DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20230505

As it is derby weekend, the Friday cocktail is:

Classic Bourbon Mint Julep


  • 4 to 5 mint sprigs, leaves only
  • 2 sugar cubes, or 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 2 1/2 ounces bourbon whiskey
  • Mint sprig, for garnish

Steps to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients.Ingredients to make classic mint julep
  2. Place the mint leaves and sugar or simple syrup into a julep cup, collins glass, or double old-fashioned glass. Muddle well to dissolve the sugar and release the oil and aroma of the mint.Pour simple syrup into cup.
  3. Add the bourbon. Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir well until the glass becomes frosty. Garnish with a mint sprig.Stirting ice in mint julep.

When finished with said drink, look for a place to lie down.

Okay, onward….

Badlands News Brief – May 5, 2023

Midsized Regional Lenders See Selloffs As First Republic Collapse Spooks Investors

Why Some Transgender People Are Turning On Bud Light After Mulvaney Drama

China, Trump and Covid-19

Report: Unprecedented Rise in Hate Crimes against American Churches

Economics, politics, and war are all one thing

Why the Bud Light Boycott Is Working

For now. Another link down the list is a reality check on the whole thing.

Report: FBI Assists Ukraine in Fighting ‘Disinformation’ on Facebook

In other news, water is wet.

Unrigging Our Elections

The FBI’s Catholicism Memo Is No Laughing Matter | Opinion

Thread from Robert Kennedy, Jr., on crypto. He just made the case against him being president.

‘I think he’s in trouble’: Growing number of Ron DeSantis donors and allies hope for a shake-up

De-dollarization: Not a matter of if, but when

So it seems. However, there are those out there who disagree.

IRS, EPA, SBA and other non-law enforcement federal agencies arming to the teeth with exotic weapons and bulk ammo purchases: ‘A culture of militarization has permeated across the federal bureaucracy’

Good thing the populace has guns.

The emboldened left has a new target at Fox News: Jesse Watters…..

Predicted. Maria Bartiromo and Judge Jeanine won’t be far behind.

They are Males, but They’re Not Men

Trends in Number of COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US

Dropping like a rock.

Why these boycotts are working

They are sending a message, yes.

Stuck in a Groove of Negativity and Hopelessness

Why a Veterans-Owned Freeze Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview

BOMBSHELL! Bud Light Parent Company, AB Inbev, is Going to be Fine. BOOM!

Agree, but for a number of other reasons, namely that American conservatives are not their only customers. A message is being sent – and has been received – but the effort is not going to submarine the company.

The Real Reason Why the Pharmaceutical Industry Is Spending Far More on Television Advertising Than Anyone Else

And from Sundance:

Position Reversed Again – Nashville Police Refuse to Release Transgender Audrey Hale Christian Murder Manifesto

The California Contagion – PacWest Teters on Becoming the Next Regional Bank to Collapse as Regional Banking Stocks Continue Severe Drops

Merrick Garland Delivers Speech Following Conviction of Four J6 Defendants for “Sedition” – Seditious Conspiracy

Comrades, today after ordering the slow drums to resound loudly, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland delivered remarks celebrating the conviction of four Americans who were charged with Seditious Conspiracy for their conduct on January 6, 2021.   Together with federal enforcer Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco at his side, AG Merrick Garland warns everyone to stay obeyance with the dictates and fiats of the regime.

Drama drama drama.

Tweety Tweets:

Boycotting the “news” programming is actually more important than consumer goods in the long run.

And so many of the people I know who watch FOX are actually pretty smart.

Leave it up to the Italians to lead on this matter.



And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


JOHN 14:1-6

1“Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4And you know the way where I am going.” 5Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” 6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.


Have a good weekend!

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Valerie Curren

Here’s a couple sites to go with your first video 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lady hats are always awesome!

Valerie Curren

especially when worn by actual females 😉


Then, again, actual females are always awesome whether or not they’re wearing hats…..

Valerie Curren



Oh Y E A !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would say “ONLY”, but the do look OK on FEMALE mannequins, too!


As they say when a case of Best Foods falls off of a dock into the briney —

Happy Sinko de Mayo!!!


Thank you, DePat, for a splendid Friday post to end the week!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The memes and the satire are absolutely hilarious!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, this guy DePat showed us is a flat earther, but ya GOTTA listen to him, because I think he’s absolutely right about the next big psy-op coming.


I used to see Benjamin Owen videos a lot when Q first began. He was a stand-up comedian who went back to nature when political-correctness assassinated humor, at least at the professional level.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

He is missing a KEY POINT. The Globalists ALREADY have this covered.

It is called the Food Safety Modernization Act. The bill HR 875 had the following, and as we know from the Federal Reserve Act, once passed amendments are used to get rid of ‘compromises’ and add back the originial points:

..FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY- The term ‘food production facility’ means any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or confined animal-feeding operation…

There is NO exemption for instate commerce, for hobby farms, for you backyard garden.

The Administrator, in order to protect the public health, shall establish a national traceability system that enables the Administrator to retrieve the history, use, and location of an article of food through all stages of its production, processing, and distribution.

set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety;

conduct monitoring and surveillance of animals, plants, products, or the environment, as appropriate

require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards;

include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water”

Notice it does not say a person SELLING food, it says a person holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients.

This is very scary given Ag Sec. Venman’s ” September, 1995, USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service presented a 600-page document Farm-To-Table – control of every step in the food chain from production to home preparation.

HR 875 also includes this.
“in any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction SHALL BE PRESUMED TO EXIST.”
The fact you are growing veggies for you and friends does not exclude you!

The Commerce Clause: A farmer was growing wheat for his own use “The government claimed that if Mr. Filburn grew wheat for his own use, he would not be buying it — and that affected interstate commerce” The Supreme court found against the farmer!!!

A lawyer who has fought ‘Commerce Clause cases gave his opinion of the law:

Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009

A misguided bill, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, may shut down farmer’s markets and “drive out of business local farmers and artisanal, small-scale producers of berries, herbs, cheese, and countless other wares, even when there is in fact nothing unsafe in their methods of production,” warns legal commentator Walter Olson at Overlawyered.


Moreover, DeLauro’s own bill includes a broad jurisdictional provision that creates a presumption that home gardens do affect interstate commerce. Section 406 of the bill reads as follows: “PRESUMPTION. In any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction shall be presumed to exist.”

…. As a lawyer, I am skeptical of this claim (I co-represented the prevailing defendant in the last successful constitutional challenge to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause, United States v. Morrison (2000), one of only two cases in 70 years in which a challenge was successful). Congress’s power under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is almost unlimited in the eyes of the courts, and thus can reach the “tomato plant in your backyard.”

…Ignorance about the law’s broad reach (and how it will be construed by the courts) has thwarted opposition to the bill, which will likely pass Congress. For example, a newspaper claims the bill “doesn’t regulate home gardens.” The newspaper probably assumed that was true because the bill, like most federal laws, only purports to reach activities that affect “interstate commerce.” To an uninformed layperson or journalist, that “sounds as if it might not reach local and mom-and-pop operators at all.” (The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, has sought to forestall opposition to her bill by falsely claiming that that “the Constitution’s commerce clause prevents the federal government from regulating commerce that doesn’t cross state lines.”)

But lawyers familiar with our capricious legal system know better. The Supreme Court ruled in Wickard v. Filburn (1942) that even home gardens (in that case, a farmer’s growing wheat for his own consumption) are subject to federal laws that regulate interstate commerce. Economists and scholars have criticized this decision, but it continues to be cited and followed in Supreme Court rulings, such as those applying federal anti-drug laws to consumption of even home-grown medical marijuana. Indeed, many court decisions allow Congress to define as “interstate commerce” even non-commercial conduct that doesn’t cross state lines — something directly at odds with Rep. DeLauro’s claims.


Remember the AG survey that was sent to everyone including gardeners? Not to mention the Dept of Ag SATELLITES…

Google satellite images, available to the public allow me to see each of my sheep! That is the publicly available images. The Deep State has much better imagery and if they wish can hunt down backyard gardeners. Heck during the ‘Farm Wars’ one USDA official actually threatened to track down every backyard chicken to make sure they were tagged!

Satellites can assist growers with:

  • Detecting and controlling pests and disease
  • Understanding water and nutrient status
  • Planning crop nutrition programmes
  • Informing in-season irrigation
  • Predicting yields
  • Estimating harvest timing

Rapid developments in this area are enabling increased connectivity and observational capability; coupling these developments with ‘smarter’ computing, data infrastructures and analytics is increasing the possibilities for the use of satellite technologies for farmers and growers….

Global Crop Production Analysis—Satellite Imagery Archive›remote.htm

United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service. … The USDA Imagery Archive is the repository for all acquired USDA satellite imagery.

USGS: Agriculture from ‘Landsat Imagery: A Unique Resource’ 
By Fort Collins Science Center November 7, 2016

Landsat satellites provide high-quality, multi-spectral imagery of the surface of the Earth. These moderate-resolution, remotely sensed images are not just pictures, but contain many layers of data collected at different points along the visible and invisible light spectrum. 

Brave and Free

I believe the DS/TPTB see the Amish and Mennonite community as a threat in this regard. There very self sufficient.

Gail Combs

Yes they have already gone after the  Amish/Mennonite community via Animal ID that they see as “the Mark of the Beast’

2008 Amish Farmers Fight Government to Battle Bovine Mark of the Beast

many Amish threaten to quit farming in a battle with the government over lojacking their livestock with the Mark of the Beast. They’ve joined up with a lawsuit challenging the National Animal Identification system, which requires livestock to be tagged with an RFID chip. The government says the chips help them track livestock disease. The lawsuit says that the RFID chip is in fact a “Mark of the Beast,” …

2008 The Amish NEED Ron Paul to Survive

The Amish are overlooked in this very critical election, and it is clear to everyone that knows them that their very lifestyle is being destroyed. The fact that all of the candidates can stand by and watch, without concern, as a totally American subculture is being crushed out of existence by over-regulation and unconstitutional measures is unconscionable.

The Department of Homeland Security, the FDA, the USDA, all in their overzealous bureaucratic nightmares, and in their laziness going after the lowest hanging fruit first, have descended on the Amish communities in their thousands with their petty regulations and ‘official government speak’ and are decimating that whole race of Americans.

While the Amish have never been a danger to anyone in any way, now these departments are declaring the Amish a danger requiring extreme measures of RFID Chipping programs, agricultural dictatorship, threats of property seizures and high fines for non-cooperation with unconstitutional laws, and demanding violations of their religious freedoms in order for them to comply…

Of course none of this made it into the main stream Fake News.


Barns law is defending for free an Amish farmer because the government is denying the farmer to sell his meat.

Gail Combs

Good for him!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got into a global warming discussion. SANITY is coming back.

Great video up top.

Also this….

And this…..

And this…..


Beyond the approaching mini-ice-age, the next big glacial is the real next crisis, IMO. And what if CO2 increase is an exit/fix for that?

Good point!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People like John Kerry should not be dictating bad solutions to the wrong problems.


People like John Kerry shouldn’t dictate ANYTHING.

Valerie Curren


Brave and Free

Yeah let’s pass on the Heinz at the cookouts this summer, LOL

Gail Combs

Heinz — BARF

Hand me the MT Olive pickle relish…

Gail Combs

Mt Olive by the way is a North Carolina company. We used to do a gig for them.

Gail Combs

I think we have three. Spears, pickle relish and pickled Vidalia onions.


I do not like ketchup do not buy Heinz products do not like his stance on everything that hurts humanity.


He died a long time ago.

It’s his stupid widow who married John F’ing Kerry that is bankrolling all of his glow-bull warming shit.


I remember he died in a plane crash ? That is what I remember.


Hint, Hint … French Frys double cooked [Belgium] are awesome with [real] mayo … just sayin’ …  😎 


John Kerry the good friend of King Charles what could go wrong ? Twp loonies on environment .
It is a disease of global cabal. We can see who is connected to the insanity.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

It was good to see Sen. Kennedy grilling that guy, but at about 2:30 Kennedy says, “I’m all for carbon neutrality.” I don’t know why he would say that unless he has a different definition than the accepted one. There is no need for “carbon neutrality,” and there is nothing man can do or needs to do about it. Nature is working just fine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that carbon neutrality idea is potentially WRONG. It is based on the assumption that the current levels of CO2 are not actually PATHOLOGICALLY LOW in the longer and bigger scale of planetary health, which I tend to believe.


I always look for ways to increase my carbon footprint.

The enemy is so completely insane, that at least 95% of the time you can just take the opposite position and be right, without even needing to understand why.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Too true!!!


^^^ This. Because of their motives.


That’s my go-to! Why think about it, when I don’t even need to?

Gail Combs

“…assumption that the current levels of CO2 are not actually 👉PATHOLOGICALLY LOW…”👈


And we have ‘THE SCIENCE’™ to PROVE IT!

CO2 is very soluble in COLD WATER As the earth cools CO2 gets sucked up by the oceans. As it warms oceans outgas. On top of that the shorter the wavelength of sunlight, the further it penetrates into the ocean.

Under stress the seeds will not even start and the cut off is ~220 ppm CO2. The ClimAstrologists played games with the measurements of ice cores and came up with 150 AGAIN the chemistry is CO2 loves water so the air bubbles they measured have less CO2 than the entire ice sample.

Most of our veggies and fruit are C3 not C4.

Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California (THINK SEA LEVEL!)

Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution

The Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis

…Plants absorb carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. However, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are very low, so this limits the amount of photosynthesis plants can perform. To overcome this problem, some plants have evolved a different type of photosynthesis – called C4 photosynthesis – with a mechanism that increases the levels of carbon dioxide in the cells…

There is another more subtle aspect to the CO2 starvation level and that is partial pressure.

Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems

…. Carbon limitation due to lower ambient CO2 partial pressures had a significant impact on the distribution of forest on the tropical mountains, in addition to climate. Hence, tree line elevation should not be used to infer palaeotemperatures….

Effect of Low Glacial Atmospheric CO2 on Tropical African Montain Vegetation


Estimates of glacial-interglacial climate change in tropical Africa have varied widely. Results from a process-based vegetation model show how montane vegetation in East Africa shifts with changes in both carbon dioxide concentration and climate. For the last glacial maximum, the change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alone could explain the observed replacement of tropical montane forest by a scrub biome. This result implies that estimates of the last glacial maximum tropical cooling based on tree- line shifts must be revised.

Eco Physics Lab PDF

…While [CO2] does not vary with elevation, CO2 partial pressure decreases in proportion to total atmospheric pressure. Under modern conditions, partial pressures of CO2 at high-elevation sites are 10–30% lower than at low-elevation sites, producing an even more conservative comparison between glacial and modern conditions….


AND an interesting comment was made by Peter Foster over at WUWT

Peter Foster says:
February 11, 2014 at 9:22 am

The date of the Permian extinction used to be put at about 249 – 250 mya which coincided with the start of the Siberian traps volcanoes, now it has been determined to be at 252 mya which was several million years before the traps volcanoes.

Secondly this is a period of geologic time in which CO2 was the lowest in geologic history (well of the last 600 million years). The lack of CO2 mean that plant photosynthesis could not maintain the O2 levels in the water and atmosphere causing O2 to drop from 35% down to 15% at the time of the extinctions and further drop to 12 % before recovering during the Triassic.

The lack of Oxygen in the water allowed sulfur bacteria to grow and make significant area of ocean anoxic through production of H2S. This was what caused the mass extinction in my view. The decomposition of dead organisms coupled with substantially reduced photosynthesis caused the CO2 to rise to a peak at the time of the extinction and before the Traps volcanoes started. It was this temporary peak that brought the extinctions to a halt and allowed for a little rebound in O2 levels.

The extinction was also preceded by an ice age which helped to lower CO2 levels. When the ice age ended warmer conditions perhaps accelerated the removal of O2 leading to the extinctions.

Re effect of ice age on CO2 – preindustrial levels of CO2 are put at around 270 ppm. This level is also consistent with Vostok ice core data for interglacial periods but the general ice age levels are 100ppm below this. At 180 ppm plant struggle to survive as it is very close to the 150 ppm plant death zone.

To summarise:

* Unless their is a substantial injection of CO2 its removal from the biosphere continues as it did from the Cambrian to the Permian. (mainly from limestone formation and fossil deposition.

* When CO2 drops below 300 ppm plants cannot maintain the O2 levels in the atmosphere.

* Oxygen levels drop and growth of anaerobes increases.

* Oceans become anoxic and toxic to life

* Mass extinctions occur

* decomposition exceeds photosynthesis – CO2 rises again

* new input of CO2 eg Siberian Traps volcanoes reinvigorates plant growth and life continues.


Therefore the cause of the extinctions was the lack of CO2, the spike stopped the extinctions

As I keep saying I want to see CO2 at ~1500 ppm…

Valerie Curren

Another way to look at some of this, IF the Biblical flood story is factually accurate…

* Unless their is a substantial injection of CO2 its removal from the biosphere continues as it did from the Cambrian to the Permian. (mainly from limestone formation and fossil deposition.”…

That fossil deposition would have been accomplished Quickly in the biblical flood time frame…

“Therefore the cause of the extinctions was the lack of CO2, the spike stopped the extinctions”

The Cause of the extinctions would have been the worldwide flood & the lack of CO2 would have been the Result, perhaps from the decimated living land creatures to not be there to exhale CO2 following the flood…

Just a different way to look at some of that data 🙂

I went searching for “scientific evidence for Noah’s flood” on Yandex & found lots of interesting material.

This site had a bullet pointed, easy to digest, explanation:

(21) All 17 distinct topographical features on the surface of the Earth, along with geological, meteorological and anthropological phenomena can be systematically explained using the cataclysmic model expressed in the Bible.
(22) Many scientists are abandoning the long heralded uniformitarianist view for the catastrophic model, since all scientific data corroborate such a model.”

I wasn’t familiar with the cataclysmic nor uniformitarinist models to explain many of the aspects of the physical world around us, so these simplified explanations are easy to digest…(& perhaps refute?)

This site had evidence of a catastrophic flood in the Black Sea region:

This one dealt with evidence of a massive ancient flood in the Mesopotamian area:

This video purports to provide evidence for Noah’s flood using sedimentology, the study of the sediments:

Likely we’ll Never really Know in this life what happened, but it is interesting to speculate & refine the theories as new evidence arises & as learned people with different perspectives on ancient events analyze the data that has been amassed 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Geology over-corrected, and they’re realizing this.

I’ve skimmed what you wrote so probably missed a few things.

Modern geology actually began as an attempt to validate the Genesis account. The problem was they encountered no evidence for a global flood on the scale described in Genesis (tens of thousands of feet deep, covering every bit of land on the globe); and there came to be a debate between catastrophism (geologic history consists primarily of one-shot disaster events) and uniformitarianism (geologic history is nothing but gradual change). We’re now seeing it’s mostly gradual change, with local disasters (floods, ice dam collapses, meteor strikes) having their say, with some few local disasters affecting the entire globe. The Black Sea did indeed flood after being an inland dry basin, and so did the Mediterranean, but at two different times and without the rest of the world being flooded (in other words, pointing to these things in particular as evidence of a global flood is nonsense; at most it’s evidence that geologists are capable of being wrong…which we [and they!] already knew).

Gail Combs

And then there is The Younger Dryas impact 

The Carolina Bays are intreging.

The invention of LiDAR in the early 1960s discovered a great number of bays by emphasizing the small differences in elevation. It is estimated that there are approximately 500,000 Carolina Bays. In some areas, the bays are so dense that all the ground is completely covered by them.

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Younger Dryas is interesting for another reason…It basically threw the northern hemisphere back into a cold spell…even though it was a general warming trend. The cold water suddenly released messed up the Gulf Stream for quite some time (I don’t recall if it was decades or centuries).

Which is why I was always impatient with people who held out a cold winter or even pair of winters as evidence “against” global warming. It wasn’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I love the finish of this article!!!

The evidence for the YD impact is compelling but continues to receive widespread criticism from a small number of purists. Attempts by reviewers to suppress the publication of the data have generally failed, and arguments against the data-based conclusions are largely anecdotal. In many respects the arguments against the YD impact have followed similar lines of criticism applied to continental drift, the impact origin of craters on the moon, and K-Pg impact that killed the dinosaurs. In each case “experts” refused to change preconceived notions despite the accumulated evidence. Perhaps the YD Impact can receive quicker acceptance since it is a harbinger of future catastrophic events that we expect to occur.

Valerie Curren

I’m guilty of skim reading both of those links so didn’t fully take in what they had to share either. My point being that there were 2 different locations that had scientific evidence of a significant ancient flood…

In another comment further down to Gail, some of the details from that one link “explained” the pre-flood earth, per the Bible, & how that cataclysm happened, included how the earth prior to the flood had much tamer geography so there wouldn’t be a need for 10’s of thousands of feet of water to cover the earth at that time 🙂


If the earth actually had such a vast amount of water underground [as Genesis tells], then the instantaneous eruption of that water [“fountains of the deep”] would result in the surface of the earth crumpling catastrophically. This would necessarily produce mountains and valleys [which are now oceans].

There’s a video of a railroad tank car being emptied of all air/gases, and it suddenly collapses in on itself. That is what I envision happening to the earth’s surface when that huge volume of water changes its location quickly.

Valerie Curren

That’s a good point & somewhat addressed at that link I shared above: ,

Here is Some of what they shared:

(3)  The Bible also says that God caused all the fountains of the deep and the floodgates of Heaven to burst open on one day (Genesis 7:11).

(4)  This explanation makes a lot of sense when we understand the fountains of the deep to be the main driving force behind the Hydroplate Theory.

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(5)  Great stress caused by increased water pressure causes the crust to fail at a particular point.

                  &nbspcomment image

(6)  The crack runs along the path of least resistance until it circumnavigates all around the planet.

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(7)  The fountains of the deep spring forth from the crack at supersonic speeds, due to the great amount of pressure underneath the crust.

(8)  The water jets out from the crack up to 100 or 200 miles above the surface of the earth.
&nbspcomment image
(9)  Due to the water jetting out so high above the atmosphere, water crystallizes rapidly and is attracted to the poles due to its molecular polar nature.

VC again. I believe I read somewhere that there was a canyon created in Texas, iirc, that formed in a Very short period of time, days or weeks, that showed how major land formations can develop from significant flooding. This real world example was to suggest that The Grand Canyon, & other “similar” canyons may have come about quickly in the creation & aftermath of Noah’s flood.

What you said could intuitively support such suppositions. Thank you for sharing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plants need plant parasites!!!


I suspect saying he’s “all for carbon neutrality” is just a tactic, a throwaway line to take away his opponent’s ability to label him as a carbon-denier or some similar BS.

It doesn’t cost him anything to say it (at least not in the specific arena where he said it), but it preempts an avenue of attack against himself.

It also paints himself as someone who agrees with the loons, like saying “I’m all for homos doing what they want with other consenting homos behind closed doors… but men dressing up like women and grooming and chasing children for sex and enabling mutilation of children is orders of magnitude beyond insane.”

It’s a tactic that paints himself as ‘reasonable’ in the opponent’s eyes, before establishing the line which can’t be crossed.

I don’t really agree with the tactic, but I see it all the time.

I’d rather he just went scorched earth, because there can be no agreement on anything with people who are determined to be irrational.

The only thing you can do with such people is confine them, exile them, or defeat them.


Nothing to add to that mini-seminar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Remove their oxygen.

Gail Combs

If they kill off the plants they sure as heck WILL remove the O2!


None of the globull warming con artists ever talk about the consequences of globull warming, because apparently there AREN’T any.


Warmer climate around the world means more land capable of growing more FOOD.

If oceans rose 10ft over the course of 100 years, so what? Gradually rebuild oceanfront property inland as needed, causing a worldwide construction boom.

There are LOTS of down sides to COLDER.

If there is ANY down side to WARMER, what is it?


Since the truth doesn’t matter to them, they have made up downsides: hurricanes, floods, melting glaciers that cause rising sea levels, wildfires, tornadoes, droughts, more people emigrating from warm climates to cooler ones, and all the ridiculous ones that I can’t remember, like higher numbers of shark attacks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And what they’ve done to science was to create an EASY VIRTUE SIGNAL by finding anything that might go along with the idea, no matter how flimsy the reasoning. THEN they backed it up with money.

Lysenkoism with American characteristics.


Sure, but none of those can withstand even casual scrutiny. There is no rational argument that any carbon-nut could come up with if challenged to his face.

No evidence for increased hurricanes, no evidence for floods, wildfires don’t happen when enviro-whackos don’t prevent proper forest management, no evidence for increased tornadoes, no evidence for drought, no evidence for increased shark attacks, it’s all BS.

Nobody emigrates anywhere with secure borders, and the Left has newfound religion on the importance of borders since Ukraine. And with warmer climate everywhere, there would be a lot more places people want to live, leading to lower population density and all the benefits that come with it.

Melting glaciers is one of my pro-globull warming arguments, it’s good because rising sea levels means a worldwide construction boom and real estate renaissance as oceanfront property is gradually moved inland over the course of a century.

No danger, just opportunity.

They’ve got nuthin’.

I could confront these loons in my sleep.

Valerie Curren

I don’t think that the melting glaciers would appreciably cause the sea levels to rise. Aren’t the icebergs taking up more volume in the ocean than their melt water would take up? It seems like another bogus argument to me, at least on the surface…

Gail Combs

The Arctic is a sea so melting in the arctic does nothing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Correct. The Arctic iceis essentially a big iceberg. The concern on that end of the earth is the Greenland icecap.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glaciers are not icebergs…by definition; part of a glacier’s definition is that it be resting on land.

You are correct that an iceberg melting won’t change the sea level; the iceberg displaces the volume of water that it would become when it melts.

But a glacier is on land, every bit of water in that glacier, when it melts, runs downhill, eventually to the ocean, and will raise that level unless the glacier is replenished by more precipitation.

Valerie Curren

I guess I was thinking of glaciers Calving icebergs as part of the process. Surely Some of the theoretically melting glaciers would find their melt water absorbed by the land.

I thought as the Arctic ice melts that often the Antarctic ice increases, fwiw…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed, calving icebergs is part of the process, an alternate to the glaciers simply melting into a stream. Some of the meltwater will be absorbed, but some will go into rivers thence into the ocean.

(A glacier way up in the mountains will melt into a stream, the ones that go up to the water’s edge will calve.)

Once the calved iceberg “drops”, it will have no further effect on sea level, because it is now ice floating in water. But it has already raised sea level, even if not by a measurable amount (big iceberg, much, much, much, much bigger ocean) in getting to the ocean and then dropping into ti in the first place.

Valerie Curren

That all sounds quite reasonable 🙂

Barb Meier

I fill a glass with ice cubes, then pour tea to fill all the gaps to 1/8th inch of the top. The ice melts. My glass does not overflow. Perhaps all the little activitiies in life offer a science lesson.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


If you were to heap it with ice…to the point where the ice isn’t floating because the bottom of the cup is holding it up even after you fill with tea–then you might have an overflow.

As long as the ice as a whole freely floats OR it’s wedged in under water level and can’t rise as it would want to, you’re fine.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

The authors of the following papers simply state that most glaciers likely didn’t exist 6,000 years ago, and the highest period of glacial growth has been in the past 600 years. This is hardly surprising with ~9% less (~120 kW/m² less) solar energy.

Also the Holocene Highstand (highest sea levels) was 5,000 to 6,000 years ago.

Mid to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits

Beachrocks, beachridge, wash over and back shore deposits along the tectonically stable south-eastern Vietnamese coast document Holocene sea level changes. In combination with data from the final marine flooding phase of the incised Mekong River valley, the sea-level history of South Vietnam could be reconstructed for the last 8000 years. Connecting saltmarsh, mangrove and beach rock deposits the record covers the last phase of deglacial sea-level rise from − 5 to + 1.4 m between 8.1 to 6.4 ka. The rates of sea-level rise decreased sharply after the rapid early Holocene rise and stabilized at a rate of 4.5 mm/year between 8.0 and 6.9 ka. Southeast Vietnam beachrocks reveal that the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand slightly above + 1.4 m was reached between 6.7 and 5.0 ka, with a peak value close to + 1.5 m around 6.0 ka. This highstand is further limited by a backshore and beachridge deposit that marks the maximum springtide sea-level just below the base of the overlying beach ridge. <After 5.0 ka sea level dropped below + 1.4 m and fell almost linearly at a rate of 0.24 mm/year until 0.63 ka and + 0.2 m as evidenced by the youngest beachrocks..

Note: 0.63 ka = beginning of the Little Ice Age.

Ice free Arctic Ocean, an Early Holocene analogue


…..We therefore conclude that for a period in the Early Holocene, probably for a millenium or more, the Arctic Ocean was free of sea ice at least for shorter periods in the summer……

New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling


…..Arctic sea ice cover was strongly reduced during most of the early Holocene and there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean……

A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier

…. A multi-proxy numerical analysis demonstrates that it is possible to distinguish a glacier component in the ~ 8000-yr-long record, based on distinct changes in grain size, geochemistry, and magnetic composition…. This signal is …independently tested through a mineral magnetic provenance analysis of catchment samples. <b>Minimum glacier input is indicated between 6700–5700 cal yr BP, probably reflecting a situation when most glaciers in the catchment had melted away, whereas the highest glacier activity is observed around 600 and 200 cal yr BP.</b> During the local Neoglacial interval (~ 4200 cal yr BP until present), five individual periods of significantly reduced glacier extent are identified at ~ 3400, 3000–2700, 2100–2000, 1700–1500, and ~ 900 cal yr BP….

Temperature and precipitation history of the Arctic

…. Solar energy reached a summer maximum (9% higher than at present) ~11 ka ago and has been decreasing since then, primarily in response to the precession of the equinoxes. The extra energy elevated early Holocene summer temperatures throughout the Arctic 1-3°C above 20th century averages, enough to completely melt many small glaciers throughout the Arctic, although the Greenland Ice Sheet was only slightly smaller than at present. Early Holocene summer sea ice limits were substantially smaller than their 20th century average, and the flow of Atlantic water into the Arctic Ocean was substantially greater. As summer solar energy decreased in the second half of the Holocene, glaciers re-established or advanced, sea ice expanded…


Ice cores from the Freemont Glacier show it went from Little Ice Age cold to Modern Warming warm in the ten years between 1845 and 1855. Naturally. Which shows ClimAstrologists are full of Schiff and it is the SUN that controls earth’s climate.

Chronological refinement of an ice core record at Upper Fremont Glacier in south central North America


An ice core removed from the Upper Fremont Glacier in Wyoming provides evidence for abrupt climate change during the mid-1800s….

At a depth of 152 m the refined age-depth profile shows good agreement (1736±10 A.D.) with the 14C age date (1729±95 A.D.). The δ18O profile of the Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG) ice core indicates a change in climate known as the Little Ice Age (LIA)….

…At this depth, the age-depth profile predicts an age of 1845 A.D. Results indicate the termination of the LIA was abrupt with a major climatic shift to warmer temperatures around 1845 A.D. and continuing to present day.

Prediction limits (error bars) calculated for the profile ages are ±10 years (90% confidence level). Thus a conservative estimate for the time taken to complete the LIA climatic shift to present-day climate is about 10 years, suggesting the LIA termination in alpine regions of central North America may have occurred on a relatively short (decadal) timescale.

See the Dalton Minimum. Note that Dr Evans, Jo Nova’s husband IDed a decadal delay between changes in the sun and changes in the earth’s climate (Probably due to the oceans acting as buffers.)

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Unfortunately, we live in a world where facts don’t matter.

Only power matters.

Gail Combs


But I do like to make leftist heads explode.🤓

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How much CO2 does an exploding leftist head release into the atmosphere?

You could be causing global warming…er, nobly fighting against the next ice age.

Valerie Curren

I’m thinking it’s more like Methane given where Leftist heads usually dwell 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren

w/ Spockian eyebrow’d emphasis? 😉


Actually, nothing.

It was filled with inert matter which does nothing.

Valerie Curren

The authors of the following papers simply state that most glaciers likely didn’t exist 6,000 years ago”

This time frame actually lines up with Biblical texts, in that the earth was (theoretically) created roughly 6000 years ago & prior to Noah’s flood it was very different climatically. The Catastrophism Theory expressed at the below site goes into some of the details:

b-    Catastrophism

(1)  Our planet, before the flood, had a very stable and warm climate throughout.

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(2)  The planet was covered with a Vapor Canopy, similar to Venus’ and Jupiter’s. Genesis 1:6-8

(3)  This Canopy maintained a constant temperature of about 70º throughout the entire globe.

(4)  Since the climate was very stable, there were no meteorological disturbances such as rain, high winds, thunder, snow or hail (No precipitation).

(a)   This is in keeping with the biblical account of Creation: there was no precipitation of any kind before the flood; therefore, no one had ever seen rain, nor a rainbow. Genesis 2:4-10

(b)  This also explains why tropical flora and fauna have been found buried in the ice in the north and south poles, proving these regions were under a different climate some time ago.

(5)  The Bible states that God caused all the water to gather in one place so that dry land would appear. Genesis 1:9-10

(6)  There were only small mountains and valleys on the surface of the pre-flood earth.

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(7)  All of this is in agreement with the hydroplate theory, which explains the occurrence of earthquakes and other current geological activity; mountains and all other topography we see today on the earth’s surface, including the differentiated topography at the bottom of our oceans.

(8)  According to the Catastrophism, the major, rapid changes the Earth suffered explain the current geography, geology, topography and meteorology. The ante-diluvian Earth was a very different place than the current Earth. If you carefully study the Genesis text, you will be able to verify this.


Yes, warmer is good.
Even 2 degrees warming will not change that and anyway we are already way past the maximum inter glacial, which was 6000 to 8000 years ago, when the sea level was about 3-6m higher in many places then now, with the Arctic ice mostly vanishing during summer, as numerous peer-reviewed papers have shown.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

 Gradually rebuild oceanfront property inland as needed, causing a worldwide construction boom.

Sorry but this bit is fallacious. It’s the broken window fallacy; it’s like arguing that a devastating hurricane is good for the economy because of the construction boom afterwards. (The fact that this would be in slo-mo compared to a hurricane makes no difference.)


What’s false about it?

IF water levels were to rise, it would happen gradually, i.e., over the course of 100+ years.

The point is that there is not, and would never be, any urgency.

If the waterline creeps up the beach, over decades, you don’t just sit there in your storefront or living room with water up to your knees, people move inland and either buy existing houses and buildings, or build new ones.

A few hundred feet inland is probably enough for another 50 years in most places.

That is going to:

A) make LOTS of new millionaires who used to live a couple blocks from the ocean, and now have oceanfront property

B) it would absolutely cause a construction boom around the world, and all the jobs that go with it

What is false about any of that?

The majority of buildings on shorelines around the world today are not new, they are already old. Add another 30 to 50 years of age to them, and unless they were built to Western codes (and the building inspectors weren’t corrupt), most of those buildings would be falling down and need to be replaced anyway.

The point is to take away the enemy’s points, and turn them into positives.

Even if water levels rose 10ft over the course of the next 100 years, it would cause zero emergency. Even just 5 years would be plenty of time to rebuild inland a couple hundred feet.

Somebody owns every parcel of land that is a few hundred feet further away from the current beach. Those people all get a windfall profit, and I don’t expect they’ll be complaining about it 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You mean to say you have never heard of the broken window fallacy?


I’m saying it’s not applicable to something over which we have no control (climate), is not anything done by man in the first place, and if it happens at all, it would be gradual and occur over the course of a century (or more)..

IF the water level was to rise (as climate religionists claim), there is absolutely nothing mankind can (or should even try) to do about it.

All we can do is react.

We can see that glass as ‘half empty’ and claim the sky is falling, or we can see the glass as ‘half full’ and see opportunity.

Nobody is breaking any window. IF water level rises at all, it is an Act of God, like any other natural disaster, except on a much longer timeline with no danger to anyone.

No resources are being allocated that wouldn’t have to be spent anyway (buildings don’t last forever, especially on coastlines), and the time horizon is a century (or more), not next month or next year or next decade.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except that claiming a hurricane is economically beneficial is generally shot down as an invocation of the fallacy.

It doesn’t matter if a human caused the damage or nature, it’s not an economic good to destroy something valuable even if someone makes money replacing it.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Shotgun don’t need no aimin’.


I actually found that I needed to concentrate more on aiming shotguns because they are so different from handguns (and I’m not as used to them).


Well, you are from Silly Valley …


Practice. Practice. Practice.


Despite this…

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…there is a new Garrison cartoon.

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Well of course!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! So true. So SADLY true!


4 out of 5. Works for me.  😆 


Which one is missing? I see 5/5.

Bloody hands
Empty thoughts

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

Ah, the blood on the hands is hard to see…


There is often a bag of (ill-gotten) money, too.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, something was up with THAT…….


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A reminder that Sundance was targeted by the Pelosi mob and was literally FRAMED ON TWITTER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best comment…..


Yeah, that level of intrusion in our lives is kind of hot. That level of granule detail SD provides here is important but like most microbes that have infested our body politick it deserves a deeper atomic and subatomic examination that will be reciprocal in nature to what the intruders have done, to include names, phone numbers address’s, pathways to related scum and associated information so the entire system from capillaries to veins to main arteries and connecting organs so this kind of thing can be properly addressed impeded, up ended and stamped out.

Barb Meier

We need that level of intrusion in our government’s activities. The only thing that will do is total government transparency.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Excellent satire of his writing style.


Unfortunately, the only people who are going to read and process anything that long are people who already know.

Gail Combs

WORTH A READ! (Think Twatter Files…)

How Corrupt Is Our Current Situation? It’s Worse Than Most Can Fathom…May 4, 2023 | Sundance 


Yes, it should.


I found this comment under the article at CTH, and I think this is the MOST important thing:

Jim in TN
May 5, 2023 8:39 am

So, the feds created a phony ‘Sundance’ persona. And did so long before J6.
The feds used this phony persona to deceive their victims.

They also used this phony persona to ‘administer’ a communication channel with the sole purpose of insurrecting on J6.

And used this phony persona to actively communicate with J6 insurrectionists during the J6 insurrection.

And then they made the foolish mistake of trying to accuse you of their actions.

And quickly tried to make it go away when they realized that they just laid bare a small part of how the Fed created and manipulated the J6 Fedsurrection.


So, they made a “false Sundance,” which they could then use to accelerate their plans. Sundance is trusted by many, who would do what he asked. So “what” did the “fake Sundance” ask them to do?

And how many other “fake” trusted accounts instructed people to do things? And what things were those?

This is worse than MK. They don’t even have to come near you to do this.

Gail Combs

I hope this gets to President Trump because they may try to go after him for SEDITION….

At the very least it should go to Jim Jordan.


Discussion is certainly trending that way.

IIRC. Yesterday or very recently, six J6 convicted of sedition.


So, askin’ for a friend … did [they] cause SD to kick us all off CTH via Q?


I wondered about that.

We did talk about a possible National Security Letter being the reason, way back when it all went down, so maybe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are ruled by criminals. Scott is quite right to call them the “Crim” party.


FIB – Crime Creation Division.

They’ve been busy …


I’m reading this article from the open:
‘I think he’s in trouble’: Growing number of Ron DeSantis donors and allies hope for a shake-up
And I’m shaking my head. It’s from NBC, so that could explain a lot, but it’s about donors and DeSantis supporters who desperately want an alternative to Trump but are fretting that DeSantis is not ready. From the article:

“There’s a lot of people that are concerned about DeSantis — and Trump for that matter. They’d like to have an alternative to Trump that can win. But is DeSantis the person?”

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So are they concerned about whether Trump can win, or about whether they would want him to win? If the former, are they working on election fraud issues? If the latter, then I think they are too clueless to have an opinion on anything.

There is no “alternative to Trump that can win.” More to the point, there is no “alternative to Trump” who can accomplish what the country needs.


Never Trumpers, RINOs, progressives who are not conservative. Those are the people who want to back DeSantis. That says it all.

DeSantis’ policy problems began last month, when he said that Ukraine was not a “vital” national interest and that the war there was simply a “territorial dispute.” He later changed his tune after criticism from members of his own party. 

More recently, DeSantis quietly signed a six-week abortion ban into law, even though many Republicans believe moving so far to the right on the issue has hurt the party. 

Billionaire GOP donor Thomas Peterffy told the Financial Times this month that he was putting his backing of DeSantis “on hold” because of his policies on abortion and book bans, then wrote a $1 million check to Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who is being talked about for a 2024 presidential run. 

Ken Griffin, a Republican megadonor who gave DeSantis’ state-level political committee $10 million, is also considering shifting support in the 2024 Republican primary after DeSantis’ statement on Ukraine and his signing the abortion ban, The New York Times reported Tuesday. A source with knowledge of Griffin’s thinking confirmed to NBC News that he was re-evaluating his support and expressed concerns over those two issues. Griffin has been one of DeSantis’ biggest donors over his two terms as Florida governor.  

GOP donor and Never Trumper Bill Kunkler said he was desperately looking for an alternative to Trump, but DeSantis’ actions on immigration — including a move to fly migrants to Martha Vineyard — soured him on the governor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Reader’s Digest version. AMERICA FIRST.


“And I’m shaking my head. It’s from NBC, so that could explain a lot, but it’s about donors and DeSantis supporters who desperately want an alternative to Trump…”


They only want an alternative to Trump because Trump threatens the established order.

They want anyone but Trump, because anyone but Trump preserves the established order.

Everything else is just noise.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is kinda bad, but kinda fun, too!

Valerie Curren

lego sets is a nice touch 😉

Barb Meier

Didn’t know about that. Thanks for posting.


Darth Vader has a “female” voice and is called “Cortez?!”

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We may actually be at a moment where the entire people of America go “Bernie Goetz” on subway violence. I’m seeing it online. People are just fed up.



People may be fed up, but they won’t do anything, and everybody knows why.

Blacks aren’t going to police their own, and if a white person intervenes, there are only three things that are likely to happen:

1) white person gets defeated by the attacker and dies on the subway

2) white person confronts the attacker and finds himself surrounded by other members of the same protected class tribe, and dies on the subway

3) white person defeats the attacker, is immediately vilified as a racist, gets prosecuted for a bogus hate crime, has his life destroyed, and goes to prison

#3 is the best case scenario.

Until or unless EQUALITY is restored by ELIMINATING ‘protected-class’ membership, no white person in his right mind is going to intervene in any situation where he doesn’t have overwhelming numbers on his side.

And not even a crazy person would do what that guy did if he was surrounded by white people, because even crazy people get religion when they know there will be immediate repercussions for violent actions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Gotta end protected classes. Jews gonna whine, and blacks gonna scream, but it’s for the good of all of us. EQUAL PROTECTION means equal.


Bring back Liberty AND Justice for ALL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The “entire people of America” won’t go Bernie Goetz on subway violence, because most of us don’t live where there are subways.

But I always did think Goetz would have made a better DA or AG than most who have ever held the job.


Subways. Big cities. D-Rat havens.

LE / DA will not “back up” Americans defending themselves or others.


Thread from Robert Kennedy, Jr., on crypto. He just made the case against him being president.



RFK: “Cryptocurrencies, led by bitcoin, along with other crypto technologies are a major innovation engine. It is a mistake for the U.S. government to hobble the industry and drive innovation elsewhere. Biden’s proposed 30% tax on cryptocurrency mining is a bad idea.”

It is a major innovation engine. Driving it overseas would be like rejecting the Internet and turning control and development over to our adversaries. Tax on anything is nearly always a bad idea. If something is good, taxing it discourages it. If something is bad, taxing it legitimizes it.


RFK: “Yes, energy use is a concern (though somewhat overstated), but bitcoin mining uses about the same as video games and no one is calling for a ban on those. The environmental argument is a selective pretext to suppress anything that threatens elite power structures. Bitcoin, for example.”


No argument with him there, except Bitcoin should use even less energy than video games, since Bitcoin mining can be set up just about anywhere, and therefore powered by energy that would otherwise simply be unutilized (or wasted).

Not that it should matter. Most people who mine Bitcoin pay for the energy to do it, and they can use the energy they paid for however they see fit to use it.


RFK: “Some advocate tight control of cryptocurrencies to prevent their use by criminals. But it isn’t just criminals who want privacy. So do dissidents and ordinary citizens. Governments harass their enemies and crush dissent by controlling bank accounts and payment platforms. Until we restore trust in government (a distant prospect) we need cash and crypto to ensure freedom.”


He sounds better and better… there can never be ‘trust’ in government, ergo “we need cash and crypto to ensure freedom.”


RFK: “Just as a biodiverse ecosystem is a resilient ecosystem, so too will our economy be more resilient if it has a diverse ecology of currencies, not just a single, centrally controlled one. We are seeing today how fragile our over-centralized system is.”


On this subject, I’m not sure even DJT would be able to beat him… but I certainly hope Trump would one-up RFK on this subject in every way.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More vax problems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Same here on the floaters and eye discomfort related to astigmatism. I even had a spell of what I thought may be cataracts increasing, which had been diagnosed as early stage formation in a December 2020 exam per my retina specialist.

They are gone now per my recent visit to my retina specialist a few months ago who was recommending laser treatment the year before. You may remember when I posted a couple years ago (IIRC) that my eyes would dial in brighter and more focused the next day after taking IVM. That still happens.

Difference between then and now – consistent usage of IVM in periods of the early onset of respiratory distress along with Nattokinase daily and Vitamin D supplements regularly when unable to be outside.

May not be a valid medical conclusion, just an observation. No advancement at all of previously diagnosed MD (dry form – father had the same advanced form), floaters, early stage cataracts from 5+ years ago. Actually, a reduction in floaters and astigmatism.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting! Too bad this isn’t better known in medicine – IVM for early treatment of cataracts and other things might be a very nice addition to the arsenal.


Think anyone will notice when we become the country of the blind?


Only if you write it in Braille.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From CTH…..

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For a mint julep, I should note that there are many, many, many varieties of mint — some shown at — although I’ve seen some places sell maybe two dozen varieties.

There is one variety called “Kentucky Colonel” that is said to be particularly well-suited for juleps, although de gustibus….


In USDA zones 5 to 9, mints are exceptionally easy to grow. Many say that they are too easy and likely to become invasive. For this reason — and to grow several varieties — they are frequently grown in pots. Once established, mints will expand by throwing out underground stems and popping up plants every few inches. If the stems hit the edge of the pot, they’ll start running around and around the inside edge (unlike gingers and irises, which have more of a rhizome and will stunt themselves and die when they hit the edge).

To make more plants, you can take a length of runner and plant it. If you want to be reasonably certain of a plant, pick one with a couple of leaves popping out — but it is possible to have a piece of underground stem start a plant by itself. If you have lots and lots of friends, you can have a big pot of a particular mint and cut out a 1/4 slice every year. Take all the runners and plants in that 1/4 slice, separate them, and plant them to give away when they look healthy enough. Then just fill in the hole with new soil and rotate the big pot so that the bare spot is in the back.

If you find yourself successful with mints, oregano and marjoram are close cousins with similar growing characteristics (one primary difference being woodier stems).


All kinds of weird things are in the mint family, which you can distinguish by their square stems. Like coleus, a common ornamental plant. Most of the mints grow like weeds!


If she had any Integrity, she would have resigned or at least not have taken Tuckers slot.


It was a canny choice to put her in there — she is well respected and liked among the MAGA crowd, and also those who just appreciate truth and competence (substantial overlap). Let’s see what she can do with that timeslot at the crippled Fox network…..

Because there’s a good chance that the Uniparty might end up facing TWO monsters.


I don’t think she is that well respected anymore with this move.
If you want respect, you need to have integrity.


If she’d been angling for Tucker’s slot to “take over” Tucker’s audience, that would be one thing — but AFAIK Fox boosted him without a replacement. If they came to her afterward and asked, “could you do something in this slot?”, then it’s just an opportunity — saying, “oh, no, that’s Tucker’s slot” does no good for anyone.

Brave and Free

Sounds like a Paul Ryan attempt to take her out, because he knows no one will watch her.


THIS. Folks who see Kayleigh, think Trump. Ryan wants her to fail.

No one at Faux News, has the qualities to replace Tucker.


The decision to put her there is above us. You can bet people will be watching what she does from the cheap seats where Fox does not profit from.


Kayleigh has said some questionable things about Trump.

Specifically after J6, and since. Of course my memory has no details.

My trust in Kayleigh evaporated.

Hopefully someone can fill in my memory gaps.  😖 


Kayleigh has said some questionable things about Trump.

I remember that too, but also can’t remember details at the moment.


What kalokabls says and no, MAGA is not blind. We didn’t take the vax, and quick read of responses are mostly saying she’s a traitor.

Gail Combs


Kayleigh McEnany hands over text messages to the January 6 committee as its revealed handed-in documents have had to be taped back together because Trump RIPPED them up in the White House

  • Former Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany testified before the select committee probing the January 6 Capitol attack
  • She also handed over text messages that were used in a letter from the panel to Ivanka Trump, a source revealed Tuesday 
  • The National Archives revealed that some of the Trump White House documents turned over to the panel had to be taped back together
  • Claimed Trump had ripped them up as he was known to do with other papers 
  • There are now at least seven known former or current Trump aides who have cooperated with the January 6 panel…

Kayleigh McEnany has turned over text messages to the House committee probing the January 6 Capitol riot while some of Donald Trump‘s White House documents had to be taped back together to send to the panel.

A source familiar with Mcenany’s interaction with the panel told ABC News in a Tuesday report that texts turned over from her phone were used in a recent letter sent to Ivanka Trump seeking her compliance.

According to the records, Fox News host Sean Hannity texted McEnany:

‘1 – no more stolen election talk.

2- Yes, impeachment and the 25th amendment are real and many people will quit.’

‘Love that. Thank you.👉 That is the playbook. I will help reinforce….,’ McEnany replied.

McEneny, who served as Trump’s final press secretary, was subpoenaed in November by the panel seeking her records and testimony and she joins a growing list of former and current Trump aides to cooperate with the probe….

Kayleigh McEnany thanked Fox News host Sean Hannity for his ‘playbook’ on how to talk to Trump the day after the Capitol riot, according to newly disclosed texts

  • New text messages from the House select committee show more involvement from Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
  • They show his advice to then-White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on how to talk to Trump.
  • McEnany thanked Hannity for the “playbook” on how to underscore the severity of Jan. 6 to Trump.

Included in the House select committee’s letter to Ivanka Trump is a yet another text message exchange between Fox News host Sean Hannity and a senior White House staffer.

The opinion host told then-White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany — now Hannity’s colleague at Fox  — how to execute what the committee described as a “five point approach” to level with former President Donald Trump about the severity of political violence following the January 6 insurrection.

“1 – No more stolen election talk,” Hannity texted McEnany.

“2 – Yes, impeachment and 25th amendment are real, and many people will quit.”

The third through fifth parts of Hannity’s plan were not included in the letter to Ivanka.

“Love that,” McEnany responded. “Thank you. That is the playbook. I will help reinforce.”

Hannity added another piece of advice for McEnany, telling her to keep Trump away from bad influences feeding him misinformation about election fraud.

“Key now. No more crazy people,” Hannity said.

“Yes 100%,” McEnany replied.

While Hannity condemned the violence on the day of the Capitol riot, his behind the scenes role in advising the Trump White House has become one of the major components of exhibits revealed by the House committee.

timeline of Hannity’s previously disclosed text messages shows the TV host giving specific advice to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about how Trump should shape his messaging surrounding his supporters storming the Capitol.

Earlier this month, Hannity’s attorney, Jay Sekulow — who also served as Trump’s first impeachment lawyer — issued a statement raising First Amendment concerns about the committee seeking evidence from the opinion host….

Lots of knives in Trump’s back…


LOL at taping text messages back together.

Why wouldn’t they just print out another copy of the text messages? Sounds like a scheme to create a ‘excitable’ talking point.


Wonder if she will start pushing DeSantis like Jenna Ellis?

Gail Combs

Probably a safe bet.


She hasn’t been an advocate for Trump since the election and hasn’t been an advocate for anything MAGA. She can go play marbles on the turnpike for all I care. Lots of folks in the tweet calling her out as a traitor. Agrees. Netanyahu level sell out IMO.


“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

Kayleigh is the definition of a sunshine patriot, in my opinion.


love that fro Thomas Paine. Another one that certainly applies is this well known quote from Samuel Adams:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” 


I do love that quote!


Not to be antagonistic but … to be clear, it ain’t Tucker’s slot.

It’s Fox News Channel’s slot.


This was retweeted by Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp. mining company, ticker symbol ‘AG’. Keith comes across as a very down to earth regular guy in interviews, and is one of the most popular mining people among the precious metals crowd:



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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Why the Bud Light Boycott Is Working

…Progressives have an entire infrastructure built not only to boycott explicitly conservative corporations but to punish those corporations that fail to toe the progressive line. The environmental, social, and governance movement is woven into the fabric of our financial system, rating companies on their compliance and facilitating investment in those corporations that demonstrate, as Brown put it, “steadfast commitment to LGBTQ+ corporate citizenships.”

There is no comparable non-state equivalent to the ESG movement for conservative investors and consumers to influence corporate behavior. They do not have rating agencies of the same size and scale. They do not have conservative compliance departments stationed in every corporate headquarters. They do not have decades of court precedent they can use to make corporations jump at their commands….




For once the New York Times actually told the truth probably because it was a dig at President Reagan’s inaction.

Of mergers and acquisitions each costing $1 million or more, there were just 10 in 1970; in 1980, there were 94; in 1986, there were 346. A third of such deals in the 1980’s were hostile. The 1980’s also saw a wave of giant leveraged buyouts. Mergers, acquisitions and L.B.O.’s, which had accounted for less than 5 percent of the profits of Wall Street brokerage houses in 1978, ballooned into an estimated 50 percent of profits by 1988…

  :wpds_arrow: THROUGH ALL THIS, THE HISTORIC RELATIONSHIP between product and paper has been turned upside down. Investment bankers no longer think of themselves as working for the corporations with which they do business. These days, corporations seem to exist for the investment bankers….

In fact, investment banks are replacing the publicly held industrial corporations as the largest and most powerful economic institutions in America.… THERE ARE SIGNS THAT A VICIOUS spiral has begun, as each corporate player seeks to improve its standard of living at the expense of another’s.

Corporate raiders transfer to themselves, and other shareholders, part of the income of employees by forcing the latter to agree to lower wages. January 29, 1989

And WHO controls the Corporations???
October 26, 2011– The Network of Global Corporate Control

 …we find that only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs [Trans National Corporations] …This means that network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth. In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth…

…In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of TNCs in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that 3/4 of the core are financial intermediaries….

FORBES: The 147 Companies That Control Everything


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟭𝟰𝟳 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴

There may be 147 companies in the world that own everything, as colleague Bruce Upbin points out and they are dominated by investment companies as Eric Savitz rightly points outBut it’s not you and I who really control those companies, even though much of our money is in them. Given the nature of how money is invested, there are four companies in the shadows that 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 control those companies that own everything… Before I reveal them, some light math:
According to the 2011 annual factbook from the Investment Company Institute, there is $24.7 trillion in all the mutual funds in the world (a little less than half from the US). Based on data from the ICI, $1.24 trillion of this is directly invested in index funds, plus another $992 billion in assets beyond that $24.7 trillion in Exchange Traded Funds, which aren’t mutual funds but are index funds. That means the bulk of that money is in “active” managed funds or fund of funds.

file:///tmp/lu1427988oqpx7.tmp/lu1427988oqpxt_tmp_bacdf059d4e5a028.gif ...the chief of hedge funds at a very large asset manager told me last week (alas, I cannot identify either) that an internal study his firm recently performed found that the vast majority of mutual funds defined as actively managed see 95% of the assets they hold determined by an index. That means just 5% of actively managed funds really are driven by the active manager’s judgment….

So of the $25.69 trillion in worldwide assets we’ve identified, $2.23 trillion are directly in indexes (ETFs and index mutual funds) with another $22.3 trillion indirectly beholden to indexes (that 95% of actively managed fund holdings said to be determined by an index).
You can see where I’m headed here. That means the real power to control the world lies with four companies: McGraw-Hill, which owns Standard & Poor’s, Northwestern Mutual, which owns Russell Investments, the index arm of which runs the benchmark Russell 1,000 and Russell 3,000, CME Group which owns 90% of Dow Jones Indexes, and Barclay’s, which took over Lehman Brothers and its Lehman Aggregate Bond Index, the dominant world bond fund index. Together, these four firms dominate the world of indexing. And in turn, that means they hold real sway over the world’s money…. file:///tmp/lu1427988oqpx7.tmp/lu1427988oqpxt_tmp_74780c2666424882.gif





2013/06/09/founding-fathers/What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations

“…After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. When you think about it, the regulations imposed on corporations in the early days of America were far harsher than they are now….”

 In an 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin, Jefferson said,

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

John Adams also had an opinion.

“Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.”

Abraham Lincoln — one of our great presidents, though not one of the founding fathers, said:

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.”


Founding Fathers Spinning In Their Graves As SCOTUS Rules That Corporations Are People Too

….However, no matter how the 5-4 majority of Supreme Court Justices wish to parse it, the Court has, this very day, destroyed the true nature of the corporate entity—a legal fiction created by government with no capacity to possess feelings, beliefs, emotions, etc. while existing solely as a piece of paper filed away in a drawer in the Secretary of State’s office in each of our 50 states.

If you doubt that this is the reality of what a corporation was intended to be versus how today’s Supreme Court decision—coupled with their Citizens United ruling — has “morphed” the nature of an American corporation…

…why should it occur to the Founders that a corporation might ever be perceived as one of “the people”?

Yet, today that is precisely what has become the case. A corporation now not only enjoys many of the same protections as a person under our law but is crafted to remove obligations a person would ordinarily have but for the shield of the corporate entity such as personal liability for a corporation’s bad behavior….

So let’s look at what the Supremes actually wrote:


Argued March 24, 2009—Reargued September 9, 2009–– Decided January 21, 2010

…..2. Austin is overruled, and thus provides no basis for allowing the Government to limit corporate independent expenditures. Hence, §441b’s restrictions on such expenditures are invalid and cannot be applied to Hillary. Given this conclusion, the part of McConnell that upheld BCRA §203’s extension of §441b’s restrictions on independent corporate expenditures is also overruled. Pp. 20–51. (a) Although the First Amendment provides that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech,” §441b’s prohibition on corporate independent expenditures is an outright ban on speech, backed by criminal sanctions. It is a ban notwithstanding the fact that a PAC created by a corporation can still speak, for a PAC is a separate association from the corporation. Because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy—it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people—political speech must prevail against laws that would suppress it by design or inadvertence. Laws burdening such speech are subject to strict scrutiny, which requires the Government to prove that the restriction “furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest.” WRTL, 551 U. S., at 464. This language provides a sufficient framework for protecting the interests in this case. Premised on mistrust of governmental power, the First Amendment stands against attempts to disfavor certain subjects or viewpoints or to distinguish among different speakers, which may be a means to control content. The Government may also commit a constitutional wrong when by law it identifies certain preferred speakers. There is no basis for the proposition that, in the political speech context, the Government may impose restrictions on certain disfavored speakers. Both history and logic lead to this conclusion. Pp. 20–25. (b) The Court has recognized that the First Amendment applies to corporations, e.g., First Nat. Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U. S. 765, 778, n. 14, and extended this protection to the context of political speech, see, e.g., NAACP v. Button, 371 U. S. 415, 428–429……

BARRING Corporations, Unions, NGOs… from campaign contributions and speech DOES NOT infringe of the free speech rights of the CEO, President or anyone else. What it does is PREVENT a corporation from TAKING MY MONEY and giving it to a candidate or party I DO NOT SUPPORT.

You want ‘EQUALITY’ then BAR Super Pacs and large donations and lobbying. Make DC answereable to the PEOPLE and NOT to corporations.

Super PAC – Ballotpedia

super PAC is a political committee that can solicit and spend unlimited sums of money. A super PAC cannot contribute directly to a politician or political party, but it can spend independently to campaign for or against political figures. These committees are also called independent expenditure-only committees.

Unlike super PACs, traditional PACs have a $5,000 per person cap on donations and cannot accept money from corporations or unions. On the other hand, regular PACs may contribute directly to a politician or political party, whereas super PACs are limited to spending independently of such campaigns.[5]

Super PACs are also exempt from requirements to immediately report funding sources.





Sorry, just seen now it’s already been mentioned.

Brave and Free

Not sure if this has been posted, I haven’t gone through all comments yet. More from SD about his subpoena from the J6 committee.
The USG is beyond corrupt at this point. We’re all being watched, just let that sink in…. Stay safe everyone, God Bless.


This caught my attention…

The article ends with this…

“Unfortunately, due to CRS involvement I am leery of going too deep in what my Tennessee/DC sources have told me about this manifesto. However, in the bigger of the big pictures I will simply share this….

The most likely reason we are not going to see the release of a reported (300-page) very detailed manifesto about the ‘dangers of Christianity and how to confront it‘, is because Audrey Hale didn’t write it. Rather, the transgender mass murderer followed the detailed instructions within it.

That said, I suspect we will see some form of filtered and redacted release.”

This is one of the comments to that article, it wouldn’t surprise me if it is pretty near to the mark…

May 4, 2023 5:01 pm”

” If she didn’t write it, and if if the other clues are that the report is “very detailed” and “300 page” (also about “the dangers of Christianity and how to confront it”) — could this possibly mean that it is some kind of official or quasi-official document going around? Because those hints and they mystery in Sundance’s writing about them, above…
….seem to suggest that she was influenced by a report, already written, that she had gotten ahold of—and since she is not part of government/law enforcement (or is she?), does that mean that, rather than writing it, she got ahold of some agency’s “very-detailed, 300-page report” that had been released/leaked to influencers/leaders in the transgender “community” for the purpose of encouraging violence against Christians?
At any other time in our history, it would be far-fetched. indeed, but we it only takes a few minutes of research on “white Christian nationalists” to see that every corporate media source, social and otherwise, has put out numerous pieces about “America’s number one threat” during the past year –those ordinary Americans, AKA MAGA AKA “white Christian nationalists.” (Try it– it’s amazing, the sheer number of articles.)
And we know about the “color revolution” the CIA is pulling off against its own citizens, meaning that stirring up divisions/violence by mobs against those the intel agencies consider “threats” (us) would certainly cause them to work with their friends in the corporate media to plant these pieces in order to urge mob action against us.
So would this be something the intel agencies/similar groups could have put together — and then issued, say to the media as “background” material for their stories– and the then media leaked to their friends in the transgender community ? Or perhaps intel has its own plants in the “trans” groups, as it has in the media (just as it did in the civil rights groups of the ’60s) and issues this type of information to them in that way — thereby not just encouraging violence against the “number one threat to democracy” (sic) but also telling them exactly how to do it (use firearms) ?
(Because of course the government would want to kill two birds with one stone—divide MAGA, AKA “white Christian nationalists” from others and encourage violence against them — while also get weapons out of the hands of the group they most fear — law-abiding Americans.) ”

Brave and Free

Excellent questions and points in the comment.


I identify as a white Christian nationalist who loves and trusts a brown, Jewish, Middle Eastern Savior of the world who told me to love God and my neighbor with all I have in me.

Does that qualify me as an insurrectionist? Asking for friends.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

Qualify? Heck, you get the gold-plated version of qualified.


Here they speculate on whether it’s real or theater.
“On May 10, 2023, we are forced to transfer positions to the units of the Ministry of Defense”

“The head of the Wagner PMCs, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced that on May 10, the PMCs was leaving Bakhmut due to lack of ammunition.”


IC propaganda for, “Pravda News” distribution.


My first thought when I read that Wagner said they were running out of ammo was that it was a trap to draw the Ukrainian/NATO mercs back into the meat grinder that Bakhmut was for them before.


The only maybe for me.

IF Wagner is being moved a large distance, perhaps there ammo dump was not full, or was moved elsewhere.

  • But, this is NOT running out of ammunition..
  • Russia, which of course includes Wagner, has plenty of ammunition.

Wagner does psyop … and very well 😎 I might add


Other possibility is Russian military wants in on the final take down of Bakhmut and Wagner wasn’t budging so the military cut their ammo allocation to gently nudge them out of the way.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Yes Para… Andrei was addressing this in his blog yesterday… Wagner’s OP is different from the regular RF military, in that they deal with the door to door combat Ukr has set up, hiding behind civilians, in their homes, in tunnels, etc.


Sorta like, Monty Vs Patton? Maybe.


Very sharp insight. Kudos.


Verse of the Day for Friday, May 5, 2023

“I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” 

Psalms 18:3 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Tucker Carlson considering hosting his OWN 2024 debate – with Trump: Could ousted Fox News host make his comeback in the White House race after Donald threatened to pull out of GOP forums


The Kentucky Derby week is fun – the recipes the hats – memories of the great Secretariat!

Derby Pie with Kentucky Bourbon –

Strawberry Shortcake Cake – !

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Recipe –

Derby week, also had me looking at hats online.  

Fell in love with this one – !

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From this Pinterest – love most all of these soft romantic hats – !!! 

The older I get, the more I wear hats – during the pandemic I was bored and ordered a bunch on eBay.  

Right now, I’m wearing my yard get up – big wide brim red hat – a red Trump T shirt – going out to mow, edge and blow the driveway and maybe weed and mulch the front flower bed. 

Hats make good camouflage – Put on a hat to run errands when I don’t have time to do my hair or don’t want to bother. 

Yesterday, I wore a hat and a bandaid to the library to cover up my new bride of Frankenstein post skin cancer surgery look. The hat covered the skin graft donor site at the hair line and the bandaid protected the graft from being irritated by the eyeglasses nose piece.  It’s a wide hat made of strips of denim fabric with a sisal string bow that I wear with jeans. Makes my mom jeans look fashionable – or so I tell myself.

Have fun – anyone got sure bet favorites for the big race?


Sorry – I don’t know how to make the whole Pinterest page full of hats appear.

Valerie Curren

I think you just need to copy the URL of that site not of the individual pin/picture.

I don’t know if I can get one to post since I’m currently banned (again) on Pinterest.

Maybe this will work…

the main site for the above category

& a category I enjoy…

other finds while looking for the above…

Gail Combs

I have a whole slew of ball caps with horse/western logos in all different colors. I never go out without a hat on.

These are two that I have that show the different types:

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Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

Beautiful hats – fine craftmanship!

Gail Combs

AND good advertising without being overt.


That hat I love above – is sold – and was $345. – I’d never pay that for a hat. I might try to mimic it with silk flowers and ribbon or fabric.


No, seriously, they did.

White House Names Kamala Harris ‘AI Czar’ to Save Humanity from Artificial Intelligence

You can’t make this up.

Biden regime revealed its plan Thursday to slow the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in response to mounting concerns that advancements in AI could replace humanity someday.

Kamala Harris, who has the lowest approval rating of any VP, has been given the title of ‘AI Czar’ and will be in charge of leading the initiative designed to protect humanity against artificial intelligence.

The new initiative will have a budget of $140 million, according to Daily Mail… Moar in the story!

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Brave and Free

Money laundering in plan site think (501c/503b) IMO. $140m budget to hand out to friends and family after the 10% for the old guy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free

Sounds to me like they are getting ready to use AI against us and blame K-dog (Kamala). ‘They’ could get away with anything with Kdog at the controls.

That would also be a backup plan if/when Bidet gets removed, they could remove Kdog as well, or before so they have a Bidet replacement

Anyway, it will be guaranteed to fail with her skillset. That is what they want and why they put her there

Last edited 1 year ago by Please
Barb Meier

Chris Plante (WMAL radio in DC) speaks truth to power on the IC letter on Biden. Listen to the 5-5-23 Hour 1 and Hour 2 once today’s show becomes available. LOL He’s driving this home…

Barb Meier

Plante is still going on about the IC letter, referring to John Solomon’s article. He’s compared the IC letter (as successful seditious conspiracy) to the Proud Boys conviction on failed seditious conspiracy:


I just had a revelation.

We are winning the Bud Light War because guess what? THIS IS NOT A BOYCOTT.

If I knew how to make the underlined and bold bigger, I would.

When the Mulvaney crap hit on social media, Bud Light drinkers around America dropped that beer like they had accidentally picked up a steaming hot cow patty. They looked at their cans in dismay, as if suddenly, they might be infected with a plague virus. Most of them will NEVER pick up a can of Bud Light again. They LEFT THE BRAND, FOREVER.

A boycott, on the other hand, is when you quit on something to attempt to get it to CHANGE. We boycotted Bed, Bath, and Beyond when they stopped selling My Pillow. They didn’t change, to sell the product we wanted. They didn’t, now they are goners. Our boycott isn’t really what mainly sank the company. Their business model just doesn’t work in the current world. We contributed, don’t get me wrong. But that kind of store just didn’t work anymore. It was too niche for most places.

But when a specific ITEM, for which there are many replacements, suddenly turns to shit in your hand, you just stop buying it. No matter how much the maker cries “it’ll never be shit again!” it’s too late. The buyer has moved on to another, non-shit product. Anheuser-Busch CAN’T change what it already did, which was to make a product RADIOACTIVE in the hands of its consumers.

Retire Bud Light, and probably Budweiser. They’re never coming back. The company will survive, sure, but not as the all-American, red-white-and-blue representative of wholesome beer drinking that it was. That day has passed.


Gail Combs

Fenway Park is in COMMIE BOSTON !!!


Trannies don’t do baseball. I’m sure they don’t like hotdogs, apple pie, the flag, or the National Anthem, either.

Valerie Curren

Trannies have an approach avoidance relationship with hot dogs 😉



That’s a good one.

Barb Meier

When you lose trust, the untrusted lose everything.



Gail Combs

It is even worse than that. NORMIES WOKE-UP and are now going to start looking around at what is going on AND WHY. Once awake you never go back to sleep.


Boy, I hope so!




Moved tweet to a better place… 😮😏😁

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Such great news!


Just finished listening. More excellent insights from Macgregor. Goes beyond Ukraine.


His ‘recovery’ seems dubious at best.


IMO, (and one is not a medical professional nor is treating Sen. Fetterman) typical behavior of a narcissist (or of a psychopath) — Nothing is ever their fault, it’s always “someone else’s” fault.


Prayer Request:
Brother-in-law is having surgery atm …
pretty major …

thank you…

Gail Combs



Prayers and meditations going up.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to your BIL, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

Thank you RDS …




TY Tradebait


Prayers being said.


TY so much Dora

Valerie Curren

I just saw your request & am praying. Is there any report yet?


Thank you Valerie … yes, surgery went well … Sissy is in room with him, he has pain, to be epected, even with medication. Both their daughters are there, which is huge support for Sissy, who is distressed to see him so frail .They are Christians, with many praying for him …

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the update. I’ve been in many hospital situations (& surgeries) with my sons but only one w/ Hubby. It’s really hard to see your man brought low by health complexities. So glad his wife & daughters can be there for him & shore him up with love & prayers. God is good & will help them all with however this journey unfolds. I’ll keep praying too. Blessings!


Yes Valerie … on all points.. thank you

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂



by Brian Mowrey
May 3, 2023
“IgG4 passed to newborns in Covid-vaccinated mothers”

Yours Truly: The pre-print paper referred to in the article is:
May, 2023
“Diverging maternal and infant cord antibody functions from SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in pregnancy”
E.H. Adhikari, et al.

However, the actual paper is “buried” in the BioRxIV website. Here’s a PDF of it:

This paper is the result of a study performed at Parkland Health hospital, the public hospital in Dallas, Texas, from February, 2021 – May, 2022.
From the paper: “Among 47 Covid-vaccinated mothers delivering and sampled between February, 2021, and May, 2022, a subset score for IgG4 antibodies for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein [was found], unlike any of the naturally infected mothers. These antibodies are also present in cord blood, indicating they were transferred to the newborns, and will persist for some months after birth.”

Yours Truly: Of the 47 total pregnant women who were “vaccinated”, 68% had two doses of either mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2, with the second dose of the “vaccine” taken in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Line 180 of the paper = the IgG4 subclasses part.
Line 232 = discussion of antibody transfer and function to the fetus.
Line 263 = “vaccine”-induced antibody transfer and function from mother to fetus.
** Line 313 = “Maternal vaccination enriches antibody functions with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The paper was funded, in part, by NIH grants:
NIH T32HL083808
NIH R011R01AI141549-01AI

IMO, the paper appears to be a “if you’re pregnant, get vaccinated against COVID-19” shill from start to finish.
** In addition, the authors appear to either not know, or to know and dismiss, the mounting evidence that mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” destroy the IgG3 “fight and clear” immune system cells in the body of the recipient, and replace them with IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” immune system cells.
** In addition, even if, as the paper appears to claim, that the “vaccine”-induced antibodies in the newborn dissipate in a few months after birth, nobody really knows how long these antibodies last in newborns.
** In addition, even if, as the paper appears to claim, the antibodies in the newborn dissipate in a few months after birth, nobody knows how much immune system damage remains in the body of said newborn.
** In addition, if the newborn is then given its own “first dose” of an mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccine” at age 6 months or so, the “vaccine”-induced damage to the IgG3 immune system cells will continue and increase.
** In addition, it appears that this immune system damage does not appear in the bodies of newborns whose mothers were infected with COVID-19 while pregnant but who did not get “vaccinated.”

The paper does mention (at times, obliquely) something about the items above.
HOWEVER — the authors emphasize that “vaccination” pregnant women is the preferred way to go. Not surprising, given that the NIH partially funded the study.
Yours Truly believes that the “final version” of the paper can, and possibly will be, “changed”, “clarified”, or even “withdrawn”, since it does indicate that UN-“vaccinated” pregnant women, even if infected with COVID-19, do not transfer the immune-system damaging cells to their newborns. ONLY the “vaccinated” pregnant women transfer these to their newborns.

Which brings up a couple of important questions:
Is the immune system damaging mechanism found in the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” NOT present in the COVID-19 virus itself? In other words, was this mechanism added to the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines”, either “inadvertently” or by design?

Here’s a graphic of the immune system cell findings:

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“Is the immune system damaging mechanism found in the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” NOT present in the COVID-19 virus itself? In other words, was this mechanism added to the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines”, either “inadvertently” or by design?”

Very, very good question.


Thank you.
There are two other interesting aspects to this study:
One, that Yours Truly can find no clinical trial or study that goes the 5 years+ timeframe for thorough completion and analysis of anything related to the COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, there are numerous “clinical trials”, for example, of the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, that ran for 1 year or less. There are other “clinical trials” for BNT162b2 (either in the single “vaccine” or in a “Bivalent combination vaccine”) that are ongoing until 2026.
Two, that the Parkland Hospital study above appears to have “targeted” pregnant Hispanic females, with the apparent goal of demonstrating that these women represent a “medically under-served minority” that needs to get their “vaccination” status “ramped-up.”


Sickening to me. People are less than lab rats to the monsters.


Feinstein hits back at criticism over Senate absence, provides no timetable for return

Feinstein hits back at criticism over Senate absence, provides no timetable for return | Washington Examiner


She’s digging in her heels. Good. We need as few functioning Dem senators as possible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Never thought I’d ever think, “Go DiFi Go!” (without ending it with something like “to hell” or “eat a dick.”)


LOL, I have had the same thought……thanks for the laugh SteveInCO


Biden admin orders Catholic hospital to snuff out sanctuary candle or lose all federal funding
‘In requiring Saint Francis to extinguish its flame, you are trying to extinguish not just a candle, but the First Amendment rights of Saint Francis Health System, as well as vital healthcare for the elderly, poor, and disabled in Oklahoma.’

Gail Combs

Attack on Christianity not to mention the ‘Useless Eaters’


A GOOGLE engineer has died following a leap he took from the company’s headquarters.

The 31-year-old man, who has yet to be identified, jumped from the 14th floor of the company’s headquarters building in New York City around 11.30pm Thursday.


Did he lose all his money in a bank collapse? Shades of 1929?


I miss singular zoe. Anybody heard from her?


I was just thinking that myself a couple of days ago. I haven’t seen her anywhere.


Nothing against the Kentucky Derby, but the most amazing large hat (and matching outfit) Yours Truly has ever seen is worn by Audrey Hepburn in the “Ascot Races” scene from the “My Fair Lady” movie.

Gail Combs

I love Audrey Hepburn. They just do not make movies like that any more.


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Don’t click on this if you’re avoiding Facebook: Fair Lady – Did you know that the “Ascot” dress and hat worn by …

Did you know that the “Ascot” dress and hat worn by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady went for $4.4 million at auction? And that was in 2011!


Thank you!
The way Ms. Hepburn walks in that costume in the “Ascot Races” scene is incomparable.


That outfit is just glorious. Possibly my favorite in any film ever.


Even the darkest clouds
Glimmer through any pain
A blissful atmosphere
A quiet moment with radiance
Never sinking down
Reaching everywhere
Heavenward or landing
In this ripening day
Be here now like ancient trees
Dressed in the silence
Of bravery ©

~ Mariarosa Sclauzero

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Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising
Valerie Curren

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing 



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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs



I’ve seen that meme before. According to articles, he was a poster boy for vaccines, but not the COVID vax. The campaign involving him was for childhood vaxes like measles. He had “severe flu symptoms” and was admitted to a hospital, then was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, so he didn’t “die suddenly” as that term relates to the COVID vaxes.

A report by the Argentinian newspaper La Nación noted that a boy featured in Argentina’s vaccination campaign named Santino Godoy Blanco was initially admitted to a local hospital with severe flu symptoms. An autopsy report pointed out that his death was due to bilateral pneumonia. This was also reported by the news outlets Clarin and Cadena 3, with no mention of COVID-19 vaccines as a cause of death.   

Contrary to the claims made in posts, the vaccination campaign that featured the boy was unrelated to the COVID-19 vaccines. According to an Instagram post by Argentina’s Ministry of Health, an advertising poster with the boy’s image promoted vaccination for measles, rubella, mumps, and polio. These are part of the national childhood immunization schedule. Although the boy’s vaccination status is not revealed anywhere, his death is not linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

Could his illness and death have resulted from a COVID vax? Maybe. But we don’t know for sure that he was vaxed for COVID.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Thank you for the clarification and info TT 👍




Gates and Fauci – and many more – have blood on their hands.


His siblings [if any] and his estate should sue his parents for wrongful death and loss of consortium.


I am not surprised.
Former CIA Officer Says Decision to Drone Attack Kremlin Was Made by the United States


Tayler Hansen: The “All Ages” Drag Show Epidemic Plaguing America
In this long article, Hansen describes his experiences attending drag shows for children. It is sickening. Children are being abused. To read descriptions of children looking down and looking away while their mothers insist they are homo/bi/trans/whatever is heartwrenching. Kids innately know that this isn’t right, and they are naturally repulsed by it, but adults are forcing it on them. The parents and performers seem possessed.

IMO, this is a battle we should be focusing on. I think there should be protests at every one of these shows, and legislation to stop this. (Isn’t there already legislation that addresses pornography and such as it relates to children?) The level of depravity is unbelievable and appears demonic, as people here have been saying. Some of those kids are going to be so messed up in the head that I believe they will become abusers themselves, as well as addicts and even murderers. You can’t twist someone’s mind and expect them to function as if nothing happened.


The real problem is the parents.


Yes, it’s as if they have turned into subhuman beings.

Gail Combs

So busy ‘virtue signaling’ the do not care if they hurt their child.

It is AMAZING how selfish some parents are. We see it all the time — I HATE CELL PHONE PHOTOGRAPHING! Parents are so busy taking pictures they do not even notice possible danger. 🙄 Even when yelled at.


Minor story correction:

The parents and performers seem ARE possessed.

Every time I write that, or say it out loud, a little voice in my head whispers “you seem crazy.” But it is the only thing that explains the last three years.



BREAKING: Rochelle Walensky Resigns as CDC Director

Walensky’s last day will be June 30.

“I have never been prouder of anything I have done in my professional career,” Walensky wrote in her resignation letter to Joe Biden.

AP reported:

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, submitted her resignation Friday, saying the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic was a good time to make a transition.

Yes, get out while you can and before any more of the 💩 hits the fan.


IMO, that won’t excuse her from prosecution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Even if Obama and Biden approved global depopulation secret treaties, IMO those treaties will be regarded as contravening basic human rights.

Gonna have to be tribunals.


NOPE. Big Pharma will NOT be safe either despite their amnesty from liability.

FRAUD vitiates ALL.

Remember that. THAT is what has kept Biden IN office to date. No one YET will even LOOK at the evidence in a court. YET, because FRAUD will undo ALL. They figure that IF they don’t even LOOK, then there is no fraud. BUT eventually they HAVE to look. They may be drug kicking and screaming, but they WILL be drug.

See with Covid they made a HUGE mistake. They assumed that the REST of the world’s legal systems were as corrupt and controllable as OURS is. OOOPS .

India, Israel, and OTHERS are leading the charge against the Covid FRAUD. And just WHO, pun intended, was behind the Covid FRAUD? Why that would be the US, our CDC, the WHO, our politicians, our (mostly) pharma, and Fauci.

Crimes against humanity in a WORLD court does NOT need US approval OR consent. Methinks these other countries will be less about money, and that does NOT mean there will not be a ALOT of it forfeited, but more about personal ACCOUNTABILITY. Remember Europe, and specifically Israel and India went through HELL in WW2 and the aftermaths. Nuremberg ring a bell? tick tock MFers…seeya would NOT want to be ya. Once it is EXPOSED there what do you THINK (know) will happen HERE?

Pssst, secret time, once Covid’s fraud is unveiled, guess what comes NEXT?

Hint,WHY was Covid released? WHO released it? for WHAT purpose? Think this is ALL in a vacuum?

Do you REALLY think Biden et al are sending 100’s of BILLIONS to Ukraine to help Zelensky? LOL

Do you REALLY think Putin invaded Ukraine JUST to free the Donbas?


Question? What was one of the FIRST things Putin brought to the UN (ie WW public)?

Was it the atrocities in the Donbas for 14 years by the Ukrainians? Was it the Maiden coup? was it the Azov brigade atrocities? Was it the money laundering? NOPE

It was the 70 or so US funded and staffed bio labs in Ukraine, ALL BSL 4’s and above..(IE WEAPONS grade) WHY do you think that is?

WHY do you think they fight so hard to keep Hunter, his laptop, and Biden’s deals there (originally orchestrated by Obama) secret? Why did they REALLY impeach Trump over a simple phone call to Zelensky?

Perhaps, just MAYBE, it is because these 70 or so labs are where Covid 19 was PERFECTED and mass-produced for the planned roll out to oust Trump and destroy the WORLD economy.

Now how will the REST OF THE WORLD react when they find out that the US gain of functioned a virus to a weapon and released it WW just to oust Trump and further their evil plans, then to top it off doubled down and started and enabled a WAR and are trying to escalate that war into WW3 to cover it all up?

Ahh, see this is ALL much much more serious and bigger than we know.


Simpatico brother.


TY. Do you have your popcorn at the ready?


You KNOW that I do. 🙂


Just checked your site (again)
Hoping for another Great article.


Well, I don’t eat popcorn, but I’ve got the good bourbon ready for sipping!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If all this is true…then the consequence will not be Trump restored to office and America restored to greatness only this time as a good guy on the international stage.

No, they’ll carve us up while they’re at bringing down the bad guys.


Such an optimist…


Russia said at least a year ago… “There will be Tribunals” …


Looking forward to the tribunals.

Gail Combs

Putin also differentiated between the American people and our Corrupt Deep State.


Yes he did


IMO, that won’t excuse her from prosecution.

It definitely shouldn’t!


ANOTHER ONE bites the dust. Congressional subpoenas, Biden and the rest clamming up even more than usual. Fox FULLY exposed and sinking after getting Tucker. Fauci in hiding, Biden and family under intense scrutiny, Ukraine and Zelensky flailing, WHO ending Covid. Leftist supported banks FAILING (think laundering and Cryto ,and more

Something makes my spidey sense tingle. The rats are all jumping ship. Could it be?…and just mere days after Pence stated a storm was coming…he meant the migrant horde..or DID he. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Was THIS the ONLY way to make people finally see? Was this two years of misery and malaise, corruption, and dysfunction the keystone?

People sure are pissed off and aware more NOW than EVER. Is the time RIPE to FINALLY enact some justice? Are we READY?

YES, yes we are.

We ARE learning and ADAPTING. The boycotts of AB and Fox tell us that WE have power. We have ALWAYS had THE power, we just didn’t LISTEN to those that told us (Trump and others)

NOW we SEE, we CAN make a difference.

THIS is just BEGINNING. about DAMN TIME too!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree – “spidey senses”. Not gonna give away what I’m thinking.


You and have have generally been on the same wavelength on this, so I think I know what you are thinking, and I think you know what I am saying. LOL wink wink. It is NOT coincidental that all this is just “happening” now on a Friday…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m crediting Naomi Wolf on this round. When her folks revealed that Walensky got NASTY results from Pfizer via FDA (54% of pregnant vax recipients suffer serious adverse effects), and 5 days later Walensky approves the vaccine for pregnant women……

If that’s not INTENT, what is?

THAT is now the absolute best proof of an INTENTIONAL depopulation scheme. Rochelle the Knife can be grilled on the stand about that. There is no way to make that look good. Even trying to fake it as “helping Pfizer” won’t work – Pfizer is already using the “we were just pleasing the government” defense.

That 75 years cover job failing – that judge did good to strike that down.

The depop scheme violates human rights left and right. An example must be made – this is not acceptable.

And Nuremberg 2.0 on COVID is just the beginning of the downfall.


YES read my response below ro RDS, and combine it with yours. MUCH bigger.

Ever notice how a few ancillary Pharma’s are going bye bye? Banks in the leftist field are collapsing? They tried to take out Putin…what does he know? Is he about to share it? Nordstream was a feint. Hunters deals are MUCH MUCH more relevant than known. YET.

the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan, and no MSM, or lawfare will save them from a WORLD court. Lawfare does NOT work there. I just HAVE to ask…was this always the plan know that we could NOT get justice HERE?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think everybody knew that the downfall of this stuff would cross borders!


World wide

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When it became apparent to me that “They” owned this country lock, stock, and barrel–to the point where we couldn’t vote our way out of it–that left two ways out…and if the rest of the world rescues us somehow I can guarantee they’ll take the opportunity to take us down a peg or two.

It may, if we are lucky, be better than the current situation. I see no way it will make us happy though.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You are going to laugh at me, but I think the rest of the world loves America more than half of America’s citizens, and will relish the opportunity to rescue us, and help us regain our place as the “city on a hill.”

America has a mystique and an allure, even for those who don’t want to live here. Except for the Muslims, who hate us and want us all to die. But they hate everybody. Islam is a death-cult masquerading as a religion.

And that’s the scoop from an eggplant wearing rose-colored glasses. They’re my style.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As Tucker Carlson said, the Chinese will be cruel masters.

Gail Combs

Rex do not miss my Depop series esp.

NSSM 200 is the smoking gun!



Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Now, IMO, get ahold of Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric.

Gail Combs

I wonder if she is retiring to New Zealand?

… Under another name.



If you can avoid it, dont drive tonight or very early tomorrow to avoid the drunks who think today is a joliday.

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No dip for me. I make cheater dip. Fresh salsa, sour cream, and cheese. Mix it how you want for consistency then sprinkle some olives on top. Cheater guacamole is just smash the avocado and gently stir in some fresh salsa. Easy peasy.
I cant handle tequila anymore. Silver only sometimes.
Kiddo wants costco cheese pizza today so its “Italian” for us. 🤪

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

I hate that sometimes. Either overripe and expensive or under ripe and youve got to wait. Annoying fact: even though here in socal we have 1000s of avocado trees, most in store are still from Mexico. Several of the local places that give the option of local avocado 🥑 on a sandwich charge $3-4 for it. Literally, an avocado is $1.50 and they only give you half.

Valerie Curren



Oooh, I like Rotel dip.

Of course, being Southern, that’s not a surprise.


Hey Steve, someone is celebrating without you.

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Clip from the Clayton Morris show, showing a FDIC meeting from November 2022:

“Prepare yourself for the bank crash that is coming”


I tracked down the full Clayton Morris ‘Redacted News’ show on Rumble, from which the Twitter clip above was taken, the show is from February 7th:


Here is the link to the FDIC website, with the full 3-1/2 hour meeting, that was shown in the Twitter clip and in the ‘Redacted News’ episode on Rumble. If you click the play button, it opens another webpage, and the video will pop up. I don’t see any way to download (save) the video for posterity:

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I haven’t been able to click yet, but I have a serious question; I’m not trying to challenge anyone on anything.

We are getting so many warnings to prepare for economic collapse, etc. Besides the normal prepper activities of stocking up on food and necessities, exactly how does one prepare monetarily for that? Does it mean to transfer a lot of dollar assets to precious metals? Does it mean to get your money out of banks? It is never clear to me what the best things are to do, and I bet if I asked 10 “experts,” I’d get 11 different answers (often depending on which sector they work for — metals, banks, brokerage firms, the government, etc.).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And other questions.

Such as whether or not the credit unions are safe.

And what do you do if you work for an employer that insists you do direct deposit? What happens if it goes to a bank that collapses?


Yes, I wonder about Credit Unions.


IIRC. Couple days ago, TB stated Credit Unions are more stable. My take, credit union “business” is significantly different than banks. Safer, I think.


NCUA – National Credit Union Administration, is “FDIC” for credit unions.

Accounts guaranteed for $250,000 individual. $500,000 joint account.


I think you can insist that you get a paper check in many states. There are mandatory direct deposit laws in some states, but in lots of them, including Colorado, they can’t make it mandatory. Here is an article with the laws for each state:


I ask the same question all the time.

Nothing is safe, whether by design or because that’s just how it works out.

Banks are definitely not ‘safe’, unless your bank is one of the big 5 or 6 SIFI banks (systemically important financial institution), which will always be bailed out, but your funds may be tied up for a while if there is a major collapse.

The FDIC video (I have not watched any more than the Twitter clip) makes it clear that they are preparing for a banking collapse, alerting all their big-wig cronies to get out while the getting is good, and planning a ‘bail IN’ regarding all the smaller banks. I take that to mean everyone with cash in banks gets a haircut, so if you had $100K in the bank, when the ‘crisis’ is over, you may only have $50K. If you had only $100 in the bank, then you might only have $50 left. So the less cash in the bank, beyond near future needs, the better.

This is why over a trillion dollars has been pulled out of regional banks and deposited with one of the SIFI banks, or with brokerage account money market accounts, or in short term Treasuries.

Brokerage account money markets are not FDIC insured, so if there is a collapse, it is entirely possible (and has happened before) that each money market ‘share’ loses it’s peg to the dollar, and becomes worth less than a dollar. So if you had $100K in a brokerage money market account, and the peg to the dollar is lost, your $100K might only be worth 90 cents on the dollar, or 85 cents, it will fluctuate throughout the day, until or unless the peg to the dollar is reestablished.

The remedy for that is to hold cash in the brokerage cash account, which is FDIC insured, but not over $250K, and those funds (under $250K) are likely subject to the ‘bail in’, meaning you take a big haircut if there is a collapse.

Treasuries are probably safest, but if there is a default due to the debt ceiling, Treasuries would not be liquid until after the default is resolved, if I understand correctly, so likewise not safe, at least between now and around June 1st when the debt ceiling issue comes to a head.

So there is no ‘safe’ place to keep any large sum of cash, and most people can’t withdraw a large sum of cash because the banks don’t have large sums of physical paper cash.

ALL of this is why Bitcoin was invented after the last global financial crisis in 2008, by the way. The problems are all the same, just magnified exponentially.

People need at least SOME fiat currency in banks to pay bills, either paying online or paying by check, because sending cash through the mail is not wise and there is no proof of receipt.


Brokerage money market account is probably safer than a regional bank checking acct.

Brokerage cash account is probably safer than a brokerage money market acct.

A SIFI bank (JPMorgan, Bank of America, etc.) is probably safer than a brokerage cash account.

Treasuries (short term) are probably safest of all when it comes to cash substitutes, but not so much between now and June 1st. If there is a collapse, and you have a substantial amount of cash resources, you want to be able to access that money DURING the collapse (to scoop up valuable assets at pennies on the dollar), not AFTER the crisis, when everything has rebounded or the best opportunities are passed.

Cash under the mattress is probably safest from the standpoint of being outside the system and under your personal control, except:

A) there isn’t enough physical cash available for everyone to withdraw theirs

B) security becomes a big issue (not very safe to have your life savings under the mattress!)

C) in a crisis, it would not be easy to get your cash back INTO the system in order to buy blue chip stocks or other assets at pennies on the dollar

D) it’s always possible that the gov’t declares cash VOID in favor of the new CBDC that was just waiting for a convenient banking collapse to be introduced

So there is nothing which might be called “safe”.

It seems the best we can do is manage what is unsafe, i.e., risk.

The ultra-rich will have a majority of their wealth in tangible assets (real estate, precious metals, art, business ownership and equity, i.e., stocks) and likely Bitcoin as a form of digital ‘gold’ and a liquid means of buying and selling if/when the ‘standard’ financial system collapses.

Regular people can do the same, on a smaller scale.

Artwork is probably not a consideration for most people, unless one is buying shares in works of famous art, which is possible to do.

Real estate is fine, so long as it is owned free and clear or making loan payments will not be a problem. Real estate is real and tangible, its value will never go to zero, it should survive a financial collapse (unless it is looted or otherwise destroyed), etc.

A sufficient amount of cash to cover several months of expenses is probably not a bad idea.

Same goes for a small amount of precious metals, primarily silver, for immediate needs during any financial collapse. Too much precious metals becomes a security issue, same as having too much physical cash under the mattress.

A larger amount of precious metals (many asset managers recommend at least 5% to 10% of net worth) could be kept secure in a commercial vault or vaults. An offshore commercial vault avoids the problem of domestic gov’t seizure, but one should be reasonably certain that the country where the vault is located is likewise not likely to be subject to seizure. There are no guarantees, only best efforts, so having different asset classes (and if physical in nature, assets stored in different places) will lower overall risk.

That leaves what to do with the majority of cash. The stock market is a possibility, and stock markets tend to go up during hyperinflation, but not during a collapse, so it’s a crapshoot. Stocks in solid companies should survive a financial collapse, so long as the companies themselves survive a collapse. The stock may drop substantially in value for some time, before recovering.

Somewhat of an exception to that would be precious metals mining stocks (gold and silver mining companies), because they literally dig real monetary value (gold and silver) out of the ground as their commercial product. If I remember correctly, the Homestead Mining Company was a fantastic stock to own during the Great Depression.

The biggest gold mining companies pay dividends, and in the event of a financial collapse, they could, if needed, pay their dividends in physical gold and/or silver. Hooters can’t do that. A-B can’t do that. Wally World can’t do that. But mining companies can.

But once again, there are all kinds of dangers involved with the mining industry. Is the mining company leveraged or hedged? Is the mining company well managed, or poorly managed? Are the mining company’s mines in ‘safe’ jurisdictions, and what exactly *is* a ‘safe’ jurisdiction during a financial collapse?

America is a Tier 1 jurisdiction normally, as is Canada and Australia, the so called ‘rule of law’ nations (which of course is a joke today), while most countries in South America or Africa are considered Tier 3 countries because they have much higher risk due to corruption, seizure, political instability, etc.

But what government is more dangerous than the illegitimate gov’t of the United States, in control of the U.S. military, who seem happy to do their bidding? So jurisdiction is a crapshoot as well. A mine in the nation of Stanstanistan might turn out to be a lot ‘safer’ than a mine in Nevada.

If one chooses to own stocks in specific mining companies, it would not be a bad idea to take physical possession of the actual stock certificates, instead of leaving them in the possession of the brokerage firm, because everything can get dicey in a crisis.

Gemstones are a store of value and always worth more than zero, but in a crisis situation, it would be very difficult to determine (or agree upon) their value, unlike a known quantity of precious metal, like a silver 1oz coin or bar.

There are ETFs for precious metals, but how can you be sure the gold (or silver) that is supposed to back up those ETFs is really there, or will be there, in the event of a financial collapse?

The best/safest there is (IMO) is the Sprott products (PSLV ticker symbol for the silver trust, PHYS ticker symbol for their gold trust). Sprott has a solid reputation in the mining and precious metals community, which they presumably would want to protect, and their physical precious metals are stored in what was presumably one of the safest places in the world, the Canadian Mint.

But what happens if, in a financial collapse, the Canadian government decides to seize all the gold and silver, to save the nation? It’s all right there in their own gov’t building, guarded by their own goon squads.

See what I mean?

Nothing is ‘safe’, because I’m not the only person who has thought these things through. I’m just an dumb ape with a keyboard, so if I can think it through, people a lot smarter than me are miles ahead of me.

There is no “one thing” that is safe, because if there was, then everybody would do it, the vast majority of wealth would flow into it immediately, and as a result, everything else would deflate or collapse. So it’s a sort of global balancing act, where no one thing is (or can be) completely ‘safe’, so risk is spread out through diversification.

And then there’s Bitcoin, which ironically (or not) was invented for this exact moment in time, but one is either familiar and comfortable with it, or one is not. If not, then it’s not a consideration.

If it is a consideration, the advantages provide by Bitcoin are many. It is a hard asset, in the sense that there will only ever be a set amount created (21 million), and that cannot be changed, so it can never be diluted through inflation.

It exists on the blockchain, so as long as there is electricity, it is accessible from anywhere in the world, which means borders are not an issue, whereas unless one has a private jet (and airport), moving large amounts of precious metals across borders, especially in a crisis, is very hard to do, without encountering problems. Same with cash (i.e., ‘capital controls’).

But with Bitcoin, the access codes are all that is needed, access can be from anywhere, and there are means to protect the access codes (e.g., multi-signature, where 2 out of 3 codes are required, where you have one, a friend or family member or attorney has one, and a commercial firm has one). Two are required, and you are the only one of the 3 who has access to more than one. Security can be increased by making it 3 out of 4 signatures, or 5 out of 7, etc.

One of the downsides to Bitcoin is the volatility, which is also an upside, depending on when you need access to it. If you need access right away, and the market is down, then volatility is bad. If you need access six months from now, and the market is down, it will probably be up again by the time you need access to it.

If Bitcoin is something one is comfortable with, then it is a distinct and separate ‘asset class’, providing further diversification.

It is somewhat ‘new’ on the scene (since 2009), and I realize a lot of people don’t trust it. I have spent enough time to understand the basic arguments for and against it, and I can defeat the arguments against it that I have encountered so far, but so far, I cannot defeat the arguments for it.

So, it seems to me, the best one could do, is to diversify among all of the best available options, so that in a worst case scenario, at least ONE (and hopefully several) assets survive, any one of which may increase in value by enough to (at least) offset the loss of the others.

There must be at least a hundred things that can go wrong. The best we can do is to think of and account for as many of them as we can, and spread out risk accordingly.

Then hang on, because it will get bumpy 👍😉


Thank you Scott


You are very welcome nikkichico 👍🙂


The summary statement at the end is what I told bakocarl a couple weeks back and is the correct answer IMO. Spread the risk. It is time for capital preservation and not for taking big risks for earnings. If you have excess cash, buy real estate once it declines significantly in value and is a buyer’s market.

Disagree with those who think the community banks are going away. Most operate well and are not involved in the stuff that is bringing the big banks down. Same with the better credit unions. By design they do not take big lending risks and have low operating expenses. Credit unions usually sell a lot of their loans off the books to poolers. Stay the course unless you know for sure one is in trouble.

The FDIC and NCUA cover the deposits in each. Member banks and credit unions fund the “insurance” from fees that are charged. Accounts in the institutions that fail are normally transferred to another institution. Backstopping the member fees into the insurance funds is the taxation ability of the federal government for federal agencies.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

“It is time for capital preservation and not for taking big risks for earnings. If you have excess cash, buy real estate once it declines significantly in value and is a buyer’s market.”


I like this point, my concern would be whether the cash still had any value by the time we get there.

I don’t mean to be alarmist at all, I just don’t have any way to know how bad things might get.

Gold and silver will certainly have value, but I can’t be sure fiat currency, guaranteed by the full faith (of which there is none) and credit (of which there shouldn’t be any) of the United States government, will have any value.

By every chart and measurement I’m aware of, we are so far past the point of no return that it’s amazing we can still hang out over nothingness, like Wile E. Coyote, 20 feet past the edge of the cliff, so long as he doesn’t look down.

It would be one thing, if we had any cause at all to believe that TPTB were patriots who actually cared about saving our country, instead of traitors hell bent on destroying it.

But since we have every reason to believe the latter and not the former, and considering my own life experience which influences my decision process, it seems prudent to make at least some preparation for a worst case scenario.

If for no other reason, than because it’s hard (for me) to imagine any other outcome, without pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Governments have seized cash in checking and savings accounts in other countries, and our criminals are certainly no more honorable than theirs.

Governments (including ours) have seized or confiscated gold, and the circumstances under which that happened were far less dire than today.

There is no way to know what might happen, but considering what has already happened since the stolen election, it does not seem unreasonable to anticipate a worst case scenario.

I mean, they already attempted to murder the population of the whole world. So it’s not like they would hesitate to purposefully collapse the entire financial system.

They certainly could do it, so why wouldn’t they? It wouldn’t be difficult, breaking things is easy…


“Disagree with those who think the community banks are going away. Most operate well and are not involved in the stuff that is bringing the big banks down. Same with the better credit unions. By design they do not take big lending risks and have low operating expenses. Stay the course unless you know for sure one is in trouble.”


I could certainly be wrong, what follows is only my own understanding, which is that most (all?) banks hold longer term Treasuries as part of their regulated capital holdings requirements.

The problem is that for however many years, interest rates were near zero. So practically every bank has mostly long term Treasuries at somewhere between zero and maybe 2% interest.

If they hold those to maturity, they get their money back, but they can’t sell them now without discounting them substantially, because any buyer today can get a Treasury for whatever the current rate is (e.g., 4.5% or whatever the rate is today).

Nobody is going to take a Treasury off the banks’ hands at 2% or less, when they can get a Treasury paying 4% or more.

So the banks are stuck with these long term Treasuries.

And that doesn’t even take into account that the real inflation rate is somewhere around 14% per year.

On top of that, how are all these banks, who are only earning around 2% or less on their long term Treasuries, supposed to compete for depositors, when depositors can take their money and get 4.5% at Fidelity (for example) via their money market account? It’s not FDIC insured (if I understand correctly), but how many people understand that?

As long as con-fidence in the banking system remains strong, and the FED backstops the banks with their “Buy the F’ing Dip” program (BTFD, I forget what the acronym really stands for), I guess there’s no problem. But if con-fidence drops, and people begin withdrawing their cash, the bank reaches a point where they are forced to liquidate some portion of their low interest Treasuries, marking them to market, and taking huge capital losses in the process.

This triggers other regulatory concerns, which in recent months has caused such banks to try to raise capital by issuing more shares. But as soon as that happens, given the current environment and lack of confidence, short sellers see it immediately, and pounce, selling short, driving the stock price down. The attempt to raise capital fails, and regulators step in and seize the bank.

This happens on a Friday if all goes according to plan, and by Monday, if all goes according to plan, the bank is owned by Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan.

So unless a bank does not have any exposure to long term Treasuries acquired over the past several years at very low interest rates, and I’m not sure it’s possible that any banks don’t have that exposure, it seems like the entire banking system faces a similar threat, because the FED has hiked interest rates so far, so fast.

This necessitated the current bail-out scheme, where banks with low interest Treasuries are being allowed to exchange them (or use them as collateral) at current interest rate values, for the next two years.

Which of course will be extended indefinitely, as long as needed.

It appears that the plan from Hussein HQ is force the 4,000 or so banks in the U.S. into merging with or being acquired by one of the biggest 4 or 5 SIFI banks.

Whatever the plan is (which we can’t be sure of), the element of trust is certainly lacking. The element of distrust could hardly be any higher.

I mean, we have a literally illegitimate government, people who openly stole power, no different than any 3rd world banana republic. Our country is being run by the people who were operationally involved in trying to murder the population of the whole world, first with a bioweapon, and then with the supposed cure.

So, I’m not really feelin’ the love… 😂


“The FDIC and NCUA cover the deposits in each. Member banks and credit unions fund the “insurance” from fees that are charged. Accounts in the institutions that fail are normally transferred to another institution. Backstopping the member fees into the insurance funds is the taxation ability of the federal government for federal agencies.”


If I understand correctly, the FDIC ‘insurance’ account only has (or had, before the recent bank failures) around $200 billion in it.

If I remember correctly, that wasn’t even enough to bail out one bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

I read that over a trillion dollars in deposits has been moved from smaller banks to larger banks and money markets (and Treasuries) since the collapse of SVB.

If there is a national banking collapse, if the dominoes start falling, the FDIC insurance isn’t going to be a drop in the bucket.

The federal government could ‘make good’ on it by turning on the money printer, but that just makes every dollar worth less. So if you lost $100K due to a bank failure, Uncle Sam gives you back a $100K, but it only has the purchasing power of maybe $60K (for example).

The have lots of ways to defraud the People and cover their own a$$es.

And when push comes to shove, the always do.

We have Wile E. Coyote driving the bus, and we’re way past the edge of that cliff back there… 😂

It’s not that I don’t trust the government… well, actually, I don’t trust the government even a little bit.

I trust gold. I trust silver. I trust Bitcoin to do what it was designed to do, though a little less than gold or silver, because while it has survived many severe tests since 2009, it has not been tested in a global financial collapse yet.

I saw a video segment today of Sen. Kennedy saying that the banking system is really just a sophisticated ponzi scheme. He’s right, and everybody knows he’s right. That’s not confidence inspiring 😂



My only real “asset” is my house, on which I have a mortgage. I do have a ton of equity, as I bought the house at the bottom in 2009. And it’s fixed-rate, so it can’t go up.

My plan is, if the value of the currency crashes, and we are like Venezuela with the cash just blowing around in the gutters, is to get everyone in the family to collect it like aluminum cans, and pay off the rest of my mortgage.


That was good timing and I’m glad you chose a fixed-rate.

Your state may be one of the safest places if things get crazy 👍


Boy, I hope so!


Thank you for that thoughtful and detailed reply. I skimmed it and am going to copy and save it to ponder in more detail.


You are very welcome TT.

I’m not meaning to alarm anyone. It may be that my ‘trust issues’, as it relates to the government and/or the banking schemes they run, are somewhat out of proportion compared to the general population 🙂

Please remember that I am not an expert, just someone who is interested in the subject matter. I care about everyone here, and I want to be helpful.

But I am still just a baboon with a mouse, so please, please, please be careful and always do your own due diligence 👍


What I think about is this: what if the money has no value, like in Venezuela? It won’t do you any good if you have it, in the bank or in a safe.

I think the best thing to do is not only to prepare by stocking up, but by figuring out ways you can grow food, be self-sufficient, and make/produce/do something to trade for things. Because how much can you store, really? A year’s worth, two? How long was the Great Depression?


The Depression of 1920-21 was just a few months, because the Federal Government didn’t “help”.



But how likely is it the government would be hands-off today? I’m going with 0%.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

OR muck buckets… Same problem bigger bucket.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. And I was thinking of five gallon buckets not five liter buckets. Quite a difference. (And I believe those are the gallon size there.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. Same with O’Keefe. It’s Pfizer.

Gail Combs

We pretty much thought so. The Twatter files were just icing on the cake.


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Resigns Citing Waning Pandemic
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has resigned. The waning of the coronavirus pandemic was cited Friday as the reason for her departure.
Walensky’s last day will be June 30, CDC officials said. AP reports she sent a resignation letter directly to President Joe Biden and later told her own staff at a special meeting.
President-elect Biden appointed her as CDC director in December 2020, just before the first coronavirus vaccines were rolled out in the U.S..
In her letter to the president, she reportedly expressed “mixed feelings” about the decision and gave no specific reason for walking away, other than offering that the nation is at a moment of transition as emergency declarations come to an end around the world.
“I have never been prouder of anything I have done in my professional career,” she wrote.

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rats abandoning ship on fire, as a “Q” flag is about to be brought on board!


They won’t be able to walk the streets?

Gail Combs

Heading in that direction!


Good 😃👍‼️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She can RUN, but she can’t HIDE.

The tweets are BRUTAL.


Whoops. got a seven day twitter suspension for hateful conduct. 😮😏😁

The offending tweet stemmed off this one below. I added “pedo” when I saw his red shoes and “spook” when I saw his twitter history was a total of 12 tweets so I imagine he used that one which I had to delete to start my seven day suspension.





Evil and stupid? Yeah, I guess you can be both.

Whatever, shares another. But if your twink too, you might not want to watch.

Quote Tweet

comment image





Bud Light Stand Empty at Fenway Park Even as Long Line Forms Next to It

Apparently I can still interact with those that I follow/follow me. Unfortunately I don’t follow many except from those I’ve found from here, but apparently that won’t work for Retweets.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry to hear it! Yeah – always be careful responding to these accounts!

You meant “spook” like CIA or feds, right? Dude may be black! Very dangerous word without enough context, IMO!

I don’t think the guy would understand red shoes. He’s fully in Dem world, but not a top player. But I’ll bet he’s a CP watcher and sensitive on the pedo hit, too!

I think it’s a real account that just doesn’t post much. Just brags up his shoes every once in a while.


“Whoops. got a seven day twitter suspension for hateful conduct.”


Badge of honor 👍😁


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Watched that on youtube to see if there was any more, but no only that short clip.
Looked through all the comments on y/t but that didn’t yield any more of that particular clip, but it did have this link which is quite good against the AGW myth.

Gail Combs

Very, very good. Well worth watching.


That is amazing! Someone please send it to Algore and Greta.

Gail Combs


MORE evidence that Al Gore Inc is full of SCHIFF!


Outstanding because it is so simple to follow and understand.


That was good!



“In the United States, the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing, commonly known as the Triple Crown, is a series of horse races for three-year-old Thoroughbreds, consisting of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. The three races were inaugurated in different years, the last being the Kentucky Derby in 1875. The Triple Crown Trophy, commissioned in 1950 but awarded to all previous winners as well as those after 1950, is awarded to a horse who wins all three races and is thereafter designated as a Triple Crown winner. The races are traditionally run in May and early June of each year, although global events have resulted in schedule adjustments, such as in 1945 and 2020.

The first winner of all three Triple Crown races was Sir Barton in 1919. Some journalists began using the term Triple Crown to refer to the three races as early as 1923, but it was not until Gallant Fox won the three events in 1930 that Charles Hatton of the Daily Racing Form put the term into common use.

13 horses have won the Triple Crown: Sir Barton (1919), Gallant Fox (1930), Omaha (1935), War Admiral (1937), Whirlaway (1941), Count Fleet (1943), Assault (1946), Citation (1948), Secretariat (1973), Seattle Slew (1977), Affirmed (1978), American Pharoah (2015), and Justify (2018). As of 2023, American Pharoah and Justify are the only living Triple Crown winners.”

James E. “Sunny Jim” Fitzsimmons was the first trainer to win the Triple Crown more than once; he trained both Gallant Fox and Omaha for the Belair Stud. Gallant Fox and Omaha are also the only father-son pair to each win the Triple Crown. Bob Baffert became the second trainer to win the Triple Crown more than once, training American Pharoah and Justify. Belair Stud and Calumet Farm are tied as owners with the most Triple Crown victories with two apiece; Calumet’s winners were Whirlaway and Citation. Eddie Arcaro rode both of Calumet’s Triple Crown champions and is the only jockey to win more than one Triple Crown. The African-American jockey Willie Simms is the only African-American jockey to win all three races that would compose the triple crown. During the 1898 Preakness Stakes he rode a different horse, Sly Fox and won the race.

Secretariat holds the stakes record time for each of the three races. His time of 2:24 for 1+1⁄2 miles in the 1973 Belmont Stakes also set a world record that still stands.”

Secretariat will always be first in my heart!


Secretariat’s 1973 Belmont race with jockey Ron Turcotte:


Secretariat’s Derby win. He came from third-to-last position to beat the Derby track record and run each quarter mile faster than the previous one.




That was exciting to watch.


OH HAPPY DAY – from the movie Secretariat!

Makes me doubly happy – cause Jesus did and keeps on washing my sins away!



That sure looks like Governor Gruesome.


It is!


Update on brother-in-law …

Randy is out of surgery, so far doing well except for pain, med for same rec’d

Sissy is turning off notifications for a while, she is in room with him and he needs rest.

Sissy appreciates prayers sent for him… as do I.

God is good.


Thank you for the update. I’m glad things are going well. 🙏😊


Thanks TT ..


YW 😊


Great news. Thanks.


Thank God he’s doing OK!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Will pray for all of you!


Thank you Wolfie…

Valerie Curren

Wonderful news!


Great news! Keep us informed.


Prayers for you and Randy and your sister, glad for the good news PR 👍🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Per Fox news website (mea maxima culpa, I typed it in out of sheer force of habit):

Smirnoff is now doing a tranny partnership, and I don’t mean with AAMCO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We’re not with Putin! We’re not even Russian! And we LOVE LGBT!”


Yakov Smirnoff — “let me tell you — once you milk the bull tranny, you have a friend for life.”


Kentucky Derby Recipe from years gone by.

Black-eye Pea Salad with Sorghum Bourbon Vinaigrette

Vidalia Onion, Bourbon and Sorghum Vinaigrette
Yield: 2 cups

¼ cup sorghum (a kind of syrup, can substitute home made cane syrup – NOT yankee maple syrup)
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil 
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon sea salt 
½ teaspoon paprika 
½ teaspoon hot sauce 
1 tablespoon grated sweet Vidalia onion 
¼ cup bourbon
Let sorghum come to room temperature. 
Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend on low speed until well mixed. 
Store dressing in a refrigerated air-tight container for up to two weeks

Black Eyed Pea Salad
Yield: 4 servings

1 can (15-1/2 ounces) black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained
1 large tomato, diced
1/3 cup roasted red pepper 
2 green onions, chopped
1 zucchini sliced and grilled 
1 yellow squash sliced and grilled 
½ red onion sliced and grilled 
¼ cup flat leaf parsley minced 
1/3 cup bourbon sorghum vinaigrette 

In a large serving bowl, combine all the ingredients; toss to coat. Serve with a slotted spoon. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie Curren

I would LOVE to retweet this…if I weren’t still banned  😜 

Gail Combs

Dinah_truth sent this to In the Matrixxx

Start at 1:09:00 with Geraldo Rivera defending Ghislane Maxwell ==> photo with him and weenie Wiener ==> Sex traffacked boy.

I think this is the original.

Gail Combs

This is what I was looking for:


This one under that first vid. Great info. Listen all the way through. Mayorkas has visited this camp twice in the last two years. Traffic has been 200,000 going through this route, and now surging to 600,000 and this is just one route.


one million expected…


Yes, apparently with in one day, though some of those are already crossing over and some will lag. After that, steady flow.

Gail Combs

WOW! From the MG show:

An Early Warning Cartoon from the 1930’s

It is only 2 minutes and well worth the watch.


Fits with common sediments at the end of WWI with the Spanish Flu Epidemic. Lot of anti maskers back then too and flu shots were thought to be making matters worse.

Gail Combs

My Granddad dies of the Spanish Flu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Normally, I throw a lot of side-eye at Reuters fact-checks, but not this time. Whoever investigated it (not MSM) did a good job, IMO.


yes was aware of this. Not first time we’ve seen this vid, other vids and the fact checks. Still these were common sediments of the time.


So it looks like we only have enough time now to print out flyers pointing out where the Blue States are.

One million in this wave and it’s just the beginning. Remember, keep pushing them to the blue states who invited them in along with Biden/Harris.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Oh… guess I can still copy and post tweets!


Wagner doesn’t have these kinds of munitions. So this is definitely the Army.
Also not likely as severe as it seems. Type camera and light exposure makes it seems like everything is on fire when it’s not, but a lot is on fire.
Some saying it’s from 2022 but I don’t remember anything like that and no one is offering proof as of yet. Some are calling it warm crimes but most are shouting them down and pointing back to Dresden and Atomic bomb and other incidents. What’s clear is Russian Army is planning on minimizing causalities on their side. Meanwhile Zelenski is safely away and NATO countries are promising to keep fueling the war for the foreseeable future. Good luck with that Biden.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Bernhard @ Moon of Alabama posted this:


‘Nearly A Third Of The World Economy Is Now Subject To Sanctions’
The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) just published a study about:
The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions.

The results are as any observer of such acts would expect. Sanctions are used too broadly. They hardly ever serve their supposed original purpose and do not reach their aims. They hurt the poor more than the supposedly targeted leaders of this or that country.

These numbers though are astonishing:

Over the past six decades, there has been significant growth in the use of economic sanctions by Western powers and international organizations. Less than 4 percent of countries were subject to sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, or United Nations in the early 1960s; today, that share has risen to 27 percent. The magnitudes are similar when we consider their impact on the global economy: the share of world GDP produced in sanctioned countries rose from less than 4 percent to 29 percent in the same period. In other words, more than one fourth of countries and nearly a third of the world economy is now subject to sanctions by the UN or Western nations.

Under international law only sanction imposed by the United Nations’ Security Council have legal standing. Sanctions by the U.S. or EU are under international law an illegal use of state instruments. The U.S. is using sanctions constantly to press under nations to do its bidding. Until the recent war in Ukraine the EU has used sanctions mostly to ‘do something’ because it had run out of ideas or diplomatic abilities.

The recent sanctions on Russia proved to be hurting the Russians much less than they are hurting the people living in the European Union. It was a catastrophic mistake by EU leaders to preemptively agree to the sanctions the U.S. had been pushing for before Russia entered the civil war in Ukraine on the side of its Ukrainian brethren. The consequences had obviously not been gamed out and thought through.

When nearly one third of the world economy is under sanctions the other two-third are losing out too. It would therefore make sense for everyone to abolish all sanctions that have not been issued by the UNSC. Even UNSC sanctions should only be used sparsely and in a very narrowly targeted manner. Sanctions that hit the whole economy of a country are inhuman and should be prohibited.

Posted by b at 15:31 UTC

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sanctions of the GloboNazis and Neocons are the ESG of the Finance Jazis applied to nations instead of companies.

Nations — Sanctions

Companies — ESG

Individuals — Social credit

All this crap needs to be killed deader than a doornail.


So as the week closed out we had another industrial fire 2nd or third for the week. This one in Deer Park Texas, part of Houston where the FBI was the lead for the Nuke training simulation exercise that ended today as well. Oh boy… 🙄😬😖😮

comment image
Sky Fills With Black Smoke After Reported Explosion and Fire at Industrial Park Near Houston

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Wasn’t Deer Park also the site of a recent situation some weeks or months back? Possibly those burning fuel storage silos, iirc. coincidences…NOT!



Pulls no punches! 😆🤣😂🤣


Yup. He does a great job. Fearless Truth Sayer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the way he takes the opportunity to blast his accusers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very interesting perspective on Democrat gun bans.

As I like to say, NEVER GIVE UP THE GUNS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crucial legal strategy against the Deep State is given in this SD article!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Sundance vs. Lisa Monaco Frame Job”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome statement by Sundance…..

Hopefully this also explains why CTH 2.0 took the path of creating a proprietary commenting system when we relaunched. As you can tell, the platforms are monitored through back door arrangements with people, institutions and systems that ultimately may not have good intentions. There is no backdoor into CTH and the privacy of people who comment here is a top priority. This is a conversational place where we can all be comfortable, obviously grandma’s rules apply.

Bottom Line – We will win this battle and eventually this war. We are on the right side of every issue, and we cherish freedom. Our opposition is built upon a foundation of fraud and lies. They are corrupt and their arguments collapse when challenged. That’s why they need the rules and referees slanted in their favor. That’s why they need censorship, deplatforming and control.

I know it can be overwhelming at times to find optimism against all of this corruption, but the choice of joy is ours.

Every time you enjoy your day, you are winning. Every time to do not let them steal your peace of mind, you defeat them. Every time you embrace the simple joys of the sun on your face or the breeze upon you, and you do it with gratitude and genuine thankfulness for this blessed life we are able to live, you defeat every element of darkness that would whisper on your shoulder.

Ultimately, this is what living your best life is about. Life is about choices. Choose to be happy, make a conscious effort to cherish and appreciate the people around you. Give that starter smile; if you have the time – give up your place in line to someone who doesn’t; open the door, help your neighbor, do something random and useful and good, and do it as much as you can.

Find a way to generate and express grace, even in the face of hate and bitterness. Be wise, perhaps cynical and be strategic. Be cautious and yet do not allow coarseness to become your center of gravity. In the face of all adversity and disenchantment, keep peace within yourself. Live with the joy our loving God provides and fearlessly live your best life.

I will share more as time permits and try to answer any questions that might surface.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ladies – feel free to weigh in!


At first, I read this as “you don’t wear pants….”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I read it the same way!
