Heads Up: Personal Health Updates

As most know I sometimes post personal experiences that may assist dedicated QTree readers with their own decisions and activities. This Heads Up is particularly targeted to Aubergine, Wolf, Gail, PAVACA as well as other reader friends who may be interested and benefit.

We did our annual Medicare wellness exams with blood tests a week ago. Some will recall my encounter with the jab pushing NP a couple of years back. We now have clarity with her. 😂 She no longer pushes and has noted in our files “no vaccines” including COVID, flu and any virus boogieman du jour. She still tries to sell other unneeded tests, but she’s just doing what her regional employer wants her to do and the girl needs to make a buck. She backs off immediately when “no” is stated.

Their practice’s patient services are much more cordially provided than in years past. Probably because many patients no longer use them for medical services. They need the business to keep their jobs. The lobby only has a handful of patients in it most visits while there are two docs, a PA and the NP. Lately we are always called back on time to begin. Our pet peeve, their ridiculously inaccurate digital scales, have even been calibrated for the first time since arrival on the scene years ago. Time on your hands and receiving enough complaints gets things done it appears.

My doc of 35+ years is still there if I need him. He has admitted to a friend that pushing the jabs was a major mistake, but he still hides behind “they still do not know enough about the results” BS. In private conversations he admits he was even injured by them and stopped taking boosters. He has apparently accepted that being an employee as compared to being the employer as he was for 20 years, brought some heartburn having to now sell the official company line. So he deflects when questioned and just offers the jabs with no insistence on their usage. That is the price you pay for selling your practice to piranha, you lose some of your credibility to remain employed. Which is a shame as he really has been a good doctor who has been very helpful to me and my family through the years prior to COVID. However, even with him the side eye applies. Let’s go canine this time.

As a result we use the buyer beware approach and just focus on the blood tests, antibiotics for infections, and referrals to specialists for any other major issues. We are prepared for the approach that Linda and others are choosing in the worst case. Most years we only use the practice for the annual exams. Based on their patient load, it appears many others have left or are using a similar approach.

There is an RN who has worked in the practice for 20+ years with whom we have great mutual respect. We are members of the same church. Throughout the COVID experience we gleaned local insights from her.

Recently, an 85 year old friend went for an exam at this office. Prior to being seen she received a woke type questionnaire that asked what gender she wanted to have noted in her file with a half dozen choices including “other” with a description line. In addition, it asked by what pronoun she wanted to be addressed by staff. She was pizzed and let them know. She made a photo of the form and texted us. I then showed it to the RN at church and asked if she was aware. She was not and inquired in their office the next week. She later told us that it was all voluntary, to ignore if we desired, but it was a real thing.

Guess what was not presented to us at our exams? Our RN friend asked if they gave it to us, she honestly did not know. We responded to the negative and she seemed relieved. Perhaps enough equally pizzed patients before our visit gave them the thought to cease and desist. I was a bit disappointed. I had planned to answer the gender question as “God Given” and the salutation as “Child of God”.

So the moral is to just do a Scott “not me.” Stand against BS wherever it may rear its ugly head.

Exam/Blood Tests Results – Wifey

Wifey has been weaned totally off Amlodipine for over a year now for BP issues. Since going off the med she no longer has BP issues at all and her cholesterol lowered 20 points with her HDL quite good at 67 along with the ratios. Her normal BP now is 120s/70s. She no longer has the random spikes. Her resting heart rate is in the 60s. Her blood markers improved overall during the period. She does not take the nattokinase like I do as she chooses to use Young Living oils and supplements. The clear anecdotal observation has been that taking Amlodipine was the reason for the obvious previous spike in her cholesterol and did nothing to moderate her BP as her nutrition and exercise remained the same with negligible changes in weight.

So what caused the spike in BP to start with that caused the doc to place her on Amlodipine? Please pay attention to what follows.

Weight and spinal misalignment are the obvious answers as far as we can determine. Some on here may recall me asking for prayer for her over two years ago when she fell through a deck that was under repair when vertigo (that she suffered with occasionally for many years) kicked in unexpectedly. For a few years leading up to the incident she had maintained a weight about 20-25 lbs. above her more recent stabilized weight. The fall led to her breaking her knee in lay man’s terms. That led to surgery, three months in a wheelchair, therapy and some weight loss. Which led to her going to our chiro right after the success we experienced with our grandson using her. That led to the chiro straightening our her misalignments, which included the neck/jaw (at the atlas) problem that was crimping her eustachian tube on one side, which turned out to be the major cause of her vertigo spells as they rarely happen anymore. This led to her choosing to wean off Amlodipine a little over a year ago – and bingo, bango – normal blood pressure with no more spikes that has been sustained for over a year.

She has now started weaning off her only other prescribed med, a low dose fluid pill. So far there have been no adverse reactions. Please understand that the fluid pill, hydrochlorothiazide, was prescribed for her vertigo issue by her ENT and PCP many years ago for what was diagnosed as a moderate case of Meniere’s Disease. A symptom of that disease is BP spike issues when attacks happen. However, her BP was staying significantly higher than normal even when there were no vertigo issues. Their thoughts were that the fluid was building up in one or both inner ears causing the condition, yet, for decades she still suffered from the occasional severe vertigo attacks anyway.

Until the fall.

My wife had endured a condition that traditional medicine misdiagnosed for decades, that led to more medicine and health issues. When the eustachian tube on one side was no longer crimped after the chiro adjusted, fluid could exit the inner ear on that side. There was no longer a need for a fluid pill, or the Amlodipine, or the infrequently used Clonidine for spikes as her BP normalized.

So I praise God for the fall, despite the knee damage and her pain, as well as for the inspiration that led us to take our grandson to an excellent chiro. Had the fall not occurred, wifey’s stubborn nature would have probably caused her to refuse to consider other options as she has become an expert at coping with difficult situations.

Which leads to what was diagnosed as Binocular Vision Disorder with the grandson, that I am certain is also a problem with Wifey that contributes to anxiety when riding in a car. Our grandson’s BVD optometry specialist insists it is likely to be my wife’s root issue. She views it as vertigo resulting from Meniere’s when in reality it is not being able to see objects around her with both eyes working at the same time (Alternating Exotropia). Mrs. Stubborn wants to wait until grandson has completed treatment before her own attempt to correct hers, so stay tuned. I pray she will make the move before something bad happens to her to force it.

Exam/Blood Tests Results – This Guy

This guy has never had BP issues no matter my weight, nutrition, or exercise level. My resting heart rate has always been in the 50-55 range. Genetics in play I guess.

Aubergine’s recommendation of nattokinase is still providing major benefits in my opinion. Between it and going modified Keto with the diet, my blood results and reduced weight are very good for my age. Who knew you could eat eggs, sausage, bacon, beef, poultry, fish, etc. daily, multiple times per day for 7 months, lower one’s overall cholesterol, clean up the blood, detox one’s digestive organs and lose 25 pounds in the process? Well, perhaps a few on here did. Which confirms at least for me that the Food Pyramid is garbage. Once you purge the sugar and stop the excessive consumption of processed carbs the health benefits kick in.

My exercise program is significantly reduced from past years as I did not want to overtax the health benefits my chiro was providing to my hips, back and neck. I still work in my gardens, get in a good walk several times per week and assist at the kids’ house with repairs and maintenance as needed. My golf game has been placed on the back burner for a bit until next spring. The grandsons’ interest in the game has grown, so Papaw will need to be ready.

I take no prescribed meds. I use Xyzal and occasionally Nasacort for seasonal allergies. That’s it. But I had struggled with moderate weight gain issues on and off for many years until going with this method.

My glucose level has now been sustained in the mid-80’s for a couple of years no matter my past nutrition choices. It did this when I began taking natto. My nutrition and weight have been all over the place during those two plus years, so that appears unrelated to the improvement. Prior to taking natto it ran 91-105. Not bad, but not anything like it has sustained in recent years.

My total cholesterol dropped 8 points and is now normal. My HDL went up and LDL went down for a 19 point positive swing. The HDL has risen the past two years that I have taken the natto, which was underway well before the Keto diet. My ratios are both much better now at 3.8 and 2.4. Those two ratios are the best they have been in 20 years of tracking my blood tests. I have no markers out of normal ranges on any of the blood results except being slightly high on LDL, which is not a factor with the ratios and trends being good. For what it is worth, I found it helpful to do spreadsheets of our past blood test results to spot trends over time. You learn what is normal for you and can track changes better if you modify nutrition, exercise and supplements.


Obviously, I endorse Keto. It works best for me. No calorie counting. Purge the sugar over a week or two and the fat begins to burn instead. No obsessing over hunger pains, just snack on the right stuff to handle the hunger.

I have found a brand of bread I like that is Keto – Sola. Walmart and a few other major grocers carry it like Publix. I eat the loaves, buns and blueberry bagels. The latter is great with cream cheese. Sola is a bit pricey, but seems to not have the odd smell and texture of some Keto breads and the flavor is good. Arnold’s also makes a good Superior Keto wheat bun. There are also some good Keto soft flour tortillas out there.

I only try to lose an average of one pound per week when in weight loss mode and will stabilize for a couple of weeks to test what I can eat to stay neutral. I stay in the 30-35 point per day range during weight loss periods. Some folks are more aggressive to lose it faster. As we age we lose elasticity of our skin. I find that the slower loss is better for that and overall health.

I will have a carb day or two every couple of weeks. Nothing crazy, just a reward. My veggies are typically salads, broccoli, normandy mixes, green beans, sauerkraut, cabbage, etc. For Keto that high fat, very low carb and sugar Ken’s Buttermilk Ranch salad dressing is the bomb. For fruits it is tomatoes and a variety of berries. Find your favorites that fit the program and enjoy. Since butter and good oils are encouraged, using them and seasoning adds great flavor.

Ratio makes a Keto yogurt I use for dessert that can be found in Walmart and many grocery chains. It is different with high fat content and low sugar. At first it is hard to get your mind to release the “fat is bad” approach to nutrition. Combined with too much sugar and processed carbs it is bad. When you remove them, fat is good and the source of energy. Just don’t drown in it if you want to lose the bulge, let your body handle it by burning what you already have.

A couple of small pieces of dark chocolate on occasion can serve the sweet tooth purpose as well. For a snack I eat a small handful of nuts, some cheese, or dip some warmed Keto bread in EV olive oil/seasonings.

Meat, poultry and seafood abound in this type nutrition program. Limit the crust or use an alternative for pizza. Pasta can be a challenge, so I do not go with it unless it is a small serving on a carb day. When I modify or go on a carb day I typically add a serving of potatoes, an ear of corn, corn chips with salsa or cheese dip, or the pasta. The key is to keep it to a serving and not go crazy. You can still have a piece of pie with a dip of ice cream on it once or twice a month. Just be reasonable on serving size and realize sugar is your opponent.

Our RN friend mentioned above was curious how my blood test turned out since I went Keto as she and her husband fight the bulge as well. She was surprised at the positive cholesterol changes as some of their patients reported increases while on Keto. My answer was Nattokinase and actually following Keto as designed. Many people say they are on Keto while continuing to ingest way too much sugar and processed carbs combined with the fat increase. They are only lying to themselves.

I doubt I will ever go back to eating the way I did in the past. I crave no other foods that cannot be eaten in this method. When I see the results in the mirror and in my blood tests it has caused me to remember that for Christians the body is God’s temple on earth. I Corinthians 6:19 states in the NASB, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” I needed to do a better job of taking care of it until He calls me home.

Respiratory Distress Season…

Is upon us. So prepping is key, in the body and the cupboard.

For many supplements I have gone with the supplier NOW upon Gail’s recommendation, although there has been a run on their natto supply of late. They have most everything for your immunity needs. For vitamins, collagen, and other supplements I use Ancient Nutrition and have for a number of years. Their collagen and bone broth are the best in the business, IMO. Their collagen has totally removed my joint aches for over five years now, including the arthritis pain from a past knee ACL reconstruction surgery of 25 years ago. When I do a candida detox, theirs works well. I also use their multi vitamin formulation. As a reminder to things we need to consider as the weather changes this season, below is a helpful link from Ancient Nutrition.


So anecdotal observation time again. My last respiratory illness was whatever Omicron variant was dancing around in early June of last year. Other than a couple of draggy days with pollen allergies, no respiratory illnesses in that time. Other than the natto, I have been using similar supplements and vitamins for many years. That leads to the one thing that is different – Ivermectin. Since using it to recover from the Omicron, which worked well, I have continued to use as a prophylactic. Will continue to monitor the results since anything can happen at any time to the human body as we know. I have contracted respiratory illnesses every fall and winter for nearly all of my life until this past 16 month period. I am encouraged to not always dread the cooler months due to the prospects of catching something.


We all need to find what works best for ourselves and loved ones. My hope is the information I have provided here will help somebody. The info we share with one another on the QTree matters. We have been very blessed by it and the recommendations of many on a broad variety of subjects.

I will be providing an update on the grandson in a month or so. We are pleased with his vision therapy progress. It was such a relief to finally know that the seizure type events were not as originally diagnosed by traditional medicine. The focal events have lessened greatly with the eye therapy and are only induced in high anxiety moments. We will know more about his overall progress soon. He continues to improve with OT and the related therapist has been a God-send in explaining what happens and how to improve the lives of individuals with Dyspraxia and Binocular Vision Disorder as they are frequently related. Sensory issues remain a challenge, but continue to improve with therapy.

Blessings to all. May your days be filled with sunshine and joy even in these tumultuous times.

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Gail Combs

“…My doc of 35+ years is still there if I need him. He has admitted to a friend that pushing the jabs was a major mistake, but he still hides behind “they still do not know enough about the results” BS….”

Well you can now tell him the RESULTS ARE IN!!!

Canadian Gov’t Admit 74% of Triple Vaccinated now have VAIDS… – Thaimbc.com

Official data released by the Canadian government reveals that at least 74% of the vaccinated population across Canada now have full-blown Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome…

PLEASE READ ABOVE, I can not copy and paste.

Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; suggesting the Triple Vaccinated have developed “AIDS” & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated

The latest official Covid-19 figures from the Government of Canada are truly terrifying. They show that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people.

So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

But it’s even worse for the triple vaccinated population in terms of their risk of death. The official figures show that they are on average 3.7 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 but 5.1 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

These figures therefore suggest that both the double and triple vaccinated population in Canada have now had so much damage caused to their immune systems by the Covid-19 injections that they have now developed Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome…


It’s hard to believe they’re still pushing that poison.

Since they cover up the deaths and there’s a media blackout, the public may not really catch on until the numbers of deaths and serious illness are so high that they can’t be ignored.

No idea what number that might be, but considering how soundly normie likes to sleep, I’d guess it may take 1 out of every 3 or 4 people you know having a serious illness or a terminal case of ‘died suddenly’ before the alarm might go off.


I’m reminded of the scene in airport where Leslie Nielsen has a flaming shitstorm behind him and he’s saying nothing to see,please move along


I was in my Bible study group of about twelve women last week. There were THREE prayer requests for friends with leukemia. TWO were from one woman in her twenties. I’m sure her friends are not old people.

So sad.


Leukaemia is either acute or chronic.
acute afflicts kids and under ( roughly) 25.
chronic is an older persons disease and much less aggressive and more manageable.


Thanks, Ozzy.


The ONLY thing that will stop the genocide, poisonous injection push, Is Lawsuits. Threatening Big Pharma, health care systems, hospitals, quacks…

Do long as there ARE Billions to be made, genocide rolls on.

Gail Combs

Yeah, they are wiping out 3/4 of their population.

I think the same is planned for the USA but the ones they MOST want to get rid of are the one that told them to F..k OFF, I won’t Take your death shot.

Unfortunately all those flooding across the border ARE REPLACEMENTS FOR WHITE FOLK.


“not me!” 👍🙂

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467

At the hospital I work at some clever soul has neatly sidestepped all the gender nonsense by instead of listing all the gender variations they just ask for gender assigned at birth.
brilliant. It basically is saying idgaf what you think you are in a way that doesn’t explicitly say your delusions are nonsense, without activating the woke zombies


Was it ‘assigned’ at birth, or was it self-evident, as a matter of observable fact?

I always thought it was the latter, but the only live births I’ve seen are on TV, and you never know what you miss 😁


I think it was the use of the enemy’s language ie assigned, to snooker them with having to go with birth sex

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

From these truths yesterday:

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the Covid vaccines. They must be charged with fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.

The CDC has over 16,000 Americans that have died within a few days of taking the vaccine and that’s probably a gross underreporting…..” https://vk.com/wall642622463_1666



How about adding a couple of zeros since data shows LESS THAN 1% of Adverse Reactions were reported BEFORE the CDC messed with the reporting.

Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?

…Data was collected from June 2006 to October of 2009 on a total of 715,000 patients. Of those 715,000 patients, 376,452 were given 1.4 million doses of 45 different vaccines. A total of 35,570 possible adverse reactions were identified, so 2.6% of vaccinations were followed by a possible adverse reaction.

Let’s just take a minute to reflect on that last sentence. Out of only 376,452 individuals that received a vaccine at this Harvard practice, the new automated system identified 35,570 possible adverse reactions in a three year period. How does that stack up to the number of adverse effects reported to VAERS? According to the CDC, only 30,000 adverse events are reported every year for the entire US population….

I’ll quote the findings directly from the report, “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. […] Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of ‘problem’ drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.”

Again, let’s stop and think about this revelation for a moment: 𝕗𝕖𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝟙% 𝕠𝕗 𝕧𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕕𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕. The CDC’s entire vaccination propaganda campaign rests on their claim that side effects from vaccination are exceedingly rare (and predominantly minor)….

AND the vaccine injuries are slow to show up, meaning THOSE ARE NEVER REPORTED…

Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people

The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝟝 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕛𝕒𝕓 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟. 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕚𝕥’𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖.

This type of information is WHY Globalist Asset Patrick Gunnels HAD TO TRASH STEVE KIRSCH.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 • Secret CDC Report reveals at least 1.1 Million Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine roll-out & another Government Report proves the COVID Vaccines are to blame

 JULY 22, 2021 Bombshell Lawsuit Claims Feds Are Covering Up At Least 45,000 Injection-Related Deaths

…Renz made the bombshell announcement he says is based on a whistleblower with access to government computers and can prove that “at least 45,000” Americans have already been killed by the three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the FDA…

These numbers are very close to what Dr. Peter McCullough reported in a video posted June 20 by LeoHohmann.com, Behind the Vaccine Veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans.

“This is brand new announcement. I’m filing papers in federal court today,” Renz said… 

Gail Combs

I personally think Operation Warp speed was calculated to MAKE the Cabal accelerate their plans so they became OBVIOUS.


Absolutely. They were forced into a quick March. This forced them out of the shadows too


I love all of this! Specifically:

1) Pushback is working! The doctors are backing off. Thank God.

2) Your wife is off of a pharmaceutical, and doing BETTER. Most so-called “medicine” is poison, in my opinion.

3) “Who knew you could eat eggs, sausage, bacon, beef, poultry, fish, etc. daily, multiple times per day for 7 months, lower one’s overall cholesterol, clean up the blood, detox one’s digestive organs and lose 25 pounds in the process? Well, perhaps a few on here did. Which confirms at least for me that the Food Pyramid is garbage.”

Somebody said to me once that the biggest part of the food pyramid is how you fatten a hog or a beef for slaughter. I was working at a feed mill at the time, and knew it was true, but I had never put it together. That was a revelation.

4) “The body is the temple of the spirit” has been my motto for decades. So true. God gave us this wonderful body, that does so many great things, to live in. We should take care of it.

5) I think nattokinase is a miracle. End of story.

Now for a side note on antibiotics. IF you are educated enough about your own body’s needs, specific illnesses, etc., and IF you do not abuse them, antibiotics don’t have to mean a visit to a doctor.

Many places online sell “fish antibiotics” that are human dosages in capsule form. I keep three kinds in my medical supply all the time. Just watch the expiration dates. And please, please, don’t take antibiotics for a virus!

So glad to read all of your health news

Last edited 7 months ago by Aubergine

I am so happy that anything I ever wrote is making your life better! Such a blessing to me.

Gail Combs

You certainly helped me too!


That makes me smile. Thanks!

Gail Combs

Glad getting your immune system in tiptop shape has taken care of the Annual Fall/winter ‘bug’


My body is a temple too!
old and crumbling
probably haunted




“And please, please, don’t take antibiotics for a virus!”


This is a very curious thing.

It may have to do with smoking (I used to smoke cigarettes), but from the time I was in college to my late 30s when I quit smoking, I would get sick every winter.

Every winter I would go to the doctor, and he would tell me I had a virus, and it had to run its course, there was nothing he could do (if it was a virus, then IVERMECTIN might have helped!).

And every winter I would tell him to prescribe antibiotics.

And every time he would tell me antibiotics won’t do anything for a virus.

And I would tell him then I must not have a virus, because every year I have this same illness, and every year we have this same conversation, and every year you eventually agree to prescribe antibiotics, and every year I get better in about 24 hours.

So (like always) he checked my medical folder, looked at the previous year, and the year before that, and a couple years before that, and then he looked up and said I guess we’ll try antibiotics then. 😂

So I don’t know what it was that I was getting sick from every winter. The doctor ALWAYS diagnosed it as a virus.

I always fought with him to get the antibiotics, and the antibiotics always worked.

My system has always been sensitive to antibiotics, just as I found out my system is very sensitive to Ivermectin.

So it would seem that either the doctor’s diagnosis was consistently incorrect, year after year, or his diagnosis was correct, and antibiotics worked to kill a virus, which (I know) it shouldn’t do.

Antibiotics definitely worked, for whatever it was that I caught every year.

When I quit smoking, I stopped getting sick every winter.

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467

That’s why they call it “practicing medicine.”


I think you most likely had a mild case of bacterial pneumonia, exacerbated by smoking and the season change. If your immune system (like mine) is very sensitive, cold weather exposure can weaken it, (and of course smoking does, too) allowing a bacteria actually present all the time to take the opportunity to make you sick.

Pneumonia way down deep in the lungs can be really hard to detect. My grandson once had it, but it took two months and several different doctors before one very savvy ER doc figured it out. My daughter was scared to death he had cancer or some terrible other disease, because his symptoms would not abate, and nobody could tell her what was wrong. One course of antibiotics cured him.


That is very interesting to find out, thank you!

Amazing that my doctor couldn’t figure it out, year after year. Now I know, and if it happens again, I’ll tell him 👍

I had it on spring break one year, it was getting bad on the drive to Florida, and by the time we got there, I was in bed the whole next day. Thought I was gonna die.

Next morning my girlfriend took me to a doctor, and I went through the same routine (Doc says it’s a virus, antibiotics won’t work, then I say they will, they always do), and eventually he prescribed the antibiotics.

I got the antibiotics, took them, and went back to bed.

That night, by 8pm, I was feeling fine and out with all my friends.

It works that fast, in my system.

Just like IVM did for covid.

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467

You are like me, it appears. I have a very sensitive immune system, and respond really fast to medicines.


I am a very sensitive and delicate flower 😁


No, I choose to be not smelly 😂


Well, good!

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!


Very good to find out! 👍

Valerie Curren

Many places online sell “fish antibiotics” that are human dosages in capsule form.”

would you mind elaborating a bit on this? 🙂


Sure. Check out Chewy.com. Search an antibiotic like amoxycillin. You’ll find this:


Or valleyvet.com:


You can get almost any kind of antibiotic. Just do a search for fish (name of antibiotic) in a search engine.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

Thank you, TB!! So glad to hear how well you and your family are doing. Your comments about what you eat (and don’t) are helpful to me, and I will share them with friends and family who may also find beneficial experiences. 

Valerie Curren



Thanks to all who participate in medical & nutritional conversations here. Anecdotal and research info continue to be extremely valuable.

is there an optimal time of day to take natto? With or without food? Would like to improve both bp and cholesterol readings and get off those meds.

FYI din’t know if this is just Colorado, but our (useless) M’care annual wellness exam also includes being handed a two-page full-on legalese document which we are supposed to quickly complete and sign for end of life or EMT care in an ambulance!!!!

Each year it’s handed to me, I ask why and neither doc or nurse knows .., or cares. I tell them I’m not completing it, and nurse first insists they need it. I tell her it’s a legal document and I’d need my atty to review it and WHAT happens if my quick answers on their form contradict my Living Will or Med Power of Atty. They cannot answer !!!

i write “refuse to complete”; sign my name and hand it in with all the other crap paperwork.

Gail Combs

I take mine before breakfast (morning cuppa) since the directions are TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH.


LOL oh, I guess I’ll look at my bottle 🫣😁

thanks, everybody!!!


Directions What directions? Guys don’t need any stinkin directions. 🙂


Switches them to morning….


Yea I told the quack I didn’t need the EMT quack form. DW would speak for me as necessary. Or Medical Directive will do the talking.


Thanks so much for your input Tradebait. Also many others here (Abergine, Gail).


Great write up.

Have adopted a modified Keto, Atkins, low to no carbs. ~15 pounds shed on three months. Plodding on… 🙂

Thanks for the insights.


TB2 thank you for sharing. I am laughing because my dr experience is similar.
I am doing Keto on and off but limit carbs to once a month in limitation. For myself not do the same works best. 3 times a week I eat breakfast other days 20 hour fasting. Feel better that way.
I pray you and your family continue health and healing.
Enjoy the vacation. 😀


Yes it seems so 🙂 Thank you for the blessings appropriated. 🙂


It is great to read about the continuing improvements of your family! Thanks!

Valerie Curren

Excellent report! I’m so glad to hear that you all are doing so well.

You mentioned “sensory issues” for your grandson which makes me wonder if he is on the autism spectrum to some degree (sorry I don’t remember what we’ve talked about in this domain in the past). Given that it seems pretty well established that many on The Spectrum were impacted by vaccines do you know if GS has received any childhood vaccines? If so, do you think any of the vax detox protocols might assist him?

Your info on Keto & Natto are very intriguing to me. Do you have a good source for Keto info that you consider balanced & reliable? My husband lost roughly 20 pounds after thinking he needed to be gluten free (it might have actually been Giardia). So he cut typical carbs that weren’t gluten free. It wasn’t Exactly Keto, but he trimmed up & is still hungry all the time!

I need to lose weight & stabilize higher blood sugars so am considering heading more towards Keto. I read somewhere that Butter AND Bacon are the lowest glycemic index foods so I don’t skimp on either one. I’ve even used bacon grease, in place of butter, on baked potatoes w/ no digestive problems.

I’ve wanted to get Natto since it’s been recommended at the Q-Tree for working out something that causes muscular & joint pain, iirc. Knowing that it might help blood sugar stabilize too is a bonus.

Thank you for describing your approach to buyer beware w/ health care providers. Since my husband changed jobs I have not been to a PCP & was wanting to find a different one based on experiences w/ the prior one that were problematic during the overt covid crime phase. Even approaching the topic almost brings up a slight bit of PTSD related to how the medical system has abused us for so long. I compiled a list of PCPs in the area & have thought to drive by their offices to see if they are actively promoting covid fictions based on signage & masking of staff. At some point I’ll have to bite the bullet & see Someone because our lower insurance costs are connected to us both seeing a provider at least once a year. I need to make it happen by March.

You mentioned the Christian aspect of caring for our bodies. A spiritual discipline I Used to have was Regular Fasting. I pretty much stopped doing that when I was pregnant 30 years ago & am feeling the nudge to get back to that for both spiritual & health related reasons. I ran across a video online of someone claiming fasting can be used to “cure” type II diabetes so that is a motivator too. Also fasting has been listed in a number of “vax” detox protocols so there appear to be multifaceted benefits to partaking of this discipline.

I used to be “concerned” that fasting w/ only intaking water would cause me issues w/ my blood sugar, but since my husband left his long-time job about a year & a half ago I’ve mostly been off of the type II drugs & have a very high tolerance to whatever changes appear to happen as my blood sugar fluctuates…

I guess my plan, if one can call it that, is to get myself on some type of health regimen so that when I finally see the new PCP I’ll be more directly working on my physical issues. I guess if I incorporate Keto, Natto, & fasting & perhaps a minimal usage of the small amount of Type II meds I still have on hand that would be best. If I can Also add in a bit of exercise it would be ideal.

Thank you for sharing w/ such specificity the details of your journey, which inspire me to act with more diligence on my own.

God Bless!