This wonderful VALENTINE’S DAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….
….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here. Avoid those things, and we’ll have a GREAT TIME!!!

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
Yeah. No shooting at the nukes. LOL!

Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.
And once the Gab commenting layer is here – KABOOOOOM!!!
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Or should I say…..
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The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.
- Monday – Wolf
- Tuesday – Wolf
- Wednesday – Wolf
- Thursday – Wolf
- Friday – Wolf (but this Friday, SteveInCO)
- Saturday – Wheatie
- Sunday – ThinkThinkThink
If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.

Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!

And let us pray YET AGAIN for an end to the slaughter of the unborn, particularly when they have almost made it safe and sound into this world, and are being cruelly cut down just before birth by those who profit on their deaths.
Let us further pray that INFANTICIDE never again appears on this planet as an acceptable practice!
Hope you had some FUN seeing these pictures of POTUS and FLOTUS!
Melania Trump Slideshow HERE:

Have a WONDERFUL Valentine’s Day, and don’t forget to enjoy the show!

*pops in to wave hi*
Been missing y’all. Very busy IRL.
See you Sunday!
Great to see you! People have been missing you, too! But absence makes their hearts grow fonder, so it will all balance out in the long run! See you Sunday!!! <3
Good to see you, T*3!
*waves back*
T3 💖💖💖💖💖✝️✝️💖💖💖 Come back 😊

Love it!!! 😀
Wolfie 💖💖💖 If I didn’t already love ya, you just won my heart by posting all those Melania photos (with her hubby) 😊 My favorite of all time (besides her inauguration gown) is the black & white striped off-the-shoulder frock. It is drop dead girgeous on her.
Love to all you Qpers & Qtree Peepers. You all bring so much enthusiasm & wisdom & perspective every day. Happy Heart Day XOXOXOX
Yes, that is an amazing picture!!! Our FLOTUS is AWESOME, and Trump is one lucky boy!!!
Yes, those pix are AMAZING. Some are very hard to find in the AMERICAN SOVIET FAKE NEWS MEDIA, which only shows bad pictures.
Have a GREAT Valentine's Day!!! 😀
hehehe Trump is wearing a purple tie! *SNORT*
That black and white dress is just STUNNING on her, isn’t it?
What strikes me in looking at the photos is the obvious affection between them. The media has done their best to downplay it, dimiss it, ridicule it. But it is real. And heartwarming.
Definitely affectionate, and sometimes downright playful. I love them together.
[New Post] MAGA-WINNING – Despite Doom and Gloom Impeachment Predictions POTUS Remains President…
You are the news now.
Invitation to Join President Trump to Discuss the Importance of Life
Happy Valentines Day!!
Dearly Love every single one of you that are here!! Posters and Lurkers alike!! I was very sad and discouraged during the O years..But ….Now!! We have HOPE!! We have FAITH!! We have LOVE! We Have POTUS–Donald J. TRUMP!!!! Hugs and Love to you ALL!! Thank you Patriots!!! Every ONE of of You–restored My Hope for our Country! My Faith in Humanity! My Love for our World!! WWG1WGA!!!!
Wow, we’re gonna need something to lighten up the mood a little now…
Amen, Marica! I feel the same way.
Thanks, Marica!
Love you back!
Hope you have a wonderful and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wheatie !! I SO stinking love you back!! that cat!! lol!!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Marica! Love you too. You always brighten my day! <3
We are long overdue.
Oh yes you DID!!! Our Sylvia!!! Thank you Steve!!!
Hey, she’s eminently ogleable. Probably like the rest of you but she’s the only one I have a photograph of.
You are a Q Tree treasure!! Never Forget that!!
Oh, wait, got a MOVIE of you not just a pic, at the rally yesterday.
you a mess!! LOL!!
And just like that….George Soros’ head is thwacked like a melon.
(Did I go to far?)
Oh yes, but some need it much more than others. If I get started at first light and I make it my life’s work for my declining years, I’m not certain I could complete the list!
I miss the old NCIS, BTW. Since the showrunner passed away and was replaced they have some kind of SJW light vibe going that makes me want to ralph. Another entertainment all but ruined.
Yup, when DiNozzo left, I left also …
Thought you might like this, Sylvia! Happy Valentines Day! 🙂
Awww…..makes me want to run down there with a plate of brownies!
Left nothing for the rest of us to do!
Ah, well, we could always dance on his grave!
(If only he would get in it.)
We probably won’t want to. Enough people have plans to render it unsanitary.
Hugs n qisses to all. Happy Valentine’s Day.
I bought a bittle or prosecco and I might get us all chikfila, but thats the extent of this holiday here! Ha, well however you celebrate, even if you go all out like daughn did with roses, or me I made cookies for teachers, or if you do nothing at all, remember you are welcome with a happy heart in this place, with or without the mushy stuff. 🤗🤗🤗😚😚😚🌷🌷🌷
Ha ha ha to the cat meme!
Too many suggestive ones, theyre tiresome. But these anytime!
What a sweet Valentine’s Day thread, Wolfie!
Thank you!
I love seeing our President and First Lady Melania together.
It always makes me smile.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our wonderful Q Tree Treepers!
<3 Happy Valentine's Day, Wheatie! <3
Aww…Thanks, Boss!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!
HA!!! I love it!!!
Oh, lovely! Thanks Wheatie! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, my friend.
Those flowers look so good. I’m sick of snow. We don’t get much so the last couple weeks have been rough.
I keep watching anxiously for periods when the roads aren’t too bad and I rush out to buy dog food, people food, and the like. I was in such a hurry at the grocery store I went without a list and without a clue what to buy, I was just panicked that I would need stuff. Dill pickles! Horseradish! Baby diapers! Cumin! Ginger Ale! Well, actually it was only the ginger ale that I bought, but I don’t think I have bought or drank ginger ale in ten years, so I have no idea why I bought it as well as many other strange and questionable items.
When I came in this afternoon I noticed enough snow had melted that my snow drops were visible, and still there despite being buried under the snow!
I love spring. Can’t wait.
Russell Stover, Godiva, and Jelly Belly for Valentine’s Day – 2ndVote
Its not just that. Go look at the candy and see where it made. Mexico and China. US made or swiss or belgian or german but i dont buy pcandy frtom china. 😝
Godiva. Mmmmmm………… I feel like I could bathe in a tub of their dark chocolate almonds, sort of like that weird green hair chick I’d never heard of who bathes in Lucky Charms breakfast cereal while interviewing BO or whatever…..
How bout See’s candies, anything on how they lean?
You’ll have to check with the 2ndvote website to see if they’ve done a review. I think there’s a place to request reviews. They’re doing a good job I think with limited resources.
Update on Kristie Patton
(Wife of Michael Patton, Founder of Credo House Ministries, )
GoFundMe: Kristie Patton Dog Attack Medical Bills
Heart breaking no matter how you look at it. This is the first I heard about it. All I can think of right now is thank God she is alive.
When I lived in NH, the neighbor across the street had an old dog. I was biking and the dog attacked. I had to keep my bike between the dog and me. Finally after hitting it with the wheels several times, it gave up and ran off.
A few days latter I stopped at the top of the drive to get the mail. Again the dog attacked and I had to jump into the back of the pickup to get away from the dog. The owner came driving by and I told her this was the second attack by the dog. She pulled the old, ‘Poopsie wouldn’t hurt you’ denial.
Unfortunately a few days later the dog attacked again.
This time it was the little girl next door. Five years old. The dog tore her face to shreds and she lost one eye. When the dog officer came by, I was outside so I ran over to talk to her. I told her of the recent attacks I had fended off and that I told the owner about them a few days before. Her eyebrows went up and she pulled out her notebook and got a detailed statement from me. She told me the owner said this was the first attack by the dog and it had never been aggressive before.
At least I was able to make sure that little girl’s hospital bills were paid for by the owner of the dog, but it never makes up for what happenned to that pretty little girl.
I would NEVER ever fully trust a dog or any animal. It is a really tough lesson to teach people because of the Bambi Syndrome.
An old URL, on the Bambi Syndrome:
I love animals. I particularly love dogs. I’ve had a number of rescue dogs and shelter dogs through the years.
I had one unfortunate experience with a dog that I got from a rescue org. I had only had him a few months and I loved him already, but his behavior was unpredictable. Even knowing that, and even taking the care I took around him, I was bitten a couple of times. Eventually he was deemed dangerous and euthanized (not by me).
The second bite was quite serious and I still have a residual fear of dogs (as well as a big scar on my hand). I’m very, very, very cautious with all dogs now. Even my own. I love them, but I never forget.
I also obsess a bit about dog safety. I can’t tell you how many people want to pet my dog or, horror of horrors, kiss my dog. She is of course adorable so I can see how that would be, but I don’t allow it.
Seeing someone moving their face in right up close to a dog they don’t know causes me extreme distress. I would never do that, now, with some strange dog. Shudder. Terrifying.
People expect a lot of their dogs and put them in situations that could go bad quite easily never expecting the worst could happen.
A relative’s boston bull terrier mauled my arm badly when I was six years old. Sylvia, I think you are wise.
BTW glad to see you here! Welcome!
Never EVER put your face down toward the face of a dog you do not know, or that does not know you. Saw my nephew’s face ripped open because of this.
❤️ and 🌹 to MAGA patriots everywhere – especially at the Q Tree House!
(Referring to the dog attack above.)
MassResistance parent derails big “transgender” push in California elementary school district.
Horrible programs from “Welcoming Schools” and GLSEN targeting young children
Relentlessly confronting school officials — and not backing down
Part 1 of 2
February 13, 2019
There is a LOT in this article – definitely worth reading and sharing how dedicated parents can fight back – and WIN!
Please feel free to share.
You are the news now.
Good stuff!!! EXCELLENT.
Trans activism (“T”) in schools was long planned to begin under the Obama administration, just like “L”, “G” and “B” were planned to begin during the Clinton years.
Back then, in the 90’s, the insidious nature of left-wing social warfare against parents and families in schools became apparent to me, as teachers were forced to NOT DEAL with problematic behavior by some students, and the bad effects of THOSE students on OTHER students were then used as excuses for “treatment” of the victims to further socialism. It was not clear then what their evil plan was then, but it is now.
Thus, bullies could not be reined in with any kind of significant punishment. Then, kids who were picked on or who complained about the bullies were requested by teachers to be DRUGGED. Or WORSE.
Our pediatrician REFUSED to prescribe drugs, although he said that if we gave in to the teacher, he would rather we did the treatment with him, than send our child to another doctor, because he was afraid that another doctor would prescribe drugs too readily and in too high a dose, and not see the damage they would do.
THAT convinced me – the doctor was adamant that our child didn’t need drugging and would be HURT by drugging. We conveyed that to the school district. Thank GOD for that doctor.
BUT IT GOT WORSE. Because our doctor would not prescribe drugs, the school administrators pulled out a secret weapon – “diagnosis gay”. They began to suggest that maybe THAT was why our child was being so “sensitive” to the bully. For certain “PC” reasons that protected us from them pushing too hard on this, we nipped it in the bud, but I shuddered to think that they would have pushed harder in many cases, convincing parents of some poor straight kid to start letting the district tell them they were gay.
Fortunately the bully who was tormenting our kid tried to STRANGLE another kid. Thankfully, he was interrupted. THAT finally got the school to notice that there was a problem. BUT they let the bully back in after only one day because there were no adult witnesses to the strangulation (only several kids).
We pulled our kid out of the school system, and it was all better after that.
Good for you, Wolf!
You saved your child by pulling him out of that mess.
Thanks! 😀
Those were rough days. It’s no wonder we parents get gray hairs!!! 😉
But the gray hairs shouldn’t be caused by the school system and overzealous administrators!
“But the gray hairs shouldn’t be caused by the school system and overzealous administrators!”
I do not know how parents do it today. I am so glad my youngest is 50 and I began things changing in schools right after him.
My daughter took her daughter out of public school and put her in an all girl school in CT. My God the cost is as much as University.
My husband who adjuncts still at the University said this years students know nothing. They cannot think and all they do is play with their darn iPhones during class.
They do not read . The other problem he noticed this year more than before so many students need longer test time or quiet test time and have test anxiety.
Wolfie, incredible. So many parents do not stand up enough to these things. So glad you prevailed and did not give in or give up.
Thanks! I am SO thankful for that doctor! And GOD!!!
That’s nuts – but also I’ve heard that story so many times. So sick of the over-medication of students. They take away recess so all that unstructured play so critical for developing core strength and motor planning and gross motor skills is totally lost.
But I’m ranting – there is SO much to rant about. Too many demons in the school system who have the interests of the bureaucracy and ideology at heart – not the needs of the children or families. Would we allow our children to be sent each day to a prison? But we allow it because “education”?
To me the real point from what you experienced is that healthy people aren’t allowed to have healthy boundaries. Mix up all the normal people with every crazy and every bully and force them together in a micro-sized Open Society. Take away any tools or appeals of the healthy people to defend themselves. Drug the children so that they aren’t mentally and emotionally able to maintain boundaries (they’re too “rigid”). Finally make them out to be victims – in a different category! – or make them out to be the problem, that they are violating speech codes or diversity guidelines.
Yes it’s nuts. They want it nuts. They want to break people as early and as quickly as they can.
Love their banner!

And love this image of a PC principal who is NOT HAPPY to see “Diversity Week” (in reality TRANSMANIA indoctrination) about to be cancelled!!!
“The principal’s face during the meeting — she’s not enjoying it one bit.”
The name came from where the organization started – in Massachusetts back in 2004 after the same-sex “marriage” ruling. But, the leftists are very triggered by it 😉
‘Betsy Ross Elementary School’ — oh, the irony!
I’m stealing this Michael!
Thank you.
Important info.
Please steal the post.
Please re-share.
Please re-post.
Please add your own comments and insights.
Daughn is the news now!
Big hugs, kisses, and a hearty thank you!
Michael, in the past month I have encountered several instances where NORMAL people acted in total accordance with mind control. It is very disturbing.
1) A representative from a medical facility called and when I answered, asked: “Is this [my wife’s name]?” Now, my voice is unmistakably masculine, but sometimes people are unsure for various reasons over the phone, generally. But why ask if this is [my wife’s name] when the caller could more sensibly have asked what everybody always used to ask: “Can I speak to [my wife’s name]”
I did not make much of it until I got a call from a different representative from the same medical facility who ALSO asked: “Is this [my wife’s name]?” IOW, both were making a point of showing that they were not going to assume my gender, even if it meant asking the less logical question (“Is this [name]?”) instead of the more logical question (“May I speak with [name]?”). It also means that both had made a conscious decision to proselytize for insanity. It is a form of bullying, IMO. They were going to show a man what it was like to be “misgendered,” as well as how advanced they were in their own virtue.
2) A friend of mine told me he was giving information over the phone preliminarily for a bank loan, and was asked: “What gender do you identify with?” I was truly stunned and skeptical when I heard this. He said he asked the questioner if he was kidding, and was told “We were instructed to do this.”
3) This one happened yesterday. I went to an “official” building to do official business, and spoke to the clerk I have spoken with a dozen times before, and am on a friendly basis with in her capacity as a clerk. I asked her where the rest room was and she told me the directions to BOTH the men’s room and the women’s room. “The men’s room is at this place and the woman’s room is at this other place.”
This woman is a very pleasant, stable, friendly normal person in my experience. Yet she has been propagandized (OR instructed) into 2 + 2 = 5.
How quickly did this happen, and how thoroughly?
This has gone beyond “merely” allowing men to use the woman’s rest room, and is now through the marxist looking glass, meaning coercion and persecution.
It’s a mental virus. It’s spread first in hosts that are receptive carriers. From there it acts to infest un-receptive hosts through policy, coersion, and social pressure.
I’d like to get more into this at some point – Trans-advocate bullying within businesses is real. Any negative remark is followed by a detailed citation of laws and workplace protections, that a business does not have to respect freedom of speech and has a right to terminate employment for any reason, followed by making a statement (as a warning to others) that they WILL or HAVE filed a complaint with HR over the employee’s discriminatory behavior.
As for the banks, there was a trans who had a security issue with the bank and the bank would not correct the issue over the phone b/c the name/records on the account was clearly female and the voice on the phone was male. I’m sure the questions you received were a policy to adjust for this.
Threats of outing a company and making a major public spectacle and ruining business are very real, and they do work as long as people live in FEAR and give in.
FEAR is their biggest weapon.
“This has gone beyond “merely” allowing men to use the woman’s rest room, and is now through the marxist looking glass, meaning coercion and persecution.”
The University in this town has changed all restrooms non gender specific.
On one floor my husband said someone put a sign up on one restroom “women only.”
The conservative or middle of thread faculty is quite because the leftists are in charge now.
The University is going down money is running out and they forgot the charge.
We are in trouble unless new institutions are being built to replace the socialist controlled education.
I must admit, saying “Merry Christmas” again made me so happy and encouraged.
But how do you fight against this malicious nonsense?
“But how do you fight against this malicious nonsense?”
I think going back and rereading Václav Havel’s “The Power of the Powerless” couldn’t hurt.
Will do.
This is rather brilliant, that you’ve identified it as MK. It demonstrates SEVERAL components of weaponized psychology.
– LAWFARE as a component of socialist forced change
– FEAR OF JOB LOSS as a component of socialist forced change
– PROTECTED CLASSES as a component of socialist forced change
– VIRTUE SIGNALING BY VICTIMS (perverse appeal of cooperation in hostage state) as a component of socialist forced change
– FALSE VICTIM ASSIGNMENT (crybully strategy) as a component of socialist forced change
All of this exerts MIND CONTROL over us. This is where use of LGBT issue groups and activists is a key component of the mind control. THEY are a necessary part of ENFORCEMENT. That is why they gained the label of “GAYSTAPO”.
Very much like the MK of the Third Reich.
Interesting post. Thanks. I haven’t had yet such experiences, but will be on the look-out…
However, I do have a kinda related funny story:
A number of years ago, my wife spent a couple months in the hospital during a pregnancy. During this time, I had to take care of various legal & financial matters without her ability to sign or speak. One time, I was on the phone to a bank or insurance company and the rep on the other side insisted on speaking to my wife, not me (despite my having Power of Attorney). I don’t recall the specifics, but it was for some legal thing that had my wife’s name on top. I tried to explain the situation and that I had POA, but the lady on the phone wasn’t having any of it. She insisted on getting verbal approval from my wife.
So, I told her to hang on for a minute and I put the phone down. Thirty seconds later, I picked up the phone and in a girly voice said, “Hello, this is Ken’s wife, I give approval.” The lady on the other end didn’t know what to do. It was obviously me. She said something like, “This is Ken still, isn’t it?” and I got angry with her in my girly voice and demanded to speak to her manager for being so insulting.
She relented and gave me what ever approval or document that I was needing. LOL.
Oh that is funny!
Trish Regan continues her coverage of what is going on down in Venezuela.
This is very sad.
Pregnant mothers are starving and giving birth to babies that are severely malnourished with low birth weight.
Anything to Survive – Venezuelan Woman Resorting to Prostitution
February 13th, 2019
by Aaron Simms
Citizens flocking to the swearing in of the Interim President of Venezuela
She has been covering Venezuela like no one else. I don’t usually watch her, but when I tune in I learn a lot about Venezuela. It is dreadful, it is tragic, and oh boy is there ever a lesson there about making sure we don’t elect the wrong people again.
Not sure if this is the same thing posted before, might be, but thinks I saw “may” in there , not sure.
Anyway, it’s worth posting again I’d think.
Memo to New York State Senators: Commercial Surrogacy Undermines the Child-Parent Relationship
With a Democratic majority in both the New York Senate and Assembly, along with a Democratic Governor, victory for the surrogacy industry is within reach. A bill that would make commercial surrogacy contracts legal and enforceable in the Empire State has been slipped into the state’s 2019 budget, buried deep on page 392.
Jennifer Lahl outlines the The Child-Parent Security Act in New York State.
It is strange that the same people who were cheering legalization of partial birth abortion, of taking human life via a cold financial transaction, are the same people are pushing for liberalization of surrogacy laws to sell human life to the wealthy who can afford to pay. Whether a baby is conceived and born or whether a baby is condemned to die, all determined by where in the human life supply chain the natal soul happens to emerge.
UNREAL: UK Mom Arrested, Detained, Interrogated for “Misgendering” Trans Activist…On Twitter
February 12, 2019
How Tech Giants Are Banning True Speech About Biological Sex
Emilie Kao / @EmilieTHF / February 12, 2019
Princeton University professor Robert George has warned, “Ordinary authoritarians are content to forbid people from saying things they know or believe to be true. Totalitarians insist on forcing people to say things they know or believe to be untrue.”
THAT is a great quote!!!
Wolf make sure to repeat the facts often so that people learn and remember:
Algorithms are not neutral mathematical constructs that exist independently on their own.
Algorithms are not mathematically perfect creations to be struck in amazement over or worshiped as gods.
Algorithms are HUMAN CONSTRUCTS to tell machines WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, and HOW to do it.
And humans can program any algorithm to do EVIL things. There is no limit on how a human can abuse and manipulate algorithms to his own wicked ends.
Wolf is the news now!
In all likelihood built by H1B1 people who have no business being near the public square. This needs to stop.
Tim Tebow has produced a faith based movie…’Run The Race’.
Laura Ingraham did a segment in her Wednesday night show, about the caravans coming from Central America.
She prefaced it with a clip from Pres Trump at the rally Monday night.
Her guest is from Guatemala and is their Secretary of Intelligence.
Seems like a good guy.
He makes some important statements…about how these people are being ‘weaponized’ as pawns for the socialists to use against the US.
That segment starts at the 15:07 mark:
Good segment, but MAN, does she talk over that guy – especially when a break is coming up!!! 😀 LOL!
I know, it’s irksome.
Apologies for that messed up video…it is getting hard to search for anything on Youtube anymore.
They are really messing with conservative vids.
Google is evil.
Yup. All the search engines now have to be FOUGHT WITH. It’s ugly.
This incident shows that HOUSE OF JIHAD member Ilhan Omar is really fully into the “red-green axis” of COMMUNISTS and ISLAMISTS, and will exercise the full evil of taqiyya and other forms of Islamic LYING to BRING DOWN AMERICA.
Rep. Ilhan Omar Demands Investigation Into USA Powerlifting for Banning Bio Men From Women’s Events
This is about banning male-to-female transgenders from women’s powerlifting. Sensible – right? Well, Omar objects, and stands up for the subversive position of TRANSMANIA.
In other words, a Muslim who would – if her fellow Muslims had power – likely KILL transgenders – supports the transgender assault on America and common sense itself.
This woman is a NASTY little piece of cunning garbage.
She – LIKE OBAMA – is primarily motivated by ANTI-AMERICANISM.
Hmm….this is a particularly nasty and pernicious weed. Shovel worthy.
She is many cubic yards of stinky compost, IMO. Use a very LOOONG shovel!!!
And a clothes pin for my nose!
That’s right…Colonists!
They are coming here to colonize, not assimilate and love this country!
Everything she says and does, is against us…just like HusseinO.
She’s on a mission to destroy us.
I wonder how many trans people are in her mosque? Or gay marriages they do?
Tucker Carlson discussed that on his show last night. His production staff called her mosque to find out if they perform gay marriages and if they do not, has she spoken out against her mosque and imam and if not, why not?
The mosque has not responded. SHOCK!
knock me over with a feather!
Gotta check their “how to LIE” scriptures first on how to respond!
In honor of the love between POTUS and FLOTUS.
“Whenever you’re near, I hear a symphony
A tender melody pulling me closer…”
– Diana Ross
That’s actually quite beautiful – a circle projecting as a heart.
Thanks, Wolf, for a GREAT Valentine’s Day theme!
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! <3
Ugh. There is a special place in Hell for these people:
From the Natural News article (linked in tweet):
‘This dark revelation would seem to explain how Planned Parenthood baby butchers like Mary Gatter are able to stockpile side cash to purchase Lamborghinis – seeing as how they’re basically taking aborted babies, chopping them up in to salable “parts,” and using the cash to get “rich.”
‘“Aborted babies’ bodies are a very valuable commodity in today’s America,” says Phelim McAleer, producer of the documentary film Gosnell, which tells the disturbing story of baby butcher Kermit Barron Gosnell. “Research institutions, elite universities, and medical centers pay a lot of money for baby parts.”’
Sickening doesn’t describe it:
The story is from 2018. I’m still waiting for the LifeNews page to load.
There’s more from the doctor here:
‘No. You know fetuses can’t scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity, if they’re even far enough along to have a larynx. I won’t apologize for performing medicine. I’m also a “uterus ripper outer,” if that’s how you’d like to describe hysterectomy.’
So, if foetuses ‘can’t scream, right?’ why do it?
AOC latest:
Forgot to add this one:
well of course she did…and her wardrobe got a major upgrade as well…
notice tho she is not giving any of her salary back to pay down the debt or whatever…my guess is she is looking to invest heavily in whatever she feels will benefit most from her GND.
It was especially galling to read that she drives when she’s within walking distance. Oh, yes. Very green.
AOC — just another ‘for thee, not me’ politician and hypocrite.
CNN chyron:
Double standards!
More double standards!
ABSOLUTELY!!! she should be treated EQUALLY–isn’t that what the law allows and demands–equal treatment for all religions and between men and women…
not sure who this is exactly, but she’s mad and going to do something. sending a prayer up for her safety…that’s a dangerous place for a woman.
I want an investigation into @IlhanMN; even if I have to fly to Minnesota myself for answers.
If what is going around is true, she should meet the full penalty of the law and face expulsion from not only the House but the country. I want to investigate and find the truth.
— Ali Alexander 🇺🇸 (@ali) February 13, 2019
Hey Pat, take a look at the Powerline Blog, Lee Smith.
They are in Minnesota and have been after her since before the election.
OMG, they are apoplectic this morning.
thanks Daughn…going there now!
Ilhan Omar received $182,130 in PAC donations
She took money from over 5 dozen PACs
Her PAC ties include:
David Brock
Media Matters
George Soros
Keith Ellison
Nancy Pelosi
Bill Maher
And more!
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 13, 2019
hmmm Laura Loomer has an instagram (?) post dated 11/8/2018 that shows Ilhan’s mug shots…but i can’t see the rest…but she is photographed WITHOUT a head covering. so is that a preference and she CAN appear w/o one? not clear on the rules, just struck me odd…and the whole MUG SHOT thing too
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
just reading about the proposed funding bill…The Smithsonian gets over $1 BILLION? for what???
and Israel, Ukraine, and Jordan get $5.3 Billion for border security? Is this a freakin’ joke?
no use of updated wall designs…less money, reduced beds, expanding alternatives to detention (in other words moving these invaders INTO the country where they will never leave)…what a joke…
sad part is they needed 3 weeks to come up with this…Really???? you can find this garbage in any sanctuary city…
Mr President…SHUT IT DOWN! (gonna get coffee and calm down…)
‘Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!’ Thank you, Pat!
The Smithsonian is over-funded.
Agree with you on funding foreign border security but none at home. What are these people playing at?
just sent an email to the President telling him I trusted his judgement on all things pertaining to the country, but I asked him not to add his honorable name to this disgrace and to SHUT DOWN the government…
feel better that I got it off my chest…lol…
” Happy Valentine to the QTree dwellers.”
I hope you all have a great day and good food and good company.
My company are 5 four legged creature and one two legged.
Nope. It’s bad legislation.
This is a joke.
Let’s see Smithsonian could be getting money for building upgrades since I think the newest building is Air & Space and its closing in on 50 years. Maintenance upgrades, additional storage space (museums and archives accumulated a lot of stuff that is not on display), repair of concrete steps that are spalling off….
We have no idea what expenses the national repository has.
I don’t have a problem with this one, actually. But, this sort of thing is in my background a while back (plus I LOVE the Arts & Industries museum).
I’m not saying the Smithsonian should not receive funding for upgrades…but giving it a billion $$ in the same bill as the wall funding (only 1.3 billion) is a slap in the face to the security of Americans.
The money is likely going out the back door into dem coffers. The curator or ever spends the money there should be investigated. Complete audit.
Congressman to serve at the border:
McCain and Egghead McNuffin’s ISIS supporting comrade. Never forget the traitors among us!
I didn’t know who he was. Glad you commented!
Nearly a month later, and diocese’s independent third-party investigation finds Covington boys did nothing wrong.
Other than legal action on their behalf, I hope that a line can be drawn under this now so that the boys can get on with their lives:
‘… The Bishop of Covington Roger Foyes sent a note to the parents of the Covington students in reaction to the report.
‘”I am pleased to inform you that my hope and expectation expressed in my letter to you of 25 January that the results of our inquiry into the events of 18 January at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. would ‘exonerate our students so that they can move forward with their lives’ has been realized,” he said. “Our inquiry, conducted by a third party firm that has no connection with Covington Catholic High School or the Diocese of Covington, has demonstrated that our students did not instigate the incident that occurred at the Lincoln Memorial.”
‘The investigators from CGI, which was retained by Dressman, Benzinger, Lavelle on behalf of the Covington Diocese and Covington Catholic High School determined that statements from students and chaperons were “remarkably consistent” while statements made by Phillips in public interviews “contain some inconsistencies” and some of his assertions could not be verified “due to our inability to contact him.”‘
they are owed PUBLIC apologies…the same way they were criticized…
I agree wholeheartedly.
In fact, the diocese should get local television and other media outlets in so that the bishop can make a filmed broadcast statement — with the boys present.
The bishop should say, ‘Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa’. (That’s a Catholic ‘in’ reference to the Latin version of The Confiteor, which used to be recited at the beginning of Mass.)
Probably an unpopular thought here, but it is my opinion. Reinforced over the years, decades…
The “diocese”, the Church and all the so called leaders in them really ought to focus on religion and pedophiles in its ranks. I’ll let the too commonly reported homosexual issue with priests alone. On it’s own, the latter speaks volumes. None of it positive.
The “diocese” has no business ever commenting on the event in DC with the Covington students. Just as the Church should stop yammering about global warming, promoting widespread massive immigration around the globe, aggressively get rid of pedophiles (instead of insulating and protecting them). Beyond shameful.
Too often the Church sounds and acts exactly like lefty socialist D-Rats. Sad, but true!
More fake news from WaPo:
And uh, who paid for Obama’s golf simulator? Just asking for a friend…
Angel Moms and Dads visited the Capitol Building yesterday:
They were able to meet with Chuck Schumer:
I’m not sure if they met with Nancy Pelosi:
Nancy is despicable!
She really is.
Speaker d’Alesandro.
She had nothing to do with Kennedy’s assassination. Absolutely nothing.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636.jpg
That’s too bad. B/c if she did and POTUS knew could be leverage, ya know.
It is time to send our Congress and Senate offals letters stating:
We voters will assume ANY person NOT willing to fully fund a border wall and upgrade security are in the pay of the foreign drug cartels!
After all what other reason would an American refuse to defend our borders? Because they are the unscrupulous beneficiaries of cross border Sex Trafficking?
I’m going to guess you didn’t mean “officials” here…!
They’ll make a film about it: The Bad, The Worse, and The Offal…
Or maybe, “Offal piece of legislation you’ve got here. [It’d] Be a shame if something happened to it”…
That pun was offally obvious, actually.
Only to the alliterate 🙂
Hmmm. If someone makes a mistake at that, would it make them alliterbug…
There you go talking trash again. I can’t waste any more time here (work calls).
Ohhh, but I refuse to talk trash 🙂
(Even with the city clearing the scrub out across the street as they are now, making more trash for me to clean up when they’re done…sigh…).
Need a pile of cell phone videos now 🙂
Florida Guy’s BOOMS!
Is it just me or do things seem to be moving and shaking in Florida with Ron DeSantis in charge? Holy cow, what on earth was with Rick Scott? This is all excellent news.
Their Supreme Court went from a liberal majority to a conservative majority (I think entirely conservative IIRC)…
Lucky Florida! Of course, that’s lucky for the rest of us, also. Florida is a big, powerful, populous state.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Churchmouse! This is a MOST interesting story.
We’ve been looking for voter fraud for a long time.
84 million dollars? UCF involved?
That’s the I-4 corridor and what swings the state.
Thank you, Daughn.
‘UCF involved?’ And possibly Disney?
‘That’s the I-4 corridor and what swings the state.’ Thank you for that information. (I’ve only ever been along the SE coast.)
Wow! Great find!
churchmouse is the news now!
Gag orders are unAmerican. Free speech should reign. Transparency.
Andrea Mitchell is old enough to know better. She should be ashamed of herself for distorting history. Everyone knows that Poland has been, historically, Europe’s cloaca:
Lots of angry responses to that tweet from Poles, including Jewish Poles.
Still hoping those Covington kids go to Poland. They were among the first to proclaim their heroism.
Glenn Greenwald to Rachel Maddow on ‘no collusion’:
Reagan stopped his motorcade so he could get out and select a Valentine’s Day card for Nancy.
Whatever anyone chose to say or think about them, the Reagans loved each other very much. They were an inspiration.
They know they had the real deal – and they hated them for it!
Doesn’t much matter when you come home and know you’re loved 😉
New Q Drops peeps…..
New Q is a bunch of photos. I’m clueless.
It looks like there was an op in China. The Autists are digging through it now.
Good – I have a thread up – please start dumping the tips there, everybody!!!
I’m out for awhile, but I wanted to be sure and say Happy Valentine’s Day to each one of you. You all play a role in making the Q Tree a real refuge and I love you all for that. God bless you and keep you all.
And when I come back later today I hope to read a complete explanation of the Q pics and cryptic comments! Ha, ha. Well, it would be nice.
I couldn’t even tell you where they are from, let alone what they could mean…
have a safe trip!
China. They’re a message being sent.
More on the MAGA hat wearer who attacked the BBC cameraman at the El Paso rally:
yeah and also odd—in one photo it looks like his shirt is a greenish plaid and in the front view it’s POLKA DOT?
There is a story here waiting to be told!
What about the woman with the phone?
this is nuts!
Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they’d keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns!
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) February 13, 2019
To, Ya’ll
Glad Hubby found where you were hiding.
and to you as well…sweet picture!!
It is wonderful to see you. Your posts OT were always “must read.”
it’ been over a year now and they still haven’t looked into this!
Hmmmm, oddly that is the same $ amount mentioned upthread in the comments about Florida and Gov DeSantis’ investigation….
Happy Valentine’s everyone!
Yes, it is the feast of St. Valentine, Roman Bishop and martyr. On his feast that is exploited, oops, celebrated by the flower and romance industries, this single girl wishes everyone nothing but happiness. And for herself:
Wolf, the new Q pics are:
Home province of Huawei.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (/ˈhwɑːˌweɪ/; simplified Chinese: 华为; traditional Chinese: 華為; pinyin: About this soundHuáwéi) is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics manufacturer, headquartered in Shenzhen.
Reference from VOAT.
Looks like a message is being sent to people other than us.
One thought is that images are being pulled remotely from someone’s phone.
thanks DP for the updates!! I am clueless about any of this…
Cost of WALL and BORDER SECURITY will pay for itself many times over in loss of lives to criminal aliens, drugs, human trafficking, loss of jobs, increased national security, solvency, sovereignty!
Cost of New Green Deal will devastate – destroy – US economic solvency, national security, US sovereignty, political stability/sanity – likely forever!!!
public opinion is with border security and a wall…more and more people are waking up to wanting military protection of our borders as well (and I would argue the northern one is where a lot of crazies are sneaking in…)
President Trump did NOT budge an inch on the WALL, despite the shrill accusations of Coulter and the super-conservatives/never-Trumpers/RINOS, et. al.
PDJT started planning, prepping, building the WALL from the first week of his tenure in office and has NOT STOPPED SINCE!
CORRECTION – let me rephrase that:
Cost of WALL and BORDER SECURITY will pay for itself many times over in *SAVING* lives *LOST TO* criminal aliens, drugs, human trafficking, loss of jobs, *AND IN* increased national security, solvency, sovereignty!
Still on that first cup of coffee….
Executive Action!
I don’t care about “hints”. Do it. Or, don’t do it.
Anything else is just posturing and waste.
Ken, He’s playing with them like a cat with prey. Meanwhile, the wall has been going up NON STOP since 2017.
That graphic seriously needs an update. The $32Trillion figure was ONLY for the 10yr estimate for “Medicare For All”. The entire deal cost has not been calculated yet. Let them start with the cost estimate to upgrade/Replace EVERY building in the US in the next 10yrs. Or perhaps they can provide the bullet train numbers, please include the cost to Hawaii, Europe, etc… I want a breakdown for each proposed idea, come on show it to me!!! After all Ms Crazytown, we have to know so we can tell Mr. Mnuchin how much money to print!!! 🤦♀️🤯
Snicker! You are soooo right!
so where do we even start with rebuilding every building? offices? hospitals? police departments? schools? high rise apartment buildings? THE WHITE HOUSE? etc…this is just too ridiculous to consider and we can’t even get a jump start on the new energy replacement systems because they aren’t even dreamed up yet!
How about your own house? If Mnuchin money rebuilds my house, does that mean I don’t have to make mortgage payments anymore?? Yipee!!! Ok, Nevermind, Celebration Over…Now that the Government owns my house, I’m forced to house, feed, and clean up after the 20 mandated illegals living in my spare bedroom. My monthly Govt check is all spent on taking care of those Precious ones, while they spend their monthly checks on entertainment, clothes, and parties. 🤦♀️🤦♀️
they probably wouldn’t even rebuild mine…we live so far out in the boonies on a lot of acres–they’d make us move to a town and takeover the land…well, they could try…