchased it on so that my son can play it – but he’s been too busy with MarioKart.
“Swordsmanship skills were not determined by prowess with a blade, but one’s ability to hurl verbal insults at the opponent”
Like training for the Internet… that didn’t exist yet 😂
And many fail and just post something like “U R a fag.”
This is kinda funny, and reminds me of when the combined forces of CCP infiltrators and CCP opponents in disarray, all managed to play their race cards together, and defeat and actually kick out our diversity monger. The “Shi Musketeers” and Ri-Xi-Liu’ s forces put their swords together and kicked out “Zorro The Gay Blade”.
Oh, the humanity!
It is maddening.
Video interview by drbeen of Pierre Kory, MD
Talks about MARCH 2020 paper pinpointing true lung damage is not viral, it’s follow on inflammation.
Around 53 minutes he goes on a rant about institutional failure.
Yup. And what is interesting to me is that the “profile of suppression” is similar to that of HCQ, but not quite the same, and the differences are easily explained.
BOTH DRUGS (ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine) have two components of suppression that can be considered. ONE is simply the profit motives of the industry, that wants NEW TREATMENTS (including vaccines), and wants to IGNORE or SUPPRESS use of established drugs, no matter how successful. The other is the political elimination of Trump. Based on TIMING, which differed for historical reasons, including Trump BAITING the other side and its media EARLY with the best known treatment at the time (HCQ), we can see how the histories of the two drugs DIFFERED in a complex way, but were BOTH subject to these forces around the world – even in India, and are explained well by those forces. Looking at his graphs where ivermectin SUCCESSFULLY took off in two regions and gave amazing data – both of those were AFTER it looked like Trump had been eliminated, AND the vaccines were “on the way” with no further need for media suppression of alternatives – they were all on DEFENSE of vaccines. Still, though, suppression in the US remained relatively successful, and longer than in India, but now the drug is really taking off.
Nice summary here. This article is somewhat critical (these people were rough on HCQ – they’re “grudging opposition”), but lots of good data here, including the fact (which they barely acknowledge) that this guy was CORRECT ON STEROIDS when WHO was wrong (thanks to CCP disinformation) – resigned a position over the issue, and was proven correct a month after he was gone. Hilarious but sad.
Wolf, just checking in to let you know that I did reply to your systems check over on Gab.
Good. I have not checked in there in a while, but I will later!
For your ammo dump…
Oh, that is beautifully true. Beautifully true.
Now, say it with me, people……
“The Biden regime and all those who plotted to inflict it upon us
are the enemies of the People.”
“The Biden regime and all those who plotted to inflict it upon us
are the enemies of the People.”
“The Biden regime and all those who plotted to inflict it upon us
are the enemies of the People.”
SO – what should happen to the enemies of the People?
When Syria’s ASSAD can correctly denounce you, JUSTICE AWAITS.
We will not stop.
Jo𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕.
Fake president, fake administration, fake CONgress, corrupted courts…They have shredded the social contract. Time to withdraw the consent of the governed.
Many were brainwashed into committing their own genocide. Where are the military tribunals for war crimes, sedition and treason?
To think we hung Saddam Hussein for WMDs. How many of our own dictators will face the same fate for much worse atrocities?
So why didn’t that happen?
The only credible excuse I ever heard was from PoliticalMoonshine, that DJT was set up by Hussein’s insertion of the ‘pandemic preparedness plan’ in the presidential transition process, which designated by Executive Order (which DJT could have simply undone by Executive Order…) who would lead the WH Pandemic Task Force.
And (supposedly, according to PM) if DJT had disagreed with or contradicted the ‘experts’ of the WH Task Force, Cabal was ready to pounce, using the 25th Amendment to remove him for ‘incompetence’, since he is not a doctor and was overruling the ‘best’
liarsvirology doctors in the world.That was PoliticalMoonshine’s theory, but I can’t even go back to examine his supporting documentation and evidence, because PoliticalMoonshine just disappeared after January 20th or thereabouts.
The website, which had just undergone a complete upgrade/transformation a few months earlier, is gone. In its place is a blue WordPress page that says “Coming Soon” or something like that.
I assume that you are familiar with:
i had some copies of Political Moonshines “posts”….so I plugged one of them into the Wayback machine website…
Here is one of them…
Although this post does not seem to have “the 25th Amendment Scenario” you laid out in your response above…..I too remembered PM saying that “Trump” was forced to keep Fauci and Birks “on the team”….ALso, it did remind me of how Political Moonshine was an EXCELLENT SOURCE of real information . It was so sad to see HIM… along with many other truth tellers….. ERASED from the pages of the Internet and the world the past 3 months…..
Thank you for the links and comments, treeperj. I have heard of the wayback machine, but always forget it exists. I bookmarked it to my toolbar now 👍
I think PM has (had) over 60 of those LONG articles on China virus, as the story continued to develop over the year. I never did read all of them, probably only the last 15 to 20 or so, and a couple of earlier ones that PM specifically mentioned as ‘shortcuts’ for new people to get caught up.
I think the article on the Cabal’s use of the 25th Amendment if DJT contradicted the WH pandemic task force (inserted into the presidential transition process by Executive Order, the same day as Flynn was arrested IIRC, to help as a distraction) was one of the early articles, maybe the first 10.
I just found PM’s Gab account.
Last post is January 20th:
POLITICAL MOONSHINE@Statecraft_Discerned
Jan 20··
This is perhaps the last post I’ll write.
Congratulations to the Deep State, Biden, Harris, China, Pence, the House, the Senate, SCOTUS and the federal apparatus writ large. You absolutely did it and it’s all yours.
The past 4 years that saw a hobby of politics move in the direction of something more meaningful is now over. My interest in politics is now done forever.
I will no longer vote nor will I read, write or share any of my thoughts on these matters as that chapter is closed.
All of my content, which was taken down in anticipation of this moment will remain offline and all of my social media accounts will close and be deleted.
Mr. Trump was the general for our cause and the general has stood down.
Therefore, I’ll follow his lead and look to live-out the rest of my years quietly and out the way. Everybody else can have what’s left.
I was just one individual who embraced the notion of restoring America back to its traditional roots. That is over; that time has passed us by; and it is not returning. Things never stay the same and the course for America is now set and that fact is accepted.
So, to the new President and Vice President, good luck – it’s all yours and I pray its used to the betterment of the people of this nation.
To those of you who took time to read what I shared – thank you.
Godspeed and goodbye.
Hopefully he will start writing again, as soon as DJT or the military finally make their next move, and he realizes it ain’t over yet. 👍
Thanks for sharing that “Last Post” from PM.
I never saw that !! (probably because I too “AVOIDED social media” for about a week after Jan 20th….too!
Hopefully it’s not actually his last post 👍😁
One of his other comments on Gab mentioned that he was leaving Oregon (if I remember correctly), so it’s possible he may be in the middle of moving to somewhere else in the country right now.
…and … here is Political Moonshine’s post from November 29, 2020:
Keeping in mind that the “pandemic” first broke 27 Dec 19 – a news story I just happened to catch in real time – the initial push for Political Moonshine began 01 Jan 20 and included opening our Twitter account and some others. The purpose was only to share with you our work and findings and specifically, that we believed COVID-19 to be fraudulent. That still remains our purpose.
The road to this point hasn’t been easy for myriad reasons; has taken a toll; has challenged personal, professional and familial relationships; and is mired in the frustration of complete suppression by social media platforms; those platforms being the only real way to reach people with our work. It’s a constant feeling of working your absolute hardest to have the best race car but never being allowed to leave the starting line. On the plus side, it makes all of you a small cohort of privileged folks who received good information that no one else had. Broken glass, half full, I suppose.
Here’s where things have gotten lately. I routinely reference sources and I do so with full fidelity and I will share with you that razor thin margins in just the right places has led to the confirmation of long-held suspicions. Those suspicions are that everything is being monitored and has been for a long time, as best I can tell; and presumably by both good and bad actors.
Recall, that as our positions developed in all of this, I routinely scoured the information landscape looking for similar or competing theories. There were none. There are none. I looked over and over and no one was asserting what we put down. Our work stood alone. Very alone. Then, on the back end of the Flynn/McInerney interview on Friday, it all largely proved true. That’s important for what follows and what follows is but one incident of several.
Just the other day while communicating with an individual in one electronic capacity, we agreed to move it to email. Over the next several minutes I would send three consecutive emails that resulted in this individual being locked out of the individual’s account at the same precise time I sent the emails. This was verified by me forwarding sent notifications with timestamps.
After getting assistance from the platform, the emails were retrieved from the trash and were being read. Then and in real time, those emails vanished – poof, gone, disappeared, Arkancided, whatever you care to call it. They were removed from the individual’s account in all ways and permanently. The content and genesis of the emails is both the likely cause and the likely explanation and I’ll just leave it at that.
But that’s where it is now. Remember, I’m just a regular dude. This is, or perhaps was, a hobby. I think that’s what makes this so difficult for friends and family to understand – regular dude’s don’t get caught-up like I’m stating and therefore, I become the “crazy” one. They fail to understand relationships and razor thin margins and I’ll just leave it at that.
Sounds like he needed a break. Hopefully he returns, recharged and ready to win this thing, as soon as DJT does whatever it is he’s going to do. 👍
The truth is everyone in America should be taking 2000-5000 i.u. of vitamin D a day.
They realized long ago that we are D-deficient, so they added it to milk. But almost nobody drinks a lot of milk anymore.
D-deficiency is linked to everything from cancer to dementia.
Maybe the alternative hypothesis should be considered….
Thank you for the links T3, I just finished the first one, very interesting.
Thanks Scott. Not a popular viewpoint, but I find the work to be compelling.
Popularity is very overrated 😁
Aubergine, I do not lightly refute this common perspective. Even doctors are making the mental error of association = causation. Which of course we all know is not right.
And no, the author of these well-researched articles is not a government hit person.
She’s someone that has fought her own long and difficult battle with M.E. and is now applying her hard won understanding in the microbiology field to perhaps make a difference in a field dominated by all the wrong kinds of motives.
She wants to help others.
She is one source among many. This is a personal choice I make. I have read many studies about vitamin D deficiency. My personal reasoning is that human beings are meant to manufacture D from the sun, but almost no one spends anywhere close to the amount of time outdoors that our ancestors did. My grandparents and great-grandparents spent the majority of their days out in the sun in the Deep South. I live in the north, and have noted from my gardening experiences that even plants that would normally live in the shade elsewhere thrive in full sun here. The sun is low enough in the sky that the rays are not as strong, even in high summer.
Approximately 80% of people who died of covid 19 were D-deficient. It is common for elderly people.
I personally feel much better when my D levels are higher. YMMV.
This is possibly a case of we tend to be deficient. But you can overdo it, too.
I’m personally taking 4000 IUs 2 thousand each morning and evening; up from 1000 each for a total of 2000.
I was tested during the winter a few years ago and was very low. So I take quite a bit, and get tested every year to check my levels.
I understand!
The articles I sent are short and they explain better than I can why immune suppression makes us feel better and how chronic infection can prompt the body to lower 25D in order to better fight the infections. 🙂
I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy it.
Lowered immunity would mean getting sick more often. Period. Viruses are opportunistic. I don’t get colds. I don’t get the flu. I am very rarely ill.
This is akin to the occasional “diet doctor” who gets an idea in their head that they run with. It sells a lot of books, but when looked at closely, doesn’t hold up to logic. This idea is illogical to me.
Again, your health is your personal choice.
I understand. Every single doctor is saying the opposite.
But logic itself teaches us that association is not equal to causation.
Somehow, this seems appropriate…..
Secondhand messages regarding our dear Sylvia via Marica:
MaricaFebruary 27, 2021 at 3:14 am
Ah noes!!! She sent us Hugs.. via hearts today I talked to her last nite!!! I really think our Syl…is gonna be OK!! Please God!!
Reply Marica
February 27, 2021 at 3:23 am
You are right!! Syl is gonna be OK!!!! at least as I know right now!!! Scared the shit out of me… I Promise to keep ya’ll in in the loop!!!
[Ummm….let’s see how this works……]
Eh, not too bad….
Thanks, Steve. I am enjoying the education I get on finances with your posts. Even the short explanations are very helpful.
Rhodium is very interesting. I have always thought of it as a cheap metal compared with the PMs, because of how it’s known as “rhodium coated” in conjunction with silver or gold jewelry.
You’re drawing an analogy between it and zinc. And zinc is cheap crap. Our “pennies” are mostly zinc now, and they sound cheap when they hit the table. I even joke sometimes that it’s the only plastic on the periodic table. (No, it really is a metal.) It’s a good analogy, sometimes.
But alas not this time. The correct analogy (as you’ve probably already figured out) is to compare rhodium plated with gold plated. The plating is the good stuff, the stuff inside is the crap. Relatively speaking, it’s crap even when it’s gold that’s on the inside of rhodium plated, though why someone would cover gold color with what’s basically chrome color is beyond me.
But it often does give the impression of “cheap” for exactly the opposite reason!
The people loved darkness because their deeds were evil!
Rep. August Pfluger
HAPPENING NOW: Speaker Pelosi has us voting in the dead of night on a $1.9 trillion blue state bail out.
Why are they holding critical debate on trillions of dollars of spending while most of the country is asleep?
If you don’t know the answer to your question……..
I have no doubt that it’s a rhetorical question and he knows damned well.
It’s an educational tweet, meant for those of us still needing the pill with the red dye #2 in it.
Throwing down the gauntlet (after running it)
Nick Adams
The State of the Union address will be given this Sunday, at CPAC, by Donald J. Trump.
bizzaro world (so many things to choose from)…isn’t this a violation of the 1st amendment? VandenBerghe
BREAKING: White House will charge reporters $170 DAILY for Covid testing. Are they hoping this insane administration gets less coverage?
Offer them free anal swabs for positive reporting?
I suspect the take-up rate will be off the charts ………
Sorry about that 🙂
Are you implying the press are a bunch of homos? LOL
You said it ……….. 🙂
But why insult homos that way?
LOL hmmm, no further comment 😉
Would that make them a bunch of ass wipes then?
Well now, isn’t that charmin?
You owe me a monitor!
We won’t paper over our differences with the RINOs.
It’s to drive out the smaller news outlets like OAN, NEWSMAX… The established fake news, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Faux News will always be at WH pressers to faun over His Fraudulency and sacky.
Then we should offer to contribute the funds to keep them there. Fuck these Communist bastards.
The ones w/out deep enough pockets are the ones that are punished/locked out. So much for so-called “freedom” of the press!
Stimulus Bill passes, on to the Senate. The rape of the American people continues apace.
“In addition to $400 weekly federal unemployment benefits and $1,400 direct payments, the legislation includes more than $100 million for transportation projects in New York and California. “
Creative legislative writing can overcome these bills. Of course there must be a couple of things first: the GOP must have a majority and it must be willing to do it.
Rush is resting in peace & safe in the arms of Jesus
Rush was laid to rest today in Missouri
I bet within a week, his grave will be vandalized.
Where there is one Marine, there are others. I think it will be guarded rather well.
That’s horrifying. But given desecration of graves in France of WWII heroes anything is possible anywhere. Toppling statues & desecrating graves are close cousins.
How does he end up with a flag on his coffin and a marine guard?
I thought those sorts of things were rendered only to veterans, and as far as I can recall, he’s not a vet. A patriot yes, but not a veteran.
He did a lot of charity work for one of the Marine Corp vet organizations. There is nothing to stop them from rendering honors to a civilian.
Ah, that makes sense, then. Thank you.
I suppose the Commander In Chief could give such orders, but the person currently in that office, who is not the rightful holder of the office, would never do so in this case. Two months ago? You betcha.
(Joe Biden didn’t win.)
Because of the Medal of Freedom he received from President Trump. I believe there is some type of monetary pension that is received too along with military honors..
I wondered about that & if that is Not a pic from his burial…
And he’s in one of the oldest – and, frankly GORGEOUS – cemeteries in town. It’s literally on the far side of the railroad tracks from the river, and just north of the Catholic cemetery.
You have to know what you’re looking for in there. Those two cemeteries are HUGE.
Old cemeteries can be so beautiful in addition to the melancholy. The one where my grandparents, great-grandparents, great-aunts & uncles, & some cousins are buried, & where my parents have plots, is a lovely community cemetery. Seeing the flags on a militaristic holiday for all the service members is a patriotic & historic display. There are warriors going back to Civil War service buried in that little Northern Michigan country cemetery.
To be buried in that cemetery, you have to be somebody. That’s where a lot of the beer barons are, Dred Scott, the Queenys who owned a little company called Monsanto, and many others.
VIP burial grounds…interesting 🙂 Did the photo look like it was from that location?
This time of year, you can’t tell.
I’ve never been in that cemetery. I just know which one it was reported to be.
OK, thank for the reply 🙂
Owe no many any debt but the continuing debt of love
David Nicholas
The United States is projected to borrow more money in the next 12 months than the previous 200+ years COMBINED.
WEF psy op to prep us for less activity (due to significantly decreased population?)–spit!
bat crap crazy, Robin. These parents are abusing their unborn child. What legitimate medical provider would go alone w/ this utterly depraved insanity!
Right Valerie! Who are these Dr. Mengele’s?
No clue. I really hope that is an urban legend or else everyone involved should be brought up on child abuse charges!
We are in a big concentration camp. This what Nazi doctors did in experiments on Jews. What is wrong with people . What doctors do this kind of stuff are they American doctors? People are so freaking out of their mind. Maybe the parents should start with their own bodies before experimenting on their kids. Children need to be protected and we failed as a society.
But we could lose jobs or get censored for not using the “correct” (preferred) pronouns for these insane people. Now they are going to lock up the sane people because we are becoming the outliers of society!
We cannot have fear just careful and stand up for truth we will be ok 🙂
Right. We fight on for the Truth & the truth will set us free, especially Jesus who is the way, the truth, the light, & the life!
THE MAJORITY of the LBGT ‘parents’ afflict, confuse and abuse their children, born and unborn, with their own unnatural and ungodly ideations.
For example:
They are not normal people, generally have heightened emotional lability, relational issues, and therefore not good child rearing prospects.
Because, when your sexuality is your identity you have a mental disorder. There are obviously degrees of the disorder, Ric Grenell in contrast to Dr. Levine. It’s the fixation that’s the problem, creating a totally inappropriate environment for raising children.
Grenell is still an activist – and made sure to hire employees in his department based on ‘orientation’ and ‘identity’. He also wants/demands that his lifestyle to be normalized and approved by the public.
I understand, I was simply pointing out the degrees of possession.
The real explanation for all of it is . . . once you’re on board with abortion on demand, everything else, EVERYTHING else is small potatoes.
No, he just polished his public presentation. He has a few traits useful to conservative policy positions but in reality, he’s no different than other queer fetishists.
If he was any different, we likely would not know that he was queer. Rock Hudson was an example of someone who did not define himself based on being queer. If he hadn’t gotten AIDS, he would have lived his entire life without the public knowing of his “other” life.
But it’s assumed that Hollywood knew about Hudson but at that time he was obliged to be discreet in order to have a career.
I doubt either Hudson or Grenell, despite their mutual weakness, would go along with the evil that Levine promotes. There are degrees of this.
But not allowing “gays” to adopt is so discriminatory. I believe it is Robert Oscar Lopez at American Thinker who writes on these topics at length, having been raised in such a household.
I remember reading his posts in the past….he’s right. The alphabet activists can’t produce a normal healthy child-rearing environment.
They are so twisted up inside with their own issues they do not even know what normal or healthy is! These people need significant help, not coddling by a society that joins into their delusions & depravities!
Heartbreaking cry for Trump to stop Biden
covid passports in Canada
Cherry on top would be to announce that customers may enter at their own risk!
Probably would bust him on interfering with an investigation but I really hope he can do it to the bastards.
Would be nice if he tested positive for covid AFTER a visit from the health obenubergreppenfuerher.
Nice use of nazi-esque nomenclature!
Look at that phone number…it’s not the United States. The UK? Oz? New Zealand?
Good catch.
I did a search on that number and it pulled up:
Levendi Souvlaki Grill
Mentone, Victoria, Australia
I suspected it was Australian, but was uncertain. I do know (don’t ask me why I chose to take a deep dive on this a few years ago…my brain does this), they went through a huge reorg of their phone system a while back, ended up with ten area codes and eight digit numbers within the area codes. (06, IIRC, is Queensland.) Some of those area codes are reserved for mobile phones.
Here you go. It’s in Victoria State:
I noticed that too but didn’t dig deeper. I’m pro-freedom worldwide! Rejoicing in Anyone shaking free of the shackles of social insanity!!!
promoting plant based “milk”…someone’s agenda surely…same types that want us to stop eating real meat would be my guess…
Samuel is a man’s name…
Do they have TRANS COWS now????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d just read a study that says that veganism/vegetarianism makes one’s brain smaller. This idiocy proves it…..
Ain’t all it makes smaller.
Makes odd things larger in males, too.
She/He is a Questioning bovine. Maybe; maybe not.
Schrödinger’s cow…
Consisting of many moo mesons…
You just reminded me of the classmate I had in grad school who actually thought mu (μ) was spelled “mew”
Well it is Caturday (OK, was when I typed that)…
Mu is even on the German keyboard, sharing the “M” key via the AltGr “shift” key… (shifty lot they are)…
And then there’s my Cowlendar, with a proud mama cow and her newborn calf resting. Another cow mom asks, “So cute, and only a quarter pound: what did you name her?”
preemie needs prayer
AMErikaNCRYPTOGirl and 6 others liked
Matthew Marlow
My 2nd grandbaby was born yesterday, a little early. She is having breathing issues.
Could you please pray for Ann. Her lungs need God’s perfect touch. Thank you.
My twins were preemies, born at 33 1/2 weeks but since the one baby wasn’t growing right I’d been getting celestone shots for months. Thankfully they never needed oxygen but were both in the NICU for a while: Brandon just 10 days, but Josiah 2 1/2 months because he required open-heart surgery before he ever came home. Fun times/s
Hopefully this precious baby will come through this hiccup just fine!
Oh now they’ll pay!
Nice. Judge Smails “Well, we’re waiting!”
Wow this is interesting & ripe for misuse
Deep fakes are a real threat, maybe not today but the day after tomorrow.
Imagine a brand new Marilyn Monroe or Sean Connery or [insert your favorite dead star] movie coming out
The Elvis scenes in the newer Blade Runner were pretty amazing. Reminded me of the shock of seeing the Princess Leia hologram in Star Wars as a kid!
perspective on the usurpers & their usurpations
If only this all was a crazy show we could just turn off & walk away from!
paying for the privilege of Piglousi
Quote Tweet
Rep. Jim Jordan
· 13h
The Democrats’ new election bill will allow politicians to use your tax dollars to pay for their campaigns.
In other words, you may have to pay for Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to get re-elected.
I saw Hawley speak yesterday. He was good. Now he is being compared to Teddy Roosevelt.
Hawley calls for breakup of Big Tech ‘oligarchs,’ companies that ‘sold us out to China’
Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri on Friday urged fellow Republicans to support the break-up of Big Tech “oligarchs” that censor political viewpoints as well as large companies that “sold us out to China.”
It’s a long, LOOONG way from seeding clouds (been done for decades now) to gathering and focusing the amount of energy to steer tornados and hurricanes (think of a transistor (base) or vacuum tube (grid) element as a signal injector), let alone creating one from scratch.
Time, effort, and money would be better spent dealing with “Dominion” [n.b. “minion” is contained within Dominion] and their ilk, funders, and inventors as opposed to not-here-yet-despite-all-the-hype “technologies”…
Sometimes I think some of this fear-mongering is done by the left, to discredit those of us on the right who’ve been drilling down into their deception(s). DEMONRAT Decepticon(s), as it were…
Get us to buy off on something stupid….
Then we look…stupid.
Observations about the Mask
In the ongoing drama of the mask, and particularly in scenarios where friends, family or business associates (or clubs or other free association groups, including church) require the wearing of a mask, there is a familiar series of steps that generally goes like this:
1) someone of influence determines, in great earnestness, that a mask is to be required
2) everyone affected then has to determine whether or not to (or whether they can) comply, which breaks down this way:
…..a: people who do believe the mask is a good idea and comply eagerly
…..b: people who do not believe the mask prevents infection, but decide to wear it in order to avoid conflict
…..c: people who do not believe the mask prevents infection, and refuse to indulge the misguided belief of those who do, as a matter of principle
Not out of unkindness or inconsideration, as most mask acolytes will accuse — which itself is very unkind and inconsiderate — but out of the conviction that truth actually matters, and understanding that knowingly accepting unreality always leads to unintended consequences, and they are never good.
Naturally then there is conflict between those who want to compel others to observe their belief in the mask ritual, and those who do not believe in the mask.
From what I have read about the Spanish Flu of 1918, this same conflict occurred then, and the people responsible for promoting the mask in 2020 certainly knew this conflict would arise.
A quick online search for “Spanish Flu of 1918 masks” turns up LOTS of articles, this is just one of the first:
‘Mask Slackers’ and ‘Deadly’ Spit: The 1918 Flu Campaigns to Shame People Into Following New RulesCartoons, PSAs and streetcar signs urged Americans to follow health guidelines to keep the pandemic from spreading.
Many of the methods Americans used in 1918 to try to prevent the spread of the flu are similar to what people began doing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Close schools. Wear masks. Don’t cough or sneeze in someone’s face. Avoid large events and hold them outside when possible. And no spitting.
Health and city officials got the word out about these guidelines in all kinds of ways. In Philadelphia, streetcar signs warned “Spit Spreads Death.” In New York City, officials enforced no-spitting ordinances and encouraged residents to cough or sneeze into handkerchiefs (a practice that caught on after the pandemic). The city’s health department even advised people not to kiss “except through a handkerchief,” and wire reports spread the message around the country.
In western states, some cities adopted mask ordinances, and officials argued wearing one was a patriotic duty. In October 1918, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a public service announcement telling readers that “The man or woman or child who will not wear a mask now is a dangerous slacker”—a reference to the type of World War I “slacker” who didn’t help the war effort. One sign in California threatened, “Wear a Mask or Go to Jail.”
So it was absolutely known, from history, that this type of conflict would be created, and considering all the flip-flops from Dr. Fauxi and his cohorts, their objective was and is maximum conflict and division.
Note that in either case, whether we choose to wear the mask or not, and regardless of the reason for the choice, the choice comes down to belief.
We can’t see the virus or verify its existence with any of our senses, and nobody has their own testing or diagnostic equipment. So we are 100% dependent on the medical establishment for testing, diagnosis and (for most people) treatment. We can get sick, as tens of millions of people do every year from seasonal flu, and believe we have China Virus — and maybe we do, maybe we don’t — but we can’t know unless we get tested.
Which means we simply cannot know.
Because unfortunately (and at this point predictably) the test was purposely designed to have high ‘positive’ rates to achieve a political objective (high case numbers). Something about test ‘cycles’, which are now being adjusted lower to remove false positives, but which could not and would never be adjusted lower, as long as DJT was in office.
And we can’t believe the people who process the tests either, because apparently the labs are being paid more to report ‘positive’ test results than ‘negative’ test results. Why? Shut up and don’t ask any questions… 😂
It would be funny if it wasn’t so obviously corrupt. The best known example I am aware of is the 33 labs in Florida that were busted when their test results were 99% ‘positive’, IIRC.
And nobody can believe Fauxi and Brix, who flip-flop and contradict themselves more often than professional politicians.
And nobody can trust academia, because they are 95% aligned with the Left’s ‘Covid-19’ narrative, and nobody can trust the mainstream news media for the exact same reason.
Those who choose to believe in the mask also choose to overlook all of those factors.
You can call that whatever you want — I call it intellectual dishonesty.
To those for whom the mask is obligatory, it is a matter of personal belief. Often taking on the characteristics of religious belief. They cannot prove that the mask accomplishes anything, it’s just a feeling, and the feeling is usually based on fear, and the fear is based on 24/7/365 MSM fear-mongering (propaganda) and social pressure (peer-pressure).
To those who refuse the mask, it is also a matter of belief. A rational belief that virions (virus particles) are too small for the filtration capability of a typical surgical mask or scarf, and a reasonable belief that we are being lied to by the government and by a medical establishment whose interests are aligned with the government, either ideologically, economically, or both.
But it’s a belief just the same. I can prove various aspects of it, but never to someone who doesn’t want to hear with an open mind.
I did encounter a particular argument about masks, which was with regard to politics. The influencers in question tried to put me on defense, suggesting that opposition to the mask was ‘political’, that refusing to wear the mask was a ‘political statement‘, implying that the organization was apolitical, and that ‘politics’ had no place there.
But is wearing the mask not also a de facto political statement?
If anyone doubts this, try not wearing a mask during your daily routine, long enough to be confronted by an aggressive Leftist mask Nazi. What is he or she reacting so aggressively about? Wearing the mask is their politics, and your lack of a mask is an open and direct challenge to their politics.
Wearing the mask in public is either a political statement of support and solidarity with the fascist/communist Left — or secondarily, a statement of submission to the fascist/communist Left, in order to avoid a confrontation or persecution.
Conversely, not wearing a mask can also be interpreted as a political statement — and certainly is interpreted that way by the Left — because it makes one stand out from the crowd, from the herd, from everyone else who wears the mask, making that person a target for harassment by the more aggressive mask Nazis. And now in a growing number of places in the world, a target for aggressive arrest by mask Nazis with badges.
The enemy has cleverly forced everyone to choose a side, and compelled everyone to make a very publicly visible choice.
We can wear the mask as a highly visible political statement in support of and in solidarity with the Left, and that is exactly how the Left intended it to be interpreted. The mask is a virtue signal, publicly identifying oneself with the political Left, whether that is our intention or not.
Or we can wear the mask out of a desire for conflict avoidance. We may disagree with wearing a mask, but do it anyway, to avoid being targeted for harassment, or simply to avoid the inconvenience of having to shop somewhere else (for one example).
The powers behind this evil are fine with that, because to the general public, for appearances sake, that compliance signals support of the political Left to everyone else, regardless (or even in spite) of our personal beliefs. It makes the wearer a political tool of the Left, even if the wearer opposes the Left’s beliefs and objectives.
Or we can wear the mask out of genuine belief that, like putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes, wearing a mask will stop virus particles which are much smaller than the filtration capability of any cheap paper mask. The powers of evil are fine with that reason also, because again, regardless of our personal reasons, to any public observer, we are making a political statement, a public demonstration of alignment with or submission to the lawless Left.
Finally, we can recognize that the mask is a political tool of control and submission, being used for political objectives, by the political Left, and reject it, knowing that doing so will instantly and unmistakably make us a visible target — and do it anyway.
A target of the Leftist ideology that seeks to control our behavior and compel us to visibly (if not internally) support their cause, for propaganda value, and also make you a target of those who are ignorant of what the Left is doing — likely to include family, friends and anyone else we associate with.
It is an incredibly effective psychological control technique, a method of psychological warfare, similar to the way Nazis forced Jews to identify themselves by wearing a yellow star of David, but the mask is far more clever.
The mask makes everyone who wears it appear to support the totalitarian regime, which has enormous symbolic and psychological value to the totalitarian regime. The wearer becomes a tool of the regime, a de facto useful idiot, regardless of one’s internal beliefs.
The scheme also provides an avenue for those who refuse to be used as a political tool of the Left, a way to self-select, to opt-out — but (and) in doing so, immediately draw attention to and identify yourself to the totalitarian regime, as one who is not going along with the programming.
Of course this is in addition to all the other benefits derived by the totalitarian Left via the mask scheme, which include attacking and depriving us of our God-given rights, compelling isolation and seclusion, shutting down small business and livelihoods and therefore the entire economy of the middle class, and lots more.
And somehow, some people think not wearing the mask is political, but wearing the mask is not political…
Both choices are political, because the entire scenario which compels the choice in order to create the conflict is political.
This is still my choice.
The mask-wearers can never do this.
Once you get the ‘wave’ down, it’s the most fun part 😁
Thanks a lot. Now every time I go to the grocery store, unmasked as always, I’ll hear the Rocky theme in my head and have to throw a few air-punches.
If I tried to vault a park bench, I’d break my neck.
It’s worse than just picking a side. Eventually, mask wearing or not will be the trigger to pit the left so against those who refuse to go along to go so far as to kill those who don’t. The priests on one of the Grace Force videos talked about it in relation to Germany in the 1930s and the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. The people themselves killed the opposition, it wasn’t just military. The karens of the day didn’t just report the Jews and the Tutsis, they killed them.
I do believe it will come to that if something doesn’t give.
This was very well written & reasoned–thank you very much!!!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, February 27, 2021
“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.”
Isaiah 53:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
And by His stripes, we Were, Are, and Always Will Be Healed!! 🙏🙏🙏
february 27, 2021 the marshall report
There are many great men and women on the front lines fighting against the global regime. We have been focused on the politicians, it’s time to meet some of the great professionals who have been blowing the whistle way before we hit the storm of chaos we are now struggling to survive. Meet two great professionals who are fighting for you to expose the crimes in the medical field, big pharma, the food industry, and what to do to be healthy! They give you the truth and expose the lies you’ve all been told.
Thanks to Marica for looking after our Sylvia and keeping us posted. Prayers for Sylvia. Hello to all. Biden didn’t win.
Hopium of the morning, courtesy Sundance:
This Nurse is pissed off at all the ChiCom Virus insanity.
***Language Warning***
👋👋👋 BRAVO!
Wheatie, Link? I am not smart enough on this one. Usually left click, right click…
You mean the video will not play for you?
Here’s the link to it on Bitchute:
ht tps://
Remove the space.
Thanks. Video played perfectly. I couldn’t get the link so I can share the spot on message.
Usually the link is easy to pull up. Some things baffle simple guy. Thanks for the assist.
You are very welcome, Kalbo.
I can’t ever find the link to any of the new-fangled media videos….gab, chute, rumble, telegram, etc…..
In that case, I am in GREAT company. 🙂
We’ll figure it out eventually! Maybe one of our QTH compatriots will show us!
Though I do hope in the future she turns her phone on its side.
I’d say she pretty much nailed it.
Heartbreak in our local communities… prayers appreciated for Officer Winum who leaves a wife, 4 children, and 1 grandchild. He had not gotten out of his vehicle during a traffic stop when being shot to death. LEOs have arrested the shooter and our communities mourn.…/virginia-cop-is-fatally-shot…/…
Good Lord, Dora!!! Go away you ‘control freaks’ – we are tired of being told what to do while you do as you please – and are not subject to the edicts you impose on us!!!
Merkel continued, “She stressed, however, that the creation of the certificates “does not mean that only those who have a vaccination passport are allowed to travel.”……
Kind of click-bait-ey. People here are resisting both the vaccines and the masks, despite Merde-Kuh’s and von der Lyin’s efforts to kill everyone. Worse, NTEB is pointing blame at Germany, when the blame rests with the Globalists (Rothschilds, Gates, et. al.). Eugenics started with some nut in the US, NOT with Hitler, altnough Mengele took it and ran with it (clear back to the US, it’s said, ending up with MK-Ultra, etc.).
Another thing is that the EU Parliament is (albeit “elected”) merely a rubber-stamp body “approving” whatever idiocy the European Comission (UNELECTED) throws at it. von der lyin’ is leader of the EC; Merde-Kuh has the rotating presidency of the EP (think of a Kebab Grill with a rotating spit and a huge potato (Karteufel, as it were) on it…
It’s going to be a wild and wooly election year here. New parties are springing up like mushrooms, along with the manure that goes with them. One wonders if there’s a divide-and-conquer campaign going on that the ChiComs are apparently so good at. And the presstitutes (Merde-Kuh’s flying monkeys) are having a field day trashing the AfD (Alternativ für Deutschland), our MAGA (MGGA?) party.
Sweeping away all the political BS, it does seem that many people are fed up. The question is, will they leave the CDU/CSU (~RINOS) and vote for the Greens, or will they come to their senses and vote for the AfD?
Praying that GOD steps in and straightens this mess out, WORLDWIDE. Seems it’s almost like living in a “Left Behind” movie… Who, then, is Carpathia?
It is heart breaking to hear that about Germany. This is what Germany got electing Merkel a communist.
I hope this sorts itself out as Merkel hopefully withers away.
The thing is, Merkel was not elected.
She was selected (one might say, “installed”) via some negotiations in smoke-filled back rooms in the bowels of Berlin. She also is an expert of the bait-and-switch, presenting herself as open to negotiation and hearing others’ points of view, criticisms, and suggestions, yet always ends up doing what she (read: her globalist, Coudenhove-Kalergi masters) intended to do.
Now that she has eliminated any capable or intelligent (not to mention incorrupt) competition from within the CDU/CSU and even the other parties, it will be interesting to see how the general election turns out this year. I fear that the voters will abandon the CDU/CSU and choose the left side of things, be it the Greens, Die Linke (which have not one, but TWO women running their party, totally emasculated), or the SPD, who are slowly demolishing themselves.
What they really need to vote for are the AfD, Alternativ für Deutschland, indeed the ONLY alternative, but they’re being sabotaged both within and without. Good news is that they’re still around and still fighting the good fight, despite the presstitutes, et. al.
Interesting data point is that the MSM/MCM (i.e. leftist rags) are failing, and losing readership, which conservative, alternative media, both online and print(!) are gaining readership by leaps and bounds. And a quick trip through the various comments sections show the people here are fed up, and potentially AfD voters. Even leftard outlets such as Focus, (barf) Spiegel, and the usual online suspects are having more and more conservative comments, and even a few conservative articles; something that would have been almost unthinkable only a few years ago [seems the refauxgee “crisis” and Fakorona have pushed people to the limit]…
I am so sorry you guys are stuck with the old cow. I pray things will change things cannot stand the way it is moving in Germany and US.
“Who, then, is Carpathia?”
A ship that rescued Titanic survivors, I believe 🙂
I was thinking of the “Left Behind” series (and movies), but yeah…
Seems some of the folks on that ship were targeted… Astor, for instance…
I’ve actually never read those (yet) nor seen the movie (but saw A Distant Thunder & A Thief in the Night when a teen at church, which scared the crap out of me). I tried to get my kids to read the teen series back when our library had quite a number of Christian kids & teen series but nobody bit. My 2 older boys did love the teen Circle Series by Ted Dekker, I believe. There is one that overlaps or is a companion for adults all with color names: Red, Black, White, & Green (I think) 🙂
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Thanks, Steve, for the additional info on precious metals.
Good stuff!
😀 👍
I didn’t know any of that about Rhodium.
And yes…China is asshoe!!
Thank you for pointing out, that since China owns Joe:
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐞, too!!
Impeccable reasoning there.